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teaandspite · 11 months ago
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breelandwalker · 2 months ago
Magical Oil Recipes - Baneful Blends Edition
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For anyone looking to brew up a potion with a less-than-friendly bent, here are some recipes I've created that you might find useful.
To prepare them, blend the ingredients in such proportions as feels correct for your purposes (or as supplies allow). Use dried material except where indicated. Place a few spoonfuls in a mason jar with a screwtop lid and fill the jar with a bland oil of your choice. (Vegetable oil of the sort you would buy for cooking works fine.) Screw the lid on tightly and shake well to combine, then leave the jar in a dark dry place for 2-4 weeks to steep.
Once steeped, prepare a clean storage bottle (also with a secure lid) and label with the type of oil and the bottling date. Strain the oil through paper towels or cheesecloth to remove the plant material, then bottle immediately. Store away from sunlight and heat for up to one year. Use for spellwork as you see fit.
(Please note that NONE of these potions are meant to be taken internally by any means. Observe all proper safety measures related to glass, fire, and potentially harmful plants as necessary during preparation.)
*- Ingredient is potentially harmful if inhaled or ingested. **- Ingredient should not be used or handled if you are pregnant or nursing.
All-Purpose Hexing Oil For general hexing, cursing, and baneful magic.
Dried Chili Pepper
Fresh Lime Peel
Lemongrass (dried or fresh)
Rusted Nail (place in bottle with finished oil)
All-Purpose Hexbreaking Oil For general negation of baneful spells cast by oneself or others.
Solomon's Seal Root (place in bottle with finished oil)
Backhanded Blessing Oil For blessings that are anything but benevolent.
Burnt Cinquefoil
Bay Leaf
Pine Needles
Bayberry Root NOTE: Prepare as you would a blessing oil, then twist the blessing into a curse, i.e. May You Get Everything You Deserve.
Done in the Dark Concealment Oil For secrecy, confidentiality, and general deception.
Juniper Berries
Licorice Root
Black Hemp (Dogbane)
Ferns or Dried Seaweed Note: For the final ingredient, use whichever is easier to obtain. Both bracken and seaweed work well for basic concealment spells.
Eye of Newt Disruption Oil For disrupting and confounding magical efforts against you.
Black Mustard Seeds
Nettle Leaf
Garlic (1 clove, bruised)
No Rest For The Wicked Hexing Oil For punishing one's enemies.
Chili Pepper (any)
Horseradish Root
Cramp Bark
Bayberry Root
On Your Own Head Retribution Oil For counter magic and revenge hexes.
Devil's Shoestring**
Tangled Shoelaces Binding Oil To impede someone's ability to move or act against you.
Pine Needles
Devil's Shoestring**
Coffee Grounds
Iron Nail in master bottle
Wicked Witch Heavy-Duty Cursing Oil For occasions when a regular-strength hex just won't do.
Wormwood* **
Ghost Chili Pepper (or the hottest chili you can get)
Lemon Seeds
Lobelia* Note: Use With Extreme Caution And Cover Your Ass.
Witchbane Warding Oil For repelling and countering harmful spells.
Bay Leaves
Star Anise
Birch Bark
Should the reader require supplies, I recommend the following:
Penn Herb Company
Starwest Botanicals
Bulk Apothecary
Mountain Rose Herbs
Specialty Bottle
Image Credit - Shaiith
All recipes are (c) 2017 Bree NicGarran, published in Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils. Please check out the book if you would like more recipes.
If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my podcast Hex Positive, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop.
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placeboelysium · 1 year ago
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The yaoi of all time
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astra-ravana · 6 months ago
Cursing By The Moon
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Dark/New Moon: Ruined beginnings, job/financial loss, bad health, depression, hopelessness, despair, fear
Waxing Crescent: Destruction, ruined plans, weakness, illness, ruin, sorrow
Waxing Gibbous: Bad luck, arguments, tension, chaos, accidents, injuries
Full Moon: Spiritual warfare, psychic attack, hauntings and possessions, nightmares, legal issues, loss of motivation/will power
Waning Gibbous: Addiction, ending relationships, stress, panic, emotional breakdowns
Waning Crescent: Mistakes, humiliation, bad choices, betrayal, butt of the joke, loneliness
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prokopetz · 11 months ago
May the only Let's Play on YouTube of the game you're currently obsessed with be a guy with extremely poor pattern recognition who repeatedly commits the exact same basic blunder and shouts loudly in surprise and dismay every single time it fails to work.
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 2 months ago
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Text: The Library of Curses has a catalog of over 10,000, written in blood, or ink, or captured on special records. The librarian can usually diagnose you before you’re halfway through the door.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 8 months ago
Keep My Name Out Of Your Fucking Mouth ~ Binding curse
Howdy y'all! I was dealing with some bullshit that I would rather not deal with but a las, here I am. Anyways, did a little thing and thought I'd share for anyone who has to work with absolute vain, dumb pieces of shit like me. Please excuse how cringe the writing is, I really let my 13 year old emo me run wild with this but it felt fantastic to cast. As always, when cursing and hexing please make sure you stay safe. Ground yourself before hand, cleanse yourself after, don't damage yourself just to get one over on someone else. Happy casting.
your rage
a black candle(ideally taper but a tealight or whatever will do just fine)
twine(so they feel like they're suffocating)
a sharp utensil or needle to carve said candle
Carve the target's name into the black taper candle with the needle . Put a circle around their name and a giant X over the circle. This is to symbolize a bound mouth.
Wrap the candle with twine, visualizing the person being bound and silenced. Please practice fire safety. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED. Keep in a safe dish or simply opt out of the twine if you know you don't want to sit there the whole time.
Light the black taper and say the incantation below. Let the candle burn down completely or fully past the engraving, focusing on your intent throughout the process.
Dispose of any left over remnants in a way that suits you. Throw it in the trash, a curse box, your jobs dumpster, just be eco-friendly please.
"May your lies and slander turn to dust,
In your mouth, words of me shall rust.
When you speak, the twine constrains,
Your words of me, bound in chains.
Feel the pressure, feel the strain,
Each attempt will be in vain.
By this candle, black as pitch,
Your mouth shall twitch, your tongue shall stitch.
Silence now, hold your breath,
Speak of me and feel my wrath.
This spell I weave, this curse I cast,
Keep my name out of your fucking mouth,
And let this silence last."
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servantofthefates · 9 days ago
Curses work. Just not always in the way you think.
Cosmic justice is not always straightforward. Often, it’s poetic.
If you’re not into vengeance spells, this is true for good old Karma too.
True story: There is this middle manager working for a global company. No matter how much she adores you — jokes around with you, compliments you, and perhaps she’s even the one who hired you — once you’ve done something that annoyed her, you’re finished.
Took too many sick days in a row? She’d scheme behind your back to get you fired for something that sounds legitimate. Failed to impress her boss during a team-wide meeting? She’d take that as an attack on herself and would scheme to get you fired. Accidentally stole her shine? She'd scheme to get you fired. She saw you hanging out with people she doesn’t like? You got it: She’d scheme to get you fired.
Well, one of her staff got tired of it.
He cast a traditional curse on her. This guy had true faith in the old ways. He was a lineage witch and therefore naturally powerful. And his fury was not only larger than life, it was righteous.
But weeks later… to his disappointment… the middle manager got fucking promoted to a position three times higher than what she occupied.
Stupid spell, right? Those little shits never work.
But they do.
What the spellcaster learned much later was that the target’s children got sick. Seriously sick. They were in and out of the hospital for months on end, when he thought she was on vacation in the Caribbean, spending her new enormous salary, or abusing the company's work-from-home policy.
One would expect that since this woman loves ruining careers, it’s her career that the curse would ruin back. But it doesn’t work that way. Magic hits where it hurts the most.
Remember that when casting a curse. And remember it before you harm anyone who doesn’t deserve it.
Justice cuts both ways. And when it comes, it stays.
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voidvanityfair · 7 months ago
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This meme was a great opportunity to get (a quarter of) my character analysis down
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utopicwork · 6 months ago
I had a breakthrough yesterday that I've been fervently working on. With what I know about image compression and terminals I was able to implement image and animation display in terminals with color. I'll show a few examples and then explain the significance (I can't show the animation right now because I can't record it at the moment).
Note: These images were automatically optimized not manually, better quality is possible these are samples
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The reason this matters is we now have a way to transport graphics in a very optimized way in which we only have to store the indexed colors and the positional data for the colors (which we have a novel method of optimizing) notably you only have to send the indexed colors once for an animation or stream of images. This provides us the ability to render graphics with no GUI so with far less overhead.
TLDR: We have an entirely new way to send and receive images/animations/streamed sequences
For the more technically interested read on
This uses the Python Curses wrapper, unicode block elements and Pillow to achieve this. The limitations are loose but input images will automatically be posterized to handle the 255 color limit of Curses (a little fuzzy on if there are ways around this beyond the fg/bg doubling idea I'm thinking qbout, I'll look into it soon) and your image needs to be a width and height that can be displayed within your particular terminal setup ex: a 32x32px image needs 32 lines and 32 columns.
To accommodate this for PierMesh we can use the ShrinkRay optimizations.
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song-of-stardust · 11 months ago
if u dont scream the "TELL ME I AM GOOD ENOUGH" part in curses do u even feel alive bro
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canaryy15 · 6 months ago
[Day 7]
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“Oh, lay my curses out to rest.”
First fully colored since i have time today teehee
Based on this shot from @chrisrin ‘s Curses animatic!
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months ago
why exactly is true loves kiss more likely to work if the kisser is female
(This is in reference to the fairy PC rules)
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It’s like that because it’s referencing myths and fairytales where the deliverer is usually a woman, and it opens up interesting opportunities to explore what a “woman” is, especially in the context of monsters, same with references to things like “true love” and “true name” in the same ruleset. The end result, however this ends up being interpretted by your group and happening in your adventure, doesn’t say anything about human biology, but it may say something about fairy society, or our society.
Plus, it makes it matter if a character is a woman or not, which is not a factor for anything else in the game, and I like it when things that would just be “fluff” elements of the character in any other rpg come into play and make some sort of small difference - Eureka is all about that honestly. So this is a way to make that matter without like really discouraging female or male characters in particular or it being like a big thing in the game, and especially without doing any “women have -2 Strength” type shit.
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astra-ravana · 25 days ago
Easy Curses for Beginners
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Here are some simple yet unusual curses for beginners. These curses are low-energy, easy to perform, and require minimal tools. They are subtle and perfect for those just starting their baneful practice, but still pack a punch. Always be mindful of your intentions—curses can carry karmic or energetic consequences. Always start the curse process by protecting yourself and end it by cleansing yourself. Remember to do your own research before using baneful magick.
The Rotting Fruit Curse
Causes a person’s luck, relationships, or finances to decay over time.
• A piece of fruit (apple, orange, etc.)
• A slip of paper
• A black pen
• A dark place (cupboard, drawer, or under the bed)
Write the target’s name on the paper. Place the paper inside or beneath the fruit. Hold the fruit and focus on your intent—imagine the person’s life slowly rotting just like the fruit will. Place the fruit in a hidden, dark place and leave it to decay. Once fully rotted, dispose of it far from your home.
The Knotted Thread Curse
Traps a person in misfortune, confusion, or stagnation. The target experiences obstacles, delays, and problems that keep them from progressing in life.
• A piece of black thread or string (12 inches long)
• Your voice and breath
Hold the string in your hands and focus on the target. With each knot you tie, say a phrase like:
• "With this knot, I trap your fate."
• "With this tie, your plans fall apart."
Tie nine knots while envisioning the person becoming stuck, unable to move forward in life. Hide or bury the thread somewhere secret.
The Echo Curse
Makes a person’s words return to them, causing gossipers or liars to suffer their own consequences. Their own words work against them—exposing their lies, making people distrust them, or causing them to face social backlash.
• A mirror (small handheld one works best)
• A marker or lipstick
• The person’s name (or just "liar," "gossip," etc.)
Write their name (or a word representing their offense) on the mirror. Hold the mirror and say:
"What you say returns to you, every lie and every word untrue."
Place the mirror facing a wall or inside a dark drawer, so their energy is reflected back to them.
The Cracked Egg Curse
Causes a person’s stability to fall apart—relationships, money, confidence, or mental clarity. The target experiences instability, whether emotional, financial, or personal.
• A raw egg
• A marker
• A place to smash the egg (outside, near their path, or a trash bin)
Write the person’s name on the egg. Hold it and whisper your curse into it, such as:
"May your life crack like this shell."
Imagine their stability shattering like the egg will. Smash it on the ground or in a trash bin.
The Slipping Shadow Curse
Causes a person to lose focus, forget things, or make mistakes. They struggle with their memory, lose track of things, and make more mistakes.
• A black candle
• A piece of paper
• A pencil
Write the target’s name on the paper. Light the black candle and hold the paper over the flame (don’t burn it yet). Whisper:
"Like a shadow slipping through the cracks, your mind stumbles, your focus lacks."
Let a few drops of wax fall on the name, then crumple the paper. Blow out the candle and throw the paper in a busy place (so their energy is scattered).
The Splitting Roads Curse
Causes confusion, indecision, and emotional instability. The target struggles to understand what's happening and make the right choices.
• Two twigs or sticks
• A piece of string
• A crossroads or a place where two paths split
Tie the two sticks together at one end, so they form a V shape (symbolizing a forked path). Hold them in your hands and say:
"Your choices split, your path unclear, may confusion follow near."
Leave the sticks at a crossroads or place where two paths meet.
The Ink Spill Curse
Causes a person’s words (spoken or written) to be misunderstood, ignored, or turned against them. Everything they say becomes misinterpreted, loses power, or backfires.
• A pen
• A piece of paper
• A cup of water or ink
Write the person’s name and a word representing their harmful speech (ie: “lies,” “gossip,” “manipulation”). Hold the paper and whisper:
"Your words twist, your message lost, what you say will bear the cost."
Drop the paper into the water or ink and let the words dissolve. Dispose of the soaked paper in running water (sink, river, or toilet).
The Cold Shoulder Curse
The person experiences social isolation—people ignore them, avoid them, or lose interest in them. This will eventually lead to profound loneliness.
• A small ice cube
• A photo of the person (or just their name written on paper)
• A freezer
Place the ice cube on top of their name or photo. Whisper:
"Like ice, you freeze in place. No warmth, no friends, no welcome space."
Wrap the paper/photo in a piece of cloth or plastic and place it in the freezer.
The Crumbling Foundation Curse
Causes a collapse in a person’s relationships, home life, or work environment. The target experiences instability in their personal life making it harder for them to maintain relationships or stability.
• A small handful of graveyard dirt
• A piece of paper
• A black pen
Write the person’s name on the paper. Hold the dirt in your hand and whisper:
"Your foundation weakens, your roots unsteady. That which holds you crumbles already."
Sprinkle the dirt over the paper and then fold it, with the dirt inside, like a little packet. Throw into running water or the rubble of a collapsed building.
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prokopetz · 2 years ago
Basically, if you're writing a story about a cursed character rules-lawyering their curse, I think the best way to go about it is to imagine that character is in a tabletop RPG and the curse is governed by a human GM who has a good sense of humour and a taste for goofy wordplay, but reacts very poorly to being treated like they're stupid.
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