#ship: corneo/cloud
aberooski · 1 year
This exact squad look minus Kotch but whaddya gonna do 🤷‍♀️
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But it's them
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afi-mukami · 7 months
Fic Masterlist
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⚠️ Please note that my DL stories might include steamy content for adults, canon typical violence, and triggering things. Read at your own risk. ⚠️
Master and You Series
His Realm to Conquer
Ruki x fem reader
A couple of weeks before Ruki's coronation you two are ready to set down in your new castle and the bedroom. Your master is about to become your king as if he doesn't get enough kicks from being the master.
Pleasuring Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
From time to time, your master grants you privileges, letting you touch him the very way you love to. That is if you have been a sufficiently obedient and good girl. Today was one of those days, and of course, you didn’t miss your chance.
Pleasures for Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
It was your master's birthday once again. You wished nothing more than to please him on this special day. The problem was he didn't treasure it in the same manner as you did.
Punishment from Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
You were supposed to study. Yet the vampire next to you sent your thoughts trailing off… and since you were being such indecent livestock it was clear that you were asking for punishment.
Other DL Fics
After the Ball
Ruki x OC
Against the Wall
Ruki x OC
Bedtime Stories
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
A Bite for a Bite
Ruki x OC
Ruki x OC
Daring Fingers
Ruki x OC
The Early Morning
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
Entirely Mine
Subaru x Yui
Finger Play by Shuu
Shuu x fem reader
His Very Own
Ruki x OC
Livestock on the Loose || Kotieläimet karkuteillä
Ruki x OC
Yuuma x OC
Teen and up
Nothing Else Mattered
Subaru x fem reader
Teen and up
The Storm of Souls 1: His Possession
Ruki x OC
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Eve stayed with the Sakamakis and Ruki’s life had lost its meaning… but then new livestock appeared. The one whose blood smelled almost as intoxicating as Eve’s even though that shouldn’t have been possible. Ruki decided to make her his possession.
The Storm of Souls 2: Her Calamity
Ruki x OC
Explicit, shameless smut
After saving Yuuto from the Demon World and learning that her mother was dead, Yuriko's life seemed to settle down. The sadness still lingered with her, but she looked forward to summer vacation and the autumn semester. Yet, the Vampire king presaged a new thread for his plans rising. Was calamity about to strike?
Their Deep Waters
Azusa x OC
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She and I Series
Did she see something more?
Teen and up
Tifa disagrees with the other members of the Avalanche about the way the organization works, so she leaves the scene to vent her feelings. Her legs take her to Sector 8, where she accidentally runs into a woman selling flowers.
Her Scent of Magnolias
Teen and up
Tifa and Aerith have fallen from Don Corneo's trap into the sewer along with Cloud. The group will not be able to proceed until the broken water pump is repaired. While Cloud stays to monitor the meters, Tifa and Aerith have a moment to chat alone.
Her Touch on My Skin
Sector 7 has fallen; many have lost their lives and the Turks have taken Aerith. However, Tifa has survived and is now in the bathroom of Aerith’s home gathering herself after everything that happened.
Other FFVII Fics
RudTi (+ a couple of other ships that will be revealed along the story)
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Tifa and Cloud live their daily lives in Edge, which seems to be finally safe now that Vincent has defeated Omega and Deedground. However, the couple’s life is not quite what Tifa has hoped for. When she cannot find happiness in one direction, the offer may come unexpectedly from another.
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A Smile Written to the Stars
Sasuke x OC
Masamune x MC
Sasuke has returned to the modern days without Mai who stayed in the Sengoku era together with Masamune Date. The fate tore them apart but that was exactly how things were supposed to be.
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Coffee for Two
Gavin x female reader
You and Gavin are coming home from a date and he asks you to come to his apartment for a coffee. The drink is served with extra spice.
Rivalrously Chivalrous
Helios x female reader
You are after a target when Helios gets in your way. This isn't the first time he messes up your work, but things heat up this time.
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afi-writes · 5 months
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Final Fantasy VII Fics
She and I Series
Did She See Something More?
Teen and up
Tifa disagrees with the other members of the Avalanche about the way the organization works, so she leaves the scene to vent her feelings. Her legs take her to Sector 8, where she accidentally runs into a woman selling flowers.
Her Scent of Magnolias
Teen and up
Tifa and Aerith have fallen from Don Corneo's trap into the sewer along with Cloud. The group will not be able to proceed until the broken water pump is repaired. While Cloud stays to monitor the meters, Tifa and Aerith have a moment to chat alone.
Her Touch on My Skin
Sector 7 has fallen; many have lost their lives and the Turks have taken Aerith. However, Tifa has survived and is now in the bathroom of Aerith’s home gathering herself after everything that happened.
Her Gaze All-Seeing
Teen and up
Avalanche has arrived at Costa Del Sol and Johnny’s Seaside Inn. While Cloud and Barret enjoy the city, Tifa decides to use the opportunity and the privacy of her own room for having a shower. Yet, she gets a visitor.
Other FFVII Fics
RudTi (+ a couple of other ships that will be revealed along the story)
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Tifa and Cloud live their daily lives in Edge, which seems to be finally safe now that Vincent has defeated Omega and Deedground. However, the couple’s life is not quite what Tifa has hoped for. When she cannot find happiness in one direction, the offer may come unexpectedly from another.
Winning the Battle
Reno x Tifa
The Turks spend the evening at 7th Heaven, and once again, Reno can't take his eyes off Tifa's perfect body. This time he decides to fulfill a long-time dream and finally get what he wants.
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silver-wield · 6 months
Hello. I'm quite new to FFVII and have been shipping CloTi for quite some time. This is about Aerith actually. What part in OG that make people hate Aerith very much? How different is that scene to what we saw in Remake and Rebirth?
I'll be honest I do find her annoying sometimes.
Okay, so a lot of it shows up in places with choices. Like in Corneo's dungeon, if you choose to show concern for Tifa being captured by a rapist then Aerith loses affection for you.
Let that sink in.
Corneo, a rapist, has Tifa in his bedroom and Cloud wanting to save her makes Aerith not like Cloud.
Meanwhile if Aerith is in there and you show Tifa concern instead of saying you should save Aerith she loses affection. Tifa is more worried about Aerith.
There's loads of dialogues like that. Like at the GS first time, she's incredibly insensitive towards Barret and doesn't care that he's hurting. She just wants to go have fun.
But mostly it's how she literally doesn't ever give a fuck about anyone except Cloud. She's obsessed with him. Most people were confused why anyone was wearing ribbons for her in AC when she didn't build any friendship with them and even Nojima revealed recently that people said he didn't develop the friendship between her and Tifa.
He didn't do much better now, either. I mean giggling and high fives isn't exactly the deepest relationship going.
Aerith literally screws Cloud's head up trying to make him as much Zack as she can. OG was bad, but jfc Rebirth showed just how bad she was.
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ff7central · 2 years
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Mod Miri here! Today on the blog we have Sephy (she/her), who can be found here on Tumblr and Archive of Our Own. 
General FF7 Questions
Who is your favourite character from the FFVII setting? What do you love about them?
I love every single playable character from the main game, but my favorite is without a doubt, Cloud Strife. He's so unlike a typical RPG protagonist. He's very standoffish and rude at the beginning, but you start to grow to really like him the more you play the game. The amount of vulnerability he shows throughout the game makes him very relatable, I think. He's the party leader and he is strong when it's needed, but he can crack under pressure. I could talk all day about Cloud and what I love about him, but I actually did a dash game on my Cloud blog where I gushed about him. It's here: https://defiant-ex-soldiers.tumblr.com/post/626278527072878592/lets-start-a-chain-of-sweetness
Favourite party (three person team) idea when playing FFVII? They don’t have to actually work mechanically (or even be possible in the game), just that you like the idea of them together as a fighting party.
When I was young, my main post Disk 2 party was an odd one. It was Cloud, Yuffie, and Red XIII. Cloud had to be in my party, Red was in my party because I loved cats and he was a giant cat, how could I not? I didn't particularly care about Yuffie, but I needed a girl to replace Aerith as the main healer.
I didn't really like Tifa at the time because I shipped Cloud and Aerith (and the LTD taught me back then that if you loved that ship you must hate Tifa. I have long since gotten over that way of thinking, but I was a young impressionable kid back then.) I don't think I have an ideal team, I just love all the characters so much. Honestly I experiment with party composition a lot when I play.
Is there a headcannon or AU you want to see more of?
AUs that change the fundamentals of a story fascinate me. My first fanfiction was a Zack lives fic where the direction the story goes in is drastically changed by the way Zack ends up living. I still find myself cringing at it sometimes, but I also still adore the fic just because it was my first. A more recent one involved Zack getting his hands on some Shinra R&D special Materia and being teleported forward in time where he meets Advent Children Cloud. Any of the fics involving changing the Nibelhiem incident somehow immediately interest me. I'm a big fan of the lore the game establishes already, so reading how fic artists take that world apart and put it back together, but differently, is exciting for me.
Do you have a favourite memory associated with FF7 (any part of compilation) or something particular you did while playing (such as what you named the characters, or how you arranged your materia) that you think is unique that you'd like to share?
I have so many. I have been playing Final Fantasy VII since I was around 9 years old (even if I probably shouldn't have been playing it at that age). I don't remember much at all of my first playthrough, but there have been very many playthroughs after that. I do remember that I always named my Chocobos after the main party. My favorite was a black one named Yuffie and I made her dance on the minimap if a song I liked came on the radio. I also remember that I started playing for the first time after we had moved houses, so I didn't have the memory card for the family's PS1, so I replayed the first mission over and over again until we found it. 
Once, when I was young I got locked out of my room while playing through the wall-market section of the game. So I got embarrassed because my family could hear the Don Corneo music while they were trying to unlock the door. Another time, I tried to fall asleep with my old CRT TV on because I thought the Chocobo farm music would help me sleep better.
Cloud always had the lightning Materia and he also always had the Chocobo Lure Materia because I thought it was funny and it made sense to young me because his hair resembled chocobo tail feathers. 
One quirk I keep to this day has to be the two name changes I make whenever I start FFVII. Aeris is changed to Aerith, of course. There's also Red XIII whose name I change to Nanaki, because I didn't understand why he would want to keep the name that Hojo gave him and not his real name. FFVII has always been a constant part of my life. I remember long car rides where I would do nothing but play FFVII on my PSP. I remember back when I only had it on PS2, setting it up in a hotel room and trying to beat Carry Armor there (I didn't and I remained stuck there for a while longer). I remember playing it on my PSP during class after I'd finished my work.
I remember back when I was starting middle school, I got a teacher into FFVII and she put a special question on one of our tests, just for me. I remember making a poetry book that had really childish drawing and poems about FFVII. I remember finally beating Crisis Core, huddled in the corner of my bunk bed, unable to keep my eyes off of what was going on, and tearing up because the ending was so sad. That isn't even the half of it, but I've gone on for so long. As you can see, I have so many fond memories of Final Fantasy VII.
Creator Questions
Who has been the most difficult character to write/draw? Who has been the easiest?
Recently I started my first Turk fic and it starred Rude. I found that his muse didn't come as easy as the others. Usually I'm good at writing most of the cast of FFVII. Cloud is the easiest for me to write because I just know him so well.
What’s your ideal creating environment? Background noise/silence, indoors/outdoors, desk/couch, etc.?
At my desk with music playing! Fun fact, I haven't had an actual office chair to sit in for years. My computer was next to my bed at my old living space and now I sit on a couch when I'm at the computer in my new one.
What’s your creative process look like? Pantser/Emotive Writer/Gardener or Planner/Structured Writer/Architect? (Do you outline or just go with the flow?) If you’re an artist, do you do a lot of sketches, or just dive right in? Backgrounds first, or the main focal point? Multiple layers or all in one?
I usually just go where the fic wants to take me. A lot of the time I do jot down an outline, especially if I know I need to do it in a set amount of time, like for the Fic exchange or Whumptober.
What do you do when you get stuck on a project?
I usually set it aside and work on something else or try and brainstorm if it's something that I need to do in a certain period of time. Oftentimes I'll do something else and let my mind wander. Most of the plot of my Turkfic I came up with at work while my mind was on autopilot.
Which of your works is the most memorable to you? I don’t necessarily mean favourite or best work, it could be the work that taught you the most through making it or that holds a special reason in its creation. Drop a link.
"To Break like Time". This fic was my first ever fic for an exchange. The spring tester for Gaia Santa, "FFVII Secret Spring" to be exact. I'm not entirely sure what came over me when I was writing this fic, but I got it done in a weekend and edited a few days after, at the very beginning of the challenge. Despite how easy of a time I had writing it, I was nervous about posting it. It's that fic where Zack wakes up in post AC times with a Shinra R&D secret materia in his hands. Not exactly everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed the challenge it gave. There are several parts I would change, but overall, I enjoy the story, even if it does get kind of weird at the end.
It’s hard for me to go through everything you’ve done to pick stuff to mention. Is there a particular piece you’d like plugged, other than the one in the last question?
The Night that Nibelheim Burned is my Gaia Santa fic from last year. I really enjoyed the way everything came together. It was a harder fic to write, but it was worth it. Kunsel was the character on the docket that I was new to playing this time. This fic is another one of those fics about what Kunsel's doing while Zack is on the run. He never gave up hope, no matter how much time went by, and I think this fic really shows that.
Community/Fandom Questions
What aspects of fandom spark the most joy for you?
Just, how creative this fandom is. I've always been a fan of a lot of the art the fandom has made, and several of the fics too. It always blows my mind just how many new ideas that someone can come up with for such an old game (as well as the entries in the compilation). It inspires me to write my own fics and create my own piece of that to share with everyone.
I love seeing long rambling theory posts about the OG and the other compilation games on my dash. I also love how silly the fandom can be sometimes :3 I also love how every character is loved by someone no matter how minor.
Is there something you'd like to see more of in the community?
Can't have enough of people being nice to each other! Spread around the art you love (with the proper credits of course), Recommend that fic you love to other people! Leave Comments on people's fics, even if you don't have much to say! Those actions have the potential to make someone's day, and I think that's amazing.
Anything you’d like to say to the community?
The LTD (Love Triangle Debate) is bogus, and for a long time, I was scared that it would be revived with the release of the Remake. I was worried there would be people fighting tooth and nail over who Cloud should be with. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet, but maybe I'm just in a different circle.
As for me, I quit the LTD when I was a kid and started playing Crisis Core because I started shipping Cloud and Zack. You can even see it in my first fanfic where I adamantly refused to admit that I liked them together as a couple, but you can see with the way I had Cloud and Zack interact with each other (Especially in the last chapter) how much they really loved each other. 
Anyway, back to the LTD. I'm a firm believer in shipping what you want. I have a million different ships with Cloud and all of them are valid in my mind. I don't ship because I want something to be canon, I ship because I like the story that could come about from having the two be together.  
Here is one of my favorite posts on the subject of shipping: https://sephyathredon.tumblr.com/post/617204499133661185/sunandrainfic-brief-note-to-new-ff7-folks
Is there a work belonging to someone else that you’d like to plug?
 "Rejoice although you will not surivive" by PUNK MENACE 
I enjoy seeing Cloud get whumped and this fic has some good whump and an interesting aftermath of that whump. Heed the warnings though, this is not a light fic.
Thanks so much for joining me, Sephy! It is great working with you during the annual events! 
Interested in participating in a FF7Central interview, or nominating someone? Check out the form here.
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icharchivist · 6 months
Cloud Barrett OTP
That's hilarious though
I can't believe it
i don't particularly ship them or anything but i find it just, so much fun.
the fact it's stuff that were in the original 1997 game makes it buckwild to me.
Another of the requirement is that you need to accept Aerith's flower when you meet her and then give the flower to Marlene instead of Tifa because it shows you're interested in Barret's life enough to connect with his daughter.
And another other requirement is that when you escape Midgar, it depends if you decide to go to Kalm with Aerith or Tifa, and if you decide to ignore both of them to pick Barret, and he's like "?!" but he agrees.
iirc a lot of those "choices" aren't even accessible in the Remake (pretty sure Cloud gets picked as prettiest girl no matter how you do the Wall Market side mission, you don't get to pick his lines when he's with Corneo, you don't even get to give Marlene a flower smh) so that's tragic. But i also heard they had mentioned before that they wanted to keep it in in the second part so who knows.
but yeah the OG is really something else.
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crimsonxe · 8 months
From the FF7R demo (in other words, out of context spoilers under the cut though not for anyone that played OG):
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Once again love love LOVE how the team are really trying not to sexualize Tifa, even though I wager there's going to be like 10 "omg they're censoring Tifa" cause they dared not do a like fourteen-sixteen year old girl with cleavage and design going towards service.
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I'm loving his design and if that VA is who I think it is; it'd be the second time playing a beefy cape wearing dude (namely Kato in Shadow Hearts Covenant for anyone who actually knows that game xD)
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Claudia Strife aka Cloud's mom. Like literally everyone in this game, minus the creep perv Corneo (and Palmer though he hasn't really been shown that much and Hojo's creep ass who my brain tries to keep quarantined cause makes my skin crawl thinking of him), is so ridiculously attractive.
Also I swear she makes me think of Jessie, which only reinforces my shipping Clessie in Remake cause people have a tendency to gravitate towards those with traits from their parents (a kind and caring parent = someone subconsciously seeking a kind and caring partner cause imo non-psychologist view its what is registered in the brain as endearing to that person). Claudia's mannerisms are so similar to Jessie's.
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The way these two look at each other T.T Like C'MON they at the very least have something going on, even if it doesn't go full-on relationship. It'd literally affect nothing to have them confirmed as bi and into each other as well as Cloud, just sayin'. Like GOD the chemistry,care, and looks T.T
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
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cateringisalie · 3 years
Aerith Week 2022 - Day 5
Written for the prompt ‘Powers’
The endless fire of the Cosmo Candle blazed in front of Aeris. Already there had been two moments of replenishment, robed members of the settlement throwing more wood into the endless blaze, ensuring the fire would never go out.
One of the sticks had fallen half out of the flames, the fire gradually consuming it over time, the black char creeping along the wood.
And what of the flame when it reached the end of the stick? No way back. Perhaps the idea was the Cosmo Candle would always be lit, but this one spark would burn itself out all too soon.
Aeris hugged her legs tighter, chin resting on her knees.
Answers at last. Or at least some. None of them comforting; for either her or the elders of Cosmo Canyon.
Sephiroth remained a strange and unknown quantity; so unlike her, so unlike everything the elders had recorded of her people in the centuries past. He might perhaps be her antithesis, a strange counter balance of what Mother told her of her history. But still strange; everything Mother told her meshed with the Elders’ records. Not completely; Mother omitted or fudged some details – whether out of concern for Aeris’s youth or fear of what Hojo might do with the information was unclear – but enough she could confirm long standing questions of some elements.
She pushed back on other details; other sightings of the Cetra, a place where they might be. Could they be found outside of the Promised Land anymore?
No sightings. No clue as to where to start looking for her people. Much like Nanaki; there was no certainty and nothing but faith of encountering another like her out there. Excepting Sephiroth once again.
Some of Aeris’s questions confused the Elders utterly, her thoughts tangled and now confused after her encounters with Sephiroth. The other Cetra had somehow overwhelmed the Shinra building in a destructive wave but left her and Avalanche unharmed in his wake. He performed abstract cruelties in some parts of his journey, but on others was merely passing through, a ghost out of the past to some, and nothing but a figure in a black cloak to others.
Could she do what he had?
Not the cruelty or the death, though her hands were long since stained from fighting monsters, taking part in their escape from the Shinra building, tangling with Don Corneo’s thugs. The strange detachment from physical reality.
Sephiroth had walked into and out of the Shinra building alerting few people. He had drifted up through the deck of the cargo ship during the crossing. Cloud’s tale of Nibelheim included his disarming of Tifa, an almost sway he had over the Masamune when it was wrenched from her grasp. He carried the same sword when he appeared in the cargo ship, despite surely leaving it pinning President Shinra to his desk at the top of the Shinra tower?
Nothing about him made sense. She could not do any of those things.
Or perhaps she merely did not know how.
But how could he know how to become unmoored from physical restrictions? To wrench a weapon from another’s hands as he did? Perhaps it was as well to ask how he could be so cruel, could lay waste to a mountain town, to hack at unarmed civilians and murder so many of Shinra’s people.
The Elders could tell her little of powers; the aspects of her seemingly of interest to Hojo, to Tseng, to President Shinra. The indefinable core of her being she shared with Mother, the aspect making her so interesting to Hojo, the part of her Tseng considered holy. The element President Shinra would exploit for profit.
The question had been asked as a child and recently as an adult; where was the Promised Land? Not knowing did not faze Hojo overly, he did not expect an answer, counting on something else to provide a vector. But should she know, should she sense it somewhere? Should she know where out there her destination might be?
Her nature as a Cetra, or part Cetra if she were to succumb to Hojo’s fussy precision, gave rise to the notion she was something other. Tseng had always been the most guilty of the thinking. But it never seemed like it was a power to hear the cries of the Planet; surely anyone with a mind to care should hear them, but somehow Avalanche could not. But it was not something intrinsic; Bugenhagen made clear the noise was there, it was a matter of listening.
Yuffie speculated not far from the Corel Desert that her success at growing flowers was down to her Cetra-ness too. But it had never felt like that. Certainly the Elders could not point to any evidence of a specific power; the Cetra would tend to life where they found it and little else was noted. Of more interest was their culture, and there was precious little Aeris could relate about it. Always a discussion for later and away from Shinra, but by then the opportunity was gone.
Her flowers had been hard work and coincidence. The church was alive in a way unlike the rest of the slums, the air, the ground, all of it living. Not her; if she was the cause surely grass and flowers would spring up with every step she took, but thankfully not – running from the Turks would have been so much more complicated if so. The flowers did not spring into existence either. She painstakingly planted each seed, watered the soil, checked over and over, marched for miles and miles as she sold them.
Surely the point of a power was to ease the amount of work she needed to do. If life was a Cetra skill, why could she not snap her fingers and consider it done?
Not a real Cetra. Or perhaps more, her race was more mythic, more prone to fables than humanity. Never a thought dwelled on before; always wanted to be more on the human side, blend in with the rest. Not draw Shinra’s attention, but no easy way out of the situation.
Had Mother taught her all the way back? Memories foggy peering so far back. It would be better to believe the major difference the Cetra represented was believes and training. Perhaps anyone could be a Cetra if taught. Anyone could hear the Planet. A tragedy she did not know how.
No. Too pessimistic; the knowledge came from somewhere. It could be learned again; she would need to figure out how.
The flame on the stick fizzled out.
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arizariia · 3 years
Clerith And Vincrecia
My third eye has opened and now I'm enlightened.
I just realized just how similar Vincrecia and Clerith are in FFVII. I even want to be so bold as to claim that this parallel is going to be story important in Remake.
The first similarity about these ships is the similarities between Cloud and Vincent. Cloud is an "ex-member of SOLDIER". He was impaled by Sephiroth. He survived but was unfortunately found by Hojo. He was then subjected to Hojo's experiments. Vincent is an ex-Turk. He was shot by Hojo during an argument. He died, experimented on by Hojo, and was then resurrected by Lucrecia.
In terms of personality, Cloud and Vincent do share similar traits as well. Cloud made a persona where he's overconfident, arrogant, and headstrong. He also became emotionally withdrawn from others. His most memorable line is, "Not interested" and the man originally didn't care about saving the planet. The truth is he's socially awkward. He is bad at expressing himself and displays poor communicative skills. The people that Cloud is closest to recognize this. They know he's a soft, caring person.
Vincent is a cold man whose life has been severely devastated by Hojo. At one point in time, even Cloud thought that Vincent didn't care about the planet. He's a natural loner and doesn't speak much about his past at all. Even though he has a cold exterior he is a kind-hearted person.
The following part is how alike Aerith and Lucrecia are. In terms of physical appearance, the two women are remarkably similar. Both have pale skin, brunette hair, and have similar mannerisms. What's extremely interesting are their hairstyles. Aerith and Sephiroth were initially siblings. They were given similar bangs as a result of this. Even after the story was altered and the two were no longer siblings, their hair didn't change. Lucrecia initially didn't have the "Sephiroth bangs" but when it came time for her to appear in Dirge of Cerberus, she gained them. Hence, Lucrecia looks like Aerith because they both were designed to somewhat resemble Sephiroth.
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Personality-wise, Aerith is a lively person. She is compassionate, stubborn, and can even be smug at some points. She has even flirted with Cloud on many occasions. The most significant thing about her is her desire to want to her own decisions and defy fate. She wants to stop Shinra and Sephiroth from causing further harm to the planet.
Lucrecia, on the other hand, is also a kind person who was known to tease. She was also seemly fond of nature and even enjoyed a picnic with Vincent. Her primary goal as a scientist was to further her research on the study of Chaos and Omega. This was to find a way to prevent Omega from ending the world.
So how similar is the ship dynamic? Let's start with Clerith. Clerith doesn't begin until Cloud falls into Aerith's church in the Sector 5 slums. After Reno enters the building, Aerith asks Cloud to be her bodyguard. Their relationship hinges on this. Cloud is her bodyguard throughout the entire story of FFVII after this. He makes sure she gets home safely in chapter 5. He crossdresses so Aerith doesn't have to enter Don Corneo's mansion by herself in chapter 9. Cloud even sneaks into Shinra HQ to rescue her with the help of Tifa and Barret. This just from the beginning of the story. At this point, Cloud has, surprisingly, only known Aerith for around two days.
With Vincrecia, Vincent was assigned to be Lucrecia's bodyguard from the very beginning. He was tasked with making sure she was protected and being mindful of her wellbeing. When Hojo was neglecting Lucrecia, Vincent was the one to call him out on his behavior. When Vincent died, Lucrecia was the one who wanted to resurrect him. Even though Lucrecia placed an enormous burden on him, she was more concerned with him being alive again.
Now, it's time to discuss imagery. Since we have only seen Lucrecia in Dirge of Cerberus, there isn't much to work with. However, what is present is fascinating. The first piece of significant visual similarities is when Lucrecia wakes up Vincent after she discovered him sleeping outside. This can be compared to when Aerith wakes up Cloud after he falls into her church. Something to mention is that both men are sleeping around flowers.
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The following thing is something that I mentioned previously. Lucrecia and Aerith have similar body language. They both tend to lean forwards with their hands behind their backs.
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After that, we have when Cloud looks at Aerith when she's at the Forgotten City and when Vincent looks at Lucrecia in her crystal.
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Here we have Aerith reaching out to Cloud just like when Lucrecia reaches out to Vincent.
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So how does this relate to what I mentioned before? That I believe these elements are vital to FFVII Remake? Well, the story of Lucrecia and Vincent is a tragedy. Even though they loved each other, Lucrecia's guilt and Vincent's reluctance to admit his feelings are what drove the two apart. Their story was a love that could never be. But hold on a moment. That's how Cloud and Aerith's story is in the original game. Even though Cloud genuinely loved Aerith and her death shattered him, he never confessed his feelings for her. In Remake Aerith explicitly states in Cloud's resolution scene that he can't fall in love with her. She knows she will die if fate isn't defeated.
Aerith hints from the very beginning that she either has already lived through the initial events of FFVII, or she simply has knowledge of what is supposed to happen. When she first meets Cloud, she gives him a flower. She says, "Lovers used to give these when they were reunited." 
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When they reunite in the church, she says, "Bodyguard work's not too different from merc stuff right?", even though Cloud never told her his profession.
 You can argue that the reason why chapter 5 includes additional substance compared to the original game is that Aerith wants to spend more time with Cloud. Cloud didn't gather flowers and perform odd jobs around Sector 5 until Aerith made the suggestion. I'd argue that Aerith put a bunch of junk on the second floor of her house to make it harder for Cloud to sneak out. Aerith also hints she knows that Don Coreno wasn't joking about dropping the Sector 7 plate.
When the cast defies fate and defeats the whisper harbinger, this leads to a new timeline being created. I believe that this means that Aerith dying can either be avoided or that event may not happen at all.  After all, after Aerith died Cloud never truly moved on. Even in spinoff titles, Cloud is Aerith-focused.
In Kingdom Hearts, Cloud becomes more like Vincent. He grieves for Aerith just like how Vincent grieved for Lucrecia. 
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In Final Fantasy Tactics, Cloud is searching for Aerith. When he sees a flower girl that looks like Aerith, it furthers his resolve. In World of Final Fantasy, Terra calls out Cloud for hunting down Sephiroth instead of helping Lightning. This conversation speaks volumes.
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Even at the end of the original game, Cloud says "I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the planet... the Promised Land. I think I can meet her... there." The 2015 trailer for Remake talks about the reunion and we see Aerith's flower. When do we hear about any reunion in Remake? When Cloud and Aerith meet for the first time in Sector 8 and she gives him the flower.
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Cloud is going to defy fate and save Aerith's life. At least that's what I think. I think that the song Hollow supports this claim. I believe that Hollow is a Clerith song. It was said by Uematasu that the song describes Cloud's inner feelings. Not only does it play in the Sector 5 slums, Aerith's home, but the lyrics describe her as well.
Smile bright Once more This time I will never let you go
Need I say more? This is my conclusion. If the whole point of Remake is to defy fate then preventing this tragic loss is possible as well. The story is about not repeating the same mistakes as the previous generation to make way for a brighter future.
And before anyone says that Aerith only likes Cloud because he’s like Zack, here’s what she says after she’s done talking about Zack. 
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And Cloud’s response to Aerith telling him not to fall in love with her.
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I’m placing my bets now. Let’s see how right or wrong I am in a few years. If I’m wrong I will eat a bowl of peas. 
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thissisatitle · 2 years
Hello! If it's all right, can you share your thoughts on any BC Elena & Rufus scenarios about how their relationship getting found out by the Turks or parents? A personal favorite of mine is that Elena getting kidnapped by thugs after Rufus or their shenanigans accidently crossing path with the Turks' mission, who has to save them. Also, you have any BC Turks you like to ship with Elena? I like Two Guns & Nunchaku the best & I can see them being good with Elena too! ElenaxRufus is still #1!
Are you talking about for a scenario where they would meet in BC or my Wall Market verse =o?
Bcos in that verse, it's mostly Rufus getting found out by Tseng after an awkward meeting in the street of Wall Market while he was roaming around with Elena, as he discovers that Rufus actually can get out of his prison anytime he wants & that he's a skilled hacker.
Tseng decide to keep it secret from the other Turks, as he doesn't want to reveal such a huge breach of security in their own HQs & because it actually serve him, as Rufus can collect intels that he can share with him, as well as get involved in the politics of the slums & doesn't want to take the risk of Rufus deciding to escape & rejoin his father if Tseng refuse his demands since he is their shield against President Shinra. Tseng also wonder if Rufus would be the type to use Elena as a potential hostage against his group as well and has doubts over the nature of their relationship. ( They aren't even aware themselves about their friendship, how close they grew to become & seek each other & that there might be something more going on, Rufus in particular, who thinks he at times feel horny around her as it's been a few years since he has taken anyone to bed. He is even in denial concerning of his own jealousy when Elena has one-night-stands around or her crush on Tseng despite showing clear signs lmao.)
As long he can keep his identity secret & all of that. & that's how Elena starts crushing on Tseng lol.
I don't really ship any BC Turks with her as I think they see her more as a klutzy little sister to protect ( explaining also the way Reno, Rude & Tseng treat her when she joins the Turks, as their vision of her is colored by the nature of their relationship prior she joined Shinra)
I can see Two-Gun liking teasing her in jest & also be protective of her for her sister's sake because while Elena is not considered as drop dead gorgeous like Tifa, her temper, that usually is a major turn off for men, would make her be seen as "a wild mare that need to be broken" by Corneo, like he did with Cloud & would make her a potential bride in his eyes & his goons. And Two Gun knows that too well, as he used to work for him.
I however think Nunchaku would be the type to develop a crush on her but she will never consider him as a potential romantic interest as he looks to boy-ish & carefree to Nunchaku's dismay. Elena prefer more mature-looking men & has at times questionnable tastes lmao.
Thank you for the question, anon!
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daxieoclock · 3 years
ship bingo for ren x ryuji, aqua x larxene(ithink you ship them?? if not uhhh sorikai), and tifa x aerith!!
Thank you for the ask!!!
Ren x Ryuji
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Ryuji is absolutely in love with Ren this is not up for debate it is a FACT. Evidence: Every other g-ddamn line this sunshine boy jock says to his goth theater kid bestie. Harold, they're bisexuals.
Aqua x Larxene
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Disaster sapphic perfectionist and mean girl lesbian with different but compatible trauma-based complexes. They're simultaneously the best and worst influences on each other and I love it. Also they literally haven't ever interacted in any piece of canon KH media bc this is Kingdom Hearts and Nomura has an allergic reaction to passing the Bechdel test or something.
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Sora and Riku are in love with each other. This is not a disputable fact. And while I really want Kairi to be able to have a strong bond with Sora and Riku, (especially Riku, though I want her bond with Sora to be better than milquetoast half-assed "romance") since, you know, they're BEST FRIENDS and she shouldn't be treated as an outsider, the bond Kairi has with them doesn't have to be romantic. It absolutely could be, and I think there's potential for that to be really sweet and heartfelt, but "two bisexual guys who love each other and their childhood best friend who is a platonic part of a phantom polycule" makes far more sense to me than most of the KH plot points nowadays and I think it's plenty reasonable. I just want Kairi to have fuckin character and autonomy and get to show the unbreakable bond she has with her besties.
Tifa x Aerith
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I love them so fucking much your honor. Butch x femme supremacy let's fuckin GO. They're absolutely adorable and maybe this is just Square Enix Not Knowing How To Write Women but their interactions in FF7R at least come off so strongly as like. if not flirting then SOMETHING with the intent of infatuation. The way so much of their interactions are physical, with Tifa especially finding every fucking excuse to hold this pretty girl's hand, the way they take leaps towards "I want to trust you so much that it makes me act like a dumbass" after barely knowing each other for a few hours, the way Cloud unintentionally bungles his way into being a third wheel for them in his very first on-screen appearances with BOTH of them (Aerith gives him a flower in a very flirtatious manner, and he immediately passes that flower on to Tifa; which is either Cloud being kind of a jackass or a completely oblivious wingman, and I like Cloud so I'm aiming for the latter). Tifa and Aerith also foil each other so fucking well as people with similar traumas who address those traumas in completely different ways. Tifa aims for a constant approximation of both strength and vulnerability, trying to maintain her composure through the hailstorm of bullshit she goes through during the Corneo Arc and subsequent reappearance of The Locus Of Her G-ddamn Trauma while rescuing Aerith. She also in my interpretation is focused very heavily on running from her issues, keeping herself busy and constantly micromanaging inconsequential parts of her life to maintain a sense of control despite the fact that she's bottled up her feelings. She has a debilitating inferiority complex, and tries so hard to be a good person, to be kind and gentle to the people around her, constantly second-guessing herself and has a habit of giving other people praise that she would absolutely not accept from them (calling Cloud a hero while her own actions exemplify a no-hesitation approach to saving people regardless of the risk to her own life, such as nearly throwing herself off the Sector 7 Pillar to save Cloud from falling off it, showing far more selflessness and heroism than he ever has). Aerith on the other hand is a human defense mechanism, her entire personality is a heavily controlled performance that rarely reflects her true feelings, which she generally refuses to actually address in ANY capacity. Rather than fostering vulnerability, she keeps herself guarded and safe to the detriment of her emotions, maintaining a constant control over herself while otherwise allowing life to take its course and going with the flow of what the world brings; she's also surprisingly nihilistic, having a long-term outlook that generally leads her to undermine the moment-to-moment, treating even mortal threats with the same consistent playfulness and snark. The closest she comes to solemnity in FF7R is expressing disgust for Sephiroth / Jenova, and warning Cloud not to fall in love with her. Despite the fact that she carries not only the burden of being probably the last Cetra in existence, carrying some very deep emotional and pyschological trauma, AND being burdened with the memories of alternate futures, she still carries herself that unshakable nihilistic optimism through even the toughest encounters (the "He's tough." "Yeah, so what? Screw him." exchange during the Sephiroth fight, for example).
Anyway I care about them a normal amount thank u
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afi-writes · 5 months
Fic Masterlist
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For My Princess' Sake
Ikki x MC (but can also be seen as x reader)
CW: Masturbation, obsessive thought process
Seduction would only take a month. But sometimes a month can be such a long time… and one night Ikki needs his release.
Of All the Women He Could Have
Ikki x MC
Teen and up
The heroine spends the girls ’evening with Sawa and Mine when she gets a call from Ikki, who is home alone.
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⚠️ Please note that my DL stories might include steamy content for adults, canon typical violence, and triggering things. Read at your own risk. ⚠️
Master and You Series
His Realm to Conquer
Ruki x fem reader
A couple of weeks before Ruki's coronation you two are ready to settle down in your new castle and the bedroom. Your master is about to become your king as if he doesn't get enough kicks from being the master.
Pleasuring Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
From time to time, your master grants you privileges, letting you touch him the very way you love to. That is if you have been a sufficiently obedient and good girl. Today was one of those days, and of course, you didn’t miss your chance.
Pleasures for Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
It was your master's birthday once again. You wished nothing more than to please him on this special day. The problem was he didn't treasure it in the same manner as you did.
Punishment from Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
You were supposed to study. Yet the vampire next to you sent your thoughts trailing off… and since you were being such indecent livestock it was clear that you were asking for punishment.
Other DL Fics
After the Ball
Ruki x OC
Against the Wall
Ruki x OC
Bedtime Stories
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
A Bite for a Bite
Ruki x OC
Ruki x OC
Daring Fingers
Ruki x OC
The Early Morning
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
Entirely Mine
Subaru x Yui
Finger Play by Shuu
Shuu x fem reader
His Very Own
Ruki x OC
Livestock on the Loose || Kotieläimet karkuteillä
Ruki x OC
Yuuma x OC
Teen and up
Nothing Else Mattered
Subaru x fem reader
Teen and up
The Storm of Souls 1: His Possession
Ruki x OC
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Eve stayed with the Sakamakis and Ruki’s life had lost its meaning… but then new livestock appeared. The one whose blood smelled almost as intoxicating as Eve’s even though that shouldn’t have been possible. Ruki decided to make her his possession.
The Storm of Souls 2: Her Calamity
Ruki x OC
Explicit, shameless smut
After saving Yuuto from the Demon World and learning that her mother was dead, Yuriko's life seemed to settle down. The sadness still lingered with her, but she looked forward to summer vacation and the autumn semester. Yet, the Vampire king presaged a new thread for his plans rising. Was calamity about to strike?
Their Deep Waters
Azusa x OC
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She and I Series
Did she see something more?
Teen and up
Tifa disagrees with the other members of the Avalanche about the way the organization works, so she leaves the scene to vent her feelings. Her legs take her to Sector 8, where she accidentally runs into a woman selling flowers.
Her Scent of Magnolias
Teen and up
Tifa and Aerith have fallen from Don Corneo's trap into the sewer along with Cloud. The group will not be able to proceed until the broken water pump is repaired. While Cloud stays to monitor the meters, Tifa and Aerith have a moment to chat alone.
Her Touch on My Skin
Sector 7 has fallen; many have lost their lives and the Turks have taken Aerith. However, Tifa has survived and is now in the bathroom of Aerith’s home gathering herself after everything that happened.
Other FFVII Fics
RudTi (+ a couple of other ships that will be revealed along the story)
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Tifa and Cloud live their daily lives in Edge, which seems to be finally safe now that Vincent has defeated Omega and Deedground. However, the couple’s life is not quite what Tifa has hoped for. When she cannot find happiness in one direction, the offer may come unexpectedly from another.
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A Smile Written to the Stars
Sasuke x OC
Masamune x MC
Sasuke has returned to the modern days without Mai who stayed in the Sengoku era together with Masamune Date. The fate tore them apart but that was exactly how things were supposed to be.
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Coffee for Two
Gavin x female reader
You and Gavin are coming home from a date and he asks you to come to his apartment for a coffee. The drink is served with extra spice.
Rivalrously Chivalrous
Helios x female reader
You are after a target when Helios gets in your way. This isn't the first time he messes up your work, but things heat up this time.
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silver-wield · 2 years
Have you noticed that in OG that even the actions that cause you to lose points with Tifa aren't too terrible, whereas the ones with Aerith are quite rude?
I never paid much attention to what the negative results were, so I got dating mechanics info up to have a look and see what the difference was between Tifa and Aerith's negative options.
1. If you say you're looking forward to spending time with Jessie, Tifa loses 3pts. Makes sense. Cloud is being disloyal to Tifa and a scummy player who'd go with any random girl who passed his way.
After this first option before you even meet up with Tifa, then next possibility to lose points is all the way over at Corneo's.
Lemme put that into Remake context. Cloud talks to Jessie on the train in chapter 2, then from chapter 3-9 it's impossible to get a negative result with Tifa. That's a lot of time spent with her and there's a lot of options where you can gain pts with her. Obviously the sad and salty ones will choose other options, but those don't lose pts with Tifa, she just doesn't gain any.
Tifa maintains a good opinion of Cloud during this time.
2. If Cloud asks how Tifa is instead of saying they should save Aerith from Corneo, Tifa loses 2pts. So, if Cloud doesn't give a shit that a useless girl is about to get raped, Tifa loses respect for him. Again, makes perfect sense.
3. The third negative option for Tifa is once again tied to Cloud being disloyal and a scummy player who'd go after any girl if he says to Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him. Tifa will lose 2pts.
4. If Aerith is put in Tifa's care when they escape the Shinra building then Tifa will lose 2pts with Cloud. I'm wondering if this is tied to Tifa doubting her own capability or maybe it's a sexist thing from the times that it should be a guy helping a girl out. Either way Remake showed us the correct party is Barret.
5. The next negative pts is at Kalm when an NPC talks about the convenience of mako. If Cloud agrees, Tifa and several others lose 1pt with Cloud. Since they're all opposed to Shinra and mako, this makes sense it would upset Tifa.
6. And another NPC convo about modern life can also cause several characters to lose 1pt, if Cloud thinks what they have now is best over more natural living. Given how mako and shinra ruined Tifa's life, it makes sense she'd disagree with this opinion.
7. If Cloud doesn't want to aid Fort Condor he loses pts with several characters and loses more pts if he doesn't care about hearing their stories. Being insensitive and not wanting to help others would go against Tifa's core values, so it's obvious why this loses pts.
8. On the cargo ship when Tifa asks Cloud about the war he can lose 2pts with her by saying he doesn't know. This goes towards Tifa possibly believing Cloud doesn't trust her enough to share or that he's hiding something for her, which is a hint at his false persona and how she can tell something isn't right with him.
9. If Tifa isn't chosen as a party member during the first GS visit she loses 2pts with Cloud. This is the same for every party member who isn't chosen except Red.
10. At Gongaga, if Cloud avoids talking to Tifa then she loses 3 pts with him. Since these convos are fairly important and emotional hints towards the plot and mystery with Zack it makes sense why ignoring them would have this result.
The total negative pts you can gain is 24
Those are all the options that have a negative impact towards Tifa's affection or total. Every option makes sense in the context of the plot and Cloud and Tifa's characters and relationship.
1. You can lose 3pts for pushing the wrong barrel in the church. This happens 3 times, so that's 9pts lost already. There's also a loss of 1pt if you tell Aerith to fight the Shinra grunts herself, or if you tell her to run but she gets caught. This goes towards Cloud being an incompetent bodyguard or expecting Aerith to be capable of looking after herself.
2. In Aerith's house if Cloud says Tifa is his girlfriend when Aerith asks you lose a whopping 5pts with Aerith. Wow, talk about jelly.
3. At Corneo's if you choose the option "we should save Tifa", Aerith loses another 2pts with Cloud. So, for context: if you show no concern about Aerith being with a rapist, then Tifa is mad at Cloud. If you do show concern about Tifa possibly being raped then Aerith gets mad at Cloud.
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What the fuck is wrong with you, Aerith?! That's a rapist! This is probably the most disgusting thing ever and makes Aerith into a total bitch. Who tf gets mad about someone wanting to save a woman from being raped?! And people wonder why I say Aerith is selfish.
4. Next opportunity to get negative pts is when Marlene asks Cloud if Aerith likes him. If he says he doesn't know then Aerith loses 3pts with him. I guess being oblivious and only interested in Tifa is bringing out her green eyed monster again.
5. Aerith also gets mad at Cloud for finding mako convenient and loses 1pt with him for that option.
6. Aerith also drops another 1pt if Cloud thinks new modern ways are better than more traditional ones. Obviously the hatred for Shinra and mako plays a key role in this.
7. Aerith will lose a total of 6pts with Cloud if he doesn't care and doesn't wanna help out at Fort Condor.
8. On the cargo ship if Cloud says he doesn't know when Aerith asks to be taken for a ride on the Highwind someday, she loses 2pts with him. She's just mad he's not interested.
9. If Aerith isn't chosen to be in the party at the first GS visit, she loses 2pts with Cloud.
10. If Cloud ignores talking to Aerith at Gongaga after meeting Zack's parents then she'll lose 3pts with him.
The total negative pts you can gain is 34
And that's all the negative options for Aerith, who displays jealousy and selfishness if Cloud cares about anyone but him, but she also expects him to be a competent bodyguard and be willing to help others for no reward. Any behaviour that shows he isn't like Zack makes her lose affection for him by quite a large amount.
Overall you can lose more pts with Aerith than you can with Tifa. She also has a higher amount that can be lost per option than Tifa for a lot of the choices. I've said before that by the time you meet Aerith in the church, Tifa can have 56pts which destroys Aerith's base pt lead and all you need to do is be a decent human being and not treat Tifa like you, the player, hate and are jelly af of her.
Seems like this pt system is a bit more sophisticated than people think 🤔
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 64
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
"You owe me big," I said to Bisque. We were watching Wenge and Jasper sprint back and forth across a small courtyard behind the bar.
"I hear you, I hear you," Bisque said. "We were sort of roped into more than we could chew."
"Between the strikes and whatever those leaders want?" I asked.
"People started looking at us like we were supposed to have answers. That's how the old White Fang got started around here. Just as union leaders and such. Now that they've been discredited and with our network people were looking at us to pick up the slack."
"So you got dragged into this, you're being strong armed into doing this operation before y'all are ready."
"By those old miner leaders. Dyne and Barret. Dyne's been around for a long ass time. Barret's newer but they're both close. Barret is backing Dyne. Which means we need to play ball too."
"Which is why you owe me. Big time. I want information. As soon as you have it. I have a list of names I'll want you to keep an ear to the ground about and if you want me to kill Taurus it'll cost you extra," I informed him. Never let it be said I was purely altruistic. I saw my edge over him and I was taking it.
He slapped a hand over his face. "No, no. Don't kill him. At least not yet if you can help it. And I'll take your list of names."
"That's just the start. I don't want Lien. I'll want any other information that you can give me when and if I ask for it. A blank check." I leaned against the wall of the bar beside Neo with my arms crossed.
"Fine. Fair enough." He rubbed his forehead hard. "We do owe you. Thanks Cloud."
"And you'll want to upgrade the fucking squirt gun you've got."
"What's wrong with my pistol?" He asked.
"It's a fucking .22."
"Hey now. It's a .30."
"Still. Those sometimes don't stop regular people. You'll want something with more kick to it. I can pick up something better from Aurum. Lasers, higher caliber, or even something magnetic accelerated so it still has as much kinetic energy as a .44 or .45. Hell, you should probably talk .50 cal if you want to stop anybody with aura and training."
"So I should go big or go home?" He asked.
"More like go big or die, bro," I said. "I knew this fifteen year old who used a .50 caliber sniper rifle. If you're really attached to something small I could get you a submachine gun."
"I'll think about it," he said.
"Think fast," I shot back.
We watched Jasper and Wenge pant and sprint in their suicides for a hard moment.
"You going to -" I was interrupted by the jingle of bells as the bar's door opened.
I was going to ask if he was going to join Jasper and Wenge who were working hard. Avalanche all had aura but having aura didn't make you good, I'd been living proof of that. Even having a semblance didn't make you good. Only training or else real combat could help with that.
I peaked around the corner and through a screen door. It was Robyn Hill in the bar. I recognized her face from the posters of her all over both towns. She had pale hair (not as snow white as Weiss's) and purple eyes, not quite as vibrant as Yangs, but she was still beautiful. Aura-hunter-beautiful.
"Bar's closed," Bisque told her. I heard through the back door entrance and window.
"Oh don't be like that. I just want to talk about the General's project."
"Not this time. You shot us down, remember. Or your agent did, Fiona was it," Bisque returned. He didn't look amused.
"I have some Lien I could offer you." Robyn said and she leaned against the counter. Her face on one palm. "Sorry we weren't about the destruction of Schnee property. But look where that got you."
"The value of money is plummeting for me recently," Bisque said dryly.
I snorted. Money only talked so loudly to hunters like Neo and I. I was willing to bet she had more millions stashed away than the ones we took from Don Corneo. But that wasn't how you kept Neo entertained. Well, drugs and alcohol helped but what she really wanted was somebody to fuck with. Even if that somebody was only me and it had to do with a night I'd gotten black-out drunk on. She was milking that for all it was worth.
"How much will that information cost me?" Hill asked. "What can I do to make you call off these strikes? Come on, work with me here. I'm listening now."
"A few hundred thousand. And we're not in charge of the strikes."
She winced at the price but sighed in a way that didn't make it seem undoable. "I'll see about getting you your money. And that's not the way I hear it. These are your strikes now."
"They're not. You're looking for Dyne or Barret."
"Dyne is unreconcilable. He's on the warpath. He wants the strikes to never end just so long as Schnee suffers. He's unreachable. And Barret is angry. He'll stay that way for the foreseeable future. You're not, work with me here," she said again. "What will it cost? I'm willing to make all kinds of campaign promises. I'll keep them too. I'm a woman of my word. You want dust lung laws? I want them too. Why don't we start negotiating there? The strikes have to end somewhere."
"We want increased safety standards. And we want an increase in minimum wage. Wages haven't kept up with inflation so the current wage is unlivable."
"Done. Please. I can't get elected under this kind of unrest. Just join my voting block, getting your people to join my block will solve both of our problems."
"I'm not sure I can do that. There's more on the way."
"What else is on the way?"
"I can't talk to you about it but we have another operation."
"Another? Like the one that kicked off these protests? Put it off." She sounded desperate. "Cancel it."
"Can't do that. Some old guard in the White Fang are insisting upon it and in the miners guild, too. They're putting pressure on me and Avalanche." Bisque crossed his arms and replied coldly.
"Who?" She demanded. "I'll convince them otherwise."
"You can't. It's Dyne and Adam Taurus."
"Taurus? And Dyne, both? You have to do this?"
"Or else I'm afraid that Avalanche will lose control over the strikes completely."
"So? Let it happen. You can't tell me you meant for things to go this far. Fiona said it was mostly symbolic."
"We'd never be a player in the unions ever again if we stood by the wayside now. We have to be willing to act as much or more than anyone and everyone else."
"Damn it. When's the operation? Will you tell me that at least?" She pleaded.
"Tomorrow night. The others want to put a fire under Jacques Schnee and prevent him from getting comfortable. They want to force him to act and capitulate to the strikes. We had this operation in mind before and one thing led to another once the others found out about it."
"I'll get your money wired to you. Tell me about the General's project with Amity." She leaned forward towards him. She was anxious to hear about it.
I watched her stick out a hand. Bisque took it. A dull lilac hue took over both their hands all the way up to the elbow. I could feel the low hum of aura from where I watched through the screen window. She was doing something .
"The General is turning the colosseum into a satellite. Getting communication back up and running between the kingdoms. It's his current number one priority."
She withdrew. "That's it? That's why he's diverting supplies from Mantle? At least as far as you know, I suppose."
"The intel is good. We had people who worked on the project come to us," Bisque said. "Cetra who were or are involved in the construction joined our union network. They reported it to us."
"That's… that's good news I suppose. But the rest you have got to find a way to settle down the protests and get them to vote for me. I'm willing to grant all your concessions once I become a council member. None of them are unreasonable or outside of my policies," Hill negotiated. She really wanted a bunch of politically active people on her side come election day. I could get that. Voter efficacy was low all too often, even back in Vale.
"I'll talk to people and spread the word. I only promise to try."
"And another thing, Fiona mentioned two other people. She mentioned Cloud Strife. What's his angle in all this? I know he's been involved in the drug game and a prison break," Hill wondered.
"He was after the same information you were. Fiona should have been able to tell you that," Bisque answered. "Now, if that's actually everything, you can wire the money over and get out of my bar. We're closed. No service at the moment. We've got a happy hour at seven. You could come back then."
"Well thank you anyways. And don't worry about your money. I'll leave, then."
He came out to me again through the screen door in the back of the bar.
"You shook her hand," I introduced. "Why?"
"She's got a lie detection semblance. It's touch based, Striker ranged," he informed me.
I raised an eyebrow. A politician that valued truth in their very soul. Not her heart or mind but in the core of her very being. You didn't find that on every street corner.
Well she had my vote. Not that I could vote. None of my identities were Atlas or Mantle citizens so I was pretty much in the same class as a felon. Not that I wasn't also a felon.
"You sure you should have told her so much about the operation. She could interfere," I told him. "If she does that's on you."
"I didn't tell her that much. And if she does interfere it might be for the best. I don't really want this op to happen. Maybe she'll be able to stop the operation, Avalanche won't have to back down, and nobody will get hurt."
"Yeah well I don't want to go to prison. Something to keep in mind. The law isn't exactly on our side," I muttered. "For all that we're standing here plotting this in broad daylight."
"Oh I wasn't aware. I'll try to keep that in mind." His tone was as dry as ice.
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I scoped out the ship I would be sinking with Neo. Or 'Mint' as she was in her disguise. She snuck aboard easily enough and took a photo of a map of the ship with her scroll. She sent it to me and I examined it closely.
I needed to figure out where we would set the charges so that the explosion would just sink the vessel and not destroy the harbor in a dust driven detonation.
The place had cameras for security and a handful of human and faunus guards. But for the most part the ship was ruled and watched over by robots. Robots I'd have no problem taking apart. It was the people I needed to lure out somehow so that they didn't die when the ship went down or similar.
There were lifeboats onboard but I didn't need any more blood on my hands. I was powerful enough that I suppose I could take steps to avoid death now. I didn't need to go all out against a group of aura-lacking sentries anymore.
I could bop them without killing them now. And I knew Neo was in a similar ballpark. She just usually didn't care.
I studied the map in detail. Neo turned visible again as she paced away from the large grey vessel. It had soft blue mooring lights and a big Schnee Dust Company logo on the side.
I could see men and women and machines up on the deck at their posts. They all had smooth looking assault rifles and shotguns. The kind of heavy weaponry the SDC needed to keep their high valued assets safe. I was sure they were on decent high alert now, too. I'd scraped with some of them at the mine so they knew that wasn't just an accident.
She came up behind me on my bike and wrapped her arms around me. I turned around to spot her small smirk. She was still teasing me. At least she was still doing what I told her to do in a general sense.
She pulled herself snuggly against me and pressed her face into my back. I could feel it against my skin after a layer of clothes over armor. Maybe it was just her aura I was feeling against me like the flare of a cold burning candle.
I could feel her mischievous mood. She had no one to target but me at the moment.
"Don't be a brat, Neo." She shuffled softly against me in what I realized was mute laughter.
I revved my engine and pulled away from the ship.
"I'm thinking about setting off an explosion as a distraction. To lure the people off the ship. The last thing we want is to have to kill people and stain our unblemished records."
The wind whistled through my face as I pulled the bike into traffic.
"Maybe I'll set you loose on the guards. Harass them with illusions that get them off the ship. Would that make you happy or would you rather blow something up."
She shrugged against me unhelpfully.
"Well then we will probably do a little of column A and a little of column B. How many people can you teleport at once with you, Neo."
She tapped my chest three times. That meant I could get four of us on board. More if I flew. Just five of us to cause enough of a ruckus that we drew the living guards' attention but not so much noise that we brought the entire facility down on our heads. There was a balance to play. A particular key to strike.
I needed to draw only so much attention and it had to be the kind of attention that grabbed living beings and left the machines to mostly do their work.
I recalled the robots. They were humanoid things for the most part. They were built fast and could be destroyed just as easily by hunters like us. Their weapons would only cause a problem if I gave their targeting computers time to really line up a shot and if I gave them a chance to shoot as a group.
Not allowing them to use their strength of numbers was a good call. Don't sit still enough that they got a good solution for me. It was a good start but I needed more.
There could be more menacing machines on board. Giant spider or scorpion bots or larger humanoid mechs like the Atlesian Paladins we had fought back at Beacon's fall.
I wasn't sure how much trouble those kinds of machines were going to give me given how much stronger I had become. Plus I was loaded with dust crystals and I knew how to use them.
I needed to start a fire. Something like that would draw the human crew to the lifeboats and off the ship but would leave the machines behind.
I could also use Neo's power to get a few of us on board and get the party started.
I pulled up on a gondola for vehicles and pulled out my scroll and started looking over the ships schematics. I say schematics but there was a small 'you are here' sign on it indicating it was really a map set up somewhere inside.
I wanted to set the charges near the front of the ship away from the cargo hold where all the dust was sitting around and waiting to explode.
That should stop a chain reaction of explosions depending on how big the explosives we used were. I had better make those myself.
I was already thinking through the designs I knew to cause a hole just large enough to rupture the exterior hull of the boat. Just enough to rock the ship and not blow up the entire harbor.
I swung by Aurum's club on a gondola for vehicles and picked up a .50 caliber pistol for Bisque who still hadn't made up his mind. So I made it up for him. I put the heavy boxes of ammunition behind me on the bike with the spare magazines for the weapon.
It was a good thing he and the others had yet to be in a real huntsman-class fight or they would have lost pretty badly.
The only thing to do from here was build the bombs and I could do that easily enough at my apartment. So that was my next stop.
I wired together several dust crystals, enough that I thought it would be able to blow a hole in the ship's exterior if it was set against it but not so much that it would spread through the rest of the boat's interior. I made two because I thought one was probably enough to do it so I might as well go all in.
Then I set them up to be able to blow from a remote source. In this case just my scroll. It was actually pretty easy. Not as easy as throwing them really hard but just about using two small arduinos, one a piece.
The only thing left to do was share the plan with Avalanche, the miners, and Taurus and hope that went off without a hitch before the plan even started.
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artmustdraw · 4 years
Please join if you like final fantasy 7, or any of its Characters, you can also talk about your twitch accounts and stuff! I love small streamers. The only thing is, it's a sfw server and I'd like to keep it that way, as well as you have to be 13+. If you're younger then that I just wanna know how the fuck do you know final fantasy???
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Yes I added the bonus of my own art! (Because this is my art account) Yes I ship sephcloud ;-; yes it's an addiction.
On my discord you'll also see other otps of mine like tifa x cloud, Aerith x cloud, Aerith x zack, Aerith x tifa, Yuffie x miteria , Cloud x therapy. You're welcome to bring in your own ships, as long as it's sfw! Everyone is welcome! *Note: Minor shipping is only allowed if it's like young tifa x young Cloud. I do not allow ships like Don corneo x yuffie, you will be kicked (instantly) if you post anything like that.
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