#shut up meegs
lostmagic · 2 years
do you obsess over canon-divergent relationships because you are constantly longing for what could be over what is and mourn the lost potential of every aspect of your own life thus projecting it onto the things you love as well or because the story missed an opportunity and you know better
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thelikesofus · 2 years
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yourstrullyme · 2 years
hate big groups of friends who go to comunal studying spaces in campus and end up chatting way too loudly like boys... girls... i have a test to study for
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
HI MISS RAE!! ❤️ Might I request No.9 fuzzy socks xx
Miss Meegs my beloved 🖤 here’s something as sweet as you, I tried no channel my inner Meegs and write something fluffy and sweet hope you like it!
9. Fuzzy socks
Eddie knew that his boyfriend was a fan of being warm and cozy, and loved any and all soft clothing and blankets.  He always wore his softest hoodie to bed, and socks, Eddie complained one time and soon enough regretted it when Buck pressed his freezing toes into Eddie's calves. He yelled and nearly jumped out of the bed. He learned to shut up about that soon enough. 
After that it just became almost second nature for Eddie to get Buck soft cozy things while he was out; he often came back from grocery runs with blankets, or cotton t-shirts - too tight ones, just like Buck preferred them. And this time around was the same, Eddie was doing a Target run, they were hosting a Christmas party in the new house they had just moved into, and Buck had made a very detailed list on everything Eddie had to get and where to get it, and then send Eddie out on his way as he finished prepping the food. 
Eddie figured he could kill a couple extra hours and went to get a little of his Christmas shopping out of the way too. He had dived into the clothing section to get Chris some socks and shirts - The kid was growing up too fast and leaving clothing behind too soon - when he saw them. 
The designs were what caught his eyes, the packs of socks were Christmas themed, one had a reindeer on it, another one was decorated as a Christmas tree, with ornaments and everything, another one was Santa's face, and the last one had small gift boxes all over it. The outside looked more like a very fine knit rather than being printed into the fabric, but what really sold the deal for Eddie was the inside of the socks. 
As soon as he picked them up, he knew that they were quality socks, the soft fuzzy material inside of it felt like heaven, Eddie almost went back to get a pack for himself, but he figured he could steal a pair from Buck. Eddie smiled to himself; Buck was going to love them. 
By the time he made it back home Buck had everything ready for their party later that everything, all that was missing was some of the decorations Eddie had been sent to buy and the snacks he had been sent to get. 
"I'm back!" Eddie yelled walking in, soon being met by Buck walking out of the kitchen. 
"Oh, thank God" Buck leaned in and kissed his cheek quickly "Can you finish setting up while I go shower? I'm running late" 
Eddie laughed and nodded "Go, go, I got this" 
Buck kissed him again and took off running to their bedroom; Eddie quickly finished setting up the food and their backyard with all the chairs and tables they'd need, he made sure all of Buck's hard work didn't go to waste and put it out in the food table in the best way he could, trying to not destroy it on the process - while Eddie was now a better cook, Buck's dishes were always more decorated than his own - and the snack table was filled with everything he had gotten from Target. 
Once the backyard was done, he took the bag with his gift to Buck and walked to their room, putting it away just as he heard the shower shutting off, changing into his outfit for the night and kissing Buck soft and slow as soon as he walked into the room.
"Eddie" Buck groaned against his lips "You can't start anything right now; we don't have time" 
Eddie laughed, kissing him again, and squeezing his ass through his towel "Later then" 
Buck groaned as Eddie walked away from him "I hate you" 
Eddie's laughter only got lauder as he walked down the aisle and towards the kitchen, making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. 
Their first guess arrived just as Buck walked into the living room.
They welcomed everyone with hugs, guiding them to the backyard. Bobby inspected Buck’s spread of food, and nodded approvingly, Hen and Karen took advantage of the fact that they had car pooled with Athena and Bobby and got themselves a glass of wine, Chimney grabbed a beer and Maddie claimed she had been assigned as driver. Buck raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything after Maddie shot him a threating look.
It was a nice evening, the kids played around the yard until they got bored and then left for Chris’ room and his video game console, while Buck busied himself playing with his niece, running around the back yard after her.
“Have you guys thought about more kids?” Maddie asked Eddie, who had been watching Buck with a smile on his face, he blushed and shrugged.
“We mentioned it before we moved, we wanted to make sure we got the right house, for any future plans” Eddie didn’t mention the ring sitting under the tree, and the watch that matched it, waiting for Christmas morning to propose in the sappiest way, Chris had roasted him for it when he told him the plans, but he had approved.
“Oh, so that’s why this house has two guest rooms?” Maddie teased him, and Eddie shrugged again.
“That’s still way in the future, I think we’re okay, just the three of us”
Maddie smiled, tears gathering on her eyes “You make him happy, thank you”
“It’s my pleasure, really”
Maddie groaned and punched him in the shoulder playfully.
Everyone left close to midnight, most of the kids already falling asleep, and their parents either bussed with alcohol or happiness; they left the backyard to clean up in the morning, only taking inside all left-over food, and then climbing into bed.
Eddie didn’t remember the fuzzy socks he got Buck until a couple of ice-cold feet made their way in between his legs.
“Jesus Buck, where are your socks?” Eddie squealed, making Buck groan.
“Too tired to grab clean ones” Buck mumbled against Eddie’s back “Can you be a good boyfriend and heat them up for me?”
Eddie laughed, moving to sit at the edge of the bed – causing Buck to groan behind him at the loss of warmth – and turned on his bedside lamp, opening his drawer to grab the Target bag he had left there earlier.
“What’s that?” Buck asked, suddenly awake, rubbing his eyes and peaking over Eddie’s shoulder into the bag.
“I saw them earlier and figured you’d like them” Eddie said turning around and throwing the package of socks to Buck.
His boyfriend opened the pack and started to run his fingers over the fabric, humming approvingly as he turned one inside out and ran his hand through the fur inside it.
“These are nice” He whispered “You thought of me when you saw them?”
Eddie blushed “I always think of you, and your deadly frozen feet”
Buck smiled, leaving the package on his side and throwing himself to Eddie, making the other man laugh as he let himself fall back to the mattress, securing his arms around his boyfriend to keep him in place above him.
“I love you” Buck said and kissed him “And you love me, you got me fuzzy socks”
Eddie smiled up to Buck, the smile that the entire team always teased him about, heart eyes, they called it “I got you fuzzy socks” Eddie kissed him “And I love you”
Buck kissed him one last time, they really were too tired for anything more than a couple of kisses, and they had an early morning next day; Buck was still smiling when he grabbed his favorite pair – the ones that had a Christmas tree – and put them on before retuning to his spot as the big spoon.
Eddie relaxed into the body behind him, not jumping away when a couple of socked feet tangled with his own, and counted down the days until Christmas so he could stop calling Buck his boyfriend and start calling him his fiancé.
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bekkachaos · 2 years
May I suggest 10 and/or 25 for Buddie from the prompt list? 🥹❤️
@gayhoediaz also asked for 10, so hope you guys like! Thank you Meegs xx
10. "did you just kiss me?"
25. “you’re hugging me too tight!”
from this prompts list if you want to send me some!
read on AO3, or
"Jesus, Buck! You're hugging me too tight!" Eddie said with a grin as Buck squeezed around his shoulders, holding his own wrist behind his back to get a better grip.
Buck swayed side to side and Eddie chuckled, his breathing almost constricted by the way Buck held him. He couldn't even hold him back properly, bending his arms a little at the elbows as he tried to do so.
"No such thing!" Buck said, and Eddie could hear his beaming grin in his ear. "It's just the best news I've heard all year!"
Eddie shook his head before Buck was pulling back, his hands now reaching up to cup Eddie's face in his hands and pull him in for an over-enthusiastic kiss. It didn't last long, barely more than a few seconds and Buck was pulling away with a grin and walking, almost skipping over to the kitchen of the loft. But Eddie was glued to the spot, his mind still replaying that moment in his mind where Buck's lips crashed into his.
And he knew it was the excitement of Chim and Maddie announcing their engagement, there was no one who would be happier than Buck and it was clear from the reaction Eddie just witnessed, and he would have been happy too, only he couldn't focus. Because he'd spent years imagining what it would feel like to have Buck's mouth on his own, and this was, somewhat anticlimactic.
"Did you just kiss me?" he said with an eyebrow raised and still stuck in the same spot.
Buck turned, the grin fading a little and his mouth falling open. His cheeks flushed and he looked down, letting out a chuckle and running a hand through his hair.
"Uh, yeah, guess I did," he said. "Sorry about that, I'm maybe just a little excited for them."
"No, um, it's fine, I..." he said, clearing his throat and shaking his head. "It's fine."
Buck's brow furrowed as he looked back at Eddie, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Is it? You look a little..." he said, his voice trailing off as Eddie just shook his head and waved his hand through the air.
"It's nothing," he said, walking towards him slowly.
"Why does it seem like somethings up then?" Buck said, leaning back against the counter.
"It's not, it was just... Unexpected I guess," he said.
"I wasn't really thinking about it, I was just happy, and I wanted to tell you," Buck shrugged, and this time Eddie smiled a little, stepping in to stand next to Buck and looking down at his feet.
"Tell me by kissing me? That was your first reaction?" he said, and the flush was back in Buck's cheeks.
Buck mumbled a little, squeezing one eye tightly shut and trying to think of a reason why kissing Eddie would be his first reaction.
"I mean, uh, I'm not complaining, I just..." Eddie said, looking up like he wasn't sure if he should say the words. "It's not really how I pictured it."
Buck looked up, eyes wide and vulnerable.
"You... you've pictured it?" he asked, "me kissing you?"
Eddie nodded. "Once or twice."
Buck's eyes searched Eddie's like he was trying to find some other answers in there, to see if maybe the things running through his head about why Eddie had thought about kissing him were just his own mind projecting.
Because when he found out about Maddie and Chim, his first thought was that he wanted to share his excitement with Eddie. He went straight to find him, and then one of the first things he did was kiss him, and he hadn't meant to. He was just going to give him a hug and tell him the news, and all thoughts of kissing Eddie were going to stay just that. And then he'd seen him, and he'd been so caught up in that elated feeling that he didn't think it through, the lines between thought and action blurred.
And now all he could think about was kissing Eddie, and how Eddie had thought about kissing him, and that even though it was barely a minute ago, he couldn't remember what it had felt like to have Eddie's lips under his own.
"Guess I'd kind of hoped it would go a little differently," Eddie said softly.
"You did?" Buck said, and Eddie nodded. "Hoped?"
"Yeah," Eddie said with a chuckle.
Even though Buck had been the one to kiss him first, he still stood there with all the doubt and leaning on Eddie's words to reassure him.
"Buck, just because... I meant everything I just said, but if you kissed me because it was an accident, or you were just overexcited, it doesn't have to change things between us," he said. "Not if you don't want it to."
Buck thought for a moment, and Eddie gave him a forced smile, waiting for him to say anything else. Finally, he did.
"And if I want it to?" he asked, and Eddie felt himself let the air out of his chest in a sigh.
"Then kiss me again."
Buck didn't waste any time before his hand was reaching up to cup Eddie's chin, leaning in to press his lips against him, softer and slower this time. He let his mouth linger on Eddie's, breathing in deeply through his nose and opening his mouth so that he could graze his tongue against Eddie's bottom lip. Eddie tilted his head just enough to let them slot their lips together in sync, Eddie's hand reaching around to Buck's shoulder to hold him in place, closing his eyes as he committed the feeling to memory of having Buck pressed against him, tongue inside his mouth and breath hot against his skin.
He didn't know how long they'd been kissing when they pulled apart, slightly out of breath and looking at one another like they'd been fools not to have been doing this for months.
Buck broke first, grinning and looking down so that his forehead pressed against Eddie's.
"Maybe let's wait for Maddie and Chim's news to break before we steal their thunder," he said with a chuckle.
"Probably shouldn't do this again in the firehouse then," Eddie said, making no move to step out of Bucks grip, his head still spinning and thoughts consumed with the idea of kissing Buck again.
Buck reluctantly stepped back, fingers dragging down Eddie's arm and their fingers linking for just a moment before the real space set between them.
"How about your place then, after shift?" Buck said, looking up and biting his bottom lip.
Eddie smiled, because he in no way imagined his day starting this way. He'd gone so long without kissing Buck, and now that he had, he wondered how they were going to make it through a whole shift without doing it again.
"Yeah," he said. "I'd like that."
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skz-jeha · 3 years
Heartbreak pt2
Coal Chamber OneShots
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Meegs x Dez
part 1
*3rd person pov*
Over the course of two days, Dez slowly got Meegs to get back into his usual habits, while staying clear of Rayna's way.
Unfortunately, the option to stay away from Rayna was not presenting itself because the AC in the back of the bus was broken. The whole back part of the bus was like a raging inferno, which makes sense since it is the middle of summer in Arizona.
Rayna and Mike sat at the little table while Dez and Meegs lounged on the couch.
Meegs was absent minded, scribbling in his notebook while Dez looked at him with a caring gaze. Unfortunately, Rayna saw that look and decided to start up problems again.
"So Meegs, how have you been?" she asks as she turns her body to face the latino. Meegs tenses and starts to fidget uncomfortably in his seat.
"I'm good." he mumbles not looking at the young female.
"Sooo ... You found anyone to deal with your whinny clingy ass?"she smirks.
Meegs looks at her in shock and so do Mike and Dez.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Rayna! You've become a literal bitch!" Mike shouts in disbelief.
"It's one thing to hurt him twice, but to fucking insult and belittle him for absolutely no reason?" Dez shouts, "That's a whole  other level that I’ll not tolerate." he looks at her in disappointment as he wraps an around Meegs shoulders.
Rayna simply roles her eyes and walks off the bus. Most likely heading towards the Sevendust bus.
~Time skip brought to you by smol Dez~
After that incident, Rayna continued to pester Meegs. Either by teasing him on stage while she's walking around, or by throwing insults his way in the bus or changing room.
This behavior continued for several days until Meegs finally snapped.
After a show, the band head to their bus.
-insult warning ahead-
"You did ok for a fag." Rayna says over her shoulder to Meegs.
"Would you shut the fuck up!"Meegs glares at the girl. Dez and Mike stop talking between each other at the sound of Meegs' outburst.
"Or what? What are you going to do?" Rayna challenges.
"You know you're a fucking bitch. I don't give a fuck if you screw with that Morgan guy, just leave me the fuck alone!" he looks at her with sad eyes.
"You're a little cry baby bitch Meegs." she looks at him with disgust. "Even your mom said so, you're a disappointment." she points an accusatory finger at the guitarist.
Meegs takes a step back in disbelief, he wraps his arms around him in shame and discomfort.
Dez slams his hands on the small table and glares at Rayna, Mike shakes his head in disappointment, he feels ashamed of his friend and sister's behavior.
"Get the fuck out Rayna. Leave and don't fucking come back. You're off the fucking tours." Dez scowls at the girl who stares at him in disbelief. She looks to Mike for backup but he simply looks away. She huffs and walks out slamming the door behind her.
"I'll leave you with him. Also try to actually make a move for once." Mike whispers to Dez before leaving and closing the bus' door behind him.
Dez approaches Meegs and wraps him in a warm hug.
"Ignore her. Your mom loves you Meegs, she just does not get why you want to play music for a living. She cares for you, your her little Caballero" he whispers to Meegs, "Whatever that means." he mumbles to which Meegs giggles.
"Say what, when we play the show in LA we’ll stop by your mom's house and visit her." Dez looks slightly up at Meegs due to the slight height difference.
"Yeah I’d like that." he smiles sweetly at Dez, "Also, Caballero means Knight" he grins.
Dez smiles and looks longingly at Meegs, he almost looked drunk, even though both boys know for a fact that neither consumed a single drop of alcohol.
"You're beautiful." Dez whispers too afraid to ruin the little moment the two are having. Both stood in the front lounge looking into each other's eyes with love.
"And you're short." Meegs teases to which Dez chuckles and playfully punches him in the arm.
"But I love you Bradley." Meegs whispers as he holds Dez face in his hands.
"I love you too Miguel" Dez whispers back while also holding the latino's face delicately.
The two then kiss each other and the end.
Word count: 747
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jupiterjunebug · 7 years
1+12 for Kagan "sad man" Yarrow
Readmore for campaign spoilers dont u dare read chorles and meegs (the others already know bc they were in the room when I first lamented about Kagan’s fate). Also, there’s a lot of...descriptions of violence here?????
1.      Any scars they have
Kagan is ten, and his sister places her hand over his as they chip awayat a block of wood. It doesn’t look like anything, yet. But she assures himthat someday he’ll be able to take a tree limb and get to the shape livinginside of it, make it into something that someone else might treasure. After afew hours, she takes the knife and hides it in a drawer. They’ll continuetomorrow, she said, but she needed to sleep. As soon as her breathe evened out,he slid open the drawer and produced the knife. He began working at the stumpof wood once more, chipping away at the little block in the hope it mightuncover a shape that resembled something. Instead, it simply chipped off pieceby piece, and became nothing. He began digging into it more quickly, the knifemoving faster. Perhaps if he was more passionate, the shape would come out?
Instead, the blade skips, and Kagan’s sister is awoken by a cry. Sheshushes him as she wraps a bit of cloth around his bloodied hand.
Kagan is twenty-four, and as he sits up at night he runs a finger overthe faint line running down his palm. It curves down the bottom of it, twingingon cold nights when he moves his thumb. A fortune teller once told him that itcuts his too-short lifeline off even shorter. He had smiled and paid her, notknowing what to think about the fear in her eyes.
Kagan barely has time to parry his sergeant’s blade as it darts towardhis eyes. He swallows, wondering for a moment whether this is really the bestway to prepare for battle. His sergeant shoots him a smile, teeth glittering,and Kagan can’t bring himself to speak up. He slashes the air in front of him,but his sergeant is already gone. He barrels forward, knocking the sergeant tothe ground with his shoulder. He points his sword at the sergeant’s throat.
“My poi-“ he starts to say, but is stopped by a sharp pain in hisabdomen. His sergeant’s hand is extended, as if he had thrown something, andwhen Kagan looks down he sees the hilt of a knife protruding from his stomach.The last thing he hears as he falls is:
“You trust too easy, Yarrow.”
He awakes to a cleric bending over his side. The man nods when he seesKagan is awake and scuttles away. They are at war, and there is no time towaste on training injuries.
Kagan jerks awake to a burning in his leg and a bright light in hiseyes. He wonders for a moment how so much light could make its way as far deepin the mountains of the Capitol as had been. Then he remembers. He shuts hiseyes and lets out all the air in his lungs. He wonders if he could hold stillenough to become part of the rubble. No such luck.
Eventually he manages to coax himself up into a sitting position, butwhen he attempts to stand he finds that his lower body refuses to move. Eachtime it twists, it is as if his leg is screaming at him. His whole body is,really, but his leg somehow manages to hurt more than all the rest of him. Hisleg twists and static fills his brain for a moment, sending him back on theground as a noise slips out of his mouth. He forces his eyes open and managesto move without whiting out again, inching himself up until he can look at hisleg. There is a piece of metal, about the size of a shield but far heavier,lying across his knee and shin. He swallows down the vomit in his throat. Thereis no one else around.
Gritting his teeth, Kagan leans forward. It takes an age to shove themetal off his leg, his head going dizzy with either fright or pain each time itjerks forward. Each time he wonders if he’ll finally faint, but in the end itis the sight of his knee, bloody and shaped more like a slab of meat than aproper leg, that does him in.
Kagan drifts, the sort of half-awake of a morning where one doesn’thave anywhere to be. One slow, deep breath ends his peace, however, as he ismet with a lungful of dirt. His neck is burning, partly the earth sliding downhis throat and partly the slice he remembers opening up his trachea. Before hedies, he manages to thrash enough to shift the dirt around him ever soslightly.
Kagan wakes again, the dirt still choking up his lungs. He manages toclaw a bit more out of his grave. He dies. He wakes. He dies. He wakes. Hedies. Moment by moment, he works his way out of the earth like the roots of aweed, until his hand breaks the surface and he pulls himself up and out of hisgrave. He coughs up the contents of his lungs. He dies.
When he wakes, it is to the sort of pain that comes from an infectedcut. He catches sight of a lake nearby and thinks “what a nice place to burysomeone like me.” He drags himself over to it, pulling up a handful of waterand splashing it onto his neck. The cut is not bleeding, somehow, but in hisreflection he can make out that it is still open and angrily red.
He considers plunging forward into the lake, but the memory ofgrave-dirt in his lungs makes him shiver and rock back on his heels instead.There is a soft whine behind him, and when he turns he sees the wolf-pup that hehad found in the ruins of the capital. He sighs and reaches out a hand, lettingit come to him and rub it head in his palm.
“Well,” he says. He can’t think of anything more to say.
12. Do they have a type?
No fic here, because. Well. Idunno. He likes nice smiles, and he likes nice hair. But I don’t really knowbeyond that. Probably good singing voices? People that are positive?
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woodsdyke · 10 years
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lostmagic · 2 years
currently watching lotr for the first time bc the dash has finally convinced me so shoutout to y’all
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lostmagic · 2 years
the only perk of driving halfway across the country to visit relatives for the holidays is the amount of dogs you can see at rest stops
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lostmagic · 2 years
being the one in charge of buying your mom gifts is exhausting and we deserve to unionize
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lostmagic · 2 years
law states that three days of pouring rain during autumn requires you to do a full twilight rewatch and I don’t make the rules but you bet your ass I follow them
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lostmagic · 2 years
trauma bonding with fictional characters is my favorite pass time
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lostmagic · 2 years
just put in a third order in a week from Royalty Soap bc I’ve been binging her videos and have no impulse control
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lostmagic · 2 years
just had a minor mental breakdown bc I thought one of my mutuals I’ve never spoken to but admire greatly from a distance and yearn to befriend unfollowed me
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lostmagic · 2 years
it’s funny how books can leave such an imprint on your life without you even consciously realizing until it hits you like a ton of bricks out of nowhere
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