#shes the type of person to get canceled multiple times too
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foxboyclit · 6 months ago
random headcanon tag
tagged by @space-writes, thank you!
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
Iphis killed Princess Diana.
My lawyer suggests pleading the fifth.
Faeryl bites their nails.
Nah they'd get upset their nails looked ugly.
Chena'stra will go feral. Watch out.
By some people's standards she's already feral-Houseless, broke, doing freelance assassinations, sleeping around for the sole purpose of baiting her girlfriend, practically living at the bar. I dont think she would though.
Minisstra has been canceled on Twitter.
Howl has a diary that they write in with a glittery gel pen.
No they're the type of person to want to keep a diary and then abandon it for months, feel bad about it, and continue to let it collect dust out of shame until they get a new diary. Also, they'd have blue and black fountain pen inks. Maybe a purple is hidden in their collection.
no-pressure tagging @winterskulleton @selkieflesh and @ustalav
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sun-stricken · 1 year ago
Don’t have to answer if it’s not your style, but headcannons for overprotective dragon slayers to new demon slayer gray?
Random person: you’re all dragon slayers?
Slayers: yeah, why?
Random person points to gray: why’s he here?
Slayers: he’s adopted
anon you have no idea how much i love you for asking this, ive been waiting for an excuse to do this, i am a SLUT for anyone and anything being overprotective of Gray
i don’t believe in canon or timelines so use ur imagination
i like to think of Gray as person practically everybody ends up really liking, and a total cat magnet.
And dragon slayers r just big cats. So Gray already had close friendships with them
so when they realized ‘holy shit hes like us now’ their protective instincts went in overdrive
Natsu, Wendy, & Sting didnt even try to hide it; constantly trying to make sure hes comfortable and felt safe and didnt sit alone confused and scared by all these new things he has to deal with
Natsu definitely drags him onto impromptu jobs and fishing trips with Happy, in an effort to get away from people, or just so they can spend time together, the reason is unclear
i think dragon slayers as a whole are like violently touch starved, and thats what Sting focused on mostly.
he would drape himself over Gray when he felt like the other needed or wanted it but wouldnt ask
it helped Gray get more comfortable for sure
Wendy, as a healer and friend, tried to give him every piece of advice she knew, offering remedy after remedy to help ease him into his now heightened senses
Gray tried to explain to them once that his abilities are fairly different from theirs, yes he has heightened senses, but his instincts and needs were a hell of a lot different than theirs; that only spurred them on more, making them try to research everywhere they could about demon slayers
Rogue & Gajeel were more subtle with it (not by much tho), they understood when needed it quiet, when he just wanted company without the talk
If Gray was having a hard time, whether or not it was bc of his slayer magic, Rogue would offer up Frosch and sit with him, offering silence or white noise. whatever he needed
Gajeel probably thought he was subtle but he absolutely was not, like asking Gray if he wants to run errands with him when places theyre at get too sensorially intense
he tried to ask Levy about everything she knew abt demon slayers without being too obvious, when she kept sending him knowing glances he just asked (very resigned) for some books on the matter.
there was surprisingly little
But he made do and probably studied every piece of literature there was on the matter
The others probably found out and teased him even tho they did the same thing (they also probs asked him to drop a list of books for them)
Now, Laxus really was subtle
telling Gray to go home when he was visibly pushing himself
talking about his new sound canceling headphones and then conveniently leaving them near Gray
or little compliments abt how his new magic is coming along, quiet support type shit
also staring someone down to get them to shut up if they’re being too much
i feel like they turned from ‘one of our own’ protective to overprotective when they realized ppl werent as accepting of demon slayers as they were with dragon slayers
Most ppl exposure to slayer magic is limited to dragon slayers, who refer to themselves as dragons. so when a demon slayer pops up, the correlation isn’t pretty, and their actions are even worse
While Gray understands people must just scared or confused, so he doesnt blame them; he has a hoard of extremely protective dragons who think differently
Wendy had to be physically restrained by multiple people after she heard people calling Gray a monster
Natsu genuinely considered burning alive someone who refused to pay Gray after he finished up a job
Gray definitely now had scary dog privileges, the dog being every single dragon slayer he knows
Laxus zapping people who so much as look at Gray wrong, or frying whatever electronic (ik its lacrimas but work with me) device they have.
or both
Them all hyping up (in their own ways) Grays physical demon features when they start showing up
Post joint guild party at Sabertooth: some guy talking shit abt how Fairy Tail could allow a demon into their ranks, how he is gonna hurt someone. They are now guildless and only eating through a straw and a face not even a mother could love
Someone at an event giving Gray a backhanded compliment and immediately getting death stares mixed with a violent increase of magic in the air that would make the gods shudder
Remember when i said Grays a cat magnet? its not just the dragon slayers who adore him, its their exceeds too
if u asked them to list their favorite people, Gray is in the top 5 for all of them
im stealing another hc from someone and saying Gray fosters cats, and Happy may or may not of gotten jealous once or twice over the pets and scratches that were supposed to be his
If Rogue loses Frosch and Gray happens to be in town 70% they’re probs together
The incorrect quote u put is so canon in this universe btw
Gray “Honorary Dragon Slayer” Fullbuster
i have so many more but neither of us are prepared yet
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nyx5133106 · 3 months ago
The second I think I am safe from Adolf Caitler apologists they come at me swinging. I need to vent but I am also sick of people calling me "mentally deficient" or "fascist pig" on Twitter for calling them out on their bullshit arguments. Both are real quotes btw.
People really love bringing Jinx up in these arguments so I want to start there. Caitlyn stans find it hypocritical that so many people love Jinx but hate Caitlyn completely missing how one was a product of the oppressive system that had ruined her life multiple times leaving her with lifelong trauma and mental issues while the other is a ignorant person with privilege turned a FASCIST oppressor.
We all could see that Jinx's actions in S1 weren't right but were also a result of trauma and grooming (not in the sexual sense) and I think that most fans could see that she needed therapy and a support system, not prison or some other form of punishment. On the other hand, Caitlyn's arc in S1 was about learning to see beyond her own prejudice, privilege and ignorance and making a step to help the people. This was her goal - to help the people, this is the reason she became an enforcer in the first place, but in S1 she sees with her own eyes that they don't really help the ones that need it and were corrupt.
I personally believed that in S2 she would either change the enforcers for the better or leave them and fight for Zaun against the oppression. Boy, did it hurt to be wrong. S2 put her whole arc in s1 in a completely different perspective. One where Caitlyn cared for Zaun and what happened to the people there on a very surface level. It was more of a pity project than anything. All that while we see Jinx change for the better and have better character development than Cait or Vi combined making the contrast between the two even more striking.
At the end of the day, I will forever and ever find it easier to feel sympathy and forgiveness for characters (and actual human beings for that matter) who are products of a corrupt broken system but are anything but perfect victims and 100% harder for people who grew up with privilege and the second they were hurt sought revenge on the masses even if they weren't at fault for what happened. So arguments like "Jinx killed her mother" and "Cait was justified in wanting revenge" don't resonate with me in the slightest.
"But, in season two, she lost her mother bcs of Jinx, she just blew a blaze like Jinx broke one when she accidentally killed Silco, why want more of Caitlyn and keep defending Jinx constantly? Jinx did a lot of harm around her and everyone eats her hand as if she were a saint...."
...This is a real comment a person wrote to me. Some people are in fact mad that people see Jinx as a product of her environment and as someone who at the end of the day did more to break the cycle and change than the one that gassed people with a chemical weapon which can cause life-threatening long-term effects. I could say more but in the end, this person was just an annoying hypocrite who given a real-life example (Luigi vs corrupt ceo) could say which side was wrong but couldn't do the same for the show just because they liked the character. (People can like any character but arguing that every wrong they make is either justified or non-existent is wrong and annoying. Stand up with your cancelled wife and be proud of it or like them privately and quietly if you are too embarrassed to support them and their wrongs.)
Another one of their arguments that just makes the hair on my arms stand up is about the gassing. There are 3 types of arguments on this topic and they get progressively worse.
"Yeah, it was bad but it was better than going gun blazing like the annoying blond wanted." Here I am simply not sure. Would it have been as bad as when Vi and Powder's parents were killed, would even that have been better than making people live through what that gas causes, only to die young and in pain? I don't know much about the gas except that it is what caused Viktor's condition and the little we saw from the notes of Cait's mom. What are the chances of long-term negative effects? Maybe even if they are high, better painful short life than a quick death there and then. Who knows?
"The gas is not dangerous. It's like tear gas, stop overreacting!" I would understand missing how dangerous it is if we didn't have Viktor as a main character this whole time but come on
"They only gassed criminals and they deserve it" This one truly makes me sick. I once argued with someone about whether this was a war crime or not and if it even mattered because it's a show and not real life. Anyone who tries to justify gassing people and thinks that it's ok bc they are criminals (especially ones who were forced on this path by the broken system) should question where the line is for them. When do people deserve rights and when not? Also, Cait's fans will in one breath justify it saying that it was for the good of all especially the children forced to work in the factories and then say that no one innocent was harmed. Which one is it? Are there children there or only adult criminals?
Then comes the topic of Caitlyn's redemption...Minute for silent scream bc we all have neighbors. I can't say how I would have felt if she was given redemption because...I really liked her in S1 and I was Caitvi's shipper to my core. In S1 it was the only ship that mattered to me bc the others were either not my cup of coffee or I saw them as cute crack ships so maybe I would have been sold on her redemption arc... The problem is that there wasn't anything even remotely close to that. I didn't even hear her apologizing in this whole fucking season and people left and right are "she did all of that (imagine here are dumb examples of what they think her redemption arc was) but you all are just misogynistic/homophobic/racist and just want her to suffer". No, I just wanted the writers to admit that Piltover was the oppressor and they weren't just equally bad.
I am mad that Caitlyn never apologizes for what happened with Vi. "She betrayed Ambessa" Yes, she did but I think we really needed her to apologize to Vi or at least admit she was in the wrong but I don't remember a scene like that. Also even if she had done it it would have been a step towards making things with Vi right not - redemption for everything she did to her or playing a dictator and terrorizing Zaun.
"She fought Ambessa in the end" ...yes but Ambessa was attacking her city and the end-goal would have been the end to them all so what is your point? If Ambessa was going only after Zaun I am not sure Caitlyn would have lifted a finger.
"She freed Jinx" - this again was towards repairing her relationship with Vi not about suffering consequences or working towards undoing everything she did to Zaun.
Now this one actually make me sooo mad. "She gave her seat to Sevika". I hate that from every angle. First of all if she did, that brings a larger problem with the writing this season for me - forgetting or brushing over the very real issue between Piltover and Zaun and minimizing Piltover's fault in the suffering and hardships of the Zaunites. Zaun not being independent by the end of the series makes me want to scream but if the writers' ending to the Zaun-Piltover conflict was Caitlyn giving ONE seat out of 7 in the council to Sevika letting her be surrounded and outnumbered 6 to 1 by people who see her as nothing more than dirt on their shoes I want a refund. If the council wouldn't have done anything for Zaun after the war and it was only Caitlyn... fuck me. I myself question whether she even had the power to give the seat because which dumbass would give a seat on the council to a person who until recently was playing dictator stripping them of their power and working with the very same woman that they were just fighting?
If you read until here I have to apologize for all my rambling and admit that it is only coffee and spite that kept me going. There are probably more things but this is on the top of my mind. If we weren't living in times like these I would look at all these people defending her, her actions and Piltover as a whole and have a good life but now it just makes me mad.
To end this on a positive note (said the person who wrote a whole fucking rant post) the songs from Arcane S2 are so connected to specific scenes and characters in my mind that seeing a sisterly Jinx and Vi eddit on Fantastic permanently traumatized me.
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bellelikesmcyt · 7 months ago
I honestly applaud you for being so open about your opinions on Wilbur (this is not a dis a promise)
I just feel nowadays people are so much in this mob mentality,,, like a key example would be all the dream stuff that happened this past year-ish and especially the George and catibugs shit
Personally I feel Shelby (wether she will admit it or not) she was pretty salty about how everything ended, in the sense of Wilbur still being extremely successful (pretty sure LoveJoy was about to go to Coachella before she came out with her stuff) and honestly her not being as prominent (at least in my eyes) in the Minecraft sphere
Like I shit you not, I whole heartily believe that if she did not come out with all this relationship stuff with Wilbur she would not have had a creator spotlight during Minecraft’s 15th birthday, but I digress
Shelby and Wilbur’s relationship was a messy one, I won’t deny Wilbur messed up multiple times,,, everyone messes up (we are human after all)
But at no point did he do something so extreme that he got pedophile level of canceling
Their relationship should have been kept privately and not have had old shit broadcasted all over the internet like it was the fucking Kardashians
Once Wilbur responding (it was not an apology,,, hate people who say it was an apology) Shelby changed her demeanor front,,, oh yea I had an ex once he did bad things, if you have a partner who does bad things like x y and z get out of that relationship and they need therapy,,, to OMG WILBUR WAS THE WORST HE IS A LIAR AND KILLS BABIES (I’m obviously over exaggerating, but you get the point)
Tbh if I was Shelby I would be salty too,, but no one deserves that,, who you are in a relationship is different from who you actually are as a person
If anything what we saw unfold was classic high school drama: “omg you see Timmy who is on the football team,, like he totally was a terrible bf to me freshman year,, and like yea I know he goes to therapy now, but people like him never change”
Obviously Niki dated Wilbur and she hasn’t said shit about it, and probably never will,,, bc she wants to move on, she knows that’s Wilbur probably wasn’t the best to her,,, but she ain’t gonna add more fire to the flames
Shelby never moved on and wants the drama,,, and after it destroyed Wilbur,, she still won’t be satisfied
I know because that’s exactly how I would feel,, but no one deserves that bc that type of stuff is private
Sorry for my rant,, as I said I applaud you for your opinions about Wilbur and ur not alone (I’m just too afraid to be off of anon bc even tho I’m not as active anymore, I have mutuals that will throw me in the same fire they threw Wilbur)
- 💄
i lost friends just from commenting on a lovejoy reel… so i get you, anon, i really do.
and i can’t help but be so open when wilbur saved my life. of course, if actual proof arises against him, ill change my mind and not support him. i agree he’s not an angel, but being a shitty boyfriend isn’t abuse!
you’re so smart, anon :)
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year ago
Kenny Ackerman X Reader
Summary: Working as a bartender you meet a lot of different people. Kenny Ackerman just happens to be one of your regulars. Maybe a friend. Perhaps more.
Warnings: Swearing. Kinda Perv Kenny (but he's a good Uncle so it cancels out ig). Canon Character Death. Reader; drinks alcohol, is called 'sweetheart', refers to themselves as ' the mothering type', otherwise is g/n.
Listening to: 'More Than a Feeling' by Boston - "So many people have come and gone. Their faces fade as the years go by yet I still recall as I wander on, as clear as the sun in the summer sky - it's more than a feeling."
Masterlist || Ko-Fi || Slice of Life Collab
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You’d been working at The Lake for two years. They would’ve been quite a pleasant two years working the local watering hole, if not for your own personal demon leering over your shoulder most nights. 
Kenny Ackerman. 
It wasn’t that he was an awful guy. His more sleazy words and looks were only ever that, words and looks. He dared never lay such sleazy hands on anyone - which was half the reason he had never been kicked out. It was mostly due to his endearing quality of how quick he was to throw hands with other patrons - the rowdy ones who deserved to be thrown out to begin with - and he almost loved doing the honours of telling people not to come back too much. 
Either way, he was more annoying than anything else. Plain old annoying. 
Kenny was so closed off that - even after two years of shifts that ended at 1AM where you stumbled out from exhaustion after closing, and he stumbled out beside you from one too many beers - you couldn’t even say you knew his favourite colour. But… 
You did know he rode a Harley Davidson which roared into the parking lot almost every night you worked. He’d tempted you with a ride home on it multiple times, and you’d yet to agree - and as much as you itched to take him up on the offer, the unspoken cat and mouse game you’d started wasn’t going to be ended by you. 
You knew he had a tattoo that stretched over the back of his shoulders - thanks to a New Year's bet that he wouldn’t completely strip and jump off the jetty into the lake (the one the bar was named after). He won over a hundred dollars that night, and promptly shouted everyone their next drink. The tattoo read ‘Ripper’ in big gothic block letters. Not that you remembered on purpose - anyone would remember a tattoo like that, you told yourself. 
You knew he had a sister - he didn’t talk about her much, but he brought a woman in with him once and told you “not to worry your pretty head” about it. She was a pretty little thing, with dark hair and eyes that matched his. She had a manner to her that spoke of a kind soul with thick skin. You liked her, but you’d yet to see her again. 
And you knew he was one of the only patrons of The Lake who could pull off a greasy mullet. Or sing Redgum karaoke while barely being able to stand and still make it sound good. Hell, that somehow made it sound more real, the guy had you almost pouring a martini through tears. 
You had guessed that tonight would be just like any other. 
It wasn’t. 
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Thursday’s were about as uninhabited as The Lake got. On a night so humid, and with no reason to get out of the house, no one was around. A storm was smelt in the air, one evening spent at home wasn’t a worry for anyone, if only to save themselves from being caught in the rain. 
Hearing Kenny’s bike rumble into his usual spot was no difficult feat on a night so quiet. You’d just finished fishing out a new box of beer bottles for a fridge behind the bar that was lacking when he walked in. What had you stopping mid-step with your mouth open wide enough to catch flies was who he had with him. 
“Whose fucking kid is that Kenny?” 
Nothing but the sound of The Rolling Stones answered your question. “I could not foresee this thing happening to you.” The jukebox sang. 
Yet the state of the child whose bicep was in a vice grip between Kenny’s fingers only raised even more questions. His face wall sunken in, and eyes blown wide as if taking in the world for the first time. He looked awful. 
Kenny walked over to the bar, dragging the poor boy beside him and pulling him up onto a bar stool before sliding onto one himself. You sat the box down on the floor, looking at Kenny expectantly.
“What food you got?” 
“Depends what you’re looking for.” Kenny looked down at the boy, pointing vaguely. 
“Hasn't eaten in,” they both shared a quiet look, “A while.” 
“M’kay.” You ducked into the back room, telling your chef/manager/accountant/boss that an actual meal was needed tonight, then returned with a pre-made peanut bowl. You slid it down in front of the kid, turning again behind the bar to make up a glass of water and passing it to him also. 
Then you turned to Kenny. 
“I know you don’t like telling people stuff, but for that kid’s sake I’m gonna have to ask you what you’re doing with him.” You said, eyeing the boy as he plunged his hand into the bowl of peanuts. “You don’t really give off ‘dad’ vibes, deadbeat or otherwise, and I really hope you didn’t kidnap him.” He just scoffed. 
“Can I get a whiskey.” he said, looking up at you, “Or are you just good for not minding your business and looking pretty?” 
“I’m trying to make sure you’re not doing bad guy shit. I can let the lewd comments slide, but if you’re doing stuff with a kid you’re not supposed to I’m gonna call the cops.” you said, “No need to be rude about it.” 
You turned to grab the top shelf whiskey as he lifted a hand to push back his hair. He sighed deeply and hunched over as you placed a glass in front of him. 
“He’s my sister’s.” Kenny admitted quietly. “She’s… Died. I’ve got him for tonight. At least.” His words sent a cold but quick shock down your spine. “One step better than government housing or wherever.” You recovered quickly even though his openness had left you grasping at straws for what to say next. It wasn’t like him to give away so much information. 
“I’m sorry.” you’d said, resting your hands on your workbench, then after a few long moments added, “What’s his name?” 
The boy lifted his eyes at the sound of his name, but otherwise didn’t move from his now highly converted bowl of nuts. From the way his hands cradled the bowl, it didn’t look like he’d be sharing them anytime soon. You looked at him, properly, and saw nothing but how sad he must be feeling. 
You didn’t know Kenny well, but you knew him. Enough to know that he was not someone friendly enough for some kid who just lost his mum - whether he was their uncle or not. But could you do about it? You weren’t exactly the mothering type either. 
Thunder cracked in the not-too-far distance as you poured the boy another glass of water.
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You hadn’t seen Kenny for a week. 
That was unusual mostly because the longest he’d gone without frequenting your bar was about three days. If you’d known his address, you would’ve visited just to make sure he hadn’t died while looking after his nephew. 
When he finally showed up, you almost didn’t notice him. If it wasn’t for him tapping the bar - a way of asking for a whiskey on the rocks that only he used - he would’ve completely flown under your radar on that busy Saturday night. 
“And where’ve you been?” you’d asked during a moment's calm while the other bartender poured drinks. 
He looked up at you, slighting his hat up with a pointed finger so he could meet your eyes. He had been so quiet - and he looked so tired. It was no wonder you barely noticed him when he was so out of character. 
“What, missed me didcha?” But the snark didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Where’s the kid?” 
“At home.” he mumbled into his glass, tipping it up and drinking half in one go. When he met your eyes again you raised an eyebrow. “Not alone - I’m not that stupid sweetheart.” 
“I’m five minutes from the end of my shift. Buy me a drink.” 
“No thanks.” He scoffed at you. 
“That wasn’t a question.” You said, starting to turn away, “Kahlua with vodka, thanks.” 
Going back to work, you kept an eye on him. Watching as he downed the rest of his drink in (again) one go. He got the attention of the other bartender, ordering another whiskey, and a kahlua with vodka. 
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When you returned to the front of the bar after ditching your apron, you found Kenny sitting with his back towards you at a table near a window, with both drinks before him. 
“Didn’t think you’d actually listen to me asking for a drink.” you said, patting his shoulder as you came around to sit at the seat across. He smiled a little - but it was nothing like the wide wolfish grins you normally saw. 
“You weren’t askin’, remember?” 
“You didn’t have to listen.” you said, sipping on your drink and taking a proper moment to look him over. “You look horrible by the way.” 
“Jesus, thanks sweetheart.” he said into his glass - but took a much smaller mouthful of his drink compared to before, “You know how to make an old man’s night.” 
“The kid’s been putting you through the ringer, huh?” His eyes met yours and you saw his shoulders slump - barely. 
“That obvious?” he asked. When you nodded he sighed, slumping back in his seat with his hands ruling over his face and into his hair under his hat - his gangly legs stretched so far under the table that they slid between yours. “He’s a downright brat. It’s ridiculous. Karma has it out for me, I can see it now.” 
“It surely isn’t that bad, you might just need to get used to it - it’s barely been a week -” 
“I found him standing behind me in the kitchen holding a bread knife.” Kenny said, leaning forward on his elbows to whisper. “I think he wants to kill me.” 
“He wouldn’t be the first.” you said, taking your turn to speak into your glass while you drank. 
“I’m serious.”
“So am I.” you scoffed, setting the glass down again, “But after two years, I think I don’t want that so much - just give him time.” 
“You seriously trying to persuade me that an eight year old who hates me doesn’t want me dead?” 
“‘You seriously trying to persuade me that an eight year old who hates me does want you dead’? Listen to yourself Kenny.” You said, mocking him, but making him think seriously at once. “He’s lost his mum, you’re not so cold to think a boy would want to lose another relative again so quickly.” 
You felt his legs shift between yours - they pulled away, but not enough. You could still feel the warmth of his calf press against yours. “Anyways, with how you wave your pocket knife around so - he might’ve just been trying to copy you.” 
“Right,” he said, lifting his glass to his lips and casting a long glance out the window. “Kids do that, don’t they?” The conversation entered a lull as you both took turns sipping your drinks and staring at the lake lapping at the jetty. A comfortable silence if you ever knew one. 
The air around you changed as the jukebox started a familiar riff of AC/DC. “She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean. She was the best damn woman that I ever seen.” 
Kenny looked at you, downed his drink, then spoke. 
“Wanna take me up on that ride tonight?” he asked. You broke out in a grin. 
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It was still warm outside, and the gravel car park crunched under your feet as Kenny led you to his bike. 
There was a thrill sitting hot and heavy in your gut. The fact you had said yes to Kenny to a ride home - perhaps more. Did you want more? He was attractive, in an older man sort of way, and despite all the gross things he could say sometimes he was still a nice enough guy.
Heaven knows you could both use a chance to get laid.  
“I was starting to wonder how much longer I had to work on you before you finally said yes.” he said, breaking away from your slide to throw a leg over the seat with a grin. His hand outstretched to offer help to get on behind him. “Lucky for you, I'm a patient man.” 
As you slid your hand into his, you climbed on - soon finding that in order to be comfortable you needed to be pressed quite close to his back. But you were feeling like being a tease too. 
“Maybe I’ve liked making you wait.” you hummed, chin pressed to his shoulder as you spoke into his ear. You felt him chuckle under your palms as he kicked the engine into gear. 
“Maybe I’ve liked waiting.” he said over the machine’s roar. 
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annoyingblondebracket · 1 year ago
Round 1 | Poll 1
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary. Propaganda under the cut!
Tsukasa Tenma:
~ hes very loud and eccentric and multiple characters say he is annoying
~ He's an extremely loud theater kid who wants to be a world famous star. Anytime he's on screen he'll yell very loudly at least once. Most other characters have an 'oh... it's him.." moment whenever they see him. Others try (and fail) to avoid him so they don't get caught in his antics. He's a loser and the fandom loves him for it.
~ he's a theater kid who is 100% determined to become the Number 1 World Future Star!!! with absolutely zero volume control who is constantly screaming and laughing at the top of his lungs, to the point where you can hear him from pretty much anywhere in the school. several of his friends (who still love him) and random background characters talk about finding him annoying and intrusive at several points in the story. he's a genuinely really sweet guy who is mainly just putting up a front to hide his insecurities but also the man is constantly reciting a mantra that's just him telling you what his name means. also one time he tried to comfort a crying kid at a theme park by screaming his name at her in english (which he does not speak) and just wound up making her cry harder which tells you pretty much all you need to know
~ He is canonically so loud, like helicopter blades whirling levels of loud. He does not know when to shut up, and is just all around, annoying!!
~ generally very loud, overconfident, little self awareness of how silly he is. consistently found annoying by some characters (ie akito, nene, shiho) and can overwhelm others with his intensity at times
~ he is a very loud and slightly obnoxious theatre kid!! although he is a good person deep down, he's constantly bragging about becoming the world's greatest star. one of his close friends, kamishiro rui (not blonde), makes a lot of drones and robots and often brings them to school, causing quite a bit of chaos that tsukasa inevitably gets roped into. the two of them are referred to as the "weirdo wombo combo" (among other names, depending on the translation) and are found particularly annoying by the character shinonome akito, who mostly tolerates him just because they have a close mutual friend. outside of school, tsukasa works part time as a performer in a theme park, along with characters otori emu, kusanagi nene, and the aforementioned kamishiro rui. nene finds his antics very annoying, and regularly wears noise-canceling headphones just to drown out his voice. she also makes fun of him a lot, but it's all in good fun; they're actually very good friends. tsukasa can sometimes be annoyingly overprotective over his younger sister, saki, mostly because she has had health issues all her life and spent years in and out of the hospital. so although he means well, even she finds him annoying on occasion. not to mention he talks to himself, rehearses monologues, and paces around his room quite a lot. i love the guy but i'd hate to live in the same house as him too. most of this can be summed up by saying that he just gives off immense amounts of theatre kid energy, and if you've ever known a theatre kid during tech week or right after a show, you get somewhat of an idea of what tsukasa's peers have to deal with on a regular basis. and i love him dearly
~ He’s so loud and boisterous and cocky and dramatic that a decent chunk of the other characters actively describe him as annoying or loud. He’s a really good guy, he really is, he’s a great big brother and a nice dude, but unless you’re on his wavelength or a compatible wavelength, he’s completely fucking insufferable.
~ He is LOUD. SO VERY LOUD. The entire school he goes to knows who he is (maybe not by name, but as that-one-guy-who-never-stops-screaming) and will roll their eyes when they see him approach. He's a theater kid also if that wasn't bad enough. And stupid as hell. Ridiculous. I love him so much
~ He's extremely confident and almost always posing and/or screaming. Characters frequently comment on how loud or over the top he is and several characters make a point to try to avoid him when they see him out in public.
~ he's a loud, exuberant, overdramatic theater kid!!! 90% of the time he is shouting and loves to just strike poses whenever he can! tends to overreact and many many characters regard him as loud and annoying but he also has a really big heart and cares a lot about his loved ones and he also expresses that fact very VERY loudly. he's so STUPID (affectionate)
~ Fucking malewife. Horrid little man.
~ He simps so hard for literally every single women
~ everything about him [ is annoying ] pretty much (endearing)
~ be normal about women for once in your life king please
~ he swoons over every woman he sees and it annoys everyone around him (he is very stupid and i love him)
~ Creepy abt women
~ Obsessed with women to an insane level; he'd do anything for women including getting in their bed first because he "thought they didn't want to be alone"; also he's a better cook than me
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bisluthq · 9 months ago
gabriette wanted matty for like 4 years and admitted to trying meet him multiple times after she was in the band charli xcx put together. he even gave her and the other girls from her band concert tickets one time but she still didn’t get to meet him. then last year she finally met him in person at charli’s birthday, ironically it was during a shit time in his life when he’d been booted from the antonoff wedding, the malaysia lawsuit was going on, everyone was pissed at him he was getting cancelled everywhere. she prob saw the opportunity and swooped in bc shortly after she dumped her boyfriend who was bob dylans grandson/essentially matty in another font and they went full speed ahead. this relationship is basically her wet dream lol. also after typing this out i realized it’s like matty lived through his own version of the reputation era but he was taylor, taylor was tom hiddleston(💀) and gabbriette was joe alwyn.
lmfaoooooooooooooooo at the last line but yea fair.
my point is then that TJ failed after a (good and long) run and I have a feeling this will too.
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itmeblog · 2 years ago
I spent way too long answering this so here
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Constantin X asked:
1: which timeline did he [Galu] come from? 17 seasons!!! 2: what's the name of her new ship and what's it's class type? 3: Is she an officially documented GU member as a Visa? I'm concerned her boss will rip her to shreds when she comes back to being an Inco. Five years AWOL. Don't think jean is going to take it well. 4: how did you come up with a spy mail company?
My answers
1.Galu?! The world may never know. Artina has been going on for so long, and the last time someone tried to cancel the show there was such an uproar, people have just decided to keep it around. And since the show can't be canceled, the writers have gone mad with power. The series stopped making sense seasons ago and has essentially become it's own fanfic with multiple canon AUs, timelines, and about 6 different discovered "parents" for Artina, each with a different noble background, and one that gave her magic powers for a season.
2. It's still a C-class ship...sort of, C-class has to do with it's expected travel (usually on planet), size, and cargo. It is, however, outfitted with the newest Eolaran tech so it's speed and durability and even the manner in which it travels, are yet unclassified but are likely better than most commercially available A-class ships
3. Alright, so technically Nova does have a planet of residence now (gifted to her by Hatov) she is a member of Eolara. Jeanne was actually very pleased. Eolara has access to the Galactic Union and a ~sort of~ membership now (this is more for PR reasons, the GU can't actually stop Eolarans from going anywhere they please, the GU simply doesn't have the tech) but Eolarans refuse to use the GU database as their sole source of information. The WILM initiative is still an information gathering mission to decide which planets are safe/welcoming (which involves knowing politics/power structures etc) . The person who knows best how to get that sort of information...is Jeanne (lol). Now, Jeanne loves this because not only is Eolara extremely wealthy, Jeanne has never been able to take on the Galactic Union head on before. They always had better tech, more people, and better PR. Working with Eolarans gives Jeanne access to tech, a little bit of political immunity, and the social power that comes with being an Eolaran consultant. And the reasons Jeanne won't turn on the Eolarans are simple, 1. that's a lot of power to give up and 2. she loves a steady client, particularly a very, very wealthy one. I believe access to that has more than made up for Nova's disappearance. Though Nova is not "technically" an InCo anymore, she is an "Eolaran ambassador" functioning under the WILM act, so, for Nova who primarily gathered information (didn't sell it) it's the same work except she's technically working for Eolara.
4. I was watching Ad Astra actually (movie with Brad Pitt). And there were space pirates on the moon and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how they worked?? Like they'd need air, and heat, energy, that they couldn't be stealing all that from the embassies without them, at some point, figuring out where they were based. In short, it didn't make sense, why let them steal valuable and incredibly expensive resources where you have to know where they are and when they're going to attack next (when they're running out of air, or water, or food). Why not just get rid of them (particularly in a setting where no one will find the bodies and an incredibly low chance of hitting civilians or making a false hit)?? The only answer I could come up with was that they had to be more dangerous dead, than alive. I.e. they had some information triggered to release in the event of their death. And then I hated the message in Ad Astra, "in the infinite universe, we're alone" because that's boring, so I expanded their jobs. What if these people with all that information did travel and there were aliens and people wanted to stop them, how would they work? What would they do? Who would take such a dangerous job etc and InCos were born!! (Full disclosure I fell asleep during that movie about five times, I had a ton of time to think about it)
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stargazers-telescopes · 4 months ago
She's a Runner, She's a Track Star
She’s a runner, She’s a track star
Author’s note: Hieee everyone it's been awhile since I posted (one year to be precise) and I was in the thick of my final year at highschool, now I'm in college and have a lot more time than I thought I would…. Anyhoo here's another novella type story for you. This one is pretty long… but it all ties together towards the end.
Inspiration: Since My stories are heavily influenced by my own romantic escapades (disasters) this one is based on the time when I uh ran away from my crush because he found out I liked him…not through a diary but because, much like Arya, I cannot keep my mouth shut when I like someone and I uh accidentally confessed because my brain which is usually uh functional decided to shutdown. Anyway that relationship ended awhileeee back and thank god, I heavily regret it.  Also, like many problems Arya faced, I did too at school, the constant expectation and managing outer as well as inner- perception were issues I faced. Of course, Arya’s a whole other girl, but she is a direct reflection of me.
I guess this story is a tribute to my friends in many ways, who really helped me keep it together in my last year at highschool. I have no Brandon In my life, so to speak, so he really is just a plot driver… but maybe one day I will be as lucky as Arya. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story of A LOT of second hand embarrassment. Love you~
One thing that differentiated Arya Kumar from most was her incredibly volatile attitude. Zero or nothing. One to one hundred. She had never been good with the in-betweens. Of course, if she had to be moderate, then she would be, but she hated it severely. Not doing things made her feel like she was gonna spontaneously combust. Being in the last year of schooling meant extreme scrutiny from everyone around her. She did relatively well at school, engaged in multiple extra -curricular activities apart from her track athletics. And she knew she had her stuff going for her… all except one thing. And that was Brandon Ashford. 
Ashford had come into her life out of nowhere, and soon she found him nearly everywhere. Captain of the male’s swim team and vice president of the astronomy club, their lives should not have coincided. It started rather innocently too. It went from a random phone call one evening to clear some trouble in the student body council to random texts almost everyday. 
Then it became cheering for her from the bleachers at the tracks to irritating her while she tried to conduct her club meetings as president of the debate club. Then at the library and then on her way back home after school. And soon it felt wrong to go even a day without speaking to him, soon his smile sent her heart into overdrive and his voice canceled any coherent thoughts in her head and just like that…Arya developed a big fat crush on her newfound friend. 
She soon found herself running around the whole school just to get a glimpse of his face if by chance he hadn't shown up in front of her that day, and her best friend had to endure all the behind-the-scenes dramatics Arya never thought herself capable of producing. And that was the only person she told. Hardin had to hear Arya gush about Ashford’s twinkling eyes, and his actually terrible jokes that somehow sent his usually sensible friend into fits of hysterical laughter. 
“For the love of GOD, Ari, get a GRIP on yourself mate”, Hardin scolded her, which really didn't work too well because: firstly, Hardin refused to swear and secondly Arya was too stubborn and obstinate to listen.
“You’re lucky I still put up with you”
“Yeah but you love me too much, so”, Arya said, smiling cheekily as she put her gear on the bleachers and tied up her unruly brown hair into a high ponytail.
‘Hmph’, Hardin sat with a plop as he watched his best friend go to warm up.
Keeping her crush a secret was something Arya struggled with terribly, because she was a person of action. And not taking action meant keeping quiet. This was rather difficult because Arya wasn’t by any means a quiet person. So, she had to keep quiet momentarily otherwise she would quite possibly accidentally start a riot dealing with the frustration that was the heart-rendering problem of Brandon. So the only two places that had knowledge of Arya’s secret were the jail-safe mind of her best friend and her journal that she kept in her running kit
Arya started journaling when she was 14 because it allowed her to rant and complain and detail out everything that annoyed her. It also allowed her to set out her goals and plans for she had many things she wanted to do, learn and see in her life. She often went through her older journals and cringed at her entries but that's the fun of it, that was what she was feeling in the moment and it was almost laughable how she was nervous or excited or scared or happy and what she wrote about it. 
She prided herself on her good handwriting and grammar because what was the use of knowing how to write if one did not write well? Oh, and she had a lot to complain about this year.
And then there was the issue of the winter dance which was a much anticipated event 3 weeks before final exams and one week after mid-semester tests for the seniors. And that was around 3 weeks away. And there was the issue of Mara, the perennial pain in her ass, in the same class as her and on the track team too and as impertinent as ever. 
Mara for whatever reason decided she wanted to be the most annoying twit Arya had to deal with. Taking a special liking to constantly questioning her decisions as Captain and taking jabs and shots at her whenever possible, she nearly drove Arya to madness. However, Arya in her own right was equally as obsessive about dealing with her ‘Mara Problems’, as Hardin had coined the term.
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aeromarine-and-the-horizon · 8 months ago
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[Nice try, but if you want to insult me. I must first value your opinion]
Android type: Angel android Gender: Genderless (he/him) Height: 195 cm/6'4 ft Handedness: Right (Cross dominant)
Position: Electro technical officer
Story: A contact killer with a love for cute things, he was hired to kill Emma but decided to cancel his job. He claims that human like Emma is too adorable and endearing for him to kill but everyone except Qeybec had their suspect that Navtex simply want to toy with his target.
Qeybec though know his friend has the motto of not taking the job where the target did nothing wrong so realizing that Emma's execution is unjustified, and this small wingless human is doing what she can to stand up against multiple armies of divine fighter jet robots, Navtex would find Emma literally too endearing to die.
Unfortunately, due to Qeybec being barely sober most of the time, the other doesn't quite find his insight on people to be very creditable.
Personality: More coming soon.
Fighting style: Navtex is the most brutal one out of all angel androids Emma and Airac recruited. Preferring to get close and personal using tomahawk over firearm. He tends to target his enemy's weapon first then slowly inflicted fear while taking them down in defenseless state.
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Flight pattern: More coming soon.
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daddys-littlegoddess · 5 years ago
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PSA on Britney Spears and the #FreeBritney movement for anyone that needs or wants more information on what is going on with her. It’s a fucking rabbit hole, so buckle up.
A little backstory first. Britney was a child star starting at the age of 4 years old on Broadway, and then worked her way to the Mickey Mouse Club, and eventually the solo career we know today. Her career has been on autopilot her entire life. If you look back at her music, she’s been telling everyone for years she’s too controlled and treated as a product if you listen to the lyrics of most of her hits. Examples include: Lucky, Overprotected, My Perogative, Circus, Piece of Me and Gimme More. Her music videos, social media posts, tour props and photoshoots regularly show her in a cage or in chains. If anyone has ever seen videos of her when she was younger, you’d know her REAL singing voice is very similar to Christina Aguilera’s. Her record label didn’t like it, as they were both on the Mickey Mouse Club and about to release their debut albums at the same time. So they had her voice retrained to sing in the baby voice we all know today because they believed it to be more iconic and would create a brand and career for her instead of her real voice. It’s unhealthy, and it’s been destroying her voice over the years, thus why she is known for lip syncing. She wanted to make an acoustic type pop album in 2006 titled Original Doll and reinvent herself using her real voice. The album was shelved and cancelled once her label realized she would be singing in her real voice. She isn’t allowed to sing live because she will either fail terribly, or she’ll have to sing in her deep voice that she isn’t known for. Her entire career she has been treated like a product meant to sell.
Now, for the real tea.
Everyone remembers the 2007 meltdown. Everyone. Leading up the meltdown Britney was going thru a public divorce, had two children under the age of 2 at the time and was VERY much the focus of the public. We all saw her on every magazine cover. We all also saw the photo of her with one of her kids on her lap while driving. Go on YouTube once and look up ‘Britney Spears paparazzi’. You’ll watch her be chased and followed by hundreds of them, even trying to get into a public restroom to photograph her, videotaping her in tears asking them to leave her alone, and even filming her thru the windows of an ambulance while she was naked being taken away for her final mental health hold.
After the public meltdown, shaving her head, locking herself in her home with her children, speaking in a british accent on regular basis, wearing the imfamous pink wig everywhere, and shopping naked, she was hospitalized twice. After the hospitalization, her father petitioned the courts to be a TEMPORARY conservator to her until she was mentally stable and for only one years time. 2 months after her hospitalization she did a guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother. 6 months after her hospitalization, she drops the Womanizer video and starts to promote her new album Circus with its worldwide tour that grossed $131.8 million. If she’s so unwell, why did she start working right away?
Her father after one year petitioned the courts for the conservatorship to become permanent due to her ALLEGEDLY having EARLY ONSET DEMENTIA in her TWENTIES. It passed and has been that way ever since. For 12 years to be exact.
Now for everyone that doesn’t understand what that means let me break it down for you.
Britney Spears is a now 38 year old woman who is not allowed to do the following without her fathers permission or he can legally lock her up in a mental health facility:
• drive a car
• vote
• get married
• have children
• see how her money is being spent
• see her children (she has 30% custody of both of her boys due to her dad assaulting one of her sons)
• leave her home
• hire her own lawyer
• have any control over her career
• speak about the conservatorship publicly
• do interviews that aren’t scripted and all final cuts are approved by her father as well
• use a cell phone without being monitored
• use social media unmonitored
• contact ANYONE without being monitored or having them extremely vetted. (Iggy Azalea allegedly had her house searched for drugs top to bottom when they collaborated on a song together)
• go shopping
• go for a walk
• get Starbucks
A conservatorship is meant for people with mental health issues or decaying health. Most likely grandparents or people with actual dementia etc. They are meant for people who literally cannot take care of themselves. If she is so unwell that she isn’t mentally capable of doing anything for herself, why is she still working? Since the conservatorship began 12 years ago she has:
• released 4 albums
• done 3 worldwide tours
• did a FOUR-year Vegas residency
• was a full time judge on X-Factor
• released multiple perfumes and a lingerie line
• made $138 MILLION DOLLARS or so A YEAR
In January of last year, Britney was placed in a mental health facility for 3 months after being seen driving her car to In-N-Out with her boyfriend without permission and for refusing to take the sedating medications her father has doctors prescribing her to keep her under control. She testified to a judge in documents that she was held there against her will by her father. After it was leaked to the press that she was there against her will, the Free Britney movement picked up speed causing a judge to open an investigation into the impact and legality her conservatorship has on her life. Britney’s mother Lynn was also liking and commenting on Free Britney posts saying she agrees that Britney is trapped by her father. Britney’s team had Twitter disable the Free Britney hashtag, and regularly threatens any celebrity that speaks out using the hashtag with a lawsuit if they don’t remove their support for the movement. She was seen shortly after leaving a hotel thru the front door (99% of celebrities park underground to avoid paparazzi unless they WANT to be photographed) stumbling while carrying her shoes, and out of it. Her team used that moment to justify to the public that she needs this conservatorship. She is not allowed to have any say in the hiring or firing of anyone on her team. Every year she pays $1.1 million dollars in fees for the conservatorship to continue, including paying her father a solid $100k+ salary and paying a lawyer she isn’t allowed to choose. She is allowed an allowance of around $1,500 a week for bills, shopping and essentials. Her net worth is $250 million.
So, when everyone sees her on Instagram walking up and down her hallways like it’s a fashion show. That’s all she is allowed to do. She has NEVER had control over her life. I don’t care if you personally like her or her music, NO ONE DESERVES THIS. All this woman wants is to see her children, make the music she wants to make, and go get a frappuccino in her car. She is a light of sunshine in this world, and we must protect her at all costs. So please, do not make fun of her, support the Free Britney movement, and send good vibes her way. She has a court date this month to review the conservatorship and decide if it is abusive or will continue to be in place. There are so many details to this that i left out that would make this post entirely much longer than it is, but a simple search will show you what else is out there. Spread this far and wide. ❤️ Free Britney
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lunarticxenia · 4 years ago
Moon in the Houses
Hello! This is my take on moon in the houses based off of individuals I know! If certain things don’t apply to you, remember another aspect in your natal chart can cancel things out! :) 
🌙 Moon in the 1st- From my experience, these people tend to be shy. They’re more on the introverted side, even if they’re more social, which I rarely see, they’re very private and don’t reveal alot about themselves. These people also have a softness to them, they have that Cancerian type of softness. They’re just really sweet people and want the best for everyone. The people I know with this placement rarely get angry but they do get moody a lot. I’d also say that people with this placement tend to be pushovers. They also tend to put others first, it’s okay to put yourselves first sometimes guys! :( 
🌙 Moon in the 2nd- These people like comfort. I say this about Sun in the 2nd too, but this is really exacerbated with the moon. These types of people would likely have multiple fuzzy blankets, soft pajamas, they engage in self care a lot, and they love to sleep. They like to nurture those around them, and take care of their loved ones. However, this can lead to them being possessive with those they love; especially in romantic relationships. These people are also the types to buy a bunch of stuff when they’re sad. I knew a Moon in the 2nd house individual who bought $200 worth of stuff from LUSH because she was sad. If that’s not peak Moon in 2nd energy I don’t know what is. 
🌙 Moon in the 3rd- Boy oh boyyyy, these people OVERTHINK. They’re constantly analyzing every conversation they’ve ever had in their entire life. They’re still probably thinking about a conversation they had with their childhood crush and likely cringing about stuff they said that wasn’t perfect. These people however, are really talented writers, and they find a lot of emotional comfort in writing. If they don’t write, they find a lot of comfort in reading. They also react very quickly to things, and they express how they feel. ALOT. 
🌙 Moon in the 4th- I know soooooo many people with this placement, including myself. I feel like I always befriend people with Moon in the 4th, however I’m going to exclude myself from this. Moon in the 4th people are very private. They don’t like to air their dirty laundry to people, even if they reveal things to you, it’s in such a way where they barely reveal anything and it seems like they revealed alot. They have a hard time letting people in and being vulnerable, but once they let you in, they’re soft and kind. Their family strongly influences who they are, especially their emotions. If they get into a fight with a family member, you bet it’s gonna weigh on them until they make up. They tend to struggle with mood swings, and have a tendency to hold onto toxic people (I’m so guilty of this LMAO). 
🌙 Moon in the 5th- The people I know with this placement are super creative. They likely use their emotions to make art, or write poetry, or anything. They use their emotions in their artistic hobbies somehow. If they don’t have a creative hobby, they definitely have a creative streak. They’re also super generous and can be very dramatic with their emotions. They tend to exaggerate situations in their mind to see things worse than they are such as if something embarrassing happens to them they see it as so much more worse than it actually is. I’d say that some downsides of this are that they can be childish and get stuck in codependent relationships. 
🌙 Moon in the 6th- This placement creates workaholics and over-thinkers. They’re good at hiding this however, and you would never know that these people are hurting. They also don’t like asking other people for help, and want to do everything themselves. They will do anything for those they love, and they love befriending co workers so they become family. However they can be too selfless and they can get taken advantage of. :( These individuals are really sweet and they’re soooo hard on themselves. I just want to hug them. 
🌙 Moon in the 7th- These people constantly crave a relationship and if they don’t crave a relationship, they feel the most fulfilled when their loved ones support them. They tend to idealize love, and they want their soulmate. However, this can be their downfall because they can become very codependent in relationships. They also tend to stay in relationships with people they’re not happy with anymore just because they don’t want to be alone. However, these people are also super well liked and are great mediators. 
🌙 Moon in the 8th- I love moon in the 8th placement people, they’re super intriguing and intuitive. They tend to suppress their emotions, and don’t like to tell people their emotions as they don’t like to burden them. These people are also interested in psychology and like to figure out what makes people tick. I’ve also found that the people I know with this placement tend to be interested in astrology, the occult, and/or the taboos of life. I’d say some downsides of this placement are that they’ll never tell you how they feel, and you can tell when they’re sad, but they still just refuse to tell you how they feel. 
🌙 Moon in the 9th- People with moon in the 9th are constantly wondering what the secrets of life are. These people always feel the need to escape and they want to travel. They constantly need to feel stimulated and they hate routine. They’re very smart and have strong beliefs. They do tend to be detached a lot and run from their emotions. They also constantly need change and constantly need to be stimulated. 
🌙 Moon in the 10th- While these people try, they cannot hide their emotions. Even if they’re stoic, you can always see it in their face. However, these people are usually really successful and they know what they want. They tend to worry a lot about what others think of them, and they tend to have a hard time settling on a career to pick because of their emotions. They tend to change what they want to do alot. These people are also caring and soft. 
🌙 Moon in the 11th- These people attract friends with strong Cancerian or moon placements. They think of their friends like family, and they develop deep emotional connections with them. They also tend to feel other people’s pains and struggles, which can motivate them to become activists and advocate for social justice causes. They’re independent and have an unconventional personality. Some downsides are that they can be emotionally unstable and they constantly feel like they need the approval of others. 
🌙 Moon in the 12th- These people are SENSITIVE, but they hide it so so well. They have this whole world inside them that you’d never know about. They have such intense emotions and they’re deeply empathetic. These people are also super creative and imaginative, and are very interested in spirituality or intrigued by it in general. I’ve noticed that they have sleep issues, like they just don’t sleep a lot. These people also tend to repress their emotions alot, since they’re so sensitive, they just don’t like to deal with the emotions. I also feel like these people are either emotionally unavailable or they crave relationships to an unhealthy extent. There’s really no in between.
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ravennm84 · 4 years ago
Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been missing for a while, but I’ve had a lot going on and lacking inspiration, until the other day! I know that Lila thinks she’s the smartest person in the room and that everyone else it too stupid to figure her out. So, I decided to let her “think” she’s being smart, but gets caught because she did something stupid. Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!
Lila was happy. Since she had become a model, she had acquired a small fan base of people that thought she had beauty and talent. Granted, it wasn’t as large as she thought it should be, but she had only done three photo shoots and had been mentioned in one magazine. But this was just the beginning; soon, all of Europe would know her name and reporters would be clamoring after her for pictures. 
But at the same time she was very angry.
This was because Marinette had been mentioned in the same magazine as her. And where Lila got a single photo that showed more of Adrien than it did of her, Maribrat had gotten an entire article and multiple photos about her designs and the collaboration she was doing with Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois since the woman had decided to stay in Paris. She had even looked at the girl’s website and saw that there was an actual wait list to receive one of her original designs.
Enraged that someone she considered to be plain, talentless, and all around lower in status than her, Lila started coming up with plans. She wasn’t about to share her spotlight with anyone, let alone Maribrat.
She was tempted to accuse the bluenette of stealing her designs and ruining her reputation, but since she had been designing for longer than Lila had been in Paris, that had too much of a chance to backfire. She’s thought of sicking one of her classmates/sheep to break into her house and destroy her commission projects, but that also had too much of a chance to backfire since they would likely blab if they were caught.
No, she needed a different type of plan. Something that would be farther removed from herself so nothing would blow back on her, but harsh enough so that even Maribrat wouldn’t connect what happened to her. It took a few weeks and a lot of planning, but she came up with something that would work. It had been the perfect plan, a way to get Marinette out of her life and the spotlight for good. 
All it took was some sweet talking one of her new followers; a large, burly boy named Henry that was a couple years older than her and not very bright. He would have done anything for her… including going after a “stalker” that had threatened to hurt her. She barely even had to suggest anything before the boy assured her that he would protect her at all costs. It even seemed to be working when Maribrat was suspiciously absent from school for a few days after Henry said he would “take care of it”.
It had been the perfect plan...
Until the police showed up. 
She had just gotten home when the police arrived, saying that she was wanted for questioning in an open case. They had already been in contact with her mother and Greta Rossi had promised them their full cooperation. Rather than risk looking guilty, Lila called her mother to make sure they were telling the truth before grudgingly going with them. 
When she got to the police station, she was met by her very confused and furious mother. This wasn’t the first time she had been in trouble with the law. There had been an incident in Rome where she’d been accused of pushing a boy, Simone, down the stairs, and her mother had been forced to pay his medical bills. She had made it very clear that if Lila caused any more problems at school, it would not be pleasant.
So there she was; sitting with her mother and a couple of police detectives that she didn’t recognize, who were giving her condescending looks. “I am Detective Cooper, and this is Detective Raimus. We understand that you have been made aware of your rights, correct?”
“Yes, multiple times. What is this all about? You can’t just bring my daughter in for questioning like she’s some common criminal.” Her mother said as she stared down the two men.
“Mme. Rossi, we need to ask your daughter some questions in connection to an assault that took place against one of her classmates.” Stated Cooper, a detective with a thick mustache.
“Are you or your daughter familiar with a M. Henry Mortaure?”
“I’ve never heard of him,” Lila lied with a shrug.
“Neither have I, who was attacked?” Her mother asked, suddenly worried about what her daughter might have gotten involved in.
“A Mlle. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are you familiar with the name?” Asked Raimus, who looked a bit older than his partner.
Greta Rossi thought for a second before nodding. “Lila has mentioned her a couple of times, said that she was a bully. What about her?”
“The Dupain-Cheng residence was broken into a few days ago by M. Mortaure. He was armed and confessed to be doing so with the intent of killing Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.” Mme. Rossi gasped in shock while Lila was attempting to hide her smirk with a look of worry. “The Dupain-Chengs were not harmed, although the same cannot be said for M. Mortaure.” Cooper placed some photos in front of them on the table, gaining another gasp from Greta. Three of the man’s limbs were wrapped in heavy gauze, his face was swollen and bruised from a black eye and a seriously broken nose. 
Lila didn’t flinch when she saw the photos, but was now fighting a scowl at the knowledge that Henry had failed her. And since she was here in an interrogation room, it could only mean that the idiot had blabbed. But that didn’t matter, she could just say that he must be a crazy stalker who had somehow found out that Maribrat was bullying her and decided to take things into his own hands. After all, it wasn’t like she had called or messaged him from her personal phone. She had bought a burner phone with cash just for this occasion. 
“Despite being armed with a pistol, he never had a chance to use it,” Raimus stated as pushed one of the photos towards Lila. “He will require reconstructive surgery on his face from being hit multiple times with a rolling pin. His arms were severely burned when he fell into a fryer, it’s likely that he’ll never have full use of them again. Despite the burns, he attempted to go for a kitchen knife after being disarmed. That knife was turned on him and he ended up with a perforated lung.”
Greta looked like she was going to be sick, unable to look away from the pictures in front of her. But she eventually did, casting a harsh stare at her daughter. “Please, tell me you had nothing to do with this.”
Doing her best to fake her shock, she shook her head and pushed away the photos. “I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I don’t even know why he would do this.”
“We were wondering the same thing and discovered that he’s a fan of yours. He has multiple pictures of you, as well as Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. We suspected that he had been stalking you and came to the conclusion that he thought she was bullying you and decided to protect you on his own-”
“Oh no, that has to be it!” She exclaimed, skillfully faking shock. “Marinette followed me out of school last week and threatened me to stay away from my boyfriend. This boy must have seen her and decided to get rid of her.”
“If that’s the case, why are you questioning my daughter?” Greta pressed, not completely believing Lila but seeming to be coming around to her side.
“As I was saying,” stressed Detective Cooper. “We had suspected that M. Mortaure was stalking your daughter, until we got the warrant for his phone. It seems that someone, supposedly Lila, has been corresponding with him for many weeks. She had been flirting with him, sending him photos of herself, and then Marinette. She went on to tell him that Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was a stalker and had threatened her. M. Mortaure seems to have done what he did with the understanding that he was protecting Lila, at Lila’s own behest.”
“I would never do that!” Lila cried before reaching into her purse to pull out her personal mobile and set it on the table in front of them. “Check my phone, I never messaged him.”
“We have already checked your phone records against the one that has been messaging M. Mortaure, and found that the numbers did not match.” Detective Raimus said, and Lila watched her mother visibly slump from relief… but it was short lived. 
“We did, however, track the number to a burner phone that was purchased in cash from a gas station. We thought it was a dead end, but the person who bought the phone made a mistake.” Raimus continued as Detective Cooper pulled out his own mobile and dialed a number. “The person who bought it has kept it on, and it is currently active.”
Seconds after Cooper pressed send, a ringing came from Lila’s purse. Greta Rossi stared at her daughter in shock before yanking the purse out of Lila’s hands and pulling out a second phone from inside. When Cooper cancelled the call, the second phone stopped ringing. 
“What have you done?” She spat at Lila.
Panicking, she shook her head while looking around the room for an exit. “That’s not mine! They must have planted it on me when they brought me here! They’re trying to frame me!”
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” Greta screamed at her daughter, causing Lila to practically fall out of her seat in fear. “You convinced someone to commit MURDER for you! That makes you just as guilty as him!”
“But-but I have diplomatic immunity! I can’t be charged for any of this!”
“Yes, you can,” Greta said, her voice going cold. “I may be a secretary to the Italian Ambassador, which grants me immunity, but that doesn’t extend to you! I told you to behave! I told you to never cause trouble like you did in Roma after what you did to that boy that called you out on your…” Understanding washed over Greta’s features as her expression morphed from anger, to understanding, and then disgust. “That’s it, isn’t it? Marinette never bullied you. She knew about your lies and you set out to hurt her just like before!” 
Standing up quickly, her mother started pacing the room before looking back to the detectives. “I’ll still need to speak with the ambassador, but you can expect our full cooperation in this.”
“Mom, no!”
“What are the charges?” Greta asked, acting as though Lila wasn’t even there. 
“As Lila is a minor, she can be charged with Complicity to Commit Murder, the decision of sentencing is ultimately up to the judge. But seeing as she purposefully bought a burner phone to use and has also lied to the police, I wouldn’t hold much hope.”
The trial took longer than expected. At first, things had been looking up since her followers from class had come to act as character witnesses. All of them saying how wonderful she was, a great friend that did so much for them and everyone she knew,   and that she would never do something so terrible. That Marinette was just jealous of Lila, so it was better to take whatever she said with a grain of salt.
Then, the prosecution started their case. Showing evidence of Lila falsifying records at school, video evidence of her purposefully framing Marinette for assault and theft. As well as the communications between herself and Henry, encouraging him to kill Marinette. 
Her followers had still been a bit sceptical to believe what the prosecutor was saying about her, not wanting to believe that they had supported someone who would try to get another person murdered. But then came her past victims, many of whom her mother had never known about. Simone from Rome, Sara from Florence, Giulia from Venice, Daniel from Viterbo, and Sofia from Palermo. All of them testifying against Lila, many with screenshots of threatening texts from her, photos of ruined property and injuries she had inflicted on them, and all around proof that Lila was the reason behind many hardships that had happened to them. And all because they had figured out that she was a liar and she had done everything in her power to hurt them.
After all that, the judge had not been kind. 
“It is clear, Mlle. Rossi, that you are a very disturbed girl in need of help,” the judge said, not bothering to hide how offput he was by Lila. “I cannot, in good conscious, allow you to roam freely. Having seen that these habits of yours have not only been repeated over and again, but have escalated to attempted murder. I have no choice but to have you returned to Italy where you will be kept in a juvenile detention center until you turn 18, at which point you will be transferred to a mental hospital for treatment for no less than five years. At which point, you will be evaluated to see if you will be able to safely rejoin society.”
Lila was immediately escorted back to Italy in disgrace. Her name slandered across every newspaper and magazine across Europe for what she had done. She was now famous, with most everyone knowing her name and reporters scrambling to take her picture as she did her walk of shame out of the courthouse. She was finally famous, but for all the wrong reasons
In case you are wondering. Henry made the mistake of coming after Marinette when she was with her parents. Tom and Marinette were in the bakery kitchen and Sabine was at the front. Tom saw the gun and hit him in the face with his rolling pin twice. He dropped the gun but was still coming after Marinette, she tripped him and he landed in the frier, which had been turned on to make donuts, and splashed oil all over him. Sabine had rushed back in time to see a bleeding and badly burned Henry grabbing a knife, she did some wicked moves that resulted in Henry stabbing himself. By then, he passed out from the pain and the Dupain-Chengs had called the police. The officers that came were both impressed and terrified by what happened to the boy, but the surveillance footage proved that they were only defending themselves.
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recklessmark · 4 years ago
words count: 1.2k
warnings: angst, cheating
a/n: i have no mood for angst now i’m so sorry. this is not very miserable at all since i refused to let y/n cry pathetically in front of douchebag mark 😡 but hopefully you’ll like it.
you take a sip of your chardonnay, the other hand is still busy scrolling on your phone. your face puts on the best do-not-talk-to-me look while your fingers typing on the screen with a fast speed.
y/n: where are yo-
no, you delete the sentence.
y/n: can you pick me up after work?
your fingers idly tap on the bar counter, flashing the bartender an encouraging smile as if you’re not currently having murder on your mind. after about less than 5 minutes, your phone buzzes on the marble surface and you take it in your hands again.
mark: i’m having meeting, i’ll probably stay over at my office either.
your lips curl into a crooked smile. executioner style.
y/n: you better sleep with one eye open tonight.
you bite your bottom lip, trying to keep your composure and delete the yet-to-be-sent message. all you’re seeing is red now. mark lee, your lovely boyfriend has the audacity to tell you he’s having a meeting. a two people meeting, one man one woman, in a hotel. little does the two-timing, cheap-lying wannabe know that you’re sitting at the bar of the hotel he takes his side chick in. and you have to clarify that either you and your friends have caught him hang out with other women multiple times but you, a faithful girlfriend, brainlessly believe in him and maybe he will change. the only thing has changed ever since is his loyalty to you, wondrously decreases.
you leave a tip under your glass and jump of the stool. you turn at the corner, walking inside the hotel building. unfortunate for mark is that you have some work here, otherwise you couldn’t catch the sight he wrapped his arm around a girl and walked into the hotel. but work can be done later.
“good evening, how can i help you?” the receptionist greets you politely and you give her a smile. “y/f/n y/l/n, i have a business meeting with mr grey.”
the woman nods and types something on the laptop while you rake your eyes around the building. “floor 8, room 805, ms y/l/n.”
you smile in acknowledgment and turn around to walk away. “oh,” you put on a fake gape and glare back and the receptionist, “may i ask where’s mr lee’s room, i have to take something from him. mark lee please.”
she looks confused but obliges your command anyway. “floor 8, room 802.” you give her a “thank you” and stroll toward the elevator. god must be unpleasant with mark so that his room is on the same floor with yours. you take your phone out and decide to reply the previous message of him.
y/n: i have a meeting at imperial building either, we can go home together.
adrenaline and rage rushing inside your veins as the monitor screen displays the red number 8. you take your steps slowly, the sound of your heels clicking against the floor reverberates around the empty floor.
seeing the gold banner on the wall, you turn at the corner. your head dizzy as you think about what’s happening inside the 802 room. standing in front of the wide wooden door, you decisively press your finger on the doorbell. just once and patiently wait for someone to open the door. although every room is soundproof but you can hear a small voice from the inside after about two minutes, you’re not complaining though, you have big heart for patience.
a ‘genuine’ smile plasters on your face as the door flings opened, revealing a woman- your coworker surprisingly and she only has a towel wrapped around her body. “hi,” you say and walk inside before she could process anything that’s going on. “where’s mark? mark lee.” you ask and opposite of your nonchalance, she makes a quite smart decision to throw a tantrum.
“what the hell y/n?! if you know he doesn’t even like you anymore why are you here? he will never go home so don’t cry and beg for it!”
“where’s ma-“ you calmly repeat yourself and suddenly you see your boyfriend gets out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his hips either. his toned chest and abs look nice but they’ll be better if there’s some bullets shot through. “oh mister executioner, i was wondering where you are.”
mark gapes as he sees you, apparently hasn’t read your new message. he heard haven - his side chick was yelling and he was curious what she’s so frantic about. and now he understands.
you sit down at the cafe table and cross your legs. “you may speak now.” you flash him a reluctant smile.
“speak what? he has nothing to explain-“
“look,” mark cuts haven off and starts his meaningless explanation, “i don’t love you anymore, you’re always busy and your spare time is for work either!”
“my spare time is for work?!” you exclaim, “you are the one who fucking cancel all our dates and hangs out with your side chicks! you think i’m stupid that i’m totally clueless about what you do behind my back?” your voice is shaky yet you try to keep it as steady as possible. you’re not going to cry in front of him and his bitch.
“you call who’s a side chick?” haven yells, pointing her finger at you and you dart your eyes at her, “i’m not talking to you, don’t let me lose the tiny respect i’m still having for you. we’re both women and we work together, i don’t want to be rude.”
“you’re fucking fake as hell-“
“shut up,” mark shouts, making the woman shut her mouth and then turns back to you. “don’t act like you’re not flirting with other men at work, you’re a whore!” he says loudly and you’re practically speechless.
mark calls you a whore.
“since when i flirt with men?” you ask in a calm, quiet tone. you have completely no idea what he’s talking about because you’re certain that you only keep a professional and friendly relationship with any man you know except of mark.
“haven sent me a lot of photos of you and other guys,” he remarks and now you understand, your eyes give your shameless coworker a death stare as she’s avoiding your gaze. “who has the interest in this affair first?”
“me,” mark responds. now he knows how to he honest. “i like her first.”
you let out a chuckle unexpectedly, “so you like hannah, sophia, iris and my best friend as well?” it’s unbelievable that you still have faith in this man even though he hit on your best friend once and she’s already warned you about it.
as mark can’t say anything to defend himself, you stand up, “i’ll pack up your things and send it to your address. don’t ever walk into my place again.” you give him the last peck on his thin lips and walk away but not before giving your coworker a reminder.
“you’ve heard what i said, i hope you’re not the one who chooses to be stupid now.”
slamming the door close, you let out a heavy breath, feeling you’re about to stumble on your weak knees. you love mark so much that it blinds you, no matter how many times you saw him with other women, you still pretended to be clueless. you keep him beside you since you think that he will change but it’s just your one-way deduction which unfortunately could not be true. you hold back the tears in your watering eyes, you will cry when you’re home, not before you get your work done.
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coughloop · 3 years ago
vent/rant post about fash/cryptofash/reactionaries on tumblr under the cut dont reblog
im really frustrated with how things have gone down in the last week and im gonna ramble a lot, also im gonna use fash/cryptofash/reactionary and maybe some other terms pretty interchangeably cause they all feel like umbrella terms for the type of people im talking about.
I know we're all getting tired of blocking the same cryptofash accounts that keep remaking over and over again, as well as new ones that find their ways into the periphery of popular posters and have suddenly shoot into popularity until they post something super racist. And a lot of the time it feels so useless and futile, like half the time they have a backup ready to go and the other half just remake in under 24 hours. and like, what does it even do? its not fighting any real world issues, i have no idea what the social effect of having super racist people 3 degrees of separation from everyone on the site actually means, but I know I really fucking dont like it, I know it makes me super uncomfortable to see a mutuals reblog from someone who constantly reblogs and interacts with people that fantasize about beating up trans people on the street.
and now that people like me and some others are getting more and more savvy about noticing cryptofash blogs, it becomes harder and harder to not see how many people i follow that keep me 3 degrees of separation from them.
take ukrainianbimbo for example. they constantly reblog from terfs, transphobes, racists, misogynists and anti-Semites AS WELL as trans people, Jewish people, and people of colour. i blocked them from following me months ago after spending 30 seconds on their blog and recognizing multiple well known tumblr reactionaries. when they noticed i had blocked them and made a couple posts about how easy it is to not follow and reblog from fascists they went on a posting spree whining about how they dont check who they reblog from and why should it be their responsibility. wah wah wah, shut up. anyway, last week they got properly called out for this behaviour and badgrapple came to their defense, going on the dumbest tirade ive ever seen about how theyre sick of fake callouts for people who havent done anything wrong (tell that to your friend ukrainianbimbo who's reaction to being labelled an anti-Semite and a fascist was to triple down on telling a trans jewish woman that she was ugly and should kill herself (both of these things are very untrue shout out Agent, you dont deserve that at all)) and now both of them are going out of their way to interact with more bigots seemingly as a protest for being repressed over hanging with those types in the first place. Fuck off.
All of this then led into people i respect making random vagueposts like "feel like fash is a word being thrown around way too liberally on tumblr these days" and like, yeah, in a way i guess it is, but also people are acting like fascists! crypto fascists specifically because theyre never completely open about their beliefs. fash is shorter and less confusing however (thanks cryptocurrency for that) so thats what people genuinely call them. Why is that a bad thing? If you're posting things that people look at and say "woah dude, you sound like a fascist", maybe thats on you for doing things that other fascists on this site do, not on them for using the "wrong word" for it.
on top of all this though, people HAVE started making up unchecked callouts about people, like Declan smokeweedinbong, who was unfairly called a fascist by someone because declan responded to a comment on his post he didnt background check, thats totally unfair to declan but fuck the reaction from a lot of my mutuals was REALLY WEIRD. people didnt start posting in defense of declan, who again, did nothing wrong but not pay as much attention to a random person as he could have (ive done that too i get it!), but instead people started beating the "cancel culture has gone to far" drum, fucking again. why is that your response?? defend your friends, please! but why is it people who dont want to be exposed to racists and transphobes and anti-Semites ultimately receiving the pushback? its so dumb!
so now half the time i see someone getting an anon about reblogging from a fash, they respond positively but why do they always get follow up anons like "thats dumb who cares, i never look at who i reblog from" like maybe you fucking should?? shut up! people are so fucking stupid on anon it blows me away soemtimes.
i really have no idea where im going with all this, i just really needed to get this frustration of my chest. thanks for reading my run on sentences if you did, and sorry for being somewhat incoherent, i just am so fucking tired of all this, and it doesnt even mean anything. whatever
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merppppppppppppppppp · 4 years ago
Dabi smut with a teacher. Like in some quirkless au or something (He’s scarless but hella pierced and tatted), he had to pick up kid!Shoto one day and he sees his hot black teacher (Sis got thickness and curves for days, even in simple clothes) So he consistently picks up Shoto (even when he doesn’t have to) just to hit on her and when he finally scores a date with her, he’s at his limit after seeing her in casual wear and how amazing her personality is.
I LOVED this request. I had so much fun writing it and the details were amazing! I hope you enjoy
Hot For Teacher (Dabi x Black Reader) Quirkless AU
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“Ah, come on kid,” Dabi sighed, expelling a stream of smoke as he waited at the curb for his baby brother to get out of school.
He rolled down the window to air out the car and watched the stream of middle schoolers burst through the double doors and head to their respective busses or cars.
“Shooo,” Dabi groaned, “where are you? I got shit to do, kid.”
He enjoyed hanging out with his youngest sibling, and he had no problem picking the kid up, but he also had a business to help run. If he didn’t get back to the shop in an hour and a half like he’d promised Hawks, he’d get an earful about responsibility and time management and blah, blah, blah.
He leaned back in the driver seat, deciding to give Shoto another fifteen minutes before he texted the kid.
Just then another wave of kids exited the building, Dabi’s bright blue eyes scanned them before landing on the finest woman he’d ever seen in his life.
Her cream colored silk blouse popped beautifully against her rich brown skin and a pair of slacks hugged her wide hips. Her makeup made her dark eyes sparkle and red lipstick painted her pouty mouth.
Dabi sat up, turquoise eyes running up and down that beautiful body of hers as the sexy teacher strutted past to talk to parents and wave good bye to students. When she turned around, his eyes slid down to the fattest ass he’d ever seen and he licked his lips.
Damn it must be hard as hell for her students to concentrate in class.
She turned again and began walking back towards the school. Fuck! If he didn’t stop gawking he would miss his chance. He couldn’t let that happen.
Holding his cigarette between his lips, Dabi quickly stepped out of the car and took leggy strides to catch up with the teacher.
“Excuse me.”
She turned around, her big dark eyes landing on him. Immediately Dabi knew she was sizing him up and wasn’t impressed. She gave that same disapproving teacher look Fuyumi gave whenever she was put off by someone.
Regardless, he flashed her his most charming smile. He may not be a goody two shoes like these other khaki wearing dads out here, but he knew he looked damn better than any of them.
“Sorry to bother you ma’am. I was just hoping you could help me out.”
“Sure,” she smiled back, showing off a pair of pretty white teeth. “Let’s start with that cigarette. It’s against our school policy to be smoking on the premises so if you could.” She cocked a brow expectantly.
Dabi cocked his own pierced brow back in response, but quickly stubbed out his cigarette on a nearby janitor’s cart and threw it away in the accompanying trash can.
Her smile widened. “Great. Now, how can I help you?”
Dabi chuckled. “Well, ya see, I just got this new phone and cleared out all my old contacts. Ya know, new year, new me and all that,” he shrugged, “anyway, my contacts are pretty empty now. So, I was wondering if I could get yours.”
She let out a little snort of amusement.
“That’s your pick up line? How many Girls have had the misfortune of hearing that one?”
“You’d be the first,” Dabi smirked back. “Figured the usual ‘hey beautiful, what’s your name’ line wouldn’t exactly help me stand out.”
“Trust me, you don’t need help standing out.” She replied, eying him again.
“Then that means I’m ahead of the game, right?” He held out a hand, “I’m Dabi.”
Tentatively, the teacher shook it. “Ms. Y/n.”
“Ms. Y/n, huh...” Dabi repeated slowly, his eyes ran over you with a barely masked longing. “Not ‘Mrs’?”
“Not yet.” You replied.
“How soon are you looking to change that?” Dabi asked, his smirk growing a bit smaller and more intimate.
“Who said I was looking to change it at all?”
“Certainly not me,” he replied, “that’s why I asked. I would love to talk more about how much you don’t want to change it over dinner sometime though.”
You fended off a smile. You were not about to give this over confident asshole any encouragement.
“Sorry, but I make it a point not to date my student’s parents.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not a parent then.”
“Oh? So you just like to stroll on the campuses of random middle schools and hit on the teachers for fun?”
Dabi chuckled again.
“I’m here to pick up my little brother. Ah, hell, speaking of which, I actually could use your help with that. Kid hasn’t come out yet and I’ve already been here over half an hour.”
Your pretty face immediately crumpled with worry.
“What’s your brother’s name?”
“Todoroki Shoto.”
“Oh!” You looked surprised. “Shoto. I think I saw him headed towards the baseball field. I think the team has practice today.”
“Dammit! Really? Well, I better go say hi to the kid anyway. You mind, uh, leading the way?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
Turning, you took the lead and guided Dabi towards the baseball diamond behind the school. You could feel the man’s eyes on your ass the whole way, and couldn’t help but put an extra switch in your hips as you did. Much to his appreciation.
You had to admit the man was fine as hell. The black undercut with lines cut in the side, his multiple piercings and even the colorful tattoos you saw peeking from under his fitted black tshirt were hot as hell. However, you had long since given up on bad boy types. You preferred nerds. Still a little light flirting wouldn’t hurt anything, right?
“There he is.” Dabi stated once the two of you verged on the field. He held up his hands to his mouth and called out: “Yo, Sho!”
The boy looked up, heterochromatic eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had practice today you little half and half?”
“Why don’t you ever check mom’s texts?” Shoto shouted back. “She told you to come later.”
You snickered as Dabi pulled out his phone and checked his text messages.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned.” He muttered to himself. “Alright, kiddo, I’ll be back in an hour!”
“Can you stop shouting and leave now?! I have to concentrate.”
Dabi laughed before turning back to you.
“Anyway, thanks a lot for your help Ms. Y/n.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Still, I would love to thank you properly. Maybe over coffee.” He said, sounding hopeful.
“Before it was dinner.” You quipped, playfully.
“I know. I‘m just planning for future dates.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It was nice meeting you, Dabi.” With that you turned and strutted off.
“I hope you know I’m gonna keep trying until I get a yes or no.” He called after you.
As you entered the school’s back entrance you could hear Shoto shouting: “Can you please stop hitting on my teachers? I have to see them everyday!”
Unfortunately for Shoto, his plea seemed to go in one overly pierced ear and out the other because almost everyday since then, Dabi made it a point to stop and talk to you when he came to pick up Shoto.
“Hey there, Ms. Y/n. My contacts are filling up fast. You sure you don’t wanna reserve a spot?”
“Sorry Dabi, but my no dating policy extends to immediate family members as well.”
“I hated to cancel our reservations, but you’re left me no choice, Ms. Y/n.”
“Nobody told you to make reservations, Dabi.”
“Dinner was lonely the other day. If only I had a beautiful black queen to keep me company.”
“I’m sure There are plenty of black queens out there that would have loved to accompanying you to dinner.”
“Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been you.”
Dabi was unrelenting. Always complimenting how amazing your outfits looked on your skin tone, how flattering your make up was, or if you wore a new hairstyle or new jewelry.
You couldn’t lie. The attention was both flattering and refreshing. Since becoming a teacher, you usually only got hit on by studious academic types. Attractive yes, but straight laced and all the same with their game
Unfortunately a disturbing amount of married dads also tried their luck with you.
But Dabi was different.
He may have been a far cry from your usual type, but he was always perfectly respectful and even funny. Not to mention he was much closer to your own age than other men that came on to you.
He must have started bribing Shoto for help or asking him about your interests too. Because sometimes when he would see you, he’d have a new book to give you or your favorite iced tea from a cafe you always frequented. Which, admittedly, was pretty damn cute.
The tatted up alt boy was actually growing on you. So one day, when both of you least expected it, you finally agreed to give him your number and go on a date.
That was the first time you ever saw him straight up smile. Not smirk or grin. He actually beamed. Just like a little boy who’d been told he could have a puppy.
Ok, ok. You admit it—he was cute.
Hopefully, that charm would extend over to dinner.
When the big date came, Dabi cleaned himself up. Opting out of his usual dark attire for a deep blue fitted Ralph Lauren polo and skinny khakis. He even took out some of his piercings in an attempt to look more presentable. He thought he cleaned up pretty nice if he did say so himself, but it was nothing compared to what you strutted in wearing.
Dabi had gotten used to your stylish but conservative work attire. He was so used to your hot teacher look, that he forgot you probably had some regular clothes in that amazing wardrobe of yours.
And damn did you pick out the most show stopping dress you had. You wore a wine colored dress that cut low in the front showing off those juicy tits of yours and stopped above the knee. The heels you wore made your thighs look even yummier and your ass was jiggling out of control with every step.
Down boy. Down boy. Down boy.
He scolded himself.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely, Dabi?” You teased.
“I’m Touya tonight, beautiful.” He struck a pose like a GQ model. You laughed. “Dabi was that guy that kept hitting on you, Touya’s the guy that’s gonna try not to screw it up.
“Oh,” you ran a manicured finger along his solid chest, “well, I agreed to a date with Dabi, but I guess Touya could be fun too.”
Dabi licked his lip, and your eyes fell on his tongue piercing, hungrily.
“Depending on how well the night goes, you might see Dabi come out later tonight.” He replied, suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, but could feel your cheeks (and your pussy) warming.
“Boy! Come on.”
Dabi as Touya opened the door to the restaurant and ushered you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was definitely a high end place; complete with soft candle light, a jazz quartet, and a maître d’.
The chemistry the two of you had definitely translated over dinner.
Dabi was just as funny as he always was and he was genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you. He hung on to your every word about the funny things your students did in class. He enjoyed hearing your college stories. He even knew some of the books you enjoyed reading and could talk literature easily.
You discovered that he was the co-owner of a tattoo and piercing shop. He was the oldest of his siblings. And he enjoyed traveling and learning new things.
Dabi enjoyed vibing with you. He loved that your personality and sense of humor was just as amazing and substantial as that body he wanted a piece of so bad.
Dinner rolled into drinks and lasted well into the night. By the time the two of you were done it was damn near four A.M.
From that night on, you and Dabi became practically inseparable. He picked you up from school right along with Shoto for dinner after work, swung by with coffee, bought you any and everything you wanted (he does come from money after all) and after a year of dating, you became more than just a ‘Ms.’
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