#sheikh hasina resign
globaltrendingnews247 · 2 months
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luminewhosthat · 2 months
Hey guys
I felt quite insecure and ashamed to post this,
But I don't think I can hold it back anymore.
I'm from Bangladesh, my homeland, I speak Bangla, it's my mother tongue, and I'm proud of my roots but my family immigrated to America many years ago. But I still care a lot about my country. So recently, there has been a lot going in Bangladesh. Mainly, it's because of its corrupted government. Our prime minister Sheikh Hasina is literally a dictator, if you go to twitter and search about recent news in Bangladesh, you can see that the situation is not that good. Basically, it's because we have a thing which is called "Quota" and it affects the Bangladeshi Government job sectors in a very negative way. This "Quota" is for the freedom fighters who fought in 1971 war which happened in Bangladesh. But the problem is that, even though those freedom fighters are dead, their families are welcome to enjoy the privileges which the quota provides.
Mostly, the grandchildren of these freedom fighters can use the quota to get jobs in Bangladesh's most prestigious job sectors, which has created a huge unemployment problem in Bangladesh. Also, these "so called" grandchildren are now TOTALLY CORRUPTED AND RUINING OUR COUNTRY while enjoying many privileges given by our PM and Bangladeshi students are very mad about it because normal, brilliant students with ZERO QUOTA cannot get into any prestigious job sectors no matter how hard they try!
Thousands of students have also committed sui*ide because they could not feed their poor family who are looking up to these brilliant students so that they can spin their family's poor fate.
From 13 July till now, the students of many public and private universities of Bangladesh are protesting together and risking their lives in order to remove this disgusting, vile and cruel quota system. Unfortunately, given to these current circumstances, our PM still pays no mind to these poor students who are protesting ENDLESSLY and literally DYING ON THE ROAD !!
Sheikh Hasina has labeled these brave students as RAJAKAR/TRAITORS (Collaborators who aided the enemy country Pakistan in 1971)
Our brave Bengali students, male and female, got so enraged, heartbroken by the fact that their prime minister called them traitors of the country just because they wanted the quota system removed. Following that incident, on July 15, at 1 AM, Dhaka University students, Eden Women's College students and many other University students broke down the gates of their hall at midnight and ran down to the streets to protest while chanting "Who are you? Who am I ? Rajakar, Rajakar!!"
Brave men and women who are protesting against this quota, are now being brutally attacked and mercilessly killed by the government party terrorist organization Chhatra League. The students at Dhaka University are now being attacked with stones, Bats, knifes and literally anything that can hurt a human brutally enough. Our government has turned their back on us, claiming that these students are traitors of their own country, and they are selfish because they do not want the quota system to give benefits to only the grandchildren of freedom fighters anymore.
But the reality is, these so-called grandchildren are now dominating 56% of job sectors with the help of money, nepotism and other dishonest ways while the honest student of our country stays unemployed, their talents wasted, efforts unappreciated and thus, they suffer from depression.
I'm not asking that much from my followers, but please, for the love of God, share my post as much as you can. These mass protests are not being seen enough, share and retweet as much as possible, we need to spread these horrifying actions committed by our PM to the world. Shame, shame, shame on them. Shame on our government for turning a blind eye to hundred thousand of these students. The streets of Dhaka have been drenched with the blood of our students; in order to save their lives, we need to spread this news as much as possible. My cousins from Bangladesh are absolutely frightened, their exams have been stopped, teachers are also turning their backs on these students, they have nowhere to go now. My cousin's classmate got her arm broken off by terrorist organization Chaatro League men just because she was protesting against the corrupted system.
Women are getting assaulted, acids are being thrown at these students, violence is now occurring left and right, our PM is a woman and still, she chooses to betray the students and stands still on her disgusting beliefs with the terrorist government organization Awami League supporting her crimes.
On 21 February, in 1952, thousands of students at Dhaka University protested against the West Pakistan in order to establish the language Bangla as the state language of east Pakistan. Thousands of students had died on that day, which is why we Bangladeshis celebrate 21 February as our Mother Language Day.
It seems like history is going to repeat itself yet again.
Shame, shame, shame on them!
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indicamshaa · 2 months
TW gore
This post is abt how the Hindoo minority in Bangladesh is being genocided openly by Islamists.
Our people are getting lynched, hindoo businesses are shops are being burnt, our temples and idols are being demolished, it's like 1971 all over again and their is no one to speak for us.
Please help in spreading this news🙏🙏
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nabwastaken · 2 months
Holy shit.
Sheikh Hasina fucking resigned.
Can we PLEASE stop caring about the western world for one second just to process everything going on in Bangladesh? A world leader just resigned and now the government of Bangladesh is going to be controlled by the army.
The whole damn country is in anarchy. They cut off internet access. They closed the airport.
All eyes on Bangladesh.
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etfrin · 2 months
we, Bengalis, created national history, finally that bitch dictator came down from her post
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leviraaaaaa · 2 months
Death toll: 30 or more. From today evening, they will start firing real bullets instead of rubber ones. God forbid, tonight, many mothers will lose their child. And our honorable PM, Sheikh Hasina, is fleeing to Spain. Oh my dear country, how I love you. How I love your people. But why is your soil drenched with blood, I wonder? Why, is that a corpse I see on the water? Is that not a child, with blood on his hand? What have they done to you? To your people?
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townpostin · 2 months
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Resigns, Interim Government to be Formed
Army Chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the formation of an interim government to run the country. Sheikh Hasina has stepped down as Prime Minister of Bangladesh, with an interim government set to take over, Army Chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman confirmed today. WORLD DESK – Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned, and an interim government…
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nando161mando · 2 months
🇧🇩 #Bangladesh: Protesters filmed inside of Bangladesh’s parliament in Dhaka today after the ousting of PM Sheik Hasina. Thousands have now taken to the streets in celebration after the overthrowing of Hasina’s 15-year stint in power.
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justnownews · 1 month
US Rejects Allegations of Involvement in Sheikh Hasina's Ouster as ‘Simply False’
The United States has categorically denied allegations that it played a role in the ouster of former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who recently fled the country after resigning amid violent protests. The rumors were addressed during a press briefing where White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre stated, “We have had no involvement at all. Any reports or rumors that the US…
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
शेख हसीना के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट के खिलाफ उतरे बांग्लादेश के छात्र, सभी न्यायाधीश का मांग रहे इस्तीफा
Bangladesh crisis: बांग्लादेश संकट का अंत होता नहीं दिख रहा है। शेख हसीना के इस्तीफे और देश छोड़ने के बाद भी हिंसा और अराजकता का दौर जारी है। आंदोलनकारी छात्र अब मुख्य न्यायाधीश सहित सभी न्यायाधीशों के इस्तीफे की मांग कर रहे हैं। ढाका ट्रिब्यून ने बताया है कि मुख्य न्यायाधीश ओबैदुल हसन ने शनिवार सुबह के लिए निर्धारित पूर्ण न्यायालय की बैठक को स्थगित कर दिया है। इसमें सुप्रीम कोर्ट के दोनों…
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votermood · 1 month
Gain insights into the main reasons behind the protests in Bangladesh as we delve into the socio-political factors fueling the unrest. Explore the grievances and frustrations that have led to the current wave of protests and their potential implications for the country.
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head-post · 2 months
Bangladesh Nobel winner Yunus appointed head of interim government
Bangladesh’s microfinance Nobel winner Muhammad Yunus has been appointed head of the interim government after mass protests forced Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to flee.
The appointment came quickly after student leaders urged the 84-year-old Yunus, credited with lifting millions out of poverty in the South Asian country, to lead the government. He declared himself ready to do so.
If action is needed in Bangladesh, for my country and for the courage of my people, then I will take it.
The decision “to form an interim government with… Yunus as its chief” was taken at a meeting between President Mohammed Shahabuddin, military leaders, and the heads of the Students Against Discrimination (SAD) group, according to Shahabuddin’s press office.
The president has asked the people to help ride out the crisis. Quick formation of an interim government is necessary to overcome the crisis.
Yunus will have the title of chief advisor, according to SAD leader Nahid Islam.
Hasina, 76, had been in power since 2009 but was accused of rigging elections in January. She then watched as millions of people took to the streets over the past month demanding her resignation. Hundreds of people were killed as security forces tried to quell the unrest, but protests escalated and Hasina fled aboard a helicopter on Monday as the military turned against her.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Bangladesh’s prime minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and left the country amid widening unrest, a military official has said. The move ends her 15 years in power, and follows weeks of violent protests and clashes with security forces. Protesters have stormed Ms Hasina’s official residence after demonstrators defied a military curfew to march in the capital, Dhaka. The protests began peacefully in late June, as students sought an end to a quota system for government jobs, but turned violent after clashes between protesters and police and pro-government activists at Dhaka University. The government’s attempts to quell the demonstrations with force, curfews and internet shutdowns backfired, prompting further outrage as nearly 300 people were killed and leading to demands for Ms Hasina’s resignation. On Sunday, nearly 100 people were killed as the protesters clashed with security officials and the ruling party activists across the country. Local media showed the embattled leader boarding a military helicopter with her sister. Bangladesh’s military chief Gen Waker-uz-Zaman announced plans to seek the president’s guidance on forming an interim government. He promised that the military would stand down, and to launch an investigation into the deadly crackdowns that fuelled outrage against the government. He also asked citizens for time to restore peace.
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blogie2705 · 2 months
Bangladesh: Will there be another Pakistan on India’s western border?
There  is more, which is not meeting the eye in the border state. Bangladesh is experiencing significant unrest once more, with nearly 100 fatalities reported on Sunday as demonstrators demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina engaged in confrontations with security personnel and supporters of the ruling party. In the previous month, violence instigated by student organizations opposing reserved quotas in government employment resulted in at least 150 deaths and thousands of injuries. Below are the details regarding the recent protests and their historical context. The well planned and executed plan with possible help from two neighbouring nations, situation provides them with several entry points into India for various activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) attain power and extend support to another nation. Hasina endeavoured to maintain a balanced relationship with both Neighbouring nation and India; however, her neutral position did not sit well with another capital city. "Notably, several prominent members of the Islamic student organization successfully engaged with Western-affiliated NGOs by employing the language of democracy and rights," was articulated as part of the strategic planning.
What does the spies reported?
Following the deepening relationship between the Indian and Bangladeshi administrations, the Jamaat-e-Islami, which is supported by the ISI, reportedly obtained considerable financial resources earlier this year aimed at undermining the government of Sheikh Hasina. An intelligence official informed TOI that a notable share of this funding is thought to have come from Chinese organizations based in neighbouring nation
The ICS, recognized for its opposition to India and its jihadist objectives, has been monitored by Indian intelligence for a considerable period due to its operations in areas neigh boring Bangladesh and its connections with the ISI-supported Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI). There is substantial evidence indicating that members of the ICS have received training in both Afghanistan and Neighouring nation. The primary aim of Jamaat or ICS is to create a government in Bangladesh akin to that of the Taliban, with the ISI reportedly providing assurances of support to help realize this ambition.
What was the trigger for the bloody protest?
Protests commenced at university campuses in June following the High Court's reestablishment of a quota system for government employment, which reversed a 2018 ruling by Hasina's administration that had abolished it. Subsequently, the Supreme Court stayed the High Court's decision in response to the government's appeal and ultimately annulled the lower court's ruling last month, mandating that 93% of positions be available to candidates based on merit.
Rising levels of unemployment
The current turmoil in Bangladesh is largely linked to the lack of growth in private sector employment, which has rendered public sector positions, characterized by consistent salary increases and benefits, particularly appealing. The introduction of quotas has incited frustration among students facing significant youth unemployment, with approximately 32 million young individuals either unemployed or out of educational institutions in a total population of 170 million. The economy, which was previously one of the fastest-growing globally due to the thriving garment industry, has now stagnated. Inflation rates are approximately 10% annually, and foreign currency reserves are diminishing.
The protests in Bangladesh, which initially aimed to reform the quota system, came to a halt following the Supreme Court's decision to abolish the majority of quotas on July 21. Nevertheless, demonstrators resumed their activities last week, calling for a public apology from Prime Minister Hasina regarding the violence, the restoration of internet services, the reopening of college and university campuses, and the release of individuals who had been detained.
In the recent weeks, the protest’s  , they have since evolved into a broader protest against Prime Minister Hasina and the Awami League Party. The demonstrators have made it clear that their primary demand is for Hasina to resign, while the government claims that the agitation is being orchestrated by the Bangladesh.Demonstrations have persisted even after the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court annulled the High Court's order that had triggered the crisis. The ruling body declared that 93% of positions in government services would be allocated based on merit, with only 5% of jobs set aside for freedom fighters and their descendants. Additionally, a 1% quota has been designated for tribal communities, individuals with disabilities, and sexual minorities.
https://www.businesstoday.in/world/story/bangladesh-unrest-do-isi-neighouring nation-have-a-hand-in-conspiracy-to-oust-sheikh-hasina-heres-what-we-know-440315-2024-08-06
An historic context that dates back to 1972
Following the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, the country underwent significant transformations in its social, economic, and political structures. A fundamental promise underlying the establishment of the state was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's commitment to ensuring justice for those who had endured sacrifices and hardships in the struggle for freedom against the Neighbouring national military. Upon his return to Dhaka in 1972, Mujib took decisive steps to implement a quota system for freedom fighters, known as Mukti joddhas. Additionally, he established a separate quota for Bangladeshi women who had suffered atrocities at the hands of the Neighbouring national military. However, after Sheikh Mujib's assassination in 1975, the quota system experienced modifications. The provisions for freedom fighters were weakened, and the scope of the quota was broadened to include marginalized groups within society, encompassing women, individuals from underdeveloped regions, and ethnic minorities or tribes
Why were students protesting in Bangladesh?
The protests started in early July, driven by the peaceful demands of university students to eliminate quotas in civil service jobs. These quotas, which reserve one-third of positions for the relatives of veterans from Bangladesh's war for independence from Neighbouring nation in 1971. The foundation of these protests stems from a contentious quota system, which allocates up to 30% of government positions to the relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence against Neighbouring nation. The Bangladesh Police have resorted to using tear gas against the protesters.
Protests regarding the quota system have emerged due to a significant decline in the number of freedom fighters eligible to benefit from it over the years. This reduction has resulted in the underutilization of the quota for its intended purpose, thereby increasing the likelihood of its misuse. Critics argue that while it was justifiable to provide reservations to freedom fighters during their active years in the workforce, the practice of extending these reservations to their descendants—first to their children and subsequently to their grandchildren—has raised concerns. This opposition is further fueled by allegations that any shortfalls in the reserved seats are being compensated by granting quotas to members of Ms. Hasina’s Awami League party.
The political landscape of Bangladesh has been predominantly influenced by Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and her political party, the Awami League. Over time, opposition parties and government critics have increasingly expressed concerns that the quota system for freedom fighters serves as a mechanism to cultivate a faction of loyalists within the bureaucracy, thereby securing the Awami League's ongoing governance.
A possible dubious ploy supported by external fore
According to high-level intelligence sources, two nations played a significant role in the crisis in Bangladesh that resulted in Sheikh Hasina's departure. CNN-News18 was the first outlet to report on the potential resignation of Hasina from her position as Prime Minister. Unverified report indicates, David Burgan, based in the United Kingdom, along with activist Pinaki Bhattacharjee, Tarique Rehman of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and the proprietors of Netra News, were identified as the principal coordinators. They orchestrated a social media campaign targeting her and were responsible for the military maneuvers as well as the initiation of a fabricated narrative on social media platforms.
Reports are emerging that a fabricated narrative regarding Prime Minister Hasina was constructed by the United States concerning the issue of "free and fair elections." Furthermore, the US imposed sanctions on Bangladesh's elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) due to allegations of human rights abuses. It is noted that the BNP has significant influence within this context. Additionally, Yunus Hasan, a Nobel laureate associated with Grameen Bank and accused of corruption in Bangladesh, is also active as a lobbyist in the United States, as per the sources. The sources indicated that the lobbying efforts by four to five prominent individuals, combined with Hasina's unwillingness to comply with American demands, contributed to the situation's deterioration.
An additional factor was her geographical closeness to Neighouring nation, as perceived by Western nations. In contrast, Tarique has promised the West that upon regaining power, he will sever connections with Neighouring nation and prioritize Western interests in Bangladesh, according to sources. Another tactic involves maintaining regional instability, which would also pose challenges for India, thereby diverting its attention to Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Neighouring nation, as reported by sources. Furthermore, Neighbouring nation's Inter-Services Intelligence has significantly contributed to these efforts, operating both directly and indirectly in support of Western objectives, according to sources.
Role of neighboring enemy nation which is inimical to India’s growth cannot be ruled out, which expect an anti-India government to be formed in Bangaldesh, to ferment contestant trouble, destabilize the country, possibly create a civil war like situation, which will directly impact India and especially the border stage of Bengal and Assam populated with a sizeable minority community. A foreign intelligence agency is leveraging an anti-India organization along with its student faction to exacerbate the situation in Dhaka. Jamaat is perceived to have strong ties with Neighbouring nation, receiving covert financial support intermittently. Recently, an atypical action was observed, which is generally not undertaken by diplomatic missions. The Neighbouring national embassy encouraged students to seek refuge within the mission if necessary. Such conduct is rarely exhibited by diplomatic entities. As a result, they gain access to various border entry points into India for a wide range of activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) ascend to power and extend support to Neighbouring nation.
A possible role of another neighboring nation cannot be ruled out which must also be in the scanner of Indian security top-brass. However, they maintain strong business relationships with Hasina. The evident indication is the assault on Hindus, which is also aimed at fostering anti-India sentiments. If this situation is not managed, the next phase will involve the initiation of terrorist activities.
As reported in prominent news channel, the role of a neighbor that is aligned with as more advantageous. An intelligence source cited in a TOI report suggests that "the assistance from Neighouring nation's ministry of state and security is believed to have played a supportive role, given Neighouring nation concerns regarding Hasina's 'balancing act' in her interactions with both India and Neighouring nation. A government in Dhaka that is influenced by Neighouring nation would undoubtedly align more closely with Neighouring nation interests."
What next?
in the wake of Hasina's exit, the chief of the Bangladesh army is scheduled to engage with leaders of the student protest movement, as the nation looks forward to establishing a new government. The Students Against Discrimination initiative has put forth Nobel Prize winner Mohammad Yunus as a candidate to lead an interim administration.
#Notably#several prominent members of the Islamic student organization successfully engaged with Western-affiliated NGOs by employing the language o#There is more#which is not meeting the eye in the border state. Bangladesh is experiencing significant unrest once more#with nearly 100 fatalities reported on Sunday as demonstrators demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina engaged in confron#violence instigated by student organizations opposing reserved quotas in government employment resulted in at least 150 deaths and thousand#situation provides them with several entry points into India for various activities. Their objective is to see the Bangladesh Nationalist P#her neutral position did not sit well with another capital city. was articulated as part of the strategic planning.#What does the spies reported?#Following the deepening relationship between the Indian and Bangladeshi administrations#the Jamaat-e-Islami#which is supported by the ISI#reportedly obtained considerable financial resources earlier this year aimed at undermining the government of Sheikh Hasina. An intelligenc#The ICS#recognized for its opposition to India and its jihadist objectives#has been monitored by Indian intelligence for a considerable period due to its operations in areas neigh boring Bangladesh and its connecti#with the ISI reportedly providing assurances of support to help realize this ambition.#What was the trigger for the bloody protest?#Protests commenced at university campuses in June following the High Court's reestablishment of a quota system for government employment#which reversed a 2018 ruling by Hasina's administration that had abolished it. Subsequently#the Supreme Court stayed the High Court's decision in response to the government's appeal and ultimately annulled the lower court's ruling#mandating that 93% of positions be available to candidates based on merit.#Rising levels of unemployment#FLAGGING ECONOMY#UNEMPLOYMENT#The current turmoil in Bangladesh is largely linked to the lack of growth in private sector employment#which has rendered public sector positions#characterized by consistent salary increases and benefits#particularly appealing. The introduction of quotas has incited frustration among students facing significant youth unemployment#with approximately 32 million young individuals either unemployed or out of educational institutions in a total population of 170 million.
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news-trust-india · 2 months
Sheikh Hasina Resignation : अंतरिम सरकार का नेतृत्व कर सकते है मोहम्मद यूनुस; रिपोर्ट्स में दावा
Sheikh Hasina Resignation : बांग्लादेश की पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना अपना देश छोड़कर फिलहाल भारत में हैं और ऐसी खबरें हैं कि वह यहां से लंदन जा सकती हैं। बांग्लादेश में सेना के नेतृत्व में अंतरिम सरकार का गठन करने की तैयारी चल रही है और मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के अनुसार, नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता मोहम्मद यूनुस बांग्लादेश की अंतरिम सरकार का नेतृत्व कर सकते हैं। Artificial Intelligence : पर आधारित सेमिनार…
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jimluce · 2 months
Bangladeshi Authoritarian Leader Flees Country Amid Protests
The tide has turned in Bangladesh: Authoritarian Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has stepped down and fled the country, marking a victory for democracy and justice. Congratulations to the courageous students who led the charge. May Bangladesh now move towards peace, reconciliation, and prosperity. Prime Minister of Bangladesh, H. E. Sheikh Hasina depart for a Bangladesh after concluded her state…
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