#shhhh don’t tell alex
theno1joelhater · 19 days
me when i haven’t posted in a while so i just give you a bunch of al iby frames i thought were funny
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natalievoncatte · 3 months
Lena was waking up, and not in her own bed. She was somewhere warm, swaddled in a heavy blanket. Her head was pounding and she didn’t want to open her eyes. A soft mewling sound tumbled from her lips, and she made as if to blink. Her eyes felt gummy and stuck shut.
“Shhhh,” a small, soft voice murmured. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“Just rest,” Kara said.
It was easy to rest. He head fell against the wall of muscle that was Kara’s chest and pillowed on her breast and Lena let out a soft sigh, shifting a bit as she came around and grew more wakeful. She was sitting in Kara’s lap as Kara leaned back against a wall, and Kara had unclasped her cape and wrapped it around her in an impenetrable blanket.
As Lena opened her eyes, she saw that Kara was carding her fingers through Lena’s hair, so gently she barely felt it.
“Your hair is really pretty.”
“Thanks,” said Lena.
A kind of confusion swept through her. Weren’t they fighting? Lena was mad. She was furious. She was world-endingly, life-burn-downingly mad at the woman in whose lap she currently sat. Kara had lied to her about the fundamental nature of who she was and… and…
Lena didn’t feel mad.
“They gave you some pretty heavy drugs when they kidnapped you.”
“Kidnapped me?”
Kara let out a little snort. “You probably don’t remember. These were the lamest kidnappers, Lena. They nabbed you and immediately called me out. I found you and bagged them before you even came around from the drugs.”
“You probably won’t remember any of this later,” Kara sighed. “I just want to tell you I’m sorry again. I’m sorry I lied. It was wrong and you deserved better. I should have given you my trust the way you gave it to me.”
Lena blinked a few times but said nothing.
“I’ll never stop saving you. I will always protect you. Even if you never forgive me.”
Lena shifted slightly, pressing a little into Kara, who was now lightly teasing the tips of her fingers across Lena’s scalp, sending light tingles through her sleepy body. Kara yawned and shrugged.
“You okay? You warm enough?”
Lena nodded.
“Alex is coming with a team, she’ll make sure you’re all right. Go back to sleep, baby.”
Baby. That word sent a shockwave through her.
Lena’s eyes drifted shut. She was very tired and it made sense to sleep, to just let it all go. She was safe in Kara’s arms.
As she tumbled towards the dark, she felt the soft press of warm lips to her forehead.
“There’s still so much I want to tell you.”
Lena sighed and nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder. She was soft and warm and smelled heavenly, not just her lavender perfume but the soft smell of her. Lena never told Kara that she wanted to smell her armpits after spin class.
“You want to smell my armpits?!” Kara choked out.
Oh. That was supposed to be inside voice.
“Mmmhmm,” said Lena.
“Can I tell you something, since you probably won’t remember this later?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena started, jolting a little more awake.
“No, shhh,” Kara said, pulling her into a tighter hug. “I know it doesn’t change anything. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just scared. I need you to know of something happens, if…” her breath caught. “If not fast enough.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“Shh,” Kara murmured, touching a soft kiss to her forehead again that sent a jolt rippling through her.
“I don’t even know if you like girls. It’s just that was the real reason why I was so shitty and hid who I was. I was scared you’d leave if I told you and… and it happened anyway. I’m so sorry.”
Kara sighed.
“Sometimes I wish I could be human so there’d be no secret. I don’t know of Human Kara would have been brave enough to say anything to you but I’m a coward. It would be so easy if there was no lie.”
Lena opened her eyes and looked up. Hot tears glittered on Kara’s cheeks.
“And you know, if you lived with me, and not in that big fancy penthouse, nobody would kidnap you. I’d keep you safe and get you breakfast and make sure you eat before work and take care of you because you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Mmhm, and what do you get out of this arrangement?”
“Well,” said Kara, “I’d get to kiss the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Is that all?”
Kara’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Well. I could do more than kiss. I never have with another woman so I’m not sure how… but I want to…”
She brushed bright scarlet.
“I could teach you,” Lena whispered.
“Don’t do that,” said Kara. “Don’t dangle that in front of me, if there’s no chance.”
“Kara,” Lena murmured, her drugged brain grinding its gears a little, “you don’t fill someone’s office with flowers as a friendly gesture. One does not buy an entire billion dollar media empire to hang out with one person as a platonic exercise.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
“I thought you were straight,” said Lena. “It boggles my mind that you thought I was. Me? Really? Have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Kara was looking at her intently now. “I have seen you since the first day. When I saw you for the first time I felt something I’ve never felt before or since.”
“This fight we’re having,” said Lena. “It doesn’t really feel important right now.”
“I know, but you’re on drugs.”
“Will you kiss me?”
Kara’s lips were trembling. She dipped slightly as if she’d changed her mind, then pulled back and pursed her lips, pressing her eyes tightly closed.
“You might not feel this way later. It would be wrong.”
Alex chose that exact moment to kick the door in, sending a shower of splinters across the room. Kara pivoted in anticipation, shielding Lena but twisting around so they were even closer, Kara’s stunning blue eyes filling Lena’s vision.
“If you still feel this way later, call me.”
From then it became a blur. Kara placed Lena gently on a stretcher and reclaimed her cap, then trudged a safe distance away and flew off.
Alex was curt and short with her as usual, fussing over unnecessary risks and complaining sharply that Lena got into too much trouble, before sharply cutting off the conversation when it got too friendly and storming off.
Lena ended up back in her penthouse by six, all in all a fairly convenient kidnapping and rescue. She trundled inside and sat down on the couch, staring straight ahead for a while before she went to pour a glass of scotch, then thought better of it.
The night was chilly. National City never really got cold, but on a January night it could be brisk. Lena leaned on her railing and stared out at the bright lights of the city, the flow of traffic beneath and the distant sounds of life and joy.
Suddenly she felt very cold.
“Kara,” she sighed.
In an instant she was there, appearing in a faint gust. Her cape billowed out majestically behind her, hair aloft on the wind currents like clouds of spun gold. Kara didn’t look like an angel; angels looked like Kara.
“Come inside.”
Lena turned and walked back into the warmer confines, hearing the gentle thud of Kara’s boots on the balcony and her soft footsteps walking over.
“Haven’t been here in a while.”
“I used to dream of you moving in with me,” Lena admitted.
Kara stood silently behind her, shifting on her feet.
“I used to think about pampering you every time you mentioned that your rent was high or joked about a reporter’s salary. I wanted to take care of you, treat you, give you fine things.”
“You don’t have to give me anything.”
Lena turned around and crossed the distance between them. With Lena barefoot and Kara in heels, she towered over her. Lena stepped aggressively into her space and Kara didn’t flinch as Lena curled her fingers in the collar of her suit and pulled her down.
She didn’t hesitate. She gently bracketed Lena’s hips in her hands and pulled her in, bending over her to bring their lips together, Kara’s every move soft and gentle, the utmost care in every tiny gesture.
Kara was a good kisser. Lena let it deepen, feeling the heat flush in her chest and elsewhere, as Kara swept her cape around the both of them in a grand, silly, absurdly romantic gesture that made Lena’s knees go all wobbly and her belly flare with warmth.
“I could give you another chance,” Lena whispered into Kara’s lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Want to fly me home?”
“You are home,” said Kara, sounding a little confused.
Lena looked around the apartment, then rested her head on Kara’s chest. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Take me back to your loft. We can kiss and do the other things and then you can go get me breakfast.”
Kara slid her arm under Lena’s legs and back and picked her up, tucking Lena gently against her chest, stepped up onto the balcony railing and then off, into space. Lena’s breath caught and she tensed as she always did. She really didn’t like heights.
“I won’t drop you.”
Flying back through Kara’s window was a little awkward with the two of them, but they managed. Inside, Kara deposited her on the couch and the fussing began.
First, she made Lena put on a hoodie at the first sign of a shiver. It was old and threadbare and smelled like Kara, and when she wasn’t looking Lena buried her face in the sleeve and breathed it in.
Kara placed an order at a local restaurant and rather than wait for delivery, zipped out and got it herself.
“Do the people at the potsticker place not freak out when Supergirl pops in?”
“Actually, they give me a discount.”
She put the food in front of Lena and disappeared briefly, emerging in a tank top and running shorts, and Lena almost dropped the potsticker she was about to bite into.
Kara sat down beside her, and Lena stared at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail, leaving her in a kind of halfway state between Kara and Supergirl. Despite the display of her blocky shoulders and the ribbed fabric tight on her bunching abs, she looked so warm and soft.
Kara speared the potsticker and popped it into her own mouth.
“Hey!” Lena chirped.
“You were just staring at it.”
“Fine, here.”
Kara gently took another dumpling in her chopsticks and offered it. Lena looked at her askance, then leaned forward and took it in her mouth, eyes never leaving Kara.
Slowly, they shifted together until they were side by side on the sofa, Lena sort of falling onto Kara as she sank into the cushions. They were less eating and more feeding each other, which turned into Lena feeding Kara as they watched whatever came on the TV.
Kara slowly worked an arm around Lena’s waist and Lena turned, throwing her legs across Kara’s thighs.
“I’m tired,” said Lena.
“You’ve had a long day.”
“Want to go to bed?” Lena said. She tried to put her best husk into her voice but it cracked a little and betrayed her.
Kara said nothing. She smiled and lifted Lena up with ease and carried her to the bed.
Lena shimmied out of her leggings, letting them fall around her ankles, all while covered by the oversized hoodie, and her heart was pounding as Kara lifted the covers with an exaggerated gesture and beckoned her into the bed. Lena climbed aboard.
Kara crawled in after her and embraced her like she was trying to pull Lena inside her body.
“You must be tired,” Kara murmured. “It’s okay if you just want to sleep.”
“I am,” Lena whispered back.
Kara started to pull back, but Lena held on. “Can you hold me for a while.”
“Nothing is gonna get you.”
Lena closed her eyes and curled up against her, sighing.
Two weeks later, she put the penthouse on the market.
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
From 2010- Before
Part 21
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3 Weeks Earlier
“I miss you” I say into the phone as I walk into the studio
“I miss you too. I’ll see you soon though” Alex replies
“I know” I sigh “how’s collage going?” I ask sitting down on the sofa
“It’s alright. I honestly have no clue what I want to do though once I leave”
“You could always come be a roadie” I joke making Alex laugh
“Don’t tempt me. How’s the song writing going?”
“It’s not. We have to write boyband love songs”
“But your not a boyband?” Alex sounds confused over the phone
“Oh I know, but we have an image for teenage girls and a few teen boys. Some times I regret my decision. If I knew it would be like this then…”
“Hey don’t think like that. Have you spoken to the others?”
“Not yet. I will, but they just seem to be having the time of their lives”
“What’s your contract say?”
“We have to release songs to SYCO for at least another 3 years”
“You can do this. I believe in you”
“Mornin’” Harry shouts walking into the studio
“I’ll let you go. I’ll see you soon ok?”
“I love you”
“I love you too” I put the phone down and give Harry a small smile “hey. Where’s the others?”
“Gone to get snacks. You know I’m here for you, we all are”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“A fair bit. I wasn’t ease dropping on your conversation, but I just didn’t want to interrupt, sorry”
“No it’s ok”
“From now on you talk about issues that your dealing with ok? Your not going through this alone ok?”
“Thanks H. Why don’t we start writing while we wait for the others” I suggest getting a pen and note pad out of my bag.
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1 Week Earlier
“What’s up Uncasvill!” Niall yells into his microphone and the fans all scream back “now we have a little secret. YN care to tell everyone”
“Do they deserve to know the secret? What do you think guys shall we tell you?” I ask then point my microphone to the crowed who all yell once again “ok ok” I hold my free hand in the air “shhhh ok. We may be working on album number 2” this causes everyone to scream again with excitement
“m’not sure tha’ they’re tha’excited YN”
“No me either Harry” I say shaking my head “let’s try this again shall we? Who’s excited!” I ask yelling causing everyone to scream “ok now with that announcement out of the way the next song were going to sing is Up All Night”
During the song Harry jumps on Louis back making them fall on to the floor which causes me to miss my cue. Thankfully the crowd sing along which makes it easier for me to jump back in.
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48 Hours Earlier
“Shit” I grumble seeing all the flashing lights outside our hotel
“Hey your ok, we’ve got you” Niall says placing his arm over my shoulders
“I’ll go first ok?” Louis says looking at me. I give him a nod and the doors open. I walk behind Louis with Niall while Zayn, Liam and Harry are behind us
“Get back!” Paul shouts at the paparazzi
“YN have you and Alex broke up?”
“Harry are you dating Taylor?”
“Louis does Eleanor trust you and YN?”
“Zayn has Perrie come to any shows yet?”
It’s question after question, making my head feel fuzzy. Thankfully Niall doesn’t let go of me
“YN how good are the boys in bed?”
“YN look over here!”
“Turn this way!”
“Move!” I once again hear Paul say when I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see who it is, but I’m meet with a camera in my face. Zayn is quick to pull the guy away while I’m ushered into our car. My breathing rises while there’s ringing in my ears. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing
“You good YN?” I hear Liam ask. I give him a little nod grateful I’m now in the safety of the car.
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24 Hours Earlier
24 hours to go till Alex arrives, 24 hours and I’m in the arms of the man I love. I finish getting myself ready for the show when my dad comes over to me
“I think you need to speak to a doctor” he says
“I’m fine”
“No your not. You’ve been having these panic attacks for a few months now. Maybe you should stop performing”
“What!?” I yell facing my dad
“I don’t mean forever, but maybe just for now while you get all of this under control”
“Dad it’s just part of fame. I’ll have to get used to it”
“I’m just worried that something could tip you over the edge”
“Dad I promise I have it under control. How about this. We have just over a month left of tour, once it’s over I’ll speak to someone”
“Fine but you have one more panic attack and I’m taking you home”
“And don’t think I won’t ask the boys to tell me if you do” my phone then pings letting me know I have a text. I look down and see it’s off Alex
‘Can’t wait to see you tomorrow’
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bitbybitwrites · 4 months
8, 20 & 27?
8.     Oldest WIP
My oldest WIP is called Cuffed and actually dated back to 9/21/22! ( I checked!). It's a prequel to the first ever story I wrote called Trick or Treat. That was a Klaine D/s fic and the prequel goes back to the origins of Blaine and Kurt's relationship in this AU - starting all the way in the beginning where we meet Blaine as a little boy who is yearning for something - maybe even someone to help him not be so lonely. The fic is pretty much outlined - but I haven't written it all yet. Anyone interested can read excerpts here and here.
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
About 16. The first 15 are listed here . The 16th newest idea is a RWRB fic tentatively called: "color me intrigued" - basically would be a hanky code/flagging fic - where Henry gets dragged off to a club, by Pez, sees Alex, who is the DJ working that night with an particular color bandana tucked into his back pocket. Inspired by a picture of TZP and a tumblr post I saw on @bigassbowlingballhead's blog 😊 Nothing written yet, but I was working on a mood board for it recently - see below.
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27.  Favourite line/scene
That I've written? Arrrrghgh so hard to choose. Here are 2 for you. - From a Klaine fic - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - the scene where a drunk Tina Cohen-Chang leaves Kurt a voicemail made me laugh:
“KUUUUUURRRRRTTTTIIIEEEEE!!!” Kurt winced as the next voicemail clicked in, and the voice of a very drunk Tina Cohen-Chang assaulted his ears. “Kurrrrrrrt. . .“ slurred Tina, who then dropped into a very loud stage whisper.  "I love you, Kurrrrrt.” There was an odd pause of dead air.  Perhaps Tina had passed out?  But then her voice quickly picked up again. “Kurt . . .Kurt. . .Kurt. . .Kurt. . .you gotta  keep that new cutie of yours.” Tina hiccuped loudly.  "He is awesome.  AWWWWWESOME.  And sooooo cute.  And has an ass that won't quit.  And I saw you staring at it tonight.  Don't deny it.  I was staring at it too.  Shhhh.  Don’t tell Mike.  Ooh wait, he’s right here next to me.  Never mind.” "Sorry, Kurt!” Mike piped in, laughing from the background.
- From a RWRB fic: from my online auction fic that's a WIP - Where Alex is complaining to Pez that he can't find Henry a birthday gift: “Alexander, darling, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Pez leaned back in his chair, grinning.  His hair was electric blue today, as were his nails. His suit was bright, bold and couture, but only something that Pez could pull off. “Help me, Obi-Wan Okonjo, you're my only hope.” “With what now?  You do know Hazza is at a luncheon with more prospective donors for the shelter.  He should be back in an hour or so.” Alex huffed as he  plopped himself down in the chair in front of Pez’ desk.  “It’s why I came now.  I didn’t want him to be around to overhear.  I need help with his birthday present.  I can’t figure out what to get him.” Pez’ laughter rang out rich and warm.  “Alex, my dear Padawan, why are you stressing out about this?  You do know that you could just tie a bow around your . .” Pez coughed lightly, his eyes drifting downward as he smirked suggestively. Alex groaned.  “I know.  I know.  I was thinking something else would be better. . . I don't know . . something more spectacular.” “You are seriously underestimating how spectacular Haz finds your dick, my sweet strumpet.”
Thanks for the ask, @tinyarmedtrex! 💖
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garbagefarm · 2 years
Garbage Farm (#42)
2023-03-17, Garbage Farm session #42 (I think), spanning from Summer 4 Year 4 to Summer 15 Year 4
me (@mothmute )
E.B. (@salamand3rin)
Kimi (@2kimi2furious)
Highlights include, but are not limited to:
Alex is gonna start reading books and be a nerd now, to everybody’s horror
we’re out of wood!
Pierre called, says he has “the finest” seeds and produce
what produce is that, pierre??
Robin finished Pam and Penny’s new house!!
she spends some time rambling about the woodworking
we choose not to take credit, causing Pam to refer to their anonymous donors as “pure angels”
Robin evidently tells everybody anyway, ‘cause everybody seems to know.
“snitches get stitches, robin!”
Frucko isn’t visible in E.B.’s version of the cutscene, so she just sees me running around and doing a little hop
Should I buy shortcuts for $300,000? yolo
Harvey is nowhere to be found, it’s E.B.’s turn for garbage marital strife :(
We forgot to remind Kimi to make the fancy purple shorts
Haley sleeps through rock time when Kimi goes to use Emily’s sewing machine
Lewis is now afraid of and mad at Kimi
The ducks keep taunting us by going up to the edge of the pond ... and stopping.
Shane wants garbage money too, now, goddammit Robin
Speaking of Robin, she’s now hitting a cliffside with her hammer in the middle of the night
Kimi likes jumpscaring Lewis
Marnie just giggles about it
I get caught with iron crumbs all over my face.........
(There was a train but I missed it)
Robin mailed me some wood, I guess she realized we direly needed more (we always need more wood)
New cows, Jumbus and Zartino
Kimi says Stardew’s random animal names are “so cursed”
I begin breaking down the keg-shed, but hitting each keg is taking forever
hey, what if I just set off a bomb to break them? I’m so smart :)
lmao RIP me, laughing about it is the only way to keep from crying
Emily mailed me a sea urchin!!
We were talking before the session about somebody marrying Emily just to get her very special hat, only to give it to a sea urchin — this is approval!!
Worst part of making new kegs is gonna be getting enough oak resin, so I plant a buttload of oak up by the train station
ugh I’m gonna have to make extra tappers...
(it’s my fuckup, I can take responsibility for it)
A rare crow is spotted on garbage farm, eating the fiber field.
I start buying my way out of my mistakes (specifically: iron, copper, some wood, some stone, some extra coal)
Kimi borrows Frucko
Alex and Harvey both want to know what their spouses are gonna put in the soup. I guess they haven’t been initiated into that level of the Garbage Mysteries
Starting another pond, I get a special line about how Robin’ll start the day after tomorrow, since she always takes festivals off. I don’t think I’ve seen that before, it’s a nice touch!
okay, I made a bunch of extra tappers
Luau day!!
The melons are ready, but we can leave those for the day after
Everybody is at the luau except for Pizza :(
Every year, the Governor says this is the best soup he’s ever had—
is our soup getting better every year? is the governor a liar??
“maybe he’s forgetful” shhhh my theories are more fun
“maybe he goes around complimenting towns’ soups”
“maybe it’s a new governor every year, they replace the old one with a clone”
The Bloobening!
(ask not for whom the berry bloobs; it bloobs for thee)
Witchcraft?? In Garbage Farm???
(it’s just a void egg, we’ve got void eggs at home)
more cows, Bollello and Matchu
This is not good weather for sports!
Kimi visits the desert for fashion!
(dweeb fashion, she gets suspenders)
“we got oak resin?”
... actually, no!
Kimi stays up crafting in the shed and dies.
Marlon says he found her face-down in the mud ... in our shed.
E.B. tries to pick up some batteries near the desert obelisk and gets sent to the desert, good thing there’s a bus
“who’s watering the fiber? you don’t need to”
I think it’s Elliott, actually!
starting to tap the new oak
I suggest a garbage derby someday
KEG TUNNEL is starting to come online......!
fix my mistake ;_;
more kegs, also more preserves jars
Finish Kimi’s Hoe
if it isn’t finished already
Even more ponds??
We’re gonna need so many sea urchins
still need a big melon......
I mean I guess worst case scenario we leave the cauliflower up and try again next summer, right?
still need to venture deeper into skulls............
still need a prismatic shard for the museum???
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or-something-better · 2 years
August 4, 2022
(Nightly RP - Sam wrote it)
Mommy Mommy! bounces in back of van! are we there yet???
Smiles almost princess Turn look over Eileen +Olivia is excited to go park+
grin +I’m also excited! it’s been years since I’ve gone to one!+
looking out the window excited!
Arriving the park +I am glad you are here+ Put in park and get out and pick up Skyler
+ come on triplets! let’s go pick a shady spot!+
Princess are you coming out? We are here park Donna
hops out of the car and helps get anything can!!!! park park park!
I grab the triplets hands and walk over to a shady spot and take a seat in the grass and let the trips go have fun
Mommmmmy slides!!! points to the slide and starts to run for them! let’s gooooo
yayy Run and follow Olivia and watch her go down. Ready sky go on slide and hold on sky weeeeee that was fun sky giggle
puts arms out to catch brother!!! I got you sky!!
one of the girls has had a little puke so I begin cleaning them up. just as I finish with that another begins to act a little hungry so I get a bottle for them
squi squi Run to squirrel
Lol bye Sky
follow hey sky come back don’t chase the squirrel Run and pick him up
head for a drink at the drinking fountain! mmmmm yummy!
DB Cooper
dragging the little boy ok ok what did Crowley say I should tell these kids , oh yeah oh yeah looking at the kid shhhhhh see that windowless van? There’s candy in there if your quiet you can have some!
Little Boy
"Let me go! Let me go!" I start to cry
DB Cooper
Shhhh you like candy don’t you?
Little Boy
"I want my mama!"
DB Cooper
Trust me kid, I want your mama too!
my eyes see the bad guy pulling the little boy!! hey stop it!!!! I run over!
Little Boy
"Let me gooooo!
Let him GO! You bad guy!!!!
glaring at the man!
DB Cooper
I’m not so bad once you get to know me, you’re very judgmental.
DB Cooper
glares back
glare never faltering she kicks him in the shin! Ha! take that POOPY HEAD!!!!
DB Cooper
Ow you little BRA! Letting the boy go I grab Olivia putting my hand over her mouth and pushing her towards then van
Little Boy
When the bad man lets go, I run to my mom "Mama!!"
Mmmmummmummmm tries to fight back!
DB Cooper
tossing Olivia in the van I hop in and start it up speeding off
Run and scoop him up and carry him and walking to Eileen +Sky having a blast+
+he is! he’s so cute. the triplets are being really good. they all had a bottle and everything. where’s Olivia?!+
Look around she was playing Stand up +Can you watch Skyler+
Mom in the Park
I approach the two moms slowly Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but my son just told me that there was a man over there in the parking lot who was trying to get him into a car. I am almost in tears, and scared My son said that your daughter, yelled at the man and then the man drabbed her and drove off with her in a light blue van of some kind…I’m so so sorry.
+I got him+
Mom In The Park
I hurry away
Look over and I gasp shaking and watch her hurry walk away and I call ruby and pacing
gasp +Olivia….+
“Hello. Hey Alex. What’s up?”   “Hold it! Slow down. What’s this about Olivia?”
Took a deep breath man took Olivia with light blue car and took off Shaking scared
“Hang on a second. Sam’s here. I’m going to put you on speaker.” While I turn on the speaker I tell Sam Olivia’s been kidnapped!
Sitting at the map table I look up when Ruby get s a phone call, when she hands it to me I’m speaker, I’m instantly concerned Alex?
I’m hanging on to Skyler tight. at this point I’m scared to take my eyes off him. my other hand is gripping the trips stroller for dear life
I walk over to Sam intrigued by the call
"Alex! Where are you?"
At park
“I’m going to bring Crowley to help. We’ll meet you at the park!” Looking at Crowley, I tell him, “Come on. Alex needs us!”
Alex, This is Sam...wait a minute, calm down and tell me what happened.
I make eye contact with Ruby before nodding and vanish with her
We pop over to the park
Sam man kidnap my Olivia she is my baby my first baby girl I don’t want anything happen to her Start to panic. Alex, Its okay, we'll figure it out... how long ago did this happen? I look at my own watch and try to pin it down What’s the name of the park where you guys are?
Alex SPN
Little boy said it was light blue car at park Crestview and he took off Van
I type into the computer Crestview Park and easily find it. Okay.. it was a van? And you said you know type and color was light blue?
pull up the traffic Camera footage for this area of the city and it didn’t take long to hack my way into the park feed. I got it. I can see the van in the parking lot, but it’s from a fixed camera and I can’t see the other side or who he might be talking to. When the van leaves the park I shift to street level camera feeds and try to follow along digitally.
Took a deep breath worries pacing
Popping into the park, I go over to a distraught Alex and Eileen. “We’re here Alex.”
I appear at the park and hurry towards the group having arrived a little bit aways to not startle the already panicked group. Alex, Ruby and I are here to help. +Tell us what you are able+
Ruby! Crowley Sobbing shaking out breath
I hug her trying to calm her down
I rub her back trying to be comforting
"Crowley, let's take a look around and see if we can find anyone else that saw something."
You should talk to the mother. I think you can handle that better than me. Being.....understanding and all. I'll touch base with Moose
"Sounds good. We'll be right back Alex."
Hugs bury ruby shoulder. Ok Nod
Seeing a mother and a crying little boy, I go over to ask some questions.
Try take a deep breath
Going up to the woman I ask, “Is your boy the one that was almost kidnapped?” I ask.
I take Alex's phone as I try and search the perimeter of the part for any potential leads Talk to me Moose. What have you found?
Mother In The Park
"Yes. It was so close. I can't believe it. Some creepy guy in a blue van. That brave little girl. Oh poor thing."
Crowley, I’ve got the van pretty well followed on traffic cams. You guys need to get back here as soon as possible.
I head back to Alex with no more information than before. "Was Sam able to tell you anything Crowley?"
He's been able to track the van. We need to get everyone back to the Bunker so we can regroup
Wipe her eye and pick up Skyler
"Ok then. Everyone in the car. We need to head back. You go on ahead Crowley. I've got this."
I grab the stroller and head back to the vehicle
Nod Walking back to car and buckle Skyler and kiss his head and I get in front seat
"Adults in the front, kids in the back."
I nod and squeeze Alex's shoulder reassuringly before vanishing back to the bunker
I buckle the triplets up and crawl into the car myself
I carefully back up and go to the exit, heading for the bunker.
looking around, watching my surroundings, taking everything in
You, really stupid, you poppy head! My mommy and her team are going to find me … and kick YOUR BUTT!
DB Cooper
weaving in and out of traffic checking my mirrors for being followed
You made the stupidest biggest mistake Evers!!!!
DB Cooper
pushing Olivia back  who would want a mouthy little brat like you I think I might sell you
Go ahead they’ll just find me! A kill your dumb butt! 😝
DB Cooper
Once I sell you no one will ever find you. But if you don’t close your mouth all they will find is pieces of you
Back at the bunker, we get all the kids out
Put Skyler down for his nap and I kiss his head sleep well Tuck him in and went to kiss nuggets tuck them in and kiss them on head and hurry came to main room I can’t sit and stay around and wait we have to do something I can’t let something happen to her Worries and pacing
I’m trying to keep my total focus on tracking the light blue van from camera relay, to camera relay. So far so good. The driver has stuck to high traffic streets, probably thinking there was be more way to blend in. Not today you don’t, you monster…
Going over to Sam, I ask "Finding anything?"
So far so good Ruby, but if this guy leaves the heavily trafficked routs, I’m gonna lose him.
“If that happens Crowley and I can pop over to that spot and try to follow without the cameras.”
I coming with Look over
I pull out my computer and silently check for any other child kidnappings in the area. I don’t want to alarm anyone so I don’t divulge what I’m doing. luckily, I find nothing.  + well… a bright spot here is there hasn’t been any reports of any other kidnappings around here +
+That’s at least good to hear Eileen+  Shit! Guys…. I just lost him. Tips the screen over so that Ruby can see the exact roadway. I backtrack the camera feed and can be pretty sure about the road where he’d had to turn off. Ruby, he had to have left right here. It looks pretty rural.
“That’s all the information I need!” Turning to Crowley and Alex “Grab your gear!”
+I’ll stay here with the kids. Alex I got them. +
+I appreciate the help here Eileen, but Alex is going to want to go with them, I'm sure+
Run grab angels knife and her gear let do this
Ruby, I’ll be right here if you need anything, you call alright?
"Keep us posted Sam!" I stop "I need the keys to baby" I say with my hand out
+Thank you Eileen
I fish the keys out of my pocket Try not to scratch her
Holding the keys up, I tell him "We'll call! Let's go!"
Grab all gear to take with her
I grip my blade tightly I'm ready, we're going to make this moron regret crossing us
Run to Ruby and get in car
Once at the impala, I ask Crowley to give me a hand transporting baby to the site.
I hold out my hand letting her draw power from me so the channeling of it can be more focused
Once we're at the exit, I slowly drive down the road. "Keep an eye out for the van."
Look around took a deep breath and look for a light blue van
sits in the van! Not moving! But thinking!
DB Cooper
pulling into a driveway and looking around, I park opening the door and getting out. Walking around I open the van door  one word and it’ll be the last you ever say. Now. Out of the van now!
thinks about being a little brat… but decides against it…  climbs out of van and walks!
DB Cooper
pulling you behind me my eyes shifting left to right smiling as if nothing is out of the ordinary, as if I’m with my Bruce I lead you into the house
I looks around the house mmm. Nice. I sit on couch, trying not touch anything! you clean often I see!
Doesn’t matter! My Mommy, Uncle Sam and my friends are going to come save me ANY minute!
DB Cooper
You dont know how to shut up I see
Driving slowly, I look for any signs of the van.
In the car I keep an eye out before freezing. There, to the left! I see it behind those trees
DB Cooper
How would like them to find you in all different places? An arm in the fire place? Your head in the freezer?
Nope! 😁
Carefully pulling the car behind some trees, we get out.
looks down at my hands and shuts up!
DB Cooper
I suggest you learn
Slowly get out car quiet and quickly
"Let's head over and see if we can find Olivia." Creeping slowly over to the house, we check for Olivia
I creep up to the window using my ability to be invisible to not be seen when I look inside before skulking back She's inside.
Follow behind her +Is she hurt?+
Taking a peek through the window, I see Olivia sitting on the couch. "She looks fine, Alex."
Took a deep breath ok
She seems unhurt, but Ruby should get her out of there before we go in.
Good idea
"That's a good idea Crowley. I'll grab Olivia and you two take out the creep. Let me know when you're ready."
Agree and ready! Let do this
It'll be my absolute pleasure. Go on my signal. I move towards the door to get in position
Take a angels knife get ready to fight him
I crouch by the door and not at Ruby and whisper Go
Did same with Crowley follow behind him
I watch beside Alex to make sure that Ruby get's Olivia out safe
I get ready and drop my hand. "NOW! I pop in next to Olivia, hold on to her and pop back out!
I hand Olivia over to Alex
I kick the door down and charge inside, knife in one hand and a nazi pistol in the other
DB Cooper
Standing still with both my hands in the air
Stay outside and hugs Olivia my baby girl! You are not hurt I glad you are ok Kiss her on head holding Olivia
Don't even think about moving. You're in a lot of trouble mister. I smoothly glide towards the man keeping my pistol trained at his head.
MOMMY!!!! hugging your tight! I knew you’d come save! I told that stupid head you guys would come save me!
Yes we did and you are strong brave girl I am proud you and I taught you that be very brave and strong and fighter
I stand with the gun tucked under his chin whistling as I wait for the others
"Alex, I think you should go inside. I'll be here with Olivia." I say, putting my arm around Olivia.
Yes you did mommy!!! stand up talk and brave!
Okay Auntie Ruby!
"Come on Olivia."  leading her back to the car.
follows your lead!
Ok Olivia stay with ruby I gotta something to take care Went inside. Went inside and glare at man who kidnapped Olivia
Crowley SPN: I look up and grin He's all yours darling. I tuck my gun inside my coat and walk past her, pausing to squeeze Alex's shoulder This is the man who took your daughter from you. Only you know the right thing to doo here. Make him feel all the pain you did. I glare back at the man before exiting the house and heading towards the car
Nod  ohh yes I will make him feel the pain. Watch Crowley leave and look back at man who took Olivia and I turn into a bear growling and attack bite him and eat and pull skin off his face and I eating him and claw him make him bleed out and eat him and claw him him up cut and bit ear and pull  it and eat and eat him up and I turn back to normal that what you get for kidnap my daughter Went to bathroom and wipe her hand and face and turn off water and went to outside and spit out and went inside car
"You okay Alex?"
Yep much better Look over smiles at Olivia no one hurt my children Arm around Olivia kiss Olivia head
"Okay then. Crowley, care to help us back to the bunker? Let's take this baby home! With the extra power from Crowley, we pop back home.
1: Alex and Eileen take Alex’s 5 kids and drive to a local park. Taking the kids to the playground, Eileen heads for the shade with the triplets, while Alex takes Skyler and Olivia to the slide. Alex helps Skyler slide down to Olivia! Eileen is cleaning up one of the babies, who spit up, and at the same time another is starting to hungry fuss, so she is very focused on them. Skyler sees a squirrel and starts to chase after it, Alex follows.
2 Olivia walks over to a drinking fountain where she sees a crying little boy being dragged by a man towards a van. Olivia, being the protector of children that she’s learned how to be from being the Big Sister… marches over and tells him to stop, she even surprises the man by kicking him in the leg. He’s caught off guard and lets the kid go. The little boy runs off screaming, so the man grabs Oliva by the shoulders and throws her into the van and speeds off.
3: Alex finally catches Skyler and carries him back over to Eileen and the triplets, the 6 look around for Olivia. A mother comes over with a little boy and she tells them what happened. Her son told her; that the man who’d had her son, now has Olivia and has driven off in a light blue van. Alex and Eileen are terrified. Alex hands Skyler to Eileen and immediately calls Ruby telling her everything and ask what they should do. Ruby says she will be right there…puts her phone on speaker and hands it to Sam. Ruby and Crowley jump into action and smoke out / vanish.
4: from on cell phone, Sam has Alex give him the information about the van and where exactly she and the kids are. Alex tells him the name of the park “Crestview Park” and the kind of vehicle that the little boy told them about, a light blue van. Sam hacks into the traffic cam footage for the park and backs it up an hour. He finds the blue van, but can’t see the abduction because of the angle of the fixed street camera. He is able to see the van leave and in what direction and then pick it up on regular street cameras as it drives along.
5: Ruby and Crowley make it to the park and try to calm Eileen and Alex down. The team walk around the park looking for anything out of place and Ruby speaks to the mother and her son, getting the same information about the blue van and that the little boy did not see anyone else. Crowley takes the phone from Alex and speaks to Sam. Sam tells him that he’s got the van on traffic cam and that they should all get back here as soon as they can. Ruby and Crowley help get Eileen and Alex and the rest of the children back in the car. Ruby drives the car back to the Bunker. Crowley vanishes.
6: Olivia understands that she’s being kidnapped, but she isn’t afraid. She is paying attention to her surroundings and to where he is driving. She is positive that Sam and the rest of them will soon come and get her. She tells the man driving that he has made a really big mistake in trying to take her away from her mother and that he isn’t going to have her for very long. Her family will find him wherever he goes. Olivia is positive that she will be just fine.
7: Back at the Bunker, Eileen, and Alex put all the kids down for a nap., and come back to the main room. Alex can’t stand the waiting and wants something to happen NOW. Sam is trying to keep sight of the blue van in traffic cam after traffic cam. He tells Ruby that it's working for now, but if the van leaves the heavily trafficked routes, he’ll lose him. Ruby says that if it happens they’ll go to that spot immediately and try to follow without the cameras. Eileen get on her computer to see if there have been any other child abductions in their area recently. She does not find anything and gladly tells them that.
8: Sam loses the van on the traffic cam and hates to share that scary information. Sam backtracks the cameras, he tells the team; the only place the car could have gotten off the highway was at an exit to a rural road that doesn't have cameras. Ruby says that’s all the information she needs. Ruby and Crowley and Alex all grab weapons and Eileen says that she will stay behind with Sam to watch the kids. Sam says he’ll be right here if they need anything at all. Once they have their weapons, they all load them into the Impala and Ruby transports the whole thing to the rural road exit point. Ruby drives slowly as the others look out for the blue van.
9:  The man pulls into the driveway of an old house that isn’t far off the road. He opens the door for Olivia and tells her to get out and come with him. Olivia gets out of the van and follows him into the house. Once inside she looks around and sits down on a sofa telling the man that she won’t be there long because her mom and Sam and the rest of the Team will be coming really soon to get her. While Driving, Crowley spots the blue van parked, and Ruby parks off the road out of sight.
10: The Team gets out and slowly and quietly makes their way up to the house. Crowley looks through the window and can see Olivia sitting on the sofa with the man standing behind her talking on the phone. He quietly tells Ruby that she should pop in and grab Olivia out of the way as they burst through the front door. Alex stays outside to wait for Ruby. Crowley takes up position on the front porch and Ruby drops her hand to signal as she yells NOW.
11: He kicks the door in and rushes inside with guns drawn and paralyzing demons’ powers at the ready. Ruby pops in right next to Olivia, grabs the Olivia, and pops out with her safely. Ruby delivers Olivia to Alex, and they hug. Olivia tells her mother that she was brave because she knew they would come to get her. Crowley keeps the man in place with guns pointed at him.
12: Ruby tells Alex that she should also go inside, and Ruby puts her arm around Olivia and leads her back to the car. When Alex walks inside, Crowley tells Alex that the man belongs to her now. He squeezes her on the shoulder and tells her that she knows the “right thing to do”. Once Crowley is gone, Alex turns into her bear self and eats the man who kidnapped Olivia. Then turns back into her human self and rejoins the others. They all go back to the car and Ruby pops them home.
0 notes
tragiclilb · 2 years
☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ YOUR NAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾
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(Alex can’t get your name out of his mouth)
(Warnings: fluff, lots, horrible amounts, drinking)
(A/n: Yes I know this should have been more than a oneshot unfortunately i’m a little bitch who refuses)
(Words: 1858)
“Please I swear it will be fun!” He said pulling me into his room.
“Alex, you said that the last party. And we know how that turned out.” I said giving him a telling look.
In the past 4 months he’s had a track record of bad party experiences. He for some reason couldn’t leave a party with out making a girl mad. Each girl seemingly not only furious with him but me as well after. I just have learned to assume it’s because I’m his best mate but, it still always felt a bit odd.
We would go to a party, he would get shit faced, and 2 hours later I would have a girl storming up to me, saying I should deal with him. And I was not looking forward to spending my Friday like that this time.
“Please I’ll do anything. I just need you there.” He said giving me a pouty look. His dark, shoulder length hair falling in-front of his face. Sometimes he’s just so exhausting.
“Oh fine. But this is the last party, I swear.”
“Thank you! Well, we better get going, we’re already late.” He smiles wide and drags me to the car.
“So you sleeping over at mine?” I make sure to ask ahead of time. Knowing I’ll be driving home.
“Yeah, sounds good.” He nods pulling his jacket back in place after the buckle tossed it around. He starts the engine and rolls away driving down a few streets to the house party.
We pull up and immediately I can see it’s already packed. We walk in, the music pounding are ears. It’s some trashy pop song that came out last year. We both looked at each other and laughed a bit at the sound.
“I’ll go get us some drinks, okay?” He yells over the noise.
“Okay sounds good.” I say and he walks away to the kitchen.
I wander around for a while looking to see if I could finds anyone I know. Old friends from when we where in school always tend to show up at these things.
I search around till at the stairs I see Emma, one of my said school friends. She meets my eyes and runs down the stairs her long blonde hair swaying behind her. She was still as gorgeous as ever. She was the type of person in school who everyone was drawn to. She was insanely popular, but kind as well. It’s almost annoying.
“Hi, how have you been.” She smiles.
“Pretty good actually, I’ve been traveling around with the boys for a while. Where back in town for a break though.” I explain and she nods smirking to herself.
“You still hopelessly in love with turner?” She laughs and I fight the urge to smack my hands over her mouth.
“Shhhh, he’s somewhere around here, also we don’t talk about that. It was years ago.” I say looking around panicked. Hoping he didn’t overhear.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry, it was a sweet crush though, you where head over heels.” She giggles, just then I feel a tap on my shoulder.
“For who?” Alex asks innocently, obviously already multiple drinks in.
“No one, just an old school crush.” I say covering for myself. He looks at me with suspicious eyes. He probably noticed he was staring to long so he shakes his head looking down. The drinks obviously getting to him.
“Hey come on, let’s do shots.” He says getting out of his momentary funk grabbing my shoulders.
“Alex, I’m staying sober tonight, you know this. I have to drive you home.” I say and he sighs loudly.
“Your no fun.” He runs his hands through his hair letting go of me and walking to the counter. He takes 3 more shots and scoffs. I feel bad so I walk over to him leaning against the counter next to him. He puts his hand out for me and I grab it. He fiddles with my fingers. Picking at my nail polish which I’ll just have to re apply later.
“I’m sorry for dragging you along, I know you don’t like this stuff.” He says turning to look at me.
“It’s okay, I’m pretty sure I go anywhere you go anyways.” I say jokingly and he smiles to himself getting pink in the face. Probably the alcohol heating him up. He looks back up to my eyes.
“You…. You have really pretty eyes.” He says looking dazed. He makes it so hard to forget about my feelings. He loves to say horribly sweet things when he’s out of it. It’s another reason I didn’t want to come to the party. It hurts hearing him say things I wish he actually felt, only for him to go try and make out with random girls a few minutes later.
“Yeah yeah okay, I’m gonna go get you some water.” I say and go to the back yard looking for a cooler.
Much to my dismay the cooler happened to be In the front yards for some reason. So after 10 minutes of traveling between people and searching for it, I found it and grabbed a few waters. I’m about to walk back in the kitchen when Emma walks up to me.
“Your not gonna believe this. Alex just tried to make out with me. I mean he didn’t hide how insanely drunk he was so his oddness makes sense.” She says looking uncomfortable.
“Oh god I’m so sorry.” I apologize for my best friends behavior.
“You know, he said something weird.” She enquirers.
“He asked if He could call me your name.” She says funnily.
“Are you kidding?” I say shocked.
“No I swear. I mean he seemed so upset when I walked in the kitchen. He was downing a drink and I asked if he was okay. He kept asking where you had gone.”
“He so dramatic, I told him I was getting water.”
“He was probably to out of it. But I swear he sounded like you used to in school. Him getting all gushy about you.” She laughs. “I swear he’s just as infatuated with you as you where with him. Asking to call me your name and such.” She explains and my eyes go wide. I mean that’s insane right? We’ve been best friends since children.
“Why wouldn’t he just say something to me about it then?” I ask tuning my hand across my face, stressed. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I still felt the same. Watching him over these past few years. Performing the way he does. Getting to sit on the side and watch him. The way his hair fell as he played the guitar. Or the smooth sound of his voice ringing through my ears. He’s entrancing really.
But he always seemed so out of reach when it came to my feelings. He was a star. Who had all the options he wanted. Groupies and such. Why would he want me? So I never acted.
“Well, why didn’t you?” She says giving me a knowing look. “I think you should go speak to him.” She pats my shoulder and sends me into the kitchen. I walk in and I see him hunched over the counter fiddling with an empty shot glass. I walk over taking the shot glass out of his hands, setting it down. I grab his hand and lead the pouting man through the crowd, back out to the car.
“Why are we leaving so soon?” He asks slurred.
“Sweetheart, your drunk of your ass.”
“That’s beside the point.” He rolls his eyes, a big yawn taking over a few seconds later.
He leans his head on my shoulder and without answering his question I drive back to my place. Somehow I get him upstairs into bed without him passing out.
“Darling…” he says his hair falling over his eyes as he lays down.
“Yeah.” I say in the doorway about to head to the couch.
“I wrote a song about you.” He softly grins.
“Oh yeah? Can I hear it?”
���Maybe one day.” He giggles to himself and I can tell he’s to far gone.
“Goodnight Alex.” I say closing the door and going out to the couch.
When I woke the next morning I saw Alex sitting in the chair by the couch. He was drinking something hot as I could see the steam from the cup. I sat up and rubbed my eyes yawning.
“Morning.” He says softly as I get up and walk to the counter boiling some water, and grabbing a tea bag.
“Morning.” I respond in the same soft manner.
“Could we talk about last night.” He asks as I sit back down.
“Yeah I actually wanted to speak about that.” I say and he seams nervous.
“Alex… why did Emma from school tell me you asked to call her my name, before kissing her?” I said being quite blunt with it. If I didn’t get it out now, I never would.
“I- oh god, I’m a mess when I’m drunk aren’t I?” He says trying to laugh it off.
“Alex, be honest with me here, cause I don’t understand how you can say all theses complements and being dare I say flirtatious one minute, and then going and asking to call girls my name if you don’t feel some way…. About me.” I say cautiously. If this goes wrong I’m losing my best friend.
“You’re not wrong.” He says awkwardly.
“I’m not?” I say a bit flabbergasted. But mostly relieved.
“You just… hypnotize me. I can’t explain it. I don’t even know why it took me so long to realize it to be honest.” He says tucking his hair behind his ears. His dark eyes where big, almost surprised at the fact he was saying what he was saying out loud.
“But these past few months, I keep trying to tell you, but I would say something and you’d shoot me down. I would go find some girl to take my mind off you. But it never works. Cause….. cause there not you.”
“I’ve loved you since I was thirteen.” I say and I don’t think I’ve ever seen his face flash into a smile so big.
“Well that’s bloody good to hear.” He says.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, it’s just, you could chose anyone you wanted. Girls fawn over you. I just didn’t think it’d be me.” I say honestly and he gets up walking over to me.
“You daft woman.” He says scanning my face. I was confused for a second till he placed a hand to my cheek. His fingers ruff from the years of guitar. His eyes bore into mine making my knees week as he pulled me up. He placed a innocent kiss to my lips. It was almost like an apology for lost time we could of had if we where smarter. It was slow and sensual. His finger tips ended up in my hair as we pulled away.
“I’m infatuated with you.” He grins and I smile wide.
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tobias-hankel · 2 years
Fic Rec Friday Saturday! 🎉
These are some of my fic recs from May 14th, 2022 to May 21th, 2022! I forgot to post on Friday again but shhhh.
🖤 You Reap What You Sow by @oliocelottafanfics, M, WIP, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Grimm crossover, Case Fic, Spencer Reid is a Grimm, Wesen characters, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, I wrote this for me but I hope you can enjoy it too
With JJ on maternity leave, the team brings in their newest addition - SSA Alex Blake. She’s barely been introduced to the team when someone decides to kick things off with a bang.
Bodies are turning up all over the state of Virginia with no clear signs connecting them beyond their age and gory cause of death: beheadings. With minimal evidence to create a proper profile, some members of the team must become a little more open minded than usual to find their unsub.
❤️ Get Stuffed by thehotterhotchner, E, WIP, Emily Prentiss/Spencer Reid, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Spencer Reid, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss/Spencer Reid, smut, 18+ tags, it's funny!!! and sexyyyyy, implied jemily, Power Bottom Emily Prentiss, Top JJ, Spencer is just happy to be there lmao, blowjob, Oral Sex, handjob, Fingering, Anal Sex, Anal, Pegging, Threesome, Voyeurism, Strap-On, Just friends being friends
Emily offers to teach Spencer about sex and take his virginity. JJ thinks it's hilarious until Emily tells her that she's Spencer's final exam. 
🖤 The Perfect Man by @gaelic-symphony, T, 1k, Emily Prentiss & Sergio the cat, Emily being cute, she is amazing, Emily is a cat lesbian, Criminal Minds Bingo, Brief mentions of alcohol and canon violence (Ao3 Link)
Emily makes a feline friend.
❤️ Sprinting to a Dead End by @artdecodyke, goobzoop, E, WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dubious Consent, omegas as property, Collars, Leashes, Possessive Alphas, Possession, Knotting, Mpreg, Omega Spencer, Alpha Aaron, Angst, Mating Bites, Mean Alpha Hotch
Masquerading as beta always gave Spencer the freedom to pursue a comfortable, uncomplicated life. But when a new law took effect demoting all Omegas to the property of Alphas, he was suddenly faced with his worst fear.
And so he did the only thing there was left to do: Run.
🖤 I've no language left to say it by cat_enthusiast, G, 1.8k, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Established Relationship, Relationship Reveal, Oblivious Team, oblivious Penelope, love these FOOLS, Penelope finds out
“Listen, listen, I don't think they know Der"
Morgan frowned, confused, "know what?"
"About us!"
Tags below cut. Click this link to send a fic rec or to be added to Fic Rec Friday Taglist.
Taglist: @ssa-sarahsunshine, @justiceforralvez, @brillianthijinx, @morelikehoetchner, @lizzielovegood-blog, @merpancake, @sparklinspence, @spencersfunkysocks, @spencer-reids-adventures @castielryan
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
A Change of Scenery: A Surprise
Pairing: Dad!Angel Reyes x Mom Black!Reader (but anyone can read)
Summary: Y/n spends time with a friend as she deals with Angel being on a long run handling club business. When Angel returns, Y/n has a surprise for him, but he has one for Y/n as well.
Warnings: 18+, fluff, smut, cockwarming, 
Word Count: < 3,300
A/N: Here’s part 4! I’m blown away with the response to this fic! Thank you all for showing me so much love, you don’t know how much I appreciate it! Big thanks to @my-rosegold-soul​ for being such a big help and for being an all around amazing person 💖☀️💖
✨I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ✨ 
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While Angel and Coco were preparing for their run in a few days, you, Coco’s girlfriend, Alexandra, and the kids went out to lunch. You always had a great time when you hung out with Alex. She was exactly like Coco in every way and being around her always made you feel better. She had a light about her that filled a room when she walked in, and everyone loved her. 
The two of you spent a lot of time together when Angel and Coco were away on longer runs, and this one was no exception. As you waited for your food to come, you planned out what you were going to do while the boys were gone. 
Alex ordered mimosas for both of you, and she eyed you curiously when you chose to drink water instead.
“So, is there something you want to tell me?” Alex asked as she sipped her drink.
You raised your eyebrow in question and smiled when she pointed to your untouched drink. You glanced at your two kids before you reached into your purse and pulled out the envelope.
“I found out yesterday,” you said as you pulled out the ultrasound photos. “I haven’t told Angel yet because I want to do something cute to tell him. It sucks that he has to leave in a few days.”
Alex bounced in her seat as she looked at the photos.
“Wait a minute,” she gasped. “Y/n, why are there two arrows?”
Your face lit up at the question. “Because,” you glanced towards Imani and AJ to make sure they weren’t listening, “I’m pregnant with twins!”
Alex squealed at the news, “I’m so excited for you! Angel is going to flip the fuck out!”
“Shhh, Alex!” you chastised, but you laughed along with her.
“We have to find the perfect way to tell Angel!” Alex said. You could already see the wheels turning in her mind.
You smiled at her excitement, and you couldn’t wait to see what the two of you came up with.
After the four of you ate, AJ and Imani begged to go see Letty. It had been a few weeks since she last babysat and they missed her. Alex gave in and the two young children kissed you goodbye before climbing into Alex’s car.
Angel was home when you got back and when he realized the kids weren’t with you, he was all over you. Since he was going to be gone for around three weeks, he wanted to make sure you didn’t miss him too much. This wasn’t the first run he’d gone on during your relationship, but it was going to be the longest one so far, and you felt as if he were apologizing for leaving for so long. 
Moments after you walked through the door, Angel had you pinned beneath him as he thrust slowly into you. Your eyes were screwed shut as he whispered sweet words into your ear. Angel had teased that you couldn’t stay quiet while he was inside of you, and you were trying your hardest to keep quiet, but he was making it so damn hard. 
You felt him everywhere as he talked you through your orgasm. He swallowed your cries as you came around him and his thrusts never slowed. You wrapped your legs tighter around him as you came in an attempt to pull him in deeper.
Angel pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach before sliding back in. His fingers dug into your waist as he continued to fuck you. Your pants were getting louder by the second as Angel split you open. A sharp slap landed on your ass before Angel laid his full weight on top of you.
“Shhhh, mi dulce, you gotta be quiet,” he said into your ear. His body covered yours as he fucked you and he made you feel small. His fingers laced with yours as he continued to rock into you. 
“Angel, please,” you whispered.
“Please what, Y/n?” he teased.
“Please, please, please,” you didn’t know what you were begging for, but you knew that Angel would give it to you.
“You feel amazing, Y/n,” Angel praised. “You’re gonna feel me for days after this.”
You nodded and clenched around him.
“This is the one, Y/n, I know it is,” he said. His hips moved faster and your whines filled the air. 
Angel thrust into you harder and faster as he chased his high. You came around him once again, the tightness of your walls sending him hurtling into his release. His hips stuttered as he released his load into you. You both groaned at the feeling of him finishing inside of you. You felt him slip out of you, and you groaned at the loss. 
You closed your eyes in content and sighed. Just as you were slipping into a peaceful slumber, Angel shook you awake.
You grumbled as he continued to gently shake you.
“Lemme sleep, Angel,” you grumbled again.
“I will, just…” he paused.
You peeked your eyes open and looked at him. “Hmm?”
“Just come keep me warm,” he mumbled.
That got your attention. You moved as fast as you could and climbed on top of him. Angel chuckled and his arms moved to pull you close. Angel slowly pushed himself into you, aware of your sore body. Once he was fully inside of you, you rested your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Between Angel’s roaming hands and the sound of his heartbeat, you were lulled to sleep in no time.
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During the weeks that Angel was gone, you spent time with Alex. She’d come up with a great idea of sending Angel on a scavenger hunt and announcing your pregnancy at the clubhouse. And a few days before the boys were due to come back, Alex spent the day at your house helping you get ready.
“I found these shirts for Imani and AJ that say ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Big Sister’ on them,” Alex said as she pulled out her phone to show you the pictures. 
“I like those,” you chewed on your lip.
Alex sensed your mood change and looked up. “What’s wrong, mama?” she moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug.
“What if this is too much for Angel?” you began to cry. “What if we moved too fast and this pushes him away from me?”
Alex held you in her arms as you cried. She rocked you side to side and let you get all of your worries out. When you stopped crying, she pulled back and looked into your eyes.
“Angel is not going to leave you, Y/n,” she said. “From all the time I’ve known him, he has been his happiest with you. I don’t even remember him being this happy with AJ’s mother all those years ago.”
You sniffed and wiped your eyes and gave Alex a watery smile. “Thank you, Alex.” you sniffed again.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” she asked as she pulled you into her side.
You shrugged, “A few days, it’s been really hard without Angel this time.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Alex rubbed your back, “I’m going to come and stay with you until Angel gets back. I’m sure Letty will enjoy some time to herself.”
You both laughed at the thought because you knew for a fact that Letty would jump at the chance of being in the house alone.
You looked at the clock and perked up a bit.
“I’m going to tell Imani and AJ today,” you started looking for your keys so that you could pick them up from daycare.
“Want me to come with you?” Alex asked.
You shook your head, “No, you don’t have to. I’ll take them out for ice cream and maybe to a movie. Ya know, butter them up a bit, soften the blow.”
Alex chuckled, “You know how sweet my niece and nephew are; they’re gonna be the best big brother and sister in the world.” 
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah, those two are pretty sweet.”
After you promised to call Alex when you were on your way home with the kids, you made your way to the daycare.
Your heart melted when Imani and AJ ran up to you when they saw you.
“Mommy!” they cried in unison. They both told you about their day at the same time, often finishing each other’s sentences.
You drove straight to their favorite ice cream shop and they cheered when you parked. You helped them both out of the car and ordered their favorite ice cream while they found a place to sit.
You sat in silence for a few moments while they ate.
“So, I have something to tell you two,” you were a little nervous but you needed to get this out. “AJ, you’re going to be a big brother, and Imani, you’re going to be a big sister.”
“But I’m already a big brother,” AJ responded with a confused look on his face.
“You’re going to be a big brother again, and Imani is going to be a big sister for the first time,” you clarified. Even though they were the same age, Imani and AJ thought it was important to remind everyone that AJ was older than Imani… even though it was by a couple of months.
Imani’s face lit up when what you said registered.
“I’m going to be a big SISTER!” she yelled and bounced in her seat, a bright smile gracing her face.
“Wait! Are you buying a baby!” AJ exclaimed, his excitement matching Imani’s.
You couldn’t help but laugh at what AJ said, you were ecstatic that they were happy about the new additions.
“Well, no, I’m not buying a baby,” you clarified. “There’s a baby in my belly… well actually two babies in my belly.”
Imani shrieked, “Two babies! Mommy has two babies in her belly!”
You were thankful that the shop was empty as you tried to quiet Imani down but AJ joined in with her.
“Imani, do you know what this means?” he questioned and gently shook his sister, and she shook her head. “This means that I get a baby, and you get a baby! We both get our own baby!”
The excitement that the two of them had filled your heart with love. You knew that if they reacted this way, then Angel’s happiness would be even greater.
On your way home, you called Alex to let her know that she could head over to your house. When she arrived, Imani and AJ practically tackled her to the ground.
“Did you know that mommy is having a baby?” AJ screamed when Alex walked through the door.
“And she’s having a baby for me too!” Imani interjected as she climbed onto Alex’s lap.
Hearing their excited words reminded you that this needed to stay a secret for a few days. You and Alex exchanged a look before you sat across from them.
“Imani, AJ, we need to talk.”
When they saw the serious look on your face, they quieted and gave you their full attention.
“I know you are excited about the news,” you began, and you reached out to take their hands in yours. “But we need to keep it a secret because Daddy doesn’t know yet.”
“Why not?” AJ asked.
Your shoulders dropped. “I haven’t had a chance to tell him, but we’re going to tell him when he comes home in a few days.”
“Your secret is safe with me, mommy,” AJ zipped his lips and locked them and Imani nodded and mimicked him and they both stuck the ‘key’ in their pockets.
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The next few days flew past thanks to having Alex in the house with you. When Angel texted you that he would be home in an hour, you two set your plan in motion. Alex left to go do her part and you got yourself and the kids dressed and ready to leave. Before you left, you placed the first clue on the bed for Angel to find.
You made your way to your hiding spot outside of the clubhouse when Angel called you.
“Mi dulce, where are you?” Angel’s voice rumbled through the phone.
“Did you see my letter?” you asked, completely ignoring his question.
“I did, but I thought I’d be able to come home and spend the next few hours between your-”
“You’re on speakerphone, Angel!” you yelled as you drowned out the end of his sentence.
Angel chuckled, “I keep forgetting. Hi AJ and Imani, I hope you were good for mommy while I was gone.”
“Always, Daddy!” Imani yelled.
“Did you find the card, Daddy? You gotta come find us!” AJ yelled.
“Yes you do, Angel,” you added. “The clock is ticking, Mr. Reyes.”
“I’m reading it now,” he paused as he read the words on the paper. “Okay, I’m heading to the kitchen to look in the fridge.”
“I’m not going to stay on the phone with you though, your last clue will lead you to me,” you said.
Angel grumbled, “How many clues are there?” he was on clue #2 and searching for the third.
“There’s only ten.”
“Only ten?” he repeated sarcastically.
“Yup, now, I’m going to let you finish-”
“I’m trying to finish inside of you, but-”
“Angel,” you snapped, “speakerphone. As I was saying, I’m going to let you finish, and when you’re done, you can come find us.”
“Hmmm, Coco just texted me saying that you’re sitting across the street from the clubhouse.”
“Angel, please do the scavenger hunt,” you pouted.
“Anything for you, mi amor,” Angel replied before the two of you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone. 
Since everyone knew that you were at the clubhouse, you pulled in and parked near the door. Before you got out, you made sure that your jacket was zipped as well as the kids’ jackets.
“Now remember, keep your jackets zipped until I tell you to take them off,” you reminded the kids.
Part of Alex’s job was to get Felipe and EZ to the clubhouse before Angel got there, and by the looks of the parking lot, she had succeeded. You also knew that since Angel knew where you were, he would not finish the scavenger hunt, so you had about 5 minutes to get ready. 
The moment you went inside, Imani and AJ took off looking for their tios, leaving you by yourself, so you headed over to the bar.
“So are you gonna tell me why Alex practically dragged me out of bed saying that I needed to be here?” came EZ’s voice from behind you.
“You’re gonna have to wait to find out,” you shrugged before giving him a hug and spotting Felipe making his way over with a smile.
“Mija, how are you?” Felipe asked when EZ released you from his hold. “What’s this all about? Where’s Angel?”
As if he had heard his name, the sound of his bike filled your ears and you smiled. You called out to Imani and AJ and had them stand next to you in the middle of the clubhouse.
Angel’s eyes landed on you the moment he walked in and he took calculated steps to get to you.
“What’s all this for, mama?” he asked after giving you a kiss.
“AJ and Imani have something to show you,” you smiled, giving the kids the ‘okay’ to unzip their jackets.
Angel kneeled down to get a better look at their shirts, his eyes flipped between the two for a few moments before his eyes filled with tears.
“Do you like our shirts, daddy?” Imani asked as they stood in front of him.
“I love them, princess,” he said, his voice cracking a bit. “You’re finally going to be a big sister, huh? And AJ’s gonna be a big brother again?” he hugged the two bouncing kids and his shoulders shook as he cried.
When he pulled back, he wiped his eyes before you took a step closer to him. You threaded your fingers in his hair as he placed a kiss on your belly. You two cried together for a few seconds before he spoke again.
“So you’re pregnant?” he asked, his fingers gently grazed your belly as you nodded. “I bet it happened right before I left, I knew that was the one,” he replied with a cocky grin.
You shook your head. “Actually, it happened before that. Way before that,” you replied. “I umm, I might have known before you left.” You chewed your lip as you waited for his response.
“Before I left? And you didn’t tell me?” he pouted.
“I wanted to do something cute,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re lucky that I love you, Y/n,” Angel said with a chuckle.
“Oh! Do you want to see my shirt?” you beamed at him, and when he nodded, you took a step back. You slowly removed your jacket and revealed your shirt to him allowing him to read it. You held your breath as you waited for his reaction.
“Twincess? I don’t-” he gave you a confused look before it clicked. “Wait, so, you’re telling me that I knocked you up twice? I got you pregnant twice!” he shouted before pulling you back to him.
You laughed as everyone cheered around you and Angel. You looked back down at him and smiled, “Why are you still down on your knees, Angel?”
“You make me so very happy, Y/n,” Angel said as he grasped your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles. “I never thought, I’d find a love like this. Not only do you love me, but you love my son as if he were your own.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Angel shook his head and continued talking.
“You and Imani are a blessing, and I can’t remember what my life was without you,” Angel smiled as he watched you wipe your eyes. “I was planning on doing this at home and then spending the next few hours between these thighs after you said 'yes’.” He chucked when you playfully rolled your eyes. “But it looks like we’re going to do it here.”
“I’m not having sex with you here again, Angel,” you grumbled when everyone laughed.
“What do you mean ‘again’?” Coco yelled from across the room.
You felt your face get hot as you were filled with embarrassment, but Angel only laughed. “Hey, mind your business,” he chastised Coco before turning back to you and shuffling so that he was on one knee.
“Y/n,” he held your gaze and pulled out a little black box from his pocket. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re who I’ve been waiting for, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth by becoming my wife?”
Tears are falling freely from your eyes now as you stared into his eyes. You couldn’t see yourself with anyone other than Angel. Your hand shook as you nodded your head.
“Yes, I will marry you, Angel.”
As soon as he had the ring on your finger, he cupped your face and kissed you like never before.
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Part Five
A/N 2: If you ‘liked’ it, please reblog or leave a comment/reply even if it’s only an emoji.
387 notes · View notes
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Restaurant de Boudallaire, Cornwall 11 a.m 
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Alexandra: Hello my dear, I must say you chose unusual place to meet. Palace is not suitable enough?
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Maria: I’m glad you came Alex. I had to leave that place. I need normality sometimes, you know?
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Alexandra: Mhmm I can relate. Last time I spent my time as a free spirit  I was a university student. Ahhh I miss those days. But enough about me.  I’m sure you have something important to say…Am I right? Problems in paradise? I know my brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes *smiles*
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Maria: You are the first person to whom I want to talk about it. You deserve to know before anyone else.
‘I’m pregnant’
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Alexandra: Ummm pregnant? Uhmm- . Wow. That’s amazing! Congratulations!
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Maria: I know that you and Hadrian are trying for years, I don’t want to make it more difficult for you. Are you okay Alex?
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Alexandra: Yes…. I’m fine…don’t worry about me. I accepted the reality. How are you feeling?
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Maria: I’m-…I’m-….devastated. He doesn’t understand…Albert…he will never understand how I feel about it…he just-…
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Alexandra: Shhhh. It’s alright. I’m here. You’ll tell him about the pregnancy when you’ll be ready and I’m going to be right beside you. I promise to help with everything. Maria, you are not alone.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
The Mercer Legacy - Part 2
Pairings: Reggie x Luke x Reader, Willex
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: swearing
a/n: ahhh here’s part 2 of The Mercer Legacy!! I have been super busy and also told myself I wouldn’t write more of this until Sunset Swerve was finished (which it’s technically not bc it’s still missing an epilogue but shhhh) but I’m really excited to share this with y’all!! As always, please let me know what you think and comment/send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist!! Oh, let’s all pretend that Luke and Reggie are in their concert blacks backstage at the event from Part 1 in the second edit, thanks :)
Part 1  Masterlist  TML Masterlist 
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You met at the place where your front lawns touched, both of you storming out of your houses at the same time to confront each other.
“I can’t believe you lied to me!”
“I can’t believe you tricked me!” 
You both paused, having yelled at each other at the same time and needing a moment to comprehend what the other had said.
“Really?” You spoke first, quirking a brow and pursing your lips as you stared down your best friend. “You’re going to whine about a harmless prank when you’ve been living a freaking Hannah Montana double life?!”
“A Hannah Montana double life?” Alex repeated as if he couldn’t believe those were words that had just come out of your mouth. 
“Yeah, asshole. You’ve got secret cute friends, you’re in a secret band-“
“Actually can we talk about this inside?” He cut you off, looking around frantically as if he just remembered that you were outside and anyone could hear you. 
You glared at him for interrupting but turned to lead the way back towards your house. 
“Now I understand how Lily felt,” you grumbled and you could practically hear Alex roll his eyes. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Oh, fuck off!” 
“So what I still don’t understand is why you didn’t just tell me all of this to begin with,” you finally spoke after Alex explained to you everything about meeting the guys and forming the band. You were sat across from each other on your bed, normally you’d sit side-by-side against the pillows or cuddle but this was serious. “Do you not trust me?”
Alex snapped his head up at that, looking you straight in the eyes as he spoke. 
“No! Y/N, of course, that’s not it! You know you’re my best friend, I’d trust you with my life!” He rushed to reassure you. 
“Then why not this?” 
Alex sighed. 
“I don’t know, it just...it all happened really fast and telling you slipped my mind and then it seemed too late to tell you and I just- I didn’t want you to be mad at me,” he rambled and you shook your head fondly. 
“You’re an idiot, you know that right?” 
“That’s why I need you, you have all the brains,” he was quick to respond, breaking out the innocent look he usually reserved for parents. 
“Kiss ass,” you grumbled but gesture for him to join you against the pillows anyway. 
“I’m glad you know now,” Alex said quietly as he settled next to you, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him. “Don’t replace me with Luke and Reggie though.”
You laughed at that, quickly reassuring him that you could never before pulling out your phone. 
“What’re you doing?” Alex asked curiously, trying to get a look at the screen. 
“I’m changing your contact name to Hannah Montana,” you answered simply as you tapped away on your phone, doing just that. 
“Oh my gosh, seriously? You’re never gonna let that go are you?” He groaned. 
“Listen, I really don’t think you’re appreciating how clever that was. I’m a genius.” 
“Of course, my genius best friend,” Alex teased, hugging you closer to him briefly. 
You nuzzled your head into his shoulder, grateful for the show of affection. You knew Alex wasn’t a very physical person so the fact that he was comfortable enough with you to express his affection in this manner was huge. You always joked that he was the brother you’d never asked for and it was like he caught the cuddle bug when the two of you hung out. You’d spent many an afternoon or sleepover cuddled up just like this. 
“Oh! I should probably text the guys and let them know you’re alive,” you spoke after a moment, reaching for your phone once more. 
“The guys,” Alex repeated in disbelief at the casual reference to Luke and Reggie before the rest of your statement registered in his mind. “Wait, let them know what?!”
“Shhhh, it’s fine,” you waved him off as you sent a text in your group chat. “I just might’ve threatened your life for lying to me.”
“You threat- y’know what, I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore,” he sighed exasperatedly. 
“You really shouldn’t,” you laughed. “Luke says you’re late for band practice.”
“Oh shit!” Alex exclaimed, sitting up suddenly, the movement forcing you to sit up as well. “I gotta go- wait, do you wanna come with? I’m sure the rest of the group won’t mind.”
“Do I want to come... y’know I was joking about me having all the brains in this friendship but now I’m starting to think it’s true,” you huffed as you followed your best friend out of the room. 
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” Alex apologized as he rushed into the garage where the band apparently practiced. 
Upon entry, you found the garage had been converted to a well-lit and nicely decorated studio, equipped with everything you assumed a band of high schoolers could need. As you followed Alex in he gestured over to a couple of armchairs and a couch clustered across from the band setup for you to sit in before he quickly made his way behind the drum set. 
“No problem man, we know you were making up with- y/n!” Luke exclaimed, catching sight of you seated in one of the chairs in front of him. 
“What’re you doing here?” Reggie blurted out, having spun around to face you when Luke had said your name and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“Um, Alex said I could come watch you practice?” You tried to explain but it came out as more of a question in your flustered state. “He didn’t think you guys would mind but if you do I can just head back home...”
You moved to stand up from your chair but the boys were quick to stop you. 
“No!” They shouted simultaneously. Thank goodness for guitar straps because each boy nearly dropped their instrument in their haste to keep you from leaving. 
“You just... caught us off guard. That’s all,” Luke explained, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you heard Alex groan from the back, drawing your attention. 
“What’s up?” You called back to him, settling back into your seat and sending Luke and Reggie a grateful smile before giving your best friend your undivided attention.
“Huh? Oh! I, uh, one of my sticks looks like it’s starting to crack,” he excused, sounding like he hadn’t meant to be heard. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him, knowing he was leaving something out but you wouldn’t push it. At least not in front of Luke and Reggie. “Anyways, where’s Jules?”
“She just ran inside to grab some water,” Reggie answered, and if on cue the studio doors opened and a smaller girl carrying an armful of water bottles who you assumed must be Julie stepped in. 
“Y’know, one of you guys could’ve offered to help,” she huffed, walking over to each of the three boys to hand them a bottle. 
Like Luke and Reggie, it took her a moment to notice your presence as she jumped slightly when she turned around and spotted you. You smiled sheepishly, feeling that embarrassed heat rise into your face once again. 
“You must be Y/N!” She exclaimed, grinning at you. “I’m Julie. Do you want a water?” 
You graciously accepted the offer from the curly-haired girl, thankful that she didn’t seem to mind that you were there. After making sure you felt welcome Julie was all business, getting the band started on their rehearsal. The same could not be said for the guys. 
Luke was the first to start goofing off while Reggie had been pointedly averting his gaze whenever you looked at him. It was a complete tone shift from the confident boy who had winked at you at the debutante ball but Luke’s showing off seemed to empower him. The brunet, on the other hand, hadn’t wasted any time doing silly rockstar moves and adding in guitar riffs that you could tell weren’t typically apart of the songs by Alex and Julie’s fond but exasperated expressions. Not long after, Reggie joined in on the shenanigans, the two boys competing for your attention. 
For his part, Alex did seem to be doing his best to maintain his professionalism but, well, once Luke and Reggie started acting out you weren’t surprised that he followed. You thought it was cute, your best friend was jealous. Whether it was because he thought you were stealing his friends or they were stealing you was yet to be seen, but you thought it was endearing despite knowing that he had nothing to worry about. 
Well, maybe he had to worry about you stealing Luke and Reggie. Despite not knowing them for very long the two boys had quickly grown on you and you were grateful for opportunities like sitting in on band practice to get to spend more time with them, even if you weren’t talking or interacting with them directly. You got the feeling that music was a language of their own, especially for Luke. Even as he did everything in his power to gain and keep your attention you could tell that each song was important to him. 
You were surprised and bummed when they finished rehearsing, your personal mini-concert over. However, you hadn’t realized practice being over didn’t mean you had to go home. Apparently, the guys often stayed late in Julie’s garage just hanging out. 
“So, what exactly do your parents think you’re doing when you’re here?” You asked Alex much later, having just noticed the sun had long since set and wondering how the boy had escaped his parents’ curiosity and strictness for so long.  
You had migrated to the couch at some point in the evening, your legs draped across Luke’s lap as you stretched out on the sofa. Reggie and Alex occupied the two closest armchairs. 
“Usually I just say I’m at your house,” Alex shrugged and you sat up abruptly, staring at him as if he were insane (which, by the way, he was). 
“And you never thought to tell me that I was your alibi?” You questioned in disbelief. “What if they had checked in?!” 
“They wouldn’t have checked in.”
“They’re helicopter parents!” 
“But they trust me,” Alex smirked and you huffed. 
“Right. How could I forget you’re the Golden Boy. Every parent to ever exists trusts you immediately by default,” you groaned, flopping back onto the couch dramatically. 
The guys all laughed at that and you smirked victoriously to yourself, proud that you were able to do that. The boys led the conversation after that with you jumping in occasionally, just content to be there. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before your eyelids grew heavy and you decided to close them, believing you could still listen and participate in the conversation with your eyes shut.
The boys didn’t realize you were asleep until Luke felt you shiver, your legs still laying across his lap. He looked over to find you with your eyes closed, a peaceful expression on your face, and goosebumps all over your arms. You were freezing. 
Realizing that there were no blankets nearby, Luke began to slowly shrug off his flannel so as to not disturb you. The same flannel that Alex had made fun of him for wearing because “It’s June in LA and it’s a million degrees out.” Well, suck it, Alex, because now he was able to drape it across your torso. 
A warm, fluttering feeling erupted in his chest when you unconsciously grasped onto the fabric, snuggling further into the material. 
At this point, Alex and Reggie had caught on to the fact that you had fallen asleep and while the boys did resume their conversation, there was a noticeable shift in volume. Luke flinched the next time he felt you move, thinking their talking had woke you up. However, he looked to see that your eyes were still closed, no signs of consciousness to be found in your features and he let out a small sigh of relief. 
“Hey, Reg can you go grab a blanket from the loft?” Luke asked, looking away from you to give his friend his signature puppy dog eyes. 
It turned out he didn’t need to though as Reggie had already jumped up from his seat and started making his way quickly and quietly to the ladder. He made it up and down from the loft with no troubles but it didn’t last. Barely two steps away from the ladder Reggie tripped, falling into Alex’s drum set. Luke and Alex watched with wide eyes as at the last minute the boy attempted to launch himself in the opposite direction, not wanting to damage the drums and he nearly managed to save it, until he knocked the high-hat over with his foot. 
The cymbals hit the ground with a loud crash and you startled awake, eyes flying open and heart racing at the sound. 
“What the fuck was that?” You gasped, sitting up as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. “Was I asleep?” 
“That was Reggie knocking over the cymbals and yeah, you were knocked out,” Luke chuckled, smiling lightly at you. Alex had already jumped up, rushing to the back to make sure his high-hat and friend were okay. 
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay Reg?” You asked, your head snapping to the band set-up just in time to see the boy in question stand up, brushing off his pants before carefully making his way back to you. 
“Yeah, I’m all good,” he replied cheerily before handing you the waded-up ball of fabric. “I was grabbing you a blanket, you were shivering in your sleep.” He explained softly and your heart warmed at the gesture.
“Aww babes, that’s so sweet,” you cooed accepting the blanket from the blushing boy even though you were no longer sleeping. As you set down the blanket you noticed Luke’s flannel already laying in your lap and you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the realization that he must have placed it over you in your sleep. 
“Babes?” Alex repeated as he walked back, looking at you funny and you sent a puzzled look back. 
“What? I used to call you babe all the time before you got permanently relegated to ‘asshole.’” Alex rolled his eyes at that while Luke and Reggie chuckled. 
“Okay, it’s time to go,” Alex huffed, pulling you off the couch and you pouted. 
“Well, bye I guess!” You whined, waving at the boys while Alex tried to forcibly remove you from the garage as quickly as possible. “Asshole.” You cursed him quietly under your breath. 
Part 3
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty
TML Taglist: @bright-patterson @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @dream-a-little-bigger-x @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke​
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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What Happens In Vegas - Part Three
Clay Spenser x Reader
Part One // Part Two
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“I can’t help but worry about the whole girls night,” Clay confessed to Danny. “And I don’t even know the history with Y/N and her ex.”
“It was extremely messy towards the end,” Danny sighed. “I’m not going to lie, I'm expecting Jade to call me because shit has kicked off. I need to ask you something, and be honest, you aren’t just playing Y/N are you? Because she doesn’t need that, not after everything she’s gone through.”
“I’m not don’t worry, from the moment I saw her the first night we were here she’s all I can think about, I’ve never felt this connection with anyone else before,” Clay smiled “I want to know everything about her, be the one to make her feel free, make her truly happy.”
“Well then,” Danny smiled, “I’m going to give you some advice, show her you care, show her you are in her corner, fight for her. Because right now she doesn’t believe in love, you need to show her she can love again.”
Before Clay could speak, Danny’s phone rang.
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“Are you just gonna sit there and say nothing?” Amanda snapped.
“I got nothing left to say to you,” you shrugged, standing up from the table to go to the bar. Normally you would have ripped her a new one, but in the back of your head you kept replaying what Clay said to you earlier “she isn’t worth it, don’t rise to her, she wants you to blow up, don’t give her the satisfaction,”
Leaning against the bar, you ordered another drink, letting your mind drift to Clay, your heart was screaming from how he made you feel but your brain kept reminding you that love was bad. It had only been a couple of days that he had been in your life, so you weren’t going to put yourself out there to get hurt again.
Feeling a hand on the small of your back you smiled slightly as the butterflies that erupted in your stomach, glancing over your shoulder you saw Clay smiling at you.
“I didn’t kick off,” you nodded, “I kept replaying what you said and I walked away,”
“I’m proud of you, that’s a big thing,” Clay smiled, kissing the top of your head.
“But I don’t know how long I can hold back though, not with some of the things she is saying and my own mum is sitting there agreeing with her,” you whispered, leaning back into him.
“Well let’s get out of here, just you and me, we will break off from the group. Let’s make the rest of the week about getting to know each other.” Clay whispered, placing his hands on your hips.
“I can’t just bail on my sister and Danny,” you sighed.
“I spoke to them before I came over to you, they are cool with the idea, at the end of the day they wanted this to be a trip everyone could enjoy.”
“Why are you doing this?” You whispered, “why are you going out of your way for me, we have only known each other a couple of days.”
“Because the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were something special,” he whispered against your ear. “I dunno, I just think we were meant to meet when we did.”
“You telling me you believe in the whole soulmate shit,” you laughed.
“Yes, no, maybe, I dunno,” he laughed, “but I do believe in fate and things happen for a reason.”
“Let’s get out of here then,” you smiled, as you finished your drink, “let’s go cause some trouble.”
You didn’t even think twice as you linked hands with him, walking through the crowd, nodding at Jade and Danny.
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“Shhhh you gotta be quiet,” Clay shouted, as you both stumbled through the hotel.
“I am being quiet,” you laughed. “You are the one shouting.
As you fumbled in your bag for the room key Jade and a Danny walked out of their room.
“Well it looked like you two have had a good night,” Danny smirked.
“The bestest!” You beamed.
“Wait, why have you both got your wrists wrapped up?” Jade asked, raising her eyebrow.
“We got tattoos,” you giggled, “Clay got to infinity with a planet and I got and beyond with a rocket ship,”
“It was her idea,” Clay slurred, pointing his finger at you.
“You went along with it, idiot,” you giggled.
“You are both idiots,” Jade laughed, “at least it wasn’t a shotgun Vegas wedding, but go get some sleep, will we see you for breakfast?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged, passing Clay the key card for the room. “Love you guys,”
“Love you to,” Danny laughed, shaking his head.
Both you and Clay stumbled into the room, fumbling for the lights. You knew you were going to have another horrid hangover come morning but you felt carefree for once.
“Come on, strip,” Clay slurred.
“Tryna get me naked are you,” you winked, as you fell over trying to get your shorts off, landing in a heap on the floor in a fit of giggles.
“Just shut up and get in bed,” Clay laughed, helping you up off the floor.
Soon enough you were laying in his arms, letting the sound of his heartbeat soothe your soul. As you laid there you thought back to what he said about it being fate the two of you meeting and maybe he was right, you used to believe in soulmates, and you really thought Alex was your soulmate but now you knew otherwise but you refused to believe in that again, no matter how much your heart called out or tried to tell you that you were in the arms of your soulmate.
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace
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Max Philips and Werewolf Wife hcs
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@honestlystop @corrupt-fvcker @captainsamwlsn @thesadvampire @humanransome-note @biharryjames @max--phillips​
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Alright so let me start this by saying max philips is a combination of an absolute perfect husband and father but also a goddamn M E N  A C E
He’s loving and attentive, but mf will grope you in public, not to be a dick but because his internal monolouge is like “my wife is so cool and sexy all the time i love her so much” and then he grabs your ass while youre in a whole foods. 
Often times he’ll do that cliche “honey, im home!” bit when he comes home because he KNOWS it annoys the living hell out of you and he’s been doing it since yall got married. 
He is def one of those dads who will take any moment to boast about his kids. Some employees miss when he first started working there because now if you talk about sports he’ll bring up his son’s soccer team and you’ll be stuck there for the next thirty minutes as he shows you pictures of the boys at their last game. 
That obnoxious proud dad. If one of his kids does theatre? He’s whooping and cheering their name and you have to pull him down into his seat with a sharp hiss of “sit the fuck down”
Probably has started fights with the refs at soccer games when they miss a CLEAR foul or is somebody pushes his kid?? and they don't do a goddamn thing?? Vamp dad is shouting at the ref to get their head out of their ass before he does it for them. 
Because of this Max is no longer asked to bring orange slices for the boy’s soccer team. 
You have two kids. Both boys and both elementary school age. (idk their names yet tho) and they are your babies. Pride and joy. Light of your life.
They are also tiny agents of chaos that run you both ragged. 
When it comes to allergies, theirs coincide with being werewolves+vamps. 
Your vampire son is allergic to garlic and your werewolf son is allergic to wolfsbane. Luckily the extent to this allergy is just sneezing and breaking out into hives, not, ya know, death. 
But max still has to race downstairs at three a.m. because he can hear munching and now has to wrestle garlic bread out of his son’s mouth as he has an allergic reaction while still eating it because “WE CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS ALEX” 
Meanwhile you’ll go to the park with your son and see him sneezing with every step while picking wolfsbane because “It’s just so pretty mommy.” 
Safe to say you guys are constantly exhausted.  
Now lets be real here. You're just as fiery and protective of your family if not more and goddamn he does love it. 
He takes off every full moon, drives you and the family up to the cabin where you and your son can shift in peace. He thinks its a great bonding moment for you all. Your son is just barely a pup that trots after you, and more often than not you're just making sure he doesn’t get lost, start playing in mud, or eats trash (he has done this multiple times)
Your son shifts into a lil wolf pup and it’s adorable. 
But at the same time he has that puppy energy so he’s all over the place. Running after rabbits and play biting you, you take it all in stride of course but once he tries to get back to the house covered in mud Max brings out the hose. 
“Does this count as child abuse?”
“I don’t think so, look how much fun he’s having!” *cut to your son jumping and trying to eat the water as mas sprays him down with the hose*
                                 (A few nsfw headcanons as well)
You've got that mama bear strength combined with werewolf strength that max finds insanely hot to the point that anytime you tell off some bitchy mom for making a snooty comment about your kids he has half a mind to find a closet nearby and pull you in for a quickie. 
speaking of strength, the sex? World changing. More often than not yall have to resolve to quick screws in the morning before the kids wake up and he has to go to work. But when the boys are at a sleepover or their grandparents house for the weekend? You might as well warn the neighbors cause they won’t be getting any sleep with ya’ll fucking all night lmao. 
Max doesn’t feel pain much since he’s turned, but with your strength? the feeling of your nails raking down his back just teeters on the edge of painful and he fucking lives for it. 
Any time you visit him at the office? Office sex. He’ll have that look of like barely contained excitement as he asks about your day and shows you off to his employees but he is literally shaking to get you ontop of his desk. 
you take heat suppressants because nobody has time for that shit. But when yall were first dating and you forgot to renew your prescription?? 
Max literally broke like three traffic laws driving to your place. 
You basically called him and said “im in a horny frenzy and im gonna want to fuck you stupid for the next week.”
Homeboy was like “say no more” and left his job with zero explanation to his boss before getting to his car and driving like a mad man
Max is vv touchy. Not always in a sexual way. Sometimes he just wants to lay with his head on your lap or on your chest because he’s naturally cold so he loves feeling close to you cause youre all nice and warm. Sometimes hell just hug you and grab your ass. 
“You having fun there?”
“Shhhh honey im coping with a hard day at work.”
“By holding my ass?”
“It’s a magical ass, what can I say?”
Fang pals. Idk what else to say for that one but yeah. 
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Lena Luthor x Reader : Truth
This is my first quote request and my first time writing for Lena. It’s likely that this sucks and if it does please let me know(nicely). I love Lena but it’s possible I shouldn’t be writing for her😅
Quote: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi
Warning: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1,406
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Despite being awake, you cuddle closer to the woman in your arms, breathing deeply and trying to ease back into sleep.
Only for her alarm to go off, effectively pulling you from that sleepy state.
When she starts to move you tighten your hold and press a kiss to her neck,“ shhhh. If we don’t move time just might freeze.”
Lena laughs softly,” I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Well I think your next invention should make that possible. I hate leaving you.”
The woman turns in your hold, green eyes boring into yours, searching your soul in a way she always had. You raise your hand, cupping her cheek, and leaning in.
Her eyes shut, expecting a kiss, and you give her one. On her cheek. Effectively making her giggle.
“Well that’s not what I was expecting.” She speaks honestly, resting her face in the crook of your neck as she snuggles closer.
As you shut your eyes you have the full intent to go back to sleep. It’s incredibly rare that Lena agrees to sleep in even if it’s a few minutes. But that doesn’t pan out.
The second you hear your phone buzz you know you have to get up. It could’ve been ignored but the triple buzz is a custom notification, from the DEO.
So reluctantly, you pull yourself away from Lena who laughs at you and gets up as well.
“What happened to sleeping in?” She teases, stepping from the shower as you brush your teeth.
You roll your eyes,“ I didn’t want to get up but duty calls Miss Luthor. As I’m sure your familiar with.” You place a gentle swat to her ass that makes the CEO blush furiously.
The worst part of your day comes when you and Lena part ways. A slow passionate kiss all that you have to hang on to until later tonight.
Stepping into the DEO gives you the same feeling it always does. You feel proud to be apart of an organization that saves lives(human and otherwise). And you also feel happy, especially seeing your friends.
“Hey hey.” You smile as you approach the people surrounding the table.
“Y/n!” Kara’s own bright smile meets your eyes and she’s quick to hug you, more than happy to not hold back her super strength to do so. Your daxamite genes take it with gusto and you return the hug with almost the same amount of strength.
“Super hug!” Winn exclaims, joining the hug, and groaning when you playfully squeeze just a tad bit harder.
“Glad you’re in a good mood Agent Y/Ln,” J’onn says with a nod,“ cause we’ve got a big one.”
By big one, he meant big one. None of you are sure who’s inside the lead lined metal suit but you have to assume it’s someone familiar with yours and Karas weaknesses.
A loud frustrated groan leaves your lips when you enter your apartment. Fighting a lead suited man makes you ache in places you hadn’t ached in before.
Of course the one fatal weakness you have is exploited by the enemy.
On top of having your ass handed to you today you come home to an empty apartment, the absence of your girlfriend making you groan again.
It’s not unusual for you to be home before Lena, but that doesn’t make it any better. So you use this time to try and feel better.
Ice works for humans right? Might as well try it.
As you’re resting on the couch, bags of ice on your abdomen and leg, a burst of wind flies past you. H/c strands of hair tousle at the rush and you smirk.
“Always a pleasure Miss Danvers.” You glance at the open balcony doors and over to the front door where Kara stands in her Supergirl uniform.“ What’s the reason for this visit?”
She smiles brightly,“ I know tonight’s fight was tougher on you,” she holds her hands up to reveal two bags, one from your favorite bakery and the other from a Thai place,“ so I picked this up on my way home.”
The blonde walks over and starts opening the bags and the second you smell the sweetness of your favorite dessert you sigh.
Eyes closed, you clap your hands together, and look to the sky,“ Kara thank the gods for you!”
Just as quickly as your moment of happy had come it vanishes at the hurt and shocked voice of your girlfriend.
Both you and your super friend snap your gazes to Lena and you quickly realize your fuck up.
How had neither of you heard her come in? How could you have slipped up like that?
“Lena-“ you both go to move toward her but she steps back, the hurt clear in her green eyes.
“Kara, you’re Supergirl?” The blonde can just nods at her question. And her gaze turns to you,” and you knew?”
You can only imagine how finding this out must feel. Her best friend and girlfriend have been lying to her.
“How did you know? How long?” She asks you, your lying to her seemingly worse than Kara’s.
Opening and closing your mouth, you struggle to figure out how to tell her that you’ve known your whole relationship.
She knows you’re a Daxamite, having met you when you saved her from being hit by a car. The woman was distracted by her phone conversation and stepped straight in front of a speeding car.
At the time you were working. A superhero “in training” as Winn put it. Kara having recruited you from the DEO’s list of registered aliens because you are a Daxamite and she had yet to reconnect with Mon Ël.
“I-“ you know better than to lie.“ I knew long before we met. I work with her.”
It seems that’s the epitome of hurt for her, a single tear trailing down her cheek.
“Lena love I’m sorry I-”
Her hand raises, stopping you mid sentence,“ I can’t. Not now, just-”
You nod in understanding, moving to just a foot in front of her,“ I’ll go. And I’m sorry. Please know that.”
Lena says nothing and so you leave. Kara helping you since your body is still in pain, your heart now in the mix.
The blonde silently flies you to her apartment and the instant you land she apologizes. Kara knows you didn’t tell Lena for her.
“Hey, it’s fine. Um- I’m sure we’ll figure things out after everything cools down.”
Knowing that you’re also hurt by this situation, and that it’s partly her fault, Kara sticks by your side the whole night.
In the morning she advises you to take a day but you need the distraction. Only it doesn’t work out that way.
Instead of letting your work distract you from the situation, you let the situation distract you from your work. Which leads to your downfall.
While thinking of Lena, admittedly when you shouldn’t have been, you took a fairly nasty stab to the abdomen, by lead.
You feel yourself drifting in and out of consciousness as the lead takes a toll on your body.
“Y/n you’re going to be okay.” Alex’s calm and collected voice meets your ears and you nod exhaustedly.
As you’re being moved to medical you faintly hear Kara telling Alex what happened. That is before you go out for real this time.
How long you’re out for is unclear. You just know when you come to that one: you feel a hundred times better and two: there’s a person holding on to you.
Lena you quickly understand.
The woman’s lithe fingers trace circles on your side, just under your stab wound.
“If I say ‘hi’ would that be awkward?” You ask jokingly, pulling a soft chuckle from her that dies quickly.
A heavy sigh wracks her body,“ I’m glad you’re okay.”
You tighten your hold on her and say,“ and I’m glad you’re here, even though I fucked up.”
“Lying to me is not okay. But I do understand that it wasn’t you’re secret to tell.” She rises up to look you in the eyes.“ Admittedly I would’ve did the same thing.”
Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, you smile softly,“ does that mean I can come home?”
“Of course.” She leans down to press a kiss to your lips which effectively makes you smile.
Even though you definitely lied, which was wrong, both of you know your decision in keeping a secret that wasn’t yours to tell was right. And Lena wouldn’t hold that over you, she loves you far too much for that.
* * * * * *
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
I’m Still Coming Out (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
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@arination99 Request:  Can I ask for a part 2 to the Krashlyn fic?? 
The reader tries her best to accept her sexuality, as well as her feelings for Emily Sonnett, feelings she has no idea if Emily returns. 
Spoiler, she does. 
If you’re looking for part 1 of this story, you can find it rightttt HERE: I’m Coming Out
It came as no surprise to you that after finding out you were gay, Ashlyn teased you to no end about your crush on one, Emily Sonnett.  
Ali reigned her in best she could, the woman rolling her eyes every time your mother would poke fun at you for blushing around the blonde.  
“Ash!” Ali shushed her, smacking her in the chest.  
“What? Look at themm!” She pouts, her hands on her cheeks as she nods to where you’re sitting with Emily.
The two of you were fast asleep, Emily’s head resting on your shoulder, whereas yours is rested on top of hers.  
“It’s just so sweet.” Ashlyn’s bottom lip trembles, her eyes glazing over.  
Ali shakes her head, but can’t help smiling when you rub your head against Emily’s, the two of you smiling in your sleep.  
In the seat next to them, Kelley and Alex are wearing the same expression as Ashlyn, both looking at their sleeping teammates with glassy orbs.  
“Oh my god that’s adorable.” Kelley whispers, stealthily snapping a picture of the two of you, her grin widening when Emily wraps her arms around your middle, pulling you closer, well as close as she could with the arm of the bus’s seat between the two of you.  
It’s soon after that the bus screeches to a halt, signaling that you’d reach your destination, which in this case was a hotel.  
The first of you to wake is Emily, the blonde’s eyes fluttering open slowly before widening, her cheeks flushing blood red.  
Her arms slowly slip from around you, the woman’s fingertips grazing your flat stomach, the blonde blushing when she feels the muscles beneath your shirt.  
She clears her throat, giving you a shake.  
“Hey, wake up we’re here.” She gives you another shake and you growl.  
“Emmmm, stopppp.” You whine, this time wrapping your arms around her, the blonde’s hazel orbs wide.  
“Noo, five more minutes Em.” You murmur.  
Emily glances around, her hazel orbs wide and cheeks blood red when she realizes everyone is watching the two of you, each and every one of them wearing massive smiles.  
Lindsey wiggles her eye brows at the blonde, giving her a wink before Emily turns away bashfully, shaking you harder this time.  
“Wake up asshole.” She growls and you frown, glancing around bleary eyed.  
When you realize you’d made it to the hotel, you turn back towards Emily, your bottom lip jutted out in a pout.  
Emily sighs, rolling her eyes.  
“No, Y/N.” She says sternly, your bottom lip beginning to tremble slightly.  
“Don’t look at me like that.” She grumbles, the woman throwing her head back with a groan as you give her the best puppy dog eyes you can muster.  
Minutes later you’re grinning, you chin resting on the top of Emily’s head as she gives you a piggy back ride into the hotel, Ashlyn carrying your bags.  
“She’s so whipped.” Ashlyn whispers to Ali, the woman grinning as you turn your head, rubbing your cheek on the top of Emily’s head.  
“Thanks Em.” You whisper, letting out a yawn.  
Emily nods, her cheeks fire ball red. 
“No, prob.”  
Emily watches with a small smile as you argue with the ref, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you throw your hands in the air in frustration.  
Eventually, Ali guides you away, but not before giving the ref her own glare.  
Beside her, Ashlyn snickers.  
“Like mother like daughter, right?” She nudges Emily, who grins.  
“I mean, you’re pretty spicy too.” She shrugs and Ashlyn nods.  
The two go silent, their attention going back to the game, that is until Ashlyn clears her throat.  
“You know, Y/N may be over 20, but she IS my baby...” Ashlyn starts, Emily’s brows furrowing as she turns towards her, somewhat fearful at the edge in her voice.  
“Ye-Yeah...” She mumbles, attempting to swallow the lump in her throat.  
Was this a shovel talk?  
How could it be a shovel talk when you were only her best friend...?  
Emily’s cheeks flush bright red.  
Did she know?  
How COULD she have known that Emily wanted more?  
“And seeing as she’s my BABY... I’m not above literally killing for her...” Ashlyn turns towards Emily, Emily whose hazel orbs are bugging out of her head.  
“You know what I mean?” Ashlyn whispers, leaning towards her and Emily swallows hard, nodding rapidly.  
“I-I-I do...” She stammers, the older woman nodding before her lips split into a grin.  
“Just, treat her right.” She nods, turning away.  
Emily’s brows furrow, the tips of her ears burning.  
“W-W-W-We-We’re just friends you know...?” She stutters.  
Ashlyn turns back towards her, a smirk stretching across her face.  
“For now.”  
The confusion on your face was apparent when Emily shuffled towards you, her head down and cheeks pink.  
You give her yellow vest a tug.  
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You ask, head cocked to the side in confusion.  
Emily shakes her head.  
“N-No, n-nothing's wrong.” She stammers and your eyes narrow.  
Emily’s cheeks flush darker when you slip an arm around her, fingers unconsciously dipping into her short’s pocket.  
Emily notices immediately, the tips of her ears literally on fire, her palms beginning to sweat.  
You feel her stiffen; your brows arched.  
“Are you alright?”
Emily nods.  
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be!?” She squeaks loudly, your eyes widening at the sound.  
“Umm, because you sound like you’ve been hitting the helium tank a LITTLE too hard...”  
Emily’s eyes narrow.  
“I do NOT.” She grumbles and you snort.  
“You do too.”  
Ashlyn watches from across the field as the two of you bicker, a smile stretching across her face.  
Ali walks up beside her, the woman’s lips splitting into a grin.  
“Are you sure those two aren’t married yet?” She whispers, giggling when you pull Emily into a headlock, the woman attempting to wiggle out of your hold.  
“Nah, not yet. Em, thinks they’re only friends.
Megan sighs.
“Oh to be a young baby gay again.”  
Ashlyn shakes her head, smiling when she sees your cheeks are dusted pink, Emily’s arm slung around your shoulders.
“Should we meddle?” Kelley asks as she joins the group.
Ashlyn shakes her head, smiling when Emily’s fingers tangle in your messy hair, your eyes widening as you turn towards her, face blood red.
“Nah, let them figure it out on their own. I have a feeling it won’t take them long.”
Weeks had passed since Ashlyn had spoken to Emily about you, and the blonde couldn’t get you off her mind.
Friendship didn’t explain the way her heart would race when you were around, wouldn’t explain the way it skipped a best when you laughed.
“Okay, that’s it, you’re going to tell me what’s wrong right now.”
Emily jumps at the sound of your voice, the woman pulled from her trance.
“What are you talking about?” She asks innocently, earning an eye roll.  
“You’ve been spacing out for weeks, and I know you’re thinking because your nose crinkles.” You poke her nose and she huffs.
She remains silent for a moment and you groan.
“Em, seriously what is-
Your eyes widen when in a single motion Emily grabs your face, the woman tugging you forwards, her lips meeting yours in a kiss.
In that moment your body is set aflame, though you can’t move, you’re entirely frozen.
Emily pulls back abruptly when she realizes you aren’t kissing back.  
“Y/N?” She whispers, voice cracking as her hazel orbs fill with tears.  
In one swift motion you leap from the bed and sprint out of the room, slamming the hotel room’s door behind you, leaving a heartbroken Emily Sonnett behind.  
A loud knocking on their hotel room’s door makes Ashlyn nearly fall out of bed, she and Ali sharing a glance before the blonde jumps to her feet and jerks the door open, revealing her incredibly disheveled daughter.  
The second you see your mother you burst into tears, the goalie opening her arms just as you leap towards her.  
“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Ashlyn coos, pushing the door shut behind her as she carries you to the bed, Ali frowning sadly when she sees you.  
“Aww, sweetie what happened?” She asks as you and Ashlyn move onto the bed.  
You turn, wrapping your arms around Ali, burying your face in her chest.  
“She kissed me and I didn’t kiss her back.” You whisper, Ashlyn and Ali sharing a glance, both unable to bite their smiles back.  
“You didn’t want to?” Ashlyn asks and you shake your head.  
“I wanted to.” You pout, bottom lip trembling.  
Ashlyn can’t help but laugh, shaking her head.  
“Then why didn’t you?” She asks and you shrug.  
“I don’t knowww!” You huff, growling when Ashlyn snickers.  
“I got scared!” You yell as Ali flicks Ashlyn in the ear.  
“It’s okay to be scared Y/N.” Ali brushes your tears away with a tender smile.  
“What did Em do?” Ashlyn asks and your eyes widen, remembering the look of pure heartbreak on Emily’s face.  
Your bottom lip trembles, tears yet again forming in your eyes.  
“She was crying...” You sniffle, your Y/E/C orbs darting around Ali’s face before you turn to your mother.  
Ashlyn cups your cheeks, leaning in to kiss your forehead.  
Afterwards, she nods to the door.  
“Go tell her how you feel Y/N, don’t let this chance pass you by. If you do you’ll regret it.”  
You swallow hard before nodding.  
You wrap your arms tightly around her, giving her a squeeze before doing the same to Ali.  
With no hesitation, you leap from the bed and sprint towards the door, hoping you weren't too late.  
The door slams shut and Ashlyn sniffles, a tear leaking from her hazel orbs.  
“She’s grown up, isn’t she?” She asks, Ali’s arms wrapping tightly around her.  
“Yeah, she is.”  
Kelley lets out a literal screech when someone pounds on her and Alex’s hotel room door, the defender hitting her head on the night stand.  
“Oh god, call an ambulance.” She groans and Alex rolls her eyes, jumping from the bed and heading to the door.  
“Shake it off.”  
“I could be concussed JAN!” She screeches as Alex opens the door, frowning when she sees a disheveled, sobbing Emily Sonnett behind it.  
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Alex asks as Emily pushes her way inside, immediately running to Kelley who wraps her arms tightly around her.  
“I kissed Y/N and she ran awayyy!” She sobs into Kelley’s neck, the defender’s eyes widening as she holds her close.  
Kelley glances at Alex, the woman smiling softly as she makes her way over.  
“It’s okay Em, it’ll be okay.” She whispers, running a gentle hand down the blonde’s back.  
“She didn’t say anything?” Kelley asks.  
Emily shakes her head.  
“No, she just got all stiff then ran away.” She sniffles, frowning when Kelley smiles softly.  
“Why are you smiling?” She asks, bottom lip trembling.  
Kelley cups her cheeks.  
“She cares about you Em.” She whispers.  
Alex nods.  
“It sounds like she’s scared...”  
Emily sniffles, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her hoodie, her eyes widening when she realizes it’s in fact a hoodie, she’d stole from you.  
“Why would she be scared of me...?” She whispers and Kelley smiles, cupping her cheeks.  
“I think she’s scared of taking the next step...”  
Emily sniffles nodding to herself, a small smile playing on her lips.  
“You think she feels the same...?”  
Alex giggles, ruffling her messy blonde hair.
“She does, now go get her Em.”  
You burst into the hotel room you share with Emily, a frown tugging the corners of your mouth downward when you find the room empty.  
You sigh, slinking towards the bed, your elbows resting on your knees.  
What if Emily didn’t come back?  
What if she decided the kiss was a mistake?  
The silence in the room is deafening, so deafening in fact that you can hear footsteps in the hallway, footsteps that are approaching your door.  
You swallow hard, fear coursing through you as the door to your hotel room opens, revealing the blonde you were wanting to see more than anything in the world.  
You jump to your feet, rushing towards Emily, who rushes towards you, the door shutting behind her as the two of you meet.  
Emily cups your cheeks, hazel orbs disappearing behind fluttering eyelids as the two of you close the distance between one another, lips meeting in a tender kiss. 
This isn’t just a first kiss, it’s a promise, a promise for more kisses to come, a declaration of love in the purest form.  
The two of you part, Emily’s eyes still shut as you search her face.  
“I’m sorry for running away...” You whisper, only to be pulled back in, Emily’s lips again pressing against yours.  
“All that matters is that you came back.” She whispers in between kisses, the two of you eventually pulling apart, your forehead resting against Emily’s.  
Emily’s eyes flutter open to reveal hazel orbs that shine brightly, almost as bright as the smile that nearly splits her face in half.  
"Hey.” She whispers, a smile much like hers stretching across your face.  
You brush your nose playfully back and forth against hers.  
“Hey.” You chuckle, Emily closing the distance between you yet again.  
Later that night, with Emily fast asleep and curled into your side, you realize that coming back to the hotel room was the best decision you’d ever made, a decision that led you into the arms of the one and only Emily Sonnett.
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augustwxllow · 4 years
part three
maybe this will be the last instalment maybe it won’t be idk, we’ll both find out at the end together
henry’s pov
henry watched as the doctor scrambled for the paddles and the nurse started doing chest compressions on alex
he didn’t know if the doctors knew he was there but soon they probably would if he sobbed loudly
“charging... clear!”
the anaesthesiologist took the oxygen tube, which connected to the machine, out of henry’s mouth and the nurse removed her hands just in time as the shock was delivered
both the nurse and doctor, as well as henry, looked at the heart monitor
no change
the nurse immediately went back to doing chest compressions as the doctor waited for the paddles to recharge
“charging... clear!”
it was a routine that went on for two minutes and henry started to panic
he felt his hands fidgeting with the strap across his chest
henry caught attention of the doctor who took a step back and shook his head at the nurse
the nurse didn’t stop but instead nudged her head towards henry’s direction
henry’s panic only became worse when the doctor turned around and saw him and went wide eyed
the doctor quickly turned back to look at his patient and then back at henry and then grabbed the paddles immediately
“charging... clear!”
no change happened but he looked at the nurse
“go find me as much ice as you can and bring it here. im not having the death of the first son of the united states on my hands”
the nurse immediately ran out and almost came back immediately with two buckets and placed it around alex’s head
henry’s panic kept rising as he watched the clock
“come on love. don’t do this to me” henry whispered
“don’t leave me”
“charging... clear!”
no change
the nurse resumed compressions
“it’s almost four minutes doctor”
henry thought he squeaked at that and he knew he did when the nurse looked at him
henry knew not all medical shows weren’t accurate that didn’t mean he didn’t research stuff afterwards
but henry knew that after four minutes there would be permanent brain damage
“please love. i love you. please” henry begged one last time
henry watched as the doctor charged the paddles
“history, huh? bet we could make some” henry whispered to himself
henry looked down at his feet as he listened to the doctor deliver the last shock which would help prevent permanent brain damage
that sound
the sound of reassurance
the sound of life
the sound of henry’s fiancé being here
henry looked up and saw the heart monitor beeping at a normal rhythm and watched as the doctor quickly put the paddles away and worked on fixing alex’s shoulder
“fucking hell alex you dramatic asshole” henry let out in a shaky breath
henry watched as the doctor finished up with tying the wound up without the worry of alex would flatline again
henry stayed where he was
he didn’t think he could move after he watched alex laying lifeless on the table for nearly four minutes
suddenly the sound of a door opening caught henry’s attention
he turned around and saw the doctor there looking at him
“apologies your royal highness. im sorry you had to witness that”
henry held back the urge to roll his eyes
“the first son is in a stable condition and hopefully he will make a full recovery. we will have to keep him here for awhile to see if there is any brain damage due the amount of time he was deprived of oxygen”
henry just nodded and the doctor looked at him
“i know im not to speak to like this in front of a royal but he is one lucky bastard”
henry smiled at that and laughed smally
“that he is” henry replied
the doctor nodded and moved his head in the direction of the exit and showed him to alex’s private room
when the doctor reached it with henry he turned around when he heard his sister yell out his name
“you do rather need to be quiet in places like this bea”
“im sorry but i did call out for you four times but your brain was clearly preoccupied with the thoughts of your fiancé being okay”
henry sucked in a breath as the doctor looked at him
“i will not speak a word” he said simply as he held the door open for bea and himself
the two of them stepped in and bea handed him a bag with some clothes in it
“please do get changed so we can burn that uniform. i don’t want to see it again”
“when did you have time to get the clothes?”
“well when you originally told me to go get them i went downstairs and got shaan and zahra and then when i was waiting out there i got bored so i decided to go home and get you some clothes and eat your hidden stash of jaffa cakes”
“excuse me?”
“oh hush hush. just get out of that hideous thing”
henry listened to his sister and went into the bathroom and stopped out of the uniform
“you know what have a shower too” bea called out
henry did do that because he needed something to clear his thoughts before he sat down beside alex’s bed for the next god knows how many days waiting for him to wake up
henry felt clean when he stepped out of the shower and felt comfortable when he pulled out his sweatpants and the alex’s shirt
when henry stepped out, he saw bea had taken occupant of the lounge as she channel surfed so it left henry with the chair next to alex’s hand no doubt bea doing it on purpose
henry sat down and took hold of alex’s hand just as zahra and shaan burst into the room
“shhhh!” bea scolded
shaan shot bea a look but zahra’s eyes were focused on the rise and fall of alex’s chest
“i have to call ellen” zahra stepped out of the room, shaan not far behind
shaan and zahra never came back in and henry could only presume they were standing outside guarding the door
it had been hours since henry last ate and he was starting to get hungry but as if bea knew she left and immediately came back with food for henry
“you can go home bea. i will be quite alright” henry told her as he ate a bit of whatever she got him
“so who proposed to who?”
henry choked
“did you propose to alex, or did alex propose to you?”
“it is none of your concern” he told his sister simply
“oh dearest brother, how could possibly think i would not want the juicy details?”
“i really do not think you would want to know bea” he gave her a look
she did not deserve to know who proposed to who it was henry of course as if she couldn’t tell by the band that was around alex’s finger
she also didn’t deserve to know the aftermath either henry hid a smile after remembering that did more than just two rounds after alex said yes
bea just gave him a disappointed look
“you’re no fun baby brother”
henry smiled at that and finished off whatever he was eating and just looked at the rise and fall of alex’s chest
henry had no idea how many days had passed
he didn’t know and his heart began to sink at the thought he would recover
bea had persuaded henry to go home multiple times but he refused there was no home if alec wasn’t there
ellen had flown in two nights ago with june and nora in tow
they’d all stayed for a bit and nora grinned when she saw the band on alex’s finger and june freaked out and ellen just gave henry a kiss
henry didn’t realise how welcoming they claremont’s had let them into their arms nora was a given since she was dating june
what surprised him most is when his nan had sent flowers to alex though when he looked at the card he could tell they were not from her as the words were too kind for her bitter heart about henry’s love for alex
henry was sitting in one of the chairs when he heard someone enter the room. he turned around and saw his brother standing there
“i just wanted to pass on my congratulations to you and alex”
“im sure you don’t mean that” henry scoffed
“i know i may not approve of it like nan does not but bea may have slapped some sense into me the other night”
henry took notice of the bright red handprint which cover his brother’s cheek and he held back a laugh
“oh... well um thank you i suppose”
awkward silence sat between the two of them and henry wished he would leave already
“just because i do not approve of it-”
“phillip” henry gritted out
“doesn’t mean i shouldn’t stop you from being happy”
“bea made you say that didn’t she” henry said after a moment
“no. i may have had martha slap some sense to me too” he commented as he pointed to his other cheek
at that henry did laugh
“i’m sorry if i haven’t been the best of brothers but hopefully some time in the near future we could become better”
henry sat there for a moment and thought bullshit like that would happen
“i’d like that” henry said simply i would very much not like that
not long after henry said that phillip left and bea entered the room
“did you really slap phillip?”
“yes and it felt bloody good to do so” she beamed
henry laughed at his sister
“mum wants to come to visit but she can’t bring herself to. she thinks it’s her fault since the assassination attempt was on you because she made you go out to the research facility”
“mum can come. im not mad at her or hurt by her if that’s what she thinks”
bea nodded at her brother and then left the room silently
henry let out a sigh and bea entered the room again
“also, not the best time but there are a whole bunch of music playlists people have been making on spotify-”
“bea” henry groaned
“you need to listen to them. the playlist all have to do with you two and i don’t know whilst you’re waiting for your fiancé to wake up maybe you could pick out a song for your wedding”
“you need to stop saying it like that”
“i will ask alex, as soon as he wakes up, who proposed to who, watch me”
bea left the room again and it was just henry and alex
alex and henry
just the two of them like it was and how it should be
stealing moments together
but not like this
this was pain and torture
“please love. come back to me” henry said as he squeezed alex’s hand
not long after henry released his grip, the other hand twitched and henry felt his heart surge up and almost go through his mouth screw the exaggeration
henry looked at him and the heart monitor started to increase slightly but died down when alex’s eyes opened
alex gave him a quizzical look and henry almost burst into tears
he didn’t like that look
not one bit
he hated himself for having to witness that look
the look of ‘who are you?’
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