#ship and let ship! That’s what it means to proship!
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 7 months ago
Gotta love the old man yaoi and it’s problematic circa 2014-era rebound relationship
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pro-sipper · 1 year ago
"- 'proshippers' or whatever the fuck you people are calling yourselves now -"
It's. It's still just "proshippers". It's you guys (antis) and the fence-straddlers trying to have their cake and eat it too that keep creating random new phrases to "other" and distance themselves from us. We're here, unchanging, same as ever, in our corner with our silly little stories. We aren't the ones interested in coming up with 500 new labels for people who know that fiction isn't reality.
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months ago
Learn what actual "proship" means before coming at me with stuff that just tells me that you don't know what proship is.
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s0fter-sin · 11 months ago
being on twitter and seeing 18yr olds with “minors dni” in their bios is the weirdest thing ever
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thwipsthrown · 7 months ago
'proshippers dni' tell me you havent learned media literacy without telling me
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greenapplebling · 7 months ago
It's incredible the amount of antis I've seen lately that actually have a very proship mindset but they classify themselves as antishipper bc they think proshipper = pedophile
Idk how to tell them that a lot of proshippers like me are also repulsed by adult x child ships or ships that include incest, etc... but we don't go witch-hunting for it
We block and/or filters the tags out so we don't have to see it. No harassment needed
Uh- are you aware of the meaning of proship?
Proship has never meant anything except a combination of three ideas:
Ship and let ship (your ships don't harm me and vice-versa) and YKINMK (your kink is not my kink, and that's okay; my kink stories don't harm you and vice-versa)
Harassment over fiction is not acceptable
Censorship of fiction is not acceptable either
Any other definitions are made by antis, not proshippers, and are an attempt at revisionism to justify harassment based on false claims.
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asses-to-ashes · 7 months ago
The proship label says nothing about what content a person consumes.
Proship means you have a "ship and let ship" mentality. The "pro" in proship doesn't stand for "problematic."
"Proship means you ship adult x minor." No it doesn't. Proship means you won't harass or belittle someone who does. Proshippers don't assume the moral values of another person based on fanfiction.
There are Proshippers who are uncomfortable with age gap ships, there are Proshippers who are uncomfortable with shipcest, etc. There isn't a human being on the planet who isn't squicked out by some topics and Proshippers aren't a monolith.
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pro-sipper · 7 months ago
Even the nicest, most polite and genuinely curious anons that come into my inbox asking about proship things all have a common misconception about what it means to be a proshipper.
The thing I see most frequently is someone saying that they personally aren't comfortable with a lot of content under the proship umbrella and does that make them an anti or not?
When in reality the whole idea of a "proship umbrella" of content isn't really a thing. The whole concept of a proshipper is just a "ship and let ship" mentality.
I know sometimes it seems like all proshipping means is shipping rape, abuse, incest, etc but that's because those are some very extreme examples of ship dynamics. They're the ones that get brought up the most. "Well I'm not comfortable with _____" or from antis, "You're disgusting if you ship _____".
It's not a requirement of the community to personally ship all those things. It's just that "ship and let ship" includes every type of ship, including the extremely toxic ones.
I'll reiterate that I'm proship through and through, but the majority of my personal ships are very tame. Lots of best friends to lovers, high school sweethearts, etc. That's just what I personally prefer.
But I also know that someone's ships aren't the be all end all tell of a person's character, and certainly not an indication of what they think is good, healthy, or what should be normal in real life.
At the end of the day, proshipping just means ship and let ship. Don't like? Don't read. And do NOT harass real people over fictional characters. If you agree with all that, regardless of what you personally ship, then welcome to the proship community!
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Is anyone gonna explain to people that ‘proship’ does not actually mean ‘problematic shipping’ or ‘problematic ship’ or are we just going to let this misinformation spread some more?
It means pro-shipping. The prefix pro, meaning ‘supporting.’ In favor of shipping.
It only became a defined position after anti-shippers who initially identified themselves as anti-a specific ship started harassing creators they didn’t like, doxxing them, and trying to get them fired from their irl jobs for shipping reasons around 2014-2016.
So people who had been in fandom for long enough to know where that kind of rhetoric leads (ffnet purges, LJ strikethru, as well as the direct harms caused by doxxing) observed this increasing trend of harassment and rallied to say ‘oh you lot are anti-shipping, as in opposed to certain ships? Well in that case, we are pro-shipping, because we follow the adage of ship and let ship.’
Before that point, it was just basic fandom etiquette to not bother people who ship stuff you don’t like, and to understand that if something squicks you out, it’s not the fault of the people who made it.
If someone says they are pro-ship, it means fuck all about what they actually enjoy in fiction.
It just means they’re opposed to harassing creators for making content that doesn’t cause tangible harm to real people. A better way to understand the ideological position is being anti-harassment and anti-censorship.
I have a lot of ships I find disgusting blacklisted so I don’t have to see them. But I am not interested in forcing people to comply with what I think is gross. That’s what it means.
Curate your online experience, and understand that your disgust response is not a defensible moral indicator or a justification to harass, deplatform, and dox fan writers.
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lucifer-kc · 10 months ago
I ship it because I like to see how there relationship is like in a romantic way.
Everyone has there reasons for shipping as they do.
“why would you ship sebaciel?? that’s so disgusting!!”
have you maybe stopped to consider that’s why people ship it in the first place? it doesn’t take a genius to realize that sebastian and ciel’s relationship is not normal. it is predatory. it is ‘disgusting’. that’s why i have so much gripe with the dadbastian folks, because it seems like they are either ignoring canon entirely, or they fail to understand what sebastian and ciel’s relationship truly means. their relationship is ugly and not at all wholesome. yes, it is inherently sexual. it is gross. it is dark. if you weren’t ready to be a part of the ‘Super Fucked Up And Dark Series’ fandom, then you don’t get to complain when the ‘Super Fucked Up And Dark Series’ is super fucked up and dark.
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kittyplushy · 8 months ago
This is for the self shippers whose self ship story doesn't start out all lovey dovey. This is for flawed f/os, grieving, ugly, angry, and mean ones. The ones who step on your feet, the ones who talk over you, the ones that boss you around, the cold hearted ones. This one is for the hurt feelings, the sadness or the forced docility. This one is for those whose f/os took a while to get around.
For whatever circumstance, they do. They do look you in the eyes and they apologize. Of course words won't fix all wounds. But they mellow out, they try mending wounds they themselves caused, they own up or grieve those words. Every time you cry internalizing what they said previously they do everything to fix or to mold into something positive. They want you to associate their words now with apology. With love. With admiration. With care.
They lay awake with you thinking of new days and memories to fold over the hurtful ones. The days where they were so callous but now they're dedicated to changing and improving. Their hugs feel protective and whole, to shield you from even themselves.
The hurt can't be erased but your f/o is trying, trying so so so hard to let you know they're getting better and that they'll love you better.
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myfandomrealitea · 9 months ago
What even is proshipping
Proshipping is pro-shipping. As in; for shipping. In support of shipping.
'Proship' is the modern evolution of the original acronym SALS, which stands for Ship And Let Ship. It is exactly the same concept as; "your kink is not my kink, but that's okay. Its simply not my business."
The core values of proshipping are:
Everyone has a right to ship.
Ships cannot and should not be controlled or dictated. (E.g; "I don't like this ship so you're a bad person for liking it and you're not allowed to ship it.")
People should not be shamed, harassed, threatened, ect because of their ships.
Modern 'proshipping' will often vary from individual to individual. In truth, the term 'proshipping' as its used and defined these days would be actually be 'profiction.' This is because many people expand proshipping in order encompass being pro-X across an array of varying creative and fandom based criteria.
However as 'proship' is the more commonly known label it is the most widely accepted.
There is often the common misconception stemming from careful propaganda that proshipping exclusively refers to the support and enjoyment of taboo or dark themes such as incest and pedophilia. This is not true.
Proshipping does not mean: "I enjoy incest." Proshipping means: "even if I do not enjoy incest, it is not my place to try to stop you doing so or harming you because of it."
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messrsrarchives · 1 month ago
tiktok has been having a censorship debate for like two weeks now and i need people to understand that "as long as it's not illegal" is not what we mean by fandom etiquette.
there is no ethical level of censorship because when these spaces get taken down for the "immoral subjects"? you will come down with those. when ff.net got scrubbed clean it wasn't just cest fics and proship content etc etc, it was unrelated works because there is no standard of immorality. not here. we lost tens of thousands of works because of puritanical arguments and discussions about morality, and it wasn't just the ones you're debating about.
there is no ethical level of censorship and as long as these works are tagged correctly? you cannot get mad about their existence. you can disagree! you can say you personally do not engage with them, but you Cannot say "ship and let ship until it's -" because that is not how it works.
and i'm not perfect! when i first joined online fandom spaces i was very much like "if you have to change the ages then it's disgusting" "they're related" etc etc and whilst i still don't tend to engage with those themes? we cannot be censoring them either. not without losing these spaces.
it starts with you disagreeing with these things, and it ends with queer media as a whole because there is No Ethical Censorship.
this is less a discussion about fandom etiquette, and more a discussion of Having Fandom Spaces. i beggeth you, don't be part of helping what happened to ff.net happen again 😖
don't like, don't read - including "illegal" and "immoral" things. if they're tagged correctly, you can avoid them.
we also, less of a fandom note and more just a general media note, need to explore these things. yes, there are 100% times where these things get glorified. but on a general basis? we need to explore immoral things in media. we need to explore things to understand them - i'm thinking here about well-known books like the handmaid's tale getting banned because it's Important and it Explains what's going on right now. i'm thinking about morally grey characters/historical figures and how we need to be able to look at their motivations/backstory/etc not necessarily for justification, but for understanding and prevention. even in real life cases, they look at the backstory of the individual because that is how we form and improve preventative techniques and resources.
there is no ethical level of censorship and i've been there, i know it feels good to be like "this is illegal this is bad", you feel like you're doing some good in the world but you're actually causing harm unknowingly to These Spaces.
it is 2025, we do Not need proshipper discourse right now. arguably the worst time for people to be debating what's immoral to read/write about. all censorship ends up as mass censorship, and i really need yall to understand that
block the tags, exclude them from your searches, block the people posting them. do whateverrrr you have to do to curate your own fandom space but for the love of everythingggg, don't be part of the reason we lose these spaces as a whole.
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justproshiprants · 1 year ago
Buddy did you not notice my blog name? Ignoring and blocking what you don't what to see is the basis of the proship position.
Antis need to understand that there is a big and rather important difference between, "This thing makes me uncomfortable and I do not want to see it" and "This thing makes me uncomfortable and so it should never exist and anyone who disagrees is an awful person".
The normal reaction to seeing content, especially fictional content, you don't like is to block that person and/or the tags they use, not send that person death threats.
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fight-nights-at-freddys · 3 months ago
i've been seeing a lot of posts recently about the proship community, and their "obsession" with complaining/talking about them, saying stuff like "i miss when fandom was more than just "i ship taboo things and that's my entire personality"", and i think i disagree with a lot of those posts.
the thing with fandom is that it used to be that way, UNTIL antis started policing what you could and couldn't do. it was inevitable that some of us were gonna double down and talk very openly about all the dark stuff we ship. is it totally reactionary? yes. was it without cause? no. this stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum.
but also, like. i feel like y'all (not you reading this post but. the ppl that make those kinds of posts) are missing out on a few very key details, being:
the proship community was started as a reaction to antis in the first place. they are intrinsically linked together, whether we like it or not. being proship is reactive, fork found in kitchen,
all these different terms exists because of antis, not because of proshippers. complain all you want about "x/y is a comship!" or "a/b is a darkship!", because i agree, it doesn't matter! it's all shipping in the end! antis are the ones that actually gaf because to them it matters A LOT if you ship The Bad Thing™,
fandom is what you make of it. if you don't wanna ship taboo things, have at it! do what you want forever, but the need to shame people that like darkships and talk abt it openly on their blogs is odd,
you don't have to tag generic fandom stuff with "proship", you are allowed to exist in the main tags!! you don't have to go searching for positive fandom stuff in the proship tags!!
i think y'all forget this is a blogging site, not just a social media site. i'm here for my *own* enjoyment, entertainment, and sometimes catharsis. if i see an annoying take from an anti, i'm gonna post about it, bc it's *my* blog. yes, we can (and often do) block antis, but that doesn't mean we can't bitch about them. the blocking feature exists for everyone, and if you don't like what those kinds of proshippers talk about, block the individual, not just the tags.
like, i'm sorry to break it to you, but things don't have to be all unicorns-and-rainbows positive all the time. sometimes we wanna bitch and complain, and that's OKAY!
there's nothing wrong with having your "entire personality" being liking darkships! (i have issues w that phrasing btw, bc most of the ppl that talk Like That™ are bait accounts, or it's a side account where they only want to talk about their darkships. point is, them liking taboo ships is def just one facet of their personalities, not their whole personality)
the problem isn't people in this community "killing the vibe", the problem is you letting your vibes be killed by stuff you don't like!
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billdipisjustanothership · 6 months ago
I'm getting tired of Antis being hypocritical bullies
Let's open their eyes!
(and vent a little bit)
PROSHIP means:
"*To ship and let ship. Including* some romantic pairings that are deemed problematic, ships that involve pedophilia, incest, abusive relationships and other things like that"
*(I thought that was obvious but I guess it wasn't ^w^' Sorry for the mistake everyone!)
If Antis see BillDip as Proship
Then they should also see BillFord as Proship
BillFord is Toxic, as they themselves say. Toxic as in Abusive. And so, part of the proship group
Bill hurts, terrorises, torments, emotionally and physically abuses Ford
Possessed his body to hurt him, electrocuted him, and so much more!
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That is abuse. That's abusive behaviour. That's proship
They said it multiple times how much they love toxic old man yaoi or similar stuff
They love that BillFord is toxic, so they love Abusive relationships. Apparently. That is, unless they accept that liking a fictional problematic ship (like BillFord) is not the same as liking a real problematic relationship
Here you can read it clearly
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They either start calling themselves proshipers too (they are by the actual definition if they ever bothered to goggle it) and stop going after Billdip shippers, or accept that BillDip shippers aren't pedophiles nor do they support it the same way they don't support abusive relationships just like it happens in BillFord!
(I'm not against BillFord and those who ship it btw, only those who bullies and harass billdip shippers)
If Antis still don't see what I mean, they are delusional. Delusional and hypocritical, apart from being the bad people because harassing complete strangers for liking a fictional ship they personally don't like is just ridiculous and very much harmful to real people, some of which are children themselves
When just blocking and not tagging the name of a ship that makes you personally uncomfortable is better and healthier for everyone!
Of course, that goes for any fandom and ships!
No more bullying and harassing, we're in the modern word, people! We're better than that!
(or at least I hope so!)
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