#sick of trying to do self ties :p
sunjinjo · 6 months
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Genshin theory time
OK hear me out. I’m posting a theory for the first time, and yet at the same time I want people to tell me I’m wrong about all of this. Concerns Irminsul, Dottore, Nahida and Wanderer.
SPOILERS!!! for something that was said in an interview with one of Genshin’s writers. If you don’t want to know, stop reading.
OK so. Apparently, Dottore burning Irminsul in the Lazzo trailer wasn’t just symbolic, but something that’s still going to happen in the future. First of all, this concerns me because Irminsul just being sick caused Eleazar and the Withering in Sumeru, and it’s also tied to Nahida – what will it do to her??
But then, always having Wanderer on the brain as I do, my thoughts wandered further, aided by this twitter post. If he’s really carved from a white tree, and he’s still self-sacrificing and trying to be ‘of use’, would he not try to replace Irminsul somehow if Dottore burns it down?
Killing Irminsul might remove all the ‘lies’ from Teyvat, unveiling history as it truly was. And having Wanderer and all his honesty as the new tree, he’d keep and preserve those truths. It’d be a way to stop and perhaps harm or kill Dottore, and ‘tell’ everyone everything about his true past in one fell swoop.
“There’s no such thing as pure freedom in this world. Even the wind cannot blow on forever.”
He’d be like an Aranara, sacrificing himself to become a protective, preserving tree. He’d perhaps still be able to project himself into dreams, connecting to Nahida and perhaps others he cares about, maybe create manifestations the way he did in Pardis Dhyai.
'Perhaps a day will come when this body's adventures, its experiences, Will become tales to be passed along by mortals, distant memories that flow through the ley lines. But for now, his third act is still ongoing.'
(Calabash of Awakening description.)
He’d also be connected to Teyvat’s memories, and in a way, be with everyone he’s lost as well...
This could also tie into him being a Vahumana scholar now, studying history and the humanities, perhaps priming himself to become the ultimate record-keeper and caretaker the same way Neuvillette primed himself to become Fontaine’s ruler.
I don’t know if this theory makes me really sad or strangely fulfilled. It makes narrative sense to me, and yet I don’t want it to happen. I want him to have a life, not continue his transactional thinking to the extreme, and yet, and yet...
...Also, the whole thing with Raidens planting important mystical trees.
Please tell me what you think :P
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dorkydiaz · 2 years
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EVERY SINGLE THING I TOUCH BECOMES SICK [2.2k| emotional hurt comfort | established relationship] tw: dissociation, mentions of canon near drowning and suicide attempts, panic and anxiety attack, self harm companion to WE'VE BEEN LIVING ON A FAULT LINE {ao3}
Title from Bigger Than the Whole Sky by Taylor Swift. I do recommend reading we've been living on a fault line first if you haven't already :) I thought i was done with this universe but then @theladyyavilee made this post and it made me think too much and then this happened, it took me a long time to get the end right but i think i got it and who knows there might be a part three in me 😅 anywho happy reading! :P
We have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. ~ JFK
He’s in the shower of all places when it happens. It’s been a few weeks since the night on the pier. He and Christopher had a successful outing, coming back to the house exhausted but with a large teddy bear, and photo booth strips in hand.And it had been good, one of their best outings in a while. It was that same night that Eddie kissed him in the kitchen, smiling and soft like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He had talked about it all with Dr. Copeland. He knows that healing isn’t linear. He knows that just because he had one good day, one of the best of his life, doesn’t mean that the roller coaster was over. But he is still frustrated by the thought that floats through his head as the water falls around him, hitting his sore muscles.
Everything you love will betray you. Even water. Everyone important to you has nearly drowned.
He tips his face up into the spray, letting the water cover his face until he can’t breathe.
His body tips forward and forces him to again with spluttering coughs that wrack his body. And that’s how he finds himself, sobs wracking his body as he sits in the shower, the hot water continuing to relentlessly pelt his skin. He doesn’t even know if there are actually tears in that mix, but he does know that if he could move, he would get out of here. But he feels paralyzed, because it also feels good to feel something, anything, other than the hollowed out feeling that he had left the station with that morning.
It had been a kid in a pool. Not unlike a call they had before. Before he had even known Abby existed- a time when he had wondered if he would ever hear Maddie’s voice again, let alone hold her in his arms, hold her daughter in his arms. A time when being known and being loved for all of who he was was a distant dream and all that he yearned for in the quiet moments he had alone. A time when no one he knew would’ve thought of him ever becoming a father figure to anyone.
Maddie had been the one to take the call, and knowing that Chimney was busy treating them, she had texted Buck to make sure the call had ended on a hopeful note. He had called her as he waited for Eddie to shower, her worried voice telling him how she had texted Mrs. Lee for a picture of Jee after, and him reassuring her that it was a reasonable thing to ask after such a call. She had asked him if he was okay too, he had just said that he was tired after the long shift and was ready for bed.
Eddie had watched him carefully through the call. And pressed his leg into his on the ride back to the station. Their drive home had been silent. Eddie eyeing him from the passenger seat, waiting for Buck to say anything. But there hadn’t been anything to say. His conscious working overtime to silence the racing thoughts so they could make it home safely. And then it had lost the battle as he stood under the spray, trying to rid himself of the weight.
He isn’t sure how long he has been in the shower, but the water turns colder, and he still can’t make himself move.
“Buck?” he hears distantly, drowned out by the drops of water relentlessly pelting the side of the glass and porcelain, “Are you okay?”
A few moments pass, then,
“Buck, I’m gonna come in okay?” There's a pause as he guesses Eddie tries to open the door, “I gotta um break down the door.”
And then everything fuzzes out again, the white noise of the water hitting the tub filling his ears.
The water finally stops, and his sobs are echoing off the tiled walls, and he wants the noise to stop, because it’s all too loud, but he can’t make it stop.
“Buck,” his voice is so gentle it almost hurts.
“I’m sorry,” is all he can choke out, it comes out garbled by sobs, “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, no, you have nothing to be sorry for Buck. Can I get you a towel?”
He nods slowly.
The soft fluffy towel is placed around his shoulders with such care he almost flinches away.
“I want to get you out of the tub okay?” Eddie asks rhetorically, “Is it okay if I help you?”
He nods again somehow.
And he wishes he could help as Eddie lifts him, slotting his arms under his and getting him into a seated position on the edge of the tub. Another towel cushioning the seat that gets wrapped around his waist.
“Hold onto me while I get your legs.”
Now that he can do. Hold onto Eddie like an anchor, he forgot there was a time where he couldn’t.
Once his feet are somewhat planted on the ground, Eddie kneeling in front of him, Eddie ducks his head to catch his eye, finally.
“I got you,” is all he has to say, “And I love you.”
That evidently is the wrong thing to say as Buck’s face crumples and he shakes his head.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Eddie replies gently. He swallows and then takes Buck’s arms and places them on his shoulders. He stands bringing Buck up with him.
They make their way to the bedroom, and Eddie finds some soft sweatpants and a shirt. Buck shakes his head as he moves to put the shirt on him.
“I can do it,” his voice is a whisper.
Eddie nods and reluctantly leaves the room.
Buck stares down at the soft t shirt in his hands, there’s a small hole between the collar and the shirt, another one by the sleeve. He stares down at the drab green color and clutches it tighter. Because it was literally drab green, and his breath hitches. He was never sure if Eddie still had anything except for the medal that was deep in a box in his closet. Clearly relegated to a last resort chore day shirt but nonetheless he still had it. And now it’s in Buck’s hands.
But it’s soft and it smells like Eddie, despite everything that the anxiety was screaming, the comfort that brought him had transcended everything that was on the surface and burrowed itself into a home right next to his heart. So he slips it over his head. He puts on the boxers, sweatpants, and socks. And then doesn’t know what to do next. So he sits, tangling his fingers, worrying at his lip, on the edge of tears, but there aren’t any left.
He watches a few minutes tick by on the relatively new alarm clock that sits on Eddie’s night stand.
There’s a light knock on the door, and then Eddie walks in with a glass of water. His shirt sleeve is still wet from where presumably he reached into the shower to turn off the water. He sets the glass down on the nightstand and then sits on the bed next to Buck, pressing his shoulder into his.
“Hey, how we doing?” he asks after a moment.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“Th-The door, your wet shirt sleeve.”
“Buck, water dries, it is not the end of the world. And as for the door? We know how to fix that,” he says it lightly and genuinely, and he brushes their shoulders together.
And Buck smiles a little.
“Now, what’s going on in that head of yours?”
He tangles his hands in his lap before taking a deep breath, “Did Maddie ever tell you what her final straw was, why she left?”
Eddie furrows his brow, he and Maddie had started getting closer on his visits to dispatch for lunch with Linda on the days she was working and he had off. He and Maddie had also started getting coffee on days when their therapy appointments converged, her therapist in the same office as Frank.
“Nothing specific,” he replies.
“Well, uh, she was giving Jee a bath during the blackout, and she had been awake for a long time, and she nodded off for a second and Jee slipped under for like a second. That’s what made her really think she wasn’t safe with her. And when she tried, she walked into the ocean. And you and the well. And Chris and the tsunami,” he loses the ability to really be articulate about it as he verbalizes each one.
Eddie takes a deep breath as each puzzle piece floats into place.
“Buck, all of that is just a horrible horrible coincidence,” he says carefully, a hand drifting to Buck’s thigh.
“But what if it isn’t? What if-” his eyes are watering again somehow as he looks toward Eddie.
“No. Loving you could never be a curse. Being loved by you is a gift.” Eddie takes a breath and moves to the floor in front of Buck, “I know I can’t fix this in a day, and not by myself. But I want you to know that I love you. And none of those things have ever and will never be your fault. And you don’t have to believe me, but you trust me, know that I wouldn’t lie about that.”
Buck nods hesitantly.
It’s quiet for a moment, their foreheads resting against each other.
“You know one of the reasons I moved here was the ocean?” he pauses, “Yeah I think it’s about as far as I can get from Hershey without leaving the contiguous states, but there was always something about the Pacific. The Atlantic is 200 miles from where I grew up but I chased the Pacific. One of the first days I lived here I just drove to the beach and sat on the sand for hours looking out over it and I finally felt like I was where I was supposed to be. Hadn’t even started the academy, didn’t know the 118 was out there but something told me I belonged here. And it was the ocean that told me that. And I loved her, and she almost took two of you, so I don’t know. It just feels like some fucking cosmic joke.” He laughs wetly.
“I don’t feel like I should still be drawn there, but I am. Going to the pier with Chris was one of the best days, it feels wrong that it’s also one of the worst.”
“You don’t have to stop loving something because it hurt you or the people you love. And especially not the ocean of all things, an ocean that is known for being a rough force not to be reckoned with. You faced it, and defeated it- You did, Chris did, and Maddie did. And that fact puts me in awe of all three of you, Buck. Being able to face it again, let alone make new happy memories with it is incredible.” he paused contemplating his next words and letting the previous ones settle, “Did you ever feel like that after the truck?”
Buck shakes his head and furrows his brow.
“You were able to get back in that truck because you love your job, the love is greater than the thing that hurt you, and it sounds like the ocean is another one of those things that you hold so important in your heart. You don’t give up, especially when it’s the people you care about. That’s what makes loving and being loved by you a blessing, Buck. One minuscule part of it anyway.”
Buck swallows the lump in his throat, and he nods.
“And I need you to hear me when I tell you that I love you, all of you. Even the parts you don’t love. I love them enough for the both of us, until you can, however long that takes. Just like you did for me.”
“I nev-I di-” Buck starts, his brow still slightly crinkled.
Eddie just shakes his head and holds Buck’s face in his hand, “You didn’t have to, I knew, in hindsight I knew. And I will always be grateful that you were able to do that for me, so let me take my turn.”
There’s a still moment of silence as the softness returns to Buck’s shoulders as if he is letting go of the weight. It’s shattered by the shaky audible breath that Buck let’s go of as he bends forward finally leaning his full weight into Eddie.
Eddie moves back to sitting next to Buck on the bed, never letting go.
They sit like that for a while, just existing together.
“I think I’ve had enough time. I don’t want to talk about it now because I want you fully here with me. But this is me telling you that I’m ready when you are,and we will figure out the best way together okay?”
Buck nods, “Thank you.” he says just above a whisper. And the silence returns, comfortable and inviting as they breathe together.
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doctorguilty · 1 year
Mental health
I guess it wasn't all for nothing I basically just came face to face with some hard truths about the way I've been minimizing my suffering and life and a bunch of stuff, it's a bit too personal as much as I otherwise like to overshare, but it's just like the other day in therapy my therapist brought to light some very observable patterns in stuff I'd say, and confronting myself afterwards over how unhealthy it is was rough, it hit me really hard, it's not like a personal failing though it really is just.. stuff rooted in my deep sense of worthlessness.. my belief that my suffering is of lesser importance than others, etc
The other hard part to it all was talking to my partner about how it impacts my health and future and just .. spilling it all out, getting their perspective, admitting I need more help than I have ever asked for, fearing rejection as someone like me does.. a big looming thing over me is the likihood my partner may not be able to move in with me as soon as we planned (which was gonna be early next year) and like again it's personal but it's all tied together like my self worth and things blah blah blah, but just being like the way I am living I am so unhappy I have been unhappy for so long, I've never had a happy place to live, it's at the point where my physical health is worsening because of the impact mentally and I can't stay in this dark tunnel like this where I'm losing more and more every day, more energy, more health, I can't make it outdoors as much I can't draw and do art as much it's at the point where even playing video games is getting harder my brain is like, that of an animal in a tiny cage that just lies around waiting to die, I could go on, but it's going to get worse soon with seasonal depression and more chronic pain, etc.
Anyway I digress the hard truth is my situation isn't sustainable no matter how much I myself it's fine because my bar for quality of life is on the floor and I dont have the resources to make it better. I just don't. So I admitted it.. it was hard, but I am relieved because my partner loves me and does not want to see me hurt like this and pretend it's good enough. It's not. They know it's not.
So there's been some new talk of plans, what can be done if a home together is not yet possible, something other than, I just wait and try to like, keep myself alive and just accept that's the bar that's all I get, being not dead. It's perhaps a possibility to help me afford to move out of my poor environment and support me while I get my health in order and not feel incapacitated by hopelessness. I that's what we touched base on! P much! The reality of things and agreeing I need (and deserve, allegedly <- self hate moments) a better quality of life and not allowing my misery to be the best compromise.
I'm grateful to be loved by someone who wouldn't just.. flip the table over in me and tell me I'm nothing but a burden and dead weight.. I'm grateful to be something a person as wonderful as my partner feels I'm worth investing in..
We're gonna talk about it more in person soon.. and probably what I need to do is get my disability application back on the front burner (is that an expression) as much of a pain it will be to dig up 8+ years of documents I need to reference for it.. but I just think.. that is a way more sustainable life, if we can't move in together soon.. if I am not suffering in a toxic environment (for the first time ever 🥲 ) I can last for years if need be, the long distance would feel less oppressive for sure when my life isn't just a depression fog and yearning to be saved. If they can save me NOW, I will be LESS wounded and sick when we ARE living together, that's for sure.
I just like having a plan anyway. I hate stagnation. I hate this dark tunnel. The moment I got some news that made the light shot miles further again, became a pinprick of light, I spiraled downward. I've been miserable. I need to get out. I need it now, not a mystery number of years from now. But just talking about it, putting it all out there and being told, yes I will help you, I don't want to see you suffer anymore just because of circumstances changing, it felt like a weight off me. At least that is something for now..
If you read this far I'm impressed. You must be pretty invested in my life, which is flattering ;×;
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What does seeing Angel number 49 mean for your career?
What is the heavenly messenger number 49 importance after a separation? After a separation, seeing 49 can be a consoling sign. It's a message of mending, advising you that it's OK to lament, to feel the aggravation, and afterward to give up. It represents a fresh start, a potential chance to gain from an earlier time and push ahead. Along these lines, cheer up, your holy messengers are with you in your recuperating venture.
What does holy messenger number 49 mean?
Heavenly messenger number 49 coaxes with a message of change. It's an enormous prod, murmuring in your ear, "Hello, it's the ideal opportunity for transform." It's a call to embrace individual and profound development, to get out of your usual range of familiarity and face life's difficulties head-on. Consider it to be an indication to focus in, dig profound, and plan for another section in your life.
Is it positive or negative karma to see 49? Try not to worry! Seeing 49 isn't a harbinger of sick fortune. A remarkable opposite, it's a promising sign, an uplifting gesture from your heavenly gatekeepers. It connotes that you're in good shape, and positive changes are not too far off. Yet, recall, karma isn't given over with a royal flair; it's procured through difficult work and assurance.
What does heavenly messenger number 49 mean in a genuine way? Profoundly, 49 is about internal development and illumination. It's an encouragement to develop your association with the heavenly and to develop a more significant feeling of direction throughout everyday life. Accept it as a delicate suggestion to zero in on your otherworldly turn of events, to look for shrewdness, and to respect your spirit's process.
Holy messenger number 49 importance in cash With regards to funds, 49 signs a period of bounty. In any case, it's not just about aggregating riches. It's tied in with grasping the worth of cash and utilizing it carefully. It prompts you to embrace overflow while keeping a feeling of appreciation. Thus, don't simply pursue the dollar, appreciate what it brings - opportunity, security, and the chance to help other people.
What does seeing Angel number 49 mean for your career? Spotting 49 could mean a change in your expert life. It very well might be an ideal opportunity to seek after a profession that lines up with your interests and values. It's tied in with finding satisfaction in what you do, in addition to a check. Along these lines, prepare yourself! New open doors could be not far off.
Will holy messenger number 49 proposition me profound insurance? Totally! The number 49 fills in as a divine safeguard, shielding your profound excursion. A sign you're encircled by divine insurance, making it a consoling presence during seasons of dread or vulnerability. Relax knowing that you're in good company; your heavenly messengers are with you constantly.
How might the heavenly messenger number 49 affect abundance? This number is a reference point of thriving, however it's not just about material riches. It's tied in with embracing an existence of overflow in the entirety of its structures - love, wellbeing, harmony, and delight. In this way, when 49 springs up, prepare to invite a more extravagant, more full life.
What does the future hold in the wake of seeing 49? The future, in the wake of witnessing 49, looks encouraging. It's an indication of impending changes and fresh starts. It doesn't be guaranteed to imply that all that will be going great, yet you can believe that these progressions will ultimately prompt development and self-improvement. Thus, lock in and get ready for a thrilling excursion ahead.
Is 49 a positive or negative heavenly messenger number? Number 49 is most certainly a positive holy messenger number. It's an image of progress, development, and change. It rouses you to push through hindrances and move towards a seriously satisfying and illuminated life. Thus, when you see this number, accept it as a positive confirmation from the universe.
What is the holy messenger number 49 importance in adoration? In issues of the heart, 49 is about unqualified love and responsibility. It's a suggestion to support your connections and to offer love unreservedly without expecting anything as a trade off. It means a period of profound development and extending associations. In this way, open your heart and let love in.
Holy messenger number 49 and meeting your perfect partner Spotting 49 may be a clue that your perfect partner isn't too distant. It means a heavenly association and a gathering of spirits. It's tied in with perceiving that unique individual and framing a bond that rises above the actual world. Thus, keep your eyes and heart open; no one can really tell when love could strike.
What is the heavenly messenger number 49 importance in connections? With regards to connections, 49 represents concordance and equilibrium. It's tied in with tracking down generally expected ground, settling clashes, and encouraging common regard. It's a call to support your connections, to impart straightforwardly, and to put time and exertion in those you care about. Along these lines, let 49 aide you towards better, more joyful connections.
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mel-loves-kdramas · 2 years
Hi this is Exol Santa one more time!❄️💜 Sorry about the messages mix up! Luckily I had to draft the ask because I was trying to get it under the character limit so I still have part 2 saved. but also it looks like the character limit on asks was removed? Apologies for my incompetence in messages (I’ve been on tumblr for like 10 years lol you think I’d have the hang of it, but maybe that’s why I expect the worst regarding functionality)
Here’s what was in the second half of the message: I just got into Exo a couple years ago! I have a friend who was into SuperM and sent me a few of their videos and basically as soon as I saw Baekhyun that was it for me, and he’s still my bias. I was in covid quarantine for 15 days and binged Exo Next Door and then a bunch of performance videos and fell in love with all the members. I’ve been slowly catching up on ten years of content since then. Monster Dance practice is a GREAT first exo video. Do you have a favorite era/comeback? Do you have a favorite of Suho’s songs? (I still need to listen to Self Portrait!)
I hope that went through this time!
I’m also having a great time chatting so I can send you actual message replies in 10 days once I can come off of anon :P I started watching Stranger so I’ll definitely let you know how that goes! And I will say that I totally agree with you about the ending of Reply 1988 I was devastated.
I think I have an idea for what I want to do for your present, and I mostly make digital art so that’s what I’m planning, but I wanted to also ask if there’s anything you were really hoping for? I’ll probably have time to make a couple things so I can do my idea and a second, or add in elements if there’s anything you’ve been thinking about. I’m not much of a fic writer but anything else I can take a shot at: moodboards, gifs, lockscreens, etc!
Hope you’re having a good week! <3
Hi Santa,
Please, no need to apologize. Tumblr is so unpredictable with ASKs. Thank goodness you had a saved draft. I wonder if the length of messages goes larger with a "response" to an ASK? I have been on tumblr a little less than you, (8 years) and I still don't know much about this crazy platform. lol
I found my way to tumblr via the CW Arrow and The X-Files' Fandoms. How about you?
What Kpop groups were you listening to before SuperM? I was so lucky to see SuperM as my first ever Kpop concert. And Baekhyun was GLORIOUS live. I am surprised I survived seeing SuperM in person. I LOVE Kai (he is one of my bias wreckers), Taeyong and Ten. SuperM's first promo photos are burned into my memory. An EXCEPTIONAL concept. hahaha
Speaking of concepts......I CANNOT wait to see EXO's upcoming concept and new music. If it has any connection to their Season's Greetings concept I will be DEAD (in the best way possible) lol.
It is hard for me to narrow down a favorite of Suho's music, but perhaps I can give you a few favs off his more recent Grey Suit era. I loved the whole album, but Hurdle, Decanting and Bear Hug were extra wonderful to me. I hope you are able to listen to Self-Portrait. His voice is just so beautiful and the album is a lovely journey of falling in love, losing it, letting it go and appreciating it. Have you seen any of the live sessions mvs? THEY ARE ALL SO FABULOUS. O2 is particularly pretty with the water concept. I don't think we would have been given such a gift of mvs for every song of that album if not for covid. I guess that is one ray of sunshine through the horribleness of the virus. I am sorry you were in covid quarantine. Were you ill or just protecting yourself and others? I hope you weren't sick with it. As far as era looks - Suho during the Lotto Era was also wow. The strawberry hair, the pink shirt and neck ties' outfit for the lotto stages. Let me see If I can add a link of it.
What are some of your fav songs from Baekhyun? AND HE IS COMING BACK SOON!!
You are so sweet to ask about the secret santa gift. I am excited about anything you are inspired to create. Seriously, I don't like to hinder creators, so allow yourself to go in any direction freely. But please don't feel any pressure to make multiple gifts. Anything you come up with will be wonderful! I can't wait to see what you create.
Have a wonderful day!
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gotta-fit-a-label · 4 years
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Shibari master post. Aka me complaining about not being able to go to my classes anymore.
I really miss going to my classes 😕 I don't see it every happening again since it's difficult to do that while remaining socially distant. My rope partner Elena was such a big help while learning to do things, seriously I am so happy I met them. Such a great friend.
I just miss the healthy learning environment that MHK provided, plus all the great we were allowed to use while there. I was even able to learn a little on suspension! Maybe one day when the world does back to normal I'll get another chance 🤷
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I know I'm gonna regret this later
But how about Mc bounceing on Diavolo's sick, whilst having Barbatos tied to a chair having to watch
Fhgfhg oh I love this! Thank you so much for this request!
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Reader riding Diavolo while making Barbatos watch
You grinned, watching Barbatos squirm in his binds as you bounced up and down on Diavolo’s dick, Barbie was left in only his pants, you could see he subtly try to rock his hips to get some friction but it wasn’t enough.
Diavolo moaned and thrusted up into you, making you keen. Barbatos whimpered, trying to get out of his binds. “M-master, please untie me.” He groaned, his face was turning pink, he couldn’t even look you in the eye.
You gave him a smile and turned to Diavolo. “I don’t know, should we untie him? I think he looks cute like that…” Diavolo looked at Barbatos, Diavolo was giving him a sympathetic look, before glancing at you, you shook your head.
“N-no we shouldn’t untie him.” Diavolo said, following your lead, you could hear the weak whimper that left Barbatos. “But maybe, we should give him some attention?” Diavolo quickly added, wanting to help his butler.
You purred and got off Diavolo, you opened the nightstand and grabbed something, walking back to Barbatos, undoing his pants just enough to pull his cock out, he moaned as soon as you touched him, then you showed him what was in your hand. He whimpered and tried to move away but couldn’t. You slid the cockring on to his cock, pushing it all the way to the base and then returned to Diavolo.
You handed him the remote. “Now you’re in charge of his pleasure, he can’t cum but you can give him pleasure.” Diavolo turned it onto the lowest setting and Barbatos yelped. You seated yourself over Diavolo and took him into you again.
Barbatos moaned and tugged against his restraints, watching you fuck your self on Diavolo’s cock. “Barbatos,” He immediately locked eyes with you when you said his name. “Do you like the view? Or should we tie you to the bed and fuck ourselves right on top of you?”
He shook his head with a whine. “P-please, masters, please-“ He cried out as Diavolo turned up the dial. He was throbbing, poor thing was so close, but that cock ring would stop him from cumming. “Please! Please let me cum!”
Diavolo leaned up and whispered to you. “You should have mercy on him, he’s been good hasn’t he?” Diavolo grunted as you slammed back down, his hands moved to your thighs and squeezed them as he came inside you.
You click your tongue and get off of Diavolo. “Dia, untie Barbie.” Diavolo quickly obeyed, Barbatos kept his eyes on you and waited for an order. You layer on your back and spread your legs. “Barbie, clean up the mess Dia made and I’ll let you cum, otherwise,” You grabbed the remote and turned the dial to max, earning a sob from him. “You’ll stay like this til the battery dies.”
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babymilkawa · 4 years
Can you do the haikyuu captions with an S/o who is in their first year (fluffy)
yayy finally have a reason to write for kuroo and bokuto
first year s/o headcanons with:
oikawa tooru, sawamura daichi, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto kotaro
gn!reader :)
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oikawa tooru
at first, you were a little hesitant on letting your relationship out
because some of his fans could be second or third years yk, we don’t want no bullies bullies b gone whoosh
but he is almost always by your side and has even acted annoyed to his fans if they were ever mean to you
having a third year as your bf means that you can get homework help whenever you want
and all your teachers love him
so they don’t mind if he hangs out in the classroom sometimes, as long as he doesn’t distract you
he’ll gush about how you and your little friends are so cute
pull that old man shit and be like “I remember those days, we were young and free~”
dramatic king
whenever you go to one of his games, you’ll always try to cheer louder for him compared to his other fans and he’s got like this big surge of pride
but afterwards he’ll be like “don’t lose your voice honey”
will want you to be the team’s new manager soooo bad
like will beg you on his knees because if you accept the current manager’s offer, you can see your bf even more and he can impress you 
the manager totally doesn't use that to try to convince you
oikawa really just loves how the slight age gap means he has more the reason to take care of you
your first time during a class sports event? he’s right by your side, making sure you don’t feel awkward or lost
yes he’s that type of person who looooves it when you ask questions and he can show off his smexy brain
a lot of times Iwaizumi will hit him in the back of the head if he’s talking with you too much and he’ll just sulk and slump his head on your shoulder 
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sawamura daichi
he’ll always bop his head into ur class
he’s obviously also a teacher’s favorite have u met this guy 
oh wait no u haven’t, rip sucks to be u *sobs*
so the teachers don't mind
ur teachers prolly even gush about him with you, yk like those teachers who lOVE drama/gossip yea them
Nishinoya and tanaka always try to get ur attention bc your Daichi’s s/o and every time, Daichi will yell at them, telling them to not scare you off
but they still do it
tis a cycle
plays 128489x better when you’re around
wait gotta round that so 130000x
we know he’s very encouraging to his teammates but with you around? he’s like Yamaguchi’s personal cheering squad
will go to your house in the mornings, walk you to class, wait there at lunch, walk you home, ugh this man can’t get enough of u
he loves it when you lean against him when u guys walk together, he’ll wrap a secure arm around you and you nuzzle in his neck SHDFKJHDKS
u always help them shag the balls and he’s like “no, no, y/n let tanaka and Nishinoya do it” and those two are giving you puppy eyes
cue Daichi chasing them down
if tanaka and noya are puppies, he’s your bulldog
omg random but y'all know that one parks and rec episode where they’re picking people’s spirit dog? yea Daichi is like a bulldog
but once he turns to you it’s all 🌈🌟💫💝
but he’s genuine
no fakes we don’t want them
if you read my sick s/o hcs you’ll know how much of a “handsome boy” to elderly people he is 
hehe sry for the self promo
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kuroo tetsuro
u already know what ur dates are gonna be like
he’s gonna smexy study with you *bites lip*
yea that’s right Kuroo just leave ur brain and go
this man,,,again I know,,,is adored by your teachers
“Kuroo you’ve still got that same hair!”
yea he’s def like a teacher assistant or smn during his free period
he’ll pick ur class and just wiggles his eyebrows whenever y'all make eye contact
when you’re done with a presentation, he’ll be the first and loudest when clapping
alwaysss is there when you need a pencil or an eraser
this man will literally prepare protein bars for you the morning u have a test, will give you a pep talk, y'all like huddle outside the classroom or something LMAO that’s cute tho
“you’re gonna go in there and you’re gonna kick that test in the ass ok?”
gives you a dad pat, a kiss to ur head and gives you two thumbs up when you glance at him at your desk
p sure everyone in your class wants him to hold a study session
but no ladies & gentlemen, he’s reserved for y/n and y/n only good day ☺️
its kinda impossible for u to fail
to thank his brain, you always show up to his practices and games
you give the team their water, towels, etc and he’s just yea that’s right they’re my s/o
now shower them with praise *holds them at gunpoint*
his schedule is busier than yours and he always feels bad abt it
which is why he’s soooo clingy if y'all sleepover or after hw
it’s hard for him to resist u cuddles during hw tho
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bokuto kotaro
ok at this point we know that all our captains are angels so
*deep inhale*
he’s a teachers favorite
there I said it sue me
so yes he WILL hang around your classroom and talk to the teachers
p sure he does that with akaashi buttt 👀
and if u can’t come out during break he’ll just mope by the doorway while akaashi nom noms on his snacc boccuto
he won’t rly help u with hw, he’ll try but go off topic and whoops why did a pillow hit my face
yea y’all don’t get much studying done so hopefully ur smart
ACTUALYYYYY you just call akaashi
bokuto will litrally be like “ur bad at math? Babe just jump in the pool with me rn with ur clothes on, take a shower and then we’ll call akaashi!!”
it was 1 am 💀
he’s a good distraction whenever you’re stressed out
literally sunshine in human form
if ur there during his practices and matches he almost NEVERS goes into Emo mode bc gotta impress my s/o
will randomly call out to you when he’s on the court
“this ones for you” *hits it into the net*
every time he gets a good play he’ll immediately look into the crowd and ur there jumping for him and he’s jumping back and awww
some ppl r wondering if he’s even older than u like y’all look abt the same age 🤔
he’s just 🍗🍗🍖🍖🍑🍑
if ur not there during practice he’ll definitely just slouch and swing his arms around “where’s y/nnnn”
someone lift his face up and kiss him on the nose
but he knows he can’t act like that during games
he’ll just have to suck it up
and pretend like ur there, pretend that ur voice is there
literally he can only pick out your cheers from a whole stadium of people
but obv u get the best seats ;)
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a/n: aaah this was fun to write ^3^
haikyu!! masterlist
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bestchar-imagines · 4 years
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Long post under the cut.
There are NSFW posts, but I do not accept NSFW anymore. If you want NSFW, request on my NSFW account, that is EXCLUSIVELY FOR V3 (sorry), 11nsfwv3. Requests are closed there for now, however.
Kokichi holding his S/O’s hand for the first time
Kokichi with a S/O who has ‘crackhead energy’
Yandere!Kokichi with an affectionate S/O
Yandere!Nagito and yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who was neglected
Kokichi stealing his S/O’s hoodie
Who the boys main in Mario Kart
The boys reacting to their S/O sleeping in their lap during freetime
Kokichi with a lazy S/O
Kokichi with a Fem!S/O who gives him a cool-down hug
Yandere!Pregame Kokichi Headcanons
Nagito, Shuichi, and Kokichi’s favorite memes (including links)
Kokichi with a S/O who’s extremely sensitive
Pregame!Kokichi with a Stotic Male S/O
Domestic Fluff Kokichi
Kokichi with a S/O who’s shorter then him
Kokichi with a S/O who’s good at detecting his lies
Kokichi with a S/O who likes messing with his hair
Kokichi and Nagito falling for someone extremely smart
Kokichi trying to visit his S/O but their cats won’t let him
Kokichi with a S/O who’s an artist and wants to paint nudes
Yandere!Kokichi who catches his darling trying to k//ll themselves after he punished her
Kokichi Fluff
Kokichi with a S/O who has a cute laugh he loves
Kokichi with a fem!S/O who age regresses
Kokichi with a Dom!Fem!S/O headcanons
General Female!Kokichi fluff and kissing headcanons with a Fem!S/O
Nagito and Kokichi reacting to their S/O squeezing their ass and acting like they did nothing
Kokichi with a S/O who often only wears underwear and a shirt
Kokichi comforting his S/O after a panic attack because of the doctor
Kokichi’s Black!S/O who forces him to try soul food
Yandere!Kokichi with a Fem!S/O who pulls him into marshmallow hell
Yandere!Kokichi seeing his S/O being bullied
Yandere!Kokichi with a S/O that has the personality of pregame!Kokichi
Submissive!Kokichi x a Dominate!S/O
Yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who’s feeling sick
Yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who cooperates and falls in love with him (GIF EYESTRAIN)
Kokichi seeing his shy S/O crying
What is angry sex with Yandere!Kokichi like?
Yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who escapes, but is found 4 hours later
Yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who likes his punishments
Kokichi reacting to his S/O sleeping naked
Kokichi reacting to his Sub!S/O going into subdrop
Kokichi with a S/O who acts really tough but when someone raises their voice at them they get upset
Yandere!Kokichi reacting to his S/O committing s/icide to escape
Kokichi with a kind, childish and short (3′8) reader
Kokichi with a Fem!Ultimate seducer S/O
Kokichi with a S/O who likes being tied up and blind folded
Kokichi with a Fem!S/O who puts herself into dangerous/fun situations on purpose
Kokichi with a S/O who likes being spanked
Kokichi with a S/O who just had their wisdom teeth taken out
Kokichi seeing his Fem!S/O in lingerie
Kokichi with a S/O who’s in a marching band
Yandere Kokichi reacting to his S/O completely dissociating after a punishment
General yandere Kokichi headcanons
General Yandere!Kokichi head canons part 2
Kokichi with a future S/O who stands up to Miu when he’s insulting her, which makes him talk to you the same way he talks to Miu
Kokichi reacting to his S/O getting into a physical fight with Miu
Kokichi with a Fem!S/O who has a dirty talk and orgasm denial kink
Pregame Kokichi x a shy, clingy reader who stands up for him
Vampire!Kokichi x Human!Reader
Kokichi with a S/O who’s torso is sensitive (small flash warning for gif)
Kokichi with a S/O who wears platform shoes so nobody knows how short they are
Kokichi and his S/O going to a Halloween party
Kokichi x his S/O who wins him a stuffed animal
Kokichi with a S/O who’s exactly like him but likes strawberry Panta and fights with daggers.
General NSFW headcanons w/ a Fem!S/O
Easily flustered Kokichi x reader
Kokichi with a Fem!Reader who’s sensitive in her ‘areas’
Kokichi and his future male!s/o following their strings
Kokichi with an easily flustered S/O
Kokichi looking up his Fem!S/O’s skirt.
Kokichi teaching his S/O how to skate
Pregame!Kokichi seeing his Fem!Delinquent!S/O’s wounds after a fight with her father
Kokichi with a S/O who panics during a party
Kokichi and his S/O slow dancing
Kokichi finding out his upbeat S/O has depression
Kokichi comforting his Black!S/O who dealt with racism
Kokichi with a S/O who’s ahoge reacts to their feelings
Pregame!Kokichi with a Fem!Delinquent S/O who stands up for him.
Tsundere!Kokichi x Reader
Kokichi with a Tsundere!S/O
Yandere!Kokichi’s shrine of a Fem!S/O
Pregame!Kokichi playing basketball with his S/O
Kokichi with a S/O who leaves love letters on his door because of being insecure.
Kokichi reacting to his S/O waking up from a coma.
Kokichi and his S/O going to the beach
Kokichi with an Asexual S/O
Kokichi with a SHSL Cartoonist who’s a dork
Pregame!Kokichi x Reader
Kokichi with a flat chested S/O
Kokichi with a S/O who talks alone because of a stutter
Kokichi overhearing you and Rantaro.
Kokichi with an Ultimate Sweetheart S/O.
Kokichi with a S/O who’s sensitive to noise.
Kokichi with a touch starved S/O.
Kokichi with a curvy and busty Fem!S/O
Kokichi with a S/O who catches him off guard.
Kokichi with a S/O who walks in on him coming out of the shower.
Kokichi accidentally killing his S/O
Kokichi with a S/O who says I love you for the first time.
Kokichi walking in on his S/O changing
Kokichi running in on his intelligent S/O crying.
Kokichi coming home to see an injured S/O
Kokichi with a S/O AFAB coming out as Non-Binary.
Enemies to Lovers
Kokichi x Motherly!Reader
Kokichi with a S/O who cries a lot.
Kokichi with a Fem!S/O that pulls him into marshmallow hell
Kokichi with a S/O who talks about their favorite show often.
Kokichi x Lucky student!Reader
Kokichi x Bullied!Reader
Kokichi x Autistic!Reader
Kokichi x Stoic!Reader
Tired!Kokichi x reader
Soft!Yandere!Nagito with a shy and scared darling
Yandere!Nagito and yandere!Kokichi with a S/O who was neglected
Who the boys main in Mario Kart
Nagito Comforting his Crying S/O
The boys reacting to their S/O sleeping in their lap during freetime
Nagito in marshmallow hell
Nagito walking in on his S/O changing
Nagito, Shuichi, and Kokichi’s favorite memes (including links)
Kokichi and Nagito falling for someone extremely smart
Yandere Nagito punishment headcanons
Nagito with a Fem!S/O who constantly overstimulates him
Yandere!Nagito with a Yandere!Darling who kidnaps him first
General Yandere Nagito headcanons
Nagito with a S/O who likes to help him
Nagito with a S/O who age regresses
Nagito with a S/O who disapproves of his self-degrading comments
Nagito and Kokichi reacting to their S/O squeezing their ass and acting like they did nothing
How would Yandere!Nagito fall in love with his darling?
Nagito with a S/O who feeds him while he’s tied up
General Yandere!Shuichi Headcanons
Who the boys main in Mario Kart
The boys reacting to their S/O sleeping in their lap during freetime
Nagito, Shuichi, and Kokichi’s favorite memes (including links)
Waking up with Shuichi
Yandere Alphabet-
Pregame!Kokichi with the first 12 letters of the Yandere!Alphabet
Kokichi for the Yandere!Alphabet
E, F, G, H, and O with Rantaro on the Yandere!Alphabet
Nagito with the full yandere alphabet
Fluff Alphabet-
Full fluff alphabet with Yandere!Nagito
Yandere!Shuichi Fluff Alphabet
Full fluff alphabet for Himiko
Full Fluff alphabet for Byakuya
Full fluff alphabet with Ryoma
Kazuichi with the entire fluff alphabet
Makoto with the full fluff alphabet
The entire Fluff Alphabet with Pregame!Shuichi
Toko with the full fluff alphabet
Shuichi with the entire fluff alphabet
Full fluff alphabet for Yandere!Kokichi
F, E, and W for Nagito and Kaito.
Full fluff alphabet for Komaeda (besides F,E,W)
Korekiyo with the entire fluffabet
Kokichi with the full fluff alphabet
NSFW Alphabet-
Full alphabet for Makoto Naegi
Full alphabet with Kaede
Full alphabet with Pregame!Shuichi
Full Alphabet for Kiibo
Full alphabet for Yandere!Kokichi
Full alphabet for Gundham
Full alphabet for Chihiro
Full alphabet with Byakuya
Full alphabet for Nagito
Full alphabet for Rantaro
Full alphabet for Izuru
Full alphabet for Shuichi (besides B, F, E, Z, A, C, D, I, J, O, U, V)
B, F, E, Z with Shuichi
A, C, D, I, J, O, U, V with Shuichi
Full alphabet for Kaito
Full alphabet for Kokichi (besides J, H, O, A, B, D, E, I, M, N, P, S, U, V, X, Y)
B, D, E, I, M, N, P, S, U, V, X and Y for Kokichi
Kokichi with J, H, O and A
Yandere Prompts-
Yandere Prompt 1 With Nagito
Yandere Prompt 50 for Nagito (sequel to yan promp 1)
Yandere Prompt 21 with Kokichi
Shuichi with Yandere Prompt 46
Fluff Prompts-
15 with Yandere Kokichi
NSFW Prompts-
3, 44, and 50 with Yandere!Kokichi
83 with Nagito
19 with Nagito
2 for Kokichi
Kokichi with 76
49, 41, 71 with Kokichi
22 with Nagito
79 with Kokichi
214 notes · View notes
azucanela · 4 years
being sokka’s s/o would include hcs?
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being zuko’s s/o headcannons | being korra’s s/o headcannons
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SUMMARY: being sokka’s s/o from the confession to the marriage
WARNINGS: mild lok spoiler, fluff, kissing, do these count as warnings, yeah this is pretty pg man, blood, stab wound, sokka being sokka
A/N: im sick and dying h e l p, but also interact with me im lonely, become and elusive anon idc <3 also wow i have 500 followers??? idk why you all followed me?? but thanks?? hi??
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getting into the relationship
oh god 
i see him with a friends to lovers thing where he either flirts with you from the moment he meets you or progressively begins to fall for you and is far to flustered to flirt because woah there why are you so beautiful
if its the former, then he’s probably gonna be ‘joking’ for the most part and you know this, so you two are just playfully flirting all the time until one day he realizes that he wants this to be REAL and panics 
when you flirt the first time he’s flustered, because he’s really just not used to the same level of forwardness that he has himself, but after a while Sokka is gonna get used to it and he’ll just roll with it
but when he realizes he wants more? he’s gonna be flustered all over again, and he’s probably gonna flirt with you signifigantly less, which is gonna cause you to confront him, much to his dismay, because oh no he’s alone with you-
“oh! haha.. hey y/n. yeah i need to go sharpen my boomerang-”
“sokka that’s not something you can do.”
when you confront him, he’s probably gonna be honest with you and tell you how he feels because he really cares for you and just wants you to calm down because no he does n o t hate you
“do you hate me or something now?”
“uh.. it’s the opposite actually you see-”
if its the latter, he’s gonna go from really calm and chill around you, because of the friendly vibes and such like cracking jokes and such, to a complete and utter mess
you two are really close as friends and that isn’t something he wants to mess up but he’s definitely gonna confess at some point because he’s not one to bottle his emotions up and hates how weird things are between the two of you now that he’s realized he likes you
in general i see sokka as a mess around whoever he likes, until he comes to terms with the fact that he likes them, and this likely won’t take long, he’s pretty in tune with his emotions
he’s not gonna wanna ask you out at first, in all honesty, i see sokka’s whole confidence thing as a facade, because in actuality he has really low self esteem and genuinely sees himself as the “extra” member of team avatar because he lacks bending and everyone around him is so talented that he sometimes forgets he is literally super smart and makes all the plans that save their lives on the daily
just things you are too good for him, especially if you are a bender
if you start hinting that you like him too, he is initially gonna think it is a joke until you start getting bold and then it’s gonna hit him like everyone hits the cabbage man’s cart
i can see either of you confessing first, if Sokka does, he’s probably gonna be really bashful and flustered about it, but he’s also gonna try and act cool because thats like his trademark
if you confess first, he’s gonna be in shock temporarily, but then he’s gonna jump right into things because you like him BACK omgomgomgomg 
he’s gonna wanna kiss you right after the confession, and it’ll probably backfire because he got really excited and ended up headbutting you and now you have a bruise forming on your head and a very apologetic sokka oops
in general, quickly recognizes his feelings and confesses shortly after, because he just hates the weird tension even if he thinks he’s the only one feeling it, even though hes NOT
during the relationship
a really attentive boyfriend, you will never feel neglected, he’s a very clingy person who gets intimate with you all the time, so if you like affection you got it
kissing him is nice, he’s good at it 10/10 recommend, always wants to hold you as close as possible, prefers a hand on your hip/lowerback and another on your face or neck to pull you closer
if you don’t like affection, he’ll express his love in other ways
for example, cooking, i see sokka as someone who can either cook REALLY well, or not at all. there is no in between. 
genuinely just really wants to make you happy
the type to bully you if you’re in a relationship, pls bully him back, humble this man. he’s gonna roast you but he doesn’t really mean it okay, he’s just doesn’t want things to change between you
loves that his best friend is his lover, would not want it any other way
probably forgets to tell the gaang you are dating and like aang and toph are gonna catch you two kissing or smth and sokka’s just gonna be like oh hey guys and they are both like ???
"when did this happen?”
“wym lol”
if you two are together during the war, he’s gonna wanna be by your side like 24/7 because he does not want you to die, like this lowkey stresses him so much that he will subconsciously, when developing battle plans either put you in the safest possible spot or by his side, and its because he has literally lost so many people he’s care for and now he’s distressed
remind him that he matters and is important to the team, because he forget that sometimes and falls into a mood, where he’s all sad and stuff and it just makes you sad so like
tell him he matters, because he does, tell him he’s great even if he can’t bend, and tell him he is a fantastic and brilliant leader, this will serve as an ego boost though so be prepared to humble him
steal his hair ties and do all of us a favor okay, just steal them, burn them because no littering, just make sure he cannot find them! he will walk around with his hair down in confusion, searching for them before he starts the day
speaking of starting the day, you always wake up first, this man is not a morning person and needs his beauty sleep, definitely have a 17 step skin care routine, change my mind, he is big on self care and will make sure you participate with him because he cares about you
speaking of care he knows you so well since you are his s/o so if he notices something is up he will not hesitate to confront you, and will ask if you want solutions or just someone to listen to
prefers solving the problem though
back to mornings, um have fun waking up to sokka with his hair down that sounds HEAVENLY um
mild lok spoilers but sokka ends up chief, and gets involved in politics over time, so he kinda runs out of time for you a bit until he figures out how to organize his time better, then he gets kinda sad, but he still wants to take you out on dates as often as possible ok no more spoilers
so speaking of dates, sokka wants weekly dates, this is a must, does not care if it is a fancy restaurant, cooking at home, or a picnic. he loves picnics most though, and please notice how food is the common factor here
sokka would never cheat on you but if he did he would cheat with food
arguments aren’t rare, but they are mostly over dumb stuff and you both know its dumb stuff so for the most part its a joke, but sometimes someone takes things too far so then apologies are necessary
like actual argument arguments are mostly rare because sokka doesn’t wanna pick fights with you and he’s fairly passive unless he feels really strongly about something
he can be REALLY MEAN THOUGH AND PETTY like wow sokka will go days without talking to you because of a fight
he can and will apologize first when he realizes the toll its taking on your relationship, probably will apologize first
if you catch him being a misogynist put him in his place :)
 he thinks you are hot when you are angry and might pick a fight with you just for that reason, pls make out with him
marriage n’ stuff
im still waiting for someone to explain what weddings are like guys please
anyways he’s gonna realize he wants to marry you when he nearly dies and is like wow life is really short also lets discuss him losing all the important people he’s loved in his life one more time, he does not want to lose you!!!
so he’s gonna nearly die and then be like i need to propose, like now, i cannot die without being married to the literal love of my life so i should do that literally the moment i get home instead of getting medical attention first
yeah he is the smart one, but he lacks common sense, so i hope you got a LOT of common sense. y’all do be sharing a braincell
stops by a ring shop place, and the moment he just feels like he saw the one, price does NOT matter he has purchased it and is now heading home to you
you on the other hand are PANICKING because what do you mean sokka just ran out of the hospital with no explanation and is nowhere to be found katara
what do you mean you thought he would be h e r e
yes katara went over to your house to see if sokka was there and he is not!!!
yet ;)
there is like a manhunt for sokka and he has yet to notice because mans has tunnel vision and as he opens the door to your shared apartment he does not expect to see a crying katara and oh no-
hes like of course im not dead what the hell
you’re seated standing next to Katara trying to console her when you see sokka and wow you are relieved to see he is not dead or kidnapped
lol he’s kissing you to shut you up how cute, now leave katara you are infringing on an extremely pivotal moment of this relationship
honestly seeing you comforting his sister just makes him love you more and he kinda just wants to marry you 10x more now 
you pull away from the kiss looking at him like what are you doing, and katara is like, “Sokka where the hell were you??? you have a stab wound???” and now you’re like WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH
“stabbed? sokka you need medical attention-”
“to answer your question dear sister, i was getting a ring for your hopefully soon to be sister in law.”
“EXCUSE ME?” you are so confused, katara is confused and is now realizing that she was probably not supposed to be here
sokka is already dropping down onto one knee and pulling out the just bought ring as saying, “marry me!” now he’s high on adrenaline and pain has yet to hit him and he’s kinda just sitting there beaming up at you despite the blood seeping out of him at a rapid rate
“im sorry what?” thats katara girl be quiet they are trying to have a MOMENT
anyways you’re like, “sokka. hospital.”
and he’s like, “answer me first” and he’s giving you a weak lil smile as he realizes how stupid he was and he’s about to stand back up but you put a hand on his shoulder and just nod.
now he’s back to beaming so brightly, and he’s putting the ring on your finger and oh no- he’s passed out. is it from excitement or bloodloss? idk
he also might pass out before hearing you answer and then at the hospital you’re kinda sitting there like, “ARE YOU DUMB STUPID OR DUMB. YOU COULD HAVE DIED.”
and he’s like, “not without hearing your answer” <3<3 heart eyes emojis everywhere
alternatively, he is one of few people i could see having a public proposal, with lots of flowers, a band, fireworks, the whole nine yards
he’s gonna want it flashy
something probably goes wrong and he nearly cries but you say yes anyways and he throws a party after
anyways the actual wedding is preferably public, but if you want a more private one then he does what you want because he loves you most
he is gonna be very active in wedding planning, wants to try the foods and desserts and appetizers and everything especially. wants to do the weird stuff like picking napkins with you and flower arrangements and all that stuff i think this happens idk someone please inform me
this stuff just makes him fall in love with you more tbh, and he’s just so so sure he wants to marry you 
his vows will make HIM cry, like he is going to cry when he sees you walk down the aisle, he’s going to cry when he reads his own vows, and he’s going to cry when you read your vows, it doesn’t matter if they are lowkey bad
makes jokes in his vows because he is a nerd but can barely reach the punchline because he is in tears
fr though he is just so happy to be marrying you and wow you look REALLY GOOD in whatever you are wearing um damn okay you really went off
married life with sokka is elite ngl, mans cooks for you, he probably cleans sometimes, but otherwise chores are fairly divided 
he spoils you
overall sokka is a real great s/o and he gives you everything you deserve and yeah marry sokka 2020 everyone deserves a sokka 
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taglists[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via askbox or replies]
atla:  @bubblebars @jada-cleo @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat @wemissyou3000 @ajediherowitchrunner 
sokka: @iammello
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (April 11th-16th)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After the Truth episode occurs, Luka will either not appear nor be talked about(not even by Marinette, Juleka, Sass, or Anarka) at all, or, if he does appear, he'll avoid Marinette like the Black Plague. Guess who's fault it'll be(Kagami will still appear and be on good terms with Adrien, though, since anything that makes Marinette happy needs to be either ruined or gotten rid of, while anything that makes her miserable needs to stay around just to be rubbed into her face.).
I s2g if they have Adrien and Kagami patch things up immediately just to make Marinette feel awkward--
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The idea that Nino's hat is a keepsake from his late brother comes up during an episode where it inevitably gets damaged and/or destroyed. Marinette is somehow responsible/blamed for this, and/or is forced to try and repair it regardless of feasibility, while being guilt-tripped/ridden every inch of the way. Bonus points for Adrien making some clueless comment about buying a replacement and STILL being treated as more empathetic to Nino's feelings even while ignoring them.
“Bonus” if everyone pressures her over the hat, which eventually leads to Marinette realizes that it can’t be fixed to be the exact same way, so she hides it and lies about it, leading to the episode blaming her for hiding things from her “totally understanding friends” (who are suddenly “totally understanding” and are only upset that she lied to them/”thought so lowly of them”) instead of her friends for making her feel like she had to be perfect.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: A Sleeping Beauty-inspired akuma will ensnare Ladybug, 'forcing' Chat Noir to kiss her awake. While Adrien/Chat naturally claims that he would 'never take advantage of his lady', he is openly gleeful at the prospect and taunts her afterwards, complete with a call back to Oblivio as he tells her to 'check the LadyBlog' to find out what happened. Her dismay over this is played entirely for laughs.
*flashbacks to the “jokes” in “Prime Queen”*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Just like in countless Salt Fics, Alya will get upset at Ladybug for claiming that it's 'too dangerous' for her to be Rena Rouge anymore after Miracle Queen. Regardless of what she does/how she lashes out, Marinette will be held 100% responsible for the fallout, with Su-Han criticizing her for selecting Alya/the others in the first place AND for 'allowing' their identities to be exposed.
That’s what you get for trusting people, Marinette (apparently).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will expose more Miraculous-related secrets on the LadyBlog, such as posting the identities of the heroes who were 'already outed' by Miracle Queen. Marinette will be blamed for this, with Su-Han reading her the riot act for every single choice she's made.
And also, Alya will get no flack for this because “she’s a journalist!! she’s just doing what she’s supposed to do!”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After spending most of the season taking the piss out of Marinette at every available opportunity, Su-Han will start warming up to her just in time to be taken out of the equation by something like Alya posting another 'big scoop' on her blog revealing his existence to the villains. Marinette will be left with even less support and all of the guilt, while Alya learns absolutely nothing from the experience because why would she?
Considering “Truth,” I just automatically presume that characters who support Marinette lovingly/unconditionally will either be abused or kicked to the curb.
Anonymous said:
Don't need Burrow: "Queen Banana" will be like typical episode with Chloe akumatization. 90% Chloe drama and angst, 10% akumatized Chloe (and probably 0% sense)
Show, I’m begging you, just let this character’s focus die already. We are SO tired...
Anonymous said:
didnt need burrow: the show ends with hawkmoth (now shadowmoth i guess) being defeated, heavy implications that the LS will be canon, but no solid proof, any other plot holes disappear in the cheery end music and all fans are left annoyed at the open ending filled with plot holes (bonus: That Guy says smin like "you would know if you watched carefully" to anyone that asks wtf happened)
Fun for us love square salters at least so there’s that? :P
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Trixx wants to return to Alya despite the danger/her past exposure, and ignores Marinette's concerns, leaving/reuniting with Alya over her protests. This is either played as 'It's fine, and Marinette should have trusted Alya more' or 'It's not fine, and it's all Marinette's fault for trusting Alya in the first place and letting Trixx get so attached'. Or both.
Astruc would totally use the opportunity to brag about the whole, “She’s already taken!” line in “Truth” being foreshadowing.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Bunnix reveals that there is an alternate, 'better' future in which Lila never worked with Hawkmoth and became a heroine instead. The turning point was, naturally, that Ladybug never called her out for lying/stealing from Adrien. (Possibly because Adrien never snooped in the safe in this timeline, yet it's still depicted as Marinette's fault.) May couple with confirming she's the future Hawkmoth and that it's all Mari's fault the heroes are still fighting her years later.
Which means that Chat makes the “reversible” mistakes (i.e: Cataclysming Bunnyx’s miraculous) while Ladybug makes the “permanent” ones.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette/Ladybug will get accused of being a selfish glory hound who needs to learn how to share the credit and 'be a team player'... after Adrien/Chat slacks off during a fight and refuses to help. Bonus points if this is tied into the exposed heroes' predicament somehow, implying that the REAL reason she won't give them 'their' Miraculi back is that she's selfish/short-sighted/not good at working with others/insert other bullshit excuse here.
I’m so tired.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will do something unbelievably selfless and self-sacrificing, only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was incredibly selfish.
Honestly you could just ad lib that.
“Marinette will do [something positive], only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was [negative].”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Su-Han will pressure, belittle and berate Marinette until she breaks and agrees to give up being Ladybug/the Guardian. This is naturally treated as the worst thing she could possibly do, with everyone (including Su-Han) ripping into her for it. There is no equivalent of Plagg's 'I've had many holders, but nobody can replace you, Adrien' shilling, beyond Marinette being informed that she MUST continue and deal with her many inadequacies by becoming BETTER. She has no choice.
“You’re the worst Ladybug!”
“Okay I’ll stop being Ladybug.”
Anonymous said:
Don’t need Burrow to know that the writers will retcon Marinette allowing Adrien to BORROW her lucky charm so that Marinette actually GAVE it to him instead.
Bonus: of course, the birthday scarf issue/secret is never addressed. RIP in piece, Marinette gift number xxx0
Technically, this has already happened even back in “Befana,” so I don’t count it. Adrien has said that Marinette gave him that lucky charm forever.
Definitely adding that scarf one though.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get Love Square scenes (shipping fuel) in the next episode (even though Maribug and Adrichat just broke up with Luka and Kagami).
I mean, we got love square shipping fuel in the Adrimi and Lukanette episodes, so :|
I’ve just come to expect inappropriate timing at this point.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a future episode Chat Noir will be even worse than he was in Lies and still be portrayed sympathetically. I don't know how you can get that low, but I have faith that the writers will be able to pull it off and that's not a good thing
“I don't know how you can get that low“
they’ll find a way, I’m sure
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Kagami will become an antagonist/team up with Shadow Moth post-Adrimi breakup for the plot twist "the main villain has been in the show all along." ((This is based on the end card for Lies. I really hope they don't do this because Kagami is one of the only reasons I'm still watching the show.))
I’d only be here for that if her endgoal is getting Luka and Marinette as far away from the plot as possible.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We STILL don't know how the Peacock Miraculous got damaged and how Emilie Agreste fell sick. Bonus points, we find out in the season/series finale or on social media.
Double bonus if Astruc claims that the decision is good and they did it on purpose (probably to keep people talking).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe debuts as the new Bee holder on the same episode Chloé is akumatized.
I’m 100% expecting Chloe to be salty at all the adoration that Zoe gets.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: if Adrien is ever in the wrong about something, it will only be for about five minutes and it will ultimately be blamed on Marinette.
Marinette: *breathes*
writers: Yes! Something we can blame on her!
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: The relationship between the Couffaines and Jagged will not be explored. They might perform a song together and that's all, Luka forgives Jagged for abandoning him (his daddy issues just magically disappear so he doesn't bring it up anymore) while Juleka doesn't interact with Jagged at all
I’m torn between, “Luka will basically never appear again,” and, “Luka will suddenly appear much more often now that he’s no longer a ‘threat’ to the love square (Marinette didn’t break up with him because of Adrien but sure).”
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: "Gabriel Agreste" will be all about how he's not really evil just misunderstood. He had a lonely childhood or some garbage and we should feel totally sad for him you guys.
wow i hate it
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CW: Deshumanization; conditioning; Death; Pet/slave whumpee; drugs mention; self-hatred; touching; 
for context: is a few years before events with Haru and others.
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The pet was unnerving him. He wanted to do something. Orfeu tumbled their fingers on the table, but that wasn’t helping, so they clutched their arms instead. Arms far too thin, nails that easily dug onto the skin.
But people were already looking at him weird from the moment he stepped in. He had money today – he really had. He paid for his food, and even if he looked ragged and filthy, he still had the right to be there. Right…?
But of course, he was still the demon and he would always be a demon. A fairly ragged one right now. And people already thought he was weird so… So what did it matter if he made even more of a scene?
He used to enjoy the company of the ghosts, their stories and peaceful slow half-existence. They were always so mysterious, and quiet too… But not the pet ghosts, those were something else. Anyone who had suffered just… too much in life… and couldn’t face death.
And he only saw those once he came down the mountain, into the mundane world. The priests always told him about how corrupted and evil the people downhill where and… sometimes it really seemed like it was true.
There were no pets up on the mountain. Not alive, and not dead. Everyone was a slave of god, sure, but that was fair and kind and just. No man was slave to one another. He didn’t knew the pets even existed. And it made him nauseous when he found out. He wanted to run up the mountain again but… He could never go back. He belonged to the mundane world now.
…And here, there were pets, alive and dead. The pet was crying, pleading, desperately begging and trying to grab the attention of a man eating on a table, completely oblivious to the absurd suffering of the creature at its feet. Judging by the looks – the long, black clothes – it might be one of the trainers. The ghost was clinging so hard to the person who might just be the cause of their pain in the first place. But what else did they knew?
He sighed. Fuck it, he decided, gathering the courage to walk up to them. People were already looking at him weird anyway so what did he care?
He walked up to the trainer’s table and kneeled by the side of their chair, right in front of the flickering, colorful person, half-defined by lines of neon-displaced colors that shifted and changed. Just enough so that he could see them.
The trainer immediately glared at him. The man was obviously used to having people kneeling by them… but not a strange, ragged teenager, at a dinner. And he knew the trainer must have thought he was a stray or something like that. He spoke before the man could.
“Stop. Pet. Stop, you have to stop. Look at me.” He was harsh, sure, but he doubted he could get the pet’s attention otherwise, when they were so badly crying and wailing. Besides… it worked. “Yes, good. He can’t hear you. So stop. He can’t see you either. You need to stop.”
The trainer raised an eyebrow, now with a perfect ‘what the fuck’ look. He was about to speak again, so Orfeu quickly turned to him and smiled, pretty sure that seeing his perfectly sharp teeth would be enough to make the man quiet for a few more seconds.
“T-t-trainer T-To-dd- s-s-aid I-It h-had t-t-to be g-good…” The ghost sniffed,  managing to look at him “T-they won’t… Won’t t-t-talk e-even i-it is. I-is it b-being p-punished? C-can Sir t-talk to pet?”
“You aren’t being punished. They can’t see you, or hear you. They really can’t.”
“-W-wh-why?” they looked desperate. And Orfeu hated that question because the truth was painful and no lie would ever suffice.
“Because… Because you are dead” He bit his lip, letting the tiny points show trough.
“Kid, just what the fuck are you-“ the man said, on an annoyed voice.
“I’m helping you trainer Todd” they said, with a mocking tone on that last part, basically hissing at them “Unless you want to get haunted forever. You probably deserve it. But the poor ghost doesn’t”
“Wait… is that a runaway?” Someone asked to the trainer, who shrugged, picking up their phone to snap a picture.
“I think it’s just high!” a lady cut, shaking her head in disapproval.
“High on Christ, lady. I’m doing God’s work here.” He raised his hands up, just like at the sermons “Y’all with me? Singing hallelujah, hands to the air!”
“Th-tra-trainer is i-is a-angry” they lost the ghost’s attention, shit. They were staring at the man again, ready to go back to its babbling.
“Not at you” he cut quickly, so that the ghost wouldn’t get lost again “Look. You can’t do this forever. You can’t keep following them. Please. You are dead.”
They shook their head clutching their tiny hands against the trainer’s leg, incapable of letting go. The man must have felt a shiver, with the ghost touching them… without really touching. But they were cold. The dead were cold.
“H-h-how c-can y-you S-sir s-see pe-e-t i-if i-it’s dead…?” They asked, clinging so hard to the fucking bastard that hurt them… Just like Orfeu remembered doing so many times too. Who the fuck was he to judge?
“I made you a question! How do you know my name?” The trainer said with his hands into a fist. Yes, he definitely was thinking he was one of theirs. And that was a headache he didn’t want to deal with right now. He wondered if they had noticed the whip lines on his back. He looked with the deadliest expression he could manage.
“Because I’m an aberration of nature and god has cast a curse on me upon my birth” Answer worked for both questions –trainer and ghost-, but he said it a bit too harshly, then regretted it as the pet flinched. This almost was enough to send the colors that formed them into a prism.
Orfeu wanted to beat himself for it now the pet really doesn’t need to see him angry. He is the last person he can interact with and… He should at least be kind. He didn’t have to help, it wasn’t his problem but… he decided to do it so now it was his problem. They seemed to stabilize a little bit after a moment.
“See? He is high!” the lady repeated.
“…He looks sick” A worker from the store suggested, trying to de-escalate the situation.
“Please. You can’t cling to them forever. I know is scary but… But nothing can hurt you anymore.”
He offered a hand, a bit hesitantly. He hated hated hated being touched by the ghosts but… they needed the warmth. Those lost eyes carried only fear and loss and pain. They deserved a little bit of warmth, just this once.
The ghost hesitantly leaned forward… and let their hands touch, just slightly. Their eyes lit up as they felt… touch. Real, solid touch, like they hadn’t felt since… Who knows? They got a bit too excited and jumped on them, craving a hug… eyes absolutely glimmering with joy. Their colors stabilized so much they almost looked like a human again. Orfeu gasped, but tried to stay still and let them.
The touch wasn’t nearly as nice on his side. It was only half-real. And it was like ice. A shiver ran through his spine, color drained of his face and all his body feeling cold.
“What the hell? Is he having a stroke now?” noise of people around him. Someone threw a… table towel over his shoulder. He didn’t move. The trainer seemed to be on the phone.
“E-e-enough” he said, teeth clattering. The ghost backed down, and stared at him, horrified.
“D-did it… caused this?”  their eyes widened, they blinked in and out of reality “is…is it…really…?”
“…Is fine… Y-your suffering has ended. The worms have been fed. You can rest” he said, trying to keep his head in place, make sense of his own thoughts “You… you remember your name?”
“It… It has a n-number….006778… b-but n-name…” they looked down, at their hands, multicolored, multi-dimensioned “No… it-it doesn’t. I-it d-desn’t… have one”
They cast a terrified look to the trainer, who was somewhere on the back, still on the phone. There is people moving around them awkwardly too, discussing something. Someone seems to be making a video.
“Kid are you okay?” some employee was kneeling in front of them now, their image somewhat merging with that of the ghost.
“I’m fine. Let’s get out of here. I’ll help you, I promise” Orfeu says, clutching the table cloth to retrieve his warmth faster, as the worker frowns, confused “I can go and ask for your files. If you feel like you need this to… to go on.”
“..G-go…w—where?” they asked again, tear streaming down their ghostly face.
“Kid, you don’t look okay. You need some water?” the worker’s voice is less real than the voice of the ghost now, and it doesn’t matter.
The pet lifted their eyes, glimmering and fearful. The people around them were closing in, so despite having nearly no heat left… they grabbed the pet’s arm and pulled them up, before they became too un-real to be held.
They walked out of the store, despite protests of the people around him. He couldn’t force the pet to follow him but… Luckily they did. At least they wouldn’t spend years tied up to the asshole trainer-guy until the man died too… And then wander alone forever wondering when the punishment would end.
“…I… I don’t know” Orfeu admitted, frowning “…Back home I guess. Same place where…. Where you were before you were born.”
“D-d-darkness” the ghost whispered, now not even bothering to… walk, just floating behind them “t-t-that’s what… was…”
“…And rest. Isn’t… Isn’t that right?” Orfeu asked, uncertain. People on the street now being disturbed by the weird teenager talking to fucking nothing, drapped on an ugly table cloth, half-running away from the diner.
The ghost didn’t answer, letting their head hang low.
“T-they… T-t-the t-t-rai-ner w-was p-punishing it… i-it thinks” they said, after a while, as Orfeu led them into less populated streets “i-it… i-it…r-reme-member… a… n-needle a-and… p-pain…. A-a lot o-of … pain… i-it c-couldn’t… h-handle i-it…b-but t-trainer s-said i-it ha-had too…”
“…But you really couldn’t.”
“I-it… really couldn’t”
Orfeu looked over their shoulder wondering if someone had followed them. Apparently not… But looking back wasn’t a good think for an Orfeu to do, he reminded himself. Only forward.
“You… You know you are outside now? It’s… It’s no longer the white hallways”
“I-is it?” they clutched the hands to their chest, looking around… and seeing for the first time, it seemed “Oh!”
“See… It’s… It’s not so bad now, is it? You like the flowers?”
“T-they… are pretty…” they nodded then closed their eyes, letting their non-body fall down on the floor, sitting crossed-legged.
“It… It is tired” they said, stopping, in the middle of an empty street, looking at the sun, and the houses and the flowers “I… I am tired”
“…You… You can rest now” he stopped too, looking as the ghost’s shape was less and less visible, a glimpse of foreign color under sunlight “I’ll… I’ll find were you are and leave you flowers.”
“I… I think I will” they stared a little longer “C-can you hold me? Just another moment… please? If… If you are not too cold”
He nodded and opened his arms again, giving the poor ghost a sad smile, sitting on the floor with arms opened. The ghost leaned into him, a sad, but peaceful expression. Acceptance.
They slowly faded, this time, for real. The ghost was un-made, leaving Orfeu alone, shivering on an empty street, despite the blazing hot sun, wrapped on an ugly table cloth of a dinner they could probably never go back into.
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tag: @whump-me-all-night-long​ @whumpzone​ @twistedcaretaker​ @cupcakes-and-pain​  @oofthatsgottahurt​ 
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Yandere! Ateez! Reaction finding out that their s/o is a yandere for them
Warning: this reaction contains yandere behavior, a toxic relationship, maybe some abuse and mature stuff
He was stalking you like usual
Taking photos of you how you change and how you shower, how you sleep and how you learn
But he never saw what you did in a strange room with no windows
He tried multiple times to see what you are doing there
One time he was determined to see what happen in this room and he breaks into your house
And as soon as you came out of the room, he walked inside and he sees thousand pictures of himself
Some slef drawn pictures
But there are pictures of him stalking you and his heart would miss a beat
As he tried to leave the room, he saw you standing in the door, slowly closing the door a smile laying on your face
And at this point he falls in love with you a second time
Because you are just as sick and twisted as himself
,,Hongjoong.. Baby. I never thought I would see you so soon here." your angelic voice rings in his ears and he looked at you with a small smile. ,,See. I don't want to scare you with this pictures but.." Slowly and like a predator you walked towards him. ,,I think you understand why I have them right? You know why I have to take all of them.." as soon as the words slipped out you wrapped your arms around his neck. ,,And even if you want to leave now.. You can't.. You are mine" To say that he was smiling and happy is an understatement.
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Hate love relationship with your yandere side
Because he loves how possessive you are and how easily he get you jealous but
At the same time he hates how dominant you are
How you want to make rules
To control him
He is in control and you could never tell him what to do
You often argue because of this
Seonghwa is violent and you will easily submit to him when he starts to threat and hurt you
But that doesn't change the fact that he does things you hate
,,No! Fuck of Seonghwa! I saw how you talked to her." you shouted at him and narrowed your eyes at him. ,,so leave me the fuck-" he harshly pushed you against the wall and walks near to you, his tall body hovering over yours. ,,If you ever try to set rules again. I will gag you and chain you in the basement, I will torture you and if you start to be bratty like that again I will cut off your tongue. Are. We. Fucking. Clear." Seonghwa spoke darkly and emphasized the last words.
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He would love it
You are loving him just the way he loves you
He would never leave you and you would never leave him
You would never tell him that he is sick or a psycho because of his behavior
You will do everything so he loves you
You submit easily to him, do what he wants and show him the affection he wants
It is paradise for Yunho
,,Y.. You don't want me to go outside Yunho? " you asked innocently and you felt how your face turned red. Does he really care that much about you? He really is the perfect boyfriend for you. He loves you endless and you never have to think about him leaving you. His voice snapped you out your thoughts and you looked up, in his smiling face. ,,Yes baby you could hurt yourself, so please stay inside and I go out for you today. Be a good little girl/boy for me."
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He would love that more than everything else
Because he can use that as his advantage
He can tease you, make you jealous and be violent and careless all the way he wants and you still love him endless
You have rules for him and he will easily break them, because San you can't punish him
He is on top
He is more dominant than you and he will easily put you back in your place
If you see him flirting with someone you will kill for him
And he loves it
Loves how you look covered on the blood from someone else
San is a demon who lives to manipulate you
If he really wants to punish you
When you flirt with someone, because you want to make San jealous, he will ignore you
You will crave his attention
You need his attention, his love just as much as he needs you
,,Kitten you look so good in red." your boyfriend told you, while he licked over his lips, his eyes scaning your whole body. Your cheeks turned red because of his comment and you looked at the corps infront of you. If he really compliments you after you killed one of his flirts, he is not only more perfect, but it makes him more attractive. ,,D.. Daddy please, don't do this again.. Even if I love to be covered in blood for you."
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Submissive yandere
He would do everything for you
Doesn't mind your yandere side at all
You want him to stay home? Okay
You don't want him to meet anyone else? He doesn't do it
You can do whatever you want the only thing he wants in return is that you have to love him
He is your only one and you will never leave him
But since you are so deeply in love with him, it doesn't even bother you
Because you are a yandere, he doesn't have to punish you
And you don't have to punish him
So it's win win for both of you
,,Mingi? What did I say about going out alone? I don't want you to go out.. " You said to your boyfriend with a pout on your face. ,,Ohh? I'm sorry little one! Would you mind to join me then? And don't forget to hold my hand yeah?" Immediately you took his and and kissed his cheek. ,,Of course my big boy."
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Like Seonghwa he would hate it
You tried to cut of his social contacts and tried to lock him in
And he hates it
I mean yes you crave his attention, his love and his presence but
You try to control him
And he is in charge
So if you aren't submitting, he will hurt you really bad
He is sadistic, so never and I mean never try to set up rules and tell him what to do
He will leave you alone, lock you in and tell you all the horrible things you don't want to hear
If he is mad he will tell you how sick you are and that he would never love someone like you
But at the same time he love sit that you would do everything to get his attention
He wants you to kill someone? No problem you will do it
Torture someone he hates is on the table too
He use your love as his advantage
Oh and don't worry he would never actually leave you
He loves you more than everything else
,,Y.. Yeosang! Stay with me please I.. I need you!" you yelled at him, at the love of your life, but he didn't even turn around again before he closed the door of the basement. Your hands are tied and tears streamed down your face as you realized that he really left you here alone. ,,Y.. Yeosang please I'm sorry. I won't d.. Do it again! Please come back! "
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He saw how you killed someone he talked earlier to
And he can't help but to think it's hot and so dann sexy
You covered in the blood from someone who flirted with him
He loves it
Loves how you do everything so he is yours
And just yours
And of course you love how he does everything so you are his
And just his
Because both of you understand each other it isn't that complicated for you to do what the other one wants
Both of you don't talk with someone else
Or meet someone else
Both of you don't have to punish each other and the best point is
No one of you will ever leave the other one
,,W.. Wooyoung..p..pleade let me explain it isn't how it looks like..I-",,You really want to say that you didn't kill her because she flirted with me earlier?" His look doesn't show any emotions as he walked towards the corps and your bloody self. ,,Because if you really want to say that I would be truly mad at you." It takes some seconds till you realized what he said and with a confused look on your face, you watched how he stopped his movements in front of you. Suddenly he leaned down and kissed your forehead, a small smile laying on his face now. ,,You look absolutely stunning like that baby."
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How he found out that you are a yandere?
He woke up Ina strange basement chained to a chair and a gag on his mouth
His vision was blury but after some time he realized that you sit on a chair across the room
Looking stunning like ever and with a smile laying on your face
Then you got up and walked over to him, telling him everything you ever want to tell him
How much you love him
And how much he has to love you too
to say that he is more than willing to do everything verything you say is an understatement
He is so happy that he can't stop smiling as soon as you take the gag out
Of course he had to tell you how much he loves you too
, You know I love every single small detail about you. I love the way you talk, walk and sing. I love the way you look then you are sad, angry or in pain and I.. - " softly you kissed his cheek and smiled at him, a sadistic glimpse in your eyes. ,,Want to be the reason why you are happy, sad or in pain and.. Because I can't be sure that you're not lying to me as soon as I take off the gag. I have to make sure you will see the consequences of this." With a smooth movement you take a small knive out of your pocket. ,,I'm sorry for that."
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
Mobile masterlist p.2
Since the first masterlist can no longer take any more sections, I’m attempting to make a second masterlist for those on mobile.
                                Super Junior reactions
they are jealous
accidentally kicked in the privates while wrestling
all the members are in love with the same 98 liner
Eunhyuk gets a vaccination
helping you recover from a Lecion
their partner has low self-esteem
                           BigBang reactions
His partner sells drugs to a celebrity
discovering their partner is a tazza
                            EXO reactions
1 Drying their patner’s hair after showers (fluff)
Being in the ER after their child attempts suicide (sad/triggering)
Their partner agrees to let them adopt children (fluff)
their child is diagnosed with ADHD (slice of life+drama/family)
Their unborn baby might be abnormal (slice of life+drama/family)
Their boyfriend wants to top (smut/sexual)
Their child comes out as transgender (slice of life+drama/family)
His partner proposes to him
His partner knows how to massage
Their partner denies that they are sick
They’re are in a Daddy/child age play relationship (smut/sexual)
Worrying about their pregnant partner overworking (angst)
Accidentally saying something about their secret relationship (dating)
Their child dies from cancer (sad/triggering)
Watching the filthy Frank show (viewing)
Watching John Cena vines (viewing)
Their partner continues to train with an abusive ballet teacher
Meeting a child who’s hiding from the doctors (fluff)
Having an overly attached partner
Hearing you sing TaTu’s songs (viewing)
Watching CL’s Hello Bitches video (viewing)
Their child shows them their self-harm scars (sad/triggering)
When their partner is the real sculptor of Rom muecks artwork (fictional)  
Visiting a horror house with their partner
Receiving another figging punishment but being consoled afterward (smut/sexual)
Giving their bulimic partner medicine
Their partner wants to remain a Tazza even after being beaten up (fictional)
Their anorexic partner won’t let them give them an IV (sad/triggering)
Fighting with their daughter (drama/family)
They slap you during a fight (drama/family)
Dating someone who is similar to themselves (dating)
You cheat on them (angst)
You do the “now you see me” piranha tank stunt (fictional)
His daughter has an abusive boyfriend (drama/family+triggering)
You’re in Tove Lo’s High video (viewing+fictional)
Sehun dates Kaya Scodelario (dating)
Watching Rihanna’s Bitch better have my Money video (viewing)
Receiving a figging punishment (smut/sexual)
Their religious partner is afraid to kiss them
Their partner over practices ballet because they want to be the best
Their partner injures their should but continues practicing Acro-Dancing
Their partner hides their body curves because they’re self-conscious
making a Halloween pumpkin with their partner (fluff)
their partner suggesting an open relationship (dating)
Their partner plays Harley Quinn in the next Suicide Squad
their child kisses another members child that is the same gender
their boyfriend comes out to them as bisexual (slice of life/……)
walking in on their younger brother having sex with another member (smut/sexual)
showering with their significant other
they are doms and spank/punish you when you do something that’s not allowed (smut/sexual)
His boyfriend denies he has an eating disorder (sad/triggering)
seeing their partner featured in Jay Park’s Mommae mv (viewing+fictional)
his lover has an asthma attack and exo can’t find their inhaler
accompanying their daughter while getting an injection (family)
their partner swallows nails to hurt themselves (sad/triggering)
you’re really sad and tired so they try to comfort you (fluff)
you end up in jail for scamming a person and they pay the bail fee
Their partner says they are “friends with benefits” rather than partners (dating)
A youtuber they like covers their song
Their female friend walks out in a towel but it drops
seeing you fangirl to Bang Bang Bang (viewing)
Their partner lets people treat them badly (drama/family)
Their partner has anemia but won’t take any medicine (sad/triggering)
Finding out their partner is a cannibalistic serial killer (fictional)
Finding you cutting yourself in the bathroom (sad/triggering)
Awkward morning after a drunk one night stand (smut/sexual)
getting stuck in an elevator with a foreigner who speaks their language
First time with their boyfriend/partner (smut/sexual)
seeing your self-harm scars (sad/triggering)
Their idol crush steals their papel on Running Man
Their partner is a slow eater
meeting their child for the first time (fluff+family)
discovering their partner is a Tazza (fictional)
They find out you write fanfics about them
Their partner walks around the dorms in a hoodie and under and the others see
Saying their partner is cute around the other boys and one of them replies
finding out their partner was a gifter before meeting them (fictional)
you put a bra on top of their chest and take a picture while they sleep
his partner does illegal gambling (drama/family)
Their best friend’s partner is abusive (sad/triggering)
81 going with their partner to the doctor and the doctor makes an indecent preposition
EXO page 2
When they are crying and the ageplay mommy/daddy comforts them  (Lay, baekhyun, Chen)
when they accidentally go into their “little space” (ageplay) (Lay, Baekhyun, Chen, Kyungsoo)
Their vampire partner refuses to turn them (Kris, Suho, Kyungsoo, Tao)
EXO/NCT announcing to their partner that they’re pregnant (Luhan, Baekhyun, Yuta, Ten)
Their partner doesn’t let them meet their child because they might be unhappy/accusing  (lay, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen)
being trapped in an elevator with their crush (Sehun, Chanyeol, Lay, Chen)
their partner’s child accusing them of replacing their mom (Suho, Baekhyun, Xiumin, DO, Kai)
Finding out they’re supposed to be the next victims of their serial killer partner (Kris, Chen, Lay)
Being insecure about their relationship because their partner already has a kid (Luhan, Chanyeol, Tao, Sehun)
A jealous fan tries to hurt his family
Finding out their partner is a demigod (fictional)
Their partner doesn’t eat much and won’t take vitamins
Their partner being in a mafia family but they cut all the ties to the mafia
His dom partner punishes him for worrying about them
his partner has ADHD (slice of life)
Being friends with benefits but realizing they love you
Ageplay (part 2)- when he’s the child in the relationship (role switch)
his partner trains with the abusive ballet instructor again (sad/triggering)
being rewarded by their dom after the figging punishment (smut/sexual)
When you stop eating after they finish eating bc you eat slowly
Discovering their partner is a virgin after having sex with them for the first time (smut/sexual)
Going w/ their religious partner to a confession
Making their partner feel good for their first time (smut/sexual)
Being punished for laughing about their Dom’s status (smut/sexual)
Their shy partner gets jealous of a hot waitress
Finding out they have speeding tickets
you’re pretty but don’t believe it (slice of life+drama/family)
Their teenage daughter gets pregnant (drama/family)
Their partner is addicted to a legal drug but it’s harmful
Catching their partner smoking weed at a party
30 Trying to feed you because you have an eating disorder (sad/triggering)
Their partner is afraid of injections and has to get vaccinated  
Learning that their partner is pregnant with 4 kids instead of 1  
When another member breaks up  
Their partner gets bitten and is dying (zombie au)  
Having “sexy time” with their partner and their parents/ other members catch them
What type of fathers they’d be      (family)
seeing you dancing and singing sensuously to “sexy, naughty, bitchy”  
wanting to be comforted when they’re upset  
Hearing their partner puking in the bathroom, finding out they have an eating disorder  (sad/triggering)
Their partner speaks english and spanish but is trying to learn korean/mandarin  
Falling in love with a person with pixie hair  
Their partner serves them breakfast in bed (edited 9/8/17)
seeing their partner dancing to country music  
what sex with exo would be like (smut)
45 Finding out Luhan kidnapped Xiumin  
Having to give up “sexy time” because their partner’s dog tries attacking them  
They want to do stuff but you don’t get it (smut-ish)
when their bed breaks after a long night with their partner (smut)
their daughter wants to do their hair and makeup for a performance
Exo their long-time gf (sexualy active) wants them to take their tshirt off to sleep  
you dress up for them and you’re that kind of person who doesn’t care about their appearance
you are partner (Polish) and you unconsciously start talking in your mother language  (this is linked it just doesn’t look like it is)
coming home and finding their partner watching hsm and singing along  
their idol partner can sing on Inkigayo and you hit INCREDIBLY high notes  
If they’re in Hello Baby  
their partner comes to them and want to hug them without a reason  
finding out about their partner’s love of aquariums! especially florescent jellyfish  
reaction to chen turning into a kitten  
seeing their partner coming home completely wet from head to toe and pissed  
coming home to find their partner eating ice cream & crying bc of a movie but they continuously ignore them because the movie is too good  61
Exo: reaction to kai’s  short lived Instagram  
when Sehun meets a girl not willing to deal with his sassiness  
their crush, a trainee, nailing the high notes and also dances perfectly to their songs  
finding out their partner turned into a vampire  
coming home to see you and DO planning world domination  
when you catch them checking you out (I think this is a repeat….)
finding out you have a naughty ( ;) ) piercing  
seeing their model gf walk the catwalk for a Victoria Secrets Showcase  
finding out you have a really sensitive part of you neck like Lay does  
reacting to Lay watching My Little Pony  
their partner gets scolded by their dance teacher because they’re not learning the dance quick enough 72
when their their partner does a lingerie cf  
seeing a girl with short (boyish) hair  
your mom doesn’t approve of the relationship  
finding out that their partner smokes  
they catch their partner drinking even though they know they had an alcohol addiction  
their b/gf comes home late really drunk because you two had a huge fight.  
their cousin undresses their b/gf in his mind  
their partner puts their hand down their pants after their cousin flirts with them and yells “it’s in my every night” in front of their entire family  80
EXO page 3
(Yandere) types of yandere/ soft-sadistic mtl *not a reaction*
their s/o keeps loosing at strip poker and is almost naked  
Their partner helps them while they’re pregnant (Luhan) (Baekhyun) (needs yuta & Ten)
getting attention from other companies after their partner’s fame skyrockets (Suho) (Sehun) (Chanyeol) (Chen) 59-62
Reacting to you sucking their bottom lip (all members) (linked but doesn’t look like it)
Finding out that their partner was a serial heartbreaker and player in the past (Lay, Chanyeol, kai, Sehun)
reaction when their kid comes out of the closet  
you suddenly brushing them on their ‘thang’ when they spill a drink on you and you try to clean it up  
seeing their partner performing in a HUGE award show with a broken foot  
having a dream of their partner getting kidnapped   (edited 9/9/17)
becoming jealous after seeing you hug a close guy friend from school  
Kyungsoo and Ariana  (kyungachu[.]tumblr[.]com) having a cute fluffy relationship  
50 when you fangirl(boy) over G Dragon to them  
falling in love with someone older than them  
they’re students in your class and they fall in love with you  
they change their hairstyle and want compliments but you don’t notice  
they wake up to find you asleep at your desk because you’ve been studying for an exam  
you both watch You’re beautiful and you start crying when a sad scene comes on  
reacting to Luhan singing “do you want to build a Minseok”    
hearing you fangirl(boy)ing over Shinee’s “Your Number” when they come home    
their partner has a crush on One Direction  
their partner sends them nudes  
realizing their jewelry was stolen after shaking hands with someone  
Their crush asks them out  
buying tampon for their sick partner  
their ‘partner’ has a panic attack  
getting lost in a foreign country and they don’t know the language  
finding you sleeping with the teddy bear they got you for when they’re touring  
their partner is sassy & cries after yelling at them during their pregnancy  
A sex scenes come on and you tell him you want to try it    
32 you mumble in your sleep for Kai to stop eating Suho’s cat and buy him another one  
finding out that their partner watches hentai  
their bestfriend starts having feelings for them but they don’t feel the same way  
their partner is rushed to the hospital/has to have surgery  
finding out their friend is having financial trouble & is starving but they didn’t want to tell them  
catching their partner reading yaoi  
when their ex is harassing their partner  
their reaction after sex with you for the first time  
being partnered with their crush to do the Thinking out Loud dance together  
when another member drunkenly kisses their partner  
when their partner is afraid of thunder  
an incident happens when their partner sits on their lap  
they accidentally hurt their partner during sex  
Their partner runs away after telling them they love them  
falling in love with an android/robot  
falling in love with the “girl of Ipanema” at the beach  
16 what they would do for their partner on valentines day  
their partner kisses them then runs away  
you tell them that you’re afraid (or don’t want) to have kids  
trying to have alone time with their partner but their band members keep following them  
when you drink a lot because of depression from having a miscarriage  
when you shave all of they hair off while they’re asleep  
hearing their crush’s new song about them “bug a Boo”  
finding out you’re protective and get jealous easily  
you already have a partner but you’re cheating on them with an exo member  
asking you to marry them    
they tell you they’ve been in love with you for a long time  
they find out you can sing Growl in korean  
when you tell them you’re breaking up with them but it’s a test to see how they’d react  
having their first big fight as a couple but neither of you want to apologize first  
when they think you’re in love and will leave them for someone else  
their partner tells them that they actually aren’t pregnant  
EXO unlinked/unpaged (in archive Jan-Feb 2015)
39. exo: They find out that you like them
38. exo: they saw you catch them masturbating
37. exo: you tell them you’re pregnant after ‘sexy time’ (you’re married)
36. exo: nervous about messing up on recording with their favorite senior idol
35. exo: you try to comfort them because they can’t stop crying after winning an award
34. exo: they flirt with someone to make you jealous but you don’t notice
33. exo: your parents don’t like them
32. Exo: their boy/girlfriend is an evil villain in a movie
31. exo: they win the Best Couple Award for their drama with you
30. exo: their child(ren) can take better selfies than them
29. exo: they broke up but see you with someone else and wants you back (jan. 31 2015)
28. exo: you leave hickeys on their neck and shoulder
27. exo: they’re your boyfriend and they see you checking someone else out
26. exo react: they find out you’re taller than them
25. exo:you’ve had sex before but they’re still virgins so they feel awkward
24. exo: they receive sexy underwear from their boy/girlfriend and the band teases them
23. exo: their Brazilian girlfriend dances samba on international TV
22. exo: seeing their crush being rejected by a guy/girl
21. exo: they’re your teacher and they’re in love with you
20. exo: before/after their wedding ceremony
19. exo: a member walks in on them making out with you in the dorm
18. exo: their crushing asking to paint them naked
17. Exo: having wet dreams about their boy/girlfriend so they feel awkward
16. exo: their crush kissing them to stop them from rambling about their love for them
15. exo: you tease them for liking hyoyeon (snsd)
14. Exo: has a secret crush on you but they’re are drunk
13. Exo: their boy/girlfriend kisses them for the first time
12. exo: their boy/girlfriend has a month to live (they have children)
11. exo cheat on their boy/friend
10. Exo: you ask for a lap dance
9. exo: you call them your ex’s name
8. exo: when you broke up but see you with your new boy/girlfriend
7. Exo: meeting their favorite idol for the first time
6. exo: their boy/girlfriend joins “we got married” with someone else
5. exo reacts:seeing the model/actor/actress they’ll work with
4. exo reacts: someone flirting with their boy/girlfriend
3. exo reacts to their boy/girlfriend wanting to “do it”
2. exo finds a dog/cat and wants to keep it
1. exo meets you for the first time (jan. 18 2015)
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I lovveeeee Zuko & Yue. BUT! I’m a sucker for breakup angst, can you plz write one where they breakup but they’re all sad with out eachother but they don’t wanna admit it 🥺🥺
But like- why do you have to break my heart like this 🥺
Here is me, finishing my finals, and my first drabble is angst LOOL 
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AU: Limerence
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang)
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Salt on a wound.
Their eyes locked, gasping as they spotted each other from across the vast room.
There could be thousands upon thousands of people, but you could bet your own life that these two would still be able to spot each other in seconds. It was the magical connection, everything about them a reflection of each other, down to their racing pulses.
That was the power they held.
Making time stand still as their energy mixed, like tender caresses and gentle hums, something straight out of a romance novel.
So, imagine the looks on all the guests' faces, their chatter immediately dying as they spotted the two ex-love birds silently gawking at one another. Everyone's expressions flattered, Aang shutting his eyes at the apparent twist of pain. The rose-coloured tone of the room quickly changing to a blue.
It was like observing the aftermath of a storm, Zuko and Yue nothing more but broken pieces of their once fabulous selves.
Neither one of them wholly healed, neither one of them genuinely ready to move on, let go.
And ironically, while the pain and utter loneliness were so clearly etched on their faces, Yue and Zuko were oblivious to each other's pain.
Yue could hear the blood rush to her head, the room spinning, as her hands began to shake. The wine in her glass swishing as she bites her lip to stop the tears that lined her eyes. Her heart was beating; her mind utterly fixated on Zuko. She knew she wasn't completely healed from the break-up, but my gosh, now she really knew.
To love someone who already moved on, unbothered. That blank expression Yue saw on Zuko's handsome features, her fingers itching to brush his nose and adorable lips. To surround herself in his steady warmth, to hear the deep rumbles from his chest as he cuddled her close to his chest. She felt so safe, so loved- and Yue choked down a sob.
To think she believed she deserved to be happy.
To think she believed those sweet words from those sinful lips, desperate for those sweet lies.
He said he loved her, that he could never imagine a life without her by his side-
"Yue-" Katara whispered harshly into her ear, holding the hand that cupped her wine to stop it from tipping over.
Yue jumped, letting out a tiny gasp. Katara saw the confusion in her gold eyes. Yue's mind was so disoriented and dark, half-heartedly thanking Katara with a meek tone. It was like her mind was empty, that tiny bit of soul that Zuko didn't manage to destroy finally dissipating.
"Let's go, sweetheart-" Katara urged, her brows pinching together as her voice wavered.
Yue was as pale as a spirit, her bottom lip trembling. And with a dead shake of her head, Yue forced a broken smile.
"I-I'm okay. Don't worry about me." 
Katara felt sick to her stomach.
Yue wasn't okay.
She was so far from okay; Katara could feel her blood boil because she could still hear Yue's soft cries. How Yue would lock herself in her room, blaming herself, demonizing herself. And despite knocking, trying to comfort, reassure, Yue would force a smile.
'I'm okay. Please, don't worry about me.'
Katara squeezed Yue's hand, wanting nothing more than to whisk Yue away. To see her happy.
To have her sister back-
Katara shifted her gaze momentarily as she grabbed Yue, a scowl on her expression as she watched Sokka walk to Zuko.
Not once in his lifetime has Sokka seen Zuko as shitty looking as he did now.
The most luxurious of robes, hair tied, handsomely groomed. Certain individuals not hiding their perverse joy in watching Yue break because that meant Zuko was available. And as Sokka stepped closer, taking note of how hollow his cheeks seem, the dark circles under his eyes, did he understand what Yue meant all those years when she said she fell in love with that spark.
Zuko seemed like an empty shell.
A boring nod for a greet, ripping his gaze abruptly from Yue with a thick swallow as they patted each other on the back.
"How are you, bud?" Sokka asked, trying to avoid the obvious, but he felt a shiver run up his spine.
"Fucking fantastic." Zuko sarcastically muttered under his breath with a hiss.
The venom in Zuko's words, a wave of anger.
So much anger, because unlike Yue, who let herself embrace the sadness, the loneliness- Zuko couldn't.
He much rather bask in his self-pity, drowning himself in work to keep his mind off Yue. Because no matter where Zuko was in the kingdom, he would be reminded of Yue.
Baked sweets, flowers, anything pleasant in life reminded Zuko of her. The dark taste of alcohol on his lips - the only means to push her away from his thoughts. A reminder of how disgusting of a human he was to break such a spirit like her. And it didn't help that the people were furious at the news that the pair had broken up. Out-right riots, people carrying signs that said 'Zuko doesn't deserve such a treasure' or 'Like father-like-son.'
Not like they were wrong.
Beauty and the Beast, and even then, Zuko snorted. Calling himself a beast would be an insult amongst creatures; not even the term monster seemed to encapsulate the self-hatred and loneliness Zuko felt.
Not like the royals cared.
Oh, no. There were ecstatic to get rid of Yue from the kingdom.
The next day shoving marriage proposals from 'real' suitors. 'They will treat you like how you should be treated, Fire Lord Zuko,' they happily noted. So why does Zuko feel more empty, dead, than ever before? How a single peck from Yue's pouty lips had his heart racing, blood rushing to his cheeks as he felt speechless.
Zuko's hands balled into fists, eyes scanning over the Northern Water Tribe and Earth Nation's royals. Zuko could tell from their looks alone what they were thinking. A heartbroken woman, easy prey-
They didn't deserve to see Yue's gorgeous eye smile.
Her happy giggles as she snuggled her head deep into his chest before they went to bed. Zuko's eyes would roll to the back of his head, just thinking of her addictive scent. How soft her skin felt under his. Her innocent and genuine heartfelt affections-
"Zuko," Sokka spoke, placing a hand over his shoulder, and Zuko snapped out of his dark thoughts.
Sokka couldn't bear it anymore, no longer beating around the bush, his hand digging into Zuko's robes and wrinkling the material.
"Talk to her, Zuko."
"And why not?" Sokka provoked, his nostrils flaring in annoyance. The frustration running through Sokka's veins, watching his best friend and sister dance in circles because everyone knew the truth.
A simple conversation, a discussion and this could all be over-
"I am a King; she's a commoner." Zuko disapproved through clenched teeth, spewing utter bullshit that Sokka let out a bewildered laugh.
"That didn't stop you before."
"I've moved on." 
"For sure, Zuko. That's why you reek of alcohol and tobacco; Iroh sending letters of concern. That's why Kiyi begged Suki to bring Yue back to the kingdom." Sokka whispered harshly, and Zuko could feel something trickle down his palm.
His nails digging into his skin, beads of ruby falling as Zuko gave Sokka a warning look.
A plead.
Sokka's eyes softened, seeing the vulnerability in Zuko's eyes for that short moment. The look Yue gave to everyone before she burst into tears, her heart shattering as everyone struggled to pick up the pieces.
He was hurting. No matter how much Zuko tried to play it off, Sokka knew better. Everyone in this room knew better. With a tired sigh, Sokka hoped.
"Please, Zuko," Sokka spoke with a weak plead, and Zuko's temper flared.
"Leave me the fuck alone-" Zuko seethed, shoving his friend's hand off his shoulder.
The hushed mutters amongst the crowds, curious eyes watching Sokka fumble back at the explosion. The tension was thick; Zuko's chest puffed as heated flickers of fire left his dry lips.
The need and want to scream, to shout. Zuko’s narrowed eyes hastily shifted around the room, searching for Yue- what the actual fuck was he doing?
"I need air-" Zuko growled, twisting on his heels as he wandered towards the large doors that he just entered minutes ago.
"Fire Lord Zuko-" The guards awkwardly fumbled, and with a sharp glare, they got the point. Standing in their spot as the grand doors swung open, only for Zuko to pass.
Everyone watched Zuko's fleeting figure. Walking down the empty hallway with his head hung low before the doors came to closed.
And Zuko let out a bitter laugh.
He was alone...again.
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Copyright © 2020 Mystic-Kitten-Writer, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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oboevallis · 4 years
a christmas to remember pt 2
December 20th
"Why did you let me agree to this?" Amelia complained as she zipped up her suitcase.
"It's your family, and they haven't even met Scout yet. It'll be nice, and it's Christmas."
"It's Christmas with my family, it's not going to be nice I assure you it will be chaos"
"It'll be fine I'm more than excited to experience the chaos. And look on the bright side, it's our first Christmas as a family."
"It could be our first Christmas as a family, here. In Seattle." Amelia smiled trying to be as cute as possible.
"It's too late to back out now. If it's really really terrible we'll leave and have pizza and doughnuts in the city."
"Deal." Amelia smirked.
"That was a flight from hell." Amelia said as the couple waited for their luggage on the revolver.
"I'm almost positive the airline's gonna cancel our tickets back home, I don't think Scouts ever gonna stop crying." Link said bouncing the inconsolable baby up and down.
"God I feel terrible. I always hate it when people bring babies on flights and their crying the whole time." Amelia said covering her face with her hands.
"It's fine, no one seemed that mad. But I honestly didn't think Scout was going to react like that, that one time we took him on a flight he was completely chill."
"That was a two hour flight, this was closer to five hours." Amelia said before she spotted their luggage and picked them up.
"Well it's over now. It's going to be perfectly fine."
"How is it going to be fine he's still crying." Amelia sighed, walking in front of her boyfriend  before she abruptly stopped and turned around. "You don't think he's sick do you?"
"I think he's just tired. Let's just get to your moms and get him to sleep."  Link suggested as they stepped out into the frisk New York air. They had caught a late night flight so the airport was relatively quiet for New York at Christmas time, which surprised Link.
"My moms over there." Amelia pointed to her mother's car and started to go towards it with Link following behind. She opened the trunk, and threw their suitcases in.
"Hey Mrs Shepherd." Link greeted as he struggled to secure their sons car seat as he was still crying.
"Please call me Carolyn. It's good to see you as well." She patted the passenger seat signaling for her daughter to come sit next to her.
"Hey it's good to see you." Amelia greeted as she hugged her mom awkwardly leaning over the console. "Thanks for picking us up, you didn't have to do that."
"Yeah thank you, we really appreciate it." Link chimed in, whilst trying to calm their son down.
"Of course. I'm glad I did, you two may of lost it trying to go through the subway with a crying baby. Was he crying on the flight too?"
"Yeah, this is him calmed down." Amelia confessed looking behind her to check on her son. "It was terrible on the flight, which was surprising because we took him on a flight a little while ago when we went to Links parents wedding and he was perfectly fine."
"Well babies are unpredictable. I'm sure once we get home he'll go right down, poor guys probably exhausted from all that crying." Carolyn tried to comfort her stressed out daughter.
"Thank god he went down." Amelia whispered as the couple watched their son sleep.
"I don't know how much longer I could've taken that crying." Link chuckled, wrapping his arm around her.
"I call bottom bunk." Amelia announced walking over to her childhood bunk bed.
"Can't say that I'm surprised." Link smirked as he climbed the ladder to the top bunk. "I'd give you thirty minutes before you fell off the top, I don't think I've ever met a more restless sleeper."
"Hey I'm not that bad." Amelia defended herself, before she started to drift off to sleep.
"Amelia?" Link whispered as he leaned down to look at his girlfriend, he tried again louder. "Amelia."
"What?" Amelia asked groggily, she knew she was too exhausted for whatever her boyfriend was about to propose.
"Can we sleep on the floor?"
"You can sleep on the floor."
"I want to sleep on the floor with you."
"You've lost your mind."
"I don't like sleeping without you next to me." Link shyly admitted, to this his girlfriend playfully groaned.
"Fine, but if I wake up in the morning and I've thrown out my back it's on you." Link smiled and jumped off the top bunk taking the blanket and pillow down with him. He laid the blanket down onto the carpet, and Amelia's to make a makeshift bed. He laid down on the floor and patted the space next to him so his girlfriend would lay down next to him.
"Hmm, I love you." Amelia sighed as Link wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.
"This is much better." The couple drifted off to sleep, exhausted from their flight and fussy baby. After a couple of hours Link woke up to being kicked in the shin by his sleeping girlfriend, something he was accustomed too at this point in their relationship. He turned around expecting to see their son sleeping in his pack and play, but he wasn't in there. He shot up and shook his girlfriend awake. "Where's Scout?"
"5 more minutes." Amelia mumbled into her pillow.
"Scouts gone."
"What?" She shot up in a panic, she quickly made her way to the bedroom door and went down the stairs Link right behind her.
"You know you two didn't have to sleep on the floor, the guest room was prepared for you two." Carolyn said as she sat in the living room giving her grandson a bottle.
"Thank god." Link sighed once he saw his son was safe.
"You could've woken us up mom." Amelia said walking over to hold her baby and finish up feeding him.
"You two were exhausted, and it's been awhile since I've had some baby time." Carolyn admitted handing her grandson over to his mother.
"Oh wow it snowed." Link commented, walking over to the window.
"Did you not grow up around snow?" Carolyn asked, she was still learning about the man Amelia had tied her life with.
"No ma'am."
"Please, there's no need to call me ma'am. It makes me feel old."
"Right sorry." Link apologized.
"Want to go out in it?" Amelia asked playfully.
"Yeah, like play in the snow. You've never done it before."
"What would we do?"
"You'll see." Amelia stood up to hand her son to her mother. "Would you mind watching him?"
"Not at all." The neurosurgeons mother smiled, while she took the baby.
"Hey, what the hell was that?" Link asked once a snowball hit him square in the face.
"What was what?" Amelia asked innocently.
"Your gonna regret this." Link stated as he leaned down to collect some snow to throw at his girlfriend. When he went to throw his collection of snow it crumpled before it was able to hit his girlfriend.
"How did you even get a job with the Mariners? With a throw like that?"
"Your gonna regret that." Link told his girlfriend as he ran over to her to pick her up. "And I was just their surgeon."
"Okay, okay, put me down." Amelia laughed as he spun her around.
"Sorry." Amelia gasped before running into her mother's back yard. "Amelia is everything alright?"
"Follow me." She skipped into the backyard and entered her mother's sheds
"You don't think we're having sex in here, do you?"
"Oh shut it." Amelia laughed whilst she was digging around looking for something. "Found it!"
"A sled?"
"Yep, a sled." She took his hand and lead him out of the backyard and up the street until they got to a school that had a large hill near it.
"Are you sure about this?" Link asked nervously as he sat behind his girlfriend on the sled holding her tightly.
"Oh stop being such a baby." Amelia said as she pushed them down the hill causing her boyfriend to gasp out of shock. As they got to the bottom of the hill, Link collapsed onto her leaving them in a compromising position.
"Okay, okay." Amelia giggled pushing herself up. "Ready to head back?"
"Can we go again?" Link asked as though he was a small child.
"I hope he wasn't too much trouble." Amelia whispered as she walked into her old room to see her mother rocking Scout to sleep.
"Not at all. Just a little bit fussy. He's seems to be calm now."
"Do you think he's okay?"
"He's just fine, I'm sure it's just the time difference and the new surroundings."
"Was it stupid to bring him here. Is he too little?"
"He's nearly 10 months, I think it's just fine. Don't worry about it, and don't let what your sisters say hurt you."
"Do you think this is going to be a mess?"
"I think it'll be just fine. Are you nervous? There's no reason to be, we're your family." Amelia chuckled slightly, sure they were her family but she considered Maggie and Meredith more of her sisters than her biological ones.
"I'm more nervous for Link. He's an only child and his family wasn't really close, I just don't want him to be overwhelmed by all the people and chaos we bring."
"If he can deal with you I'm sure he can deal with the rest of us." Carolyn remarked jokingly. "He seems like he's the one."
"I think he is."
"Would you mind setting up the ping pong table in the basement with Link?"
"Nope, we'll go do that now."
"Okay, great. I'm off to bed then. Good night Amy."
"Good night mom."
"Oww, damn it Link be careful." Amelia complained as they pulled the table out of the closet, and the sharp edge hit her stomach
"Sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah." They placed the folded table down in the empty space they cleared.
"Do you know how to do this?"
"Of course, it's just like putting a normal table together. Except we put a net up down the middle."
"Whatever you say." Link smirked, knowing this would probably be a fiasco. As it was, but they eventually got the table assembled. Once they finished they laid next to each other on the basements large couch. "You definitely didn't know how to put that table together, did you?"
"I thought it was self explanatory, but I guess it wasn't." Amelia smirked, leaning against her boyfriends chest. "Are you nervous?"
"For what?" Link asked playing with his girlfriends hair.
"My family. Your Christmases were always quiet and calm. This is going to be loud and chaotic."
"I'm ready for a change of pace."
"You say your ready, until the fighting starts."
part 3
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