#shikigami otoya
nocandnc · 9 months
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ashitakaxsan · 10 months
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Mao and Nanoka looking Sweet as usual〜
Mao being dressed in a light grey suit the same colour as Haimaru’s fur,while nanoka in a goldish yukata.
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blueempty · 5 months
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I was watching Vinesauce Joel's wrestling thing and the Cum Miser almost killed me
I really gotta sleep but man I be having weird internal self awareness battles with myself. My mom sent me money because I keep running out every month and so i ended up spending most of the day debating the ethics of buying myself two games that cost like $12 total because one half of my brain is like, I want them, but the other half is like you wouldnt have spent money on them if you hadn't gotten bailed out so logically you should not buy them to be careful to avoid another situation like this. And also in a way its not even your money to spend on non-essentials if you think about it. So anyway i bought the games. But then I was feeling bad cuz I was really lazy at work today, and that only hurts my mom who i owe for bailing me out. But I'll make it up on monday my brain has just been really underwater man
But the good news today is I shaved like 3 minutes off my fastest Fairune 1 time, me and my brother played more Last Blade 2 and i still really like that game, and I read a bunch more of Mao by Rumiko Takahashi. Mao is fuckin weird. It's doing a lot of Inuyasha again and even a little bit of Mermaid Saga, and the plot is starting to pick up slowly but I'm really still reading for the characters. The little shikigami kid Otoya specifically is really good. And the girl is the total opposite of Kagome. It's good tho
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Peace and Long Life
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byoukimao · 3 years
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Nanoka and Hyakka over here having an important plot conversation and Otoya telling them politely to shut up cuz Mao decides to take a siesta
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tora-kik · 5 years
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Raw Mao Chapter 24
Pages 1-10
Second part https://torami-kikyou.tumblr.com/post/188857531868/raw-mao-chapter-24-pages-11-19-end
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artistsashitakaxsan · 2 years
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I made this Quick sketch from MAO chapter 141.
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hanmajoerin · 2 years
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Otoya’s character description shouldn’t make me so emotional but yes, he is absolutely a hard-working shikigami and does a 10/10 job every time ✨🥲✨
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maonoka · 5 years
“Time Slip”, a ‘MAO’ au
Sooo.... I had this dream... well, a couple dreams, that basically revolved around Heian-era Mao being the soft young man he is, and feisty Nanoka coming along and turning his world upside down. Turned out that scenario became an angsty semi-au, and this fic was born. I don’t plan on leaving it a oneshot - I would love to write more for this. It pains me, cuz it’s gonna get complicated, but I wanna continue this.
Series: MAO
Ratings: T
Pairings: eventual Mao/Nanoka (slooow-buuuuurn)
Nanoka shivered, rubbing her bare arms and wishing she’d brought a cardigan with her uniform. It hadn’t been too cold in the modern era, but the moment she’d passed through the gate… well, the sudden burst of panic she'd felt at seeing the other side had left all practical thoughts behind. It was only early October back home, but the air here in the Taisho era was bitter cold. At least… she assumed it was still the Taisho era. Where once had been the rubble of Gougyou town was now empty, desolate farmland. Simple shacks and huts stood next to the gate, which had become a looming red shrine.
Fear had seized her, and at once she took off with a yell. “MAO!” Her white sneakers threw clouds of dust into the dry air as she hurried down the village’s dirt road. “Mao! Otoya!” Nanoka’s blood burned, her skin prickling as she felt her adrenaline pick up. The change was coming, and she welcomed it. Rice paddies and rows of crops sped by as wind whistled in her ears; the cold air didn’t bother her anymore, instead pushing her to run faster and further in her search for her friends. They had to be here. She wouldn’t accept that they weren’t! Whatever had happened to the gate, wherever it had taken her, she wouldn’t let it take them away.
Suddenly the crisp air became tinged with smoke, and Nanoka stumbled to a halt as she caught the smell of incense: this was no peasants fire. Hope bubbled up inside her, hope that perhaps her Onmyouji friend was working some spell to get this place back to normal, to make the gate work like it was supposed to… maybe even to find her. She took off at a steady pace, following the scent with her curse-enhanced senses, veering off the dirt road into thick trees speckled orange and red.
The sun traveled behind clouds high above her, but even behind its harsh white cover, she could tell it would be setting soon. She wished she had her phone, or even the clock on Mao’s clinic wall to tell her the time – but her bag had been dropped at the gate entrance, and the clinic and everything in it vanished. Wherever she was, she didn’t like the idea of being here after dark. Nanoka pressed forward, until the trees began to thin, and new forms began to rise above them: buildings. There were rooftops beyond the farthest trees. Old-fashioned, slanted wooden rafters in a classical mansion style. The closer Nanoka got, the more awed she felt. It was like seeing a samurai castle in its glory days, or stepping into the Tale of Genji. The smell of incense became more powerful, almost overwhelming, and Nanoka slowed her approach.
If this really was a mansion, then whoever maintained it should be able to tell her more about where she was and what had happened to Gougyou town. And if Mao was really the source of the smoke as she hoped… she’d have a thing or two to say to him, and then she’d probably have an embarrassing break down.
Nanoka followed the tendrils of white smoke through the trees surrounding the mansion complex; it spread out in all directions so that she could never really see the edge. But here someone had found the edge after all, and Nanoka crept forward until she spotted a figure seated on the ground outside the building compound, surrounded by candles, ropes, paper, and symbols drawn in the dirt. It was a young man, his broad shoulders stiff and straight and soft voice murmuring over the thin candles in the ground. He wore blue robes in the old Heian style… Nanoka pondered that they looked like the ones Mao had worn when he’d fought the flea-demon-nuns. This man wore his hair similar to Mao’s as well: a long ponytail at his nape – only his hair was jet black and tidy in comparison to the ragged doctor.
She continued to watch in silent fascination as the mysterious man worked various incantations over the materials he’d brought, winding the rope and folding the paper, until Nanoka began to realize he was only making simple wards. From all the smoke and magic she’d thought this would be some grand, miraculous summoning – but this was nothing more than a priest making good luck charms to keep away evil spirits. Nanoka couldn’t help it: she laughed. And suddenly the young man turned around.
The gasp that tore from her throat was painful. All that running in the cold autumn air had been fine – refreshing even! Seeing Mao’s eyes, so bright and young and free of the pain almost a thousand years had inflicted, staring back at her from a face free of scars knocked the wind from her lungs. It was him: unmistakably, undeniably, and yet… it wasn’t. This wasn’t the Mao she had met in the Taisho era as she ran from a giant Mantis, this wasn’t the Mao who had patched up her arm and told her she was an ayakashi. This wasn’t the Mao who had put blood on her cheek and sent crazed demon nuns after her, who had transformed into a beast before her very eyes… who had tried to save her child self, had sent a shikigami to protect her in the future, had asked her to stay with him, even if it was just as an assistant….
Mao continued to watch her shadowed form warily through the trees, and Nanoka swallowed hard. If her guess was correct, this Mao wouldn’t do any of that for another 900 years.
“What are you doing here, Ayakashi?”
She startled. Somewhere in her musings, she’d forgotten that this Mao was still a living, breathing human and not some phantom of the past. “Uh…” she’d also forgotten about the transformation brought by Byouki’s blood… and about Mao’s exorcist duties as an Onmyouji. She was in trouble now. “Look, I’m… I’m not really an ayakashi, okay?” she began, stepping out from the shadowy trees and clutching a hand to her chest. “I’m just a human who got cursed, and… uh…. Excuse me?”
Her explanation ground to a halt as this Heian-era Mao did something Nanoka had never seen her Mao do: he looked her up and down… and blushed a bright pink. Mao turned away slightly, a voluminous sleeve coming up to block his view of her, and a somewhat rushed version of his usual calm voice rang out “Forgive me, miss. I did not realize your state of undress. If you will wait here, I can fetch you something from the mansion. I… apologize, you must be cold as well. You should have a hot drink, as well as a meal.”
Nanoka stood motionless, unable to believe either her ears at his flustered tone or her eyes at his flushed face. The Mao she knew would never have reacted to her uniform like this or shown such concern for her being in a short skirt out in the cold. ‘Of course’, she thought sullenly, ‘I don’t actually know this Mao, do I? I guess a person really changes over 900 years. He’s acting more like Shiraha-kun would than an experienced doctor.’
Mao lowered his arm but refused to look at her, bending instead to gather his materials in preparation to leave. She hoped it would be to find food and clothing for her, but she had to remind herself they’d only met moments ago – he didn’t know her, and she was starting to think she might know him even less. Her mind grappled for something to hold onto, something to tie them together in this foreign place, and she said suddenly “I’m not feeling well.”
He paused in the motion of dousing the incense in the dirt, and very cautiously rose to look back at her. Nanoka gripped the hem of her skirt, biting her lip to hide a smile. That was an expression she recognized: the concern of a doctor for an ailing patient. “It’s this curse I have. Is there anyone here who could help me?”
He stared at her, his brown eyes searching and intense, but after a moment his shoulders slumped and he admitted “This place is not very welcoming of outsiders. I’m afraid you wouldn’t find much help. You see, it’s training grounds for Onmyouji. Demons, ayakashi… they’re not exactly welcome here unless it’s for target practice.” Nanoka saw the slight turn of his lip, and smiled, glad to see his dry humor had always been part of him. “Of course, the way of onmyoudo does include healing arts… it’s not practiced nearly enough as curses. A shame if you ask me.” He turned his head as if this was nothing more than a mild annoyance to him, but Nanoka was starting to see beyond the innocence of this younger Mao. She was starting to recognize a familiar soul, and that soul was crying to help others, not to hurt.
“But then…” she began tentatively, drawing his attention back to her and noticing amusedly how his eyes wandered to her bare legs, “you’ve been trained in those healing… whatever arts, right? You could help me, couldn’t you?” She could tell he was struggling not to respond ‘yes’ all at once, still torn by some code or rule to leave her stranded. Nanoka knew what would happen though, now that she’d said she needed the help. She’d seen it with clients who came to ‘Doctor Mao’ with everything from stomach bugs to murderous masters; this was part of who he was.
It was no surprise to her when he said softly “Yes, of course, I’ll help you the best I can. I warn you, I’m still in training, but there’s always somewhere to start. At the very least, you can warm up from this weather, Miss…”
“Nanoka” she replied quickly, taken aback by the gentleness in his voice and the fall of black bangs over his eyes. Perhaps it was the cold finally affecting her, but her cheeks were starting to feel warm, and her heart was beating fast.
“Nanoka-san” he replied with a slight bow. “I am Mao. It might be… a little improper, but you’re welcome to stay with me for a while, until I’ve had a chance to study your curse and perhaps find a cure for you. It’s dangerous for a human to be mistaken for a demon in these days.”
She nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as he said her name in that familiar voice, those words ‘stay with me’ echoing as though from a past life. ‘This is the past life’ she told herself harshly. ‘You can’t get involved here! This could ruin everything!’ Her thoughts abruptly shut off as Mao put down his tools and undid his blue suikan, draping it around Nanoka’s shoulders and folding it about her with some explanation about warmth that was lost amidst the drumming blood in her ears.
The last coherent thought she had as she followed Mao through the dim twilight, watching the cream-colored robes on his back as the two of them wove carefully around buildings to his room, was a sharp and panicked ‘I’m screwed.’
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nocandnc · 11 months
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Babe wake up new reaction image dropped
But no seriously, I do I love how proactive Otoya’s been this arc. I suppose this is how he must have always been before Nanoka came along, he’s just getting a nice chance to shine!
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nocandnc · 1 year
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I love it when these two chat!! Love how Kamon looks out for Nanoka and girls in general. Otoya must be serving him his daily Respect Women Juice.
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And I’m TELLING YOU, Natsuno and Kamon’s interactions become 3x funnier when you look at it through the lens of them being
in love with the same woman
No listen—
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nocandnc · 1 year
Chapter 36
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Chapter 177
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I’m glad Nanoka’s heavy duty gear is coming in handy after all 😌✨ only 141 chapters later!
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nocandnc · 1 year
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Special guy
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nocandnc · 2 years
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Laughing way too much at Mao carrying Otoya this chapter
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nocandnc · 2 years
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Nanoka: OMG Otoya plz don’t die 🥺
Mao: What about me?
Nanoka: What ABOUT you 😤
Jk jk, I know that’s not what’s actually happening here - I just thought it was funny how Nanoka was immediately distressed at the thought of Otoya disappearing after his master dies, without addressing the fact that Mao would be DEAD in this scenario lol
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Super killing intention
  I had this would come one day:A new fight between Nanoka and Kagari.Kagari has turned to be a privileged,spoiled girl with screws loose,who wants to be a high Curse User and killer.See me post regarding the case https://at.tumblr.com/ashitakaxsan/unpredictable/rg8cloos9idi
That’s why she callously attacked to her own sister Ayame.This isn’t something that ever be forgiven,there’s no way for atonement.See below the specific crime.
And Nanoka hasn’t learned the techniques(:
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However Ayame’s last resort for survival is onmyoji Mao,to whom her paper foxes arrive signaling him to come and give help.
That’s when arriving in the yard of the Hoshou house the find the awaiting kagari.
Mao immediately realizes that Kagari's powers have increased and deduces she borrowed the power of the Gokou to augment them. Mao passes a fire bird katashiro to Otoya so he can help support Nanoka in her fight against Kagari,while he runs past to try and attend to Ayame before she dies from the curse. Kagari is all too happy to have another rematch with Nanoka who she has defeated before.
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Outside Nanoka and Kagari continue to battle,though Kagari soon gains the upper hand.Hoow? By by sending the paper foxes to wrap Otoya,thus disabling his assistance with the fire katashiro.
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 With Nanoka distracted Kagari pins her shadow to the ground, preventing from moving and then readies a cursed needle to strike her down with.
Below:take thorough looks on this screenshot:The captured Nanoka,and the nasty glare of Kagari.Her eyes are more of a killer.
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The suspence is real Killing! How can Nanoka chan make it? How can she prevail on the hari gaki(Needle brat)?
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
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The first time ever Mao and Otoya see something of the 21th century technology:A cell phone,containing pictures! “What is this weird thing in Nanoka’s hand?”. And it’s real appropriate to track down the missing girl Hajuki Ootori:)
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