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novastories · 2 years ago
Line Without A Hook
Title and chapter loosely inspired the song “Line Without a Hook” by Ricky Montgomery.
Summary: Aurora arrives back in San Diego, and reunites with people she both expected and unexpectedly anticipated. 
Warnings: Swearing/language and mentions of PTSD
Word Count: 6.5k
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been posting as much, been going through some stuff mentally. But without further ado, here’s a longer chapter and enjoy the reunion of the BAP trio 💛
Thanks to my beta reader and editor @reginleight!
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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“Where do you want this last box, Rory?” Amelia asks from the living room.
“Over there in the kitchen please!” Aurora replies to her sister.
Aurora was so happy to be back in San Diego. She, Maverick, and her puppy, CJ, arrived in San Diego late last night and stayed in a hotel. Aurora had called her mom and Amelia the day she had left Washington DC, to let them know that she was going to be back in San Diego.
Penny and Amelia were currently spending the morning and afternoon with Aurora as they were helping her move into her new house within the city. Maverick had yet to see Penny and Amelia as he went straight to the Navy base where they had provided him lodgings for the upcoming mission. In the afternoon, he would be going to the Admirals to be briefed a little more on it. 
“I still can’t believe my little star is back in San Diego!” Penny gushes over her daughter, as she gives Aurora another hug for the hundredth time today. Aurora groans as Amelia cackles, taking the box into the kitchen.
“Mom,” Aurora whines as Penny refuses to let go of her eldest daughter.
“She gets worse with age. You should have seen her last year when I bought my dress for the homecoming dance,” Amelia snickers, holding CJ, who Amelia had already bonded with.
“My babies are growing up. I’m getting so old,” Penny groans, releasing her daughter.
Aurora and Amelia both roll their eyes and chuckle, knowing their mother looks so much younger than her actual age.
Aurora kisses her mom’s cheek as she finishes unpacking the box she was working on before Penny left, walking into the kitchen to most likely unpack the remaining box Amelia had brought in.
Aurora was lucky that NCIS had helped her find a nice three-bed and two-bathroom house she was able to rent on short notice.
Apparently, Gibbs and Director Vance had pulled a few strings to help her find a good place that was a ten minute drive from the Navy base since the NCIS office was also located there. As well as her mom’s house being fifteen minutes away, with another five minute drive from Penny’s house to Goose and Carole’s.
She would sometimes hear the sounds of the naval aircrafts flying above her house, and it made her smile remembering Bradley. And Jake and Peyton obviously, but mostly Bradley. Everything seemed to be settling in place.
“So, when do you start work?” Amelia asks, sitting on the floor and tossing CJ’s ball for him to chase after. The dog ran after the ball as it bounced away, skidding across the hard floors and almost tumbling straight into the wall. 
“On Wednesday,” Aurora recalls from the email she got from her new boss. Since it was a Saturday, her boss had figured Aurora would need a few days to get used to her new surroundings before she started her new desk work. 
Amelia smiles at her big sister from where she sat. She had missed Aurora so much, always looking up to her. When Amelia heard she would be coming home, she was so happy she screamed with excitement.
The two sisters were always close, with Aurora helping out as much as she could, especially when Amelia’s dad had left them. Amelia didn’t really consider her father as a dad, as Maverick had helped fill that void a while ago. But she never said it out loud. 
“Have you heard from Peyton lately?” Amelia questions her, as Aurora pulls out a framed photo of the family. Aurora sighs as she hears the question. She stares longingly at the photo, where it was Maverick, Penny, Amelia, Peyton, and her at their graduation party.
“You know for being the talkative one out of all of us, he sucks at replying to letters,” Aurora responded, setting the frame down on the table next to her. 
“I hope he’s doing alright,” Penny sighs, walking back into the living room.
She knew not to worry too much about her son, but it never got any easier when he went on deployments. She preferred if all her children lived in the same place, even though she encouraged them all to live out their own lives and dreams.
“He’s fine. He has Bradley,” Amelia surmised.
“That’s what I worry about,” Aurora chuckles, as she pulls out the stuffed rooster that was given to her by Bradley when he told her his callsign.
Aurora thinks back to the letter she wrote to both of them. She didn’t tell them about meeting Hangman, or any of her cases. Just that she was usually drowning between paperwork and fieldwork.
Penny and Amelia give each other a look as Aurora stares off into space.
Even though they were both happy that Aurora was home, they noticed she was different, even though they just saw her today. Sometimes she would go into a daze for a bit before returning back to normal. She would flinch and reach for her knife at a loud noise sometimes, occasionally falling silent and biting her cheek, or even fidgeting with her bracelet.
Penny knew a bit of her PTSD to an extent, but not the whole story, where Amelia didn’t know anything. They didn’t say anything though, wanting Aurora to get settled before saying anything. 
“Any big plans tonight?” Penny asks, drawing Aurora out of her mind.
“Probably nothing as fun as what you’re going to ask me,” Aurora smirks at her mom.
“Well, how about a little help tonight at the Hard Deck then since you don’t have to work yet?” Penny suggests. “Amelia is sleeping over at her friend’s house. I had a coworker have something come up and I need someone to help me with the Saturday rush.”
“Sure! I haven’t bartended since college, so I might be a bit slow,” Aurora shrugs.
“No, you’ll be fine,” Penny reassures her. “Plus, you’ve always been good at it.”
“And there’s always hot eye candy to look at too!” Amelia pipes in.
“Amelia!” Penny turns to her youngest daughter. Aurora bursts out laughing at her sister’s antics.
“Not that it matters, you only have eyes for Bradley,” Amelia teases in a singsong voice.
Aurora rolls her eyes, not objecting to her statement, and throws bubble wrap at her. Amelia catches it and tries throwing it back at Aurora and soon they end up throwing a lot of the leftover bubble wrap around, with CJ jumping up and down, joining in the chaos.
Penny chuckles at her daughters, wishing Peyton was there to complete the family.
Maverick had just finished his meeting with Cyclone and Warlock as he sat at the bar of the Hard Deck. How was he not only supposed to train this new group of aviators but also work with his godson who had still yet to even talk to him ever since he pulled his papers from the Academy? 
He had already spotted two of the students he was going to be training for the mission at the dartboard, noting that he could already sense the ego of the blonde guy. He was texting Ice about his meeting before he heard a voice speak to him.
He looked up and saw Aurora had walked in with her purse in hand with a confused look on her face. Maverick turned to her, confused about what Aurora was doing at the bar.
“Sweetie? What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you the same question. Aren’t you supposed to be in a meeting with your higher-ups about the mission?”
“I finished. Why are you-”
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” a voice says behind the bar. Maverick turns back towards the bar and sees Penny. “Pete.”
“Penny? What are you doing here?” Maverick questions, stunned and confused, until remembering the bar he’s at and laughs to himself. He was so deep in his thoughts, he had forgotten that Penny owned the bar and was most likely working.
“I should ask you the same thing,” Penny answers him. “Hi sweetie, you can put your bag in the office near the kitchen,” Penny tells her daughter. 
“Sure thing, mom.”
“You’re working the bar tonight?” Maverick asks Aurora. 
“Duh, gotta help mom out,” she winks at both of them heading towards the kitchen/back area and leaving her purse inside the office before walking out toward the bar area.
“No way. Artemis?!” a voice calls. Aurora freezes in her tracks and turns to the voice.
In all his glory, stood Jake Seresin in his khaki uniform, standing next to the dartboard. 
“Holy shit! Hangman?” Aurora was stunned.
Last she had heard from him, he was stationed down in Texas, near his family for the time being. They would message each other now and then, as they had truly bonded quite a bit ever since Aurora had saved his life.
He holds out his arms, as Aurora walks quickly towards him and launches herself into his arms. 
“What are you doing here?” Jake questions the woman after pulling back from the hug, holding her within arm's length.
“Reassigned to the office here in San Diego. What about you?”
“Called in for an assignment at Top Gun. They called in the best of the best,” Jake answers proudly. Aurora freezes for a bit. 
Does that mean Bradley would be called back? What about Peyton? No way, she thought. They would have called her. She shakes that thought from her mind, focusing back on the guy in front of her.
“Who’s this?”
Aurora and Jake turn to the friend he was with, the other guy confused as he had never met the woman who had hugged Jake.
“Oh, crap right. Coyote, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is my friend, callsign Coyote,” Jake introduces.
“Lieutenant Javy Machado, at your service ma'am,” Javy says as he puts out his hand for Aurora to shake, to which she does. 
“Aurora Benjamin-Mitchell, nickname Artemis,” she smiles proudly. 
“Wait, hold on. As in THE Artemis? The NCIS agent who is part of the infamous Gibbs team in DC? The team that solved the Port-to-Port killer case?” Javy questions incredulously. He wonders how Jake knew her.
“The one and only,” she proudly smirks at him before shortly being called by Penny to hurry and get behind the bar.
“Sorry for the short introduction. Duty calls,” Aurora winks at both of them before hurrying towards her mom, who was still talking to Maverick.
“Wait. Mitchell? As in?”
“Apollo? Yeah.”
“Holy fuck.”
“Holy fuck is right. C’mon. I’ll tell you all about it while I beat you at pool,” as Jake drags Javy to the pool table.
Aurora was behind the bar and she could hear her mom and dad talking, and she smiled at their interaction. She loved seeing her parents together.
Even though many times they’ve told the kids to never get their hopes up of them getting together, Aurora also held hope for them. She saw the way her dad looked at her and her mom never talked badly about Maverick, even though Maverick would leave constantly. They loved each other too much to ever talk badly about each other.
Aurora was drawn out of her thoughts when her mom rang the bell. She looks at her dad and sees that he has his cell phone on the bar, looking around confused.
“What am I missing?” He asks his daughter. She chuckles and gestures to the sign.
“Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your phone on my bar,” he reads.
“And you buy a round,” Penny finished his sentence. Aurora laughs as she scoops ice into a shaker and makes a drink for someone. 
“For everyone?” Maverick looked around, nervous as there were quite a few people in the bar.
“I’m afraid rules are rules,” Penny smirks at him.
“You’re lucky it’s early dad,” Aurora chuckles as she leaves to serve the drink. 
Aurora smiles as she hands the drink to a lady, taking her card to open a tab for her. She was getting into the groove of things behind the bar with her mom.
She used to bartend a bit in college before her NCIS internship in order to earn a bit of money on the weekend. It helped her out a lot during an undercover case, as well as when her mom purchased the Hard Deck. 
“What do we have here?” Aurora hears Jake call out from across the bar. She turns and glances at who he’s talking about, seeing a woman and two other men wearing their khaki uniforms enter into the bar.
“If it ain’t Phoenix!” Jake smiles at the woman who had stopped in front of him. “And here I thought we were special, Coyote.”
Aurora rolls her eyes at Jake’s ego literally oozing out from him, as she turns to reach the beer tap next to her, filling a drink for someone. A bit goes by and she hears Jake call for her.
“Artemis, my dear.”
Aurora rolls her eyes as she turns to him.
“What do you want, Hangman?” 
“I’ll have four more on the old timer,” Jake says, as he makes eye contact with Maverick.
Jake didn’t know who he was, which made Aurora want to laugh, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Say please,” she teases.
He rolls her eyes as her mom comes up right behind her.
“I got it, can you get some glasses in the back for me? And fill up the kegs as well,” Penny tells her.
“Sure, mom.”
“Mom?” Jake asks, as Aurora was about to leave. She winks at him, as she rushes to go to the kitchen, but before she does, she goes up to the jukebox and puts on the song “Tramp.”
It was a song Bradley had added to the Spotify playlist that he, Aurora, and Peyton shared, and it reminded her of him. She smiles as it comes on, before running to the back. 
Outside, Bradley had just parked the Bronco outside the Hard Deck and turned to Peyton. 
“You ready?”
“Hell yeah.”
Together, they both exit the car and strut into the Hard Deck with their sunglasses on. Both of them decided to forego their khaki uniform and wear comfortable clothes instead.
“Ha! Someone’s playing your song Rooster,” Peyton chuckles, as Bradley rolls his eyes, not that Peyton could see it.
“Bradshaw! Mitchell! Is that you?”
Penny and Maverick turn to see the two standing near the Hard Deck doorway, shocked. Maverick knew Bradley was going to be part of the mission, but he didn’t know about his son being stateside. Penny didn’t know either of them would be back. 
Bradley and Peyton walk up to Natasha. 
“This is how I found out you both are stateside?”
“We just thought we’d surprise you,” Peyton smirks, taking off his sunglasses and tucking them into his shirt pocket.
Bradley chuckles at his best friend’s remark, but then grunts in pain as Natasha hits him with the pool stick as she hits her ball into the pocket.
“I guess I surprised you back,” Natasha replies as Bradley looks up. 
“It’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you too.”
Bradley pats her shoulder before standing up to say hello to everyone else. Peyton hugs Natasha before greeting Mickey, who was also someone he had met during his time at the Naval Academy.
“Here you go,” Penny says, before handing over the beers to Jake.
“Thank you,” he genuinely says to Penny, now that he also realized that Penny is Aurora and Peyton’s mom.
“Much appreciated Pops,” Jake says to Maverick, winking at him before heading to the jukebox. 
Maverick shakes his head going back to nursing his drink. 
Aurora, still in the back, was bobbing to the faint music as she moved a few of the empty kegs so she was able to change the hose to the full kegs. The full kegs were always heavy to move, so she knew this would take a while. 
The jukebox changes to the song Jake had put on, “Slow Ride,” and Aurora in the back chuckles knowing that it was him that put the song on. Jake soon walks back to the pool table and spots Bradley Bradshaw.
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe,” Jake smirks as he hands the beers to Coyote and faces him. He takes the pool stick from Bob as he lines up to take a shot.
“Hangman, you look…good,” Bradley admits before giving a quick glance to Peyton next to him, to which Peyton, who was sitting on a bar stool, kicks him.
“Well, I am good Rooster,” Jake says as he shoots the ball into the pocket. “I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.” 
He stands up and sees Peyton and tries to keep cool. “Apollo, still attached to Bradshaw's hip I see.”
“Hangman, still vying for attention I see,” Peyton retorts back.
“So,” Payback interrupts the two. “Anybody know what this special detachment is about?”
“Well, a mission’s a mission. They don’t confront me” Jake replies.
Bradley had to hold in a chuckle before turning to Peyton, who was trying his hardest not to let out a groan, as Peyton had repeated those exact words to Bradley that day. 
“What I want to know is,” Jake continues, “Who’s gonna be team leader?”
The pool balls clatter. 
“And which one of y’all has what it takes, to follow me.”
Bradley was over Jake’s ego, so he decided to say something back.
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.”
It quiets around them, besides the music playing in the background, while you can hear Mickey let out a small laugh. Peyton smacks Bradley’s arm, while even Natasha looks at Bradley with a little disbelief. 
Jake smirks at Bradley as he makes his way in front of Bradley, passing by Payback and Phoenix. 
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna, run out of fuel,” Jake smirks as he sits on the edge of the pool table. Bradley smirks at him, keeping eye contact and never backing down.
“But that’s just you, ain’t it Rooster,” Jake sighs as he stands up to eye Bradley, chest to chest.
“You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment, that never comes,” Jake whispers to him.
Not only did Jake mean in the sense of Bradley’s flying skill, but also meaning Bradley’s waiting for Aurora. Jake wondered how long Aurora would wait for him if Bradley would ever make a move. Aurora would brush it off whenever they talked about it via letters and texts.
Him and Bradley stand chest to chest, neither backing down. “Slow Ride” continues playing in the background.
“I love this song,” Jake grins, as he walks away and leaves Bradley, pondering what Jake had said. Natasha walks up to Bradley, who both were watching him walk away towards the bar.
“Well, he hasn’t changed,” Nat says.
“Nope, sure hasn’t,” Bradley looks at Nat and they both just roll their eyes at Jake.
“So am I the only one who felt the sexual tension, or…?” Peyton speaks up.
Bradley swats at him, and they both laugh it off. Bradley sits next to Peyton, both watching the next pool game happen, their seats against a pillar blocking the bar.
Aurora walks back out of the area, and lugs the box of clean glasses from the kitchen, to the bar. 
“Need help there, hon?” Penny asks her, moving out of the way so Aurora could set the box down.
“No, I’m fine. I’ll set them down over there on the other side of the bar.”
Aurora sets down the box as she huffs to take a breather.
“You look like you were struggling for a bit there.”
Aurora looks up and sees Jake leaning against the bar, smirking at her.
“You think you can do better?”
“Oh, I know I can,” Jake teasingly winks at her as she laughs.
She fiddles with her bracelet, and Jake realizes how much Aurora was still struggling with her PTSD and anxiety. He gave her a worried look, to which Aurora shook her head, not wanting to talk about it.
“Need another beer?” Aurora asks.
Nat looks back over to Jake and sees him flirting with a woman, whom she felt she recognized, but couldn’t quite place her.
“Hey, who’s Hangman flirting with? She looks familiar.”
Mickey, Bob, and Payback look to where Nat was gesturing towards. 
“Oh, that poor girl. She must be a new bartender,” Mickey assumes.
“She’s pretty cute though,” Payback admits.
Coyote looks over to where they were looking, laughs to himself, and takes a glance at Peyton and Bradley who still had yet to look at Jake and Aurora. 
“Wait, who?” Peyton was confused, feeling a bit jealous, but trying not to show it. 
“Look, over there,” Bob says as he points behind Bradley and Peyton, towards the bar.
Peyton and Bradley both get out of their seats to look at Jake and this so-called new bartender and they froze.
Aurora and Jake were laughing as Aurora handed him a beer.
Peyton was the first to react as he got up and walked past Nat, Bob, and Mickey who were staring at the two.
“Wait, Apollo, what are you-? Rooster? Where the hell are you two going?” Natasha was confused at their sudden urgency.
Bradley trails behind Peyton, knowing it was best to let the twins have their own reunion first. 
Peyton walked faster towards the bar. Soon he could hear his sister and Jake talking until he spoke up.
She froze and looked over Jake’s shoulder, gasping.
She exited the bar area and ran straight into her brother’s arm, tearfully wrapping her arms around him. It had been about 3 years since they last saw each other, the longest they had been away from each other.
Jake smiles at the two, before leaving to go back to the pool table to give them space for their reunion.
“What are you doing here?” They both asked at the same time before laughing and looking into each other’s eyes.
Peyton examines his little sister, who didn’t look so little anymore. Her dark brown hair now had faded blonde tips, Peyton guessed from when she had dyed it and just decided to let them grow out.
Aurora smiles as she puts her hand on her brother’s cheek. She could feel the stubble underneath her hand. Peyton and Aurora, as different as they are, were the spitting image of each other, especially now that they had grown up. 
“Wait, if you’re here then…” Aurora trails off before looking over Peyton’s shoulder, tears filling her eyes.
There stood her best friend, all grown up. Bradley was not the lanky boy she had left those years ago. He had filled out, and had a mustache just like his father. She would poke fun at it later, but all she could do is take him in.
Bradley couldn’t believe the girl he was just thinking about was finally right in front of him again. He had to be dreaming. It wasn’t until Aurora tore herself from Peyton and started running towards him did he finally realize this was reality.
He took her into his arms, lifting her up and swinging her into a little spin, as she gripped onto him tightly, giggling and burying her face into his neck.
He stopped after a few turns, setting her down, before taking a good look at her, cupping her face in his right hand, and leaving his left hand on her waist. Aurora stares at the man in front, her heart beating fast, finally being back in the presence of her best friend. 
“Am I dreaming? You’re actually here?” Bradley wistfully asks her, still not believing Aurora was right in front of him.
Aurora smirks as she keeps her hands around his neck, even with the height difference, she was on her tippy toes to help reach around his neck.
“Dream of me often, Bradshaw?”
Bradley chuckles in disbelief. He gives Aurora a kiss on her forehead before replying.
“Every hour, every minute, every second that I breathe princess,” he whispers with his raspy voice into her hair.
Aurora’s breath hitches at the nickname. It had been so long since she had heard him say that. She would never get enough of Bradley calling her nicknames.
Her heart was full of love, as Peyton approached the two, grouping all of them into a hug. 
The trio was back together as they held each other tightly, before letting go. 
“What are you doing here, Ro? Aren’t you supposed to be back in Washington DC?” Peyton asks her.
“I was reassigned to the San Diego NCIS office after uh…after realizing I wanted to come home, especially for Amelia and mom,” Aurora changes her answer quickly, remembering she had yet to tell them about her PTSD. Technically it was the truth, just half the truth.
Aurora then realizes that the two idiots in front of her didn’t even call her to let her know that they were both stateside.
“And you two! When were you both going to tell me you were stateside?” She accuses the two. 
Bradley and Peyton suddenly both looked interested at their surroundings, refusing to look at Aurora.
Peyton soon spots his mom and his dad across the bar. He sighs, relieved that he found a way out.
“Oh my gosh, is that mom and dad?” Peyton interrupts Aurora mid-rant of telling them off for not letting her know they’d be in San Diego. “I better go say hi to them!”
Immediately, he’d taken his way out and left to go say hi to their parents.
“Peyton, get back here!” Aurora follows her twin. Peyton tries not to run into people as he tries to escape his sister’s wrath. 
Bradley chuckles, realizing how much he missed the twin’s antics before following them, knowing he also had to say hi to Penny and Maverick.
As much as he wanted to avoid Maverick, he knew his dad would be mad at him for not saying hi to his godfather. 
“Oh, my baby boy!” Penny hugs Peyton tightly, just as Aurora caught up to him. Aurora rolls her eyes, as Peyton sighs, realizing he had safely escaped her fury. For now at least.
“I’m not done with him yet, mom!” Aurora hisses at Peyton.
“Now, now little star. You and your brother behave while you’re in the bar. Don’t make me ring the bell.”
“For what?!” both the twins exclaimed.
“For Peyton, disrespecting a lady. For Aurora, disrespecting the Navy.” Penny shrugs, with a mischievous grin.
Both the twins start to protest until Penny reaches for the bell, about to ring it. They stopped arguing, realizing it was best not to piss off their mom.
“That’s better. Oh, Bradley! It’s good to see you as well, hon!” Penny smiles, as she reaches to give Bradley a hug. Peyton and Aurora roll their eyes, knowing the Bradshaw boy was well-admired by Penny. Peyton turns to give his dad a hug.
Aurora stares at Bradley, realizing how much Bradley looked different from a few years ago. His biceps were bulging from the gaudy Hawaiian shirt he wore, and she could feel his chest when they hugged.
Realizing she was still staring, Aurora turned to join Penny behind the bar again, an attempt to calm the blush that was threatening to show on her face. She fanned herself a bit, feeling hot all of a sudden. Aurora couldn’t believe she was ogling at Bradley so outwardly.
“How long are you two here for?” Penny asks both the boys after Bradley had given Maverick a nod, not wanting to interact with him much more beyond that.
“Not sure yet, we’ll know after we find out what our assignment is tomorrow,” Peyton answers his mom.
“Where are you two staying?” Maverick questions both of them, wondering if they were staying on base.
“Mom and dad said we could stay at their house until they come back next week,” Bradley answers, giving a side glance to Maverick, before settling his eyes on Aurora.
Staring at her, he was really seeing how much she had changed since the last time they’d seen each other. He couldn’t help but admire Aurora, watching as she moved about behind the bar, helping her mother. He was full-on ogling her, and as soon as Peyton noticed this, he elbowed Bradley to stop. 
“Wait, I have two spare bedrooms at my place! Just move in with me!” Aurora suggests. 
“Are you sure? We don’t want to be a bother,” Bradley was hesitant and gave Peyton a glance. 
Peyton smiles, as he wouldn't mind sharing a house with his two favorite people. Plus, it would get Peyton more opportunity to get Bradley and Aurora together. He was already plotting out a scheme in his head. 
“Of course! You’d have to share a bathroom though. Oh and I have CJ, so I hope you don’t mind.”
Bradley’s heart sank. Who was CJ? Was it her boyfriend? 
“CJ?” Peyton speaks up for both of them, as they were confused at who Aurora was talking about.
“Oh, yeah, CJ! My emotional support puppy!” Aurora chuckles, realizing what it had sounded like at first, not noticing Bradley’s reaction.
Bradley lets out a sigh. Okay, so not a boyfriend. 
“Wait? Why did you name your dog CJ?” Bradley wonders. Penny laughs, as she hands someone a drink.
“She won’t tell anyone else, but whatever it was, she told Amelia and they laughed for like ten minutes straight.” 
“Well, if you’re okay with it. We’d love to be your two new roommates!” Peyton smiles as Bradley nods along with his statement.
“Wonderful. We’ll settle everything tomorrow then,” Aurora smiles at both of them.
They nod as they realize that work was really starting to pick up for Penny and Aurora at the bar. Bradley and Peyton decide to head back to the pool table where some of the other newcomer aviators had joined the rest. Aurora smiles before giving them a wave.
Before the evening rush could get any worse, Maverick decided to ask Penny to close out his tab for the day. Penny leaves to close it, while Maverick talks to his daughter for a bit. He started noticing Aurora getting a bit apprehensive, chewing her inner cheek.
Reaching out his hand, Maverick offered it to Aurora to ground herself with. Glancing over, there was little hesitation before taking it and slowly taking a few deep breaths. Once calmed enough, she whispered her thanks to him before releasing the grasp.
Penny then comes back with news about his card. 
“It’s been declined,” Penny states. Maverick looks at her in disbelief while Aurora arches a brow in amusement.
“You’re kidding?” Maverick sputters.
Penny shakes her head. Maverick reaches for his wallet, and pulls out a few bills. Glancing at the receipt Penny held in her hand, Aurora’s eyes went wide at seeing the total.
“How about-?”
“That’s not gonna cover it,” Penny shows him the paper. Maverick chokes at the sight and awkwardly chuckles.
“Uh, I’ll come by tomorrow and bring you the cash.”
“I’m afraid rules are rules, Pete,” Penny says as she rings the bell. The crowd cheers at the sound as someone yells overboard.
Aurora groans, feeling second-hand embarrassment that her dad was getting kicked out of the bar, and also the fact her mom had rung the bell.
“Overboard, overboard!” 
Jake, Javy, and Reuben show up behind him. Jake smirks at Maverick, before the three boys lift him out of his seat to throw him out of the bar.
Aurora waves her dad goodbye, as she knew he could handle himself. She wished she could be in the room on Monday when Jake found out that not only did he throw out his instructor for their mission, but Aurora and Peyton’s dad as well. 
“Great to see you, Pete!” Penny waves at Pete being carried away. Aurora uses the rag that was on her shoulder to whack her mom for her stunts. Penny smiles, realizing how much she had actually missed Maverick.
The jukebox soon stops working, and the crowd groans at the lack of music.
Penny sees the Bradshaw boy, followed by her son going towards the bar, before realizing that they had been the ones to unplug the jukebox.
She takes a glance at her daughter who was starting to get a bit restless. Penny knew it wasn’t because she was tired, but the crowd was getting a bit much for her, as Aurora started fiddling with her bracelet again. 
Penny looks through the crowd and sees Bradley and Peyton walk their way towards the two.
“Hey Mama Pen, do you think Aurora can go on her break?” Bradley asks her with a pleading face.
Penny laughs. “She’s done for the night actually, take her for me, will ya Bradshaw?”
“Gladly!” Bradley smiles. Aurora turns upon hearing this.
“Are you sure, mom? I can finish up here-”
“Nonsense, Jimmy and I have it from here. Now go, before I change my mind.” Penny reassures her daughter. She gives Aurora a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the other side of the bar.
Aurora smiles before putting her rag down, and stepping away from the bar. Bradley grins at her exiting the bar area, before lifting her over his shoulder.
“B! Put me down!”
“You’re coming with us, sweetheart.” Bradley smiles, as Peyton pats his sister’s back before they traipse towards the piano.
Bradley sets her down on the piano bench, while Peyton stands next to her, as Bradley sits on the other side of the bench. He smiles at Aurora before showing off his piano skills, playing a little jazz melody, knowing Aurora was a sucker for jazz. She rolls her eyes, as Peyton leans on her.
Soon a few people joins them.
Nat pats Bradley on the shoulder before turning to introduce herself to the girl sitting next to him.
“I’m Natasha Trace, callsign Phoenix.”
“Aurora Benjamin-Mitchell,” Aurora smiles at the woman shaking her hand.
Nat lights up at the name. No wonder she looked familiar to her. She was the girl in the photo Bradley had in his cockpit every time he flew. Peyton and Bradley always talked about her whenever they had the chance.
They were interrupted as Mickey, Reuben, and Bob came to introduce themselves to the girl.
“Wait, you’re Artemis, right? Apollo’s sister?” Payback asks, as Bradley continues riffing on the piano.
“Unfortunately,” she sighs as Peyton hits her arm.
“Holy crap. Is it true you saved Hangman from a killer?” Mickey asks. Peyton and Bradley turn to Mickey confused. 
“I don’t know, ask him yourself,” Aurora gestures to Jake and Javy who were walking over to join the group. Bradley huffs, scooting closer to Aurora, feeling a bit threatened by Jake's and Aurora’s friendship, knowing he would ask her about it later. 
“Yo, Hangman. Is it true Artemis saved you from a killer?” Mickey repeats the question to Jake when they get closer. Jake laughs and looks at Aurora.
He takes a sip of his beer before nodding at the question. “She brought a knife to a gunfight,” he answers. They all gasp as Aurora rolls her eyes.
“You’re leaving out details,” Aurora says.
“Holy damn, you’re badass. How are you Apollo’s sister?” Natasha wonders out loud.
“Hey!” Peyton protests.
They all laugh. Aurora turns to Bradley who has gone silent, still playing a bit on the piano. She smiles softly before putting her hand on his thigh. He looks up from his hands, meeting her gaze. 
“Great balls of fire?” She asks him.
Bradley smirks. “Only if you sing it with me, princess.”
Aurora nods, and soon Bradley starts off the song.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, but what a thrill
Bradley looks at Aurora and Peyton before they join in with him singing.
Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!
Everyone around them starts singing along, and soon the whole bar starts cheering and singing along as well. 
Outside, Maverick watches all of this happen from outside. He gets flashbacks of him and Goose singing the exact same song, with Bradley and Aurora on top of the piano, and Peyton on Goose’s lap.
He remembers how he almost lost Goose, and how this mission could change almost everything. Maverick wonders if Bradley was ready for the mission, and if he didn’t choose Bradley to fly, what would happen to their relationship? Bradley would never forgive him.
Maverick then looks at his son and daughter and sees their smiles. He hadn’t seen Peyton in a long time, but Maverick was just happy to see Aurora smile since they had left Washington DC. He walks away, leaving them to enjoy their moment. 
Kiss me, baby.
Bradley gestures his head for Aurora to give him a kiss on the cheek, to which Aurora smacks her hands on her lips and uses the hand to push Bradley’s cheek away. Peyton chuckles as Bradley fake pouts at Aurora for not giving him a kiss, but continues on singing. 
Ooh, that feels good, baby
Hold me, baby
I wanna love you like a lover should
You're fine, you're so kind
I'ma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine
Aurora glances to see Jake nodding along to the song, who was looking at Peyton. Peyton seemed to actively refuse to look his way. Making a mental note of that, she knew she would have to ask her twin about this later.
For now though, she decided she was going to take in this moment, watching the people around her play off of Bradley’s energy.
Kiss me, baby.
Aurora gives Bradley a kiss on the cheek to which he grins and glances at Aurora. 
Ooh, that feels good.
Bradley gives a little fake shudder, as Aurora laughs at his action, singing until they end the song.
Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!
Everyone in the bar cheers for Bradley. He stands up to give a little dance and Aurora shakes her head and laughs.
“Rooster! Rooster!”
Aurora stands up and claps along with everyone as she watches Bradley twirl and give a few more dance moves. Finishing his dance break, Bradley smiled at the scene around him. He glances at Aurora who was standing next to Peyton after the song before dragging the twins into a tight hug.
For now, everything felt right. Not worrying about the past or future, and instead living in the present with each other. 
- - -
If you would like to be on the taglist or removed, please let me know! 
Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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da-shrimping-station · 4 months ago
Beelzebub x Reader
minors DNI or im busting your kneecaps 💚
suggestive content | bondage | a bit of food play | inspired by that Beel art from the Komiket interactive display | honestly idk what else to add
bare minimum editing/proofreading | english is not my first language
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You felt like the luckiest bastard in Hell right now.
There was an entire buffet laid out in the room. Plates upon plates of mouth watering dishes that would make anyone stuff themselves full. Drinks of every kind in pretty bottles and glasses. Fine cutlery and dining ware laid out on white sheets, waiting for you to sit down and glut yourself until you burst. Despite the smells wafting into your nose and the generous portions catching your eye, you head straight to the main course.
It was a sight that made you drool the second you saw it. It wasn't just the bare torso or the ribbons or the bottle of expensive champagne tucked into his pants. It was the fact that the King of Gluttony was propped up on a pedestal, eyes blazing and teeth gnawing at the bit and squirming to be let free. Suddenly, the buffet might as well be bland gruel in comparison.
Bright green eyes zeroed in on you as you stepped closer. He struggled even more, muffled noises growing more insistent, but the ribbons held.
Your hand reached out to cup his cheek. You squished it a little then scratched at the strips of cloth that served as his gag.
"You look very delectable, your Highness."
He sounded mad. Or maybe excited. Either way, it didn't stop you from feeling him up.
You pinched and groped, tan skin soft and muscles firm. One hand scratched red lines into his side while the other thumbed at his pierced nipple. The bright pink strips of cloth was a nice contrast to his rich oche skin. Your nails dug deeper, your grip turned bruising.
Groaning, Beelzebub writhed, tugging at the restraints even more. His flushed cheeks gave away how he really felt. More muffled noises came from his throat and you think he was telling you something. You had stepped back to admire your work with a pleased smile.
You've only had your hands on him and he already looked winded. Your eyes landed on the bottle at his crotch.
You deliberately ignored the bulge in his pants as you gently pried the liquor from his waistband. Your hunch was right. It was a bottle of champagne from Tartaros. The foil on the label shone nicely under the lights.
Beelzebub glared at you as you popped the cork off. The flush on his face was dying down now that you've stopped your ministrations but his erection persisted still. You took a whiff of the drink. It smelled sweet and citrusy. You know this bottle costs more than your own soul given its origin and you wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.
Your eyes shifted from the bottle to the bound King beside you. An idea pops up and you smirk. 
The king of gluttony watches you like a hawk as you step into his space again. 
Without hesitation, you poured champagne on his lips. You watched, mesmerized as the golden liquid dribbled from his chin and down his neck. Smaller rivulets trailed down his pecs and abs, eventually soaking the waistband of his underwear. You had to stop yourself before wasting the entire bottle.
The pink ribbons over his mouth were soaked and you think he's trying to get a taste with how his throat bobbed. He glared at you. You can't pinpoint why he's upset so you laughed it off.
Your hands grabbed him by the jaw, tilting his head and kissing him. It was awkward with the gag and the angle but the taste of the champagne and the feel of his lips on yours egged you on. He groaned, trying to better reciprocate the act.
Breaking the kiss, you poured champagne over him again, this time onto his torso. 
Beelzebub growled. The sound sent shivers down your spine and you licked and bit at his collarbone to appease him. He growled again, less aggravated this time. You took it as a sign.
You continued to appease him with your mouth and tongue, cleaning up the trail of liquor on his torso. From his chest, down towards his stomach. You even went so far as to kneel to nip at the V of his hips, toying with the pink bow right next to his bulging arousal.
You made sure to leave marks as you went, adding to the ones you made earlier. You left hickeys and bruises over his tattoos and bite marks over the bare patches of skin. All the while he bucked and groaned, hips jerking whenever you touched a sensitive spot.
During all of this, the delicate pink ribbons did their job of keeping him in place. A part of you was concerned that the binds would snap. Whatever magic they were imbued with was pretty damn strong.
His highness was looking down at you, eyes glowing with lust and frustration. You shuddered, enjoying the way he looked at you while you were on your knees.
You could suck him off. His cock was right there in front of you, just about ready to burst from the looks of it. The tempting thought made you lick your lips. With him tied up, you had free reign to do as you please without so much as a peep from him.
He must've sensed your lewd intention, swaying his hips towards you as some sort of invitation. An urgent moan rumbled from his throat.
You bit your lip, weighing your options for a moment.
"Thank you for the treat, your highness," you said with a smirk. Then you got up and walked away, half empty champagne bottle in hand.
Incensed noises followed after your footsteps as you left. You knew for a fact that you can't handle the king of Abyssos on your own. He was a force to be reckoned with, whether he's fighting or fucking. And you were someone simple who lived by the rule of not biting off more than you can chew.
The bottle of liquor was more than enough of a prize. There was still enough for a glass or two to indulge in. 
You were close to the exit, oozing with satisfaction as you walked past the buffet tables. The door was just a few meters away when–
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
A/N 🦐
eeyyyyy dont come after me i wrote this all in one sitting cuz that one Beel card wont get out of my head
i was gonna have the reader give him head but my skills aren't up to par so he gets blueballed instead lmaoooo i bet he would've wanted the reader to be a glutton and choke on his cock but where's the fun in that amirite
him bending the reader over one of the tables while he rails them and finishes the rest of the champagne is a nice image imo
thanks for reading!
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ramshacklerumble · 4 months ago
man i love this comic making train im on, the only thing i hate about it is having to make comics :)
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ashleyknoxtrilogy · 2 months ago
(chronically randomly late WRITING SHARE)
Thank you for the tag to : @the-golden-comet for Seven-ish Sentence Sunday AND Nine Lines, Nine People Tag ,
@wyked-original-writing with Seven Sentence Sunday Monday , any day now
AND @willtheweaver for First/ Last line tag
I don't know what I'm doing anymore but fuck it we ball 💀
Re-edit snippet from draft zero chapter two The scarred angel
"You're overthinking, you should try to live a little" 
Or the power to send frustration and anger feelings inside her skyrocketing but not untangle her from those ropes.
Amy's also aware that her craving for blending in and possibly disappear completely will definitely turn to be a problem if she's to stick within this line of work.
A couple of day before taking her leave she decides to make a last stop at the police headquarters before heading to her hotel.
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Fuck it, we ball with a drink 🍻☕🍷☕ 🍹🍻
Tag NP :
@zackprincebooks @abiteofhoney @jacobwren
@deanwax @alinacapellabooks @wyked-ao3
@vesanal @inadequatecowboy @bluefiredesire
@aalinaaaaaa @orphanheirs @lullabynorth @dismalstation @oleanderbailey @lunaeuphternal
@malignant-biomass @theeccentricraven
@lapetiteceinturesworld @castiels-favorite-hunter
@dierama-mojo @distortedsense @mapplesand
@dnschmidt @badscientist @thecomfywriter
@ryns-ramblings @tragedycoded @legalownerofufoemoji
@kaeru483 @aspiring-dreamer @illarian-rambling
@lychhiker-writes @riveriafalll
@cloudyempress8888 @pertweefan1970 @agirlandherquill @authorcoledipalo @leahnardo-da-veggie
@lavender-gloom @saturnine-saturneight
@cowboybrunch @words-after-midnight
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icy-vulpine · 12 days ago
Chapter 13 is now in progress!
Signals, Space, and Shrimp chapter 13 is now sitting at 955 words. I'm going to try and get myself a bit more dedicated to make more frequent updates, but I honestly felt like I was on a roll this writing session.
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crescentfool · 8 months ago
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🍊🫐 throughout time!
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abby-wolf · 2 months ago
I just came up with EXCELLENT Seal and Shrimp lore!!!!!! The beginnings of a story has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!
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alphasunpup · 1 year ago
I love the "weight gain from eating junk food" as much as the next person but does anyone else feel it gets boring? Like let's ignore the perpetuation of like food myths of things being 'unhealthy' and 'healthy' or the idea that eating a lot of food = fat. And genuinely this is no diss at anyone who enjoys this, I just, I don't know, it just feels like an overused narrative trope these days. Like in the 2000s when they introduced the love triangle and then it got over popularized and it no longer became interesting. The misscomunication trope that just showed honestly how our society doesn't teach us how to communicate. Idk it just feels like an overused trope. Give me fat people who eat a shit ton of carbs and natural sugars and still gain weight. Or give me weight gain from decadent indulgence like a bacchanal or a feast fit for a king. Or someone gaining weight from homemade food. And yall please describe the food. Describe the sensory experience, it enhances the story and it makes it so much more hotter. Like imagine your weight gain story featuring person A, eating person's B peach cobbler and them talking about the warmth of the peach cobbler colliding with the coolness of ice cream. Or the flake crust with the glazed and soft peaches. I guess call this kinky writing advice, feedism edition? Like I don't know yall, let's spice up the stories a bit.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years ago
oh man ok i need to gush about moonlight chicken for a second lol
i adored how this show didnt shy away from the messiness of real life and relationships! like u hav a single gay working class man desperately trying to make ends meet and struggling with the guilt of his past lover having died tragically whilst bringing up his nephew who wants to be taken seriously and finally fly the nest to live his own life whilst at the same time navigating his crush on a lonely deaf boy who just wants to be understood and respected. and then you have a man stuck in relationship limbo where he's unable to let go of his past love but also yearning to move on and free them both from the pain they cause each other... and that's not even to mention the side characters who deal with the loss of parents, unfaithful partners, unplanned pregnancies, trying to be a better mother to your son, etc...
no one was a villain, instead you had a group of people who needed to grow and learn in a very natural way, and that's just so refreshing to see! honestly one of my fav parts of the story is that rather than inventing some arbitrary dramatic reason for wen and alan to break up, it just happened because their love had fizzled out, a thing that happens all the time in real relationships! and even though their love had died, it was still obvious that they cared deeply for one another which made both of them trying to move on so much more painful...
so much of this show was about the cycles of emotional abuse that can develop when you're stuck in the past... jim is unable to see a happy future for himself because he blames himself for beam's death, and he let's that anger and resentment inform how he treats li ming. wen is ignoring the messiness of his relationship with alan in favour of pursuing jim, but knows deep down that neither will be able to truly move on unless he deals with the situation. even heart's parents are stuck unable to relate to or be willing to understand their deaf son as they continue to isolate him from the outside world, thinking that it will protect him but all it does is make him even more lonely!
idk i just loved how the show focused so much on living in the moment. that the past is fixed and the future is uncertain, but there will always be now where you can always find some glimmer of joy and optimism.
and then there's ofc the queer element of the show where we get to see how internalised and external homophobia exist as perimeters to queer people being able to truly be themselves. one of the most heart wrenching scenes is at beam's funeral where his parents come up to jim and effectively tell him that because he and beam weren't married, he has no legal rights to any of the things they had worked so hard for together! and this is something you hear time and time again, both historically and now, where queer couples in countries that dont recognise gay marriage or even civil partnerships are denied so much (particularly when one of them dies) because their relationship is deemed illegitimate by law.
jim as a character has internalised this so much that when he finds out his nephew is gay, he lashes out (in one of the funniest scenes ever, mind you lol... literally the whole 'why are you gay, isn't being poor enough of a challenge!?' thing is gonna stick in my mind forever i love it sm lol) because he knows first hand how hard it is to be a queer man in a society that still doesnt fully accept you! (and it rly showed the disparity between him, a working class man, and wen, someone from a middle class/wealthy background when it comes to queerness that i don't think gets discussed as much... cos the fact of the matter is that for a long time queerness /was/ effectively reserved for wealthy people, as working class people wouldnt have had as much of a choice in how they could live their lives, so jim's reticence when it comes to accepting li ming's (and his own) queerness is directly tied to how being poor doesnt always allow you the luxury of simply 'being yourself'...)
and i think it was especially interesting that this show didnt present homophobia in individualistic terms. we don't get a character calling them slurs or saying that they're wrong for being gay, instead we get systemic and societal prejudices showing up in insidious ways, which feels so much more realistic! (like even jam, who is presented as having outdated and homophobic opinions, isnt presented as some evil villain. she's just a product of a homophobic society that teaches people being gay is a sad way of living, and she has to unlearn that as both her brother and son prove her wrong!)
i honestly could (and probably will) go on but yeh... this show man... this show
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tweedfrog · 9 months ago
Just spitballing here but i think it'd be interesting if in an AU where Rhaenys lived instead of going in the opposite direction as Tywin she was like yk what atrocities are fine actually when you commit them against Lannisters. If anything i feel it'd be more realistic. How many people do you know who are subject to incredible violence who become pacifists.
Like im SICK of female characters being forced to have the mildest most kumbaya reactions to being mistreated. I still remember the arguments people made around Dany's "the Usurper's Dogs" comment you'd think she was hand writing and mailing death threats to each of the stark kids individually instead of pointing out that yeah theres some shared culpability between the rebels for what happened to Elia and her children (even if Dany arrived at the right conclusion with incorrect reasoning)
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novastories · 2 years ago
I Tried
Title and story inspired the song “I Tried” by Daniel Seavey.
Summary: Bradley starts to look back on his life before being called back to Top Gun.
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: A Bradley POV?! Yes, yes it is! 😍 Sorry, it’s a short chapter.
Thank you all who have given support to this story! We are now starting to approach the uranium mission! Lots of things will change movie wise, since we have a lot of characters to add in, as well as keeping some of the old characters. Iceman won’t die, BUT I do have plans! The story has been outlined and ready to start writing! So to treat you all who have stuck by me throughout the story waiting for Bradley, here he is!
Big love always to my beta reader and editor @reginleight. Thank you for still sticking with me! 💛
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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When Bradley was eight years old, he met Aurora and Peyton Benjamin-Mitchell. He didn’t know it at the time but deep down he knew he would have those two in his life forever. Aurora, Bradley, and Peyton became the best trio of friends and had many memories together.
As years went by, Bradley started to grow feelings for Aurora. They first drifted apart when he got his first girlfriend, he tried to push Aurora out of his mind. He thought at the time he only loved her like a friend, and could never love her more than that.
The first time they kissed that Christmas night, he knew that he would never feel the same way towards another girl as he did for his Aurora, his princess. He started to fall in love with her, little by little. Recognizing the little things, her favorite flowers, her ticks, he knew her better than he knew himself sometimes. And that scared him. 
His mother then got cancer, and that was a scary time for him. He had almost lost his dad, and he didn’t want to lose his mom. Even after his mom was clear from cancer, he was still prepared to go into the Naval Academy. Then Maverick pulled his papers. To this day, he had still never gotten over it and how angry he had been.
Regardless, he still remained civil with him because of his dad, Aurora and Peyton. They never really brought it up to him, as Bradley still ended up going to the Naval Academy after going to college for four years. Even though it had set him back for those four years, he was determined to make it. To prove that he was able to become a naval aviator in honor of his dad. 
During this time, he slowly became more aware of his feelings towards Aurora, but never said anything because of the distance and timing. So when Aurora had announced that she was going to start her career at NCIS as an agent, Bradley knew the timing still wasn’t right.
He knew if he had told her about his feelings, she would give up everything to be with him, so he didn’t say anything. Instead, he loved her from afar and a few months after that, he was invited to Top Gun. He was proud to show his dad that he had become a Top Gun graduate like he was, and went on to become a great naval aviator to this day.
But even after achieving his hopes and dreams, he longed for what his dad and mom had. The connection of his best friend and soulmate all in one. He missed Aurora deeply. He promised himself that he would always come back for her, that he would find his way back to her. Even now, his thoughts just couldn’t help but wander back to her… 
“Earth to Bradley.” A voice draws him out from his thoughts, snapping Bradley back to reality and his current surroundings. 
He turned his head to Peyton, who had joined him outside and sat across from him. He could feel Peyton’s boot knocking against his own occasionally from where they sat together. 
Currently both were sitting on the porch railing, looking out towards the ocean from the backyard porch of Bradley’s parents house. Goose and Carole were currently vacationing in Europe, so they let Bradley and Peyton stay at their place during their assignment. 
“I’ve been calling you for like a whole solid 5 minutes.”
“Sorry, I’ve been deep in thought.”
“I’ll say. I can’t believe we’re back here,” Peyton says, leaning his head on a support beam.
“Yeah, neither can I,” Bradley mumbles as he turns back to the view. 
“What do you think this mission is?” Peyton speaks up after a moment of silence between the two.
“Who knows. Can’t be anything good if they pulled us from our current deployment.” Bradley replies. 
“Well, a mission is a mission.”
“God, you’re starting to sound like Hangman.” 
 Peyton kicks Bradley in retort, almost making him fall off the railing.
“Do you think he’s here for the mission as well?”
“Probably. If scuttlebutt says that the higher ups are calling in the best of the best, it makes sense that he would be here too. Probably Phoenix as well.”
“Why were you called back then?” Peyton smirks.
Bradley kicks Peyton back for that remark, rolling his eyes.
“Everyone is probably going to meet up at the Hard Deck,” Bradley says to which Peyton hums in reply, fiddling his fingers.
Bradley looks at him, knowing that Peyton only plays with his fingers when he’s hiding something.
Then it dawned on him.
“You didn’t tell your mom you were stateside, did you?”
“I, I haven’t had the chance-” 
Bradley’s groans interrupted him.“Pey, you know she’s going to kill you for not telling her earlier, right?”
“Well, that’s future Peyton’s problem to deal with.”
Bradley faceplam’s his own face, knowing he would not want to face the wrath of Mama Penny, especially since Peyton hadn’t seen her since he was deployed almost a year ago.
“Wait, hold on. What about Rory? When was the last time you talked to her?”
“When was the last time we sent a postcard?”
“In Japan a few months ago”
“A few months ago.” Peyton answers Bradley’s previous question of their last communication.
“Holy shit, she’s gonna kill you!”
“No, no. She’s going to kill both of us,” Peyton states matter of factly.
“I’m not going to be a part of this.”
“Well, you kind of are, since you didn’t reply back to her letter she sent back to us either.”
“We’ve been a bit busy,” Bradley admits reluctantly. Both Peyton and Bradley had been busy on deployment, Bradley always doing runs while Peyton was working on the planes. 
“Oh yeah, okay,” Peyton answers sarcastically. “Let’s see if she’ll accept that answer.”
Bradley groans, knowing Aurora would be furious that neither of them told her that they were both stateside.
Aurora was so busy at her NCIS job, yet she still had time to write them both a letter, and send them care packages. These last few months had just been really busy for him. 
“Look, we’ll call her after our first day back at Top Gun tomorrow. She’ll be so happy to hear from us, she won’t even remember being mad at us forgetting to tell her about being stateside,” Peyton reasons with Bradley, trying to get him to calm down a bit.
Bradley sighs. “You’re right.”
“I’m always right.” Peyton smirks at him as he hops down from the railing. “Now c’mon. Let’s head to the Hard Deck, see Mama Penny and the rest of the aviators who were called back.”
“You just want to see if Hangman’s here so you can suck his-”
“Shut up!” Peyton interrupts him, heading back into the house holding up his middle finger for Bradley to see.
Bradley chuckles, as he looks back towards the ocean. After this mission, he was going to fly to Virginia to see Aurora.
He was going to keep the promise he made to himself. He was going to tell her how he felt and would make everything work between the two of them. He just needed to get through this mission. 
Little did he know that the girl he dreamed about night and day was already on her way back to him sooner than they both had thought.
- - -
If you would like to be on the taglist or removed, please let me know! 
Taglist:  @callsignmeiga
Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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nerdnag · 1 year ago
It is 2 AM on a winter night. I wake up in a cold sweat to a tickling sensation on my cheek. My eyes open and it is dark. I see nothing. I feel nothing. Coming from somewhere far away I hear what sounds like giggling. It is not a human giggle.
Unable to fall asleep, I grab my phone and unlock the screen. Two new notifications. One of them is a Tumblr like. Another is a text message from an unknown number that only says "shrimpostor". The Tumblr notif is a like on one of my posts from someone called "ultimate_shrimpifier". The post contains a declaration of allegiance toward some entity I have apparently chosen to call "shrimpstance". I do not remember making this post.
Fingers trembling, I open my phone browser. It opens to a Google image search of "shrimp.png". A dozen soulless black eyes are staring back at me. I do not remember making this search. I close the tab. The next tab is open to a long list of words containing "imp". I do not remember looking for this list.
A thought appears unbidden in my mind. "I am shrimpertinent". I do not know what this means or where it comes from. I am afraid.
I do not want to be shrimpified by the ultimate shrimpifier.
I throw my phone into the wall. It only makes a muffled sound. I hear the giggle again, closer this time. It comes from all directions, calling me toward it.
I am standing on a cliff. Above me, dark sky. Below me, dark sea. Around me, giggles. Wind brushes against my skin. Then, a soft light catches my attention. It is coming from below the surface of the water, slowly growing in strength. The giggles become increasingly intense and shrimpossible to shut out.
I cover my ears but the sound is not dulled. I close my eyes but the light is not dimmed. I scream at the top of my lungs but it only comes out as a giggle.
The thought, nay; the voice, nay; a metallic chorus of voices, as alien as they are shrimposing, shrimpcrease shrimpatiently until they are shrimpressive enough to shrimprison my mind in a shrimpenetrable palace of shrimportance.
The earth rumbles and quakes beneath my feet. I stumble forward and fall, only to find myself tumbling weightlessly into a dark sea of light and color and shapes and beauty.
Everything falls silent. I can no longer see the light. I can no longer hear the voices. I can no longer feel the wind against my skin.
I have no skin.
Everything comes alive in a cacophony of shrimpsations. I see everything. I hear everything. I feel everything. It is shrimperative that I pay attention. It is my shrimplicit duty.
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grandcovenant · 1 year ago
it's such a shame that sophia as a character is so reliant on keeping everything about her a mystery until.... literally the last chapter, because it makes her a lot weaker as.... one of the main characters. she's intended to have the same level of importance as geppetto in the narrative, however, in execution..... you can't really get invested in her because she doesn't really offer anything meaningful to you until the very end, and by then it feels a little too little too late. (and so much of it is wrapped around simon's plotline, which i have already expressed i don't really care for.)
i think it's why i try to make a bigger deal of things like the hermit's cave, or the thing about being a listener being "the devil's power", according to sophia's mother. these bits show her as an existing part of the setting she's in, and not as the walking Big Reveal set-up she... kind of is, honestly.
sophia is meant to be p's guide through his growing humanity, a counterpoint to geppetto, and i wish more was done with it!!!
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technikki · 1 year ago
Hii skye. Im bored. Do u have any ocs
HIII RUBY MY FRIEND im bored too we'll get through this together <3 as for ocs i feel like im the kind of person who would have a lot of em just because im so autistic about character design and i fucking love making little guys but. i don't have any outside of me just sketching a funky character that i immediately forget about </3 i suppose the closest i have would be my pmtok gijinkas because i was very passionate about the amount of potential in that game and the resulting au became very. distant from the original. here's an old post w all of em though, i still would really like to do something bigger w them in the future <3
i DID have a little group of ocs and a rough story from when i was 12-14 but unfortunately those drawings have mostly been lost to time n i. dont remember much <3 however the main character was a tan anthro cat with blue hair/markings and her name was skye. yes i named myself after my old oc i made in middle school
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leatherbookmark · 10 months ago
i get it i get it i really get it but also it's very frustrating when a work of fiction raises you expectations, makes you thrilled for The Big Confrontation, and then the next post-clifhanger installment comes and it goes "after everything was over,"
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years ago
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The reviews are in!!!
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