#she’s not gonna be in school w me next year but i’m gonna continue the tradition anw met so many lovely people doing this
luverina · 2 months
omg fun fact my fave part about school starting is meeting the new kids acc
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klausinamarink · 7 months
based on this hilarious video with Gianmarco Soresi whom I’ve been watching his comedy work for a few months now
read on ao3
“What do you do?” The standup of the hour - the guy had introduced himself as Eddie - points at Steve.
Flustered at the attention directing every eye in the club to his table, Steve tries not to stammer as he answers, “Well, uh, I make movies.”
“Oh!” Eddie genuinely looks interested. “So you’re a director?”
“Yeah, pretty much. At least I started out as an indie, but I have a big project that’s out and a couple more on the way.” One table nearby claps and Steve tries to wave them off to stop.
“So what was that big project? Was it something we would’ve seen?” Eddie repositions himself so he has one leg up on the stool. Steve stares at how lean they seem with the tight black jeans. He’s got them daddy long legs. His brain suddenly burps out and it nearly makes Steve lose his composure.
“Uh, ha, I did The Final Bat. It’s on Shudder.” Steve shrugs nonchalantly, perfectly hiding his internal cringe. The horror genre is way out of his league and Steve’s already seen The Final Bat being on a few critical lists damning the title as another cliche-filled mess. He only did it because he had finally caved to Dustin’s pleading to make at least one horror movie.
Eddie, on the other hand, seems ecstatic by this revelation. “No way! That’s sick, dude! So the next time you make a horror flick, you’re gonna watch Blumhouse and A24 coming in at each other with steel chairs for distribution rights.”
Everyone laughs, including Robin. She smacks on Steve’s bicep with a wide grin. He smacks her back before he turns back to Eddie and clarifies, “I don’t like horror! I’m not doing it again!”
Aghast, Eddie throws an invisible hat to the ground and stamps on his feet. “Come on! Then what’s the point of watching the studios bite each other’s dicks off when you’re slipping out to watch - I don’t know - the Barbie movie! Now they’re just fighting for the next shitty horror movie to exist!”
Steve covers his mouth but fails to hold back in the laughter. Eddie’s infectious energy is starting to get to him. It makes his chest clench with something other than the usual pains.
Eddie patiently waits for the patrons to quiet down before continuing, still attentive to Steve, “I’m just wondering actually if you ever done theater class.”
“Sure did! Two years in high school,” Steve confirms.
“Let me guess, they did Hamlet?” Eddie raises an eyebrow like it’s meant to be accusatory.
“Yep, soon after I joined.” Steve nods, the memory of that production flashing before his eyes. It had its ups and downs but it was one of the most fun things Steve had ever experienced.
“No wonder they started as soon as your handsome ass walked in the club.” Eddie says low and flirtatiously into the microphone, staring directly into Steve’s eyes. It echoes across the room and back, bringing the howling laughter with it.
Heat crawls behind his face. Steve keeps his hands on the table, forcing down the urge to hide behind them. “I-” He stops to cough, “I wasn’t supposed to play Hamlet.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide, “What do you mean?!”
Robin answers loud enough for everyone to hear, “He was the grave robber, but the other guy who did Hamlet got into a coma a week before the show and Steve knew all the lines.”
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Eddie holds his hands out, looking scandalous. He throws looks around the club. “Everyone, shut the fuck up right now! This is more important than caring about the rest of you!” Eddie drags the stool over and perches on it like a very much invested gargoyle, almost oblivious to the audience’s reaction.
“Okay, let me go through this.” He points at Steve, still holding eye contact as if Steve’s soul would provide the answer. “You weren’t Hamlet. You were meant to be the guy who gives him the skull to monologue. The OG Hamlet got into a coma for some reason-“
“Car accident.” Robin interjects.
“Yeah, no need to elaborate, ma’am. You, Steve-” Eddie breaks off for a second, holding back a laugh of his own. “You somehow knew all the Hamlet lines because you were waiting to skin OG Hamlet’s head and make his skull yours to do the monologue.”
There’s a scandalous outcry from all tables. Even when they mostly calm down, Steve uses the growing anticipation to ‘think’ about what Eddie just said before he casually shrugs and says, “Sounds about right.”
Eddie drops his face into his arm, letting everyone laugh at him. Steve lets himself break, his laughter bubbling out of him in a way that doesn’t sound so self-deprecating or hollow. If he was in a cynical mood, he would’ve thought it was pathetic that the only person who made him laugh so lightly again was some random standup.
After a moment, Eddie finally looks up, his face broken in disbelieving grin. He chuckles into the mic and looks back at Steve, “Sorry, it’s just I hear some wild stories in the crowd some nights and I think yours takes the cake.”
Steve smiles, “Thanks, man.”
Eddie stands up back, half-leaning onto the stool. “Do you still remember those lines? To be or not to be?”
The whole damn thing. “Uh… some of it?”
Eddie’s grin shifts into something more mischievous. “Let’s see who knows more.”
A collective oooh goes around the room, including Robin. She already has her phone out for recording. Steve rolls his eyes at her and takes a quick sip of his water. He clears his throat and starts, “‘To be or not to be, that is the question.’”
“‘Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune..’” Eddie says without missing a beat.
Oh, he thinks he knows it all. The sense of competition that Steve thought had died out with his future of a sports career reignites in his chest. He sits up even straighter. “‘Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.’”
“‘To die-to sleep, no more.’” Eddie slowly walks over to the edge of the stage, “‘And by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.’”
“'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.’” Steve almost shivers as he recites the line, uncertain if it’s from the club’s cooling temperatures or the intense gaze from Eddie’s eyes. “‘To die, to sleep.’”
“‘To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub,’” Eddie suggestively rubs a hand on his chest as he squats down. Steve’s eyes flicker to the hand, almost hypnotized by the motion. Nay, he shakes himself out of it. No distractions!
“‘For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil.’” It’s getting harder to remember the following lines. That hasn’t happened before. Steve has never forgotten the damn soliloquy in years, even when other people try to challenge him.
Eddie continues, “‘Must give us pause—there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely.’”
“‘The pangs-’” Steve feels his breath catching in his throat when he realizes, for the first time, what beautiful eyes Eddie has.
Eddie suddenly perks up in excitement. For a second, Steve thinks that Eddie has come to the exact same thoughts for him. But then he remembers that he hasn’t completed his line, so Steve feigns defeat.
“I win!” Eddie stands up with a triumphant cry. He spreads his arms out to embrace the cheering whoops and applause. “And I’ve only got to play Hamlet in-” He spins around and crouches down so he can look Steve in the eye again as Eddie’s voice booms into the mic, “-FOURTH GRADE, MOTHERFUCKER!” 
Steve’s not even mad. He just throws his head back, laughing and clapping along. 
Almost too soon, Eddie moves on to heckle on another table. But he keeps glancing over at Steve, his smile widening every time. And Steve smiles back, feeling a laugh slip out of his slips at every joke. He watches Eddie more closely, feeling his heart pound faster in his chest the more Eddie stays onstage. 
By the time Eddie has to depart and thank everyone for being here, Robin announces her need to go home and snuggle with her girlfriend. 
“Man, that was the most I’ve ever laughed in this place.” Steve stretches his back, groaning at the little pops. God, being in his early thirties can be a bitch sometimes.
Robin only hums, moving her eyebrows up and down suggestively. Steve pointedly makes no further comment as he pays the tab.
Outside, the crisp night air welcomes him. Steve takes in a whiff, staring up at the light-polluted sky as he bids Robin a goodbye. Then he hears his name being called. He turns around and sees Eddie hurrying out the doors.
Steve feels a smile already on his face, “Hey, Hamlet.” 
Eddie grins at him, teeth and all, “Hey, yourself.” 
They stare at each other but it lacks the competitive intensity earlier. Steve likes this. But he already has a feeling that this won’t be the first time either one of them would challenge the other.
“Sooo…” Steve says when the silence stretches a little too long. He gestures between himself and Eddie, “Wanna restart our introductions?”
Eddie’s eyes brighten, “Yeah! Right, sorry.” He clears his throat and thrusts a hand out. “My name is Eddie Munson. Self-proclaimed comedian and musician. You may recognize me as the guy who beat you in Hamlet’s famous speech.”
Steve takes his hand. Eddie feels bony and thin, but large enough to fit perfectly into Steve’s palm. He tries not to sound so eager as he says, “Steve Harrington. Film director who doesn’t like horror. Believe it or not, I actually know the whole stupid thing.”
Eddie tilts his head, narrowing his eyes, “Really? Like, no offense, but even if you remember that much-”
“‘And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.’” Steve winks with the Harrington Charm, smile and all. 
Eddie stares at him for so long that Steve feels his heart racing for a different reason. And then, Eddie turns around and muffles a loud scream into his free hand. When the man turns back to face him, he’s sporting the widest smile Steve has never seen.
“You knew the whole thing!?” Eddie’s eyes sparkle with utter adoration.
“Yep.” Steve pops the ‘p’, grinning like a little shit.
“But why did you forget that line?”
“Let’s just say,” Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand, intertwining their fingers together, “I got distracted by the pangs of love.”
Eddie bites on his lower lip as he swoons his body over so they are pressing against each other. With half-lidded eyes, Eddie whispers, “You know that part is Hamlet referring to missing his dead dad, right?”
Of course Steve couldn’t help but kiss him.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Our Love
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(Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader)
A/N: Hey everyone~✨ I’m writing this request thingy after I um had kind of a bad day. Not to get too personal, um parents can suck. Like they can hurt your feelings and not care. So I wanted to write this because I kinda wish that I had parents like Sunny and Miggy tbh. Anyway enough with that~✨
A/N: TikTok spoiled some of the movie for me so I’m kinda mad but I got to think up some more Sunny lore for you guys. This is part 2 of Our Girl and forgive the ending because I ran out of ideas. If you like my work please check out my master list and if you wanna stay up to date with the series, then comment on this Taglist and you’ll be added. To see what’s coming up next then check out my upload schedule.✨
If you are someone who has struggled with Postpartum, Child loss, anxiety with pregnancy, or any trauma related to child birth and child bearing, feel free to skip this if you don’t think you can handle it. Your well being is more important, so go read some fluff, drink some water, and if you don’t have anyone giving you kisses then here: *platonic kisses*
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female pronouns, Barely use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname, not their name)), angst, trauma, mentions of child loss, anxiety around pregnancy, and Google Translated Spanish.
The bouncing fear blooms as the repeating drumming of her pacing feet in the confined walls of the bathroom stall. The constant nagging of her god mother comes back to haunt her like the remains of her muffin tries to climb it’s way back up.
The three minute timer on her phone felt like an eternity as the white piece of plastic continues to load up the bullet that will end everything she’s built up for herself so far.
She was head of the undergraduate at her biology department at NYU and she had stupidly decided to go out to some party with her friends to celebrate the end of the school year. An embarrassing hook-up occurred with her having to sneak out without even getting a good look at the guy. Of course she assumed that her drunken self would have used protection, but unfortunately, alcohol doesn’t always encourage good decisions.
She thought that the sudden spouts of tossing her lunch up was simply due to nerves as she was applying for a work study program with Alchnemax, but the sudden repulsion to her god mother’s cooking is what really set the dread into motion. A dread she swallowed down with a big smile as she pretended her whole life wasn’t changing in an instant. She held onto the hope that maybe it was just nerves bothering her until today.
Her interview with Alchnemax went exceptionally well. The woman was aware that her chances of being accepted were low despite her high academic achievements due to A) she’s a scholarship student, B) she’s some poor kid from Brooklyn, and C) she was an orphan without any cushy family legacy behind her.
Two of the three department leaders of the Genetics department already decided her fate as they had those noses turned up at her, but one just looked at her with kindness. He gave her a chance. And if it wasn’t for that the others wouldn’t have heard her creditials and wouldn’t have looked at her completely impressed. The man who looked at her so proudly gave her a wink as a way of showing he was sure I was gonna get it. Not in the creepy sexually charged man way. But like how a father would their child.
Her first friend here. Dr..
The beeping from the phone alarm catches her attention as she turns to look at the white stick of destiny. Her whole life is forever changing today one way or another….
“I’m what?” She gasps as she looks up at the red and blue man in a lab coat in shock.
She had just awoken hours after she had experienced the most bizarre incident that landed her in the infirmary. She had met a girl from an alternate dimension where she and Miguel were normal people who had a family together, and their daughter was that universe’s Spider-Woman.
Their Daughter…their baby…
“You’re pregnant, Miss. (L/N).” Spider-Doc says cheerfully as he places a cold device on her stomach. A monitor appears from the small device with a familiar picture of a small little bean inside the black vast of her womb. A baby…
“It looks like you’re about 6 weeks along based on the size of the fetus and it’s a good thing we found out when we did. Mr. O’Hara would have had our throats if he….”
The doctor’s words fell on deaf ears as the woman’s eyes focused intently on the image in front of her. The sounds of their pounding heart beat challenges the drumming of her own as her fingers lightly trace the image. She was so small…so defenseless.
Just like he was…
“D-does Miguel know?”
The test mocked her as she watched her Godmother hold onto the plastic piece with an unreadable expression. The twist of her dark mauve painted lips causes her glowy skin to crack under her dark eyes. A hand pushes back the freshly installed knotless braids as the clinking of the golden charms twisted her stomach more.
April was the one person the girl could always rely on the most in the world, having raised her since she was eight years old. She was the only real mother figure she’s ever known and always pushed her to her hardest. April always made sure that the two were always fed, clothed, and pampered, and the only thing she ever asked for was for her godchild to bring home all A’s and to have a smile.
April taught her to value education both in and out of school. She made sure she could solve any math problems as best as she could without a calculator and how to make sure to know which doors she can knock on if someone was following her at night. April made sure she knew her Spanish well so she can have bigger opportunities in the workforce and to know respect for the Parra’s down the hallway.
April had a baby the same time as her best friend Maria and promised each other to be each other’s godmothers so their daughters can always be best friends just like their moms.
But, Maria lost her life while April lost her baby.
“How far along are you?” The older woman asks with her dark warm eyes misting over as she looks at her god child.
“I don’t know, maybe a month and a half…” The own girl’s body shaking as sobs built up in her chest as she looks at her now smiling godmother.
“Do you want to keep it?…”
The question hung in the air as the women’s combined shaking forms as the woman honestly didn’t think about it before.
When the spider got released from the infirmary, she immediately turned off her gizmo as she turned invisible. She shakily avoided everyone she could so she could go to her room without seeing anyone.
She couldn’t bring herself to see anyone. Not with this. She knew if Miguel wasn’t on a mission right now then he would have already been at the infirmary waiting on her, but she wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes. It wasn’t fair.
One of her hands rests on her stomach as she navigates the hallways before finally reaching her room. She waited until no one was paying attention to slip in and turn back to normal with a painful sigh. She forgot how painful it was to do that without her suit helping her. Miguel specifically made it so her powers wouldn’t put as much strain on her heart than it already did.
Her back hits the door as she finally collapses with a shaker breath. The reality of the situation was finally kicking in as she placed both hands on her stomach. She was pregnant with Miguel’s child.
Something that definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Sure, she can argue that if the anomalous event hadn’t have occurred and destroyed her dimension , she would have never known about the Spider Verse or even met Miguel…
But she’s accepted that whatever relationship they were in wasn’t going to be able to manifest more than what it was. Two broken people who fell in love and were trying to make the best of their circumstances.
Due to her being from an alternate dimension, there isn’t a canon event that could possibly let her be able to live with Miguel and start a family…it would just destroy every thing…
‘Would Miguel even want this baby?…’ She though as she runs one of her shaking hands over her cheek as anxious tears rolled down her face. ‘What if she has powers like us? What if they aren’t healthy? Would he want to get rid of it because she’s an anomaly….’
She didn’t have the same support system as she did when she had her son, Ben. She didn’t have April who would sooth her anxieties of motherhood and made sure that Ben had diapers at home. She didn’t have the Parra’s who would bring her supper some evenings in exchange for letting the infertile Valeria babysit her boy when her and April were busy. She didn’t have the corner stores where they always hid back some cans of formula for her and gave her son lollipops.
Her son…her baby boy that she failed…
The image of his lifeless little body appears in her vision as she remembers the way his body was limp in her hold. The way his little face was so frozen in fear when he used to always have the biggest smile on his face…
“What if I fail this one too?”
Her thoughts cause sobs to rip from her body as she curls her knees up to her chest as she thought about all of the possibilities that this baby would ruin it…
Then Maria’s face came to mind. The young spider girl that was only a few years younger than she was when she found out she was gonna have Ben.
With the girl’s face burning in her mind, the woman stands up and immediately storms out of her room. Her blurry eyes burned as she made her way to the one place that she knew would have answers.
Ba dump ba dump
The pounding sound fills the room as the pair of women stared in awe at the monitor. A little squirming being about the size of her hands shined against the black background of the screen as the OB-GYN wiggles around the cold wand over her stomach.
“Oh my…” A teary smile appears on the older woman’s face as April clenches onto her astonished Goddaughter’s hand. The 14 week old fetus was facing the camera as his little legs wiggled around enough to barely turn him over.
His mother stares at him with such wonder as to how she could have made that.
She knew the whole biological process of how it’s down and what to expect at each step, but just seeing him there, barely even big enough to see him, was her baby.
“There he is. A perfectly healthy baby boy.” The OB smiles at the mother and gently traces his little face on the monitor. “Do you have any ideas for names yet?”
April smiles at the girl lost in wonder and decides to let her have the moment she remembers so well from her own pregnancy. April runs her thumb over her child’s knuckles as she answers.
“She wants to name the baby after her parents. They died in a car accident when she was young. If it was a girl, her name would be Maria and if it was a boy, his name would be…”
“Ben.” The mesmerized girl finishes her sentence as she looks back at the doctor with a bright teary smile. “His name is gonna be Ben.”
“Hey boss.” Lyla cautiously calls the man who was frantically trying to find his missing love.
After he returned from stopping a Prowler anomaly, Miguel immediately went to the infirmary to find that she had left hours ago and no one else has seen her since the young SpiderWoman was sent back home.
He thought she was fine when he last checked on her when they shared a happy tear feast over how wonderful their daughter was before she had fallen asleep from crying.
“Not now Lyla. I’m trying to find (Y/N).” He grumbles as his nerves twist his stomach around.
It wasn’t like her to go off the grid like this, not without at least telling Miguel that she wanted some quiet time. He clenched his fist as he feared that meeting Maria may have caused his Sunny to fall into a bad spell of depression since…
“She’s in the observation room looking at the Web.” Lyla answers like she was annoyed that Miguel was listening to her. “But that’s not what I’m talking about. There’s something strange happening to your-“
Lyla is cut off by Miguel turning her off as he speed walks towards the observation room.
The tiny wail broke the chaotic tension in the room as tears of joy flood out of the exhausted woman. The squealing babe was placed on her chest as the doctors returned back between her legs to remove the placenta. Her trembling hands came up to soothe the baby boy as his slimy body trembled in the new environment. His dark hair matted to his soft head as his mother placed a delicate kiss on her baby boy’s forehead.
“Hello, Ben.”
Miguel storms into the observation room as the target of his search stared silently at the glowing red spiral of webs. The images of the Maria of Earth 1784-B played out on a holographic image as she looks like she was tussling with the two boys he recognized as Maria’s brothers. An image of that world’s Miguel comes up and playfully picks up the three with a stumble before throwing them on the couch with a laugh as his wife comes up and laughs behind him.
The family that Miguel dreamed about every night. The one he tried to achieve twice in different ways before it was stolen from him. The one he can’t help but crave with his beloved but knows it probably won’t happen.
“Cariño?….” His voice barely as whisper as he approaches his lover as she jumps in surprise.
Her teary eyes stared at him in alarm as a protective hand was placed on her stomach.
Miguel ignores that detail, believing that she was just mourning her lost baby boy, and gently placed his hand on her cheek, softly wiping away her tears.
Her eyes shine with untold anxiety as her choked sob caused Miguel to pull her into his chest. “Estoy aquí mi amor. Háblame....” He whispers softly into her hair as he wraps his arms tightly around her.
Her own grip traps him against her shaking body as she cries into his chest. Her worries slowly spilling out as she sobs, “ It’s not fair…”
“I know. “ Miguel mumbles as he rubs the base of her skull softly to provide some relief from the pain. “The universe is cruel…”
“It is…” she agrees as her breathing eventually evens out enough for her to pull away slightly to look up into his concern burgany gaze. “Miggy…Tengo algo que decirte... pero tengo miedo de que te enfades conmigo…” She admits with an unstable edge in her voice.
Miguel frowns at this as he cups her face. His concerned love filled eyes closes as he pulls her towards his lips. He kisses her forehead before resting his own forehead against hers. His eyes opening as an encouraging smile shines at him.
“No, mi sol, nunca me enfadaría contigo. Especialmente si te está causando tanto estrés.” He mutters as he feels his beloved’s hands wrap around his thick wrist, using his pulse to stablize her.
“Really?” She looks for reassurance as her swollen eyes searched his for any doubt.
“Yes. I’m sure…”
“Hey, beautiful!” A voice cheers as she enters the hospital room.
The new mother was propped up on a the hospital bed with her newborn son swaddled up in a soft blue blanket. She stops admiring the sleeping babe to smile up as April walks over with a bright smile and a beautiful bouquet of Carnations. Their petals were a soft pink with a baby blue ribbon wrapped around the glass vase. April places the arrangement down as she sits beside the bed.
“So that’s my grandchild?” She asks as she reaches over and gently caresses the bundle. Ben stirs for a moment before settling back down. The young mother nods and slowly moves the baby into her god mother’s arms.
The new grandmother accepts the baby happily as she leans back and gently coos at the sleeping Ben.
“You’re gonna have him spoiled.” She jokes as she admires watching how the older woman’s eyes light up as the baby’s face twitches.
“Grandbabies are for spoiling while children are made for scolding.” April quips back playfully as she giggles at her Goddaughter. “Oh, your boss brought those by the apartment. He said he hopes you’ll bring the little guy by the lab when he’s big enough.”
A confused frown takes over her face before she realizes that her mentor must have been the one she met. Working at Alchemax during her work study and pregnancy allowed her to get close to the board member that gave her the chance to work here. Him being a father himself, he took the pupil under his wing and helped her a lot during this time, even easing her worries with embarrassing tales of his own parenting blunders . He was more of a friend now than her mentor.
As April entertains herself with the infant, the mother reaches over and plucks the card placed on the top of the flower arrangement. She holds the card gently as she read the note, a soft smile.
‘Congratulations, kiddo. You made it to parenthood. You better bring that boy here to hang out with us because I need something more interesting to do than listen to Osborne’s voice all day. Signed, Dr. …. ‘
“Excuse me!!” A visual of Lyla appears beside the couple with an annoyed expression. Her irritability can be heard as she stares at the startled pair before glaring at Miguel.
“If you’re done being a couple of cry babies, I have some urgent news!” She snaps before pulling up a familiar red webbing with an odd addition wrapping around its nodes.
Miguel frowns in concern as he sees a blue web intertwining with the red nodes of his canon while his sunshine looked shocked.
This was not a normal anomaly…
“What is that?” Miguel asks while Lyla scoffs.
“Your canon is changing, but not from an anomaly.” She explains. “Your universe is fixing itself.”
“Fixing itself from what?” Miguel growls as he’s growing frustrated at the rude behavior the AI was expressing.
“From the bun in your sunshine’s oven.”
And with a quiet what, the big bad Miguel O’Hara falls over and passes out.
Estoy aquí mi amor. Háblame….—-I'm here, my love. Talk to me....
Tengo algo que decirte... pero tengo miedo de que te enfades conmigo…—I have something to tell you...,but I'm scared you are going to be upset with me…
No, mi sol, nunca me enfadaría contigo. Especialmente si te está causando tanto estrés.—-No, my sun, I would never be upset with you. Especially if its causing you this much stress.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 10 months
I loved your reader x logan story!!!! it made me NEED more lol. Would you be willing to possibly write one for logan x reader where they meet at heshs wedding. Logan is best man for hesh, and reader is heshs finance maid of honor. they get forced to pair up and hate each other but then fall in love by the end of the wedding planning.
If it’s super confusing that’s okay!!
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A/N 🪶: I’m glad you enjoyed it! I noticed you said they meet at Hesh’s wedding but then said they fall in love by the end of the wedding planning which was sort of confusing so I made a few adjustments if that’s okay. I will say I struggled with this prompt a bit, but the challenge felt good! I'm gonna label this one an f!reader as I noticed you used her when explaining.
Warnings/Tags: Reader wears a dress, Reader is from east coast, very fluffy and sweet, Happy Ending, Spaceballs(1987) Reference, Features a couple oc!characters as reader’s friends, Logan used to tease reader for being short, Keegan and Kick get bitches
Word Count: 5.1K
Who Would’ve Thought? Logan Walker x f!reader
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You step out of the cab and grab your luggage from the trunk of the black SUV, your friends following. As your group moves to the sidewalk so as to not obstruct traffic, Wanda shades her eyes from the bright sun and looks up at the giant hotel.
“Lena’s fiancé rented out this whole place?!” Wanda exclaims in disbelief.
“Actually, it was her fiancés captain. David wasn’t even asking him to, he just brought up that they wanted some place nice and spacious for everyone and then his captain took care of it all.” Shawn corrects.
“Aw, that’s nice of him. Looks like he spared no expense either, shit!” Mara laughs.
“Looks like we’ll also be with a bunch of soldiers too, so remember to be nice! I’m looking at you, Mara.” You point.
“If they don’t mess with me, or any of you for that matter, then I won’t mess with them. Might wanna tell David to warn them too!” Mara doesn’t even look at you when she speaks, you already knew the drill after having known her and the others for so many years.
A car screeches to a stop right next to you, the door opening as Kat, your best friend since high school, jumps out and runs over to you all screaming incoherently.
“EEE! My girls!!! My best girls!!!” She manages to wrap all of you in her arms and squeezes you so tight, you begin to question if you’ll even make it to the wedding without some kind of breathing tool. Her soon-to-be husband steps out as well.
“H-Hi, Dav-id!” You squeak as Lena’s hug gets even tighter. You and your –breathless– friends endure the pain of friendship while David gets their luggage. He chuckles as he walks over to you all.
“Honey, you’re killing your friends.” He says, jokingly… you think.
“10 more seconds!” Lena shouts. David looks at each of you, smiling.
“We’ll remember all of you well, what kinda of graves do you want?” He jokes. Lena finally lets go and playfully smacks David on his arm.
“Yeah yeah, can’t a girl be happy to see her best friends?” She looks over at all of you, still smiling as wide as ever. You, Mara, Wanda and Shawn are hunched over, gasping for air as quietly, and gratefully, as possible. You hold out one of your hands.
“Good to see you in person again.” you pant. David gives you a half-hug so as not to make breathing even harder for you.
“I think you realigned my chakra with that hug.” Wanda groans.
“Which one?” Mara asks. Wanda pauses for a moment, still panting.
“All of them?” She answers. David continues giving hugs before kissing Lena on her forehead and wrapping an arm around her waist. 
“I think that might just be your spine shifting back into place.” Shawn points.
“So, how was the flight over here? Nothing too bad, I hope.” David asks. You talk with them as you bring your luggage inside the hotel. All of you had a relatively quick and painless flight, ignoring your bag almost breaking open twice and Wanda needing to replace hers in the airport when it broke after the first layover. Mara and Shawn were all set and helped her pick out better suitcases. At one point, Mara offered to hold some of your things in her bag. It’s not that either of them traveled light, Shawn noted, they just packed more efficiently than you. You stuck your tongue out at her for that.
As you each receive your room keys, you hear the revolving door swirl. David looks over and waves to a small group of men, all dressed in mostly dark clothes despite the summer heat. One of them is absolutely huge with a beard, the next three are relatively similar in size and height, their eyes dark as they walked just a bit behind the older man. You recognize one of them but you can’t remember how. He holds your gaze until David begins introducing them.
“Ladies, I’d like you to meet my sweet old Captain.” He smiles as you all chuckle amongst yourselves. The man eyes David before shaking each of your hands.
“Call me Merrick. If you ever want to hear any stories about David, let me know. I suddenly have plenty to share.” Your group giggles as David deadpans and rolls his eyes before introducing the next man to come up.
“This is Keegan “The Smoothtalker” Russ, he and Merrick both worked with my dad a while back before the Federation. One of the most reliable men I know.” Keegan walks forward to shake your hands as well.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” his voice is even deeper than Merrick’s, “I hope I can make your night as well.” You notice he holds onto Mara’s hand a bit longer than everyone else’s, he stares directly into her eyes. Mara doesn’t shrink at all despite his intimidating aura.
“I’d like to see you try, tough guy.” She shoots back. Keegan smirks as he steps back into his original spot. Mara doesn’t usually flirt, but when she does, it’s honestly inspirational. 
David moves on to the next man, he bares some resemblance to David, actually. Wait…
“This is my brother, Logan, the first most reliable man I know.” He doesn’t say anything. Your friends offer a small wave, while you stare.
“Long time no see, Logan.” You say, smiling. He nods, smirk on his face, while David moves on. The next man is a little shorter than Keegan and Logan, but seems somewhat more approachable.
“This is Kick, the biggest nerd I know but another one of the most reliable men I know.” Kick rolls his eyes and steps forward to shake everyone’s hands.
“You may not know this but Hesh- er- David,” He corrects, “is unintentionally the funniest man I know.”
“Thanks, Kick–”
“I mean you should see him whenever he faceplants on the field after slipping, it’s like a cartoon. He gets up and it’s like he got a mud mask.” You all giggle as Kick walks back with his head high and David bites his lip as his ears turn pink.
“Don’t suppose you have pictures?” Shawn asks, Kick shakes his head but smiles.
“If I get any, I’ll send them to you right away.” David is gritting his teeth at this point.
“Okay, hun, do you wanna introduce your friends?” Lena brings her hands together, excited.
“Oh yeah! David and Logan already know her but,” She introduces you first. “She’s my best friend since high school! And this is Mara “The Baddie” Williams, and Wanda “The Mind Reader” Stevens and Shawn, who’s a nerd too! But it’s cool when she does it.”
“Interesting names. So, what qualifies you as a nerd?” Kick asks, amused.
“I did computer science and engineering in my first four years of college, then went back for my masters in computer science and I’m working on my doctoral, at the moment. I think she just calls me a nerd because I’m doing an ‘unnecessary amount of school’.” Shawn explains. Kick nods, appreciatively.
“What do you- you guys do?” Shawn seems nervous suddenly.
“I’m an IT specialist, so I also work with computers a lot.” Kick answers immediately. Shawn nods, smiling an awful lot more than usual.
“Cool, cool… and, uh, you guys?” 
“As Hesh pointed out, I am apparently a ‘sweet’ and ‘old’ Captain. My job is working with these assholes and others like them.”
“Jury’s still out on the ‘sweet’ part, but everything else, yeah. I’m one of the assholes he works with, sadly.” Keegan says with a straight face.
“Same thing for Logan and I, just a couple assholes trying to make the world a better place.”
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes.” Shawna jokes. Wanda turns to her.
“Did you actually just make a Spaceballs reference? Right now?”
“It is a good movie.” Kick admits.
“See, he agrees with me so it must be correct.” Shawna and Wanda bicker about the film. Lena claps her hands to get everyone's attention.
“Okay, why don’t we get our keys and head to our rooms before dinner and we can relax a bit and explore the hotel.” She suggests. As she finishes, the rotating door slides as more soldiers enter and fill up the lobby, some passing by David and clapping him on the back.
“I gotta stay here to help everyone else get comfortable, but you guys go on ahead.” David and Lena share a quick kiss before she turns. She pulls out her key card and excitedly ran off and then ran back to grab her luggage and waved goodbye.
“It was nice to meet you all! See you at dinner!” With the weight of her luggage, it was more of a speed walk. You and the girls wave goodbye and follow her to the big elevator centered in the lobby. As you walk, you feel eyes on you. Once you get to the elevator and wait, you look around. It doesn’t take much to find out what’s wrong. You look back over towards David and see Logan staring in your direction. You hold his gaze for a moment and force yourself to wave at him. He just looks away, focusing on whatever David is talking about with his group.
You ignore the interaction (if you can even call it that) and join into the conversation your friends are having. Lena is explaining the schedule while Shawna corrects her.
“Okay, so! We have dinner at 6:30! It’s like noon right now-”
“It’s 1:30.”
“Same thing! So, I got a room for all of us to share so we can be roommates!”
“Like it’s college again!” Wanda interjects.
All of you file into the elevator and go to your shared room. There’s five beds spread out amongst the room. The bathroom includes a separate bath and shower with multiple baskets of travel size toiletries lined along the side of the bathtub. You all set down your luggage beside one of the beds and sit down on the soft mattress and plush covers, talking amongst yourselves while you clean up for dinner.
After a few hours, you head down to the hotel restaurant. There were many tables filled already by David’s military friends. Him, Logan and his friends you met earlier sit at one table amongst their peers while Lena leads you to a different table that’s within their view. Logan can easily just stare directly at you from his spot which is exactly what he’s doing. When you look at him, you see the smile on his face. You almost immediately feel the weight of possible insults he could throw at you. 
When you were younger, you knew the Walker boys when they attended the same middle school as you on the east coast since their family was moving around a lot at the time before going back to San Diego. While Logan was quiet then, he still managed to make silent jokes at your expense. He’d rest his elbow on your head or bend his knees or hunch over dramatically to highlight the height difference between you two at the time. One time, he saw a chihuahua being walked by its owner and pointed at it then pointed at you before patting your head and continuing to walk beside David, their longer strides made it hard for you to catch up.
None of those jokes seem to come from him now but it left an imprint at the time that was apparently enough to make you self-conscious in front of him these days. 
Maybe I should’ve worn heels, you thought. 
Whatever, it's too late now. Lena put her purse down in her chair.
“I’ll be right back!” and she scurried off to see David. Their happiness is worth it. You can get through the dinner. You and your friends take a look at the menu. Before long, everyone’s ordering and drinking together. Lena’s since returned from the other table and excitedly talks about the hotel. “It’s so nice, I can’t wait to explore it with all of you. I think I heard they have an arcade room somewhere.” As everyone talks, your phone buzzes.
Unknown Number: Can you tell Lena I said thank you for giving me your number?
Who the fu-
You look up at Logan again. That same damn smile on his face, phone in hand. His smile looks so damn genuine but you can’t help but feel like it’s fake. You look at Lena.
“You gave him my number?!” You whisper yell.
“Oh yeah! He asked me for it and I thought ‘Why not’, so now you guys can catch up a bit while everything’s going on.”
As much as you want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her silly, you can’t. She was trying to be nice and this was something for you to take up with him yourself, like an adult. You exhale through your nose and show her the text.
“He wanted me to say thanks.” You chuckle. You refuse to ruin her mood in any way on the week of her wedding, especially if she’s done nothing wrong. She smiles and turns to look at Logan, bringing two thumbs up which he returns. You bite your tongue and type in his name for the contact before typing more.
You: It’s rude to text during dinner
Logan Walker: Tell that to Kick and your friend.
With wrinkled brows, you look up at your table and see Shawn typing which is strange because Shawn’s the one who reminds everyone of table etiquette. You look between Kick and Shawn, remembering their interaction earlier. Oh?
“Shawn, what happened to your table manners?” You ask, trying not to smile. She looks up with wide eyes, suddenly shy again.
“Oh! Sorry, I, um…” Her phone buzzes. Lena finished sipping her wine.
“Guilty, I may or may not have given Kick her number too!” Lena chimes in.
“It’s been like 5 minutes and you’re already forgetting table manners? Okay, Shawn, I see you.” Shawn flushes at your comment and finishes a quick text before putting her phone away, smiling at Kick who sees her and smiles back.
“Done now! So, what were we talking about?” Shawn’s face is still red as she attempts to shift the conversation. As Mara and Wanda poke and prod, your phone vibrates.
Logan Walker: Since it’s so rude, I’ll text you after dinner.
You: Much appreciated
Logan Walker: But before I do, I just wanted to say you look nice tonight.
You: I feel a joke coming on
Logan Walker: A joke?
You: Nevermind
You shove your phone in your bag and get back to the conversation at hand. Not too long after, dinner is served. You share laughs and drinks, as well as small bites of your gourmet meals. Afterwards, dessert is served. You can’t tell which course you enjoyed more but both taste like heaven.
When the night is over, everyone heads back to their rooms, aside from Lena and David who spend some time together away from their “roommates”. You sit in bed, showered and ready to sleep when you remember the texts. You pick up your phone and read.
Logan Walker: So what did you mean by joke?
You: You remember in middle school when you’d always make fun of my height
Logan Walker: Oh.
The hell does “Oh.” mean?
Logan Walker: And you thought I was gonna make fun of you tonight?
You: I was expecting it yeah
Logan Walker: I meant what I said earlier.
Logan Walker: I didn’t realize I bothered you so much back then.
You wait a few seconds, seeing three dots appear and disappear a couple times.
Logan Walker: I’m sorry.
He’s apologizing? You debate your response in your head.
You: Thanks
Logan Walker: I’ll let you be, it’s late. I’ll see you at brunch tomorrow.
Logan Walker: Don’t be late.
You: I am never late
Logan Walker: You were late to dinner.
You: I was right on time!
Logan Walker: In the military, if you aren’t early, you’re late.
You: The bride decides the time of arrival
Logan Walker: You made that up.
You: You’re applying a military “rule” to civilians
Logan doesn’t respond for a few seconds. You don’t see any dots.
You: I got you there
You: Goodnight mr sergeant walker sir
You immediately put down your phone smiling to yourself as though you just broke a rule in an elementary school class on purpose and feel that little rush of doing something “bad”. If your friends weren’t sleeping, you’d probably be giggling or some shit like a damn schoolgirl. As you roll over on your side, ready to sleep, you realize something. Logan Walker made you smile. You go to bed feeling warm and fuzzy.
You wake up the next morning to Lena shaking you awake before she moves on to the others. You collectively get ready and head out by 10:30 for brunch. Before the doors open, you swear you can already smell the food. You eat in the same restaurant area of the hotel as you did last night. While the tables remain in the same spots, the room has brought in more tables, all divided into sections where chefs make and serve food. You can even see the spice racks hanging on the walls that must’ve been moved in here. As everyone moves throughout the room, you sit down with Mara and Wanda. Lena joins not too long after.
“Where’s Shawn?” She asks. Mara looks around and points, smiling. Shawn is walking around beside Kick as they talk, almost looking excited. Kick intently listens and you notice whenever he finishes talking, Shawn’s smile gets a little wider. Wanda pulls out her phone and sends a quick text before eying Shawn carefully. Shawn pulls her phone out, Kick waiting patiently. Suddenly, she looks up at your table of smirks and turns back to Kick giggling, her face already red. After a minute more of talking, they go their separate ways. You see Kick sit beside Logan and he makes a comment that has Kick rolling his eyes. Logan’s eyes turn to you and he smiles. This time you smile back at him and get to eating.
The next couple days are a blur. You and your friends explore inside and outside the hotel, hanging out in mud baths at the spa with some other ladies, and you think you see a couple men too, from the military getting massages. As much as you want one as well, they probably need it more if the content groaning you hear says anything. You’re all sure to say thank you before heading out for shopping. You already brought your bridesmaid dress, but you see a pale blue dress with flowy sleeves that you must have. You notice Mara, Shawn and Wanda have matching dresses tailored to their style and body, their dresses are nearly at the floor and the sleeves go to their wrists whereas yours stops before your elbows and the hem is a little above your ankles. They all wear a variety of darker shades of blue while yours is noticeably more pastel than theirs.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you already picked out dresses! Do they have more of those?” Lena grabs you by the shoulders, a firm grip.
“You won’t be needing to match them! In fact, it’s good you won’t.” She has another excited look on her face. Before you can ask her what wicked thing she has planned, she spreads her arms out in front of you.
“You’re my maid of honor!” Your mouth drops open. You look at the others who are all smiling almost as wide as her.
“You little shits, did you plan this?!” You know the answer and they all confirm with a nod and you squeal, giving Lena a bear hug. Both of you practically fighting to crush the other in your arms, but lovingly so. Eventually, everyone joins in.
After more shopping and spending time with your girls, you text Logan to let him know you were all heading back. The wedding was tomorrow and your favorite love birds, David and Lena, already had arrangements to make sure they didn’t see each other at least 24 hours before the wedding.
Logan Walker: Don’t worry, we have him locked in the bathroom.
You: Will that hold him?
Logan Walker: No, but this is what we’re trained for.
You: You’re trained to hold your brother in a bathroom?
Logan Walker: The army prepares us for everything.
You felt bold tonight.
You: What else are you prepared for?
Logan Walker: Can’t say, surprise attacks only work when no one expects them.
You: Are you gonna attack me?
Logan Walker: Maybe. Probably.
Logan Walker: Only if you give me a reason to.
You: Yeah ok soldier boy
You suddenly feel like you’re in trouble.
You: I’m sorry
Logan Walker: You’re in room 345, right?
You: …no
Logan Walker: You have 5 seconds to tell me the truth.
Logan Walker: 4
Logan Walker: 3
Logan Walker: 2
You: YES
You: Fuckin interrogating me
Logan Walker: It’s my job.
You: Is it tho?
Logan Walker: When necessary.
You: Yeah that’s not ominous at all
You: Wedding’s tomorrow
Logan Walker: Oh, is it? I didn’t know that.
You: Yeah okay stupid comment
Logan Walker: Happens to the best of us.
You: So you admit I’m the best?
There’s a pause.
Logan Walker: Goodnight.
You: Thats a yes!
You: Im calling it a yes!
You: Im the best!
You see he’s reading your texts but not answering and decide to stop.
You: Goodnight
Before you can put your phone down, it vibrates.
Logan Walker: I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.
And the conversation ends there.
Finally, the morning comes and Lena can’t sit still. After having to text back and forth with Logan about moving through the hotel so the couple doesn’t see one another, everyone heads out. You make it safely to the bride’s dressing room with everything you need. The hair stylist and makeup artist are already there and greet you inside. Lena’s mom has also joined to help her with the dress. Before you and the bridesmaids start getting ready, you take turns going out in casual clothes to get small snacks and water for everyone. You talk about the schedule of the day and occasionally past weddings you’ve attended.
Sometimes, Lena’s mom chimes in about her wedding, and the disaster it almost became multiple times the day of. From the makeup artist getting food poisoning when only half her face was done, the marriage officiant came in with crutches and a limp, the cake was almost destroyed when it was left somewhere in the hotel and no one knew where (keeping in mind the hotel you’re in is smaller than the even fancier hotel her mom was married in.). 
As time continued going on and you all got yourselves together, it was time. Lena’s beautiful in her long white dress and veil that framed her face. Mara, Shawn and Wanda look amazing in their darker hues. Lena’s mom’s trying not to cry. And you felt pretty. Not even pretty, shit, you felt gorgeous. After thanking the makeup artist and hair stylist, you head out.
Lena and her mom walk arm in arm, David is biting his lip as he fails to contain a wide smile. You’re sure you can see tears in his eyes. You and Shawn and Mara and Wanda walk in pairs behind Lena. As Lena stands across from David, you stand on the far left side of the front with Mara, Shawn and Wanda standing to your right. You look across the way at the groomsmen. At Logan. Where your dress is lighter than the bridesmaids, his suit is lighter than his fellow groomsmen. The groomsmens suits are dull in comparison to the bridesmaids. Everyone still looks great and matches wonderfully. Logan looks so handsome. The entire time, you guys eye each other when the other looks away. Lena is crying and David is trying to hold back his tears, both still smiling at one another.
The vows and kiss are what break David, even with tears he continues smiling at his bride while everyone claps. Logan’s smiles and all of the groomsmen crowd around him as the photographer stands in the middle of the aisle. Then you, the bridesmaids and Lena take a photo as well. You spend almost another hour taking photos of everyone together in the venue before the afterparty ceremony begins. The toast and dinner seems to bring everyone even closer, you find yourself talking with a few other soldiers. Afterwards, at the cake cutting, Lena and David hold the knife together and pick out a slice. Lena swipes her finger against the knife, picking up the leftover frosting, before lightly pressing her finger onto the tip of David’s nose. He stares at her for a second before squishing his nose onto her cheek, returning the frosting.  The interaction is held onto by the photographer taking pictures of the moment.
A few minutes later, David and Lena come up to you.
“So, how do you like dancing?” She asks.
“... You’re planning something again, aren’t you?” You respond, all too aware of her tendencies.
“Oh, no.”
“You’re not?”
“No. It was already planned.”
“What was planned?”
“So, the best man and maid of honor are expected to be paired for the dancing.” She’s smiling as though something mischievous has happened.
“So…” Logan appears before you can ask anything. 
“Logan’s my best man. Lena was telling me about her plans for the bridesmaids dresses, so I did the same for the groomsmens suits.” David explains. Your face feels warm.
“W-Well, I’m ready when you guys are. Just, uh, say the word.”
“The word is now!” The music immediately changes to something soft and sweet. David and Lena move to the middle of the room. You and Logan stand on the opposite side of the floor to the tables. You back at Logan and do a double take when you see Kick and Shawn on the other side of Lena and David. You smile at her, her face is more red than ever. You think you see the redness goes all the way to her hands, of which Kick holds tenderly. Kick looks over and smiles at the both of you. You look back to Logan and think about the whole situation. Your best friend is getting married, your other friend apparently has a love interest, and you have some kind of maybe love interest person, kind of, possibly (good lord, even your thoughts are flustered). You see Shawn pointing towards the tables and Kick chuckles. You look over and your jaw drops.
Just off to the side of the tables, away from the dance floor, Mara leans against Keegan while he has his hands around her waist. He rests his chin on her head while she covers her face in her hands, giggling. Were all of you reduced to fits of giggles because of military men? Apparently so. As all of you chuckle to yourselves, you look at Logan. He’s smirking at you, his cheeks are a little pink.
“Hi…” You whisper, staring into his eyes.
“Hi.” He whispers back, staring back at you. 
“I’m glad I saw you again, Logan.”
“Me too.” He pauses for a moment. “You still on the east coast?”
“Yeah, yeah. Never really left. It’s just my place, I guess.”
“Everyone has their place in the world.”
“I guess they do, yeah.”
“Would you mind if, after all of this, I visited?” You blink, a smile slowly creeps onto your face.
“I’d like it if you did.” Logan smiles wide and attempts to keep his cool. The flow of the conversation is interrupted by Wanda sauntering over.
“Hehe, hi guys.” Her words are almost slurred.
“Wanda, how much have you had tonight?” She pauses a moment, thinking.
“Um, I think, like, maybe a couple?”
“A couple?” You and Logan have stopped moving at this point, but your hand is still in his and his other hand remains on your hip. You’re both smiling to yourselves.
“Yeah, hehe.” Merrick walks up behind her. “Oh, hi, Captain sir!” He silently brings his arms around her stomach and lifts her just enough to get her feet off the floor, allowing him to walk away while Wanda continues her drunken giggling. You watch as he sets her down and instructs her to sit in a chair, before moving all alcoholic drinks away. She pouts looking at the cup of water that just so happens to be in front of her. You start laughing, trying to be silent so as to not draw attention away from Lena, but your fit has you putting your forehead on Logan’s chest. You feel him rumbling from his chuckles. You look back up and catch Lena laughing and directing Logan to a Merrick, who’s smirking down at the still pouting Wanda. Everyone’s happy tonight it seems. Even as the party dies down, it stays that way. Full of happiness.
~A couple months later~
You walk to your front door after hearing a firm couple of knocks. You look through the peephole and smile to yourself, heart pulsing. Opening the door, you see the man you’ve been waiting for. Logan grins, moving forward to pull you into a tight hug. His arms are always so warm, you’ve noticed.
“I missed you so much, what took so long?” You ask.
“A nearly canceled flight, traffic, there’s more if you wanna hear about it.” He answers, grabbing his luggage and bringing it in. 
“Tell me everything! I’m still making dinner.” You spend the next thirty or so minutes cooking and talking, Logan talks and tastes the food intermittently. His vacation consists of exploring your town and attending special events throughout his time here. You catch up on your lives, or as much as he can tell you about. Originally, it was supposed to be two weeks of staying at your home. This changed to three, then four, and so on until Logan ended up changing his address  and bringing in boxes. While he still has to leave for months at a time every once in a while, it makes seeing him worth it.
Then the day comes when he’s home for good. He stays in the state with a new job. You learn to lose the fear of losing him with every night you spend in one another's arms. Years later, you’re having your own wedding with him. Your friends wear similar bridesmaids dresses and groomsmen suits to remind yourselves of the event that led to this… the happiest moment of your life.
I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for your request. I will add this to my CoD Stories series on Ao3 @ RiversSong82
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ejzah · 10 months
A/N: Once again, sorry for the long break between updates. I appreciate the continued love for this story!
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 24
Roberta and Caleb returned right around dinner time as Deeks predicted. He and Kensi had enjoyed a nice lunch out and a walk on the beach to finish out their weekend.
“Daddy, I missed you!” Caleb exclaimed when he burst through the door with his duffel bag and some kind of stuffed animal under one arm, Roberta entering behind him. He dropped both immediately in favor of throwing himself at Deeks.
Deeks squatted and caught him against his chest, hugging him tightly.
“Hey, I missed you too, kiddo.”
Kensi hung back, wanting to give them a moment, but as soon as Caleb released Deeks, he turned to her with a huge smile.
“Kensi! I didn’t know you’d be here too.” He gave her an equally effusive hug. Kensi looked over his head at Deeks, who watched them fondly.
“Did you have a good time with Grandma?” Deeks asked as Caleb finished his round of greetings.”
“Uh-huh. I got a stuffed walrus,” Caleb answered, running to get stuffed toy.
“Nice. That’s just what you’ve been missing from your collection.”
“I know. And we went to restaurant that as a train in the middle of the table!”
“Raising the expectations, I see,” Deeks teased, turning towards Roberta.
“Hey, that’s my job as his grandma. I could have done a lot worse,” she said with a warning tone. Deeks just chuckled and got to his feet, offering her a one-armed hug.
“Caleb, you tell Grandma thanks?”
“Yep.” Busy making his walrus clap, Caleb looked up long enough to answer.
“Good job. Why don’t you go put away your stuff and then we’ll have dinner,” Deeks said, giving Caleb a light pat on the butt.
“Ok!” Caleb started to run off, but turned back after a few steps. “Wait, are you gonna stay, Kensi?”
They hadn’t actually discussed that detail; she caught Deeks eye, and he nodded encouragingly.
“Yes, I’d love too,” she answered. Caleb gave a whoop, taking off again with his walrus and bag dragging behind him.
“Looks like you two enjoyed your free time,” Roberta observed looking between them with a smirk. “Good for you, kiddo.”
Without thinking, Kensi glanced at Deeks, expecting to see signs of their indiscretions, but his hair was its usual level of tousled and any possible marks weren’t visible at the moment. She realized her mistake a second too late, and dipped her head.
“Uh-huh, that’s what I thought. I hope you used protection.”
“Mom,” Deeks protested with a groan, the tops of his cheekbones flushing a light pink. Kensi found it perfectly adorable amidst her own embarrassment.
“What, it’s perfectly natural. Hey, I’m surprised you left your bed all weekend.”
“Once again, Kensi, I apologize for my mother. She’s never heard of boundaries before,” Deeks said, turning to Kensi with a strained face.
“It’s ok,” Kensi assured him. “We had a very nice weekend, Roberta.”
“Well, good. If you ever need another break, let me know.”
“You’re not staying for dinner?” Deeks asked.
“Nah, I got a date,” Roberta said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh good lord.” Pinching his nose, Deeks called over his shoulder as Roberta left, “Have fun.”
Another two weeks passed with lightning speed. Between the school year quickly approaching the end and each of their busy work schedules, there didn’t seem to be enough time in the day. Not that Deeks would ever complain; this was the happiest he’d ever been, and a few late nights or early mornings to catch up on paperwork were well worth it.
Tuesday was one of those days. Instead of meeting for dinner, he and Kensi had decided to focus on everything that had piled up recently. For Deeks, that meant a thorough cleaning of the house, restocking the fridge, and finishing a contract for a new client he’d meet with next week.
“Dad, can’t we finish this tomorrow?” Caleb begged, groaning over a small pile of socks. Usually, he didn’t mind chores, but he’d been itching to go outside for the last couple of hours.
“We gotta get the laundry today, kiddo. Otherwise you won’t have any underwear for the rest of the week,” Deeks told him.
“But it’s taking for-ev-er!” Caleb groaned, dramatically tossing his head back. Holding back a smile, Deeks leaned across his bed, where they’d piled the clean laundry.
“Hey, I bet you can’t fold more piece of laundry than me.”
Tilting his head, Caleb considered the taunt for a moment.
“What if I do?”
“Mm, winner gets an extra scoop of ice cream tonight,” Deeks decided.
“Deal.” Now moving at lightning speed, Caleb threw himself into the pile of clothes and towels, and began grabbing pieces at random.
The doorbell rang a few minutes later, and Deeks got up, pointing a warning finger at him. “Don’t steal any from my pile while I’m gone.”
“I won’t!” Caleb promised, with a mischievous giggle.
Shaking his head, Deeks headed for the front door, and pulled it open, expecting package or kid selling chocolate.
“Monica,” he whispered, starting in shock at the woman standing in front of him.
A/N: Whoops.
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viceroywrites · 5 months
reunions and opportunities - chapter 4
Tumblr media
gary x fem!reader
both of you didn't get the ideal high school experience it would make sense that you both would be dreading the reunion.
little did you know how many doors would open after that.
ao3 version here - chapters on tumblr are slightly rewritten and restructured.
content warning: fic contains smut in later chapters. discussions of mental health including trauma and potential ptsd (aka gary is traumatized).
chapter 4
Gary headed up to his room, changing out of his baggy gray sweatpants and his black “My leader went to the Calamity Conference and only got his best henchman this lousy t-shirt” into his classic blue plaid button-up, black t-shirt and a pair of dark wash jeans. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror.
“I seriously don’t see what she sees in me sometimes…” he sighs to himself, straightening out his button-up. While he had definitely bulked up and gotten a lot stronger these past few years, Gary still felt insecure about his body. Maybe it was the years of bullying and teasing; maybe it was the fact that no one in the Horde took him seriously till he became “Two-Ton 21”
He quickly shrugged it off, grabbing his wallet and keys, and headed downstairs, hoping to make it out the door without the Monarch or Dr. Mrs. noticing. 
A curse slipped out of his lips as he heard Dr. Mrs. the Monarch’s deep rumbling voice calling his henchman number from the kitchen. He begrudgingly headed over, peeking his head in the doorway.
His eyes widened to see supper already set out, and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch and the Monarch sitting at table, eating together. It was an image he hadn’t seen in quite a while, especially since they had moved into the Monarch’s childhood home and Sheila had gotten so involved in rebuilding the Guild as a councilwoman.
“21, are you going to join us for supper?” His female leader’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he realized the pair of villains was looking at him inquisitively, an empty plate already set out for him. Gary bit his lip, unsure what to say to his leaders, “W-Well, actually, I have plans tonight.”
The Monarch continued to chew away at the Italian takeout his loving wife had picked up, “What plans could you possibly have tonight, 21?” Gary hesitated a bit, his cheeks flushing as he thought of you. 
The Monarch quickly picked up on it and a shit-eating grinning spread across his face, “Lemme guess, you’re seeing that girl you met at your high school reunion... the one you’ve been using up all our minutes talking on the phone with? Don’t think I didn’t notice! You sly dog! Also… that might be coming out of your paycheck for this month, sorry, 21.” He teased his henchman.
Dr. Mrs raised her eyebrows inquisitively, turning around to face Gary, “Are you seeing someone, 21? I didn’t even know that… Jeez, I didn’t think I’ve been away that much to not know that.” She muttered more to herself before turning to the henchman, “You know Guild law states…”
Gary sighed and rubbed his temples, “I know, I know… If a henchman is to enter in a relationship with a civilian, he must keep the activities and identity as a henchman a secret so as not to compromise his or her leader. Trust me, I’ve read that freaking handbook too many times since it’s like the only reading material you had when I was going number two in the Cocoon.”
The deep-voiced villainess blinked at how quickly Gary had snapped at her, “Oh… Well, as long as you know that, it’s none of my business…” Her blue eyes looked up at her henchman’s sullen expression, “But… it does seem like an archaic rule the Sovereign probably put in place in the late 50s so I’ll bring it up at the next Council meeting to see if we can repeal it.” She cleared her throat.
Gary’s expression lightened up a bit, hearing Sheila say that. 
“Well… I’m gonna head out, I’ll be back later. See ya!” Gary quickly disappeared through the front door, running to the subway station to catch the train.
As their henchman quickly disappeared, Sheila put down her fork, staring down her husband. “How long have you known about 21 seeing this girl?”
The Monarch sighed, “I don’t know a few weeks… why does it matter?” He pushed his food around the plate a bit, a hand underneath his chin and his expression turning grumpy. 
“I joined the Guild after one date with Hamilton, a lot can happen in a few weeks.” Sheila rasped with Malcolm’s expression turning sour at the mention of her wife’s former beau. 
“It’s like his first date with this chick! It’s not like they’re going to elope to Vegas tomorrow and have some Elvis impersonator officiate their wedding!” He threw his fork down, raising his arms in the air in exasperation. 
Sheila placed a hand on Malcolm’s arm which caught his attention. The Monarch took a deep breath, trying to calm down, and looked over at his wife, “It’s harmless… plus 21 hasn’t had anything to do around the place since we lost the Cocoon and I can’t arch Venture. We’re not his parents, let him do what he wants.” 
The dark haired villainess sighed in exasperation, “Alright, alright… I’m sorry for doubting you… I’m just a little upset that I didn’t even know about this. God, I’m so tired of this Blue Morpho bullshit! It’s driving me a fucking wall and keeping me away from you and 21!”
“Aw pookums, we understand… soon it will all be over with and we can go back to our normal lives: us, 21, the Cocoon up and running, a new Horde and arching Venture…” The Monarch stood up, embracing his wife tightly.
He was going to make sure all of that came true and she would never have to know he was the Blue Morpho.
You sat on a bench in Central Park, going through your agenda for tomorrow’s reconnaissance work on Dr. Venture as you waited for Gary to arrive. You decided to dress up a little more tonight but still kept it casual, not wanting to make it seem like you were too eager.
Your eyes look up to see Gary approaching you and an excited grin spreads across your face. While the conversations you had over phone and text were amazing, you had been craving physical interaction with him.
You quickly pocketed your phone and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. Gary quickly reacted, wrapping his bulky arms around you, and smiled down at you. It was so nice to finally see you again, especially after the stress filled weeks that he had been experiencing. 
“So, where are you taking me? You said you had something in mind?” You asked, grabbing Gary’s hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
His cheeks flushed a bit at the contact, worrying if his palms were sweaty or his hands were too cold. But as you squeezed his hand tighter, his tense shoulders relaxed. 
Honestly, he had always been awkward around girls and making the first move was always terrifying to him – however, you often took initiative into your own hands and it made him feel more at ease when you were in control of the PDA.
He grinned down at you, “Oh, you will not believe this place even exists. But I’m sure you’ll like it.” Gary squeezed your hand back and led the way.
“Okay… I want to know how you even found out about this place…” You gawked at the setting, seeing all the waiters dressed up at ninjas.
Gary laughed at the look of disbelief on your face, pleased that he picked out this place. He was on the fence between bringing you to a more traditional date setting but he knew you’d appreciate it.
“I will not disclose my sources but I told you it was something special.” He teased with a grin, beckoning you through the sliding doors into the booth.
“It really is… and I absolutely love it!” You slid inside the booth, still looking around before letting out a scream as a red-headed lanky waiter dressed as a ninja dropped down from the ceiling. 
Due to your training under Wide Wale, it was natural instinct to attack when provoked as your reflexes kicked in, punching the waiter straight through the screen doors. 
“Holy shit!” Gary’s eyes widened at how easily you knocked the waiter onto the ground, not realizing how strong you were.
“S-Sorry, you scared me there!” You suddenly stuttered, rushing to help the server up. You cursed under your breath, hoping Gary didn’t think that was too out of the ordinary.
“N-No, my apologies! I guess my ninja skills aren’t as honed as I thought.” The redhead chuckled, quickly jumping to his feet. 
You awkwardly slid back into the booth, looking down at the menu quite embarrassed and flustered. Gary noticed this and reached over to squeeze your hand, “Hey, it’s a natural reaction. I almost shit my pants the first time I came here too.” He chuckled.
You smiled and mouthed a ‘thank you’ before your waiter, named Jared, took your drink orders – both of you ordering the Virgin Deadly Colada just for the novelty of the rubbing throwing star. 
“I didn’t realize you were that strong. Like I know that guy wasn’t as big as me but you sent him flying!” Gary grinned, intertwining hands with you.
“Sorry again, I’m just a little twitchy is all.” You chuckled nervously, still quite embarrassed.
“No, don’t apologize! That was badass, dude!” Gary assured you with a smile, “I bet you could take out like half the guys here!”
You giggled and smiled, squeezing Gary’s hand. “Thanks, I appreciate it a lot.” 
You both got your drinks, occasionally sipping on them as you caught up on how life has been.
“So how’s work going? Anything interesting you’ve had to do?” You ask, playing with the rubber ninja star in between your fingers.
Gary visibly freezes and bites his lower lip, looking away. All the memories of killing Harangeutan came flooding back to him and his palms started to sweat, his shoulders tense.
You quickly notice and slowly run your thumb across his palm, “Are you okay?” You ask, the sound of your voice soothing him a little. 
He nods and chuckles nervously, “Y-Yeah… just had to do a job I really didn’t want to do.” Your eyebrows quirked a little but you didn’t question it, wanting to be as supportive as you could. You knew he had been under a lot of stress recently, ranting to you at how unrelenting his boss was but you didn’t realize it was to this extent.
He visibly relaxed and squeezed your hand, his line of vision trailing a bit behind you and blinking as he saw from a distance a figure with messy blonde hair and… was he wearing Michael Jackson’s outfit from the Bad music video?
“What are you looking at?” You ask, peering behind your shoulder a bit. At that moment, Gary’s eyes make out his face. It was Hank Venture. “O-Oh, nothing just spacing out!” he quickly stammered out, trying to get your attention.
Someone else beat him to it instead.
“[Your Name], is that you?” A female with a thick Jersey accent’s voice interrupted your thoughts and you whipped your head around. Your eyes widened as you saw who the owner of the voice was. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck! Sirena, not now!’ you curse in your head.
The brunette approached your booth and you started to panic, your mind racing to get her away. If Gary got any inkling of you being linked to the life of villainy you were leading, he might never talk to you again. Thoughts of him calling you a freak and completely ghosting you after tonight overwhelmed you.
“Oh my god, it is! I haven’t seen you in forever, what are you doing in a place like this?” Serena quickly embraced you in a tight hug, which you reluctantly returned. “Those fucking ninjas scared the shit out of me!”
Gary glanced over at Serena, quite confused on who she was. You chuckled nervously and gestured to Gary, “I’m actually on a date, Serena.”
“Wait seriously? A date?” Serena looked legitimately shocked which you glared a bit at her for. “Okay, don’t give me that look, miss ‘married to her job’!” She grinned.
Your eyes widened when she mentioned your job, fearing she’d mention her father or the Guild. You quickly looked over to the drink at the edge of the table, and you tipped it over, staining her pants, as you tried to play it off as you grabbing the cup.. 
“Oh no, I’m so sorry! I’ve just been so clumsy tonight! I’ll help you clean up.” You interrupted Serena before she could say anything and shot up from your seat. Before heading with Serena to the bathroom, you hurriedly told Gary to order the food.
The henchman blinked in confusion at what just unfolded in front of him but he was given little time to process his thoughts when a pair of hands slammed onto the table in front of him. His eyes quickly shot upwards to see Hank in his face, clearly wearing a full black leather outfit.
“Okay, dude, I am on a date so anything involving my Pops or Brock or anything like that can wait till later.” Hank warned, pointing his finger in Gary’s face.
Gary rolled his eyes, sighing, as he knew Hank was still a bit bitter about him going back to the Monarch. “Listen Hank, I’m not here on Monarch business. Hell, if you haven’t noticed, we aren’t even arching your dear old dad anymore. I’m here for the same reason you are – I’m on a date too.” 
The blonde shaggy-haired teen looked at Gary incredulously and Gary sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He did not have time to deal with this especially since you could come back in a matter of seconds.
“Look Hank, I promise you I am not doing reconnaissance on you tonight, okay? Scouts honor.” Gary put three fingers up. Hank sighed and uncrossed his arms, “Okay, I believe you. But I got my eye on you.” He slowly walked back to his table, his eyes glued to Gary the entire time.
Gary let out a sigh of relief and checked the time on his phone. It was getting late and he knew you had work early the next day. An idea quickly popped up in his head and he hastily ordered the food to go.
“Damn… So he doesn’t know anything about daddy or the Guild… Nothin?” Serena asked, sitting on the counter of the bathroom sinks, trying to dry up her pants.
“Nope, nothing. I really want to keep it that way, Serena. He’s sweet… and you know for a fact that I have not had the best luck in finding a sweet guy.” You grinned at the brunette.
“But I need normalcy in my life… I need something stable. He keeps me stable and sane cause I would be going nuts with this whole Blue Morpho shit.” You rolled your eyes at the thought of it, “I like him… a lot. And I know he won’t hurt me.”
Serena grinned, “Damn, never thought I’d hear any of this from you. I get it though. The blonde guy in the all leather get-up – that’s my date. He’s a total dork… but he’s all right. I’ve done more with him in these last couple days than I have my entire life with daddy and Rocco breathing down my neck.” 
You rolled your eyes, remembering how you used to sneak Serena out constantly for her just to go to the mall without having a dude dressed up like a whale lice following her around. “How is Rocco, by the way?” you asked.
“He’s doing good… he’s been super protective over me without you there to check him when he’s being overbearing. Pretty sure he’s tailing me right now.” Serena sighed, twirling a stray piece of her hair. You shook her head at the thought but gave an encouraging smile to Serena, “I’ll talk to him about it. Now, let’s get out of here before both of our dates start wondering where we went.” 
You blinked as Gary was waiting in front of the restaurant, carrying a bag of takeout in his hand. “Why did you get it to go?”
“Well, I know you have work early in the morning and I wanted to spend more time with you… So I got it to go and figured we could go to your place, watch some Game of Thrones while we eat?” Gary suggested with a smile.
Your lips formed into a bright grin and you quickly took Gary’s hand, leading him down the alleyway, “I love the way you think. I’ll lead the way.” 
You walked down the dark and dreary alleyway into the neon lit sidewalks of the city, heading towards the subway station. The entire ride to your apartment, you and Gary’s hands were intertwined tightly.
Getting off at a stop a few blocks away from your apartment, you walked ahead of the redheaded henchman. His eyes trailed up and down your body, hypnotized by the way your hips swayed with each step you took. He bit his lip, trying to suppress any inappropriate thoughts. 
You two walked a few blocks and you took the elevator up to your condo on the 7th floor, unlocking the door. 
“Make yourself at home, I’m gonna go change into something more comfortable.” You say as you hold the door open for Gary. He walked inside, admiring the spacious but modest space. 
You disappeared into your bedroom and Gary walked around your place, shocked at how you could afford a place with such nice utilities and a big space with a secretary office job. He settled down on your couch in the living room, setting up the food on the coffee table in front of him.
Stuffing your Guild uniform in the closet, you changed into your most comfortable set of pajamas. You stepped into the living room to see Gary admiring your collection of comic books lined along the walls. 
He quickly redirects his attention to you and gulps, finding you even more stunning in casual wear. “You look great.” He stutters out and you giggle. 
“Thank you, liking the comic book collection? There’s more in my closet but I decided to frame my favorite series and editions.” You take a seat next to him, licking your lips at the delicious food in front of you.
Gary noticed your hunger and chuckled, “Go ahead, dig in.” You quickly pick up the chopsticks and a take-out box full of noodles, opening it up and eating greedily out of the container.
The red-headed male followed in suit, eagerly eating a container full of beef fried rice. You giggled as Gary got grains of rice on his stubble and you reach to wipe some of it off. 
You reach for the remote and turn on the TV, going to your recordings but not before looking over at Gary. “You’re caught up on Game of Thrones, right?” He had a mouthful of rice so he eagerly nodded.
“Hell yeah, that means I can watch the new episode!” You grin excitedly, snuggling up to the bulky male as you scrolled through your recordings and selected the most recent episode of GoT. Gary blushed, feeling you pressed up against him but slowly relaxed, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer into his chest.
You smiled, snuggling into the warmth of his broad chest. Gary was quite amused at all your reactions to the drama that often ensued in the series, watching you throw your arms up in frustration or yell at the TV. He was half-watching but most of the time he was simply gazing down at you, stroking the small of your back.
He had already watched the episode so he was roaring with laughter as he saw your reaction to the major character death at the end of the episode. “What the hell?! No!” You exclaimed in frustration, shooting up from your seat, “There are too many unexplained questions left!” 
“Hey, hey, calm down – there’s like a 75% chance they’ll come back.” Gary chuckled, grabbing your wrist, trying to pull you back onto the couch. He tugged a bit too hard, causing you to topple on top of the henchman. “S-Shit are you okay?” he cursed, his face flushing at the position you were in.
You were straddled on top of Gary, your legs on the opposite sides of his thighs. Your chest was pressed tightly against his and your noses were touching, your breaths intermingling. 
Gary bit his lip, his large hands resting on your hips as he eagerly swooped in, capturing your lips in a kiss. Your eyes widened quickly before slowly closing, wrapping your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. 
His warm hands slid up the back of your sweater, massaging circles on the small of your back. You let out a soft moan of approval against his lips, breaking this kiss to gasp for air. Gary looked up at you, looking for your approval to move forward.
You nodded, kissing him deeply, and he grinned, hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bedroom, not breaking your passionate kiss.
Gently placing you down, he kissed your lips softly and chastely before pulling away. You look at him in confusion, biting your lip as you feel like you’re being rejected. Gary quickly notices this and shakes his head, “No, no it’s not that.”
He takes a seat beside you on the bed and squeezes your hand, “As much as I want to move further… I want to take this slow. I know you’re busy… and you’re focused on your career. I still want to be with you and go on dates… but we don’t have to move further and we don’t have to put a label on it.” He admitted.
You let out a sigh of relief and smile at Gary, “Thanks for being honest with me. I know you’re busy too and life gets hectic and stressful. Maybe holding off and not putting a label on it for now makes our lives a lot happier and less complicated.” You squeezed his hand in a similar fashion as he did, “But I would love for you to spend the night.”
Gary’s lips form a huge smile and he nods, “I would love to, m’lady.” 
He removed his button-up plaid shirt and jeans hesitantly, only wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of Star Wars boxers. Still self-conscious about his body, he tensed as you giggled but you quickly reassured him, “It’s the boxers.” 
He looked down at his Darth Vader boxers and chuckled, “Honestly, I forgot I wore these. Okay, you need rest – you’re the one who has to work early.” You nodded, slipping underneath the sheets. Gary followed in suit and wrapped his arms around you tightly, nuzzling the top of your head. 
As you drifted to sleep quite quickly, Gary gazed up at the ceiling, unable to sleep due to the stress and trauma from his PTSD. Looking down at your sleeping form, he sighed and thought to himself, 
‘I have to tell her the truth soon or I might lose her for good.’
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peoplepersonoaktree · 10 months
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Is this how I reply to comments like this? Idk. Anyway~
@banana-pancake5 if you actually wanted me to answer this, here-
Hopefully not too long- I'll try not to rant too much, we'll se tho
so, the Au is your basic, “what if Mikey wasn’t able to open a portal?” Au, which has been done a whole lot, I know, but oh well. I’ve been working on it since like, July and I’ve only gotten to pg 19, so idk if I’ll ever finish it.
so, one day, in like, mid June, when I first started actually trying to draw the turtles, I started drawing a thing in this little baby sketchbook I have, based on the song “Georgia” by Jonah Kagen. And then I sent it to my friend. And then it grew and we eventually came up with this and this entire storyline. We just kinda plotted this thing out where like, two weeks after the invasion, Donnie starts getting these weird visions of Leo in the prison dimension because why not, and tries to get him back with Casey's help or whatever because he thinks that these visions mean that Leo's still alive. Here’s the original pictures because I think they can be in here-
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Idk. I didn’t know how to draw clothes and still don’t 😃👍
I don’t think I’ll ever post the comic on tumblr or anywhere because I probably won’t ever finish it, but if I get to a certain point in the comic, (which is way far away) maybe I will. Idk.
*Cough* and then I also have a mini thing where I turned them all into mushroom people but that's a whole different thing-
Like I said in this post, my friend texted me at like, 2 am on a school night, and was like, "Hey, hey hey... wanna write and animate a kid's show w/ me??" and I said heck yeah because I definitely have time for that. I asked her if she had any idea for what it would be about or anything like that and she did not, so we just kinda... pulled something out of the ground the next day and I ended up getting obsessed.
So, the kid's show...
We haven't figured out a name for it because we're both indecisive, which is... bad if you're trying to get something done. But we got characters and half a storyline settled!
So, the show is centered around four main characters, Atlas (A deer), Fern (A fox), Nutmeg (Mouse), and M I L D R E D (a chickadee). They're also in the post linked above.
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The show would be about these four, going on little adventures, exploring the forest where they live, discovering odd creatures (thinking about adding in a few Acorn Creetchurs because that would be fun) and just living life
but as the series continues, the colors start to get more muted and the backgrounds start to get more gray, as if the life is being drained out of the forest.
one day, while exploring, they come upon this odd sort of... black goop that's spreading across the forest floor, infecting and killing everything it comes into contact with. Then, the four of them have to find a way to stop the spread of this odd goop. This goop represents pollution/deforestation, and we have a few ideas for how the goop started, one of my favorites being that it's controlled by some sort of animal spirit that grew up in a heavily polluted area and died at a young age because of the conditions and the only reason it's spreading is because it wants to be able to breathe fresh air and drink clean water for once, but it can't, because everything it touches immediately becomes polluted.
We both went into this knowing absolutely N O T H I N G about animating, so it'll probably be a few years until we're actually able to do anything with this, if we do anything with it.
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That- that little animation is the most I can do with animation. That's the best I got.
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underoospeterparker · 10 months
hii!! i can have a 🍩 w an avenger??
i’m like 5’7” (maybe taller idk i haven’t measured in a while) and i like to get into deep convos but most of the time js need someone i can be unserious with but who’ll recognize when i’m kind of in a funk (when i get down i’m not the type of person who likes to be alone, i’m an avid believer in silent company) my main interest is film but i also like high fashion, in school a lot of ppl assume i’m not into the arts because i excel in math (skipped 3 years) and i get rlly frustrated bc a lot of the time people will only be nice to me bc they want help in school and it makes me kinda insecure abt my actual personality as a stand-alone, i consider myself pretty ambiverted bc i love being around people but only my medium-sized bubble of people, and being around anyone else makes me pretty anxious, yeah that was rlly long sorry lmao i love ur blog & i hope ur having a great week!!
welcome to my 300 celebration!
i ship you with peter parker! (assuming your gender pref is male)
a. dancing with him in the rain:
"I have an idea!" he called out one afternoon, when you were in your bedroom typing away on your laptop. "Come on, baby," he said, coming into the room to pull you away from the screen. You were laughing until he unlocked the front door and told you to put on your shoes. "What are we doing?" you asked, confused. "You know it's raining, right?" "Yes," he responded, grabbing your arm and pulling you outside into the downpour. You shrieked as the cold water hit you, and started shivering almost immediately. "Let's dance?" You looked up from your wet shoes to his face, his gaze already fixed upon yours. Your mouth spread into a grin and you wrapped your arms around his neck, his around your waist as you danced with nature all around you. "Feeling better?" he asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You smiled. "Much."
b. peter comforting you:
You were lying on your shared bed, head in Peter's lap as you told him about the events of your day. "They told me that I should come and join them during lunch, and I said sure," you continued, all the while Peter nodded and played with your hair, a silent gesture of comfort. When you paused, lost in your thought, Peter prompted, "and then?" "And then I showed up and they just ditched. None of them came," you said, voice wavering slightly. "But the next period, they acted like nothing had happened. Asking me for help with a math question." Your boyfriend sighed, his hand scratching at your scalp. When he talked, his voice was soothing, but you could notice its tightness. He wanted to teach them a lesson, for sure. "What assholes," he settled on saying. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. You don't deserve that." "I know," you murmured into his leg. "It's just hard sometimes, you know?" He knew.
c. being anxious when you meet his friends:
He noticed a slight shake in your hands when the two of you were walking to the diner. "They're gonna love you," he said, trying to reassure you. "You've got nothing to worry about, honey." You looked at him, a worried crease already forming between his eyebrows. You gave him a smile, a small one, but one nonetheless. "Okay," you said, and once you reached the door of the diner, you opened it, stepping inside. Peter smiled when he saw his friends, who waved the two of you over with matching smiles on their faces. "Guys, this is (Y/N)," he introduced you to the group. "Nice to meet you guys," you said, giving them your best attempt at a smile. MJ motioned for you to sit next to her, and you gladly accepted her invitation. "Finally," she whispered to you. "It's been getting lonely being the only girl around here." You laughed, having already made a friend.
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PenGiana react to Lacey’s Wardobe: Halloween Special
Foul language
In the PenGiana household, Penelope was in her room, sitting on her computer scrolling for a game to play
Penelope:(mind) *sigh* man this is boring, there’s no fun girl games to play….
Penelope: huh? * looks at her email, it seems to be from Sky*
* Hey Penelope, I noticed that you were bored from scrolling through your computer looking for games so here’s a website you can play games on, from Sky*
*Penelope looks at the url website called Laceygames.com*
Penelope: Lacey games.com? That’s an interesting website, I should check it o-
Sick BF: remember Penelope, if someone sends you a url website of a lost flash game’s website, don’t go on it! I heard from one of the parents from my old school say that they removed it for a reason because of an horror or distributing things that scarred kids for life when I was 9 years old, so whatever you do, DONT GO ON ANY LOST FLASH GAME WEBSITE!
(End of flashback)
Penelope: (mind) No! Sick Boyfriend’s right, I shouldn’t go on any lost flash game website because it has scary things in there! I should delete the email Sky send me.
(Penelope was about to delete it but then thought to herself)
Penelope:(mind) hmmmm….. but then again….I’m really bored and some of the games I played don’t a lot of excitement….Eh what the heck, it wouldn’t hurt to try right?
Penelope pressed the url website and another tab shows up, the website showed all of things girl games have, Penelope was amazed to see that there are interesting games to play
Penelope: hmmmm what should I play first?
Penelope looked at a game called Lacey’s wardrobe and thought it looked cool
Penelope: ohhh~ a dress-up game, I love dress-up games, Ok I’ll play this one first
Penelope clicked on it and the game loaded, she looked happy that she’s playing a dress-up game
Penelope: Ok so first I have to dress her up for a picnic, then a trip to the mall and finally For a date, that seemed easy
Penelope dressed up Lacey and she looked cool for a day at a picnic, she wanted to show Sick GF.
Penelope: Hey Sick Girlfriend, come and see what I did!
Sick GF: Penny, if it’s a meme that Sick Pico send you, I’m gonna pass
Penelope: No it’s not, look!
Sick GF: Oh wow, she looks great, what kind of game is that?
Penelope: Oh it’s a dress up game called Lacey’s wardrobe, I just dressed her up for a picnic!
Sick GF: wait, wasn’t this website shut down for no reason?
Penelope: Uhhh no, I don’t think so, Sky send it to me saying it’s a flash game website?
Sick GF: Uh…huh… ok, you want me to watch you play?
Penelope: sure! Come sit next to me!
Sick Girlfriend grabbed a chair and sat down to watch Penelope play, Penelope pressed the done button and it looked great but the game suddenly glitched
Penelope: Huh?
Sick GF: what happened?
Penelope: I don’t know, did the game crashed or….
The screen came back but the music started to get creepy
Penelope: uhhhh that’s odd….
Sick GF: was girl games suppose to have creepy music?
Penelope: Idk, let’s just continue playing
Penelope started to dress up Lacey for a shopping trip to the mall when suddenly there was a phone call
*ring ring*
Sick GF: Uh this is new…I think you should answer it…
Penelope: Ok….(clicked on answer phone call)
[Heavy Breathing] "Lacey... Ooh, Lacey, did you see my (???) Lacey? I can't wait to meet up Lacey... (???)... I could die tonight with you Lacey... Tonight... Bye bye..."
Penelope: W-Who was that….
Sick GF: I…have no I-(jumpscare and glitched out) Woah! What the fuck?!
Sick GF: what.the.hell.was.that….
Penelope: I don’t know
Penelope continued to play and then she clicked on the final touches of the outfit Lacey is going for her a day at the mall. She pressed the done button and it says well done with Lacey at the mall but Penelope had a feeling that something is not right.
Penelope: Uhhh Babe, do you have a feeling that something is not right about this game?
Sick GF: Yeah, I’m starting to get concerned about this game….
The screen turned black again and the music started to turn more creepy as soon as it got into the final task.
Penelope was starting to get scared and Sick Girlfriend started to feel super uncomfortable about this game.
Penelope starts to dress up lacey again for her date, but suddenly heard a knock on the door.
Penelope: Huh?
Sick GF: Who is knocking on the door?
Penelope: I don't think it's coming from our door. Huh? *looked back at the computer, there were no shirt there instead says "You got a gift, Open it".
Penelope: I got a gift?
Penelope clicked on the thing and a heart shaped box appeared on the screen.
The heart giftbox opened and it showed something distributing and it showed a human heart.
Penelope: OH MY GOD!!!!
Sick GF: *gags* I think i'm gonna be sick of what just saw 🤢
Then the mysterious guy called again.
Penelope and Sick Girlfriend were terrified when the guy said " OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!!!"
The call cut off again.
Penelope: I don't like this game anymore😩*covering her eyes*
Sick GF: Uhhh Penny....Look at the screen..
Penelope: Huh?*Uncovers her eyes*
"please don't send me out there"
Sick GF: W-what does she mean by please don't make me go?"
Penelope: I don't know, But i don't continue playing anymore, I'm existing the game.
Penelope tried to delete the tab but it couldn't delete.
Penelope: Huh? Why can't i quit?!
Sick GF: Try changing the game....
Penelope: It won't let me change the game, what do I do?!😫
Sick GF: I guess it let you end the game until you finish it.
Penelope: *whimpering* O-Ok....
After Penelope finished the outfit. Penelope pressed the done button and then the text appeared saying "What have you done...."
Penelope: Wait..wha....
Then the cries and screams are heard in the background of lacey's dismembered body appearing multiple times.
Penelope: a-a....*screams*
The game stopped and it showed the stalker's face on the screen saying,
the stalkers head appears once more, and he states the following:
I consumed your body so we can be together forever.
I love you, lacey."
The game closed.
Penelope had never felt so tramatized in her life, so does Sick Girlfriend.
Sick GF: Penny....where did you find this website?
Penelope: Sky emailed me and showed me the Url website...
2 minutes later, Sick Girlfriend was screaming over the phone on the couch while Penelope fell asleep from crying so much and has noise canceling headphones on.
Sky: (over the phone) What are you doing about?
Sky: (over the phone) But I never send Penelope an email to a lost flash game website...
Sick GF: Wait what?
Sky: (over the phone) I don't even email Penelope, In fact I don't have her on my email contacts... Whoever send that email to her must've hack into my email to send it to her.
Sick GF: Oh okay, thanks for letting me know , bye...
Sky: Bye...
*call hung up*
Sick GF: *mind* If Sky didn't send that url website to Penelope, then who did....
Meanwhile, Someone was watching Sick Girlfriend and Penelope through the cameras....
???: Hehehe, Perfect~
Subject 05 task complete--
???: Now, Let's see if these two can handle 2 games of it, When the time comes....Phase 2 will be prepared....
???: Let the games begin~
The end?
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hazardworld · 2 years
The Mako Mermaids AU you didn’t know you needed
Lucas, Dustin, and Max stay over at Steve’s house after Dustin’s sweet 16. Shenanigans ensue. Featuring trans Dustin, tall Lucas, and disabled Max (because chronic pain is a valid disability!!!!)
This is like part 1 of 2 or maybe more i dunno but 2 is like 90% done I just gotta turn max into a mermaid
and yes for my fellow moon people in 1986 there was actually a full moon on my fanon bday for dustin
Steve had told them to not destroy his house.
Steve had told them to be good.
See, when had the three of them ever been good unsupervised?
Also, Dustin had been told there was a full moon on his Sweet 16. Steve had to understand them sneaking out a window to go see it! Besides, Lucas had his pocket knife, and Dustin had his radio, so if anything happened, they were protected!
And, it wasn’t even his idea to go in the first place. They had been watching Teen Wolf, and Dustin had mentioned it was a full moon that night, and then Max had insisted they go out and look at it.
"The next time one of them comes on your birthday is in like, 19 years! 19 years, Dustin!"
So yeah, here they were, hoisting themselves through the downstairs bathroom window, and outside to see Dustin’s full moon.
"I don’t…see anything." Dustin sighed, all this work for nothing. He could see some bits of bright light sneaking through the trees, but that was it, if anything. Max huffed, right before they both winced at the loud thud that was Lucas falling from the windowsill.
Tall people, seriously.
“Sorry, sorry. Didn’t realize my legs were too short to reach the ground,” Yeah, Max did, and Dustin definitely did. Lucas brushed off dirt from his sweatpants, giving a great big grin.
“Alright doofus.” Dustin flicked his nose, making him blink, and Max chuckled at his confusion.
“Are we all comfy going in the woods? I know it’s not any of our favorite places,” the two boys nodded in response, so Max continued. “Our best shot of seeing that moon is trying to find some sort of clearing, and by my bet,” she shined her flashlight to a patch behind the pool, “that’ll take us there,”
The place she highlighted was some sort of tan pathway Dustin had seen before, but never paid much mind to. Not only was it into the dark woods, but Steve had said there wasn’t much back there, only a small well, and Dustin believed him. Wells kinda sucked.
Guess he was gonna see the well today, wasn’t he.
“That’s Steve’s emergency well, right? For whenever there’s a boil water notice,” Lucas completed his thoughts, and Dustin nodded.
“Yeah. I hate well water, but at least there’ll be somewhat of a clearing there.” The other two nodded, and the trio stalked off to the path, all guided by Max’s light.
“Wait, so well water still exists?” Lucas asked and Max and Dustin turned to him from either side.
“It does when you’re poor.” Max deadpanned. Lucas sighed slightly.
“Shit, sorry, shouldn’t’ve assumed,” Dustin giggled.
“Yeah, dude. Poorer neighborhoods aren’t on city water, so me and Max and the Byers-Hoppers have shitty well water instead. Most of us keep our school water bottles at Steve’s so we don’t have to drink it.” Lucas nodded, ever studious, taking in the information like a good financially-privileged child. (Mike wouldn’t have the gall)
"Changing the subject, how mad do you think Steve’s gonna be that we’re out at…12:34 am on a school night?" Max checked her watch, and Lucas groaned.
"Shit, I’m gonna be dead at basketball tomorrow night,"
"Tonight," Dustin and Max corrected in tandem, and Lucas groaned again.
"You guys are the worst," Lucas fake complained, rolling his head back momentarily. "Why am I friends with either of you?"
"Collective trauma," Max supplied instantaneously, "And the fact that the last edition of Hawkins Hellspawns kinda spilt the party because of that trauma,"
She wasn’t entirely wrong. While they were all still very compatible together, it became pretty evident pretty quickly that both team Hawkins and team Cali were forged in their own trauma bonds. It wasn’t like they couldn’t tell the other three what had gone down, but it was a lot harder for Dustin to tell Mike and Will the inside jokes and nuances that they weren’t there for, and probably vice versa.
So yeah. There was a lot of Dustin-Lucas-Max(-Erica) and a lot of Mike-Will-El.
It didn’t really help Dustin and Max thought of themselves as twins, just like Will and El.
"Yeah, yeah," Lucas waved it off with a small smile. Obviously his words had little mal intent.
A silence.
"How much longer 'till we reach the well? Think is getting pretty long." Lucas whispered, just loud enough for the two of them to hear.
"Hmm, I’d say the well’s right…there?" Max pointed the light to a clearing slightly far ahead. It wasn’t a well, but a little pool of water. Dustin could see some slight reflective glimmers from where he was walking, even.
"That’s not a well. Is that a well?" Lucas asked, quickly turning to the other two in confusion.
"No, but it could lead to one," Dustin answered, thinking, "The water source could be above ground, but that’s a little stupid, I dunno." Lucas and Max nodded in tandem.
"Steve could get all sorts of bad shit from it. Who knows what animals have been in there?" The three arrived at the water’s edge. It was a little pool, about the size of a hot tub, with large, glittering red and yellow stones lining the edges and the insides. Dustin couldn’t see any sort of pipe or tube leading to a well, not was there a path leading anywhere else where the well could be.
Dustin looked up, seeing the moon just peeking from over the trees. Did it look bigger here, or was that just him?
"Guys, the water’s warm! Like warm-warm!" Lucas splashed his hand around, dragging both Max and Dustin’s attention to him, and back to the pool. Lucas started slipping off his shoes.
"Lucas, what are you doing?" Max yelped, quickly trying to stop him.
"Jumping in. The water’s really nice, guys. I’m not wasting a good outside swim in mid-November!" Dustin rolled his eyes
"It’s not gonna be a swim, dipshit! It’s the size of a hot tub!"
"Also: animal pee! And shit! Animal shit, Lucas!" Lucas shrugged and slipped himself in from sitting on the side. Immediately, he went under, before popping right back up to panicked faces.
"Shit, deeper than ya think. Come on in, guys!" Dustin looked between Lucas, begging him to join, and Max, begging him to value his safety.
Sweet 16s were supposed to be big milestone birthdays, right?
"Eh, fuck it." Dustin kicked off his converse, setting it to the side with his ball cap, and slipped in. Thankfully, Lucas caught him before he could sink to the bottom, and Dustin anchored himself onto one of the overhanding ledges.
"Dustin, what the fuck?? You were supposed to back me up!" He shrugged.
"It’s actually pretty nice Max, you just gotta hold onto a ledge. S’not made for short people," Dustin winked, smirking, and Lucas laughed.
Max huffed, rolling her eyes, before she slipped off her own shoes, setting those and her glasses together near Dustin’s stuff.
"Fine, but if I get tired, one of you is holding me." Max woke up from her coma about a month after her bones healed, with severe vision loss and shitty chronic pain. It wasn’t a rare occurrence to see her in a wheelchair or with arm crutches nowadays. It was one of the reasons she stayed at the Henderson house now, since they could bunk Dustin’s bed, and their house was almost completely one story.
"Deal. I’ll even catch you as you get in," Lucas grinned, ever-chivalrous. Max rolled her eyes, but let him nonetheless.
"Shit, this is—actually pretty warm, damn." She tied her hair up while Lucas and Dustin held her. "Fuck, my sports bra’s gonna be soaked." A beat went by before Dustin and Max made eye contact.
"Shit my—"
"Shit your—" Dustin took a breath while Lucas looked utterly confused.
"It’s fine, it’s fine. I can…I have an old one I can use while this one dries," He was really reassuring himself more than her at this point. He needed to make more in his actual size.
"Is everything ok?" Lucas really cared, he really did, but now wasn’t the time. Dustin nodded, and Max responded for him.
"Don’t worry about it. Not your thing to worry about." Lucas frowned, but nodded. He’d probably find out later, if he had anything to say about it.
Dustin was fine telling him, now was just not the time.
"Is it just me, or does the moon look way bigger than it should be from here?" Dustin asked, looking up and changing the subject. The moon had now moved to where the edge was just brushing the center of the clearing’s circle, and it looked as if it would fill the circle almost completely.
"Yeah, it’s pretty weird. I’m positive it’s supposed to be smaller than that." Lucas commented.
"I can’t see shit without my glasses but that’s pretty obvious," Max chided, "and pretty abnormal,"
"Is it related to anything Upside-Down-y?" Dustin aired his thoughts. It was a serious question, whether something in this clearing or this pool or the moon had something demented in it. Were they maybe having Vecna visions? No. No they couldn’t be, right?
"Don’t think so. Doesn’t give me that weird sinking feeling," Max turned her head to the side, thinking. "Gives me a weird sinking feeling, but not the Upside Down one, though."
Well that was ominous.
Dustin felt some sort of ripple from the water, and looked around him. Lucas and Max must’ve gotten ones too, since they were also looking.
Suddenly, Dustin felt more ripples on ripples, before the water burst into bubbles.
"So it is a hot tub?" Lucas asked. "Pretty weird for a hot tub. Did someone turn it on for us?" Max shook her head quickly, her lips pulled tight.
"S’not good…my veins feel all achey…" Lucas drew her close, and Dustin swam over to comfort from her other side.
Dustin would be lying if he said his body didn’t feel achey, either. It was a dull sort of ache, though, nothing dehabilitating like Max’s. She was more sensitive to pain now though, which made sense.
Dustin caught a glimpse of the moon, and saw it was slowly reaching the center position. It had to have something to do with all this, right? It had to.
Dustin looked away before the glitter bits started, otherwise he would’ve seen them only go while the moon was right in the center. Instead, he and Lucas watched as the glowing green orbs surrounded and momentarily stuck to their bodies, before stopping.
When Max could swim on her own again, the moon had long since left the clearing’s circle altogether.
Lucas carried her back to the house while Dustin carried their things. It was hard not to freeze before they got warm towels and tucked themselves into bed, hours before needing to wake up for school.
From what they could tell, hopefully they hadn’t woken Steve.
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barryhairry · 7 months
First dream:
Meeting my best friend at a pep rally/ football game. I’ve been working on stuff that I’ve been wanting to show her, inventions and such. I am also a cheerleader and our uniform is also my work uniform irl and I show up early to get ready in the bathroom. The school looks like my high school but has that church vibe. It turns from a cool morning into a scolding hot day. I get ready and I open the door to see one of my old managers, a teacher in this dream, and he is excited to see me and I can tell he would love to chat nonstop. I have to pee and instead of going back into the restroom I was just changing in, I decided to use this discarded disposable cup someone tossed away, the cup was from my place of work irl, and whip my peen out to fill it up. My dick is tiny in my dream and it’s difficult to control the stream then I end up with a piss stain all over my jeans. I realize now that this fit was my exact outfit I wore yesterday only w a stretched out long sleeved shirt underneath. I embarrassingly run back into the one person restroom and await the piss stain to dry up. In walks the teacher/old manager and he compassionately checks up on me. I tell him my honest answer with an annoyed tone, turning towards him as I am unable to hide the piss stain, he smirks and almost brushes it off and says that he wants to make sure I’m not smoking weed in there. I say no half offended and half annoyed that the interaction is still continuing. He then continues with justifying his intrusion with “I just want to make sure you’re not nibbling in a gummy either.” Something I used to do all the time in public whilst I was a stoner, once upon a time. I leave to go meet my bestie at the bleachers. Him and another teacher/authority figure follow me. They try to make conversation and all of a sudden the focus is on packed lunch. I suppose I brought mine in the restroom with me and something happened where the same manager/teacher offered me his better and larger sandwich because something about mine was not good enough. In my head I knew I was gonna share with my friend but the gesture was so kind I also decided in my head to bring him something in return like cookies or something in the future. Although in the beginning of my dream, I arrived in my car and I could see the field from the parking lot, I venture through the school, which is a crowded mall now. I suppose i get so disoriented that I forget I’m a cheerleader and just try to find the field to meet my friend. The mall/school is so lively with flashing lights and excited decorated people it has the vibe of new years. I find the bleachers and I look up and try to spot my friend, I see a lot if familiar faces and when I almost approach really familiar people I recognize that they are the cool kids I once envied and tried to befriend, I turn around and go back to looking for my bestie. It’s a sweltering day, everyone in tank tops and shorts. Then I see my best friend. I’m happy to see her and as I meet up everyone gets up and leaves for lunch. She’s wearing a knitted beanie with a puffball and a fuzzy trench coat and a scarf. I begin to tell her stuff and show her my inventions, then this Segways into my second dream.
Second dream:
A trailer for a kids animated movie, a tall green shrub is in love with the neighboring stone wall. Gay, both guys, the shrub is a dandy classy queen and he sings/vents to living garden accessories, I forget what kind exactly.
Then a jubilee, vice, YouTube style video of a man sitting next to a pretty woman. They are friends and the guy is a know it all straight guy personality, talking for no reason and seeming like a real bitch. The woman is over it. They are trying to figure out a belt lock with 3 point you have to figure out to open it. The guy is talking circles trying to make himself seem smart and saying something like “well, you have to think about what you’re asking me. 3 is the hardest digit to factor and when you have 3 you’re only half way to 14, then 9, then 8. So it’s really impossible” then the woman out smarts him nonchalantly and without effort
Then I woke up
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Thirty-Two: Direct Sunlight
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 9379 
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A/n: New chapter, let's go! I'm finally back from my long vacation which means more time to write and more time to stream. I was a little sad that my parents told me not to bring my laptop with me when we went to Florida, but I understand. Had I been given all that time with nothing to do with a long vacation I would have just written as much I could lmao Still didn't mean I wasn't sad about it. So I've finally gotten this chapter done WOOO hope ya'll like it :)
“YOU DO REALIZE THAT YOU HAVE FINALS next month, right?” Takeda asked, focusing on the four idiots, “Right?” From the way that they looked away from him, it seems like they forgot and definitely aren’t prepared. “So, I think you know what I’m getting at, but if you fail any subjects… you will have to take supplementary classes.”
At the reminder of that, panic started to set in for them. Nishinoya and Tanaka took off sprinting, thinking that running away would help their case. Which it certainly wouldn’t.
“Hey! There’s nowhere to run!” Daichi shouted out as they tried to escape, “Ennoshita, catch them!”
The other second-year stepped into action, “Got it!” He grabbed the two by the backs of their shirts before they could even get a taste of freedom. At this point, he’s become an expert at wrangling these two idiots around.
Shōyō was in complete shock, “Fail… Fail… What counts as a failing grade?” 
“That’s your question?” Suga blinked at the poor, confused, and panicking boy.
Besides them, Yamaguchi stared at their frozen setter and started to worry, “Kageyama’s not breathing!” The poor setter boy was as stiff as stone as his mind was blank. This seemed to be the worst thing ever for him.
“Since we said we were going to continue club activities, we have to at least make decent grades.” Suga stated one of the most obvious facts. Yes, in order to stay in a club all of them had to prove that they could balance their grades and the club in a healthy manner. If not… then they would have to solely focus on their school work. Any normal student would know that, but not these volleyball idiots, apparently.
An amused smile was starting to grow on Tsukishima’s face as he watched them freak out. Growing to enjoy how those four were squirming  at the reminder of their grades he said, “You shouldn’t fail.” 
“Nope,” Ennoshita agreed while holding up the backs of Nishinoya and Tanaka’s shirts.
Shōyō jumped over to Takeda desperately, “M-Maybe if we beg the vice principal…” 
“Why don’t you try really hard and not fail the exam?” Tsukishima asked.
Takeda sighed heavily, “Even if we get the vice principal’s permission, if you have to take supplementary classes, those will take priority.” 
The dream of going to the Tokyo camp was crumbling right in front of Shōyō. He turned to Ukai and jumped at him, “Coach!” 
“W-Well, this isn’t something you’re gonna be able to avoid as a student.” Ukai said shakily.
“You need willpower!” He tried to motivate the boy, “You need to believe you can do it!”
“Mind over matter?! No, that’s fine.” Shōyō bowed, “Please teach me!”
“Hinata,” Ukai grunted, “I didn’t really want to bring this up, but do I look like someone who got good grades?” Well, no one was going to answer that since… he didn’t really look the part.
Endo shrugged his shoulders, “looks can be deceiving?” Though Ukai just gave all of them a hollow expression since it didn’t seem like that statement applied in this situation.
Suga stepped up to the upset boy and did his best to reassure him, “Hinata, I’m sure you don’t have to worry this much about it.”
“I’ve never had a double-digit score on any of my quizzes.” He stated, “Will I still be okay?” 
“Whoa, that’s actually impressive!” Endo exclaimed in wonder. He’s had his fair share of bad grades, but never in the single digits! That just seemed like an impossibility, did he even answer any of the questions? “You’re definitely screwed!” That just seemed to cause Shōyō to freeze up even more.
“Huh?” Suga blinked at that piece of information. Behind him he then noticed Nishinoya and Tanaka praying for a miracle. “Hey! Stop it with the bodhisattva faces, you two!”
The boys then started to wail in anguish. Endo was both amused and getting a headache from their screams of terror. As they freaked out, a few boys basked in the chaos, and others stared worryingly, Takeda had started to mutter to himself in a trance, “They can do it if they try. They can do it if they try…”
Ukai slightly panicked at the disoriented expression on Takeda’s face, “Sensei, pull yourself together!”
There were only two who seemed to be getting joy out of this turn of events. Tuskishima was one of them as he smirked evilly at the distress now swarming around the gym. He relished in the discourse surrounding him, “Ah, the sound of anguish.” 
Endo also seemed amused with the entire situation. Which shouldn't be a surprise since it’s been shown time and time again that he revels in situations such as this. “God, the way they're squirming over this is oh so entertaining.” He chuckled loudly, “the panic is almost refreshing.”
“Get a hold of yourselves!” Daichi exclaimed, attempting to rally all the boys together, “We still have time until exams start. There’s no way Karasuno could bring our best without these four idiots! Not a chance!” They all stared at him in slight confusion as the four boys did their best to pull themselves together. Kageyama was still shell-shock as Shōyō had to hold him up.
“I don’t know if I’m flattered or insulted…” Tanaka trailed off.
“We’re gonna do this…” Daichi said menacingly, “We’re all gonna go to Tokyo.”
Getting the boys to calm down took a little bit. Though Daichi and Suga were able to corral everyone back to the club room to get ready to leave. Ukai had to help a still disoriented Takeda back into the school since the teacher was still anxious over the four unprepared boys. So they all finally got into the club room as Daichi grabbed Shōyō, Nishinoya, Kageyama, and Tanaka to kneel in front of him for a scolding. 
“Listen up, you guys,” He started to say, “The one thing that you’re going to promise me right now… …is that you will not fall asleep in class.”
Asahi glanced over, “That’s the first priority?”
“Staying up late through sheer willpower. Screwing up in your classes and in club. It’s all absolutely unreasonable!”
They all muttered, “Right…”
“We’re heading out,” Tuskishima said as he and Yamaguchi made their way out.
“R-Right.” They all called out, “Good job.”
Suga looked at his underclassmen with a soft, reassuring smile, “It’ll be all right. I mean, you guys passed your high school entrance exams.”
“Suga-san!” Tanaka stared at their upper-classmen in awe.
Though Suga’s smile took on a more menacing undertone, “If you fall asleep in class, you’d better be prepared for the consequences.” 
Endo slung his bag over his shoulder, “I’m rooting for you guys,” he said, surprising a few of his friends. But he ended up just shrugging his shoulders with a smug smile, “I’m betting a solid 15,000¥ on you failing.”
It’s not that he thinks the others aren’t smart… They just weren’t book smart. Studying may not come easy to a lot of people, even he can struggle with it. However, these four were the biggest volleyball idiots that he knows, so who knows if they’ll be able to study right. Volleyball seemed to be one of the only things on their mind, so why not make a bet with a high chance of getting some money. 
“Who did you make a bet like that with?!” Nishinoya shouted in annoyance. How dare the rich boy flaunt his wealth over them but also have doubt in their ability to succeed. Endo casually just pointed to a sheepish Asahi. That shocked them as Nishinoya yelled at his friend in surprise and disappointment, “Asahi!??”
The poor guy started to sweat under the heated stares of his friends. “I-I bet that you guys would do good!” 
Endo slung his shoulder over the nervous Asahi as he started to sweat about joining in the bet. Asahi did his best to explain things through his stuttering words, but Endo just started to move them towards the exit. Endo sang as the pair left, “I’m ready to win my bet~!” 
Yet another uneventful day, Sakura thought to herself as she exited the school building. Really the only thing that wasn’t that boring for her was when Kiyoko came to the first-years talking to them about finding a future manager. Her classes were nothing to really focus on since they were quite easy today and more or less just review for the upcoming exams.
Exams are by no means any students favorite thing, they just create stress and issues for some kids. However, while Sakura didn’t think that she enjoyed them, they weren’t as stress-inducing for her as say her brother. Well, that’s not a fair comparison, her brother is not a studious student to begin with. She has no doubt that he’ll be coming to her for help with studying. Her brother can be clever, but by no means is he book  smart. They always joked that Sakura was the one to get the brains while Shōyō got all the brawns when they were born.
She made her way across the courtyard to where she and Shōyō kept their bikes. Both of them were still there, so that meant Sakura would have to wait for him to get out of practice. Though she didn’t have to wait long when there was the loud sound of Shōyō yelling at the sight of her. 
Sakura nearly jumped at the loud shout, “Huh?” She turned around to see that Shōyō was running up to her with Kageyama quickly behind him. They definitely were racing over to her, but she would expect nothing less.
Once they got close enough, Shōyō instantly grabbed her in a tight hug and started to beg, “Please, help us study so we can go to Tokyo!” The puppy-dog eyes that he was flashing her had already sealed the deal since there was no way Sakura could say no to that. Even Kageyama, who looked less than happy to be in front of her, had a feeling of desperation around him. Sakura blinked at the pair for a moment, before smirking lightly as she realized why they were like this. 
“So you can’t go to the camp unless your grades are good?” It’s the only assumption that she could make. The team has a camp coming up, exams are soon, and she knows supplementary tests would be the same day as the camp. So it’s a logical assumption to make.
Kageyama scowled, “Don’t sound so smug.” He hated having to ask people for help like this. Practically, begging her for any help at all so they don’t fall behind in their beloved sport. Sure, he’s fine to ask someone to help study. He may be prideful but when it comes to his studies he’s okay with asking for some help. However, when it comes to Sakura, he just knows she’s going to make a big deal about this. Which she most definitely was.
“Watch your tone, king.” Sakura tutted coyly, “I have no problem helping Shō-nii, but I have no obligation to help you.” There was no doubt that she was going to help her brother study, as a sister it was sort of in her job description. However, the King was a different story. They never really see eye-to-eye on things, and have a rocky relationship as it is. So why would she want to 
Shōyō jumped up at that fact, “So you’ll help us?!” His sister truly is a godsend!
“Say, please.” She said before placing a finger on Shōyō’s lips to stop him from her brother begging, “Not you.” Sakura turned her leer onto Kageyama, “You.”
Kageyama narrowed his eyes on her. Yup, there she goes. Oh how infuriating it is to see her holding this over his head. Though if he wanted to get to the camp, he was going to need all the help he could get. One of their top classmates was definitely a good idea. Though why it had to be someone like Sakura, he would never know. He gritted his teeth, as if it pained him to say it, “please.”
She smiled condescendingly, “All right. I’ll help.” It seemed like that was satisfactory enough for her. She didn’t really expect some extravagant groveling from him or anything, so this was the best that she was going to get. “Though I am a rigorous tutor. I will make sure that you learn what you need to do no matter what, got it.” The two nodded in agreement. Though Shōyō was the only one that knew what he was signing up for with Sakura’s tutoring. “Good, but no complaining about how I tutor you.” Either they get the help that they can from her the way she can give it, or nothing else.
Kageyama’s scowl seemed to deepen at her declaration, but he couldn’t argue. He scoffed at her before turning to lead them down the mountain. “Whatever.” Yeah, she certainly is an infuriating girl.
“So? I’m guessing a good time to study would be during break time.” Sakura suggested as she and Shōyō followed after him.
Shōyō nodded his head rapidly, “yes! And at home too please!”
“Yea, yea I know. Though not him.” Sakura pursed her lips and nodded her head at Kageyama. “I’m not letting him anywhere near my room.”
Shōyō’s eyebrows furrowed, “It’s our room.”
“When I’m helping you study, it’s mine.”
The trio traveled down the hill, talking over their schedule of studying and good places for it. Though there was one thing that popped up while they were talking. Well, more like someone. Tsukishima. Sakura wasn’t pleased to hear that the two dummies also wanted to get help from him. Though she wouldn’t totally blame them for it. They needed all the help that they were going to get, and if she can’t help them in a certain subject, then someone else might. It just so happened that someone else was most likely going to be Tsukishima. How annoying. Speaking of which, they caught sight of the blond beanstalk and Yamaguchi heading home themselves. Ah, a perfect opportunity to ask him to help out.
“Tsukishima!...” Shōyō shouted out, startling everyone at how loud he was. Though he made sure to add on the honorifics, “san Help us study. Please.”
“What?” Tsukishima blinked, “No.” What else were they supposed to say? That he would outright agree with helping them. He doesn’t like them all too much, so what would he be gaining helping them at all?
Though they weren’t going to take no for an answer. Shōyō continued to beg, “Just, like, less than an hour each day! Or tell us how to study…”
Yamaguchi looked between them and offered a small shrug of his shoulders, “It wouldn’t hurt to do that a couple minutes before or after club.”
Sakura let out a small laugh, though it sounded more like a scoff than anything, “Doubt he’d be kind enough to help out anyway.”
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at her, “And you are?”
“Looks like you’ve learned something new once again.” She asked with a false, sweet smile.
Tsukiahima just rolled his eyes at her. Her sarcasm was not that appreciated. Oh, how he could so go without having to hear it. “Hey, I don’t think it’s fair that you’re having the shrimp ask for the both of you.” He asked smugly as Kageyama had yet to say anything. Just like with Sakura, Tsukishima was acting the same way “What do you have to say, big guy?”
“Kageyama, ask him,” Shōyō urged him.
The setter was having a flashback to just a few minutes ago when Sakura did the same thing. It was unsettling how similar the two were, he thought. Begrudgingly Kageyama grumbled under his breath, “Please teach us.” Though it wasn’t like anyone could hear him all too well.
“What?” Tsukiahima bent down and obnoxiously cupped his ear.
“Please… teach us how to study.”
“I don’t think I quite heard you.”
Kageyama then intensely bowed down, his head nearly touching the ground as he shouted, “Teach us how to study!”
The door to the Sakanoshita Market slid open violently, startling the teens as Ukai yelled at them, “Shut the hell up! You’re disturbing the neighbors!”
“S-Sorry!” Shōyō and Kageyama stuttered out.
Tsukishima grumbled, “Why am I getting yelled at?”
Once Ukai had returned to his shop, the teens realized it was definitely time to go home. It was getting late, and Sakura knew they needed to get home before their mother started to worry.  “Let’s just go, I’m hungry.” Sakura said as she mounted her bike, “See ya, Tadashi.” She swiftly started to pedal away, only saying bye to the only one she tolerated.
The boy smiled at her, “bye, Sakura!” Though his smile became slightly awkward when he noticed Tsukishima glaring at him.
The quiet day was a perfect time for some studying, which is what Sakura had told her brother. Well, she gave an excuse for every day being a good day for studying. No matter how annoyed or put off Shōyō might have been about missing out on practicing outside, he knew that she was just doing this in his best interest. Though He had to say that the studying that she was doing was… helpful. Yes, she was quite demanding of him with her tutoring, she was working with him to help him as much as she could. At this point, Sakura is aware of Shōyō ‘s strengths and weaknesses and was doing her best to help him strengthen them while also overcoming or avoiding his weaknesses.
So that’s where Shōyō found himself at the desk in their shared bedroom, his notebook opened up as he copied some notes that Sakura had given him. Sakura was also in the room, working on her own studying and homework while keeping an eye on Shōyō to keep him on task. She’s aware her brother could get distracted easily, so making sure he isn’t going to get absorbed in something else.
She laid on her stomach, her books out in front of her on her bed as she was finishing up the last of her math homework. Not only that but she had to start coming up with some ideas about what she would do for the next gallery. Since Shimada had hinted at them talking about it for the next club meeting.
Ever since the first gallery that they had, Sakura had found herself enjoying the galleries and exhibitions that they’ve had. Some were small and just the photography club. Others were in collaboration with other clubs like the Art club, which usually had more people who came to see it. The photography club was small and not that interesting for outsiders, in all honesty. Though the art club, well, everyone knew the art club and loved to see it. Perhaps because there were a lot more mediums of art within the club than just one like photography. 
The sound of a phone buzzing went off. Sakura raised an eyebrow at it, knowing that it wasn’t her phone since it’s on silent. So of course it was Shōyō’s. However, her eyes narrowed since she had been adamant to him about keeping his phone on silent and away from him to minimize distractions. Since she is well aware of how he could be easily distracted.
Shōyō looked at his phone to see whatever text he had gotten. It certainly seemed to fill him up with excitement since it was great news. Talking to Kenma was quite exciting, especially about the upcoming training camp. Though his determined and motivated emotions were stunted as he was hit on top of the head. Sakura scowled behind him and quickly snatched his phone out of his hands in his disoriented state.
“What’d I say,” She harshly said, “no phones while studying!”
Shōyō whined, “It’s Kenma.” As if that was going to justify his disregard of one of her rules for his studying.
Their door then opened up as their little sister came bounding into the room. Her bright smile lit up the room as the childish energy consumed her siblings. There was no doubt that she wanted to play. She bounced around happily, completely dispelling the brewing argument between the twins. If it’s one thing that Natsu is a master at, it dissipates any discourse between the two. She smiled largely at the two, “Ni-chan, onee-chan, let’s play jump rope!”
Their mother then called from down the hall, “Nat-chan, the twins are busy studying.”
She pouted, “Aw…”
“Come on Nat-chan,” Sakura sighed while climbing off of her bed. “I’ll play with you.” The last thing that she’d want to see is her little sister upset about not getting to play with someone. Besides, she quite likes getting to loosen up a bit and play games with Natsu. She’s quite the adorable girl, and Sakura adores her.
The little girl cheered, “Yay!”
As Natsu skipped as she started dragging Sakura away by her hand, Sakura turned to her brother, “You focus on studying,” she waved his phone around in her hand, “I’m taking this.” So she was led off by their little sister to join in on some jump rope while Shōyō was left to study.
Though just as Sakura and Natsu were making their way outside they heard their brother shout out, “All right! I’m gonna go to Tokyo!”
“Shōyō, be quiet!” Their mother scolded him. The two sisters shared a look, Sakura rolling her eyes lightly while Natsu giggled.
When it came to be the next day, Sakura walked alongside Yachi as they headed towards the third-year classrooms. It took a bit of convincing to get Yachi out of their classroom and on their journey to find Kiyoko. Sakura knew that Yachi was anxious about talking to their upperclassman about the position in the club, but she was hoping that she could work her way through it. Everyone has their vices and flaws, but she had a feeling that Yachi would at least give it a chance. 
“Yachi. It’ll be okay.” Sakura said, staring at her friend in worry. The poor girl was fidgeting around to the point that Sakura was worried that she was going to pass out or something.
“But it’s a third-year! A friend of yours!” Yachi exclaimed, earning some looks for the other kids they walked passed. “What if I say something wrong and then she doesn’t want to talk to me and then you decide that I embarrassed you so much that you don’t want to be my friend anymore and-”
Sakura cut her off, “Yachi, that isn’t what's going to happen.”
“Are you sure?” The girl asked as she nervously bit her nails.
“Yes.” She said strongly and let just a small smile to grace her lips, “I’m not going to stop being your friend, all right. It will take quite a bit for that to happen.” Since Yachi was one of her only friends in her class, it wasn’t like she was going to drop her over something simple like this. Sakura certainly wasn’t shallow like that.
Yachi blinked owlishly, “Oh, okay.” She was well aware that Sakura really only had her as a friend in their class. Though that didn’t mean she thought Sakura would leave her if she messed it up with this third-year manager. Yachi values talking to Sakura every day and sharing lunch and their breaks with her, she definitely would not want to lose that friendship.
“There she is.” Sakura said as she walked over to the beautiful third-year. “Good morning, Kiyoko.”
Her senpai smiled at them, “Good morning, Sakura.”
“This is my friend Yachi Hitoka.”
The beautiful teen smiled widely at the younger girl, “It’s lovely to meet you.” 
It seemed like Yachi had become star-struck now with Kiyoko looking down at her. Though once she realized that she had to give some sort of greeting she stuttered out, “N-Nice to m-meet y-you!” Which then prompted her to give a deep bow, which startled Kiyoko at how sudden it was.
Kiyoko glanced over at Sakura for a moment at the strange greeting from Yachi. The orange-haired girl just shrugged her shoulders at her senpai. So Kiyoko just continued, “Sakura mentioned that you were looking for a club to join.”
Yachi nodded her head stiffly, “Uh, oh, yeah!” Sakura just raised an eyebrow at Yachi’s nervous behavior. She knows that her friend has difficulty with her anxiety about certain situations and overthinking a lot. Sakura just hoped that if Yachi decides to take this on, it could help her work through it. She knew sometimes to work through something you can put yourself in certain situations out of your comfort zone.
“The boy’s volleyball club will need to have a new manager next year since I am graduating.” Kiyoko explained as she handed Yachi the manager  “This year they did quite an amazing job during their games. Even at the Inter-High prelims, they were neck-and-neck with Aoba Johsai, who actually made it to the finals.” Sakura was half listening to Kiyoko since she already knew this. However, she noticed the far off look on Yachi’s face, which caused her to raise an eyebrow. Was she paying attention? Sakura wondered. “Though we do have quite a few troublemakers, but I’m sure you’ll find that they’re a team you want to root for. So, why don’t we try a trial membership?”
“Huh?!” Yachi jumped, getting dragged out of her thoughts since she zoned out during everything Kiyoko said. She nervously shouted out, “Sure!”
Kiyoko smiled widely, “Really?! Thank you so much!” She exclaimed while grabbing her hand, “Then I’ll come by again after school.”
As Kiyoko skipped away happily at the new development, Sakura looked over at Yachi and her dazed expression. Sakura deadpanned, “Did you hear anything she said?”
“...no,” Yachi coughed out sheepishly.
Sakura shook her head in amusement, “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you up, come on.” So Sakura started retelling what Kiyoko’s had said as they headed back into their classroom.
Kiyoko had come to collect Sakura and Yachi once classes were over. While Sakura could have easily brought Yachi there on her own, she knew that Kiyoko wanted to give Yachi a good impression and explain more things on their walk over. Not only that but Kiyoko is just an extremely kind girl.
All throughout their short walk towards the gym, Yachi was nervously fidgeting with her hands, but listening attentively to every word Kiyoko said. Sakura walked beside them while keeping quiet and letting Kiyoko take charge of the conversation. After all, Kiyoko was the one who had to teach Yachi what she would need to know to be a manager, if Yachi took the position. 
Eventually, the trio of girls made it to the gym entrance. Sakura made sure to give Yachi her silent support through looks and gestures, which seemed to work just slightly. Yachi was not exactly an anxious mess over meeting new people, or else their first meeting would have been a bit more awkward, Sakura knew. However, with the job of a manager possibly hanging over her, Yachi was just over thinking what was going to happen if she messed up at any point or disappointed Kiyoko.
Soon enough they made it to the door of the gym. The team was already practicing their passing and spikes when the girls got there. Though there was no way that any of them were going to miss Kiyoko’s appearance. Though once they noticed her they also noticed the two others along with her. While they weren’t surprised to see Sakura there, the blonde-haired girl was someone new. That was definitely causing Yachi to tremble just slightly, having to be around all these new boys and how intimately tall some of them were.
“So you found a new person!” Shōyō exclaimed.
“What’s up?” Tanaka inquired.
Nishinoya joined in on the questioning, “What’s going on?” 
Kiyoko glanced at the nervous Yachi, “Um, she’s joining the club on a trial basis as the new manager…”
Now with all of the boys starting to gather around the girls, Yachi stumbled out a greeting, “I-I’m Yachi Hitoka!”
“Seriously?” Suga said happily, “That’s awesome!”
Shōyō was bouncing around at all of this new news, “Nice job, Shimizu-senpai!”
Asahi bent down to greet the new coming, “You’re a first-year?”
Though that only made Yachi panic a bit since she thought Asahi was not a student but instead an older man. She stuttered out, “I-I’m in Class 1-5, sir!”
Daichi made sure to put himself between them, in case Yachi becomes even more scared, “Asahi, back up a bit.”
“Huh?” Though Asahi was a bit oblivious to why he had to do so.
“You’re scaring the poor girl,” Endo chuckled while patting his friend on the back in sympathy.
It seemed like Nishinoya and Tanaka were more than intrigued to see the new girl. Though their way of expressing this, just staring at her intensely, was doing nothing but scaring Yachi just slightly. “Hey!” Suga exclaimed and pushed the two away. “Don’t stare like that! It’s rude.”
Even if he had been pulled back slightly to not frighten Yachi too much, Asahi was still excited with this new development. “Thank goodness. Now there’ll be a manager next year, too.”
Shōyō nodded, “Yes!” Though that just caused Yachi to jump slightly in nervousness.
“Sh-She hasn’t actually joined yet,” Kiyoko was quick to correct them, “I asked her suddenly today, and before work with the membership committee, so she’s just dropping in to say hi today.”
Yachi bowed her head to the group, “I-It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Same!” All the boys around her respectfully did the same. Though that just caused Yachi’s nervousness to spike even more as she jumped. Sakura made sure to place a hand on Yachi’s shoulder, hoping to calm the poor girl down just a bit. She just wanted to make sure that her friend knew that she was there to try to calm her down if she needed it.
Kiyoko stepped in, “Could you not surround her until she’s more comfortable?”
Sakura’s eyebrows furrowed, “You guys are creepy when girls are around.” It was almost like they had never been around too many girls at one time. She knew that a few of them were a bit… dumbfounded when it came to girls, but it shouldn’t be too bad. It made her feel protective of the only friend from her class. After all, if they scared her off, what if Yachi decided to avoid her or something. So she did her best to subtly stand in front of Yachi as she rolled her eyes at them, “Please don’t scare away my friend.”
Tsukishima decided to make a jab, “You have a friend?” Which only earned him a deadpanned glance from her and nothing more. Not like she was going to give him any real acknowledgement. Which ultimately frustrated Tsukishima just a bit, but he kept himself quiet for the time being.
So Yachi saw that as an opening to leave the gym for the day. She smiled politely at the new group of people, though it did seem a bit strained, and left, “S-Sorry for the intrusion.”
“Shimizu.” Daichi said to their manager, “So you were looking for a new manager…”
“Yeah. I didn’t think we got enough response when we tried to find people in April.” The third-year girl said, “I thought it was important to find someone to carry on as manager, especially with Karasuno getting so much stronger.”
Her inspirational words and determined expression, the boys all bursted out into tears at her dedication to the team. As they all shouted out to her in awe.
“So have you thought about it?” Sakura asked as she slurped on some ramen. It was now lunch time the day after Yachi was introduced to the team. Sakura wouldn’t admit it, but she was intrigued, to say the least, about whether Yachi was actually going to join the team as a manager. While on one hand, she wouldn’t want to subject Yachi to having to deal with some of the rambunctious boys of the team, on the other hand, Sakura would like to have another girl around the team. Sakura is around the team plenty so she figured that her presence would help alleviate some of the nerves.
Once Sakura had met up with her brother yesterday, he wanted to know everything about Yachi. He already knew that Sakura had a friend in her class and general information about her, but certainly wanted to know more. It was slightly annoying for Sakura, at least at the beginning. Though after a while she liked getting to talk to someone about her friendship. After all, Sakura doesn’t have too many people to talk to about her relationships besides the photography club to a certain extent, Yachi and her brother.
Sakura just kind of really hoped that Yachi was swinging a bit more into accepting the position of manager. Since she was around the team so much, it would be a nice change of pace to have someone new there.  Having another friend, who Sakura actually enjoyed being around, on the team was a guarantee that Sakura would have more fun while around the club. Not to say that she didn’t, but with the likes of the annoying Endo, infuriating Tsukishima, and the troublesome quartet, it would be a nice balance to have someone sane on the team. Not only that, but it meant the team had another supporter. They didn’t have too many people who came to watch the games and cheer Karasuno on, so perhaps having an added person, especially a manager, could help with the team morale. At least, Sakura hoped so.
Sipping on her juice box, Yachi shrugged her shoulders, “I have. Though I’m not sure. It seems like a confusing job to take on.”
“It’s not that confusing,” Sakura said, “you just have to wrangle in those volleyball-idiots from time to time.”
“But I don’t know much about volleyball.” Her eyes started to become wide as some thoughts bombarded her, “What help would I be to the team? What If I get something wrong and then it ends up with the team losing or something? I could never face them again!”
Noticing that Yachi was starting to become overwhelmed, Sakura made sure to attempt to calm her down. “Hey, nothing like that would happen, trust me.” She said, already trying to stop any sort of overthinking that Yachi might have about this. “If you don’t know about volleyball the team will happily teach you what you need to know, I’m sure of it. I can even help you if you need.”
Despite not being a volleyball player, or really a part of a team, Sakura knew plenty about volleyball. While her brother played the sport, he wasn’t exactly too versed on what rules are in certain situations. So she took time to learn what was important. The rules, the positions, and anything else she deems necessary. 
“You will?” Yachi asked, appearing to be genuinely touched that Sakura would help her out. She’s known Sakura only for a little while, and knows that she doesn’t always reach out to people or to help them, so it was touching to realize that Sakura would help her with this.
Sakura coughed lightly, a bit embarrassed now that Yachi had become so sappy all of a sudden. “Obviously.”
“Yachi-san!” A sudden shout broke the pair from their conversation. Coming into the room was Sakura’s brother and the gloomy setter, to the surprise of the two girls. “Pardon us!” Shōyō said as he came into the room, “I’m Hinata Shōyō from Class 1! This is Kageyama.”
The setter nodded his head in greeting, “Hey.”
“H-Hey,” Yachi stuttered out after an unseen internal panic.
Sakura eyed the two of them while placing down her lunch, “What are you two here for?”
“We need help studying,” her brother explained. “Imouto, can you help us right now!”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I guess, though I was in the middle of a conversation with Yachi.”
“Oh, Yachi-san, do you like studying?” Shōyō asked her eagerly.
She just shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t hate it.”
“Could you teach me this English?” He asked her, “You should ask her, too, Kageyama!”
Kageyama gruffly said, “Please teach us.” Sakura has to admit that it was easier for him to ask Yachi for help and not her.
“If we fail any tests next month, we won’t be able to go to the Tokyo away games,” Shōyō explained, “so we’ve been having the tall guy with glasses named Tsukishima help us…” An annoyed expression crawled onto their faces as they thought back to Tsukishima and his methods  of teaching. “But lately, he’s getting irritated because Kageyama and I are so stupid.”
Kageyama grumbled, “I’m not scared of him.”
“Fooled me,” Sakura commented sarcastically, earning a glare from the boy.
Shōyō continued, “But it’d be better for someone to teach us nicely!”
“And I don’t?” Sakura asked, slightly offended.
Kageyama deadpanned at her, “You are only slightly less condescending than Tsukishima.” Sakura would have contradicted him, if she didn’t think that it was slightly true. Though she still hated having been compared to the bitchy blonde giant.
“I-If I’m good enough…” Yachi stuttered out.
“Really?!” Shōyō jumped into her face happily.
“Don’t feel pressured to help these two out,” Sakura said reassuringly to her friend. “They’re already getting a lot of help, if they fail now, it’ll be a miracle fueled by their own stupidity.” 
Yachi sweat slightly at Sakura’s insult. She hasn’t really seen how Sakura interacts with her brother, since this is only the second time meeting him. However, she could definitely feel that Sakura was a bit more on the harsher side with him for certain things. She just slowly nodded her head to Shōyō, “Yeah. But I wonder if I’ll be able to teach in a nicer way than the tall guy with glasses…”
The two boys in front of them shook their heads as Shōyō said, “You definitely don’t have to worry about that.”
So the group all gathered around Yachi’s desk. The girl was sharing her notebook with the boys who were more than happy to look it over and copy it down. It was certainly very organized. A bit different from how Sakura organized her notes, a tad bit more color to it as well. Dare the boys say they were even easier to follow.
“Wow!” Shōyō exclaimed, “I see! Wow!”
Yachi became bashful as the boys gushed over how organized her notes were, “Oh, it’s nothing…”
“Your notebook’s really easy to look at, Yachi-san.” Shōyō praised, “You’re great at drawing, too!”
“My mom works at a design firm, so she’s always been picky about things like this.” She then started to write in his notebook, “Oh, if you leave a space here, it’ll be easier to fill in later. Also, if you limit the number of colors you use, it won’t get confusing. And… I’m sorry! I was writing all over your notebook!”
Though Shōyō wasn’t put off at all, he was intrigued with her work, “Oh, I see… You’re amazing!”
“I-It’s n-nothing… nothing…”
Even through her silence, Sakura was watching the boys copy the notes. Though it seemed like they weren’t copying everything to a T, at least in her opinion. “You’re writing it wrong, King.”
“Eh?” Kageyama’s eyebrow twitched at her speaking up.
She took his pencil from him, to his chagrin, and started to write, “this is a compound sentence, so there’s a comma.” The boy just grumbled under his breath before snatching the pencil back from her. Sure, she wasn’t as bad as Tsukishima to a degree, but she still talked down to him at times like an idiot, even if she was being somewhat helpful.
Yachi nervously chuckled at the atmosphere around Kageyama growing gloomy, “Sakura is a bit better at English than me, her notes would probably be better.”
“I gave them my notes,” Sakura pointed out, “but I’m starting to wonder if they actually look them over to study. At least there’s no oral exam, or they’d be screwed.”
Kageyama glared at her, her obvious superiority about her English skills looming over them. He mumbled, “And you wouldn’t?”
She deadpanned, “No.”
“You can speak English?” Yachi asked with a tilted head. She knew that Sakura was intelligent, but she didn’t know anyone at the school who was completely fluent in English.
Her eyes widened, “Fluently?”
Sakura just shrugged her shoulders, “My English is good enough to get me by.”
“Ne, but imouto,” Shōyō started to say, “you can speak it really well. You had full conversations with our teachers all the time. Oh, she's really good at Korean too!”
Sakura pursed her lips at the reminder, “I don’t remember too much of that though.”
A thought then popped into Shōyō’s head, “Didn’t you only learn it because you liked-”
“Shut up, no one asked you.” She definitely didn’t want to get into how she had a bit of a k-pop phase while in junior high. So she just bonked her brother on the head to stop him from speaking.
Changing the conversation, Yachi started, “So, Hinata-kun…”
“Just Shōyō’s fine.”
“Do you not like studying, Shōyō-kun?”
“I hate it.” He gruffly confessed, though that wasn’t surprising. “Sitting for a long time like this sucks.”
“So you’re trying really hard so you can go to Tokyo?”
“Yeah!” He became happy talking about the upcoming camp, “We’re gonna have practice matches with all the strong schools from Tokyo!”
Yachi smiled at the upbeat turn of his mood, “That’s amazing. I’ve never been that serious about anything before.”
“There’s this school called Nekoma High School in Tokyo, and the setter there is super-smart.” Shōyō started to explain a bit more in depth, “And then like their leader has a really spikey head… He’s really big and seems like a bad guy. And there’s a guy that’s totally awesome at picking up one receive after another like foom.” 
“The libero from Nekoma is awesome.” Kageyama commented, “He’s on par with Nishinoya-san.”
“There are a lot of amazing guys! Not just in Tokyo, but in our prefecture…” Sakura continued to listen to her brother’s explanation and could see that it was going over Yachi’s head. She’ll have to make sure to go over volleyball terms and such later with her. “There’s the Great King from Aoba Johsai, Ushiwaka, who’s known as the undefeated champion, and Date Tech has the Iron Wall who’s 190cm tall!”
“190 centimeters?!” Yachi yelled before blinking at the boy, “Um… Hinata, are you a manager, too?”
“Why?” He asked.
“Oh… I thought only tall people played volleyball and the club was full of tall guys.”
There was a short pause as Sakura snickered into her hand and Shōyō took a second to jump up. “I may be short, b-but I’m a regular!”
Yachi froze in shock, since she just judged someone based just off of his height. She nearly threw herself under her desk as she shouted out, “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay.” Shōyō reassured her, “I’m used to it. Even if I’m not big, I can fly!” Yachi stared up at him with wide eyes. The determination that he had in his stance was palpable enough for her to see. He really was 
Kageyama broke her out of her thoughts, “Hinata, don’t you need to copy this down?”
“Oh, yeah.” He then quieted down and started to finish his copying. “Everyone’s so big and they look strong, but when we’re in a match, I feel like I’m taking those people on. It’s exciting. It’s nerve-racking.”
Yachi blinked at his determination. It was inspiring to hear something like that. She smiled, “That’s amazing, taking on people like that. That makes you a Little Giant, Hinata.”
At the name, Shōyō jumped up, “Huh!?”
“What!?” Yachi jumped anxiously at the sudden shout.
“You know who the Little Giant is?” He asked, “Did Sakura tell you?”
That certainly confused Yachi as she had no clue what he was talking about. “Huh? Uh, no. I, uh… Don’t you call Japanese players that when they’re fighting with much bigger foreign players in sports?”
“Oh, right.” Shōyō calmed down and deflated slightly, “Yeah, I’m gonna be the Little Giant.”
Kageyama then said, “Hey, Little Giant that’s not gonna make it to Tokyo, hurry up and copy this.” Which Shōyō quickly did.
Sakura started to munch on her food again as she watched them finish up copying. If she were being honest, she’s glad that there was someone else helping with her brother’s studying. She honestly was surprised when Tsukishima agreed to help, even if it was only for a few minutes each day. She was convinced that he’d just laugh in their faces and leave them high and dry. It confused her a bit, but she was more than grateful for it. Which was not something she would admit to out loud. That beanstalk would just hold that over her head for who knew how long. Now with Yachi added into it, she was certain that her brother would do well. Sakura admires Yachi since she is very intelligent and well-rounded. Sure, the blonde was a bit jumpy and anxious a lot, but that didn’t detract from her smarts. Sakura was more than glad to have her as a close friend.
Eventually, the break period was almost over, and the boys had gotten the notes copied, it was time for them to part ways. Sakura and Yachi followed the two boys out to say goodbye.  Standing outside the door, Shōyō asked, “Will you help us study again?”
“Sure.” Yachi nodded, “Teaching you guys helps me remember the material, too.”
Shōyō then started to aggressively shake Yachi’s hands, “Thanks! Thank you, Yachi-san!”
“Oh, no,” Yachi said nervously at the aggressiveness, “it’s nothing…”
“See you in club!”
Yachi waved at the two as they left before her smile dropped. Her appearance now becoming drained, “What is this? I feel like I’ve been left out in direct sunlight for a while.”
“That happens when you’re around my brother for too long.” Sakura explained to her with a shrug of her shoulders.
Yachi looked to her as they headed back into the classroom, “you weren’t kidding when you said you and him weren’t alike.”
Sakura couldn’t help but chuckled slightly, “I told you.”
School came to an end and all the students started to make their ways to their clubs or escape home. After their class ended, Sakura and Yachi headed to the gym. Basically the entire time, Sakura had been doing her best to explain things about volleyball to her. She talked about the positions, basic rules, and explained who the Little Giant was. Even from the way she spoke about the past middle blocker from Karasuno, Yachi could tell that Sakura knows nearly everything about him. The obsession that Shōyō had with the Little Giant was something that Sakura took seriously, in Yachi’s opinion. It was heartwarming to see her invested in her brother’s hobbies and interests. 
“Remember,” Sakura started to say, “it’s okay if you don’t know anything, Kiyoko will help you.” She did her best to prepare Yachi for what was to come, but she knew that Kiyoko would be there to help further.
Yachi nodded her head as if she was heading off to war, “Right.”
Sakura smirked, “I know that you’ll do good.”
The two walked up to the door and were instantly bombarded with a bright ray of sunshine jumping at them. “Yachi-san! Imouto! This afternoon’s English quiz…” He showed her the quiz that had a score of 21. “Some parts you taught me were on there, and I got a third of them right!”
“Wahoo!” The two cheered and jumped around before Yachi praised Shōyō. “That’s amazing, Shōyō-kun!”
Sakura smiled just slightly at how happy the two of them were. Still, 21 isn’t an acceptable grade just yet. Sakura thought to herself in slight amusement and worry. Yes, it’s better than what he normally might do, but there was still a way to go before he could successfully pass their exams.
She cleared her throat to get the bubbly pair’s attention, “Well, have a good practice.”
“Do you have club today, imouto?” Shōyō asked with a small tilt of his head.
“Yes,” she nodded, “technically it’s just about every other day, but I’d rather come to your practices.” Shimada was very relaxed on the club attendance as most of the time they don’t have all too much to do. The only times everyone is required to go is when they have a gallery coming up or some similar event to go over about. Honestly, it’s a bit of just a glorified hangout between friends, in Sakura’s opinion. Yes, she would love to go to every club meeting, but she just was still having some trouble leaving Shōyō’s practices. It’s too ingrained in her routine to be at his practices everyday that she was having some difficulty pulling herself away from them.
There seemed to be an emotion that flashed in Shōyō’s eyes for a moment before it was gone as if it didn’t happen. He just smiled at her, “Have a good time at your club then!”
“Have a good practice,” she said before giving Yachi a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder. With that, she lazily walked off to head to the photography club. Shōyō watched her go with his smile, though it did slip off a bit. He didn’t know that her club was every day. Had he known that he might encourage her to go more. Then again he had to wonder, would he be okay with not having her around for his practices either. Just as much as Sakura is used to being at the volleyball team’s practice, Shōyō was used to her being right on the sidelines. Though he can’t think about that right now, he has to focus on practice.
Walking into the club room, everyone was in their normal spots as usual as Sakura got comfy in her spot by the window. Her fellow clubmates were already in the club room talking to each other. Wada was sitting on top of a desk, talking animatedly about something. If Sakura had to guess, it was about something that she surely wouldn’t be interested in.
The group all greeted Sakura in their own ways as Wada smiled at their youngest member. “Hinata-chan, you’re just in time.” 
Ito rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed with whatever Wada had already been talking about, “Yeah, you almost missed out on Wada going on and on about his new girlfriend.”
Wada smiled wistfully, “And what a beautiful girl she is.” Whoever this girl was, she must have been pretty amazing for him to swoon like this.
“And isn’t this girlfriend number five this year?” Ito sassed with a raised eyebrow. It’s known to everyone at school that Wada is a popular guy, which means plenty of love confessions, and who is he to turn them down. Especially when they’re from girls he is even slightly interested in. Sure, at this point he’s dated most of the girls in his grade and a couple third-years, he’s just an interesting guy.
Though that didn’t stop Wada from smirking at her, “Jealous?” 
“You wish!” She scoffed at the absurdity of that question. After all, why would she be jealous of someone like Wada Katski?
Yokoyama leaned over to Sakura and stage whispered, “She’s definitely jealous.”
“Yea, I don’t want to hear about your girlfriend,” Shimada said, leaning over to her underclassmen. She smiled, it appeared a bit teasing, as she looked down to Sakura, “I want to hear about why Sakura’s here! Did you miss us!?”
“No,” Sakura scoffed, “of course not.”
The club president just cooed, “Come on, admit it, you missed us.”
“Perhaps,” Shimada brightened at Sakura admitting that, “I did miss seeing Mori-senpai.” Shimada then deflated.
“Though it is surprising,” Yokoyama commented while pursing their lips, ignoring the depressed Shimada. “You don’t usually come to club on days like this. Normally, you’re here just when we tell you to be and have something important.” 
“You make it sound like I’m a slacker or something,” Sakura scrunched up her eyebrows.
Mori giggled lightly from her seat across from Sakura, “When it comes to attendance, you are.”
Sure, she didn’t come to club all too much, but she was there when it counted. Sakura justified her lack of attendance for the club by the fact that they didn’t have all too many important things to do. She viewed days like this as just a time to be lazy with the club and talk. She pursed her lips, “Well it’s not like we have much to do.”
Wada leaned over with a smirk, “How would you know if you aren’t usually here on days like this.” He had her there.
“Do we have something to do?” Sakura raised an eyebrow, challenging them on the notion.
Shimada jumped up in excitement, “Indeed we do, today is ‘learn more about Sakura day!’”
Said girl blinked in confusion, “Huh?”
“We would love to get to know you more Sakura!”
“Yeah, you come in here only every once in a while and it’s not like you talk all too much about yourself.”
Sakura couldn’t help herself but shift uncomfortably, “There’s nothing too interesting to talk about me.”
“I beg to differ,” Shimada said, now plopping herself onto the table that Sakura was sitting at. “What have you been up to? What have you been taking pictures of? Any new projects? What about the volleyball club? Finally decided on which boy is cute enough for you?”
Sakura huffed, “none of them are cute!”
Mori intervened before they scared Sakura off, “In return, you can get to know us more.”
Sakura looked at the five in front of her and their eager expressions. They obviously just wanted to be closer to her as club mates and friends, which Sakura knew was a good idea. She had decided recently that she should officially distance herself from Shoyo and making her own group of friends is one part of that. So she could use this moment to achieve that. It was just that… it seemed to be easier said than done. 
She glanced away, either in embarrassment or anxiousness, and grumbled out, “I guess that it’s okay.” The others cheered, “but no talking about the volleyball club! None of them are cute, I am not and would never be interested in any of them!” Shimada, Wada and Ito deflated at that piece of information, since they wanted to get all the juicy bits of Sakura’s life. Though that didn’t mean they weren’t getting anything from her. “I’ve been thinking of working on a portfolio a bit more,” she explained, “taking it a bit more seriously so I can use it later on, I guess.”
“That’s pretty smart,” Ito tapped her chin in thought, “we should all probably do something like that.”
Sakura deadpanned, “you don’t already?”
“We will now!” Shimada exclaimed, “it’s a great idea for all of us, I’d say.”
Everyone agreed with that sentiment. At least now they would have more to do with their lazier days in the club. You would think that they’d have some sort of activities to do when not having to worry about galleries. Sakura thought to herself as she watched them talk about the ideas for portfolios and how to go about making them. Perhaps she could suggest some things to Shimada and Mori about projects that they could do. Though for that to happen, she would have to come to the club a bit more often. Watching the other teens talk with each other made Sakura realize that it didn’t sound like such a bad idea. So in that moment, she came to the decision that she would come to the club more often and socialize more often. It might just do her some good.
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This chapter seems longer than what I've usually done, maybe that's me. I'm hoping to get through season 2 generally as fast as I can, since I want to write season 3 cause it's my favorite ^-^ There does feel like there's a disconnect between this chapter as some points cause I feel like I lost myself in the writing a bit and couldn't totally get into the headspace for Sakura and Endo's characterization. Though I hope that it was good enough! Next up is going to be an original chapter staring Endo! Not totally sure how long Imma make it, but I feel like it's going to be quite a heavy, angsty chapter. I'll have to figure it out lmao
So I went on a family vacation for a few weeks! Went to Florida to Disney which was fun, and literally just got back from a BTR concert. Ah, Big Time Rush... brings back so many memories of middle school... bleh.
Though I'm back and I am hoping to finish up a new fanfiction this week or at least mid July for Stranger Things. I posted some stuff about it on my Tumblr which was just the master list for it and some character mood boards. I already have Secrets of the Forest uploaded, but I'm sort of reimagining that and rewriting the story for it, so I won't be touching that for some time. But Sealed Lips, the title of the new fic, came to me on the spur of the moment (like most fanfics lmao) and I think it'll be the first fic that I completely finish before posting it. That way I can upload it on a consistant basis... hopefully.
Anyway, hope you liked it, let me know what you thought. Until the next time, my friends!
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rianafying · 2 years
i’m turning 23 in 2 months. it’s raining today. i just watched an episode of heartbreak high. i have 5 different very important emails to send and 300 pictures to edit for work. i also have to pick up some parcels from the post office. and also call nanu make sure she’s doing okay. i’m apprehensive all the time. i’ve been apprehensive for as long as i can remember. even in elementary school. i need to somehow miraculously manage my stress to get my cortisol levels down. and everyday for many many many days i’ve been the most exhausted person on the face of this planet, and yet i keep on limping through life. it’s not all bad, but i feel bad. at least it’s raining today. maybe i could listen to the new song i found earlier today. i wanna dance but to loud music. i feel uncomfortable with headphones on, it’s a sensory issue, i feel deprived and anxious. i wanna dance to some loud ass music. maybe 23 won’t be awful. 22 wasn’t the most awful year of my life. too much happens, all the time. i don’t want anything to happen ever. enough things have happened for one lifetime. please can the rest of my life be boring please.
i was wondering if i should throw away my fan, vacuum cleaner and steam oven or get a storage thing or risk offending my relatives by asking them to keep em in their garage. they all have two storey houses, what’s a little oven gonna do to ruin that? my mother is an unstable woman. and for that i have suffered and continue to suffer, but i believe it’ll get better when i won’t have to depend on her financially. i kind of want to disappear. for like a long time. but where would i go? what would i wear/eat? i’ve been disappointed in my inability to do a regular job. it’s not even the job that’s the issue, it’s the application process. my sibling said they’ll help me w it but i still don’t do it. i had a whole box of cherries this morning. i’d been craving cherries for such a long time. finally gave in. i wish i was better at things. like cleaning, working, etc. it seems as if i’ve lost interest in doing things. even things i’m supposed to love doing. they say it’s depression and i believe they, but what next? what now? i hope my fake will to live becomes real someday. i might not make it. but i do try. everyday i try.
my bed has been good to me. i have not been good to my bed. it needs serious cleaning, there’s crumbs on it. but my bed has been good to me. january’s such a strange month. so much to think about. which is the last thing i want to do. think. i wish i could dump out all this chaos vomit from my head and wash it out with cold water. have a fresh start. new year new me?
when will it be worth it? i live for my sibling. their well-being is worth it. at least i have someone to love unconditionally. not the most glamorous purpose in life. but it’s a purpose that i never doubt. maybe i’ll find some shiny cool new other purposes to add on to it.
i’m grateful for tumblr and my notes app. i couldn’t have done it without u two. but yeah, about the years passing me by. oh tell me why, i’m doomed to hold on to this fight. while i stay in all day shutting away these thoughts i have to hide. but i’m kidding myself i know that nothing can change the way i feel inside. it doesn’t have to be so difficult. i can’t be a part of this villainy. at least i’m not currently dealing with the perils of romantic heartbreak.
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dollik5 · 2 years
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relationship with 25-ji
feat. mizuki akiyama, ena shinonome, kanade yoisaki, asahina mafuyu.
sfw, obviously. fluff.
afab s/o, but reader’s gender isn’t mentioned.
a/n: OOOkay, I kin all 25-ji characters and, of course, I love them w my heart! I have sm hc about them and ideas..
a/n 2 LOL: HELLO?? maybe i need to do this type of reactions scenarios etc w the fandoms i am rn🐱🩷 HELP WHHSBSBSB
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Thanks for being with me, dear. . . .
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“Just. . . Thanks for being with me, (name). .”
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this girl oh woah
KANADE loves all of you, your personality, hair, eyes color, skin, height.. EVERYTHING ‼️‼️
she will gladly help you to know yourself and your identity, if you have problems or are confused about it.
loves spending time with you, especially when the two of you are alone. She tends to be more charismatic (not really) with you when she realizes that there is no one else around.
KANADE loves to write poems dedicated to you, mostly written with feelings from within.
KANADE is the type of girlfriend who would dedicate songs to you, writing the text “i was listening to this music and uhh I noticed the lyrics and i was thinking about you”. once you open the link, you will see that it is a love song (or in relation to how grateful she is that you are in her life ej)
she absolutely loves cuddling with you (she just don’t show it often), watching a show or listening to music together and then you two falls asleep (really).
“[reader], thanks for this. Really... with you, i know that i can continue to do this and be able to save people you did w me, i’m so glad to have you here right now, by my side・・・・ Thank you.”
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when MAFUYU expressed her feelings to you, she was confused fr,,, she never had a feeling like ‘this’ (her words)
all she knows is that she doesn’t want you to leave her side, she has finally found someone with whom she can feel comfortable to the point of almost taking her ‘true’ feelings out on you. so please, [reader], don’t be cruel and don’t leave her alone (or im gonna be her next gf)
MAFUYU doesn’t express an ‘i love you’ in words, but rather in actions.
although it may not seem like it, she loves being with you. to be honest, i think that MAFUYU’s love language is quality time + acts of service. doing some homework together, in bed about to sleep while you watch something on TV, +. .
For MAFUYU, your silhouette alone is enough to make her feel safe and comfortable wherever she is. you have become her safe place since she knew she could trust you thanks to your actions
remember something‼️‼️: she will be infinitely grateful for all the times you were there for her, like when she revealed some of her true emotions in front of you while crying and you gave her words of support, while you hugged her protectively,,
she realized that you shared some of her true feelings, such as the desire to disappear from all the anguish. she realized that behind that beautiful smile there was also a person empty in emotions, however you were getting to know you little by little and she would use this as support to do the same until she rediscovered herself.
“[reader], thank you for everything you have done for me..
— made me feel somehow ‘alive’.. I want to thank you for everything, the only thing what i want now is to be with you as long as you allow me... without you, i don’t know what would have become of me....”
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you met MIZUKI at school, a year before you moved. after coming back, you could see them more confident and you felt so proud of it. mainly for knowing that previously, they took it out their feelings on you
believe it or not, MIZUKI had feelings for you even before you moved in. and seeing you return, omg, they knew their feelings had never left
not only were they fans of your aesthetics, voice and appearance, they also loved your personality and acts. they knew that what they felt wasn’t just attraction once when talking to you someone started teasing them about the way they dressed, and you stood up for them.
“hey, who do you think you are to talk about someone’s dress like that? why don’t you look at yourself better? it’s your life. MIZUKI needs respect, like everyone. i don’t want to see you here, go away.”
lol they still remembers that day, and every time mizuki does they repeats in their head: “mizuki from the past would be screaming if they knew that I’m in relationship with [reader] now... AAAAKY&HJJKG-” u cant see but mizuki is SCREAMING and THEIR FACE RED ASF.
they love spending time with you and reminding you every day how much they love you, mentally thanking you for standing up for them past and present.
MIZUKI love language is quality time + affirmation words! maybe physical contact too.
MIZUKI invites you to their house most of the time, and it’d become routine that from friday to sunday you stay at their house all day (u know their sister btw, she LOVES YOU). they tend to fall asleep much faster being with you by their side, why? eeeaajwjaasy. knowing that they are with you, they feel much safer and more comfortable. they feel that you are protecting them from nightmares and practically everything bad (ofc)
whenever they have a bad day, they remembers YOU in their mind and a little spark of peace begins to sing in their head.
“H-Hey [reader]... I just want to tell you; thanks, thanks for everything. i can’t say how (w) much i love you. ever since i met you, you have always been there for me.
— defending myself, making me feel sure of myself. Really, i have so much to do to be able to show you how much I love you, and if i did, i’m sure it wouldn:t be enough..... thank u so much”
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ENA was your best friend since you entered at Kamiyama High School, you met her thanks to Mizuki and Akito
thanks to your actions and words, she began to trust you. and believe me, she still remembers those days from years past when you encouraged her to keep drawing because you knew she would achieve whatever she wanted to achieve
DAMN she fell in love with you fast (n hard, literally can do ANYTHING for u)... she really considered you, considers and will consider you as her safe place 4ever
when she declared her feelings to you, she did it by means of a letter giving it to you herself, and then running away
我が神よ、 東雲えな、愛してる・・
まあ、彼女はと ても愛情深いです・・・そして、嫉妬深いので、注意してください。
anyways, she really love spending time with you. you are what she calls “motivation”
doesn’t know what to do to thank you, tbh
she called you just so she can tell you how much she loved you
— love! How are you, ENA? Did you eat something?”
— “oh oh, later! Don’t worry, and you... did you eat?”
— fufu, yep,,, ENA, you can’t tell me something like that. i need to be worried about you, since you always asking me if i eated, how i am, yknow”
— “uhhu [reader], that’s because i loooovee you. i called you because i just want to tell you i love you with my heart, you always cared about me, you always supported me, always telling me how good i am at drawing, hah. [reader], thank you so much. i don’t know how to make you know how much i love you!”
— ENA... i love you too, my silly..”
— woah, honey, it’s late. you said you have an exam tomorrow, so uhm. honey, sleep and sweet dreams, my love!”
then you heard a kiss on the phone
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shina913 · 2 years
Scions, Ch.2 - Seokjin | Kim Line + JHS
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Scions, 2 - Seokjin
sci·​on | \ ˈsī-ən \ Definition: (1) a descendant (2) a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting
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✼Scions Masterlist✼
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Pairing: Jin x Fem!OC; Fem!Reader Sister + Jin
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Siblings!AU; Marriage!AU; FWB!AU; exes to ?; angst; smut; fluff
Warnings: unprotected sex (couple is in a monogamous relationship); spooning; dirty talk; cussing; overt discussions of fertility struggles; anxiety; OC has feelings of imposter syndrome; oral (M-receiving); alcohol consumption; character illness; a wild Jimin appears!
Word count: 6,033K+
Summary: Four grown siblings return to their childhood hometown after their father is declared to be terminal. They are forced to live under the same roof for days, along with their overbearing mother, to say their final goodbyes. It starts off nostalgic until some unresolved family issues along with an assortment of spouses, exes, and might-have-beens make things even more interesting.
A/N: This chapter was written as part of @btswritingcafe's Specialty Coffee Anniversary Event. There were three categories that featured various B-side tracks whose lyrics were meant to be the basis for the fic. For this particular chapter, I have chosen "21st Century Girls": Whatever other people say, Whatever this world tells you, You’re the best to me just the way you are.
Also—opening smut so—proceed with caution, under the cut!
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“Oh my gooood, Jin–” she moans. Her hands reaching back and digging into his thigh as he thrusts deeply into her.
“You like that? You like when I fuck you like this?” He gasps into her ear. He woke up hard this morning and was consumed with the desire to be inside her.
“Yes,” she mewls as he works his cock into her cunt.
She couldn’t say no to him—not when his fingers had so deftly rubbed her clit until she was sopping wet for him. He had built up the visceral need in her, one that would only be fulfilled if he fucked her senseless.
“I’m gonna cum so hard for you–you feel so good…so tight for me,” he rasps. He suckles on her neck, pumping his hips against hers.
“Ah, I’m close! Yes!”
He groaned and drilled harder and deeper into her. His fingers grasping her hips while her body trembled from her brewing climax.
She came with a loud cry…her moans filling the entire room and seeping out into the empty hallway, echoing through the entire house.
He followed shortly after. Gasping for air while he emptied himself into her.
It was raw, unbridled lust. 
“You think that increased our chances?”
He pauses buttoning his shirt for a beat.
“I…hope so,” he says, his voice lined with a thin layer of disappointment. It’s been a while since he had been inside her purely because he wanted to give his wife a good fucking.
He continued to fasten the rest of his buttons then took a quick glance at himself in the bathroom mirror before walking into the bedroom to rejoin his wife.
“Who knows? Maybe some spontaneity will help us.” He remarks, lightening his tone as he approaches her, still laying in bed.
She gives him a small smile. 
Seokjin and Yoojung have been married for a little over three years. They’ve known each other since they were in grade school. He finally asked her out during their junior year in high school. They went to prom together and stayed as a couple through their university years until he asked her to marry him.
Yoojung was a sweetheart. She was the quintessential girl-next-door—or if you wanted to be literal about it, she was the girl from two blocks away.
She’s always been so shy and reserved–she was practically a wallflower so it was a wonder how Jin plucked her out from the hordes of girls giving him heart-eyes at school back then. He could have his pick of any woman he wanted. He could have very well dumped her when they went to different universities–but each and every time, he only had eyes for her.
Yoojung couldn’t believe her luck–she had always been in love with Jin. Despite his popularity, he was sincere, caring, and extremely down-to-earth. He could have gone on to the big city and found a job but he chose to come back to his hometown and help run the family’s restaurant.
“Have a good day, yeobo,” she says as she tilts her chin up to kiss him
“You too. I love you,” he smiled.
“Love you, too,” she responded as she watched him walk out of their room.
They typically had breakfast together. She’d make him coffee and pack him lunch. But their early morning shenanigans caused her to stay laid up on the bed…to let things marinate.
Yoojung decided to lie still for another few minutes before she hopped in the shower to get ready for her day.
It was already light out when Jin backs out of his garage, slightly later than his usual departure time. He thought it was worth being late to the market just to have those blissful extra few minutes with Yoojung.
“Good morning, everyone!” He greets his staff enthusiastically as he enters through the side entrance of the kitchen, bringing in a container of fresh fish from the market. They all murmur their greetings in return as they’re already far into the day’s prep work. He hands the styrofoam container to his chef who compliments his bosses’ ingredient of choice for today’s special.
“How’s your dad today,” the chef asked while he was in the middle of working on his mise en place.
“He has his good days and bad. But he’s been listening to the doctor and taking it easy. Of course staying still has always been a huge challenge for him,” Jin says jokingly.
“Ah, you know your dad—he’d prefer to work until his last breath,” he says.
Jin smiles. “I’m sure he does. But, if he wants to be able to live the rest of his life—enjoy his grandchildren…he doesn’t have much of a choice. He has to rest.”
The chef’s eyebrows quirk. “Are you trying to say that he’s about to have more grandchildren?”
He paused, brimming with uncertainty. But instead of completely dodging the question, he carefully sidestepped it instead. “It’s certainly a possibility,” he chuckled.
The chef laughed. “Don’t worry, boss. I’m not trying to put any pressure on you. I’m sure that you and your siblings were more than a handful for your parents back then. It’s why I only had the one kid! It already felt like a circus with just him!”
Jin laughed in response. The truth was, his father had a talent for juggling. In fact, it felt as if he had invented it by the way he raised four kids, mostly on his own.
He only dreamed of becoming half the man he was. And if Yoojung ended up getting pregnant during this cycle, would he be up to the job?
//Eight months ago
“Seokjin-ah, can you open this for me, please?”
Jin pauses his inventory, sets his clipboard down and walks over to where his dad stood in the middle of the kitchen to unscrew the lid off the jar of homemade gochujang.
“Thank you, son. I’m sorry–your old man is an old man,” he chuckled, scooping some into the soup that he was mixing.
“Why don’t you just store the gochujang in a plastic tub? It would make it easier on you–”
“Jin,” he says sagely. “It’s much better in a glass bottle. It extends the shelf-life, especially for something homemade like this. Besides, I just probably need to lift more weights,” he jokes.
Jin smiles. “How ‘bout this? What if you switch to a flip-top jar then? It would be more convenient for you,” he suggests. “Plus, I don’t want to get a random call saying that you’re stuck underneath the bench press,” he laughs.
His father laughed heartily in response. “That would be humiliating,” he remarked. “But you know what? The flip-top jar is a great idea. Could you add that to our next order?”
“Of course!”
He watches his father carefully. It looked like he had gotten much older in a short amount of time…as if he didn’t look well. But the smile on his face said otherwise. 
“Aish, these darned pants,” he chuckles again. “They just won’t stay up.” He goes on to adjust the drawstring on his work trousers to tighten them further.
“Did mom put you on one of her weird diets again?” Jin wonders. His dad looked like he shed some weight recently–not that he was overweight to begin with.
He chalked it up to his mom being home more. Maybe her presence fast-tracked those wrinkles and gray hairs. Jin chuckles to himself.
Kim Beomsok had always lived an active lifestyle, despite making his living around food. He was always on the go. If he wasn’t running errands for the restaurant, he was shuttling his kids around town—from school, to playdates, extra-curricular activities.
Everyone in town knew that Kim family.
More recently, he slowed down a lot. What with three out of his four children living away from home, with their own lives. He did enjoy the occasional trip to the city, where he could play with his grandchildren. They were his pride and joy. He especially loved it when he could cook for them.
But it’s been a while since he drove too far from home. He found himself tiring out more easily. His doctor advised him to scale back and enjoy retirement.
Retirement involved his wife, a famous movie and television actress who had since stepped away from the limelight that she enjoyed for close to three decades. She was also tired and wanted to spend more time with the love of her life.
However, you can take the actress off the stage, but she still had an on-stage mindset. Case in point, keeping up with her ‘healthy’ diets.
His father laughs heartily. “I tried but I find myself sneaking in more midnight snacks than anything. One night, I finished half a slab of samgyeopsal all by myself.”
Jin laughed at that. He knew he could eat a whole slab of pork on his own–he and his siblings have seen it with their own eyes.
Each night, after dinner service, his father always made the staff a hearty meal. It was another way of showing gratitude and appreciation for a job well done. And he always joined in and partook in a celebratory beer.
Lately, his father hadn’t been joining the staff during meals. He still cooked but seemed a bit more tired than usual, apologizing constantly at the meager effort that he pulled together.
Restaurant staff always waved him off. How many bosses actually cooked for their staff on a nightly basis? Besides, he was understandably getting older, moving a bit slower than usual.
His father was still a proud man and the restaurant had been his whole life. This place, just like a handful of other family-owned businesses around town, was an institution. It helped that their mom’s star power kept its popularity—but more than that? The place just had great food and even better service. Anybody who came to eat there was always treated like family.
It was why Jin took it upon himself to slowly take on more tasks for the business. It began from supply inventories to accounting…pretty soon, he was helping plan out the seasonal menu. There was nothing in the restaurant’s daily operation that Jin didn’t have a hand in.
Eventually, he and his siblings were able to convince their dad to retire and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He had been working non-stop since he was a teenager. He deserved to rest.
//End flashback
“So—when you make your kalguksu, do you wash your noodles or just throw them into the pot?”
YN sighed into her car’s bluetooth receiver. She had just picked up her oldest, Joobin from elementary school and was en route to picking up her youngest, Jooni from preschool.  “Well…it’s a matter of preference, really. Do you want a thicker or clear broth?”
“Good point. So anyway! That’s not really why I called.”
YN laughed out loud.
“There’s no good way to broach this topic but—holy shit, fertility treatments are no joke,” he blurts out.
She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Oppa, you are on my bluetooth speaker and I just picked up Joobin.”
Joobin giggled from the backseat. “Uncle Jin said ‘shit.’”
“Ah, sorry, Joobinie! Don’t repeat that. Uncle is bad!”
YN groans in response. “Okay, let’s watch our language, please?”
“Right, sorry about that,” Jin apologizes. “Anyway…back to what I was saying. I know it’s the extra hormones from the shots but,” he sighs audibly, “I feel like I'm getting hit from all directions! It’s a rollercoaster of emotions.”
She shrugged her shoulders as she turned right on an intersection. “Just think, oppa—when she’s actually pregnant, it’s going to be ten times worse.”
“I knew this process was going to be long and difficult and truth be told, I thought I’d approach it differently by keeping it light to help us get through it, because…why wouldn’t I want to have sex with my wife?”
She cringed. “Gaaahh! Oppa! Language, please!”
“Ah, shit,” he says again on the other line while Joobin laughs.
“That’s it! I’m switching this conversation to my headset,” YN says, fishing out her earpiece from the center console and transferring the audio output.
“Okay, now you can speak freely,” she rolled her eyes. 
He sighed. “I’m sorry…I just,” he hesitates for a bit, “I just don’t know anybody else who's gone through the same process. The struggles of–trying for a kid…the physical and emotional toll…” he trails off.
YN softens her tone. “What’s wrong? Are you and Yoojung having problems?”
“No,” he says tentatively. “Not in that way. She’s putting in a lot of energy into this whole thing and I can see it consuming her. I’m worried.”
She hummed sympathetically. “Have you sat down and talked about it? What if you skip a cycle and wait for her hormones to normalize a bit? Maybe things might not be as tense,” she recommends.
He sighed into the phone. “I could suggest that but I don’t know how she’ll take it. She seems to really, really want this baby.”
“Do you want the same thing as she does? I mean, to have a kid?” She asked.
“I do,” he answered instantaneously. “But…”
“But what?”
He catches a glimpse of their wedding portrait propped on one side of his desk. “I just don’t want her to feel as if she’s obligated to do this. I want a kid, of course…but if it’s not in the cards for us, I still want us to be happy. I want her to be happy,” he sighed. “I think that she thinks this might be a make-or-break moment for our marriage—to…fuuuck me,” He drags out while he knits his brows in confusion.
She choked out a laugh on the other line. “Say that again?“
“No-no, YN. It’s-it’s dad,” he stammers as he watches his dad walk through the kitchen from the back office’s window.
“What? What happened to dad?”
“He just walked in through the kitchen—shit, I gotta go, YN.”
“Okay, okay. Call me back later. Love you!”
“Yep, love you, bye.“ 
He rushed out of his office and back into the kitchen. “D-dad? Wh-what are you doing here? Mom said you weren’t feeling well last night—“
He waved him off. “Ah, that was nothing. I woke up feeling much better and got an idea. I stopped by the market and… look!” He exclaims as he holds up a bucketful of Manila clams. “What do you say? Bajirak kalguksu?”
His efforts to drive him away from the restaurant so he could rest at home were futile.
Even after calling his mom, she told Jin to just let him be.
His dad ended up spending the whole afternoon there, even helping out through lunch and dinner service and rewarding all employees with a delicious pot of kalguksu.
Jin and his dad slurp loudly at their respective bowls of soup. As they set them back down on the table, they both let out a sigh of appreciation then burp almost in unison. After which, they make eye contact for a brief moment..before falling into absolute stitches seconds later.
Their staff had already gone home for the night so they were enjoying a bit of quiet time before Jin did his nightly walkthrough. 
“That was great, dad. As always,” he says as he picks up his bottle of beer and taps it against his dad’s.
After he takes a long drag of it, he remarks, “I wish I could make it like you do,” Jin  says quietly.
“You make it just fine, son,” he says to him before he takes a gulp of his beer.
“It’s just not the same. There’s–I don’t know…always something missing.”
“You make it your own way–and I think it tastes great.”
Jin chuckles. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Son, you should do things your way, not how I do them. I mean–” he spreads his arms out, gesturing around the restaurant. “Look at this place–it’s like a well-oiled machine! I couldn’t have left it in more capable hands.”
Jin sighs. “I just learned to do things like you showed me, dad.”
“Well…there’s pros and cons to that, Seokjinie. One, I’m flattered that you think I’ve taught you well. But two–you can always choose to go a different path. Hell–look at Namjoon-ah and YN-ah. They’re off doing their own thing…that was their choice, I respect that. Taehyung-ah…” he sighs, “I’m not gonna lie, I worry about that boy. But,” he shrugged his shoulders, “He’s trying to find his own way. I get it–he looks up to his hyungs and his noona. He’ll figure things out soon enough.”
Jin narrows his eyes at him. “Why are you getting all sentimental, dad? Is it the beer? Are you a lightweight now because you haven’t had a drop in a while,” he jokes. 
Jin’s dad laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Maybe,” he sighed. “I just want to make sure that you’re all settled, you know? And by that I mean–happy with the choices you’ve made. And if you aren’t–you need to do something about it sooner rather than later.”
“Are you happy with the choices you’ve made, dad?”
“Of course!” He says proudly after swallowing another gulp of beer. “I’ll admit, there were difficult times…especially when your mother worked a lot. But all those choices I made–I stood by them. They all worked out eventually.” He then turns to his son. “We raised all four of you after all,” he said with a smile. “I think you all turned out alright?”
Jin chuckled, fidgeting with the label on his bottle.
“But…like I said–if you’re unhappy now, don’t wait until resentment sets in. Life’s too short for that.”
After Jin watches his dad drive off, he proceeds to close out the register and records the day’s total sales. By the time he was done, he got home close to 11PM. He hangs his keys by the front door and toes his shoes off, setting them in the hallway closet.
He pads over to the kitchen and retrieves a bottle of wine from the fridge and a glass from the cupboard. He sets the glass down and proceeds to pour himself a generous serving. He swirls it around and takes a sip. He sighs at the combination of cool, sweet, acidity hitting his palette.
It was already shaping up to be a long day–slightly made more complicated by his dad’s unexpected visit. But it was over now, at least. He contemplated dinner. Yoojung had texted him earlier that she had put away a plate for him–which he saw in the fridge when he retrieved the wine.
He rubbed his eyes–sleep quickly taking over the moment he walked through his front door. That plate would just have to be breakfast for tomorrow…or he could pack it for lunch. He didn’t have time to decide on that now.
He picks up the wine glass and tilts his head back to polish it off before rinsing it and setting it on the dish rack to try.
He drags his feet up the steps when suddenly, he hears his wife curse loudly, then quickly followed by something hitting the floor.
He rushes the last few steps to check on her, finding her in their bathroom.
“Damn it! Damn it,” she says as slams her fist on the sink.
“Love, are you okay? I heard something crash–” he looks down on the floor and sees some cotton swabs and rounds scattered on the floor, along with whatever remnants of the containers that originally held them.
She looks up at him, beneath tear-soaked lashes.
“Are you hurt?” He rushes over to check on her hands.
“No, no. I’m–I’m not hurt,” she whimpers. “Then what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
She sighed deeply. “I…did a pregnancy test. I just thought–” she paused for a beat, “I had a feeling. I…I felt different so I thought I’d check and…” Her lips narrow into a thin line, trying to bite back the rest of her sobs.
He enveloped her in a warm embrace, and she melted right into him. “Hey…it’s okay, love,” he says. He rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.
“I’m so sorry, yeobo,” she cried softly. “I’m really, really sorry.”
“Huh? For what?”
“For being such a failure,” she said sadly.
At the sound of that, he pulls her away from his chest to look at her. “Yoojung, why would you say that?”
“Because–I can’t give you a baby,” she says before another wave of sobs escape her lips.
Jin sighed. “You know, when we took that step to try fertility treatments, we came to that decision together. Any setback or doubts that either of us had or felt, we agreed to talk through it together.”
He kept his eyes at her, staring intensely. “Lately, I feel like you’re doing way more than what I thought we had initially talked about with the doctor. Constantly checking your body temperature, changing your diet, setting timers…I can’t imagine what this is doing to you but I just know that it worries me…seeing you like this.”
“Jin, the doctor said, there’s no shame in being a bit proactive to speed up the process. I know that we could be looking at a long road and that it’s different for every couple–”
“Precisely! It’s different for every couple,” he repeats. “I was there, too, when he gave us the whole spiel. But I see the process completely overwhelming you. At first I thought it was just the hormones but…now, I don’t know. Talk to me, love,” he pleads with her. “I want to know what you’re feeling. I want to be in this with you, too.”
She tried to fight that sinking feeling within her. That feeling of desperation and helplessness. Yes, it was the extra hormones but that wasn’t entirely true. She sniffled. “I just want us to have a baby, Jin. I feel…I feel so incomplete…and unworthy–”
“I’m going to stop you right there! It breaks my heart that you would think of yourself like that,” he cuts her off abruptly.
“I can’t help it,” she whined. “Ever since you asked me out–I felt like I always had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming. All these years, I’ve had to–endure all of these…these judgy looks from all of these girls and women who were more deserving of your attention.”
She shook her head. “Honestly–I was doing fine. I thought that I finally got over all that after you asked me to marry you. But now?” she chuckled bitterly, “We’ve been married for over three years–and still–” she sucked in a breath, “I feel like such a fraud.” She reaches over to grab a couple of tissues to clean up the broken pieces of acrylic and pick up the rest of the mess that she made during her sudden emotional outburst.
Despite Jin’s repeated reassurances, Yoojung still felt as if having a child would complete their family…and complete her, in a way.
They lived in a small town–where virtually everyone knew each other. And they can only field so many of those ‘When are you having kids’ questions. It was getting exhausting.
Jin bends down to help his wife pick up the pieces off the bathroom floor. They did so quietly until they were satisfied that they had picked up every fragment.
Yoojung gets under the covers and Jin follows her back to the bedroom and sits next to her.
“Hey–” he cupped her face in his hands. “It’s still early. We still have over a week left in this cycle so…we can still keep trying.” He tries to console her.
“And…if it doesn’t work, maybe…now hear me out on this…maybe we should consider skipping the next cycle? We can regroup, give your body some time to rest. What do you think?” He asked softly, rubbing her arms for comfort.
Her shoulders sagged at the sound of that. She didn’t want to lose the momentum they had. “I don’t know, Jin.”
“Have I ever forced you to do anything that you didn’t want to?”
“No,” she says quietly.
“And–have you ever felt pressured by any of my family members–at all–to have children?”
She shook her head.
“Then why? Why would you want to torture yourself like this? To prove to me that you’re worthy?”
“But–married couples have babies, Jin! And–w-what about your family name? Wouldn’t you want to leave a legacy?”
He laughed. “Yoojung, I have two more brothers–I’m pretty sure, they’ll be able to pick up the slack in that aspect.”
“I know but…Jin, you’re the oldest, you’re–”
“Yeobo.” He places his hands on her shoulders to calm her down, face turning more serious this time. “What is this really about? Did the doctor say anything to you that you’re not telling me? Do we have a deeper problem?”
She shook her head. The fertility specialist hadn’t said anything different from when they first sat down with them and discussed options, risks, and possible and highly likely moments of heartbreak during this whole process. Yoojung figured that if she focused more on the positive aspects, that the pitfalls wouldn’t matter so much–and that the outcome would be different and work in their favor.
So far, it hasn’t.
It’s only been a few months into their journey but she has been feeling more stressed and anxious than ever. She was over 30 now and fearful that her prospects of conceiving were lowering so time was of the essence. Although Jin has been supportive, the bottom line was that he didn’t understand how a woman’s body worked…or the concept of a biological clock in terms of reproduction.
She looked at him, tears pooling in her eyes. “I just want to make you happy, Jin,” she says in earnest.
He lets out an ill-timed chuckle. Yoojung finally lets out that sob that she’s been holding in. “Hello? I’m crying here??” She says angrily.
“I’m sorry, love–I just had to laugh at what you just said.”
She scrunched her face in confusion and annoyance. ”What? That I want to make you happy,” she whimpers.
Jin reaches out to cup her face in his hands, swiping at her tears with his thumbs.  “Yoojung–when have I ever said that I wasn’t happy?” She was silent. She didn’t have a good answer for him.
“See? You can’t even answer that,” he says softly. “Whatever or whoever gave you that idea?”
It was her imposter syndrome kicking back into gear. Yes, she got over it after they were married and it was blissful. She was finally feeling secure and confident in her relationship with Jin. They basked in newlywed bliss for a year.
And then one year turned into two, two rolled into three.
Suddenly, living in the hometown where they were born, raised, and worked in was not all it was cut up to be.
When are we going to see mini-Seokjinies running around, Yoojung?
Seokjin-ah, when are you going to pass on your worldwide handsome genes?
How long have you both been married? And still?
Are you two having problems?
It comforted Jin knowing that his wife and sister had a close bond. YN offered an ear for when Yoojung had bad days and needed a confidante. She had her own friends but at least YN understood her. She didn’t judge but she didn’t patronize her either.
“Love, I don’t know where this is all coming from–and for now, I’ll just blame the excess hormones in you. But listen to me…you don’t have to prove anything to me. In fact, you don’t have to prove anything to anybody! I fell in love with you because…you’re you. And I know that doesn’t seem like a believable statement but you’re just going to have to trust me. I want you just the way you are and I would never, ever ask you to change yourself. If you want to do that because you’re doing it for yourself and because that’s what makes you happy? Then fine–I’ll take it, but don’t ever do it on my account.”
He gazed at her more fiercely this time. He was fully aware of her insecurities–and he never threw it in her face. He acknowledged them and he would listen and tirelessly reassure her whenever she opened up about them.
“Don’t you want somebody more…I don’t know…who can give you a family?” She asked lowly.
“I already have a family. I have you,” he wiped a tear away again. “Nobody takes care of me like you do. Nobody else loves me like you do. That’s why I’m with you. You love me unconditionally. How can I ask for more from you when you’ve already given me everything?”
Any woman would melt at the sound of that. How can you not?
“Whatever other people say, whatever this world tells you…you’re the best to me just the way you are. I love you, Yoojung.”
“I love you, Seokjinie,” she smiles at him. He pulls her face closer to his and kisses her. Soon enough, her hands rake through his hair, pulling at the strands. He groans and deepens the kiss.
He groans as he pulls away and knits his eyebrows in curiosity. “Mrs. Kim–do you want a repeat of this morning’s…entanglement?”
She smiled playfully. “Let me remind you that my hormones are still on overdrive.” She closed in on him, pushing on his chest so his back hits their mattress. He gasps at her sudden aggression but he was all too happy to let her take control.
“And right now, they’re telling me to take care of my husband.” She turned her attention to his lower half. She did take care of him in all aspects. And he had zero complaints there.
She unbuckled his belt. “You’ve worked very hard today, Mr. Kim.” Then unzipped his pants. “So why don’t you lay back,” He moans softly when she pulls him out. “And watch me work on you.” She flashed a sly grin before she dipped her head, wrapping her lips around his cock.
He squeezed his eyes shut, surrendering. His fingers tugged at her hair at the feel of her warm, velvety mouth.
She watched his lips part in a sharply indrawn breath. 
“Yoojung…” His hooded gaze heated as he watched her hollow her cheeks, bobbing up and down his length. “Hmm, yes. Just like that, love.”
His praises spurred her on. She took him as deep as she could. He let out a deep groan once he felt the tip of his cock hit the soft cushion in the back of her throat.
Just as he felt himself tipping over the edge, he is jolted by the sound of his phone ringing.
He tries to reach out for it. Vaguely remembering that he tossed it somewhere on top of the covers when he sat on the bed, trying to comfort his wife.
He feels Yoojung pull away from him.
“Love, don’t worry, about it,” he almost whines, wanting her mouth to stay in place. “Probably just the chef forgetting about–”
“It’s your mom,” she says as she hands it to him.
He rolled his eyes and answered before the call went to voicemail.
“Ma, what–”
“Seokjin! Seokjin, you have to come quick! It’s your dad,” she says in a panicked state. “He just…he just collapsed and I can’t wake him up,” she sobbed hysterically on the other line.
Jin immediately sits up and scrambles to get himself decent. “Don’t wait until I get there. Just call an ambulance and I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
“Wait but—I thought that the drop in weight was from diabetes or…or a thyroid issue?”
The doctor glances at Jin’s mother, Lina, who was seated right by his father’s side, whimpering. He had been injected with sedatives but was stable.
“Dr. Park…please…We’ve known each other for, what? Decades! You and Taehyung have grown up together. You’re family. Just level with me—what is going on with my dad?” Jin’s eyes were pleading. He’d been kept in the dark and he could feel it.
He knew his father had been sick and was told that it just came with age and that he just needed to be on a strict regimen. He had no idea how serious it was.
He lived about 20 minutes away from his parents but made it a point to call or check in every couple days since the restaurant had taken up a lot of his time.
Every time he saw his parents, they always seemed to be in good spirits. His dad spent a lot of time in the garage tinkering with his 1972 Ford Gran Torino, since he finally had the time to do so.
He sounded incredibly happy. His wife was semi-retired from acting, only taking minor roles so she wouldn’t be away from him for too long. They were enjoying being together—as if making up for lost time.
The doctor glances at Lina once more but Jin tilts his head to block his line of sight.
“Jimin-ah! Tell me what is happening with my father?” Jin says more forcefully this time. If he wasn’t going to respond to formalities, he thought a more ‘personal’ approach would compel him.
“It’s alright, Jiminie,” Jin’s mother says softly. “We’ve taken this far enough,” she sniffled.
Jimin looks his hyung in the eyes with trepidation. He wished that he didn’t have to deliver this news but on the other hand, he wouldn’t dare have a nurse or resident do it for him. Not with this family.
He blew out a shallow breath and squared his shoulders. “Hyung…abeonim’s organs are shutting down,” he says gravely. “His body is no longer responding to treatments.”
Jin starts reeling from the information. Dreading the rest of the prognosis.
“What treatments? I thought you said that he just needed some pills and exercise and rest—I don’t…” Jin trails off. His head whips around to look back at his father, laying on the hospital bed. His body, laid up against the white sheets in this equally white room made him look more emaciated than usual.
“At this point, we just need to make sure he’s comfortable.”
“Comfortable?” Jin repeats incredulously. “We just made clam kalguksu this evening! We had some beers—” He rakes his fingers through his hair as he is in complete disbelief.
“H-how the fuck does he go from that to this,” he points aggressively towards the bed.
“Sometimes,” Jimin says calmly, “Patients will experience what we call a ‘surge’. One day, they’re good, the next…”
“Thank you, Jiminie,” Jin’s mom says walking up to both young men, rubbing her son’s back gently. 
Jin turns away from them wordlessly while Jimin carries on a conversation with his mom. His mouth goes dry while he attempts to internally grapple with all of the information that he just heard. He meandered across the room until he reached the foot of his father’s bed.
He was covered in a warm blanket, looking like he typically did when he napped on the couch at home or in the back office at the restaurant. Jin reaches out to rest his hand on his father’s foot, squeezing it gently. It flinched a little from the contact, remembering that he was incredibly ticklish.
He was still here, he thought.
From a distance, Jin hears Jimin tell his mom that a nurse and hospital social worker will come by soon to go over paperwork for hospice care.
It was as if his whole childhood flashed before his eyes like a movie–slowing down at the scene from this afternoon–when he was in the kitchen, bouncing around and laughing boisterously with the staff. How could this same man be upright one moment then suddenly declared terminal mere hours later?
He slowly turned his head at his mom, who was standing next to him now. He had been completely unaware that a tear had pushed its way through, sliding down his cheek.
She felt a pang of guilt within her. She reaches up and gingerly wipes it away with her thumb. “You should call your brothers and sister.”
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Tagging: @internetjunkdrawer @deepseavibez @joeybeanxbts
40 notes · View notes
tacticaldiary · 4 years
Having a relationship w/ Oikawa based on a bet and the gf heard it when the seijoh 4 talked about it making oikawa panicked when he knows his gf heard it.. ahh angst to fluff? Hehe thank youuuu
This was fun to write. :)
Betting on You
Pairing: Reader x Oikawa Tooru
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, a lil fluff
He couldn’t lose her, anyone but her. He shouldn’t have accepted the bet. Needless to say, Oikawa Tooru has a lot of regrets right now. Opening up and being vulnerable to his partner was thankfully not one of them, even if it had ended up with them crying in each others arms. 
Mumbling incoherently, Y/N reaches out next to her in the bed, trying to find the warm body that usually occupied the space next her. Frowning when she feels only the bedsheets, she opens her eyes and squints. There’s no one next to her. 
“Tooru?” she mutters softly, yawning and sitting up. He was always there, clinging to her, holding her close. Strange. She decides to wait for him, wanting his warmth to fall asleep with. The guy was like a living heater, which was useful during cold winter nights like this one. 
Twenty minutes pass and he still doesn’t come back. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N sighs and pulls herself to the edge of the bed, slipping on a pair of slippers. She shivers a little when the cold air hits her skin, but continues slowly towards the door to their shared bedroom. Opening it with a quiet creak, she immediately hears voices. A little confused, she quietly keeps walking, stopping at the doorway to the living room. 
She tilts her head in confusion when she sees Tooru laying on the couch, tapping away at his phone. It appears he’s on a voice call on speaker. 
“Almost three months.”
“Honestly, none of us expected you to last this long.”
Her eyes widen as she hears familiar voices. Matsukawa and Hanamaki?
“You’re still keeping him to that?” Iwaizumi? What were they doing this late at night? The clock on the wall tells her it’s 2 in the morning. 
“Obviously. I thought the money was pretty much guaranteed.”
“Can you blame us? He’s never kept someone around for more than a month.”
“Shut up.” Tooru's quiet voice reaches her ears. What money? What was going on?
“You’re not going to win.” comes Iwaizumi’s annoyed voice. “It’s Y/N.”
“Yeah, but before her it was also Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan and Aiko-Chan and-”
“Alright, I get it. Iwa-Chan’s the only one who’s on my side.” he pouts, cutting off Hanamaki’s annoying high-pitched imitation of him. 
“We still don’t know why. You’re obviously going to lose the bet. It’s inevitable.” Matsukawa claim confidently
“I’ll win in a few days, if you haven’t noticed. Nothing’s gonna happen in a few days.” Tooru rolls his eyes.
“And then you’ll dump her?”
Y/N suddenly feels cold, and it has nothing to do with the weather. Dump her? Bet? WHat was going on? Her mind was racing. Tooru hadn’t indicated that he was unhappy, or wanted to break up. He was always telling her how much he loved her. Was he lying? She felt a little sick at the thought.
“Yeah, the bet was to keep someone around for more than three months. You’ll be done in a few days. What’re you gonna do then?”
“A bet?” she says aloud, her voice hollow with shock.
Tooru jumps and drops his phone, quickly turning around to see his girlfriend looking at him in horror. 
“Y-Y/N-Chan...” he scrambles to his feet and ends the call, wondering how much she had heard. “I thought you were asleep?” he quickly moves towards her, reaching out to touch her shoulder. He freezes when she backs away, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“A bet, Tooru? A bet?” 
“What-? Wait, Y/N...it’s not what you think-”
“Keep me around? You were dating me for a...bet?” her voice starts shaking a little, as she remembers how mere hours ago, he was holding her, assuring her how much he loved her.
“No! I-”
“Am I a game to you? A bet? Are you fucking kidding me?” She nearly laughs, because of course he would only date her for a bet. Of course. 
He frantically shakes his head, reaching out for her again, but thinking better of it when he glares at him with eyes full of unshed tears. His eyes widened. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “Y/N-Chan, listen to me, please, let me explain.” he sounds panicked. 
She clenches her jaw. “I should have seen this coming. Of course the Oikawa Tooru wouldn’t go out with someone like me.” She lets out a bitter chuckle at his stunned expression. Before he can interrupt, she pushes on. “Why would you, when you have girls, so much more perfect than me, throwing themselves at your feet all the time?”
“Y/N-” he’s trying desperately to get a word in, wincing when she raises her voice to overpower his. 
“Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan.” she imitates, recalling the phone call. Tears she’s tried to keep at bay finally start trickling down and Oikawa’s heart twists painfully, knowing that he was the one who caused it. “Obviously, the only reason you’d consider me was because of a bet, a fucking bet, Tooru.” she cries out angrily. 
“Y/N-Chan, listen to me.” he says seriously, grabbing her shoulder and looking her in the eyes. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the beginning. The bet means nothing to me.”
Her next word feel like a punch to the gut. 
“Bullshit.” she whispers, before repeating herself louder. “Utter bullshit. You never loved me.”
“I did, I do!” he insists. 
“If you did, it wouldn’t have taken a bet for you to ask me out!” she roughly shoves his hands off her. Taking a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore his hurt look. “It’s my fault too, isn’t it? I should’ve known better than to accept dating the Oikawa Tooru, the school heartthrob, notorious for playing around.” her words are laced with venom and self-pity. “There’s always gonna be someone better. Someone prettier, skinner, funnier. I was stupid for thinking you would ever fall for me.” All her insecurities come spilling out, accumulated from months of dating him, enduring the comments whispered under the breath by jealous students, girls openly flirting with her boyfriend. She was stupid to think she would ever be enough.
Pushing past him, wiping her sleeves across her eyes, she storms back into the bedroom, Oikawa at her heels behind her. She grabs her pillow and a blanket, turning back around and moving to the couch in the living room. She does her best to ignore her boyfriend's desperate attempts to gain her attention, begging her to give him a chance to explain. She sets up the items and lays on the couch, pulling the blanket to her chin and turning to face the back of the couch.
She refused to sleep anywhere near him. When he doesn’t stop talking she says coldly:
“Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”
She pauses. “No?”
“Not until you hear me out.” He crosses his arms.
“I’ve heard enough.”
“It’s a misunderstanding. If you’d just let me explain-”
“I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
He was dreading that. He really does love her, so fucking much. He doesn't want to lose her.
“I’m going to sleep.” She had never spoken to him in that tone before.
She hears a sigh after a few moments of silence, in which he realises that she was going to be stubborn till the end. Y/N hears him walk away and she buries her face in the blanket, silently crying to herself. She freezes when she hears the bedroom door close with a ‘click’ and footsteps approaching her. She turns around a little, to see Oikawa sitting at the foot of the couch with his own blanket and pillow. He doesn’t look at her, focusing on fluffing his pillow and pulling his thicker, warmer quilt over himself. He was equally as stubborn and wasn’t going to leave her alone like this.
She scoffs and settles back down again, still crying. If he notices, he doesn’t comment on it. The two lay in silence for a good thirty minutes. Y/N had stopped crying, but was still awake because how the hell was she supposed to fall asleep after what she had learnt? 
She’s startled when she suddenly hears Oikawa’s soft voice. “I love you, you know? I really do. Ever since I saw you in Chemistry last year. You caught my eye so quickly, and I flirted with you for weeks before you got the hint.” he laughs breathily. “You didn’t want my attention like everyone else, and I was curious. It felt different to be the one trying to get someone else’s attention.” he takes a deep breath, and she realises with a start that she’s never heard him this vulnerable. He probably thinks she’s asleep. 
“I was planning to ask you out before and I told the others and they laughed at me.” he frowns at the memory. “The assholes thought I was kidding, that I wasn’t serious. Iwa-Chan was the only one who took it seriously. I don’t blame them, cause I’d only ever dated for fun before.” He breathes in deeply again, steadying his voice and Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes he’s holding back tears. 
“So when they bet that I couldn't last more than 3 months with you, I agreed, but only because I was going to ask you out anyway, and I intended on staying as long as I could. As long as you’d let me stay by your side.” He lets out a sad, watery chuckle, and Y/N feels her stomach drop. She never wanted to hear that sound from him again.
“I...shit, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t. You’re the only one for me. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” A strangled, muffled sob, reaches her ears, and it takes all of her willpower to remain still. 
“I’m serious about you...about us. You’re not a game, you never were. I just wanted to be with you. I want to be able to hold you again.” another muffled cry, as he buries his face in his hands. He’d never willingly let anyone see himself like this, not even Y/N. He was glad she was asleep. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, princess.” he stays where he is, sitting up leaning back on the couch, calming himself down, letting out soft hiccups every now and then. 
Y/N is wide awake, thinking over his words. They had to be genuine, right? He had no idea she was awake. He had sounded so...real and vulnerable, nothing like the strong façade he usually put up in front of others. Taking her chances, she discreetly moves, eyes widening when she sees the state he’s in. 
One of his hands is over his mouth, muffling his small sobs, Y/N wants to cry as she realises it’s probably so he doesn’t wake her up. His other hand is clenched tightly in his brown hair, his knees drawn to his chest. His face was blotchy and red and wet with tears. She’s never seen him like this. She moves and he doesn’t notice. 
Sitting directly behind him, she gently grabs the hand in his hair, to which he nearly jumps out of his skin. Y/N would usually laugh at the reaction, if not for the way he was looking up at her. She eases his hand out of his hair and holds it, tugging him up to the couch. He hesitates, before climbing up, sitting on the cushion next to her. 
“You-” his voice wavers, and he tries again. “You were awake?”
She nods, glancing at their connected hands, before staring at the ground. She hears his sharply take in a breath. 
“Y/N...love, I meant it. I meant every word, I swear.” 
“We’ll talk tomorrow.” she mumbles, tugging on his hand again, until they're both laying on the couch. She reaches over and grabs Oikawa’s quilt and pulls it on the two of them. She relaxes against him when his arms automatically wind around her waist and he buries his face in her hair, pressing small kisses on her. Each was an unspoken apology. 
She knows he’s crying when she feels the tears hit her skin. 
He knows she’s crying when he can feel her shaky, irregular breaths.
They lay there, eventually falling asleep clutching each other tightly, both of them hurting on the inside. They would have to have a serious talk tomorrow, but both had a blooming hope that they would pull through. 
Requests are open and Welcome. Thanks for reading!
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