#shroud parents
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uniquethingtastemaker · 6 days ago
I’m about to write a series called “Dreaming of You” where the premise is when you jump into the romantic interest’s dream in Chapter 7, you’re there as their significant other.
I'm a genius. Here's who I have ideas for and I'll be nice and give u their vibes. Potential vague (changed Rook's)
Riddle -- Wild. Traumatizing and sad. Traumatizing and sad pt 2. Happy and healthy resolution in the real world.
Trey -- ...Surprisingly serious. You support Trey. Parent couple.
Leona -- (got vague vibe. @solxamber is probably gonna help me lol) Angst and low self esteem with happy ending
Azul -- Secondhand embarrassment purely because this dream is the most cringe in canon. Standing up to Azul. Total acceptance.
Jade -- He likes you the best and it’s obvious.
Floyd -- He missed you and it’s sweet.
Vil -- Switcharoo with your fake. Calling him out and being disappointed. Loving resolution.
Rook -- Deep, sweet. Vulnerable, honest, authentic. A little sweet angst, but in the best way. Reminds me of Lilia's and kinda Ace's.
Idia -- Mom saw his search history and his crush. Malleus deserves death, not just a beating. Wingman and recruiter Ortho. Idia is impressive. (longer fics by nature of his role in this chapter)
Silver -- Slow burn. Protecting Silver and helping with his low self-esteem. Sweet and noble on both sides. (got vague vibes for this. subjected to change. His will be longer like Idia's because of his role)
Sebek -- Struggling with his emotions. Snapping him out of hesitation. Ace will probably verbally kicks his ass... if not multiple people ragging on him for his behavior. Probably character progress. Works out in the end (longer by nature as well)
Malleus -- Surprise, he has a dream. Ace's unique magic. Unclear about full nature of his dream. Probably soft
Let me know who you’re most excited to see out of this list so far. Maybe I’ll take your suggestions a little bit and write some of the more popular ones first. Give me a few so I have more to choose from pls. I have more fleshed out idea for some than others. I’m curious to see who people are interested in.
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smashjewels · 1 year ago
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Idiamom and Orthodad hcs
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prettybugsinbandages · 7 days ago
Twst incorrect 45
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cawslew · 1 month ago
This giving me a vibe of parents who know their son gay without him explicitly coming out.
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hanafubukki · 14 days ago
Imagine being the shroud parents and seeing your second born alive after so many years. He’s not how they remembered him but that’s their son.
Seeing all three sons together, happy, and reunited. Imagine how they feel??
I bet they are happy but also have some complex emotions about it.
Maybe, despite the consequences and what led to this moment, they might even fell a bit grateful to Malleus for this opportunity to be with their son again.
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somecoolpigeon · 1 year ago
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More of my interpretation of the Shroud parents. A showcase of what they were like throughout the years ❤️‍🔥
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ocean-candy-fish · 2 years ago
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Papa and Mama Shroud....❤️‍🔥💀
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sxlamima · 24 days ago
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These 2 coming up with these silly ass ideas is so cute and SOOO me and my father coded it's not funny
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This why Idia my fav xharacter fr (no its not JUST because he's voiced by Ucchi-san keave me alone)
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sleepypandazzz09 · 2 years ago
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Mama Shroud x Papa Shroud’s HC’s:
Some fun hc’s I came up with cause I was not expecting Idia and ortho’s parents to be like that. And mama shroud’s voice is so cute I was not expecting that but I am living for it
Everyone’s confused
He’s confused
The gloomiest guy and the cutest girl in the Land of Woe getting together??? What’s next? Pig’s fly? The land of woe will malfunction and they all die under the sea?
Everyone thinks she’s dating him out of pity
In reality, she was the one who asked him out first
He probably thought he was dreaming until she pinched him to confirm that no it wasn’t a dream and no this wasn’t a prank and no this isn’t the punchline on reality TV
Blacked out for a good few hours. By the time he came to he was in the infirmary and she was gone.
Definitely thought it was just a dream until his mother congratulated him on getting a date
Like a real 3D human one
Blacked out again
Needs at least a good 6 months to mentally prepare
He has 1 month
His mom helps him because he’s still in shock
His mom also has to help him to his date because he can’t feel his legs
Honestly would’ve collapsed if not for his mom holding him up when he saw Eleanor all pretty and dressed up
Doesn’t really remember the first date
Was kinda just smiling that creepy Shroud smile. The waiter came by and asked if she was being held hostage
“Really? I think his little fangies are cute!”
She’s so patient and kind asking about his projects and talking about her own
She’s one of the smartest people in the land of woe and has plenty of offers from different departments in S.T.Y.X. A true genius. Even more reason why she was out of his reach
Even though he was the son of Aidne shroud and the next to inherit S.T.Y.X his smarts were mediocre. Average
There was no reason she would date him except for money. She’ll probably dump him once she’s done milking him of his money
But the thing is she doesn’t ask him to buy anything and he’s the one buying things for her out of his own free will. Things he saw her look at like jewelry, stuffed toys, dresses
She helps him with his projects all snuggled up to him in his hoodies
Still convinced she’s gonna realize he’s a loser and dumb him
Then skip a few years and he’s at the altar with the prettiest woman in Twisted Wonderland
Another few years later he’s holding the cutest little baby with that same shroud hair
Some headcanons about their designs:
I’m a sucker for goth bf x pastel gf
Papa shroud likes the whole goth thing but doesn’t really have the confidence to pull it off. Not until mama shroud tells him he looks hot
Confidence + 1000
Mama shroud’s name is Eleanor
Idk I just like the name and it means light.
Haven’t really decided for a name for papa shroud
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kamiraaah · 8 months ago
i wonder if meemaw Shroud and meemaw Draconia ever met. They sound like they would get along
Perhaps yes! I think they can both have a good relationship!
I don't think they would be super best friends, but there would be a lot of respect involved in their relationship, after all, they are all too familiar with the feeling of losing important people… And dealing with the guilt of:
"I should have been there"
"I could have avoided it if I had done that"
"Why wasn't I able to stop this? I should have been stronger/faster!"
Maleficia, even though she is much older and has more experience with life/the world, would probably benefit from having people around her who will live much less than her, sharing their visions and feelings… Their existence is very brief in her eyes, but precious in some ways.
But she would also have a lot of knowledge to share with them… In a way I think it would be like a kind of support group!
Or I don't know, they will both share embarrassing stories about their boys… And try to teach her how to use a cell phone? 😅 💀💀💀
I think it would be interesting to imagine and theorize what their relationship would be like, but maybe I would have to reread the history of the twst game to have a more informed opinion but… It's a dynamic that I like to imagine how it would play out. 🤔
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nami-moittli · 2 months ago
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Clocking her gay ass brother
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Idk, our son is gay enough for that to be his reaction…
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Asher & Idia: Meeting The Future In-Laws [4]
Mrs. Shroud (Hugging Asher): MY LITTLE IDY'S FOUND SOMEONE! YES!!!
Asher: *Hugs her with a smile*
Aoda: It's good to see the family getting bigger.
Mr. Shroud: If only we'd have grandchildren...
Ortho: Well... About that...
Idia: Wait! Ortho! Don't tell them! I'll never hear the end of it!
Mr. Shroud: Tell us what?
Aoda: Asher is capable of bearing children.
Idia: AODA!
Aoda: You asked Ortho not to tell them. You never said I couldn't.
Mr. Shroud: He can? *looks at Asher* That's only possible if you're merfolk.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year ago
okay. so. overall i loved this latest twst update but there were a couple things i didn't 100% love and i'll talk about one of them in this post: the shroud parents being so nice and loving and helpful seriously threw me off last time they appeared because i thought they always seemed so emotionally distant before. both from how idia talked about them on occasion and how they never once appeared in his very lengthy, two-part overblot flashback, not when he was shutting himself in his room for 2 whole years or when he finished creating ortho--the only adults we ever saw were STYX researchers. so like, i'd always had the impression that they weren't necessarily The Worst Parents Ever but that they were just so busy with their work that they forgot to pay attention to their kids. and when they first appeared in book 7, it felt like they were behaving exactly how a lonely little robot boy who knew that he was "replacing" their dead son would want them to act, and even looked that way too with the daft punk helmets giving them a robotic look. it just seemed too good to be true imo.
after that update came out i had read a theory that said maybe malleus was so powerful that he could put even a robot to sleep, and that that was what we were seeing: ortho dreaming of getting to be a hero and save the day, and getting to have this perfect happy family. i loved that idea. i probably should've realized a twist like that wasn't going to happen when we still hadn't checked back in on ortho after so many months, but i just thought, and still think, that it would be so compelling if ortho wished to be loved and accepted so badly that some part of him deep down had become human enough to dream, or at least for malleus to be able to bring out that part of him. if his parents weren't so loving in reality and maybe didn't even fully accept him as their son, so he dreamt that they would--which is a heartbreaking thought, but i definitely would not have put it past twst to do that. i also just like... think it would be neat if the development ortho has been getting in events and vignettes, which heavily focuses on his growing sense of autonomy and how he's started to have his own desires outside of his intended purpose of just Being Idia's Brother, was given a little more focus in the main story.
anyway though. obviously that theory just got obliterated by canon! so i guess the most logical explanation for the discrepancy in the shroud parents' portrayal might be that they were too emotionally distant and focused on their work before, and remained that way for a long time after ortho's death, but eventually they "woke up" and realized they'd never really been there for their sons. losing one of them changed them for the better and now they really are that helpful and sweet. if their behavior seems too good to be true then it could be because they're trying their hardest to make up for the years they wasted, to be a proper family now. maybe they didn't accept ortho for the longest time out of grief and that's part of why they never appeared in idia's flashback, but they later decided that just because they can never truly regain or replace the son they lost, doesn't mean they can't treasure the one they still have and the one that they've gained. and i guess the shroud parents still fully accepting ortho and loving him as one of their own despite the tragedy that led them to become family, and despite the fact that ortho does not have the shroud family blood flowing through his (nonexistent) veins, would parallel the bond that lilia has with silver and malleus... oh. okay. i think i've kinda just talked myself into feeling better about this, actually.
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utoveria · 11 months ago
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enigmatic-pers · 2 years ago
Was scrolling through twitter when I saw a few idia x silver fanart, hellA funny cute and I proceed with my constant scrolling till I realise.
Isn’t silver like Persephone (goddess of spring) with all the flowers & animals stammering over him and shit ???
And then we have our gloomy idia whose basically hades. ( According to Greek mythology hades and Persephone was a popular/common story between lovers).
It’s funny considering idias parents look like the same dynamic (flower wife with her gloomy husband )
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bagel-53 · 11 months ago
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ive got the whole shroud family here :D i think that idia's mom would be a seapony it just makes sense in my brain idk- probably a shark?
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