#shinra hq
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chippersweetbaby · 1 year ago
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year ago
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"I apologize for the interruption. I'm Sephiroth, one of Hojo's SOLDIERs." He introduces himself with a mechanical bow of his head. "I am in detention for breaking the rules. I was ordered to assist you in any way necessary for the next four hours."
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getvalentined · 5 months ago
If I see one more person refer to that fucked up fantasy dream sequence as a flashback I'm going to devolve into a jawless fish and return to the sea.
If it wasn't real for one character, which we know 100% it was not, then it wasn't real for the other one. Neither of them are real. Even if we ignore everything mentioned in the sequence that proves it's not real—how the hell could the minor child in a family with a combined savings of less than $1 a decade into his lucrative military career invest money in anything?—it's literally structured and framed exactly like the previous fucked up fantasy dream sequence experienced by another character.
Neither of these things happened. That's the point. We're getting insight into the characters in a way we never have before, and the most important part is that neither of these things happened. Both characters just wish they had.
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cloudyfenrir · 2 years ago
Overprotective mama phoenix is gonna swoop in and hug his baby chocobo, okay? Okay.
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"Genesis, I got a cold. I'm a biohazard." He ain't pushing away, hug is needed when feeling poorly. In fact he gonna lean on him.
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usagimen · 30 days ago
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       Tbh, VII might be the only verse where Sayuri’s facial scar is constantly on display. Considering her ability to swap faces so to speak, Shinra has used her solely for propaganda pieces time && time again. Her ability as an entertainer in past prior granted her an edge ahead of others, while it is true a Turk is essentially dead to the world, the reincarnated version of her corpse still stands. Those who are seeking to find her have seen Sayuri, just not as they remember, she is a mouth piece styled to speak about protecting the sanctity of Midgar from enemies, the greatness of Mako, she’s everywhere && nowhere. Naturally, in the office she doesn’t wear glamor or heavy makeup to conceal her true self. The real version is often raw && reflects the former person she once was, though it’s extremely rare to see her out on the field hence her suit lacking trousers && adhering to a shorter skirt with threatening heels. It’s just interesting to think this variation doesn’t care if one sees the gruesome nature of her blemish considering no one will remember her, she swaps her looks often to fit into scenery or partake in espionage cases when need be. 
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rosy-crow · 18 days ago
Holy mother of— you GUYS. HE’S SO FUCKING BIG. I know Palmer is tiny but STILL. Imagine seeing this literal 6’7 war machine walking around Shinra HQ like this all the time. Also, love the audacity of him going back there in plain sight like, “Yeah I’m back. And alive. You fuckers couldn’t erase me :)))))”
Credit to the original post and video here by @sunworshipluna on Twitter!
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artbychichi · 1 month ago
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Deep within the Shinra HQ... there is he.
And he is red.
And he is angy.
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blorbo-apologist · 3 months ago
I love all these reviews:
It's because it's strangely violent, and an obvious corporate propaganda that seems futuro-military-dystopian (i can't think of the right word rn). But takes itself too seriously in a really comedic way where you're not sure if you're laughing because it's so bad it's good, or you're laughing because of the state of the world that allows this stuff to be made.
Lol yes, Chris Evans? Sure he's attractive, but that krampus? Ooh buddy
^this one.
I figured it out. It's so easy to find shit like this to say, so as long as you're watching it with someone equally cynical then yeah it's super fun to pick it apart. I feel like i fell into their trap for enjoying it though because i don't wanna.
Red one is fucking wild.
I feel like I'm in a fever dream that an AI created from what would be popular in a Christmas film. Which is apparently like a mash up of all Tom cruise movies.
Like, is Amazon Prime even self aware?!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month ago
After failing to pass the test once again to get into soldier, Cloud decides to become Sephiroth’s personal driver. As none of the firsts are allowed to drive except for in combat zones that are more than likely going to get destroyed anyway.
*Sephiroth slides into the passenger seat next to nervous trooper!Cloud*
Cloud: G-good morning, sir!
Sephiroth: Good morning. We need to be at Shinra HQ. No need to rush, take things calmly.
*Cloud immediately floors it*
Sephiroth, gripping the door handle: !?
Cloud: I hope my driving is to your liking, sir!
*Sephiroth watches a stop sign cartwheel past the window*
Sephiroth: You just hit that sign.
Cloud: Oh, that's just the backroads driving style we use in Nibelheim, sir! Great for avoiding wolves!
Sephiroth: You nearly hit that pedestrian.
Cloud: Evasive maneuvers! Keeps 'em on their toes!
Sephiroth: That was a red light.
Cloud: Momentum-based decision-making, sir! Traffic laws are just polite suggestions!
Sephiroth: You just drove into oncoming traffic.
Cloud: Strategic intimidation! Establishes road dominance!
Sephiroth: That was a fruit stand.
Cloud: Local economic stimulus!
Sephiroth: That was a Shinra security checkpoint.
Cloud: Unconventional stealth entry!
Sephiroth: We are now inside Shinra HQ.
Cloud: Efficient entry system!
Sephiroth: We are in the lobby.
Cloud: Prime parking location!
*There is a muffled thud as something slides off the hood*
Zack, sprawled on the ground, giving a thumbs-up: Best shortcut ever!
Cloud: How did I do?
Sephiroth: Flawless execution. A masterclass in vehicular strategy.
Cloud: Thanks!
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chippersweetbaby · 1 year ago
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Well, well, well... Looks like Mr. No-upper-body-strength needs a little help from the gutter rats.
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altocat · 4 months ago
Me casually remembering that in OG, Sephiroth specifically positioned Midgar as GROUND ZERO for Meteor. As in Shinra HQ was probably supposed to be the bullseye.
Guy was insane, evil, and super fucked up on Jenova-juice, but he still hated that place and specifically wanted to take those fuckers out first and foremost.
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year ago
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"Destroy the bridge." The General speaks after a contemplative pause over the map. "That will cut off their troops' passage over the canyon, and allow the military to fully entrench their camps on the river banks. The enemy will be forced to wait on the good weather before the only available road can be used, or risk becoming vulnerable against our ambush."
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ellenhghg · 7 months ago
I hope its alright to request something? But hear me out!! Reader has a secret pole in her room at the ShinRa HQ (she can be a SOLDIER, Ancient or whatever) and also a honeybee costume. Well one day she finds herself stuck to the pole with handcuffs behind her and calls either Cloud or Sephiroth (you choose who you like to write for) to help her. Like what would be their reaction to the call? Btw I really love how accurate you write all of them I am soooo starved for more!!!!!! <3333
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Yess keep requesting away! I wrote one for Cloud and Sephiroth since this was really fun to write. I really hope you like it! Also everything between «» are thoughts, thought that would be a cute touch. And Pre Nibelheim Thank you soo much for your love!! ♥♥
♡‧₊˚ Cloud: Cloud blinks as his PHS buzzes insistently, the ringtone he chose for you blaring tinny and shrill in the locker room. He fumbles for the device, nearly dropping it in his haste.
«The hell…? Y/N never calls me unless it's an emergency… or she's tryin' to rope me into another one of her crazy schemes.»
Dread pooling in his gut, Cloud flips open the PHS, bracing himself for the worst.
"Hello? Y/N, what's—"
Cloud winces, yanking the PHS away from his ear as your panicked shout nearly bursts his enhanced eardrums. His brow furrows, a spike of worry lancing through him at the barely-restrained hysteria in your voice.
"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
There's a scuffling sound, followed by a metallic clang and a string of muffled curses. Cloud's eyes widen, his mind immediately jumping to the worst case scenario.
"Are you under attack?! Where are you?! I swear to Shiva, if someone's hurt you, I'll—"
"What? NO! No no no, nothing like that!"
Your voice is strained, tinged with embarrassment and a hint of… is that laughter? Cloud blinks, confusion momentarily overriding his panic.
"…Okay, so what's with the screaming? You nearly gave me a heart attack, woman!"
"Sorry, sorry! I just… Gaia, this is so embarrassing…"
You take a deep breath, the sound crackling down the line. When you speak again, your voice is small, almost sheepish.
"I, uh… I might have gotten myself into a bit of a situation. With the, um… the pole in my room."
Cloud's brain stalls, trying to process this new information. Pole? What pole? Why would you have a—
Oh. OH.
Suddenly, the pieces click into place - the Honeybee Inn costume he'd glimpsed in your closet, the way you'd been humming those catchy burlesque tunes under your breath, the mysterious 'dance lessons' you'd been sneaking off to for weeks…
«Sweet Shiva on a stick. She's been learning to pole dance. POLE DANCE.»
Cloud's face flushes bright red, a strangled noise escaping his throat. He clears it hastily, trying to will away the sudden rush of blood to his… ahem, nether regions.
"You, uh… You got stuck? On the pole?"
He cringes at the way his voice cracks, high and thready with barely-restrained panic. Gaia, could this BE any more awkward?!
"…Maybe? I mean, definitely. Definitely stuck. Very stuck."
Your voice is a mortified whimper, muffled like you've got your face buried in your hands… or the crook of your elbow, if Cloud's mental image is accurate.
«Okay, Strife, keep it together. Y/N needs your help, not your horny teenage daydreams! Focus!»
Taking a deep, calming breath, Cloud forces himself to think past the haze of embarrassment and… other feelings he's not quite ready to examine.
"Alright, just… hang tight, okay? I'll be there in five. Don't move!"
A beat of silence, then a snort.
"…Really, Cloud? 'Don't move'? I'm literally stuck to a pole!"
"You know what I mean!"
Face burning, Cloud snaps the PHS shut, already moving towards the door. He pointedly ignores Zack's raised eyebrow and knowing grin, shouldering past his friend with a growled "Not a word, Fair. Not. A. Word."
He's out the door and halfway down the hall before Zack can even open his mouth, enhanced speed carrying him towards your room in record time.
«Hang on, Y/N. I'm comin'. Just… try not to do anything else stupid 'til I get there, alright?»
And if his mind happens to conjure up a few tantalizing images of the predicament he might find you in, well… he's only human, right? Er, SOLDIER. Whatever.
«Gaia help me, I am so screwed…»
♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth: The harsh buzzing of his PHS jolts Sephiroth out of his paperwork-induced trance. He frowns, glancing at the caller ID with a mix of annoyance and trepidation.
«Y/N? She never calls me directly unless it's an emergency…»
Suppressing a sigh, he flips open the device, bracing himself for whatever chaos you've managed to stir up this time.
"Y/N. To what do I owe the—"
Sephiroth winces, pulling the PHS away from his ear as your panicked shout threatens to rupture his enhanced eardrums. His brow furrows, a spike of concern lancing through him at the barely-restrained hysteria in your voice.
"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you alright?"
"NO! No I'm not alright! I'm— Gaia, this is so embarrassing…"
You trail off, a muffled thump and clatter echoing down the line. Sephiroth's grip tightens on the PHS, his mind already conjuring worst-case scenarios.
"Are you in danger? Do you need backup? Give me your location and I'll—"
"What? NO! No no no, nothing like that! I just… ugh, I can't believe I'm about to say this…"
You take a deep breath, the sound crackling through the speaker. When you speak again, your voice is small, tinged with mortification.
"I'm stuck."
Sephiroth blinks, certain he must have misheard. "…Stuck."
"Yes! Stuck! As in, I physically cannot move from my current position!"
"…I see. And what, pray tell, is your current position?"
There's a long, telling silence. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper:
"…I'm handcuffed to my pole dancing pole. In my Honeybee Inn costume."
For a moment, Sephiroth's brain short-circuits, unable to process this new information. You… pole dancing… Honeybee Inn costume… handcuffs…
«…I don't get paid enough for this.»
Closing his eyes, he pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling a migraine coming on. Of all the ridiculous, irresponsible things to do…
"Let me get this straight," he says slowly, enunciating each word with careful precision. "You, in all your infinite wisdom, decided it would be a good idea to play dress-up as a Honeybee girl and practice your, ahem, 'dance moves'… and somehow managed to get yourself handcuffed to your own pole. Is that about right?"
Sephiroth sighs, long and deep, the sound reverberating through the phone line. "…Dare I ask how you even acquired a pole dancing pole in the first place?"
"I thought it would be a fun workout!"
He can practically HEAR the pout in your voice, the unspoken plea for understanding. It takes every ounce of his SOLDIER discipline not to bang his head against the desk.
«Gaia grant me strength… and a bottle of Junon's finest whiskey.»
With a herculean effort, Sephiroth forces down the urge to lecture, keeping his voice carefully neutral as he speaks.
"I see. And the handcuffs?"
"…I thought they'd add a little extra challenge?"
«Of course you did. Why am I even surprised at this point?»
Sephiroth drags a hand down his face, silently counting backwards from ten in every language he knows. It's a technique Genesis taught him, back in their early days as SOLDIERs.
«One day, that man's questionable 'stress relief' methods might actually come in handy. Miracles do happen, I suppose.»
"Alright," he says at last, resigned to his fate as your perpetual rescuer. "I assume you called me because you need assistance extricating yourself from this… predicament?"
"Yes please! I tried calling Cloud but he's not picking up and I'm starting to lose feeling in my—"
He cuts you off before you can finish that thought, a muscle ticking in his jaw. The absolute LAST mental image he needs right now is Strife ogling your half-naked form.
Shoving down the irrational surge of overprotectiveness (and the FAR more disturbing flicker of jealousy), Sephiroth forces his voice into some semblance of calm professionalism.
"I'll be there shortly. Just… try not to make the situation any worse in the meantime."
"…How could it POSSIBLY get any wor—"
"Don't. Tempt. Fate."
He snaps the PHS shut before you can respond, already rising from his desk with a bone-deep weariness. The stack of reports will have to wait. He has a certain someone to rescue… again.
«The things I do for you, I swear… You're going to be the death of me one day.»
But even as the thought crosses his mind, Sephiroth can't quite suppress the tiny, traitorous spark of warmth in his chest. Exasperating as you may be, you're still the closest thing he has to family.
«And family looks out for each other… even when one of them is an absolute disaster of a human being.»
With a rueful shake of his head, Sephiroth strides out of his office, already mentally cataloguing the fastest route to your quarters. With any luck, he can have you untangled and decent before anyone else catches wind of this latest misadventure.
But he'll weather it, like he always does. Because that's what you do for the people you love… even when they drive you absolutely insane.
For now, he has a damsel in (self-inflicted) distress to save
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demialwrites · 8 months ago
FF7 x Reader
Annoying things about being in a relationship with them
Rufus Shinra
He knows how to clean surprisingly decently because of his time confined to Turk HQ in Before Crisis but stubbornly refuses to do certain things. It's 'beneath him'
Even if you're on birth control or otherwise can't get pregnant, it doesn't matter. He's wearing a condom and how dare you suggest otherwise
He takes up all the space in the closet because of all the layers he insists on wearing
He insists on taking his dog everywhere, even if you explain it terrifies some people. For example: your poor parents
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name starts with a Re and ends with a No
Rude is very romantic. However, he only barely has time so his gestures happen spontaneously and it's hard to plan around his schedule
Often comes home with injuries and you're the one who has to patch him up and worry about him. He doesn't worry about himself
He prefers to show not tell. You have to learn how to read him with a glance
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name is Rude
His insecurity randomly spikes and he gets mega jealous, sometimes with threats at the offending party
Very loud. All the time
Gets broody about things he has to do at work and sometimes nothing you do will help
Gets whiney when you don't have the stamina to have sex all damned night
Cannot communicate his needs. Does not know what his needs are. WHAT ARE NEEDS?
Everyone flirts with him but if you try to talk to him about it, he never noticed the flirting in the first place
Sometimes cute animals follow him home and oops, one day you have seven cats, fifteen chickens, four dogs, several chocobos, and one of those giant elephant fiends because it was injured and alone. You didn't sign up to live at a zoo but here you are, shoveling elephant shit every day
Occasionally, one of his hair spikes stab you straight in the eye when he's being the little spoon
Thinks he can fix everything himself when sometimes you just need him to listen
Like Reno, Barret can be quite loud. If you like peace, sometimes you have to take some space. It makes the big guy sad
Not very detail-oriented. Leaves little things like ammo all over the garage/shed floor and small bits of trash all over the house. He meant to pick it up, honest!
Occasionally breaks the bed
You can't be spontaneous for shit because he anticipates everything
He has certain cleaning standards but he doesn't always tell you. He just redoes it himself
Must be the one to clean and iron his suit himself or he will get annoyed
His handwriting is annoyingly perfect and it makes you feel bad about your chicken scratch
Puts herself in danger way too often. She doesn't understand your horrified reaction to her story of how she jumped out of a helicopter onto a moving dune buggy in the middle of the Corel desert
It can be hard to tell if she's actually angry or just venting
You know more about her work than is probably safe for you
Too spontaneous. She sometimes makes important decisions without consulting you first
Main bad habit: he is a workaholic
Sometimes puts others needs before yours. He's just trying to help
Doesn't take good care of his health
Uses the sad puppy eyes to get out of arguments more often than he should
Sometimes leaves spare cait siths and his parts all over the living room
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snapscube · 1 year ago
post-Midgar OG FF7 is THIS good??? and i dropped out right before Shinra HQ before picking up Remake???????
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drabblesandimagines · 2 years ago
Bedside Manner
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Cloud Strife x fem reader Word count: 2,531
You’re going to die here. You knew your line of work left you open to the threat of death more often than not, always the chance the next monster encounter would be your last… But you hadn’t expected it to end like this – sweaty from fever, a horrible chesty cough, every breath feeling a struggle and surrounded by used tissues on your sofa.
But the worst part of it all? You’re going to die without kissing Cloud Strife.
There were always ailments going around the slums – it was par for the course with so many people living in close quarters, sunlight obscured by a metal sky. There were rumours that this particular one had stemmed from Shinra HQ and thus it had become nicknamed the Shinra Flu, much to the company’s chagrin. It’d floored you from day one. There had been no build-up, no telltale sniffle or scratch in your throat, you’d just woken up feeling like death and that’s how you continued to feel the past four days. Tifa - bless her heart - was straight round the moment you’d not shown up for the Avalanche meeting. You think she must’ve knocked but she was in possession of a spare key and that’s where she’d found you, wheezing away in the bed. What had followed were clean sheets on your bed, water, soup and medicine.
She’d been round morning and evening since, going through the same routine. You’d never felt so pathetic in your life. Every night you’d drift off to sleep hoping you’d feel better in the morning but nothing seemed to be easing despite the numerous combinations of medicine you were taking and the hours of bedrest.
There’s a hesitant knock at the door. Tifa is going to be annoyed you’re on the couch, but you’d split your water in your bed in the night reaching for it after a coughing fit and didn’t have the strength to deal with the situation, so you’d decamped. At least it gave you a different view of the water-stained ceiling.
The key twists in the lock and the door opens and you brace yourself.
You know you’re still burning up with fever, but that’s definitely not Tifa’s voice. You turn your head towards the door and Cloud Strife is standing there, minus his sword for a change, a paper bag in hand and looking incredibly awkward.
“Cloud?” You rasp out, which was a mistake. Speaking sets a coughing fit off and you sit upright awkwardly, the blankets spilling off your lap – you wished you were wearing nice pyjamas - trying to catch your breath. You hear the door close, footsteps, and the sound of running water. As the coughing subsides, Cloud is now crouched in front of you, holding a glass of water out.
“That sounds nasty.”
You nod, and regret it instantly because it makes you feel dizzy. You reach out to take the glass but your stupid hand is trembling. Could you stop being so pathetic for one moment? Cloud notices and supports the glass as you take it to your lips for tentative sips. This is not how you ever imagined the ex-Soldier being in your home.
“Thanks.” Your voice sounds tight. He nods.
“So,” he gets to his feet, “I guess you’re wondering why I’m here and not Tifa.”
“Not quite.” Cloud smiles slightly, glad to see your particular sense of humour hasn’t been lost, but it isn’t long before he resumes his usual serious expression. “This virus is really contagious. Tifa’s lucky she’s not caught it from coming round here. I said I’d check on you instead.”
You frown at him, positive you’ve misheard. “You wanna get sick?”
“I can’t get sick - not like that anyway. Mako gives you quite the immune system.”
“Oh. Lucky.” You pull the blankets back over you from where they’d fell off in your coughing fit. You’re feeling cold now, though you’re painfully aware your forehead is covered in sweat in front of your crush.
“Wouldn’t you be more comfortable in your bed?” He looks at it pointedly - it’s only a few steps away in your studio apartment after all.
“It’s wet.” The blonde raises an eyebrow at that. “I spilled water on it.”
“Ah. I can help with that. Tifa wrote me a list. Starting with…” he produces the paper from his pocket, “..have you taken medicine recently?”
“Last night. Is it morning now?” Time has lost all meaning.
“Mm-mm, afternoon.” His hand is in the paper bag – you recognise the logo from Wall Market – and he withdraws a small vial holding a luminous green liquid.
“Drink the whole thing. Apparently the latest in Shinra flu fighting technology, whatever that means.” He twists the lid off and hands it to you. It smells foul so it doesn’t bode well for the taste, but you down it in one with a slight grimace. You’d drink all manner of disgusting things if it made you feel a little better. “I could only get two – supply and demand.”
Cloud’s already looking at the next step on Tifa’s list. You can’t imagine how many instructions are on there. “Medicine, check. ‘Temperature – thermometer in bathroom cabinet.’ Okay…”
He’s striding over to your bathroom now, and you hear the bathroom cabinet open and close and he emerges as quickly as he left, thermometer in hand.
“Wait, you don’t have to do this, Clo-“ your sentence is cut off as he slides the device under your tongue and waits for the beep, before retrieving it and scrutinizing the number.
“Fever still - makes sense. And I do have to do this.”
“Just leave me the list, I can do it.”
He stares down at you, hands on his hips, crushing the list ever so slightly. “Uh-huh…” You know you look awful, you couldn’t even hold a glass of water earlier, you haven’t washed your hair in days, and you’d made the couch your bed. Trying to convince this man that you were capable of looking after yourself is an argument you weren’t going to win.
“Right. ‘Change bedsheets. Clean sheets in the basket, wash used sheets in communal washroom downstairs…’ ” He’s heading off towards the bed, still reading aloud. You sink back on the sofa and close your eyes, willing the medicine to kick in and make you feel normal for at least five minutes and save some face in front of him…
Cloud was used to making his bed during training, so it doesn’t take him long for him to strip yours and put clean sheets on, but apparently it was long enough for you to doze off.
This wasn’t on Tifa’s list. You’d be better off in bed – it must be more comfortable than the thing you call your couch. He crouches down besides you, debating if he should wake you up. You look so peaceful though and he hopes that means the medicine must’ve kicked in. It’s only a few metres between the couch and your bed and sleep is important in recovery, after all…
He slides an arm under your knees and another around your waist, picking you up off the sofa in one fluid motion, your head lolling back . You mumble and he freezes, but you nuzzle your cheek into him and your breathing remains in its steady rhythm. He takes a tentative step forward, then another before he makes it over to your bed and carefully places you down on your mattress and tucks the blanket over you. You unconsciously snuggle into the clean sheets and your hair falls over your eyes. Without thinking, he automatically reaches out and tucks it behind your ear, his touch lingering a moment too long.
“Cloud…” you mumble happily into the pillow, cuddling it.
His face goes red, but not from fever.
You awake to a cool hand on your forehead. Everything aches and you desperately want to return to the comfort of sleep, but you’re so hot and there’s a one-sided conversation going on.
“No, she’s still really feverish.”
Cloud’s on the phone – you can hear Tifa’s voice from the tinny phone speakers, though not well enough to hear her side of the conversation.
“No, not since just after I got here. She’s asleep at the moment, but her forehead feels hot.”
Another pause. The cooling hand is removed and you let out a whimper, missing it immediately.
“And that’s all I can do?”
A sigh. “No, don’t come here. I told you, you’re lucky you haven’t caught it. I’ll stay the night and ring you in the morning, okay? Thanks. Night.”
You drift off again in the silence for a few minutes before there’s a gentle shake of your shoulder. It feels a monumental effort to open your eyes but you manage it, though your breaths are feeling laboured again.
“Sorry,” Cloud whispers, looking apologetic. He has the thermometer in his hand. “I just need to check your temperature again, then you can go back to sleep, okay?”
“Mm-hm.” You open your mouth and the device is slipped under your tongue. It beeps moments later and he frowns at the results. “Higher than last time – damn.”
“Bad?” You mumble.
“No, you’ll be fine. You just need to take some medicine and have some water. Can you sit up for me?”
“Yeah…” He can’t help but smile as your eyes close again and you make no sign of even trying to sit up. It’s pathetically sweet.
“Here, let me help,” he slips an arm around your waist and lifts you up slightly, leaning you back against the pillows. “You good there?”
“Uh-huh.” You don’t even sound convincing to your own ears.
“Okay, let me grab some more water.” Cloud’s gone for what feels like no time at all when a glass of water is held up in your face. “Small sips.” You take the glass and he places his hand over yours, supporting it as you dutifully drink.
As you do so, you become more awake and you can see he’s tidied up your living space - the couch is clear of your blankets, the tissues, the glasses…
“You cleaned up.” You say.
“Er, yeah,” he shrugs. “Hope that’s okay. It didn’t take long.”
“That’s embarrassing.”
He looks confused. “Why?”
“Cos I’m pathetic. You’ll never want to go out with me now.” The words tumble out of your mouth with no reasoning behind them.
“I… wouldn’t?” He’s trying hard to hide the smile on his face.
“Who wants to go out with someone who can’t look after themselves?”
“You’re sick.”
“I know – who lives like this?”
“No.” Cloud says, gently, “I mean, you’re sick - ill, poorly, feverish. Besides, I don’t pick who I want to go out with by how clear their floor is of clutter.”
“You don’t?” You sound hopeful.
“Do you?”
“I don’t know – I haven’t seen your floor.”
He laughs. If you weren’t feverish you would’ve been astounded you’d got the stoic Cloud Strife to laugh, but the moment flies well and truly over your head.
“Well, it’s not cluttered, but I don’t have a lot of stuff.” He admits, before retrieving the second vial he got from Wall Market.
“You might just be saying that.”
“Tell you what, when you’re better you can come and take a look.”
“Is that a date?” You sound so hopeful.
“Let’s say it can be a part of it. Now,” he twists the cap off as before and hands it to you. “Drink this, then you can go back to sleep.”
“Okay, only cos you’re so cute.” You down it in one again.
“Well, I’ll need to remember that one.” He takes the empty vial from your hands and places his hand on your shoulder, encouraging you to lie back down. “Try and get some more sleep, okay?”
“Okay…” It isn’t long before you’re enveloped in sleep again.
Through the night, Cloud doesn’t leave your side. He sits on the floor besides your bed, keeping a watchful eye. The fever was proving persistent and you had been tossing and turning, throwing the blankets this way and that in an attempt to stabilise your temperature in a fitful sleep. He remembered his mother looking after him when he was sick as a child, pressing a cool washcloth to his forehead to try and soothe him. Luckily, he found one in the bathroom cabinet, soaked it in tepid water before he placed it on your forehead. At first you tried to shuffle away, but he held it in place, words coming out of his mouth before he can even think. “It’s all right, sweetheart.” He wasn’t sure if it was the words or the washcloth that soothed you more.
Through the night, he’d take it back and resoak it, and when he pressed it once more against your burning skin you’d let out a sigh of content.
“You’ll be okay,” he mumbled – aware he was saying it more to reassure himself. He always hid his emotions well, but he’d been shocked by how sick you were. Although the two of you hadn’t known each other long, he’d grown fond of you more than he’d been willing to admit to himself. Seeing how open and vulnerable you’d been had only endeared you to him more.
Towards the morning, when he’d checked your temperature to find that you finally felt cooler, you’d rolled closer to his touch, causing your hand to drop down from the bed. He grasped it, trying to gently tuck it back under the covers but you wouldn’t let go though, unconsciously linking your fingers with his in a fierce grip and mumbling something. He doesn’t fight it, only smiles and leans his head back against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment.
When you next open your eyes, it’s to the relief that the horrible pressure that had been on your chest for days has finally alleviated, the fluctuating temperature stabilised. There’s a weight to your hand, and you look through bleary eyes to see Cloud’s head bowed as he’s leant against the wall, your fingers firmly intertwined.
You let go in embarrassment more than anything, not sure how it had occurred. The motion is enough to wake the blonde, who smiles seeing you’re awake.
“Morning,” his voice is husky with sleep, and you feel warm once more – though this time it’s not from sickness.
He frowns, probably noticing the colour in your cheeks. “How are you feeling?”
“No, I feel better. So much better.”
“Good,” Cloud smiles, before getting to his feet and stretching his arms over his head, showing off his muscular forearms. “You must be hungry, right? I realised I never got you to eat anything yesterday. I’ll go grab something light from the store for us.”
“You don’t h-…”
“I know, I want to.” In a few steps he's already opening the front door before hesitating, turning back to you and grinning, slyly. “Besides, you need to eat so you can build your strength back up ahead of our date.”
“Our… date?” Are you having a fever dream?
“We’ll talk about it more when I get back. Won’t be long… cutie.”
-- Sorry this isn't Rei Suwa-centric as promised, I finished this one first so out it goes into the world x
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