#siege loki
lokiinmediasideblog · 27 days
Is it weird that I think this Loki that is the one before kid!Loki happened looks a lot like TH but with darker eyes, a cowl that completely covers his hair, and no eyebrows? It made me look into whether or not they had casted him already, but I don't think so? Same face shape and nose. Just the eye color and eyebrows are off. Did they just luck out?
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loopsisloops · 2 years
Mephisto: All this effort to escape all predestination...and still you turn to mischief?
Loki: No, mischief is a small thing, a toy I've well used and discarded. This isn't mischief, this is mayhem. Just watch.
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xingniao · 3 months
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9 comic variants
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threadofnorns · 5 months
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Thor written by Al Ewing, I owe you my life
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coverpanelarchive · 4 months
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Siege: Loki #1 (2010)
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 7 months
What I would give to see a conversation between maul and loki
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magnusmodig · 7 days
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||. finally going to bed thinking about lore - keeper asgardians . thinking about how intelligence and wisdom are one of their favored traits. thinking about how thor is the best of every asgardian ideal . thinking about how he is wise . thinking about his street - smarts . thinking about how he is also knowledgeable in legends , lore , and folktale. he is adaptable . he takes this knowledge , adapts to it , and crafts himself into something stronger. he is ever growing , and one of those ways is how he seeks out knowledge , and knows well to keep a sharp mind on the tales told by word of mouth or written on a page.
#(ik loki is book - smart and all that and good for him)#(i think it's clear that thor absolutely relies on loki to have increasingly /niche/ knowledge about things esp where magic is concerned)#(but i don't think he relies solely on loki to obtain and retain that knowledge. because thor also seeks it out.)#(in the first film /he/ is the one to educate jane - an astrophysicist - on the truth of the nine realms. he's able to TEACH HER-)#(-about the alien world she truly lives in. that was all him.)#(in TDW it's shown that heimdall taught thor about the convergence himself and that thor was very knowledgeable about how it works)#(in that same film he's shown to have a deep understanding of asgardian history - taught by odin himself in some respects.)#(he's ALSO very familiar with the hall of knowledge where the tree is and commends jane for picking it up so fast.)#(he's /also/ able to instantly deduce that what is hurting jane is foreign to earth. aka alien. aka something cosmic like HIM)#(i can't remember off the top of my head how they narrow it down to the aether but he was clearly already on its trail)#(and that's just /his movies/.)#(in avengers 1 he's instantly able to tell that there's a bigger foe at play behind loki's attempted siege of earth.)#(he's also the one to have extensive personal knowledge of the infinity stones in avengers 2)#(anyways all of this to say is that thor is INCREDIBLY intelligent and nobody gives him credit for that and it makes me mad.)#(just because he doesn't talk about it the way someone like tony stark or bruce banner do doesn't mean he's not right up there with them-)#(-and honestly probably /surpasses/ them bc he's so friggin old and literally alien.)#(but he lets them do their thing and only corrects them when they actually need it bc he LIKES to see them learn and be smart and cool)#(that's their thing!! good on them. he loves to see his human friends thriving. eveniftoasgarditsrudimentaryasallhell)#(anyways thor is smart and yes this includes book smarts and i WILL throw hands about this.)#( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page .#( headcanon . ) — glory to the man who toils for his land . may it ever prosper .#(not even hc tbh it's just fact)
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illwynd · 10 months
If I start seeing mentions of "tree loki" and people are talking about the show rather than earth x, I'm seriously cracking skulls
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of-asgaard · 2 years
I miss reading comics with the old loki, I'm going to reread siege 🙃
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goofygoldengirl · 1 year
Omg if klamstrakur came out in 2014/2015 the lokicest part of the agent of asgard fandom would have lost their collective shit
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five-miles-over · 11 months
The Phantom of Asgard (Thor: The Dark World!Loki x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors say that a phantom haunts the darkest hall in the royal palace of Asgard, but is he truly as dangerous as the people of Asgard claim he is? You and your friends decide to investigate one night for yourselves.
Warnings: Mentions of character death
"We shouldn't be here."
"Then keep your voice down!" 
You silently tiptoed, following your friend Revna, a damsel with long black hair whose fingers were wrapped around the end of a burning candle. Ingrid, whose skin almost glowed as much as her honey blonde curls did in sunlight, trembled with every step. 
You met Revna and Ingrid through serving together as ladies-in-waiting to the late Queen Frigga. You were all of Asgardian noble blood, sent to the palace in hopes of rubbing shoulders with some of the most elite of the Aesir. But after her untimely passing and the war with the Dark Elves came to an end, the All-Father King Odin made the simple decision to keep you in service of the royal family. Only instead of having you serve Prince Thor or the king himself, Odin decreed that the three of you were to be educated in political science and history like the noble boys of Asgard. With a twinkle in his eye, the All-Father proposed that if you three were properly educated, then you could join the council as a division of ladies to advise the future king of Asgard. 
And as a result, your new schedules left you with a newly found period of free time every night, since you wouldn't be on watch for anyone trying to harm a member of the royal family. "We're getting closer,…" Revna muttered before Ingrid reminded her to keep the candle at the level of her eye.
"I think there's a library somewhere here…" You glanced over your shoulder to find a tapestry of the late queen hanging, her likeness captured with vivid shades of turquoise and gold. "I don't understand, why shouldn't we be here?"
"This is where they say the Phantom of Asgard resides." Ingrid explained in a hushed whisper as the three of you made your way past gray stone figures depicting warriors from lore. Placed along either side of the hall, it was as if they were standing vigil while in their immortalized, lifeless state. "He resides past the throne room, in the darkest of chambers."
"That explains why no one's lit any torches or lamps." Revna grumbles before Ingrid says for the second time to keep the candle at eye-level. "My arm is getting tired!"
Ingrid continued to narrate, "I've heard rumors that the phantom is the ghost of a soldier who gave his life defending Asgard. But others say he's a monster in the palace, he'll hurt us."
"Come now," you chastised Ingrid, walking past another tapestry hanging on the walls of the palace. "There can't be a Phantom. It's probably just some trick made up by the Prince of Lies."
"Also known as the God of Mischief?" Revna interjected. "He's dead." 
"I don't believe it."
Revna quickly turned around. "What?"
Ingrid shushed you and repeated, "Candle! Level of your eye."
This time, Revna rolled her eyes and simply switched hands. "If he weren't dead, then why is the All-father commissioning for a statue of the trickster god to be built outside the palace?"
"How would I know?" You carefully stepped over a small abandoned dagger laying on the floor. "All I know is that the first time it was announced that Prince Loki was no more, he was found on Midgard attempting to lay siege."
As if on cue, a powerful guest of wind blew past the three of you, sending a chill down your spine. The flame of Revna's candle flickered. "See!" Ingrid pointed behind you. "The Phantom heard us!" 
"Really?" Revna sighed loudly. "Ingrid come on…"
"I'm telling you," you huffed. "There. Is. No. Phantom!"
No sooner had you said those words, a more powerful gust of wind blew past you and extinguished the candle, sending the three of you into near-darkness, save for the faint moonlight from the glass window at the end of the hall. 
"Oh my god!" Ingrid whimpered. She clutched your arm with a vice-like grip. "See what you've done?!"
Revna assured her, swallowing. "It's okay…it's okay. Nothing's going to happen." She remained with her feet planted to the floor.
A shatter. You were almost certain that there was no crack in the window…until now. A jagged crack as if someone had thrown a pebble at it. 
Then, one of the stone figures standing in the hall - a warrior with a horned helmet holding a weapon at his hip, fell face-first, just barely missing Revna. As soon as the statue landed against the floor, its head split into pieces before your very eyes, horns and all. 
"That's…not okay." Revna gulped, taking a step back with baited breath. Her foot caught in the hem of her gown, causing her to lose balance. You caught her just in time, letting go of Ingrid while Revna held the candlestick for dear life. 
You steadied her. "We have to get out of here…Go back the way we came."
Ingrid's eyes filled with tears, and she choked on a sob. "Please, please tell me now you believe there's a Phan-" She was drowned by the sound of her own hysterical screams. A second crack….and then a third appeared in the window.  "I don't want to die…Please, no!"
Now was Revna's turn to shush her. "If anyone finds us, we could either be dead, or worse, banished. Now let's go." 
The three of you murmured in agreement, reluctantly promising to staunchly deny if anyone asked if you were roaming the palace at night. You hitched your skirts and scurried down the hall as quickly as possible, even though you could barely see anything in your way. Guided only by the sound of each others' footsteps and heavy panting, you only had a single thought in mind: go back the way you came here, and find your shared bedroom as possible. Before you could be caught by any guards or servants with a propensity to gossip. Your heartbeat quickened as you continued to run for your life. Suddenly, in the midst of your attempted escape, you tripped over something - perhaps it was the fabric of the carpet or perhaps your own clumsiness worsened by fear - and landed on your knees. "Revna! Ingrid!" In the midst of you shouting for your friends, a gloved hand covered your mouth.
A strange whisper tickled your ear. "No need to be afraid…There is no Phantom," the mysterious voice echoed your words from earlier with a touch of theatrical sarcasm. "Just a trick made up by the Prince of Lies." 
The gloved hand remained over your mouth. "If you scream," the mysterious voice warned you while another hand rested on your waist. "I promise to show you no mercy. Understood?" 
You nodded, trembling while you rose to your feet. 
"Good girl." 
With a wave of the gloved hand, golden candelabras spontaneously appeared along the hall, burning brightly. And emerging out of thin air was a large, rectangular mirror with a bronze-like intricate border that shined with such a luster that the untrained eye could mistake it for gold. You treaded lightly towards your own reflection.
Once again, the mysterious voice filled your ear. "Now you see me…" 
Behind you stood a tall man with ebony curls reaching his shoulders. He wore a tailored black waistcoat with long sleeves, and silk black gloves. An emerald green mask decorated with gold glitter obscured the left half of his face, yet…why did he seem so familiar?
Your fingers inched towards the side of his face, beneath his cheekbone. The masked one sighed, leaning in closer so that his nose nestled against your hair while he delighted in your delicate touch. You trembled as your fingertips brushed against the smooth, unblemished skin. His hand encircled your waist once again, and you decided to be bold. Reaching for the edge of the mask, you carefully began to lift it…
"No." He said it with such a dark desperation in his voice, and his other hand caught your wrist. 
"I want to know who you are." 
"You already do."
Lowering your hand, you silently contemplated for a moment, allowing the masked one to simply cradle you in his arms from behind. "You're the God of Mischief," you uttered to his reflection. "You're Prince Loki."
A smile appeared on the face of the masked god, the smile of a mastermind at the end of a successful plan. Joyful yet reserved, like he already knew the outcome and had envisioned it in his mind several times before executing his plans. 
"But you're…dead," you murmured, exercising extreme caution with the last word. "How could you be here? In these halls? I don't understand."
"And yet from the beginning, you knew it was me behind this mask…How, sweet one?"
Your eyes followed Loki's fingers as they glided along your arms before resting on your shoulders. "I cannot say, my Prince….I just knew."
A quiet laugh escaped him. "Or is it because you knew only one could cause such havoc in these halls"?" A wider smile on his face, the god of mischief pressed his lips against the top of your head.
"How did you survive?" A flush of heat spread across your cheeks.
"Because it's what I always do."
You blinked, unable to look away from the mirror for even a second, as if someone had cast a spell of hypnosis upon you. "And what will you do now?"
"Nothing yet." He simply said. "You are the only one who knows."
"Even the All-Father?" 
Loki nuzzled against the base of your neck, leaving you weak in the knees. "I do not wish to speak of him tonight." He reached for your hand and brought it to his lips. "I promise to you, all will be revealed in time." The god of mischief then combed his fingers through sections of your hair, taking his time with every touch as if he wanted to memorize exactly how you felt. "Rest now, my sweet, for I will call upon you again. From this night, you belong to me, and I to you."
And with a simple wave of his hand, your surroundings disappeared to darkness. "My prince?" You called, looking around only to be met with silence.
Then, a single candle appeared seemingly out of thin air, with a small, flickering flame. You found yourself alone, inside that same hall, instantly recognizing the tapestry of the late queen that decorated the wall. Only this time, the window at the end of the hall bore no cracks, and the fallen statue stood upright in its original place, perfectly standing vigil. 
And on the floor, next to your feet, lay a single white lily with a dark green ribbon tied around its stem. A lasting promise from the Phantom of Asgard.
Tagging: @icytrickster17  @mischievoushiddleston,@lokischambermaid , @lady-rose-moon , @lokisgoodgirl  , @lokisninerealms  @jennyggggrrr  ,, @tom-hiddleston-imagines  , @lokiismineforever  @smolvenger  @winterfrostlovetriangle  , @the-haven-of-fiction  , @turniptitaness   @cakesandtom  ,@sallymagnoliaposts  @leahs-reading-nook  @holdmytesseract  @muddyorbsblr @anukulee @acidcasualties @lotsoflokilove23 @caffiend-queen @aesonmae @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue
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lokiinmediasideblog · 10 months
If I write something cannibal Sylvie related, I am considering implementing the concept of the Disir somewhere. In Marvel comics, they were Bor's Valkyries (and the link is further strengthened by Sylvie wanting to be a Valkyrie), but they were cursed by him to hunger for God flesh.
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Fun fact, Loki was a cheeky bastard and tricked them into becoming bargaining chips for deals with Hela and Mephisto (SIEGE: LOKI (2009) is probably my favorite Marvel Loki comics after Blood Brothers).
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I wonder what extremely loosely-based weird unhinged shit I'll come up with. And IDK,I see this as throwing shit at the wall until something sticks.
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cake-writes · 8 months
Loki x Reader Masterlist
Wildflower (18+) 🌸🥺️🚫 (TW: Incest.) It’s never bothered you before, sharing such cramped quarters with your brothers amidst a siege. You’ve done it for centuries. While once upon a time it may have even been a comfort, now it’s entirely too suffocating. And it’s all because you’ve been having such vile, wicked thoughts about the one person you absolutely shouldn’t.
A Dutiful Disaster (18+) 🏆🌸🔥 In which you marry Loki, Prince of Asgard, the one person you absolutely cannot stand. (Enemies to Lovers, Arranged Marriage, Royalty.) 
honey & glass (eventually 18+) 🌸 Loki meets an insignificant little peanut during his prison sentence stay in the Tower. (Enemies? to Friends to Lovers, Rags to Riches, Slow Burn.)
The Seven-Year Itch (18+) 🌸🔥 You lose your memory of the last seven years during a filthy romp in the sheets with your Asgardian husband. (Amnesia, Angst.)
Ostara (18+) 🔥🚫  (TW: soft noncon.) Heat / mating cycles. Pain kink. Fluff afterwards. & Lammas (18+)  🔥🚫 (TW: noncon, psychological.) Reader gets her revenge. Fluff afterwards. 
Panacea (18+) 🔥🌸 A drabble about Loki’s love for you.
2:33am (18+) 🔥🌸 Consensual non-consent.
Full (18+) 🔥🌸 Size kink. Pain kink. Jotun!Loki. 
Lady Loki drabble (18+) 🔥 WLW. Soft dom. Bisexual reader.
Yuletide Delights (18+)  🔥 Filthy breeding kink smut.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yey! Your back I can't wait to request this. I really love your 'love only after death' . Can you make part 1 and part 2 of that again but the characters are
Lu Bu, Jack the Ripper, Hermes, Loki, Odin and Buddha. Thank you so much you are my favorite Ror author.🥰🥰🥰
*Cracks knuckles* you’re all sure thirsty for the angst with a happy ending, but I’m happy to oblige!
Part 1
-Unlike your dream wedding, where you would marry the man of your dreams out of love, you were forced into an arranged marriage by your cruel uncle to a man you had never met before.
-You were rumored to be an evil and vain woman, spoiled beyond belief, greedy and cruel to others.
-Those rumors couldn’t be farther from the truth.
-Your uncle killed your parents and beat you into silence, so he could inherit all of your parent’s wealth, telling you that you were only good to marry off for connections and if you said anything you would be tortured slowly until death.
-You were terrified of pain, so you complied, building a wall around you, to protect yourself, so you came off quiet and a bit aloof, but to others, you came off as cold.
-Your marriage was not a happy one, your husband never sought you out, treating you like a pest, doing his best to ignore you for the two years he needed to be married to you, via the contract with your uncle.
-The servants, however, were quick to learn the truth, realizing that you were a kind person, just guarded, as you always spoke to them with respect, not like they were beneath you, earning their respect and admiration.
-Your husband was another story, as he never saw this side of you, as he always treated you with so much hostility, despite never giving him a reason to be.
-You just took it, praying that you would survive, mentally and emotionally, until he would divorce you, then you would run away and live quietly, far away from both your uncle and your cold husband.
-Despite his hostility towards you, you couldn’t help but admire him, he was such a strong leader, loved and admired by all. You respected him fiercely and made sure to never do anything to embarrass him.
-Your heart broke, after a little over a year, when you saw him having tea with another woman, who was dressed in a rather risqué dress, flirting shamelessly with him.
-You left before he told her off, telling her that he was a married man and when she tried to bat her eyes at him, saying that you didn’t give him what she could provide, he got up and left her.
-Your husband was stunned to find you a few days later, sitting with a couple of children, one on either side of you and a younger one in your lap, reading to them, a gentle smile on your face, one he hadn’t seen before.
-He paid a bit more attention, listening to the servants speak about how kind you were. It confused him as he thought you were just like your uncle, cruel and evil.
-It was three weeks later when your uncle laid siege to the massive home you lived in, wanting to kill both you and your husband so he could inherit the wealth.
-You were reading to the children when the attack happened, immediately telling them to run as the guards ran to face the enemies and you ran with the servants.
-You heard a child scream, and you could only turn in slow motion, seeing a cruel man about to strike down a child with a sword.
-You don’t think you’ve moved so fast in your life, grabbing a water pitcher and catching the blade, disarming the enemy before grabbing the sword, putting yourself between the servants and children and the group of men who were quick to find your group, defenseless.
-Your husband quickly dealt with the attack, handling it with ease until he turned as one of the maids ran for him, “Save Y/N! She’s can’t fight them all off on her own!”
-His blood ran cold, hearing another group of enemies had found you.
-When he arrived, the sound of sobbing children was all he could hear, his eyes widening, seeing the bodies of a total of eight men, attackers, all dead, the servants you protected and the children sitting around your dead body, a small smile on your face.
-He was told that you protected them all, allowing one of the maids to run for help, by showing your own skills with a sword, but eight on one was bad odds.
-Your body was covered in wounds, large stab wounds that you continued to fight with, fighting through the pain to keep them safe.
-When the last man fell, that’s when you also fell, dying with a smile on your face.
-His family were quick to answer the call to arms, arriving when the battle was over with, seeing (God) cradling your body.
-You were buried with full honors, honored as a hero for your actions and when his family helped him clean out your modest room, he found your diary and a neatly wrapped present.
-They learned of your uncle’s crimes, the murder of your parents and the abuse you were forced to endure, being beaten into silence, as well as the rumors about how cold and cruel you were, when you were just trying to protect yourself.
-He immediately gave orders to capture your uncle and be brought to him for immediate execution. None opposed his order.
-He could see in your words the love you had for him, starting off as respect before moving to love, causing his heart to break because he treated you so coldly.
-His heart broke a second time when he read the misunderstanding with that other woman, believing her to be his lover, the woman who made him happy.
-Your desire to last until the divorce and your plans to live in a quiet countryside home, surrounded by flowers and an orchard was so simple sounding, it sounded so nice.
-He looked at the gift box, after reading your diary, that you had gotten him a present for his birthday, which made him smile softly, as he hadn’t celebrated it in years, but you couldn’t find a way to give it to him, especially after seeing him with another woman.
-Lu Bu- There have only been a few times, in Lu Bu’s life, where he has felt regret, wishing he had been able to do more. The death of his father was the one that stuck out the most to him, until this moment, where he was looking down at your headstone, adorned with flowers. His fists were clenched tightly at his side, nails biting into his skin, blood dripping down from his hands, but it didn’t hurt. He knew pain from the few strong opponents he had the pleasure of fighting in his life, and pain usually brought him so much joy, it meant he was alive and having fun. The pain in his chest was one he only felt when his father died, but this time it was worse, because he was the cause, he could have prevented this, had he done more. Chen Gong was crying, for both himself and for his lord, knowing his lord was crying on the inside, because he wasn’t moving away from your grave. Lu Bu stood there for three full days and nights, regretting every single thing he did to you. Chen Gong would take it to the grave that he saw a single tear slip down his lord’s face on the third day.
-Jack- He disliked alcohol, he hated the way it made him feel, the only time he would partake is on Christmas Day, having a glass of wine. However, four bottles in, the wine he was downing straight from the bottle did little for him, for his pain. The ache in his heart hurt worse than any wound he had ever received before, he had known you were guarded, using his ability, you were scared and cautious, but you were also kind and gentle. Yet he never did anything about it, never treated you like a gentleman should, like a husband should. This pain was of his own cause and Jack was unsure if that was the reason why his pain wouldn’t leave him, feeling regret. The pocket watch, with a beautiful rose engraved on it, his birthday gift that he had found while going through your things, was so simple, but so meaningful to him, with a Shakespeare quote engraved inside the lid, ‘By any other name would smell as sweet’. Tears welled in his eyes as he grabbed another bottle, taking a deep drink.
-Hermes- No gentle words, apologies, condolences, offers of assistance, would quell the rage in Hermes’ heart. He refused to move from the spot in front of your grave, made of beautiful white marble, flowers covering it, even if it was pouring down rain. None of his brothers or even his father or uncles could console him, their words meaningless to him, as this was all his fault. Had he been there for you, had he had been more of a husband- a true husband for you- then maybe you would still be alive. Every ‘what-if’ thought was replaced with another, Hermes was drowning in his sorrow, even after his tears had long dried, the sorrow remained, the ache in his heart was as fresh as a new open wound. Ares was the one to finally bring him inside, helping his brother clean up and dry off before he presented him with a wrapped box, “I found this in Y/N’s room. It has your name on it. I think it was a birthday present.” Hermes looked a bit startled but instantly opened the gift, finding a new silk tie, crimson red in color, a new handkerchief that was hand embroidered, and a tie clip in the shape of a wing. It was so simple, but he could see the thought you had put into it, as well as the work into the handkerchief, it was the most beautiful gift anyone has ever gotten him.
-Loki- He became a recluse, barely leaving his home, barely leaving his bed, but was unable to sleep, plagued with memories and nightmares of everything he did to you, or more along the lines of what he didn’t do. He thought going after your uncle, on Odin’s orders after your uncle’s crimes were confirmed, and killing him himself, would make the trickster god feel better. For once, it just made Loki feel even worse. He barely ate, didn’t sleep, and never seemed to leave his home, the home he used to share with you, the home he wished you still shared with him. Thor and Odin both tried speaking with Loki, trying to help him with his grief, but nothing they did or could say helped. It was a month later when Loki sought out Odin, after re-reading your diary again for the nth time, holding a birthday present you had prepared for him but never gave, a new dagger, made of black metal with bright silver details, beautiful and well thought of. Odin and Thor both helped Loki slowly recover from your loss and slowly he was back to pulling pranks and causing trouble, but there was a deep void in his heart, meant for you.
-Odin- He told all servants to leave him, even the other gods and goddesses, and his ravens, to leave his hall, leaving him alone. Anger and regret filled every inch of his being, he wanted to blame others, with the hopes it would make him feel better, but Odin knew the truth, he was the only one to blame. Had he been there for you, from the beginning, he could have helped, he could have prevented this whole thing by helping you deal with your uncle, but no, he chose to keep his distance, treating you coldly. Now you were gone and there was nothing he could do about it, there was nothing he could do to rectify the way he treated you. Thor and Loki, agreeing on something for once, agreed to never speak a word to what they had seen when they looked in on Odin, finding his face in his hands, weeping quietly.
-Buddha- He couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, he couldn’t even bear the thought of looking at his precious snacks, his stomach churning with guilt, overwhelming him with nausea. Only dark and sad thoughts entered his mind, making him dizzy as he couldn’t think of anything but how he treated you, how he could have done more for you, he could have helped, had he taken the time. Your diary was the only source of peace he had, for a moment, reading your thoughts about him, how you admired him and how you loved him. Your love for him was so innocent, so pure and selfless. He would give anything to be able to take everything back and start again, then maybe you would still have been with him. Tears welled in his eyes, and he did nothing to stop them as he broke down once again, his arms hugging his knees as he curled up. When Zerofuku’s arms went around his neck, offering him a bit of comfort, Buddha only wept harder while his dear friend tried to calm him down once again.
Part 2
-It had been two months since your death, two months since your widowed husband had been mourning your tragic death.
-That woman that you thought he was having an affair with tried to waltz into his life, only a week after he buried you, trying to butter him up so he would marry her instead.
-That didn’t end well for her.
-The love and respect he showed for you was nothing like how it had been when you were married, something he wished he could have taken back.
-He believed he would never be able to find another woman like you, never in his life. None could replace the void you left in his heart.
-A chance came to him, from his family, who had a simply wrapped box delivered, one that came with a letter with instructions as well as a warning, ‘Don’t ask how I got this, but you can only use this once. If you fail, then it is on you. Wear this to bed tonight and speak nothing about this to anyone.’
-When he opened the box, he found inside was a simple amulet necklace with a rainbow opal in the center, the colors swirling as if it was alive.
-His eyes widened, knowing this amulet, it was a powerful magical artifact, one that could turn back time.
-He wasted no time, despite it being the middle of the day, and ran to his bedroom, putting the amulet on and read the instructions, to think about ‘when’ he wanted to return to.
-When he awoke, he started slightly, looking around to see nothing really out of place, other than the belongings he had brought to his rooms, your belongings, were gone, back in their place with you.
-He was quick to dress and rush out, ignoring the servants as he looked around for you as he thought about where he was, ‘If this worked, it should only be about three months after our wedding.’
-He heard laughter and followed the sound, seeing a group of children taking turns holding your hands, dragging you around the garden, a gentle smile on your face.
-He leaned heavily against the door frame leading into the garden, his whole body sagging with relief, seeing you there, seeing you alive.
-His hand lifted to his heart, elation filling him as he made the silent vow to himself that he was going to love you the way you should be loved and do everything in his power to make you happy.
-He followed after you and the children, remaining back and the children were giggling, seeing that he almost seemed shy, not wanting to approach, fine with watching from a distance.
-You were a bit confused by his actions, curious as to why he was following you and the children, as he remained too far back to speak properly with him
-Once in a larger field in the gardens the children ran off to play tag while you remained under the gazebo, watching over them.
-It was only then (Love) approached you, saying your name with such softness that it nearly made you leap out of your skin.
-You turned, bowing politely to him but (Love) stunned you, cupping your face gently with one hand, guiding your eyes to meet his own and you were stunned, seeing such a gentle smile on his face and fondness in his eyes that almost looked like tears.
-He could tell you were uneasy, looking a bit freaked out in all honesty, but his sudden change of attitude before he took your hand, pecking the back of it gently, “Forgive me, Y/N. I have been a neglectful husband to you. I swear that I will do whatever I can to make you happy to stand by my side.”
-You were freaking out a bit more, looking to the sides, wondering if you were being pranked before your eyes narrowed in distrust, “Are you really my husband?”
-His booming laughter surprised you as he leaned back, his fondness for you growing, sweeping you into his arms, dancing with you using only the music in his heart, “I am, I know I haven’t been the best husband to you. I now see that you’re just like me, you’ve built a wall to protect yourself from others. You have a kind and gentle heart, Y/N, one that is scared of being hurt again. I want to protect you now; I want to protect that precious heart.”
-His words quickly had you running through a range of emotions, stunned that he knew you had a wall built around you, that you were afraid of being hurt again, before you were blushing bright red, embarrassed by his passionate words, which made him smile down at you.
-The children were peeking from around a bush, watching the two of you dance.
-As the dance stopped, (Love) bent over and pecked your cheek, making you squeak before instantly you heard the children, “Ooooh~~~~” you flushed bright red, hearing their teasing as they had been watching while (Love) laughed softly as you turned, hiding your red face behind your hands.
-True to his word, almost like he was a changed man, turned into the best husband he could be, escorting you everywhere, giving you soft affections and simple but meaningful gifts, as he knew you liked those better than the extravagant ones.
-He fiercely defending you against those who didn’t know you, those who thought you were an icy bitch, demanding to know why they believed the rumors about you without actually knowing the real you, calling them out on their cruelty and hypocrisy.
-When that woman came around, he refused to let her even enter the grounds of his home, “I have a wife, one that I care for deeply, I have no need for you!” (For Huang he got rid of all of his concubines, no longer wanting them.)
-You were stunned by everything he had been doing for you, your own image growing beside him, as more people got to know the real you.
-The day he announced to you that he had collected proof on the crimes of your uncle, enough to bring him to justice, you broke down in harsh sobs, relieved.
-Your tears actually delayed him, as he doted on you, tending to his wife, trying to calm you down and assure you that he was going to be all right.
-You testified against your uncle, showing the scars from the beatings he had given to you, something that infuriated your husband even more so, and with all the evidence, your uncle was executed and buried without a single person attending his funeral.
-You had never felt so happy in your life, except for when your parents were still alive, (Love) made you feel so loved, so happy. You had admired him for his power and command, but having his gentle love, just for you, was something so different, so special.
-On his birthday, long before his family and friends would arrive, you gave him the gift you had been preparing for him for a while now.
-Lu Bu- The birthday feast you and Chen Gong arranged, with all of his favorite foods and plenty of booze, was more than enough for Lu Bu. He got to eat, drink, and brawl with others to his heart’s content, he was happy. Everyone had gifted him with a new halberd, giving him enough to last a short while at least. He glanced over, seeing you speaking with Chen Gong who looked like he was hyping you up about something. When you finally approached him, holding a small wrapped gift, he was a bit confused but patted his lap, telling you to take a seat, which you did happily. You handed him the gift, a small blush on your cheeks and he, in turn, handed you his cup that was still half full of booze. As he unwrapped the gift he grinned, “You haven’t drunk any booze yet, Y/N. don’t want to get wild?” your flustered appearance was not what he was expecting before you spoke, “I can’t- I can’t right at the moment.” He looked confused until he opened the gift, finding a handmade plush of Red Hair, meant for a child, and instantly his eyes widened in shock. The roar of cheers that rang through the room as everyone had been watching in anticipation was almost deafening while Lu Bu was hugging you close, roaring with laughter.
-Jack- He didn’t know if your gift was going to be the same thing or not, remembering the pocket watch you had prepared ahead of his birthday but never gave to him. The memory brought both a smile and pain to him, as he remembered how thoughtful the gift was, but the pain of finding it, realizing your true feelings for him. He was like a child when you surprised him with not only the pocket watch, but also a homemade apple pie, as he preferred pie over cake. You set a slice down in front of him as he was admiring the pocket watch, the pain lessening, but it would always remain as a reminder of what he almost lost. He thanked you and you pecked his forehead gently, making him smile before you took his hand, “I do have another gift, Jack, but it won’t be here until about Christmas time.” He was confused, looking up at you, “May I ask what you ordered? I can’t think of anything that takes that long.” You smiled down at him, pulling his hand to rest it over your belly, both of your hands holding it there. He froze, looking down at your belly before tears instantly welled and he leapt up, scooping you into his arms, ignoring your surprised shriek, as he twirled you around, overjoyed.
-Hermes- He was able to sneak away with you for his birthday, spiriting you both away to a quiet resort for some alone time. Relaxing by the ocean in the warm sand, sharing his ice cream with you while you gave him a taste of your own, definitely the best birthday ever. He smiled so warmly, seeing the gift you had prepared for him, fondness in his eyes, as he remembered the pain, the anguish, he felt when he opened this gift the last time. Hermes is so glad he was able to get this second chance with you as he wrapped his arms around you, adoration on his face, “I love it!” you were surprised he loved his gift so much as he nuzzled his nose into your collarbone gently, holding you so gently. Your arms wound around his neck, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Are we going to tell Ares and Zeus next week?” Hermes chuckled warmly, his shoulders shaking, “Yeah, we’ll tell Ares first. Zeus won’t keep his mouth shut if we tell him first.” You giggled softly as he patted your tummy gently, as it was hiding their surprise.
-Loki- He’s not crying, he just has some dust in his eyes, and anyone who tells him differently is going to have his new dagger shoved into their throat. He’s so cute when he gets flustered, but only with you, which you did make a mental note of. Loki was enjoying his banquet, tons of food, drink, music, dancing, and just having fun, he couldn’t ask for anything more. Loki’s eyes narrowed slightly, seeing you speaking with Odin who was smiling warmly down at you and you gave him a small nod. Odin was the only one who knew your little secret, and he had been asking if you were going to tell Loki or not, and you were planning on telling him today, as his last birthday present. Loki saw you looking around for him and he hugged you from behind, pouting lightly, “What were you and Odin talking about?” you giggled softly, pecking his cheek which made him grin before you questioned if he had all of his birthday gifts. Loki was confused and after running around and checking, he confirmed he had all of his gifts. You then gave him your own grin, like you pulled a prank, “I have one extra gift, but it won’t be here until about yuletide.” He was confused, his hands coming to his hips as he pouted, complaining about why it was taking so long. You laughed warmly, putting a hand on your belly, “Babies take a while, my love.” Loki froze, his eyes locked on your belly like a deer in headlights before pointing at it, looking up at you and you nodded. The party got even wilder, celebrating the good news while Loki was openly bawling, on his knees, hugging you around your hips.
-Odin- His birthdays were the same every year, just a massive party with tons of food and drinking. However, this year felt more special, because you were there, where you were supposed to be, by his side- more specifically you were currently on his lap, feeding him grapes, which he did enjoy. You looked up at him after a while, “You’re sure you don’t want anything for your birthday, my love?” he pecked your forehead gently, “No, I’ve lived too many years and I have everything I want, especially with you here with me. This party is more than enough for me.” You leaned your head against his shoulder, a small pout on your face before he pecked you again, “However, once this party is over, I wouldn’t be opposed to some extra dessert for a present~” you flushed bright red, holding your cheeks which made him rumble with warm laughter, but he was elated when you nodded, looking exited for his extra dessert.
-Buddha- You made him a buffet of desserts, just for him, for his birthday, all of them homemade sweets and Buddha swore to himself that he wasn’t going to cry. He lasted about three bites before he was crying, overwhelmed with your delicious gift that he knew took you a long while to prepare. Buddha wasn’t materialistic by any means, there were very few things in his life that made him happy, and you were the number one thing, with sweets and snacks being number two, but these gifts, these sweets, he could taste the love in each tasty treat you made. Homemade baked goods and treats were way better than store bought any time. Buddha made you sit in his lap, cuddling you close, making you tell him what each treat was. You didn’t mind, as you were spending time with him, and he was so elated that you were where you belonged, in his arms, with him.
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in-my-loki-feels · 3 months
🖤 President Loki + Don (I feel like this one is hard mode.)
This was a little hard, but I do love a challenge. <3 (Also, tumblr was being bitchy so sorry the indents are weird.)
tw blood/wounds
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
“Do not open this door under any circumstances.” Loki dropped his hands to his sides and twin daggers appeared in them. A portal opened in place of the front door, giving Don a brief glimpse of the task force gathered outside. Then Loki stepped through and it closed behind him.  “Okay, boys, upstairs,” Don said. He hurried them into the second floor’s bathroom, as if this were a storm they were hiding from.  Well, they didn’t write about how to survive a siege in any of the parenting books he’d read.  “Is Loki gonna be okay?” Sean asked.  “He’ll be fine,” Don said. Then the gunfire started. 
They all flinched at the sound, Don instinctively trying to cover the boys with his body even though it was muffled and obviously outside. He got them all down on the floor and said, “Sean, cover your ears.” 
He put his own hands over Kevin's ears. Both boys stared at him in mute terror. Don tried to mask his own fear, but it was clawing up his insides.  They all knew Loki was extremely powerful, a god, with who knew how much magic at his disposal. He'd be fine. Don kept telling himself that as they clung to each other, shivering and waiting for the fight to end. He didn’t know how long it took but eventually there was silence. Don strained to hear any kind of sound, good or bad.  “There. Hardly worth the effort.” The sound of Loki's voice from inside the house had Don jumping to his feet.  “Stay here,” he told his sons and rushed out into the hall and down the stairs.  Loki stood in front of the front door, seemingly unharmed. He looked up at Don with a smug smile.  “Oh, thank god.” Don almost fell down the stairs in his rush to reach Loki, but when he tried to hug him, he passed through the space where Loki should be. The Loki who’d been in front of him vanished.  “Damn. I should have expected that.”  It was Loki's voice, strained and coming from Don's left. He turned and found Loki slouched against the wall, looking halfway to collapsing on the floor. Sweat beaded his brow and he had both hands pressed to his side. Dark red blood seeped through his fingers and stained his suit coat. “Oh, my god.”  “What’s wrong? Is Loki hurt?” Kevin called out   “Can we come downstairs?” Sean said. 
“No!” Don shouted, then closed his eyes and took a breath. His fear would only make theirs worse. “Stay upstairs for now, please.” “I thought I’d made it clear I was to be your only god,” Loki said with a half-smile, before sliding down to land on his ass.  “Jesus, Loki.” Don dropped to his knees beside him. “What do I do?” There was so much blood. They needed to stop it somehow, but he was too afraid to leave Loki’s side. He swallowed, then raised his voice. “Sean, can you bring me the first aid kit under the sink and some towels?” In a quieter tone, he asked, “Are they all...?” “Of course they’re dead. What do you take me for?” Loki tried to roll his eyes but didn’t seem to have the energy for it. “Dead or wishing they were, anyway.”  Two sets of feet thundered down the staircase—of course, there was no way Kevin would have stayed up there—and Don stood quickly to try and block their view. He was too late. Both boys peered around him with wide eyes, their faces pale with fear.  “Are you gonna die?” Kevin whispered.  “I am a god, you simple child,” Loki said, but in place of his usual venom there was only exhaustion. “I will not be brought down by something as absurd as this.” Will not, instead of cannot. So he could die. Don had known he wasn’t invincible but it still wasn’t a truth he wanted to face. He suddenly couldn’t breathe and his eyes burned. The brave face he was clinging to for the boys’ sake was slipping.  “Sean, Kevin, go back upstairs. I’ll be up in a second, okay?”  “Shouldn’t we call—”  “Just go. Please.” He wasn’t sure they would listen, but they stared at Loki a moment more and then retreated back upstairs.  Don returned his attention to Loki, whose eyes were closed now. He pulled Loki’s hands away from the wound and pushed aside his clothes. Don’s stomach flipped at what he found.  It seemed like a gunshot wound, but Don couldn’t look at it for long. He fumbled for the first aid kit, leaving smears of Loki’s blood on it. His hands were shaking so much he almost couldn't open the gauze packet, but it finally tore in half and he pressed the square that fell out against the wound in Loki's abdomen. Loki flinched but didn't make a sound. He was somehow even paler than before.  Something splashed onto the back of Don’s hand as he struggled with a second packet. It happened again, drops of water falling to mix with the blood. No, tears. Now that they'd started Don couldn't seem to stop them. He blinked furiously to clear his vision and pressed the second gauze patch over the first, which was already turning red. He placed Loki’s hand over the spot and was alarmed by how pliant Loki was.  “Loki?” No response. “Hey, open your eyes.” 
When Loki still didn’t react, Don leaned forward to kiss him. It was stupid, this wasn’t a fairytale where a kiss healed all, but he didn’t know what else to do.  Loki’s lips were slack for two horrifyingly long seconds before he made a small sound and began to kiss Don back. Don could taste the saltiness of his own tears and the metallic tang of Loki’s blood. He brought a hand up to Loki’s cheek as the kiss became more desperate, trying to hide from the terrifying reality that awaited him once he stopped. But it couldn’t last forever. When he pulled back, Loki’s eyes were open in slits; he seemed to be making an effort to stay awake now.    “You can’t die, okay?” Don said. “The boys would really hate it if you did.” It was barely a joke, with his voice shaking as much as it was, but he saw the corner of Loki’s mouth twitch.  “Wouldn't be the first time,” Loki mumbled, which didn’t help the panic churning in Don’s chest.   In a minute, Don would tape the gauze down, then go wash his hands and find the boys to tell them that everything would be all right. He'd check the front lawn to see if there were bodies to explain to the neighbors, and try to get Loki laid out more comfortably.  But for now, he stayed by Loki’s side, covering Loki’s hand with his own, and tried to find reassurance in the rise and fall of his stomach. 
From this ask game.
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nightmareinfloral · 4 months
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Speed- Where to Read?
Tommy Shepherd, also known as Speed, is a mutant and one of Wanda Maximoff’s reincarnated twin sons. He is a speedster and possesses a powerset very similar to Pietro Maximoff, including superhuman speed, stamina, strength, and molecular acceleration. Below the cut is a complete list of Tommy’s appearances updates as of May 2024.
Young Avengers (2005) 10-12
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 1
The Amazing Spider-Man (1998) 534
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 2-4
Civil War (2006) 5
Civil War: The Initiative (2007) 1
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 1
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007) 1
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America (2007) 5
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 2
Secret Invasion: Home Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 1
Avengers: The Initiative (2007) 15
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 6
Secret Invasion (2008) 5
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 2-3
Secret Invasion (2008) 6
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 18, 21, 23-24
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 1-3
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 28
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 4
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 29-30
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 5
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 31
Nomad: Girl Without a World (2009) 4
Siege (2010) 2-3
Siege: Young Avengers (2010) 1
Siege (2010) 4
Avengers (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 1
Uncanny X-Men (1981) 526
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 2
I Am An Avenger (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 3
Avengers: Prime (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 4
I Am An Avenger (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 5-9
Young Avengers (2013) 6-7, 14-15
Original Sin (2014) 0
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 1, 6
The Vision (2015) 7
Scarlet Witch (2015) 8
Marvel Knights 20th (2019) 3
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 13
Scarlet Witch (2015) 13
The Vision: Director’s Cut (2017) 4
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) 7
Marvel Comics (2019) 1000
True Believers: Empyre - Hulkling (2020) 1
Road to Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War (2020) 1
Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling (2020) 1
Empyre (2020) 4-5
Empyre Aftermath: Avengers (2020) 1
X-Factor (2020) 7-8
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021) 1
X-Factor (2020) 10
Marauders (2019) 23
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 1, 3
X-Men (2021) 5
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 4-5
Who Is… The Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic (2022) 1
Free Comic Book Day 2022: Marvel’s Voices (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic (2022) 5, 9-10
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 25
Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) 13
The Avengers: War Across Time (2023) 5
Free Comic Book Day 2023: Marvel’s Voices (2023) 1
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 49
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) 100
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) 1-3
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