#shixiong!shen yuan au
i-dare-say · 3 months
Shixiong!Shen Yuan AU
Shen Yuan has been living in the PIDW world since birth but doesn't remember anything about his previous life. He manages to enter Cang Qiong Mountain Sect and become a disciple of Qing Jing Peak, until he's fourteen and a sparring head injury causes his memories to return all in one go. Now that his memories are back the System is also activated.
He finds out he's been reincarnated into a no-name cannon fodder character (the name is the same because what originality do you expect from PIDW?) and the System informs him that he now has to enhance the story's quality while also ensuring the protagonist's satisfaction.
Shen Yuan is already pretty done with all of this. Whatever he does is sure to lead to his death. It's either the system kills him because his points reach 0 or the protagonist kills him later because he stood by while he was bullied/didn't help him enough to not get bullied.
And now Shen Yuan's brain has been flooded with all this information about the world and, worse, about people he's known for some time now.
His sweet Ning-shimei is fated to become a character trope he despises, a simple damsel in distress only there so the protagonist can show his strength by saving her over and over again.
Ming-shidi has always been most respectful towards him, and now he discovers that he's at the front of the pack of disciples that bully Luo Binghe.
And his shizun...
Shen Yuan has never really known much about his shizun. His tea ceremony had seemed as normal as it could be (Shen Qingqiu had asked him a lot of questions about his past, but that's expected since they do have the same surname. Still, nothing came out of that), and for the four years since he's been a disciple his shizun had seemed like an admirable immortal master, cold and strict, but competent and intelligent. Shen Yuan did admire him. At least, until his memories come back.
Now he has knowledge of what Shen Qingqiu will do (maybe has already done, since Shen Yuan is not sure whether Luo Binghe is already on the peak) to the protagonist, and of all the crimes against the other characters. He's a poser, hiding a scummy personality behind his aloof persona.
Shen Yuan is not happy to know all of this. But he's almost glad to remember his old life because it doesn't feel weird when he wholeheartedly thinks: Fuck.
First of all, he has to find out if Luo Binghe's already a disciple.
The shijie he was sparring with is now taking him to Qian Cao to be checked so he asks her about Luo Binghe. She doesn't know, so as soon as he's clear to get back to Qing Jing he goes straight to Ming Fan.
Ming Fan is practicing guqin playing with some friends (Shen Yuan suspects these are the other bullies) and is having trouble with a particular movement, so Shen Yuan helps him by guiding his fingers. Once he's satisfied his shidi has learnt what to do and sees the others not paying them attention, he lowers his voice and asks Ming Fan about Luo Binghe.
It's clear the boy knows what he's talking about. Ming Fan is curious about the reason for his question and warns him that Luo Binghe is nothing but trouble, that their shizun's already had to punish him for his misbehaviors. Shen Yuan thanks him for the advice and takes off towards the woodshed.
Luo Binghe is not there, but he will come back sooner or later. So he decides to wait and prepare for the future.
The first step of his plan now is to get stronger. Enough for Shen Yuan to be able to protect Luo Binghe from the other disciples. He'll take on the mantel of older brother figure, someone who helps the protagonist in the beginning of the story while he's too weak to do it properly. Then, once Luo Binghe finds his way and becomes the all powerful demon lord he's destined to be, Shen Yuan will try his best to convince him not to raze Cang Qiong to the ground.
He doesn't have much hope of that though. After all, he's just a no-name cannon fodder. But at least he can help Luo Binghe right now, while he has the power to do so. To make these bitter years a little more bearable. And that future is so far away, he has time to think about what to do and plan accordingly.
While thinking this, he falls asleep against the wall of the woodshed.
He's awakened by someone touching his shoulder. He snaps his eyes open, shaken, but he soon adjusts to the darkness enough to see the person in front of him.
Luo Binghe is certainly different from what he imagines the future emperor of all three realms to look like. But this is white lotus Luo Binghe, and in his very first years as a disciple at that. His cheeks are round, height much shorter than Shen Yuan's. And yet there's already the countenance of the stallion protagonist in him, a sort of aura that makes him shine in the dark, an intensity to his gaze as he worriedly looks at Shen Yuan.
Shen Yuan can't help but smile and say "Binghe".
Luo Binghe looks shocked. He hesitantly asks if shixiong is well, that it's very late and that the curfew has already started.
Shen Yuan finally realizes the late hour, but he doesn't mind the curfew. It wouldn't be the first time he has to sneak in in the dorms, and it certainly won't be the last. He stares at Luo Binghe, who nervously tries not to fidget under his gaze, and comes to a decision.
He won't have to sleep in there. Not anymore. Not as long as Shen Yuan has a say in it. "Come with me."
He takes Binghe's hand and heads for the disciple dorms. Luo Binghe follows silently, until he stops and says: "Shixiong should rest first. He can punish this one tomorrow."
Shen Yuan is horrified at the prospect of being thrown in the same group as Luo Binghe's bullies. He doesn't want to be at the other end of the protagonist's blade!
"I'm not here to punish you," he says, but Binghe is not convinced. Well, what did Shen Yuan expect? Apart from his own adoptive mother and Ning Yingying, everyone else had always treated Luo Binghe with indifference or contempt. Of course he expected a punishment.
Shen Yuan kneels in front of him and Binghe is once again shocked.
"I know we don't really know each other so this must seem strange to you. But I do want to. I mean, I do want to know you."
Shen Yuan is so embarrassed to be saying these things. But this is all to gain the protagonist's trust! So he'll have to swallow his shame and be a little truthful for once.
"I…your shixiong sometimes has…nightmares. And sleeping with someone else in the room helps. Can you indulge me a little bit for tonight?"
Luo Binghe has been staring at him with awe. He squeezes Shen Yuan's hand and replies: "This Binghe would be honored to help shixiong with his nightmares. But, shizun said I must sleep in the woodshed. I don't want shizun to get angry with you because of me."
"Shizun won't know about it." And even if he did, Shen Yuan is ready to take the blame on himself. Shen Qingqiu's punishments would be nothing to the protagonist's unique brand of torture. "This shixiong promises that from now on, Binghe won't have to sleep in there. Do you trust me?"
Luo Binghe nods. So Shen Yuan takes him to the dorms and they sneak in through the open window. His room is for one person only, so they have to share Shen Yuan's bed.
Binghe insists on sleeping on the floor, says he really doesn't mind, he has no problem falling asleep on the ground. But Shen Yuan yanks him on the bed and forces him to lay down. Since both of their bodies are on the smaller side they end up fitting in just fine.
Shen Yuan falls asleep almost immediately, exhausted despite the small nap he had before. And Luo Binghe stares at him, at this shixiong who he knew of but never really interacted with, who he's seen being kind and welcoming to other disciples around the sect, who suddenly reached out to Binghe and took him in his room without a moment's hesitation.
Luo Binghe doesn't trust that this kindness will be directed towards him for much longer, but he likes the way Shen-shixiong looks at him. So he'll treasure it as long as he can.
So this is the beginning of my Shixiong! Shen Yuan fic. I was curious as to what would happen if Shen Yuan ended up in the same position as Shang Qinghua, what kind of consequences being born in the PIDW world would have on him.
As this is my first ever fanfic I just wanted to write something short, just a simple AU where Shen Yuan is free to dote on Luo Binghe and he doesn't have to worry that he's going to be murdered because he has the role of "Shen Qingqiu".
And then I started to think more about the implications of the premise I made up. Shen Yuan is fourteen. Yes, now he has memories of his previous life, but his mind is still that of a fourteen-year-old. That would be interesting to explore, I thought.
And what if Shen Yuan is more gifted that he thinks, I asked myself. What if Shen Qingqiu recognised that at the tea ceremony and, just like Binghe, inquired about his past. But, unlike Binghe, Shen Yuan's past is much more in line with Shen Qingqiu's, which brings the man to leave him be.
And what if, once Shen Yuan remembers and starts becoming stronger and protecting Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu's attention doesn't fall on Luo Binghe but Shen Yuan?
And just what happened in Shen Yuan's past, exactly? Because he sure as hell doesn't think about it or his feelings involving any of it.
I just really wanted to explore all of these questions. So I guess this is gonna be longer than I expected. To be honest I'm just really happy to be writing again, scum villain really is such a great inspiration for storytelling.
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i love the idea of sy transmigrating into svsss and being hailed as a seer or some sort of demigod or something. even better if he’s a disciple. he lets one weird thing abt the plot slip, it comes to pass, and suddenly he’s elevated in the sect, yqy is consulting him on major happenings, and sqq becomes fiercely possessive because that’s his head disciple, tyvm. he’s not spectacularly talented in martial arts or swordsmanship, but he’s incredibly skilled with musical and spiritual cultivation
he’s poisoned by without a cure during the demon invasion when elder hammer tries his stupid sneak attack on lbh. after that, lbh becomes his unofficial assistant, because all sy really wants to do is hang out and vibe, but he’s too valuable to the sect to be put on bed rest and somebody’s gotta make sure he takes his meds and doesn’t collapse alone on a mission. and sqq treats sy’s poisoning as lbh’s fault (lbh does too, sadly), so he makes sy lbh’s responsibility
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phnmnt · 2 years
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Shen Yuan shixiong AU - Part 24
New Roots
Ming Fan woke up to the sound of loud voices followed by a terrible screeching sound. He rubbed his eyes and clicked his tongue, annoyed that his rest was interrupted by a bunch of idiots who couldn’t keep it down after curfew.
“Shizun, we need to find an open area! The qi is hurting everyone!”
Hearing the familiar voice, Ming Fan instantly woke up, jumped out of bed, and ran to the door barefooted. He opened it, only to be washed over with an overwhelming unstable spiritual energy that made him weak in the knees. A group of people had stopped in front of his room, discussing urgently in loud voices to cover the terrible screeching coming from who knows where.
“Shen shixiong!”
One of the figures froze and turned to him with a pair of round eyes. It was Shen Yuan shixiong. He was finally back! Shen Yuan was about to open his mouth to answer when their shizun, who was accompanying him along with a varied group of people, cut right in.
“Ming Fan, stay here and make sure that nobody follows us. A-Yuan, follow me.”
Ming Fan, sensing like the situation truly was urgent, acknowledged the order with a nod and went to grab his boots by the bed in a hurry. As soon as he stepped outside, the group left immediately, leaving the space in front of the dormitory empty except for one person.
Ning Yingying smiled weakly as she watched the group disappear in the bamboo forest. Ming Fan noticed how paled she looked and went to offer his help. His shimei didn’t refuse, grabbing his arm with what little strength she had left. Some younger disciples came out of their rooms, confused and curious about what had happened. Ming Fan barked a few orders, sending them back inside, before sitting Ning Yingying on a stone bench by the moon gate at the entrance of the dormitories.
“Shixiong, don’t worry about me. I just need to catch my breath.”
Ming Fan squatted in front of her, studying her face with worry.
“What happened? What were you doing with shixiong’s group? And why are you…? Yingying, did you exchange patrol nights with someone again?”
Ning Yingying pressed a few of her chest acupoints with a frown. She gestured to give her a minute to recover before opening her mouth to explain.
“I’m sorry, shixiong. I did. I just… I missed Shen shixiong and Luo shidi so much. I wanted to be the first to greet them at the gate. And I couldn’t sleep anyway when I learned they were on their way back.”
“Yingying, that’s a whole week of patrol you just imposed on your body. How many hours did you sleep this week?”
“…Not as much as I should’ve.”
Ming Fan sighed, rubbing his eyes in exasperation.
“Shixiong, this shimei is sorry. But I promise I was fine! I was starting to feel a little tired, but nothing serious. It’s… this unstable qi. It was so strong. Even shizun didn’t look too good when he got closer to Noodle.”
Ming Fan blinked.
“Mn. Remember the last letter shixiong and A-Luo sent me? Noodle didn’t just get hurt.”
“Then, what’s happening?”
Ning Yingying looked in the direction the group had disappear.
“He’s about to become a dragon.”
“Over here!”
Shen Qingqiu had brought them to a big clearing deep in the bamboo forest, away from any form of human life. Shen Yuan ran to the middle, cradling the dusu snake that kept twisting in pain in his arms.
“Shh- It’s ok, you’re ok, you’re fine.”
Truthfully, Shen Yuan was trying to convince himself more than the poor dusu snake. He reached the middle of the soft grass field in a few long strides and knelt there. Luo Binghe followed closely, settling himself in front of him before using his spiritual energy to soothe the creature as much as he could.
The situation didn’t look promising. Shen Yuan’s sleeves were covered in small iridescent scales… and blood. He had studied dusu snakes for years without coming across any cases like this one. Very few among their species became dragons to begin with and it was near impossible to obtain a specimen about to transform. Shen Yuan felt powerless. He thought back on their trip and something finally clicked in his mind.
Noodle had cultivated too fast. They had fought so much and went to so many places full of spiritual energy…
Shen Yuan’s vision turned blurry. He wanted to apologize, but Noodle probably couldn’t hear him now. He pulled the dusu snake closer, hugging him to his chest. The latter’s current body wasn’t strong enough to undergo a dragon transformation and… he might…
Noodle suddenly went completely still. Shen Yuan looked down in panic, only to see a pair of now colorful eyes staring right back at him with complete trust. A small pitiful cry came from the creature, rooting his master to the place he had knelt.
Shen Yuan lifted his gaze to Luo Binghe who simply smiled at him calmly.
Standing at the edge of the open space, Shen Qingqiu’s patience was wearing thin. Why didn’t those two leave the snake? He himself couldn’t get close, the unstable qi made him nauseous and feel like he was going to faint. How strong did his disciples become to bear such a powerful unstable qi without flinching? Or was A-Yuan simply being unreasonable, forcing himself to stay with his pet?
“A-Yuan, you can’t stay there! A-Yuan!”
But Shen Qingqiu’s voice didn’t reach his prized disciple. The ground had started to shake, and wind enveloped the trio, creating a strong spiritual barrier in the middle of the forest glade. From it, Luo Binghe locked eyes with his shizun. Shen Qingqiu felt familiar and powerful emotions assaulting his senses, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He hated this. Why couldn’t he get close? Why was he still so weak after all those years? Leaving him weaker than this- this Luo Binghe… Why?!
Noodle’s cries suddenly turned even more heartbreaking. Shen Yuan kept him close, tears streaming down his face as he repeated words of comfort to the dusu snake. It… wasn’t going well. He could feel Noodle’s life essence rapidly going out, slipping between his fingers. But if it was to be his old and first friend last moments, he wanted to accompany him to the end. He suddenly felt a pair of strong, youthful arms encircling him. Shen Yuan smiled despite the tears. His shidi didn’t have to accompany him to this extent. But he did. And he was immensely grateful for it. A gentle warmth spread from his heart, gently soothing his mind.
Still sitting in the middle of the forest glade, both disciples closed their eyes in unison as a harsh white light enveloped them. The gigantic amount of unstable qi was completely washed away in an instant, leaving only a strange electric atmosphere as the light blinded everyone at the scene.
A short moment passed before the light slowly receded, absorbed by something unknown. Soon after, the palpable charged energy followed.
Shen Yuan felt the weight in his arms disappear, ripping a whimper of desperation from his throat. He opened his eyes, intending to search for Noodle. As he did so, his retina was instantly drowned in an ocean of soft iridescent colors. For a moment, everything seemed to sit completely still, and only the gentle reflections of light dancing in the air like charming little pieces of crystal created an ocean of moving colors. Amidst the different waves, a pair of large reptilian eyes greeted his own calmly, the corner lifting in fondness when Shen Yuan stared back in surprise.
The system’s voice, which he hadn’t heard for a long time, suddenly resonated in his head.
“Carapace ability : 50% damage reduction successful! Applied to user and their companions!” “Qing Jing Peak’s favor +50pts!” “Noodle’s favor +500pts!” “Noodle’s favor [ BONUS ] +???points to •••••••” “Protagonist’s halo compatibility with [*Noodle*] successful. +1000 ally points +0 shielding points!” “Completion of master-level quest +1500pts!” “New skills now available on the user skill tree!” “Congratulations! Please continue to work hard!”
But Shen Yuan wasn’t listening. His body refused to move, remaining frozen in face of the unfamiliar creature. A dragon.
Noodle released a short and sharp breath, ruffling his master’s hair from a distance. Shen Yuan jumped, not expecting the playful attitude from Noodle right after successfully cheating death. He swallowed with difficulty, his emotions still bouncing wildly around in his exhausted mind, and raised a trembling hand, reaching for Noodle’s new fluffy tail hovering above his head. “You’re… so big now.” Shen Yuan’s voice broke on the last syllable. Fat tears quickly filled his eyes, escaping in two seemingly never-ending streams which quickly drenched the collar of his clothes. “Y-You’re- You’re alive…!” He quickly let go of the tail to stand on his knees, throwing himself at Noodle who welcomed him in his embrace. The latter leaned on his master’s sobbing form with a soothing noise, something close to both purring and a low growl. Shen Yuan hid his face on the dragon’s body, both relieved that Noodle somehow survived the painful experience of turning into a dragon and embarrassed at how little he was able to restrain his emotions. Unbeknownst to him, Noddle met another pair of eyes. Luo Binghe silently stared back. Noodle then closed his eyes, bending his neck in a graceful arch as if he was bowing to the young man. Luo Binghe’s eyebrows shot up in shock when he heard two clear words echoing in his mind. “Thank you.”
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 8.5 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 -Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23
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forgetallenvies · 2 years
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Disciple shen yuan is dear to me actually
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allpiesforourown · 30 days
idk i'm a big fan of the "shen yuan is extremely competent, but not competitive enough to care" idea. every disciple shen yuan au i have involves the peak lord begging him to be the head disciple and hes like "uhhhh idk sounds like a lot of work and also i think ____-shidi would want to be head disciple way more than me...." and even after he refuses to become head disciple he still goes out of his way to help the juniors with their techniques and aids his shizun with sorting his documents because he's just a nice guy.
whenever someone from another peak needs something, its very exhausting for everyone to explain the situation
guy from another peak: i need to speak to the peak lord
students: shizun is off the mountain
him: where's the head disciple
students: we don't have one, you'll want to talk to Shen-shixiong
Him: whos that
students: he's just a guy we like a lot
him: so who does all the [head disciple duties] ???
students: shen shixiong.
him: if he does all the work and you all like him why not just make him head dis-
students: WE TRIED, OKAY!!?!
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wumiings · 2 months
AU where Shen Jiu takes one look at tiny prospective disciple Shen Yuan who looks so much like him but so fucking soft and immediately goes “I must destroy it” but when he tells Yue Qingyuan he wants the boy for Qing Jing Peak, YQY unexpectedly puts his foot down— reason being that he thinks the Shens must be long-lost brothers and he’s afraid that if SJ badly hurts SY and then finds out the truth he’ll regret it. So instead SY becomes a disciple of Qiong Ding Peak.
The thing is, though, that SY knows why YQY took him in. So even though he sees YQY as an older brother figure, he privately believes that the only reason the sect leader is affectionate towards him is that he’s (possibly) related to SJ. Meanwhile, YQY is going around the whole Twelve Peaks like “omg have you met my beloved new disciple?? he’s so cute and smart and he’ll probably inherit the sect some day.” SJ is immensely jealous and furious at himself for it.
Cut forward several years and SY is head disciple of Qiong Ding. SJ manages to corner him after a meeting of the peak lords and is harassing him about something or other until SY finally blindsides him by blurting out the “fact” that YQY still thinks they’re siblings and is really only soft on him for SJ’s sake…. SJ is so incredulous he nearly has a qi deviation.
Afterwards, he tries very hard not to let his feelings towards SY be affected by the most absurd bit of self deprecation he has heard in his entire life, but a week later he breaks and storms into YQY’s study like “ZHANGMEN-SHIXIONG ARE YOU AWARE THAT YOUR PRECIOUS FAVORITE DISCIPLE BELIEVES YOU DON’T ACTUALLY LIKE HIM???”
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nescompoop · 1 month
This has probably been said before but the svsss fandom is just so fun.
First, the fics! Oh look another shen yuan disciple au? Oh but binghe is his shixiong? Read and kudosed! Oh another shen yuan disciple au? But shen jiu is his shidi??? Devoured! Oh another shen yuan peak lord au? With shen jiu AND binghe as his disciples? Oof guess I gotta clear my calendar. Demonic shen yuan? I better see some monster fucking! Shen jiu gets reborn again? Well- and on and on and on and on.
And the ships of course! Yeah I ship bingqiu! But also bingliushen, liushen, bingliu, bingjiu, qijiu, jiuyuan, zhushen, qijiushen, tianjiu, moshang, cumplane, mingling, and of course, bing(mei)bing(ge)qiu!
Usually in other fandoms there are only one or two pairings I feel the urge to gnaw on. In svsss though, it literally depends on the fucking day.
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l33n1s · 11 days
Disciple Shen Yuan AU but he joins QJ Peak right after Lou Binghe gets pushed into the Abyss. He does NOT know where in the plot he is until it's too late. He's already joined and he can't Just Leave. So he sits himself down and is like "ok new plan, learn as much as possible in the next 5 years and dip before Lou Binghe destroys the sect, got it? Got it."
So he cultivates as hard as he can, turns out he's like a cultivation prodigy. Super cool. He does cultivation things. He gets his spiritual sword. He gets ready to leave and the system won't let him.
The system gives him a mission called "Save Cang Qiong ‼️‼️". So he's freaking out, he thinks he's gonna have to fight Lou Binghe. He's planning his funeral (internally). He's hyping himself up to at least try his best.
Anyway Binghe shows up, gets wife-beamed with the strength of a nuclear missile. Doesn't destroy the sect.
Shen Yuan is very confused when the system pops up with a "Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Important things must be said three times! Congratulations on completing mission 'Save Cang Qiong ‼️‼️'!".
Liu Mingyan writes some bs probably entitled something like "Stuck Between My Shizun and My Demon Shixiong 🥺🥺"
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
AU where instead of Shen Yuan being obsessed with Luo Binghe, he's instead obsessed with the scum villain himself. I mean we all know Bingge is Very Not Good Person™ but you know who else a Very Not Good Person™? Say it with me: Shen Jiu
Like just imagine a timeline where Shen Yuan is writing paragraph after paragraph about how Shen Qingqiu might actually be a good person but Airplane is wasting his potential. The other commenters are saying he's delusional because he abused the protagonist and as all these TERRIBLE allegations towards him. So he's a clear cut villain.
But Shen Yuan is defending his fav with the vigor of a devout worshipper. He's constantly siting parts that are obvious plot holes and how they could give much needed context to Shen Qingqiu's character.
Other people are demanding for worst things to happen to Shen Qingqiu to spite him. Airplane caves. Shen Yuan actively commissions art and fics where Shen Qingqiu is happy. People tell him "Shen Qingqiu won't fuck you bro"
Shen Yuan isn't interested in that. He's a freaky little man with freaky little likes. He'd gladly take Shen Qingqiu's cold glares and even volunteer to have tea poured on him.
When he finishes PIDW, he's been outraged that Shen Qingqiu was killed off a while back. He's even more outraged that Shen Qingqiu wasn't given any mention at the end.
Now, imagine with me that he gets transmigrated into some NPC, literally Unimportant Character No°5. Probably as the head disciple for drama reasons. And as soon as Shen Jiu is brought in, scruffy and hissing as he is. He immediately hugging his thighs and saying he'll be peak lord for sure.
Please follow me into this suspicious alleyway as I continue to explain my vision fueled by sleep deprivation.
So now imagine your Shen Jiu. You're a former street rat and demonic cultivator, you aren't expecting to be liked or respected. You're expecting it, you've come to terms with it a long time ago. What you weren't expecting was for this random ass guy you have to call da-shixiong is immediately insane about you.
He met you first day, literally saw you bite a guy, and immediately started spouting out how you'll be the next peak lord and the absolute envy of Cang Qiong Mountain. You conclude he's missing a few screws because he said it in the most disgustingly sincere way.
You try to continue on with your life, trying to beat him and he looks almost... Excited about you beating him. So he's an M, you think to yourself. But then you see someone trying to beat him or you on something, and this guy immediately gets aggressive. Okay so he's just weird with you.
You continue to deal with him. He's weird but also weirdly respectful. He leaves if you tell him to leave. He defends you like it's his very birth right. He's always there to tend to you as if you were a god. He doesn't touch you and only sits around like a dog waiting for a command.
You eventually get strong enough to beat him, and this absolute buffoon is over the moon about it, already spouting about your supposed success again.
When you actually become peak lord, it isn't surprising. Your hype man has been saying it since day one, he was expecting it for some reason. He continues to spout out nonsense about how he just knew you were going to do it.
So what now? You obviously desire him carnally. What is the next step?
Okay so I know this wouldn't fix them. Almost without question this would make they both worse. But, hear me out, it would be funny. (Especially since just know Shen Yuan's entire inner monologue would be him saying he's just being a good friend as if he isn't being the gayest man in the sect and Shang Qinghua is there. That's an accomplishment to outgay the author)
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silly-goober-445 · 26 days
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As promised, here is my Shen Yuan AU, the "tiger of Bai Zhan" shen yuan (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
I wanted to make something for the mascs and tops in the audience because in my humble opinion we need more big rugged shen yuan. (Also cuz I ship him so hard with sqq and them being total opposites has my brain going brrrrrr)
So what is this about? Basically in this au shen yuan is this absolute fiend who joins Bai Zhan at like 10, ( also meeting sqq by accident while on his way to the mountain). He's unapologetically fixated on everything monster and demon related, he has no qualms about beating the fuck out of anybody who makes fun of him, he's strong he's careless and an absolute headache to every single one of his shixiongs to a point where they have to send him away on missions and isolation training just to get him off their backs. He goes to brothels once he's old enough and does not care for any sort of chastity, drinking and having fun as much as he pleases and his peak is absolutely unable to stop him because he's one of their best assets.
I'm working through his backstory and why he ended up like this (he's still a transmigrator) but this post is already lengthy enough (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)
I'll definitely draw more stuff for this tho (⁠ ⁠՞⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠՞⁠)
Also I need a weapon idea for him cuz sword just sounds boring and not like him at all, maybe just straight up fists will do? ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗
More art for this AU!!
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i-dare-say · 3 months
The beautiful thing and the dreadful thing about having Shen Yuan as a narrator is that even if you wanted to do a character study, Shen Yuan would not let you. He refuses to acknowledge any of his own feelings for more than two seconds and brushes right past any discomfort or unpleasantness he may feel, preferring to occupy his thoughts with practical things like binghe and avoiding fate
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whatwhywhowherewhen · 4 months
Shen Yuan Shixiong au, but he is at a weird place in the time line and accidentally starts a new peak as a teenager while Luò Bīnghé is already in Qing Jing
It is the flowers peak- botany peak- crimes against humanity peak (if he's being honest). Mu Qingfang knows how to heal the human body and use medical herbs. Shen Yuan knows how to curse the human body and manipulate medical herbs
Everyone knows medicine is just poison in deliberate quantities, so they have a symbiotic relationship. Shen Qingqiu is low-key mad this kid is stealing his place as the guy with ridiculous quantities of knowledge for questionable purposes
Walking in this new peak unannounced is about as dangerous as falling into the endless abyss. They have frost forming flowers (that can freeze over an entire human body in five seconds) cooling plants from the Northern Desert of the demon realm. They have plants that suck acid from the soil to manage pH levels (but spit that acid if disturbed). They have a soap bearing plant (luò Bīnghé used it once to clean up before papapa) that is sucking up bases. They have mist shooting plants (mild hallucinogen, but they also have airway and throat coating fruit by the door to that greenhouse which prevents it being absorbed) for humidity
In a world where sex-pollen flowers rule the land, Shen Yuan is working to rule them, which, quite frankly, no one considered possible. This man claims he has never been sex-pollened, and no one quite believes him. But, well... he's never shown up at Qian Cao and no one is brave enough to test him using the virginity detecting sword
This all started from Shen Yuan, at the time a passable quqin player on Qing Jing, discovering a flower mentioned only on one page of one addition of PIDW, which he always thought would be useful for defense against aphrodisiacs due to its mind clearing properties, yet which was never brought up again. He proceeds to save one of his shimeis from a highly embarrassing incident
He is profusely thanked for his quick thinking, but Qing Jing isn't interested and the flower is too finicky to keep up a stock on Qian Cao. Shen Yuan, deeply fearing another incident and having a bit too much time on his hands, decides to set up his own garden on a small peak considered too contaminated to use for anything but long term storage. Things escalate
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phnmnt · 2 years
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Shen Yuan shixiong AU - Part 23
Letter to Ning Yingying - On the way home [Shen Yuan & Luo Binghe’s letter]
Ning Yingying sat excitedly in front of her shixiong and shidi’s room, a thick package cradled to her chest. She had just finished cleaning the room behind her, a habit she had taken after they had both set out to travel. She opened the package in her hands quickly, grabbing at the familiar small stack of rice paper. The first page was full of ink blotches and smudges. Who knows what kind of shenanigans those two were up to when writing this letter. The first lines were refined and elegant, Ning Yingying recognized her shidi’s handwriting right away and smiled.
“Dear Ning Shijie,
This shidi greets shijie! The mid-autumn festival is fast approaching and we are currently on our way back home, just like we had promised everyone we would. We've had an amazing time on our travels, but it is time to return before shixiong misses you all too much… or does something stupid. He’s always been a bit reckless but I discovered that he truly is a danger magnet. Just the other day, he nearly fell off two cliffs... just trying to look at plants. I swear I’ve grown white hairs in the last few months.”
Ning Yingying giggled, imagining the scene. Shixiong truly had no regard for danger when he found something that interested him. She moved her eyes to the next lines that took the bottom of the page plus a good portion of the next one. The penmanship was different, this one being livelier while being just as graceful as the previous one. It was Shen shixiong’s. More ink smears could be seen, there were even a few black fingerprints staining the right side of the second page.
“Alright, I’ll admit: Shixiong does miss Yingying and the others. A long time has passed… We’ve been gone for more than a year and Binghe is already taller than I am. I fear everyone will have grown so much that they will not need shixiong anymore when I come back. Such a terrifying thought!
To tell the truth, Binghe and I were going to surprise you all by returning earlier than we originally planned, but we encountered a small “problem” during our last night hunt. In the middle of hunting a particularly annoying yao that was causing trouble in the region, Noodle entered a kind of meditating state. The problem was that it happened right in the middle of fighting the yao and Noodle got hurt. After taking care of the night hunt, we took him to a nearby sect to heal him, hence why we pushed our return back. After a full week, I was finally able to stabilize his condition and I was able to settle him in his qiankun bag before hitting the road once more. I will study his condition further when we get back. At least now, the danger seemed to have passed.
Also, don’t listen to Binghe, I was perfectly fine when I was cataloging and gathering herbs. And his head looks completely fine to me, you don’t need to worry about him.”
Ning Yingying grinned. Those two really grew close while traveling, didn’t they? But Binghe seemed set on never telling their shixiong his feelings for him. How silly. She shook her head with a smile. She would have to sit her shidi down upon his return so he doesn’t take a weird oath on his own.
Ning Yingying was also glad that Noodle wasn’t too hurt. She never felt at ease with the spiritual creature, but she knew just how much that dusu snake meant to her shixiong. The latter would be inconsolable if anything happened to his scaly friend.
The letter continued on in Luo Binghe’s handwriting.
“I am convinced shixiong enjoys seeing me worry and wouldn’t mind my whole head turning white because of it-”
A big smudge nearly masked the entirety of the last characters of the sentence. Ning Yingying could picture the smack Shen shixiong gave Luo Binghe while reading over his shoulder as the latter wrote. The message resumed on a completely different subject.
“This shidi included a perfected version of the martial technique shijie has been practicing in the package. Shixiong and I have taken your notes into consideration and adapted the technique to suit your swordstyle better. Hopefully it will be easier to blend it in now. We will soon be able to give you better pointers as we’ll be back to train all together.
We’ve made good time and are currently more or less a 4 day ride away from the sect. Shixiong and I can’t wait to see you again!”
The correspondence ended with both their signatures squeezed together at the bottom of the third page. Ning Yingying couldn’t help but let out an excited noise. Both of her favorite people were about to be back! She gathered the package they had sent her and ran to announce the good news to the other disciples.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 8.5 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 -Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22
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forgetallenvies · 2 years
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In the Qiong Ding Sy au, I feel like sj really would not like Sy at first, but he warms up to him later. you are not immune to shen yuan.
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allpiesforourown · 16 days
Honestly Ming Fan deserved to be situationally homophobic. He’s a bully but I don’t think he’s generally a homophobic bully, but for Lou Binghe? Someone should’ve bullied him for it. In a modern au Ming Fan would’ve been able to clock it, he was just doomed to be in a historical setting
EXACTLY. He sees two men holding hands and he has to stop himself from throwing up and they go "wtf are you homophobic" and he's like "NO you just reminded me of that time I walked in on that b e a s t giving shizun a handjo- oh I'm gonna be sick."
Bonus points because I personally think Ming Fan sees Shen Yuan as a father figure so it's like. You know how people will say "I'll fuck your mom" as an insult? Ming Fan at Bingqiu's wedding holding back tears because oh my God binghe is fucking my mom
Ming Fan would be like GAY MARRIAGE SHOULD NOT BE LEGAL! And everyone gives him dirty looks but he's crying "if it becomes legal shizun will marry that ugly little dog!!"
Yingying: I got a girlfriend!
Ming fan: I'm happy for you shimei. I might have had feelings for you in the past, but I will support you as your shixiong
Everyone: ???? Didn't you say homosexuality was a crime against nature??
Ming Fan: NO. *points at Binghe* I said THAT HOMOSEXUAL was a crime against nature
Okay okay one last thing I'm gonna add is this:
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
ahhh i'm glad you like it!! and you're SPOT ON with the pampering and carrying the other peak lords do<3 whether he's in his small bird form or his big human form with large wings, doesn't matter, he's getting picked up!! (i love liu qingge playing taxi chauffeur and realizing with horror that he likes holding shen qingqiu in his arms a little too much🤭)
so so so, i was just thinking about preening, if this is a canon compliant au, and shen yuan got dropped off in another's body, he probably has no idea how to take care of his bird features, let alone his wings, like how to align the feathers, removing molted ones, dust bathing to remove excess and stale lipids so his plumage stays fluffy, or taking care of pin feathers (new pin feathers have a blood supply flowing through it, if the pin is damaged, it can bleed pretty heavily!), so he just... doesn't. no more than clumsily washing them when he bathes, anyway. and then his wings start itching, and hurting, and the feathers are all askew, and he has all these tattered clumps and pins that hurt when he picks at it and what is he supposed to do...???
naturally, people notice when the prim proper scholar's peak lord, with the perfect hair and flawless skin, has two disheveled wings trailing after him. some of them are worried it might be some sign of self-neglect (also bc it's specifically his demon features that look uncared for), and of course when shen qingqiu coughs once so to speak, yue qingyuan shows up at his doorstep; and i was thinkingggg..... different peak lords taking turns coming to his bamboo house for some casual wing care and preening..... in some bird species preening each other strengthens the trust and bond between the two, for crows it's even a big aspect of social bonding! crows preen their young, their mates, and sick or injured birds, so it's only nature that a ill-feeling shen qingqiu relies on his companions to help him when he's incapable himself...
also because i can't stop imagining shen qingqiu sprawled out across liu qingge or yue qingyuan's lap in bliss while they very carefully align his feathers and tease out molted ones, maybe freeing some matured pin feathers, feeling akin to having his hair brushed and played with while they take care of hard to reach places (thinking about how allopreening birds in nature often have less ticks/healthier plumage bc other birds reach places they can't, but shen jiu probably wouldn't let anyone touch his wings so some parts of them were always a little... messy).
some birds (like parrots) might even overpreen when exposed to strong scents, so all the peak lords quickly learn not to put on too much or heavy perfume because it makes shen qingqiu rub and dig into his wings until feathers fall out
(and i haven't even mentioned the sheer angst potential of stress plucking, but ahh this ask is already so long!!!)
OOOOH MY GOD!!! That's such a wholesome idea. I can already imagine it - and it's always a fight of who gets to preen Shen Qingqiu's wings, to the point where it actually turns into a fight (thanks to Liu Qingge) and it's almost an all-out brawl until Mu Qingfang (the only reasonable peak lord jhebus) makes everyone draw lots to see who gets to do it (- and then cheats because everyone else is so hyped up from the brawl, and his dear shixiong simply cannot deal with such stress!!). It becomes a natural thing to come up with different ways of deciding (unless Shen Qingqiu asks one, then the others just have to choke on vinegar(kiiiidding sort of)), and the peak lord who got to do it last time is not allowed to participate in the next game because that's unfair! Spitballing about how different peak lords go about offering it at first, if I may!! I think that Qi Qingqi would be actually quite gentle about it - she's used to helping out the girls with their hair and other things (shark week 😔😔), so she knows how to go about being like, "hey, I know we don't always get along but I'm going to help you out with your wings, 'kay?" and he is immediately just like "jesus christ please save me from this torment pleasepleaseplease" - kidding, kidding, he'd be much more hesitant about it because he knows that his wings are delicate and he needs to place his trust in whoever's touching them. Qi Qingqi has been...hostile towards him (because of Shen Jiu, so he can't be too offended), and this could be a moment of weakness (- jesus, bestie boo, I'm making him sound like Shen Jiu) but...his wings hurt :[ At first it's awkward, but then Shen Qingqiu relaxes and it does NOT become a gossip session (it should and it does, you can take that from my cold dead hands). Of course, Yue Qingyuan is the first to offer at all, being all like "xiao-Jiu plleeeaaasseeee 🥺" and who is Shen Qingqiu to resist those puppy dog eyes? He seems to have a history with Shen Jiu so it wouldn't be suspicious of him to deign to allow Yue Qingyuan to help out. Of course, Shen Jiu used to let Yue Qingyuan preen his wings on the streets (if we're going that route), so he's skilled and immediately makes Shen Qingqiu feel comfortable as he feels the itchy feeling in his wings FINALLY disappear with every movement the other man makes. Of course, he should be analysing so he can learn to do it himself but...he's so comfy :( When Liu Qingge first does it, it's on a mission! GASP!! Yue Qingyuan sent them on a mission together because it was a matter of both brute force that needed some form of plan involved that wasn't just "grab smash kill" (and mayyybe he wanted his shidi to bond, who cares? Shen Qingqiu has been a lot less hostile recently, and he's going to take advantage). So, they're out on this mission, and it's a LOT fucking harder than they first thought, leaving them waylaid in the forests (stereotypical I know but screw you (/j)). Shen Yuan's (for brevity's sake) wings are slowly getting worse and he's so very uncomfortable but he can't reach the worse bits so he forces himself to abandon his pride for a second and begrudgingly ask Liu Qingge for help! Obviously, Liu Qingge has no clue what he's doing and has to be guided by Shen Yuan (Liu Qingge later claims to not at all be nervous, but his hands were shaking because he didn't mind this new Shen Qingqiu and didn't reaally want to hurt him). The next time Shen Yuan needs his wings preening, Liu Qingge (literally) kicks the door down to offer to do it. He may seem overly aggressive when he manhandles the peak lord, but he's really quite gentle. I do want to yap about the other peak lords, but this answer's really long already!!! If you want me to, please let me know, because I severely want to expose myself as a Mu Qingfang and Wei Qingwei fan and PLEASE tell me more about the angst potential pretty please, I'll be like Yue Qingyuan at your door with puppy dog eyes. I'm INVESTED NOW, GOD.
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