#she's definitely the eldest - and i just don't mean by age
M2D HC(?): I kinda wish we had an episode where Nicole is the sole babysitter to Gracie for a day, like the dads are both out & Nicole's left in charge of the loft & taking care of the baby. Just Nicole being the best big sister (figure) ever to Gracie. I would've loved to have Ben come back & visit too. Make all three of them - Nicole, Ben, & Gracie - a special pseudo-sibling trio, you know?
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necromosss · 6 months
So what's the deal with Mordred and why don't we like him?
Personally, I love Mordred. He is like, my angry chew squishy toy, just lost and bit misguided (doesn't discount that he's an 4ss) i mean look at him, frowny lil sht
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but here's a quick run-down how Mira & Mordred's relationship is like:
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Mordred is the eldest child, though after Mira's arrival to the family, the dynamic shifts and everything now is centered on Mira, the daughter of the family (which rightfully made Mordred feel casted aside despite him having studied and trained to be the BEST for his house. Though that's just how drow society works. He swallowed all that ages ago).
His disdain against Mira grew stronger knowing that Mira is much more interested in mundane and trivial things and NOT the house's best interests. So from this, their relationship is definitely not in the good term.
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Then comes the reveal that their father is a secret Moondancer who has been quietly helping drows who wanted an 'out' of life in Menzo. Mira was so close to her father, and to Mordred; it is obvious that all this disloyalty to the house and to Lloth rooted from their father.
Yadda yadda, then as to prove the house's loyalty to Lloth, the goddess commanded their mother to execute their father, and on the same note; for Mira to execute Mordred (he's seen as his father's seed still; and seen as useless since Mira is available to continue the legacy)
Surprisingly, despite feeling unfair and and angered---Mordred agrees. He'd rather die and see their house survives than leaving it in the dust. But Mira DOES NOT like that one bit. She had lost her father, and she does NOT want to lose her brother. Blantantly defying Lloth to save her brother's life, Mira grabbed Mordred and ran off from Menzoberranzan.
Mordred LOATHED Mira for her decision in this, for dooming their house AND for (in a way) cutting him off from Lloth---despite it was her way of saving his LIFE---years spent in resentment, eventually Mordred split ways from her sister. (in a way, he WANTS to kill her, but perhaps somewhere deep inside he couldn't, so) Leaving her alone as his way of 'thanking' her for sparing his life.
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blanketorghost · 2 months
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🐙Shizuka Ashengrotto (Fujisaki on Earth)
Age: 8 years old
Species: Octomer/Human hybrid
Birthday: June 7th
Star sign: Gemini
Shizuka is the eldest of the kids and the de-facto leader of the group. Slightly more tomboyish and adventurous than her siblings, she can often be found exploring the small forest and beach that surround the family's home, as well as the deep crevisces of the nearby ocean. She is also the more mischevious of the bunch, often dragging her siblings into elaborate adventures or pranks she comes up with. She gets along best with her uncle Jade.
🦐Aria Ashengrotto (Fujisaki on Earth)
Age: 8 years old
Species: Octomer/Human hybrid
Birthday: June 7th
Star Sign: Gemini
People may take her for the more calm or mature of her siblings, but don't be fooled— she is just as devious as Shizuka. And though she does enjoy more relaxing activities; like drawing and playing with toys, she is equally inventive and passionate as her older twin. With a love for cooking that rivals her grandma's, Aria has started to learn from her and her dad both to continue the family business. She gets along best with her uncle Trey.
🪼Kei Ashengrotto (Fujisaki on Earth)
Age: 6 years old
Species: Octomer/Human hybrid
Birthday: August 20th
Star sign: Virgo
By all intents and purposes, Kei is definitely the baby of the household. Softspoken and shy, he can often be found hiding behind his sisters or parents, trying to remain unseen. Once he warms up to you, though, you'll meet an incredibly sweet and earnest boy who inherited his dads' boundless curiosity and hardworking nature. He loves reading and learning about the ocean and music, and he's eager to follow in Yuu's footsteps to become a kabuki dancer just like him. He gets along best with his uncle Floyd.
Once the Tweels found out Yuu and Azul were having twins, they blackmailed I mean convinced the couple to make them the girls' godparents. Kei's godparents are Riddle and Trey.
Floyd has gifted each kid a plush when they were born. Shizuka got an Octopus, Aria got a shrimp, and Kei got an eel plush.
Whilst the girls are very active and prefer to be in their mer forms, Kei struggles with swimming a bit and likes to stay at home in the surface more often.
Yuu and Azul made a house by the beach that's connected to the Coral Sea. That way the kids can go visit their grandma any time they want.
All kids go to the same school right now. But once they're older, Kei will go to NRC and the girls will go to another all-girls academy.
Kei looks very very much alike to Azul when he was his age, and due to fear of triggering his ed/subconsciously making Kei's relationship with food unhealthy, Azul has handed the reigns to Yuu when it comes to cooking most meals for the kids.
Whilst the kids do visit Earth and Yuu's family now and then, Kei is the only one that consistently travels back and forth for Kabuki training.
After the twins were born, Yuu has made the conscious decision to withdraw from the public eye in both dimensions and take less work so he can dedicate himself to raising his kids. By the time Kei's born, he is mostly working from home unless there's a big production going on.
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mollygiggles · 1 month
Bridgerton Siblings Headcanons ♡
A/N: Here are some headcanons about the five eldest Bridgerton siblings: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, and Eloise. Obviously, the show is not caught up to when Gregory and Hyacinth are of age and I have not read the books, so I'm not comfortable writing headcanons for them. I've also only just met Francesca in the new season, so I'll see if I feel drawn to her at a later date! If you have any other requests, Bridgerton-related or otherwise, please refer to the fandoms listed in my pinned post, and send me an ask!
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Anthony is the eldest boy, and therefore often ruled any roughhousing with his younger siblings. He was the biggest and strongest, giving him quite the advantage.
However, once his siblings were old enough to gang up on him, he started to get a taste of his own medicine.
Tickling his siblings was a great way to entertain himself, and he took great joy in it. Whenever his younger siblings act up, he's still known to give occasional pokes and pinches to keep them in line.
He is, of course, ticklish himself. He pretends that he isn't though, because he finds it unbecoming for a man of his age and status to be dissolved to giggles by gentle fingers. His ribs and hips are his most sensitive spots. He's not particularly sensitive on his neck or below the knee.
Kate relishes in his sensitivity and exploits it often. She loves tickling him whenever the opportunity arises, taking him down a peg and making him blush. He pretends to hate it, but the act does remind him of comfort and family, plus he just enjoys Kate's touch and seeing her smile.
Is the most familiar with Anthony's shenanigans and the most used to his torment - so, when Colin came around, Benedict was excited to have someone to mess with!
Benedict is probably the least ticklish of the three eldest, but that doesn't mean he isn't sensitive, because he certainly is.
His stomach and sides are his worst spots, and he's been known to snort if he laughs too hard (In fact, most of the siblings do snort! Daphne's is canon, LOL).
He particularly likes to pick on Colin and Eloise, but attempting to tickle Eloise has left him injured on multiple occasions.
Of all the siblings, though, his against-the-grain attitude does give me a kinky vibe, NGL. At all those raunchy parties he attended in the first season, I don't doubt he's seen paintbrushes used in an interesting manner and considered the concept.
Experienced a lot of tickling from his two older brothers, and never stopped being exceptionally ticklish despite it.
However, he and Benedict did often team up on Anthony, Colin was usually the one being teamed up on.
Colin is ticklish just about everywhere, but his stomach and neck are both very sensitive.
Would be incredibly embarrassed when Penelope inevitably discovers he's ticklish. Unlike Anthony, he doesn't find it something to be ashamed about, but it does bruise his ego just a little.
He would love to tickle his siblings, especially the younger ones. However, tickling Penelope fills him with such joy!
The first girl to join the family, and therefore quite picked on. She was both spoiled and protected, as well as teased and tormented by her brothers.
Canonically snorts when she laughs, and she is definitely quite shy about it and tries to hide it. Don't worry, her family as well as Simon tickle it out of her often.
She's ticklish in most places, but her legs and feet are very sensitive. Careful, she kicks.
She grew up experiencing rough tickling - pokes, squeezes, scratching. She knows how to grit her teeth and throw elbows to avoid such a thing, but gentle touches ruin her.
She rarely starts the tickling amongst her siblings, unless it's a quick and playful moment to the younger ones. With Simon, however, she will often attack him unprovoked, just to hear him laugh.
Will actively and purposefully injure anyone who tries to tickle her.
She will desperately try to avoid being tickled, and insists that she had grown out of being ticklish.
The thing is, she doesn't hate it quite as much as she lets on - she doesn't enjoy the receiving side very much, but she knows it is simply a show of familial affection and tolerates it for that reason.
Is mostly tickled by Benedict, and will really only tickle other people in revenge, because she never starts a fight unless she knows she can finish it.
Her sides and knees are her most ticklish spots, and she usually shrieks and yells rather than laughing.
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wandafiction · 4 months
Twenty Percent - Just Us Chapter 11
Warnings: Talks of injury, and being in Coma, Lil fluff.
Word Count: 2101
Series List | Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
"No way!" Wanda leans back in her chair, putting her hand over her mouth to try and hide her laughing. 
"I was scared shitless! I mean imagine your sister walking in on you doing the nasty on the couch of your shared apartment. She chased me around the room for a good 10 minutes until we realised the girl was very confused." I shake my head as I think back to that night.
"What did the girl do?" Wanda gives me her full attention now she has gotten over her laughing fit.
"She asked what was going on and if she had just become a homewrecker." 
"Oh my goodness!" Wanda shakes her head at my antics. "Well I hope you explained that she was your sister." 
"Mhm. I did. Then she asked where we had gotten to and my sister left in a hurry." 
"I would too if my brother had a girl around." She takes a bite of the muffin she ordered.
"Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I have walked in on my sister and her wife. So you have a brother? Any other siblings." I like this, getting to know someone, thing. 
"Yeah, I do." Her expression changes slightly, shit I think I hit a nerve. 
"What's he like?" Wanda's eyes look into mine, before looking back down at her hands where she is fiddling with her rings. 
"There are so many things. Where do I start?" 
"How about his name?" I don't want to push her, but I feel like she wants to talk about him and never really gets the chance. 
"His name is Pietro, Pietro Maximoff. He is my twin brother, older by just a few minutes but will never let me forget it." She smiles to herself as she continues. "Even though he is the eldest of the two of us, he is most definitely the child and I feel like a parent to him sometimes. We had so many adventures as children back in Sokovia, and we made memories here too." 
Her smile drops. Oh shit.
"I miss him." I grab her hand from across the table giving it a comforting squeeze, she looks up at me and gives me a sad smile a few tears line her eyes. "Uh, sorry I, uhm didn't mean to put a damper on the mood."
"Do not apologise for having emotions. Tell me more." Her head shoots up to look at me in confusion and question.
"Wait really?! You want to hear about my brother?" 
"Only with what you're comfortable telling me." 
"Okay, just. I haven't spoken about him like this in ages, what do you want to know?" Her eyes fill with hope and the thought she gets to talk about him.
"Why not?" Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Why don't you speak about him more often, I mean."
"Well Vis, the twins' dad and my ex husband, wasn't Pietros biggest fan in college or out of college. So it always seemed difficult to bring him up after what happened, and he never asked. So I never told. My friends, work colleagues and those who know enough but never ask questions. It's like they are walking on eggshells and think that if they even mention his name I will have a mental breakdown or something." She uses her sleeve to clear a few of the tears that have escaped, a shaky breathing leaving her lips. 
"So tell me more. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in front of your brother that you know he will never let you live down?" I change the course of the conversation trying to give it a lighter tone, I don't need to know what happened. It's not my business. If she wants to tell me, then it will be her decision and her decision only. 
"Oh okay. So it was the twins 10th birthday we had a few family and friends around for a BBQ. Vis had let me know he may be late as he was stuck in a work meeting, so I had to set everything up...he didn't show up in the end. For his own boys' birthdays. Anyway, I was trying to take their minds off it by getting everyone outside the children in the pool and the adults to relax with a drink. It was all going well until I heard Billy call me over to the pool, me being me, I immediately went to the edge of the pool; and bent down to ask him what was wrong. Before he could reply I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, lift me up, and chuck me in the pool. I screamed of course, I mean who wouldn't. It only got worse from there though, because when I came to the surface to find the culprit, my brother, was laughing like there was no tomorrow. However, when he opened his eyes to look at my scowl he covered his eyes with his hand telling me to cover up. Confused, I look down, only to realise I'm wearing a now soaked white top, with no bra underneath because I hadn't had time to sort myself out." 
I laugh along with her stories as she continues, nodding my head and adding input every now and again but ultimately just letting her talk about him. It's adorable how much she loves her brother, whenever she remembers something else or even just talking about him her whole face lights up with an infectious smile. Oh god, and that laugh. At one point we both have tears streaming down our faces from laughing so hard. This is nice. I like this. Then her smile falters slightly as she looks at me through her eyelashes. 
"Can I tell you what happened?" I lean forward, my elbows resting on the table as I take both her hands in mine giving them a squeeze.
"Only if you're comfortable, and only when you're ready to do so." She goes to say something, but clothes her mouth and mumbles something under her breath. "Sorry Wanda I couldn't quite hear you. What were you saying?" 
"Just, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time." She takes a breath, so I decide to scoot my chair next to hers so I can wrap my arm around her. 
"Where is he now?" I think I know the answer, but she hasn't actually said it so I cannot make that assumption.
"He is in a coma. Has been for the last 2 years. I'm just grateful that I had him around during the divorce, I don't think I would have gotten through it without him."  Okay so he isn't dead like I thought. That's good.
"I'm so sorry Wanda. I know sorry doesn't mean a thing in situations like this, trust me I know. But he isn't truly gone yet so you have to live every moment because from what I've heard he is very much a live life to the fullest sort of person." She buries her head into my chest as she cries quietly, I can feel a wet patch soaking through my sweatshirt but that's not important.
"Is there still hope for him?" I feel her stiffen a bit before relaxing into my hold more.
"The doctors had said there was a 40% chance of him waking up, now it's more like 20%. He was shot multiple times and they said his body is healed so now it's just about him wanting to wake up." She grips into the front of my sweatshirt, it bunching up in her closed fists.
"Well 20% is better than 5%, so he still has a chance. These things take time unfortunately. Even though they say 'it's up to him whether he wakes up or not' what they mean is. Is his brain giving him the fighting chance he needs, and 20%. Well 20% is a hell of a good chance." She looks up at me with a small smile on her face.
"You think so." 
"I do. But you still have to remember it can take time, and things do go wrong. I don't want to give you this false sense of security where you believe he will 100% wake up because no one can be sure." She leans up to peck my lips a couple times, before looking up into my eyes.
"Thank you." 
"You have nothing to be thankful for. I am just telling you what I think after hearing the story."
"No I do. You didn't withhold any of the truth. People keep saying 20%, that's really good he will wake up. Where you've said 20% it's good, but it's not 100%. So thank you, most people just avoid the topic." She clears her throat as she loosens from my embrace, I quietly whimper at the loss of contact. "What a way for a first date to go." 
"Well we have already slept with each other. I mean according to my sister we skipped steps 1-3 and are now doing it all backwards." She hums in thought.
"What's steps 1-3?" 
"Well step 1 is the first meeting. So for us it was a club, for others maybe a coffee shop or work. Maybe even online." I lean my arm in the back of her chair, Wanda rests her head on my arm as she brings her left hand up to my arm drawing random shapes. All the time her attention is on me, a small smile plastered on her face as she watches me speak.
"Step 2 would be the talking. Getting to know one another. So texting back and forth, maybe a phone call here and there. Even a video call once or twice. Just talking." Wanda takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
"And step 3?" She asks as she relaxes more against my arm, her piercing green eyes looking right into mine.
"Well step 3 would be the date."
"What would this date consist of? If you were the one to set it up?" She crosses her legs over, her left hand still drawing shapes in my arm as her right one rests on her thighs.
"Well I would take you out to one of the best restaurants I know. Not one of those that sells tiny bits of food that wouldn't even feed a mouse, and at those prices. Pftt, that's extortion. I would take you to a place that sells the most glorious food, that could keep you full for days on end with a nice bottle of wine to go with it. Then as the night goes on, I would take you for a walk just to help keep the calm atmosphere. Of course being the gentlewoman I am, I would take you home waiting till you got into your house. Not before I steal a kiss from you of course. Then I would say I hope we can do this again." I look back at Wanda, as during the storytelling I looked up to the ceiling. 
She has this look about her, I can't quite place it. Her bottom lip is between her teeth, her hand that was drawing on my arm now rests gently against my elbow. Her other hand, at some point, has come to rest against my knee, her thumb stroking it gently with miniscule movements. She seems to be in a trance as her eyes look deep into mine, before searching the rest of my face.
"What's that look for?" I question, breaking her out of her trance.
"Nothing. I mean. I've never had a date like that before." Wait what?
"What about your ex husband?" She shakes her head.
"No we met in school, we never really did the whole date thing as we would just hang out at each other's houses whenever we could. After school, at 18, we found out I was pregnant. We did the whole college thing as well with two twin boys. Now that was difficult. But even after we left college, got jobs, and started earning money we never really had date nights. I think we classed going out with friends for meals as our dates." She shakes her head at the thought of her ex husband, going to say something but choosing not to. I don't question her.
"Well then princess. Maybe one day you will get the date you deserve."
"And will that date be with you." She looks up at me through her eyelashes.
"On what?" 
"How well this one ends." 
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raven-6-10 · 1 month
Right, after some deep diving through FFXV wiki and some research into hereditary titles, inheritance laws and various historical and fictional courts, I think I have a general idea of what I want the Niflheimr court in general and the Aldercapt dynasty in particular to look like.
Let's start with the inheritance laws.
I settled on agnatic-cognatic (male-preference) primogeniture i.e. the throne goes to the eldest son, then his brothers by order of age, then his eldest sister and so on. And since the Aldercapts don't have Bahamut artificially pruning the family tree to one child per generation in recent centuries, there are actually people related to the Emperor with a legitimate claim to the throne.
(Side-note: some pruning is still happening as a result of children competing for the throne. Iedolas' brothers and one sister had died before he even came to the throne.)
The issue here is that Iedolas is an ambitious man - even if he's not obsessed with reviving Solheim (at the moment) - and wants to leave a legacy. Which means he wants his heir to be his child/grandchild.
You raised a valid point about Iedolas having children before that point. Which. Uhmm. Canon doesn't exactly help here. The only thing we know for certain is that he had at least one son (b. 720 ME) who died at the earliest in 748 ME (because that's the birth year for Solara Antiquum) but was definitely dead when the game kicked off in 756 ME. Considering Iedolas is from Mors' generation that's kind of late to have your first child.
I'm gonna make an executive decision here.
Iedolas did have children before that with his wife. Specifically two sons and a daughter. Possibly some grandchildren even. However they all died due to combination of illnesses, accidents and deliberate action. At that point he tried for another child with his wife, which canonically ended up with her death from childbirth complications within a year. In this au, the son in question was born early - resulting in underdeveloped lungs plus host of other health issues - and died as a young teenager due to pneumonia.
Hence, the order for Besithia to create an heir for him.
Situation at the Imperial court is surprisingly stable at the moment.
Just because the Emperor has no children doesn't mean he has no heirs*. The current heir presumptive is his younger sister but since she's rather elderly, the throne is actually probably going to be inherited by his great-niece. The woman in question is from a high-ranking house, married to a man from similarly titled house, has a range of useful political and military connections and a daughter of her own at the time of Prompto's birth.
(Iedolas had been planning to betroth Prompto to his great-great-niece and name the mother a regent just in case he dies before his son is an adult.)
So most of the politicking is currently about getting into the good graces of the imperial heiress and discrediting the rivals. The most opposition is from warmongers (Ulldor) as she's much less militant than the current emperor, so will likely focus on consolidating the imperial gains in Tenebrae and addressing social issues instead of continuing the conquest.
As for where that would leave Prompto (or whatever Iedolas would rename him)?
I'm headcanoning that Niflheimr royals don't introduce their kids to public until they are at least 10. Before that there might be rumours, especially if the Empress is obviously pregnant, but nobody will confirm anything outright.
There's a bunch of historical reasons behind that, but mostly it's very useful if you need to, erm, adjust the family tree.
And right now it means that Aldercapt still has time to get his kid back instead of writing him off as a lost cause and trying again or just formally declaring a new heir from among his relatives. Because nobody will bat an eyelash on the boy not being seen before his formal introduction.
If the Nifs actually recover him, he will be raised in a secluded estate on the outskirts of Gralea with staff being responsible for his upbringing and Iedolas visiting often to check on him.
*I was inspired by the House Arryn. Somebody once joked that even if you are five generations removed from lordship, you can still end up being the Heir Arryn. A peasant sneezes in the Vale and they've lost half their house members.
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notyour-valentine · 9 months
cora’s favorite daughters (including charlotte) ranked? It’s harsh I know
Thank you so much for sending this in - I adapted it slightly, but I hope you enjoyed! This was written as part of my crossover series Welcome to Downton, Mr. Shelby
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Mary is her eldest, and in the show they’ve stated that around this time in their marriage, they fell in love and I tie that to Mary (probably Robert’s positive reaction to Mary, despite her being a girl and reassuring Cora of that). 
I think Cora is sometimes a little bit intimidated by adult!Mary, and doesn’t always approve of the stern, sometimes cold way Mary acts. But I do think she understands that it is a means of self protection. 
She definitely admires Mary’s strength of character and will
Mary stands up for herself in many situations Cora wished she would have done for herself when she was younger, so there is this mix of envy but that is outweighed pride. 
There were tough moments (*dragging a body through the gallery*) but they got through that and unlike others in the family, she has full faith in Mary’s ability
Poor Edith. I think as a child she expressed her needs differently than the other children and was drowned out by the younger ones, and Mary expressed her needs in a more vocal way. If Mary wants attention, she demands and takes it.
Edith doesn’t do that. She is too much of a people-pleaser. 
I do think Cora loves her, but it definitely takes her until Edith learns to pursue her own purpose and happiness with her career in later seasons that Cora truly begins to understand and respect her. She is the most “American” of the sisters in her own way, and there is a pride Cora feels for her being able to become such a modern woman, especially since she does it all on her own. 
Charlotte is a little different, because her childhood was different. She was the baby, and she was raised at Downton with Robert there. He retired from service after the Boer War, so I kind of HC that they spent more time either apart or in London before that. 
In the war years, Cora used her as a sort of coping mechanism. She, like so many others, felt out of control of their own destiny and helpless in light of the horrors of the war and she compensated by vicariously trying to shield Charlotte (others did too). 
I also think she consciously plays favourites with Charlotte and Mary from time to time because it hurts most that they, as the eldest and youngest, aren’t boys. 
Charlotte is the daughter most like Cora, torn between wanting to fulfill the conservative role expectations of society and their family, and a desire, willingness and ability to move around it. She isn’t as headstrong and uncompromising as her sisters when it comes to reaching her goals, and in many situations, Cora sees so much of her in Charlotte. 
Sybil is her favourite
There’s no other way but to say that. Sybil is the one she would most likely have been friends with if they were of an age. For a long time Sybil was the baby, and Cora considers her the most beautiful of the daughters. 
She is also so easy to love, and admires her romantic nature of finding her own way even if Branson wasn’t the one she would have chosen to him. 
There is great pride for Sybil - just think of the look on Cora’s face when she sees Sybil bake that cake for her. 
Sybil also inspires her, like with the hospital. 
She also sees the very best of her qualities expressed fully in Sybil. 
I hope you enjoyed that - it is certainly the way I think about their relationship
Bonus Headcanon: I think EVERYONE has a favourite (family or staff), even if they don't act on it. And so everyone is someones favourite
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chiauve · 11 months
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Quick doodle: Young Volkreg men wear their hair long, and when they hit marriage age, gussy themselves up to show how available they are. Upon marriage, their hair is sheared short and they keep their heads covered.
Quick ficlet: In which a young Ilana spots a certain engineer and her heart goes doki-doki so she of course has to mess with that, which may or may not have consequences.
When the surveyors came, Ilana ducked behind the low wall that followed the road into their farm with her younger sisters. The small girls giggled into their palms like they were the naughtiest of children, despite the fact that the tradition that deemed women were to return to the home when strange men arrived had grown quite lax over the years. Still, Ilana laughed with them, encouraging their fun, while her older sister, Unyila, rolled her eyes behind them.
"We don't have to hide," she grumbled, "and they're just the surveyors, hardly anything new or exciting."
"Shh, I want to see," Ilana said, peering over the wall. Her sisters mimicked her, their short-cropped, dusty yellow hair looking like dulled grass sticking up in a line.
Their father emerged from the house, arms open wide in welcome as three men stepped off the road-skiff. Asfarig clan, like her, by their malar markings, but of the Re'r line. Plateau folk. The first man was the oldest, then a younger but still mature man beside him, the youngest trailed behind.
"That's Rancher Riner!" Yeana, the youngest, announced with an awkward point over the wall.
Indeed, the oldest man was Re'r, but ran a ranch in the lowlands of Nj'ul and was a distant neighbor. He knew their father, and Ilana had seen him a few times at the markets at the oasis, before it dried up.
Despite that familiarity, the girls all braced themselves for the stuffy introductions all men seemed to need to perform or otherwise perish or something.
Their father bowed to Riner, then again opened his arms in friendly welcome. "Rancher Ushte Riner Vun Re'r! It is a pleasure to see you! The response to my request for aid was prompt indeed!"
Riner bowed in turn. Ilana couldn't tell if he was truly old or merely reflected the hard life of the lowlands in his weathered face. He wore loose robes and a speckled country shemagh over his coif.
"But of course, we are long neighbors and must face our troubles together. I thank you for your hospitality, Farmer Ushte Nagul Eln Nj'ul." He gestured to the other man beside him, his tunic of shorter, more fitting make and a keffiyeh common in the cities over his own coif. "Allow me to introduce my dear brother, Technician Ushte Ryler Vun Re'r, and my beloved nephew, Far-seer Kaio Razer Vun Re'r."
"Kaio?" Unyila peered over the wall, "Ya Founders, he's a breaker!"
"A what?" one of the little girls asked, following her eldest in leaning up over the wall.
"See? That third mark on his chin, it means he was Ushte but broke caste and ascended," she actually sounded impressed, and the other sisters oohed aloud.
Ilana was barely paying attention to them, for once her attention had been put to the youngest man, she couldn't stop looking. He was definitely Asfarig, his tattoos proclaimed it, but he also bore the mark of it in his pale eyes, sharp yet even teeth, and blunt nose. And yet.
Had it not been for his tattoos, she would have sworn him an Azrag. Instead of the pale tan skin and dusty yellow hair of the Asfarig, his skin was white, making his markings stand stark in his face. His hair too was white, his head bare in the fashion of an umarried man and worn long, pulled back into a loose ponytail decorated with chips of metal that gleamed and clinked when he turned his head, marking him eligible.
More than that, his eye mask, rather than being the thick and rounded shape of the Asfarig male, was long and sharp, like a shore bird's wings.
Pale Asfarig eyes set into such an exotic eye mask found only far away on the western peninsula of the Azrag...white hair practically afire under the lowland sun...
Ya Founders...he was beautiful.
Ilana swallowed and buried her cheeks in her hands. Oh no, no no, she considered herself better than that. She was not one to pursue a man for looks or even just for the sake of it. What would be would be but not just because her insides were suddenly a-flutter and her cheeks darkening to a grey.
Yeana peered up at her, confused. "Why are you blushing?"
And now she was under scrutiny of them all, curse it.
"You are blushing! Ilana!"
"Do you...like him?"
"Ilana loves the Re'r!"
"Hush, you! I do not!"
"Ilana wants to maaarrry the Re'r!"
Another denial died before it left her mouth, and Ilana paused. She looked back over the wall at the still-chatting men, particularly at the pretty hybrid breaker. An eyebrow rose and a glint lit in her eye. She stood.
"Ilana, no," Unyila hissed, her tone sharp with warning.
She was ignored as Ilana grabbed her skirt and leapt the wall, loping towards the men in a semi-circle and coming up behind, the beads hanging off the simple band adorning her otherwise bare head clicking as she moved. The men didn't see her coming until it was too late, and she saw her father's eyes widen in confusion before she slid up right next to the young Re'r, looping her arm around his. Ancestors, he was tall.
His head snapped down to look at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in confusion. Before he could say anything, Ilana beamed up at him and batted her lashes in the way of city women.
"I like you," she said, still grinning, "Marry me?"
She distantly heard her father choke but was too focused on those bird-wing eyes, which now shifted from her to elsewhere and, clearly finding no help, moved back to her.
Her eyes lit in delight and she let out a peal of laughter before again grabbing her skirt and sprinting back to the wall, practically diving behind it, cackling the whole way.
Razer watched the young woman run away, laughing.
Ah, of course.
His shocked expression smoothed and he turned back to his father and uncle, who too were staring after the girl in wide-eyed bafflement. Their host, on the other hand, looked after her with a look of horror and dismay. Uh oh.
"Your daughter?" Razer asked slowly.
Farmer Nagul collected himself a bit, looking at his guests with sad eyes. "Yes, my second."
"She is...spirited..." his father and uncle remained silent, forcing Razer to try to fix this. He continued, voice flat and disinterested, "A bit of girlish fun, is all, obviously not binding."
Farmer Nagul's shoulders slumped in relief and Razer tried not to take that personally.
"Thank you...yes, I apologize for her behavior."
"Not at all, she is a lovely girl."
Farmer Nagul nodded and tried to move on with their business. "Please, my friends, this way. We shall eat and drink and then get to work. He gestured to his home, a collection of squat buildings of earth, and waved his guests on. "Friend Riner, Technician Ryler…" he hesitated as he looked to Razer, his eyes falling on the third caste mark, "…my lord Far-seer…"
Razer sighed. "Please don't. While I have received my new mark, until I marry and become a proper member of society, I am still bound to my family."
Again their host looked relieved, and again Razer tried to not take it personally. He followed his father and uncle to the Eln Nj'ul home, glancing back over his shoulder to the wall.
Was he hoping to see the young woman there? She had indeed been lovely, and the way she actually smiled at him…
He sighed. A pity, he supposed.
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Overworked Mascots Family in my AUs
Okay so this is to explain the whole dynamic of the whole entire family tree when it comes to this Universe
My Universe is also known as Three Toons and a Baby just a hilarious play on Three Men and a Baby,
Mickeys Eldest is Eleanor Patsy born to him and Minnie in 1975, she is MtF Trans she is a joyful sort that will remind you of Lottie from Princess and the Frog she seems spoiled at first but really it's just because she's overly exuberant as Mickey jokes you can hear her excited squeal 3 miles away
She is also the most powerful tune in Hollywood merely because she knows everybody from the janitors to the big CEOs she may gossip at times, but she is known for treating everybody equally. She may have a giant mansion behind wrought iron gates, but even her servants, Maids Butlers, ect, are living the high life while taking care of her and Oliver
One of their Butler's retired and they asked him what he wanted to do he wanted to cruise around the world for the rest of his life so they literally paid him over $200k so he could do that
Eleanor is what we wish Billionares would be, in her world once Elon Musk dropped out of paying for the EU world hunger thing she stepped up and was like Hey I will pay it for him,
Yeah she's a force to be reckoned with her cute little thing is that if she tweaks her nose it activates her magic which she inherited from her parents, but she can do it with a hand wave,
Their second daughter is Marian born right in the middle of the divorce in 2023 although she's biologically Minnies, she doesn't see Minerva as her mother at all since she was raised like Walter with Bugs and Daffy
She is a genius when I am saying this she graduated by the age of 15 from high school she is a leader, very inquisitive, just like Mickey she likes to be challenged to solve problems,
Bugs and Daffys kids are Dorothy Eileen and Oliver a set of twins, Oliver is unique in his albinism being the only Warner toon with it
Oliver is complex as he is with Eleanor but they got together before Mickey, Bugs and Daffy did, so it really doesn't bother anybody despite the weird circumstances that they should by technicality be step siblings,
Oliver has more Daffy in him than his twin he's a gossip who knows his fashion like the back of his hand but his real specialty is Nails he's a nail tech, which is how he hears about the latest gossip in Hollywood.
Dorothy is known as Dolly and she's definitely more of bugs then Daffy, she's the one playing poker on Friday nights living a relatively calm life she's a divorcee with one child named Viola, she's suburban mom wine aunt vibes,
However the real wild card is Louis, he is a donor baby. Anyone remember Honey Bunny before Lola?
As Honey was getting less and less work from Warner, she was planning for her future which included wanting to be a single parent. She was one who wanted a kid, but not the partner. However it was the 90s and nobody would give her the chance so Bugs talked to Daffy and then donated, leading to Louis.
So Louis really wasn't connected to his other siblings as Honey raised him on her own across the country. He didn't even know Bugs was his donor until he was 18 and getting into acting,
Louis is also deaf, he was born this way this didn't change Honeys love at all for him. Fortunately by the time Walter is born in 2027 his mother has dissappeared if you don't understand she's dead because she was forgotten completely. So he does rely as an adult very much on his father's side.
As for the children between Mickey and Bugs that's Walter Fredrick, a mischievous Scamp with a penchant for trouble he's got a brilliant mind and a creative streak as big as his namesakes,
Eventually Walter even does something that no Toon has ever been able to achieve when working with animators one day he is entrusted with a project bringing a Cartoon to life, they do it thinking he can't yes they were trying to be mean
But he teaches them all a lesson when he actually brings a Toon to life, they do not know if this is a part of his gags and ability which he received from Mickey however it is still a shocking turn of events.
He prefers a quiet Studio though and a canvas he's always got paint on him somehow with his paintbrush behind his ear he's definitely like Walt in the sense of he can be larger than life but when alone he's humble gentle and kind
The other three you may see but these guys are not original characters is the Animaniacs Yakko Wakko and Dot Warner however they do have biological ties because of my headcanons and thoughts to Mickey they are his nephews and niece
They are the only three children of Oswald in Ortensia who were forcibly locked away after getting pissed off at the treatment of their family and causing the 1934 fire which took out 15 Acres of the Warner Bros Lots this is why they were locked in the tower
The damage they did was equal to 34 million nowadays. But if you ask them they will still look at you and say it was worth it,
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waffleweirdo · 8 months
Thinking about the Yanagi family relationships......... Koharu and Sakura are the youngest two of four sisters, and the only two still living at home. Their parents are a former idol and an architect, and their oldest sister is an interior designer. So they are very strongly following in like their family's expectations.
I don't think its confirmed how old the oldest sister is, but the second oldest is in university so she only left home recently, and what she is studying isn't listed while everyone else very explicitly mirrors their parents. Did she divert from the typical family path??
What are Koharu and Sakura's relationships like with their older sisters? Between Sakura and the oldest sibling there could be a really big age difference, how much have they even interacted.... Or does Sakura feel disconnected from her, and much closer to Koharu and their other sister.....
Koharu really struggles to communicate and be open, and feels very isolated from others. With Hisame and Suzu being like, some of the very few people she feels understand her. While Sakura definitely struggles to find confidence in herself and believe in her own agency. So like....
Were there parents forceful? I mean if 3/4 siblings very much followed in their footsteps it could just be chance, but it could also be.... Was their older sister like a guiding presence for them, helping them feel like it was okay to do what they were passionate about, and someone who was always there for them. Did her recent departure to go to university help cause the struggles and emotional turmoil they are both facing going into Blue Glitter??
How is their mom reacting to Koharu pursuing acting, after the eldest sibling moreso followed in their father's footsteps. Is she supportive? Or is she overbearing and that is contributing to Koharu's feelings of isolation and fear of expressing herself??
At least the acting department of Seisho is dorm housing (and I think probably the stage production at least has them available) yet Sakura is staying home
Sakura and Koharu clearly love each other so much, even when they argue and fight, their relationship as siblings is so important, I want to know what the heck is going on with the rest of the family...
(I don't actually want this to be real, nor do I expect it to be, but throw in Koharu's mom as previously having worked with Maya's real questionable dad, and the idea that Koharu sees Maya as someone who can stand alone on stage that she desperately wants to be like takes on a waaaaaaay different meaning :)) ,,,,,,,)
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valsnonsense · 3 months
Prince Thrash Jr.
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"Yo, sick lip piercing, dude!! I've been meaning to get one of those done, I just keep forgetting."
Parents: Queen Barb (Adopted) and Delta Dawn (Step-Mother)
Siblings: Honeysuckle (Younger Step-Sister), Thorn (Younger Brother)
Age: 26
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Genre: Rock/Hard Rock
Voice Claim: Jon Bon Jovi
The eldest son of Barb and Delta, Thrash Jr., or TJ, is as rock as a rock troll can get. Loud, wild, with a passion for the destruction of expensive instruments.
TJ was found by Barb as an egg, abandoned and left to die. She nursed him back to health, and when he hatched, the young kit imprinted on her. Since her father had recently passed, Barb found herself welcoming the young kits affection and named him after her late father.
TJ mainly performs as a rockstar, having back to back concerts almost every night. He loves performing though, loving the high that hearing the audience scream for him gives him every night. Though every once in a while, he'll take a few days to just SLEEP, crashing hard.
When he's not rocking out on stage, TJ secretly enjoys poetry. Something about how the words are so eloquently threaded together to form passages explaining feelings or thoughts just speaks to him. He'd rather die then tell anyone this however lol.
TJ is very close with his family. He feels protective of his parents and siblings, always working to make sure they're happy. He can go a bit overboard with this, however, driving himself to a point of exhaustion. He's been scolded for this several times.
As said above, TJ is a rock troll through and through. He loves how loud the music is, and how he can scream along with it. However, he does have a special love for Classical music, but just by the one Troll.
Thrash Jr. currently resides in Volcano Rock City, but is frequently found in Tumbleshred visiting family.
Fun Facts!
- TJ has feelings for Vanilla. Like, the man is in love. But, because of what happened to Vanilla regarding love and relationships, he knows she's adverse to them now. So, he hangs back, electing not to voice his feelings. He doesn't want to hurt her, so he'll wait as long as he needs to.
- TJ does have some self confidence issues regarding his lack of royal blood. Some older Rock Trolls don't think he should be king because he won't continue the royal bloodline, but Barb is quick to shut down that talk
- TJ loves kids. He'll often offer to babysit for parents or volunteer at daycares. He definitely wants to have a big family of his own one day.
- Biggest Mama's boy you'll ever see, on both sides. He's not ashamed to run up and give Barb and Delta big hugs in front of everyone. Real men love their mothers, don't you know that?
And that's Thrash JR.!!! God I loved designing this fucker, he's so fun. So brief story, I designed him and Honeysuckle (Delta's daughter) BEFORE I started shipping Delta/Barb. I considered redesigned both TJ and Honeysuckle to be both rock and country, but I loved their designs too much. So, Barb adopted Thrash and Delta had Honeysuckle, started dating when the two were young, then eventually got hitched and had Thorn.
Sorry this post is so late work fuckin SUCKED today hdhdhd
Voice Example: It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
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interlagosed · 1 year
You cant just leave us hanging hibs, allegra’s wife interactions with the siblings and in laws 😭
[I don't have time for the whole story, but here's a little preamble]
Allegra has always been incredibly unlucky in love. Unlike Charlie who literally married his childhood girlfriend at 20 (which was also a whole thing, in fairness), Allegra has had her heart broken in so many different ways. She's also broken a fair few hearts herself. And especially when she's an F1 driver, that is fairly common knowledge.
"Well, you definitely aren't as private as we were," Lando says. Carlos glares at Lando.
"As private as I was," Carlos mutters, and Lando glares back. Allegra rolls her eyes as their glares melt into fond looks and lovestruck, gushy smiles.
"Yeah, well, we don't have to be closeted anymore," Allegra muttered. "And anyway, not all of us find our soulmates that easy. I might not even have one."
"What's wrong with that?" Landon pipes up, and Allegra tosses a pillow at them. Landon yelps and dodges out of the way, only for the pillow to upset a vase on the corner table. Aurelia sighs and stabilizes the vase.
"Ay, don't take it out on my furniture," Carlos warns, even as he pulls his husband into his lap. None of the kids blink at that; they're used to their parents' egregious PDA. "That costs more than you did."
"From Uncle Lewis?"
"Yes. For our fifteen years."
After an appropriate amount of time spent admiring the incredibly fragile vase, Allegra launches back into her tirade.
"I'm never going to find love. I'm just going to be a rich spinster. The only love in my life is going to come from my siblings' kids and passionate one-night stands in daring locales," Allegra sighs.
Landon looks at Allegra and says, "Define locales right now."
"Fuck off."
"Daddy, can you define locales?"
Lando thinks about it, and by way of answer, says, "...fuck off."
After Carlos lectures them all on swearing at family - everyone takes this immense hypocrisy with generous patience - they return, again, to the topic at hand.
"You're not even thirty," Aurelia pipes up wisely. "And you're on the road most of the year. Of course it's taking you a while to settle down."
"Yeah, but-"
"Do you even want to settle down?" Lan asks, and at that, Allegra goes quiet. She is silent for a long time, long enough that Lan sighs and says, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."
"I know," Allegra says, smiling softly. "I'm just...jealous. Of Charlie. Of you two," she adds, gesturing to her fathers, who tut softly. "Even Lia has a girlfriend, and she's literally half my age. When do I get to be in a good relationship?"
"Ay, hija," Carlos says, and he takes his eldest daughter's hand and kisses it. "Pequeñita. You will find what you need. I promise."
"Sometimes you just need to stop looking," Lando adds, and he snorts at Allegra's skeptical look. "I know it sounds stupid. But I also know you. You've never turned that part of your brain off in your life."
"It's not my fault," Allegra exclaims. "It's impossible to be your kid and not be a fucking hopeless romantic."
Allegra looks at her siblings for support, and, gratifyingly, they're both nodding vehemently. Neither Carlos nor Lando look abashed.
"Sorry we got lucky," Lando says, and Carlos smirks and reciprocates his husband's fistbump. Neither of them seem sorry. Allegra can't blame them.
Still, she somehow manages to internalize her daddy's advice. What if she didn't look? What if she stopped flirting, stopped flirting back, stopped wondering if the glances people shot her were admiring? For all her skepticism, she finds herself working longer hours, working harder, finding time for hobbies she hadn't gotten a chance to indulge in, not really, since she starting racing in F1. She spends more time with Charlie, his babies, with her siblings, with her parents - and it's wonderful. It feels good.
And Allegra realizes she doesn't remember the last time she felt this relaxed or happy.
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triviareads · 2 months
I think is time for me to start with my Beautiful Barringtons books byKathleen Ayers, they sound so entertaining
yes definitely go for it! They're all on KU and honestly, they give you a lot of what Bridgerton the books don't quite give you in terms of romance and even the nuances of family dynamics, and what the show is utterly failing to deliver on now lolol.
The eldest brother ANTHONY aka Tony in The Theory of Earls is actually a rake and basically the kind of St. Vincent beautiful that means he gets away with a looooot of shit he otherwise wouldn't; he has no qualms about propositioning debutantes and he also has the kind of daddy issues (which... okay fine his dad truly did something shitty because he too was a rake but he's reformed! there's even a novella to prove it) that result in him refusing to procreate.
Andromeda and their cousin Rosalind both have aspirations apart from marriage; Andromeda secretly works with a modiste to design gowns, and Rosalind secretly works with a baker to set up a storefront to sell her creations. The Design of Dukes, Romy's book, is just a really well-done iteration of a cold starchy duke falling for a woman who doesn't fit his standard of propriety, and A Recipe for a Rogue a great age-gap romance, and Rosalind is also plus-sized and Torrington is super explicit in her obsession with her body in a way you don't really see in a lot of historicals.
Also, the last book, The Taming of a Scandal is a particular favorite because the disaster baby sister Phaedra finally gets her own book and it goes EXACTLY how you think it does, namely the biggest baddest American ex-street-rat now-ruthless businessman falling HARD for her while she's running New York City with her rapier.
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justanie · 1 year
please tell me about your fankids omg omg i want to hear all about them (when you have the time!)
To be bluntly honest, I didn't think the day would come soon...I guess I still plan to talk about My Fankids in separate posts with much more detail where I have better built their info...but I guess a definition of each of them my Fankids wouldn't hurt!...I Guess...
(Arranged from oldest to youngest)
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Summer (12): Gumi and Yuuma's eldest daughter. A girl who at a jovial age is usually someone responsible and a bit mature, resulting in being the voice of reason in the group and who makes sure to take care of her siblings like the rest of the children. Likewise, she does not take away from the fact that she is someone endearing and who knows how to have fun so as not to stress with her homeworks and schoolworks.
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Kankyō (10): Gumi and Yuuma's middle child. He is usually someone sensitive, calm and of few words, Kankyō mainly spends his time living with Souta, Renji and Arashi, and like his older sister, he acts as the voice of reason for these three (I'm sorry I don't have many things to explain about my boy ;-;).
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Souta (9): Younger son of Kiyoteru and Meiko. He is a complete contrast to Yukiko, a rebellious and unruly boy who often brings fun to his friends/cousins by unconsciously getting into trouble. Although, it seems Souta does not learn from his lessons, he tries to be a better son for his parents and a good example for his group and the rest of the children so as not to be seen as a bad influence.
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Rabenda (7): Gakupo and Luka's eldest daughter. A "flower girl" (forgive the redundancy that her name is Lavender in Japanese), the small lady of her family who loves to play with dolls, have tea parties and dress up like a princess. She loves her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, cousins and friends so much and Rabenda would never be able to leave them.
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Sachi (6): Gumi and Yuuma's little daughter. Being the little sister of Summer and Kankyō, she is very cared for by her parents as well as her siblings, except that Kankyō is not as "relatively close" to her. Sachi is a very curious girl and asks "why?" her not understanding what happens around her.
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Fujiro (4): The second child of Gakupo and Luka. On few occasions he made it known that he is an infant with a big brain, a small prodigy among his family. But Fujiro at the end of the day is a little boy and wants to spend more time with his loved ones and play games, than immerse his brain in books and complicated words.
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Nyuto (6 months): Kaito and Miku's baby. Along with Shinichi and Natsumi, he is more cared for by his parents and siblings, considering that he is an infant, his personality does not develop, it is only stated that he is very tender with his family as new people who love have to know.
I could only talk about half of them since I reiterate; the other Fankids belong to @ask-the-vocafamilies and with his permission he let me add them in my universe which means that most of them don't change from their original concept...with three exceptions that stay away from the original Fankids concept of Vocafamilies. I would like to clarify, he also accepts this, so a brief summary of them will also serve for this post:
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Yukiko (17): Older daughter of Kiyoteru and Meiko, and older sister of Souta. Unlike the original Yukiko, she is a very shy, insecure girl and is usually very close to her family for fear of talking to other people (with the exception of the other Vocaloids and their children). This is because she grew up almost locked up at home, without going to school in a calm way because Kiyoteru and Meiko were not in the best of moments with their Vocaloid lives...
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Shinichi (Aka. Shisui) and Natsumi (Aka. Uzumi) (3 months): Baby twins of Gakupo and Luka as well as the younger siblings of Rabenda and Fujiro...yes...I think that just saying this description gives Let's see what are the ones that have had the greatest change when it comes to integrating them into my universe—
I'm sorry that this will turn out like this, but as I said at the beginning, most likely I will reward you with posts that I do separately and I will have my time to detail and talk better about each of my Fankids in the future. For the moment, you can enjoy these small summaries of each one :')
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hebuiltfive · 1 year
On TAG ages: I always felt the show took place over at least 2 years, possibly 3? Pls enjoy my attempts to squash a timeline together based on ~vibes~
First season headcanon ages: (approx)
Scott = 30
Virgil = 28
John = 26
Gordon = 22
Alan = 16
Kayo = 20
Brains = 35
Penelope = 26
Now that’s a p big age gap down to Alan sure but the disparity between what he remembers of their parents and what his brothers do is just too big imo. Also these ages mean that if Jeff vanishes 8 years before the first episode the eldest 3 are just about old enough to manage running it by themselves (22, 20, and 18 respectively) also might explain why John is Good at monitor duty and Less Good at practical astronauting - Jeff didn’t have time to teach him everything
I think Penelope probably got involved with IR through her father, who probably knew Jeff, and since the Hood is all up in corporate espionage and subterfuge, I don’t think it’s implausible that the creighton-ward’s as a whole seemingly charitably focused family wouldn’t be keen to make sure he wasn’t interfering with the organisation they support. Maybe it was more practical for a young penny to do the snooping as she could play the slightly shallow lady of leisure and let her father maintain the pretence of not interfering
I hope that all makes a little sense - I’ve written it all out and now can’t remember how well it lines up with what you said!
It does make sense, Anon! Thank you!
My math is terrible but I think that would make the difference between Scott and Alan 14 years? Which could be seen as crazy BUT also does make sense? I'm not sure how much is fanon and how much is canon but I've always assumed Alan saw Scott as a father figure just as much as a big brother, so the bigger age gap would aid that.
As for Penny and her family, I never thought of your point before. That would also make sense, and clears up some of her age discrepancy.
I think Scott is definitely at least near his 30s at the start of the series, (which I've started to question as to whether they meant the 2060s rather than actual 2060? Thus starting the series in '62?) and the more I think about it, I imagine Scott, Virgil and John being closer in age to each other than they are to Gordon, and Gordon is to Alan, if that makes sense? Jeff being busy with the business, then space and Mars, then IR (after Lucy's death but not too soon after I always imagine). Alan especially, but maybe also Gordon, being born in between all this chaos?
Continuity is definitely the source of most of the confusion I think. At this point I think we'd be safe to assume even the creators of TAG don't know the exact ages. (I'd like to believe that Gerry had some idea for the original series, even if they still aren't 100% accurate/make sense).
You've added some more food for thought, Anon. Thank you! 🥰
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kernelbastard · 4 months
putting these Slugpup Hungry Games hcs here bc I don't feel like making a new sideblog right now
me and my friend have been obsessed with it the past few days so here's some stuff we came up with. note: the pronouns are not literal, Slugcats don't speak English (slugsign W), they're just how we refer to them (also I have separate headcanons for how Slugcat gender and social roles work but I don't know if any of the Hungry kids ever learned any of that stuff so it's not super relevant)
... also we don't know GladosCat's real Iterator name so we've just been calling her Ambition or Wire Mother interchangeably
anyway. these are for you @peculiurperennial
The pups are listed in order of age. Therefore, Bingus is the eldest, while Onion, despite being larger than the others, is the baby of the group.
How much a Slugcat remembers past cycles is determined by age and species, and increases as their brains develop. However, there are exceptions to this pattern, like Fleece.
They were not born of the same litter, although it is possible that they were all raised in the same tribe; either way, none of them (except Onion) remember who they were before being captured, and in the end, it doesn't change that they are siblings now.
They cannot directly speak to each other, nor do they know Slugsign, so their means of communication are very limited. Still, they definitely understand each other better than other pups would, simply because they're so familiar and have had to learn to cooperate in dangerous situations. Bingus and Fleece are the most in-tune with each other's thoughts.
Onion already had a bit of the Rotund gene in her ancestry before modification, which is why she's so much bigger; Rotund Slugcats are very close to standard Terrestrials, and are not considered a separate species by Terrestrial society. That being said, all Slugcats - excluding Purposed Organisms - have enough genetic similarity to produce healthy pups with Terrestrials, so it's not impossible for Bingus and Fleece to also have Carnivore and Aquatic ancestors, just... Unlikely, especially in Fleece's case, as Aquatics are not native to this region.
Subject A-23334, Carnivore type - Bingus
They/Them, "the Prodigy"
Second-clearest memory of past tests and cycles.
The smartest and strongest of the siblings, at least in most ways relevant to testing.
Does not enjoy violence, preferring to solve problems as puzzles rather than fights, but will do what is necessary to help their siblings get through the tests. They're not afraid to take a hit if it means the others are spared.
Considers themself a sort of leader, whether or not this is acknowledged by the others, but it's not a source of pride or self-importance; it is instead a great responsibility, a burden, that feels so heavy it nearly crushes them. They know they are Wire Mother's favorite, and they'll do everything in their power to keep her focused on them rather than the other pups, even if that means they will be left out of escape plans. This facility creates Purposed Organisms, and, under the Iterator's watchful eye, Bingus has lost every part of themself that is not part of this sense of purpose.
Subject B-6587, Aquatic type - Fleece
They/Them, "the Opportunist"
Can remember past testing cycles almost perfectly, but has gaps in their memory.
The quickest and most practical of the siblings, avoiding unnecessary risk whenever possible.
Often acts cold or distant, as if they don't care as much about the others, but really, they keep that emotional distance as a means of protecting themself. They are afraid that if they break down and Wire Mother finds out, she'll do something to "fix" their memory.
Feels deeply isolated from their siblings, except for Bingus, as they both know more than they should. Even then, though, they don't have a clear method of talking about it, and Wire Mother doesn't give them much privacy, anyway, so Fleece can never drop the act for long. Over time, this loneliness has grown into resentment, though they won't let it show to anyone but Bingus, as the misplaced "source" of this anger.
Subject C-6287, Terrestrial type - Jib
He/Him, "the Paragon"
Doesn't remember much, but has held onto enough information to know how bleak the situation is, and retains more of the emotions from past cycles than actual facts.
The kindest and bravest of the siblings, but unfortunately, naïvete has no place in the testing chamber except as a bloody example of failure.
... Isn't actually anywhere near as naïve as Wire Mother thinks he is. He knows he's not the strongest or the fastest, and he's very easy to kill. But he does have one thing the others don't: pure stubbornness. Anyone here seen Everything Everywhere All At Once? He's like Waymond. You know what I'm talking about. "When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naïve. It's strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything." If these kids do get to escape down the line, I hope it's Jib who leads them through it.
This bit isn't as serious, but he reminds me of a shonen protagonist. That's all
Subject D-42346, Rotund type - Onion
She/Her, "the Avenger"
Has little to no memory of past cycles, but does remember her life before capture.
I don't have nearly as much to say about this one, mainly because I'm still trying to figure her out. But I do think it'd be cool if, while Jib represents the things Wire Mother can't control or beat out of him, Onion is more... Well, technically a great success, but maybe too great. She's hard to kill. Eventually, her creator is going to regret that.
kind of ran out of steam at the end there but I'll follow this up in a little while with more details (in the form of Discord screenshots)
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