emmanuellececchi · 7 months
I just received....
My book on castles, how some of them were build and their history. I also have a text on medieval medecine, two books on medecinal plants and a book on history through maps that show the parallel history of various civilization at specific moment in time.
Am I hoarding things for my novel? yes and no. Yes because I need to have the right term for my people moving throug the three castles I have! I mean there is a limit to the use of the word "room" and "inner court"... No, because those are books I just want to have in general as I am more a fantasy than a sci-fi writer (although I have at least two scifi WIP).
I also have a book on Elder Furthark/runic magic and one on icelandic magic which I intended to use for a rewrite of my SifxLoki fanfic but now I might decide to use it for this novel as well. As it is a fantasy world I want to plant the background as such. It might just by the fact that this is an invented world. But I am still wondering if there is magic, and, if there is, how subtle it is.
none of my characters use it, and there is no magic involved in the story, or barely but it is not important. So.. why bother? I don't know. Because?
Anyway... I just wanted to share my happiness to have all those books (I have a pile right beside my bed and my tablet's memory is groaning).
If you have suggestion for reading in : medeival medecine, magic (runes, lore, nature, etc), medieval in general, clothes!!, well, I'll be very thankful!
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cmykwaveart-blog · 3 years
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While preparing for Inktober
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I’m kind of looking for a team to write a loki x sif fanfic with! I’ve always wanted to write a story but I don’t really have the strength or the time to write everything alone. If anyone has any other suggestions, just tell me! I just love to write. If you like writing, talking about characters and want to join, comment here !
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Day One: Sifki week
Prompt: young love
Rating: K
Summary: Loki gives Sif a gift before a fight.
(Sorry if this sucks and for any mistakes I wrote this on my phone)
Sif rolled her eyes at her friends. Once again unconsciously searching for Loki in the crowd. She was about to take a final test to become a warrior of Asgard. Something both of the princes had strongly advocated for. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a grinning Loki.
“You made it.” Sif said with an equally wide grin.
“I wouldn’t miss this.” Loki commented.
“What’s in your hand?” She asked taking note of how he was trying to hide something.
“A gift.” Loki said handing her a sword.
“Loki-“ Sif started hesitantly.
“Don’t worry it’s not enchanted or anything. I know you would kill me if it were and besides you wouldn’t need it. I have absolute faith in you.” He said.
“Thank you.” She said after a moment. Sif gently kissed him.
“Now, go show them you are the fiercest warrior in all the nine realms.” Loki said.
“You give me too much credit.” Sif told him.
“You don’t give yourself enough.” Loki said. Sif gave him a hug before checking out the sword. Her eyes widened when blades came out of both ends.
“It is double-bladed.” Sif commented.
“You work best that way.” Loki commented, “Now go.” Sif grinned again and ran off.
Loki joined Thor and the warriors three in their seats to watch Sif prove him right.
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boludapromedio · 3 years
Se supone que es cannonico Loki durmiendo con amigos de Thor, Sif confirmadisima y sospecho fuertemente de Fandral, ahora mi pregunta es
¿Thor sabía de esto?
Porque imagínate la reacción si lo supiera, en plan, su hermanITO con sus amigos
Encima DOS de sus amigos, y quien sabe si más
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mischiefandmistletoe · 10 years
today is...the last day to drop out of the fest!*
Hi everyone! We're excited to report that we have some works in this year's collection already, and we can't wait to see all the delights you've been working hard to create over the last several weeks. And we'll see them soon, because... ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE A WEEK FROM TODAY!!!!1!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!1!!!!!
BUT. If you already know there's NO WAY you can finish on time, please default TODAY (by midnight wherever in the world you are) on AO3. You can do that by logging in to your AO3 account, navigating to your M&M signup, and hitting "default." There is no judgment if you need to do this! You don't need to let us know why; we know this is a busy time of year for many people and we also know that sometimes you just get blocked and no art happens. But please do default today if you know you can't finish! 
*okay, so, technically you can drop out later, but today's the last day to do it and give a pinch hitter a whole calendar week to make a gift for someone before the creating period ends. 
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queen-of-the-ashes · 10 years
is "sifki" an actual thing? there's base? i'm kinda sad because i don't start with crack ships and i'm actually enjoying this and i don't want it to be crack. i'm not into comic books, by the way, so i really don't know this stuff.
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Sifki week day 4: AU
My two favorite ideas for AU’s: (please someone write these and let me know)
1. Sif figures out that Loki is posing as Odin and uses a similar spell to erase her memory and exile her to earth
2. Sif goes with or instead of Thor to get Loki in Avengers
Side note I looked up Loki’s biography for the mcu and it is confirmed he was under the mind stones control during New York
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livinglike-itssummer · 10 years
What if in Thor 3 they don't even make Sifki canon at all until the final battle and Loki is fighting there and Sif is fighting here and suddenly a blade goes through her and Loki looks over and sees her and he screams her name, but there's no sound and we just see the agony in his face and the audience just knows that throughout these three movies, he's loved her all along.
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mischiefandmistletoe · 10 years
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It's true! We're back for another round! Get ready! Signups open Friday, October 24th, and will last for ONE WEEK. 
For now, please feel free to check out all the great works from previous years! More information about the challenge can be found at our new updated Rules & FAQ post!
Got questions? We got answers! Send us an ask, or email [email protected].
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pbg146 · 10 years
For the shipping ask thing you posted earlier, deary: Warfrost. =P
Lol of course you’d pick that ship. XD It’s a good ship though!
send me a ship and I’ll tell you who:
makes the bed in the mornings ~ Neither. Sif wakes up way before Loki and he thinks that someone else can do it.
has sole possession of the T.V. remote ~ Loki does. Sif isn’t too fond of TV.
stays up until 2am reading ~ Loki. Sif goes to bed about 10 p.m. and let Loki do whatever he wants at that point.
is the bigger cuddler ~ Sif
does the laundry ~ Sif usually. She’s the only one who can get blood completely out of anything.
mows the lawn ~ Loki does it with magic!
is better at budgeting ~ Neither. They spend all the money that have. 
instigates the sex (and who’s into the kinkier stuff) ~ Sif. Loki’s into the kinky stuff.
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metalshell · 10 years
(sssh, I had a Sifki dream this night, send help 'couse now I am awake in a world  where this isn't truuuue!;_;)
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Sifki week day 6: fix-it Friday
Au headcannon where Loki and Sif reunite during Infinity War and kick ass together. (Dare to dream) (sorry this is bad)
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coffeesuperhero · 10 years
some sentences sunday
Excerpt from loki, of asgard, patron saint of cunning linguists, a story partially inspired by this comics panel. Sif/Loki, Sif's POV, slightly nsfw, as you might imagine.
Still, she begins to take note of the curious way he will often vanish from a crowded banquet hall after a feast, leaving several bedizened ladies blinking in confusion at the site of his sudden disappearance. If he is told later that some lady of the royal court has asked after him, he will only raise his eyebrows and lift his shoulders and say, "Oh? Such a shame that I missed her; I will have to make it up to her later."
However he may choose to make it up to the lady in question, he never gives details, but invariably several days thereafter he will arrive late to the Bifrost chamber to meet their friends for some new adventure, a flush on his pale cheeks despite the temperate weather and the ease with which his horse has borne him hence. The same old excuses will fall from his lying lips upon his arrival, and no one in their company will ever question it. But Sif, vexed only, of course, by his unpunctual arrivals and not at all by what she suspects has detained him, has finally had enough, and she will have the truth from him. Eventually.
So on one such occasion, she asks.
"The library, Loki?" she says, raising her eyebrows at him as she adjusts the hood of her leathers. "Again?"
Loki favors her with the briefest of knowing smiles before bending in her direction, drawling, "Oh, indeed, my lady. Amazing, the things you discover in Asgard's libraries."
If he really does lick his lips afterward, he does it so quickly that barely believes her own eyes have seen it, and instead she stares straight ahead at the portal that will soon bear them away to Vanaheim, resolutely putting all thoughts of Loki and his benighted lying tongue from her mind.
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livinglike-itssummer · 10 years
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I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but you cannot look at these two gifs and tell me nothing is there! I mean, LOOK! Good lord there are secret messages in his eyes! Especially in the second one! I swear if these two do not become canon in these movies I will flip two bloody tables! There is definitely some sort of silent conversation going on, no doubt about that. None.
"It's good to see you too, Sif, after that terrible imprisonment that kept me away from you and mm you can bet when I get back we'll use those chains for our own bit of fun."
It's there. Don't tell me it's not because it is clearly there!
(not my gifs and I give credit to whoever made them)
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