#si se puede
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doesnotloveyou · 2 years ago
oh also, America Ferrera can do whatever she wants forever
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Just called my representatives and feeling like a rockstar.
Once you get over the anxiety of making a phone call, the dopamine hit is so worth it. Highly recommend.
5calls.org makes it really easy.
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dollynrx · 2 months ago
CHICAAAAS!!!! PASE DE 48 A 44 KILOS CHICAAAS!! LO LOGREEE (mm bueno todavia no porque me falta bajar hasta 38 pero logre bajar de peso!!) ESPERO QUE USTEDES TAMBIEN LO LOGREN COMO YIOOO!!!
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camrtnz1211 · 8 months ago
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hausofvalencia · 2 months ago
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Immigration Rally
Downtown Los Angeles, CA
February 2nd, 2025
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morrissforever · 2 months ago
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1/22/25 I also wanted to talk about the importance of community work, now more than ever we need to help the immigrant community out. We need to use our resources to spread factual information, combating fear with preparedness.
I used my printer to print and hand cut and fold “immigrant rights” cards. You can easily find them online, I found a pdf and used that to print out around 80. I also printed stickers of Elon saluting, because unfortunately this is the reality we’re in right now.
Please help your community! If you don’t have access to any of this stuff, check out your local library, or spread the knowledge that this stuff exists to your community who might not know about it.
The Zine community, the DYI community, will NEVER stand with the oppressor.
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espejismo-fragmentado · 1 year ago
Tienes derecho a la felicidad, depende de ti convertirla en una realidad.
-corazón de hielo
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4lexaars · 2 years ago
Esta bien si pensabas que lo habías superado y de nuevo te vuelve a poner triste. Esta bien si es algo que te hace sentir vulnerable, incluso cuando pensaste tener todo bajo control. Sanar es complicado, no hay una línea de tiempo exacta.
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veneno-para-dos · 1 year ago
Te vas curando domingo a domingo, solito, cuando no haces otras cosas más que estar contigo, escuchar tus canciones, llevarte a tus lugares, estar con los tuyos y aguantar a que lo malo pase, porque aunque parezca que no haya días donde no lo logras, te juro que los malos momentos tarde o temprano terminan.
Emmanuel Zavala.
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youngncrazed · 3 months ago
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Found in San Francisco
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infinitysisters · 1 year ago
“The first thing to notice is that the student in the video pretends to be asking for the teacher's opinion but is in fact probing to find out if his teacher has the right opinion. That is, he's trying to find out if his teacher is part of "the people" or an "enemy of the people."
Bc of the power dynamic (the student is alone, particularly), he's unlikely to be able to initiate a struggle session, though he could deliver "criticism," in line with Mao Zedong Thought by accusing his teacher of being out of step with "the people's standpoint" on the issue.
His opener, though, where he pretends to be interested in the teacher's take or opinion is actually a test as to whether or not criticism needs to be delivered for having a wrong opinion. In other settings, it's the basis for shunning and even outright struggle sessions.
Struggle sessions were a form of psychosocial torture used by Maoist activists to humiliate and shame people who had the wrong opinions, trying to force them into conformity or into a process of thought reform ("ideological remolding"). Alternatively, it would just destroy them.
It's crucial to understand that this video opens with the student probing to find grounds to initiate criticism and struggle against the teacher. Had this gone differently, it's possible the teacher would face MANY students going after him later bringing vicious criticism.
You will find that with Maoist activism, the style is often to seem to probe what you think as a justification to rain opprobrium (struggle) down on you if you don't think what they want. It's very Hundred Flowers: let people speak so you can crush ideological enemies.
The Hundred Flowers Campaign (baihua qifang) was a time in the late 1950s when Mao encouraged free speech against his regime for a while then rounded up everyone who outed themselves as an "enemy" and sent them to be reeducated or die in the countryside (gulag).
The next thing to notice from the video is that the student hasn't formed his opinion about JK Rowling on the basis of any facts. It's what other people are saying. He's in the "outer circle" of the cult, like most people. He's locked in socially and emotionally ONLY.
You can tell this is the case for three reasons:
1) He presents it as such, lacking any substantive evidence;
2) He doesn't actually agree with the people's standpoint perfectly himself but defers to it;
3) He cannot articulate (intellectualize) WHY she's "transphobic."
If he were intellectually committed in addition to socially and emotionally locked ("inner school" of the cult), he would have been able to spout off any number of BS rationalizations for how Rowling is "transphobic" by stating the reality of sex. He can't, though.
This is important to recognize when it happens because people in the "outer school" of a cult are the most rescuable, as we see by the end of the video. They believe it because their social and emotional identities depend on it (so, hijacked psychosocial valuation schema).
A psychosocial valuation schema, by the way, is a method by which people evaluate themselves as good people (psycho-) or good members of a community (social). It's a fascinating subject, but Maoist "unity" through criticism and struggle (peer pressure) hijacks it, as seen here.
In short, the student is perceiving that if he has the wrong opinion about Rowling, he'll be a bad "community member" (ally), which means he's probably a bad person, worthy of shame, guilt, and exclusion, demanding he "do better." This dynamic is crucial to the cult brainwashing.
The teacher skillfully picks apart that this "outer school" cult member student doesn't know why he believes what he believes and forces him to think for himself, breaking him free from the Maoist psychosocial valuation schema for the duration of the exercise.
The next thing to observe is that the student later confesses to the fact that he personally sees nothing wrong with the statement but can see how others would find it problematic. That is, the psycho- part is breaking away from the -social part of the evaluation schema.
What he's expressing there is actually that he has adopted "the people's standpoint," as Mao called it. Wokes would call it "positionality" or "the standpoint of the oppressed" (yes, for those who know, "standpoint epistemology"). He knows he's supposed to see the world that way.
Psychologically for the student, this is the most dangerous and most important moment, and kudos to the teacher for effecting the deprogramming well. The reason is because the Maoist brainwashing program of "self-criticism" depends on the psycho- and -social being out of step.
The guilt and shame cycles in Maoist brainwashing, together with "leniency" or "love bombing" when people uphold the "people's standpoint" and criticism and struggle when they don't, are most powerful when the psycho- and -social parts disagree, not when they align.
The dynamic is to make the target feel like they're the only person who doubts "the people's standpoint." The student, in the wrong setting, would immediately feel alienated, alone, and ashamed that he knows "the people's standpoint" but secretly disagrees with it. This is key.
Maoism as a psychosocial brainwashing phenomenon requires "milieu control," such that the social group around you all publicly seems to perfectly hold to "the people's standpoint" so that each person believes they're the only one who thinks it's probably bogus.
In that state, you will "self-criticize" because you think something must be wrong with you. Indoctrination is external criticism. Conversion is self-criticism. Now note Robin DiAngelo saying "antiracism" is a lifelong commitment to self-reflection, self-critique, and activism.
In the end, the teacher breaks through, and the students sees not just that he was relying on "the people's standpoint" (psychosocial valuation) instead of his own critical thinking, and the teacher gives him space to feel accepting of "feeling like an idiot." That's very good.
In the Maoist environment, so with Woke teachers, the "people's standpoint" is pushed from the top, the interrogated "student" is urged to confess his sinful private doubts with increasing sincerity, and the social environment reinforces it all (to avoid their own struggle).
After breaking people down psychosocially this way and getting them to half-adopt and fully profess "the people's standpoint," the process enters another phase, xuexi, which means "study." That is, "outer school" cultists are pushed to become "inner school" cultists.
The point of "study" is to lead psychosocially locked people into intellectual rationalization, where the student would have been able to rattle off a litany of robotic-sounding theory (thought-terminating cliches and rationalizations) for how Rowling IS "transphobic."
That not only keeps them hermetically sealed (iykyk) in the cult, making deprogramming FAR harder and rarer, it also creates a demonstration for "outer school" members who can be convinced that their beliefs have intellectual foundations they just don't understand yet.”
- James Lindsay
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californiastatelibrary · 1 year ago
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The CA State Library is closed today in honor of Cesar Chavez Day. A civil rights icon and labor leader, Chavez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association with Dolores Huerta. His rallying cry, "Sí se puede," inspired change, leading workers in the grape strike to secure higher wages, health plans, and safety measures. Since 1995, we commemorate his legacy on this day.
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burnt-scone · 1 month ago
Coca-Cola alternatives
(Boycott Coca-Cola to support Palestine and Immigrants)
☆National Beverage Corp products: Faygo, Vernors, Keurig, Dr Pepper (That's right, Keurig and Dr. Pepper are not owned by companies like Coca-Cola.), La Croix
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mafer1606 · 4 months ago
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misslittlecherry · 2 months ago
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hi guys I kinda forgot about this for a week because I got the flu :,( but I’m all better now currently listening to the smiths in English class I finished all my work so I thought I start the blog of the day again because I can’t be a procrastinator ! I need to also workout again because unfortunately I was sick and didn’t do that either for a week!! However I been so good about my water and food intake and I thinks it been helping me so much with my moods and mental health in general.
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I’ve also been doing a a lot of self reflection lately and I’ve realized how I’ve picked up a lot of toxic traits from people I used to surround myself with and I honestly gave myself the ick because I hate that I became all the bad things someone did to me and I just feel like I’ve been wasting my potential to have any happiness because I’ve been dwelling on the what ifs and what I should have done but I need to appreciate what i have around me now and my personal growth not what other have done with themselves. Sometimes it’s harder said than done but I have just can’t bear to live with myself being a horrible human I feel like I was becoming :( I just want to live with love and happiness I want to figure myself out and I want finally be back to normal before I let myself be consumed by such false hopes and fears controlled by my own thoughts or feelings of being trapped and alone. I’m tired of being tired of everything. I want to live not just wake up and go along with my day until the next. I want to feel alive. I want to feel like I’m alive again. I’ve made so many mistakes and I’ve will make more but I can’t let it define me and I need to change I need something to change. It all starts with me. I choice my own happiness and my own path so sometimes I need to stop hating myself and let myself be happy.
anyways it’s the next day I totally forgot to post monday blog on Monday like talk about a forgetfulness :/ but I’m don’t worry I’m doing one for each day of the week just I think it will be post the day after!
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p.s I’m thinking about doing a little bit of a commentary type of blog about some of my favorite things right now and some I’m hoping to have discourse on it I’m super happy to just talk with people and hear others ideas too:) also id like to use my blog to say to know your rights under the constitution ; will all of things happening right now with our border and with the ice raids everyone please make sure you know your rights if your detained. It’s sad we live in a time like this and it’s even sadder when it’s being done in the name of “good” or “democracy” well it’s all fake. This country wants to benefit of the free labor of my people but doesn’t want to accept us. The hatred in the world is getting so much more scarier. Please stay safe. We all deserve the right to live here ; everyone does. We are not criminals and rapists. We are the hardest workers. We do the jobs no one wants and we do it with pride and without complaints of the pay. It’s crazy to me how much people don’t understand how this whole country was built off their hard work. I remember when I was little my grandma working in the strawberry fields and the potato fields for money under the counter to be able to feed me and put clothes on my back and I can’t ever say how much I love her for giving the best she could, I don’t know what I would do if they took my grandma:(
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espejismo-fragmentado · 1 year ago
La verdad dejé de entenderme durante años por entender a otros, comprenderás que ya es momento de pensar en mí.
Y si no lo comprendes da igual, no volveré a ignorarme por veneficiar al resto.
-corazón de hielo
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