#shin replies
fangsforiris · 16 days
How would the Diaboys react to their S/o having a mental breakdown after they feed on them to much?
Diaboys React to S/O’s Mental Breakdown After Feeding
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Doesn’t care: Everyone.
Limits their intake: Subaru, Ayato, Laito, Azusa, Yūma.
Feels bad but is unsure how to comfort them: Subaru, Laito, Slightly Kino and Shū.
Would comfort them in a manipulated manner: Reiji, Shin, Carla, Ruki, Kou, Kanato, Slightly Kino.
Interactions would be limited due to the help of comfort-ability of their S/O: Reiji, Laito, Yūma, Ruki.
Would rethink themselves and their character in the perspective of their S/O: Shū, Subaru, Ayato, Carla, Shin, Slightly Kino.
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"the jinko is my rival. thus it is essential i know every aspect of his life and of he. thus it is important for me to study every inch of his body, including inside."
-- akutagawa at some point probably
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wine-sluts · 1 month
Put that man in girly clothes with that slutty little waist. Do it, succumb to your indulgence, don’t be a coward.
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denkies · 1 year
Wanted to mention the lyrics to the BSD 5 opening and their significance to a specific scene
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A place that can only be seen by stopping [movement]
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There are places you can't go.
So when showing the rift between Atsushi and Akutagawa (life and death), the lyrics mention the afterlife. A place only Akutagawa can see, after death. Then, "there are places you can't go."
From Akutagawa's perspective, it would be "I am in a place only seen after death. You can't come to this place; you can't follow me."
From Atsushi's perspective, this would be "You are somewhere that I can't see, that I can't reach. You can't go there [you can't leave me]."
[Don't go where I can't follow]
Edit: more detailed analysis about it here
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owlshellr · 2 years
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🎬Drama : Reply 1988 (2015)
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flowers-of-buffoonery · 11 months
hi!!! I haven't thought extensively about akutagawa and sskk so I don't have general considerations – what I do have is thoughts specific to certain aspects of akutagawa's character, or certain sskk interactions. akutagawa and atsushi's first three fights gave me lots of food for thought re: akutagawa's early feelings towards atsushi. and so!! I present to you...
fascination, jealousy, sameness
akutagawa's thoughts on atsushi in chapters #4, #11-12, and #33-35
at first, atsushi is nothing but prey for akutagawa. the mafia wants to capture him alive; akutagawa, as a "humble dog" (his words) of the organisation, hunts him down to fulfil his duty – nothing more.
atsushi is something to be caught – something akutagawa has absolute confidence he can catch. he's so confident he stops to chat, to tell atsushi about rashōmon, to make threats. in short: he underestimates him. he doesn't see him as a threat even when atsushi tries to fight back.
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but then, atsushi half-transforms into the white tiger, and that gets akutagawa's attention. atsushi stops being a helpless prey and becomes a vaguely challenging prey instead. akutagawa takes his time to observe him, taking in atsushi's skills, marvelling at his speed.
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fighting him becomes interesting. of course, dazai steps in before long, ending their fight, and akutagawa has to go back to the mafia empty-handed, with promises of retaliation. what he thinks of atsushi at this point we might never know. what we do know, is that every neutral thought he could have had is abruptly killed the moment he speaks to dazai in ch. 9.
dazai tells him that atsushi is "far more talented" than akutagawa ever was; akutagawa, whose primary drive is to make dazai proud, is immediately consumed with jealousy and murderous spirit. atsushi might still be a prey, but his main status in akutagawa's mind is that of a rival – someone he needs to cut down to achieve his goals.
so the next time akutagawa has the chance to capture atsushi, he tries stabbing him to death. he doesn't even try to fight; he simply doesn't want him alive any longer. of course, atsushi's power heals him before he can die, and so akutagawa has to fight him again.
this time, akutagawa is absolutely ruthless with both his words and rashomon. atsushi is an obstacle to be removed; someone weak, someone worthless, someone dazai couldn't possibly consider training – and yet.
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atsushi took the possibility of dazai's praise from akutagawa; he can't forgive him. so he mocks him, taunts him, toys with him. he's still so sure to be the superior ability user out of the two of them that, when atsushi manages to hit him by being smart, akutagawa can't help but think of dazai's lessons, of the cruel training he underwent, the skills he learnt – all of which atsushi lacks. and yet dazai has more faith in his skill than he does in akutagawa's.
the problem is – akutagawa can't see it. he refuses to see it, refuses to entertain the notion that atsushi, as untrained as he is, might be a match for him – because if he admits it, then isn't dazai right? so he underestimates atsushi again, and loses their first full fight because of it. which of course only makes him angrier.
in his anger and hurry to kill atsushi, akutagawa decides to ignore the truce between the mafia and the ADA, and joins him on the moby dick to kill him. at this point, akutagawa has been obsessing over atsushi for a significant amount of time, and I think his obsession didn't just strengthen his resolve to kill him – it slowly, subconsciously, made him see atsushi as a partial equal. he's been thinking about him so much that he identified similarities between the two of them; he hates him enough that he wants to kill him in a fight; and his previous defeat has forced him to realise that atsushi does have some skills.
so instead of attempting to kill him swiftly, akutagawa fights him. and as he fights him, you can clearly see there's a part of akutagawa that's fascinated by atsushi – this person he could almost see himself in, the only other person dazai chose to train. he's unaware of this fascination, and thus unable to conceal it.
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akutagawa doesn't understand atsushi, and he doesn't understand dazai's choice to train him. but then fitzgerald reveals the horrors of atsushi's past, and suddenly akutagawa does understand, and his anger skyrockets – but so does his disdain. he despises the way atsushi wallows in his own pain, dwells on his own past, instead of recognising how lucky he is to have dazai's recognition and praise.
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akutagawa can see himself in atsushi's past self. they don't share the same past, but their experiences are equivalent; yet akutagawa hasn't wallowed in his own misery for a single second, while atsushi is still bound by his painful memories. "I got over my past and got over myself; why can't you do the same and achieve greatness?" is probably what plays in a loop inside akutagawa's head. his disgust can only be so intense because atsushi's circumstances feel unbearably personal.
but akutagawa can also see himself in atsushi's present self, who is a student to dazai. the similarities end there, as akutagawa is convinced atsushi has done nothing to deserve this, and is wasting his good luck. "I got over myself and have been trying my utmost for years. you, meanwhile, are still stuck in your misery by choice, and don't make any efforts to become better... and yet dazai has taken you under his wing. why? why did it have to be you?"
these are, I think, akutagawa's thoughts. but a part of him can already see why dazai chose atsushi, why he deems him talented; he just refuses to acknowledge it, wrapped up as he is in jealousy.
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eijunes · 5 months
(Hi getting out of lurkerland for a bit) I am really intrigued by operation: only one umbrella xdd and the fyoatsu beast au...I neeed to know moooore
heyy good to see you here too 💛 I'm always ready to ramble about my never-ending pile of wips, thank you for the ask!
operation: only one umbrella is supposed to be a silly comedy where the ADA tries to make dazatsu get together. they orchestrate situations for them to share an umbrella like in shoujo manga because Ranpo said it's the best way to make them confess, but dazatsu are so hopeless they manage to mess it up every time. it's a lot of fun but I haven't been in the right silly mood to finish it yet 😅
and fyoatsu!!! I think they could be sooo interesting if only the fandom was brave enough to think about it. too bad Dazai keeps Fyodor all to himself and they didn't even have a proper interaction in canon 😔 for this wip I have only random lines and half-finished scenes and I can't seem to be able to put it all into a coherent story. the idea is that at the end of beast AU Fyodor finds Atsushi before Mori does. he wants to get information about the Book out of him, but Atsushi is shaken after Dazai's death, so Fyodor needs to spend some time to get Atsushi to trust him and promises Atsushi to free him from the tiger. also, there's some tragic one-sided dazatsu because I am me and I can't not put dzats into everything 😆 I'll put a small excerpt under the read more
"It wasn't your fault."
"You don't know that. If I was stronger, maybe he wouldn't... We'd find a way to protect—" Atsushi stopped, eyes wide.
"Protect what?" Fyodor asked gently. It was a pivotal moment. If he pushed the boy too far now, he could lose him. But if he played his cards right, this could be his win.
He was so close.
"I can't tell you," Atsushi sobbed. "I promised him. I can't disappoint him."
Finally all the pieces Fyodor had been gathering for weeks created a full picture. The depth of the Atsushi's grief could only be explained in one way.
"You loved him."
Atsushi's eyes widened. For a second, he looked like the scared, wounded animal he was when Fyodor had found him in the forest.
"I... I did," Atsushi said. It sounded like a surrender. "He was everything to me."
Fyodor took the boy's tear-streaked face in his hands, caressed his cheeks. Violence was an easy method, but the smallest acts of tenderness seemed to melt Atsushi in to a puddle so easily under Fyodor’s fingers.
"He knew that and he still left you. You don't owe him anything. He didn't free you, only put you from one cage into another."
Death thrummed beneath Fyodor's skin, just like beneath Atsushi's. They were both cursed with an ability that repulsed them. Maybe no one else in the world could understand Fyodor's goal as much as Atsushi.
When he said the next words, they weren't just a part of a calculated plan, years in the making. It was a promise Fyodor truly intended to fulfill.
"But I am different. I promised I would free you from that beast inside of you, didn't I? I will keep that promise. I will free the world of the sin of abilities and I will free you. But for that, I need your help."
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ningenshinkouku · 6 months
Just the two of us?
is there a need for more?
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kleyamarki · 7 months
the funniest thing i’ve ever said here on tumblr.gov was that i’ve written more about kleya marki than tony gilroy. and i have
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maskednihilism · 14 days
@xianzhou-craftsman replied to your post “"Yingxing, let me borrow your war hammer. I need...”:
"If you're strong enough to actually lift it, you have permission to go wild."
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"For both of your sakes, I would hope I didn't." And another one is added to the list.
What list?
The list.
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fangsforiris · 1 month
Hallo! Can you make How Diaboys react if Yui join the student council club? Hope this not much! (Have a good day!)
Diaboys React to Yui Joining Student Council
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Confused if anything: Reiji, Ruki, Shū, Carla, Shin, Ayato, Kanato, Kou, Subaru.
“Without my approval? Who do you think you are?”: Reiji, Ruki, Carla, Shin, Kino, Ayato, Slightly Laito.
Doesn’t like the fact that they’ve lost Yui’s attention: Kou, Kanato, Ayato, Shin, Slightly Yūma and Azusa.
Would support Yui and do their best to make it work without getting jealous too much: Azusa, Subaru, Ayato, Yūma, Slightly Reiji.
Patronizes Yui for being apart of the club and makes her home life even more difficult due to the extra workload: Reiji, Ruki, Laito, Kou, Kino, Shin, Carla, Slightly Shū.
Would go to the club on days with her to bother her and tease her: Laito, Ayato, Kanato, Shū, Kou, Kino.
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dangaer · 24 days
might break tradition and make either a lucifer pinned graphic or promo ...
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dementedspeedster · 7 months
@volucerrubidus || [Continued from here]
Thad can't help the laughter that escapes him at seeing Tim so small and tiny. He had no idea what sort of trouble he managed to get into, but he was not going to let him forget this.
Thad kneels down to Tim's height, a shit eating green on his face. "Awwww, but you're soooo tiny. And it's too late from stopping me from seeing it sooooo..." His voice grows sing-songy, "Are you sure you're not going to need some help?" He snickers,
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azurelize · 2 years
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𝐑𝐘𝐔𝐉𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎 ⎯⎯ *reply icons *@malleusball ☆ no kin/me/id tags unless you're the requester.
reblog and credit if use. ♡
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I tried to re-"catch" the feelings I was having from watching Crash Course in Romance.
So, I looked into my deep watchlist and ended up with two very thoroughly enjoyable k-dramas that are re-watchable for a picky watcher like me. This is going to be long so read below if interested about the k-dramas Our Beloved Summer and Reply 1988
our beloved summer
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I'm a sucker for slice-of-life stories. while this story navigates through different timelines, it expertly toes the line between the past and the present thus presenting a full growth for each character in this simple yet relatable story. i love the script. i especially love the ost which i listen to every day even after finishing this drama a couple of months back.
our beloved summer, adapted from a webtoon, is the story of Choi Woong and Kook Yoon-seo who became viral after starring in a documentary about the contrast of the top and worst student in their highschool. that alone makes you curious. it's a catchy premise and the whole story manages keep the premise alive until the end.
the story is simple and you can guess where the story is headed. but what made me stay is the pacing and the writing. and it being true to what it set out to do-- to say that love can be found in different people in different times. but there are special moments where you find a different love in the same person at a different time.
i can confidently say that Choi Wooshik and Kim Da-mi are both actors to watch out for. they are not just made for the small screen. they each have such a presence that can't just be contained in a small screen. or maybe i just loved their chemistry so much. it's not even that kind of chemistry where it will grip your heart but it's the work that they put on both characters to make them as authentic as possible. i was drawn in on how they portrayed Woong and Yoon-seo. i was drawn on why they did what they did that led to their eventual *spoilers ahead* break-up and subsequent marriage.
watch this if you're not too heartbroken and you like a slow paced stories that fleshes out human emotions particularly of love-- to a romantic partner, to a mother, to a friend, and to found family.
i particularly loved the way they blindsided me about the reason why Woong was the was he was and why in a way he couldn't open himself up completely to Yoon-seo made me fall in love with the writing. with the sheer amount of content and stories readily available for us to consume, you become so desensitised that it's sometimes a welcomed gift when you don't get to predict what happens in a story.
that particular scene where they get back together and Woong says "...please keep loving me," is engraved in my heart.
--the only downside to this wonderful drama is a 1/4 of a love quadrangle that is too green to handle a wonderful script like this one. you'll know what I'm talking about when you watch it.
2. reply 1988
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i don't know what got me drawn to the works of the tandem director Shin Wonho and writer Lee Woo-jung but i am so glad that i am. i started with hospital playlist after seeing so much memes about it and now i can't imagine my life without hosplay (i still watch the whole thing like every month).
but i'm not here to talk about hosplay but the third installment of the critically acclaimed "reply" series.
Reply 1988 is the highest rated in tv ratings among all the "reply" series. and i can totally understand that as this show captures all the tales and woes of each generation.
i can say that the number 1 appeal of the Shin-Lee series' is the nostalgia and the bravery it takes to tackle the simplest yet the most constant worries of a human.
for the 3rd "reply" installment, it goes back to 1988, before the year looked funny (as you will see on one of the episodes). there definitely is something true about that as that's when all the technology in the world started to become accessible.
this show crept up to me (much like Prison Playbook). this was my second attempt at watching it since the first time made me drop it for being too "scream-y" which to be honest, a lot of shows are anyway. but what made me stay were the moms and dads. only did the last few episodes made me notice the actual gang of young misfits.
i loved the way it tackled real-world, real-family problems without being preachy. i love the way the pacing is so slow and nostalgic. i love the way all the families interacted with each other and with the other families.
don't come watching this show for the love story (although i absolutely loved who the main girl character ended up with). come watch this show if you enjoy stories about family dynamics.
--the only thing i didn't like (and this is just totally me), is how the noona who seems to be levelheaded fell in love with an immature child. maybe i was too salty to understand how it all went down but it just wasn't for me.
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yeonban · 2 months
Staring at my roster and it's so interesting how they ALL fall into one faction or the other. Either they love someone so much they're willing to die kill and do most else under the sun for their person based solely on their feelings for them (ex. Toma, Soma etc), or they consciously make the choice to care for their person even though they don't exactly feel the emotion of love in the way society would expect them to (ex. Tobias, Lewin etc). NO ONE is in-between or part of a secret third choice. It's one of these two or nothing
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