#shut up cody
usercelestial · 2 months
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"omg he would never" "no he's a good guy though" "why haven't these women come forward before" "well she's known for being a liar so" "yeah but have you seen the things she used to tweet"
∆ trans women are women, trans men are men, and if you are transphobic, you are not a feminist, this post is not about "Male Violence" or how men are "inherently violent" this post is about people who do not truly have feminist beliefs and people who will do anything to protect cis white men from criticism while attacking any woman who comes out against him. at the core of this instinct is the automatic disgust + hatred people have towards women, even other women themselves. your favorite man is not protected from being a perpetrator of violence against women, your least favorite woman does not deserve said violence ∆
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the-starry-seas · 7 months
I think the funniest possible codywan AU would be for Obi-Wan to drop his lightsaber like two seconds into Order 66 and seeing this just completely overrides the brain chip as Cody explodes with rage because this just happened two minutes ago YOU KARKING JEDI
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deserthusbands · 5 months
obi-wan, looking through his clothes: has anyone seen my top? i seem to have misplaced..
anakin: cody's in the kitchen.
obi-wan: anakin–
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izzystizzys · 2 months
Echo’s world has gone decidedly… wobbly. Blurry. Fuzzy at the edges, and what-will-you-else. He can’t feel his fingertips, is his first thought. Kriffing overdid it on the glowing green shots, is his second.
“Holy kriff, Echo, that manhole-cover underneath you is moving!”, Fives exclaims, third. Or more like slurs into Lt. Jesse’s shoulder, who is himself moaning indistinctly into the Captain’s pauldron, who is in turn swaying back and forth gesturing at Commander Cody.
And it really is - the manhole cover, that is, once Echo stumbles off it with a shriek. Jumping up into the now open air with sudden force, steadying and then scraping across paveme-
“Are those kriffing hands?!”
In an instant, seven highly drunk pairs of fists and one blaster, courtesy of Commander Cody (the only one present who’s sober enough to be legally handling it) are aimed in a circle around the cover slowly being shuffled to the side, then the hands reaching up to palm at the edges of the hole -
- and are slowly being lowered again when two white-red painted helmets are heaved into view, along with chest-deep groaning and grunting. Two armored Corries collapse in a heap at Commander Cody’s feet, who stares down at them in open-mouthed shock.
Slowly, Echo blinks. Slowly, he raises a hand to snap his fingers in front of his face. No, still there. Slowly, Fives grabs for a piece of flank underneath his blacks and twists. Echo yelps, and slaps his hand away hard enough to hurt himself. “OI!”
“B’have, boys”, Captain Rex makes a brave attempt to slur out as he sways on his feet, still staring down at the trembling heap of armor at their feet. Whoa, Echo didn’t know they had those kinds of funky armor designs in the Guard. Very avant-garde.
“That’s blood, Ey’ika”, says Appo.
Slowly, Hardcase raises his right foot, inching towards-
“Don’t even think about it”, Commander Cody snaps, and Hardcase’s foot whips back to the ground next to its companion. Fives chortles. “Yeah, genius, those are Commander kamas - they’d put you down in a second flat!”
“Why would two Corrie Commanders go crawling out of holes in front of 79’s, huh, genius?!”, Hardcase retorts, somewhat justly, Echo feels. Next to him, Commander Cody frowns, and kneels carefully. “Good question, trooper. Fox, can you hear me? Fox’i-“
Which is when one of the bodies - Commander Fox, Echo realizes with a shudder, The Marshall Commander Fox - convulses on the ground, and an arm rears up to nail Cody face-first with the back of a hand, sending him sprawling back into the pavement with an undignified squawk.
“Thorn”, the sad figure that is the highest decorated clone in existence groans, still faceplanted into pavement, “Thorn, I’m hallucinating Cody. Thorn, tell him to shut up.”
“Shuddup”, Commander Thorn heaves, loyally. Cody makes an affronted noise, braced back on his shebs. “Sdubid Codeh.”
Commander Fox’s visor scrapes against the ground with his nod, a sound that sends the surrounding vod’e cringing. “Yeah, you go, Thorn. You’re my favorite.” A considering pause. “Oh, kark. I need to call in medevac - Fox to Stabby, Fox to Stabby - the kriffing Narglatches are back on the lower levels.”
The Commander’s comm crackles to life, as he heaves himself over with a punched-out moan - oh, yup, that dark patch’s definitely not paint, and are those teeth marks?! On plastoid??
“I’m going to wring Senator Hliii’s neck, and then I’m going to twist him into a human kriffing meat-lasso to catch every last one of his little pets with”, sounds through Fox’s comm, who just hacks out a laughcough in response. “Pinging your location now. Where’s Thorn?”
“Pr’snt”, slurs Thorn.
“Concussed”, adds Fox, “We crawled out forty levels to behind 79’s, so no one would see us.”
Awkward silence follows.
“Uh, about that”, begins Rex, only to be interrupted by a deep groan from Fox.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kriffing kidding me! As if Cody’s ugly mug wasn’t - WHAT THE KRIFF ARE YOUR KRIFFING ARC KARKHEADS DOING IN MY HALLUCINATION, REX?!”
“Shuddup, Rex”, Thorn moans bravely.
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illusory-scripted · 11 months
adam killing zepp in saw (2004)... i want you to watch how he hit zepp and kept hitting him, far after he was dead. adam stanheight wanted to live to the point he killed a man. he killed a man. he had the guts to do what lawrence couldn't. he wanted to live. he always wanted to live
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tragedy-for-sale · 7 months
The Point of no Return
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Because I will never shut up about the Hardeen arc- I really need to emphasize the importance of this moment right here. When we think of the Hardeen arc, we only ever think about the aftermath, after the lie and after the pain. But I have never thought about the before. The moments right before.
Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, he brings his lightsaber to his chest and he gathers himself. He has to take a moment to think about what he's about to do.
This is a complete turn of feelings from when we see him wittingly ask how his funeral was, it's that simple and easy commentary that makes them all think this was easy for him to do. He shoves down what he's feeling right here and instead he jokes and laughs. He's fun and easy, he's funny, he's great, but he's not, he's not, he's in a lot of pain and he hurt everyone close to him in the worst way. Obi-Wan would never hurt them, but he has, and he'll never be forgiven.
He made this choice for the greater good, but the greater good is seldom so. It's in this moment we understand his full awareness of the deception he is about to undergo, how there is no forgiveness for the action he is about to commit, how after all this is over, Obi-Wan cannot expect forgiveness and understanding because this is for the greater good, this is for the Jedi and all they protect.
This isn't a choice for Obi-Wan. It is an assignment to a Jedi Master. Attachment is forbidden, become a part of the cosmic force, and the galaxy will benefit from your sacrifice. But the undercurrent of remorse is there, and all the people he left behind will never forgive Obi-Wan for dying.
So, Obi-Wan holds his lightsaber to his chest because it is his life, it's a silent goodbye to who he is because of what he is. He chooses the Jedi and that choice kills him. It's in that moment that he says goodbye to Anakin and Ahsoka, to Cody and himself. His identity, his lightsaber, are about to no longer exist. Obi-Wan would willingly sacrifice who he is for the sake of the Jedi but that doesn't mean it is easy for him to do. So he holds his lightsaber close because he's not becoming a part of the cosmic force, he's becoming something much worse.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I’m always a little Meh on people making Cody the same age (or older) than Obi-Wan in AUs that don’t take place in the gffa. Because. Listen.
Hot fresh grad Cody with some impressive job as like... a newscaster or a male model or some military thing... dating a bedraggled rumpled wet cat of a middle-aged Bug Scientist, and thinking this easily-distracted disaster is the hottest shit ever, while his brothers look on in absolute confusion and mild horror.
Obi-Wan can clean up nice and be this refined professor type with perfectly coiffed hair and perfectly groomed beard and perfectly pressed sweatervest combo and a perfectly cultured accent... but then he sees a rare Parasitic Worm in the bushes by the koi pond, and suddenly he’s covered in mud and bleeding and holding up this specimen with demands for a mason jar so he can get it back to a lab and see if they can get this into that one breeding program over in the university three states over.
And 22yo ‘could have literally anyone he wants’ Cody is like 😍
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mansionfreaks · 1 year
who usually gets aux in the house? and who has the WORST music
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p4nishers · 2 years
"it's possible that rampart lied and cody is actually being kept somewhere–" "cody could die off screen"
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cultofpunksonality · 2 days
cinematic promo if it were filmed in 2007
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saaraofthesand · 2 months
not commentary youtube NOW pretending they care abt the cody ko stuff
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superkickme · 6 months
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"This is our moment, and this is our time. I'm with him on this one."
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deserthusbands · 3 months
quinlan: why are your tongues purple?
obi-wan: we had slushies. i had a blue one.
cody: i had a red one. :)
quinlan: oh.
quinlan: OH.
anakin: you drank eachothers slushies?
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ybcpatrick · 25 days
happy bash in berlin to those who celebrate
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: Wow. You were /amazing/ last night, babe.
Cody: …what?
Obi-Wan: You know, when you woke up in the middle of the night and got a little, shall we say, randy?
Cody: …I did what?
Obi-Wan: you… no that was definitely you, I know your scar and force signature anywhere. You don’t… remember that?
Cody: Babe, I slept the whole night through.
Obi-Wan: So… you just gave me the best dicking of my life and you weren’t even awake for it?
Cody: *absolutely distressed* IT WAS THE BEST YOU EVER HAD????
Obi-Wan: I mean, yeah, you kinda just, like, used me.
Obi-Wan: Apparently, very.
Cody: OH MY GOD- *breaks off into incomprehensible babbles* PLEASE CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN??? I wanna try again!
Obi-Wan: idk, you asking is sorta the opposite of what turned me on about it.
Cody: *sputtering in panic* WANT THO-
Obi-Wan: Listen, babe, do whatever you want to me at any time, I’ll give my safeword or push you off with the force if I’m not into it or interested at the moment.
Cody: *so excited he could burst* oh my god, YES!
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omaano · 2 years
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“Hello then, to an Upright cousin.” The child (...) grabs his jacket boldly, pointing back to the door through which Mird brought it. “Is what you seek through there?” “Eh,” it grunts in frustration, waving even more vigorously through the door.
Mereel & Family Booksellers chapter 2 by @sidhebeingbrand  and @toughbreaks
Just a cleaned up sketch WIP for now, because I don't deal too well with green stuff, and this one would require quite a bit - but I'd been itching to take a crack at this scene for a while now, so here I am! I'm willing to trade this drawing (made for the "fantasy" square of my @bobadinweek AU bingo card, because fae children count there, right?) for the other one made for this very same story on the technicality that Jaster actually very much lives in this one. Technically speaking. I tried my best!
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