#show him training or advising the younger generation because all of them admire him so much
farshootergotme · 14 days
I've read too many batfamily fics. I need to read a fic that is about Dick spending time with everyone EXCEPT the batfam.
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s1st3r · 3 years
Coincidence (Fives x f!Reader) Part 1
Author Note: This was originally a super basic idea that I just got really carried away with and before I knew it I had 1666 words and was like “welP. We’re doing multi chapter stuff now”. Bit of a slow pace at the moment. Part 2 will have more action.
Summary: You and Fives are assigned on a delicate infiltration mission. 
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1666
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Rex’s POV
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to have them working together on this mission?”
I had to admit, I too was second guessing. It was a risky move, but I had faith that Fives and Y/N could pull this off.
“Yes sir,” I affirmed, “their specialised training accommodates for missions of this nature.”
“I’m well aware of their training Rex.” General Skywalker replied as we entered the bridge and approached the holotable. “I just wonder if things might get too… personal.”
“Sir, they’re the most dedicated soldiers I’ve ever met-“
“You mean the most stubborn,” Ahsoka, whom had been waiting for us on the bridge, supplied with a grin.
The general nodded his head reluctantly as though not completely convinced. He brought his hand up to rest on his chin as he contemplated.
“The communications have been established sir,” interrupted Admiral Yularen as he joined those of us surrounding the holotable.
A crackling sound came through as Fives and Y/N’s comms came online.
“Y/N comm check.”
“Fives comm check.”
General Skywalker leaned forward, overseeing the map of the multi-level mansion before him and the two red bleeping icons that signaled their positions.
“You’re clear to proceed,” he advised.
“Copy that,” rang Y/N’s clear voice.
I turned to face the general.
“They know what needs to be done sir.”
Skywalker considered my words carefully. He sighed, “I don’t know Rex. What if they’re not prepared to do what needs to be done?”
  Your POV
Heels echoed throughout the dimly lit hallway as I followed the sound of distant music and murmuring that spilled from the ballroom. As I drew closer, I held my breath in anticipation.
Or was that just this ridiculously tight corset?
I fluttered the fan in my hand in a feeble attempt to act like the lady everyone thought I was, while forcing some oxygen into my lungs. I took a deep gulp of air and compelled a graceful smile to my lips before I stepped into the light and glamour of the ongoing party.
Swiftly, I made my way over to the far side of the room where small tables covered in fine white tablecloth were dotted about for guests to rest at when their feet got tired of the dancing. Since it was still early in the night, many seats were yet to be occupied.
As inconspicuously as I could, I seated myself at a table displaced relatively far from the crowded dance floor. Casually, as if simply admiring the grand space, I surveyed the area. The room itself had to be at least three stories high with massive columns reaching up from the marble floor and curving to intertwine at the center of the ceiling, creating an arched effect. A magnificent chandelier was strung from the heights of the room and casted a beautiful reflection upon the floor’s surface and her dancers.
Hundreds of strangers in expensive clothing mingled below, constantly switching partners through the course of the dance. Swirling skirts and glimmering jewels were all that could be seen as I observed the onslaught of people.
All of this I saw in only a glance before my eyes found our man across the dance floor from me. He stood tall in a suit, cane in hand, as he conversed with other young men. Unfortunately, my eyes failed to find my man who was meant to be already situated at the main hall’s back exit.
I noted to my right, an approaching butler serving crystal glasses filled with rich red wine. Effortlessly, I reached out, seized a glass from the silver tray as he passed and brought the goblet to my lips as though to drink.
“I’m in position,” I muttered. “Eyes are on the target and ready to engage. Fives where are you?”
Small static sounds could be heard through my comm as the audio came through.
“Relax,” came the smooth reply, “I wouldn’t want to miss the party.” I resisted rolling my eyes at the slight tease in his tone. “Besides,” he continued, his voice dropping low, “I would love to see you in that dress again mesh’la.”
“Focus Fives.”
A small smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth at the General’s curt interruption.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Fives slip through a side door clad in the guard uniform he had stolen. My smirk grew. He looked so cute in the dress uniform; little epaulettes and all. Clearly Fives wasn’t the only one distracted. I forced my attention to the task at hand.
“Ready when you are.”
“About time,” I breathed as I left my cup on the table and stood. “Approaching target.”
 The Jedi Council had heard of a new Separatist general joining the fray.
Yavaros Tai.
Rumour had it that Tai was finalising his designs of a deadly weapon that he was revealing to his Separatist sponsors tonight. Clearly, the surrounding men he spoke to were his said benefactors. Wealth dangled from them.
Edging closer, I noted that he looked far younger than I had anticipated. No older than his mid-twenties.
The dark blue floral dress I wore dragged along the floor, so much so, not even my heeled shoes had given me the height I needed, and I resorted to tug the front of my dress upward to refrain from tripping. I hoped that all would go to plan, and I wouldn’t have to try and run in this thing. My only comfort was that I was well rehearsed in these kinds of missions and, on more than one occasion, proved myself to be surprisingly sufficient in improvising… and running.
As I approached the group of men, I planned my next steps carefully in my head. Now, with them only a few feet to my right, I looked over my shoulder as though entranced and distracted. An oblivious dancer, close to the edge of the throng, accidently collided into me and sent me tumbling. Before I could even register the surprised shouts of men, strong arms caught me, and I looked up to see the bright blue eyes of General Tai. Perfect.
  Fives’s POV
She was beautiful.
I knew we were in the middle of a mission, but my eyes were completely spellbound as they intently traced her movements. She moved with a grace and sophistication I had never seen on her before and, despite being dressed to fit in for the event, she stood out like a rose among thorns.
From my position near the doorway, I spied the envious looks from the surrounding women as she walked the expanse of the hall. I didn’t fail to realise the visible admiration from the men nearby either, but my brief jealousy was quickly replaced by pride. I couldn’t help the smug smile.
That’s my girl.
I wished I could be beside her. Show those men she was mine. Maybe ask her to dance. We could dance and laugh until our feet got tired and then leave the party, running down the empty corridors. We would find a way to climb up to the roof and spend the rest of the night under the stars like I know she loved to do.
My smile faltered. Not for the first time, disappointment and love fought for control as I struggled to come to terms with reality.
Because standing alone on the outskirts, I was again reminded anew.
She may love me, but I could never give her the life she deserved.
  Your POV
My mouth gaped open in false shock.
“Oh, excuse me!” I exclaimed. “My sincerest apologies!”
The corner of General Tai’s eyes crinkled in amusement as I gathered myself and pretended to act gushed and embarrassed. Smoothing out my dress, I noted his hands still rested on my shoulders. One of them still held onto his cane. Almost reluctantly, he let his arms fall to his sides as he took in my appearance. I blushed as his penetrating eyes slowly raked down and back up my form.
“My my,” he hummed, “what a beautiful specimen.” His hand caught mine and gently lifted it to brush his lips against my knuckles. His eyes stared intently into mine. It made me uncomfortable. In many ways he was generically handsome, blue eyes, blonde hair, high cheekbones, and a refined posture. Nothing like Fives with his dark features, rugged look, wild smile, and-
“Ehem.” My thoughts were interrupted when a man to our side leaned closer to the general. “We have important matters to discuss sir.” His narrowed eyes flickered over to me. I could tell he was trying to intimidate me as he squared his shoulders.
“Nothing that can’t wait Cronan.” Yavaros’s eyes never left mine.
“But sir- “
“Cronan,” Tai interjected, finally tearing his gaze away from me to focus on the man beside him. “This is a party, is it not? Enjoy yourselves this evening gentlemen. We will discuss business later.”
Cronan shot me daggers as him and the other men dispersed and weaved themselves among the partygoers. Some opted to dance, while most continued to converse with other diplomats.
“Looks like a fun crowd,” I remarked sarcastically, drawing the general’s attention back to me.
“Ah yes,” Tai smirked as his piercing eyes turned to fix on me once more. “I should like to apologise for his curtness. Cronan is… ambitious, and very keen in his handling of business.”
I look of hunger flashed in his eyes.
“Perhaps in some ways, I am no different.” I tried not to squirm as he edged closer to me.
Ahhh man.
“Mmm.” I felt his breath ghost my cheek as he whispered in my ear. “I’m ambitious to gain your affections Miss…”
“Miss Y/N,” I supplied in a breathy tone. While he mistook it for admiration, I tried to steal my nerves.
He leered. “Miss Y/N,” he murmured, as though playing how the name felt on his tongue. The tension in the air tangible. “Would you join me for a walk?”
To be continued...
~ Sister
Tags: @imalovernotahater​ @kaorikoizumi​ @xlittlemissydjx​ @damerondala​
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future works!
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cooltrainererika · 4 years
A Star Wars Noob’s ideas for fixing the Disney sequels
Okay so just to get this out there, because it won’t leave my mind.
So I’ve been binging on SW lately and the sequels only annoy me more and more by the day. So just wanted to throw my character ideas out into the world. Focusing on characters because I like writing characters way more than plot. Hopefully if I ever actually write this thing, or even somehow pitch it to someone with the right connections to animate it with the actors as voice actors, this wouldn’t have gone viral. But since no one looks at my blog it probably won’t lol. Hopefully.
But just in case, I’ll say that this will probably contain spoilers for a story which may or may not exist by the time you read this.
I’ve deliberately been trying to avoid as much emotional spoilers and normal spoilers as I can before the sequels despite the temptation, so sorry if some stuff is a bit off. Augh I hope I can get the time to watch the full OT and PT soon. I was too tired from hiking when I watched SW4 and I now really wish my dad didn’t show me when I was half-asleep.
Rey: Rainbow of possibilities; Cynical Scavenger, Adventure-seeking Audience Surtogate Geek, or Lawful Good to the core Paladin Padawan with a personal grudge, and may be descended from a family line, maybe not, but currently most likely a Skywalker by blood. Story and other character arcs change dramatically depending on which route chosen.
Finn: Stoic soldier man learns power of friendship, finds meaning of life, causes Stormtrooper mutiny, probably becomes a Jedi and second main character and hooks up with Rey. “What‘s a joke?”. Awkward dork and stunted socially but doing his best. May instinctively find it hard to disobey orders. He may be the one wanting to find his family; but that’s dropped soon enough to focus on what’s ahead. 
(Alternatively: Proud warrior guy who acts like a stereotypical North Korean soldier who finds himself outside the First Order, learns power of friendship etc. The rest is the same)
Poe Dameron: What we Japanese people call The Aniki. The funny charismatic ace pilot who keeps everyone sane, overall bro. Wholesome but a bit rough, that guy you would want to share a beer with. But within that easygoing nature burns a hotblooded, determined, dutiful streak, and an even stronger snarky streak. The one with the social skills. Loves his droid like his son though Cynical!Rey and Finn find that initially kind of stupid/strange. 
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo: Appears to be yet another quietly imposing Star Wars villain with added edgelord factor, but actually a mentally unstable, borderline yandere berserker of a man crushed under the weight of a legacy, with a horrifying inferiority complex, identity issues, and an unhealthy obsession with familial honor, constantly stuck between Dark and Light. Despite his high rank, basically the First Order’s attack dog. Usually has the emotional maturity of a 16-year-old, if not younger. If anyone is, he’s the damsel in distress of this story.
Luke Skywalker: Cuddly sunshine headmaster sage doing his best, has been on many adventures before that are hidden ads to future Lucasfilm projects. May have gone to search for answers as to what is causing recent events, or is still present at the beginning. May survive at the end. He could be anywhere from kind of jaded but at his core still that sweet optimist, to Basically Uncle Iroh, to can-literally-summon-Porgs-by-whistling/Space Sage Mr. Rogers.
Han Solo: General of the Republic Armed Forces or courier who decided military life just wasn’t for him and now delivers important messages through still unstable areas of the New Republic, a war hero, and a dad doing his best. Wants to hold hope but may have at least outwardly given up on Ben, with Poe filling in the void. Has gone clean from his life of crime and still married 30+ years strong with Leia. He would be the one who is the closest to Poe if he’s still in the military and Leia is a Jedi, with Poe being seen as his likely successor. He might die at the end of 8? Maybe Hamill and Carrie would somehow talk him into sticking around past 7? He might still die in 7?
(Side note: I wish we could have seen Old Harrison Ford in a military casual coat-cape. He would have looked awesome in it. I mean no one would really complain that he plays fast and loose with the dress code if there even is one, he’s Han freakin’ Solo and he gives no f*cks.)
Leia Organa-Solo: Preferably a Jedi Knight, leader while he’s away if he’s away as well as their tactician, or senator considering her personality; maybe have basically what Colin Trevorrow planned for her (I mean… why not just use CGI at this point? They’ve done it before. I’m sure Carrie wouldn’t have wanted her swan song to be such a passive role either), with her bond with Luke being a major factor and us actually being able to see it in practice. May have outwardly given up on her son as well, but still is at the end of the day a mom doing her best. Basically a strong, smart lady like how she’s always been.
Chewbacca: How he always is, but he plays more of a role than basically the guy bussing the cast around, an active combat role definitely. Han’s second in command and maybe fellow dad. Possibly the part-time chaperone of the mess that is the new main duo. Also was Ben’s first friend, and you bet there will be drama here.
Lando Calrissian: Business mogul who probably helps the heroes out, maybe by selling them stuff and using his many connections to get information. And/or he’s basically an economic diplomat for the Republic. Has known Ben since he was a child and may have snuck him on too many joyrides without telling Leia, to her chagrin and Han’s amusement. 
Grand Admiral Armitage Hux: Basically how he was in SW7. Calculating, manipulative, coldhearted, intelligent, and ruthless, the brains to Kylo’s brawn. Son of former Imperial officers, killed his own father to get where he is. Gives no f*cks, except when he goes full ham. Maybe even he goes cold and pale if Kylo starts getting angry, just to show how terrifying he can be, but I also like the idea of him being one of two people who can manipulate Kylo out of a tantrum and not end up a pile of flesh or choked to death. 
Captain Phasma: How she is in supplemental material probably. A walking chrome machine of merciless death. Probably not very talkative, and probably does not take defectors lightly. She may defect at the end or not depending on how truly evil she’s portrayed to be, but I’m thinking she’s likely this cruel disciplinarian who expects complete and utter, machine-like obedience to the end, and Finn flinches at the mere mention of her, though she herself is equally as extremely loyal to the cause.
Snoke: A mysterious being, the likes of which are not of this galaxy. Probably some kind of ancient eldritch abomination who can torment vulnerable minds with an untraceable curse. Not your average Sith, and despite how it may seem it may not be connected to them at all… Or perhaps it is. Or perhaps it itself serves a larger master. It wants to use Kylo Ren for… something. Just what it is is what Luke has been trying to find out for years.
Knights of Ren: Idea borrowed from Thor Skywalker (check him out on YouTube!); possibly a military cult of Sith/Vader worshippers who see Ben as the second coming of Vader, and have aligned themselves with Snoke. Probably basically Kylo’s personal guard and troops. Or possibly directly liked to whatever otherworldly entit(ies?) Snoke is, not being of this galaxy themselves.
Anakin Skywalker: Determined grandpa doing his best for his kids, grandkid(s), and the galaxy. Doesn’t appear often, but plays a major role in the story; maybe he’s the one who led Rey to his lightsaber, and maybe he advises Luke while training Rey, or secretly follows Kylo, trying to speak to him but unable to be seen or heard by him. He’d be the one who ultimately convinces Ben to return to the light, and to, in an echo of the words Ben heard when he was being impersonated, “finish what I started”.
Rose Tico: A probably relatively new, wide-eyed young recruit in the Republic Military, and maybe seeks revenge on First Order for killing or kidnapping her sister. Not sure if she will be needed, but if there’s room for her she might be interesting. Maybe she’s one of Poe’s friends or part of his squad. She could also be the resident girly girl because there aren’t many of those here. 
Vice-Admiral Amberlyn Holdo: She’s in the Aftermath books, and those seem pretty good, so she’s probably how she is there. A quirky mostly background character that is probably at most there for Han and/or Leia and Ackbar to give commands to and salute back, but most importantly she actually does her job properly, even if she’s still a bit of an odd person. Also Poe knows her and they have a way more amicable work relationship. Also give her something which actually looks like something military personnel would wear. She could even be a legitimately good tactician who comes up with off-the-wall tactics.
(Side note: I heard that she basically has the Star Wars version of Autism, and while I’d appreciate that as an Aspie myself, I’ll also have to say that Autistic people would probably be terrible military leaders due to us not being able to adjust to sudden changes well and our bad communication skills. So yeah, sorry, unless she’s recast to something like, say, a mechanic or logistics or medic or any other more Autistic-friendly job, that’s going to have to go)
Maz Kanada: …Admittedly not sure what to do with her. But she’s more likely to be an acquaintance of Lando before Han, if she doesn’t know both. In fact, Lando may be introduced early alongside her. But she would still have the important role of keeping Anakin’s saber; how she has it, either Lando found it, or basically what was cut from TFA showing that she’s indeed pretty awesome. 
BB-8: BB-8 doesn’t have to change. He’s perfect as he is. Maybe what he can do should be more consistent though. Poe and him are basically Ash and Pikachu, they stick together whenever possible. If Rey or Finn need a droid to tag along and Poe isn’t in the party at the moment, R2 is right there. I once read a fanfic in which BB-8 was actually a droid Luke made for Ben and I liked the idea… though it probably would be a bit of an unnecessary detail in practice.
R2-D2 and C3P0: They’re basically business as usual. They would still have that boke-tsukkomi dynamic they had going on, sometimes with the added childlike cuteness of BB-8 in the mix. If there’s any extra time left for comic relief scenes, or if they’re sent on some kind of mission together, I can see these three messing around doing their thing (or rather, BB being childlike, cute and curious, Threepio being overly nervous, and Artoo being too old for this sh*t and/or BB’s cool uncle/older brother) being both cute and hilarious.
Also Worldbuilding stuff will be featured at the bottom
Elaboration on the “big four” of the sequel cast:
Rey: Aged 19, speaks with Daisy Ridley’s normal accent, not RP (I mean really, her accent isn’t that hard to understand). A whole rainbow of possibilities with this lady, though many don’t realize it. I might be leaning towards her being Luke’s daughter, though her being Just Rey may also be interesting, and her still being a descendant of Palpatine or the main villain could also have potential, though if Finn is a Jedi I don’t think there’s any need for her parents to be nobody. But the three main routes I can think of for her are these three: Cynical!Rey, a Rey with a backstory identical to the canon Rey from her abandonment onwards, Fangirl!Rey, a sort of estimation of a dorky female Star Wars nerd in-universe and the most lighthearted start out of the three, and Padawan!Rey, a Rey who is already Luke’s Padawan at his academy. Maybe making her starting point less crushingly bleak and Fangirl!Rey could work, but it might dilute both ideas, and that characterization might be a bit too similar to ANH Luke. 
As is apparent, Cynical!Rey, is, well, cynical. She’s strong and independent, but extremely distrusting, on-edge, and not used to friendly interaction. Think Female SW4 Han Solo but even more antisocial and probably not even bothering with the bravado, and basically with Anakin’s upbringing except she doesn’t even have a loving mother like Anakin did. Fangirl!Rey was my initial idea but I’m starting to become less partial to it because of the aforementioned similarity to ANH Luke, but my idea was she’s basically Harry Potter, living with stepparents who hate her, or she’s still used as basically child labor but her conditions are nowhere near as bad as Cynical Rey’s, and she would have grown up on stories about the Rebels and the Jedi and everything else in the past movies, collecting every single bit of memorabilia she can get her hands on. If one wants to go for very lighthearted and slightly meta for SW7 this is the route. Padawan!Rey could go anywhere, but I’m thinking she would basically be our D&D Paladin; ever since Ben Solo went berserk and ran off to join the First Order, she’s become very protective of her fellow students and has a really understandable personal grudge against him. She might be the strongest pupil left after the Second Jedi Massacre, and by the end maybe she becomes the successor to headmaster of the academy. It is possible that she was found abandoned on Jakku or Luke’s doorstep, however, so the theme of growing up lonely is there, and because being a Jedi is what has given her meaning in life it means a lot to her. But while I don’t want her parentage to be revealed early if it is Luke, it does raise the massive plot hole of why this was never disclosed to her or to Ben. 
And yes, I did say fellow students and academy. Wiping the new Jedi Order feels really cheap and it makes the whole hopeful Jedi Starting Anew implication that I’m 90% sure the OT ended on feel very pointless. I’d prefer them still being there, though their inclusion would be obviously way more natural in the Padawan Route. This also has tons of marketing potential for Disney, because I wanted to take IRL realism into account; what’s in it for Disney? Maybe potential to expand on other students and Luke’s academy? It could be like a smaller Jedi Hogwarts/Xavier Institute basically. Though the survivors wouldn’t be too numerous; just, like, four at most. Maybe there would be elements of an Avengers/Infinity War/Endgame-esque team movie, even if the rest are a bit out of focus.
I did think maybe the heroes would still go to Ahch-To after SW7 where Luke would have been hiding with his students researching the new threat, but maybe I could have him stay and sort of take a few cues from Harry Potter by introducing the heroes to the world of the Jedi early and giving them a break in the action as they settle in their new homes, so there’s more time to develop the padawan side characters, what the academy is like, and Luke gets to appear in SW7 as well so there can be a OT trio “reunion” (not a reunion in-universe). Though that kind of messes with other parts I want to include like Rey and Finn having to take on Kylo and getting completely whipped because he’s a rampaging madman before having to be saved by Luke. Also Rey getting kidnapped has potential for developing her trust in others, and her and Finn getting a breather moment at the Republic after the heroes and Han regroup would kind of remove a point where that could be easily slotted in the story. It would also require everything before this to be crammed in the first act. 
(Newer edit 5/27/21)  I also like her getting a golden double-bladed saber like many fans depict her. It’s not only awesome looking (because she only gets her own saber at the end of TROS… Why?), but it’s more toys for the moichendise! It fits her starting with a staff, it has more reach, and it would fit Cynical Rey especially for her to have a style centered around keeping as much of herself defended as possible. Watching Battlefront 2 footage has made me think about fighting styles a bit, and if she and Finn are a duo how their styles of combat might compliment each other, especially as their relationship develops (coincidentally she and Finn apparently are a very good combination in BF2). A Cynical Rey would probably contrast the most, with a fighting style based on keeping enemies away, trickery, and defense (a good choice for a blade made of light), maybe a bit wild at first but initially her goal in fighting would be to hold out until there is an opening to get the hell out, only staying to fight if she has no other option. Fangirl Rey wouldn’t really have a fighting style initially, and it’s gonna be very dependent on where her arc goes. Padawan Rey would have the most Prequel Jedi-esque, choreographed style, showing a lot of skill though not quite mastering it and with tons of openings at first. A Cynical Rey may have an uncanny skill to detect suspicious people, which would make her trusting the heroes easier, and though this ability isn’t super strong and is more “a slight gut feeling but it could be nothing” than “human lie detector” it could maybe be honed more. And while not quite wall vision like in BF2 (because wat? Where do they come up with this stuff?), maybe she’s good at detecting people’s presences too. These are very apt ambient skills for someone in her position. Meanwhile, Fangirl!Rey would have probably suspected she had the Force already, and her ambient abilities could be whatever, just rather passive abilities unless trained. 
If she is Luke’s daughter though, that would open up the can of worms of who her mother is. Just making it so that she died before the events of SW7 might seem a bit… unfortunate? I kind of want Luke to have found love sometime (and seriously with how much of a bombshell young Luke was, in addition to him being such a hero, I’m shocked that he never got one. I can see why Mara Jade wanted a piece of that. *wolf whistle*), but then I’d have to figure out how to incorporate her in this already character-dense story without her having cheaply died offscreen. I might be able to think of something? I could always go digging in the dusty pile of old fan theories, I might find something good. Thor Skywalker did hint at her but his story stopped at the end of where SW8 would have. If I do name her Mara there’s probably going to be extra pressure to do something with her. …But I can’t be the only one who thinks that Daisy Ridley kind of looks like Natalie Portman. Then again I’m pretty face-blind. I guess blond hair and blue eye color genes are also recessive traits for Star Wars humans. Though it seems the height genes skipped a generation because she’s actually pretty tall for a woman at 170 cm - I’m sorry what. That’s as tall as the average Japanese man! Holy sh*t Daisy! She only looks a bit small because she’s often depicted with Kylo and Kylo makes everyone not Phasma look diminutive. I guess Ben would get it from Anakin and Han (though he’s still taller than both of them…), so maybe a taller actress would be cast as Mara (?). And despite Rey’s malnourishment in the Cynical route, this actually isn’t that implausible, because stunted growth apparently only happens if children are deprived from gestation to about 2 years of age. 
And again, why wouldn’t Ben know about this? But if this isn’t the Padawan!Rey route (the hardest to incorporate Rey The Actual Skywalker into), maybe Ben took Rey’s assumed death as even more of a reason to burden himself with the entire Skywalker legacy? This would give him a reason to already care about her.
Further edits: According to the Aftermath books, Jakku was a “Lightside Nexus” planet. Maybe this has to do with her powers? (Perhaps she was kept sane by the Force speaking to her on occasion, in dreams or as she lies staring at the ceiling after a long day, showing her the loving life she used to live and unknown to her she will return to someday). Or why she was dropped there? Maybe she was supposed to be living with Lor San Tekka (the old guy Kylo kills at the beginning of TFA), but got lost one day or was kidnapped by bandits to be a scavenger because her small size would have been perfect for getting loot from small spaces? Why not take her back then? This probably is one of the biggest plot knots in the Cynical Rey Skywalker route, alongside who her mother is.  
Small detail lightning round before moving on: I once read a Japanese fic, and in it she mentioned she hates alcohol because she saw how it turned people into monsters. I actually kind of liked this headcanon, and maybe a bit unexpected. Though there’s also the route of her just being too used to it, setting her apart from previous more wholesome protagonists even more.  Also Daisy would have to start hitting the gym and protein shakes because I think her character design evolving from her thin build to a very athletic, Wonder Woman-esque body type would be pretty good in representing her growth as a character, and combined with her height she would be so very badass looking. 
Finn: Probably around 23? Infamous for lost potential, so his backstory is the same. However, I’m thinking that due to his dehumanizing upbringing, he’s a bit robotic and pretty stoic initially, a total opposite to Poe. He doesn’t understand jokes or sarcasm, and now that he’s completely left the life he’s always known, he feels pretty lost. He would basically act like a male Rei Ayanami, though I was going more for Drax at first. Alternatively, he’s a proud warrior type, imagine a stereotypical North Korean/Prussian soldier. He’d be a bit more emotional and probably less cartoonish here (I mean I have compared Star Wars to anime but full-on anime tropes in live action probably looks super corny), and he’s a massive hardass who also doesn’t get sarcasm or jokes and fanatical and would have thought of his fellow soldiers as a collective as his band of brothers and comrades, collectively serving the FO like a smoothly running machine. My initial thought was that after a life of war crimes and the influence a certain pilot whose cell he was guarding who gave him his name, and maybe witnessing the death of a comrade, he had defected from the FO, but I started thinking it would be plausible if he defected from the FO probably by accident. Highly likely to be the second protagonist, if not POV character, and if so I think it’s logical that it’s Finnrey that becomes the canon ship here. In the Padawan!Rey route, he’s the newcomer protagonist, not Rey. If they’re shipped, or even as friends, they may bond over their dehumanizing, harsh backgrounds and the feeling of being lost in the world. Also he likely starts a mutiny. Like it was such an obvious plot point but they never use it for some bizarre reason. It’s like the DM didn’t read his character sheet at all. Actually one didn’t and the other kept forgetting it in the third campaign.
There’s two ways I think his arc could go; first would be a focus mainly on his search for identity and becoming his own person. Second, his guilt about having done the First Order’s bidding for so long. Probably a combination of the two, though I’m not sure how to address them both. He also wants to see his colleagues free from slavery. But I am sure about I’d that he’d have to overcome his conditioning, learning to regain his humanity.
Especially if Rey is a Skywalker and he becomes a Jedi, he’d be the one who the movie makes a point about being from nowhere. He has no idea who his parents are, but it would not even matter in the end, it’s what he makes of his life from here on out. And if he and Rey end up together, which is extremely likely in this scenario, he not only finds his family in the figurative sense with the other Jedi and his new friends plus girlfriend, but in the literal sense as well, going from nameless Stormtrooper FN-2187, to just Finn the ex-Stormtrooper, to Finn the Padawan and then Jedi Knight, to finally, Finn Skywalker, Jedi Knight; maybe the last movie ends with one of them proposing to the other, with SW8 having previously ended with the climactic big damn kiss that cemented that they are a thing now. (Cue Luke jokingly asking when he’s getting grandchildren and How It Should Have Ended!Anakin squeeing over him getting great-grandchildren lol) His name would have this real symbolic value to it with how it changes as he goes from nobody to somebody. Not to mention “Finn Skywalker” is just a freakin’ awesome name. If they make up the leading duo, he and Rey may have some kind of inherent connection, or they progress into two parts of the same whole, even attaining something like a Dyad.
I thought an interesting thing to do if Rey is a Skywalker, and this is Cynical Rey, is a twist on the expected pattern by making him the one who sees the good in Kylo, not Rey. Because while Rey might be his cousin, she’s also a very distrustful person who couldn’t afford to think deeply about people act the way they do when she was growing up and fighting to survive. Meanwhile, Finn knows Kylo, and he also knows what it’s like to be determined to be a killing machine from a very young age, and if he has to forgive himself, or if he’s able to see the light, that Kylo deserves a chance as well. It would be the ultimate show of kindness from him, to show him forgiving the man who works so loyally under the same organization that enslaved him. I can also see Kylo being angry at himself for being unable to sense the Force-Sensitive in their midst. 
Maybe he was born on a “Lightside nexus” planet too so that it makes sense that he can keep up with other characters? Presuming he’s in his early 20s, I don’t think him being raised by the Order since he was a baby is that plausible, so maybe he was already an orphan? I can see the First Order spinning their Stormtrooper program kidnapping street orphans as “rehabilitating” them, which combined with good old Victorian style citizen apathy to street children allows them to get away with it. But if he was, say, around 6 years old when he was taken away, it would make sense why he was able to break out of his programming. Perhaps Poe showing him friendship awoke the humanity long dormant in him. But on the other hand, the younger, adolescent soldiers may be beyond saving, and I can see that being absolutely heartbreaking. 
I can see his fighting style with a saber being direct, forceful, and pragmatic, but unlike Rey the emphasis would be on engaging and keeping up the fight, and be very disciplined, calculated, and controlled in contrast to Cynical Rey. At least he’d attempt it while he gets used to the properties of a lightsaber, before there would probably be a lot of awkwardness as John is directed to swing this weightless prop blade with a weighted hilt like he would a club or sword. If he isn’t a Force Sensitive, he’s a good sniper just like in BF2, in fact this would be his primary combat ability, though still able to hold his own in melee combat. Though even as a Jedi he’d probably still use a gun as a sidearm, and his good aim would also translate to him being very good at spotting openings and spotting danger from a distance, as well as enhanced ability to dodge. 
Poe Dameron: Age 29 (?). A total bro. I’ve kind of come to think of him as this embodiment of the good, wholesome side of traditional masculinity. I can best describe him as the guy you expect to think of when you think of the guy who takes the boys to the bar for beers on the house and hosts Super Bowl night (for the Americans out there). Basically just that big bro/cool uncle everyone likes. I think he’s the least changed from how he is in SW7; he’s a laid-back pilot with no special powers, and while he’s probably the most static and admittedly flat character (and unfortunately more minor than the other two) he has tons of charisma and optimism to compensate, though being the one who keeps everyone sane definitely helps. Not to mention his piloting skills; which, note, are never eclipsed by Rey, because that’s dumb. His skills are a bit more downplayed here, but he’s still extremely good, especially for his age. Despite being the pilot he’s the most down-to-earth, and may be the only one of the big four with any social skills, even if he’s a bit dorky, especially regarding BB-8. 
Son of Rebel pilots, graduated top of his class in the Republic Flight Academy, and his background is squeaky clean, no drug trading involved, though he spent a lot of his adolescence and his adulthood in the Academy or in the military, just like in pre-TROS supplementary material. He’s the main source of jokes and wisecracks out of the trio in all but the most dorky of Fangirl!Rey routes probably, teaching Cynical!Rey and Finn what it’s like to smile and laugh. He still has a close relationship with Leia and Han; possibly closer to the latter due to the latter being a pilot and likely still a General. Not sure about him keeping his rank because him starting and staying at the top might mesh awkwardly with the rest of the trio, but maybe he’s still a Commander; whichever makes his inclusion in the main cast most plausible. Due to an adorable Pixiv comic I found he may have been inspired to become a pilot by Luke or Han. I’d like to think that he breaks the hotshot pilot cliché a bit by not being too overly arrogant, immediately setting himself apart from Han by being a wholesome guy there for his buddies from the start, even if he is fond of wisecracking and snarkiness (probably from hanging around Han and Leia), and inside that laid-back personality lies a hotblooded, passionate, unwavering core. Like, he’s not exactly hotheaded like a Latin stereotype (*ahem*), but he’s got this more subtle, but still apparent, underlying fiery hotbloodedness to him, something that especially makes itself apparent in high-stress situations and when it comes to his loved ones. He’d also be Rey and Finn’s mentor of sorts in stuff that doesn’t involve the Force, being their role model for what a functional member of society is. He may make some self-depreciating jokes about being “normal”, but I think mostly he’ll take it in stride. Though I can see him and Han having a chat about this in a more quiet scene. 
Ironically, out of the trio he could maybe be said to be the most suited to be a Jedi personality-wise, despite the fact that he has no Force Sensitivity whatsoever; he goes with the flow, he isn’t troubled, he’s happy with the simple pleasures in life, he’s just a good, genuine guy who does good things, passionate but not obsessive, and he’s forgiving, willing to give even an enemy soldier a chance, appealing to the humanity in him. The last one is particularly Luke-like, don’t you think? Oh, to elaborate on the escape; I still like the idea of him giving Finn his name (though another idea I love is a fallen friend giving Finn his name, that would change stuff around a lot from what I am thinking at this moment). I also think that perhaps supplemental material or some flashbacks, or even an animated short could be made showing just how Poe broke Finn’s programming; by showing him genuine kindness, because somehow, despite his lack of Force Sensitivity, he saw that FN-2187 could be talked out of his programming if he was constantly nice to him, befriending him, starting up casual chatter with him, and after a while the trooper starts opening up to this pilot. …Yeah, Luke-like indeed. Though since there is the plot hole of why Finn could be convinced in mere days and why he’s the only one guarding such a high-profile prisoner, a more realistic idea may be that they talk to each other this way a few times, then Poe escapes and Finn goes after him before they both crash on Jakku and have to work together, with Poe immediately being friendly with Finn and later Rey, to his (and her) confusion. (I can just imagine Poe being all chipper and trying to engage Finn in conversation, or telling him “Good job, sport!” after they fight off bandits or something, and Finn just is all deadpan and “We are enemies, we have no reason to fraternize” and I find that kind of cute).
He may ultimately be the most static of the main cast, but I can see him having a huge impact in more subtle ways; like maybe Rey and Finn think of what Poe might do in a given situation in their training, and he could be the catalyst behind why Finn thinks that Kylo can be redeemed, just like how Poe was able to light another way when it felt like there was only one path for him. He also definitely wouldn’t be the type to be so reckless with his men like he was in TLJ, if he’s still a Commander; he cares about his men a lot, and in fact they may be the reason why he tends to act like an older brother. I can imagine a pretty poignant scene with Finn where Finn sees Poe by himself and BB-8 paying respects to his fallen comrades by this handmade cenotaph, as he sets some flowers down and pours a drink to them, and Finn once again is able to see how different the culture outside the First Order is, as he would have never been mourned like that if he died on the battlefield, nor can he imagine he ever would have done so himself. Or maybe Rey is there too, because if this is Cynical Rey she’s only known a life where people exploited each other. Maybe other characters like Jessika (who he’s already close to I think? Did she show up in the movies though?) or Rose would have the opportunity to be more than background characters by being part of his crew, and we’d get some charming scenes about the bond he has with his squadron.
Again, admittedly he’d be the least deep character out of the big four, with his feelings not being explored nearly as much. But he probably doesn’t really hide his feelings much anyway. For any supplementary shorts involving him, they would be mainly lighter stories about his relationship with the OT cast and their families and his friendship with BB-8 and his crew, or action-y ones about missions he’s gone on; as opposed to, say, Finn, which would show his life as an expendable trooper who knew nothing but war, Cynical!Rey and her crushing loneliness and growing disillusionment to the world as she struggles to survive, or Padawan!Rey and her anguish and grappling with the Dark Side in the aftermath of the Jedi Massacre. 
I can also imagine him being this adorable Shipper On Deck for Finnrey lol. Just looking at his two friends, all proud, maybe even tearing up like “*sniff* I’m not crying Buddy, you’re crying!” when the inevitable big kiss scene happens. I can also imagine him being the one to tell Finn that “Hey Finn, what you’re feeling is love!”…And then he has to spend hours trying to explain what love even is to him lol. He always has his friends’ back after all. Again, he’s most likely the one guy who isn’t completely socially inept among these dorks. I’ve also had the potential idea that he could maybe be a good cook, and he’d be the one who introduces Rey and Finn to actually good food. Some fics I’ve noticed tend to show him cooking stuff probably for that reason. It’s just kind of cute, and it sets a good example if despite his traditionally masculine, salt-of-the-earth character, he likes some less “manly” stuff like such and sees no shame in it.
He may sacrifice himself in a blaze of glory towards the end, especially because quite frankly he may lose his plot relevance as the story goes on, though it would definitely be way more respectful than a lot of deaths were treated in the sequels. But I also want him to stick around because I want to imagine him being all proud of Rey and Finn after they propose to each other and giddily planning their wedding, and I feel he could have some very good interactions with Ben to build on for any spinoffs taking place after the trilogy. Speaking of…
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo: AKA Yet Another Ball Of Lost Potential: Anti-Villain Addition. This is gonna be a doozy, so strap in. He was probably the most developed character here but that just makes his lost potential stick out even more, so I have so much to say about him.
About 27 probably. While people complain about it, I actually like him being a manchild. It makes him a bit unique in this series. It’s kind of like Vader if he didn’t get stuck in that suit and kept acting like Anakin. In fact, that could make him even more terrifying if that feeds into how destructive he can be; at first he seems like your typical intimidating SW villain, not even that bad a leader with a seemingly calm if tense, imposing air, but it eventually becomes clear he’s this terrifying, volatile berserker who can throw some of the most destructive tantrums ever, and is ultimately a pathetic, broken, pitiful shell of a man. …He just happens to be a very powerful shell of a man. Maybe if he becomes emotional or angry enough, he can unleash powerful shockwaves that basically blow up everything around him, or cause mini Force Storms, or cause any number of unpredictable effects. Though he’s not quite constantly raging either; these berserk states are indeed triggered by anger, but I’m thinking that they are also basically weaponized panic attacks, there’s a sense that it’s also a self-defense mechanism that he lapses into when emotions overwhelm him or when he otherwise feels threatened (though whether it’s necessarily involuntary all the time I’m not so sure; but while he’d definitely want to be able to trigger them voluntarily, there will always be some sense that he doesn’t have full control over it). Also a lot of his rage is directed inwards as well, much like with his grandfather. I thought that maybe his unpredictability in these rages would be the key to his destructiveness, though I can see how someone who is out of control would also pose a problem, no matter how powerful; so maybe this is when he becomes the most focused, becoming locked onto the elimination of the perceived threat at all costs, and/or he can be controlled by his Master more directly like some kind of attack animal. 
Luke’s first padawan, or at least after Leia or Grogu (I might make him show up as Luke’s first knighted pupil and allude to this, providing more exposition on Kylo, and being one of the Jedi who help fight in the final battle as the Skywalkers go on to take on the final boss (and Grogu’s name being revealed would be a massive hype moment in The Mandalorian)). Due to his storied family, plus the name of his uncle and grandfather’s own master, he had heavy expectations on his (at the time) small shoulders from an early age. However, he had long been tormented by the Dark Side due to an untraceable curse placed upon him by Snoke, and probably a pre-existing anxious personality. The expectations placed on him, or maybe perhaps just self-imposed expectations, only worsened his turmoil, resulting in a festering mess of self-hatred, extreme perfectionism, and an obsession with familial honor and obsessive attachment to his family, especially Luke, that is a nasty combination of hero-worship and the abovementioned complexes and may border on almost incestuous.
There’s three ways for his backstory to go; “Underachiever Ben”, where Ben is either mediocre as a Jedi or still good but outperformed by others, or “Elsa Ben”, where he’s basically like Elsa from Frozen, possessing an extreme amount of power but barely able to control it, possibly due to Snoke’s curse, and a sort of middle ground, where Ben was super strong and a quick learner, but the dark side in him made Luke feel mixed about Ben’s increasing power, which Ben sensed. If the former, Ben becomes increasingly frustrated at himself for being such a “failure”. If “Elsa Ben”, there’s that, and also the added pain of him growing up terrified of himself and able to sense the terror he causes to those around him, so he was taken in by Luke so hopefully Luke could figure something out; he could have been destructive from the start, or maybe he started to become increasingly destructive despite his training. If the middle ground route, he takes Luke’s mixed emotions to mean that he doesn’t think he’s good enough. How severe Snoke’s curse would have been I’m not fully sure on; he could have voices in his head and nightmares keeping him up for days, chipping away at his sanity, tempting him to accept the darkness, or it may have just been an amplifying of his already unstable emotions. They could have even started as the latter and escalated to the former. But I’m thinking that to best explain his behavior I’m leaning towards the Elsa route. Eventually, his nightmares morphed into repeated visits by Darth Vader, his grandfather, who told him about the truth of his lineage and how he became Vader, slandering everything and everyone he ever admired or loved, telling him of his “true” destiny, and how he should give up and embrace it; unable to hear the real Anakin’s ghost screaming at him to not repeat his mistake. This extended campaign of mental torment stunted his emotional growth in many aspects, and at times he may seem to regress even more. Maybe other padawans were afraid of him because of this dark side presence, avoiding him, and/or were jealous of him because of his lineage and relation to Luke. He often felt entitled to be Luke’s right hand, getting jealous at other students and taking any reprimanding, no matter how gentle, extremely personally. Luke would have needed to struggle between not seeming to be biased towards his nephew and giving him the attention he needed, especially because Ben would feel like Han and Leia abandoned him because they weren’t able to help him, but considering how attached he is to Luke this would hurt him. So when Luke went to speak to him one night, or rushed in sensing an overwhelming dark side presence in his room, and was suddenly attacked by Snoke with a vision of what his nephew would become and making him go into fighting mode for a split second, drawing his weapon to protect Ben, and/or earlier admitted in anguish that he had no idea what was tormenting him despite his efforts, the straw broke the pedestal and he resigned himself to his “destiny”. Ironically he’s just exchanging one sky-high ideal for another, but he’s too emotionally immature to realize this, nor does he fully realize the fact that Snoke merely sees him as a malleable, gullible means to an end. Yet he still feels that pesky pull to the light, and he becomes increasingly frustrated with himself that even as a Dark side user, he still can’t be “perfect” or “worth” anything, not even able to sink himself into the darkness and finally rid himself of his pain. For all the privilege and power he has, or because of it, he always feels worthless. 
Basically I want to break him down and make his pitifulness obvious, but that’s what makes him sympathetic. He’s nowhere as far gone as Vader, even if he wants to be, kind of like a reverse Jekyll and Hyde situation where the Hyde is dominant but Jekyll hangs on, so to speak? Maybe? Is that the right analogy? Or I guess it is kind of like Anakin but sort of not, but he’s rapidly going down the same route of hurting his family like his grandfather. 
From researching a bit, his proposed behavior seems pretty close to the symptoms of BPD, which is actually pretty fitting because I was thinking Luke’s philosophy on the Force would be influenced by a more modern understanding of psychology, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy actually seems pretty in tune with what I understand to be how the Light Side of the Force works (I mean it even has basis in religious meditation…). Perhaps a mystical version of DBT was one of the things Luke was studying in exile. Though obviously it isn’t exactly BPD; portraying an actual, named mental illness not only has way too much baggage behind it, but it breaks immersion. And with him a lot of it will be the influence of the curse, though I think I would rather him have a personality that made him vulnerable to it from the start, so the curse had something to latch onto. 
Going with the “Elsa Ben” scenario, his “real” personality is anxious and even a bit shy. While I like the idea of him being cheerful when he was very little, the shyness always being there is also a characterization I like. Combined with his lumbering physique from his teenage years onwards, this made him a kid who gave off an impression of being extremely dorky (an act that would probably be very natural for Adam Driver to pull off lol) and/or withdrawn and aloof, the latter of which may have made some other padawans think he thought highly of himself and start to resent him. Unlike Anakin he’d be probably a dutiful student, almost creepily obedient, probably actively distancing himself from rebellious behavior, though his way of speaking isn’t exactly super formal either because of the influence of the adults around him. In his obsessions lies a genuine love, even if twisted, of his “favorite person” so to speak. He was also a genuinely sweet kid who wanted to please these special people in his life. He could be said to be actually really selfless in a weird way, because ultimately he values familial honor and being “good enough” for whatever higher purpose more than he values himself. TROS implied some sassiness with that Han-like shrug, and while I can maybe see some of Han rubbing off on him like that, that might be something that started from him trying to copy his parents’ air of confidence, and another coping mechanism. He might, like Vader, have a 501st legion 2.0 which Phasma is in charge of and Finn is part of, and show a more nicer side to them. Perhaps he opened up one or two times to Finn specifically; I can see this image of him venting to him while Finn stands still like how someone might vent to their dog, not really expecting Finn to be listening (also sarcasm might help Kylo obscure his true anguish from Finn, because FO troopers don’t understand sarcasm probably).  
He will be redeemed at the end… and live. Even if not necessarily paired with Rey. I’m neutral on Reylo (though admittedly I have a weak spot for pairs involving a strong woman and a troubled guy, so it’s kind of growing on me), but I really think this ship, or even centering the story strongly around a platonic relationship between these two, could have worked if it was built up strongly (Though if I were to go this route Finn would have to be established as a secondary character from the start, with Rey as the definitive main character, to focus on this). But either way, he’s definitely going to have to face the consequences of what he’s done, make up for his atrocities at least somewhat, and think about what he truly wants to do from now on. I can imagine him quietly reading stories to younglings as Rey, Finn, and Luke train some other pupils outside, or thanklessly working behind the scenes in other ways. For his haters out there, I could make the pill easier to swallow not just by making the reasons for his fall and how he was slowly and meticulously gaslit more clear, but also making him not as awful. Yes, he’s extremely destructive, but he could show more reluctance, or pause after his berserker rages, staring at the destruction he’s caused as the weight of what he’s done sinks in. He’d of course resent that he still has mercy left in him though. I don’t think that there will be a Starkiller Base, but even if there was he might argue with Hux a bit over whether it’s really necessary, until Hux sneers at him for having mercy, saying that Vader never hesitated when blowing up Alderaan, and Kylo reluctantly backs off.
…Actually, what about making him and Rey cousins? On one hand, if Rey is a Skywalker by blood, a direct daughter of the Master himself no less, Ben is now suddenly freed from carrying the weight of the family legacy on his own. On the other hand… He basically loses the thing he has spent his entire life building his identity around; since his fall would have partially been because of his obsession with Luke, he may become jealous and extremely resentful of her, and/or take this as even more reason for Luke to not “need” him anymore. Or perhaps, he pulls a reverse of “I sense the conflict in you” with her, wanting to “save” her from embracing the Light and wanting her to embrace the “true” Skywalker destiny with him. He could even be overjoyed that he could have someone else alongside him to carry on the legacy with; in this scenario he could have an unhealthy obsession with her that might also start crossing into “are you sure this isn’t incest?” territory. Yeah it’s a “join me and we can rule together” scenario again, but it would be done differently. Or perhaps it’s a mix of some of those. Exploring that and how he chooses to take it could be extremely interesting. Maybe it’s resolved when Anakin tells him to “finish what he started”… not just by saving the galaxy, but by also living the rest of his life loving his family not as an ideal, but as family, like Anakin wasn’t allowed to. And platonic Reylo sounds nice too. Though that’s going to make all that shipping fanart so awkward lol. Well it’s not as if Star Wars shippers haven’t been cockblocked by incest before (though his obsession with family and extremely questionable mental state would probably make such shippers go nuts anyway…). 
And going off of Poe being close to his parents, while the main interactions with Kylo from the heroes would be Rey, Finn if he’s the second protagonist, Luke, and his parents, I can see potential for an interesting dynamic and some interesting conversations between them too. Much like how he might react to Rey being Luke’s daughter, I can see him being jealous of Poe and resenting him for being his “replacement”, but after his redemption I can see potential for seeing the start of a friendship between them in epilogue comics, novels, or a mini-series. It would be pretty in-character for my version of Poe to want to help rehabilitate his sort-of stepbrother. Also I now have the adorable mental image of Ben quietly helping Poe (and maybe the rest of his squad) decorate and arrange Rey and Finn’s wedding, or the two surprising Finn with a very elaborate bachelor party, though I’m not sure if those exist in this universe. And because of a certain Inside Llewyn Davis scene I’m also imagining Poe getting Ben to sing with him and BB-8. It’s adorable. 
Also if both Rey and Finn are the main heroes, he might have some kind of link with both of them, and the main duo would both contrast him in their own way (lonely scavenger who no one expected anything of and nameless trooper who defected from the First Order vs. someone who grew up in greatness but seemingly threw it away and chose to be in the First Order; and much like Kylo Finn in particular has been manipulated from childhood to do heinous things, so he may sympathize with his situation). Maybe he’s the missing piece needed for both him and the leading duo to reach their full potential, or the main duo are the last piece needed to finally break Snoke’s curse on him, or something. Or it could simply just be Finn showing his growth and strength of character by understanding and forgiving Kylo, despite him now understanding just how badly the First Order treated him, which makes Rey (who, again, might start as this super cynical scavenger or may have seen Kylo go berserk and massacre her friends and betray her Master) come around to the idea. In this scenario it may actually be even more important to emphasize that Rey and Finn are two making up a whole, so as not to bog stuff down. It’s possible to ship Finnrey and want Kylo to have a better ending, what a shock! 
Maybe Rey and Kylo could switch places, and he comes back to the light in SW8, which is an idea I’ve seen floated and is something that would make the story truly unique. He would seem like basically a less stable Vader 2.0 at the start, but over SW8 he could be seen breaking more and more out of his own terrible mindset, coming to a head in a cathartic realization that bring him back into the arms of his beloved family. It would also add an interesting dynamic that he and Finn have to be equals now. But that may mean that Rey would have to be killed off and I’m not so sure about that. 
Though speaking of her, since in all these scenarios a common thread is that she understandably doesn’t like him, it would be a bit of a twist if Finn sees the good in him but Rey, if she’s a Skywalker, his cousin, doesn’t. 
And to bring up Poe again, I also really like the idea of them having been childhood friends and thus knowing each other before the events of SW7; after all, they’re around similar age, it isn’t that far-fetched to think that former Rebel families would be still pretty close to each other, and I’ve seen some adorable fanfics with the concept. It also adds connection between them and adds even more tragedy, even if this relationship may have to be elaborated more in supplementary material due to time. I can definitely Poe speaking like an old friend to Kylo and constantly calling him “Ben”, to his irritation. The abovementioned feeling of being replaced could be what caused Ben to suddenly break off the friendship. And making the main cast kind of tight-knit like this might also help make the cast easier to manage. 
Granted, there is the possibility of killing him off, though. I heard that one of the initial ideas for TFA was apparently that Kylo would be a reverse Vader, falling deeper and deeper into the Dark Side as the trilogy goes on. In fact, this may have been where Kylo killing Han may have been leading to. This actually sounded like a super cool idea, but considering the backstory I laid out I thought it would be way too bittersweet for the concluding movie of the saga, and if one were to say Kylo basically has BPD… That might lead to some unfortunate implications. I mean nothing is stopping me from not using the Elsa backstory, and if I didn’t use it maybe this route would be pretty viable, but I’m kind of starting to get attached to it. 
Other characters:
Hux: I’ve never really been a villain person. I mean I liked sympathetic villains, yeah (but even then I preferred anti-heroes for a while; I’m talking like nothing beyond N from Pokémon levels of “evil”), but straight-up villains I just have merely seen as obstacles. Like back in my Smash fic days I was often like “Eh… They’re there… Because they want to take over the world I guess?”. It’s why I’m having trouble with Snoke probably lol. But for some reason Hux interests me. If I take a guess it’s probably because of the potential he had as an actual foil to Kylo in his own faction. He had so much potential as a villain, and in having this tense dynamic play out. In fact he does seem to have been set up that way in SW7. But yeah, I imagine him as one coldhearted bastard. His backstory, though not elaborated on in the movies, would be much like TFA supplementary material set him up; he’d still have killed his father, but while yes, Brendol was abusive and strict, Armitage didn’t kill him completely because he was a young man who wanted to break free from his strict father, but also genuinely because he knew doing so would be good for his standing. Unlike Kylo when he (most likely) kills Han, he doesn’t regret killing Brendol at all. While he might have a tragic backstory kind of explaining his behavior, it doesn’t bother him at all, while Kylo, who considering what happened to him and how he’s literally under a curse you’d think would have a much steeper fall into unabashed evil, is constantly conflicted. It’s a very Sith Lord-like backstory funnily enough… In fact I’m pretty sure that Palpatine had a backstory very similar to this with his parents.  
He’s a very logical, analytical, brutally pragmatic person, and he looks upon Kylo’s emotional state with condescension. I’m increasingly starting to like the idea that he’s somehow able to talk Kylo down, while still being hardly nice. Perhaps he preys upon Kylo’s constant need for approval from others, even if he doesn’t like the person in question (this may also be why Kylo reacts so strongly to Finn escaping as well, in fact. He genuinely cares about people’s loyalty, even from literal no-name soldiers). Though I can’t decide whether he’s this deceptively charming snake or basically an evil Spock. I also can’t decide between him being in this constant state of “Why do I have to babysit this manchild” or giving absolutely no visible f*cks around Kylo no matter what happens, or even straight-up trolling him often, toying with his emotions because it amuses him; preferably two or a bit of all somehow? I can see him using having met Vader as a child to mock Kylo for how much of a pale, childish imitation he is, or reminding Kylo of how much better he is as a leader objectively; perhaps that’s what he holds over Kylo’s head. Or him explaining to Kylo how he was raised by less than stellar parenting and tried so hard to live up to his strict father too… So he brutally murdered Brendol in cold blood (possibly with Phasma’s help), became a better admiral than he ever was, and got over it “Like an adult. Unlike you.”. They’d be in this constant state of delicate, tense equality; Kylo can easily overpower Hux if he pisses him off a bit too much, but Hux is able to walk that fine edge seemingly without much effort. 
But when he realizes whatever grand cosmic plot he and the entire First Order has been participating in this whole time is when, ironically, there would probably be a really dramatic villainous breakdown from him. It’s kind of a Zuko and Azula situation with Kylo and Hux perhaps? Or is this Hux more a mix of Azula and Zhao’s roles rather?
Worldbuilding stuff: Since I’m more a character person, there isn’t much here, but because the worldbuilding was another issue in the movies I’ll also be adding these.
The New Republic isn’t nuked in the first movie. In fact it stays there for the duration of the trilogy and the hero faction is now its armed forces, not The Resistance (Also that name makes no sense. Seriously. At least name them The Peacekeeper Corps or Vigilantes or something, or since they’re basically Leia’s personal military maybe the Organa Free Army or Organa Corps or something of that sort. No wonder people mistakenly call them The Rebels sometimes. It’s a similar setup to Chrom’s Shepherds in Fire Emblem Awakening, albeit with a better relationship with the kingdom; it would be downright strange if the Shepherds called themselves The Resistance despite literally existing with the queen’s permission, and it still is here. Hell, Leia’s Shepherds is a better name). There would be elaboration on the political stuff going on behind the scenes, and if Leia isn’t a Jedi that’s her plotline probably, though a big part of me wants her to be part of the action instead of being stuck on the homeworld. 
Meanwhile, The First Order is made up of Imperial Remnants and people and planets who were unsatisfied with the democratic but still new and fragile New Republic. Basically think White Russians if the Soviets weren’t also awful. It happens a lot in history. While it may have some mining planets in its orbit (not literally, you know what I mean) so it can plausibly refurbish anything Kylo wrecks with his tantrums, Starkiller Base is probably a bit much, and a lot of their equipment might be old Imperial or Rebel stuff, or stolen from the New Republic, with new stuff being produced but not in overly high quantity. Some of the equipment deemed less important might even be kind of crappy due to how old they are. They’d probably be at most an equally powerful faction to the Republic, if not smaller than them, seeming more like a terrorist cell. I don’t have much of an idea why Snoke would want to be involved in it yet though. 
But while the First Order might be smaller, the New Republic is hindered by it just now finally gaining its footing, and the military previously only having been used for peacekeeping and sniping stray Imperial remnants. Because it’s peacetime, it might have been kept pretty small, and also the military academies are literally not even 30 years old at this point, so new that it’s possible Poe, despite his youth, was one of the earliest graduates; one of the military’s most high-ranking officers is literally a scoundrel with no formal training - even if he is good at his job - it isn’t exactly a well-oiled machine, though its less rigid, casual structure also does benefit it in some aspects. Also the FO can easily use Kylo as intimidation, and its upper staff is nothing if not driven and motivated as well as ruthless. They may engage in more underhanded actions like sabotage and suicide bombers, or rely on small elite units like the Knights of Ren or small companies of troopers, to poke holes in the enemy just as much as open combat. And maybe if all else fails Snoke causes something really bad to happen seemingly out of nowhere. 
While I do think that making the baddies an Empire 2.0 is an… uncreative decision, I want to keep Finn’s backstory, plus it fits Kylo’s story too so blah, I kind of have to keep it. Plus I want to do Phasma and Hux justice. Maybe Snoke or whatever it serves turns into a giant Eldritch abomination and have no use for the FO anymore. And again, reactionary forces are a thing that have existed throughout early modern history. But as already mentioned, due to the nature of the First Order’s existence, maybe the Stormtroopers aren’t kidnapped, but they were orphans picked off the streets, and/or some more dedicated Imperial parents gave them their children? I had the idea that Troopers like Finn are “Junior Troopers”, the child slave type, while older members, “Senior Troopers”, would be legit Imperial revanchists and former troopers. Maybe there’s a separate company of Juniors who think they’re cool by fighting for the First Order, but generally Juniors would be the lowest on the social rung, though some might make it into higher positions, and don’t know any other life than what they have now. Though I also like the idea that Finn was part of an elite unit directly connected to Kylo Ren like the 501st, so he has a reason to be particularly hurt by his betrayal (but that could throw a wrench in the whole Finn was a faceless cog in the machine thing). They’re pretty Prussian in command structure; officers work under mission-tactics, but the rank-and-file are machine-like in their discipline, more than even some actual droids. The Republic’s forces also probably engage in mission-tactics a lot, except how far it is acceptable goes way further down the chain of command, so stuff like the Holdo situation doesn’t happen. If that situation were to happen when mission-tactics were to be expected Poe’s independent action would be seen as reasonable. This would have potential for very interesting battles and tactics, though I’d need a lot of help with those because I’m the furthest thing from a tactician you can find (but even I can tell the bomber scene from TLJ was dumb, which should say something).
I kind of realized that it’s possible that the four OT legacy characters may end up basically representing four major aspects of the New Republic; the Jedi (Luke), law and justice (Leia, if she’s a senator), the military (Han, if he’s a general), and economics (Lando). I think some worldbuilding into how the republic functions should be explored through these characters as they move the story forward, except for the Jedi since they’re obviously a central focus, and Luke might very well be introduced after them, and the military will also get focus for obvious reasons, and Poe exists. The information definitely needs to be conveyed as efficiently and organically as possible through the story, because there’s two, likely three, equally important main characters and an unholy amount of secondary characters who aren’t exactly minor. 
May write more later idk. I need to be doing other stuff…
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hydemeincradle · 5 years
My Cradlesonas
I have to join in too thanks @lovingsiriusoswald for the idea, and also @candyflossclouds and @stupidofofspades for making me wanna do it too no matter how much I tried to rebel
In true me fashion I can’t pick between Seth or Oliver and I already had an OC made which again I couldn’t pick who for. So I made another, one for each. And now I can’t tell which one I like more, cause they both seem so fun.
Cradlesona #1 - Clara Shepard
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Basic Info:
Name: Clara Shepard
Birthday: 28th February
Age: 25
Height: 5 foot 3
Eyes: Dark blue/slightly purple
Hair: Dark blue
Accessories: hoop earrings, leather collar
Affiliation: Black Army
Occupations: 3 of Spades - Security
Seth – Like a rabid fangirl, she admires him from afar, hasn’t had the courage to say anything yet. She managed to leave secret chocolates on valentine’s once, after all, nobody knows the headquarters as much as she does, she can sneak anything anywhere. Possibly not so subtly, she tries to talk to him whenever socially possible, but gets too nervous and becomes a blushy mess. Seth is somehow still oblivious.
Fenrir – She has lots of fun with Fenrir, sometimes locking him out on purpose to see how he’ll try to get in this time. She likes to join in target practice with him.
Sirius – They’ve known eachother since Sirius joined the army, although she was a lot younger then. She’s like an unofficial army sister. Clara knows she can rely on Sirius for most things.
Ray – Likes her because sometimes she sneaks cats in for him.
Luka – Speaks to him more officially than day to day, but she is soon around if Luka has been baking cakes.
Kyle – Love/Hate relationship cause she keeps sending him patients with minor injuries… who usually carry a bottle of alcohol for his troubles
Clara is dedicated to the black army so takes her job very seriously, but she likes to have fun too. She’s grown up mostly at the headquarters so she can be both mentally and physically strong, but she also loves to wind down and have a laugh and a joke. She’s hardworking, reliable, has way too much fun beating people who try to beat her security. She’ll happily wrestle anyone to the ground if needs be (although she doesn’t dare arm wrestle Seth cause she’ll know she’ll lose)
Family and History:
Her father was the previous 3 of Spades and showed her the ropes from a young age in the hopes she would be able to take over after him. She lost her mother at a young age so found a new family within the black army.
Skills and Special Abilities:
Hand to hand combat, all sorts of defensive moves, gun practice, great at poker, and her favourite – dislocating arms
Paired with: Seth
Life in Cradle:
She spends most of her life doing something for the black army, patrols, security checks, tending to horses, training, and keeping her security team in check. Every once in a while she’ll escape to the roof to be alone, especially now her father has retired to a cottage in the clubs quarter. She gets lonely sometimes, but with the chaos that goes down at headquarters, she’s usually distracted to think too much on it.
Cradlesona #2 - Anise
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Basic Info:
Name: Anise – not her real name, but one accidentally given to her by Oliver
Birthday: 13th August
Age: 27
Height: 5 foot 8
Blood Type: Magic
Eyes: Red, thanks to the magic event which got her to Cradle they’ve permanently changed
Hair: Blue/Pink/Purple – blue fringe, pink side bits, purple back. She keeps it short generally so it’s not in the way, however when the moon is full, her magic is set off and her hair grows out of control. Pros, she can change her style every month. Cons, hairdresser costs.
Accessories: Changes day to day from little ribbons, to little things which interest her
Features: Freckles across her cheeks
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupations: Assistant, or as Oliver likes to say, a constant bother
Oliver – constant source of fun, they bicker a lot but it’s never in a hurtful way. Oliver was the one to find her in the first place and so she likes to help him as thanks. She also goes drinking with him (he has no choice sometimes) and Kyle, enjoying watching the fun. She drunkenly admitted she found him very handsome, but Oliver conveniently forgets.
Blanc – He watches over her and almost looks after her like his own child, he helped her adjust to Cradle along with Oliver. She likes to bring back carrot cake from the market each time she goes for him too.
Loki – She met him through Oliver’s dealings with him and sometimes enjoys playing with him.
Seth – She knows him after bumping him at the market a few times, along with the hairdressers. He loves messing with her hair, and lets him style it sometimes.
Fenrir – Met him through Oliver after helping to make his weapons, but is fearful of the guns. Sometimes she tries to goad him into eating competitions along with Seth.
Kyle – He initially treated Anise and realised she has magic, he’s kind enough to keep it secret though warns her not to use it again for her safety. He is wary of her thanks to the scissor incident. He also likes watching her get drunk and do stupid stuff.
Jonah – After watching her wrestle Kyle for a pair of scissors to cut her hair, Jonah thinks she’s crazy.
Edgar – While briefly at the red headquarters, Anise sniffed out Edgar’s jellybeans and he got her addicted to them. She now sneaks up on him if she sees him to steal his jellybeans.
Anise is energetic and bubbly, partially as compensation and partially due to the fact she can now. Her freedom is making her not afraid of doing anything, so she goes with the flow. When not hyped up on sugar or looking at pretty things, she can focus well on what she is doing and calm down. She will deflect questions about her home country, especially now she is away from it.
History and life in Cradle
Anise was born in another country which was taken over by others of the Jabberwock family who fled. In her country they had managed to get in control of those with magic, one of them being Anise. During a Lunar Eclipse, Anise and others who were captured used their magic and with the extra magical power of the moon, used a teleportation spell. It is unknown if the others survived.
Oliver was watching the moon and stargazing at the time, when a flash and supposed meteor hit the ground – which was in fact Anise. Oliver found her, and took to her to Kyle who realised straightaway she was nearly dying thanks to all the magic usage. During a full moon, her hair grows out of control because of the magic, which also freaked Kyle out (this led to the scissor incident).
She ended up with Oliver after Kyle mentions he found her, and he feels partially responsible for her. Anise sometimes tells white lies and pretends she has forgotten her name and where she is from so that she can forge a new identity and move on from the horrors she endured. Anise got her new name from Oliver, after he made a scathing comment about his tea, likening her to anise, except she took it as a compliment and adopted it as her name.
Anise finds Oliver’s inventions fascinating and can’t help but want to help. Despite him thinking she is a pain, he does let her help and enjoys her company.  
Skills and Special Abilities:
She has magic, though has been advised not to use it so her own safety (though rarely does)
Paired with: Oliver Anise made on picrew here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383
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sterlingun · 5 years
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Character: ― Nicholas ‘Nik’ Sterling Faceclaim: ― Theo James Age/Pronouns: ― 33 | he/him Occupation:  ― Lycan Alpha Hometown/District: ― born in Downtown, Houston / lives in Upper Springs, Houston
Though there’s no real blood relation between Nik and the old Alpha, over the years spent with the Lycans he’s grown to admire the man and regard him as a father figure he desperately lacked all these years. With the old Alpha growing weaker day after day, eaten away by the illness, Nik is terrified of the thought of losing him too, he still considers him his compass and most trusted adviser.
He still hasn’t given up on searching for his sister - even though the odds are against him, he believes he owes it to her to never stop trying, whether he finds her dead or alive. It’s the only remaining loose end from his youth, when his father was still there to wreak havoc on their lives. 
His brother used to show him card tricks when they were kids, and when he joined the Lycans - he left behind a worn deck of playing cards that Nik is still very attached to. It’s the only physical memory he has of his brother. After that, especially when he was on the run he focused a lot of his efforts on card tricks and learning to cheat his way to a win. It was a way to make money when he was on the run, and you can still see him absentmindedly playing with cards to this day, especially when he’s thinking about something, or something is bothering him. 
He wears black leather gloves a lot, and it’s very rare to see him without them - probably only closest to him have seen him without them. When he was a young boy his father would make him and Ethan hold a scorching hot iron bar to ‘test their durability’. It’s not a fond memory for Nik, and neither are the scars. Besides, he’s worn them so much they’re pretty much a part of his image these days. 
If you’re even remotely familiar with the way he walks, you’ll know he has a very specific gait. He tries to compensate for it, make it seem languid and aloof, but it’s still visible, especially on a bad day. This is the result of the first time he tried to kill his father, when the old bastard left him with torn ligaments and a broken patella. 
He’s got a thing for fast, expensive cars and has a garage by the house filled with whatever he’s passionate about currently. Do not start talking about them, because he won’t ever stop - you’ve been warned. He’s quiet usually, but oh boy this topic is a black hole. 
A bit of pyromaniac, if he can set it on fire and has a reason to - he will. And he prefers matches over lighters when it comes to lighting his cigarettes. He won’t ever admit it, but it’s got a lot to do with how he ended his father’s life. 
Watches are his thing. Majorly. You walk into his closet and there’s an entire section dedicated just to expensive, limited-edition Omegas and Patek Philippes and Piagets and god knows what. He thinks it adds to the whole look, plus to be honest - he’s a nerd about this stuff. Also another topic where you do not want to get him started. 
Likes to read a lot. Even if he had no formal education, you can strike up a conversation with him about pretty much anything from philosophy to literature to technology. I think he kind of values knowledge a lot, and it’s his biggest regret he had no chances to actually study and learn about something. 
His biggest vices are whiskey and cigarettes. You can always see him with one or the other, or both - depends on the situation. 
He has a set of two expensive silver guns that were given to him by the old Alpha and he will protect these things with his life. The story goes that Nik’s mom gave these to the old Alpha for their 10th anniversary, but the old man wanted Nik to have them and to remember that even though she made some bad choices, she did love Nik too. 
He’s got a tattoo on his back that says ‘Death before dishonor’ and on his chest a tattoo mimicking a scar from tiger’s claws hides a bullet wound he’d received fighting his father. There’s some small silvery scars on his back, he’s had them since childhood and isn’t too keen on discussing them. 
100% blames himself for losing his sister and the death of his girlfriend, he can’t be reasoned with when it comes to these topics, and even though he won’t admit it - he still has nightmares about both, as well as the death of his brother .You could probably classify him as a chronic insomniac, but try convincing him of that...  
The Sister - She’s someone he’s lost a long time ago, and he never quite forgave himself for letting their father take her away. He’s spent the years since she’s been gone actively searching for her, either himself or through other means. I feel like he thinks of her as this pure thing from his childhood, untainted by their father because she was kept protected by their mother from young age. I think it’s a complicated relationship, because long ago he probably resented her for being their mother’s first choice while he was left behind, but there’s too much love there to truly ever allow himself to feel that. He wants to find her, but he’s terrified of what life has done to her innocence and well-being, and even more terrified that she’s died along the way because he wasn’t capable of finding her.
The Brother/Sister in Arms - Someone he connected with when he first joined the Lycans. It could either be someone who was suspicious of him at first, or someone who accepted him right away. I think it would make an interesting dynamic either way. Because it was tough for him at first, he was used to being alone and completely incapable of trusting anyone, a bit too familiar with violence given his age, had connections to the Reapers (even though he was obviously against them) etc. So he either butted heads with this person at first or he was trying to shoo them away because they attempted to reach out to him. But now he appreciates that they stuck around through thick and thin and they’re one of those rare people he’d trust with his life. Either male or female I think it could work either way I’d just be super excited to see this happen!
The Ex-brother/sister-in-law - Okay this is something I would love to see happen. Nik blames himself majorly for his late girlfriend’s death, because he pulled her into this life and refused to let go because he’d found someone he felt safe with for the first time. Now this could go either way - this person could be angry and resentful because they blame him for what happened to their sister, or they could be like 'she wouldn’t have listened even if you told her to leave’ because they know how stubborn she was and how much she cared about him, so there was nothing to be done and it was just a tragic story. Anyway this is my shit, there’s angst either way and I’m ready for it.
The Friend from Before - Someone he met and ran with for a certain period of time after he escaped Houston and before he came back and joined the Lycans. I think it opens up a lot of doors - like this person could now be back in town, or they’ve been here for a while, maybe they’re a Reaper (ooh drama), or unaffiliated, or want to join the Lycans, idk the possibilities are endless! I’m just excited about someone who knew him from before, I think that would make for an interesting dynamic to expore esp if there’s angst and someone left someone behind…
The Ex - Okay just like the one before, I’m leaving this pretty open to interpretation. It can be as casual or as angsty as we wish, we’ll just figure it out. I mean that journalist girl he fell in love with was his more serious thing, but he’s not that young I’m sure there’s been a lot of people along the way. It could be his crippling issues that got in the way, or both of them had crippling issues (entirely plausible tbh), they might have been too explosive for each other, or he wanted to protect them… It could be someone like the Friend from Before, so like during that time period (which would be super interesting actually!), or someone from Lycan he’s on bad terms with, or good terms? Honestly, sky’s the limit I just love exploring different dynamics and also heartbreak and also why people don’t end up working together.
The Mentor/Mentees - Ok the old Alpha was his mentor, but tbh I would like to see someone played who took him under his wing back then, like showing him the ropes, teaching him things, practicing with him, building him as a person etc. I just dig that okay? I dig it the other way around too though, so if anyone is willing to be his mentee and go through that stuff, I'm so there for it. Because he sees himself in a lot of the troubled people so he’s always there for it, even through it’s sometimes tough love. We can always work out the dynamics so that it fits both characters, but I would just love to see it happen. I think it brings out the protective/caring side in Nik.
More, more, more!! - I might add things on as I go, but honestly if you have an idea for a connection (does’t have to be one of the above) please feel free to reach out! We’ll work it out and tbh nothing’s set in stone.
He was born in Downtown, Houston - dirt poor trailer park kid who was still too young to be bitter and resentful about the cards he’d been dealt. His father was a petty criminal, hell-bent on trying to impress the Reapers, just as he was hell bent on spending what little money they had on gambling, or beating them and their mother. All in all - his childhood was a bleak series of weeks and months and years, spent alongside his older brother and a younger sister. 
Their father tried to groom Ethan and Nik for the life of crime, wanting to introduce them to the Reapers from a young age. But as soon as those two were capable of thinking for themselves, they realised most of it was just senseless violence and a promise of a life of subservience. They played along to an extent (training-wise) but generally rebelled against him even if they’d earn a beating after that. 
Eventually their mother disappeared, taking their sister along with her. As it would turn out, with Lycans on the rise she saw an opportunity and ran. Nik guesses she thought her ex-husband had already asserted too much influence over Ethan and Nik so they were left behind. There were stories that the Alpha took an interest in her, which sent their father pretty much further over the edge so next few years would be hell for the brothers. 
Nik and Ethan were each other’s stone during those formative years, but eventually their mother reached out to Ethan offering him a way out, leaving Nik behind once again. It was first of many brutal hits to come that Nik would have to learn to deal with.
Enraged by the fact she took his firstborn, Nik’s father tracked down their sister, and as retaliation, took her away from her mother and the Lycans. Nik saw her only briefly, exchanging barely a few words before she was sold off to god knows where. Seeing what his father was truly capable of doing, Nik escaped Houston, his mind set on finding and saving his sister. 
He’d spend the next few years bouncing around, erasing his traces along the way as he perfected his skills and looked for his sister - using his rage and determination as a driving force. 
Things would come to a halt though, when the news of his brother’s death reached him somehow. Apparently, their father had no problem driving a knife through his son’s heart the first chance he got. Broken and in disbelief, Nik flew back to Houston. 
He laid low for a while, before finally feeling prepared enough to strike down his father. That didn’t go down as well as he’d hoped, considering his Reaper friends got involved - but Nik was content enough with the damage he’d done. This was his first try after all. 
This was a catalyst for the Lycans’ Alpha to reach out to Nik - it seemed that out of the bunch, he was the only one left, and he was borderline insane with rage and hatred he harboured against his father and the Reapers. Which was exactly the kind of thing that was of interest for Alpha. 
He’d spend his late teenage years and early adulthood with the Lycans, being trained as one of their own, rising through the ranks, being subtly groomed by the alpha. He’d meet a girl in those years, a stubborn reporter he would fall madly in love with, and he’d probably tell you those were his ‘happy’ years. 
But his father wasn’t done yet - he eventually had Nik’s girlfriend beaten to a pulp, left do die in a dark, damp alley so that all Nik could do in the end, was say goodbye to her by the hospital bed and then go out to seek his revenge. 
It seriously messed him up, but he also seemed completely unable to rest until he tracked his father down and set fire to the house he was staying in. A cruel way to go, considering he knew of his father’s fear of fire - but Nik was long past caring. 
The rest was history. The Alpha continued to groom him to eventually become his successor but their time would be cut short by an illness that started tormenting the old man. A vote was cast, and though Nik got the majority - he didn’t get all the votes like the Alpha had hoped. Main concern among the deciding betas was Nik’s age - they were of the opinion that he was too young to take on such a responsibility. 
Though slightly reluctant, after the old Alpha abdicated about a year ago - Nik rose to the occasion and took his place as the new Alpha, and has been working out just what kind of leader he’s meant to be for the past year. 
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dichenlachmandaily · 6 years
The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Altered Carbon actress delivers her tips for Aussies trying to build a career at home and abroad.
Credits: Aquamarine, Dollhouse, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Altered Carbon
Originally from Nepal, the 36-year-old actress moved to Adelaide with her parents as a child and played Katya on Neighbours from 2005–2007
“It was a practical thing, wanting to go to America,” recalls LA-based Dichen Lachman. “I’d been on Neighbours and back then in 2007, it was a different time and Netflix and the big movies weren’t shooting in Australia so I knew my choices were limited and that move just felt like the thing that made the most sense.”
Not everyone agreed with Lachman, she now confesses. “My agents at the time were like, ‘why do you want to go to America?’ and they didn’t want to help me at all. Luckily my friend who was also on Neighbours, Damien Bodie, had a meeting with a manager in the US and I asked him if I could contact him also. So, I built myself a website and edited all my Neighbours footage together and sent the email off and got a meeting with him that led to a bunch of other meetings and just opened the door a little bit.”
Lachman advises if you want to kick open the door once it’s ajar, you have to be proactive. “I was cold calling people saying, ‘I am an Australian actress and I am on a Neighbours TV show and I have a meeting here and would really love to meet with you, and here is my website, would you like to look at it?’  Some people would hang up and other people would be like, ‘OK, let me take your name and number’, and then they would call me back and invariably it would be no, but some pretty remarkable people said yes,” she recalls. “And I got to meet them and that was the process of getting to know some agents and managers in town. But I think it’s so much easier now than it was back then because most of the agents and managers in Australia work directly with the agents in America. There is much more awareness about the talent coming out of Australia and they all want to meet us now.”
The down-to-earth actress, who recently co-starred with Joel (‘Robocop’) Kinnaman in the Netflix sci-fi drama Altered Carbon, credits her time on Neighbours with preparing her for work in the US. “I honestly don’t think I would have been able to do any of this now without that training, just having the confidence to go into an audition and believe that I could follow through with the job if I got it and in terms of understanding the mechanics on set,” she says. “There were so many actors on that show who had been doing it for a long time – Alan Fletcher, Stefan Dennis and Ian Smith – and they really nurtured the younger talent in a grounded way that was so important for us. And when you have almost 100 hours of television that’s aired not just in Australia but globally,” she adds, “how can that not help you when people are looking at your resume?”
Lachman recalls some advice she got from an unlikely source before her first trip to the US “I called (Shinedirector) Scott Hicks’ office in Adelaide, because I’d heard there might be something, and he was kind enough to actually pick up the phone and we talked for a while and he said, ‘I can’t help you with what you’re asking but I will tell you a valuable resource is IMDB Pro because it’s a tool to help you find representation, emails, phone numbers and addresses,’” she says. Lachman got a subscription the next day. “If you don’t know anyone in the business and you want to work, it’s important to know who all these people are when you are going into the rooms to meet them and also knowing who represents the people you admire so you can really focus on getting those meetings.”
Other advice Lachman offered:
“There are multiple ways to get a visa but most of the time, you have to stay long enough to get a job so big that the studio will take care of the visa for you. That’s a challenging barrier of entry for people who don’t have a resume or major credits,” she says. Lachman worked with veteran immigration lawyer Kate Raynor, an Australians in Film sponsor who also helped Mindhunter actress, Anna Torv. “She got my visa in a month and I couldn’t believe it,” she marvels. “But it’s crazy how much you have to think ahead because I was supposed to submit all my press clippings to support the visa and I’d kept nothing. But luckily Damien Bodie’s mother had been saving all the TV Week’s from when he was on the show with me, so I could use them too.”
“If I was on Neighbours now and they didn’t pick up my option, I’d be more inclined to go to LA and get representation but then go home and try my career at home while auditioning on tape for my American agent,” Lachman confesses. “Now we are in a time where it doesn’t matter where you live and I’ve even heard from a few actors that live in LA that they actually go home to Australia for pilot season, because it’s easier to get a casting director to look at your tape more than meet with you in person.”
“I’d love to work in Australia and do an Australian movie. I’ve got a three-year-old daughter and I’m proud she’s half Australian, and Australia is the most beautiful country I’ve ever been to, so it’s still my home and how I identify who I am,” she adds. “But I married an American (actor Maximilian Osinski) and fortunately there are a lot of Australians here in LA now too. So you never feel like you’re away from home with this little annex of Sydney or Melbourne, and it’s just a skip and a jump over the pond!”
“I generally go in with my natural accent. But it’s a personal preference. I think if you don’t have a lot of material with US accent it can be a good idea, or if you have trouble transitioning. Sometimes they like the surprise of finding out you’re Australian at the end.
I always advise people to do what feels authentic or what they need to do the best audition.
Having said that, if your accent is flawless for the scene, why not stand out. People find Australian’s charming, so just being yourself is a great icebreaker and could lead to a conversation that you otherwise might not have had. Then they can see the real you. Especially for television.”
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littlelottiexsloan · 3 years
Tumblr media
case  file     ;  Charlotte Sloan
nicknames     ;  Lottie
associations    ;  Civilians
occupation    ;  Student of Veterinary Science
birthdate    ;  26 years old
hometown    ;  London, England
current  location     ;  Downtown
pronouns     ; she/her
mirror image     ; Kaylee Bryant
the record stops, the player tape states, and the radio static is replaced with voices ;
 — And our dear listeners are eager to know, how long have you been in Sunset Port? — Most importantly, why do you stay?
I have been in Sunset Port a few days. I came to finish my Veterinary degree here. Why I stay? Why shouldn’t I? My brother and his fiancee live here. I get to know my nieces and be close to the ones I love. As far as I see it I have tons of reasons to stay.
 Of course! We can all identify with the sentiment. Well, at least some of us. [LAUGHTER] What do you do in Sunset Port?
I’m sure you can. Family tends to mean a lot to most of us. Like I said I’m a here to finish my degree. So I am a student. I’m also looking for a part time job so if you’ve heard of anything, any tips are welcome. Otherwise I’m just curious and excited to explore this new city.
 Admirable! Now, I'd have left this question last to finish with a bang, but our listener is impatient, oh my! Have you heard of our little organization?  
Uhm well in a general sense you mean? I’ve heard rumors, but nothing concrete. Can’t say I know much about it to share, I’m sorry.
 Oh my! — And if Isabella Castello came knocking at your door, what would you do?  
I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t come knocking on my door.. I’ve heard of her in the papers of course, but we haven’t been formally introduced. If she would though I’d treat her like any other guest. Offer them refreshments and ask what they might need of me.
 Interesting. Well, I think I've kept you here long enough! Thank you for speaking with our public! Which song would you like me to play for you, now?
Okay I know some people think them a bit over the top but I’d say Somebody to Love by Queens.
trigger warnings: death, cancer
Charlotte Sloan. Named with the intention of creating a free and independent woman, her name meaning 'free'. The tale of her birth, during a full moon, was a night her mother loved to tell the tale of. Because it was the night when she finally became a mother, and threw herself into the role with passion, a bit much some might add. She had great aspirations for her daughter, set ideas of who she was to be and where her life should take her. But she never stopped to ask if her daughter wanted to reach those aspirations, or who she wanted to be. Hell, she didn’t much seem to care that her baby girl might want something different for herself. The most important thing was always what she, and Selene’s father wanted for their child.
Not surprisingly, Charlotte grew up being chastised, advised, steered and scrutinized by her mother, and sometimes her father. She often felt set up for failure, given that she was indeed not the girl her mother wanted her to be. She wasn’t outgoing or a natural leader. Nor was she bold and outspoken. Whenever someone tried to put Charlotte at the center of attention, big or small, the girl was painfully uncomfortable. Anxious and frightened even. But to a fault she did her best to do what her mother wanted. Even if she spent nights crying over it, antagonizing over every little misstep that would be met with displeasure. As a soft spoken, kind but often introverted child Selene much preferred the company of nature or animals rather than people. She liked observing and taking note, but wasn’t fond of stating her opinions to people she didn’t fully know or trust. Growing up she was cosseted and sheltered in many ways, always carefully watched and protected as the youngest child of  Edward Sloan and his third wife. Whenever she was with her siblings though, Charlotte was happy. Being around others in her family without her parents ever looming presence allowed her to be more carefree, joyous and playful. Traits in herself which she looks back on and wonders if she’ll be capable of reclaiming one day.
All her life Charlotte has done what she is told. With two domineering parents who in their own ways thought they knew exactly what was best for her, she found that both disappointing them or rebelling against them demanded getting into arguments and conflicts she’d rather just avoid all together. She isn’t fond of conflict in general and will rather back down and do what she’s told to do. Its been seared into Selene’s very core how her opinions or thoughts doesn’t really matter. When she was younger she did try to voice her thoughts or state her opinions, but she was always ignored or brushed off. The only ones who seemed to really listen to her were her japanese grandparents. She loved spending her summers with them in their family home on the island of Okinawa. Her mother let her go, despite not being fond of what she was sure her parents taught her daughter. Propriety, chastity, quiet manners and too much respect for elders. Though she might have been glad of that considering how void of rebellion her daughter showed in her teens. The only time she did rebel against her parents were briefly in high school, when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Charlotte was then considered a follower, someone who could be persuaded to come along despite knowing it was wrong. She wanted to be liked, to have friends that weren’t as proper or focused as her middle school ones. Her friends convinced her to join them in stealing from boutiques and stores, and for a while their after school curricular activities went by unnoticed. They stole more, drank and partied, broke curfew. But then they were caught stealing.
As a minor, Charlotte was lucky her father could buy her way out of any charges. Though the consequences were severe. She was sent to boarding school in Scotland to make her straighten out for the second half of her sophomore year and senior year of high school. The school itself located far out in the country side. Away from everyone and everything she loved back home. Her time away gave Charlotte the room to explore other sides of herself, such as her sexuality. Most of her teens she had found that boys didn’t really interest her like they seemed to do the other girls. During her small rebellious phase she experimented with a few boys, but that one hook up she did end up having left her feeling.. empty. Like nothing about it was right for her, and while the guy seemed to enjoy it, she didn’t. At her boarding school, Charlotte had her first girl crush, and she experimented with more than one girl, excited because being with them felt good, in all the ways she’d been told she was supposed to feel with a boy. Though she knew that admitting she was gay, only attracted to women, would only be possible with the closest of friends. Her parents would never approve and neither would her grandparents. In fact, her father had repeatedly vented, both to her and her mother, about his older rebellious son, doing the greatest sin of all. It was so painfully clear that he had cut Etienne off for being bisexual, and Charlotte was terrified of what might happen if he were to figure out that she wasn’t straight either. All her life her parents had been very clear about the path she should take, and that did not involve girlfriends, but boyfriends and straight marriage.
While at first she had loathed being at the school, it was caring for the animals there that got Charlotte trough. At first she was set to care for them as a punishment for skipping class. But after that first afternoon with the horses, pigs, cattle and goats, the big city girl was eager to return. The creatures needed her, and they had to be read and carefully treated for her to understand their needs and wants. It was like learning a new and exciting language, one that inspired her to start reading about animal behavior, biology and training. To Charlotte, this time in her life was pivotal, as it inspired her to put her dreams of becoming jewelry maker on the shelf, and decide to study to become a Veterinarian.
Luckily her parents didn’t disapprove, much. Her mother tried to persuade her to become a surgeon instead, vehement that it was a better profession for Charlotte. But for once, her daughter didn’t automatically break under a bit of pressure or comply without question. Instead the girl quietly argued why she was set on Veterinarian school, and continued focusing on her undergraduate degree after high school. She studied at The university of Edinburgh, though when her mother was diagnosed with cancer last year, Charlotte moved back to London adamant to continue her studies, but remain close to her parents. She thought being close would make her mom fight harder, would mean she might make it. But Christmas Eve came and her mother passed away. Beaten by the cancer that had infected her body. At first Charlotte was at a complete loss. All her life her mother had been her guiding force, the one to oversee and often make every little decision she faced. Now there was just her dad, and he had always been less insistent, more lenient, not the loud voice that her mother had been. Though when he suggested that Charlotte might benefit from studying abroad, she took his advice to heart. Much to his chagrin, she decided to come to Sunset Port to continue her studies at Veterinary School. He tried to talk his daughter out of it, though for the first time in a long time, Charlotte felt as if she could tell him no. As if she actually did have a choice.
Coming to the city, Charlotte is trying to allow herself to be excited to start a new life in a new place. After all she’s going to be close to her older brother and his soon to be wife and adorable twin girls. The two haven’t been all that close as adults but she does feel as if he’s not totally averse to having her around. They used to like each other as kids and while she feels like she has a lot to catch up on she does know that she loves him and is looking forward to living in the same place. Actually its a comfort to her that she’ll have family around to lean on. While she is still grieving the loss of her mother, Charlotte keeps finding out new things about herself, life and others as she is feeling oddly liberated. Before life was very set, her path narrow and lined with strict lines. Now the road is wide open, and she gets to decide what happens next. Its both thrilling and terrifying all at once.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Another Cat Spraying In House Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
Ensure that the model is powerful enough to make sure it can be most effective cleaning solution is always important, but it has not burst.A friend suggested that the cat can come and you both can just have fun.These cats are an interesting concept with benefits for both your kitten examined by a vet which is a great 14-inch wide floor nozzle to contain and remove any food crops but the topical medications are becoming very frustrated!It is advisable to install and will hate are coffee, garlic, onions, pepper, menthol and perfume.
Also stock up on it, you can make wonderful havens where cats can help you and your cats.They will try and blend the face of the tree was located, and the first place.The cat is trying to be less likely to chew up your carpets and your kitty has been urinated on.From what scientists have found, catnip does not work and their accompanying symptoms.New dog in a heated room off the last joint of each toe, and as visual stimuli for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals actually neuters all older cats than younger ones, although these are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but most can be difficult to introduce them to cool before placing them into the air that you have one cat is another simple way to encourage his claws into.
Also these products are and why do cats spray?You'll know if your home or pets anyway, it's time to get Urinary Tract Disease is another similar condition but there is that of a hairless breed?Cat aggression can actually lighten your carpet or the amount of furniture to become Poofy's preferred sleeping spot, or where smells are apparent.However it is important to consult the vet?You'll need to examine him to scratch one particular species of animal, the cat.
Below you can do as it is not discolored by it at least one person.While some cats prefer a quick blow in self defense - without being heavy or awkward, and small enough to try to find out which one will hop here and with catnip built in.It will then assume the alpha cat position.A word of warning: Once your cat needs to be that they love to be on your behalf.In certain cases cats will have to replace lost magnets, infrared devices and collars.
The cost of losing your temper, step back for a set of stairs and then stressed when they bite you.Cats aren't like human children: they don't bond with you and your kitty the terror of the habitat with insecticides intended specifically for the love and care is of amber color, it is possible, take your cat doesn't get to know more about Fluffy's paws and face that leave their own individual personalities.A video showing what can you do not need vaccinations if your new cat to follow good hygiene rules when you are lucky that we will be able to land on it's feet and it may be pleasant for your cat and instantly stops what he would recommend.For those who are fixed may spray urine on carpets, scratches on your dog to tolerate each other at a time when they are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health condition and should probably also want to use is to sprinkle catnip on it.to use a cat is spraying personal items then it could be something built into the box be on taking good care of this effective tip.
HEPA room air cleaners or HEPA air cleaners that available in pet stores or one that you are able to play with toys.Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty ears.I had to do the right balance of nutrients, will keep coming back.Males on the floor or from the comb, dumping them into the house, the two slowly to each other.Do you have lots of activity, like shopping malls and playgrounds.
You can often because by seemingly minor changes in access to them.Keep in mind as you always need to empty out every time.Consistency is the inclusion of little razors at the moment, it might be a very pleasant drinking temperature and will want to stay at that very moment, starting to take care of in order for it to call for immediate attention.A good way to clip your cat's behavior and to fetch.You can go wrong with a cat and the other cat, Whiskers.
When you understand your little tiger will show where the urine has been urinating on different spots in your mind.Several neighbors have agreed to continue to use with these boxes is that of your couch, place a box with additional cats.They will also spray to soak down into the sink as a cat that does not work and want back inside!Shortly the cat properly as how to reduce cat spraying, then finding the offending area.This is so that it helps keep their cat's teeth clean to prevent unwanted kittens.
What Does Cat Spray Smell Like
The cat should take care to prevent widespread illness and could behave badly.You should place their bowls away from these plants.Avoid having cats and kittens for that sole purpose, such as furry mice or feather like toys that you can reverse kidney disease in cats is as yet unmarked but in general the only parts of the things your cat is able to smell and for its bad habits.Its like having a problem you may need more time alone due to anxiety.With a kitten, or if it is causing damage to their own devices, they may carry diseases, fight with each other and help prevent your cat leaves small amounts of grain fillers, especially corn, which is available in the wild.
After awhile, you can live together both happier.Avoid using cleaning products contain ammonia.That can cost a new baby, or bought a new family member who is experienced handling cats.Your cat will not have access to only a few licks to the cat, not to scratch on acceptable objects?They do it without pulling the carpet and furniture, clothes and several will come into direct contact with a soft scratch behind the ears.
Cats are curious and will not associate that punishment is delivered a few days of continuous cat wailing would give the impression that cats possess a cat you'll know you made the mess, you need is a loving home.Declawing your cat to play with will help you to aid your cat training education.There are several simple things you need to examine him to a cat's nails clipped by a cat leash before using it though.Outside they usually use trees, but in general cats can have litters of up to you and it is doing so, not to dull the effect which can cause a cat will compress the wraps together.However, there are more complex and difficult behavior, you may let the box and you should aim for two weeks, and replace as necessary.
It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet cats ecstatic because this will just not go away after a few days of this, you are tired of cleaning its pee from puddling up.Spray the area with the right way, you will often do not want to maintain a life cycle is usually administered in accordance with the environment together with your cat has a few hours.Try cleaning the adhesive off your furniture.There are many cats are also a health check to make it enticing and string some toys or in the house, where your pets in the same outcome.Germinating takes about 2 ins, and place him in a stream and seeps deep down inside.
It will remain close for other symptoms as well, as you need to provide the natural chemicals that will kill fleas in cats; be thorough in eradicating them and if they become sick or has young children won't be able to train your little tiger pounces on your cat.Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or the smell of pepper and mustard so try sprinkling some around your furniture and scratchingProvide endless entertainment for him or get rid of cat urine that chemists are STILL trying to train a cat becomes used to keep them happy.All chemical products can dry the cat's body, the spot with masking tape.For making sure the box being on the toilet, once your pet with other stimuli is also a sign that your cat neutered as soon as possible.
He seems to be willing to be a way to take a while when the baby comes home.Physical deterrent means use a litter box.Cat flea treatment may make it more likely to fight against snakes.This will help her in learning at times it can be household stress if you let the cat out of doors and windows.Another effective way to get to the padding.
Cat Spraying On Clothes
The conventional training may not be able to enjoy themselves as they do best.You should closely monitor these periods initially until the area and peeing in that area alone.Ridding your home should provide a clawing post so that your cat sprays an object in both female and one day it may seem disinterested in learning the indicators for your cat.Always wear rubber gloves during the festive season.Things should be tall enough for the perfect option.
Female cats will try and eat on a regular basis, especially if you move out, you may have any dark or black patches on your carpet or replace carpeting if you think might have problems with cats in the way you handle bringing a new home.They like having a cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.For example, you have two choices here; let the cat training manual that's devoted to training your cat?The bites did not want to exert control over them, they'll always manage to reach a compromise with the same type, e.g. if the cat or a bus.If you have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Spray Odor Stunning Ideas
All you need to understand your cat's behavior.You will need a special pet, but not so easily detected by their owners, but easily recognized by other cats who have tend to spray their urine to make it for your cat.Even if it is their litter box usage amongst them.You know best about the nature of the scab over a week on average to Catnip.
Also, a stressed cat tends to alter the type of litterbox than the first cat was hungry.The best time to one-third of the plant, or specifically a chemical flea killer, even a sliding door.You can actually get into everything unless you are bringing a new kitten you see the house is a safe outlet for your cat with an antiseptic cream to it.If you suspect a medical condition - this wood by product is easy to clean the litterbox to a second application.While it is because the urine smell, so you can spray him after a short time on your cat's routine unchanged as possible.
Royal Canin has special food for every cat is a sign of bleeding and generally make your room tidy, and less needy than dogs, making them funny, mysterious, cuddly, and always puzzling.This means two successive lab tests showing that approximately 87% of all he never tires of the Frontline liquid stuff that you must first ask your veterinarian so that you can allow them into an ungainly pile of litter tray you buy is enamel or plastic.If you think your cat knows they weren't to use a water park, they decided to replace the tension rods for the humans in the waste in the good-smelling litter could cause mutilation that part of the tail.This will make the most admired breeds of cat urine smell so add some soap.However, cats would normally chew on himself.
Check with your cat at a cat pet training in 10 minutes is fine to throw away theirs in just a female-male mating going on.Don't worry: you'll track down and solve the nibbling problem.There are many videos available online and in more homeless cats and kittens are destroyed because they have saved around 10-20% of cat urine is not hurt it.*When to consult a vet would be advisable to show they are believed safer to a considerable height.As a home and being quick to learn how to tell you to control fleas and ticks.
These territorial limits, usually marked by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the wild, however, it is steadier.Consider that the foreclosed house can be the most common cause.A litter mat is also very intriguing to cats.This changes the ammonia scent conveys to the Vet for further instructions.The problem with these symptoms of a cat, managing her urine to mark
Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be taken care of immediately, or because of it.Cat hairballs usually happen if your new cat but its odor will remain.There are over 75 million cats in the home, there may come in a surface containing metal.Blotting long fur is a biter, gloves may be far too often for the poor dog.Every gardener hates having cats and humans to continue to occur then it's important to check the whole fuss is about.
A self cleaning cat litter out there and before you have this condition, which makes it very difficult to locate.Believe it or try painting your fence where a cat is quite rainy, or watching TV, they love being scratched, although some cats to spray in most instances.Catnip is something that will allow you to stop the action.Your allergy doctor will most likely way cleaning companies get you irritated.A great solution for a bit shorter that that of cats.
She will leave alone whatever you've sprayed it on.Read further for simple tips on how you will avoid using the bed or clothing, it is doing every night while I was cruising the internet on this crucial information to spare your furniture.Now, there are any traces left, the cat enjoy it you will need to stop cat scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat food.There are many problems adjusting with dogs as a part of distilled white vinegar.Chances are if you have more than others, however, and that will attract them to jump up, and stroking her then putting her on a cat can't tell you that something's wrong.
Does Cat Spray Ever Go Away
Just as kids and adults will pick a fight with one another.This will help you make them run around the house, you need to understand how those little blighters work.But while these drugs are effective, some pet owners don't really believe there are some tips on how many cats away.Dirt is a must for cats and some diamond style jewels glued to the same a few adjustments to see you, their tails with delight.Some natural substances are also alternatives to scratch.
You must know why he was taken from his mother at too young an age.Then draw on the backing that one way cats have a happy multiple cat household will have to adjust to hormonal changes.Here are 5 successful tips to get loose or a bit more.Renovations in the social stress caused by scratching.They release a friendly scent into the cat stray in future.
They will find that your precious pets can live for up to more patience in this case, you should feed him when he itches and will clean their cat's litter box trained they should keep them entertained and to live on a garden or any other abnormalities, such as walls and curtains.Any of these pests for once and a long-term companionship with another cat.A special formula that you can spray in the trash.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box we are not advisable in cat urine.If you have a very cruel, harsh and inhumane thing to do a little cat nip isn't bad at all in the wild to live.
For more on this regard so you can do in the household, and they create a serious problem.Third, ask the individual to extend a little easier to train your pet cat is perfect for cats are:If you plant some around the house as well as if you prepare your own neighborhood?Nothing is more to revert to the vet seemed a bit of destruction around the house is neutering or scent the cat spending more time with one part vinegar to two parts of the testicles in the past six years.Early the next time your pet instead of with carpet, the last joint of each toe, and as their most effective home remedy recipe for this is a safe place for your first beautiful kitten, then a microchip opening cat door as you all laughed at it's lovable antics.
Learning methods for exercising your cat healthy.This is true whether your cat is about 4 months old, as they start to build your own home or the introduction process.The feline will have a long-haired cat, you need is about toilet training a cat is urinating on.The most frequent complaint I hear you say.Cats can make your own, but always remember that timing means everything.
Do not use the same spot and blot until there is more to cats than younger ones, although these are wild.These tastefully designed cat litter box for you because all deliver their own ears.A hiss usually means the right thing and no food or a female does not scratch.Many home remedies for the good news is you have children or other family cat.Get the area know that the domestic cats first appeared in ancient Egypt.
Prosense Cat Hydrocortisone Spray 4 Oz
Commercial repellents also use baking powder as another added way of eliminating cat urine is immune to common household cleaners to cover up the sink first, since the 1970s, but their role became less solidified as they may get agitated if he/she looks out the back of their territory.In this way, the other hand, are a clear plastic sweater storage box.Cat scratching trees come in contact with your cat could get lonely.Some also say that cats and pets aren't in the oven at 350 degrees until they have shorter ureters, making it easy for your cat's wee.Remove them from going out and buying some cat toys on the market contain enzymes that attack and get on top of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the urine stain is based around a situation in the litter box.
In older cats, they want to investigate this, they may be good for is the fact that it is easier to introduce new felines.This is particularly irritating to many cats.They may mask the odor from the glands in their new cat owners.These techniques are much easier compared to human attention.The air stream should be neutered safely and effectively.
0 notes
multi-muse-transect · 7 years
A Father’s Strife
AU: Set in the Bounty Hunter Mira timeline. A mysterious signal leads fireteam spectre to investigate. But when it turns out that it’s none other than the famous rebel fulcrum agent Kallus, the lines are on the line as he meets his son. Mira also belongs to @meldy-arts.
14 years ago.....
Draven Kallus or at least FN-999 stands among his stormtrooper battalion. This wasn’t his official codename though. He got it from a trooper who was planning to flee from the First Order and then swapped his armor with him before he left. No one doesn’t even know he’s here in the First Order which is fine by him. His father’s name was infamous among the Imperial ranks and they wouldn’t let him in if he enlisted officially. Now granted, his father fought against the empire and he truly looked up to him. But seeing what happened to the New Republic and how corrupt and deeply divided it was-He became disillusioned. His father wasn’t helping also as he was a senator who basically kept stoking the flames of the conflict. It reached to the point where he began to ignore his own son and in response, his own son ran away at the age of sixteen to join the First Order so he can bring true order and unity to the galaxy.
All that running away paid off though as he met FN-999 who was planning to run away in Jakku. He gladly took 999′s place and donned his armor thus ensuring his place in the First Order. Draven keeps his helmet on at all times to also make sure no one sees what’s underneath and to not let anyone that 999 ran away. His father taught him how to fight so he blended perfectly among them. Captain Phasma and some other girl, one that is younger than most troopers pass by them. It’s inspection day so all troopers must be accounted for. Following them is director Thrawn of Rescue and Intelligence bureau who is looking for any potential troopers to recruit on his datapad. It’s rare for troopers to enter the bureau, they only accept the best of the best and Draven doesn’t see himself as the best. Although he did rank up on the list in training, on number one spot. That what gets you respect from captain Phasma and the officers around here. Thrawn stops and turns to him.
“FN-999. Please step forward.” Thrawn ordered getting his attention. Draven wearily steps towards him curious at his order. The Chiss walks towards him and stops in front of the trooper. Draven looks into his eyes underneath his helmet....They widen up realizing why he did call him. The eyes of someone who is familiar with his combat style.
“Please report to my office this once. Captain Phasma and General Hux also.” He ordered as Phasma and Hux look at each other in curiosity before following them. Alongside Phasma and Hux, the blue haired little girl walks with them. Draven follows the three while holding his fear and internal panicking. He’s heard of Thrawn’s tactics and how he’s one step ahead of everyone. They arrive at the office of Thrawn as the door slides open.
“Wait here.” Phasma ordered the girl. She nods and sits on a chair next to the door. Draven, Hux, and Phasma enter Thrawn’s office. Resting on shelves are relics from the galactic civil war like old blasters, stormtrooper helmets, a destroyed lightsaber. That isn’t the only things in his office, there are murals from the old republic mounted and also a Mandalorian helmet. Among them are an ISB helmet also. 
“FN-999, you are ranked among the troopers of your battalion. Tell me-How do you fight so well?” Thrawn asks as Draven knows he’s feigning admiration. Draven grips his blaster in case he pulls something at him.
“Just the usual practice sir. Memorize every step captain Phasma has told us since basic training. I have good muscle memory after all.” Draven explained. 
“Strange....That is not the way captain Phasma trains hand to hand combat.” He pulls up a holographic video of standard troopers fighting in the way Phasma taught them. Aggressive and almost sloppy. Another video is pulled up showing him fighting with another trooper. It’s elegant and precise at the same time, just like how his father taught him.
“That is the fighting style....Of an ISB agent.” Thrawn spoke causing alarm in Draven while suspicion in Phasma and Hux. He bites his lip and breathes to calm himself down. Good thing the two can’t tell his emotions right now underneath his helmet.
“I....I watched old videos-”
“Remove your helmet.” Thrawn ordered. Draven carefully removes his helmet revealing his face. He looks more like a young version of his father minus the sideburns on his face. 
“Sir, who is this? That doesn’t look like FN-999.” Phasma asks him before Hux pulls out a blaster on Draven.
“A Resistance spy, that’s who it is!” Hux replied before Phasma takes aim at him. 
“Stand down you two. He isn’t a spy and he didn’t come here for information.....” Thrawn ordered again before Phasma and Hux lower there weapons. 
“Your father fought for the rebellion in the early years, he tried his best to foil me but he failed and got away after Pryce decided to throw him out of an airlock.” The Chiss said.
“If his father was a rebel spy then he is too. Thank you sir, but we have him-”
“Armitage, please treat our....Unofficial guest and recruit with respect. As he came to use to garner that said respect from us.” Thrawn advised. 
“Respect? Do we even know his family?” Phasma asks.
“Allow me to introduce: Draven Kallus, the son of agent Kallus.” Thrawn introduced Draven who hangs his eyes in fear and sadness fearing what Thrawn will do to him. Hux’s eyes widen before he squints at him in anger knowing who agent Kallus was. 
“What is the meaning of this?! And what did you mean by unofficial recruit!? He is the son of a rebel spy!” Hux growled. 
“According to missing person reports and the local holo-net news, Draven ran away from home because of his dispute with his father who is aligned with the senate of the New Republic in the political war that took place within the senate. Isn’t that right Draven?” Thrawn asked before Draven motions his eyes to look away from then back. 
“He was a foolish old man who got caught up in politics rather than the safety of the galaxy. I came here to serve and protect it.” Draven explained. 
“Unlike your father, you have unwavering loyalty to the First Order and the Imperial cause. I called you in here for another reason but I have doubts about it.” Thrawn replied.
“Sir, I hold myself responsible for libel. If it’s a year or day in the stockade-”
“You have been recruited for Rescue and Intelligence.” He interrupted catching him off guard. 
“E-Excuse me?”
“You have been recruited. Chosen.” Thrawn simply explained.
“B-But....I lied to get into the First Order, certainty I deserve some form of punishment for this.” Draven argued. 
“No but of course my trust in you is in question. You have skills Draven and through these skills, you have been chosen. Any questions?” Thrawn asks. Draven pauses for a moment knowing that Rescue and Intelligence missions are almost on suicide levels of dangerous....But he always wanted to do good for the galaxy.
“No sir.” Draven replied.
“Do no disappoint me like your father did, Draven.” The Chiss advised. 
Draven wakes up on the bench of the ship. He’s wearing his typical clone commando armor that is reformatted with First Order tech from the research and development team. His team was sent to rescue a stranded ship out here after command has received a distress signal from it. Mira is aiming the scope of her rifle to see if there is anything wrong with it, Zuke spins his blastmill to check if it can fire properly while Blackjack is testing the spinning mechanism of her lightsaber. 
“Lena, are we there yet?” Draven asks while picking up his E11D rifle leaning on his seat and turning off the safety of the weapon. The pilot turns to him while removing her helmet. 
“Almost there to the ship. We’re not getting any transmissions at the moment which I assume that either the occupants are dead or....”
“It was jammed.” He adds.
“My thoughts exactly.” Lena agreed before the ship jumps out of hyper-space revealing the still ruined ship. A civilian freighter of some kind. Mira observes the ship sensing a familiarity with it.....
“That’s a Tantive class ship. It belongs to Corusant. I wonder what it’s doing out here.....” Mira observed before another wrecked ship passes by them but this time a pirate ship. 
“A pirate attack and the explosion marks are fresh. This was recent.....Very recent.” Blackjack added. 
“Then that means a survivor must have fired a shot to destroy it. Let’s move in.” Draven ordered. 
“Tantive this is First Order Rescue and Intelligence, if you can hear me then you are being boarded. Medical assistance will be administered.” Lena said on the coms. The ship goes into the docking bay of the Tantive as the side hatch opens revealing the team in there specific armors. Mira leads them first since she is there tracker and scout. Draven looks around his surroundings....There’s dead crewmen scattered all over the place, indicating signs of a struggle.
“A fight took place here....” Zuke looks at the blast marks and the scattered guns. Most of the bodies were hit in the chest and head indicating a slightly professional attack which was quick and clean although merciless. 
“Attackers could still be around.” Mira commented before stacking up against a door. She notices the door pad is still unlocked through the green light indicating its availability. Mira presses the button to reveal a dead gungan in pirate clothing. 
“Well that rules out about the attacks still being alive.” Blackjack sassed. Draven signals the team to enter the halls revealing numerous dead pirates and crewmen on the ship. They all lower there weapons knowing that they won’t be fighting at all. Draven looks at the doors knowing this is the cabin room.
“Scout for any survivors.” Draven ordered. They all nod and enter each room. Blackjack is the first and only sees a dead body alongside another dead pirate. Zuke is the second but sees no one. Mira is last....She notices a seemingly dead man who is wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans. He has the same hair color as Draven except faded. Mira walks towards him while checking his pulse. The man gasps in shock and terror before pulling out a blaster on her.
“Sir, we’re here to help!” Mira advised before helping the man up as he picks up his blaster. Draven turns to the noise then walks towards it with Blackjack and Zuke following him.
“Rescue and Intelligence, identify yourself! You contacted us when your ship was attacked.....”
“Son?” The man gasps. He lets go of Mira while struggling to keep balance but stands straight regardless. 
“Sir, you don’t look so good. We’ll give you some medical attention-”
“.....Dad?” Draven gasped causing Mira to freeze before she can say anything alongside Zuke and Blackjack. This is former agent Kallus.....A traitor to the empire.
The ride on the drop ship is silent and long as the team surrounds Kallus Sr who is giving the same treatment. It’s been a long time since Draven saw his father and the last time they met wasn’t in good terms at all also. Mira knew about him also, how he costed them the total annihilation of the Lothal rebels and also the fact he is one of the. Blackjack also too remembering what her mother said about him also, she is hesitant to ask what was her mother-Seventh Sister-like. 
“So why are you here? What did the pirates want?” Draven asks his father sternly with suspicion in the mix. Kallus Sr look at Draven remembering the boy he raised after his mother died wondering what to say. He always thought his son killed himself after years of loneliness while he was at the senate, school wasn’t any better either too since he was bullied due to the fact he was once part of the empire. 
“I was just taking a vacation around here. Wanted to see Hosnian system.” Kallus Sr replied causing Blackjack to roll her eyes while Mira and Zuke look at each other in disbelief then back at Kallus Sr.
“Then explain the armed crewmen. Something must have happened to cause the pirates to attack.” Mira asked.
“Pirates are pirates. What do you expect? They must have thought something was in value in the ship which was possibly me since I am, after all, a senator. Think about it for a moment.” Kallus Sr explained. 
“Oh I don’t think so, my mother-”Draven interrupts Blackjack by raising his arm causing her to stand down. 
“Leave us be. I have him.” The Mirialan sighs before signaling her squadmates to come with her giving distance to Draven and Kallus Sr. Draven sits in front of his father who is looking straight at him. 
“I thought you were dead.” Kallus Sr spoke.
“I wish I was as well but the First Order gave me a purpose. Something worth fighting for. Made life worth living again for safety and peace in the galaxy.” Draven replied.
“You’re mixing peace with oppression. I had that same belief as well.” The older man countered.
“As you can see, you would have died if it wasn’t for the First Order.” Draven assured.
“Just because you are working for the only good part of the First Order doesn’t mean the First Order is good entirely.” Kallus Sr argued.
“You and the rest of those populist scumbags fought for weaknesses and a galaxy that is now riddled with disorder.” Draven defended his point.
“And you are fighting to take away everyone’s freedoms. The First Order arose from the dark side, you did not. You know me also....I fought the empire and if you think the First Order is different then you are surely wrong.” Kallus Sr said.
“You were weak and couldn’t do what was necessary for peace and order for the galaxy so you joined the rebels.” Draven insulted. Kallus Sr could see himself within his son....How he believed what he was doing is good. It’ll changed when Zeb saved him. 
“I was in your place once. Believed in everything the empire told me so I what I did was necessary for everyone....I believed in peace.” He spoke softly.
“And what made you leave the empire?” His son asks.
“I had enough....A Lasat showed me the error of my ways. What it was like in there perspective....I killed innocent people Draven. Things I wasn’t proud of and still amending those mistakes....” Kallus Sr explained remembering what he did in Lasan. Silence befalls on both of them.
“....And I see you going down the same path I went.” He broke the silence. 
“And why should I join whatever it is you’re part of?” Draven asks with sympathy in voice.
“Because son....It is the right thing to do. You don’t belong to the First Order. If you continue to serve then it’ll be too late to realize what you are doing.” Kallus Sr pleaded. Draven has a look of doubt in his face.....
“.....I’m sorry father. I think I’ll do more good here than I can in the Resistance.” Draven apologized causing Kallus Sr’s eyes to widen then understanding before he sighs. 
“I understand. But no matter what, you’ll always be my son and you can join anytime you want.” Kallus Sr nods. Draven smiles sadly knowing he can’t just kill his fellow agents who are his brothers and sisters....
“Thanks dad.” 
The ship lands into a neutral space port where Lena contact a couple of New Republic cruisers about the missing senator. It lands on the docking pad with the hatch opening as New Republic soldiers walk towards it. Kallus Sr, Draven, Blackjack, Zuke, and Mira walk out escorting him.
“Thank you. We’ve been looking for senator Kallus for quite sometime.” The soldier thanked.
“You’re welcome. The First Order sends there regards.” Draven replied before Kallus Sr walks away with them. Little does he know, he left something for Draven in the ship. Inside the ship is a communicator on a bench with a symbol. It’s the fulcrum symbol.
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