#ship: bahamut/noctis
royalarms · 4 months
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i've been meaning to write up this headcanon for some time now ! i really wanted to dig into noctis's relationships , how i view each one individually , and how he views the people closest to him in his life . for the sake of general interaction outside of ship partners or biases , there will be no mention of romantic attraction here ( perhaps with the exception of lunafreya because they have an arranged marriage in canon , but i'll keep it limited ) .
starting off , i want to say that noctis is a very dynamic character and how he interacts with people strongly depends on how they interact with him ( which i think is true for most people , haha ) . however , i think noctis is very feeling and often acts in accordance with his emotions , or lack thereof , depending on the circumstance . all this to say , some things listed may seem contradictory , but let's remember that noctis is Just A Guy , feelings are fluid , and everything is dependent on everything else . i'm going to organize this in a list - like manner to keep things more simple . i'm also not going to include EVERY single character ( even tho i strongly wish to .. i might do a part 2 with some of the more side characters down the line ) .
note : some interactions may shift depending on a rp partners portrayal / canon divergencies / general opinions . this material is crafting from my own headcanons and opinions , but i am willing to plot in different directions .
tw : parental death !!! long post incoming !
REGIS LUCIS CAELUM : noctis has always admired his father , looking up to him for as long as he can remember . he remembers yearning for his attention , but ultimately feeling as though he came second to his father's kingly duties . despite it , he always loved him . regis would read or tell noctis bed time stories ( along with aulea , until her passing when he was eight years old ) until he was thirteen years old , when noctis waved him off in an effort to "grow up" , but secretly missed the time they'd spent together before bed each night . this is also when his insomnia first started to become apparent . i think regis desperately tried to make time for noctis , and is the one who taught noctis to fish in the pond behind the citadel . taught him to drive in the car manufactured specifically for him , taught him that truly living is the most important prospect in life , to take care of business , but also to take care of himself ( some lessons of which he certainly casted aside ) . still , regis let him get away with things and do things he normally would not due to his knowledge of his son's inevitable demise . he desperately wanted noctis to be able to live his life in a way that was meaningful and full of joy . noctis's dealings with expectation , societal pressure , and depression had other plans . noctis loved him , before and after his passing , and always will . despite this , there is always a shallow bit of resentment he holds for his father : that they did not spend enough time together , that he did not learn the lessons he needed to survive as king , that he felt scared and alone so often in the citadel with a father nowhere to be found . his childhood beneath regis was not perfect , and he often felt discarded despite regis's best efforts . perhaps it comes with the territory , noctis understands after accepting his duty as king , but it does not negate his feelings on the matter . he is also angry in general , that his father was taken from him before he could learn all that it is he wished to learn ( though , truthfully , he thinks to himself that there's nothing that could have prepared him for the way of the world and bahamut's plans ) . i also believe that during noctis's teenage years , he began to reject his father for his priorities and viewed regis letting noctis get away with certain things as a lack of care , as he is not aware that regis is aware of the prophecy . he interprets it as an unwillingness to be his parent and puts a wall between the two of them , and becomes cruelly independent from him , relying more so on his friends than his father . it's part of the reason he also rejects his duty as prince/king , because he does not 'want to end up as his father . ' of course , this whole viewpoint shifts as he grows and matures more into himself , but there was a time when they hardly spoke . regis , letting noctis grow into adulthood and allowing him the space he craved , and noctis , craving his affection and attention , but distancing himself further from him despite it . they had their ups and downs for sure . (maybe i should have made the regis section its own post ummm)
AULEA LUCIS CAELUM : my headcanon for aulea is canon divergent , as in canon , she dies when noctis is an infant , and they were never able to spend much time together . in my portrayal , aulea lives until noctis is eight years old , and dies in the same daemon attack that injured his back and sent him into a comatose state . i think she was a very dedicated woman , to her role as queen , to her work , and to her family . noctis relied on her often for emotional support , and she did her damn best to be there for him when regis could not , though , noctis still spent a decent amount of time being cared for by the maids and hired caretakers he did not know very well , and did not like . despite that , they cherished each other greatly , and aulea taught him many things herself . many of the things he learned from her were things like empathy , understanding , nurturing ( even as bad as he is at it currently . i think he was really good at putting those things into practice before the daemon incident and her demise ) . she is the reason he has such a soft heart beneath his wishy washy exterior . she is the reason he loves so strongly and wholeheartedly . he also always admired the relationship between herself and regis , even if he , at times , felt excluded from them . he decided he wanted to experience a relationship like theirs , were the time to ever come .
LUNAFREYA NOX FLEURET : lunafreya starts off as a good friend to noctis during his healing stay in tenebrae . after he awakens from his coma , she meets him and they become close . sharing stories , books , secrets , and adventures through his healing journey . i think having luna there beside him was the only thing that made his rehabilitation manageable . he was often miserable and hurting , but he looked forward to her visits every day , and thought of her every night . she gave him a familiar comfort , an understanding , and an ear that listened to him after his mom's passing . that event reshaped the entire way that noctis approached life and himself , and she was the first person to get to know him after the fact , with no pre-conceived notions or expectations of who he is or how he should act . he felt at home with her , until niflheim had ripped them asunder . as he has been aware , tenebrae does not have technology in the way that lucis or , more specifically , insomnia , does . they could not communicate but through letters , but his way with words eludes him most often . this lead to their maintaining contact through their shared notebook , noctis's sticker collecting habit ( as he learned luna enjoys stickers ) , and his short sentences scribbled beneath a cute sticker he thought she might enjoy . big life events were written about vaguely ( with the knowledge that the book could be found and read by the empire ) , but for the most part , he kept things between them simple . he has always valued her presence in his life . into adulthood , i think they both continuously grew in different directions , despite always cherishing the other and maintaining what little contact they were able . when the treaty is announced and noctis hears of his arranged marriage to lunafreya , i know it throws him for a loop . he has always cared for her , but to not speak to someone for a decade and then be thrown into a world in which you must marry is daunting . he's thankful it's to her and not a stranger or someone else , but i think he really gets confused about his romantic feelings for her , and as they develop , has a hard time deciphering if they exist because he is forcing them to , or if he has genuine feelings for her . i think it all hits the moment he sees her giving her speech in altissia , and i think he can truly imagine a life with her , but the expectations and pressures of it all are so overwhelmingly unmanageable . he has had to re-evaluate the love he has for her time and time again , and while eventually he does realize the extent of his romantic feelings for her , it did not come without chaos and confusion .
GLADIOLUS AMICITIA : so , gladio and noctis have not always has the best relationship , as depicted in the animated mini series : ffxv brotherhood . gladio taught noctis to fight , and had training sessions with him several days a week , though it was not anything he'd considered more than his duty as future shield . this was a job and nothing more . gladio did not like noctis , his childlike attitude , or his willingness to give up . noctis knew gladio did not like him and often dreaded their training sessions , knowing he'd be bested no matter how hard he tried , in turn , viewing the training as a waste of his time . after the iris incident ( when noctis lied to protect her , taking the brunt of the blame for something she did ) and gladio found out , their dynamic shifted . gladio started to develop a respect for him he did not have prior and noctis felt it too . because of this , noctis started taking gladio and their training more seriously and the two were able to bond through physical battle and practice . they started sharing more conversations , but i think gladio has always had a way with giving noctis advice and "lectures" that noctis often considered a bit condescending ( albeit , at times , welcome ) . their relationship at this point goes so deep and i think they understand each other in that way that needs no words . they know each others movements , the fluctuations in their voices , and their body language . they're both similarly stubborn and manage to butt heads a lot , but carry immense respect for the other , and they both have a special place in their heart for each other . they have a closeness and a trust where they aren't afraid to lash out at each other . they know the other can and will take it , and that they'll remain at each other's sides despite it .
IGNIS SCIENTIA : ignis and noctis share a bond that goes beyond ordinary friendship , and they trust each other with their lives . ignis was deemed noctis's advisor at age six , making noctis three years old at the time . their fate and friendship was decided for them , and ignis has been dedicated to him for as long as they've known each other . noctis has known ignis for as long as he can remember , and he values him with great intensity . i think ignis's devotion to noctis goes beyond noctis's understanding , despite him being aware that it exists . at times , it troubles him , knowing how much ignis would do for him , knowing that the way ignis loves is through his actions , through his sacrifices , and noctis has never doubted his devotion to his job . i'm sure he's been through some phases where he convinces himself that the reason ignis takes his wellbeing so seriously is because it's part of his job , and not solely because he cares about noctis as a friend . though , when he's of a more rational mind , he does not doubt their friendship through such lenses . he knows and trusts ignis wholeheartedly . as a teenager , he often argued against ignis , as the advisor just wanted what was best for noctis , but noctis wanted to do things his way regardless of their benefit or consequence . as they grow older , noctis appreciates him more earnestly and through his twenties , while he can still have a gripe or two here and there , he cherishes his dear friend . it's into his thirties , though , (or after the time skip , depending on the verse) that he really really values all of ignis's hardship , care , and self - sacrifice . he begins to understand ignis's love and devotion , he accepts it , and wishes to stand beside him . to take care of himself , so that ignis does not have to , but he will never forget all of the things he has done for him . in a verse where they both live through the ending , i think noctis's display of appreciation for ignis and his general interactions with him change drastically ( mostly for the better , depending on your view ) .
PROMPTO ARGENTUM : prompto means so much to noctis because he is his friend because he wants to be . he has no obligation tying him to noctis or his princehood , he simply ... decided he wanted to be his friend . and noctis appreciated that more than anything in the world . prompto and noctis are the same age and went through schooling together and have a lot of cherished memories , and noctis values his fun - loving and dramatic attitude , but also values their more serious moments of vulnerability and care . prompto is someone he can just simply be himself around . he does not have to worry about prying eyes , different opinions , complicated expectations . prompto just feels like home to him , and he brings noctis genuine joy when they spend time together . he feels value at his side , not as royalty , not as noctis lucis caelum , but as noct . he trusts him with his vulnerable side , though he may not show it much . he can escape the pressure of the world with him , laugh , and goof off . his mere friendship is a relief for him , and he loves to spend time at his side . i think they had a lot of small moments together when they'd hang out in their secondary school days , and his presence brought so much joy and addition to noctis's life that he wanted him to join on the roadtrip , and through that , they bonded so much more . he knows prompto from primary school , but assumed he was uninterested in befriending him . after all , it wasn't as if he didn't attract unwanted attention . and prompto didn't seem the type to want a lot of that sort of attention , so he left it alone . he hadn't a clue that prompto took it upon himself to 'prove himself' and would have loved to his friend despite his looks or personality . a person who wanted to be friends with noctis for noctis , he'd appreciate no matter what . being around prompto truly brings him back to himself when all of life seems to be pulling him in separate directions .
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charlottedabookworm · 6 months
Ok, now I've got to ask: how would you write that Eos in Pegasus crossover?
i think-
i think it would depend on what type of story i was trying to tell
am i writing fic about the stargate crew meeting eos? am i writing a fic about the people of eos meeting stargate, and the universe beyond that? is it a full fusion? if eos is in pegasus, how haven't they already been culled to near extinction? do they have stories of the wraith?
but- i think maybe the story i'd tell is that eos is a planet on the distant edges of the pegasus galaxy
once upon a time, long before lucis, long before even solheim, it was... probably a planet of the ancients. maybe a research facility, maybe they lived in harmony, who knows? the ancients are twats but eos had to get it's gate somehow anyway
the wraith already existed when the ancients flee, near ten thousand years ago from canon. the wraith are why they fled after all. so, once upon a time, the people of eos had stories of the monsters in the night, the creatures who stole away their children adn their loved ones to eat them. daemons, they were called by the people of eos all those years ago
eos forgot this, after the ancients left
(how could they not, when their gate became nothign more than a monument? how could they not, when the controls that powered the shield around their whole planet were long forgotten?)
(the ancients isolated eos as an experiment)
(it saved them, in the end)
the ancients left and eventually the civilisation of solheim fell and lucis rose in its ashes and the scourge, discovered when some unknowning travellers visited a small island that had buildings made of clear stone and brought countless riches back to the mainland with them, spreads
it mutates
(as ancient experiments so often do)
they mutate
the creatures born are called daemons, after the monsters they told their children about at night, a myth older than memory
bahamut, ramuh - the astrals, all of them, (ascended, all of them) stare, some in horror and some in fascination. they debate on what to do. they are not supposed to interfere
they do anyway
(eos is, perhaps, worse off for it)
time passes. ardyn and somnus are born. a betrayal. a monster born of ancient experimentation. a bloodline gifted from ancient experimentation
time passes
canon approaches
the astrals, the ascended, they are still not supposed to interfere . they are supposed to be distant, recorders of history, detatched. except they have watched this planet for two thousand years now, daring not to rejoin the others for fear of their first interference being noticed. they are supposed to be above the mortals below them
eos is dying
bahamut is certain in his plan. with it, eos will be saved. the survivors can rebuild. and, with ardyn adn noctis and lunafreya sacrificed at the labratory alter, well. they can finally return to the other ascended as all proof of their interference would have passed
bahamut is certain
the other astrals are... less so
they are worshipped here (like the ori and they flinch from the comparison, flinch from the power it gives them) and their people beg them for aid and they-
bahamut is certain
(bahamut is drunk on worship, he becomes less and less the man they knew with each day, just as ifrit had before they had been forced to intefere and they-)
they interfere
ships are guided to that small island with its laboratory. the notes on the scourge are conveniently written there in Sol, a language only their scholars would know but still one translatable
a new path is found
(bahamut rages-)
they interfere
(the gate is unearthed)
they interfere
(the block, the disconnect that had removed it from the rest fo the pegasus system, fades away)
the stargate lights up in the centre of a field in lucis, in an eos that is scourge free if not daemon free, and the man who happens to see it is a man old enough to remember when daemons were myth
to remember the stories of world travellers told to him by his father, by his grandmother, passed down from century to century until there was no one left to tell them
(atlantis' system flickers, releasing a hidden file, a hidden address)
the stargate lights up. AR1 steps through
Ardyn Lucis Caelum meets them when they do
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sparklecryptid · 1 year
We've had Noctis going back in time, chocobros, Ardyn, royal bastards in their various incarnations, Cor-
But I don't think I've ever seen Regis be the one to get sent back in time. Like, can you imagine it? Regis, who just killed Noctis (his son his child his), waking up as a teenager over 40 years in the past. And deciding to Fuck the Prophecy and Bahamut too, he's not doing any of that again (please don't make him do that again he can't).
Regis goes on to completely demolish the timeline, with Clarus and Wesk trailing behind and making concerned noises. (understandable, Regis kind of changed overnight)
For bonus points, his original timeline was one with a royal bastard, maybe even more than one. Except this time, Regis actually keeps track of his exes so he finds out about them pretty soon.
(If you want maximum angst, it was the one where Luche kills him)
Regis dies. It is a swift death. A mercy given to him by the hands of his daughter.
(His daughter that he never knew. His daughter that must have suffered for it to have ended this way. His daughter. A traitor. But still his daughter.)
Regis dies, and when he wakes he finds himself younger. He finds himself nineteen years old and untested by the hardships of the coming years.
Regis dies with blood in his mouth.
He wakes up with the memory of cold arms lowering him to the ground and frost curling across a pale cheek. Is his daughter alive yet? Regis doesn't believe so but he can't know for sure.
He knows Noctis isn't alive. Regis knows that at least his son will be safe. But Luche? Regis doesn't know.
Something in him aches.
There is something off about Clarus' Prince. The only King that will ever have his loyalty, the only person Clarus will die for that isn't his wife. There has been something off about Clarus' Prince for years now. Ever since Regis woke up on his nineteenth birthday something has been off about him.
Regis dives into whatever work is assigned to him. He plays politics like he's an old hand at it and seems to know what schemes his father is up to before they happen. Regis is different, it's shown in the frantic but careful way he directs resources into areas he thinks will need them most and ignore the nobles that grumble and whine only to be shocked that Regis was right about diverting their forces from around Insomnia to near Galahd.
It is as if Regis has grown the ability to see the future and Regis laughs at Clarus when he suggests it. For a moment it looks like he's about to make a joke but his face freezes as if he's remembering something.
"Clarus," Regis says slowly, "What was the name of the woman my father sent me on my eighteenth birthday?"
"Why do you ask?" Regis plotting something, this much Clarus can tell. But it's been six years since then and Clarus still can't tell exactly what Regis wants with this information.
"I need to know," Regis says, "I think she has something of mine."
Her name is Tita Lazarus.
Lazarus. It isn't a common enough name for Regis to ignore the possibility that this woman is the mother of his child.
Regis remembers her dazed gaze a she looked at him through their night together. He remembers how she was cold even when he tried to warm her with his magic. Most of all, Regis remembers when frost started to coat her fingertips after they had finished.
He hadn't thought of the woman much in his life before, he thought her another manipulation by his father to get him to behave. But if she hadn't told Mors about her child then where did her loyalty lie?
For Luche's sake, Regis hopes it's with him.
The ones who meet them at the docks of Galahd's biggest - and only - port are a mix of those from Clan Khara and Clan Bellum. They watch as Regis jumps off the ship and makes his way toward them.
Their body language is relaxed, but there is a tension in the air that tells Regis that although he is welcomed he better not try anything.
"Greetings, Son of Crystal," The leader of the Khara delegation speaks, "May we inquire as to the nature of your visit?"
"I'm looking for a Lazarus," Regis says and the air goes still. Ah. They are hiding something. Regis knew it. "Her name was Tita. I believe she has a child."
The tension doesn't ease with Regis' words but it changes.
"And if she does?"
Regis smiles. It's all teeth.
"I would like to meet my daughter."
Here is the thing: Regis refuses to let his mistakes bleed into this life. He refuses to let his daughter suffer and he refuses to let his son sacrifice himself like a karakul on an altar.
That being said, he doesn't expect the reaction he gets when his daughter meets them on the way to her own house.
"You're not supposed to be here." Tiny fists clutch at Regis' pants and glowing blue eyes peer up at him. Her face is scrunched up in terror as if the world had suddenly changed. Beside him the Khara and Furia accompanying him and Clarus are quiet. "You're not supposed to be here! The path has changed the trees face backward. You're not-" She stumbles over her words and tears well up in her eyes and freeze.
"Why now?" Luche's voice trembles, "Why this path? Why this journey? Why this me? Why not the others? Don't you know how they - how we - suffered? Why am I enough but they aren't? Why-" Frost curls over her cheekbones and Regis reaches out-
The Furia swings into action before Regis can scoop his daughter into his arms and soothe her. Lottie - the Furia - drags Luche away from Regis and Regis bites back a snarl even if he can't help the way his magic sharpens the air.
There is so much he doesn't know about his daughter. It infuriates him others know more than he does.
He has time to learn.
It doesn't make up for what happened in the past.
"Stop your wandering," Lottie gently scolds Luche, "The trees are the same, the path is solid. There is no use wandering on what-ifs and could-bes. Come back to the greener grass and the song the winds sing."
Luche stares at Lottie, her eyes slowly focusing on the figure in front of her. She blinks once. Twice.
Luche spins to look at Regis.
"Why are you here?" She demands and this time Regis can notice the buzzing of his ancestral magic under her skin.
"I'm here for you," Regis says, "And your mother."
"You don't want her," Luche warns, "She's gone too far."
"Do you want her?"
Luche pauses.
Regis smiles.
"Think about it," he says, "On the way to your home - tell me about yourself."
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Its funny how ff14 and ff16 essentially made me finally go and think more about my ff15 fic and maybe continue it at some point lol
I dont have ps5 so i havent actually played ff16 only watched it which is why i dont feel that comfortable to write anything on it (but cid is so hot ngl. Everyone is so hot they make me lose my MIND) cause i dont have a full on grasp on the atmosphere
And ff14 is just. going exactly how i want it? idk how to explain it but the plot of ff14 is just so perfect i dont feel the need to write anything (aside from some stray things about zenos) and perfectly content with the way plot is going and moving. sometimes i would prefer some more dark themes but even this craving has been satisfied lol
which leaves ff15 lmao. im not saying this is the ugly duckling but i do have some gripes mainly with bahamut and would love to punch some gods so. like. idk. i love noctis so fucking much i want to write him just fishing. also the main indication whether im deeplt insane about a ship is whether i have a half baked smut and lo and behold. i sure do
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finalfantasyfics · 2 years
FFXV: Sexy Dragon Daddy
Originally posted on February 25, 2022 at AO3
Summary: Someday, after Noctis becomes King and continues the family line and passes on, he'll be Bahamut's newest Messenger. Until then, he's seeing how much his friends will put up with before they ritualistically murder him to repent for his sins. Crack fic.
Ships: Bahamut/Noctis (kinda)
Warnings: Mentioned Kinks and Fetishes, Blasphemy, Noctis and Gentiana are trolls, Daddy Kinky, Noctis is maybe a monsterfucker, Dawn of the Future spoilers
When Noctis had his first vision from the Draconian, it was awe inspiring. He was crying when he came back, huddled on the floor of his apartment, overwhelmed by the experience.
By the dozenth, he'd gotten fairly used to it, even though the people around him still acted disturbed by his glowing eyes or the way he apparently flickered in and out of existence as Bahamut spoke to him of famines, or attacks, or which team was going to lose next week.
By the twentieth, it was starting to feel routine. Bahamut was just his manager at a really weird job and he wasn't even that bad once they worked out how best Noctis could handle things he was told. And that was cool, he'd saved a lot of lives and spared his father a lot of stress. And helped Prompto make a good chunk of money through sports betting.
After he'd basically lost count, he had a hard time thinking of Bahamut as a scary authority figure and started to think of him more like he did Cor or Clarus--yeah, sometimes they were in charge, but that didn't mean he couldn't give them shit.
Of course, he'd never jokingly call them "daddy" in front of his friends and then have to continue saying it just because of the result.
"I don't even know if it's technically possible for me to blaspheme," he argued for the umpteenth time when Ignis begged him to stop ("please do not refer to the Draconian as 'sexy dragon daddy' during the Oracle's visit, Noctis, please, I will never try to make you eat a vegetable again").
He, of course, never agreed to anything, and when Lunafreya (who he'd only ever met briefly before, when she first officially took over as Oracle from her mother) and her brother (who he had met a few more times and couldn't stand) arrived, all bets were off. She was so obedient and respectful. Just doing whatever the Astrals and those Messengers that followed her around said.
"I was made to look like a human version of the Draconian," he mused at one point during the visit, when the "younger" crowd had been put together in a room for lunch (Gladio tensed behind him as soon as he started and he wished he could turn around to see the not quite hidden panic in his eyes), "and the Mystic was made to look the same," Lunafreya was watching with wide, fascinated eyes and he smiled, "which makes me wonder: do you think it would count as clonecest if we could hook up?"
The noise Gladio made behind him reminded him of a dying Garula on a nature show. Ravus had dropped his spoon in his soup, which had splattered all over his pretentious white shirt. Ignis had his head in his hands, hiding his face. And Lunafreya, well, she was blushing bright red and confused.
Gentiana, nearby as she always was with the Oracle, leaned closer, opening her eyes to meet Noctis'. "Would these two boys together not be twincest?" she countered, and even though her face was as serene as ever, he couldn't help but think that she totally got it.
"Damn, I really need to ask daddy if Somnus and I were genetically identical."
"Your father?" Lunafreya looked between them in innocent confusion.
Noctis laughed. "No, he's my dad, he's not my daddy." Beside him, Ignis seemed to be trying to slide under the table without anyone noticing, so Noctis made sure to lean closer and draw attention to him. "I mean my sexy dragon daddy." Seeming to give up, Ignis all but jumped away from the table, muttering some excuse under his breath.
"The Bladekeeper," Gentiana explained, nodding sagely.
Lunafreya looked between the two of them in dawning horror. Beside her, Ravus had started to giggle, a tiny, nervous noise that Noctis recognized as the "the gods are going to smite us any second" reaction some people who didn't know the gods at all had.
"You...Prince Noctis...you aren't truly referring to...Bahamut?"
"Yeah, who else? You know, the guy who occasionally makes us mere mortals look like little copies of him (without the sexy tail) because he's that narcissistic."
Gentiana patted Lunafreya's shoulder. "For his own face, the Bladekeeper's affections never stray. This boy, his current interest."
"Both you and the Founder King...look like the Draconian?" Ravus was sobering enough, perhaps thanks to Gentiana's continued calm, to form words.
"Yeah. It's wild, but I'm not going to yuck anyone's yums. Also, it's totally understandable, right? We're hot."
Both Fleurets were staring at his face, coming to terms that they now knew what the Draconian's visage looked like. It had taken some time for that to sink in with his friends, who weren't even that religious, so he didn't know what to expect from the Oracle and he brother.
"How do you even have sex with an Astral?" Lunafreya asked after a moment, seeming to be distracted by pondering the mechanics.
Bahamut was pretty big, even in his smaller form, so Noctis didn't blame her for wondering. And even though this had started as a joke, the longer he went with it, the more he did start to...kind of want to try it. Having sex with his doppleganger (or, he supposed, the other way around) intrigued him. And his tail was sexy.
"Many ways are there to partake in the pleasures divine," Gentiana, the smug little minx, answered.
He raised his eyebrows, she inclined her head, and even though they'd just met, he knew she was offering to talk to him about it later.
With a nod, he turned back to his actual goal for lunch: seeing how long it took until his Shield stepped in to stop him.
"Wait, okay, backtracking. If I managed to get Somnus' spirit out of the ring...would that be necrophilia?"
Behind him, Gladio may have punched the wall.
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nocttanotheroneout · 3 years
It's just a thought, but...what if Lunafreya was a real character? No, no, hear me out. What if she had motivations other than seeing the protagonist again, and could influence on the plot in ways besides getting the One Ring to Noctis? Don't get me wrong, there's the bare bones of a personality there, but I'm talking real agency. Something compelling to contribute that couldn't be accomplished by an express delivery driver or anybody else?
For instance: Luna has a unique circumstance that the rest of the main cast do not. She spent something years in Niflheim captivity, around all that tech that's being used against Lucis now. What if, say, the bros are in trouble and Luna saves them by piloting an MT, because she picked up on a lot over the years because nobody saw her as an individual who is intelligent and willful, only a sweet, docile Princess and thus vastly underestimated her? Like the writers. What if her knowledge of the Empire comes in major handy taking them down, making her an integral part of the gang? Let's do something with that, yeah? Make it useful. Make her useful.
Personally, I wanted to see her bond with the Bros. Maybe they need her to come with them for Oracle reasons, or just so they could protect her, and she becomes an honest-to-god part of the group. At first, the guys are polite because she's a Princess and a Girl and accustomed to a certain life, but ultimately are each able to make a personal connection with her. She wants to know more about the world, so they show it to her. Maybe Ignis teaches her to cook. Prompto teaches her about King's Knight and videogames. Gladio trades funny stories about Noctis' early training days. They become pals. It's great. One day they come into a town that has an arcade like the one in Insomnia and Noct and Prom reminisce on the old days. Luna wants to try this "arcade", despite being told it would likely not be her scene. Hard cut to an hour later when Luna is absolutely owning (alternatively: raging at) a particular machine, while Noct is watching on with what I can only assume is The boner, and it's a side to her nobody ever anticipated. I want bonding and goofiness please I'm begging here.
Speaking of Noct, I wanted more screentime with them. Come on, I really, really want to ship this one. But I need to know why they like each other, other than something something childhood friends. Show me more of their friendship, other than Luna expositing for the plot's sake. Show me the silly, childish games they played. Show me their antics. Show me Luna making Noct smile for the first time since his mother's death (and Regis being like "I would protect this girl with my life" being the start of his seemingly almost fatherly affection for her). Show me why Noctis has been pining for her all these years, give me more of their diary entries. Make me fond of her. I want to see them have chemistry. In the same way Noct appreciates the world that doesn't treat him like royalty and comes to enjoy helping others, give me the same for Luna. Have them take on stupid cat-feeding sidequests together. Watch the stars from the Regalia. Fight monsters. Joke. Laugh. Talk. Let them bond. Give Noctis the slow realisation that, regardless of any arrangement, he would have wanted to marry her anyway. That she's genuinely a kind an endearing person with nuance and layers, who can understand the experience of growing up under so much pressure, losing one's family, and feeling very much alone. Let them fall in love honestly and truly.
And then, if you still wanted to kill off your main female lead, I promise, it'll be a LOT sadder.
And goddamn it, I wanted her to turn on the gods in the end! (Mainly Bahamut. Idk, Ramuh just has major grandpa energy, I literally can't hate him. Shiva vibes. Leviathan...can stay, but you're on thin fucking ice, buddy.) Listen. Ardyn and Aera are supposed to be narrative parallels to Noct and Luna, yeah? I think we can all agree. A Caelum destined for the throne only to have it ripped from under him; a pretty, gentle, blonde-haired Oracle destined to serve. But they're different, subversions of one another, because while Ardyn is consumed with darkness, used by the gods, and destroyed in order to clean up their mess, Noctis is...also used by the gods and destroyed to clean up their mess. But it's different because he's the good guy(?) (That's another can of worms, though.) Aera put her duty to serve above all else and died at the hands of one of the Caelum brothers as a result, but Luna...also did those things. And no, I'm not incredibly bitter. I just want her to be. Like, "Hey, what the hell, guys? I grew up in captivity and you couldn't take five seconds out of eternity to help? Maybe not let my home burn in the first place? Also, sacrificing an innocent man: kind of a dick move. I've seen more of this world in the past few months than all my life and it slaps out here. If you got off your godly asses and allowed humanity it's own agency, perhaps - just perhaps - you'd also feel strongly about it. It's not my job to serve you, it's my job to communicate with you on behalf of the people, and on behalf of the people, *raises middle finger*"
Bonus points if she convinces the other gods to turn on him for her because they're actually pretty fond of humanity and don't actually want to hurt them. That'd be really cool. God fight. But that's my own weird preference.
Anyways, the point of this long-winded rambling isn't to whine about how much I hate Luna. Just the opposite. She's a big ball of wasted potential, and I wanted better for her, damnit!! And if I have to write what amounts to an entire AU in a long-winded, rambly post on Tumblr.gov only to realise a minute later that I forgot something to get it, then so be it.
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followthestars · 4 years
Well, I’ve got a pretty interesting idea of an AU that starts centered around Pitioss. This AU is one that will eventually have Promptis shipping, but there’s a pretty good reason for it.
Basically, a cult of Ifrit worshippers that have a strong dislike of Bahamut decide to target Noctis since they believe the Royal family’s magic is gifted to them by Bahamut.
They manage to snatch both Noctis and Prompto, with the intent to use Prompto to herd Noctis into Pitioss to ‘see Bahamut’s greatest crime’.
They manage to get free and are chased to the ruins.
Somehow, Noctis manages to drag Prompto into Pitioss with him.
These two are like 16 at this time, best of friends, but they’re teens about to face some real horrors.
Prompto is the first to fall into the darkness, to the horror of Noctis.
He actually ends up in relieved tears when Prompto is suddenly at the entrance of the room unharmed.
Noctis ends up with spikes coming down on him as the next death between them.
They realize they aren’t going to have an easy time finding another exit where the cult won’t find them.
On finding one of the first ‘checkpoints’ and breaking the statue in front of it, Noctis decides to add Prompto as a part of his retinue. Mainly for access to his armiger and the weapons inside.
It’s so dark he’s expecting daemons to show up and doesn’t want his best friend unarmed.
Prompto ends up carrying Noctis on his back often due to the nerve damage the Marilith attack caused when he was 8. If he pushes himself too far, he starts having trouble walking.
Noctis 100% said “Cake baby” three times in a row to try and lighten the mood after the first death between them.
It becomes an inside joke to try and cope with what they’re going through.
Noctis has a lot of snacks in his armiger, even though they never get hungry in Pitioss, he still insists they eat something and rest from time to time.
Neither are able to actually fall asleep in the ruins.
The demon train has them both screaming “WHAT THE FUCK?” a few times.
Prompto actually bursts into tears seeing it and Noctis ends up crying with him.
They’re only 16. Why do they have to deal with this horror?
Most of their deaths in Pitioss are from the Demon Train
Noctis bursts into tears when they finally reach Eos’ corpse.
He doesn’t know why.
Prompto takes a photo of the statue before the ground starts shifting.
They fall along the sword has Noctis on Prompto’s back, which results in Prompto getting a few cracked ribs that a Hi-Elixir is used to heal.
Realizing they’re in a safe space, Prompto pulls his camera from the armiger and compared the photo of the statue to Noctis.
Prompto: You... kind of resemble the statue.
Noctis: I think that was a dead Astral... not a statue... I... I look like it?
The climb back up from there has Prompto carrying Noctis on his back the entire way. He insists it’s so Noct can spot where he needs to go while he focuses on not falling.
Noctis makes him rest once they get back to the room with all the sealed doors.
He manages to open all of them while Prompto’s legs stop feeling like jelly.
They both nearly burst into tears when they find the exit.
The cult is nowhere to be found either, but they’re cautious as they slowly start climbing their way down to the Outpost.
They’re so filthy from the ruins, no one recognizes Noctis.
Thankfully they’re allowed to use the phone.
Noctis calls Cor and tells him where they are.
A large number of Glaives and Crownsguard come to get them with Cor.
Both teens look completely haunted as they’re brought back to Insomnia.
Regis hugs them both and cries on finding them safe.
Prompto’s parents never found out he was missing as they never came home in that time.
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tealquacks · 4 years
The Flowers of Tenebrae
for the first day @lunoctweek , also posted on Ao3
They stopped the train to let the civilians out at Tenebrae. It was the best decision they could make, Noctis ordering the conductor to stop while Luna went through the train, healing whomever she could. And she promised each and every one of them that they would be safe in Tenebrae. They looked at her with big, hopeful eyes, and Luna felt grateful to be alive in that moment. Tenebrae would keep them safe. 
When the train stopped, Tenebrae burned.
Ash fell like snow from the darkened sky, smoke billowing in thick clouds. Luna could almost see the fire burning, nestled in the heart of the castle she once called home. The civilians rushed off the train in a confused hoard, a few of them bumping into her. She didn’t move. She could hear their panicked whispers, children crying, and her home burned.
Luna closed her eyes and tried to imagine the place she’d grown up loving, the place she’d met Noct at, but no matter how tightly she squeezed her eyes and prayed to gods who didn’t seem to listen, she still smelt the smoke. It burned her lungs. Just like drowning. For a moment, her mind took her back to the shrine to Leviathan, a wall of water slamming into her as the world around her crumbled like a pastry, not being able to breathe, lungs burning.
Her legs had carried her across the bridge from the train station. Mud squelched under her shoes as she walked, the feathery petals of Sylleblossoms leaving dew drops on her pants. People walked around in an almost casual way, as if her home wasn’t burning, as if she hadn’t lied to all these people, told them they’d be safe and protected. If fate was written by the gods, she’d have to have a word with them. Curing the scourge was one thing, but endangering the lives of all these innocents…
“Luna?” Noct asked quietly. Luna flinched as he set his hand on her shoulder, then sighed. She took his hand.
“I’m okay, love, just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Blasphemous things,” she said solemnly. Noctis laughed awkwardly, as if she was joking. Maybe he was just trying to lighten the mood.
He squeezed her hand in his.
“I’m sorry. I really am. I… I’ve lost my home, too, and it hurts so much. And well, uh, I didn’t move on? But I tried to ignore it, since I had to. It sucks.”
Luna couldn’t help but give an amused chuckle, gently squeezing Noct’s hand back. Noct never was good with words, awkward at the best of times, but he was always sincere. 
“I don’t know what upsets me more,” Luna mumbled, “seeing my home burn, or knowing that these people have to travel even more just to be safe.”
Noct let go of her hand, instead setting both of his hands on her shoulders. They felt warm, even through the fabric of the black jacket she wore. He looked at her with a soft expression— thats all she could think of it as. Not pitying, or sad, just soft. 
“Luna, I am so, so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, though, Aranea is going to get these people out of here. She has a drop ship, and can get them somewhere safe. After that, we can start making our way to Graela, the Crystal—“
“—and I can give the Draconian a piece of my mind,” Luna interrupted. Noct made a face.
She looked at Noct. Noct stepped forward, one of his hands setting itself at the small of her back. She stepped forward, letting Noct envelop her in a warm, familiar hug, the smell of the outdoors plastered to his pale skin. She buried her face in his shoulder, trying to get the smoke out of her nose. Noct gently pet her hair, occasionally tangling his fingers in the silky strands.
“Please don’t do anything stupid,” he mumbled. Luna couldn’t help but laugh.
“Maybe I am a good influence on you,” Luna said. Noct huffed.
“I’m serious, dear… why the Draconian, though?”
Luna breathed out against Noct’s shoulder. 
“Bahamut is the one who wove this fate of ours, the one who planned all. I was meant to die while making the covenant with Leviathan, and yet, I survived. I’m afraid that the lives of these people are at risk because I avoided fate. When I confront the Draconian, I will tell him to leave the people alone.”
A beat of silence passed between them.
“Luna,” Noctis whispered. She felt his breath against her ear.
“I am the people’s Oracle. A healer. It is my duty to protect the innocent, no matter what the cost is. If it is my own life, then so be it.”
Noct squeezed her even tighter, and she could feel him tremble ever so slightly.
“Yes, you’re their Oracle, but you’re my Luna,” he said hoarsely, “the Luna who told me all I know about gods and stars and all that. The Luna that showed me all the secret places in Tenebrae, the Luna who sent me messages and pressed sylleblossoms in a book, the Luna who can talk to gods without flinching,” Noct’s voice wavered as he sniffled against her, “my best friend, the love of my life. My Luna. I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself.”
“Me neither,” Luna said, voice thick with tears.
“If Bahamut is going to hurt people just because we don’t do what he says,” Noct whispered intensely, “then let’s kill him.”
Luna pulled away from his arms, blinking up at him in shock. He had that determined look on his face, the one he got while fighting Leviathan, or when they were playing Kings Knight on the train. Any question of his sincerity died on her lips. When Noct got that look, he would do whatever he could to reach his goal.
“—We can commune with the other gods. Tell them that we don’t want to follow Bahamut’s fate. Convince them to join us, fight with us—“
“I’m being serious, Luna, I mean, Gladio, Prompto, Iggy, you and I could certainly fuck up a god—“
“Adagium could help us.”
Noct stared at her in a way that made her wonder if there was anything behind those eyes of his. 
Luna sighed. 
“Adagium. The carrier of the scourge, the accursed one. Ardyn Izunia.”
Noct froze.
“No way.”
“Yes, way,” Luna replied.
“And here I thought he was a creepy old guy!” Noctis exclaimed. Luna smiled, tilting her head a little bit.
“Well, you got that part right. He’s an immortal creepy old guy. So the next time we meet him, we must make it known we’re keen on killing the Draconian.”
“And what do we do until then?”
Luna sighed. She looked at the burning ruins of her home, then down to her feet. Even amongst the ruin, Sylleblossoms grew from the wet earth, as bright and persistent as ever. Just like they did when they were children, and somehow Luna knew that they always would be there. Even if it wasn’t quite the same, the flowers would dot the land of Tenebrae. 
She crouched down, and gently plucked a sylleblossom from the earth.
“We stand by one another, my love.” 
Noct gently took the flower from her hand, a small smile gracing his face. He leaned in, and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“We will, we’ll be together. No matter what.”
He said it like a promise. Luna looked over at the burning castle of Tenebrae, then back at Noct. 
She kissed him as softly as she could, their lips hardly ghosting together, and thought of a perfect world where every promise would be kept, and every flower would bloom forever.
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Heats Edition (Sora)
Before I begin, I just thought I’d let you know that this could be some great fanfiction material. Like somehow, Sora found his way from the Final World to World B. He was actually summoned there to a fighter for Materia just as Young Xehanort is summoned to fight for Spiritus. Sora’s friends (except for Mickey, Donald, and Goofy) were summoned by Materia as well in hopes that fighting for her will help them find a way for them to bring Sora back home. She would send him home herself, but the power of waking is unknown to her as well as Spiritus. Well, without further ado, here are Sora’s quotes.
To other characters:
Warrior of Light: “Aren’t we on the same side?”
Garland: “It’s not all about destruction, you know!”
Firion: “I have a lot of Keyblade. Does that mean I’m like you?”
The Emperor: “Unless you have big round ears, you’re no ruler of mine.”
Onion Knight: “I started my journey at a young age, too.”
Cloud of Darkness: “Sorry, one being from the Darkness at a time.”
Cecil Harvey: “You’re a king? Are you friends with Mickey?”
Kain Highwind: “Hey, your last name reminds me of our ship.”
Golbez: “You’d be surprised how far hope can get you.”
Bartz Klauser: “Hey, my blade changes, too!”
Exdeath: “Even your name doesn’t seem right.”
Gilgamesh: “I think you and I will be good friends.”
Terra Branford: “If you don’t want to fight, I won’t make you.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Clowns. Why’d it have to be clowns?”
Locke Cole: “I have a promise to keep, too.”
Cloud Strife: “Don’t hold back, Cloud, give it all you got!”
Tifa Lockhart: “Are you still looking for Cloud?”
Sephiroth: “Not you again!”
Squall Leonhart: “You won’t get me this time, Leon!”
Rinoa Heartilly: “Nice dog. Can I pet him?”
Ultimecia: “Oh great, a Maleficent wannabe.”
Laguna Loire: “If I win, will you write something about me?”
Zindane Tribal: “It’s showtime!”
Kuja: “I know mermaid songs more cheerful than yours.”
Tidus: “How long was I away from home?”
Yuna: “I thought you were in Radiant Garden.”
Jecht: “Our next match should be in Blitz Ball.”
Shantotto: “You and Donald should talk.”
Prishe: “Fighting me barehanded? You must be tough.”
Vaan: “You may fly the skies, but I fly the stars.”
Gabranth: “I know I can win this trial.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “No fair, you’re not even using Drive Form!”
Lightning: “My friends are my power, too.”
Snow Villiers: “You’re not related to Riku, by any chance.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I was trained by Merlin himself.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “How do you walk in that thing?”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “I see, you have someone you wish to find, too.”
Ardyn Izunia: “And I thought Master Xehanort was cooky.”
Ramza Beoulve: “Let’s see who’s the better swordsman.”
Ace: “Cards? Do you know someone named Luxord?”
Sora: “It was funny the first time, but now this is getting ridiculous!”
Riku: “In the end, I guess it will always be between us.”
Kairi: “Of all people, why’d it have to be you?”
Roxas: “Time to show me... who you really are!”
Lea: “Good thing I have plenty of burn paste.”
Xion: “Xion... Just who are you, really?”
Terra: “This time, no amour.”
Aqua: “Aqua, I kept my promise.”
Ventus: “I guess our hearts meet once more.”
Young Xehanort: “It’s time to settle this!”
Shinryu: “I’ve faced worse Heartless than you.”
To Sora:
Warrior of Light: “Your Keyblade also draws on the Light.”
Garland: “Your heart is no match for my power!”
Firion: “I look forward to our hearts clashing.”
The Emperor: “Once I defeat you, your blade will serve me.”
Onion Knight: “I’ve never been a Keyblade Wielder before.”
Cloud of Darkness: “There’s more than Heartless hiding in the Darkness.”
Cecil Harvey: “I use Light as much as you do.”
Kain Highwind: “Can you throw you Keyblade as far as I can fly?”
Golbez: “You have much energy for one person.”
Bartz Klauser: “I wonder if I can copy your Keyblade.”
Exdeath: “I will use your key to open the Void!”
Gilgamesh: “Which shall win? You heart or my muscles?”
Terra Branford: “Does your Keyblade also have destructive powers?”
Kefka Palazzo: “You look like someone I can mess with.”
Locke Cole: “Don’t lose that positivity of yours.”
Cloud Strife: “Where have I seen this kid before?”
Tifa Lockhart: “Are you sure you’re okay with us fighting?”
Sephiroth: “I wonder if the Keyblade will change its mind once I defeat you.”
Squall Leonhart: “Leon? Actually, I like it.”
Rinoa Heartilly: “I hope you and this girl from your island will be happy together.”
Ultimecia: “Even the Light fades with time, my dear.”
Laguna Loire: “You brought a key to a gunfight?”
Zindane Tribal: “Some hearts were meant to be stolen.”
Kuja: “What symphony is your heart playing?”
Tidus: “Why do I feel like we’re already friends?”
Yuna: “You really see me as some fairy?”
Jecht: “Just don’t cry when you lose.”
Shantotto: “Who will fade? My stave or your blade?”
Prishe: “My Light came be as bright as yours.”
Vaan: “Your airship can go into space? Sweet!”
Gabranth: “I shall judge if your key is worthy of being a blade.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Not even your light can save you from my power.”
Lightning: “Who’s idea was it make a sword shaped like a key?”
Snow Villiers: “Think you can light the darkness within me?”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I can’t wait to see what magics you have with you.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “How can you call yourself a warrior with a misshapen sword?”        
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “I wonder if one of my ancestors had a Keyblade.”
Ardyn Izunia: “Let’s match the Power of the Lucii with Kingdom Hearts.”
Ramza Beoulve: “Your hair is such a cliché.”
Ace: “You’ve been lucky so far. Let’s see how far it goes.”
Riku: “I want to see how much you’ve grown since I last saw you.”
Kairi: “Don’t hold back, Sora. I’ll show you how strong I’ve become.”
Roxas: “My summer vacation is far from over.”
Lea: “I hope you’ll have the fight memorized.”
Xion: “I hope Kairi’s feeling won’t too much of a problem.”
Terra: “I can see why you and Riku are good friends.”
Aqua: “Show me the true strength of your heart.”
Ventus: “I can throw the Keyblade better than you can!”
Young Xehanort: “Even after all this, you still understand nothing.”
About Summons
Ifrit: “It’s Jafar with horns!”
Shiva: “I’m not used to the cold.”
Ramuh: “Is this what they mean by “spark of brilliance”?”
Odin: “En gard!”
Leviathan: “I live on an island. Swimming’s no problem.”
Alexander: “Cool! I can have my own castle!”
Bahamut: “I think I almost summoned you once.”
Ifrit: “Set this world ablaze!”
Shiva: “Send them into a deeper freeze!”
Ramuh: “Bring on the storm!”
Odin: “Cut us down a path!”
Leviathan: “Suck them in the surf!”
Alexander: “Let the judging begin!”
Bahamut: “Give me strength!”
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agent-jaselin · 4 years
Anyway I ending up coming up woth two au’s for my Galahdan Noctis au and like one of them is very similar but he ended up there as a baby in a basket like friggin moses (that’s where the similarities end though)
And the other is a mermaid au and has a completely different plot? Little mer baby Noctis washes up on shore for a bit and The people of Galahd sort of adopt him, but than a month later the mermaid parents show up, aulea and Regis.
Aulea was always a mermaid, Regis was a prince of Lucis but distrusted Bahamut and dissapeared shortly after his road trip with Clarus and the gang. (In this universe he has a younger sibling though.)
The mers have seen the line of the war between lucis and nifleheim and think it will affect them, and want to make a deal with the galahdans after seeing how well they took care of Noct. (The Nifs tried to steal bb Noct amd they sunk the ship but the bb ended up on Galahd. The mermaids decided to watch for a while.)
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
A Knight For The Light
A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt, Lunafreya box fleuret, Somnus Lucis caelum
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Sorry, my network is so weak and I can't insert photos.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
Loqi's Airship Force was ready to fly. Ventus flew over the heads of the people and sat on Dario's shoulder. Even that eagle was part of the battalion of fighters! The last person that most go to the ship was Laura. She was still standing in the tent, staring at their family photo. In that photo, Noctis was eight years old! Noctis .. his father and herself !! He kissed her phone's screen and dropped her phone on the table. With a point, Warp made her way into the ship. When Laura arrived on the ship, the airship's door locked up slowly and flew at the same time. Laura's gaze was fixed on the men standing in front of her. Also, the only woman was there, that is, Lunafreya the last Oracle. With the movement of her hands, she asked them all to sit down, everyone sat down, even Somnus! He knew what Laura wanted to do! A speech! According to Somnus, anyone who could keep a friend and an enemy united was preferred. The crystal gave Laura the best title, Commander !!
"My brothers and sister! I want to start a war that no one knows about! Fighting with a god is not an ordinary battle, and I need the strength of your will to be able to win the battle!"
Laura's words easily penetrated everyone's heart! Her penetrating words made the fighters more determined, and she continued:
" At this time, we are going to war against a god who has light and darkness in his hands! We are fighting to save our loved ones. At the end of this path, endless light awaits us, as well as powerful darkness. Because both powers will be out of balance! If we succeed ... we can strike a balance again ... and make peace!"
"If we succeed", it will be a question for everyone! The first person to react as Prompto. He pushed himself forward a little so that Laura could see him:
"If we didn't succeed' what's happened?"
Laura stared at Prompto, who asked this question. She took a deep breath and stared at the ground for a moment:
" Our success can be summed up in two parts! The first part is that if we can't kill Bahamut, we will die."
"And the second part !?"
It was a question that Gladio asked. And by the way, it was a question of each individual. Laura looked at Gladio for a moment. And then to Loqi and Somnus, she didn't want to weaken her determination by looking at the two men, that are, Dario and Cor:
"The second part is Ardyn .. If I can attract him, we will win .. but if I can't ... me .."
"what about you?"
It was Cor's voice that seriously addressed all of Laura. Laura's gaze turned to Cor, only she could read the amount of worry in that look! And Laura couldn't keep talking! Cor's behavior had caused concern in everyone's heart. And Lunafreya ... took a deep breath and stared at Cor:
"To control the darkness, we need a confident heart, a heart that can stand against this power!"
Who that complemented Luna's word, was Somnus. Seriously, he sat like a genuine soldier and opened his mouth:
" And the owner of such a heart is Laura herself! Someone who can keep the darkness and light in the balance!"
Dario's face turned pale with disbelief and unbelievable. He turned his head towards Laura and spoke in a shocked tone:
"Do you want to sacrifice yourself?"
But before Laura could answer, it was Cor's voice that got a little louder and continued the discussion:
"This war has no basis! Do you sacrifice yourself to save the dead ??"
"I am sacrificing myself to save the future of millions of people!"
Laura was the answer. Cor's gaze was fixed on his wife angrily. Laura understood him and that's why she said:
"Nothing happened to me! I..."
"You will be rejected, Laura !! You will be exiled !! Do you understand??"
And he was Cor again that he wanted to dissuade Laura with his loud voice! Somnus stared at Laura to see how she would react. He knew Laura very well! Laura hoped to escape this discussion, and so it was!
"My Darling, this is the second part of the topic "If we didn't succeed"! How do I know to survive ??"
Cor was silent because he knew that when Laura twisted the discussion, that was determined in her decision. Keep quiet with the rest of Cor. It was difficult for the group to sacrifice one person in that way. It was much better to bear Laura's death than to be tainted with darkness. Laura had made a good memory for everyone around her, Laura was someone who always wanted to be remembered for her goodness. She never wanted anything but the love of those around her, but she never begged for it, she got it! This made Laura special from the point of view of others. Laura lovingly conquered the hearts of others, and this made her friends and foes alike. It was not easy for anyone to lose this woman!
The silence and darkness of the destroyed Insomnia had taken over. The monsters roamed the city, and the group hid in the back alleys. Prompto was the one who was on duty. He conjured his gun in his hand and then gently tapped it on his shoulder:
"Do we ever want to hit these monsters in the heart?"
With this statement of Prompto, Gladio was also armed. He showed his big sword and put it on his shoulder:
"Thank goodness‌ !!"
Dario also agreed with Gladio. He filled Ventus to go. It was a pity that he was not proficient in magic! He was like someone who had just been born and had no magical attachment to anyone:
"By empty-handed!"
Dario's voice brought Laura to himself, looking at Dario as she tidied up. She smiled and went to him, stood in front of him, and put her hand on Dario's chest. She closed his eyelids and the tension shone with blue light:
" How do you want to protect me without a weapon?"
A grin settled on Dario's lips. He softened his voice and put his head under Laura's ear, he whispered softly:
"I have my own magic."
When the magic move was over, Laura headed for Somnus:
"you are good, Dario!"
Somnus stared at the Seattle Tower and didn't notice that Laura was standing next to him.Perhaps he understood because he spoke slowly :
" I would not allow another member of my family to fall into the darkness!"
Laura's hand slowly rested on Somnus' shoulder. She laughed softly and squeezed his shoulder a little:
"Don't worry buddy! We succeed. And we don't need it at all !!"
" I don't want to lose Ardyn again! I know my brother is still alive!"
" Be sure Somnus. He will come back to you. Let's go to him"
In response, Somnus just nodded positively. That's what made Laura look at the others:
"You wait here! Somnus and I are going to negotiate!"
Two people who want to oppose being Cor and Dario. At the same time coming forward and saying both at the same time:
" I'm coming too!"
This coincidence made everyone look at them. Laura looked at both of them a little surprised. They both stared at each other frowning, and hatred rippled through their eyes. Their competition was not over Laura, their competition was overpowered! Both are good opponents for each other, everywhere!
Contrary to both wishes, Laura objected:
" I don't want to hurts of an enemy twice! Stay here and protect yourself! We'll be back soon!"
As Laura and Somnus go, Cor and Dario each go to a corner of the alley to keep themselves busy. Dario was sharpening the edge of his long sword, and Cor was also cleaning his katana blade!
Prompto gritted his teeth and then whispered softly in Gladio's ear:
"Does Dario have an opinion on Laura? I don't see any other reason for the hatred of those two people !!"
Gladio's gaze was fixed on Prompto! He nodded softly and answered in the same tone:
"You have the courage to ask them!"
This time, Prompto laughed out of pity and arranged his hair by hand:
"I? Why should I ask? Curiosity in the work of others? Ugly Gladio, shouldn't you be so curious?"
Gladio laughed at Prompto's reaction. He laughed softly and took Prompto's head between his arms and messed up his hair! With a soft voice, Prompto tried to stop Gladio from doing what he was doing, but Gladio did his job!
lunafreya laughed softly at the action of the two and stared at Loqi to avoid his reaction! Loqi looked at them very seriously, as an elderly military officer. Alas, it was easy to read inside his face! That's why Lunafreya gave up laughing a little! Slowly she shook Loqi's arm to pull his attention to himself:
"Hey, Loqi?"
Luna's voice made Loqi forget the two of them and look at her favorite girl. He smiled and caressed Luna's cheek:
"If this story ends well, what do you think will happen to our relationship?"
Luna said, and her face became somewhat anxious. This concern also arose within Loqi, and his reflection was a frown sitting between his eyebrows! He looked at Luna and stared at the ground to sort out his thoughts!
"I don't care what happens now that Laura knows! Because she is a great monarch of the Caelum family. Now she is not involved but after that ... I don't know!"
"If Laura knows ... you will be together .. the peace treaty is no longer worth it!"
Loqi's and Lunfreya's gaze was fixed on Dario as he spoke. Dario's words caused three other members to join the discussion!
Completing Dario's words was Cor! He put his Katana inside the sheath and stared at the ground:
"Nifelheim broke up. So is Lucis. Monarchs who set this condition die! Laura is a professional politician and she knows that acting on this condition is useless and there is no need for it! She can easily find a trouble-free way to this peace! Someone who is trying to protect her brother in this way will definitely not suffer from it with a forced marriage!"
"This means that we should not worry about our future! it's true?"
"Exactly! Only ... when did you fall in love?"
Dario's question was also the question of Prompto and Gladio. Loqi laughed softly and turned his head towards Luna:
"Detailed execution!"
The camera's flashlight made both Loqi and Luna look at Prompto! The smile was on Hub Prompto's lips because he was happy that Noctis no longer had to suffer despite this condition! He wanted to show him these photos and tell him to look for a girlfriend, whoever he likes !!
"A cool memory from before the war !!"
He was standing in front of the enclosed throne in gold ornaments, he put his hand o on the red pad and then put it on the stone bouquet! Now that Noctis was ready to die, he didn't know how he should feel! Darkness had cleared his past. He sat quietly on the bed and tried to remember ... he wanted to know what he had done wrong that Somnus had imprisoned him. He wanted to know when that interest turned to hatred, but .. he saw nothing but the memories that came back to him a few years ago .. he felt that an important part of his existence was lost .. he was tired and wanted some peace, but why should that peace be inside? His death was summed up !!
" We need to talk to each other .. !!"
It was the brother's voice calling the brother. He raised his head. He put his hat back a little and stared at Somnus, who was standing in the center of the throne hall! The smirk parted his lips. He lay down on the bed and rested his head on his hand:
" Why did my brother come to visit me?"
"He wants to fix everything!"
Ardyn's answer was Laura, she was standing by the throne without neither hatred nor anger! Ardyn's gaze turned to Laura. He put his foot down and put his hat on his face:
" I see you came alone this time!"
"Do you see me alone?"
"I don't see anyone but you at all!"
Ardyn's sting targeted Somnus. Slowly he raised his hand to ask Laura to let him speak! But Laura believed there was a grudge between Somnus and Ardyn that might grow. However, he remained silent until Somnus spoke.
For the second time, Somnus, now devoid of pride in front of his brother, knelt on the ground. He leaned on his hands and brought his head close to the ground:
"I miss the brother who always took care of me .. please come back to me !!"
The sound of Somnus's trembling with tears made Ardyn's heart tremble. He stood and stared at his brother, who was kneeling on the steps.
"You were more embarrassed than before, you didn't dare ask me to stand by you!"
" I used to be more embarrassed because I didn't know how to make up for it, but now I know I can save you!"
Somnus said. Her eyes were wet with tears. He clenched his fists and then raised his head to see Ardyn and could continue:
"Now I know how I can make up for the oppression I did wrong!"
" I can't forgive you, Somnus! I can't .. Do you understand this? Can you understand??!"
It was Ardyn's voice that rang louder than usual Eco in the Throne Hall. Ardyn's whole head trembled with anger and sadness. His face could not hide his feelings and anger was sitting in his eyes! Ardyn's loud voice made his younger brother lower his head:
"You are right .. I can't ask for forgiveness .. but let me make up for it so that I can do the right thing for my brother!"
"It is not possible, Somnus ... you are late ... you are two thousand years late ..! When I was in that prison full of hatred and darkness, you had to make up for it, not now!"
" He was stupid. Now it's time to get rid of the dirt he hit!"
Laura's voice made Ardyn get his look at Somnus and stare at her. She doesn't afraid of the hateful eyes of Ardyn But more powerfully than before, her fingers clung together and he took a step:
" Well, I understand your hatred ..!
She stood in front of Ardyn and stared at him:
" I also know that your heart was purer than a slave to darkness! Somnus has told me everything, and you know how much I know about you, Ardyn!"
"Are you saying these things to get what you want? Even if you claim to be a benevolent person, you intend to abuse me! You hate me ... because of your father ... because of your husband! Do you think that I am a child enough to be deceived by the appearance of a little rabbit?"
Ardyn's tone no longer had any pride in him, the color of his speech had changed, he was like someone who is in pain in a mental crisis ... and he is defending himself ... Laura understood that! She had not touched Ardyn's pain, but she had suffered.
Slowly she walked over to him and hugged Ardyn. This hug was very sudden for Ardyn. His eyes opened too wide and the shock stared at an unknown spot. Laura's hands were locked on Ardyn's shoulders. She breath caught and he tried to calm h down with her words:
" My father was killed in a battle to protect his child, and my husband was captured in a war. It was your fault, but I'm not angry! And when I'm not angry ... there's no hatred in me! I have a bigger goal, so I don't weaken my heart with hatred. Ardyn, I don't like to be hurt by other people's feelings ... or their existence. Those who are with me have come with their own heart's desire. Without any paying !!"
Laura separated from Ardyn so that she could speak better by staring into his eyes! She smiled and turned her head slightly to the sides:
" I want you to be in the position of Bahamut, Ardyn because you are the biggest victim of this adventure and I am sure that somewhere in your heart is still so kind that you can take over this place! I wanted all your help! I don't have anything I wanted to give you in return .. but if you want something .. I can give it to you. Even if it's my life!"
Laura's words were lovable. Her tone was not grumpy and her gaze was not darkened by hatred. Laura showed it to Ardyn, so powerful that she could turn hatred into friendship! But she was the son of Somnus ... Could she have been with him without betraying Ardyn? It was impossible. A grin settled on Ardyn's lips. There was a gap between logic and emotion. He put his hand on his waist and leaned on one foot:
"What about stabbing each other in the back? What if you imprison me again?"
"I am not used to crushing anyone and removing them after reaching my goal. I'm not used to abusing! I spoke to you .. Don't help me after Bahamut's death ... I sacrifice myself so that darkness and light are in balance!"
"Do you know that if you do this, you will lose everything?"
"Instead, my loved ones will be at peace!"
Laura said the last sentence. She finished the conversation and walked up the stairs to the Citadel courtyard with Somnus. To invite Bahamut to fight.
Laura's definite choice not to cooperate with Ardyn reminded the man of the past. Laura was willing to give her body and soul to the darkness but keep her loved ones .. What a familiar decision! He tried to weaken Laura's will:
"Everything ends with Noctis being sacrificed! You don't have to risk yourself. How do you know if you can kill Bahamut?"
Laura stood on the steps, right in front of Somnus. Arden asked a good question, it would have been a pity if she hadn't answered! So she turned to Ardyn and stared at him:
" Every two thousand years, King of light appears. Noctis dies, you have to repeat this story in two thousand years! Can you bear this torment again? Can you still be bad just because he wanted to? If you can ... I don't want these pains to be repeated!"
Laura spoke and went to the door with Somnus to leave the hall.
And Ardyn was staring at her departure, Laura are even fighting for Ardyn to create peace !! Without and payment, she just wanted the generation that was forced to remember it with pride! She wanted to give all of them peace of mind, she wanted his family ... and she wanted to live with Noctis! This was very valuable for Ardyn, the one who was hit by his brother, the one who was hated by the order of the god of gods!
By killing Bahamut, he could also buy his peace of mind! He could travel and be loved by others again, he didn't want that god, he just wanted a normal life ... and Laura had promised him that!
Somnus stared at the ground, tidying up his thoughts. When Laura took his hand, he raised his head and looked at her. Along with Laura's serious face, Ardyn suddenly appeared. With the sudden appearance of Ardyn, a smile of hope and joy settled on Laura's lips, she had not yet looked at Ardyn, because it was more enjoyable for her to see Somnus' surprised eyes! Somnus did not expect Ardyn to return! But Ardyn walked beside them. While the smile was on his face. Ardyn's heart was not yet ready to forgive Somnus. Because Somnus easily let go of it while he could do what Laura was doing now.
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regesc · 4 years
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@humanmoxie​   :    lunanoct (but our lunanoct in particular :pleading_face:)
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NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP
listen to me. listen to me. its pride month. so im allowed to be unabashedly loud about this but our lunoct??? OUR LUNOCt?? TRANS. LOVE. 
being trans and loving people is such a unique experience no cis person could ever understand. navigating love as a trans person is hard. it’s difficult. it’s a constant battle of people believing they are owed information about you, who will hate you and punish you for not sharing said information, who demand your gender explained in words they can understand - dehumanising, thinking different of you the second they know. so the beautiful, wholesome, COMING - HOME feeling of loving another trans person? knowing your experience is shared? that someone out there sees you for who you are without needing an essay on why they should - 
so put this into lunoct: put this into them, their lives dictated by GODS,  everything they are and everything they do, even how they identify, taken from them by people with more power than they could ever have. everything, even their coming out stories dictated by what they are ( THE KING AND THE ORACLE ) in such a raw, real experience of having everything you are just... taken.
put it into noctis, who saw luna as she was from the moment he knew her: beautiful, gorgeous, more than the mouthpiece she has dedicated her life to being, who’s own complicated relationship with gender always began at that moment they chose him just like they chose her,  put it into them, who doesn’t CARE what bahamut wants of them, who would wrench luna from her purpose and run away with her at the drop of a hat if he could get to her, if she’d let him.
put it into these two people, isolate them from the rest of the world, make them feel alone, safe for each other, nobody else out there who could understand the things they’re going through - could understand how one’s gender could affect one’s personality when the right to express it, to feel it was taken from you by FATE, out of control, out of your hands.  
put it together for the experience nobody wants to talk about - being trans and in love, your whole world shaped by the way it rejected you.
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chocobroness · 5 years
One shot for Death’s Rebirth AU.
Intresting concept...
He knew the world.
Those born before him would say otherwise but Ignis knew the world.
He knew what happened, what will happen, what will never be and what is a certainty.
It was not arrogance. No.
It was Truth.
A certainty that was always there.
Before his birth, before the world’s existence.
He knew, when he didn’t know. And he didn’t know when he knew.
But still he watched, silent.
With eyes that Saw the world in a way that could not be comprehended.
He recalled when his life givers started to distance themselves from him. So disturbed by his actions.
Or lack thereof.
He spoke no words. For what could be said that could be understood?
He Saw what no one could or wanted to see. For reality opened itself to him. Eager to please.
Heard what could only be heard by him. For the dead wish to be remembered.
They feared him. And so he was introduced to his uncle from Lucis. The older brother of the one who held him in her womb.
His new guardian.
He never heard from them again. His life givers. His uncle never mentioning them. Face fixing in anger and disappointment when they were mentioned to him.
But he Knew.
Knew that they disavowed him. Feared him, pulling away from him at the sensation of what he truly was.
They didn’t know, but those who don’t understand always turned away.
They were nobles who were acknowledged for the older brother’s connections to Lucian Royal as an advisor to the king.
His uncle loudly turning his back on them in response for this action despite their excuses. Bringing their worth in the noble circles down to nothing.
He had two younger siblings that knew nothing of him.
But he Knew.
He Saw.
He Recalled.
His uncle didn’t comprehend him. Yet treated him as an equal.
Spoke to him as one.
Told him of what he felt and thought.
He didn’t understand. Ignis knew. But he still acknowledged.
In some small, insignificant yet potent way, his uncle acknowledged this Truth. And did nothing to make him change his ways.
Ignis ...respected... him for that.
Though he was not understood. It was always acknowledged that he was a prodigy.
‘Prodigy - a person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.’
A pretty word to place on a young soul when they do something that adults feel they shouldn’t do at such a young age.
He was a prodigy.
They used that to excuse every strange thing they perceived he did.
But he simply watched.
Silent but knowing.
And people still turned away.
Still unable to understand the scope of what he truly wasn’t.
Then with time, and age, he was introduced to the king.
Introduced to his uncle’s world.
And introduced to Him.
Introduced to the prince.
He was younger then him. (But who was truly older than Him?)
Eyes full of naïveté and purity. (As a young soul should be.)
The eyes of a bright and happy child, one might say.
But there was something else there.
A part deeply embedded into the prince that Knew what he was.
And Ignis simply held out his hand.
And the world responded as Noctis held it tightly in his grip.
Titan, ever steady and strong, awoke for a brief moment and watched the skies. Searching for what was not There
Ramuh, storm filled and observant, pulled back his storms to allow passage for what was not Seen.
Leviathan, angered and untrusting, calmed the tides for the ship that has not and would never, but continue to, Pass.
Shiva, wandering and alone, bowed her head and allowed her ice to protect her from what was and will be Inevitable.
Ifrit, dead yet undying, burns in fires that were never his, awaiting for the World that must never be come to an end.
And Bahamut, the false god king, took breath. Hiding from what could Never be Escaped.
And Ignis, the End, the Natural Beginning and Parent of all souls, passed or born, looked into the prince. The one It made (but didn’t) to master Him and rule with It by his side.
And spoken was one word that was so insignificant.
But so painfully awaited.
Unexpected by all but the prince who deep within Knew.
Just like how Ignis Knew.
And the World, awaiting and kneeling, acknowledged this one simple Truth.
(Opinions and reblogs.)
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significantficures · 5 years
Active (ffxv) WIPs
Aubade (FFXV Time Loop AU Prologue): After the war of the astrals, Bahamut makes a Plan. Shiva is not so sure, and Ifrit plays the long game. Gods are never as dead as they seem, and changes are set in motion that won’t be felt for millennia. (Shiva/Ifrit, the set-up for time loop au’s mechanics)
FFXV Time Loop AU Pt 1: The end is not the end. With each jump back in time, Noctis wonders more and more about the point of all this. If none of the changes he makes remain when time resets, why does he have to relive his journey (in reverse, no less)? Still, he holds out hope that one of these days he’ll go back far enough to actually fix things, and maybe if he’s lucky it’ll stick. In the meantime, he’s starting to get used to Ardyn’s presence, and that can’t be a good sign. (Gen, a slightly atypical time loop fix-it, angst with a happy ending)
FFXV Time Loop AU Pt 2: Saving the world would be a lot easier if he wasn’t back in his 19 year old body, but that’s quickly becoming the least of Noctis’ problems. Bahamut knows something's up, and magic isn’t working as it should. Everyone else is getting suspicious too, and sure, he probably shouldn’t have invited the Chancellor of Niflheim to Insomnia without his father’s knowledge, but playing by the rules didn’t work out so well last time. It’s his turn to write the story. (Gen, what happens after Noctis gets sent back the final time, half saving the world and half PTSD recovery, everybody lives even Ardyn but not drautos or besithia)
Kingmakers ‘verse: The Marilith attack goes even worse than in cannon and King Regis makes an inadvisable bargain to save his son. Lucky for him, the entity he’s contracted with has a soft spot for children. Less luckily, she doesn’t like sharing, especially not with Bahamut, and it’s starting to look like a lot has been left out of Lucian history. The ensuing struggle could destroy his kingdom, but it just might save the world. (Gen but lots of people flirting, the astrals are just fae with too much power and other fae don’t like that very much, regis does something VERY DUMB and ends up saving the world)
Space AU: Pilot and trader Serafina expected chaos when she joined Clan Ulric, but she didn’t expect it in the form of a gaggle of frightened Lucian children. Nyx wasn’t even involved this time! Lucis falls, and the Galahdians pick up the pieces. Regis gets his family back, Ardyn accidentally becomes a dad, and Serafina Ulric is terrible at first impressions. It’s definitely illegal to have this many people on a ship this small, but they all left the law behind a long time ago. (background OC(serafina)/Nyx, Galahdian culture, found family ~in space~. serious undertones but Soft and full of Child Shenanigans)
Jewel of Lucis ‘verse: (less modern, no prophecy, magic still exists, Ardyn isn’t related to the LCs) Ardyn Izuna is king of Niflheim in name only after the death of his brother. When Lucis falls, Niflheim’s council marries him to King Regis’ eldest, Astra Lucis Caelum. Little do they know, the broken young woman now wandering the halls of Zegnautus like a lonely ghost is far more than she appears. Ardyn wants his kingdom back, Astra wants revenge, and between the two of them they have what they need to save both of their peoples. Ravus doesn’t want anything to do with either of them, but he should have thought of that before he joined Niflheim’s forces. (platonic/queerplatonic OC(astra)/Ardyn, platonic Luna/Noctis, darker themes but with a happy ending. ardyn and astra play xanatos speed chess against their own government)
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moonwaif · 4 years
FFXV for 001 and Aerith for 003 please!
Thank you ^^
001 | FFXV
Favorite character: Gladio
Least Favorite character: Kenny (he’s creepy)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Gladnis, Promptis, Lunyx, Aerdyn, Holly x Cindy
Character I find most attractive: Gladio TT
Character I would marry: Luna
Character I would be best friends with: Noctis (similar energy level)
a random thought: I wish I could wipe my memory and play this game over again for the first time.
An unpopular opinion: I liked Aera
My Canon OTP: lawl. Aerdyn I guess?
My Non-canon OTP: Everything else technically :/
Most Badass Character: Aranea, duh
Most Epic Villain: Bahamut
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any of the bros being shipped with Ardyn. No shade tho.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Luna because we didn’t get enough of her
Favourite Friendship: This is hard but. Noctis and Luna was a super interesting friendship. Also Libertus, Crowe and Nyx.
Character I most identify with: maybe Ignis because my job requires me to be very organized and accurate.
Character I wish I could be: Cindy or Holly, they both have really positive attitudes and seem fairly strong.
003 | Aerith
How I feel about this character: not sure if I want to be her or be with her but honestly she’s one of the few characters who I think I’m similar to personality wise
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Zack, Cloud, Tifa. One-sided crushes with Reno and Tseng, too.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Uh, any of the before mentioned, but platonic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: errr. Claerith is like, my least favorite pairing with her. I honestly think she’s too cool for Cloud (yeah I know, that’s mean lol)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: lawl. 
Favorite friendship for this character: I really like the interactions she has with Cloud. She definitely brings out a side of him that other characters don’t.
My crossover ship: Aerith x Prompto would be the cutest shit. They both have that sass and high-energy. Aerith would know how to handle Prompto’s insecurities, too. But I’d rather see them as BFF’s than lovers, lol. Or Aerith x Luna? They both have this heavy burden of destiny, but it would be cute to see Luna escape the palace to run around the slums with Aerith for a day. Also Aerith would get on Ravus’s nerves, and it would be funny.
[Send me a ship, pairing, or character]
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vieroeclipse · 5 years
Episode Ardyn basically like:
Bahamut: This is my Romance tragedy fiction. I shipped you with Noctis. U shall die with him together like romeo and juliet.
Ardyn: But-
Bahamut: No buts. Now shut up and get out! *kicked ardyn out the beyond*
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