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qyrhan · 5 months ago
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What is wrong with him actually?
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kidovna · 2 months ago
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laying there wondering what i’ve done to deserve this ending
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months ago
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The short answer is... a tilt-shift lens.
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The slightly more complicated answer is... Mister Rogers.
Depth of field is the area in front and behind your chosen focus point that remains in focus and then slowly gets blurry as you get farther away.
Shallow depth of field only has a narrow slice of the image in focus and gets blurry super quick. This is caused by a large lens aperture and being close to the subject.
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Deep depth of field can extend through the entire picture if your aperture is small and you are super far away.
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Usually the depth of field lines up with the image sensor of your camera. So if it is tilted forward, the plane of focus matches.
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The stuff outside the green area would be blurry. The edges of the green would be slightly blurry. And the dashed green line would be the sharpest area of the photo.
But the tilt-shift lens allows you to create chaos with your plane of focus. In most cases, you would use this to flatten the depth of field so you can get a 2D plane entirely in focus.
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If you were to use a normal lens, the bottom left and top right would be blurry.
But with a tilt-shift lens you can do this.
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The green area is taking a little nap on the floor.
However, there is an unintended side effect created by this lens. (The "Scheimpflug intersection" if you want to go down the rabbit hole.) You can choose absolutely wacky planes of focus that create a very narrow depth of field over a geographically large area.
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Believe it or not, this is when psychology comes into play.
And possibly Mister Rogers.
Our only reference for such a large area having a shallow depth of field is our memories of miniatures on TV. So Mister Rogers and Thomas the Tank Engine trained our brains to see this effect as... small.
Depth of field shrinks the closer you are to something. And when filming miniatures, you are placing the lens close to the scene. But the scene represents something big in our minds. We buy the effect, but not 100%. That blurriness wouldn't be there at a regular scale. So our subconscious remembers we are watching small things pretending to be big. It just files that away in the back of our mind.
And then when we see something like this...
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Our brain is all, "Look at all that tiny shit!"
Without Mister Rogers, our brains may have never made these connections and tilt-shift photography may just make us wonder why everything is all blurry. That connection to past experience is vital for this effect to be convincing.
Brains are neat.
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memeshost · 8 months ago
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himeshifts · 2 months ago
reminder: shifting is real. you’re going to have memories from when you were a kid or random interactions with people you knew back then. even the dream you may have had when you were 10... oh and perhaps the supermarket you visited with your parents 6 years ago? your life in your dr doesn’t start from the moment you shift there. life is still life. don’t treat your dr as a ‘magical‘ place.
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paintedcrows · 3 months ago
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Preparing for your first holiday season with your griblings is hard. Especially when your grand niece insists on celebrating Every. Single. Holiday.
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bbrattywise · 5 months ago
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divider creds:
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quixoticprince · 6 months ago
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I haven't drawn in so long and tf2 comes back with a bat to my brain again after I first got super into it when I was *checks notes* 14 I gotta get my gears wet again and like, rediscover how to draw and I'm wetting my feet again with a heavymedic shit post 😭
------------------- EDIT: The original images contained a text post from someone who did not want that text post spread - So let's have the blank versions instead! Imagine any dialogue in there that you want lol
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nymphaura777 · 22 days ago
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Procrastinating? Read this.
So, you wanna manifest your dream life but keep putting it off?
Let’s be real. You say you’re gonna affirm, visualize, and persist, but then suddenly, scrolling through reels, watching a whole-ass Netflix series, or overanalyzing the 3D becomes your full-time job. And then? You freak out because nothing is changing. Sound familiar? Yeah, thought so.
Why do you even procrastinate on something you want?
Your brain is lowkey tripping. It craves instant dopamine, and let’s be honest—staring at your ceiling, imagining your dream life while reality looks the same ain’t always fun. Your mind wants proof, results, and fireworks ASAP, but that’s not how this game works. You gotta train your brain like a puppy: consistency, belief, and a whole lotta "sit down and shut up" energy.
"I’ll start tomorrow" is the biggest scam ever to exist, no cap fr.
Tell me why you think tomorrow will magically make you more disciplined? Spoiler alert: It won’t. Tomorrow turns into next week, next month, and suddenly it’s 2026 and you’re still waiting for "the right moment." That moment? It’s now. Get up. Start affirming. Step into the version of you that already has it.
The 3D is playing with your head, but you gotta play it back
I know, I know, the 3D is looking disrespectful. Your SP is acting like you don’t exist, your bank account is laughing at you, and your dream life feels like a fever dream. But guess what? The 3D is just old news, and if you keep reacting, you’re just keeping the same boring storyline alive. Ignore it. You’re the director here.
How to actually stop procrastinating & start manifesting
Set a deadline for your doubts: Give yourself 10 minutes to freak out, then move tf on cause we ain't gonna suppress our emotions.
Romanticize your manifestation: Act like you’re the main character and your dream life is unfolding.
Affirm like it’s your job: No days off. No breaks. This is your reality, claim it.
Stop playing victim: You are literally the creator of your life. Act like it.
Make it a habit: Turn manifesting into muscle memory. If you can scroll IG for hours, you can repeat affirmations.
Drop the obsession: Desperate energy repels. Relax. Breathe. Your desire is already yours.
You either keep waiting, or you wake up and take control
The truth is, your dream life is waiting on YOU. Not the universe, not some random timeline, not "divine timing" just YOU deciding to stop playing and actually persist. So, what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna keep making excuses, or are you finally gonna step into your power?
You already know what to do. Now go do it, embody that version and manifest your dream life!
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soranker · 1 year ago
begging u to pls post the I think we’re gonna have to EAT THIS GUY w wolfwood and laios here so i can reblog it 🙏
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qyrhan · 5 months ago
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This time I remembered Garthe was existed.
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imaginable-horror · 1 month ago
This has probably been done before but it came to me in a vision
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Here's a version that's more properly integrated too
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sreppub · 18 days ago
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jason is not immune to cat snuggles, even when the cat is his dad who he’s mad at
(continuation of my somewhat cracky cat bruce au)
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shiftingwithsleepiness · 19 days ago
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💭 for the awkward people (me) 💭
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You always know how to add yourselves into conversations naturally.
People actually listen and value what you say.
You don’t get anxious around new people and won’t stammer.
No one cuts you off when you are speaking.
You will never accidentally cross boundaries.
You always know what to say and how to fill awkward silences.
You can keep up with conversations that change all the time.
Everyone around you genuinely really likes talking to you and know they can trust you with whatever they have going on.
The people you talk to are always aware if you’re being sarcastic and never take anything to heart.
You know how to put your thoughts and emotions into words.
(^) You are good with your words. (Flirting, comforting, etc)
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A/N: Feels like I said ‘You’ too many times..sorry for that. Posts pretty short…so at least you don’t have to add much into your script? 🤗
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fairyminnie444 · 1 month ago
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1. Final Decision – You decide that you already have it. You are not trying, hoping or wishing. It is already yours.
2. Nothing Outside of It Exists – Anything that does not reflect your decision is irrelevant. If it arises, ignore it or reinterpret it in your favor.
3. Zero Reaction – Adverse circumstances have no weight. They do not change your inner certainty.
4. Absolute Confidence – You do not need to “fix” anything. Your only function is to remain certain that you already have it.
5. Living Normally – You act and think as if you already have it, effortlessly, without trying to “make it happen”.
Lock in it is about making your decision so absolute that external reality has no choice but to bow to it.
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Dealing with doubts and contradictions in the "who told you?" method
(inspiration from the power of i am)
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Who told you that you are feeling like shit? Who told you that you have no money? Who told you that you don’t have your SP? Who told you that you angry or depressed?
remember the divine order of things: as WITHIN so WITHOUT.
If you are giving power to the external and bringing it to the internal and allowing it to intoxicate you, you are giving your divine power away.
So who told you that?
Always ask that and go back within and remind yourself of the truth and correct that then go live your life.
If you absorb an identity and you are BEING it, everything you do will lead to that, there is no wrong choice, theres no wrong movement, as long as you remain the person you chose within and don't contradict that.
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