#self ship angst
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kittyplushy · 8 months ago
This is for the self shippers whose self ship story doesn't start out all lovey dovey. This is for flawed f/os, grieving, ugly, angry, and mean ones. The ones who step on your feet, the ones who talk over you, the ones that boss you around, the cold hearted ones. This one is for the hurt feelings, the sadness or the forced docility. This one is for those whose f/os took a while to get around.
For whatever circumstance, they do. They do look you in the eyes and they apologize. Of course words won't fix all wounds. But they mellow out, they try mending wounds they themselves caused, they own up or grieve those words. Every time you cry internalizing what they said previously they do everything to fix or to mold into something positive. They want you to associate their words now with apology. With love. With admiration. With care.
They lay awake with you thinking of new days and memories to fold over the hurtful ones. The days where they were so callous but now they're dedicated to changing and improving. Their hugs feel protective and whole, to shield you from even themselves.
The hurt can't be erased but your f/o is trying, trying so so so hard to let you know they're getting better and that they'll love you better.
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ams-puppy · 5 months ago
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AM would not be kind and this is something worth acknowledging
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selfshipper-xavier · 3 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time an f/o of mine had something angsty happen I would have a lot of nickels holy shit
Pro.shippers/com.shippers DNI please
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shot-by-cupid · 1 month ago
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Brewing angst in my cauldron of course of course
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prismatica-the-strange · 4 months ago
The End of the World as We Know It | Annie, Don't be Shy Here, Annie, Please Don't Cry Here
Warnings: 18+, show typical violence, child death, angst, small panic attack
Post Prison Daryl x Loveday fluff.
Annie by SafetySuit | Banner By @saradika-graphics | Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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When the prison falls, she doesn't want to run, but her bus is full of much-needed supplies, and when she finds a group of kids separated from the rest of the group, she has no choice.
She lost Beth and Daryl a while ago, and she takes one last look before tearing out of there, four kids holding on for dear life in the back.
They find the other bus first, watching the living dead shuffle around inside as they drive slowly by.
She tries her best to keep them together, but when the engine overheats and she stops to try and fix it, the eldest, Jordan, wanders off on his own. She doesn't even notice he's gone until she hears him screaming in the woods.
Then the youngest, Marcus, knocks into a car that had been claimed by bees. There's nothing she can do to stop his death, it happens quickly and horrifically due to his allergy.
The bus gives up for good when they finally make it to Terminus, and the people there don't even try with niceties when she walks in, holding Connor and Miranda's hands protectively.
She fights viciously when they try to take them, but is overpowered and separated from them.
She's curled in the far corner of the train car when they hear gunfire outside. People are shouting, muffled by the metal, but everything sounds like it's underwater to her.
She's glad to see Glenn, Maggie, Bob and Sasha, but losing the kids breaks something in her.
She looks up when four more people file in, unsteady on her feet as she stands, stepping closer behind Glenn.
It takes him a moment to adjust to the darkness, but her name is the first thing out of Daryl's mouth when he sees her, "Loveday?"
"Daryl," She moves quicker than she thought she could, slamming into him with a hug.
His arms wrap around her head and shoulders, holding her close when she starts crying.
He'd been sure she died back there, that Kris or Harper had driven off in the bus, but here she is, beaten and a little bruised, but alive.
"Guess she had a hell of a time getting here," Sasha says at his confused look. He's never seen her cry like this before, "Lost two kids on the way and they took the others when they got here."
"Shit," He pulls her closer when she hiccups, nails digging into the back shoulders through his jacket. His hand tangles in her hair, not missing that she doesn't have her hat.
She clings to him like he's her last lifeline and he let's her, clinging right back.
It's late into the night when she finally speaks. She's sat next to him on the floor, her shoulder pressed against his.
"I couldn't find them," She whispers, "Kristy and Harper... There was so much going on I... I had to get the kids out."
He doesn't say anything, hanging on her every word and shuddering breath.
"Jordan and Marcus... there was nothing I could-" The words catch in her throat, "I tried. Then when we got here they took Connor and Miranda, I- I fought back but..."
She presses the heels of her hands against her eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming.
"I left my best friends for dead, two kids died, two more're god knows where, and on top of all of it my bus fuckin' died! "
"You did your best."
"My best fucking sucks."
"The world fuckin' sucks," He frowns, "It was jus' you and four kids? The fact you got two of 'em here is pretty damn good."
"It was jus' me'n Beth an' I still couldn't get both of us this far," He goes on, letting her take his hand in hers, "She was there one minute then... then she was just fuckin' gone."
She squeezes his hand, but doesn't say anything. He tenses slightly when he feels her rest her head on his shoulder, her other hand wrapping around his bicep, keeping herself close.
He relaxes after a moment, free hand settling on hers on his arm.
"When was the last time y'slept?" He asks.
"I dunno," Her cheek squishes against his shoulder, "At least a couple days... I'd puke if there was anything in my stomach."
He hums and she sits up when he pulls his arm free, "Should try'n get a couple hours then."
He slips his arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his chest.
She's out in minutes between the way he pets her hair and the warm feeling she gets from being around him.
It's a few hours before dawn when he finally tries to wake her.
"Hey," He gently shakes her shoulder, "C'mon, time t'get up, princess."
Her nose scrunches and she curls closer to him.
"Don't," She mutters, "t's what my shitty ex used t'call me."
"Oh yeah?" He scowls at the thought, "'ll have'ta think'a somethin' better."
They start scraping together weapons out of whatever they have on them.
"Hey," He sees her hanging back, a nervous look on her face, "We're gonna make it out'a this, okay?"
She nods and he moves to hold the back of her head, "You stick near me, alright?"
"That's ma'girl," He pulls her close to kiss the top of her head, "Yer gon' be fine."
She panics when they come to after the smoke grenade and he's not there.
She slides back against the wall and grips her legs, her breathing becoming fast and shallow. She doesn't want to die here, she doesn't want to lose anyone else she cares about, but no matter what she does it all keeps going to hell.
"Hey," Michonne kneels next to her, "Come on, you need to breathe."
"I can't-"
"You can and you will," She argues and Loveday just shakes her head.
"I can't keep doing this," She whimpers, "Losing people."
Her voice falls to a whisper, as though she's afraid to even admit it, "I can't lose him."
"You won't," She says. She doesn't know that, how could she? Daryl could already be dead for all she knows. But it's what Loveday needs to hear right now, "But right now you need to take a deep breath and get ready to fight your way out of here, you understand me?"
The gunfire around them gets louder and suddenly the door to the car is thrown open and Rick yells at them to fight their way to the fence.
Daryl tosses her a knife with the sliver of wood she's using snaps off in a walker's head, staying close to her just in case. He helps her over the fence and grabs her arm when he lands next to her, dragging her along with him into the woods.
"Daryl-" She gasps when they've gone a decent way, the two of them a bit ahead of the group, "Daryl, slow down. I can't-"
As if on cue, she trips over the terrain, pulling him to a stop.
He helps her back to her feet, letting her use him for support as she catches her breath and the others catch up.
"You alright?"
"I will be," She says between heavy breaths.
She jumps when someone throws themself around her. She looks at them with wide eyes before hugging them back.
"Fucking hell, Kris!" She exclaims and Harper joins in. In the chaos, she didn't even realize they were there, "Harp, I- I thought you were dead!"
"You'll have to try harder to get rid of us," Kris laughs through tears.
"It's so good to see you," Harper squeezes them tight, "The thought of ever having to tell Woods we lost you was terrifying."
"What about Connor and Miranda?" She sniffs, looking around them.
"We never saw them," Kris says, reaching out for her when she she steps back, looking distraught, "We didn't even know they were there."
"No." Daryl catches her when her legs give out, pulling her back against his chest as a sob rips through her, "Fuck, no!"
"I've got'ya," He mutters into her hair, holding her tight as she cries, "Yer gon' be alright. Yer gon' make it through."
He knows she was close to the kids before all this and could usually be found teaching them new games to run around and play when she wasn't doing runs. Miranda especially, she'd said she reminded her of her cousin. Hell, she's like a big kid herself when she's with them.
He holds her tighter, his chest clenching.
She inhales sharply and stills, suddenly sounding less devastated, "I'm okay... I'm okay."
He's hesitant to let her go, half scared she'll do something stupid, "You sure?"
"No," She admits, smiling at him weakly, her cheeks blotchy red and tear-stained, "But I'll manage."
Once they regroup and gear up, he feels her hand find his. Despite the horror of everything that's happened in recent days, she's so happy to see him, to have him within reach.
They weren't exactly an item when shit hit the fan, but the fact he doesn't pull away now is enough to show her they were well on their way.
He watches her worry her bottom lip out of the corner of his eye, and squeezes her hand, a silent check in as they go, content when she squeezes back.
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She sits next to him on the floor of the church, her feet resting across his lap.
There's something oddly intimate about the way she drapes herself over him. She smiles, the first he's seen from her in a while, it's nice.
"Oh, yeah," He shuffles to pull something from his back pocket, "Found somethin'a yours."
He holds out the gold chain, white porcelain heart dangling in the warm light.
"I thought-"
"Saw it on the bitch at the grill 'n made 'er hand it over."
She takes his face in her hands and kisses him.
"Thank you!" She kisses him again, this time on the cheek, "You have no idea what this..."
He looks at her softly when she pauses, her hand resting on his chest.
He opens the chain and hooks it around her neck and watches her smile and touch the painted flowers, "It was my Gramma's."
She scoots further into his lap and slots her head between his chin and chest, pleasantly surprised when he wraps his arms around her and rests his chin on the top of her head.
"You get it when she died?"
"No she's still-..." She shifts, and sighs, "She was still alive. Gave it t'me for my birthday. She used to let me wear it when I was little."
"I thought it was gone for good." She leans her head back to look at him, "Thought I lost you too for a while."
He hums, hand moving to hold her shin when he feels her lips on his jaw.
"Stop it," He shrugs her off and she chuckles before nuzzling into his neck.
"You love it."
"Yeah, whatever."
His feigned annoyance doesn't hide his smile when he leans his cheek against her head.
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When it becomes evident he and Carol weren't taken by the Terminus group, her worry quells. She trusts them to be okay, they're fighters.
But as the day drags on she can feel her stomach start to twist and it doesn't take long for her to chew her fingernails down to nothing.
She's more relieved than she should be when he gets back and it takes everything she has not to throw herself at him as soon as she sees him.
She waits for a quieter moment in the night, once the group has been caught up on Beth, Carol, and Noah, to slip her arms around his waist and hide her face in his neck.
He buries his hand in her hair and they stay like that until morning.
He doesn't let her come when they go back to Atlanta despite her argument, that she's good in a fight, is a good one. He's got enough to worry about, trying to get Beth and Carol back, he'd feel better knowing she was with Michonne and the kids, keeping an eye on Gabriel and the church.
She's the first one he goes to after he lays Beth's body in the back of the fire engine. He hasn't been able to stop the tears and he just presses his forehead to her shoulder and lets her hold him.
He doesn't want to let her. Let her close, let her comfort him, let her know how much he cares about it. About all of it. But he does.
His shoulders shudder when she pulls him close, her hands trembling in his hair. She won't cry, not for a good while, even if she desperately wants to, but right now the group needs people to be strong, so she will be.
They hunker down in an office building for the night. She and Daryl sit next to each other against a wall when she finally speaks, "I wanna go get my bus."
He just looks at her.
"If we're going that far north, it's got supplies and we're gonna need another ride, cause we're not all gonna fit in that bright red eye sore," She goes on, "And... And I want my damn bus."
He nods, "Alright."
She wants her bus? He'll get her her damn bus.
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labselkie · 5 months ago
corrows i am. so sorry😭
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Marie bolted out of the trial home as soon as she could. Her wing were held close, blanketing her from the sight on the floor. She felt like she was hyperventilating, she didn’t know what would qualify as a panic attack, but this sure felt close.
She’s a bird, and like any avian, she flutters away at the first sight of adversity. Agatha followed shortly behind her, silently staring back at the boy hunched over the body.
She stumbles out, falling onto her stomach on the carpet of dead leaves that marked the road. Sickening gold light surrounded the women, an odd aura that made the mutant’s head spin. She heard a faint shuffling behind her as Agatha rose, and she struggled to get to her knees when the witch steps forward.
“Agatha- Agatha what the hell happened in there, she-“ Marie’s voice came quick, and she had to flap her good wing just to balance and stand.
The witch didn’t look back, her gaze fixated on her palm and the small violet spark finally lighting up within it.
“Agatha, please- What did you do?” Marie steps to her side, her brows furrowed and her dress tattered and torn. “What did your mother mean?”
“I’m sure you know what she meant,” Agatha quickly extinguishes the spark of magic, closing her hand and finally turning to Marie. “I’m nothing but a monster.”
“That- That’s what my parents said! Nothing came out of that!” Marie’s wings flared behind her, and she tagged along when Agatha began walking.
“Well they didn’t mean it.”
“What does that mean? Of course they did! They hated us, we- We have that in common!” Marie, just as she is when anything happens, looks like a mess, “You- You probably couldn’t have chosen whether you absorbed her power!”
“You think I didn’t want that?”
A few more thuds sound from behind them as the other witches retreat from the trial.
“Come on, bird brain, you know why I’m here,” Agatha lowers her voice, finally stopping in her tracks at the sound of the other witches. “Why can’t I get some power back early? She’ll be fine, I’m sure the Road will bring her back to haunt me.”
Marie shook her head quickly, reaching to hold Agatha’s shoulders, “She attacked you, y- You didn’t know what you were doing! Sweetheart you were possessed!”
“Oh don’t ‘sweetheart’ me!” The witch snaps, whirling around to face Marie. “If you had powers, I’d have them four years ago. But you don’t, your only power is sticking insufferably at my side and whining!”
“Then take that power!” Marie barks, her wings pressed to the side of her head, “We have something else in common, and I don’t care how much worse that makes us- I don’t care how many times you’ve sucked the power out of witches…”
Agatha raises a brow, scowling at Marie’s pathetic insistence.
“If you can’t take that power from me, I’ll never stop using it.”
“You’ve served your purpose.” The witch takes a small step back, crossing her arms, “You could’ve left me three years ago.”
“But I didn’t, and how did you react?”
The remaining coven approaches, and Marie glances over Agatha’s shoulder before she raises her voice.
“You felt! Don’t think I didn’t see that! When that bitch clipped my wing, you felt- The night before that battle, you felt- You’re human, and nothing you do or anything your mother said will convince me otherwise… I don’t care if you don’t love me anymore, but I’m not going anywhere.”
ok i don’t feel like writing it but agatha steps up to teen after and rather than trying to tease about it, she sounds pissed. “you’re just like your mother” already upset
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varganardi · 11 months ago
You guys ever see someone else self ship with your f/o and at first you're like: Awww more people like them! 🥰 But then you see people be like: "I ship it!!" And then, suddenly you're like: But... But that's my f/o 💔 BECAUSE SAME P A I N :')
(This is not supposed to be hateful btw! I have NOTHING against ppl with the same f/o's as me. Just a lil sad rant lol <3)
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januscorner · 6 months ago
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Octavia Goetia moodboard with themes of missing someone
On my angsty self shipper shit
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pinky-in-blankets · 6 months ago
Interesting..profile picture change we got goin on here...totally not suspicious or havoc-ensuing at all.. 👀
- @toaster-selfships
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" Fu Fu~☆ I wouldn't worry too much about things here. I have e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g under control~☆"
"It took a while, but we managed to not only Block the Suitor stones- But also make shadow clones of those locked out to take down the remaining Oc F/os. ✨️
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It's much more fun this way~
isn't it~☆?"
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libertys-lovers · 2 years ago
Somehow, I keep finding myself at Gamma 2’s death scene.
I SWEAR it’s not intentional…
But I may as well post the angst idea I had about it.
His fandom wiki states that he specifically grayed-out in color when he died because of how hot he got during his final blow. That detail’s been echoing in my head rent free.
I can only imagine that once Gamma 2 did his big move & knocked himself out, Lavie would’ve withdrawn herself from battle and stuck by his side so she could try to revive him. She knew the battle would’ve gone well without her anyway, so that part of it wasn’t a big deal to her.
What was a big deal, though, was that she failed to revive him. If anything were to cause the failed revival, it’d probably be that she was so distressed she couldn’t focus, thus her own abilities were unstable. So, when she realizes nothing’s working, she sorta breaks a bit. She holds the poor man in her arms, muttering apologies & false hopes to fallen ears. Gamma 1 & Hedo notice this, but they also notice that her clothes are getting burns on them. Yes indeed, Gamma 2’s body was still emitting heat from the attack. And it wasn’t just burning her clothes, it was burning through her clothes. Her skin’s burning a bit now.
She knows it is, she knows it hurts a bit, but she doesn’t want to let go.
She can use her abilities to cool the burns. She’s probably trying to, honestly. But she’s still so distraught that even attempts to do that aren’t working properly.
I don’t know if this rambling describes it properly, really. I am typing all of this right before I’m going to bed (and it’s 2 AM over here anyway-). But at least y’all get the idea.
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selfshipper-xavier · 6 months ago
Why must I have so many angsty thoughts about my f/os
Pro.ship/com.ship DNI
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leafpawz · 4 months ago
i saw an angst comic of sebastian on twitter, that got me so emotional and then i literally started gagging when i saw the last panel
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dclovesdanny · 6 months ago
Dead Serious
Danny had made peace with the fact he did not have a soulmate. He had! After several years of no response to the countless drawings and writing notes on his skin, he had grown resigned to the fact that he was part of the 5% who did not have soulmates. He was fine with that.
(Dash would tease him about how no one would ever love him, adding salt to an already irritated wound. His parents were soulmates, and he remembered when he was drawing on his father’s arms and watching as it appeared on his mother’s. Jazz had been drawing and writing to her soulmate for years. Her soulmates name was Jason, and she always talked about how he was with her. She was one of the few people who comforted him when he stopped drawing or writing to soulmate. )
Damien taught at an early age that there was no use for soulmates. They were only distractions. He knew grandfather had no soulmate, and his mother had never responded to her own. He never responded to the drawings on his arms notes the notes in English on his (and he didn’t try harder just because he wanted to read his soulmate writing that would be ridiculous.)
Damien never told his family about having a soulmate. Even as he slowly got used to the differences between them and slowly learned how his grandfather was he could never bring himself to respond to the slowly lessening drawings and messages.(He couldn’t bring himself to respond because deep down he knew he didn’t deserve a soulmate. He was a monster, a demon. He didn’t deserve it.)
Danny stopped trying so desperately to contact his soulmate at age 11(the age he held his sister as she cried, her soulmate’s last message scribbled in desperate frantic writing on her arm. He never resented his parents so much when they didn’t even leave the lab for two days, not paying any mind to their sobbing child on the floor above them.)(it was the first time he didn’t envy having a soulmate.)
He was fourteen when he started drawing on his arms again.(it was shaky, much more than the older drawings, but even if he didn’t have a soulmate, he wanted to leave them a mark, just in case, the same way Jazz wrote quotes from different books on her arms.)
(When he found out Vlad didn’t have a soulmate, he refused to acknowledge another similarity they shared. He refused to think about how Vlad’s desperation made Danny think of his own desperate writing for his soulmate. Soulmates were a topic he never spoke of, and Vlad must have known, must have found out about how Danny didn’t have one, but he never commented on it. (It was the only boundary that was never crossed.))
(Damian wasn’t disappointed when his soulmate stopped writing to him. he didn’t trace over his arms, wishing that he had the confidence to write back. He didn’t spend hours wondering if his soulmate was gone without knowing Damian had seen him. He didn’t trace over the drawings his soulmate made with awe after four years of silence.)
Damian always covered up, so he was the only one who noticed when his soulmate started writing to him again. Never sentences never notes like they were before, but shaky drawings appeared on his skin. They were less detailed than before, almost shaky, as if the person drawing them couldn’t hold a pencil, steady, but they were real. Damian never said a word.
It was October 15 when Damien saw something on his arms that made his blood go cold. A message that he read over and over while commandeering the plane and ignoring the rest of his family yelling for him to explain himself. He desperately calibrated the jet while staring at the words, praying to a God he did not believe in that he would not be too late.(Unaware that Todd was following going in the same direction with the similar message written on his arm from a girl that Jason had deemed too good for him.)
Dear soulmate, even if you aren’t there. Everyone in Casper high is writing on their arms and I might as well try to warn someone. I am from Amity Park, Illinois, and we are under attack. The GIW have cut all outside communication. We are currently hiding in Casper high school, barricading the entrances, but it will not last long.
According to the government, we are not legally sentient or human. The agents outside want to dissect us, citing that we are scum. I don’t want to see my classmates die at the hands of my parents. I don’t want to see my friends and my sister die.
I don’t know if you are there, or if I really don’t have a soulmate, but I don’t want to die (fully) without leaving some sort of note.
My name is Danny. I love you. I’m sorry.
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fictionallyinparadise · 2 years ago
13 with Gordon from the prompt list??
Sorry it took me so long to answer! I took a mental health day whoops-
Prompt: "I'll keep the nightmares at bay; just rest for now; I got you, I'll be here when you wake up." Warnings: It's honestly just fluffy angst but Ik not everyone adores angst so!
He awoke to the sound of quiet but heavy breathing. The barely visible sight of Cassiopeia sitting up in their homemade cot could be seen outlined in the dark. It must've been some time past midnight, four hours after they had fallen asleep.
Gordon carefully put a hand on her shoulder, which caused her to jolt slightly. "Bad night?" He asked quietly, though the cracks from just waking up raised his voice on the vowels.
The nod of her head was visible, their hand covering the one he put on their shoulder. He wrapped his arm around them, pulling his partner close. They buried their face in his shoulder, breathing become more steady.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now."
He hummed in response, shifting so that Cassie was laying on top of him. "I'll keep those nightmares at bay, then."
A quiet snort came from Cassie at that as she shuffled the blankets around the two.
"I'll take care of you, dear. Just rest for now, okay?" He finished the gentle request with a kiss on the top of her head. They got themself comfortable, tucking her head under his chin. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"I don't think you could get out of bed without me noticing."
"You know what I mean."
Cassie laughed again, breaking into a yawn. His hand searched for Gordon's, curling around to hold it. After that, it wasn't long before they were asleep yet again.
He made sure they weren't having a bad dream before drifting back asleep himself.
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varganardi · 11 months ago
The self ship AU versions of my F/O's: 💕🦋🥰🧸🤪🌹🌈🫂 The "canon" versions: 💔😭💀🥀���🔪🩸
When is it their turn to be happy?
Stop making my F/O's suffer challenge gooo!
The "canon" version is the fake one btw.
Just a silly lil fanfiction that isn't real! 🥰
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sweaterrat · 3 months ago
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“Please… just one?”
“You don’t really want that, Donnie.”
||Next part ->
No one really tells you the downsides of love potions…
Wanna see more angst? Vote lemlav in the tmnt oc x Canon comp!!
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