#shut up walt no one cares
The Farmer's Daughter 15
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall
Summary: You notice a peculiar change in a family friend. (short!reader, sorry size kink is out)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Walter sighs as he shuts the hood of the truck. He tuts and faces you, keeping his hand on the metal, his other going to his hip. He looks at you then the sky behind you. The rain has stirred the scent of mud and grass and left a glaze over everything. 
“You’re lucky the thing didn’t blow up in your face,” he says. “Maybe the rain saved you.” 
“Oh, I... didn’t know,” you utter nervously. “Timothy said it was fine--” 
“Yeah, well, shows how much he knows,” Walter stands straight and pushes back his curls, “he’s not ready. He’s too young. I’ll make sure he learns. Be sad if he through away all your dad’s hard work, huh?” 
“Y-yeah, I guess,” you swallow. His words remind you of the imbalance. You need him. That’s the reality that brought you all the way up here. 
“Right, well, I’ll deal with it later. I got some chains I can use to get it up to the house but we should head into town then go see your mother. Make sure she isn’t worried sick,” he steps towards you and brings his hand up under your chin. You fight not to shy away, “what were you thinking? Putting yourself in danger like that?” 
“I... I had to come see you--” 
He smiles, “that’s sweet but I’d rather you wait and have you in one piece, sweetheart.” 
You nod into his hand and wince as he leans in. His thumb rubs your chin as he tilts your head up and he presses his lips to yours. Your surprised by his gentleness, though his beard grazes your roughly. You let him kiss you as he swoops an arm around to wrap you up. 
When he parts, your breathless and dizzy. His eyes gleam down at you, “wife,” he rasps out, “we’re almost there.” 
The shift in his mood puts you off. It’s just like back in the kitchen, one moment he’s terse and short, almost disappointed, the next he’s almost delicate and content. He releases you and takes you by the hand. You follow him back up towards the house. 
You wait outside as he runs in to get his keys. As he comes back out, you open the door of the truck and brace the interior. You put your foot on the small metal step to pull yourself up and gasp as you’re lifted from behind. Walter helps you into the seat and you wriggle free with a meek ‘thank you’. 
He kisses your cheek before he shuts the door. You focus on buckling the belt as he rounds the front of the truck. He climbs into the driver’s side and turns the engine. He sets off, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the corner of your seat. 
You sit quietly, watching the hills roll by. This is it. This is your life. You’re going to married and a wife and you’re going to be tied to this man and these lands forever. You never really thought it out, you just expected life to unfold before you. 
He pulls up to the bank and turns into the lot. He steers into one of the angled spots and kills the engine. You tap your fingers on your legs before you regain your bearings. As he opens his door, you do the same. You get out, hopping down with a small oof. You catch yourself on the door. 
Walt stomps around, “hey, hey, careful. Don’t hurt yourself.” 
“I’m fine,” you smile, “really, I can manage.” 
“I just don’t want you twisting your ankle,” he says. 
“Um, okay, all good,” you show him your foot, “really.” 
He stares at you. His cheek ticks. He takes your hand and shuts the passenger door. He tugs you away towards the front of the building. As you follow the sidewalk down to the entrance, you pass a few other curious pedestrians. You don’t miss there gazes and the low whispers between them. 
You go inside and find the bank empty. Walter drags you to the counter and taps the bell on it. You stand on your toes to see over the high desk and see a head pop out of a back office. The woman looks unimpressed as she goes to bang on the door next to hers, “customers.” 
She quickly retreats as you wait. The next door opens and another woman emerges. She’s taller than the other one, slimmer too. She struts over as she tugs straight the collar of her blouse. Her pretty pink lipstick clings to one lip as the other is faded to its natural hue. 
“Hello, folks, how can I help you today.” 
“I’d like to speak with an advisor about a mortgage,” Walter says as he lets go of your hand, instead hovering his large one along your lower back. 
“That’s exciting,” she chimes, “you and... I didn’t know you married?” 
“Not yet,” Walter exhales, “anyway, do you got someone available? I don’t really have time to sit around.” 
“Sure, sure, Pete should be able to help you out. I’ll just take you to an office.” 
The woman, Marska, comes around the desk and waves you down the hall. She takes you into an office and leaves you there. You and Walter lower yourself into the stiff chairs. He reaches between to offer his hand. You take it and nervously stare at the empty desk. 
There’s a tap on the doorframe and a man enters. Pete. You’ve seen him before when you came to the bank with your mother. 
“Morning,” he says as he swaggers around to sit behind the desk, “lovely to see you folks bright and early.” He offers his hand across the desk and Walter reluctantly lets go of yours to shake it. Pete looks at you and you hesitantly shake his hand. The man beside you shifts and huffs. “So, we’re looking into a mortgage, huh?” 
The manager smiles as he leans back nonchalantly in his chair. He looks between you and Walter, “gone and snagged yourself a young one, huh, Marshall?” 
Walter growls and crosses his arms, “I have a down payment.” 
“Uh, yeah, of course,” Pete rolls his chair closer to the desk, “just making some small chat. Big news, the two of you.” 
“Is it?” Walter challenges. 
“Marriage is a big deal, isn’t it?” Peter chuckles nervously. 
“You would know,” Walter sneers as he sniffs, “you got something on your cheek.” 
You only notice at the mention of it. Your eyes retreat from the window to Pete’s face, the smear of pink along his cheek. You look away, embarrassed for him. It must be true what they say about him and Marska. 
“Uh, thanks,” Pete wipes his face with his sleeve, “let’s just jump in then.” He puts his hands over the keyboard and clears his throat. You can see a trickle of sweat along his hairline as Walter’s disapproval burns through the small office.  
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cryoverlife · 9 months
Carter Kane Headcannons
I mentioned before in an earlier post but he’s literally the only character in the riordanverse that cares about the rules (despite the many he’s broken) and can spell (you don’t dyslexia to be a bad speller, can not tell me Magnus or Sadie are good at spelling)
There are three people at the Brooklyn house that are capable of getting everyone to listen to them, everyone does not include Sadie. Carter, Walt, and Zia. Like they’ll walk into a room and everyone’s like ‘gotta pay attention’.
Has zero time. This poor kid has so much stuff to do it’s a shock he even has a chance to breathe. There is school, training a bunch of kids, running a nome, plus more.
terrible sleeping schedule. He was constantly woken up to get on flights and most of the time he was sleeping on in airplane or in an airport. Never got a chance to adjust to Jet lag either.
the more you get to know him, the more awkward he gets. He has been trained to interacts with strangers, but when he hangs around you for multiple days he just shuts down, like ‘oh no, I actually know this person now what do I do.’
carter did not realize Bast would make them go to school and therefore had a large freak out over it when Bast randomly brought it up. Like he wants to go, but he has no idea how to function.
terrified of kids. Doesn’t hate them it’s just when one of them to come to him he just doesn’t know what to do. He is weirdly good with them though.
he is the epitome of seems calm, actually always panicking.
he’s like an old man when it comes to technology. Sadie thinks it’s hilarious because she the queen of technology.
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honkytonk-hangman · 9 months
Just Another Thing – [2]
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Summary: God help anyone who might’ve thought a nice, stable relationship might bring some kind of change to Walt Finnegan’s usual mischief and mild-hedonism. God especially help them if they also thought a girlfriend would provide any sort of calming influence over him.
She definitely influenced him, anyone could tell you that, unfortunately just never in any way that could even remotely be described as 'calm’.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of and talk of sex, sexy body parts, ect. reader/OC is named Kimberly/Kimber, but it is still written in second person and her name shouldn’t come up very often.
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Finn wakes with a start, the unfamiliar room around him momentarily sending him down a rabbit hole of confusion and doubt, right up until you walk through the door, which pushes him toward a separate spiralling hole, making him suddenly recall every detail of last night with startling clarity.
When Beverly had said you were the one girl on campus who’d put up with him, he hadn’t expected you to also be the one girl on campus who gave as good as she got behind closed doors, too.
Finn isn’t exactly shy about his sexploits, he’s slept with plenty of women, but generally, even the most enthusiastic ones weren’t exactly the best of lays, if he could be so crass to say. It wasn’t that they were particularly bad or that he didn’t have a good time, it’s more owing to the fact that Finn was somewhat unlike most men his age, in that he had always made a point of educating himself, on many topics, but especially on sex. 
Especially when it involved the many different ways to please a woman.
The girls he’d slept with in the past could say whatever they wanted about him as a person, and they frequently did, but he’d never, not once ever, left a woman unsatisfied. It was important to him, for a reason beyond simple masculine pride that he’d never really bothered to interrogate. 
At the end of the day he could give whatever reason he wanted, he doubts any woman would really care. Ideally, he’d have them too distracted to care. Generally though, his partners were not as well versed, meaning he gave, and he always gave happily, but for the most part he had to take care of his own pleasure, which wasn’t exactly a chore. Hell, that was half the reason he was doing it in the first place.
You on the other hand…
Finn swears he nearly gets rock hard just thinking about you last night, but he has no time to indulge, because in the present moment you’ve appeared as if on cue. He’s not certain you realise he’s awake yet, which mostly works for him. He internally grumbles a little as he catches sight of the time, before quickly shutting his eyes again when you near. He really hadn’t meant to sleep over. He’d planned to be up and out shortly after you’d fallen asleep, as per usual, but in all sincerity, you’d fucked him so damn good, so thoroughly, that he can’t even remember falling asleep in the first place.
Finn can’t help himself as he lies there, hearing you so closely shuffling about, he allows himself to peek at you, simultaneously delighted and regretful when he lays eyes on you.
He shouldn’t be here, stealing glances at you as you dress, he should have stuck to routine and left last night. But you really were amazing, not just in bed, but your flirting, your banter, your honesty, even if it was hard for him to read it as such at first.
Finn trails off then, thinking about how great a time he had with you in only a few hours, and finds himself imagining a whole little scenario where he gets to see you again after this, maybe actually take you on that date he’d promised… it sounded nice, in theory, but Finn writes it off immediately. That wasn’t his bag, and really, who was he to take you out beyond this chance meeting? He wasn’t exactly boyfriend material, and he also wasn’t interested in wasting anyone's time. He didn’t want to do that to you, but more importantly he’s pretty sure he’d get a baseball to the head if he did. Or in the crotch. 
As Finn thinks about how he’d really like to talk to you more, maybe ask about your major, your team, he realises what he’s doing and scrubs all further thoughts out, quickly snapping himself back to reality.
A reality in which maybe the most beautiful, sexy, and clever woman he’d met on campus, or off, is packing up her sports bag for what is likely an 8:00 AM class, something that Finn should also be doing at this very moment, and not childishly pretending to be asleep, resigning himself to being late.
“If the sun is bothering you, I can close the curtains,” your voice rings out then, nearly causing him to jump. That was another thing about you, too, until last night Finn has always had a harsh vendetta against anything that could even remotely be considered ‘honky tonk’ or typically southern, he’d even avoided taking home a girl once or twice solely because her cowboy boots had irritated him so much, only now, all of a sudden he felt nothing but pure, soppy, affection when he hears the extremely thick east Texas twang in your voice.
He firmly believes that only you can make such a heavy drawl sound so delicate and classy. He’s unable to picture you in any kind of small, dinky little town, so instead decides to imagine that you come from one of those hoity-toity neighbourhoods they had up in Dallas, which makes nothing but perfect sense to him.
Finn finds himself hurriedly blinking his eyes open in reaction to your words, before remembering that he’s supposed to be faking sleep to avoid you. You look over at him from your neat little desk, your huge duffle bag now open on your chair, which you appear to be packing several deflated balls into.
He reminds himself that you were on the College’s Volleyball team, something he hadn’t actually known existed until yesterday, but rejoices in the good news by recalling what you looked like at the park in your tight little shorts, your knee and elbow pads somehow really doing it for him. Finn rubs his eyes and groans at the fact he was probably never going to see or speak to you after this, let alone see you in those little shorts again.
“Huh?” he replies dumbly to your question, looking over at the window when you nod to it. He realises that your room might be the worst in the house, with the way the blazing Texas sun is already assaulting every inch of the space.
“I always leave the curtains open on school days, I like waking up with the sun, but I can close them if you want to sleep more?” you explain. Finn shakes himself more awake, the rouse well and truly over now, and awkwardly pulls himself from your admittedly very warm and very comfortable bed.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it, I’ve gotta get up now anyway,” he tells you, clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck, already practising avoiding you by refusing to look your way, telling himself it’s for his own good.
You chortle, but shrug and shake your head, before going back to packing your duffle.
Finn lingers uncomfortably next to your bed, now wondering if he had maybe upset you by staying. Not knowing what else to do, he focuses on your duvet, beginning to fiddle with it so your bed at least looked neat, and in the back of his mind, hoping it might help you forget he was ever here in the first place. No such luck, his movement causing you to look up at him properly, dropping a deflated volleyball and waving out a hand to stop him.
“Oh! don’t you worry about that! Those definitely need to go in the wash later,” you inform him, a note of wryness in your voice as you reference last night’s activities. Finn drops his hands away from the blankets at your bequest, also dropping his gaze once more now that you’ve stepped even closer and are focused solely on him.
Your attention makes him aware of his state of undress, only a pair of underwear covering him, and he happily starts to busy himself with collecting his clothes from the floor where he'd tossed them hastily many hours ago, only to find them folded neatly on the window bench. He realises you really must rise with the sun, and wonders how many hours you’d been up already.
“Last night was a lot of fun, by the way. There are definitely far worse ways to soil some good sheets,” you speak up again, a laugh accompanying your heavy accent this time. 
Finn finds he can’t refuse you his attention now that you’re asking for it, forgetting all about evading you as much as he can get away with, instead looking over at you as he dresses. Oddly, he finds his smile is nowhere near as tight or rueful as he feels.
“I’m glad,” he says without much thought, before instantly panicking when your face falls despondently.
“You didn’t enjoy it?” You ask worriedly, the prospect his reply presents clearly upsetting you, but despite telling himself that continuing to engage will only make disengaging even harder, it’s all completely in vain as he hurries to comfort you.
“What? No, no, I definitely enjoyed it,” he assures you quickly, glad when you seem to relax at his affirmation. Still, you seem a little more reserved than before, than you had been last night, which makes his skin itch uncomfortably. “Think I enjoyed it so much my brain is still scrambled,” he goes on, in an effort to stop the prickling sensation.
It works, your face breaking into an endearingly proud grin, shortly before the itching disappears. You chortle a little and give a small shrug, going back to your bag packing.
“Well, I’ve put in a lot of work to have exclusively great sex,” you tell him. “I mean, you can’t expect to spike a volleyball perfectly without practice, so why should sex be any different?” you continue, with another laugh and a shake of your head.
Finn doesn’t know why he feels so surprised at your statement. Maybe it’s just that he’s never heard a woman so casually admit to sleeping around. Then again, if men got to, then why shouldn’t you too?
Beverley could say what she wanted about the way he used discussions around the feminist movement, as well as women’s rights as a whole, just to get laid, but Finn had read all those books she’d sarcastically kept lending him, and he genuinely thought the matter to be worthwhile.
Okay, so sue him if he happens to also on occasion use the very legitimate talking points of women’s sexual liberation in his attempts to pick up women, but it's not like that meant he didn’t really believe in what he was saying!
Finn is about to open his mouth to formulate some kind of a reply when you glance at the time and let out a soft gasp.
“Oh shit, I’m going to be late!” you baulk, quickly pulling the zip of your duffle bag closed and hauling it over your shoulder. “I’ve got to go, feel free to use the shower, just close my door when you leave!” you hurriedly ramble, shoving your feet into a pair of sneakers. Finn is still blinking with his mouth halfway open when you call out a last goodbye and disappear out the door.
He showers, dresses, and is about to leave when he realises he hadn’t closed your door. He considers for a moment, at the bottom of the stairs, just leaving anyway, but he can’t bring himself to do it, so he rushes back up, closes your door with a quiet click, and then at last all but flees from the shared house.
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“Noticed you never came home last night,” Dale slides into the seat next to Finn at the lunch table, and wiggles his eyebrows teasingly. Finn simply eyes his friend, and takes another bite of whatever it is the school liked to call food.
“Hooked up with the girl I was talking to all night.” He tells him simply. “Fell asleep after, only got out this morning when she left,” he goes on after another bite. Dale stares at him, a frown pulling over his features.
“So…” he prompts, causing Finn to look up at him again and shrug.
“So what?”
“So why do you sound so troubled? Was it not good? She was hot as hell man, no way it was that bad,” Dale insists, making Finn at last drop his fork to discuss properly.
“No she was good, it’s just…” he trails off and tries to figure out his own soured mood. Normally he’d have no issue talking up such a good night, especially considering you were good, but he can’t help but linger on one tiny little fact. “I don’t know, it’s like, this morning there was no ‘when will I see you again’, no care in the world it was just a one night thing, she’s not like other girls, you know?”
Dale blinks at him like he’s a moron.
“Okay? I’m not seeing your problem here?” he says, frown even deeper now. “Isn’t that perfect?”
Finn balks.
“No! She’s perfect! You don’t get it, I think I want to see her again, this girl is unbelievable!” He protests, sounding mildly desperate but he doesn’t care. He looks away from his friend, and out at the grass. The cafe he’d chosen for lunch sits right opposite the library, and normally he’d have spent his break scoping out the cute girls who’d sit studying under a tree or whatever it is he normally did, but today he’d barely even taken note.
“Man, not you too!” Dale groans in exasperation beside him, quickly digging into his own lunch as if this topic isn’t worth continuing. “First Jake, now you… actually you know what that’s fine, you hook up with that Kimberley chick, leave me with all the other cute girls…”
Finn had stopped listening about halfway through Dale’s tirade, how could he possibly pay attention to it when right there, through the window of the library, he’s spotted you, sitting at a table for four, a stack of books in front of you, your pen writing diligently on some page in front of you.
“You want the rest of my soda?” Finn asks blindly, already getting up. Dale protests, but Finn doesn’t even hear him, simply grabs his lunch tray, places it in the returns bay, and legs it across the grass as fast as he can.
He slows down upon entering the library of course, smooths down his hair, his moustache, grabs the first book he sees, and walks right up to where you sit, pulling out the chair opposite you and flips his book open. Out of the corne rof his eye, when he sees you look up, he looks up too, putting on his best display of ‘surprise’ when he ‘notices’ it’s you.
“Well now, what a coincidence this is!” he says before you can get a word in. You blink at him, but don’t seem annoyed, simply cocking your head in an intrigued manner.
“What a coincidence indeed,” you drawl slowly, placing your pen down. “Thanks for remembering to shut my door,” you go on after a beat where Finn is briefly too awestruck to say anything more. He quickly snaps back though, remembering the clear message you’d sent him last night, how you hadn’t seemed to enjoy his antics more than you enjoyed simply talking to him.
“It’s the least I could do, you know,” he leans across the desk a little to faux whisper. “After such a great night,” he says, rewarded for his efforts when you smile at him. His own smile drops however, when a moment later, you pick up your pen again and look back at the books around you.
“Listen, Finn, I appreciate you coming over to see me and all during your lunch,” busted. “But I really need to study for this paper…”
Finn jolts, wanting to flirt and charm you into paying attention to him, but he reminds himself that you aren’t like most of the girls he’s seen before, and so instead relents, beginning to get up.
“I’m sorry, I should go–”
“–You don’t have to go!” you interrupt him, looking back up. Finn slides back down into his chair like you’ve commanded him. “Just give me another half hour, okay?”
Finn does. He nods, and turns his eyes back down to his book, and for the next thirty minutes he reads about the life cycle of bees. He’s only occasionally distracted by little hums you make, which cause him to look up at you for a minute or two and simply stare. He gets a good look at the pile of books you often swap out and flip through, taking notes, and finds himself again stunned by you in all your sexy, sexy, smart glory. You were studying something to do with physics and space and Finn can’t help but think to himself about all the time he’s wasted seeing anyone but you and despite some of the books you have open having titles containing astronomy, he decides to keep his knowledge of astrology off the table.
Almost exactly thirty minutes have passed when you at last close all your books, including your notepad, place down your pen and look up at him again.
“You know, I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again,” you tell him thoughtfully, looking him in the eyes. Finn opens his mouth but at first no words come out, so he quickly closes it again. He stares at you, you smile back and roll your eyes. “Come on, I know a place we can go, since you didn’t even eat half your lunch…”
Finn dutifully helps you return your stack of books, along with his own, before following you to your car where you promptly drive him off campus to a sweet little diner a block away. Even he’s surprised with how quiet he stays until after you’ve both ordered, he doesn’t even check out the cute waitress as she walks away, too absorbed in staring back at you as you make a hand gesture like you’re ready now.
“What’re you studying?” he asks quickly.
“Astronautical engineering,” you reply. “What are you studying? I didn’t think we had a beekeeping school.”
Finn smiles and shrugs, almost about to launch into a speech about beekeeping and the non-existent classes he took on it, before he stops himself.
“English literature and teaching.” he reveals, feeling a little naked in doing so, but the way your face lights up after he tells you erases any such doubt in his mind.
“You’d be good at that! I bet you’d have no trouble holding a class's attention!” you gush. Finn distinctly feels his face go red.
Over lunch, you ask him about the baseball team, and in return he asks you about your volleyball team. You’re halfway through explaining a recent rule change when you stop and blink up at him.
“Oh you don’t care about volleyball rules,” you say, seemingly bashful at having gone off for the past five minutes about the subject. “I bet you’ve never even watched a women’s sports game and cared about the rules,” you joke. Finn laughs, your statement not untrue, but he won’t go away with you thinking that was still going to be the case from now on.
“Not in the past, but I would if you were playing,” he tells you earnestly, hoping to god you don’t think he’s simply using a line.
You stare at him for a beat before smiling softly again, turning your eyes down at your plate as you do. You place your knife and fork together at an angle and Finn definitely concludes you come from some kind of high society out East.
“I can’t go home with you tonight, it's a school night,” you say, sounding sorry about that fact at least. Finn frowns.
“But it’s a Friday?” he doesn’t mean to push, he doesn’t even care if you go home with him, he’d be okay with genuinely, actually studying with you if that's what it took. You shake your head like you’re reading his thoughts.
“I have a shift at the observatory,” you begin apologetically, before your face once again lights up.
“How about the next time we see each other, we go out then?” you repeat his words from your very first meeting. Finn straightens up, a grin pulling across his features. He liked this game, and unlike the last time, he didn’t have to go away with the feeling that he’s made a mistake, because he can tell by the tone of your voice, one way or another, you intended to see him again.
“Alright Kimberley, it’s a deal.”
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
i love how walt thinks he's sooo smart and sooo wise and sooo good at reading people when in fact his perception of others is so clouded by ego and traits that he has ascribed to people irrespective of their actual behavior that he is comically Bad at knowing people as they are. its both so funny and so depressing how walt sits there across from jesse and Tells him that he should go into business (right after, of course, telling jesse to get his GED even though jesse literally already graduated from high school because in walt's mind, jesse is Dumb and Reluctant To Better Himself) because walt has known jesse for just as long as we the viewers have and in spite of their time spent together, walt truly knows almost nothing about jesse beyond the most superficial facets of his personality. he's the one who Sells the meth, so obviously he should go into business. even when jesse speaks up and says he always wanted to go into sports medicine, walt shuts him down and insists upon his own advice. we the audience have spent the same amount of time with jesse as walt has and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that jesse's caring nature would make him a great candidate for a field like sports medicine because we choose to see his nuance, what motivates his behaviors and what parts of him change. walt doesn't. his perception of jesse is set in stone and walt, the wise all-knowing father, must guide this pathetic, stupid, unmotivated junkie to some form of success so he can experience the pride of having "rescued" jesse from his own incompetence. get ur GED. go into business. do as i say and u'll be just fine. all of this time together and walt doesn't know A Thing about jesse.
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the-heartlines · 5 months
i am really pissed off today and want to take a moment to rant about holier than thou antis and their fucking dumbassery.
on twitter, i received a ton of harassment (about my age mostly lol cuz you know once you turn 30 you're immediately considered elderly and need to join a nursing home 💀💀💀) and some anonymous death threats on my curious cat in the last WEEK—all over shipping ghoulcy, including one rpf walt/ella twt, & for writing ghoulcy dead dove & daddaughter incest fics. not blacking out names because fuck that shit. you reap what you sow.
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there's a ton of negative qrts on those twts and thankfully my fellow shippers and moots have been extra supportive, but i am so sick and tired of the antis and their ability to not separate fact from fiction.
i am fucking sick and tired of the same antis shipping things like jackieshauna (which i ship immensely by the way!) and other ships (villanelle x eve and hannigram come to mind) and having this mentality that if you ship other toxic fucked up ships in a dead dove way, you're a "*insert buzzword here* (including pedo, rape apologist, pornsick addicted freak) who needs to be locked up. also kys!"' these assholes care more about the fictional fake made up characters than an actual human being this vitriol is being thrown at and im so disgusted and disappointed with each passing year, seeing this conservative, puritanical form of mentality take shape and get worse and worse...and i don't know what the fuck to do about it and am scared for the future generations who are dealing with this absolute disgraceful nonsense because no one and i mean NO ONE should be telling anyone to kill themselves over any damn fictional ship!
anyways, i had to rant about this because it's been BUGGING me because i have gotten a lot of vitriol from hotd stans for other ships i like and see potential in. and it's so awful that any kind of shipper deals with this at all. and we need to call these fuckers out and un-normalize this behavior before it gets even worse for the future generations. and it's crazy and baffling that this needs to be said but here i go anyways:
writing or creating or consuming any kind of dead dove content, doesn't mean you condone it in real life. it doesn't make you a rape apologist, a pedophile, or a porn sick addicted freak. people have been doing this shit since the beginning of time and if this shit squick you out, makes you uncomfortable, you need to block/mute/dni/ignore with this kinda content, keep your mouth shut, or gtfo. because it never gives you the right to treat an actual human being lower than dirt and wish death upon them.
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starfirewildheart · 8 months
Chapter 17
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,512
Rating: no one under 17. I'm not responsible for what you read. Kindly police yourself.
Chapter 17
August glanced over his shoulder into the back seat. Three weeks and two surgeries later the hospital finally agreed to let Debbie go home. She still had a long road ahead and it still didn't guarantee a full recovery and her anxiety was through the roof at times and at other times was so depressed she was nearly catatonic and a few normal days scattered in between. She was refusing to eat and in general sulking like a brat. Sy hoped getting her home would help.
Mike had been released after a week and a half. Walt had taken custody of him and Napoleon and Will were staying with them as security until everyone was jailed, including the corrupt cops. He was recovering physically but emotionally he was distant and shutting them out.
Geralt turned onto the long, tree lined drive admiring the land and imagining what it looked like in summer. He loved the country and a working ranch brought a warm feeling to his heart. He drove past the barns where a few work trucks sat along with ranch hands tending horses noting a beautiful chestnut mare before turning his attention back to the drive. Finally they pulled up in front of the large ranch style home and parked. Everyone got out, Sy helping Deb out and lifting her into his arms bridal style while Geralt and August got everyone's bags.
Deb took a deep breath of the fresh air ecstatic to smell anything besides anesthetic and medicinal scents that she'd been trapped in for weeks. 
“Where's Aika?” Deb asked, seeking out their furry friend. 
“She's with my sister and the kids. They are bringing her home tomorrow. “ He gently bounced her in his arms. “Where would ya like to get comfy sugar?” Sy asked as they all walked in. All the Christmas stuff was still up even though it was after Christmas now because they hadn't got to celebrate yet.
 “Baby,” he started but was cut off. 
“Bath,” firmer.
“You want to wash off again?” He could see wanting to smell like their soap and not hospital bath in a bag shit so he started toward their ensuite bathroom. He sat her on the edge of the bed with her bad leg up and started gathering clean clothes for her.
“No Sy, a real bath.”
He turned to her. “You know you can't get your leg wet Deb. Your stitches could come apart or you could get an infection.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled.  “I don't care. I've not been in a bath or even a shower in three weeks!” When he arched his brow at her and crossed his arms over his chest she sighed and stood shakily on her good leg. “I'll do it myself!”
“Sit down!” He yelled and stepped forward. She sat down and blinked up at him with wide eyes. He hated yelling at her after all she'd been through but he refused to let her act out like that. “Little girl, you will not hurt yourself or cause any further injury just because you want to get your way.” He gripped her chin in his big hand and forced her to hold eye contact. “I'm gonna try to get you into the bathtub but if it doesn't work I will give you a sponge bath and you won't fight me on it. Got it?”
“Yes sir,” She agrees . “I'm sorry I yelled. I just feel so dirty and I haven't… I know I've been washed but I just
.. I still feel their hands on me and i…I just want to wash it all away.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. 
Fifteen minutes later she was perched on the vanity in nothing but a shirt and bulky leg brace that went from her upper thigh to her ankle. 
Sy was filling the tub with water when something hit him in the back of the head. “Woman,” he turned to face her, suddenly realizing it was her shirt she'd thrown and she was now sitting on the vanity completely naked. “Fuck,” he rasped all blood flow in his body going straight to his dick. 
“I hope so,” She grinned,  crooking her finger and beckoning him to her. When he was close enough she fisted his shirt and pressed their mouths together in a heated kiss. Sy pressed against her, hooking her good leg over his hip and she felt him pulsing against her through his cargo pants. Tears brimmed in her eyes.
“Are you hurting?” He asked as he wiped a tear away with his thumb.
She shook her head , eyes locked with his while she tried to get her emotions under control enough to speak. Swallowing past the huge lump in her throat she pressed her hand to his bulge rubbing it and relishing in his sharp intake of air. “You still want me.”
“What? Of course I want you Deb. You're my life.” He didn't understand how that could even be a question but he could see the doubt in her eyes. “Debbie?”
“I just,” She didn't know how to express how she felt. Like she couldn't form the words much less say them. “I…”
“Talk to me darlin’, please.”
“Sy, the water,” She pointed to the nearly overflowing tub.
“Fuck!” he ran over and shut the water off just before it spilled over the edge of the tub. He laughed but drained enough of the water that she could get in without it pouring on the floor then went back to her. Cupping her face in his hands he leaned in, pressing their foreheads together. “Please talk to me. Don't shut me out Deb. I know you remember the hell we both went through when I tried to hide my thoughts from you. I was lost in my own hell and putting you through it too. We promised to tell each other everything after that, remember?”
She knew exactly what he was talking about. When he was recovering from his POW time he felt like he was too much, not worth the work, or the love she had for him and he tried everything he could to make her leave him but she refused. It nearly broke them both. “i..I'm not the one for you. Not your soul mate anyway. You're settling for me because I'm safe and comfortable.”
Sy felt like someone punched a fist into his chest and was crushing his heart. “You're my world Debbie, my heart, my everything. I'm sorry if I haven't shown you what you mean to me. Please, give me a chance to….”
“Austin, no! It's not that at all. You treat me like a queen and I know that you love me!” She hugged him tight. “This isn't about anything you've done or not done. It's about me. It's about me not being enough. I mean family is everything to you and your mom hates me. I turned your dream ranch into an animal rescue because I needed to feel like I was doing something helpful. I just latched on to you and didn't even notice that you weren't settling down or or ,” he head was pounding.
“That I haven't given you a ring so you couldn't possibly be what makes me happy? Isn't that what Lindy told you that night at the restaurant?” When he watched her he'd dip down because she couldn't look at him he gritted his teeth. “I haven't given you the ring yet because I wanted to be sure I could be the man you deserve,  that I could overcome the PTSD enough to give you a life, sugar. It has everything to do with you but not how you're thinking. I was so afraid of not being good enough I didn't show you how much I can't live without you.”
She shook her head, “No. It's not your..”
“We both said that but clearly there is a problem, sugar because you are doubting us.”
“Doubting me,” She explained quietly.
Realization washed over him and it all became crystal clear. She'd been his rock for so long he'd forgotten how she was when they first met. The chip she had on her shoulder because she felt like she had to prove she was good enough, that she could be the best at everything. He took it as a woman having to prove herself in a man's military at first but the more he was around her he realized that she was afraid to let anyone close, trusted no one to even have her six. She lived like she herself was the only one in the world she could trust or depend on. It led to a lot of being reprimanded, write ups, push ups, pull ups, and finally a talking to that finally made her see thongs from Sy's point of view about having to trust her team or they were all in danger. That was when he really started trying to get to know her in earnest, when he eventually learned about her abuse and abandonment. She'd come so far and he'd been through so much that he didn't realize she needed reassurance he wasn't giving her. He was a fucking moron. 
She gasped when Sy grabbed her face and kissed her and didn't stop until her tense muscles finally relaxed against him and she was breathless. She didn't even register him removing the leg brace until he was lowering her into the hot water, careful to keep her bad leg resting on the side of the tub. She sighed contentedly as she leaned back. Sy chuckled, “Feel good?”
“So good!” 
They both jumped at the knock on the bathroom door. Sy stood and went to see who it was.
“Your sister is here,” Geralt told him. “She needs to talk to you.”
“I'll be right there,” he sighed. He went back to Deb. “You stay put. If you aren't in the same position you are now when I get back I'm going to spank you until you can't sit and when that ass starts to cool down and feel better then I'm going to do it all over again and again until I feel like you learned your lesson and if I get tired I'll let Gearlt and August takeover.”
She fully intended to protest but what came out of her was more of a strangled whimper. He cleared his throat to hide his chuckle.  “I'll be good, I promise.”
“I know you will, sugar.” 
Sy went to speak to his sister and Debbie soaked in her hot bath. She sat still for a bit but really wanted to wash. Chewing her lip she pondered if grabbing the soap would be against the rules. Stretching her arm out she reached the soap without moving her butt at all and took it as a victory. Lathering up her bath puff she started washing herself. Once she felt squeaky clean she grabbed her razor and started shaving … everywhere. After three weeks she resembled a sasquatch except the leg and arm (shoulder) they'd done surgery on. When that was done she settled for a few minutes but quickly got bored, she was all alone after all. “Oooo jets!” Pressing the button the jacuzzi jets bubbled to life and massaged her sore muscles only with her bad leg up at an awkward angle it exposed her to the full force of the jets causing her to jerk and gasp. The pain that shot though her leg was almost instantly replaced with need as she used her finger to further expose her clit to the jet. Using her other hand she slipped two fingers into her slit working them hard and fast chasing the pleasure she didn't realize she needed so badly. Turning her body a little toward the side of the tub the jet hit the perfect spot and even though she couldn't reach the spot inside due to her awkward positioning the jet was doing the trick. Her hips slowly started to flutter as she threw her head back and whimpered through her release moving her hand away from exposing her clit as the pulse of the jet became uncomfortable. She hadn't noticed Sy come back in or even approach until she felt his fingers pushing into her still quivering hole. “Fuck!” She squealed at the stretch and shock of it.
He lifted her ass up out of the water enough to latch his mouth onto her clit and switch between sucking and licking until he'd made her cum two more times, the last time screaming out his name with a series of loud moans.
Sy got her out of the tub and carried her straight to the bed. It was tall enough that he could just bend her over the edge, carefully resting her bad leg out to the side up on the bed leaving her open to his hungry gaze. “You ready for me sugar? Gonna take my dick like a good girl?”
“Please,” he begged, trying to rub her ass back against him. She gasped when his big hand smacked against her ass leaving a burning ache in its wake.
“Be still, your brace is still off. You're in trouble as it is, little girl.” He grinned when she went still, knowing she was thinking about the spanking he told her she'd get if she moved earlier. He took the distraction to push himself in up to the hilt causing them both to moan at the sensation. “So fuckin tight for me, like your made to fit my dick.”
All she could do was moan incoherently as he railed her from behind, each thrust causing her to gasp as he pounded against her cervix. It was painful but the pull out and push in up to that point was bliss. She was losing the battle of control over her body and clamped down on him as tight as she could, wanting to give him some of the pleasure he'd Given her.
“Son of a bitch,” he growled as she squeezed him so tight he thought his brain was coming out of his cock. Reaching under her he started rubbing her clit. “Cum for me. I want to feel you come apart when I fill you full of cum.” A few more circles to her bundle of nerves and she was rutting between his cock and fingers.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” She cried as she exploded around him and he emptied inside of her, the wet squelching sound of their combined releases echoing in the room as he collapsed breathlessly beside her.
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narcos fandom smut alphabet - finished!
you know what goes really well with summer sunshine and narcos tv rewatches? SMUTTY FIC!
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(they put that bisexual lighting on Isabella for a reason, after all!)
this was our first month of prompts over at @narcosfandomdiscord! for every letter of the alphabet, we had two smutty prompts that fanfic writers used for inspiration. 🥰 our group ambition was to create at least one fic per letter—26 new narcos smut fics during the month of July—and we totally smashed it, in large part thanks to prolific work from @salt-is-a-terrible-currency. happy reading!
if you prefer reading on ao3, check out our collection. all fics tagged as #nffalphabet on tumblr. and it's just that simple 🥰
if you have any questions, you can message us on tumblr or join our narcos fandom discord here!
🍰 Prompt List & Fic Masterlist 🍰
July 1 — A — angry sex, anal
Right For Once by @drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, angry sex, 2.3k
Infuriating by @salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, angry sex, 1.5k
Our Man In Mexico by @hausofmamadas — Horacio Carrillo x Andrea Nuñez, angry sex, 2.5k
July 2 — B — blood, bound & begging
Final Warning by @purplesong1028 — Amado x Pacho, bound & begging, 490
Please (with your finger) by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, bound & begging, 1.2k
blood on vacation by @ashlingnarcos — David Barrón x f!Reader, blood, 1.8k
July 3 — C — cuffs, choking
If I go too far by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, choking, 737
mentirosos by @narcolini — Kitty Paez x gn!Reader, cuffs, 1.1k
July 4 — D — domesticity, “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us.”
Taking Care by drabbles-mc — Diego Ramirez (Narcos OC) x F!Reader, domesticity, 2.1k
Lipstick's smudged by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, domesticity and “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us", 447
A Few Moments by @purplesong1028 — Miguel Félix/Pacho Herrera, “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us", 482
July 5 — E — edging, eldritch
The first time I felt a ghost by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, eldritch, 716
July 6 — F — fight or fuck?, friends with benefits
No relationship talk by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, friends with benefits, 422
Unbroken Rules by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, friends with benefits, 2.9k
July 7 — G — gag/gagging, gun play
Paper-thin walls by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, gag/gagging, 361
Whatever He Wants by purplesong1028 — Amado Carrillo Fuentes x Miguel Félix, gun play, 416
July 8 — H — honor bondage, hatesex
Dress blues by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader x Gurney Halleck, honor bondage, 1.8k
THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US by hausofmamadas — Enedina Arellano x David Barrón, honor bondage, 2k
July 9 — I — infidelity, in public
Never meet your heroes by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, in public, 955
Don't Mention It by drabbles-mc — Javier Peña x f!Reader, infidelity and in public, 2.7k
No Strong Suit by purplesong1028 — Miguel Félix x Pacho Herrera, infidelity, 439
July 10 — J — jealousy, "just shut up already"
Unprofessional by drabbles-mc — Walt Breslin x f!Reader, jealousy, 4.3k
A bad idea by @artemiseamoon — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, jealousy, 2.3k
The ring by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, jealousy, 1.1k
July 11 — K — knotting, knocked up
Which time? by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, knocked up, 418
Secrets in the night by artemiseamoon — Horacio Carrillo x Original Female Character, knocked up, 3.5k
Someday When It's Over by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x Original Female Character, knocked up, 2.8k
July 12 — L — luxury, lingerie
Eres guapa by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, lingerie, 544
Desire by artemiseamoon — Enedina Arellano x Original Female Character, lingerie and luxury, 3.9k
Round-trip Ticket by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x Original Female Character, lingerie, 7.7k
July 13 — M — mirrors, "make me forget (all about him/her/it/them)"
Another brick in the wall by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, make me forget, 812
Favors Owed by drabbles-mc — Maria Elvira x gn!Reader, make me forget, 2.7k
Like Old Times by artemiseamoon — Judy Moncada x Original Female Character, mirrors, 1.4k
July 14 — N — nipple play, "no one does it like you"
No One Like You by drabbles-mc — Javier Peña x f!Reader, no one does it like you, 2k
Sore by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, nipple play, 580
July 15 — O — on all fours, one night stand
Cascade by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, one night stand, 580
July 16 — P — praise kink, pulling hair
Dress blues, pt 2 by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader x Gurney Halleck, praise kink, 404
July 17 — Q — quiet (or trying to be), quickie
Sweet, sharp, addictive by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, quiet (or trying to be) and quickie, 464
July 18 — R — role reversal, ruined
Bad Guy Treatment by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, role reversal, 3.8k
What is she to him by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, ruined, 444
July 19 — S — submit, "say my name"
Stoke the flames by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, submit, 387
July 20 — T — trapped together, tied up
On company time by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, trapped together, 574
July 21 — U — upper hand, underwater
The Weight of It All by drabbles-mc — Walt Breslin x Sal Orozco, underwater, 2k
he keeps his rules. you keep him. by ashlingnarcos — Horacio Carrillo x gn!Reader, upper hand, 1.1k
Polkadots by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, underwater, 359
July 22 — V — virginity (loss or roleplay), video
Off the Backburner by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, virginity, 4.1k
In this moment of pretend by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, virginity roleplay, 435
July 23 — W — "we probably shouldn't do this", worship
Stay A Little Longer by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, "we probably shouldn't do this", 1.5k
Lunch break daydream by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, "we probably shouldn't do this", 497
July 24 — X — exhibitionism, exes having sex
It's complicated by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Helena, exes having sex, 971
Not Yours Anymore by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x Original Female Character, exes having sex, 3.2k
no witness by ashlingnarcos — Walt Breslin x f!Reader, exes having sex, 2.4k
July 25 — Y — yearning, "you look good like this"
Superman (4) by @garbinge — Javier Peña x f!Reader, "you look good like this", 5k
Lost Time by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, yearning, 2.9k
If he closes his eyes by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, yearning, 442
July 26 — Z — zipper, zeal
Things Like That by drabbles-mc — Danilo Garza x f!Reader, zipper, 2k
Zealot by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader and Nathan "Cable" Summers from Deadpool x f!Reader, zeal, 4k
(note: we hit the link limit on this post so from now on, links will be to fics + to authors on their first appearance.)
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nyasbae · 1 year
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sleep deprived
pairings: gustavo fring x fem!reader
summary: your boss noticed you’re overworking yourself and decides to do something about it.
a/n: gus got that email rizz
warnings: really messy lol
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You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t. Gus had you making ninety pounds worth of meth every week, and due to your partners’ sudden disappearance, you were stuck doing all the work by yourself. You sighed, thinking back to how you got into this position.
You were a just a broke college student, trying to pay off your loans when you you met Jesse. You knew each other back in high school, and now he was your dealer. The two of you became buddies and one day you walked in on him and Walt talking about somebody named Gustavo Fring, the owner of a fast food restaurant with an undercover drug business.
You needed money and you convinced them to let join in. Realizing that the “the more the merrier” shit you had pulled really was just that, shit. After they had taught you the recipe, you ended up doing everything, always.
Gus had put to lines under the deadlines, signifying that if you didn’t get this done in time — there’d be consequences. At the same time you had a lot of due college assignments, and skipping all your lectures. So you practically lived in the lab, sleeping and eating there, until you had no time for either of those things.
You were leaning against the counter with a hand on your jaw, steadying your face. Your eyes shut and light snores coming out of your mouth. As Gus inspected your face, he realized you’d never once look so peaceful as you did in that moment.
“I see you’re getting a lot of work done,” he commented, knowing it’d wake you. Gus needed to talk to you about this. He had cameras everywhere and had been paying very close attention to how much time you’d been spending at the lap. You had your laptop and school books there, a few snacks and amount less cups of coffee.
The sudden sound of his voice startled you as you woke up with a final snore. “Shit– I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t even notice I was, uh’falling asleep” your slurred, your words blurring together due to your grogginess. You looked up at him with lazy eyes.
Gus looked at you through his glasses, his expression as emotionless as usual. You thought you saw a glimpse of emotion in his eyes, though it was probably just your sleep deprivation making you see things. Gustavo Fring doesn’t care for anyone. Especially not some random meth cook who can’t even do her job right… right?
“You should get home and get some rest, ___. Your drowsiness is affecting your work performance.” Stated as a fact, though functioning more as an excuse.
“I can’t, sir! I’ve only made like, half of the meth I was supposed to and–“ you rambled on, but he interrupted you almost instantly. “Stop it, ___! You have done your part. Your partners’s neglect of their responsibilities is not your problem,” as he shushed you, his expression remained the same though his voice got notably more aggressive. “I’ll consider getting you new partners, you’ve mastered the arts of cooking now.” In that moment, you couldn’t be bothered by his comment on your friends; all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll get back to work as soon as I wake up, I promise!” You insisted, and he shook his head. “No, you’ll have the rest of the week off,” he said. “I value your effort but I cannot have your drowsiness affect my product.” Gus explained while putting a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. You eyed the hand and as did he, though he didn’t let go before he you reluctantly agreed.
“Alright, I guess,” you sighed. He smiled professionally as he took out his notebook, scribbling something something. “Fantastic! Write down your email and we can discuss your work ethic further.” He demanded suggested, handing you a note and a pen. You smiled as you messily wrote down your email address and gave it back to him.
When you went to sleep that night all you could think about was your interaction earlier, and how this might’ve been his stiff attempt at flirting with you. Although you figured this could’ve easily been your head playing tricks on you agin.
When you woke up the next morning you noticed a gmail notification. Written bellow a [email protected] it read:
Hello, I hope you slept a worthwhile and woke up energetic and better. I suggest we meet up at my restaurant to further discuss our game plan.
Sincerely, Gustavo Fring.
Did Gustavo Fring just ask out out on a date?
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A Little Help
Kinktober 2022 - Day 6
Pairing: Alpha!Wolf Hybrid!Ransom Drysdale x Omega!Fem!Reader
Kink: Omegaverse
Words: 1.5k
Summary: Ransom helps you fix your nest before your heat. 
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal sex, knotting, heat cycles, dom/sub dynamics, scenting, biting/marking, slight fingering), soft!Ransom, needy!Reader, a/b/o dynamics
a/n: This is Day 6 and I hope you enjoy this! Let me know if you all liked this one! I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies​ 
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You puffed out the pillow for the tenth time in two minutes and moved it into the corner of the nest before moving it somewhere else with a small omega growl. It had to be perfect, your nest had to be perfect for you and your alpha. He was away at some family get together and you could feel the early signs of your heat bubbling in your belly. You whimpered at the sharp pains in your lower belly and it made you curl up in the unmade nest, whimpering quietly. You wanted to have a nice nest for you and your alpha to spend your heat in and you wanted it to be perfect, so you could be a perfect omega.
Ranson sighed as he walked into the apartment, the get together was a mess, Walt wouldn’t shut up about the impending deal with the publishing company and Joni kept talking about her business. Every time he tried to get up, Joni would stop him and ask him to sit back down because she had more to the story. Then Ransom snapped and told them in a stern and alpha voice that he was leaving to go home to his omega before flashing his fangs and walking out. He was fuming until he got home and the scent of his needy omega surrounded him like a hug. 
He growled quietly at the faint scent of your heat was mixed into your sweet scent and he went into motion. He went to the hallway closet and grabbed some nesting blankets and some soft towels before he rushed up the stairs to your shared bedroom. He walked over to the walk-in closet and saw you huddled in your unmade nest whimpering softly with his thick white sweater pressed against your chest. The fluffy doglike ears that sat atop of his head twitched with interest as he heard your distressed sounds, making the alpha in him whine and want to make you feel better. He set the linens next to the closet and sat on his knees in front of you.
“Omega, baby, what’s wrong?” Ransom asked as he rubbed your back softly and you looked up at him and sniffled, wiping the tears off your cheeks. 
“Can’t fix our nest. Need it to be perfect. Want to be a good omega.” You whimpered as a fresh set of tears filled your eyes and Ransom was quick to pull you into his arms. You nuzzled into his neck, nosing against his scent glade whining happily at his calming scent. Your hands went up to play with the hair at the back of his neck as you nuzzled closer to him. 
“You’re the perfect omega, baby. Always takes care of the house and me. Such a good omega.” He rumbled as you continued to scent him nosing alone the bite mark you left against his gland. “I can help you, ‘mega. You just have to ask.” 
You laid against him wrapped around him like a koala as you told him where everything went and he helped you make the perfect nest you wanted. Once it was done, you two laid back in the nest, you laying on his strong chest and his hands rubbed up and down your back. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching behind his ears making him purr happily. The rumble of his chest calmed you down to the point that you almost forgot about your heat, until you felt slick slide down your bare thigh and onto Ransom’s slack. Your scent shifted to a needier smell as your heat started to make itself known by cramping up your belly and making your pussy slicked up and ready for your alpha’s knot. 
“A-Alpha?” You whimpered as you sat up on his lap, your cheeks flushed pink and you suddenly felt all hot and bothered as you smelled your alpha sweet scent. “N-need y-you.” You whispered as you bit your lip softly. 
He smirked up at you and licked his lips as he smelled your slick, “Omega, love, you smell so needy. You need your alpha?” He asked with a smirk as his hands went to your ass, gripping your soft skin gently. You whimpered and nodded as your thighs clenched softly from where they were straddled around his lap. 
“N-need your k-knot, Alpha.” You whined and grinded against his cloth covered thigh whimpering with need. “P-please?”
“All you had to do was ask, ‘mega.” He smirked before rolling you two over and laying you down on the soft covers of the nest and he leaned down to kiss your lips passionately. “So sweet and soft.” He whispered and you whined needily, wanting, no, needing his knot. 
“I-it hurts.” You cried softly and he shushed you softly before starting to kiss on your neck and his other hand went to support the back of your neck and he pressed the glands on the sides of your neck, making you calm down instantly. He kissed over your scent gland nipping on it softly making you whine happily and his hands moved down to your thighs, caressing the sensitive skin on the insides of your thighs. 
“Good girl. Let your alpha take care of you. Let me make you feel better.” He whispered as he kissed your skin and he moved his hands up your thighs and to your wet and bare pussy, making him growl softly at how slicked up you were. “You’re so wet. You’re so ready for your alpha. You’re the perfect little omega.” 
You whined softly as he pulled back to look at your pussy as his thick fingers spread your folds to reveal your pulsing hole. The tips of his fingers teased your little opening sliding one into your clenching hole. You gasped and cried out softly as his finger rubbed against your swollen and sensitive walls and his other hand rubbed up and down your inner thigh. 
“I don’t think you need any prep, you’re all slicked up and ready.” He growled as he pulled his finger out and licked it clean, groaning at your sweet taste. He quickly stripped himself free of his confining clothes and admired your wrecked state and he stroked his cock slowly grunting softly. “Such a beautiful little cunt. Can’t wait to wreck you.” He purred and you whimpered and you immediately moved to your hands and knees presenting yourself for him. 
“Alpha!” You cried softly as tears filled your eyes just wanting your release to help your cramps. He shushed you softly and kissed up your back softly making it to your neck as he curled himself over your back. He stroked his cock softly before lining it up to your sopping hole and slowly sliding his tip into your hole before sliding the rest into you. His thick cock split your pussy open making you cry out and your jaw dropped as he moved deeper into you. 
“Mm, such a good omega. So tight and wet. You feel like heaven.” He groaned as he rubbed your ass softly and he nosed along your neck sniffing your smell making him groan. He grew even harder inside of you if that was even possible but you never failed to surprise him. You whined and whimpered as he started moving in and out of you slowly making your thighs shake. He was quick to wrap an arm around your waist holding you up as the pleasure made your thighs give out under you. He kissed on your scent gland and drug his teeth along your healed bonding mark, making you shiver at his touch. 
His free hand rubbed your clit softly moving at the same pace as his thrusts, “O-oh, a-alpha! Feels so good. M’so close. N-need your knot.” You whimpered out as you gripped the pillow in front of your face and you sobbed into it. 
“You make the cutest noises when you have your alpha’s cock in your tight cunt. Such a good little omega.” He whispered as he nipped on the sensitive skin of your scent gland and made his thrusts faster and deeper making sure to make you feel good. All the sensations on your body pushed you over the edge making you cum hard around his cock, crying out his name loudly and he groaned as your walls clenched and pulsed around him. “Fuck, such a perfect pussy. Gonna knot you, babygirl.” He grunted as he thrusted hard, slipping his throbbing knot into your pussy, completely filling you up, making you cry out as you came for a second time as his orgasm triggered your own. He came hard pumping you full of his hot spend, making his knot swell and lock you two together. 
“A-alpha! Oh, my!” You cried out as you felt so full of him and the pheromones in the air made your head dizzy as you were just surrounded by your alpha. “T-thank you, alpha. S-so good!” You whined and he gently laid you down on the nest as you two came down from your orgasms. He gently rolled over to have you lay on his chest and he grabbed the blanket and covered you two with the fluffy blanket. You closed your eyes and sighed softly.
“Get some rest while you can. I know you’ll be ready for round two soon.” He whispered and kissed your head as you slowly fell asleep. 
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sunshine-tattoo · 2 years
There is something you Disney gays need to understand.
The Walt Disney Corporation never has, and never will be, your friend or ally.
Disney is a multi billion dollar conglomerate.
Their one and only goal is to make more money than they did the previous year.
That is it.
They aren't trying to help you or your community.
Any politics they have either reflects the best way for them to make money or it was because someone put political pressure on them to do it. Or it is a publicity stunt.
"But what about creators like Dana Terrace? Or the history of queer people in animation?"
Listen to me. Artists like Dana and others do not work at The Rat because they want to.
They work there because Disney buys up every other little animation company there is and shuts it down, ensuring that any money being made from the medium is going to them.
DreamWorks and a tiny handful of others are the only ones left in western animation.
I am not kidding.
Blue Sky, who made Ice Age, was one of Disneys latest victims.
They shut down all production, even for things that were nearly complete, on all products that did not fit their brand.
Such as the movie adaption of Lumber Janes, a queer focused comic by ND Stevenson (creator of the She-Ra reboot).
As for the historical guys, such as Howard Ashman AKA the father of the Disney Renaissance, they may have worked there and done amazing things but it doesn't mean they were respected by the company.
Howard and his fellow gay artists were only allotted the creative freedom to work because at the time Disney was nearly penniless and this was a last ditch effort to save the company.
Gay artists may have risen Disney up, but it does not mean that the company cares for them or us.
In the eyes of these boardroom execs, the artists are tools needed to make a profit.
And gay consumers are the fools who will buy the rainbows-colored sweatshop produced products and call the company woke.
So. What can we do about this?
Rule #1: Avoid giving Disney money at all costs.
I know this is really hard because they own literally everything. But do your best.
This also includes any of their streaming services.
Buy used DVDs or just pirate.
And before anyone gets their panties in a wad about wanting support queer creators like Dana Terrace, let me remind you:
Creators and animators are paid a lump some regardless of if something does well or not.
All that revenue produced by things like Gravity Falls or Luca goes to the execs and stock holders, not the people responsible.
Rule #2- Support artists directly
If you like things like The Owl House and Dana Terrace's work, make a lot of noise about it on social media.
Buzz absolutely is a currency and the more that is generated, the more likely that these things will get renewed.
Rule #3- Support Unions
Unions are what keeps artists from being treated like slaves.
And any union (regardless of background or career) is a good union.
Rule #4- Do not fall for Disney's bullshit
No matter how progressive they may seem, there is always an ulterior motive and always a catch.
They are not our allies no matter what.
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Lend me a helping hand
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Pairing: Jesse Pinkman x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Jesse Pinkman attend the same class back in high school days. One day both of you become study buddies after Walt decides to pair you up to help him with chemistry. Little does he know that you two won’t pay much attention to textbooks, as a mutual crush begins to unfold.
Words: 3,131
Tags: SFW; gender-neutral reader; general fluff that turns a little angsty in the process but don’t worry it ends on a light note; reader and Jesse are younger due to this being set in his high school times.
Warnings/triggers: curse words; mentions of smoking cigarettes and drug use.
A/N: Reader’s implied favourite subject is chemistry so the plot can include Jesse’s trouble with White’s class and having him assign you as Jesse’s tutor.
“ This is my first piece ever writing Jesse so I apologise in advance if it seems out of character but we can all agree that our boy deserves more loving.” - Mod Berry
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Ever since childhood, your eyes were set on an academic pursuit and it certainly didn’t change in your high school years. But the effort wasn’t just for any other subject than your beloved chemistry, which took up so much of your free time. Staying up all night to pass Mr White’s exams with flying colours wasn’t something you were unfamiliar with. All those sticky notes and underlines made with fancy markers in vivid colours present in your textbook were a plain sign, that you struck to be one of the smartest if not the smartest in class. One of your classmates specifically caught your eye – no other than the troublemaker by the name of Jesse Pinkman.
After all, you've been taking the same class for over a year now so you observed all sorts of shenanigans unravel. He’s mostly known as that one kid that always has some snarky comments ready and is an absolute menace to the teacher. At first, it would be making paper planes to throw at Mr White. Gradually it evolved to him drawing caricatures of the old bald man on the whiteboard with captions such as “Sit on an Erlenmeyer flask dick”. The doodle obviously showed in detail a figure of him sitting on the described object. It led to many visits to the principal’s office. Even after all this time you barely have spoken to each other, maybe besides the occasional “Can I borrow a pen” moments.
It seems as no surprise that when this certain student known for not caring about anything really, had you assigned as his study buddy. That is why one day after class Mr White decided to pair you up as study partners.
“Y/N you surely know of Pinkman. The one that barely makes any effort? I told myself if I can’t get through to him with my lectures that maybe someone his age would. I am sure that he could use a positive influence like you.” 
He then murmurs to himself while looking outside the classroom “Maybe then he’ll make something out of himself.”
You never understood why he was so hard on Jesse, sure he wasn’t an easy student but immediately shutting him down as a hopeless case seemed too harsh for you. Either way, you decided to help him.
“Don’t worry sir. I am sure Jesse and I will get along just fine.” 
But fine was the last word you would use to describe this situation, in fact, it was one of those times when you weren’t sure how to react. On one hand, you two barely spoken to each other. On the other hand, you were eager to chat about your favourite subject. But what other thing were you supposed to talk about really? Your only similarities ended in attending the same class and that fact certainly didn’t make it any easier. However the next day you gathered as much confidence as you could when you approached him after class.
‘‘Hi, Jesse. I don’t mean to bother you but -” 
You are then interrupted midsentence by Jesse.
“Uh Hi Y/N right? Look I know what this buzzkill Mr White told you but you don’t need to do all that teaching me crap. ”
“Okay wait wait, don’t be silly now. It’s not a problem for me at all. In fact, I’m glad I can finally ramble to somebody about chemistry, haha and maybe just maybe I’ll be able to change your mind about it” you respond with a smile.
That smile certainly caught Jesse off guard by how pretty it looked on your face. He felt strange? Were you doing this out of pity for him or were you seriously this kind? He wasn’t sure but decided to continue the conversation playfully.
“Pff I’d like to see you try. Anyways Mx teacher when and where are we going to have our first study session?”
“Already with formal titles, I see. Hmm since it’s a nice day outside so would you like to have our first study session in the library? I promise I won’t make it as boring as it sounds.”
“Geez, I don’t know. Do you seriously see me as the kind of guy who regularly goes to libraries? You flatter me Y/N but I hate to break it to you the librarian is probably going to have a heart attack when she sees me.”
“Come on now I don’t think there is a “kind of person” - it is for everyone. Whether you want to admit it or not the library lady will see you just as another plain guy. Or are you scared of being called a nerd huh? you teased him.
“Whatever. So are we going or what?”
That’s how your weekly chemistry study sessions started out. In the beginning, it would be at Albuquerque’s public library, where you two spent time together. It is worth mentioning that the first time you were there the old librarian lady Judith made an embarrassing remark at the time:
“Y/N dearie it is so nice to see you again but who could that young man be? Oh are you two perhaps...”
“Study buddies. We’re study buddies! Yup, nothing more than that haha.” you quickly responded as you didn’t want to make Jesse feel uncomfortable. Hoping that he didn’t catch your face flush bright red for a moment there, you headed to the quiet area with a spare desk and quickly took out your books. 
Those study sessions over time evolved into more casual hangouts such as going to a park, café and so on. Sometimes they would also include obligatory smoke breaks or buying sweet treats for later. There was this one time when you both went out to grab some doughnuts beforehand and Jesse had to get himself the popular pink glazed doughnuts, which resulted in one of your puns:
“Ah, so your last name obliges you to buy them? Huh, Pinkman? Get it?”
“All that time spent buried in the books and it is the only pun you could come up with? Shame on you Y/N shame. To think an egghead like you would get more creative.”
“Oh shut up we’ll see how creative you’re gonna be when we will be solving tasks from the textbooks and workbooks I have.”
Something you began to look forward to during your week was seeing Jesse. He seemed as if he could listen to you for hours and hours. That is why you began to feel comfortable around him - like you could finally be yourself around somebody else. It can be said that he was your best hypeman by saying things such as “Yeah Science bitch!” or “Right on!” even when you explained the most mundane of things. There was this one time when you let yourself go and started ranting about your hobbies such as writing and reading books ( or whatever you like to do in your free time, he’ll be so supportive anyways ) so when you finally realised you were getting distracted you quickly added the following:
“Oh sorry I’m just used to people not caring about my special interests or  straight up finding it annoying.”
“Are you kidding? Fuck them. I’d like to get to know you more, other than the fact that you are a huge nerd. Also, I think you’d make a great teacher or something because hey you’ve managed to make me pay attention."
That response definitely warmed up your heart.
On the surface, both of you seemed like total solar opposites but maybe that’s why you two connected so well. As you often put it in your mind “positively charged objects attract negatively charged objects”. Jesse would probably groan at the thought that you had to compare your friendship to some nerdy topic. During that time, you noticed that there was so much more to Jesse than people thought. For instance, his notebook had pages that were entirely covered in drawings of figures done in a comic book art style, some of which were superheroes while the others were villains. Initially, Jesse was nervous that you found them but then all that doubt disappeared when he was smothered in positive feedback from you. You eagerly asked about their names, superpowers and origin stories and then proceeded to listen to his explanations with joy in your eyes. That alone made Jesse feel so weak around you - you were actually interested in spending time with him and in what he wanted to say ( and by god we all know how much he needs that in his life ).
Up to this point, you didn’t realise that you started to develop feelings towards Jesse, but when he didn’t show up at your usual meeting spot you immediately started to worry. It’s not as if Jesse wouldn’t let you know if something bad happened, because he had felt sick before. The significant difference is that he always called or texted when he couldn’t make it. This time however it was total silence. At first, you tried calling him, then you moved on to texting multiple messages saying “Are you alright? Did something happen?” followed by “I hope everything is okay Jesse text me whenever you can”. You weren’t sure if you were overreacting a bit, but you didn’t care – the most important thing was his well-being. Time passed and it has been a week since your last message and there was no sign of him at school either. Now you were certain that something felt off… Maybe that’s why you decided to take matters into your own hands when you visited the Pinkmans’ residence. You were more than thankful, that you remembered where it was located since Jesse never really invited you over. The only time when you two were near his house he’d quickly brush it off as if he didn’t want to attract your attention to it.  When you arrived and knocked on the door a short blonde woman opened. She was clearly confused by your presence.
“Can I help you with something? I don’t believe we have met before?” 
"Oh hi, you must be Jesse’s mother. My name is Y/N nice to meet you, I am Jesse’s friend.”
It was strange to call him that since you weren’t sure if Jesse considered you his friend, but you certainly considered him to be yours. A small shocked expression appeared on her face, however before she could say anything you continued:
You didn’t quite understand her passive-aggressive response. At the same time, she was glad that you thought about her son but also said something about being an “unusual” friend of his. What did she mean by that? Was she trying to insult you or her own son? You thought that to yourself but decided to shrug it off as there were more important things right now.
“Listen Mrs Pinkman I am so sorry to bother you but Jesse hasn’t been responding to my messages for the past week and he also wasn’t at school so I wanted to make sure that he’s okay.”
“Hmm I have to say you don’t seem like Jesse’s usual kind of “friend”, but it’s nice that you worried about him. Pleasure to meet you too.”
“Listen Jesse has been lately um I am not sure how to put it...” 
The older woman seemed at loss for words. To your surprise at that moment a taller older man came up behind Mrs Pinkman, which you suspected probably was Jesse’s father.
“Is there a problem here dear?” and then Mrs Pinkman had to assure him there was none but also had to explain why you were here in the first place. 
“Oh, you are here for Jesse huh? Well then colour me surprised, to say the least. About our son - you’ll understand what my wife wanted to tell you in a moment. How about I show you his room, then you can go ask him yourself.”
The tension in that conversation caught you off-guard. For some reason, both of them seemed angry inside but they covered it in their nice suburban behaviour.  Before you could even properly react to that exchange of words they both walked into their house, gesturing you to follow them. 
They stopped at the door, which you could only assume belonged to Jesse’s room. His father then proceeded to knock on the door while saying “Jesse you have a visitor.” and then both left you alone in awkward silence while standing outside his room.
A couple of minutes passed and then you heard a loud thud and steps of someone approaching the door. Then the door swung right open followed by:
“Uh. I didn’t want you to see me like this Y/N.” Jesse sighed.
The room looked as if a tornado came through - all his belongings scattered on the bedroom floor. From his usual baggy clothes, beanies and a used bong to boxes of frozen pizza with few slices left untouched. The air in the room was heavy and the atmosphere was even heavier when you noticed Jesse nervously looking at you in the doorframe.
You have never seen Jesse in that state before. His usual entrancing blue eyes were all red. Not only that but it appeared that even weighty eyebags began to show on his face. Jesse anxiously held his arm around you. He was so afraid that sooner or later you would witness him like this. He expected the worst to come from your mouth and was preparing himself for the harsh reality of that situation to unfold, but then he heard a quiet sob coming from you.
“I was so worried that something bad happened to you. I am so glad that you are okay you asshole!” you immediately hugged Jesse.
“But um Jesse what happened? Is there something that worried you so much, which lead to this state?” you gestured at the room and him.
Jesse was knocked-out at that moment. Out of all the reactions he suspected he would get from you a warm embrace wasn’t on that list.
“Next time check your goddamn phone you hear me? A simple “I am alive” would be great you know?” you quickly added as you let go of that hug.
“I don’t want to come off as nosy or anything but just so you know you can always talk to me. I’ll make sure to be of help to you.” you added.
Jesse was absolutely stunned at that moment. Nobody ever cared about him that much and you didn’t even judge him? You didn’t think of him less after witnessing him at his worst? After all of that, you still wanted to know what was wrong? What exactly was happening? He finally responded:
“Heh I don’t know what to say Y/N. Look for the past few days I haven’t been feeling very well. You probably met my parents - we don’t exactly get along.” before he could finish that sentence he made sure to close the door so they wouldn’t hear what he says.
“So about a week ago they found my secret stash and went fucking crazy. It wasn’t only about that oh no no no. Mrs and Mr Perfect had to bring up my shitty grades and how I will never amount to anything. Parents of the year huh? After that, the only thing I knew would make me feel good is smoke some weed and spend time alone. My buddies suggested meeting up but I wasn't feeling like it. I just felt like a burden to everyone I have ever met."
"God and the fact that this dickhead White told my parents I was a lost cause was just a cherry on top of that shitshow." he added with frustration building inside him.
Seeing Jesse in that vulnerable position made you even more motivated to comfort him. You carefully started:
"First of all you are certainly not a burden, how could you even think that for a moment? Look even if your parents are acting like assholes towards you they don't define your worth. "
"I am so sorry that your parents and White told you those awful words but if you asked me I think you are pretty great. Sure you aren't the best at certain things but you are getting better each and every single day. If it makes any real difference to you I'm rooting for you, Jesse."
"And hey just a friendly suggestion when you do succeed you can rub it in their face you know? That certainly is something to look forward to right?"
That made Jesse chuckle a bit.
"Thanks, Y/N. I am very glad that you came here."
"No problem at all. Say do you need any help with cleaning your room? And before you say you don't want to make me do your chores I don't mind and also I insist."
Even if he said no you would help him so after that you and Jesse got up to start cleaning his room and of course had some more heart-to-heart conversations while doing so. It brought you two closer than ever and you both realized that your feelings were more than friendship.
Since that day some time passed and your first study sessions came faster than expected. Jesse was so happy that he could finally spend more time with you and so were you. You took your usual path to the library and sat in an empty desk. This time you decided to start with organic chemistry, in particular, a topic revolving around saccharides. Before you could explain anything Jesse asked you:
"So today we are doing what? Saccharides? What a mouthful. Why do eggheads always come up with the most idiotic names instead of calling it oh I don't know... something anyone can say outloud?"
"Pff you can always just call them sugars you know. It is still a correct nomenclature so feel free to use that one."
"Yeah but I would rather call you sugar." he responded without a second thought.
"Wait what did you say?" you felt blood rush to your face.
Silence fell between you two. Expression or sheer shock on both of your faces. Jesse couldn't believe he said that out loud. The silence was then broken by him coughing and finally adding:
"Y/N I didn't mean to make any of this awkward I just... I just think that you are sweet."
"Well if that makes any difference I think you are cute too Pinkman." you responded and softly placed a kiss on his lips.
Truth be told that day you didn't do any of the material you had planned in advance. The only chemistry that was on your mind was between you and Jesse.
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br34k1ng-bl0g · 1 year
So tired of ppl having the worst breaking bad takes of all time.
"idk I just thought Skyler was anno-" shut up.
"I didn't like Walt JR because he-" literally don't care.
"Jesse was so emotionally unsta-" don't.care.
I genuinely don't understand why ppl dislike like characters. The only way I can possibly see hating them to the amount that some ppl do is just. Misogyny. Ablism. And fucking. You just don't understand his character or any of the things that he went through during the show.
If Ur one of those BrBa fans DNI.
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
Are there any AU² thoughts you're having that you haven't gotten an excuse to share yet? I love the concept so much!!
anons flexing on me by figuring out how to superscript the 2.....au squared is so self-indulgent that i hesitate to make posts just to say silly, cutesy things. but i cant get enough of jesse coming to skyler with childcare questions because he hates to ask his own mom for help and shes the only person he knows who also Has a baby. skyler is initially super resistant, but jesse is so goddamn sincere and as obnoxious and sometimes clueless as he is, he really Wants to take good care of baby and its kind of refreshing to be around someone who actually loves their child rather than loving them in a technical, abstract sense (<- walt). hes like "hey missus white um. uh. are u supposed to like. brush ur baby's teeth" and skyler's like (taking the world's longest drag from her cigarette with her eyes closed). skyler's tolerance for jesse remains mostly limited, but she does field his questions and she does love baby and she does somewhat reluctantly show jesse how to put hair up because baby was born with like a full head of hair and he doesnt know what the fuck to do with it and if she smiles during most of the process, its just because she likes doing baby hair and holly's not old enough for pigtails yet.
au squared captivity arc is also like. particularly oughhh because uncle jack makes it clear from the jump that if jesse steps out of line, they will kill baby. they will kill his two-year-old and make him watch and then take him right back here to keep working. so even when the chances to potentially escape present themselves, jesse cant force himself to act until everyone is literally shot to pieces and too Dead to follow through (and even then he looks over his shoulder for the rest of his life). jesse pulls the gun on todd in the desert, the clearest shot he's had at escaping so far, and todd just says "hey. u dont have to do this. i don't think it'd be very good for ur daughter. :(" not even in a threatening way. almost like todd means it in like an emotional sense. it would hurt her if u hurt anyone else :( and then todd takes it one step further and says "hey. why dont we get a pizza or something? we'll go back downtown and pick something up and maybe drive by where she's at. just drive by. that'd be nice, yeah?? u did real good work today, u deserve a treat. what's ur favorite pizza topping?" and jesse crumbles. he sits on the floor of the front seat at todd's feet like a dog, not allowed to look out the window and having to believe todd when he says "yep, i think thats the new place shes at. looks pretty nice :)" its foolish to trust him, but jesse does anyway and closes his eyes and just imagines that hes passing by baby. hes seeing her little freckled face, her smile with the big gap between her two pearly front teeth, her tiny hand reaching out to grab onto his sleeve. for a second, hes with her. he may never, ever see her again because he may be trapped in this nightmare forever, he may have to work for eternity to keep the gang away from her, but for a second, jesse is close to his baby again.
on a lighter note, jesse is stupid impressed when baby starts imitating the animal sounds she hears on her little mechanical farm toy and shows this new talent off to Everyone. skinny and badger are barely through the door before jesse's like "SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT UP. check this out." mike staring vacantly at crusty flip phone video after crusty flip phone video of baby saying "moo". jesse even brings baby with him to show walt and is just beaming with pride and also silently hoping walt thinks that his daughter is super smart and walt's like "sure, whatever, have u killed gus yet"
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fastlikealambo · 1 year
I left my pom poms in an alternate dimension. || eddie munson x black!fem reader
summary: you were supposed to be avoiding your ex, you were supposed to be talking chrissy out of buying drugs like a good friend, you were not supposed to see your best friend's body crumpled on the ceiling of your ex's trailer. 
now you're being hunted by  an avenging dickhead in a letterman's jacket, a monster with a clock fetish, and worse, your ex boyfriend accused of the same murder you are is right along with you for the ride.
eddie munson's an open book, but you've got secrets, one big secret that caused your breakup and could destroy your life and Hawkins forever.
who knows? 
maybe the best kind of couples' therapy is saving the goddamn world.
trigger warning: violence, gore, eventual smut, reader is 18+, use of pet names, trauma, child abuse, everyone’s favorite cheerleader going snap crackle and pop.
as always ageless blogs and minors, please dni
                            Chapter One: The Hellfire Club
You shouldn’t have come here.
“ Sweetheart, you’re scaring me.” Eddie said in a low voice, standing at the top of the stairs.
 He takes one step down and you move two steps back, the lights outside of his trailer coming on, your blood soaked pajamas coming into full view.
“Is that blood? Who did this to you?” Your boyfriend asked horrified, taking the stairs two at a time to get to you  but you put a shaky hand out in front of him.
“Stay back Eddie, please.” You whimpered and Eddie freezes in place, his hands out in front of him in a defensive position. 
“Angel, you’re hurt and you’re scared, please you have to tell me what’s going on!  Whatever it is, I can handle it, I just want to help you.“ Eddie puts a hand on your bloody cheek, eyes brimming with tears.
“ Was it Walt? Did he do this?” Eddie asked, jaw clenched and the sound of your sobbing in confirmation makes his jaw clench.
He doesn’t know you’ve done.
“Let’s get you inside, okay?  I’ll wake my uncle, I’ll call 911, I’ll call Hopper,  the Pentagon, whoever the fuck I need to call but I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Eddie holds his hand to you and there’s nothing more you want to do than tell him everything.
But you can’t.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I’m so sorry, but you need to stay away from me. I shouldn’t have come here, I won’t come here again.” You said simply, starting to back away, too much of a coward to look the only person you’ve ever truly loved in the eye.
“Please don’t do this, I love you. Did I do something wrong?” 
This is all your fault.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Eddie.” 
“ Please-
“Just stay the fuck away!” You yelled, forcing yourself to watch Eddie’s face break before picking up your bike and running away.
He didn’t deserve that, nobody deserved that, but at least now he was safe.
Safe from you.
                                       ONE YEAR LATER
“And sometimes I wonder: how much loss could a community take?”
If Jason talked any longer, you were gonna barf into your pom poms. 
Chrissy’s smiling face kept you from hurling on the Hawkins High gym floor but if he didn’t shut the fuck up soon, you were going to go full Linda Blair at this pep rally.
How all those poor people who died at the mall related to the championship game you couldn’t figure out but the crowd went wild and you were on your feet with the rest of the squad, screaming wildly.
The pep rally ended quickly after that with Chrissy looping her arm with yours, a big smile on her face.
“You’re coming to the party after the game right? You promised!” Chrissy said.
“I’ll be there, might have to leave early, I’ve got work in the morning and I’ve got to be up to let Walt’s nurse in but I’ll be there as promised.” You said, playfully nudging her with your shoulder before grabbing your books from your locker.
“Can I ask you something? Promise you won’t get mad?” Chrissy turned to you, eyes wide.
“That depends on the question. What’s up?” 
“Does Eddie still deal?”
His name makes you drop your trapper keeper, your homework spilling out on the floor and you both bend over to pick it all up.
“ I don’t know, honestly, we don’t talk. Wait, why would you need to know if he’s still in business?” You asked, confused and very much eager to get the subject of your ex boyfriend out of the conversation.
 Chrissy doesn’t look you in the eye for a second but when she does it’s like a dark cloud fell over her features. It’s not the first time this week you’ve seen that cloud.
“ If something was up, you’d tell me?”
“You bet! I just wanted to get some party favors and I was looking to score.”
“ Score? Why are you talking like an after school special? Look, I know something’s up Chrissy, whatever it is, drugs are not gonna fix it. I won’t tell Jason, I won’t tell anybody, I promise.” You whispered. 
 Chrissy meets your worried gaze, clutching her books tightly to her chest.
“Do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?”
“Once every fifteen minutes. Why?” 
“ Chrissy-
The cloud vanishes from your best friend’s face just as quickly as it came, a fake smile in place.
“I gotta run, see you at warmups!” Chrissy interrupted, voice too high and too cheerful before taking off towards the bathroom.
Something felt very, very, wrong.
The bell rings and the hallway becomes a fast moving current, snapping you out of your haze as you bump into someone hard.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to.” You apologized immediately, the nervous laugh dies on your lips when you realize whom you’ve bumped into.
“Eddie, I-
He steps back without a word, letting the sea of students flood between you two until the hallway is empty and you’re alone.
Just as it should be.
You don’t have a chance to talk to Chrissy during warmups and the game started soon after. It all goes by in a blur until Lucas Sinclair saves The Tigers from crushing defeat and even you can’t help but join in the absolute chaos of the win.
The game empties out and you grab your duffle bag, searching for Chrissy in the crowd.
“You need a ride to Benny’s?” Patrick asked with Lucas in Sinclair in tow.
“No, I got my car, I’ll see you there though! Great job tonight, Lucas!” You said, your first actual smile of the night fades as you spot a very familiar van and a very familiar cheerleader driving off.
“Chrissy, I’m not a narc but this isn’t you.”
“Chrissy, you’re my best friend, you don’t need drugs, you just need friendship.”
“Chrissy, get in the motherfucking car right now!”
You practice what you’re gonna say to Chrissy as you speed (well as much as a broken down ford pinto could speed) to the one place you swore never to return to. 
The lights inside of Eddie’s trailer are flickering what strikes you as odd but it takes everything in you to open your car door. Maybe if you could grab Chrissy without Eddie noticing in his own trailer.
Maybe you should just leave, Chrissy obviously didn’t want you there, didn’t trust you enough to tell her secrets to and who could blame her?
You had enough secrets for the pair of you.
You’re contemplating just going back to your car when you hear a scream that sends you bursting through the door.
“Chrissy you don’t-”
Oh God.
The sight above you is so horrifying, you choke on your words, you should be screaming but all you can do is stare at the contorted and broken body of your best friend on the ceiling, the monstrous product of something or someone truly evil.
But that evil was not the crying and screaming man on the ground near you and as much as you want to vomit and collapse onto the floor with him, you can’t.
“Eddie, we have to go.” You choked out, a trembling hand outstretched for him that he didn't take, still frozen in fear, screaming.
“Eddie, we have to go now!” You yelled, grabbing him by the scruff of his hellfire shirt and pulling him to his feet. You’re running on shaky legs, all but dragging Eddie out of the front door as Chrissy’s snapped corpse crumples to the ground behind you.
You were right, there was something very, very, wrong here.
That’s our first chapter, I hope it doesn’t suck!
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scorevechkin · 11 months
💜 for brad/ray?
*cracks knuckles* here we go!!
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When Brad stalks off, Ray thinks that okay, maybe it was stupid but he wasn’t going to get an earful about it, because he knew it was a stupid thing to do. Who the fuck gets out of their relatively safe vehicle to stand in front of another vehicle in the middle of a fucking firefight? Ray, apparently.
“Brad’s comin’ in hot, at your three o’clock.” Walt chimes out suddenly before hopping off to leave Ray all by his lonesome and fully at the mercy of Brad’s righteous attitude. Ray grimaces but shifts to lean against the humvee, smiling when he turns to face Brad.
“What’s up Brad? Checked the tires, they’re all fine and dandy, no spares needed.”
Brad gives him a steely gaze before looking around and then stepping closer.
“What the fuck was that, Ray?”
Play stupid, his mind supplies. “What was what?”
“Stop it, you fucking jumping out of the humvee, are you looking to get yourself killed?” Brad asks, voice low enough that it drives a shiver down Ray’s spine. He hates being under Brad’s gaze when he’s like this, like he’s torn between chastising Ray or mother henning him.
Ray frowns, he knows it was stupid, but it was sort of neccessary, especially considering apparently everyone suddenly forgot they’d had comms. “Well, LT jumped out too and—”
Brad stops him with a sharp “Ray.” And Ray’s mouth clicks shut and he swallows, feeling annoyed and maybe hopeful or something, because he knows it was stupid but there’s a part of him that feels like doing cartwheels because Brad cares enough to get mad. Or maybe he just doesn’t want the trouble of getting a new RTO. “Fick is our commanding officer, of course he’s expected to get out and direct us, but you just can’t — you can’t.” He sucks in a breath, rubbing at his eyes with one hand and Ray just stares.
“Don’t fucking do that again,” Brad says after a long pause, his face contorting like he’s trying to continue being mad before his gaze softens a bit. “I can’t unfuck the radios myself,” comes out a little forced and fake sounding but Brad smiles and Ray can’t help but mirror it.
“Yeah, you would be pretty lost without me.”
“I would. I really would, Ray.”
Then Brad’s taking another look around before he’s stepping forward, hand up on the humvee’s roof and leaning in closer. Ray feels goosebumps spread across his neck at the body heat radiating off of Brad, a stark contrast to the cool air of the night. He doesn’t have much time to think about anything else before Brad’s kissing him quickly, knocking their foreheads together when he pulls away before ultimately moving away entirely, leaving Ray feeling like he’s floating
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blueshistorysims · 1 year
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Early January 1909, Willow Creek College, England
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“How was your winter holiday?” Joel asked the moment Byron stepped into their dorm. 
“Horrible. I thought summer break was bad, but…” He sighed. “My poor sister.”
Upon returning home for the summer, Alexander and Byron learned of the argument Edeline had with their parents, and her refusal to even eat dinner with their mother. Byron pitied his sister greatly, and he felt anger at his mother for saying such horrible things. The summer only got worse since Alexander smartly decided to spend all his free time with his beau Edith so they could snog all day, leaving Byron to comfort his two sisters.
Christmas had only multiplied the awkwardness. Edeline still refused to speak to their mama, and Rebecca refused to apologize. Byron honestly thought that Edeline was going to run away and never come back, and he wouldn’t blame her. He had never been more glad in his life to leave after New Year’s.
“Well, maybe they will make amends.”
“I pray to God that they do,” he muttered, sitting next to his friend. 
“I still can’t believe next year is your last.”
“I know,” Byron replied. “I’m turning 14 next month, and I’m already looking at universities.”
“Good luck.”
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The friendship he had with Joel was far different from the friendship he had with Reggie. It was a different connection, a different feeling, and Byron didn’t know how to describe it. He was always happier when Joel was there, and sometimes, when they messed around, and Joel would touch him, his heart fluttered. 
He didn’t know what to make of his feelings, so he went to the one place he found refuge, the library. More often than not, he found himself reading Leaves of Grass by Walt Wittman, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, among others, books that had been decried by Victorian society for their depictions of homosexuality, and yet, he couldn’t stop reading them. The words were comforting, relatable.
So perhaps it wasn’t surprising that it dawned on him, reading in the library late at night that reason why he connected with the words so much. The descriptions of the men and their relationships was how he felt about Joel. He was attracted to Joel. He was attracted to men.
The revelation shocked him, and if he hadn’t been in a library, he would have screamed. He liked men? That couldn’t be. He’d had crushes on girls in the past. He liked women. He was horrified by the thought. 
Unknowing what else to do, he went back to his room, close to tears, and to his relief, found it empty. He slammed the door shut and sat on the floor, leaning against his bed. “My god,” he whispered, tears spilling from his eyes.
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So of course, five minutes later, the door opened, and Joel walked in, pointing at something. “Byron, are you  in t-what’s wrong?” He asked, surprised to see the state his friend was in. 
Byron looked up and wanted the scream. He was the last person he wanted to see. “...It-it’s nothing.”
Joel frowned and sat next to him. “I know we’ve only each other this year, but you can trust me. I consider you one of my closest friends.”
Byron wanted to scream. Instead, he wiped his face and shook his head. “...I couldn’t. I shan’t. Besides, isn’t it normal for us Englishmen to ignore our feelings and never speak of them?”
He laughed. “I am not like most Englishmen, Byron. I don’t think you are either.”
He turned to him, unsure of what to make of his words. “...What?”
Joel swallowed, his face growing pale. “I’ve seen what you’ve been reading lately,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “I’m about to do something very stupid.”
Byron barely processed what his friend had said before Joel pressed his lips against his.
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Byron blinked. Joel was kissing him. He was kissing Joel. He liked kissing Joel. After a second, he just closed his eyes and went with it, deciding for once not to care about the consequences. 
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