#shut up tj
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deathbysports · 28 days ago
"lmfao are you really surprised that x player is a republican/trumpie?"- oh my god genuinely shut the fuck up. do you really fucking expect people to look up a player's political views when they first get into hockey? do you really expect people to follow an athlete's social media? do you really expect everyone to stay up to date on every single follow or like or post a player makes? also what fucking makes you think that this is news to us??? what makes you think we're surprised? and even if we were... idk maybe it's just because we expect our favs to just... do better? just because there's a 99% chance that our favs suck doesn't fucking mean we shouldn't expect them to be better than that. especially considering there's still good dudes out there. get off your high horse and quit shaming people for being (rightfully) upset that their fav turned out to be awful. nobody has the moral high ground here, not even myself (and fuck djt by the way)
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thejolteonmastertj · 3 months ago
Parallels beloved
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Panels are from:
Central Room part 2 of Linked Universe,
& Backtracking from Mina’s Linkverse.
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shokushii · 2 years ago
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hello echo enjoyers. im now suffering from brainrot also.
also also idk why but the stock image thing really tickled me. love this slow-typing ass office gila and his toothpicks <3
(and the horrors) (lmao)
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raregcms · 1 month ago
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@mutantmuses @bothsidesofaquestion :3
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liferetainsitssparkle · 8 months ago
the age gap in wolfsong doesnt bother me nearly as much as the way that tj klune writes about the age gap does. like he knows what the sjws will say and just has characters keep repeating and then discrediting it, and then has the mc say over and over again that they'll wait until joe's 18 as if there is anything but an arbitrary difference in life experience between a fresh 18 year old and a 17 year old that you've known since he was 9
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reallyrandomtj · 8 months ago
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Consider this BLOG 'taken over' by ARGENTI.
For how long? Until he runs out of compliments ~
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LIKING and/or commenting on this post gives ARGENTI permission to send your muse a 'compliment' via an ask!
This is open to both non-mutuals and mutuals. WHY? Because Argenti doesn't compliment others based upon friendship with an individual but the BEAUTY he sees within that person/creature.
However, a non-mutual interacting with this post MUST be an active rper ( preferably with a muse from Honkai Star Rail ) if Argenti - or the mun, me - doesn't know the character then interacting with this post will be seen as permission to send a private IM to chat about the 'unknown' character. Argenti doesn't leave anyone out ~
Final note: Asks that are answered, the muns will receive a private message to determine if the response is made into a rp thread. There is absolutely ZERO Pressure to turn it into a thread; this man is just full of compliments and wishes to at least 'brighten' someone's day!
Who is 'brave' enough to receive a compliment from THIS Knight of Beauty?
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saint-sebastian-coded · 26 days ago
latin is the evillest thing ever. why are we even here
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simperoniandcheese · 10 months ago
"And now, we celebrate." READ TAGS
Cora smirked as soon as their bedroom door was shut behind them. The air was tinged with barely-repressed excitement, seeing as the first round of IVF hadn't failed so far, and now the both of them just had to wait to see if the embryos took.
TJ blanched, his face heating up slightly in embarrassment.
"What about-- Won't Dad hear it? We can't-" He trailed off sheepishly, standing to attention like a soldier as Cora spoke back up.
"Burl and Tony are watching the game down at Farrell's, not to mention I kind of. . . paid the old man to keep him there for at least a few hours or so more." She grimaced, a guilty but playful shine in her brown eyes.
TJ exhaled through his nose in a quiet laugh, drawing closer to her as he almost gawped in admiration and well, pure affection for the genius that was his wife. God, he didn't deserve her at all. He thought in his bliss-like state as they sat down together on the bed, Cora wasting no time in unbuckling his belt, and pressing kisses along his jawline, where he'd shaved just the other day.
All thoughts running through his head ceased as his own choked out cry sounded softly from the back of his throat, signaling that Cora had found what she was looking for.
"Think about it," she egged him on, her hand stroking him torturingly slow from in his pants, once, twice, and a wave of dizzied pleasure crashed over him, rocking him in her grip a little. "You can be as loud as you need to be tonight, alright? Can you make those pretty sounds for me, TJ?" His wife murmured as she fixed her warm gaze onto his half-closed one, her words imprinting in TJ's brain, a memory that he hoped would stay forever.
He wasn't usually one to fold this quickly in the bedroom as he was tonight, but a; it was Cora and that spoke for itself, and b; it was refreshing to settle down and let somebody else take the lead.
She already did most of the time, though. Sure, he was happy to occasionally switch it up and adopt the confident, dominant role that he knew she loved especially.
But this way was how it typically flowed, and he felt he was able to satisfy her just as well as she did him.
"Cora--" He sputtered, cutting himself off with a held-back groan and feeling himself harden rapidly in her palm, before leaning forwards to nuzzle his cheek against hers lovingly, even in the disgraceful state she'd gotten him into. "Please. Keep talking."
"Give me a second." She shot him a sly smile, and she ducked her head down. Apprehension barely had time to zip up his spine before she sloped her tongue gently but surely over the length of his painfully hard erection, prompting a gasped "Oh my God" over and over from under TJ's breath, amid the obvious tremble of his legs around her.
He looked down at her shakily as she continued, and to TJ's embarrassment, a daringly intense motion on Cora's part caused his hips to buck up and draw his cock further into her mouth.
She giggled a little, reaching up to tap him on the shoulder smugly. "What do you say we take this a little faster?" Cora dragged on, peering up at him through her eyelashes, her eyes dark with a certain something that frankly, was driving TJ up the wall. He nodded down at Cora, his lips thinly sealed in worry of something slipping out that would end this moment.
She nodded back, and resettled herself, one hand on his still-clothed leg as her head bobbed a small amount, apparently she was still intent on torturing him.
Between a particularly loud whimper, TJ desperately raked his hands through her wavy black hair in an attempt to get her to go deeper down on him and ease the oncoming tide of his release, to which she obliged, her comforting voice causing TJ's eyes to flutter shut among the blinding light of his climax.
He opened his eyes once Cora's cozy weight was beside him, caressing his face with words he couldn't remember to make out.
"...Wow." He stuttered, smiling a clumsy and delicate smile.
She laughed once more, the loud but euphoric noise filling the room.
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lover-of-mine · 2 years ago
Okay, no, if you wanna discuss the contrast between the way Eddie acts when Shannon comes back and the way he acts with Buck after the lawsuit you need to consider the difference that comes with the fact that Buck is the one seeking Eddie to get him to forgive him and the fact that Eddie was the one who reached out to Shannon. Eddie himself says it that he was waiting for Shannon to come back. If she was the one who reached out to him, he would've reacted differently. Because one thing about that man is that he is loyal until it kills him. But he probably felt like he had no power in the situation because she left him and he was the one who chased her. Their situation would've been different if she had come back on her own. He doesn't trust her because she left him and she wasn't the one who chose to come back, so he doesn't trust that she will stay. It's probably part of the why he reacts the way he does to Buck "abandoning" him and Chris. And Buck being the one to keeps reaching out to apologize is the difference here. Also lets all consider the fact that he kept Shannon at arms lengh for months and then she died so he probably thinks about what could've happened if he had those months. And Buck almost died what? 3? times in 6-8 months? before that. Of course that's gonna change the way he views the situation. And also he probably feels guilty about "robbing" Chris of what? 2? 3? extra months with his mother and doesn't want him to miss out on another adult who loves him over his own insecurities. Of course Eddie "tomorrow isn't promised to anyone" would be quicker to forgive someone.
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sunbratz · 1 year ago
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georgcfan · 11 months ago
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buysomecheese · 2 years ago
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reallyrandomtj · 6 months ago
My experience on my American HSR account
Stressing with that standard banner 5 star selector at 300 pulls.
Me: I need an Imaginary character to nuke the Swarm. Should I pick Welt for that? But Bronya would also be very helpful for my teams.
Also me: gets to 290 of 300, does a 10 pull not expecting much. WELT COMES IN THE 10 PULL!
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Picked Bronya from the selector and now the ONLY standard banner unit I don't have is CLARA. I have everyone else on my American account!
In comparison, on my Asia account, I have everyone BUT Welt and I cry--
The trio has been reunited. Feixiao and Moze came 'home' to Jiaoqiu in the same pull and I cackled at the time!
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For those that paid attention to the party number where the pictures are slots 2 and 4... this is slot 3 team!
Slot 1 is basically my strongest characters atm. Caelus, Himeko, Gepard and Bailu.
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okonurown · 2 years ago
i had a dream last night that i was will solace and trans ftm
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burned-lariat · 2 years ago
Tolly is being deeply unserious right now.
Really, Molly? Kristina offering to help YOU have your baby is her throwing her health in your face? What next, her offering to be a listening ear for your problems is suddenly her trying to force your trauma out of you?
And what the fuck, TJ? The drama in Kristina's life is suddenly her doing it deliberately because she wants attention? You have known this lady for YEARS. But now, because of an innocent suggestion, she's suddenly some stupid bitch? The devil incarnate?
Being judgmental and snooty doesn't suit you for two people really wanting to have a baby and nurture its development. Lest we forget how these two would be the last couple wanting a baby with how non-traditional they are. Jesus Christ. 🙄
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house-in-the-cerulean-sea · 2 years ago
17 things about the house in the cerulean sea because March 17
10. Linus character development.
Especially because he doesn't stop being an introvert, he's still anxious and sweaty but he's brave regardless. But he's also more confident and comfortable in his skin. He learns to listen and to learn and to question dicomy. Who said to be loved is to be changed.
Don't you wish you weren't running out of things to put in Cerulean blue?
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