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thewordsayz · 2 years ago
Open Your Heart
Open Your Heart to Jesus Psalm 24; Revelation 3:20 If you have heard the voice of God calling you to repentance, He will one day stop knocking. Jesus loves you, and this is why He went to Calvary to die for the world of sinners. Romans 5:7-8 shows how much God loves us to send His only Son Jesus Christ to die such a cruel death. Romans 5:7-8For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet…
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zylophie · 1 year ago
Can you please make a kazuha x reader yandere alphabet? A,G,P,R please!! And thank you!(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
(´•ω•`♥) — kaedehara kazuha
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : He didn't have a choice...if only you listen to him...
✿ — ♯ GENRE : yandere, gender neutral reader
✿ — ⊜ CW : mention of kidnapping.
✿ — ↠ NOTE : hii hii anon!! I don't know how to feel about this tbh but hopefully it's not too out of character... anyways hope you enjoy the story!
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : yandere alphabet with kaedehara kazuha...
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💬 ┊A nxious - How anxious can they get when the thought of their darlings leaving for someone else? Will they do anything to prevent it from happening at all costs?
💌 ┊. . .
When the thought come to mind, he feels restless for a moment but he always try to look pass it...after all it's not like they will help him to win you over.
"Oh...my apologies, what was it that you were saying?"
"Are you okay? Is there something bothering you?"
"Ah no, it's... nothing to worry about" He smile, erasing that moment of weakness as he continue to walk ahead of you.
There is a frown on your face "If you say so...you really are like the wind, huh?"
"You think so?" He chuckled, there is some clear walking distance between you and him now.
"Yeah-Ah! Wait for me! Kazuhaaaa!!"
...Yeah, it's better this way.
💬 ┊G entle - How gentle are they with their darling?
-> Relates to the kidnap question
💌 ┊. . .
Kazuha treat you like as if you were a glass doll that could easily break...so gentle that it's make you question your own feelings, why is he so nice to you when you're clearly being held hostage by this young man?
"Seem like you got a cold" He said, removing his palm from your forehead "Just rest for now, I'll get you some medicine"
"I... okay" You bring the blanket up to your nose, muttering "Thank you..."
"What was that?" He turn to stare at you, puzzled.
Your face turn red, you didn't expect him to hear you! "N-Nothing! It was just a cough!!"
He stares at first then turn back to the door, "...I see, then we would need some cough medicine as well..."
💬 ┊P atronizing - How do they feel if their darling betray them by leaving/escaping?
💌 ┊. . .
He feels a little hurt when you manage to escape from him...
"(name), I know you're there" He called out as his voice echos throughout the forest.
No response.
He sigh, trying again "Isn't cold out here? I know you didn't bring something to keep you warm..."
Yet again, no response...
"...Ah, I see so that's it" He didn't do want to do this but he didn't have many options left, he have to get you back "(name)..."
He take a step forward "Is it because I was a wanted man before?" Another step closer "...or is it because you just hate me as a whole?"
"Ah, so there you are"
Found you.
💬 ┊R epent - Do they feel remorse for their actions?
💌 ┊. . .
Kazuha is well aware of his actions and how badly they will take a toll on you especially, he knew it's couldn't be help...
When the two of you make it back to the house, you stayed tight lipped the whole way back. Not a single word.
"..." You wouldn't even look at him.
His heart aches for a moment, seeing you refuse to look at him even when he is holding your hand during the trip back home.
He sigh in defeat "... I'm sorry"
There is nothing he can't do anything about it, he just have to wait until you were ready to give him your heart willingly even if keeping you here for as long as it's need to.
Love is a deathly disease after all.
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miomediator · 2 years ago
You heard the boss. Better epent your homestuck crimes, binch.
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Dog birthday dog borthday dog birthday
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patcegan · 1 year ago
P our God's love through prayer R epent of all wrong doing A llow God to transform dark to Light Y our prayers count--pray without ceasing E ach day children are stolen for sex R each out through prayer to God for help Luke 3:21 Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, Matthew 14:23 After He had sent the crowds away, He went…
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sapphiredhearts-a · 2 years ago
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S un to me : zach bryan A nyone else but you : the moldy peaches P sycho : anne-marie , aitch P aris : taylor swift H appier : Olivia Rodrigo I 've got a dream : Tangled soundtrack R epent & repeat : Mayday Parade E verything I wanted : Billie Eilish D ie 4 me : Halsey
H earts on fire - Illenium, Dabin, Lights E cho : Jason Walker A lways been you : Quinn XCII R ide slow : Russ T ake my breath away : Mayday parade S houtout to my ex : Little Mix
tagged by : @minimavampiress (ilyyyyy and miss uuuu) tagging: i'm not tagging all those people so if you see this boom ur tagged <3
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travisyoutooz · 6 years ago
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travis playing undertale is fun to watch
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phoebe-delia · 4 years ago
for the @drarrymicrofic prompt: "for eden." implied nsfw, bdsm
Debauched, a fallen angel
Repent, for your sins
Atone, with your head low
Catharsis, my red marks on your skin
On your knees, you ascend
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zylophie · 1 year ago
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NOTE 💬 : Please do not copy/steal. If you want to borrow our template, you may ask for permission and give credits, that's all we're asking for!
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A nxious - How anxious can they get when the thought of their darlings leaving for someone else? Will they do anything to prevent it from happening at all costs?
B lackmail - Are they willing to blackmail their darlings/rivals into making you theirs forever?
C onceal - Are they an expert in covering up their tracks?
D esire - What do they desire to see in their darling? (Returning their affection, genuinely or forced love?)
E ffusive - Will their darlings ever open up to them? If so, how would they react to their darlings be open with them?
F ervor - Do they eavesdrop in order to know what their darling likes? Does it go so far to the point they start stalking?
G entle - How gentle are they with their darling?
-> Relates to the kidnap question
H urt - Would they hurt their darlings? To what extent?
I nfatuated - How infatuated are they with their darlings? Are their love intense and suffocating for their darlings to handle?
J ealousy - How easily do they get jealous? Would they do anything about it?
K idnap - How far are they willing to go to kidnap their darlings?
L iberty - How much freedom are they willing to give their darlings?
M ask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
N efarious - Are they the type to get their hands dirty? How cruel will they get?
O rthodox - How would they feel if their darling followed their rules without rebelling ?
P atronizing - How do they feel if their darling betray them by leaving/escaping?
Q uarrel - How would they feel after a fight with their darling?
R epent - Do they feel remorse for their actions?
S park - What make they fall for their darlings in the first place?
T ears - How do they feel about seeing their darlings scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
U nstable - Are they willing to seek help to change their ways?
V ulnerable - Would they show their weak side to their darling?
W asteful - What happens if their plan backfires on them?
-> You tricking them
X ploitative - Is it easy to corner them?
Y apping - How would they react to their darlings other side?
-> Example reader being a yandere/cheater/sadist/killer
(Pick which option/type you want)
Z ealous - Will they give their darlings everything they want in order to win them over?
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sharbat-jaan · 6 years ago
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can I get some uhhhhhh,,, ®️epentance???
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patcegan · 2 years ago
P our out God's love through prayer R epent of all wrong doing A llow God to transform dark to Light Y our prayers count--pray ceaselessly E ach day for children are stolen for sex R each out through prayer for God to help The Bible is the best place to go to learn how and what to pray. Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God. The Bible tells us that we can draw near to God through…
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captainkurosolaire · 6 years ago
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  No stranger,        I’ve crossed this destination of realization...           A fated omen surfaces,             Met pitched blackened o’ thine seas                Repenting to eternal redemption is not of me                  Episodically bound to curse                    Animal cannibalized of rage lies between dwell flesh                        Prisoners of sinned n’ split                             Eaters t’ consume pleasantries                                 Regress sacrificially uproariously tolled....                                                          Death.                                                                                                                                           - CKS Logs                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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tiempodesierto · 3 years ago
Querido Doctor:
Me parece estarme viendo aquí, sin hacer nada, nada, nada. Picando de una ventana a otra. ¿Es mi improductividad un rasgo de mi personalidad? Si. Duro muchas horas intentando enfocarme y se me pasan las horas sin lograr avanzar en nada. Hoy tengo rabia. Estoy enojada. Me enojan las personas que incumplen su palabra conmigo. Me enojan las personas que me hacen creer que mis enojos no tienen razón. Desde hoy voy a volver a estar sola en la casa. No quería estar sola pero no tengo con quien estar. No quiero cocinar. Un sanduche y una cerveza. Otro sanduche. Otra cerveza. Cuando llega la noche me tranquilizo pero se que no hice nada y eso me atormenta. Estos días no he trabajado nada, nada. Se que voy a explotar pronto. Es como si me estuviera conduciendo hasta allá. Der epente me entran ganas de hacer cosas pero luego se me van las ganas. Es como si no tuviera pilas. En verdad no se que hacer. No se cómo volver a tener energía y querer y hacer las cosas de la mejor manera. No se si pueda seguir en el trabajo.
¿No se cansará ud de tanta desidia? ¿Tanto desgano? ¿Tanta queja? Siento que todos están ya aburridos de mi. Ya no puedo disimular mis ganas de nada.
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80shipsterdoglover-blog · 7 years ago
Fan Fiction
Era una noche oscura, la neblina era intensa, tanto que sólo podías observar tus huellas desaparecer mientras caminabas. Se oían las criaturas del bosque acecharte desde las sombras, con sus ojos perforándote el alma. Michael Jackson acaba de dar el concierto de su vida, y al estar tan nostálgico por sus logros, decidió caminar en este bosque espeso. Pensaba que era intocable por el número de fans que tenía, pero nadie lo salvaría de tan escalofriante destino.Después de estar ya media hora perdido, se dio cuenta que necesitaba ayuda, lo único que necesitaba era llegar a la carretera, y ahí conseguir que lo ayuden a llegar a la ciudad. Decidió empezar a gritar, sabiendo que le lastimaría la voz un poco, pero prefería cancelar un concierto a morir congelado ahí afuera. Al gritar, sabía que alguien reconocería su singular voz, y efectivamente, alguien lo hizo. De las tinieblas salió una persona sin hogar, viejo y cubierto de hojas. El viejo empezó a murmurar:
- ¿Tú eres el famoso artista verdad? Señor Jackson según recuerdo.
Michael todo desconcertado le contestó:
-Si señor, ¿sabe usted cómo puedo salir de este bosque tan espeso?
El viejo empezó a reír y le dijo:
-Señor Jackson, es muy peligroso estar aquí esta noche, sígame lo guiaré hasta la carretera. 
Dudando, Michael lo siguió, pero al estar caminando junto a ��l noto que su sombra se hacía más grande, el olor era repugnante, y de epente, el viejo desapareció. MIchael empezó a gritar para saber que le había pasado, que criatura se había llevado al amable señor, cuando fue tumbado por una sombra enorme. Cuando Michael recuperó el conocimiento, tenía una mordida enorme en el brazo derecho, y estaba a un lado de la carretera. Michael estaba confundido, pero agradecido de estar por fin a salvo. Un coche paso a un lado de él y se detuvo, era su novia Ola.
-Súbete! Te vas a mojar allá afuera. Tú conduces porque me pierdo en este bosque. 
Michael sentía que algo se acercaba, pero la noche era joven y quería aprovechar esa luna llena tan hermosa que los miraba. 
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footballcardsstickers · 4 years ago
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The greatest goalie of the 1910s, Sam Hardy, with fellow stars Alan Morton and Sam Wadsworth; Glasgow Rangers and Huddersfield Town. Sam Hardy epent his earlier years with Liverpool, before Nottingham Forest. A very rare uncut triple card as it was given, in 1923, by Boys’ Magazine comic
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namelessm0nster · 7 years ago
@prinerzefTag Rules: Tag 15 followers you want to get to know
I was tagged by @mystic-ghoul
Nicknames: I don’t have one :(
Gender: female
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 164cm 
Sexuality: bi
Hogwarts House: i don’t know lol
Favorite Animal : shark
Favorite song: Piledriver Waltz
Favorite Food: pizza
Average hours spent sleeping: 7
Cats or Dogs: dogs
Number of blankets I sleep with: no blankets it’s too hot
Dream trip: Barcelona
When I made this account: 2011 but tumblr says I started it @ 1969
Why I made this account: to see things from my favorite bands
Number of Followers: 504 
I tag: @dropdeadsucker @n--epente @navegandoemlagrimas @nunohds @beelzebunny @fe-soluvel @si-soy-algo-soy-violencia @this-will-kill-that @myblurryheart @idratherlaughthancry @rainbow-butt-monkeys @strangelyinspiring @vanilla--coke @constant-nothings @robot-from1984
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omg tea this is going to be a nightmare so I’ll just do the first two words sjdbdjbdjd
m iserable at best
o h well, oh well
o cean and atlantic
b ruised and scarred
r epent and repeat
v ery full
o ne for the rocks and one for the scary
o ne of us
b lack cat
l ast night for a table of two
m aking it up as we go along
o ne man drinking games
o ne of them will destroy the other
b ad at love
m y songs know what you did in the dark
o nly one spider-man
o ne last time
b attle scars
tagging (no pressure) @one-happy-silent-geek-girl @palindrome-k @kurohiraeth @rey-of-sunshineee @fri-peanut @samalaingik @im-someone-i-guess
hi its clod
i saw someone else do this and i like it so im gonna do it even tho i wasnt tagged 🤪
spell out your url using songs! (doing it on this sideblog bc my mainblog only has 4 letters in it…)
M - maps by the yeah yeah yeahs
A - all we do by oh wonder
N - new york by st. vincent
A - alone by heart
K - king by lauren aquilina
O - old skin by olafur arnalds
N - numb by linkin park
O - our hearts by firehorse
Y - you found me by the fray
A - anna sun by walk the moon
M - medicine by daughter
I - internet killed the video star by the limousines
uh idr how many ppl we’re supposed to tag oh well
tagging @its-tea-time-darling @graeae @sampharos @crestfallercanyon @persnickett
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