#she’s physically strong
draconicsplendor · 8 days
Why do some people not like Wendy from Gravity Falls? I really liked her character all the way through
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jettorii · 7 months
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thinking abt how pentious would have a really silly laugh
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jeeaark · 4 months
half-orc, half-githyanki greygold. my brain stopped working....and i'm pretty sure lae'zel is in shutdown mode and needs to be revived quickly.
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At first, I thought Lae'zel would've been more conflicted about Githgold; something something illusions and not the real deal. But now I'm thinking she'd just be perplexed. Why pretend to be buff when you can be actually buff?
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beware-of-you-98 · 3 months
i know, i know, jj is so fucking strong and she perseveres despite everything she’s gone through, i know, but fucking hell my heart is breaking over and over for her
the far away look in her eyes
the constant fidgeting to keep herself present
the way she only has the bare minimum amount of skin showing, even to where she’s covering her hands
my heart hurts for her so much and she’s forcing herself to deal with all of this alone
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Garmadon is totally into strong women who can and will beat him to a pulp whilst cussing him out.
For some reason, it runs in the family.
Edit: you know that tag i added saying “wish i could say Morro too but he’s probably the strong woman in the relationship”?
Yeah, that’s the Fsm too.
No, I’m not explaining.
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hollow-vergil · 1 month
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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— Blodeuwedd: Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty
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anti-rop · 3 months
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truly do not understand modern Hollywood's obsession with equating a 'strong' female character with having no other option or role but to swing a sword and be a warrior. how can people earnestly look at characters like Galadriel, Arwen, Éowyn, Ioreth, Lúthien, etc., and argue there are no strong, 'feminist icons' and stories within Tolkien's writing—that his works are not 'female-character friendly'. truly living in one of the worst timelines.
x post | article
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wonderkeef · 3 months
To all of the artists who have been drawing Kelsey as fat-strong, I just want you to know you're doing the work of a long-forgotten god and it makes me very happy
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shoots her with creature beam !!! i think qmouse can shapeshift so actually i can draw her however but i thought it would be fun to give her some extra demon features
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alwayshinny · 11 days
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Ginny Weasley 👑 - The most underrated character in hp, and the girl who deserves so much more love than she receives in fandom.
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ahollowgrave · 18 days
Horizon (noun):  1. The apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer. 2. The limit or edge of the observable universe. 3. The range of one's knowledge, experience, or interest. A nun. A river. A journey. Who can say?
You tip over the edge of one world and into another.
Sometimes it feels like falling from a cliff, plunging into the hungry maw of the ocean. Sometimes it feels like a river rises around you. Water bubbling over your feet, tugging insistently upon the hem of your dress, flowing over the top of your head. This time it feels like ice cracking beneath your bare feet. A sudden, sharp fear driven like a spike at the base of your skull.
You cannot say for certain what this place is. Words have never been your strong suit and even less so the educated ones a proper scholar might use. You’ve a guess, of course, but it is something you’ve always kept close. This is where you do your work. It is not a difficult leap. 
The water is frigid and pitch-black. You feel hands ghosting over your body, your hair, your face. Thumbs brush your closed eyelids. You see. The currents of the water around you are suddenly illuminated; faint blue, glowing dim against the swallowing darkness around you. They should be brighter. They should be moving with great joy. Yet when you reach for those currents they react slowly and hang limply; dying. They flicker when you reach too far and your cry of anguish escapes your throat in bubbles. Dread spirals out from that point of fear; tendrils wrapping slimy feelers around your spine, your ribs, pulling itself into the hollow of your chest to feast and grow. In that cold, in that dark, among dying, twinkling lights it is easy to curl around it. To see the dread as certainty. As always, you are saved from yourself. The feeling of hands come once more. Impressions of fingers pulling at your limbs, unfolding them, drawing your head up and directing your gaze -- West.
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cometrose · 6 months
queen of tears pisses me off because haein and hyunwoo know each other so well but don't know each other at all like
"she doesn't like it when people touch her hair" "he doesn't drink coffee on an empty stomach" "she doesn't like the bathroom floor wet" "she's not a lightweight so how did you get her drunk"
And the phone password...
they make me sick!!!!
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jaxihammer · 1 month
You will never convince me that Isabel Lovelace is not disabled post-canon. Think about it.
Of everyone in the crew, she's spent by far the longest time in space. Sure, she's probably been exercising, but that isn't going to fully stop her muscles atrophying. Her bones are going to weaken. Not to mention the fact that she went into the cryo chamber, which we know isn't GREAT for you (I know Eiffel is kind of an outlier but still. Even once is gonna fuck you up at least a little).
Then add to THAT the fact that the body Lovelace has now was created by the dear listeners. Not only are they recreating a body that's already undergone almost a thousand days of the trauma of space; they're doing it with zero existing knowledge of how a human body functions in Earth's gravity. The clones are almost perfect, but there are notable differences in internal organs, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lovelace was put back together with some inconsistencies.
All this to say, I think Lovelace would become a mobility aid user when the crew lands back on Earth. Everyone on the crew would probably end up in physical therapy, but the damage done to her body would be by far the most extensive. Whereas I don't doubt Jacobi, Minkowski, and Eiffel could regain most if not all of their mobility, I think Lovelace would use a wheelchair, and eventually with PT could use crutches or a cane some days. Even if she were to regain muscle function, she would probably have some sort of chronic pain that would necessitate mobility aids!
In conclusion Let Her Be Disabled thank you for coming to my TED talk
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
Brother II
“Artie,” he says, and he’s got that sparkle in his eye that means she ought to start picking out hunting wolves from the twenty-three hundred that roam their island, “I have a date.”  He’s in satin and goat-skin today, hair done up in little jewelled cuffs and smelling like the belladonna that only grows in central valley.  There’s no violet in his hair,  no rose, no poplar, no heliotrope Just laurel. Plain, dead laurel bound tight on myrtle branch and more telling than she ought to be. He’s smiling too - or at least he was up until she let the space between her response settle its weight on his shoulders, a boulder as Sisyphean as the conversation they’re about to have Because it’s always the same with him no matter how many times she tells him to cut his losses and just take a vow.
Instead of the berating she has cocked and loaded behind the bow of her lips, their mother’s voice cuts in an arrow all its own,  “That’s wonderful, Phoebus! Who's the lucky youth?”  But Apollo doesn’t take the bait, gold eyes dissecting when he catches her gaze The question he never gets a chance to ask burning through her like fire in her veins long after their mother takes his hand and leads him away so she can humour his insanity.
Extracts from the Greenhouse Floor.
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scootersscooter · 6 months
In my head even though AC and NPMD are in different timelines, Pete being jacked is a constant. Mostly because "she's the brawn, i'm the brains" implies that Steph is extra buff, which is real and true. To me.
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