#shes so hot wtf
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captainmartin20 · 3 months ago
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holy shit
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theblsckdog · 5 months ago
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there's actually no way that she exists
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j-hawthorn · 1 year ago
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Ugh I'm so fucking gay for Claudia Black
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zioshock · 10 months ago
thank you to everyone posting falin shirtless and covered in blood
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sillyfroggremlin · 1 month ago
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alltoowsll · 1 year ago
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shimiralurqx · 2 years ago
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lookingvisexually · 5 months ago
i am not ok thanks for asking
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localwhiskeyuncle · 1 month ago
If you were watching Nosferatu and you noticed the doctors talking about how Ellen had too much blood and that's why she was acting crazy - let me explain why (and also how excited I am that it was included in the script).
From ancient Greece through the Renaissance, we believed in The Four Humors in medicine. Essentially, they thought there were four fluids in the body (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) and they determined a person's temperament; an imbalance of them was believed causes illness. The Four Temperaments (based on the balance of their humors) are as follows:
Sanguine: Optimistic and social - (affected by blood)
Choleric: Short-tempered and irritable - (affected by yellow bile)
Melancholic: Analytical and quiet - (affected by black bile)
Phlegmatic: Relaxed and peaceful - (affected by phlegm)
They were also connected to celestial bodies, seasons, body parts, and stages of life. Here's a neat little chart:
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Ellen was already rather macabre, and as she spiraled she became less able to adhere to social convention; it makes sense that a doctor of the time would consider that to be an imbalance of her blood. It also feels worth stating that a sanguine temperament can be likened to the manic phase of a bipolar episode, which Ellen's symptoms certainly could have been indicative of.
I also think it's an interesting (though possibly pointless) connection that a sanguine temperament is linked to the heart, to adolescence, and to Spring.
The heart obviously links to Ellen as she's a hopeless romantic. Adolescence also connects due to not only her young age in the film, but the events causing Orlok's fascination with her happened when she was quite young as well. I would argue that you can tie Spring into Ellen's character also - she was blooming, transforming, awaiting a new breath of life (death?).
It made me so happy to see it included so casually, it was such an accurate portrayal of how medicine would have actually been practiced at the time and it wasn't made into a huge thing. It shows the appreciation and effort Eggers brings to his work.
I can absolutely see how you may just brush past that part (it was brief), or attribute it to vampirism, but it's actually a super cool little detail of our real life medical history!
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theblsckdog · 6 months ago
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the top, the hair, the face card, the-
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doctorsiren · 3 months ago
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Meet the people of Woodward Ranch! To most West Virginians, the place is just a normal animal sanctuary, but to those in the know, it’s a cryptid conservation ranch :)
Wyatt Woodward is the grandson of the man who used to own the ranch (I haven’t figured out that guy yet so…). His grandfather passed and left the ranch to Wyatt in his will, despite Wyatt only having met the man once or twice when he was little. Now he’s tasked with running the place, as well as grappling with the reality that monsters, cryptids, and the supernatural are very very much real
Lucy Lovejoy is a farmhand / wrangler on the ranch. She grew up living there and is miffed that Wyatt was given ownership. She believes she’s entitled to it because she actually knows the place and Wyatt didn’t even believe in the supernatural until he came to the ranch
Dr. Herschel Finch is the ranch’s science boy (that’s probably not the official title) and he does his magic + science stuff to keep the ranch safe as well as be the resident cryptid expert. He’s very chaotic neutral and would probably kill someone…yknow…for science! Nobody really quite knows his history, despite him telling lots of strange backstories about his past.
Denny is a feral little orphan werewolf girl that lives on the ranch and has deemed it her home. She causes trouble for Wyatt because he’s easy to mess with, but she’s also the one (other than the Mothman) who sees him as family the fastest
The Mothman is one of the cryptids who regularly stays at the ranch. He was Wyatt’s grandfather’s favourite, and so Wyatt quickly becomes the new favourite of the Mothman. Just look at him 🥺 he’s so,,,🫶
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Cryptoria is Finch’s ex-wife. Nobody on the ranch has actually met her, but Finch’s reasoning for why they got divorced was that “she was evil”. They question why he didn’t take that into account when marrying a literal demon, and also why that was the dealbreaker, seeing as he’s not one to be opposed to some evil from time to time, but he doesn’t elaborate. He does explain, however, that she tried to kill him. Despite that, he also actively laments the relationship, clearly missing his hot demon wife. Cryptoria divorced HIM because she found him annoying. They’re soooo toxic for each other. They’re the kind of exes that simultaneously hate each other but would totally make out again if they had the chance.
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year ago
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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laramieee · 4 months ago
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pelle and doro posters ♡
(not his room)
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months ago
witcher netflix: [drops]
henry cavill fans: honestly, i don’t really care about the story, i’m just here because hcav is hot asf
me: wtf? how shallow is this… only there because the titular witcher is hot? talk about missing the point…
witcher 4 trailer: [drops]
✨ciri✨: 😡
me: … i understanded.
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honiepiee · 8 months ago
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emo gf💚🖤
decided to post smth on my bday lol
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ghostradiodylan · 11 months ago
I think if I went to Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp, middle school me would write home like, “Dear Mom, please come pick me up, everyone who works at this camp is unnaturally hot and I’m scared.”
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[freecam stills, Source: dylanlenivy on twitter]
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