zegalba · 6 months
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Rick Owens's Paris Townhouse (2006) Photography: Assaf Shoshan
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nkp1981 · 5 months
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Picture From A Deleted Scene From "Revenge Of The Sith" In Which Anakin Is Getting Ready To Kill Jedi Master Shaak Ti.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Average Elbit Systems employee 🤮:
"Anybody who's gonna be left in Gaza; all y'all gonna die, each and everyone of you"
This is Major Mikito Shoshan of the zionist occupation army, and a "program manager" at Elbit Systems, the largest zionist weapons company and target of Palestine Action's international campaign to #ShutElbitDown. He posted this video on his Facebook account threatening Palestinians in Gaza with death if they don't leave the Strip.
Mikito recorded this message in Spanish and English, reflecting his background. Previously, he also published a post vowing to eradicate the seed of Amalek (referring to Palestinians) to the last person on a "biblical scale."
Global map of Elbit facilities to target with direct action: https://act.progressive.international/out-palestine/
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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He's an absolute psychopath, not to mention very lose with reality and the truth. His Facebook account is still up but now locked.
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I tried to take a screenshot of his profile showing it's locked status but it wouldn't let me. Even trying to capture it using a screen recording app only recorded a black screen. The error message is bizarre to say the least...
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Since when does Facebook not allow screenshots? Report all of his profiles for inciting violence, terrorism...everything. This kind of language cannot be given a platform.
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ananxiousgenz · 3 months
hey @percymawce-arts i wrote my thoughts for the first scene of a cowboy au out, it's short and kind of thought out, but lmk what you think lol <3
The sun rose high over the plain and the mountains at its edges, and beneath it all, John Doe was chasing his prey.
He’d been trailing them since they both left town, the Sheriff and his Deputy. According to Larson, they’d been sent out on a mission to destroy a Shoshane camp a day or two away. He hadn’t needed to elaborate. That sentence was all the convincing John needed to pack his saddlebags and ready his rifle. The Shoshane were his people, even if he couldn’t remember all of his life with them, and he would be damned if he let some more idiot white men kill any more of them. Yellow had wanted to come with, of course he had, his thirst for vengeance was nearly as strong as John’s own, but John insisted that he could handle this one on his own. After all, how much trouble could two lawmen alone in the desert be?
It had taken a bit of bribery to find out where the Sheriff and Deputy were staying, but once he found them, he’d taken care not to alert them to his presence, watching from windows and corner tables in rowdy bars. When the two left town at last, the routine continued, with John staying far behind their trail and trying his damndest to be utterly invisible. But after a day, he realized they had begun to notice his not-so-subtle tailing (not like there was anywhere for him to really hide himself and a horse on the plains), and this morning, they decided to make a break for it.
As annoying as it was to not have this be quick and easy, John had to admit that this was his favorite part of Larson’s shitty assignments: the chase. The wind in his hair, the sun on his face, his beloved mare Akke galloping beneath him, the rush of outsmarting his quarry, his movements like liquid mercury, smooth and practiced and polished to a blinding shine. It was where he was meant to be, and he knew it with every fiber of his being. 
The men turned suddenly to the right, a sharp motion that John almost wasn’t able to copy. A feral grin crept onto his face beneath his yellow kerchief. He realized they were trying to make it to the mountains, probably so they could lose him in a canyon or cave. That was a stupid choice on their part. Very easy to get backed into a corner and have no way out in there. But that didn’t matter much. They weren’t going to make it that far anyway, for two very important reasons. 
The first being that Akke was fast, one of the fastest mares in the region, and she was beginning to close in on the two men fleeing like mice before him. 
The second, that John hadn’t earned the nickname “Little Coyote” from his peers at boarding school for nothing. 
As the men continued to flee, willing their horses to run faster, John was forming a plan. Larson hadn’t cared about the Deputy, but he wanted the Sheriff alive. Or, at least, mostly alive. With a slow, wicked grin, John whispered his brutal plan into Akke’s ear. She huffed and snorted from the pace they were keeping, but knew exactly what to do and kept running like the wind. Such a clever girl. John smiled at the thought. 
John dropped her reins, swiped his rifle off his shoulder, and loaded it with one smooth motion. Holding the sight up to his left eye and closing his right, he let his upper body go still, and his hips conform to the rocking motion of Akke’s gait, moving like he’d been born in the saddle. He adjusted his aim until he caught his prey in its sights. 
John’s breathing slowed. He could hear the jackrabbit rhythm of his heart pounding in his ears as time turned thick and viscous. The world blurred and vanished beyond the outline of a man atop a horse at the end of his rifle. 
John took a breath in, and said a silent prayer.
See you in hell.
He pulled the trigger.
The gunshot echoed across the plain like a crack of summer thunder. He watched the man crumple and fall from his still-fleeing horse, hitting the ground like a sack of old potatoes. His companion let out an agonized cry, calling out a name that John couldn’t hear over the pounding of Akke’s hooves and the blood in his ears, but made the smart choice to keep running for the hills. John’s smile never moved an inch. One down, one to go.
In a perfect, practiced motion, John reloaded the rifle and raised the sight to his eye again. This time, however, he noticed something strange. The last man riding seemed to be fiddling with something in his hands. Something shiny that glinted in the high light of the sun. 
A tinge of dread snaked its way into John’s gut as he lowered the rifle ever so slightly. Some instinct deep inside said that something terrible was about to happen, but he ignored it. He was too high on adrenaline from the hunt and the near-satisfaction of a job well done to care about a bad feeling. He brought the sight back up to his eye and slowed his breathing as he prepared to pull the trigger.
His finger began to press down. Then he realized his quarry had turned around in the saddle, and was aiming a rifle right back at him. But it was already too late.
Twin gunshots rang out beneath the wide blue sky, so close in timing they could have been mistaken for one.
John watched as the Sheriff crumpled around his left shoulder and slowed his horse to a halt. A perfect shot, as always. But then there was a sharp pain in John's left side, just below his ribcage. He looked down to see poppy red blood blooming through his shirt and staining his vest. 
Well. Shit. Apparently, he had underestimated how much trouble this man would be.
He slowed Akke to a trot as the blood began to stain his hands and his ears began to ring. The mountains were spinning a dizzy dance before his black-spotted eyes and he knew he needed to get down before he fell down. Akke stopped next to the Sheriff’s horse, where the Sheriff himself sat, hissing lightly as he examined his shoulder wound. His face paled as he heard John’s approach.
“So. You’ve come here to finish the job?” he asked with gritted teeth.
His accent was surprising. Here they were in the north of Nevada, and this man sounded like he had just hopped off a boat from London and was about to ask for afternoon tea. The thought made John’s dizzy mind giggle a bit.
“I… I don’t- What does that mean?” the Sheriff asked, his eyes searching for but never seeming to settle on John.
John swallowed down the laughter. His head was beginning to hurt from how much the world was moving around him. He dimly wondered if Akke was running again.
“I need help…” he choked out.
“Help? Help with what? You just shot me!”
"You shot me too."
"Oh. Oh, Jesus Christ," the Sheriff said, eyes wide in sudden realization.
The world moved in one final, great swoop as John slid from his saddle and crashed against the hard, dry earth. Then everything went blissfully, mercifully dark.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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These are the 13 Israeli hostages who were released from Gaza tonight.
All are safe in Egypt.
They are:
Sharon Avigdori
Noam Avigdori
Alma Or
Noam Or
Hila Rotem
Emily Hand
Shiri Weiss 
Noga Weiss
Adi Shoham
Yahel Shoham
Naveh Shoham 
Maya Regev
Shoshan Haran
Some images of the freed Israelis in Rafah, Egypt
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rainintheevening · 4 months
Susan Anna Pevensie
No one else could have picked out the tremor in those graceful loops of ink, but she did. He did.
His hand, as he took the pen, was warm, and she caught his whisper as he bent down: "See there, you are an artist. What do I keep telling you?"
She smiled, just a little.
He signed and dated, and she leaned into his hip, grateful, throat aching as she wrapped her fingers tighter around the bouquet in her lap. Five white lilies, and two red roses, and forget-me-nots all around.
They would drive out to the cemetery afterward. Fred had been the one to suggest it, to let her know it was alright, even natural, to remember the dead on a day celebrating new life.
She looked up, sat straighter as he laid down the pen and made room for the witnesses to step in.
Fredrick Maxmillian Pilkington
She let herself smile at the dreadful, smudged left-handed signature. "No, that's what tells me you're the artist, dear."
"I suppose I'll have to choose which name to put on the paintings," he said thoughtfully. "Ah, Pilkington for the bad ones, Pevensie for the good ones, I suppose."
And when her eyes filled up with tears, she felt his arm around her shoulders, and his kiss in her hair, and she closed her eyes, thinking I don't deserve him. I don't deserve him at all. How did he ever come to choose me?
She was so uncertain about things, so careful and guarded and prickly. She had very nearly driven him away twice. But he had come back, he had stayed in her life, and now he was choosing to be in it for the rest of it.
As long as we both shall live.
Susan closed her eyes as their lips found each other, let the tears spill down her cheeks.
I don't think I deserve it, she was saying in her heart. But I choose you back. I choose you too.
The tears didn't show in the pictures, only her standing there in Mother's old wedding dress, clutching her flowers, and Fred in his old uniform, arms around her waist, resting his chin on her head.
Susan, from the Hebrew Shoshana/Shoshan, meaning lotus flower or lily, also suggestive of purity and beauty. The name of Dr. Susan Crocker, a pioneering physician. The name of Susan B. Anthony an American suffragist. The name of Susan Hiscock, MBE, who crewed with her husband aboard their sailing ship.
A name, before it's explosion of popularity c. 1930, characterized by several poets, societal reformers, physicians, journalists, and freethinkers.
It was his suggestion, taking her name on the end of his.
"Look, I've got five older brothers, Lord knows there's enough Pilkingtons in the world. We aren't rich, we aren't titled, honestly, I'm not sure my parents would even notice if I went and became a Communist. They won't mind. I'd be honoured to carry on the Pevensie name, and no mistake."
Susan had thought of her father, how she'd brushed him off, ignored his advice, called him old and 'stuck in tradition'. She hadn't said anything mean when she'd left for America, but she certainly hadn't said anything kind or particularly loving.
She'd come back after the accident, come back to England with one suitcase and a hatbox, and never even considered leaving again.
How could she leave when all that had really mattered was here? Here but gone. All gone to ghosts, holes in the fabric of her reality, in the space of an empty armchair, a silent kitchen, rumpled sheets on a bed, unfinished letters, overdue library books.
Fred had been the first real, solid thing in her life After.
And she couldn't help thinking how her father would like him. All this time, and she still cared what he thought, wished he could have been there to walk her down a church aisle– She tried not to think too hard about that.
"Fredrick Maxmillian Pilkington Pevensie. That's as posh a name as my mother could possibly wish for." Fred had taken her hand, let his grin fade down to a soft smile. "But only if it's alright with you, love."
To her knowledge, Peter had been quite comfortable as a bachelor, but Ed had been close to engaged (she'd found the ring in his sock drawer); they would both have been wonderful fathers, both would have liked Fred.
She'd wiped her cheeks. "Sorry, I keep thinking I'll stop crying one of these days."
"Doesn't have to be today," he'd said, passing over a hanky.
"I think they'd be honoured," she said at last. "To have it be you. My family name—it's something I share with them, and... I'd be happy to keep it."
"Then keep it you shall."
Anna, Latin form of the Hebrew Hannah, meaning favoured one or one shown grace. The name of a prophetess and attendant at the dedication of Jesus who is called Christ in Jerusalem.
"And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Jerusalem."
An elderly widow, a faithful worshiper of God in His temple, great in fasting and prayer, one of the first evangelists.
The taxi pulled away from the cemetery as the sun set into a bank of rising cloud, and Susan knew that rain was on its way.
But the rain was just as important to the spring as the sunshine, she thought, and shuffled over on the seat to curl into Fred's side.
He patted her knee, left his hand there, warm and heavy. Real. Solid. For all his dreaming artist eyes, Fred was solid, certain, strong enough to hold her on the difficult days, of which there were always more than she wanted.
The ring on her finger was its own kind of heavy, permanent, binding, and she needed that, needed a promise, needed something to quash the fears that choked her in the night.
They took a taxi home on their wedding night, home to the house she'd sworn she couldn't stay in, found she couldn't sell, and so compromised by working two jobs, and hardly ever being there.
Home to the old house she'd grown up in, rebuilt from the bombings, adapted and weathered and haunted by the empty places of people gone.
It had gotten better since Fred. She'd changed things, deliberately, a curtain here and a painting there, opened up the crates and jumbled everybody's books together on the shelves.
As they climbed the steps, she saw the lamp glowed in the front window, with another light shining back in the kitchen, and smiled, thanking Coraline in her heart. Her friend would no doubt be ducking out the back door that very moment, scampering across the back garden, and shimmying through the hedge, as if she were a girl of sixteen, and not a woman of thirty. There would be something warm in the oven, and the kettle waiting on the stove, and two places laid.
"Well, Mrs. Pevensie." Fred put his hand on the doorknob, drew her close against his side. "Shall we?"
Shall we go in? Shall we go into the home that is everything that came before, but is ours now too to make new? Shall we start something? Shall we continue? Shall we come home together?
She stood on her toes, and kissed him with a tremoring smile. "Yes, Mr. Pevensie. With pleasure."
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matan4il · 2 years
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I’m making this post at the request of the lovely @siflovesbuddie​​. Thank you for sending me your ask, and for your interest in my own thoughts! xoxox
Resource post with names info for all the notable 911 characters, compiled by the fandom’s resident name geek (slightly better than your average baby name site, which doesn’t give a damn about accuracy or about respecting the original cultures).
Gif makers and fic writers, please feel free to use this! If you do, credit or a reblog would be nice.
Also for anyone into enjoying different cultures and languages!
Here’s an open invitation if anyone wants to consult me on any other character’s name.
Under the cut: the info for all the characters in text, including a little more detail and explanation for the (giffed) main characters
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origin: Mikhael (Hebrew). meaning: Who (mi) is like (ka) God (el)? evolution: Mikhael (Hebrew) > Michael (Greek) > Michael (Latin) > Michael (English)
origin: David (Hebrew). meaning: Beloved (dod, spelled in Hebrew exactly like David). evolution: David (Hebrew) > David (Greek) > David (Latin) > David (English)
origin: Maia (Latin). meaning: The name is derived from the Roman month, which is itself named after Maia, a Roman goddess of spring. evolution: Maia (Latin) > May (English)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Harry (middle English)
origin: Yehoshua (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism), save (shua)! evolution: Yehoshua (Hebrew) > Iosue (Latin) > Joshua (English) > Josh (English, short form)
origin: Dionysos (Greek). meaning: God (dios) from Nysa (the region of Greece that the god of wine and dance Dionysos was born in). evolution: Dionysos (Greek) > Dionysius (Latin) > Denis (French) > Dennis (English) > Denny (English, diminutive)
origin: Lintha (Germanic). meaning: Soft (linth). Nowadays sometimes merged with the Spanish word for beautiful (linda). evolution: Lintha (Germanic) > Linda (Germanic) > Linda (English)
origin: Shoshana (Hebrew). meaning: Lily (shoshan. Sometimes conflated with rose). evolution: Shoshana (Hebrew) > Sousanna (Greek) > Susanna (Latin) > Susan (English) > Sue (English, short form)
origin: Adalbert (Germanic). meaning: Noble (adal) and bright (beraht). evolution: Adalbert (Germanic) > Albert (Germanic) > Albert (English)
origin: Ravi (Sanskrit). meaning: Sun (ravi). evolution: Ravi (Sanskrit) > Ravi (Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali and more).
origin: Avigail (Hebrew). meaning: My father (avi)'s joy (gil). evolution: Avigail (Hebrew) > Abigail (Latin) > Abigail (English) > Abby (English, diminutive)
origin: Karl (Germanic). meaning: Man (karl. Sometimes used specifically in the context of ‘free man’). evolution: Karl (Germanic) > Carl (German) > Carl (English) > Carla (English, feminine)
origin: Chana (Hebrew). meaning: Grace (chen). evolution: Chana (Hebrew) > Anna (Greek) > Anna (Latin) > Ana (Spanish)
origin: Chava (Hebrew). meaning: Living (chai. The biblical character of Chava is described as ‘em kol chai,’ the mother of all who are living). evolution: Chava (Hebrew) > Eua (Greek) > Eva (Latin) > Eva (English)
origin: Hludwig (Germanic). meaning: Famous (Hlut) in battle (wig). evolution: Hludwig (Germanic) > Ludwig (Germanic) > Ludovicus (Latin) > Louis (French) > Louis (English) > Lou (English, short form)
origin: Sionainn (Irish). meaning: Old (sen). It derives from the name of the longest river in Ireland. evolution: Sionainn (Irish) > Shannon (Irish) > Shannon (English)
origin: Elisheva (Hebrew). meaning: My God (eli) is perfection (sheva is the Hebrew word for seven, a number representing perfection in Jewish tradition) or My God (eli)'s oath (shvua). evolution: Elisheva (Hebrew) > Elisabet (Greek) > Elisabeth (Latin) > Isabel (middle Occitan) > Isabel (Spanish)
origin: Raginmund (Germanic). meaning: Decision (regin) of protection (mund). evolution: Raginmund (Germanic) > Raimund (Germanic) > Ramon (Catalan) > Ramón (Spanish)
origin: Yoseph (Hebrew). meaning: He will add (yosiph. From the biblical language of oath taking: ‘So will God do to me and so he will add if I...’). evolution: Yoseph (Hebrew) > Ioseph (Greek) > Ioseph (Latin) > Joseph (French) > Joséphine (French, feminine) > Josephina (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly derived from moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Helena (English)
origin: Lucius (Latin). meaning: Light (lux). evolution: Lucius (Latin) > Lucia (Latin, feminine) > Lucie (French) > Lucy (English)
origin: Antonius (Latin). meaning: The name derives from Etruscan and its meaning is unknown. The first notable historical figure to carry the name was Marcus Antonius (Mark Anthony), bringing many to link the meaning to him, or incorrectly to the Greek word for flower (anthos). evolution: Antonius (Latin) > Antonia (Latin, feminine) > Antonia (English) > Toni (English, diminutive)
origin: Nia (Swahili). meaning: Purpose, aim. evolution: Nia (Swahili) > Nia (English)
origin: Viator (Latin). meaning: Voyager, traveler. evolution: Viator (Latin) > Viatrix (Latin, feminine) > Beatrix (Latin) > Beatrice (Italian) > Beatrice (English)
origin: Shmuel (Hebrew). meaning: His name (shmo) is God (el). evolution: Shmuel (Hebrew) > Samouel (Greek) > Samuhel (Latin) > Samuel (English)
origin: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic). meaning: Dark (dubh) river (glais). evolution: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic) > Dùghlas (Gaelic) > Douglas (English) > Doug (English, short form)
origin: Adalheidis (Germanic) or Alexandros (Greek). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Ali. Adalheidis means noble (adal) kind (heit). Alexandros means defender (alexo) of men (andros). evolution: Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alison (French, diminutive) > Alison (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alice (French) > Alice (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Alexandros (Greek) > Alexandra (Greek, feminine) > Alexandra (English) > Ali (English, diminutive)
origin: Daniel (Hebrew). meaning: God (el) judges me (dani). evolution: Daniel (Hebrew) > Daniel (Greek) > Daniel (Latin) > Daniel (English)
origin: Helene (Greek) or the town of Migdal (Hebrew). meaning: There are two names whose short form is Lena. Helene means torch (helene) or is possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). Magdalena refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. evolution: Helene (Greek) > Elena (middle Slavic) > Yelena (Russian) > Lena (Russian, short form) or Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Magdalena (Latin) > Magdalena (English) > Magdalena (English, short form)
origin: Noach (Hebrew). meaning: Comfortable, pleasant (noach) or resting (nach). evolution: Noach (Hebrew) > Noah (German) > Noah (English)
origin: Taylor (English). meaning: Tailor (from the Italian verb ‘taliare,’ to cut). evolution: Taylor (English)
origin: Gautfrid (Germanic). meaning: While ‘frid’ refers to peace (fridu), ‘gau’ might derive from the word territory (gawi) or from gautaz, a reference to the Germanic tribe of Geat. evolution: Gautfrid (Germanic) > Geoffroi (middle French) > Geoffrey (English) > Jeffrey (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Hélène (French) > Elaine (English)
origin: Yona (Hebrew). meaning: Dove (yona). evolution: Yona (Hebrew) > Jonah (English)
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origin: Yochanan (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism) has graced (chanan). evolution: Yochanan (Hebrew) > Ioannes (Greek) > Iohannes (Latin) > Johann (German) > Johan (middle English) > John (English) > Ifan (Welsh) > Evan (English)
origin: Eadmund (old English). meaning: Rich, wealthy (ead) protection (mund). evolution: Eadmund (old English) > Edmund (English) > Edmundo (Spanish and Portuguese) > Eddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and fair, smart, brave war. meaning: Unknown. The goddess got her name from the city she was a patron of, Athens, but the city’s name comes from an undetermined language (likely an unknown language spoken in Greece before Ancient Greek even developed), so its meaning is also a mystery. Most people therefore associate the meaning of the name with the qualities the goddess represented. evolution: Athene (the name of the city in Ancient times) > Athena
origin: Hrodebert (Germanic). meaning: Bright (beraht) fame (hruod). evolution: Hrodebert (Germanic) > Robert (Germanic) > Robert (English) > Bobby (English, diminutive)
origin: There are three names that have entered modern English as Howard, Hughard (Germanic), Ewehirde (middle English) and Harvardr (old Norse), making any of these likely to be considered the origin of the name. meaning: Brave, hardy (hart) spirit (hugu) or ewe (eowu) herder (hierde) or high (har) guardian (vordr). evolution: Hughard (Germanic) / Ewehirde (middle English) / Harvardr (old Norse) > Howard (English)
origin: The town of Migdal (Hebrew) or Mahthilt (Germanic). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Maddie. Magdalene refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. Madison means Maud’s son, Maud originating in a name that means might (maht) in battle (hilt). evolution: Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Madeleine (French) > Madeline (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive) or Mahthilt (Germanic) > Matilda (English) > Maud (French) > Madison (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Henriette (French, feminine) > Henrietta (English) > Hen (English, diminutive)
origin: Aikaterine (Greek). meaning: There are two Greek names it might have been influenced by. Hekaterine, meaning each of the two (hekateros) or Hekate meaning far off (hekas). Either way, during the early Christian era, the name's spelling was changed, adding an ‘h’ after the ‘t’ and tying it to the Greek word for pure (katharos). evolution: Aikaterine (Greek) > Katerina (Latin) > Katharina (Danish) > Karen (Danish) > Karen (English)
origin: Christophoros (Greek). meaning: Bearing (phero) Christ (christos, meaning anointed, Greek translation of the Hebrew word ‘mashiach’ which has entered English as ‘messiah’). evolution: Christophoros (Greek) > Christophorus (Latin) > Christopher (English) > Chris (English, diminutive)
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planesky · 11 months
Ok. Bring back the hostages.
Abraham Munder, 78.
Samer Fuad El-Talalka, 22.
Bilal Alziadna, 21.
Hamza Alziadna, 22.
Yosef Hamid Alziadna, 53.
Joshua Loitu Mollel, 21.
Sujith Nissanka, 48.
Chaim Peri, 79.
Yarden Roman Gat, 36.
Elad Katzir, 47.
Hannah Katzir, 77.
Oded Lifshitz, 83.
Amiram Cooper, 84.
Ronen Engle, 54.
Yuval Engle, 11.
Mika Engle, 18.
Carina Engle-Bert, 51.
Abigail Idan, 3.
Tamar Gutman, 27.
Channa Peri, 79.
Nadav Popplewell, 51.
Emilia Aloni, 5.
Daniel Aloni, 44.
Yuly Konio, 3.
Ema Konio, 3.
Sharon Aloni Konio, 34.
David Konio, 33.
Shlomi Ziv, 40.
Yahel Gani Shoham, 3.
Nave Shoham, 8.
Tal Shoham, 38.
Adi Shoham, 38.
Noam Avigdori, 12.
Sharon Avigdori, 52.
Shoshan Haran, 67.
Itzhk Elgarat, 68.
Alexander Dancyg, 75.
Inbar Haiman, 27.
Omer Shem Tov, 21.
Raz Ben Ami, 57.
Ilana Gritzewsky, 30.
Tsachi Idan, 51.
Elma Avraham, 84.
Or Levy, 33.
Guy Gilboa-Dalal, 22.
Gadi Moshe Mosez, 79.
Adina Moshe, 72.
Tamar Metzger, 78.
Yoram Metzger, 80.
Noa Marciano, 19.
Roni Krivoi, 25.
Tal Goldstein, 9.
Gal Goldstein, 11.
Agam Goldstein, 17.
Chen Almog-Goldstein, 48.
Daniel Gilboa, 19.
Eitan Yahalomi, 12.
Ovad Yahalomi, 49.
Ella Elyakim, 8.
Dafna Elyakim, 14.
Evyatar David, 26.
Raz Katz Asher, 4.
Avis Katz Asher, 2.
Doron Katz Asher, 34.
Efrat Katz, 68.
Alon Lulu Shamirz, 26.
Maya Regev, 21.
Itay Regev, 18.
Shani Louk, 22.
Omri Miran, 46.
Alon Ohel, 22.
Hersh Golden-Polin, 23.
Maya Leimberg, 17.
Gabriella Leimberg, 59.
Fernando Marman, 60.
Clara Marman, 63.
Bar Kuperstein, 21.
Noa Sharabi, 16.
Eli Sharabi, 55.
Four Angel, 18.
Yossi Sharabi, 53.
Moran Yanai, 40.
Adrienne ‘Aviva’ Siegel, 62.
Ron Sherman, 19.
Ditza Haiman, 84.
Elia Cohen, 26.
Elkana Bohbot, 24.
Agam Berger, 19.
Ohad Ben-Ami, 55.
Nick Beiser, 19.
Yuval Brodetz, 8.
Oriya Brodetz, 4.
Ofri Brodetz, 10.
Hagar Brodetz, 40.
Naama Levy, 19.
Almog Meir Jan, 21.
Liraz Assulin, 38.
Karina Ariev, 19.
Noa Argamani, 19.
Or Avinathan, 30.
Liri Elbag, 18.
Mia Schem, 21.
Yaffa Adar, 85.
Omer Wenkert, 22.
Carmel Gat, 39.
Kfir Bibas, 9 Months.
Ariel Bibas, 4.
Shiri Bibas, 32.
Sahar Kalderon, 16.
Ofer Kalderon, 53.
Louis Har, 70.
Want peace? Want us to ceasefire?
Bring them back!
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zegalba · 8 months
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Rick Owens: Paris Home (2007) Design: Assaf Shoshan
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healingordestroying · 10 months
Redemption of Hostages: Following are photos of the arrival in Israel of the Haran family: Shoshan Haran, Adi Shoham and the girls Nava and Yahel.
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Reuters was slammed online Saturday for falsely claiming on social media that the 13 Israeli women and children hostages who were released by Hamas as part of a temporary ceasefire agreement with Israel were “Israeli soldiers.”
The 13 Israeli nationals who were released from captivity included Shoshan Haran, 67; Adi Shoham, 38; Yahel Shoham, 3; Naveh Shoham, 8; Shiri Weiss, 53; Noga Weiss, 18; Maya Regev, 21; Hila Rotem, 12; Emily Hand, 9; Noam Or, 17; Alma Or, 13; Noam Avigdori, 12; and Sharon Avigdori, 52.
“Hamas releases 13 more Israeli soldiers and four foreign nationals to the Red Cross in a second exchange,” Reuters posted on X.
The left-of-center news wire was met with immediate pushback from journalists and commentators from across the political spectrum.
“An announcement from the facts department: Unlike what @Reuters says here, no Israeli soldiers were released today,” said Axios reporter Barak Ravid. “Hamas released 8 Isrseli kids and 5 Israeli women it took hostage 50 days ago.”
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sethshead · 11 months
From the Kivunim Institute: Good and Evil: A True Story You likely don’t know the name Dr. Shoshan Haran. I met Shoshan, a world-renowned plant seed developer, while doing research for what became Let There Be Water: Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World. Shoshan helped me to understand how Israeli non-GMO plant breeders had developed drought-resistant crops and plants that thrive on otherwise unusable brackish water. But at the top of her career, Shoshan had an epiphany: Instead of using her extraordinary abilities to help farmers in rich countries get ever-better seeds, she would devote the rest of her life to helping poor farmers in Africa. “No one,” she told me, “was developing specific seeds for places like Ethiopia.” Farmers there had to make do with generic seeds for their crops. An urbanite like me didn't know this, but seeds can be developed for particular places, with changes made for local climate, water sources, soil type and pests. Shoshan started a not-for-profit called Fair Planet with the intention of developing seeds for those poor African farmers as precise as the ones she had been helping to create for American and European farmers. The project succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations. In the first season using Shoshan’s tomato seeds created for central Ethiopia, farmers there saw a 500 percent increase in yield. Not only did this help to address issues of hunger and nutrition for those farmers and their families, but household income rose helping to lift communities out of abject poverty. In the ten or so years since, approximately one million farmers in several African countries have been using seeds developed by Fair Planet. In other words, Shoshan Haran is a hero, a person who has made the world so much better for her having lived. Now for the hard part. On October 7, Shoshan and her family were together in her home on Kibbutz Be’eri, a successful communal farm established by her father and the place where she was born. In all, there were ten family members gathered – Shoshan, her husband, her sister and brother-in-law, her daughter and son-in-law and their two children, her husband’s sister and the sister’s husband. They were all taken captive by the Hamas terrorists who invaded the kibbutz. In recent days, the remains of Shoshan’s husband and brother-in-law have been identified. As best as is known, Shoshan and the other seven family members – three generations – are hostages in Gaza, but no one knows for sure. It is easy to recognize this as evil harming far more than Shoshan and her family. Those many African farmers, and many others, are also harmed by the Hamas assault. It would also be reasonable to say that there are two competing ideologies at work here: One by incrementally helping others in peaceful ways and the second using horrifying and indiscriminate violence to achieve its goals. For me, I have been depressed, enraged, struggling to make sense of the terror attack, but now that I have learned one of the captives is someone I know and have hosted in my home, it is also personal. I hope the governments of Africa will join in with others to try to get Shoshan and her family freed from captivity, assuming they are still alive. Perhaps you, too, can try to publicize this story, sharing it with others. Every one of those being held deserves to be released, but showing how terrible it is to have a person like Shoshan in captivity perhaps helps to transform a general act of criminality and evil into something concrete and harder to ignore. Over time, many more stories of October 7 victims will be learned. Just knowing Shoshan’s story offers clarity that so much more than the lives of the victims and the captives are affected. Seth Siegel
h/t Shoshana Hantman
None of this matters to the left. They'll accuse Shoshan of promoting genocide by replacing traditional crops with higher-yield GMOs. There is nothing we can do anymore to convince the left that we are anything other than ogres poisoning the global well and using the blood of children for our bread.
We must keep our own ethics to heal the world, but not expect to win any hearts or minds. We must do what we must to protect ourselves, and let the public opinion of those who would destroy us be damned.
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lesfruitsdores · 6 months
Family members of Israeli hostages still held in Gaza speak to CNN's Jake Tapper.
In case the videos are geoblocked, you can watch them on twitter. Part 1 and part 2.
Here are their loved ones:
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Omri Miran (46) from Kibbutz Nir Oz, husband to Lishay and father to Roni and Alma. Lishay has been advocating for his release.
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Oded Lifshitz (83), a journalist and peace activist from Kibbutz Nir Oz who drove sick gazans to hospitals in Israel. His wife Yocheved (85) was released on October 23, 2023.
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Eli Sharabi (53) from Kibbutz Be'eri. His wife Leanne and their two daughters Noya and Yahel were brutally murdered on October 7. His brother Yossi was also kidnapped and unfortunately, murdered in Gaza; his body hasn't been returned for burial.
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Aviv Atzili (49) from Kibbutz Nir Oz was murdered on October 7 and his body hasn't been returned for burial. He's survived by his three children and his wife Liat, who was kidnapped on that same day and released in November.
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Tal Shoham (38). He lived in the north, but was visiting family on Kibbutz Be'eri that day. He was kidnapped along with his wife, Adi Shoham, his daughter, Yahel, 3, and son, Naveh, 8, as well as his mother-in-law Shoshan Haran, his wife’s aunt Sharon Avigdori and her daughter Noam, 12. His family members were released in November, but sadly, he's still in Gaza.
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Bibas family from Kibbutz Nir Oz. Yarden (34), Shiri (32) and the couple's sons Ariel (4) and Kfir (kidnapped at 9 months old, now 1 year old). Shiri's parents were murdered on October 7. While in Gaza, Yarden was forced to appear in propaganda videos. Shiri and the boys were supposed to be released in November, but Hamas refused to.
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Dolev Yehud (35) from Kibbutz Nir Oz. His wife Sigal and children Raz (7), Yotam (6) and Ron (3) and Dor, the baby who was born while he was in captivity wait for his return. He's a volunteer medic at Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah. His sister Arbel and her boyfriend David Cunio were also taken hostage.
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falsegod · 3 months
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