#eddie munson fanfc
fastlikealambo · 1 year
I left my pom poms in an alternate dimension. || eddie munson x black!fem reader
summary: you were supposed to be avoiding your ex, you were supposed to be talking chrissy out of buying drugs like a good friend, you were not supposed to see your best friend's body crumpled on the ceiling of your ex's trailer. 
now you're being hunted by  an avenging dickhead in a letterman's jacket, a monster with a clock fetish, and worse, your ex boyfriend accused of the same murder you are is right along with you for the ride.
eddie munson's an open book, but you've got secrets, one big secret that caused your breakup and could destroy your life and Hawkins forever.
who knows? 
maybe the best kind of couples' therapy is saving the goddamn world.
trigger warning: violence, gore, eventual smut, reader is 18+, use of pet names, trauma, child abuse, everyone’s favorite cheerleader going snap crackle and pop.
as always ageless blogs and minors, please dni
                            Chapter One: The Hellfire Club
You shouldn’t have come here.
“ Sweetheart, you’re scaring me.” Eddie said in a low voice, standing at the top of the stairs.
 He takes one step down and you move two steps back, the lights outside of his trailer coming on, your blood soaked pajamas coming into full view.
“Is that blood? Who did this to you?” Your boyfriend asked horrified, taking the stairs two at a time to get to you  but you put a shaky hand out in front of him.
“Stay back Eddie, please.” You whimpered and Eddie freezes in place, his hands out in front of him in a defensive position. 
“Angel, you’re hurt and you’re scared, please you have to tell me what’s going on!  Whatever it is, I can handle it, I just want to help you.“ Eddie puts a hand on your bloody cheek, eyes brimming with tears.
“ Was it Walt? Did he do this?” Eddie asked, jaw clenched and the sound of your sobbing in confirmation makes his jaw clench.
He doesn’t know you’ve done.
“Let’s get you inside, okay?  I’ll wake my uncle, I’ll call 911, I’ll call Hopper,  the Pentagon, whoever the fuck I need to call but I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Eddie holds his hand to you and there’s nothing more you want to do than tell him everything.
But you can’t.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I’m so sorry, but you need to stay away from me. I shouldn’t have come here, I won’t come here again.” You said simply, starting to back away, too much of a coward to look the only person you’ve ever truly loved in the eye.
“Please don’t do this, I love you. Did I do something wrong?” 
This is all your fault.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Eddie.” 
“ Please-
“Just stay the fuck away!” You yelled, forcing yourself to watch Eddie’s face break before picking up your bike and running away.
He didn’t deserve that, nobody deserved that, but at least now he was safe.
Safe from you.
                                       ONE YEAR LATER
“And sometimes I wonder: how much loss could a community take?”
If Jason talked any longer, you were gonna barf into your pom poms. 
Chrissy’s smiling face kept you from hurling on the Hawkins High gym floor but if he didn’t shut the fuck up soon, you were going to go full Linda Blair at this pep rally.
How all those poor people who died at the mall related to the championship game you couldn’t figure out but the crowd went wild and you were on your feet with the rest of the squad, screaming wildly.
The pep rally ended quickly after that with Chrissy looping her arm with yours, a big smile on her face.
“You’re coming to the party after the game right? You promised!” Chrissy said.
“I’ll be there, might have to leave early, I’ve got work in the morning and I’ve got to be up to let Walt’s nurse in but I’ll be there as promised.” You said, playfully nudging her with your shoulder before grabbing your books from your locker.
“Can I ask you something? Promise you won’t get mad?” Chrissy turned to you, eyes wide.
“That depends on the question. What’s up?” 
“Does Eddie still deal?”
His name makes you drop your trapper keeper, your homework spilling out on the floor and you both bend over to pick it all up.
“ I don’t know, honestly, we don’t talk. Wait, why would you need to know if he’s still in business?” You asked, confused and very much eager to get the subject of your ex boyfriend out of the conversation.
 Chrissy doesn’t look you in the eye for a second but when she does it’s like a dark cloud fell over her features. It’s not the first time this week you’ve seen that cloud.
“ If something was up, you’d tell me?”
“You bet! I just wanted to get some party favors and I was looking to score.”
“ Score? Why are you talking like an after school special? Look, I know something’s up Chrissy, whatever it is, drugs are not gonna fix it. I won’t tell Jason, I won’t tell anybody, I promise.” You whispered. 
 Chrissy meets your worried gaze, clutching her books tightly to her chest.
“Do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?”
“Once every fifteen minutes. Why?” 
“ Chrissy-
The cloud vanishes from your best friend’s face just as quickly as it came, a fake smile in place.
“I gotta run, see you at warmups!” Chrissy interrupted, voice too high and too cheerful before taking off towards the bathroom.
Something felt very, very, wrong.
The bell rings and the hallway becomes a fast moving current, snapping you out of your haze as you bump into someone hard.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to.” You apologized immediately, the nervous laugh dies on your lips when you realize whom you’ve bumped into.
“Eddie, I-
He steps back without a word, letting the sea of students flood between you two until the hallway is empty and you’re alone.
Just as it should be.
You don’t have a chance to talk to Chrissy during warmups and the game started soon after. It all goes by in a blur until Lucas Sinclair saves The Tigers from crushing defeat and even you can’t help but join in the absolute chaos of the win.
The game empties out and you grab your duffle bag, searching for Chrissy in the crowd.
“You need a ride to Benny’s?” Patrick asked with Lucas in Sinclair in tow.
“No, I got my car, I’ll see you there though! Great job tonight, Lucas!” You said, your first actual smile of the night fades as you spot a very familiar van and a very familiar cheerleader driving off.
“Chrissy, I’m not a narc but this isn’t you.”
“Chrissy, you’re my best friend, you don’t need drugs, you just need friendship.”
“Chrissy, get in the motherfucking car right now!”
You practice what you’re gonna say to Chrissy as you speed (well as much as a broken down ford pinto could speed) to the one place you swore never to return to. 
The lights inside of Eddie’s trailer are flickering what strikes you as odd but it takes everything in you to open your car door. Maybe if you could grab Chrissy without Eddie noticing in his own trailer.
Maybe you should just leave, Chrissy obviously didn’t want you there, didn’t trust you enough to tell her secrets to and who could blame her?
You had enough secrets for the pair of you.
You’re contemplating just going back to your car when you hear a scream that sends you bursting through the door.
“Chrissy you don’t-”
Oh God.
The sight above you is so horrifying, you choke on your words, you should be screaming but all you can do is stare at the contorted and broken body of your best friend on the ceiling, the monstrous product of something or someone truly evil.
But that evil was not the crying and screaming man on the ground near you and as much as you want to vomit and collapse onto the floor with him, you can’t.
“Eddie, we have to go.” You choked out, a trembling hand outstretched for him that he didn't take, still frozen in fear, screaming.
“Eddie, we have to go now!” You yelled, grabbing him by the scruff of his hellfire shirt and pulling him to his feet. You’re running on shaky legs, all but dragging Eddie out of the front door as Chrissy’s snapped corpse crumples to the ground behind you.
You were right, there was something very, very, wrong here.
That’s our first chapter, I hope it doesn’t suck!
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Do u think Wayne knew about Eddie selling drugs? I wonder how he would react would he be super mad?
Good question anon! I don´t have a very strong hc for this, because there are many plausible options. I think he probably at least suspects it. But how much he knows and how he feels about it isn't something I have a clear idea of.
I do have this idea for a fic where Eddie used to do way worse things because he was used to doing them when he lived with his dad (like stealing stuff from stores, breaking into people's houses, pickpocketing, hotwiring cars etc.). He thinks he's supposed to do these things to provide and do his part basically. And when Wayne finds out about this he initially gets very angry because he doesn't understand why Eddie is doing it, and Eddie gets really mad because he doesn't understand where Wayne is coming from (like he never learned that the adult is supposed to provide and that they can have steady jobs). Eventually they calm down and talk it out. Since then Eddie will tell Wayne about any schemes he wants to get up to and they can compromise on what is still okay. So Wayne knows Eddie sells drugs, but they agreed that he'll only sell to seniors and adults, and that he only sells soft drugs like weed. In this scenario I do think they sometimes need the extra money that Eddie provides. During easier times he can use the money to save up for stuff.
I might write that one day, but I'm not very productive :). I hope this answers your question! Let me know what you think!
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