#shows genuine concern when liam is upset
theninth09 · 2 months
still think making theo watch liam and hayden kiss was an.. Interesting decision. especially bc hes the only one present in both instances. like what was the reason for that if not to make him look gay and jealous..
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rosypenguins · 2 months
Day Five of Freakblr Month! Something I like/dislike about Jake!
To start off, something I like: I absolutely adore his struggle between choosing the Music Club, and the Dromies.
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Now, I’m gonna start this off saying that I’ve BEEN in Jake’s exact situation of having to choose between friend groups multiple times in my life. (People-pleasing tendencies be damned.) And honestly, this is genuinely, unironically one of the best portrayals of that I’ve found in media. (And it’s a Gacha of all things.)
But seriously, I adore the way his character arc was written, and how he struggles to keep both sides happy. The lying, and the struggle to remain loyal to both sides (which only in turn makes him loyal to no-one) hits so hard as someone who’s been through this.
He constantly shoves his own thoughts and problems to the side. He ignores his own desires in favor of pleasing those around him. And the line where he expresses how he wishes he was someone else, is honestly so real and genuinely hurts to hear.
Like, the scene in episode 7 puts it so damn well. I cannot express it enough. How he feels he almost owes it to Drew and the Dromies to stay by their side, and how he still cares about them despite how much their words and actions hurt those he cares for, and him.
He’s never shown to care about his own feelings, he only cares about making everyone else happy, which is why it feels to rewarding to see him finally figure out and fight for what he wants. And to see him finally reveal the truth, despite knowing how much it’ll hurt his old friends. He no longer lies to please others. He finally learns to tell the truth. The painful, ugly truth, that finally sets him free.
He’s a flawed protagonists, but he’s trying. And seeing him grow throughout the show is genuinely so rewarding, and watching him find a group that finally accepts him for who he is just…
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This image is how I feel. Unironically. I love Jake so much.
Now, for something I dislike: I hate; with a burning passion; how Jake handled the fact Zoey was cheating on Drew.
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Now before I get into this, I’m just gonna say that I don’t think this is a flaw of Jake’s character. I think this is more a writing flaw, considering Jake is shown to care about Drew in every other instance, except for this one. To recap the situation: Jake found out Zoey was cheating on Drew, and instead of telling Drew, his literal best friend about this, he chooses to keep it secret, using it as blackmail to protect a girl he’d known for two days.
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It genuinely makes no sense, especially considering it IS IMPLIED Jake cares about Drew, yet his actions here scream otherwise.
And I know that Jake’s not the only one in Jake’s friend group who lied. Everyone did. (RIP Drew.) But I feel like their reasons for lying were a little more understandable.
Like, Henry and Liam were clearly being threatened into keeping their mouths shut, and Lia’s Zoey’s best friend. Lia had to keep quiet or risks losing her popularity and reputation, which she got because of Zoey. But Jake isn’t being threatened at all. He’s the one threatening Zoey.
Not only that, but when Jake DOES finally tell Drew, he weaponizes it. He KNOWS that he’s going to hurt Drew by telling him this and THAT’S why he does it. Not because Drew deserves to know, but because he’s using the truth as a weapon. He uses it AS A WEAPON TO ATTACK DREW FOR SOMETHING HE DIDN’T EVEN DO?!?!
It’s genuinely so fucked up and so out of character for Jake to do. Like, I understand he’s upset but this is just downright shallow and petty. And not at all fair to Drew, who has only been trying to help Jake in his own twisted possessive way.
And does he go back and apologize once he finds out Lia’s the one who leaked the recording? NO! Does he express any sort of guilt or remorse? NO!! IT’S SO FUCKING SHITTY!! And also completely illogical, which is why I think this was more of a writing flaw than anything. It was something to give the climax more drama I guess, but there are other ways to do that without taking Jake out of character.
TLDR: I like Jake’s character development. I hate how he covers up Zoey’s cheating only to weaponize it just to hurt Drew.
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just can’t get enough
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pairing: fwb!tom holland x reader
summary: you and tom have been doing this friends with benefits thing for a while now, repressing your feelings, playing this twisted, toxic, jealousy fueled game. but when will you both just accept the truth and be honest with each other?
request: tom tying you up and edging you because you were flirting with other guys and then after he make you come until you can't take it anymore–– by anonymous
word count: 10.3k
warnings: smut, spanking, overstimulation
notes: i got the idea to make this a friends with benefits story then i started writing this and two sentences in, i knew i wanted to make it a full fic dfhskjh + so there’s more than just smut in this + the title is inspired by the song by the black eyes peas 
You and Tom weren’t exclusive, you weren’t even really together. But that doesn’t mean you guys didn’t get jealous. The both of you got really jealous. You liked bringing it out of each other––it was the only emotion you weren’t afraid to show to each other. 
Your relationship, or lack thereof, was complicated and most likely the textbook definition of toxic and immature. You and Tom were definitely into each other, in a loving type way, you just didn’t know the other felt the same. Typical. Even though you would ask each other to stay over after hooking up. Even though you would hold each other after every night you spent together. Even though you looked at each other as if you were the other’s world. You had no idea. 
Part of you wanted to deny your feelings. This was Tom. He could have anyone he wanted, it wasn’t safe to get attached.  Your feelings for him were borderline scary because of how strong they were––and you weren’t even sure he felt the same way about you which only added more issues into the mix. He thought the same things about you, but you of course, didn’t know that. 
So your go-to response to each other was to deny, deny, deny. Even though it hurt you. It was safer.
Although you didn’t show each other your true feelings, you liked to get a rise out of each other. And you’d like to say it’s because of the sex it leads to––but deep down, you know that’s not true. You like to feel wanted the way that you want him. You like to see him angry on your behalf, to see him upset because of the way some other guy is looking at you, kissing you, holding you. Just like he loves to see you annoyed every time he has a girl attached to his hip at a party, her teeth leaving marks on his neck the way you like to, the way only you should be able to. 
The music was blaring through the speakers when you walked in with your friend Mia, the both of you were ready to get fucked up and have fun. You quickly made your way to the kitchen to get some drinks, eagerly sipping from your red solo cups as you started to sway lightly to the music. The house was packed, sweaty, drunk bodies everywhere, shouting and dancing on each other. The couches were filled with people, passed out and making out, either or. 
Just as you finished your cup, you felt a pair of eyes practically burning through your body. You turned and immediately caught his eyes, looking you up and down with a smirk on his face as he barely listened to Harrison and Harry having what seemed to be an intense conversation––but knowing them it was probably just banter. 
You and Tom were friends, since it is in the title of what you guys supposedly are––friends with benefits. But were the benefits supposed to come with mixed feelings and overwhelming amounts of repressed emotions?––So far, that’s unclear. But you and Tom and Harrison and the whole bunch were all friends. You and Tom were always a little bit closer than you were with the others, but not by an obscene amount. This whole arrangement between the two of you had started by accident, basically. You slept together one night after a party, you were both only a little tipsy so it wasn’t a mistake––and then again after he spent the night at your place for one of your usual sleepovers, and then it just kept happening. 
But along with this intimate cycle came this push and pull you and Tom would do with each other. It seemed that every time you got closer, you would end up taking a thousand steps back away from each other afterwards. It was tiring, but you never let it show. 
You saw Tom walking towards you, a glint in his eyes. But right when he was about ten feet away from you and you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest, he swerved to the side, his eyes lingering on you while he talked to some other girl. You felt your heart drop to your stomach but you swallowed and picked it right back up, not letting his antics get to you. This was what happened every time. It was a game. But neither of you seemed to ever win. 
You filled your cup again with something a little stronger and gulped it down, wincing as it burned it’s way down your throat. 
“You okay?” Mia asked, looking at you slightly concerned. “That was a pretty aggressive swallow.” She joked.
You shook your head, “I’m fine.” You turned to her and plastered a smile on your face, ignoring the stares of the brunet who was only a few feet away from you, a blonde girl’s hand on his shoulder, sliding it’s way up to his neck. “Let’s dance.” 
You marched your way into the scattered group of people in the living room, finding a nice spot for you and your friend. You easily got comfortable, having danced with Mia many times before. She stepped behind you, swaying as you grinded on her, losing yourself in the music. Soon you were sweaty just like the rest of the people in this party and you could feel Tom sending glances your way every now and then, despite the girl trying to climb him. You were dancing seductively but freely, only barely paying attention to the other people in the room. Sure, you were hoping that Tom was watching, but you were also dancing for yourself. You just wanted to have fun.
You managed to dance for about two songs until someone came up to you. He was attractive, a little taller than Tom, dark brown hair, and what seemed to be hazel eyes in the dark lighting of the room. He seemed nice enough. He approached you with a sincere smile on his face. “I don’t mean to bother you. I just couldn’t help but notice you and I’ve been watching you for a bit––in a totally non-creepy way.” He prefaced, making you laugh. He was cute. “Do you wanna dance, maybe?” He held his hand out. “If not, I totally understand.”
You paused for a moment, looking at him. You weren’t going to mess around with someone if they seemed like a total dick––but he seemed genuine. You turned your head to check with Mia to find that she was already walking off with some girl. She gave you a thumbs up and a wink and you laughed, looking back at the boy. 
“Okay,” you smiled. “Let’s dance.” 
He smiled and you took his hand and pulled him behind you, continuing the dance you were doing before with Mia, grinding on him lightly. He placed his hands on your waist, his fingertips digging into you softly. This next song was more sensual and you couldn’t help but feel yourself a little bit. You knew you looked good. You turned your head over your shoulder to get the boy’s attention. “I should probably know your name since we skipped the formalities and went straight to third base.” 
He laughed, his hands still on your waist. “Liam. And you?”
“Y/N.” You lifted one of his hands and shook it, making him chuckle and step closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“You’re cute.” 
You smiled, “I know. So are you.” You took his hands and brought them up to your breasts, making him squeeze them just as you looked straight ahead and made eye contact with Tom. His jaw was clenched as he squeezed the girl’s ass, her lips marking him up. You smirked and tipped your head back, biting your lip. You could feel yourself getting turned on, from the dancing, from Liam, from Tom.
He looked mad and it was only spurring you on even more. He practically snarled before grabbing the girl’s hair and pulling her head back. You could see her moan even from several feet away. He looked at you as he licked along her bare neck, his eyes teasing and taunting you. He knew you would rather it was him standing behind you, holding you, feeling you-–just like you knew he would rather you be the one moaning in his ear. He bit the blonde’s neck and grabbed her ass roughly, pulling her into him as he marked her up. 
You were in a room full of people, but when you looked at each other, it felt as though the whole room went dark, a spotlight on the two of you, your shadows behind you hiding all your hidden truths about how you felt for one another. The both of you were just waiting to see who would snap first. Last time it was you, and the time before that it was him. You were determined for it not to be you this time. 
You brought a hand up and slid it along Liam’s neck, making your way to his hair before tugging it softly and bringing him down to kiss your neck. You tilted your head and he eagerly took the hint, kissing and sucking softly. His touch was more gentle and more hesitant than Tom’s, you couldn’t help but compare the two––not when Tom was staring you down. 
You turned your head and pulled Liam up, looking at his lips then back up to his eyes, grinning when you saw his gaze was focused on your mouth. You pulled him close and crashed your lips together, leading the kiss. It was bold for a first kiss, and you hoped he didn’t mind, but by the way he was grabbing you and pressing into you, you figured he was fine with it.
By the time the song was over, your mind was far from Tom. You were facing Liam, your hands around his neck as he grabbed your thigh, pressing himself into you as you made out. When he pulled away from you, you looked up, confused as to why he stopped. You saw another boy talking to him. He let your leg down gently and you let your hands slip down to his chest.  
“We gotta go man, the uber’s here. We said we’d be back by…” he checked his phone. “Two hours ago.” 
“Shit, alright.” Liam looked at you then back to his friend, “I’ll meet you outside.” He turned to you, apologetic. “Looks like our time is up.” 
You smiled a little sadly and let your hands fall to your sides. Sure, he wasn’t Tom. But he was alright, you liked him as a person. “Seems like it.” 
He sighed, seemingly thinking about something. After a moment he spoke up. “Can I get your number?” 
You looked up at him. “You know what? Sure.” He smiled and handed you his phone. After putting your information in, you handed him back his phone.
He held it up. “I will be sure to use this.” You smiled and he leaned in to kiss you on the cheek before leaning to whisper in your ear. “See you soon hopefully, Y/N.” 
He walked away, still facing you and you laughed when he bumped into someone, almost falling and looking back at you, embarrassed. He waved and was soon on his way. You found yourself smiling absentmindedly at the door he’d just exited and were soon snapped out of your daze when you heard a familiar voice behind you. 
“Your date ditch you?”
You turned to face him but your smile soon dropped when you noticed he wasn’t alone. The girl was still on his arm, smiling up at him, clearly wanting all of his attention. 
“No.” You said as a matter of factly. “I actually got his number.” You couldn’t help but smile when you noticed his eye twitch. “He just had to go home or something.” 
“Hmm that’s a shame.” He licked his lips, shamelessly checking you out. 
You easily forgot where you were with the way he was looking at you until a voice pierced through your bubble. 
“Can we go find a room? Please Tommy?”
You noticed Tom wince and look over at you when he heard the nickname and you couldn’t help but grimace. That was your name for him. You were the only one who called him that. 
He swallowed awkwardly and turned to her. “Babe.” He lowered his head to look at her, talking to her like a child and you scoffed. “You’re this close to being plastered. You need to find your friends and go home.” 
She pouted like a child throwing a tantrum. “But you said you––were gonna fuck me.” 
Your brows raised and he looked at her, confused. “What? No I didn’t––”
She nodded her head, “Uh huh, you said–––” She mimicked a posh british accent. “M’gonna fuck you so hard, love.”
He cursed silently when he realized he’d said that out loud when he was watching you grind on that boy. “That––That wasn’t,” he looked over at you and you smirked, crossing your arms. “You were just hearing things.” He spotted one of the girls she came with and pushed her towards her. “There you go, run off now.” 
You laughed but it quickly died off when he turned back to you, his eyes dark. You bit your lip and his hand came up to hold your jaw, his thumb running over your lips. You parted your lips and took his thumb into your mouth, swirling your tongue around him as you would his cock and he groaned, “Fuck, love.” You bobbed your head and popped off of him, biting the tip of his finger gently and winking at him. 
He slid his hand down to grasp your neck and tilted your head up, leaning in closer to you, his lips barely grazing yours. “My place or yours?” 
You had a feeling Mia would be coming home tonight with that girl. And the girls she brought home were never quiet, not with her. “Yours.” 
He nodded and took your hand in his, pulling out his phone as you both walked out of the house. “Uber should be here in two minutes.” 
You raised a brow and he could practically hear you watching him quizzically. He looked up at you and you asked, “Was that uber for the blonde?”
He rolled his eyes. “Called it as soon as I saw that bloke leave.” 
You smirked. “How ambitious of you.”
He stepped closer to you, “Love don’t act like you don’t say yes to me every time. I always have you begging for my cock and we both know it.”
Your jaw dropped but before you could even think of a response, he walked forward, pulling you along. “Let’s go.” 
When you both got settled in the car, you greeted the driver and Tom subtly pulled you closer to him. He placed one of your legs over his, his hand rubbing along the inside of it teasingly soft as he made small talk with the driver, because, ever the charmer, he had to talk to everyone. 
You looked out the window, tuning out their conversation as you focused on the lights outside as the car drove by. You were honestly so out of it, you almost jolted when you felt Tom’s hand slide under your skirt to graze your panties. 
You turned to him in shock, and he simply smiled, still talking to the driver. Were they talking about golf? You grabbed his hand and he turned his head, looking at you with a look that said don’t test me. You let him go and he rubbed you through the fabric, pleased to see how wet you were. But when he remembered what you’d been doing all night, his face quickly formed a grimace. 
“Who’s this for, baby?” he licked his lips, whispering to you as the driver went on. “Me? Or that div you were grinding on for show? Hm?”
He was jealous. Good. 
You shrugged, enjoying the dark look that overtook his features. “What if I said both?” 
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, his lips grazing your skin. “Then I’d say that’s the wrong fucking answer, love.” 
You shivered from the tone of his voice and when he pulled away, the smirk on his face was anything but sweet. He slipped his hands into your panties, audibly gasping to himself when he felt how wet you really were. He wasted no time, rubbing your wetness over your clit and you gasped, letting out a whine louder than you would have hoped to. Luckily he spoke over you, but he pinched the bundle of nerves, silently scolding you and you whimpered quietly, leaning into his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed his cheek to your forehead, making it seem as though you were simply cuddling in the backseat. If you weren’t distracted, you would have thought about how nice it felt to be in his arms like this, but then again, you had other things on your mind.
He rolled his fingers over your clit, kissing your forehead when you let out a shaky breath. He slipped his fingers inside of you and you arched into his touch, rolling your hips to fuck his hand. “Such a needy little slut.” He whispered to you, only making you roll your hips harder. He let out a small fuck and tried his best to focus on his conversation with the lovely man who was driving you both home, but the way you were breathing heavily into his neck as you grinded onto his fingers was making it hard for him to even breathe properly. 
He sped his hands up as best he could in this awkward and compromising position, pressing his thumb down to your clit, making you sigh as you bit into his neck, quickly approaching your high. 
“You gonna cum all over my hand, baby?” He whispered into your hair. You nodded desperately, but your heart dropped when he chuckled. “Funny how I didn’t give you permission to.” You lifted your head and looked up at him, begging him not stop to but he simply stared you down and pulled his hand away from you and out of your panties, making you almost buck forward from the loss of stimulation. 
Your eyes were wide and hopeful and he simply kissed your cheek, bringing his hand up to his mouth to suck on his fingers. Luckily for him, his conversation with the driver had died off gradually, so he was free to tease you as much as he wanted. “Fucking delicious.” He licked his lips, “You want a taste?” You nodded, already leaning into him, but he brought a hand up to your hair and tugged your head backwards, exposing your neck. “That’s too fucking bad. You don’t deserve to taste my pussy yet.” He leaned forward and kissed your neck possessively, somehow picking the spots that were already sensitive. You soon realized he was covering the marks that Liam had made and making them his own. 
He spent a good while marking you up, only pulling away when the car came to a stop. Realizing you’d made it to his place, you both thanked the driver and got out, quickly making your way into the flat. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you were stripped naked, Tom on top of you as he kissed you possessively as if someone were watching. His tongue was tasting yours, sucking and licking it’s way into your mouth, making you lose your breath. He pulled away and grinned when you whined, helplessly trying to pull him back, biting your lip sensually. 
He got off of the bed and pulled out the box from underneath and your breath hitched, knowing exactly what was in there from all the times you’d spent over at his place. He pulled out the padded handcuffs and the trusty vibrator he’d used on you and watched you use many times, setting them on the bed as he closed the box and shoved it back to it’s spot. 
He looked at you steadily, “You up for this?” When you nodded he smiled. “That’s my girl.” Though you knew he most likely meant it sexually, you couldn’t help how flustered it made you feel. And was it just your mind playing tricks on you or did it seem more sincere when he said it this time?
You put your hands in front of you and he put on the restraints, raising your hands above your head, attaching the cuffs to the bedframe and settling down between your thighs. He ran his hands up and down your torso, his fingers lightly grazing your nipples and your breasts, down your stomach and then back up again, making you squirm in anticipation. 
He pressed a lasting wet kiss to your lips and trailed his lips down, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth as his fingers tugged and teased the other. Your back arched under his touch but he was quick to pin you back down, smiling as he continued to tease you. 
He slid further down the bed, grabbing your breasts then spreading your thighs wider as he settled between them, finally seeing the mess he’d helped make. Without saying a word, he watched the way your walls clenched around nothing, clearly aching to be filled. He spread you open and buried himself in you, your moans and gasps only spurring him on even more. He could tell you were still sensitive from earlier, your pussy practically pulsing under his tongue. 
He licked through your folds, sliding his tongue in and out of you teasingly as he properly made out with your pussy, moaning and groaning into you, enjoying himself in the pleasure he was giving you, as he thrusted his hips into the bed absentmindedly. It wasn’t long before your hips started bucking into his face and he had to press them down with his hands.
Your wrists strained against the restraints as you buried your face into your arm, your brows furrowed, your lip caught between your teeth.
“So close, Tom.”
He hummed and sucked your clit harshly, waiting until whines started spilling from your lips, your tell that you were about to tip over the edge, to pull away completely.
You let out a broken no and looked down at him, a pout on your face. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me all night.” Yeah, he was being hypocritical, but as we established before––toxic. “Grinding up on that idiot right in front of me.” 
You lifted your head to try and look at him properly. “His name is Liam.” 
Based on the look on his face from your response you could tell––that was the wrong answer. 
“You see darling,” He thrusted his fingers into you abruptly, making you drop your head back and moan loudly in surprise. “Look at me.” His voice was sharp and you lifted your head immediately, your walls clenching around him from the tone of his voice. “I don’t give a fuck what his name is. All I know is that I’m going to have you screaming my name until it’s the only bloody one you know.” Your mouth was open as you looked at him, clearly turned on and in utter shock. “Got it?” You nodded almost mindlessly and he clenched his jaw, taking his fingers out to slap your pussy, making you whine and buck your hips. “Got it?” 
“Yes, Tommy.” 
“Good.” He slid his fingers back into you and leaned forward to suck on your clit. “Now moan for me like a good little slut.” 
He put his mouth back on you, licking and slurping you up like you were his last meal, pulling a gasp from you. One of his hands was holding your hips down, fingers splayed out across your abdomen, the other thrusting into your wet opening, while his mouth lapped and sucked your clit. 
You felt like you could barely breathe or even process anything but his touch as he pleased you. He edged you three more times, each time, your whines becoming higher pitched, longer and breathier. Your whole body felt like it was floating, every time you were dragged away from the edge before you could tip over it, it felt as though you were being pulled down from the air, roughly, just for the cycle to restart all over again. 
Tom licked his lips as he watched you, your body completely spent as you lied there, panting, desperate to cum. He swiped his fingers through your folds before bringing them up to your lips. “Think you’ve earned it.” You opened up eagerly and his eyes were hypnotized as he watched you, his lips parted. “How’s my pussy taste, darling, hm?” 
Your eyes fluttered shut from his words and you moaned around him, making him smirk. He pulled his fingers almost all the way out before thrusting them back into your mouth, your tongue swirling around him and sucking him eagerly. He took his fingers out of your mouth and passed them over your lips, smearing your spit over them. 
“Such a messy little thing, aren’t you? All for me.” 
You nodded, your throat croaky. “Only you.” 
He hummed. “You wanna cum now baby?” 
You looked down at him, your eyes pleading. “Please Tommy. Wanna cum for you.”
“Yeah?” he cooed. You nodded as fast as you could, tired from all the edging. “Okay love. You can cum.” 
He wrapped his lips around your clit again, sucking just the way you liked as his fingers pressed against that special spot inside you. Your body lurched forward as best it could, your mouth dropping open as your eyes rolled back. “Fuck, fuck, fuck––” 
Tom’s eyes were focused on your body, one hand coming up to play with your nipples and squeeze your breasts making you moan loudly as your body convulsed under him. “That’s it. Let go for me, darling.” He kept sucking on your clit and thrusting his fingers into you as you came, your body tense as your breaths came out short and hard. 
“Oh my god––” You gasped when he didn’t stop, his lips and his fingers still going after you reached your high, going even faster than before. He was humming into you, his movements frantic but calculated as he pushed you further. Your eyes rolled back as you came for the second time, still sensitive from your first orgasm. 
When he sat up on his knees, you thought he was finally done, but you were sadly mistaken. He simply got into a more comfortable position, licking his lips clean to savor your taste as he brought his hand down to rub at your clit quickly, his other hand still furiously fingering you. Your eyes were wide, mouth hung open in shock, overwhelmed by the stimulation. Soon, you felt yourself approaching the edge again, but this time felt more intense, almost like you needed to––
“Fuck––” Tom groaned in awe as you squirted all over his hands, his fingers still going at it, trying to prolong the feeling for you and maybe even make you do it again. He was mesmerized by you. Your hands were restlessly pulling at the cuffs, your body trembling and shaking as you came, overstimulated. Tom pulled his fingers out of you and rubbed over your pussy quickly, making you let out a mix between a moan and a yell. He switched from thrusting his fingers into you roughly, to rubbing your clit, slapping it quickly as you kept squirting all over him. “So fucking wet, oh my god.”
Your eyes were shut as you panted, your head turned to the side, tucked into your arm, your stomach flexing and tensing every few seconds as Tom tortured you. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you heard your toy switch on and without warning he pressed it on to your sensitive clit, making you scream. 
As he promised, you were screaming his name, your body shaking under him as he slid himself inside of you, the vibe still on. He was thrusting into you fast and hard, moaning and growling obscenities like ‘my fucking pussy’, ‘that’s it take that cock just the way you like,’ which only made your head spin even more. You were barely able to function, only saying his name over and over again while he used you like a toy. 
With all the time he spent playing with you, teasing you, edging you, making you cum––which he was still doing, he was super sensitive, so it didn’t take long for him to get close. “That’s it baby. M’gonna cum in my fucking pussy and you’re gonna clench around me while you cum one more time, okay?” 
You whined loudly, your head thrashing from side to side as he held your thigh, fucking into you roughly while he pressed the toy to your clit, putting it at the highest setting. “Tom!––”
“Be a good girl and cum on my cock. I know you can, that’s it. Gonna cum in this perfect pussy. Fuck.” He grunted as he released into you, your walls clenching around him tightly as you came again, your eyes shut tight as you trembled around him. 
He switched the toy off and threw it aside, thrusting into you a few times slowly to see your releases mixed together on his cock. He bottomed out, filling you to the hilt and you whimpered, your legs still shaking. He leaned down and kissed your cheek, reaching up and undoing the straps of the restraints. You sighed softly and let your hands fall down to his shoulders, barely able to move them yourself. 
He looked down at you, fondness in his eyes. “How was that, darling?” You simply mumbled a few sounds in response, the only intelligible word being his name. He smirked, kissing your forehead. “That’s what I thought.”
You both stayed like that for a while, you tucked into Tom’s chest while you caught your breaths, his cock still inside of you. After a while, he pulled out, earning a whimper from you and got up to get a towel to clean you up, since you definitely couldn’t walk on your own. You’d just wait to see how you felt in the morning. 
When he finished cleaning you up and settled under the covers with you after giving you one of his shirts, he pulled you back into his arms and you sighed happily, nuzzling into him. His hand was tracing patterns on your side, lulling you to sleep as you listened to his heartbeat. 
“You know,” he whispered. You hummed quietly in response. “I really liked tonight. With you.” He winced, realizing that sounded stupid but he held his breath when you responded softly.
“Mm I did too. Always do Tommy.” You were practically mumbling into his shirt, you were really fucked out.
He waited a few moments before speaking up again, but you had already drifted off halfway through his sentence, only hearing a faint I really like––before you fell into a deep sleep. 
When you woke up, Tom was out of bed and you could smell tea boiling in the kitchen, along with breakfast cooking. You rubbed your eyes with your knuckles, squinting from the sunlight that was peeking into the room. You sighed and sat up, raising your arms for a much needed stretch. You then reached for your phone that you’re guessing Tom must have put to charge sometime last night or this morning since it was at 100%. 
You grabbed it and tried to stand up, yelping at how sore and wobbly your legs felt. Tom walked in just in time and laughed, rushing over to your side, “Woah love. You alright?” You let out small mhm signalling that you really weren’t alright. You couldn’t walk properly for Christ’s sake. “I really fucked you good didn’t I?” He smirked smugly and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah yeah. To the bathroom please.” He nodded and helped you along, his hands delicately holding you. 
“Do you need me to set you down on the toilet too?”
You turned to him about to scowl, when you noticed the sincere look in his eyes. Oh. “Um––No I’m okay.” You turned to hold the door. “But um, can you wait until I’m finished.” You looked up at him sheepishly and smiled.
“Sure. I’ll just wait on the bed okay?” 
You nodded and closed the door. 
You peed, brushed your teeth and washed your face, refusing to look at your disapproving reflection in the mirror. Yeah, this was a little fucked up that you slept with your best friend all the time and basically acted like a couple until you stepped out in public––but what else is new. Well for one, Tom had never been that intense before––he was really determined, possessive last night. Was it because you got Liam’s number? 
You guess it was an unspoken but unofficial thing between the two of you, but you never went past making out with other people, let alone getting their numbers and hanging out with them afterwards. Should you feel guilty? No, if he wanted to say something and tell you how he feels, he would, right? Funny.
You sighed and waddled over to the door before opening it and Tom perked up immediately, eyes finding you. You walked out of the bathroom and he watched you take a few steps, a small pout on his face. “You know I think I can walk better now.” 
He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.” 
You frowned. “Does it look that bad?”
He looked up at you, a cheeky but hesitant smile on his face. “No I just want an excuse to hold you while you walk.” 
You rolled your eyes but let him hold you anyway as you made your way over to the kitchen. He helped you sit at the counter and went to the stove to continue preparing breakfast. 
You crossed your legs at the ankle and sat up, fiddling with your phone in your hands as you remembered last night just before you fell asleep. It sounded like he was confessing something to you and you couldn’t help but be hopeful. It sounded like the next word in his sentence started with a Y and you wanted to clarify, to assure what you heard, to soothe your heart. 
“I um.” He turned, when you paused, looking at you curiously, a small smile on his face. “Before I fell asleep last night,” You noticed his eyes widened slightly but he quickly tried to mask it. “I think I heard you say something?”
He just looked at you, mouth closed, biting the inside of his cheek. 
“I think I heard you say you really like...and then I passed out.” You laughed quietly to ease the tension, “Um, what––what did you say?” 
He took a moment before biting his lip, obviously nervous, looking down at the floor. “Uh nope––Sorry I uh don’t think I said anything.” 
Your shoulders drooped. “Are you sure?” You pressed, not even hiding the disappointment in your tone. 
He laughed awkwardly, turning to put sugar in his tea. “Nope I uh––Didn’t say anything. Must be hearing things.” 
You nodded tightly, pursing your lips. “Right.” You pulled out your phone and scrolled through your notifications to distract yourself from the metaphorical sharp pain in your chest, seeing the dms from your friends on insta, twitter notifications, random game updates, but your eyes paused when you noticed a message from an unknown number.
Hey :) told you I’d put your number to good use
You smiled.
Maybe: Liam: It’s Liam, by the way. From the party. 
You laughed at how awkwardly cute he was and sent a reply. Not even two seconds later, you saw the three chat bubbles appear. 
Tom perked up from the other side of the counter, thankful for a topic change and came up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around you tight. “What’s so fun––” His brows furrowed as he read the text, his arms loosening their hold around you. 
You tensed and you could feel the air around you shift. You swallowed nervously, straightening yourself out in your seat. It’s not like you and Tom were dating or anything. You didn’t owe him anything. 
“It’s Liam––”
“Yeah I can read.” His tone was sharp, but unlike yesterday, it didn’t have a positive effect on you. 
You both looked at the phone when a new message appeared. 
Maybe: Liam: So I was wondering if we could get food or just chill tomorrow afternoon? I’d really like to see you :)
You took a sharp inhale, feeling butterflies in your stomach. With all the frustrations you’d been feeling and with how lackluster and clearly dishonest your last conversation was with Tom, maybe it’d be good to have a distraction. Try to move on. 
Just as you thought this, he spoke up, bursting your Tom-free bubble that you were forming. “You gonna go? On the date?” His voice was almost accusatory, offended, even. 
You sighed and he stepped away from you, looking at you in disbelief. “Yeah I think I will.” 
His jaw clenched as he stared at you. Come on, Tom. Say something, anything. He nodded and walked back to his tea, making you roll your eyes.
You called an uber and waddled off to the room, feeling his eyes watch you as you walked off. You quickly got dressed, in your own clothes and grabbed your things, not wasting a single second. When you stepped back into the kitchen, you grabbed your phone and made your way to the door. You spared a glance in Tom’s direction, noticing that he not only looked upset but hurt? 
You looked down at your phone, seeing that your ride was approaching and shook your head, “See you, Tom.” You didn’t wait to hear a response before you stepped out of the door, but you’re not certain that if you had stayed longer, you’d have gotten one anyway. 
The next afternoon, you had agreed to meet Liam at a cafe halfway between your place and his. You both also agreed that this was a casual hangout, maybe not even a date, just a time to see what happens, how you vibe together. So you dressed comfortably but nice, you weren’t going to go so far as to show up in sweats. That would be rude. 
He got there a little earlier and insisted that you tell him your order so it could be ready for you when you got there. This boy was really sweet. You met him about ten minutes later. He looked up from his phone when he noticed you walking towards his table, a smile on your face. He kissed you on the cheek after making sure it was okay and even pulled out your seat for you. 
“I’m really glad you wanted to meet up.” He seemed shy, it was cute.
“Me too.” You smiled, taking a sip from the drink he got for you. “It was nice of you to order for me by the way, thank you.”
He waved you off, “My pleasure.” 
The conversation progressed gradually, staying in the typical small talk stage for a while when you first meet someone. How was your day? Tell me about yourself. And you wanted to be present, you really did. But your mind couldn’t stop thinking about how wrong you felt to be out with someone else that wasn’t Tom. You were shifting and fidgeting as you stared at the boy in front of you, a strained smile plastered on your face as you tried to focus. 
Ever so perceptible, he noticed that something was off and looked at you concerned. “Everything alright?”
“Sorry,” You looked at him apologetically. What was wrong with you? You had a perfectly sweet boy sitting in front of you but all you could think about was Tom. “I just can’t focus today. There’s just––some things on my mind.” More like someone.
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with that brown haired guy from the party, would it?” He asked gently. 
Your eyes widened slightly. You briefly thought about denying it but wasn’t that what got you in this mess in the first place? You weren’t going to lie to him. You grimaced. “How did you know?”
“He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.” He laughed. “Which I understand. But it felt like there was some tension.” 
You nodded, swallowing, trying to process everything. 
He shrugged, “I hoped it was nothing, which I’ll admit was a bit selfish of me.” He gave you a kind smile, pausing before going on. “Were you guys together or is it complicated?” 
“Definitely that last one.” You groaned and hid your face in your palms, resting your elbows on the table in frustration. “I’m really sorry.” Your voice was muffled behind your hands. You slid your hands off of your face and looked at him, giving him another apologetic smile. “I really wanted to hangout with you and move on because you seem really sweet and like the perfect guy, honestly.” 
He waved you off again, clearly flustered, only proving your point. 
“I just don’t think it’s fair for me to try and pretend I’m fully here when you deserve nothing but honesty and someone who’s able to give you all their attention.” He nodded, disappointed but understanding. 
“Well I hope he figures his shit out because he has no idea what he’s missing.” You sighed, you and me both. 
“Thank you, Liam.” 
You both got up and hugged. He kissed your cheek again, this time as a friendly and comforting gesture. “Don’t be afraid to call me okay? As friends.” You smiled gratefully and you both went your separate ways. 
That night, there was a pounding at your door. Mia was out, so you were left to see who it was yourself. You got up and looked through the peephole to find Tom standing there. You sighed and opened the door, blinking when he stormed into your apartment without saying a word. 
His fists were clenching and unclenching at his sides, his brows furrowed as he tried to contain his emotions and prevent an overwhelming outburst in your otherwise quiet apartment. The whole way walking over here, he could feel his stomach drop, his throat ready to hold back the bile that was threatening to come up. 
“Did you fuck him?” He spat out venomously and you glanced up at him in shock as you closed the door. Normally he’d joke about it, make a few passive comments, but he was never this direct. 
“Well hello to you too Tom. Nice to see you.”
“Answer the question.” 
“That’s actually none of your business.” You bit back, your brows furrowed. 
“Bullshit. Did you or did you not fuck him?”
“Again. None of your business. But you really think I’d do that on the first date? You must think really highly of me.” Your voice was sharp and clearly offended. He opened his mouth again but you spoke before he could. “Why does it even matter?”
He looked taken aback. “I––It just does.” 
“Why do you care, Tom?” your eyes were piercing him, begging him to say what you both wanted to. You were sick of playing the same game, hoping for a happy ever after when you kept seeing the same outcome every time. You were tired of being hurt and disappointed. So you finally just decided to give him a chance. To see if what he felt for you was the same––to see if it was real.
When you were met with silence, your eyes started to water. “Why?” Your voice was small, aching for him to put an end to all of this, to be honest for once. 
His eyes lowered to the ground and he bit his lip nervously, his arms limp by his side. When you spoke up his eyes jumped to yours, wide and scared.
“I––I can’t keep doing this.”
“What––What do you mean?” His voice was frantic and a part of you felt guilty, but you shut your eyes, frustrated with how much of an effect he had on you. 
“This, Tom.” You gestured between the two of you. “Whatever the fuck this is. We––We’ve never even talked about it! We just fuck with each other and then fuck each other like everything’s okay but it’s not! I’m tired of it!” 
He reached a hand out but you took a step back and he dropped it back to his side. 
“Unless you have something worthwhile to say, just go.” Your voice was small, tired as you looked down at the floor. Your shoulders sunk when you were met with silence again. 
“Get out, Tom.” 
“No, you don’t get to call me that.” Your eyes were glued to the ground. 
“Darling look at me. Please!” 
You could hear that his voice was shaky, and if you looked up, you’d probably see tears in his eyes. But you knew that if you did that, you would just give in like you always do. And you couldn’t keep doing that to yourself. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself.  “Get out.” 
He scoffed, sniffing as he backed away. “Right.” 
You stayed in your spot, stiff as a statue, wincing as you heard the door slam on his way out. You waited for a moment. A long, painful moment. To see if he would come back. To try and fix things. But he never did. Sure, you had told him to leave, so maybe it was a good thing that he respected your wish. Or maybe he just couldn't bear to be in the same room as you anymore. Either way, a part of you wanted him to fight for you. To want you enough. But he apparently couldn’t tell. Once you accepted that, you let out a deep sigh. 
Only then did you sluggishly make your way to your room. Once you turned off the lights and got under the covers, the tears started to fall and it felt like they would never stop. Your breathing was uneven, hiccups jumping from your throat as you wet your pillow with tears. Your eyes were blurry, your body shaking, and your heart felt heavy. 
You cried, your tears flowing down your cheeks as you squeezed your eyes shut, your whole body feeling like it was aching from the inside. 
As soon as Tom closed the door to your apartment, he cursed, shoving his face into his palms as he leaned against the wall of the hallway, trying not to scream. His whole body felt unstable, uneasy and unsatisfied with the way things ended. After letting out a shaky breath and straightening up, he took the elevator down and sulked all the way home. He was frustrated and upset. Couldn’t you see what he was trying (poorly) to say? Couldn’t you see that he just wanted you to himself? 
When he got home, Harrison was lounging on the couch, his eyes concerned when he noticed Tom’s demeanor. “What’s wrong with you?”
Tom stepped further into the flat, silent, still processing everything. 
“Mate what happened? Didn’t you go to see Y/N?”
He swallowed, his brows furrowed as he looked down at the ground, making his way over to the couch. He slumped down in the seat, leaning his elbows on his knees as he hunched forward, rubbing his face listlessly. “Yeah, I uh––She kicked me out.” He still wasn’t looking up, his eyes not even focused on anything in the room. Sure, he was present, but his mind was far from it.
He could hear the confusion and concern in Harrison’s voice. “Shit, man. What did you do?”
“Well uh…” Tom explained, his head hanging in his hands as he recounted everything––how he was so wound up he could barely breathe as he burst into your home, immediately asking about the date, how you put him on the spot, how he froze up, how devastated you looked when you looked him in the eye. When he finished, the room was silent for a good while, the only sound heard being Tom’s shaky breaths.
“Are you fucking dumb?” 
Tom looked up at his best friend incredulously. “Dude?––”
“You basically called her a whore!” Harrison practically shouted, getting more and more aggravated. 
“There’s nothing wrong with fucking on the first date! And I never called her a whore! I just––” Tom countered, getting frustrated as well.
“Well that’s what you implied, dipshit!” Haz took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers, resisting the urge to slap his best friend. “Why were you so upset in the first place, Tom?”
Tom opened his mouth and closed it immediately. He swallowed, suddenly feeling small and unsure of himself. “I––I don’t know.” 
Harrison looked at him deadpan. “Mate, you know why.” His eyes softened as he looked at his friend with pure intentions, wanting to give him honest guidance. “You need to be honest with yourself and her. It’s not fair to her that you keep playing this game, man. I’m surprised it lasted this long, honestly.” He shook his head, lying back in his seat. “You need to go fix this.”
Tom sighed, “I know.”
Harrison looked at him expectantly. “Like immediately.” 
“Dude, it’s late.” Tom looked at the time, it was almost eleven. 
“I sincerely doubt she’s asleep after what you did.” 
Tom winced, slowly letting out a puff of air as he gathered his thoughts, getting up from his seat. “Right. O–Okay. Shit.”
Harrison got up as well, eyes focused on his friend. He could practically see the thoughts flying around his head as he processed them all. 
Tom looked up at him, his eyes suddenly clearer. “Thanks man.” He stepped closer to his best friend and wrapped his arms around him. 
Harrison immediately reciprocated the gesture and patted him on the back a few times. “Go get her, mate.” 
You groaned when you saw the notification from the absolute last person you wanted to hear from right now––at least that’s what you told yourself, anyway. You couldn’t sleep, obviously and understandingly restless with your thoughts. So you picked up your phone to distract yourself, but of course, he found a way to intrude your thoughts again. 
Tom: open the door please.
Are you serious––
You turned off your phone and put it face down on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. Fuck. 
You slowly got out of bed, throwing the covers off of you, though your body was almost dragging you back down, as if it was warning you to stay put, to preserve your heart. But your mind pushed through and took control of your body, you had to know why he was here. You padded over to the front door, your socked feet cold against the hardwood floor. You looked through the peephole to see Tom there, desperately waiting for you to open the door. He looked as though he would stay out there no matter how long it took. 
You took a deep breath and opened the door. Time froze for a few seconds as you just stared at each other, taking in each other’s appearances. Tom’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes and nose red as well, and you could tell it wasn’t just from the cold. You were sure you looked just as fragile as he did. He looked scared, but also like he had something that he was aching to tell you. 
You cleared your throat and even that small sound felt too loud for the space around you, for the silence you were both clinging too. You stepped aside, “Come in.” 
He gave you a quick smile and moved past you, his actions way more hesitant than when he first came over tonight. He really was nervous. 
You closed and locked the door and turned around to face him after taking another deep breath, this one more shaky than the last, your heartbeat starting to race. You wrapped your arms around yourself, shifting from side to side as you both stood there in front of each other. You had both calmed down since you last met, both your energies very different. He was anxious, desperate, aware. You were tired, hopeful but wary. But there was a distinct feeling of longing between the two of you.
“I um––” He swallowed, rubbing his hands nervously. “I have something I need to tell you.”
You bit your lip and looked up at him before moving past him and sitting on your couch, your knees pulled up to your chest as you watched him come over and take a seat as well. “Okay.” You muttered, eyes wide as you watched him. 
He sat down on the other end of the couch without taking off his jacket, the distance between the two of you seemingly getting larger and larger. He scratched the back of his head, looking down at the carpet and taking a deep breath to prepare himself to speak. “I just––I’ve never been good at...communicating when it came to you and––I was never really sure why. Or at least I was scared to admit the reason. I would just watch you and hold you when you let me and then get jealous when you walked away. I always felt empty when you left me, Y/N.” He looked up at you and you sucked in a breath, suddenly realizing how intimate and vulnerable he was being. 
“For some stupid reason I found myself pushing away the one person I wanted closest in my life. I was just so scared by how much I care for you, for how much I––love you.” He licked his lips and looked down again and you shifted on the couch, your heartbeat now pounding in your ears. 
“I acted like a dumbass. I’m sorry. And I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, hell I don’t even deserve you––” He sniffled before making eye contact with you again, a small smile on his face. “But I just wanted to tell you the truth for once. I’m in love with you, darling. Have been for a while now.” You could see his eyes tracing your face, almost as if he were taking it all in, preparing for if this were the last time he would get to see it. “That’s all I wanted to say.” 
There was a small silence between the two of you once he finished. You took a deep breath and slid over to his side of the couch, making his eyes widen curiously as he watched you. His breath hitched and he looked up at you, without a word. 
“You’re an idiot.” You whispered. But before he could retort you grabbed his face with two hands and pulled him in for a kiss. At first he was in shock, but he soon reciprocated, his hands finding their way to your waist as he held you, your lips moving together in sync the way they should. 
You pulled away and when you opened your eyes you saw him looking at you in awe. You ran your thumbs over the soft skin of his cheeks gently as you looked into his eyes. “I love you too Tom. Always have.” 
He laughed and you both sighed, happy, relieved as you finally got what you wanted. “I guess we’re both idiots then, huh?” 
You tilted your head, a small smile on your face. “You’re definitely the bigger idiot.”
“Hey!” He pinched your waist playfully making you yelp and climb into his lap. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked down at him with an adoring smile, but your expression became serious for a moment. You bit your lip nervously, looking between both of his eyes. “Don’t ever hurt me like that again. Okay?”
He answered immediately, not hesitating like he was before. “I promise, love. I never want to hurt you again. Ever.” 
You kissed delicately and pulled away. Once your eyes met, there was an unspoken understanding between the two of you, you needed each other. 
Your lips reconnected more passionately this time, but still gentle. Soon you were slowly pushing the jacket off of Tom’s shoulders, letting it lay on the couch. You both got up and made your way to your bedroom, still sharing kisses as you walked through your apartment, your hands holding each other along the way. 
Within no time, your clothes were off. Your body was resting comfortably as you lied in your bed, Tom hovering over you, his lips slotting with yours as his fingers stretched you out. You were moaning and sighing into his mouth, and he could feel the blood rushing through his body from the sounds. 
His touches were tender, and familiar as his fingers worked you up gradually. His thumb rubbed at your bundle of nerves and your lips pulled away from his to let a breathy sigh part through them. He smiled fondly as he watched you get close, your hips starting to buck into his hand, but you brought a hand down to hold his wrist, making him halt his actions, eyes searching yours. 
Your eyes were closed as you breathed out, trying to calm yourself down. You looked up at him. “Want––I want you, Tom. Wanna feel you.” 
Tom nodded, biting his lip at the whine you let out when he pulled his fingers out of you. His eyes were taking you in as he slipped the two fingers, wet with your arousal into his mouth, sucking them clean and letting them go with a pop before positioning himself at your entrance. 
You were spread open for him, legs around him as he slid himself in slowly, inch by inch. “Wanted to feel me, love. So I’ll let you feel all of me.” He bottomed out and the both of you moaned as you clenched around him. 
You brought your hands up to his shoulder and pulled him into you, letting him rest some of his weight on you as you held each other, every part of you that could be touching, doing so. Your lips met again, the two of you still moving languidly, but desperately as you yearned for every part of each other. Tom bit your lip softly, slipping his tongue past your lips to tease yours.  
He pulled his hips back and pushed them back into you deeply, making you let out a breathy moan and he trailed his kisses from the corner of your mouth, along your jaw to your neck as he started thrusting in and out of you. One of your arms slid across his back, pushing him into you, as the other hand found comfort in his curls, tugging and making him groan into your neck, his lips not letting up. 
His hips were slowly pounding into you, gradually picking up the pace. Everything about this was soft and loving, like a brand new start for the both of you. In a way, it felt like your first time all over again. 
Tom squeezed a hand between the two of you to play with your clit, his hips still thrusting into you relentlessly with purpose. His face was buried between your shoulder and your neck, his lips leaving soft kisses, and sucking marks onto the smooth skin. You were both breathing heavily, consumed by the feeling of one another.
“Fucking love you darling.” He was grunting as you both approached your highs. “Love how my pussy feels too. My good girl.” 
Your hands were desperately clawing and grabbing at his back and his hair as you felt yourself moving towards the edge, your body aching for a sweet release. You needed that relief. You needed to let go now that you knew Tom would be there to catch you, to hold you. 
“M’Yours, Tom.” You whined breathlessly as you whispered into his ear. “Make me yours. Cum with me.” 
He groaned loudly and bit into your shoulder, the two of you soon releasing together, your bodies curving in on each other as you held each other tightly. Your back arched underneath him as his thrusts slowed, his hips pulling almost all the way out before he slammed back in, reaching the hilt, making you gasp as he came inside you. 
He raised himself up on both hands and you pulled him in for another kiss, your tongue finding its way into his mouth, your teeth tugging at his bottom lip. The kiss was fierce and wanton as you pulled each other impossibly closer, almost as if you wanted to merge into one. 
When you both pulled away you were breathing roughly, panting into the quiet air of your room. You bit your lip and brought a hand to his cheek to hold him lovingly. He turned his head and gave your palm a lasting kiss, pouring all his emotions into the small gesture. You smiled up at him. 
“I love you.” 
He kissed your palm again, then your wrist, and made his way down, kissing along your arm, then your chest and finally looked into your eyes, responding before kissing your lips yet again. “I love you too. So so much. I don’t think I’ll ever stop saying it.” 
You laughed warmly, pulling him closer so that your lips were grazing his. “Good. Because I don’t ever want to stop hearing it.” 
He smiled, licking his lips. “Deal.”
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 13
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
If you’re new to Sapere Aude, please click the link above to start from the beginning. There’s so much going on right now that you’ll be way too confused to start from this point. Plus, there are some major bombshells that won’t be as fun if you read this and get a bunch of spoilers.
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Trigger Warning: There is a brief moment of physical abuse, it’s not much, but I definitely wanted to mention it and give a fair warning. 
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,383
A/N: I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats wondering what was going to happen, the answer is a lot. This is a pretty big chapter. I hope you enjoy!
Thanks to my pre-reading babes, @jessiembruno & @txemrn. And to @twinkleallnight for my lovely moodboard! 
Tags: Listed below, hit me up to be added or removed.
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“Um...actually, it’s about the queen. Your majesty, you need to come with me, and we need to send some additional guards along with us.”
Liam’s face paled at Thomas’s words. “Where is my wife, Thomas?” He kept his voice quiet, so that he wouldn’t upset his daughter but his tone was stern and authoritative. 
“I believe she is at the old Fierro estate, and time may be of the essence.” 
“Li, go. We’re all here, we can take care of Eleanor.” Drake chimed in. 
Liam nodded. “Bastien, please send as many guards as you can immediately, and prepare the car for us. Thomas, go with him and tell him everything you know so that we can fill the team in.” Both men bowed and quickly exited the room. Liam walked over to Eleanor, sitting in the chair next to her. “Eleanor, I need to step out and pick up mommy, ok? Your auntie and uncles will be here to play with you until we get back.”
“Can I come with you?” She asked hopefully.
Liam took a deep breath before answering her. “I’m sorry princess, but I need to go by myself. But you have a very important job here. Since Valtoria is your home, you need to host our guests. Being a hostess is something you will need to do a lot when you become queen, so this will be wonderful practice. Do you think you’re up for it?”
She nodded her head rapidly. “Yes daddy, I will be the best hostess!”
“Good. Now go with Uncle Drake, and mommy and I will see you when we get home.” He pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek as they pulled apart. 
Eleanor ran to Drake, taking his hand and pulling him toward the door. “C’mon Uncle Drake, I’m the hostess.” Drake chuckled before looking back at Liam and giving him a reassuring nod.
Liam waited a few moments to make sure that Drake and Eleanor were out of his path before rushing out of the room and toward the front entrance. The car was waiting for him, Bastien holding the back door open for Liam to enter. He jumped in and Bastien shut the door behind him, quickly jumping into the driver's seat. The SUV’s wheels squealed as it rushed toward the gates.
“How far out are the guards?” Liam asked. 
“We had a team training not too far from the estate, they should be arriving shortly. They have been briefed.” Bastien replied, looking at Liam through the rearview mirror. 
“Excellent. Would someone care to brief me now? Where is my wife?” Liam commanded. 
Bastien looked over at Thomas, who was seated next to him. “Thomas, please explain to his majesty the current situation.”
Thomas took a deep breath, his hands nervously balling into fists. “Of course. You see sir, there is an organization, the Via-”
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose, interrupting Thomas. “Thomas, please spare me. I know about the Via Imperii, Riley has been telling me about the meetings, the plans, everything.”
“Everything?” There was a slight crack in Thomas’s voice as he looked back at Liam. If she had told him everything, Liam knew who he was.
“Yes Thomas, everything, including our relationship. Right now, that is the last thing I am concerned with. I need you to tell me what they are doing to Riley, and what we need to do to get her out.”
“Unfortunately, I do not know much. I’m sure you were made aware of the conflict between her majesty and Lord Neville. Well it appears that he and Mara have lured her to the estate under the guise of a meeting with our chapter president. I don’t know what they are planning to do from there.” 
Liam’s jaw clenched as he ran a hand through his hair. “Bastien, remind me again why we didn’t dismiss Mara after her charge, the queen, my wife, was kidnapped at our wedding? It seems like grounds for termination to me.”
“She went through a thorough re-training process, and passed all of the associated tests. It was determined that she was able to adequately perform her duties.” Bastien replied. 
“Adequate is not acceptable for protecting the life of a Queen. We need exceptional as the bare minimum. She should have never been cleared to return to such a high profile duty. We will be having a meeting immediately to review protocol and standards.” The mixture of concern and rage swirling inside of Liam was becoming overwhelming, he was having trouble thinking straight. He turned to look out the window, taking deep breaths to regain some level of composure. 
“Since rational discussion is not going to be an option here, I guess we’re going to have to go to plan b, elimination.” Neville said to Mara as they sat across from each other, Riley tied to the chair at the head of the table. 
Riley laughed. “Sure, elimination. I bet that will work out great for you. It’s super easy to just make a reigning queen disappear.”
“We have been successful in doing it with two out of the last four queens. What do you think makes you so special?” Neville turned his attention to Riley, genuinely curious to know her reasons. 
“Well first of all, Eleanor was in on the plan, so she doesn’t count, so it’s actually one out of four. And second, I’m sure Liam and the rest of the guards, the loyal ones,” she looked poignantly at Mara, “are on their way. I’ve been gone long enough that Liam has definitely already had them ping the location of my phone.”
Mara pulled a phone out of her pocket and waved it in front of Riley with a smug grin on her face. “It has been powered off since I pulled it from your pocket as you were getting into the car.” She placed it on the table and slid it toward Riley.
“Any more smart remarks?” Neville asked, standing from his seat. He approached Riley, taking her face in his hand and leaning in close. “The fairytale is over Riley, and the ending isn’t quite as happy as you thought.”
Riley could feel her nerves starting to take over. Yes, Liam would be missing her right now, but how was he going to find her? She felt her heart rate increase, trying to keep her composure. She had been through this before. For as much as she hated Anton, she had to give him credit, he was much better at this than Neville was. If she could survive that, she could figure out a way out of this. 
She thought back to that night at the abandoned castle, she needed to channel that version of herself again. And she certainly couldn’t let Neville know he was getting to her. “What happened? You couldn’t find a woman to kiss you out of being a frog faced asshole? Or you did and it just didn’t work?”
“That’s enough!” the back of Neville’s hand abruptly met with Riley’s face, the force of the impact almost knocking the chair over. She moved her jaw back and forth several times, trying to assess the damage as best she could with her hands tied behind her back. “Mara, do we have anything to gag her with?” 
Before she could answer, there was a knock at the door. Neville and Mara looked at each other in confusion, nobody else knew about the plan. “Well?” Neville raised his hands in frustration. “You’re the security guard, go assess the damn threat!”
Mara jumped to her feet and opened the door to find Eleanor on the other side. “Ah Mara, I heard you and Queen Riley had stopped by, I’m so glad I was able to catch you.” She didn’t wait for Mara to respond before brushing past her and entering the room. “Lord Neville, I didn’t know you would be using one of our meeting rooms today. You didn’t clear it through the proper channels. What have we got here?” Eleanor walked straight past Neville and went right to Riley. She took in her appearance, noticing a red mark on her cheek and a small trail of blood running down her face. Her eyes were watering, but she hadn’t shed a single tear. Eleanor was impressed by the strength she was showing under these circumstances. She gave Riley a subtle wink before taking a seat and motioning for Mara and Neville to do the same. “Now, should we talk about where you plan to take things from here, considering you clearly haven’t thought this scheme all the way through?” 
“We’re going to do what this organization has done for years, eliminate the threat. Maybe we will be more successful in the king’s next social season, and get a cooperative queen in place.” Neville replied.
Riley took a shaky breath, but the idea of her being taken away from her family was too much for her to bear. The tears she had been holding back broke free, and she began sobbing. Eleanor walked back over to Riley and knelt down in front of her. “It’s alright dear, you aren’t going anywhere.” She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before standing and turning her attention back to her captors. “Are you insane? Do you have any idea how much time and careful planning goes into enacting an elimination plan? You can’t just decide to kill the queen and expect that everything will go off without a hitch!”
As if on cue, the door burst open and several members of the King’s Guard entered with their weapons drawn. Mara immediately drew her weapon and aimed it at Neville. “Hands in the air, Lord Vancoeur.”
“Drop the weapon Mara.” One of the guards commanded.
Mara continued acting as if she was assisting in the rescue efforts, ignoring the guard’s warning. “I’m glad you guys got here, I was having trouble calling for backup to save the -”
A loud pop filled the room, Riley flinched, keeping her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them, she saw Mara laying on the ground in a pool of blood as two guards rushed Neville and took him into custody. Two more pulled Eleanor away from Riley and forced her hands behind her back. “Stop!” Riley ordered, causing both guards to look up. “She is not a part of this, she was here rescuing me. Let her go.” The guards complied, and Eleanor went back to Riley’s side, quickly undoing the fastenings that bound her to the chair. As soon as she was free, Riley stood and rubbed each of her wrists before raising a hand to her face, gently placing it on the spot that Neville had hit, and moved her jaw back and forth a couple more times. She looked at Eleanor, her eyes welling up again. “You...you saved me.”
“Of course, dear. I told you I wouldn’t let them take you away from your family.” Riley wrapped her arms around Eleanor and pulled her into a hug. Eleanor could hear her hitched breathing and knew she had begun to cry. “It’s ok Riley, you’re safe now. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
Liam was lost in his thoughts, watching the scenery go by as they neared the estate. The sound of Thomas’s phone ringing took him out of his thoughts. He quickly moved his attention to the front of the car, listening intently to Thomas’s answers to the person on the other end. They were simple, one word answers, and he was unable to read any kind of emotion in his voice. “Well?” Liam said, before Thomas had even fully moved the phone away from his ear. “Is Riley ok?” The seconds it took to get his response felt like an eternity for Liam. 
“Yes your majesty, Riley is safe. Lord Vancoeur has been taken into custody, and Mara was killed. Queen Riley is safe and awaiting our arrival.” 
Liam breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his seat. He was glad she was safe, but he needed to get there. He needed to see it for himself, to hold her, to kiss her. He needed to get her home where he could protect her. 
The car pulled up to the front of the estate, and before it could come to a complete stop, Liam had jumped out and ran to the door. He burst into the estate frantically sticking his head into every doorway looking for her. Finally, he approached a large sitting area with a fireplace running, and there she was, silently watching the flames dance. “Riley? Love?”
Riley blinked a couple of times before turning and meeting Liam’s gaze. “Liam…” her voice was barely above a whisper as she slowly stood to greet him. 
He rushed to her, immediately pulling her into his arms. He held her tightly as he kissed the top of her head. He pulled back, taking her face in his hands. The pressure of his touch on her still tender cheek made her wince in pain. Liam removed his hands and examined her face. “Riley, who did this to you?” He tried to keep calm, not wanting to cause her any more stress or pain.
“Stupid fucking Neville. I made some frog prince joke and he decided to heckle me with the back of his hand.” 
Liam clenched his jaw, and took a deep breath. He would deal with Neville, but for now, he needed to be with his wife. “Riley, I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I should never have let you do this. It could have been so much worse.”
She placed her hand on his cheek, he noticed the marks on her wrist from the restraints, and turned his head to kiss them softly. “But it’s not, because Eleanor, your mother, saved me.”
“My...why would she do that?”
“Because I couldn’t let you lose her.” A lump formed in Liam’s throat at the sound of the voice behind him. He hadn’t heard it in years, but he had never forgotten it. He turned around and as soon as they locked eyes, he felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. “Hello, Liam.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emkay512 @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @pixie88 @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles @tinkie1973
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Fool’s Rush In
Part 15
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Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC
Warnings: mild violence
Series Premise: With two weeks until Liam is to marry Madeleine – his pick during the social season – the guys throw him a bachelor party in Vegas. After a drunken night, he finds himself with more than he bargained for.
Thanks @burnsoslow​ for the beta read.
Supposedly, the more a person suffered in the name of love, the more it showed they really cared. 
At least, that's what Riley thought. 
After nightfall of this particular evening -- when she least expected it -- she never realized how much truth that belief held. 
Or how much it would hurt to sacrifice the one person who made her believe she was worthy of love and saw who she really was on the inside.
Her dainty arm -- a delicate bronze in color, sleek, with a glittering red strap across one shoulder -- linked through the arm of the man she had grown to love more than life itself as they entered the palace ballroom. Working tirelessly over the last week to ensure everything went off without a hitch had taken its toll on her. All she could think about, as she shook hands and charmed dignitaries with a sparkle in those twinkling brown eyes, was how much sleep she planned to make up for after the ball ended.
This ball was to introduce the King and his new bride to the Cordonian court for the first time. A show of solidarity and, hopefully, strength. A way to establish that what happened in a tiny chapel 10,000 miles away weeks ago between two strangers wasn't a careless mistake, and that she could handle the duties bestowed on her as a common American woman. 
Or at least pretend she could for now.
However, for the King and the "Jewel of His Heart" whom he escorted through the curious crowd of pretentious naysayers in extravagant gowns and tuxes, with their fake smiles and tedious posturing ...
It was nothing less than fate. 
Riley was the key that unlocked that safe space deep inside Liam's heart that had been sheltered for so long, waiting for the perfect person to come along and open it. This was the place where he kept his most sacred feelings: a genuine love, never-ending laughter, joy, romance, ecstasy, and every dream he ever held for the future -- one he presumed would never exist in any form he longed for. 
But she didn't just unlock it. Riley shattered it wide open, where everything came flooding out at once and consumed him like a raging wildfire. 
And it was the most remarkable, intoxicating experience of his life. 
Liam showed her off all evening as they mingled during their rounds, danced, and conversed with the variance of nobility. She was the sexiest woman in that room, and he'd dare say the looks of envy shot in his direction from high-class men as he proudly cavorted her around didn't bother him in the least. Not that that was her only quality -- far from it. There were so many things about Riley that were special. But he couldn't help feeling a sense of pride that she was all his.
And without question, he was all hers.
Seated at the head table, Riley swallowed a morsel of the veal medallion she wanted to be served for this occasion. When given a choice between fish and lamb, the fish never stood a chance. The memory of that smelly, god-awful lunch with Regina three weeks ago was not something her palate had forgiven her for yet. As wonderful and savory as this extravagant meal, covered in a light brown mushroom sauce and served with a side of broccoli rabe, was, it couldn't hold a candle to what she craved the most: a slice of white pizza from Carmine's back in Brooklyn.
Or a slab or two of the New Yorker.
With maybe some cheesecake.
Covered in chocolate.
And a sausage rice ball. A Frito pie smothered with sour cream. Definitely a rainbow bagel from The Bagel Store. Barbecue ribs and beans from the mom-and-pop diner hidden just off the strip in Vegas. 
Of course, her grandma’s country fried steak with white gravy sounded delicious too.
For sure, a fried Twinkie like the one she ate at the New York State Fair in 2013. 
"You've outdone yourself, sweetheart," Liam marveled while wiping at the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "The meal was delicious, and our guests appear to be enjoying themselves." The others seated at the table looked up, adding their compliments.
Still dreaming about a fat slice of New York-style pizza, Riley smiled graciously back at him, until she noticed the server refilling Liam’s glass with merlot, causing her to do a double-take. 
Hot tears pooled in her eyes, and a heavy feeling of sadness swelled in her chest as she panicked. "I asked for the Pinot Noir. Not the merlot,” she rasped meekly. “You don't like merlot, Liam. And the Pinot Noir was from the 'C' place where Duke Hakim lives. He'll be so disappointed and think I'm slighting his duchy. They’ll all hate me forever and ... wait a minute." She trailed off as a realization hit her, and Riley quickly glanced down at her plate before scanning each of the dishes from those seated around her.
The anxiety intensified; she could no longer suppress the heartbroken sob that wailed out of her. "Where are all the potatoes? We were supposed to have the potatoes, Liam. They didn’t serve the potatoes. Now the whole night is completely ruined, and it’s all my fault. I'm such a failure as a queen, and you should just send me to the dungeon now and throw away the key. I apologize to all of you for my incompetence and the lack of potatoes with your meal." Riley’s red-hot face, full of tears, plunged into the palms of her hands, then quickly sprung back up as Liam hesitantly tried to place a hand on her shoulder. A strong urge to use the restroom ended her crying spell as if it never happened. “Oh, oh. I gotta pee so bad. I’ll be right back.” She gave a warm smile and excused herself as she pushed her chair back and scurried merrily toward the nearest restroom.
Liam, Regina, Leo, Maxwell, and Olivia watched with confusion as she happily took off, not knowing what to say or what to make of the sudden shift in her moods.
“What the hell was that?” Olivia scowled, her eyes fixed on Liam.
“Is she all right, dear?” a concerned Regina asked.
Liam scratched the back of his head, nearly at a loss for words. “I ... I don’t know. I’ve never seen her that upset … especially over potatoes.” He paused in thought. “She was a little on edge this morning. Still, she’s been working a lot on the preparations and everything else going on. It must have gotten to her.”
Maxwell shrugged. “Maybe she just finally snapped.” 
Leo shook his head, swallowing a forkful of beef. “Or maybe she has the premenstrual syndrome.”
“Leo!” The group admonished.
“What?” Leo bit back, taking in each of their disappointed glares. “Don’t act like it’s not true. Trust me, when I have cramps and bloating, I can go from a happy little Leo to a Bertrand, just like that.” He snapped his fingers, following it up with a frown. “It ain’t pretty, you all.”
Maxwell looked across the table at Liam and agreed, “He has a point.”
Wanting to shed his skin and slither away, Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can we not discuss something so personal and private, especially while several hundred people are dining around us?”
“I’m just saying, little brother, that you need to be understanding and gentle during this special time of your wife’s 'lady business.' You should speak softly and slowly to her because Shark Week messes with a girl's mind, man. Their brains short-circuit, and there’s nothing left up there but a couple of crickets and man-eating rattlesnakes. One second, you think she’s fine, but if you’re not careful, in the next second, you’ll find yourself with two venomous fangs rattling from your nut sack, dude. She will tear you apart and spit you out like a rabid dog. You can make it through these next few days, but only if you take my advice.”
“That is the single dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Olivia spat, boring her eyes into him. “And you’ve said a lot.” She turned to Liam, whose face was slightly pale and void of expression. “Don’t listen to his sexist drivel. Why you haven’t declared him insane yet is beyond me. You should have sent him away with that filthy hairball to Valtoria you had caged earlier.”
“IT WAS MONGO!” Leo erupted, causing the dishes on the table to clatter as he jumped to his feet and hovered over the redhead. Every head in the ballroom whipped around to see what was happening, and a deafening silence filled throughout. Even the orchestra stopped playing their classical tune.
A wide-eyed Regina smiled sheepishly as she glanced out at the quiet audience who were waiting to see what all the fuss was about. She thought fast before calling out, “We were just playing a little game of … 'It was Mongo.'” The former queen snatched Maxwell’s Sunset Rum punch from his hand, thrusting the drink up at her stepson, towering beside her, and instructed in a grandmotherly tone, “Be a good lad, Leo. You lost this round. It's time to chug-a-lug, my boy.” With his face burning, Liam slid down in his seat.
“Ooooo, I wanna go next.” Maxwell bounced excitedly while the guests resumed the festivities. "How do we play?"
“I think I want to go, too,” Liam replied, straightening back up before hurling his napkin on the table. “I’m going to go find Riley.”
Riley exited the ladies' room, clutch in hand and a fresh dab of clear gloss gleaming on her pink lips. She stopped walking just as the door closed behind her and smiled with a look of surprise at seeing Liam leaning against the opposite wall. "What are you doing out here?"
He pushed himself off the wall, closing the distance between them and meeting her in the middle of the empty corridor. They wrapped their arms around each other, indulging in the warmth of their lovers' embrace. "Would you believe me if I told you I just missed you?" he answered, placing a tender kiss on her lips that skimmed lower to her jawline. 
"I missed you, too," she moaned with each gentle pressure of his seductive lips, suckling and nibbling along the spot that trailed behind her ear that he knew drove her crazy. "But something tells me that's not the only reason you left the ballroom."
Their gazes met simultaneously. "Leo."
Riley chuckled softly. "Do I even want to know?"
Liam sighed, smoothing back a loose hair behind her ear. "You know my brother and his wonderful words of wisdom." There was no way in hell he would tell her what they really discussed after she left; he could only imagine her embarrassment. "Everyone was just a little worried about you, that's all."
"I didn't mean to scare everyone. I just wanted tonight to be perfect. Instead, so many things went wrong. I can only assume what the court thinks about me now." She lowered her gaze to the red carpeting where they stood. "I let you down."
"I don't want to ever hear you say that again. Riley, sweetheart, you can never let me down. Do you understand that?" Liam lifted her chin; her tentative eyes stared back at him for a moment before nodding. "Good. And just so you know, our guest are used to bombings, stabbings, kidnappings, shootings, and terror plots at most of my palace events --"
"Wait. What?"
" -- I assure you, just the fact alone, that none of that took place tonight, and they're all going to leave here soon -- alive -- will be huge for them. Not having potatoes with the meal or the right wine was the least of their worries. They will consider this night a success. And a testament to their new queen. You should, too. I'm so very proud of you."
"I have so many questions about everything you just said."
Liam smiled, caressing Riley's petal-soft cheeks and lowering his head to kiss her again. "All in due time, my love.”
Riley let out a deep, drawn-out yawn she lightly covered with her palm before stretching and rolling her neck. A couple of weeks' worth of planning and endless decisions had left heavy tension in her shoulders and overwhelming exhaustion like nothing she'd felt before. None of it went unnoticed by Liam, who placed his hands on her shoulders and gingerly kneaded the taut muscles. 
"What do you say about heading back to our quarters, taking off all of your clothes, and I'll be up soon to massage this gorgeous body from head to toe? And hopefully, when I'm through, you'll massage parts of me, too … with any part of your body that you'd like." His lips curved into an inviting smile.
"Mmm, that's tempting," she purred, rubbing her hands over his ample chest. "But I can't just leave. It's the Queen's Ball. Without me, it's just ... The Ball." She chuckled, despite herself.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little panties over the ball. Just go upstairs and take them off. I’ll handle everything down here. Then … “ He squatted down to her eye level. “ … I’ll handle you.”
Her heart fluttered every time Liam spoke to her that way. The way he desired only her. She bit the corner of her lip teasingly. “I love you so much.”
Liam smiled. “You better. You’ve got one hell of a husband. I’d even venture to say you’re the luckiest woman on the whole damn planet right now.” Before Riley could respond to his jest, he put both of his hands on her cheeks to hold her head still and began placing playful, wet smooches all over her face, causing her to laugh riotously. After a few seconds of her squirming around and cackling at his antics, he paused to look at her. “You know I love you, too. Now go on up. I’ll be right behind you soon.” 
With a pat to her backside, they went their separate ways.
Liam returned to the ballroom, having offered to finish what little time was left without her. He would offer his apologies for her absence, but in reality, the King couldn’t have cared less what anyone there thought. Since his bachelor party weeks ago, he had grown from a man who had no choices to one who made his own. His marriage and relationship with Riley came first. Her wellbeing was the main priority -- to hell with anyone who had a problem with that.
As Riley placed a hand on the elegant wooden handrail of the grand staircase and took the first step up, her thoughts meandered to where she had been in her life one month ago and how vastly it had changed in such a short time. For the first time in years, she was happy, and it felt so good to be in that place where she could finally let go of the past and move on. Liam was a game-changer, and she was thoroughly convinced he was the only person on the planet who could have gotten her out of her own head and to this level of blissful existence.
Rounding the corner at the top of the stairs, she reached into her clutch to pull out the key card to her quarters, exhaustion slowing her strides. Shuffling past a row of closed office doors and framed artwork, she made her way to the residential wing. 
The squeak of a door behind her and the click of heels drew her attention, causing her to stop and turn to see who was there. 
The color drained from her face as Madeleine casually stepped out, her hands behind her back and a devious, unsettling grin cemented on her face. 
It wasn't the fear that made Riley's heart pound with a sickening thud, but more shock than anything. No one had seen or spoken to the Countess since the confrontation in Las Vegas when she showed up unexpectedly after finding out Liam had married Riley the night prior. 
Now, suddenly, there she was, as if out of nowhere, a gleam in her eye, looking all too pleased to have this run-in with Riley.
"A little dramatic, don't you think?" Riley scoffed, taking one step back the closer Madeleine approached. "What are you even doing here?"
"I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what you're worried about," she answered contemptuously. Her green eyes drifted to one of the cameras mantled at each end of the hallway. Riley placed a shaky hand over her stomach, letting out a low, relieved breath, hoping that was the truth. "Not physically, anyway."
"Well, that sounds promising," Riley replied sardonically. "Now, if you don't mind ..." She turned away, wanting nothing more than to escape this conversation and make it back to her quarters. 
Madeleine reached out and grabbed the Queen by her elbow, pulling her back and harshly twisting her around so they were now face-to-face. "You're not going anywhere until I'm through with you," she hissed with an icy glare. "I told you I would make you regret what you've done."
Riley jerked her arm, trying to free herself. "Let go of my arm, Madeleine!" 
"Not until you hear what I have to say."
"I'm not interested in anything you have to say! Now LET ME GO!" Riley hoped someone heard her yell or at least witnessed what was happening on the camera. Where the hell is security?
While continuing to struggle to free herself, she reached up with her free hand in an attempt to pry off Madeleine's bony fingers that were squeezing tight grooves around her elbow, her manicured nails digging deeper into Riley's skin. "You're hurting me. I said to let me go."
"Very well, then." The woman, who had twice lost her chance at the crown, released her firm grasp, knowing that the momentum would cause Riley to stumble back as soon as she let go. 
Just as predicted, Riley planted a foot behind her for leverage before drawing her arm back as hard as she could, one last time. Her eyes grew wide, and she let out a sharp gasp that sounded well down the corridor. Riley sailed backward, tripping over herself and toppling to the ground. She finally landed with a hard blow on her backside, the rear of her head just inches from slamming to the floor.
A shockwave of pain coursed up Riley's spine from hitting so abruptly. Before she had a chance to respond or process what happened, Madeleine crouched down beside her, holding a DVD up and gaining Riley's attention. 
The pain had morphed into a throbbing ache that was soon forgotten as the Queen stared quizzically at the object displayed in front of her like a grand prize. 
"What is that?" her voice trembled.
"It's my ace in the hole," Madeleine stated, then wagged a finger. "Someone used to be a very naughty girl." 
Furrowing her brows, Riley responded. "I don't know what you mean."
"You know precisely what I mean, but just in case, please allow me to refresh your memory," Madeleine smirked before rising to her feet and prancing around as if she were having the time of her life. "I did a little digging after my brief visit to Las Vegas and came across a man who knew you very, very well at one time. I made some calls. We exchanged e-mails, a transfer of money or two. And he was all too eager to accept my offer of payment for any dirt he could give me on you."
There was no point in asking "who" -- she already knew; the thought made her nauseous. Riley closed her eyes and muttered. "Tyler?"
"Yes," Madeleine beamed, " Your ex-husband. He had a lot to say about you."
"I'm sure he did. Does it even matter to you that he's a liar and a cheat -- not to mention greedy? He would make up anything if he thought he could profit off of it."
"Oh, it matters. Personally, I don't believe a damn thing he had to say. Honestly, Riley ... even someone like you could have done better than that slime."
Riley cringed in pain as she pushed herself off the floor and turned to her oppressor. "Just get to the point, Madeleine. Clearly, he gave you something you thought was valuable enough to use against me, so just spit it already."
Madeleine smiled, "How very astute of you. You're correct. He did." She held up the disc as Riley regarded it suspiciously. "On this disk are several hours of the two of you ... together. Very graphic, if I do say so myself." Riley's jaw dropped upon hearing those words as Madeleine continued, "Now don't worry. I only watched it long enough to make sure the video was legit --"
"Give me that!" Riley reached out to snatch the DVD, but Madeleine pulled it away just out of her grasp. A burning sensation filled inside her chest and spread across her face. "You're lying. I never made videos like that."
"Oh, I think you did," the blonde countered with a mirthful tone. "You just didn't know about it. Your ex admitted as much to me ... an asshole move, for sure. But nonetheless, I purchased the copy from him for a hefty sum. And ... well ... here we are now. You're more than welcome to take this disc and see for yourself; I have it downloaded as a backup, knowing you'd want proof."
At that moment, all Riley wanted was for Liam to walk down that corridor where she now stood, pick her up in his arms, whisk her away to safety, and tell her it was all a bad dream. Not that she did anything wrong -- she was married at one time to the man, presumably on the video, and would have been a consenting adult. 
No, it was the fact that Tyler Brooks had taken intimate videos with her during their marriage, without her knowledge. Now Madeleine had possession of them.
God only knew what she planned to do with them, but Riley had a pretty good idea. "What do you want?" she whispered in defeat, afraid to hear the answer.
Madeleine grinned from ear-to-ear. "For you to leave Cordonia tonight and never return, or I release everything to the press."
Riley shook her head. "No. As much as I don't want anyone to see that video, I did nothing wrong, and I won't be blackmailed or intimidated by you so that you can get your grubby little paws on the crown."
"Is that so?" It wasn't a question so much as a remark meant to convey who was in control. 
Maintaining her position, Riley raised a brow, refusing to give in.
Madeleine was far from giving up, though; she had manipulation in her blood. "Very well, then. I'll release the video in the morning. It should be interesting to see how the world reacts to yet another scandal by this monarchy. Their Queen plastered all over the internet again, except this time, uploaded on every porn site on the web. 
"The news will run the story with your blurred-out silhouette in the background. Your father will see it, and his business will become a target.: Your friends. Family. Students. They'll all be inundated with your sexual proclivities. But the worst part will be the tribunal. The council will have no choice but to question Liam's decision-making abilities after not only squandering his pick of queen on some American nobody, but now one whose ass will be featured on the desktops of teenage boys across the world. It's a shame that he'll lose his reign, all because of you. Would you really do that to Liam? Do you genuinely believe you're worth all the trouble it will cause him?"
Riley froze. She knew Madeleine was taunting her with the people she cared about the most. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass each of them. But to possibly cause Liam to lose his legacy, his birthright, and the rulership of a country he loved so much? It was something she couldn't shake. 
Staring blankly, twisting the bands of gold that belonged to Liam's mother, she couldn't get the question Madeleine just asked out of her mind: Did Riley believe she was worth the trouble it would cost him? 
Nothing was damning on that video, aside from the fact that she never knew it existed. But she already had so much to prove; another video in the press' hand would tarnish Liam. Maybe the Countess of Fydelia was right: He would lose it all.
"Time is ticking," Madeleine reminded Riley as she tapped her watch. "What's it going to be?"
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Liam x MC: Cordonia-gothqueen
FRI Series Tags:   @narrytheworld​​  @queenwalton​  @cordonianprincess​        @zaffrenotes​ @zilch3​  @drrookie​ @sfb123​​
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
it’s time for the dreaded s6 finale emotions
*strong regret in projecting onto ryan as much as i do because this episode h u r t s*
tyler being the one to invite ryan along?? g a e
“can’t send a man to his doom without getting drunk first” he’s trying so hard to fit in. poor bastard. and not calling the others out for excluding him? you can just tell he’s trying so hard not to ruin it for everyone, and nobody even gives a shit. and then of course he eventually snaps, he’s just spent over an hour having to watch everyone have a great time and forget about him, and then alex suddenly expects him to have bought mike a gift, and they fucking tell him to stop being so selfish and god those fucking assholes
god the conversation where may-li tells charlie about her grandad. it’s so beautifully acted, emily burnett sells the denial perfectly, it just,, ow
this episode is hard to watch when you have really strong empathy and project onto both ryan and charlie. h e l p
wow charlie really just delivered a baby in a car in the middle of the woods huh. i keep forgetting how absolutely badass that is
you know what absolutely kills me is the vague suicide subtext to ryan running away. take that goddamn phone conversation out of context and that’s what it is and that’s the worst part of all of this. and chloe saying that he’s left a note and that “i think he’s really gone for good”. o u c h
the fact that NOBODY EVEN NOTICES RYAN’S GONE EXCEPT MIKE AND CHLOE. even tyler doesn’t fucking notice. and then everyone cares more that mike’s gone to find him than that ryan even left in the first place. but we’re not meant to think about that because tracy’s here and everything’s absolutely fine right. this episode is murdering me can you tell
lily complaining about men on that facebook post. bit fruity of her, i must say *‘a day in the past’ flashbacks*
i havent watched my mum tracy beaker yet but i really need answers on how it fits timeline-wise into the tsotb/tbr/tdg canon
the fact that chloe isn’t even wrong when she says everyone would hate ryan even more if they found out mike isn’t there ‘because of him’ (read: because he quite literally had a breakdown and ran away and mike, being the only decent person in this goddamn show, went after him)
ah yes tracy, care worker of the year, really just said ‘your problems don’t fucking matter, forget that anything’s wrong because mike is getting married’. i love tracy but wow that is not the thing you say in this circumstance and the only reason it worked was because he felt bad about the cake and whatnot
this episode has such an all over the place tone. they really just went from mike freaking out to fiona figuring out he’s gone to a damn slo-mo shot of tracy and mike on a bike while ryan sprints behind them.
oh my god i forgot bailey was in this episode!! i hate him (affectionate)
this goddamn episode is so full of emotions i almost threw up oops. anyway it absolutely kills me that ryan looks like he’s about to cry pretty much the entire time. that poor kid. and then chloe really just pulls a tee and apparently loses all empathy towards him huh. love chloe but wow
i don’t think we get a chance to read what ryan wrote in that note? but i kinda wish we did. could’ve given some extra insight into everything
i have no idea if any of this is coherent, or how much of it is an actual analysis and how much is me projecting but oh well, this episode(s) is a fucking emotional trainwreck, what can you do
Oh god. I'm not prepared.
*valid regret to have, that sad queer kid with anger issues and insecurities experience hurts real bad*
Yes!! Once again proving that Tyler is the only one in the DG who actually cared about Ryan and wanted to be around him. He was pissed at Alex for not inviting Ryan like he was initally supposed to, and then took it upon himself to make Ryan feel included anyway.
That scene really pisses me off, because Alex really is going after him. You can tell, he won't let Ryan make a single joke without trying to be snarky about it, and then he purposefully tries to humiliate Ryan because he knows that Ryan couldn't possibly have known to bring a gift.
Oh yeah, I can barely ever rewatch the first part of the wedding for all of these reasons, but especially for Charlie finding out about her grandad. Emily really is way too good of an actor, that's why it's so painful.
I relate way too much to the strong empathy and projection, that shit hurts so bad.
Yeah!! Charlie did that!! Honestly, credit to her because I would not have been as calm as she was on a normal day if I had to deliver a baby in a car in the middle of nowhere, never mind after everything she had been through that day.
Okay, so you found a way to make Ryan's whole storyline of those episodes hurt way more than it already did. Thanks for that. But you are right, it does have that vague subtext to it. If this wasn't a children's show, I would've actually been worried that's where they were going to go with his storyline.
It does suck that nobody really noticed or cared that Ryan wasn't there. I wish even Tyler had shown a bit more concern, but I suppose they've only got enough time in an episode for so much.
That was definitely one of Lily's fruitiest moments, and that's saying a lot because of the aforementioned "a day in the past" flashbacks. Honestly, all of her scenes with Carmen and some with Tee are always fruity, there's nothing else to it.
Okay, so, I can kind of answer that one. My Mum Tracy Beaker definitely carries on from The Story of Tracy Beaker since it involves clips of it when Tracy sees Justine. However, it's only really connected to tbr/tdg canon through vague hints. Like, Tracy has a published book called "Who Cares?" and there's a mention of her being an ex careworker, and she wears a "T" necklace but it's slightly different from the one that she wears in the wedding episode. So, we know there are subtle references to TBR through these background details that are really just glossed over. There is a weird little moment when Tracy's daughter tells Justine that Tracy wrote a book, but Justine should already know that considering it was a big part of their reunion in Tracy Beaker Returns. At best, we can at least assume that everything that happened in TBR is canon for My Mum Tracy Beaker. I feel like, if we want to be able to make the timeline for the wedding add up with My Mum Tracy Beaker, we'd have to assume that Tracy hadn't already had Jess during the wedding. Since the wedding takes place around 2018, and Jess is 10, My Mum Tracy Beaker would have to be set in 2028 at the very least, and that would have to mean that Tracy had Jess the same year as the wedding. Either that, or she did already have Jess but just... never mentioned her because she was staying with Cam.
It really does kill me that Chloe was right about that, because you'd think at least some of them would have some sort of sympathy for Ryan. I wish Tyler did. Honestly, he had a genuine breakdown and ran away, and no one cared except Mike. Great family they are.
Yeah, that was not Tracy's best moment, but... that's just Tracy. She doesn't think, she acts on what she believes to be the best solution in that very moment. She was never exactly an aware winning care worker in all fairness skjdashd but Ryan definitely needed to hear something other than that.
I could barely be sad or stress during that episode specifically because of how chaotic it was, and ESPECIALLY because of that slow-mo that had no right being so damn hilarious.
SHFKDASJDLK "I hate him (affectionate)" well at least I'm glad the (affectionate) is there lmao. But I was screaming when I realized Baily (and Liam) were there, I was so happy!!
Oh yeah, Ryan looked so upset, he was absolutely blaming himself so badly. There was no need for Chloe to come in there "wish you'd run away for real" like fuck off. I love her. But fuck off.
I don't recall actually seeing the contents of the note now that you mention it.
Yeah, don't worry, I'm not sure most of my reply to it is coherent either. But those are episodes are some of the most fun to analyse because Drama and Angst.
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Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Rating: Teen and up Pairing: Shay Cormac x reader Word count: 2344 Genre: angst
Shay is the Templar now, while you’re still the Assassin. Your love is as strong, as it’s forbidden. Yet sometimes the smallest things can mean the most. Inspired by “In The Heights”, this time.
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Some people are unable to stay away from trouble by either causing them or finding them involuntarily. This kind of people simply cannot sit still when something is happening, they always have to be involved. Each one of you was that kind of people, you, Kesegowaase, Liam, Hope and Shay. After all, regular and peaceful people don't become Assassins, this kind of job is meant for uneasy spirits who can't stay in one place for long. They also must want to change the world for the better. At least this kind of thinking led you to the Brotherhood and you couldn't complain. You had an adventurous life, you were making the world more free with every killed Templar and you had your friends who always had your back. One of them was even more than a friend.
Shay was always the most energetic and impatient, like a white hot spark popping out of the fireplace. He acted or spoke first, then thought, compared to him you were almost stoic. Yet you had found a common ground easily, a lot like him, you doubted if what your Brotherhood was doing was right. You would've spend hours talking, joking and having fun, which ultimately lead you to develop a romantic relationship. For a very short time your life just couldn't be better. You were young, unstoppable and absolutely in love.
Unfortunately, your doubts turned out to be real. When Shay was sent to Lisbon, you couldn't stop thinking about him, you wanted him to come back to you, despite knowing he was fully capable of taking care of himself. One day, after painfully long weeks, you saw your lover coming back to the Homestead. You missed him dearly and you were pretty sure he missed you as well, yet when you ran to meet him halfway, you noticed he was upset. He didn't want to talk to you, he only said he needed to see Achilles. Soon you got to know what was bothering your man and you wished you didn't. Shay was right, the Brotherhood went away from its own tenants, but unlike him, you believed it could be fixed. You tried to convince him to help you, but he wasn't listening. Therefore he earned himself a mark of a traitor and was presumably killed, while you were punished for trying to protect him. But when you had found out he survived and joined the Templars, you stopped caring about the others. You had to see him.
Hidden in the soothing darkness of the night, when there was no moon and only stars were shining, you snuck out of the Homestead, triple checking if no one followed you. Then you infiltrated the Templars' quarters, where you expected to find your former partner. Finally, after a few hours of hiding in the shadows, you had found Shay's room. But as soon as you stepped in, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at your throat.
“I must admit, I am impressed. It doesn't happen often, that a prey comes to the predator themselves” he spoke trying to be cool, but you could tell his voice was about to crack. He didn't want to hurt you, even if he thought he had to.
“I'm not your prey” you answered, looking directly into his eyes.
“Why did you come?”
“To see you. Whether you believe it or not, I genuinely miss you. It's not a trick and no one knows I'm here. If you really want to kill me, go for it. But I don't think you can” you said daringly. Shay's hand trembled and he bit his lip. He certainly expected a trick, but failed to sense it, because there wasn't any.
“I can. You won't be the first Assassin who fall to my sword” he protested, but you knew he was bluffing. You could see it in his eyes.
“Really? You already forgot what was between us? How I tried to stop the others from killing you, because of my feelings for you? I love you, Shay. And nothing can change that, even if I wanted it more than anything. I didn't come here to kill you, I came here to see you and here's my proof” you exposed your hands proving you didn't have your hidden blade. That seemed to convince the man to lower his weapon.
“You came here unarmed? That's just stupid” he raised his eyebrow in disbelief.
“I'm not unarmed, I have a dagger, a few smoke bombs and some throwing knives. Everything that can provide me escape if something went wrong. But I didn't have to use them and I don't need them for now” you scoffed and unbuttoned your coat, then undid your belt and put them on the floor, clearly showing you didn't take anything from it, then you stepped away from them.
“What game are you playing, (y/n)?” Shay asked and you shrugged.
“I'm not playing any game. I missed my boyfriend who turned out to be not dead, so I wanted to see him. Now, would you allow me to come close to you, or am I supposed to take off something else?” you asked and his eyes lighted with feelings. Just like you, he couldn't simply ignore his heart.
“I have a few ideas” he admitted with a smirk.
“Then come and take it off yourself” you copied his smirk and opened your shirt, exposing your chest. That made Shay inhale sharply and unbutton his own clothes. At the same time he started to approach you and you weren't going to wait patiently. Your bodies crashed with desperation and longing, touch starved skin itched with the lightest brush, your clothes quickly became disturbing, so they had to go. It didn't take long until you both were naked and heavily aroused.
“I missed you so much, love” Shay purred as he kissed your neck.
“I missed you too” you whispered, stifling a moan as he sucked on your pulse point. For a moment the whole world was gone, Assassins, Templars, nothing mattered, only the two of you. It felt divine to feel him so close again, to make love with him, to forget you had any issues. The bliss lasted until the dark room started to light up a little, an inevitable sign that the night was coming to an end. Yet you kept lying in the arms of your beloved one, trying to figure everything out.
“Join me, (y/n)” you heard him say and you sighed. You knew he was asking for too much.
“I can't, my love. I understand your point, I shared your doubts, after all, yet I don't think there's no other option. There has to be.”
“They need to be stopped.”
“They need to be corrected. I believe there is a way to prove them wrong, to make the Brotherhood follow its Creed again. But becoming a Templar is not the solution” you lifted yourself on your elbow. “I respect your decision, Shay, but I also want you to respect mine. I will not betray the Brotherhood. I'm the Assassin since birth. If you're the Templar, that makes us mortal enemies” you stated, fighting back the tears. Shay caressed your cheek and you leaned into his hand.
“You were right. I couldn't kill you. And I will respect your decision, though I do not approve of it. I also can't go back to the Brotherhood.”
“Yes, I know. However this means we have no future together” you sighed and kissed him softly. “I wish we could have our happily ever after.”
“Seems like our fairy tale has no happy ending” it was Shay's turn to sigh.
“We have to catch little moments like this one. Before sunrise. When we are not the Templar and the Assassin, but two people in love.”
“It's sunrise already?” he asked with disbelief and looked at the window.
“It is. And I should go soon.”
“I wish you could stay for longer.”
“Me too. But I can't risk getting caught. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“I don't care. I just want you” he pulled you close again.
“Anything at all can happen just before the sunrise” you smiled and gently caught his bottom lip between your teeth. He answered to that with a kiss.
“Promise me it's not our last encounter. Promise me you reconsider your allegiance. Promise me...” he silenced as he couldn't find the right words.
“Promise me you'll stay beyond the sunrise. That every time you see it, you will be thinking about me. That you will never forget our love. Because I promise I will never forget it. You will always be in my heart” you swore, marking an X on your chest.
“Why does it sound like a goodbye?” Shay looked at you with concern.
“Because I decided to leave the colonies if everything else fails. I'm not sure where should I go, but I decided that will be the best. If they keep ignoring my warnings, I will have to leave. I don't want to fight them and I don't want to fight you. And if I stay, it will happen sooner or later.”
“Maybe the Brotherhood needs a new mentor. Maybe you should take Achilles' place.”
“Would you be able to spare me if I did?” you asked and his silence was the answer you needed. “That's what I thought” you smiled sadly and slipped out of Shay's embrace. He watched you dress up with sadness and adoration.
“Goodbye, my love. I really hope we meet again” he said and you could tell he missed you already.
“I hope so either” you turned to the window and smiled. “Sunrise” you whispered and went outside, sending your lover one last look. Then you snuck back to the Homestead, which was slightly more difficult, yet not impossible.
“Where have you been?” you heard someone asking. When you turned around, you saw Liam.
“Doesn't matter” you answered, not even stopping by. Your heart hurt after your parting with Shay, you didn't care for much. But Liam grabbed your arm and turned you around, so he could look you in the face.
“You seem sad. What happened?” he asked and pulled your collar, to expose red mark on the base of your neck.
“Nothing happened, let me go” you protested and took a few steps back.
“Nothing happened, yet you snuck out, then came back sad and there's a love mark on your neck” Liam crossed his arms in his chest. “Did you meet with Shay?”
“Why would I?”
“You two were close, so I assume you didn't betray us then only to work for him now.”
“How dare you...”
“He's a traitor, (y/n)! You are supposed to kill him, not fuck him! Otherwise you're a traitor as well!” he yelled and you felt anger overwhelming you.
“I would never betray the Brotherhood! I love Shay and he loves me, but we're painfully aware of our allegiances. That night we forgot about them so we could be together, but I came back, because I'm loyal to my Creed. Even if I'm in love with the enemy” you confessed, unable to look Liam in the eye. “I value the Creed more than the man I love and while I share his belief that the Brotherhood is lost and doesn't follow its own tenants anymore, I know becoming a Templar is not a solution. Shay made his choice and so I made mine. I want to try to restore the Brotherhood, but if you keep being so stubborn, I'll have no choice but leave. I'd rather be a lone Assassin than join Templars or support your actions.”
“Then you can pack your bags already, because we're not going to listen to a traitor. If you're not with us, you're against us.”
“Fine” you turned around and ran straight to your room, where you packed your belongings. The sunlight was pouring through the window and you did your best to not cry. You knew however, that it was the only thing you could do to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
“(y/n)? What are you doing?” Achilles asked, appearing in the entrance to your room.
“I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore. Besides, Liam has just accused me of treason, because I've met with Shay” you closed your bag and looked at the older man. “I'm sorry, but I don't want us to fight. I also don't want to fight Shay. It will be best if I leave.”
“You just want to run like that?”
“And what am I supposed to do? I'm torn between my friends and my lover. I can't join him, I can't betray the Brotherhood, I've been the Assassin for all my life and I can't agree with Templars' philosophy. Yet I can't kill him, both of us had plenty of opportunities to kill each other and we couldn't bring ourselves to do that. Despite our allegiances, our love is strong and we can't help it. That's why I have to leave. Shay isn't going to stop, neither are you. I don't want to be a part of this. I'll do better if I serve another Brotherhood than get myself killed here.”
“Very well. Go if you want to, I can even write a letter that would help you get into another Brotherhood. But you are not allowed to come back. If any of us ever see you again, we won't hesitate to kill you” Achilles said and you nodded. Part of you hurt, it was tough to leave the place you had lived all of your life, you were also never meant to see your lover again. But the other part of you was relieved. You expected to be killed for treason, yet you had a point that exile was wiser. After all you were a good Assassin.
“Goodbye, Achilles. I hope one day you find the way to the Creed again” you said and not waiting for an answer, you had left to never come back again.
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flowerpowell · 4 years
The Royal Holiday Romance (Liam x MC)
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A/N: This story is pretty much done! There’s only an epilogue left (unless you want me to end the story here, but I kinda doubt it 😅). Thank you all for the engagement in this series so far; it motivated me to actually finish it. I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter as well!
Rating: G (some angst + mention of a panic attack at the beginning)
Tagging: @gardeningourmet​ @delightfullypinkglitter​ @twinkleallnight​ @kingliam-rys​ @kingliam2019​ @lodberg​ @sfb123​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @gkittylove99​ @texaskitten30​ @shanzay44​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ ❣
“Liam… Liam…”
“Whoaaa—What’s happening?” Liam opened his eyes and saw Maxwell and Drake standing over him, concern written on their faces. His body was aching and he realized he didn’t remember the last few hours. “Where am I?”
“Your bedroom,” Maxwell replied calmly.
Liam looked around. Indeed, he was in his bedroom. Was it all a dream? Was his conversation with Victoria only a dream? She didn’t know the truth yet?
Liam sat up and instantly he felt dizzy. If she didn’t know the truth yet, he had to tell her straight away. He wasn’t going to wait again.
“Yeah… Bastien carried you here,” Drake added.
Liam looked at him confused. “Bastien?”
They nodded.
Suddenly all his motivation to tell her the truth was gone. If Bastien carried him there that meant… That meant…
“It wasn’t a dream.”
“I’m afraid not.”
“Bastien said you passed out on the street and he carried you here. I’m sorry, Li.” Drake looked genuinely sad.
“Bastien told you what happened?” Liam asked and his friends shook their heads.
“He didn’t have to. It’s all over the news.” Maxwell showed him an article titled American Attention Wh*re Tries to Seduce the King on his phone. Liam cursed under his nose as he read it.
“So that’s how she found out,” he thought and it made him feel even worse. She deserved so much better than that.
“I’ll spare you the I-told-you-so’s but you really did her dirty. Not only did she find out you were not who you claimed to be but also the whole country think she was trying to climb up the social ladder and gain more popularity,” Drake pointed out, sending Liam that knowing look which said “fix it.”
“I’m going to speak to the press. Explain everything.”
“Yeah… You probably should do it soon,” Maxwell said, his eyes glued to his phone. Liam gulped, mentally preparing himself for more bad news.
“And why is that?”
“The director of the movie she and Hana worked on is considering deleting all her scenes and hiring someone else instead. Apparently, Tori didn’t live up to the terms of the contract. Hana just messaged me.”
“But…” Liam felt his heart began to race. He really messed up. Worse. He ruined Victoria’s life. He ruined the life of a woman he loved. He was monster.
“I’m going to deal with it. Can you two please leave me alone and ask Bastien to join me in an hour?”
“Li… Are you okay?”
“Can you?” Liam repeated and both men nodded, exiting the room and leaving him alone, as he wished.
“Tori… You don’t have to leave, you know?”
“I have to,” Victoria replied trying to close her suitcase. “I’ve already paid for my plane ticket and since I might lose the money I should make on this movie, I can’t let it go wasted.”
“He’s not going to fire you. I told him that if he does, I’m quitting, too.”
“You really shouldn’t have,” Victoria told her but Hana only shrugged.
“What is the point of making a movie about women’s empowerment if the director is clearly doing something opposite.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t want to be an actress anyway. Maybe it’s a sign I should do something else.”
Victoria finally closed her suitcase and took a deep breath. Saying goodbye to her acting career came to her surprisingly easily, unlike saying goodbye to Liam. She hadn’t talked to him at all since she called him out the day before but the mere thought of him made her feel like crying again.
He didn’t try to contact her again which only proved her point – he used her for fun and now that the fun was over, he moved on to another prey. And that was probably what hurt her the most. Yes, the lies, dishonesty was awful, but what caused her the most pain was the fact that she was nothing to him but a piece of his game. She meant nothing to him when he meant everything to her.
“I mean, it is so obvious. Why would a literal King even look twice at someone like me? I was only an easy prey and nothing more.”
“Oh my goodness! You should see it!” Hana exclaimed, holding out her phone for Victoria to take.
“Why? What happened?” She asked as she took the phone. She hesitated when she saw Liam’s face on the screen and Hana noticed it.
“You really should see it.”
Sighing, Victoria started reading the article. It turned out that Liam had a press conference the first thing in the morning and addressed the rumors about her.
King Liam opened up about his private life in the latest press conference. The young and still-single King talked about Victoria Brooks, the American actress he was seen with lately, as well how the rumors about their relationship have hurt him.
“I have never been more upset in my life then when I read the [DailyCordonian] article,” he said in his speech. “I feel very disappointed by the journalists who spent years in college to prepare for the job, only to write about lies and their own awful assumptions. It hurt an innocent woman who did nothing wrong. I also feel disappointed by the people, my fellow countrymen, who without checking the information started to sling mud at lady Victoria Brooks. But most importantly, I feel ashamed and disappointed with myself. Yes, dear Cordonia. It wasn’t Victoria who used me for fame or status. It was me who used her. It was me who hurt her. It was me who lied to her about my status. She didn’t even know I was a King before she read that awful article. I didn’t know how to tell her because [long pause] because I fell in love with her and was scared she would never like me back if she knew I was a monarch. You see? She’s the opposite of what you claimed her to be. I have never met a more amazing woman and I feel deeply sorry for making her life so miserable. I am sorry in the behalf of my country of how it treated her and I am sorry in my own behalf for having hurt her. I might be a King but I’m still only human who makes mistakes. I do not expect her to forgive me but I’d like to offer my sincere apologies for what she has experienced in my country.”
King Liam, in his heartfelt speech, assured about the genuineness of his feelings towards the actress and apologized to everyone he hurt in the process. Despite his efforts, there’s still no news from the actress herself. According to King Liam, she doesn’t like to be in the center of attention and this is probably the only reason she hasn’t commented anything yet.
What a lovely couple it could be! A humble actress from far away falling in love with a King of a small country… A true fairytale that never came to.
Stay tuned for more about this royal holiday romance!
“What a hypocrisy,” Victoria commented when she finished reading.
“What? Liam? I don’t think he’s lying, it seemed genuine.”
“No, the website,” she snorted. “A humble actress, lovely couple as if they didn’t call me an attention whore who wanted to use Liam for fame.” She rolled her eyes. Not that she expected any apology from a gossip rag like that.
“What about Liam? What… do you think?” Hana asked softly.
“I… I don’t know what I think,” Victoria replied honestly. “I’m confused.”
It could still be one of his games but would Liam really go that far and admitted it in front of the whole country? She wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Liam called her late in the afternoon, when she was already in the cab, on her way to the airport. She debated whether she should answer or not for so long, that he almost hung up.
“Victoria! Hi! I… I wasn’t sure if you’d pick up.” Liam greeted her and she heard hesitation in his voice.
“Yeah… me neither.”
“I am calling because I want to talk to you. Please, Victoria, let me explain. Just a few minutes. Can we meet up somewhere?”
Victoria bit her lip. “I’m on my way to the airport.”
“What? No!” She could almost hear his heart breaking. “Please, let me talk to you first. Let me explain myself. Please, Victoria, don’t leave just yet.”
“I’m sorry, Liam. I—I saw the speech. And it’s fine, there’s no need to apologize. I’ve moved on. And I’m going home. Goodbye, Liam.” She hung up before he could say anything. She didn’t need to hear him. Probably because whatever he was about to say, would make her reconsider. Or worse, it would make her fall for him again.
Liam was squeezing his phone in his hand, mentally cursing. He couldn’t let her go that easily. If she wanted to go, he’d of course let her, but not before he had the chance to apologize properly.
“Li? Did you talk to her?” Drake asked and Liam looked at him.
“She hung up. Doesn’t want to meet up.”
Drake nodded. “Well… You can’t do anything anyway.”
“Maybe I can,” Liam said with a devilish smile. “I’m still the King, as far I remember.”
“What do you mean you can’t let me in?” Victoria asked. “I have a plane to catch.”
“I’m so sorry, the airport was closed ten minutes ago. King’s order,” the guard explained and Victoria’s eyes widened.
“Oh no, he didn’t,” she murmured and smiled apologetically at the guard, walking away. Apparently, being a King had more perks that she thought. Narrowing her eyes, she took out her phone and called Liam.
“Open the airport, I need to go home!”
“I will after we talk. Can we meet up now?” He asked.
“No!” she yelled and people around looked at her curiously. “If you don’t want to open the airport, fine. I’ll take a train to Italy and go home from there.”
She hung up before he said anything. If Liam thought he was smart, he didn’t know Victoria yet.
“I’m sorry, why exactly I can’t buy a train ticket?”
“Because all trains are cancelled today. King’s orders.” The lady who was selling tickets shrugged.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she hissed and heard her phone ringing.
“Do you have time now?” He asked.
“I don’t care you’re the King, I am leaving your country, whether you like it or not!” She hung up, not hearing his laughter.
Liam sat in his bedroom with his phone in the hand. What he was doing wasn’t fair but he needed a chance to talk to her. But she was stubborn.
Gosh, she was so stubborn.
He smiled to himself when he noticed she was calling again.
“Seriously, Liam? You blocked all cabs?”
“If that will make you stay a little longer and listen to me, then yes.”
“No way. Take your cabs, planes, trains, whatever. I am leaving.”
He chuckled when she hung up. He had a feeling where she’d go next and wasn’t disappointed when she called him again, twenty minutes later.
“Just how exactly did you know I was going to rent a boat?”
“I thought you might.” He smiled. “You should be thankful though, boats are expensive to rent here and besides, the weather’s not good for sailing. It’s winter after all.”
“I don’t care it’s winter! I’m going home!” There was silence for a moment before he heard her cuss. “I can’t even rent a bike?!”
“It’s winter!”
“You can’t keep me here by force! I’m going on foot then!” she yelled at him and hung up.
As he said, she was so stubborn.
“Stupid jerk. Who does he think he is?” Victoria talked to herself as she walked, dragging her suitcase with her. “He lied to me, made a fool out of me and is not even letting me go anywhere. Heck no. All my sympathy to him is gone. Gone!”
“Is that what actresses do? Talk to themselves?” She turned to see Liam in the limo, driving next to her.
“I’m not talking to you. I’m going home.”
“Come here. I’ll give you a lift and we’ll talk in the meantime.”
“La-la-la! I can’t hear anything.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Liam laughed. “You’ll freeze.”
“Good! I’m mad at you!”
“No, you’re not. I see you’re laughing,” Liam teased her and she stopped and hit him with her bag. From the corner of her eye, she saw his bodyguard observing her and she realized that Liam was a King after all and hitting him was probably illegal.
“Victoria, I know I hurt you but I just want to explain myself. Please. After I’m done… and if you don’t change your mind, I promise I’ll let you go. The royal jet will take you home to America whenever you’d like.”
“Whenever I’d like?” She asked, narrowing her eyes. “Can I have it on paper?”
“I promise. King’s promise. My guards are the witnesses.”
She sighed. “Fine.”
They were driving in silence and Victoria wondered if it was a good idea.
“So… I thought you wanted to talk to me. We’ll be at the airport soon.”
“I wanted… I needed to gather my thoughts… I just—I never… I don’t know how to start. I am so terribly sorry for everything. For lying to you, for hiding the truth. For what the press wrote about you.” He flinched as if it hurt him. “I’ve never wanted to deceive you. I didn’t have bad intentions. When we met, I never thought I’d see you again and I certainly didn’t want to introduce myself as a King. Then we met again and… Each time I saw you, I was more and more nervous about what you’d think of me when you find out who I really am. And when we were together… I forgot. I forgot I was a King, I forgot about my duties. I could be just Liam, I was just Liam. It was me, Liam. It’s still me. Liam. Yes, my job is unusual but it doesn’t change my personality. I’m still the same Liam you met. And as much as I feel guilty for leaving you in the dark, I’m glad you got to know the real me.”
“Liam, I… I understand your motives. I do. And I forgive you, okay? If I was very famous, I probably wouldn’t announce it to everyone I meet. Yes, it made me feel like an idiot when I found out but I think I get it. And I appreciate what you said during the conference.”
The car pulled up at the airport and Victoria noticed the royal jet waiting there. Liam really meant what he said.
“You forgive me?” Liam asked.
“I do.”
“Will… Would… Does… Does it mean you could give me another chance, perhaps? My feelings hasn’t changed.”
“Please say yes, Victoria.” He closed his eyes and leaned to her, their foreheads touching. “I love you.”
Oh how she wanted to hear those words. Her whole life, she craved to hear those words directed at her.
“Liam… I… the jet is waiting.”
“Stay, Victoria. Please. Give me another chance. One more chance. Please.”
Victoria bit her lip as she pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. The King was begging her to stay, with tears in his eyes. She swallowed hard.
“I—I can’t Liam. I forgave you, as I said but… that’s that. I think… I think it’s better if I go. Our... story... or whatever it is, should end now. It’d never work out,” she said and opened the door, exiting the car. As if nervous that he’d change his mind about letting her go home, she ran to the jet. She turned around, the last glimpse of him, with his head down, looking pleadingly at her. She smiled sadly at him and waved, and then disappeared inside, the door closing after her.
And as Liam watched the jet take off, he realized it was over. He lost Victoria forever.
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As is often the case in conversation with the magnificent @gallavictorious, I’m left pondering when exactly it all went wrong.
Frank is inarguably, objectively a terrible person. He’s arrogant, entitled, dishonest, manipulative, irresponsible, and selfish. That’s not even mentioning his abysmal parental skills, which are seldom on display because, from the beginning of the show, he simply wasn’t around. And they liked it that way—it meant less chaos in an already mayhem-fueled environment. However, as awful as he is, it’s apparent at various points throughout the series that his kids have loved or felt some form of loyalty/attachment to him as much as they’ve hated him, even if grudgingly so. We know the process by which Debbie and Carl eventually wrote Frank off. We watched that happen in real time and know when he burned his final bridges of meaningful contact with them. We saw them accompany him to assist in various scams, often at his request and sometimes without the intent to use them for anything. They went to him for help, Debbie with babysitting and Carl with school. For as many times as Frank shrugged them off, there were others where he offered a wink and followed along, even if it was motivated by his own self-interest. During his “born again” phase, he stood up to a drug dealer and made sure he knew that coming for his family would not end well for him. His relationship with Liam has been playing out in similar ways, especially in the last two seasons.
This isn’t to say that Frank’s occasional moments of decency or genuine if misguided parenting can ever begin to balance his debt to his children or erase the neglect and outright abuse in some cases. But it makes me wonder...
When did it happen for Fiona, Lip, and Ian? At what point did “just enough” turn into “not enough”?
In s3, Fiona recounted the story of Frank buying drugs and being abandoned with Lip and a very sick Ian to take care of on her own. After Monica died, she reminded him of all the times Monica wasn’t there and how Fiona had to step up because he wouldn’t. But in s4, when Frank was delirious after his transplant, he apologized to “Fiona” for forgetting about her and Lip. He said he’d take her to Claire’s to get her ears pierced with a little waggle of his eyebrows. And it makes me wonder: was that why she was still taking care of him in earlier seasons? Why he was still welcome in the house until he hurt Ian and Jimmy dumped him in Canada? Even why she spent time with him when she was at her lowest in s9? Was the final bridge burned when he called to get the kids taken away from her and scattered into the system? Or did it come sooner and the tenuous tethers of their familial obligations simply held them together during convenient or necessary trials ever since?
Then there’s Lip, who definitely has a complex relationship with Frank similar to Ian’s with Monica. He followed Frank around to taunt him when he left the house; in his own very Lip way, he seemed to write him off without being too concerned about his behavior, except more egregious instances. Even in s2, when Frank and Monica spent the squirrel fund, it wasn’t Frank he seemed to be as angry at—it was Monica, and Fiona by connection since she wasn’t watching. But he still went out and had a good time with Frank when he graduated. He mentioned how he was so devastated when Frank tried to go sober before and let him down. Was that the moment and Lip was simply too irreverent and sarcastic at the time to shut that door with extreme prejudice? Was his version behaving in a superior manner or like he wasn’t worth the effort until Frank made genuine trouble? Was celebrating his graduation a form of reclaiming some of what he never had that time Frank sobered up: a father who was proud of his achievements, even if only for a day?
Ian has to be the most complicated of them all. In the pilot episode, he didn’t seem upset to say Frank hates him, but he did appear somewhat disappointed about it—or, perhaps, disappointed that he didn’t know why. For the most part, with the exception of his open trepidation when Frank turned on him in 1x02, Ian is consistently indifferent to Frank’s presence unless there’s reason to behave otherwise. He didn’t revel in the hijinks about or making fun of him after he returned from Canada, nor was he relieved to discover that he is, in fact, not Frank’s biological son. He joined the toast at the Alibi during Kev and V’s fake wedding, and he joined in the celebration when they successfully convinced those thugs that Frank was dead. He didn’t blow up at Frank’s indiscretions or missteps with the family to the extent that Fiona did, though. In fact, aside from hauling him to the yard or dumpster with Lip, trying to stop Frank and those drunks from going upstairs in s3, or grabbing the beer back in s2, we mostly don’t see him vehemently oppose Frank on his own until much later when he threatened to hit him with a baseball bat if he didn’t get out. (That may have precedence, though, since Frank said he never counts to three.) So, I wonder: did Ian even have the tiny moments with Frank that the rest of his siblings did at any point before the show’s narrative began? Was there ever talk of coming to one of his events at school or getting him a special treat to make up for something? He never really mentions it, which isn’t necessarily evidence one way or another as Ian is a very private person who doesn’t tend to speak a great deal about the past. Perhaps there was and he prefers not to dwell on it. Contrarily, perhaps all he has is a chat in a gay bar and Frank’s quasi-pep talk after he caught Ian with Mickey. And if the latter is true, then why was Ian so different? Fiona said he looks more like Monica than the rest of them, but what if she had it wrong? What if, even though Frank didn’t consciously know about Clayton and Monica, the fact that Ian looked so much like the brother he didn’t talk to anymore had him unconsciously pulling away? In that case, how would Ian feel if that hadn’t been the case—more like Lip or Fiona, or the same as always?
Something I’m very interested to see as we enter s11, especially with some of the summary information, is whether we’ll find out more about Frank’s history with the kids. I don’t expect it to happen and would be pleasantly surprised if it did, just as I don’t anticipate relationships to be fixed: they seem happy with what they have, the ups and the downs and the downright strange. That’s the most important part.
Nothing Frank does will ever make up for what he put his kids through, and I definitely believe that he is incapable of changing on a fundamental level as we’ve seen him try and ultimately fail long-term. Even so, I’m very curious about his relationship with Fiona, Lip, and Ian in particular.
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badchoicesposts · 4 years
Loyalty Or Royalty
Chapter 14
Summary: Mia Bhatt spent years trying to escape her past, trying to escape the feeling of betrayal that was left in her heart after the fire, and she finally had. She was marrying the King of Cordonia and was finally going to get her happily ever after. But, after a momentary lapse in judgement caused her to send a wedding invitation to someone she was sure had forgotten about her, she realizes that sometimes the past has a way of crawling back to you.
Author’s Note: In this fic Anton and The Sons of Earth were caught before the wedding. Also this story will contain flashbacks that will be in italics.
Sorry this chapter took so long. I’ve been in the middle of a semi hiatus but I’m hoping to get on a more consistent uploading schedule now that I’ve finished writing the series. Thanks so much for your patience and for reading!!
Pairing: Liam x MC (Mia Bhatt), Platonic!Colt x MC, Past!Logan x MC
Word Count: 4,388
Taglist: @flowerpowell​​​​​​​, @dcbbw​ , @texaskitten30​​​​​​​, @kingliam2019​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @lovehugsandcandy​ @los-cafeteros​ @desireepow-1986​ @lovemychoices​​​​​​​​, @kimmiedoo5​
Catch Up: Masterlist
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“Smoking will kill you one day,” Mia said, as Kaneko continued to smoke a cigar beside her. 
The man let out a soft sigh and stubbed out the last of it, causing Mia to smirk at him.
“You’ll thank me when you don’t get lung cancer,” she said, satisfied with the results of her nagging.
“Or I’ll just smoke when you’re not around to lecture me,” Teppei said back, resting his hand on her back as he led her through the crowd of people at the sideshow. 
When he had asked her if she wanted to come with him, she had said yes, opting to get away from the garage for the first time in what felt like forever. However, she had no interest in inhaling cigar smoke for the next few hours while she was with him. 
“Lecturing you on your poor life choices is how I show my affection,” she said sarcastically, causing Teppei to laugh loudly. 
They moved through the crowd fairly easily, people automatically clearing a path for them once they noticed Kaneko’s presence. It immediately reminded Mia of how intimidating Kaneko truly was, how untouchable he was to these people. It was easy to forget that when she was with him. The man was always kind and gentle with her. He took care of her and protected her even when she mouthed off to him because that’s what parents did and Teppei Kaneko was the closest thing she had to a parent. But, to these people Teppei wasn’t a parent. He was someone to be feared. 
The two of them came to a stop when they noticed Logan walking towards them. He was accompanied by a girl who looked to be about their age wearing a red tube top. Although she was dressed the same as everyone else who was at the sideshow, she still seemed to be out of place. 
“Didn’t expect to find you at a place like this, boss, hanging with a bunch of lowlife tuners,” Logan said, acknowledging Kaneko and nodding discreetly in Mia’s direction to greet her.
“Just taking some meetings,” Kaneko said before turning to the girl. “And who might this be?”
“I’m Ellie. Logan’s date,” the girl said, smiling kindly at Kaneko.
Kaneko eyed the two of them critically before pulling Logan to the side. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could see Teppei handing Logan his keys.
“So, how do you know Kaneko?” Ellie asked her, her voice a bit hesitant.
“I’m his charity case,” Mia said sarcastically, forgetting for a moment that Ellie didn’t know her well enough to know she was joking around. “He’s my guardian.”
“Oh, have you known him for long?” she asked.
“My whole life,” Mia clarified.
Logan started to walk back over to them, and he shot Mia a nervous look before wrapping his arm around Ellie’s shoulders. 
“Amelia,” Kaneko called, inclining his head to indicate that she should follow him. 
Mia gave the two of them an awkward smile before following after Kaneko. He handed her a wad of cash and told her to grab something to eat while he took care of some business and that he would meet up with her later. As Mia walked around the sideshow, munching on french fries she got from Vaughn’s truck, she felt unsettled. She and Logan hadn’t been spending much time together since they ended things. In fact she had been spending as much time as she could in Colt’s room. She had been lonely since she and Logan had been pulling away from each other and being in Colt’s room made her feel closer to him. Now seeing Logan with someone else made her heart ache. It was all suddenly too much. 
Mia’s attention suddenly shifted when she heard an excited murmuring all around her. She heard Logan make the bet with Salazar to win Vaughn’s truck, and she couldn’t help but wonder. She wondered why Kaneko gave him the car keys in the first place. She wondered why Logan thought it was a good idea to bet Kaneko’s car. He knew better than that no matter how much he cared about Vaughn. She felt a presence behind her and looked up to see Kaneko standing by her, watching closely as the race began. 
“What’s going on?” she asked. She could tell there was more going on than he was telling her. 
“He’s just showing off for the girl,” Kaneko said, brushing off the topic.
“What if he loses?”
“He won’t.”
Mia wasn’t sure how it was that Kaneko was always right, but he was. Logan won the race and Salazar wasn’t happy about it, beginning to take it out on Kaneko’s car. She cringed at the sight of it being destroyed, but was surprised that Kaneko wasn’t upset with Logan for it. 
“So. This is who you replaced me with. This narcissist,” a familiar voice pulled Mia from her thoughts. 
While he was busy glaring at Logan, she couldn’t fight the huge smile that broke out onto her face. 
“Colt!” she said, excitedly throwing herself into his arms.
He let out a soft groan before hugging her tightly.
“Hey, Mellie,” he said softly.
“Colt? What are you doing in L.A.?” Kaneko asked, a look of shock on his face.
“Hey! Jerk! The only narcissist here is you!” Ellie said, causing Mia to hold back a laugh as Colt released her from his embrace.
At her words, Colt’s cold demeanor went back up. He kept one arm wrapped around Mia’s shoulders as he addressed her.
“This isn’t your concern.”
As they made plans to head back to the garage a selfish part of Mia was glad that Colt was back. She was glad that he was finally home. He handed her the keys to his bike and settled onto it behind her. As the two of them took off down the street, Mia had no idea just how complicated the next few months were going to become.
Mia walked through the palace halls and to Bastien’s office. She knocked on the door and waited for him to call her in before pushing the door open and settling down onto one of the seats in front of his desk.
“Morning,” she said, faking a smile as she greeted him.
“Good morning. What can I help you with?” he asked, offering her a smile.
Mia took a deep breath. Her mind had been reeling since Drake had asked her what she wanted to do to fix things with Kaneko, and she had finally come to a decision. 
“Do you have any contacts in American law enforcement?”
Bastien seemed surprised at her words. 
“Um, yes, of course. Is there anyone specific that you’re looking to get into contact with?”
“I don’t really know. I’m hoping that maybe the crew and Kaneko can work out some kind of deal with them. I know that I’ll need to talk to him and all of them first. It’s not really my decision to make for them, but this is the only logical solution I could come to. I just want to make sure we have everything in place if they agree to it,” she said.
“I have someone in the FBI that I could put you in contact with,” he said, reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out a small notebook. 
“Thank you,” she said, leaning back into the chair and letting out a slow breath.
“Are you alright?” Bastien asked, offering her a sympathetic smile. 
“Why wouldn’t I be? Because I had my father arrested last night, or because my marriage is already a failure and it’s only been two weeks?” she asked sarcastically. “How is he doing?” 
“He’s been surprisingly calm,” Bastien said, causing her to chuckle softly.
“If anyone could handle being arrested it’s Kaneko,” she said, the thought actually making her smile not out of malice but out of almost fondness.
“Mia, if you don’t mind me saying, I know that what your father said about you and Liam bothered you, but he does love you. I’ve watched him grow up and become the man he is today, and I’ve never seen him happier than when he’s with you. He loves you more than he’s ever loved or cared for anyone. You shouldn’t doubt that,” he said.
“So, I’ve heard,” she joked, although her laugh didn’t actually sound fully genuine. “Um, I’m going to have to talk to… my dad. Can I see him?”
Bastien noted that she was clearly changing the subject, but didn’t mention it. Instead an almost knowing smile graced his lips instead.
“He’s actually still here,” he said, causing her to look at him curiously. “I assumed you would either regret your decision or change your mind after some time to think about it, and I didn’t want to move him too far just in case. I’ve had him under constant supervision, and the guards were instructed not to let him out of his room.”
Mia let out a genuine laugh at this, finally relaxing for the first time in what seemed like forever.
“Am I really that predictable?” she asked.
“No. You just have a good heart, and you’re not vidictive enough to want to punish him for the things he’s done to hurt you.”
“Thank you, Bas.”
“Of course. I’m only telling you the truth of what I’ve observed about you. I’ll take you to see him.”
Bastien led her to Kaneko’s bedroom and she knocked softly on the door before letting herself in. Kaneko was sitting down on his balcony, staring calmly up at the sky above him. 
“Can I sit with you?” she asked, her voice soft as he turned to look up at her.
He motioned for her to take a seat next to him and she did, kicking off her shoes and pulling her feet up under her. 
“I’m sorry for yesterday,” she said, refusing to meet his eyes. “I was angry, and I acted on impulse.”
“I understand why you did it, Amelia,” he said.
“I’m still sorry. I almost immediately regretted it. But, apparently everyone knew I would and that’s why Bas didn’t actually arrest you,” she said, letting out a soft laugh. “I want to hate you. I want to hate you so bad, but I can’t no matter how hard I try.”
“That’s because you have a good heart. You get it from your mother,” Teppei said, causing her to wipe away a stray tear.
“Did she cry about everything too?” she joked, hugging her knees to her chest.
“Yes, she did actually,” he responded, letting out a slow laugh. “I see so much of her in you. All of the good in you is from her.” 
“I miss her everyday.”
“As do I,” he said, the tender look in his eyes shocking her. “If I had known that she was with him that night, I would have never…”
“I know, and as much as I want to be mad at you for what happened, I believe that you never meant to hurt her,” she said. “I missed you too, you know. Everyday for the past seven years. I think I may have spent more time mourning your death than I ever thought I would.”
Kaneko looked at her sadly and reached out, taking her hand in his and squeezing it tightly. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, their hand grasped tightly together. 
“Amelia, I’m sorry if what I said has affected your marriage in any way,” he said, and she could tell he was being sincere.
“It’s nothing I hadn’t thought about myself at some point. I was just too scared to say anything. I thought that if I was too vulnerable or if I brought any of that stuff up, he would decide that I wasn’t worth it,” she admitted, not sure why it was so easy spilling all of her feelings to him, but knowing that she could trust him anyway.
“That boy loves you. Everyone can see it. Everyone makes mistakes in relationships, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth fighting for. I can tell you already know this, but forgiveness can go a long way,”
Mia nodded and tried to take in his words. She still wanted to be upset with Liam, especially after hearing that he would have married Madeleine anyway if Tariq hadn’t come forward, even knowing that his father was behind the scandal. But, Liam made it so hard to be mad at him. Although his actions had negatively affected her on more than one occasion, he had also shown her how much he loved her countless times. She found herself questioning if she even had a right to be mad in the first place. Everything had still worked out in the end, so did it even matter anyway?
However, her mind couldn’t stop going back over the “what ifs”. What if Tariq hadn’t come forward? Then, they wouldn’t be together right now because Liam wouldn’t have fought for her. “What if they hadn’t found Tariq at all?” Then they definitely wouldn’t be together because Liam wouldn’t have fought for her.
“I guess there’s still so much about being royalty that I don’t understand, so much about public image and that directly affecting people’s idea of whether or not someone is able to make a good leader. Well, that’s not true. I understand it to an extent. I’ve seen firsthand how terrible people can be to you when you’re in the public eye. I just… I just need to know that he loves me more than he cares about having the perfect image,” she said. “I need some kind of reassurance that I’m just as important to him as all of this is. Does that make me selfish?”
“No, it makes you human. It’s not unrealistic to want some kind of validation. However, you shouldn’t let your insecurities ruin a relationship as wonderful as the one you have. Liam may have made some poor decisions, but he loves you very much, and anyone can see that you make each other very happy.”
Mia thought over his words. They made sense. They actually made a lot of sense, and for a second she hated that even though he was an infuriating man, Kaneko always seemed to be so wise. Her mind wandered back over to the reason she had come to see him in the first place, and she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the topic she was about to bring up.
“While you were… uh, pretending to be dead everyone has tried to move on. Logan got his GED and is trying his best to put himself through college, Ximena is working at a tattoo parlour and she seems pretty happy there, and Toby is doing something with… tech stuff,” she said, not completely understanding what Toby did. “The only ones who haven’t really moved on are Colt and Mona. I’m not really sure how I can help them move on or if they even want to, but I spoke to Bastien, and he has a contact with the FBI. I know it’s not my decision, but I thought that maybe you guys can make some kind of deal with them. Maybe if you help them catch The Brotherhood, you can work some kind of minimum sentencing out. We’ll obviously have to talk to the rest of the crew, because it’s their lives not mine, but I think that may be the most logical way of making sure everyone has a way to move on with their lives. Maybe for the first time, they won’t have to constantly look over their shoulders. They can have a normal life where they’re not always worried about the cops and being on the run.”
Kaneko was silent for a long time. He seemed to be thinking over her offer. She didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s life. She knew how hard they had all worked to get where they are today, but if she could help them put that chapter of their lives behind them then she would do everything in her power to do it. When he looked back up at her, he studied her face intently for a moment before nodding his head. 
“Let’s speak to the crew.”
Mia walked around her and Liam’s bedroom getting ready for bed. She shrugged out of her clothes, feeling Liam’s eyes on her back, and she pulled one of his t shirts over her head, the hem falling to her mid thigh as she removed her jewelry. She pulled the blue grotto bracelet off, her eyes lingering on the item as she thought of what Kaneko had said earlier about not letting her insecurities ruin a good relationship. 
“Did Bas catch you up on everything?” she asked, walking over to the bed and getting settled as he began undressing as well.
“Yes, I have to admit, I was shocked that everyone agreed to your plan,” he said, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and settling down next to her. 
“It wasn’t easy. Mona and Colt didn’t want to. But, I think Colt changed his mind once he realized that… our dad agreed to it. I’m still not completely sure what’s going through Mona’s head, but we’re going through with it. Bas said his contact will be here on Wednesday.”
“You called him your dad,” Liam observed, a faint smile on his lips.
“Yeah, I guess we had a bit of a heart to heart today. I’m still not over it all, but I love him, and I can’t just turn that off because I’m upset,” she said, the double meaning of her words clearly evident to him. “I need a favor.”
“Anything. Anything at all,” Liam quickly said, causing her to smile at how quickly he offered to help.
“We all agreed that Teppei would be the one to meet with the agent and obviously Bas is going to be there, but one of us should be there too. I would do it myself, but I think I’ve proven that I get way too emotional when it comes to stuff with the crew and I don’t want to ruin things because I started crying in the middle of the meeting,” she confessed, looking up at him hopefully. “I’ll trade you your meeting with Francesco for my meeting with the FBI.”
Liam laughed at the way she phrased the offer and took her hand in his. 
“I’d be happy to,” he said. 
The two of them sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Liam hesitantly broke  it. 
“I’ve been thinking all day about your question,” he finally admitted, causing Mia to turn in bed so that she was facing him.
“So, have I, and I wanted to apologize. I was feeling insecure, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m sorry,” she admitted, nervously chewing on her bottom lip and refusing to meet his eyes. 
Liam placed a finger under her chin and leaned forward pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. She sat there unmoving for a moment before sinking into the kiss herself, allowing her body to relax into her arms. 
“I understand why you felt the need to ask. You were right. I haven’t fought for you nearly as much as you’ve fought for me. I knew that the social season and engagement tour was hard on you, but I never stopped to really think about how much it affected you because I was overwhelmed. I hadn’t expected to take the throne so early, and I had my father in my ear urging me to make certain decisions. He led me to believe that I needed to do certain things to be a good king, and I listened because I trusted him and wanted to be the best king that I could be. However, in the process I neglected you and that is the biggest mistake I have ever made,” he confessed, taking her hand and beginning to play with her wedding band and engagement ring. 
“A few months ago I would have married Madeleine. I would have married her because I thought that it was my duty, but I would have never been happy. I would have never been able to move on. But now, being able to love you freely and openly, being able to spend all of my days and nights with you has completely changed me. Being with you has changed me in the best way possible. I love Cordonia, and I want to be the best king that I can be, but first and foremost, I want to be the best husband possible, and whenever we’re ready, I want to be the best father possible because as much as I love Cordonia, all of this, being king and a leader means nothing to me without you. It means nothing to me without family.”
Mia felt her heart swell up in her chest, and she practically pounced on him, pulling him into a deep kiss.
“Thank you for saying that,” she said, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. “I know that I’m the whole reason we had that disagreement. I let the negative thoughts overtake me, and I looked past all of the amazing things we have together and I shouldn’t have. I’ve been trying to work on that, but I still have the tendency to doubt myself, and I shouldn’t have been taking it out on you. I’m sorry.”
“I understand why you felt the way that you did, love. But, I want you to know how much I love you, why I love you,” he said, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
Mia pulled herself off of him and smiled at him curiously. 
“What’s with the look?” she asked, giving him an amused smile.
“I… I made a list,” he said, not making eye contact with her.
“A list?”
“You’re going to make fun of me,” he groaned, finally looking up at her. 
“Li, I make fun of you everyday, and I’ve recently been running out of material, so you might as well tell me,” she teased, climbing onto his lap and resting her hands on his chest.
“I made a list of all the reasons I love you, or at least most of them,” he said.
“Oh, my god, Liam, you’re such a softy,” she said, bringing her hand up to her chest and practically swooning.
“I knew you would make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you. That’s legitimately the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Are you going to show me?”
Liam reached over to his nightstand and handed her a folded piece of paper. Mia smiled widely as she opened it and glanced down at the list. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up as she glanced back up at him.
“Read it to me,” she said, handing it back and cuddling into his side.
Liam sucked in a breath and began to read.
“Okay I started off with the basics,” he said, reading the first three items on the list. “Number one, I love you because you’re smart. Number two, I love you because you’re beautiful. Number three, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met and you’re a force to be reckoned with.”
“Wow, you’re off to a great start,” she said, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. 
“I love that you’re not afraid to show your emotions and be vulnerable. You cry at just about everything,” he said, yelping out in pain as she pinched his arm. “But, there’s a but at the end of that sentence. But, I think it proves how empathetic you are, which leads me to my next point. When you love someone you love them with your whole heart. You feel things deeply and strongly, and I greatly admire that.”
“Okay, you fixed it,” she said, relaxing into him once again. However, her eyes soon narrowed as she saw the word “cry” once again. “Is there another one about me crying on here?”
“I love that you cry every time you see an ASPCA commercial and you insist that we need to give Hercules five furry siblings.”
“You’re on thin ice, mister,” she grumbled out, checking to make sure that there weren’t any more items about her crying on the list.
“I love that even though you have one of the kindest hearts of anyone in the world, you still manage to be the most passive aggressive person I’ve ever met,” he said, laughing as she punched his arm again.
“What did I just say?” she asked, before Liam shushed her and continued reading.
“I love you because you handle everything that’s thrown your way with grace and poise, and I know that you’ll be an amazing queen. You’re still adjusting to your role, but you’ll be unstoppable once you find your footing. I love you because when you’re nervous you belt out show tunes and dance around in your underwear,” he said with a soft laugh, causing her to blush furiously. “I love you because you push me to be a better person. You make me want to be a better man, a better king, and a better husband. I know you said that you’ve kept the things you were afraid I couldn’t love from me but I hope that you’ll continue to open yourself up because no matter what happens I’ll always love you. I’ll always want you. The good, the bad, and everything in between.”
“You’re such a sap,” she said, although the lovesick smile on her face gave away what she was really feeling.
Liam chuckled and flipped them over in bed, his body hovering over hers as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“You bring it out in me,” he mumbled.
“Should I make a list too?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him into another soft kiss.
“I wouldn’t object to it,” he joked, rolling off of her and pulling her close.
Liam leaned over to turn off the lamp on his bedside table as Mia began prattling on about all the reasons she loved him.
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steterismylife · 4 years
AU where no one knows Scott is a beserker, and Peter kills him, becoming the alpha, and the pack reluctantly becomes his. Peter carries on with courting the Stiles. Is that okay?
“Do it now!” They all screamed at him, and Peter was content in doing what he was about to do. The berserker was being held back, and he surged forward to kill the thing. Only was it then that Peter realized who it was once he felt the power rising within him. He breathed in deeply and smirked as his eyes settled from his blue into the red of the alpha. Malia, the first to see his eyes change, gasped, and looked down at the berserker that laid on the ground.
“NO!” Kira screamed out as she made it into the room with Stiles by her side. Peter turned towards her and saw her fall to her knees. “We… We were too late…” Her head dropped, and Peter didn’t feel bad for her at all.
“Oh honey, you can do better than that, McCall boy, surely,” Peter told her as he let his eyes settle to their natural blue. “I’m sorry for what I did… I didn’t know…” Peter told her and offered a hand out to her. “But it seems like you guys don’t have a pack leader anymore, and I’m here to fill those criteria.” He told her smirking.
Liam was on his knees, whispering no over and over again as he realized what had just been done. Tears slipping down his face as he screamed out Scott’s name, causing everyone to turn towards him. Malia knelt down by him and tried to comfort him and say it wasn’t his fault, but she knew it was no point. 
“You knew when you charged, didn’t you?” Stiles asked as he had his hands balled up. “You knew it was Scott! Didn’t you?!” Stiles yelled.
Peter glanced at him after he had helped Kira up. “And what about it?” He asked. 
Stiles glared at Peter. “You knew it was him, but you didn’t even try and save him first?! Did you want to be alpha that badly, you sick fuck?!” Stiles yelled at him.
Peter winced at the insult, and he shook his head. “Tsk tsk, Stiles. Honestly, I didn’t know it was Scott until the last moment. I saw his eyes, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’m sorry.” Peter shrugged, and Stiles began to shake with rage.
“You could’ve stopped yourself! You’ve done it before!” Stiles yelled and stomped his way over to Peter. “You stopped yourself from turning me!” He stated.
“Barely,” Peter confessed, and Stiles blinked. “That’s right. I wanted to turn you so bad, but when I saw that scared expression then… I couldn’t do it, and I don’t know why.  There was something about you that I didn’t want the wolf to take away from you.” He told Stiles. “You’re fine the way you are.” He added.
Stiles went to open his mouth to try and make a comeback, but then he closed it. “You’re a horrible person.” He told him. “Can’t believe you killed him, ass.” Stiles pushed Peter away from him, then went to walk away.
“I understand you guys are mad at me, but remember you can’t all leave the pack.” Stiles froze when he heard Peter. “You need alpha, and I’m willing to be it. If you don’t have me to protect you guys, then you’ll die off faster than ants who are set on fire by a pyromaniac.” Peter said, and they turned to face him. “I’m willing to protect you all.” He added, and Malia got up to go by his side.
Liam was hesitant but ended up going to his side also.
“Any more?” Peter asked, and he made eye contact with Stiles. “What about you, pack member?” Peter asked him.
Stiles blinked to that, and he felt something there but ignored it. “Fine, but only because you seem genuine in wanting to be a good alpha,” Stiles grumbled, and he went to stand by Peter.
Peter smiled, and he went to hug Stiles close to his side. “You made the right choice!” Peter assured Stiles who bit his lip. Stiles wasn’t too sure he really did make the right choice, but he glanced at his best friend’s body. He had no choice.
The funeral for Scott was hard on Stiles. Having your best friend die was always hard even if he didn’t treat too well. Stiles was treated more as an equal with the pack thanks to Scott, but now he wasn’t included. So, he stayed in the house to the point that the whole pack got worried.
“What if he tries something, dad? Wouldn’t that be worse?!” Malia was arguing with Peter as the others stood by.
“I agree. Stiles being holed up in his house or let alone in his room is quite worrisome. He could have tried something. I am sure his dad isn’t checking up on him enough.” Lydia hissed and frowned deeply.
“Shouldn’t a pack leader care more about their packs anyway?” Mason cut in from next to Liam on the coach who was looking down. “McCall always sought out Liam when he knew he was upset,” Mason commented.
Peter took a deep breath then smiled at the three. “The problem is that Stiles doesn’t want to be bothered. I asked him, and he said he’d be back once he is ready. We all need to respect his wish as his fellow pack members.” Peter told them.
“It has been three months!” Malia yelled.
“And he lost his best friend, honey. I am surprised Kira even comes to meetings!” Peter snapped to Malia, who rolled her eyes. “Everyone is coping with Scott’s death differently. You can’t just expect Stiles to be able to get out of bed so fast just after his best friend’s death. That’s just rude.” Peter hissed to them all then turned. “This pack meeting is over. Everyone go home now.” Peter demanded as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d make a visit to the Stilinski house but to inform Stiles of stuff, not to get him back.
Peter stopped in front of the Stilinski house and stared out his car window to look up to the house. “Maybe I should send him a text…” Peter mumbled softly. He didn’t want to surprise Stiles too badly.
-Hey, I am stopping by for a visit.- Peter sent it to Stiles.
-I know. I saw you pull up. Going to sit in the car longer?-
Peter glanced up to see Stiles staring out the window when he saw the other step away from the window. Peter then looked down when his phone went off again.
-Come in, asshole.-
Peter sighed profoundly, and he went to get out of his car then went to the front door. His knuckles almost made contact with the wood, but Stiles opened the door to stare at him. “Finally, here to check up on me?” Stiles asked him as he stared at him.
Peter went to open his mouth to address the other, and Stiles arched a brow. “Sorry, it took so long. Thought you’d want some personal space after Scott’s funeral.” He told him.
“There is giving someone space than giving someone too much space, Peter,” Stiles told him, and he sat on the bed with a book he had been reading beforehand. “Though I thought you’d take a lot longer to try and get in contact with me,” Stiles told him, and Peter pursed his lips.
“Everyone expressed their concern about you just recently, but if you’d like, then I could make sure to visit you frequently to see how you’re holding up.” Peter offered as he glanced around the room. It didn’t seem too cluttered. Just dark. 
“That’d be nice,” Stiles mumbled then looked up at him. “Though I am surprised you came yourself. Scott always sent a pack member.” Stiles told him, and Peter blinked.
“But the pack leader should always come with a pack member. Granted, I didn’t, but he should’ve at least. That’s peculiar.” Peter rubbed his chin as he spoke.
“He probably thought that since he dealt with me before he was a wolf, then he could just send his pack to do his work after he was the head wolf. Though I supported him a lot when he was going through his first stages of being a wolf because of you,” Stiles said.
Peter nodded to that as he remembered Stiles being around Scott all the time. It was one of the reasons he considered making Stiles into a wolf, but he didn’t since he respected the fact Stiles didn’t want it.
“I remember that. I was surprised you stayed with his friend after how he had been treating you. It seems all unfair, in my opinion.” Peter stated, and Stiles shrugged to it.
“I got used to it after a while. Scott would be stressed out, and I understood. Sure, I was left behind, but it’s not like I wasn’t used to it.” Stiles explained, and Peter sighed to that.
“Would you like me to check up on you again?” Peter asked and went to leave.
“Tomorrow is good,” Stiles told him, and Peter nodded.
“It’s a date then,” Peter told Stiles.
Stiles woke with his thoughts racing. They’d been that way since Peter had left the day before. Why would he call it a date when it wasn’t? He hadn’t even been appropriately asked onto a date beforehand! So, why call it a date? 
Stiles rubbed his face, then got up out of bed and went to get into the shower. Maybe Peter was just playing around with him. That would make more sense. 
He got out of the shower after spending some time under the stream. “He’s just pulling my leg like always. God damn it.” Stiles rubbed his face with a towel, and he slid on some pants.
He grabbed a decent shirt to slip on, then he sat on his bed for a while after he grabbed a book. He just wanted to preoccupy himself with something to take his mind off of things. He got distracted from a chapter on vampires when his phone went off.
-I’ll be over in ten minutes.- 
Stiles read the text about five minutes ago. He glanced at the timestamp, and he wondered if he should finish getting ready. He got up and heard the knock on the door when he went to fix his hair.
Well, ten minutes went by faster than Stiles expected. He rushed downstairs and opened the door to reveal Peter in his usual V-neck. “Ah, so you were joking about it being a date?” Stiles asked while leaning against the door frame.
“No. This is my usual date attire. Can I not take my favorite human out for a nice lunch date?” Peter asked, and Stiles scoffed.
“Whatever, let’s get this over with.” Stiles huffed out, and he grabbed his jacket from his couch. Then he slid his shoes on.
“After you.” Peter allowed Stiles to exit his house and showed him to his car. “Did you sleep well last night?” He asked him.
“Well enough,” Stiles told him and watched Peter open the car door for him. “Though it was sort of restless since I couldn’t stop thinking about the date today,” Stiles stated.
He got into the car, and he stared ahead as Peter joined him on his right. “I would say I am flattered you thought about me so much, but it worries me that you didn’t get enough sleep,” Peter spoke as he drove. “What helps you sleep normally?” Peter asked him.
Stiles sighed then shrugged. “Normally, I just read until my mind is exhausted, and my eyes are drooping,” Stiles told him as he looked at him. “So, I just tire myself out.” He finally answered.
Peter listened and pursed his lips as he made a turn. “That’s not good, Stiles. You should find a healthier way of sleeping at night.” Peter informed him. 
Stiles rolled his eyes at the statement. “Not like I will find one. No one likes to help me with my problems, Peter. Everyone just tells me to get over myself.” Stiles told him.
“That can’t be true. I am sure Scott tried and help you. He was just the wrong person.” Peter said as he parked in front of an apartment building.
Stiles looked out the window as he listened to Peter speak. “Say what you will. It doesn’t change the fact that no one really helped.” Stiles said and got out of the car. “Are we at your place for a home-cooked lunch date?” Stiles asked Peter once he was at his side.
“Yes, we are. Did you want a change in venue? I can arrange that if you truly desire that.” Peter said. “Anything to make you comfortable,” Peter added.
Stiles glanced at Peter when he heard him. “Your place is fine. Being in a crowded restaurant wouldn’t benefit me right now. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.” Stiles admitted.
Peter nodded then led Stiles inside to his humble abode. “Make yourself comfortable,” Peter advised. “I’ll start making us our lunch.” Peter finished as he got into the kitchen.
Stiles glanced around the apartment and felt nervous. Sure, Peter was trying to help him get out more by placing him in another house, but it just made him uncomfortable. He decided to take a step further, but he shook his head. “I’m just going to leave. Thanks for trying, though, Peter,” Stiles called out. He turned and left Peter’s apartment before the other could stop him.
Peter stopped prepping the food he got out and watched Stiles leave. He frowned some as he thought to himself about what he could do for the other. He’d have to try something else.
It may have taken Stiles some more time to fully accept Scott’s death, but he did. Peter helped by going over to his house every day after the whole date scenario. Instead, Peter just hung out with him in his room and kept him company as he began to read more and more on supernatural creatures. Peter would even help him with some terms and things he didn’t quite understand.
“So, could we try getting out again? You know going to an actual restaurant for a meal.” Peter suggested to him. He was laying down on Stiles’ bed while the other was reading a massive hardcover book.
“You think I can handle that?” Stiles asked Peter as he closed the book after putting a bookmark there. “I mean being there with you should settle my nerves, but I barely have been outside in the past two months,” Stiles explained.
Peter went to sit up as he listened to Stiles. “I know, but I do think you’re ready, and besides, I’ll be there with you,” Peter assured him.
Stiles sighed, then he set the book on the side dresser. “Did you want to do it today?” He asked Peter. He wished he had more warning so he could give himself a pep talk, but casual dates were okay. What could go wrong?
“Yeah, we can go out for dinner and have a little ice cream get together after,” Peter told him. He stood and stretched out his body with a groan.
“Sounds nice,” Stiles told him and watched him stretch. “I should shower before we go. Considering it has been a while since I have showered.” Stiles told him.
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cdt12345 · 5 years
Ian and Mickey are Husbands!
I took a while to even talk about this episode because I was so overwhelmed. I needed time to process everything!
To start off, I have no complaints! The only thing is, it would’ve been great if Mandy, Iggy and Fiona were there. But that’s something we already knew wasn’t gonna happen, so I chose not to let that make me mad. I already had time to be angry about it before this episode.
Please excuse the ramblings of a mad women but I’m sure you understand, as I know you’re freaking out just as much as I am! Looking at you @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog! I want this episode playing on a loop wherever I go forever! Even at my grave! For once I didn’t need to fast forward to get to their scenes! I usually try not to during the first watch, but I won’t have to even when I watch it again, which I already have.
Immediately starting off with how I love that everyone was worried about Ian taking his meds because it’s going to be a stressful day for him. It wasn’t overbearing or accusatory, it was genuine care and concern for Ian’s well being on his and Mickey’s big day. This is the love and attention Ian has always deserved from his family!
Carl asked the question we’ve all been asking! Where is Mickey getting the money for this wedding? Liam killed me with his response to Ian. “Hmph. Savings?” Like, yeah right. Oh Mickey you adorable man. He’s fucking stealing money on his own to pay for his wedding. I fucking love him so much!
I know people will hate that he was doing this and probably complain about it, but as long as he didn’t get caught, I’m fine. These characters have grown and changed, but they haven’t changed that much. Let’s just be happy Mickey didn’t get shot or go to prison and he was able to afford to throw himself and Ian a beautiful wedding.
It did not get passed me that Mickey came out of the restroom from his shower after Ian did. I’m pretty sure sexy time already started that day in the shower!!! No one will convince me otherwise.
Liam knowing as soon as Mickey walked in what was about to happen and walked the hell out of there. Hilarious! Smart kid! Carl just sitting there until Mickey had to tell him to get the fuck out was also fucking hilarious! Especially when thinking back to the time Mickey was staying there in season 4. They couldn’t even share a bed in front of Ian’s family. I love that this is gonna be their life from now on. This family is so much better with Mickey in it and because of it we have a happy and in love Ian. Nothing could be better!
Our first glance at Mickey’s butt was a plus! We fucking needed that! We needed more of that, but beggers can’t be choosers.
Carl getting them edible boxers! Liam wanting to get them something special even though he had no money! He’s so precious! He got them a honeymoon car!
So Debbie and Sandy slept together the night before for the first time (still not supportive of this relationship) meaning Ian and Mickey were planning their wedding the day before they had the wedding. Even when they still needed to get invitations and send them out!
This doesn’t count as a complaint because the shows lack of proper timelines and not being realistic is nothing new for them. But I’m going to believe some time had to have passed. They can’t send out invitations, get RSVP’s and book a venue in one fucking day. Another fuck up was Mickey bit Ian’s right arm and when we see the bite mark it’s on Ian’s left arm. How can they be this incompetent?
I know people weren’t thrilled about Mickey biting Ian and Ian having to punch Mickey twice, but I can live with it. Of course I don’t love or even like to see them hit each other. I hate it too! I was more sad that they had to go through this on their wedding day and I wish they didn’t have to go through that. Especially because of that asshole Terry.
But Mickey was so angry he couldn’t think straight. And Ian had no other choice but to punch him in order to save him from getting killed by Terry or Mickey getting sent back to prison. They didn’t do it because they were fighting with each other, which probably makes it easier for me to deal with it.
Poor Ian had to run all the way to the venue and back, up the front steps, up the stairs, then down the stairs and then down the back stairs to chase after Mickey and then gets bit by him. All with his broken leg! He needs a rest!
Ian’s face when he’s watching the smoke from the fire was sad. It made me so sad for him. I know he wasn’t into the wedding planning like Mickey, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t just as sad or upset over the fact their venue was burning down.
I was liking Tommy in the previous episode, but he done fucking pissed me off with his stupid opinions that no one asked for. I do love that Vee defended them, but if it were me, I would’ve told him he could find another fucking bar if he said anything like that ever again in this bar. But that’s just me!
I’m happy that Lip’s story line got attention because it deserved it. I’m also happy that it didn’t overshadow Ian and Mickey’s big day. Everything felt evenly spread out for once. Except for Frank but he’s had enough episodes centered around him, for him to sit on the back burner for once. Even though the episode was named after Gallavich and it was their wedding day, I expected John Wells to somehow make this all about Frank. It must’ve killed John Wells! It must be tough not getting it your way for one episode! Poor thing, old rich white men can’t seem to catch a break. I’m totally being sarcastic, but I’m sure you caught that.
I was so impressed with Liam playing Frank the way he did. That kid is a genius! I also love that he wanted Frank at Ian’s wedding and guilted him to be there. I’m not Franks biggest fan and Ian can say he could care less all he wants, but it was good for him to have a parent there and I love Liam for making it happen.
I love that everyone did everything they could to find a place to have the wedding and set everything up for them. This is what this season has been lacking. The whole family together getting shit done! And for once it was for Ian and Mickey.
Mickey talking about how Terry fucking won again and him listing all of the horrible shit he ever did was gut wrenching! He didn’t even mention the worst of it that no one else knows about, except he and Ian and Lip. Terry’s a piece of shit monster that needs to rot in hell.
I know they said in season 3 that Mickey’s mom died. But I’m going with what was last said, and what was last said was she took off. I’m glad we even got this bit of info about her. It’s confusing because we have different stories, but I’m going with what Mickey said. Besides why would he lie in this moment? Ian and Mandy talking about her being dead could’ve been Mandy saying she’s dead to them since she left them behind with Terry.
Mickey told Ian he loves him twice in front of everyone!!! I was crying from that alone. This was a big moment. Anytime Mickey can profess his love for Ian in front of everyone is always a big deal. Considering he was afraid to even act like friends with Ian in front of other people in the beginning.
I love that Lip was still thinking about where to have the wedding and Mickey’s like “Ey, asshole, were you not listening? We’re doing a murder thing here.” Went from sad to funny in a split second.
I thought if we ever got Ian and Mickey talking about having kids, it would be next season. That was if they would even talk about it in the first place. This episode gave me everything I wanted and more. This was one of those more moments.
I couldn’t believe they talked about kids in this episode. I love the fact that Mickey didn’t want them until Ian said he did. Of course Mickey would be happy either way as long as Ian’s happy. If Ian wants kids, he wants kids too. I don’t want this for them now, but maybe in a few years. Really whenever they’re ready. I want what they want!
I also hoped, but didn’t think we’d get, a moment alone with them before the wedding and we did! I squealed and cried so much during this scene! Ian tying Mickey’s bow tie! Both of them teasing each other about how ugly and how pale the other is! That was so them!
Ian charming that polish lady when Mickey was starting to say something bad, was again so them. I also freaked over the polish lady because she came out in Edward Scissorhands and damn she’s aged! But I digress.
Ian and Mickey standing in the venue when the Gallagher’s and Balls were setting everything up was another beautiful moment to me. They could just stand back and watch their family and loved ones set everything up for them.
Ian complementing Mickey’s chairs was so sweet. The cake topper killed me! But the fact that everyone knows Mickey is a bottom, at least for Ian, makes me even more proud of him!
I was not excited about the gay Jesus groupies, especially Geneva, being at the wedding. There was speculation that she might marry Ian and Mickey. I did not like that idea, thank God it didn’t happen. She wanted Ian to fight the charges and possibly go to jail longer and none of them showed up for Ian when he went to prison.
But if it wasn’t for them Ian wouldn’t have ended up in jail with Mickey. I believe that Ian and Mickey are soulmates, so they would’ve ended up together eventually, but it happened sooner because of the shit they got Ian into. In a weird way they made this happen sooner.
I never fully forgive anyone for mistreating Ian or Mickey, but they are somewhat forgiven for keeping Terry from ruining the wedding. They kept Terry from hurting Mickey and/or Ian and for that I will always be grateful. They were good for something in the end. When it really mattered for Ian.
Really, I’m just so happy that everyone came through for Ian and Mickey on their wedding day. Ian and Mickey deserved this more than anyone and I can’t believe they finally got it.
I was also hoping for a moment between Ian and Lip alone before the ceremony. It was touching and enough to make me happy and for me to start crying again. Ian’s choice of song for the ceremony was fucking perfect! I was already a mess at this point!
I thought neither of them were going to walk down the aisle, but my God did I love that Mickey did. I loved Kevin standing there with the bat. He’s basically me when anyone tries to mess with Gallavich. He’s basically all of us!
GOD THE VOWS!!! The fact that I didn’t drop dead in that moment is a fucking miracle! Mickey saying he will cherish Ian really hit me! Ian deserves to be cherished and we all know Mickey is the man for the job. Ian saying it back to Mickey! I was balling!
Frank crying and being happy for them was such a weird emotional moment for me. I know he cares about his kids. I really do not like Frank. When watching season 8, I talked with @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog about the episode Frank helped them out with that drug dealer. We agreed Frank has his moments and comes through for his kids sometimes.
But this was just for Ian. He never tells Ian he loves him. That time Frank went around telling all his kids he loved them one by one in season 6. I noticed he never told Ian he loved him. He told all his kids he loved them but never said that to Ian. Not once!
They never really had a moment together like Frank has with his other kids. So this was a very emotional moment. It was just him showing up and being supportive and not ruining the wedding. But for Ian that’s a big deal. Especially when Mickey’s father is doing the exact opposite of that.
When Ian asks “Now?” to kiss Mickey, I literally yelled at the TV “YES!” This is such a triumphant moment for them. I’m still in disbelieve it happened. I never would’ve believed it years ago. I’m having a hard time believing it now.
All the music that was played at the wedding was perfect! They hired a good DJ. Mickey dancing!!!!! He’s such a bad dancer and I love it! I love that he did that without being asked. He just wanted to dance at his wedding because he was so happy! Another thing I hoped for but didn’t think we’d get was a slow dance between Ian and Mickey. But we fucking got it!!!!!!
Tami telling Ian and Mickey she loved them? Again, I said out loud to the TV “Since when?” Tami kept calling them ex cons and has barley interacted with them. Looking closely she doesn’t even say it. I think they added that in post production. She wasn’t even originally scripted to say that.
I love that when Kev and Vee were the center of attention for a minute, we still see Mickey dancing and doing air guitar to Whitney Houston in the background! Fucking love it!!!!
Ian sitting down and watching the love of his life, his husband dancing with his family at their wedding was beautiful! A moment Ian will never forget, I’m sure.
It was so Ian to bring up missing his mom at his wedding. Out of all the kids, I will always believe Ian was her favorite. She wasn’t the best mom in the world, but she really loved Ian. I’m sure she would’ve been so happy and proud of him.
And out of all the kids, Ian was the one who connected the most with her and grieved her death the most. I wish he could’ve had her there and I cried when he teared up talking about her. For once Debbie said something right. Monica would’ve loved it. I’m glad the comment was supportive and Ian wasn’t teased for missing his own mother.
If I wasn’t already a mess Ian called Mickey his husband!! I started crying even harder at that! Again the song for the slow dance was fucking perfect for them. Once the slow song came on Mickey started looking around for Ian and that is so sweet!
I was so overwhelmed by this that I didn’t even notice that Lip was drinking right away. It took a few seconds to realize and when I did I was like “No Lip!” I’m glad he got help right away though. Shows how far he’s come as well.
Ian and Mickey driving off together was something I thought would be the last we would see of them this season. I loved it and that Liam got them a beautiful car to use for their honeymoon. I saw this months ago when the spoilers came out and I figured that would be it.
But then we get them at their honeymoon!!!!! I never even dreamed we’d see this. I didn’t even hope for this because I didn’t think it would actually happen! They had the cheesy honeymoon suite with a heart shaped bed and everything!!!
I never knew I wanted this for them until it happened. I fucking loved that they had the cheesiest honeymoon suite experience. For real, this makes me so happy! I don’t know how Terry could’ve found out where they were but okay.
Another bonus! We got another shot of Mickey’s butt!!! We got two butt shots! This was the best episode of the whole fucking series! I know I’m biased because of my love for Gallavich, but it really was the fucking best!
I’m guessing this is a set up for more Terry next season. I hope it doesn’t last long. Only long enough to get rid of him somehow. Without Ian or Mickey getting in trouble with the law for it.
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bonniebird · 5 years
Let Me Show You
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Brett x Fem!Reader
Summery: Brett reveals how he really feels about you.
Warnings: +18, Swearing, sex
"Brett's coming?" You asked when your friend finished listing off the people she'd invited.
"It's a party to celebrate the team winning all their games so far... why wouldn't I invite Brett?" She asked, glancing at you in the mirror as she put her makeup on, frowning when she looked over the jeans and t-shirt you were wearing.
"Well... because he's kind of a jerk." You mumbled, playing with your fingers as you scuffed your feet on the foot of her bed.
"It's a big party and he's supposed to be coming late so don't worry about it." She smiled and went to her wardrobe before coming back with a dress, bikini and some sandals. "You can borrow these just promise to have fun and try not to hide up here until you're super sure you're not having fun, you did last time."
"Ok fine but no makeup." You pointed at her and you both laughed when she nodded in agreement.
When you came out of the bathroom to find her she'd gone so you hurried downstairs to find her, skipping out onto her front drive where she was talking with people.
"Aw look who's trying to be a big girl and got all dolled up." Brett's voice hit you before you'd even noticed him and your friend quickly grabbed your hand to stop you shoving past him and running home barefoot.
"I think she looks cute and if Liam drops by he'll be all over her." She winked and you and for a moment Brett looked furious before he chuckled.
"Yeah you and the angry dweeb can have fun at the kids table while the big kids party." You could see him watching you through his shades, waiting for you to attempt to retaliate knowing you'd trip over your words and hurry off to pout out of his sight.
"Oh, yeah well at least Liam has... a better... body than you!" You squeaked trying to find one single insecurity to prey on the way Brett seemed to pick at yours but he just shrugged.
"Who cares, I'm set." He hummed, tugging up his shirt to reveal his washboard stomach and laughed when you started to get even more flustered.
"Brett come on let's just go inside." Your friend's boyfriend muttered and shoved him inside.
"Just ignore him." She told you with a sigh but you were already feeling self-conscious.
"Everyone else will be wearing tiny dresses or just their bikinis and I'm... wearing this." You sighed looking down at the knee length skater dress.
"Are you saying my clothes aren't good enough?" She joked but you were to upset to tell.
"No!" You gasped and shook your head. "They look good on you, I guess nothing looks good on me."
The party gradually built and your friend was right, despite avoiding Brett as best you could you were enjoying yourself. At least you were until Brett shoved you in the pool, his laughter died as soon as you pulled off your dress to reveal the borrowed bikini underneath and if you were honest the people crammed in the back yard as well as the several barbecues had made the evening rather stuffy so you weren't too bothered.
Brett left you alone after that, once or twice he'd been staring at you but once someone handed you a drink you didn't think too much of it.
"Oh, is it time for you to go hide?" Brett drawled, making you jump when you finished stacking plates and cups in the kitchen, wanting a break from the loud music and dancing outside.
"What do you want Brett?" You sighed and scowled at him, crossing your arms as you waited for him to speak.
"You know some people think you hate me." Brett leant on the fridge as you continued to gather things into piles in the kitchen in hopes of making the clean up after the party a little easier.
"Why does it matter to you?" you sighed and he shrugged.
"Maybe I don't want you to hate me." He muttered, following you to the other room, not noticing when you stopped and turned to face him so he almost sent you toppling backwards.
"You don't want me to hate you?" Your teeth ground together and he looked a little concerned at the furious look on your face. "You Brett Talbot who makes fun of one of my best friend and who spends every waking minute I see you tearing apart my confidence and then make fun of me for being self-conscious?" Your breath was rapid and even though you almost only just reached his shoulder he looked genuinely worried.
"I'm not even that bad." He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Besides Liam is a crappy friend he gets mad all the time."
"You are the worst person in the world and I don't even understand why some idiotic part of me likes you so much." You sighed and went to hurry off before you burst into tears only to be hoisted into the air over Brett's shoulder.
"You want to know why, I'll show you why." He snapped as he bounded upstairs, setting you on the floor in the spare room you'd decided to stay in and grabbed at your bag. "You always carry your favourite books with you overnight because you don't want to be without them and somewhere at the bottom of your bag is a stupid stuffed toy that you've had since the first day on kindergarten."
"So, what you've made fun of me for both those things." You sighed and crossed your arms.
"You wear a plastic ring with a fake green stone in it to the games because you think it's lucky, you made me a charm for my bag when a bunch of people made them for the team and no one remembered to make me one... even though I make fun of you all the time." He smiled and moved a little closer. "You're so nice to everyone."
"If you know all this and you think I'm nice why're you so mean all the time?" You sighed and for a moment it looked like the jerky side of Brett might emerge.
"The first day of school I knocked you down and you scrapped up your knees, we sat together and I cuddled you till the teacher came to fix you up and after the nurse's office I kissed your plasters and we split your sweets, I thought we'd be friends but when we came back on Monday you were hanging around with Liam and wouldn't pay any attention to me." He sighed out sounding hurt as he glanced away from you. "It was just easier being mean to you than admitting I liked you."
"Well it wasn't easier for me!" You sighed, running your hands through your hair until he suddenly pulled you into a hug and you found yourself engulfed in him. He smelt like hot grass and the woods not like the other Lacrosse players who could drown you in the smell of their spray from across the street.
"Hey (Y/N) are you... oh." Your friend knocked and pushed into the room.
When Brett went to pull away he felt your hands fist the back of his shirt so he decided to stay with his arms wrapped around you and looked over at the concerned girl in the doorway.
"She's ok, I think." He chuckled when you nodded against his chest. "Yeah, she's ok... hey can you tell the guys I've gone home, they're pretty drunk and... they're kind of loud and annoying when they're drunk and it's pretty calm up here."
"Yeah sure, you can crash if you want but you have to help clean up tomorrow." You could tell by your friend's tone that she was giving Brett a hard stare that warned him not to be a jerk.
You woke up the next morning and jumped, it took you a while to remember why Brett was asleep next to you and that the two of you had stayed awake all night talking which was horribly cliché but at least you got to see how sweet Brett actually was under his douche like façade.
"Hey." He groaned as he sat up and watched you look through your bag.
"Hi... I'm going to get dressed." You muttered and blushed when he chuckled and nodded.
"I need to grab my kit bag and get changed too." He smiled at you as you awkwardly nodded before hurrying to the bathroom and almost tripping over your own feet.
"Where is everyone?" You asked as you came down and found Brett alone cleaning.
"Picking up lunch and more cleaning stuff." He muttered, setting the plate in his hands down.
"Oh cool." You mumbled.
You both stared at each other for a while before Brett slumped on one of the chairs, smiling when you sat next to him.
"So, are we friends now?" You asked and you were sure Brett muttered no.
"Are we friend zoned friends or maybe... the friends that like each other but won't admit it and are to blind to get together but all their friends know and hope they do because the sappy looks they give each other are gross?" Brett asked and you shrugged.
"Or we could..." You started but Brett interrupted.
"Be the kind of friends that are close and tell each other everything and only have sex with each other and go on dates and wear each other's jerseys to Lacrosse games?" He asked and you giggled as he stood and tugged his shirt off.
"Maybe I like the sound of that." You muttered and he grinned, leaning down and kissing you softly as he pulled your chair towards him.
"We're going to be alone for a while." Brett mumbled and his eyebrows shot up when you tugged down his shorts. "I was going to try a lot harder but... not going to complain."
"Well you can try harder another time?" You asked shyly and he laughed as he knelt in front of you.
"You're too cute." He muttered to himself, grinning against your thigh when he bit a soft his against the sensitive skin and you made a small squeak before you relaxed into the kisses, your fingers twisting into your hair as his pulled your shorts to the side and he continued his trail of kisses. "The sun. The moon. The truth." He whispered softly, letting out a low breath before tugging your shorts off and grinning up at you.
"Brett..." you mumbled, blushing when he let you pull him up so you could kiss him.
"I think to make it fair we should get rid of this." Brett muttered and pulled your shirt over your head, laying you back across the chairs as he looked you up and down. "You're so beautiful."
His eyes widened when he realised he'd said it out loud and kissed you, one foot touching the floor to balance him as he moved your leg over his shoulder and gently ran his nose against yours.
"You think I'm beautiful?" You asked as he lined himself with your entrance and gripped the sides of your chair.
"Yeah." He said as he slid into you, both of you groaning as he bottomed out, slowly rolling his hips as he lent up to run his bottom lip up your neck. "You know how many times I've wanted to do this... in the showers, the locker... under the bleachers." He smirked when you moaned at the thought.
Each roll of his hips slid the chairs further apart but he didn't pay any attention to anything other than his rhythm and the sweet spots up and down your neck. Your fingers reached up to tangle in his hair and slowly pull his head away from your neck, meeting his lips in a soft kiss which quickly deepened as he lost himself in the kiss.
Each thrust dragged Brett's body across your and seemed to spark your body to arch against him as your hips tried to match his thrusts. He groaned as your body clenched around him, the swirl of head burning through you as he gently bit your jaw.
"Fuck." He grunted, speeding up his pace as he lent back a little and watched your lips part, memorising how you looked with your head tossed back and moan escaping you while your fingers dug into his arms. "I did not think this would happen." He muttered with a cheeky grin.
Before you could answer you both heard voices and the front door being opened so Brett practically dove for your clothes before rushing you to the back room.
"Brett!" You mumbled through kisses as his hands ran up and down your sides.
"Yeah?" He said with a soft sigh when you let him hug you.
"We should get dressed before they find us." You mumbled and he pulled a sad puppy dog face as he watched you get dressed before doing the same.
"There you are!" Your friend gasped as you found her in the kitchen.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and eventually everyone had gathered together to eat and chat. Every now and then you'd catch Brett looking at you but instead of quickly looking away he'd beam you a bright smile which made you melt with a blushing grin of your own.
"You're cold." Brett said as he sat next to you, moving you to sit on his lap as he wrapped his jacket around you.
"Thanks." You muttered as he pulled you against him tightly and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Finally!" Your friend sighed as she kissed her boyfriend.
"About time buddy, disappointed it wasn't me though." One of the lacrosse players winked and you and Brett glared at them without moving an inch.
"Did you just wink at my girl?" He asked, the group laughing as he held up his hands. "It's because you're so nice... and pretty." Brett whispered and laughed when you smiled before leaning in to kiss you gently.
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Episode 2: Annihilator
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Here we go again. My thoughts with approximate time stamps for episode 2.
0:45 - I really wonder how he sanitizes that mouthguard. I mean he spits it onto the floor a lot. Also - being able to watch Tom Payne workout is a gift. 
1:15 - I feel you my dude. Rip up that affirmation. Some of them are more triggering than helpful. Also - he takes so many pills. :( 
1:46 - Why didn’t Gil ever have kids of his own??!? He’s SOOO good with them and this world needs more GOOD parents. 
2:25 - Poor Malcolm. Between his nightmares and his overbearing (but well-meaning) mother - he never gets a break. He somehow manages to look both exasperated and resigned in this scene. 
2:55 - The way Malcolm’s eyes light up at the mention of a murder is mildly concerning. 
3:04 - What was Malcolm writing here?!? Why was his note pad out?
3:30 - Shaky hand. :( 
3:50 - Bro you totally just sold yourself out. Mom definitely knows you’ve been seeing your dad now. 
5:08 - “Sometimes it’s just a tragedy to be endured.” I’ll be honest. This line resonates with me. Chills.
5:30 - “City boy.” First of all - love the nickname. It’s adorable. Secondly, I want the whole history of that nickname. Seriously - when did it start and why? 
6:00 - Gil’s relationship with Malcolm is truly a thing of wonder. He somehow manages to be kind, professional, and lighthearted with Malcolm while simultaneously exuding an air of concern. Plus there’s usually this look in Gil’s eyes when Malcolm tells Gil he’s fine. It’s a look that says “I can smell your lies kid but I’ll grill you about them later.”
6:15 - “Oh HELL no.” JT makes me smile almost every time he’s on screen. Also - Malcolm’s smile in this scene is hella manic. It’s very concerning.
7:35 - This interaction between Malcolm and Edrisa is very uncomfortable. The awkwardness of their early interactions is why I can never ship Maldrisa. It feels too much like a teenage girl crushing on her high school math teacher. It’s borderline creepy.
8:47 - Seriously? If he was too close to the body a minute ago he’s definitely too close right now. Also - the wires sewn into that man’s mouth are horrifying. 
9:40 - Dude. Why are you picking up an unknown phone call in the middle of a work meeting?!? If it’s not a family member (who knows you’re at work) do not pick up. If it’s important they’ll leave a message. 
9:47 - Better question is “How did you get my number?”. 
10:00 - The best part of this scene is how Gil looks at Malcolm while Malcolm is on the phone. The concern there is palpable.
10:07 - *sigh* that hand shake. Martin makes him so upset. 
10:20 - Martin always makes everything about him. It’s infuriating. Fathers shouldn’t do that. Especially when they’re talking to their children.
11:15 - That. Is. So. Screwed Up. 
11:50 - That’s not reassuring Malcolm. “They’re very poisonous.”
12:15 - This is why I have a hard time getting behind the “Malcolm is also a killer/he helped his Dad kill people” theories that some fans have. Look at how he treats Edrisa. Watch how concerned he looks. His eyes. You can’t fake that level of sincerity.
13:50 - JT has really nice arms. Like dang. Those are fine. 
14:28 - I’m sorry but last episode you flipped at the FBI board because your Dad is a sociopath not a psychopath....now he is a psychopath? Furthermore, you will never refer to him as a sociopath again (as of April 7/2020) so why was he a sociopath in the pilot!?!?
14:40 - Malcolm uses humour as a defence mechanism. Something about that makes me really sad. 
15:30 - Gil knows and Gil is concerned. I love this. 
15:50 - Mr.David needs a raise. I love how this scene really shows the second side of Martin though. The angry killer. The one who loses control.
17:00 - Dang. Liam’s kind of cute. 
17:30 - Very blunt Bright. Maybe not the best approach to break the news. But I get that you were trying to catch him off guard and see his reaction.
19:30 - Liam’s not that cute anymore. Don’t throw poisonous snakes at someone man. That’s not cool.
19:50 - So apparently there’s something wrong with me because watching Malcolm suffer from that snake bite warmed my cold, dead heart. I am a whump whore. 
20:50 - Poor Malcolm. He’s so disoriented. :(
21:35 - Gil. You don’t just have a guy in the ER. You have a son in the ER.
22:40 - The sibling interaction here is everything. It’s authentic. It’s sweet. It’s how real siblings who have been through trauma together act. I love everything about this scene. 
25:10 - This conversation is so interesting to me. Martin doesn’t deny that he did something to Malcolm. But he does deny drugging his son. Which really makes you wonder what happened to Malcolm as a kid. Because from Malcolm’s memories/flashbacks Martin did drug him. What else did Martin do to him? 
26:30 - Martin will say anything to keep Malcolm in the room with him. He’s desperate for company. Really makes you wonder how much of the truth we hear from Martin. How much of what he says is just fodder that Martin thinks will prolong a conversation?
26:40 - No. No. This I won’t believe. Martin didn’t love his children or his wife. If he did he wouldn’t still purposely be causing them emotional turmoil. 
28:20 - Gil’s concern for Malcolm just multiplied by about a million. Holy crap. So did mine. Malcolm looks positively manic here. I want to give him a hug.
29:00 - “You know that.” That line breaks my heart. It implies that Gil and Malcolm have had conversations about how hard it is for Malcolm to make and maintain friendships. 
29:07 - JT gives Malcolm a look here. You can tell that he cares about Bright. And he is so annoyed that Bright wormed his way into his heart.
30:30 - My mom has this theory that people should be forced to get a licence before having kids (to get this licence you must go through training and pass a psych eval). At this very moment I agree. Men like this dude shouldn’t be allowed to have children. 
32:00 - Why isn’t JT in this scene? Where did he go?
34:00 - Another reason I believe Malcolm isn’t a killer. Look at his face when that little girl regains consciousness. Just look. That is relief. The way he interacts with the kid indicates that he likes kids. That he’s good with kids. .....also side note Dani hugging that little girl is precious <3 
35:00 - The Gil and Malcolm sit down I wanted the WHOLE episode. Gil’s face. Malcolm’s honesty. My heart is full. 
36:30 - Malcolm really can’t seem to take care of himself. Yikes. Don’t drink if you’re on meds buddy. Also the little shoulder rub that Gil gives Malcolm fuels my soul. 
37:30 - “Don’t make it weird.” I don’t think she can buddy. She’s already watching you strap yourself into the bed. 
37:40 - Malcolm’s explanation for his restraints + his panicked assurance that he has had sex + his soft spoken question to Dani (”Is this the craziest thing you’ve ever seen?”) is so freaking perfect. You can see how desperately he wants Dani to like him (friend or more, you choose I’m not having that debate) and you can also see that Dani isn’t judging him for his coping mechanisms. It’s the kind of friendship we all deserve.
39:10 - I think that Malcolm’s flashback/memory/dream here is important. It shows us that a) Martin was manipulating everyone, even his wife and b) although Jessica can be brusque, overbearing, and a little cold she genuinely cares about and loves her son. 
.....this got really long. Yikes. I thought I was restraining myself too. I honestly could’ve gone into a LOT more detail but I was trying to be brief (which clearly didn’t work). 
Anyways, I’ll try to post some more of these over the weekend but it’s Easter so I make no promises (hahaha not that anyone is waiting eagerly for these posts)
If you read any of this - thanks and I’m sorry for the rambling, poor grammar, and statements of the obvious.  
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msjr0119 · 5 years
The Greatest Show
“You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people” Part 2
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In this series all chapters are based on each song and quotes from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont and Brett Parker
Warnings: Swearing, Riam smut, Dramber Smut, GBH.
Tags - using combined tagged list, if you want to be removed please let me know 👍🏼
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @cmestrella @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816 @gardeningourmet
Maxwell and Bertrand returned to the palace, they both immediately headed to Ambers room. It seemed unusually quiet to say that everyone needed to prepare for the regatta.
Knocking on the door, there was no response. Opening the door slowly- they saw their sister still fully clothed, curled up on the end of the bed.
“Ambs? Blossom?”
“Go away Max. Please.” She whimpered.
“Amber get up now! Us Beaumont siblings have a regatta to win- the three of us.”
“Bertrand?” Sitting up, her make up was smudged- Maxwell looked at her concerned. Assuming it was something to do with Brett he was ready to kill him.
“What happened at the ball? All you okay?”
“Brett hired a private detective. I’m due to meet him soon in fact. That’s all that happened.”
“Amber don’t lie. What’s Drake done?” Maxwell and Amber looked at Bertrand, knowing he could see straight through her.
“Bertrand, he must have overheard me on the phone to Riley. I told her I was going back sooner rather than later. I meant that I was going back to pack my belongings to move here, to be with my brothers and Drake. But he left me, told me to take care of myself after telling me he knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Drake is sometimes like that, he’s always been popular with the women. Always been guarded. But Amber, believe me I say this, I’ve never seen him smile before as much as he does when he’s around you. He told me he was falling in love with you in Lythikos.”
“He’s got a funny way of showing it. I thought he was the one. Liam fucked Riley by the way, and Olivia is fucking Leo.” The brothers eyes both widened, both gobsmacked by what she had just informed them about. “Anyway, I better go and meet Damien. I’ll meet you both at the regatta. Team Beaumont!”
Damien was waiting for Amber at the bottom of the grand staircase. As she walked down, he held his hand out to her as she got closer to him.
“So, it’s just you and I today. Bastien has gone to New York with Liam.”
“What? Why? Because of Brett?”
“No. Riley.”
“Is she okay? He hasn’t hurt her has he?”
“Well that depends on how rough Liam is in the sack.”
“Excuse me?”
“They found Riley. Bastien informed me that he took her back to his penthouse. They also had a run in with Brett. Liam and Bastien sorted him out. I don’t think he will bother any of you again.”
“You... you don’t know him...he’s dangerous.”
“Amber, calm down. You have your family and Drake here. By the sounds of it Riley has Liam. So I’ve been thinking, if I go and meet Brett- explain that I couldn’t find you then he will possibly back off.”
“Until he hires someone else... I’m always going to be looking over my shoulder. I don’t mind him hurting me, but he beat Daniel up- made Riley miscarry, all because they were supporting me.”
“I’m the best PI in New York. If I can’t find a ‘missing person’ ... they are technically missing. When are you going back?”
“After the coronation ball, I need to go back to get my puppy, my things. I was born in Cordonia, this is my home.”
“I will go back to New York, when you return- let me know. I’ll help you pack. And I will bring you back.”
“Thank you. So much!” Amber hugged him tightly. She was grateful for this genuine stranger being on her side.
“Look after yourself Amber.”
Arriving at the regatta, all hell was breaking loose. Amber now wishing she was on a plane back to New York with Damien. Bertrand noticed her arrive and pulled her on to the boat that they would be racing on.
“What’s happening?”
“Do you know where Liam is?”
“Yes. Damien told me he’s in New York, fucking Riley. Why?”
“Don’t speak like that Amber, you are a lady. When is he coming back? King Constantine isn’t thrilled that the crown prince has gone awol. He could expect this from Leo. But not Liam. After the race, we need to contact Riley.” Amber nodded. “Right let’s win this race. We are Beaumont’s. It will restore our house’s reputation. You are going to have to pull your weight. You won’t be acting like Lady muck like Olivia.” Amber shrugged her shoulders, turning around Maxwell bounded up towards her.
“Hey Ambs. Are you ready to race?”
“Ready yes. Do I want to race? No!”
“Us Beaumont’s are gonna smash it, along with Drakes help.” Drakes here. Shit.
“What’s he doing here?”
“Just talk to him Ambs. He feels shit about leaving you last night.”
Before they set off to the regatta, the two brothers decided to pay Drake a visit- they were protective over Amber anyway, but now she was their sister the two of them had become immediately more protective.
“Good morning Drake, may we come in?” Drake sighed and allowed them both in.
“What do you want Bertrand? Shouldn’t you be preparing for the regatta?”
“How could you do that to Amber? You told me you was falling in love with her. I thought we were friends Drake. Friends don’t hurt their friends sisters.”
“Max she’s going back to New York. I wish I didn’t fall in love with her instantly. Because now she’s leaving me, leaving us. I’ve had plenty of girls in the past, but never felt anything towards them. I believed she was the one.”
“She’s going back to New York to collect her things to move here- to be with you. When we came to the palace this morning she was still in her clothes from the previous night, she looked like a panda because her mascara had smudged.”
“She’s staying in Cordonia?”
“Yes. Maybe if you spoke to her, she would have explained that. She’s stubborn, she will not make the first move. If you don’t want to lose her, you’ll have to speak to her first.”
“What if I’ve already lost her? I know I haven’t known her that long but I love your sister. She’s too good for me. What does she see in me? She probably won’t even talk to me. Why am I such a dickhead?”
“Drake I know you and I aren’t close. But if you feel that way, don’t let her go.” Bertrand thought back to how he let the love of his life disappear in a flash all because he was too stubborn to let her know how he truly felt.
“Hey.” Drake said hesitantly, knowing Amber was upset with him.
“Walker.” Knowing how stern her tone of voice was towards him, he wanted so desperately for her to forgive him even if that meant for him to beg for forgiveness.
“Amber... please talk to me. I’m so sorry. I don’t want to ever lose you. I panicked. I couldn’t bear the thought of you returning to New York.”
“I was going back to get my shit Drake. So I could... I don’t know... it doesn’t matter now.” Pulling her into his embrace, he wished that they didn’t have to race- instead he wished he could whisk her away, prove how much he loved her. Amber pushed him away, focusing her gaze to the floor- now not knowing if they would work with the lack of communication.
“Come on you two! We need to win this.” The race began, and between the four of them the took a head start- Bertrand bossing them around gave them the encouragement to think positive about winning.
“The winds changed.”
“Adjusting sails.” Drake and Maxwell together fixed the angle of the sails, before Maxwell threw Amber a rope asking her to tie it down. Following her brother’s instructions, she admired the bow she had tied- memories from her childhood flashing in front of her.
“We’re coming in too fast! Brace yourself.” The boat made a sharp turn to the right- Amber was still in a daze, Drake noticed that she wasn’t holding on- jumping over Maxwell who was crouched on the floor, he caught Amber just in time.
“Did you not hear me?”
“Sorry, I was thinking about my childhood. Thank you for being there for me.” Maxwell and Bertrand noticed the two of them staring into each other’s eyes, knowing they we’re almost at the finishing line the two brothers decided to continue finishing the race.
“I’ll always be here for you. Always. I love you Amber.”
“You do?” Needing reassurance, he held on to her- before placing a kiss onto her lips.
“I do love you. I meant what I said when I said I’d take you on a date once this is all over.”
“I love you too Drake. I missed you last night.”
“I’m sorry. I missed you too. How about I take you on that date after the race? They usually go to a beach party, but we could sneak away.”
“I’d love to go on an impromptu date with you.” Unable to stop kissing each other, they wasn’t aware that they was close to the finishing line- until Maxwell played cockblocker. “Guys Connie will be watching. Be careful.”
“Max he already knows about us.”
“Okay, well everyone else does too, but you know what the press are like. They are already having a field day with Liam disappearing.”
Arriving at the beach, Drake whisked Amber away to a secluded cove once she arrived with the brothers- the scenery surrounding them was quaint, romantic.
“Hey, are you going to tell me what’s in the bag?” Drake smirked at her, laying on the beach- he gestured for her to join him.
“So... because this was very impromptu... whilst Maxwell distracted you after the race- I quickly went back to the palace and asked them to prepare me some food.”
“How did you manage that? Isn’t the food at the beach party acceptable enough?”
“Yes, but I thought you may be feeling a bit homesick... so I ordered a classic Americana bbq- pulled pork, chicken kebabs, brisket, ribs etc. And you can’t forget the classic sloppy joe!” He explained with the biggest grin on his face.
“Drake, I love sloppy joes. They were basically all I ate through middle school. Oh my god. You are incredible. You thought about me. No ones ever done that before.” Jumping on to him, she kissed him without breathing for air- feeling grateful for this man who she barely knew thinking about her and only her. He was selfless.
“It’s just a bbq Amber, no need to suffocate me.”
“I’m sorry! I can’t believe you’ve done all this for me.”
“Tuck in, before the others- or should I say Maxwell sniffs it out. You deserve to be spoilt.”
“You’re such a marshmallow.”
“Only for you. You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people. Just me.” Blowing him a kiss, he over dramatically caught it- before they both tucked in to the food. Licking her lips, she had to admit the boy did good, she wasn’t homesick at all but it was nice to have a taste of America. Seeing Drake engrossed in the food, a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. Placing a bit of sloppy joes on a spoon, she flicked it in his direction- making it land on directly on Drake’s face. “Hey!” Drake spat her, looking at her biting her bottom lip- he shook his head.
“Hey... you look pretty saucy there Walker.” She said in a seductive manner. “I’ll get you back for that Beaumont!”
“I’d like to see ya try! How many times, my name is Smith-Beaumont!” Jumping up, she stripped her bikini cover off- and headed towards the sea. Drake’s heart began to pound that loud, that even Amber who wasn’t near him could possibly still hear it. “Come on Walker, what’s keeping ya?” She shouted whilst strutting her hips, he swallowed hard as he continued to stare at her from a distance. Removing his clothes, he ran into the sea after her. “What took you so long?”
“I was distracted by a gorgeous lady in front of me.” Splashing the salty water into his face, a slight smile tugging on her lips. Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around him- holding that position, they both stared longingly at each other. Pressing her lips onto his in a soft yet lingering kiss, they parted- both their hearts beating ten to the dozen. Removing her wet loose hair to the side, he placed kisses around her neck, moving slowly towards her shoulder, before returning to her lips creating a passionate kiss. She let out little whimpers of anticipation, whilst throwing her head back.
One of Ambers hands worked its way around- feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect manly physique. Whilst her other hand held onto his shoulder tightly for support. “Amber, I want you so bad.”
“In the sea?” Drake nodded, releasing her legs from his waist- she stood up, her hand reaching down already feeling the erection. “I can tell you want me, do you want me to rub him? Or is that teasing you?”
“Let me see to you first.” Drake moved Amber’s bikini to the side, moving his thumb in a tantalising rhythm along her clit- she lift one leg up resting it on his hip. Every movement he made increased Ambers arousal- pushing her over the edge. He slid his middle finger into her and continued rubbing her clit with his forefinger. Increasing the amount of fingers, he continued pumping her hard- hitting that spot- she couldn’t keep her moans quiet. “Drake! God. Don’t stop. Please.”
“You enjoying that baby?”
“Yes... I enjoy you... Do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Just answer the god damn question Drake! Don’t stop though!” Following her instructions, he continued pleasing her.
“I never believed it until I met you. My whole life I thought I was going to be running away from everyone... everything. But now I know I was running towards you. I love you. No matter what may try to keep us apart, we will always find each other. I want you to be mine. Will you be mine Amber?” Amber removed his hand from her, and placed her leg back on the seabed.
“Are you asking me out Drake Walker?” Holding her hand, he guided her to the edge of the beach- laying down he pulled her on top of him. “Yes, I am. So what do you say? Be mine?”
“Are you going to look after me? Protect me? Love me?”
“Of course I am.” Fucking Brett has made her lose trust in all men. I’m going to kill him if I ever see him.
“Good. Because I now have two very protective brothers.”
“Is that a yes?” His eyes searched hers, they were full of desire and hope.
“It’s big fat yes!” Caressing her cheeks, he rubbed his thumb along her jawline. Rolling her off him, and onto her back- he hovered over her, placing gentle kisses on each part of her body. Amber held her hand towards his cock, hoping to give him that bit of pleasure that he had given her- shaking his head he refused- making Amber provide him with a perplexed expression. “Today is about you, I needed to make it up to you Amber. I’m now going to make love to my beautiful girlfriend.”
“That sounds so surreal.”
Removing her bikini bottoms one hand held on to them, whilst his other hand roamed up along her thigh before teasingly rubbing his cock gently against her entrance- seeing Amber raise her eyebrows- he smirked before entering her slowly. After the first few thrusts he decided to decrease the speed of his movements, knowing their was a possibility that he would prematurely climax. He wanted her to reach her climax at least once more- possibly ride out her high with him. Now they were officially a couple, his fantasies about their sex life was roaming through his mind. Remembering how he masturbated over her after meeting her.
With every movement increasing, every whimper Amber released was now becoming louder- Drake was grateful for the sound of the crashing waves overpowering her voice. As soon as her body began to jerk in response to her climaxing again, Drake found himself astoundingly moved. He knew he was close himself, but he wished he could hold off a bit longer- regretting that Amber made him feel this way that he would finish so quickly. Feeling the abrupt rush of his seed, racing through him, he raised Ambers hips slightly- holding on to them, he fixed his concentration onto her as he let out a low growl. Amber felt the warmth of his climax, both breathing heavy- she forced his lips onto hers. Pulling out, he kissed her on the forehead and returned her bikini bottoms to her. Immediately assisting Amber to stand up, he pulled her towards him kissing her on the lips, he had never had an addiction before- most people would say he was addicted to whiskey- but right now in his life Amber was his addiction, his drug- and he couldn’t get enough of her.
“Come on, let’s go back in the sea and ‘clean ourselves up’.. so your room or my room tonight?” Holding his hand, Amber felt the happiest she had done in years. Walking further into the sea away from the beach- they held on to each other. “Your room Walker, lets christen your bed- ‘Netflix and chill’ for our second official date.”
“What is it with you and ‘Netflix and chill’?” Amber shrugged her shoulders. “You do know if you hurt me I have two protective older brothers. They were protective as cousins so imagine what they would do now we know they are my brothers.” Drake gulped, knowing he would never hurt her- those words did make him wonder what they would do.
“Put each other down will ya!” Leo shouted from a distance seeing Amber and Drake frolicking in the sea. “You wouldn’t want to cause a scandal in front of the press.” Leo winked at the two of them as they walked out of the sea hand in hand. Maxwell joined Leo, happy to see that the couple had sorted their brief argument out. Drake wrapped a towel around Amber, towel drying her. Leo pretended to regurgitate witnessing the twos PDA. Amber raised her eyebrows towards the prince.
“Leo, what’s up are you jealous that Olivia isn’t here?”
“I don’t know what you are referring to Lady Amber.”
“Cut the shit! Drake came to your room last night to explain that Liam wouldn’t be attending today. He heard the two of you.”
“It’s not the worse thing I’ve done. We are in Cordonia, there’s a typical marriage arrangement as you’ll be aware of. She’s aware of Riley and Liam’s relationship. So Liam isn’t exactly innocent either.”
“Ambs just leave it. But what do you mean it’s not the worse thing you’ve done?” Max wanted to calm the situation down- but was still intrigued as to what the prince was referring to.
“Years ago, I ran away - as I always used to. I ended up in Vegas. I managed to gamble, drink and have a one night stand before Bastien located my whereabouts.”
“Typical playboy prince, I bet you don’t even remember her or her name for that matter?”
“Actually Walker, I remember it all considering all the booze we had. Her name was Marie.” Amber froze. Needing to remove herself from the situation, she kissed Drake on the cheek explaining they should get back to the beach party. Turning to Leo, she knew she had to keep a stoic expression.
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas huh Leo?”
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loove-persevering · 5 years
Who Else? (College!Shawn Imagine)
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Description: Out of all the people in the world you really had to choose your brother’s best friend to fall for?  (THIS WILL BE A NEW SERIES) If I don’t get a lot of feedback or anything I might discontinue and try and come up with something else so please let me know what you think of this! Its starts out slow but it will get better:)
I actually started writing this at a book on Wattpad but I never finished so let me know what you think of it!
You heard the music before you even stepped out of the car, the window was slightly cracked so the cold air made you pul your jacket closer as you stepped out. You brush the hair out of your face looking back at Mia who had just shut her door, ‘’Come on it’s cold!’’ You yell at her and she quickly walks over to you. ‘’Let’s go!’’ You say quickly walking forward wanting to feel the warmth from inside the house. 
 You finally step in the door and look around noticing all of the people crammed together within the house. You honestly didn’t know who’s house it was you just got invited and showed up, your brother was talking about it and Mia got invited so she extended the invitation. You invited your boyfriend but he said he had to work, he seemed to always be working lately but he was saving up for spring break so you really didn’t mind. 
 ‘’There’s Ethan,’’ Mia says pointing over to your brother. You went to a remotely small college so a lot of the crowds from high school still hung out. Your brother didn’t even notice you were here as he was talking to some girl, you did notice Shawn though he looks at you and nods and you wave back to him. Shawn was your brother’s best friend ever since they were in high school, maybe even before that you couldn’t remember. ‘’Come on,’’ I say to her gesturing to the kitchen to get a drink. 
 I walk in the kitchen over to cooler grabbing a water bottle out, I didn’t like beer more fruity drinks so I was just drinking water tonight, plus I think Mia wanted me to be the DD so I didn’t mind. ‘’Where’s Liam tonight?’’ She asks me. 
‘‘Working,’ I sigh. I hadn’t seen him much lately and he hadn’t been coming around the house as much. ‘‘He’s saving up for spring break,’‘ You say and she nods. 
 ‘’Dude, spring break is going to be soooo fun,’’ She says looking over at you, ‘’But so expensive,’’ She says pouting. ‘’At least he’s making some money,’’ She says.
 You nod taking a sip of your drink looking around the party, ‘’Yeah,’’ You sigh. You all sit around for a while longer just talking to random people, you go dance for a bit but that wasn’t really your style so you quickly made an excuse to go off to the bathroom. 
You had lost Mia a little earlier and were now just talking to some friends from school that were around. You walk back into the scarce hallway glancing into each door careful to what you would see, you couldn’t find the bathroom at all. You make your way over to what looked like a bedroom, hoping to find a bathroom inside you gently push the door open. Once the door was fully pushed open you look up seeing the two familiar faces staring back at you in shock, it was Liam and Mia both panting and her hair was a mess and her shirt was halfway down her torso exposing her red laced bra. You look at the horrified, ‘’What the fuck?’’ You say to them. They immediately jump apart and Mia pulls her shirt back up as Liam makes his way over to you. 
 Liam walks up to you gently placing his hands on the side of your arms, you step back pulling away from him taking your hand and slapping him across the face, ‘’Fuck you!’’ You yell at him turning around and quickly walking away. You practically ran down the hallway but you could still hear him calling out your name, you make your way down the stairs but about halfway down he yanks your arm pulling you back. You fell slightly landing on your butt at how hard he pulled you, you look up at him feeling your eyes brim with tears. 
  ‘’I need to talk to you,’’ He says in a hushed tone probably not wanting to make a scene. ‘’Please,’’ He begs. You scoff at his willingness to try and hide from everyone else what he had been doing, you knew and now it really didn’t matter but he didn’t want it to play out like this. You could make a scene you could scream it out in front of everybody, you glance out at the crowd of people some of them were staring at you and you notice your Ethan at the bottom of the steps staring up at you his face looked angry. 
 ‘’I don’t want to hear it,’’ You say to him. You turn around quickly making your way down the rest of the steps, you glance at your brother who was giving you a worried look. You don’t say anything to him wanting nothing more than to just get out of the house, you walk past him and make your way in between the bodies of people and you can hear Ethan yelling for you. 
 You finally make it to the door and you glance behind you trying to make sure Liam wasn’t following you either and you crash right into someone. ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You say immediately not even bothering to see who it was first. You finally look up and notice Shawn was staring down at you his eyebrows were furrowed together as he look down at you confused. 
‘‘Y/N? Why are you crying?’‘ He asks. You reach up feeling your cheeks which were wet and you look back up at him shaking your head back and forth. 
‘‘I’m fine,’‘ You say to him, you look back finally seeing your brothers face in the crowd, ‘‘Can you make sure he doesn’t follow me? I need a minute,’‘ You plead to him, you touch his arm and he looks where your hand was and back up to you, you must’ve looked panicked because he nods his head slowly at you looking into the house. He looks back to you and you give him a gracious smile before turning around and jogging away. 
 You felt like you had ran ten miles not even having a direction in mind, you finally found yourself at a park. You recognized it as a park that you had gone to with Liam when you took his little sister. You sigh making your way over to the swings, sitting down crossing your feet in front of you. How could you have been so stupid? To not notice that your best friend and your boyfriend were fooling around with you right behind your back. How could you not notice?
 A few hours later after walking home slowly you finally made it back home. You notice the living room light was on and you had to prepare yourself for the questions to come. You push the door open and walk in shutting the door and licking it behind you, you take your coat off throwing it on the table sitting next to the entrance. You walk into the living room and notice Shawn was sitting there stretched out across the couch, he sits up leaning on his elbows when he notices you, ‘’Hey,’’ You say to him.
 ‘’Hey,’’ He says looking a little speechless, ‘’Are you okay?’’ He asks you and you nod giving him a small smile. Ethan walks in from the kitchen with a piece of pizza in his hand.
 ‘’Where were you?’’ He asks sounding annoyed. 
‘‘I was out,’‘ You answer shrugging your shoulders making your way to the stairs. 
He walks over to the bottom of the stairs as you make your way up the first step, he looks at you concerned, ‘’What happened?’’ He asks you in a hushed tone, you glance behind him at Shawn who seemed to still be paying attention intently. 
 You sigh turning your gaze away from the both of them, ‘’I really don’t want to talk about it.’’ You say. You begin walking up the stairs and Ethan follows you up the stairs, you walk into your room and Ethan stands at the door, you sigh turning around. ‘’Liam and Mia have been getting together,’’ You sigh. 
 You turn around and look at his face watching how shocked he looked, ‘’Are you fucking serious?’’ He asks his face looking angry. ‘’What the hell?’’ He says and you nod your head at him giving him a tight lipped smile. 
 ‘’I really just wanna go to bed okay?’’ You say to him. He looks over you once more probably wanting to make sure you weren’t going to blow up as soon as he left. You were upset but you were genuinely fine, he cheated and that didn’t deserve your tears. What hurt the most was Mia, how she would causally bring him up in a conversation, this entire time she was just playing with you. 
 He walks out of your room slowly shutting the door giving you a small smile and leaves the room, you didn’t want to go to sleep you weren’t really tired so you stayed up for a few more hours. You turned on some music and you were writing in your journal when you heard a knock at your door, you look at the time reading 4:55am. You get up walking toward the door opening it slightly, you were shocked to see Shawn standing there. 
 ‘’Hey,’’ He says softly barely above a whisper. 
‘‘Hi,’‘ You say leaning against the door frame. ‘‘Do you need something?’‘ You ask him. 
 He shakes his head no, ‘’I just heard the music-’’ He begins to say.
 ‘’Oh! I’m sorry I can turn it off?’’ You say cutting him off and turning around walking over to the speaker turning it off, ‘’Sorry,’’ You say turning around seeing he was glancing around your room. 
 ‘’Oh, I didn’t come to say turn it off,’’ He pauses glancing once again around your room noticing the art around your walls, ‘’You’re a really good artist,’’ He says looking back to you making eye contact with you, ‘’I just came to make sure you were alright? Your brother told me about what happened...’’ He says. 
 You felt slightly annoyed but it was Shawn so you really didn’t care, Shawn had been around for lots of things that had happened in your family so you did trust him. ‘’Yeah, I mean it’s whatever I guess,’’ You say shrugging your shoulder. 
 ‘’Well I’m sorry,’’ He says and you smile at him, ‘’Sorry if this was weird,’’ You say to him. 
 ‘’No,’’ You laugh, ‘’It’s fine! Thanks for asking anyway,’’ You say sitting back down on your bed. Shawn stands there awkwardly and shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket, ‘’Well I’m sorry about the music,’’ You say. 
 ‘’No worries, I’m gonna go back downstairs!’’ He says grabbing the door handle, ‘’Goodnight Y/N,’’ He says looking up at you making eye contact, you give him a smile and he shuts the door and you can hear the creaking from the floor as he makes his way downstairs. You fall back onto your bed turning off your lamp, you couldn’t help but fall asleep with a smile even after all the events that had happened today. You smiles because you knew you had other people that cared, and that meant the world. 
HIII guys! I hope you enjoyed this! I wanted to make the encounter between the reader and Shawn very awkard and uncomfortable but still sweet because I truly think that’s how it is when you have a crush on a friend of your sibling so tell me if I’m right about that or not, I don’t have siblings but I have had crushes on my friends brothers and I was always hellllla awkward! So tell me what you think of this? What do we want to see in the next Chapter? Much love xxxx
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