#aoda shroud
|Aoda goes to S.T.Y.X. to meet his parents after Idia gave them the cure for the curse.|
Aoda (Holding his sword): Meeting our parents... I feel rather tense.
Idia: Don't be.. they're doting...
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the-broken-truth · 21 days
Return Home AU: Idia Shroud Variant
@return-to-twisted-wonderland - I just finished him, Boss! Introducing Shroud Family's Curse Breaker! The Living Cure Himself! The Katana-Wielding Mage In Training! The Samurai Shroud, Aoda Shroud!!!
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|Aoda will get no peace of time to himself now that he's met his parents after curing the Shroud Family Curse. They call him...all the time.|
Aoda (Sits to read a new book): This one looks good. (Opens the book)
|Aoda's cell phone rings.|
Aoda (Answers his phone): Aoda Shroud speaking.
Mrs. Shroud: MY BOY!!!!!
Her screech can be heard throughout the dorm, in his room, Idia shivers.
Idia: Mom's calling....
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|Due to the lack f the curse, Idia was able to sleep easier and soundly|
Aoda (Polishing his sword after making breakfast for Idia): Good morning, Idia. How did you sleep?
Idia, still looking like the rad gamer that he is: It was okay.
Ortho: Big brother stayed up all night again.
Idia: I had to grind! I'm a lonely F2P player!
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Sorry, Boss. I was trying at ask about Aoda's Character. Do you think his hair is blue?
Well, given his hair is not flaming blue. I'd imagine it'd be like this:
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Just not on fire, but still carrying the colors as if it was on fire.
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|After A Month of the Cure|
Cerberus: Documented Analysis - Trace of Shroud Curse: Negative. Conclusion: The Shroud Curse has been eraticated from Idia Shroud.
[Idia would look in the mirror - hair long blue hair normal, no longer on fire.]
Ortho: Wow! You look good, big brother!
Idia, shakingly touches the mirror: Normal... I'm normal.
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|What-If: Aoda has some tests run on him to make sure that he is okay, but the Cure Gene is found.|
[Idia and Ortho watched as Aoda sat on the examination table to get his well-being checked when an interesting report came up from his blood tests.]
|Anomaly Detected| Synopsis: Shroud Curse is not present in Aoda Shroud.
[An Image of a Genetic Strand appears on Idia's Screen.]
Reason: An unknown Genetic Strand located in the subject appears to have killed off any presence of Shroud Curse
Suggestion: Crafting a cure from this Unknown Genetic Strand could eliminate Shroud Curse for Shroud Bloodline. Risk To Subject: None Craft Component? [Accept] [Decline]
Idia: ...Eh? T-there's a cure?
Ortho: And it doesn't put Aoda in any risk?
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|Idia returns to Ignihyde after visiting S.T.Y.X - Aoda notices something is bothering him.]
Aoda (Walks over to Idia while holding his sword): There you are, Elder Brother. Dinner is ready... Wait, you seem stressed. Is everything okay?
[Idia says nothing and just hugged Aoda.]
Aoda (Confused): Elder Brother? Is everything okay?
Idia: ...Aoda, You can't spend your life locked away.
Ortho, comes floating over and hugs Aoda: We'll protect you, big brother.
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|Out of curiosity: Idia runs tests on the Genetic Strand crafted from Aoda's DNA that cured the Shroud Family and discovers something interesting & frightening.|
[Idia, out of curiosity, ran Aoda's Genetic Strand through the database of all known sicknesses and dieseases & found something interesting.]
Cerberus (Showing results on the screen): According to the results, the Genetic Strand from Aoda Shroud that eliminated the Shroud Curse appears to be a promising cure for any and all current illnesses and dieseaes.
Conclusion: Aoda Shroud is a living cure & would be considered an SS-Class Resource to S.T.Y.X.
Idia is not about to let that happen to Aoda. He's not going to cage his brother for his blood.
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|Looks at Aoda's Unique Magic scared a lot of people.|
Cerberus Aoda (Sitting on the grass while looking down at Idia) (Middle Head Speaking): Yeah... I can control this form so don't worry about it, Elder Brother.
Idia: O-oh.
Ortho: Cool!
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|Aoda decides to show his Unique Magic to everyone, scaring a good amount of people while worrying Idia & Ortho.|
Aoda (Stabs his sword into the ground - The Mage Stone on the Pummel shines as a large ring of fire arounds him): "He who drinks from the River Styx. Guardian of the Gates & Devourer of Souls: Consume me and lend me your form. Come Forth - CERBERUS!!!"
|A Massive Pair of Jaws shoots from the ground and snap shut around Adoa, consuming him with a massive gulp showing that Aoda was eaten as the Three-Headed Hellhound of the Underworld crawls out of the circle, towering over everyone as all 3 of his heads roar, making the very ground shake as everyone runs away from the Three-Headed Flaming Hound.|
People screaming in fear, someone in the back:
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|Idia goes with Aoda to class, everyone is surprised by Idia's Normal Hair and Healthier Skin Tone; Thank Sevens for Aoda's Food.|
Aoda (Looks behind him at Idia, who is using him as a human shield): Elder Brother, you are going to be okay. Please, do not grip my uniform or you shall stretch out. Again.
Idia: But...
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|Aoda can't seem to find any time to himself when his parents and brothers are always in his space.|
Aoda (Sitting in the darkest corner of the library): Now, I can have some peace and quiet. (Opens his book to read)
Ortho: Aoda!
Idia: Ortho, he needs his quiet.
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|Aoda meets his parents after they are cured.|
Aoda: Um... Hello.
Shroud parents: OUR SONS!
Idia, trying to run:
Ortho: Hi mom! Hi dad!
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Aoda (Washing Idia's Hair): Will you please stop moving? I'm trying to get your roots and scalp. |After washing Idia's Hair| Aoda (Oiling and brushing Idia's Hair): There. (Stands up) I'm gonna start dinner. (Walks off)
Idia, staring at his hair: It's weird not to see flames on it... fuhehe *rolls around on his bed* This is so cool! I rolled a nat 20 with this!
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|After The Cure - Aoda Returns To Ingihyde|
Aoda (Walks into the dorm with his sword in hand and exhales): Where are those brothers of mine? (Goes looking for Idia and Ortho)
Ortho, hugs Aoda: You did it!
Idia, still his sheepish self: Thanks, Bro. I'm cured.
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