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shekinah - god's presence
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The woman is inner. She is the one you don't see. She is there with her man. She is influence. She is guidance. She embodies quiet power within her profound wisdom. Her presence is felt. She touches the lives of those around her deeply with her steadfast knowing. She is rooted in divine patience. Her strength is balanced. Her love is unconditional. She is a constant that nurtures and empowers. She is the backbone. She is the unsung hero of the story. She thrives in chaos, but she is silent. She is the whisper. She is the divine force who is driven by her love. ✨️

#Messiah #Shekinah
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The tender and compassionate side of the divine nature, especially the penchant for weeping, was often related to the Shekinah. The love-aspect of God was also related to the Shekinah which filled the Temple like Solomon's palanquin inlaid with love (Pesiqta di Rab Kahana, ed. Mandelbaum, 4; cf. Patai, 152 and 313n81). The Shekinah also represented the divine punitive power, as indicated by a Tannaitic passage which mentioned ten occasions on which the Shekinah descended for punitive purposes, and predicted another descent in the future in the days of the battle of Gog and Magog.(Aboth di Rabbi Nathan, ed. Schechter, 102. J. Goldin [1955], 140f.) The mixture of vengeful and compassionate traits of the Shekinah, Patai (153) discerned in the legends in which she took the souls of six exceptional individuals whom the Angel of Death could not overcome, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, who died only through a kiss of the Shekinah (TB Baba Bathra 17a; cf. Midrash Canticles Rabbah i 2[5]).
Moses, after his death, whether by a kiss of God or a kiss of the Shekinah, was carried on the wings of the Shekinah a distance of four miles to his burial spot (TB Sota 13; Sifre Deut 355). Since in the Zohar Moses is said to have given up carnal contact with his wife in order to be always ready to communicate with the Shekinah (cf. Patai, 153, 194), Patai suggested that a notion clearly stated in the Zohar was already present in rudimentary form in Talmudic times, that Moses and the Shekinah were like husband and wife. An interesting parallel was suggested by Patai between the Shekinah carrying her dead husband, Moses, to his burial place, and Anat carrying the body of her brother-consort, Baal, to his burial place on Mount Zaphon (Patai, 153). A possible parallel to this motif may be adduced from another source: An oenochoe (jug) of the Bibliotheque National of Paris shows a winged and armed goddess, no doubt Athena who was identified with Anat, carrying the body of a defunct male over undulations which may be either waves or hills (cf. Denyse Le Lasseur, 1919, fig. 126, p.336). Although there is nothing in the Iliad about such an episode, Le Lasseur opined (p.337) that there is no ground to rejecta priori the hypothesis of Athena carrying the body of one of her favorite warriors. The identification of Athena and Anat suggests that the scene depicts Anat with the corpse of her brother-consort Baal, rather than that of an earthly hero. See Plate XIII.
160-161, Song of Songs (commentary) by Marvin Pope

The plates don't seem to have actually been reproduced in the commentary, just referenced in text, though it has separately categorized line drawings that do appear? Anyway I looked up the paper the print was recorded as being from (Les déesses armeés dans I'art classique grec et leurs origenes orientates) and found it there.
#cipher talk#Judaism#Anat#Athena#Song of songs#Shekinah#Honestly it's a pet peeve of mine when papers reference a physical artifact and dont include an image#Not everyone has the same institutional access as you!!! Include the actual image!!!#I think images are under utilized in the papers I read in general
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detail of an image of Holy Wisdom upholding Christ and surrounded by prophets, from the 12th century (x)
At its deepest level, Wisdom is a female symbol for the very mystery of God. She is the personification of God's presence and activity in the created world. She guides God's creatures along the right path in life. She delights in human beings. She is God's creative energy, involved with the world.
- Sr. Patricia Smith, R.S.M. (Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church, page 222)
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How powerful Lilith really is...
...in the Zohar?
Kinda connected to my previous article (of which Lilith's depiction in the Zohar was a major part of), I would also want to shed some light on this rather obscure information.
With Lilith's power in the Zohar, she is actually described as actually stronger than her husband, Samael/Satan (Pinchas, verse 362): ""The appendix of the liver" MEANS a woman of harlotry, THAT IS LILIT, who comes out and emerges from the liver, THAT IS SAMAEL, to mislead people and denounce them, and she leaves the male to practice prostitution. And that is why IT IS WRITTEN: "the appendix of the liver;" "the appendix above the liver" MEANS THAT, after her fornications, she rises above him. She has "a harlot's forehead" (Yirmeyah 3:3) and subdues her husband, who is SAMAEL, WHO IS CALLED 'liver,' with the anger of the gall, being a quarrelsome and anger-prone wife who rules over her male. THUS "The harlot's forehead" has control over the liver, WHICH IS SAMAEL, BECAUSE SHE IS a quarrelsome, angry woman AND IS THEREFORE CALLED "THE APPENDIX ABOVE THE LIVER."
While this fragment could be seen as just describing Lilith "wearing the pants" in the relationship, there are further statements that confirm Lilith's power (and by proxy being stronger than Samael). In another verse, Lilith is called the most powerful sprit (Vayikra, verse 316): "Come and see: In a hole by the great, supernal abyss, there is a certain female, a spirit above all spirits. We have explained that its name is Lilit."
And the most interesting, and controversial part - Lilith (also called the "evil maid" or "evil maidservant") manged to defeat an aspect of God, the Shekhinah (also called the Matron or Matronit) (Mishpatim, verses 450-452): "So many blessings did the evil maidservant steal from the Shechinah through heavy tax burdens, different kinds of harsh judgments against the SHECHINAH'S children, numerous Temple sacrifices deprived from the Matron, the shaming of the Matron," ... "The pit represents the evil wife, Lilit, in her house, namely the prison. The evil maid seized the Matron and her children, NAMELY THE CHILDREN OF YISRAEL, put them in her exile, placed them in twisted chains, and tied their hands to the back; "she dwells among the nations, she finds no rest" (Eichah 1:3)."
While this is meant to be a metaphor for the exile of the Jews/Israelites, it also is meant to be direct real event, as the Bible states places and events on Earth, have (greater) counterparts in Heaven.
It's also notable the Shekinah is mentioned defeating and even destroying Samael in the future (Shoftim, verse 8): "Its members are pieces of wood in which a fire will burn, which is the fire of the commandment, in each member, to burn Samael BY the supernal Shechinah, THAT IS BINAH, with a tree that is Tiferet, and with all the trees, MEANING SFIROT, that are attached TO TIFERET. When the fire of the higher descends over the wood of the sacrifice, "the stranger that comes near shall be put to death" (Bemidbar 1:51), because he will be burned IN THE FIRE."
Defeating even an aspect of God, arguably makes Lilith the most powerful demon in (actual religious) Abrahamic scripture and literature.
Then why Lilith is often depicted as inferior, even visibly to Samael/Satan/Lucifer etc., and rarely equal in power at best? Well, as I mentioned in Demon WLW in Kabbalah, translated works of Kabbalah were in past harder to acquire, people often reading works that quoted or summarized them, that omitted this information. Later Kabbalistic writings also didn't depict Lilith as this powerful.
In general, aside from also sexism (not always and more in the past), Satan also is seen as the ultimate force of evil, with it being weird for many that another being like Lilith could equal or even exceed him in power. The verse with Lilith taking Shekhinah's power and position were also interpreted (I personally think misinterpreted) as God taking Lilith as a wife/consort/lover in the place of the Shekhinah.
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The Orange Seller painting by Enrique Serra y Auque
“She is the eternal muse, the goddess who whispers the mysteries of the universe into the hearts of poets and prophets, saints and sages, mystics and musicians, philosophers and spiritual seekers alike. In her, all things find their origin and return. She is Sophia, the wisdom that weaves the cosmos into harmony. She is the Shekinah, the indwelling presence of the divine. She is the Muse, whose timeless song inspires art, poetry, and the sacred quest for meaning. Her essence flows through every star and every flower, through the stillness of the forest and the roar of the sea, calling us to remember the unity from which we came.
In her embrace, we rediscover the sacred within ourselves. She reveals that life itself is a poem and divine dance, a song and a prayer, each moment a verse sung to the rhythm of eternity. She is the eternal circle—alpha and omega—where all creation begins, ends, and is born anew.”
— from The Secret of Awakening
#The Secret of Awakening#The Eternal Muse#Goddess#Divine Feminine#Sophia#Shekinah#Holy Spirit#Gnosis
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Christ to the Churches

Jehovah to the People
JUDE 1 8
No Wonder you strangle the children of God, baby killers.
I Ain't talkin' bout abortion.
Lawless Dogs.
Negligent, Neglectful "Parents",
Nothing but Oppressor snakes for Mammon and Satanism.
Good luck where you're Sent, animals, and Falsely Holy.

The Fullness of the Everlasting Gospel,
As Per the Authority of the Eternal Lord of All.
Let There be Light.
And make things right,
Fearful Indolents.
Guard the Earth, and the Creatures.
Till my Garden, as is your duty for being here.
Now you know God.
Hateful Schemers.
And Murderers of The Lord,
Ruled only by theft, and hate, and derision, and scorn, to make earth hell.
The real Hell is much worse.
Might Wanna do something about it,
Pretend apostles of Grace.
-The Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of Man,
Son of God
~ ~
Truth, not pride.
Service has no room for Pride.
Lusts are to be under the Holy Agency of Authoritated Man; we are not mere animals bound to low desire without a mind, grasping taking consuming.
Dismissing others in scorn is not 'feeling'. It's Hate.
Others choose to dialogue and create Love.

God works through you, yet you steal the Credit,
Vain persons, Cain,
Murderers from the beginning. Narcisso Anta Deuixghthtlahul.
No, you can't do 'whatever you want' all the time. It's called Responsibility. Behave. 🌈
Life is an Education of Preparation, and not for you.
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Revelation 15: Holy Smoke
As John watched, smoke filled the heavenly Holy of Holies, preventing anyone from entering in. For John, this would have brought to mind God’s instruction to Moses that God later portrayed in all reality. #Revelation15 #HolySmoke #Shekinah
Then after these things I saw, and the sanctuary of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened, and the seven angels emerged, the ones holding the seven calamities, out of the sanctuary, having been arrayed in radiant, pure linen and having had golden belts girded all around upon the chests. Then one out of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden broad shallow…

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#1 kings 8:10-11#day of atonment#exodus 3:34-36#exodus 40:33-35#holy smoke#leviticus 16:12-13#seven angels#seven bowls of wrath#seven vials of wrath#shekinah
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I'm posting LightBringer Ch. 9 tomorrow (Sunday) -- in which Shekinah gets the larger role she deserves and Neferet proves exactly why she shouldn't be in charge of a glass of water, let alone a school.
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BaoUtnaFèretWaka del 10 tishrì 5785 ( yom kippur ) / 12 ottobre 2024 - 7.31 / 9.02 : dedicato a Dora Fiandra, con amore e riconoscenza.
Sempre in esilio -
Diciamocelo, Pico:
Da là ci sbircia.
Grazie al suo indietro
I nostri passi avanti.
BaoUtnaFèretWaka, 12 ottobre 2024 - 7.31, Kontowood.
NotaDiBao: cfr SETTE del Corriere dell’11.10.24, pagina 53.
Cristofano dell'Altissimo (1527–1605) : Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494)
Uffizi, Firenze.
[...] Non ti ho fatto né celeste né terreno, né mortale né immortale, perché di te stesso quasi libero e sovrano artefice ti plasmassi e ti scolpissi nella forma che avresti prescelto. Tu potrai degenerare nelle cose inferiori che sono i bruti; tu potrai, secondo il tuo volere, rigenerarti nelle cose superiori che sono divine.– ( Oratio de hominis dignitate, 1486 )
In ascolto: Murmurs ( 2023 ),di Rebecca Saunders, da “Perfect Offering”, eseguita da Explore Ensemble
Puoi non crederci
Ma quel lampo di sole
È stato, è vero !
BaoUtnaFèretHaikYou, 12 ottobre 2024 - 7.34, Kontowood.
Non so chi cosa,
Alto basso in mezzo,
Se non ci fa cenere
Ci mostra lo splendore.
BaoUtnaFèretWaka, 12 ottobre 2024 - 8.19, Kontowood.
Tre rabbi vedono lo splendore. Uno insuperbisce e viene ridotto in cenere; uno diventa pazzo e anche lui è ridotto in cenere; il terzo torba a casa, mangia, studia, fa l'amore, va dormire: e questo è lo splendore. ( citato da Di Mino, dopo aver letto l’HaikYou )
Mangio fervore
Bevo sacro nettare
Pane del sempre.
Sono un peccatore,
Sto digiunando ?
BaoUtnaFèretWaka, 10 Tishri 5785 ( Yom Kippur ) / 12 ottobre 2024 - 9.02, Kontowood.
#baotzebao#valerio fiandra#haikyou#kontowood#ilrestomanca#ildopovita#baoutnafèretwaka#yom kippur#peccato#salvezza#dora fiandra#letteratura assoluta#tiferet#shekinah#sole#digiuno#sacro#fervore#splendore#pierpaolodimino#cenere#bruciare#vibrazione#illuminazione#vero#credere#non credere#esilio#sacrificio#Pico della Mirandola
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God is One.
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He Satisfies the Longing Soul - Joe Sweet You can view the full message here https://youtu.be/cpFV4JKVQx8
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The Shekinah-Matronit surpassed the monster bull Behemoth who devoured the grass of a thousand mountains each day and gulped all the waters of the Jordan in a single draught. The Shekinah-Matronit swallowed in one bite as much as Behemoth could eat in a day and gulped a thousand rivers at a time. Her arms stretched out in twenty-four thousand directions, her claws ready to rip and kill. Her hair was more terrible than that of Medusa, spangled with thousands of shields, streaming with hosts of fearsome warriors arranged in groups under such names as "lords of severity," "lords of insolence," from whom escape was impossible. Between her legs issued her terrifying son Metatron who reached from one end of the world to the other, and two daughters, Lilith and Naamah, infamous queens of she-demons (cf. Patai, 201, 317n40).
170, Song of Songs (Commentary) by Marvin Pope
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Revival Fires and Awakenings spans four centuries and features 36 accounts of revivals and awakenings in eighteen countries on six continents. Whilst each revival is different the author reveals the common characteristics and reoccurring experiences which come to the fore during times of visitations of the Holy Spirit.
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Open Your Heart
Open Your Heart to Jesus Psalm 24; Revelation 3:20 If you have heard the voice of God calling you to repentance, He will one day stop knocking. Jesus loves you, and this is why He went to Calvary to die for the world of sinners. Romans 5:7-8 shows how much God loves us to send His only Son Jesus Christ to die such a cruel death. Romans 5:7-8For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet…
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