#she won’t see this but I love telling everyone that it’s my moms birthday she’s a queen she deserves it
valewritessss · 26 days
Feliz Cumpleaños Mami💗💗
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starkwlkr · 2 months
pretty in pink | logan howlett
an: this comes straight from my delusional mind
dad!logan (you can choose if you want this to be an old man logan fic!!)
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All week your daughter, Ada, had been reminding everyone about her sixth birthday that was coming up. She made sure you and Logan marked it on every calendar in the house. During dinner, all she talked about was her pink princess themed party.
“And the cake has to be pink!” She said for the hundredth time. She sat in her chair at the table completely forgetting she was supposed to be eating her spaghetti.
“We know, bub. You told us everyday before and after school.” Logan said.
“I told the girls in my class to come too. They said they wouldn’t come because we’re freaks.” Her excitement about the party died down.
Laura, now a teenager, gave her sister an encouraging smile. “They’re the freaks. You’re the coolest girl in school. That means we get to have all the cake.” That earned a laugh from Ada. Logan chuckled, it warmed his heart to see his daughter’s bond.
“Your party is going to be the best, my love,” You stood up and grabbed your and Logan’s plate that were now empty. “Finish up and then get ready for bed, both of you.” You walked to the kitchen sink and began to wash the dishes.
Laura immediately challenged Ada to see who could finish their spaghetti first. After a scolding from their parents, Laura let Ada win. Soon, the sisters raced upstairs to get ready for bed.
As you and Logan finished cleaning, you couldn’t help but think about your little girl. Your sweet innocent little girl didn’t deserve to be called a freak. Your thoughts were interrupted when a car pulled up to your driveway. You weren’t expecting anyone, especially not at this hour.
“Stay here.” Logan said to you after he wiped his hands on a dish rag. He walked out the door ready to confront whoever it was. The car’s headlights were blinding him, but once he heard the familiar voice call his name, he put away his claws.
Inside you were still wondering who it was. Before you could join Logan outside, Ada had run down the stairs already in her princess pajamas.
“Mommy, who’s outside?” She asked you. Her question was answered when Logan walked in with Rogue by his side. Ada screamed in excitement when she saw her other sister. “You’re here! You’re here!” The little girl ran to Rogue and gave her a welcoming hug.
“I wouldn’t want to miss your princess party.” Rogue picked up the girl.
“Are you going to sleep in my room? Dad got some new books for me!”
“Oh you bet we’re going to stay up all night reading those books! I’ll be up in a few, let me talk to mom and dad for a sec,” Rogue set her down. The adults watched as Ada happily skipped up the stairs to her room. “Alright, what’s wrong?” She looked at you and Logan.
“What? Nothing wrong, why are you asking?” Logan asked surprised by her question.
Rogue knew she wasn’t going to get a straight answer from Logan so she looked at you. You sighed and told your daughter the truth. You were nervous about Ada’s party. A few of her classmates did tell her they were attending, but you were convinced they were only coming to make fun of her and ruin her big day.
“Those little shits ain’t going ruin my girl’s party.” Logan added.
“Honey, those little shits are first graders.” You corrected him.
“Little shits or not, Logan’s right. This is Ada’s party and she’s going to have the best damn princess party in the world.” Rogue declared. Before she left, she gave you and Logan a kiss on the cheek then walked up the stairs to Ada’s room.
Logan noticed that you still had a concerned look on your face. “Hey, Ada is going to be okay.”
“I just don’t want my little girl to get hurt.” You said.
“I won’t let anything or anyone hurt any of my girls.” Logan reminded you.
With that, you and Logan finished cleaning and went up to Laura’s room to say goodnight. As you reached Ada’s room, you saw her and Rogue already asleep. You quietly took the book out of Rogue’s hand and put it back on the bookshelf then adjusted the blanket over your daughters. You gave them both a goodnight kiss and left the room.
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In the morning, Ada was the first to wake up. She ran to yours and Logan’s room as fast as she could and jumped on to the bed screaming that it was her birthday. Logan groaned since she had landed on his stomach.
“Wake up! It’s my birthday!” She giggled as Logan sat up and brought her into his arms.
“How old are you today? Eighty? Ninety seven?” He watched as Ada’s smile dropped.
“No, that’s you!”
You were trying so hard to hold in your laugh, but failed. Logan playfully rolled his eyes. It was Ada’s day, he wasn’t going to get mad at her on her special day.
“Okay birthday girl, I believe your sisters promised a special birthday breakfast just for you.” Logan told Ada.
The now six year old gasped as soon as she heard ‘special breakfast’. She immediately jumped off the bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen where Laura and Rogue were making breakfast.
Logan sighed deeply and rolled over to his side, his eyes meeting yours. “Remember . . . Everything is going to be okay today.”
You hummed in response.
Eventually you and Logan joined the girls in the kitchen. Laura and Ada were throwing grapes into each others mouth while Rogue laughed at them failing miserably. Ada had thrown a grape so far from Laura that it hit Logan’s head when he walked in.
“Ada! You hit an elderly man!” Rogue teased.
“Kids.” Logan rolled his eyes yet again.
As a family you all sang happy birthday to Ada as Rogue placed a stack of pancakes topped with whipped cream and Ada’s favorite fruits. The little girl’s smile brought joy to her family.
“Wait, let me get the camera!” You ran to the cabinet that had random items inside. You grabbed the camera and snapped a couple of pictures of your girls and Logan.
It was a beautiful start to a beautiful day.
As the day went on, Rogue and Laura helped decorate the backyard with princess themed decorations. Ada was too busy running around in her pink princess dress to help. Logan was inside blowing up balloons until members of the x-men started showing up.
“Is that the big bad wolverine in a plastic tiara?” Scott Summers chuckled at the sight of Logan wearing a tiara that Ada had given him.
“Watch it, I don’t want you bleeding all over my daughter’s party when I—” Before Logan could finish, Ada joined them with more tiaras in hand. She gave one to every member telling them they couldn’t enter her party if they didn’t wear it.
And that’s how Scott Summers ended up with a plastic pink tiara on his head.
Ada was enjoying her party so far. A couple of classmates did end up attending. You saw as they played on the swing set that Logan had bought for Ada for her last birthday.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Logan said as he stood beside you.
“Hey,” you relaxed more when he was close to you. “Did you see the big box Storm brought for Ada? I bet it’s a big doll house.”
“You’re wrong. It’s definitely a large case of beer for me and you to enjoy when our girls are passed out.”
You chuckled. “After this, no more parties until next year.” You placed a kiss on his lips.
“Whatever you say . . .” He got another kiss in before Ada came running to you with a butterfly knife in hand and the biggest smile on her face.
“Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Wade got me a pretty knife!”
“Uncle Wade?!” “What the fuck!” You and Logan yelled at the same time.
“Hey mommy milf dearest! Peanut! Guess my invite got lost in the mail . . . again. I’m starting to think it’s on purpose. Harsh! Whatever, hey kids! Who wants to learn how to use this baby!” He held up his gun.
“Wade, No!”
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girliemattitude · 4 months
—-She’s the one-—M.S-—
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A/N: Short but very cute, enjoy <3 A/N (2): This is my work please don’t steal it :) ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
Today is Mary Lou’s birthday, you spend the whole day celebrating her with the entire family, of course you’ve met Matt’s parents before but this was the first time you hung out with EVERYONE including their grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins, and you took the time to talk and get to know every single one of them.
Matt’s mom loves you and you love her too, every time your boyfriend visits his hometown you tag along just so you could spend some time with her. This morning Matt woke up all alone, confused he walked downstairs just to find you helping his mom in the kitchen with all the preparations for her birthday , you spend all morning helping until the guests arrived, then Mary Lou introduced you to everyone, everybody was thrilled to finally meet the girl who Mary Lou can’t stop yapping about.
Right now you are talking to Matt’s grandma, she tells you stories about the boys that you haven’t heard before and you can’t help but laugh at every anecdote.
Matt’s been frustrated all day, of course he’s happy to be there and celebrate his mom but hates the fact that he hasn’t had one moment alone with you all day, he loves his family but they keep getting on his nerves, he just doesn’t wanna share you, he knows you are amazing and wants to keep you all for himself but every time he thinks it’s his turn with you someone else would need you for something.
The only thing he can do is stand in a corner admiring you from afar talking with his grandma, you’re smiling ear to ear, you seem truly invested in the conversation with the old lady and his heart swells. He is to busy staring at you that he doesn’t notice his dad standing beside him until he opened his mouth.
“She is the one, isn’t she?”
Matt looks over at his dad, then looks back at you and it hits him “yeah, she is”
“You know I didn’t think it was possible to love someone as much as I love Nick and Chris but somehow I do, I can’t really explain it though it’s different”
“It’s different but it’s just as powerful, and just wait until you have her children, you’ll heart will explode” Jimmy says amused as he hugs his son and they stay like that for a while.
The birthday was over and everyone was gone, the kitchen was a mess but you insisted Mary Lou that you got it and that she should go to bed and rest.
Nick and Chris are outside picking up the rest of the stuff and you are putting dishes in the dishwasher when you feel some familiar arms around your waist, it was Matt, he hugs you tightly from behind and places his head on the crook of your neck, you feel him breathe in how he leaves sweet kisses between the end of your ear and your jaw, you can’t help but to melt into him and relaxed.
“I missed you today, I love my family but they need to understand you’re mine and not theirs” he mumbles
You laugh “I missed you too but you’re family is great, I don’t mind spending time with them and your grandma is so endearing, I really enjoyed today,”
“Would you enjoy it even more if after we are finished with the cleaning I take you to my room and remind you why I’m way more endearing than my grandma?”
You blushed, turn around and give him a big kiss on the lips “we’ll see, now help me clean Bernie”
“She told you that?!” Matt said with an open mouth, shocked at the fact his grandma shared the nickname she gave him when he was a little boy.
“She also told me about the time you peed your pants at school and she had to pick you up”
“I hope you won’t turn out like my grandma when we’re old because I won’t let you talk to our grandson’s girlfriend EVER!!”
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dellalyra · 1 year
Gojo, who just for ONCE, ends up somehow cooking an actual meal. A meal that doesn't seem poisonous or sweet in any way. That is actually edible. And now everyone is just having a mixed range of emotions because how and why has he just cooked something edible? (And idk its somehow pure coincidence that this has occured or he literally followed a recipe but reader keeps throwing things at him to check its still her husband and it just keeps hitting him cause he hasn't turned on infinity)
This seems like a long request so do not feel obligated to do this ajfnejc
ɪᴍᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ? - 𝘍𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴
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pixie says: this was so fun to write oh my god! i love this idea sm, i hope you like it too!!
Eggs. Parmesan. Linguine. Pancetta. Salt. Pepper.
Surely, this couldn’t be too hard? He could definitely do this. He’s the strongest sorcerer alive - he definitely can conquer a carbonara for his wife. He clicks his fingers and curses disintegrate, so that means he’s going to make the best dinner ever. At least, that’s his logic.
He usually brought you out to eat for your birthday, but he decided he’d treat you to a Satoru Gojo Michelin Star meal at home with the kids tonight.
He could do this.
He won’t be defeated.
Not by pasta.
Tsumiki and you had been to the salon to get your nails done (Satoru’s treat) and Megumi hung around the nearby book store until you both were done - stating that he didn’t want his nails done this time because they got chipped when he played with his dogs.
“Mama.” She says, eyes fixated ahead of her.
Pulling up to the cottage, you listen to the boy in the backseat tell you about the book he picked up. You notice Tsumiki freeze beside you.
“Tsumiki? What’s wrong? What do you - oh, shit.” You saw it mid sentence. The kitchen light was on and you could see the silhouette of your husband through the curtains.
“Mom? ‘Miki? What’s wrong? Is it a curse? With this treasure - ” Megumi starts from behind you.
“Papa’s in the kitchen.” His sister responds.
“Fuck.” The 13 year old responds, utilising the deal that they can swear as long as it’s just around family.
“We gotta go.” You take the key from the ignition and vault out of your seat, using speed Megumi had only ever seen when he came to minor missions with you.
You whip open the kitchen door and you’re immediately greeted with a smell.
And not the scent of smoke and melted rubber you expect from seeing your husband in the kitchen.
The smell was… really good.
And you recognised it immediately as your favourite meal.
The kids skid in behind you and go through the same motions.
“There’s no fire.” Tsumiki states.
“Are we sure it’s dad? Maybe uncle Nanamin came over?” Megumi asks.
“We do Kooking with Kento on Thursday, and it’s Saturday. I’m pretty sure he’s on a date tonight anyway.” You whisper, toeing off your shoes and slowly creeping to the kitchen.
As you round the corner, you see your husband in your floral apron singing along to music from the speaker - music you recognise as your wedding playlist from 3 months ago.
The kitchen is clean. There’s no fire. No food on the ceiling. The utensils all seem to be intact and the oven door is still attached and the counter tops aren’t melted (all things Satoru’s cooking has caused).
He spins around.
“Princess! There’s my birthday girl! Let’s see those nails! You too ‘Miki!” You both hold out your hands, still surveying the room - Megumi walks in with the fire extinguisher.
“Oh these are so pretty, ‘Miki! Purple is a very nice colour on you.” He says, looking at her fingers as she smiles at him. Charming bastard.
He turns to yours next.
“Princess, these are beautiful! I love the shiny bits on the blue!” He says, meaning the chrome on the baby blue acrylics.
“Thank you, ‘toru. But… what’s going on?” You say, kissing him on the cheek.
“I made dinner! It’s your favourite! C’mon, everyone go sit at the table.” He smiles and swats you all with the cloth he’s holding and you all go sit at the table.
“What is happening.” You breathe out.
He comes over, somehow balancing four bowls.
“Et voila! Bone apple feet!” He says, placing the dishes in front of you all and sitting beside you, pouring you a glass of white wine.
The food… looks incredible. Creamy, silky and perfectly cooked and presented like you’d see in a restaurant.
You grab your fork and twirl some pasta onto it, tentatively putting a bite into you mouth.
You freeze.
Not in the way you usually freeze when you’re eating his home cooked meals.
But because it’s so fucking delicious.
You turn to look at him as you swallow and see him smiling at you, glasses removed onto the table.
“Who are you?” You ask.
“Satoru Gojo - clan head of the Gojo’s, wielder of the six eyes and limitless, husband to The Dryad and father of two gremlins.” He smiles, cocky as ever.
You poke his cheek.
“You’re not an illusion?”
“Nope! In the flesh!”
You ball up a napkin and toss it at him. Hitting him square on the nose.
“Eh?! Excuse you, madam!” He exclaims, hands on his hips.
You grab a piece of bread from the basket on the table and throw that at him too. By now, Tsumiki is laughing and Megumi is smirking at the sight before him.
“Woman! Quit throwing stuff at me!” He says, tossing the bread back at you.
“Not until I’m sure you’re not a curse with the abilities of a chef who has replaced my husband. My husband can’t cook, and this is the best carbonara I’ve ever tasted.” You see his eyes light up as you say that.
“Of course it’s the best! I made it!” He retorts, digging into his food.
You blink for a moment.
“How did you do this?” You ask.
“So I put the pasta in some water, cooked the pancetta- ”
“No - my ‘toru can’t cook to save his life.”
“Rude! I make amazing hot chocolate!”
“You actually did this? By yourself? From scratch?” You grab his cheeks and turn his face to look at you.
“Yeah! Followed a video on YouTube.”
You slammed your lips onto his, and feel him smirk into the kiss.
“Get a damn room!” Megumi mutters.
“Stop it, Megumi - they’re so cute. I hope my boyfriend will do things like that for me.” Tsumiki replies, scolding her sibling before her voice took on a dreamy quality exclusive to a teenage girl.
“I’ll be sure to tell Kaito from your class that you like homemade food.” He says, snickering and teasing her with the knowledge of her crush on the boy.
“Shut it, sea urchin!”
“Oi! You two! It’s your momma’s birthday, you can bully each other tomorrow.” Satoru directs to them.
He looks at you are you’re smiling a big, glittery smile at him which makes his heart skip a beat.
“This is so amazing, ‘toru. Thank you so much for everything. I love you so much.” You say as you fling your arms around his neck.
“Anything for you, Princess.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
Hey could you do fluff fic for David 'Deacon' Kay x wife reader where they spend their day together after hectic week? She's school teacher. Tag me later. Thanks!!
Of course! This was a fun one; thanks for the great request!! Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!🤍 @pear-1206
Hectic Relief
Warnings: reader is an elementary teacher (I didn't specify which grade, just implied younger kids), hectic week, lots of fluffy comfort, kissing.
Word Count: 2.2k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest (it goes with the end [and makes me smile😊])
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“Yes, Drew?” you ask, smiling at the young boy as he lowers his hand.
“When is Sergeant Kay visiting again?” he inquires.
“Hmm… Well, he’s really busy this week, but I’ll ask him to come back soon.”
Drew nods with a bright smile. He loves your husband, Deacon, and asks about him often. Since Deacon came in for career day, Drew and several other students have become big fans of his.
“Can he come Friday?” Drew continues.
“Why Friday?”
“It’s my birthday!”
“Oh, I see. I’ll ask him, but remember what Sergeant Kay said last time? He’s really busy at work, so he may not be able to.”
“Can’t you make him?” someone else asks. “My mom makes my dad do stuff all the time.”
You chuckle at the implication that wives have control over their husbands before gesturing for everyone to pipe down.
“I’ll see what I can do, Drew,” you promise. “But either way, I’ll make sure you have a good birthday at school.”
Drew nods, and you think the day will be easier with the idea of Deacon coming in soon. It only takes an hour for that hope to be crushed, as the week takes a turn for the worse.
Deacon sighs. It’s only Tuesday morning, and his week is already feeling long. He hasn’t seen you since Sunday night. Yesterday, a call ran long, and you were asleep before he came in. You moved closer to him in your sleep, but he had to leave before you woke up.
“Everyone ready for another night of overtime?” Rocker cheers before pretending to cry.
“I vote we just let the criminals take each other out this time,” someone mumbles.
“If my wife wasn’t working in this city, I’d agree,” Deacon says, surprising everyone.
During your free hour, while your class is with another teacher, you drop your head to your desk and take a deep breath. The kids are restless, you’re tired, and each day this week seems longer than the last. You send Deacon a quick text to let him know you’re thinking of him and love him before turning your attention to the stack of papers on your desk.
Across town, Deacon is sitting in Black Betty, wondering when he’ll hear your voice again. It feels like the longest week of his life, and each passing minute makes him miss you more. His phone buzzes, and he smiles for the first time in hours as he reads your short message. Luca slams on the brakes and yells for backup before Deacon can answer, but he knows you understand. Even if it’s unfair to you and hard on him.
By Friday morning, you feel part zombie, part teacher. The small gift you got for Drew and the card you signed from you and Deacon are sitting by your bag. You hope it’s enough to cheer Drew up even without Deacon stopping by to see his favorite of your students.
“Happy birthday, Drew,” you tell him when he enters the classroom. “This is from me and Sergeant Kay. He said to wish you a happy birthday and that he’ll come visit as soon as he can.”
It’s a lie; you haven’t even talked to Deacon in days, but you know he would be here if he could. He loves the kids and would do anything to help you out.
Drew’s smile falls just enough that you notice. He thanks you, anyway, even though he’s clearly disappointed his favorite SWAT sergeant won’t be dropping by today.
“Alright, class. Who’s ready for Fun Friday?” you ask, smiling as you pray for a nice day.
Deacon clenches his jaw as he slams back against a brick wall.
“30-David, shots fired on the 4 side,” he radios.
“Copy. Shooter on the 1 side,” Street replies.
“We’re going to be here for a while, aren’t we?” Deacon asks.
Hondo nods beside him, and Deacon prepares for another day of missing you.
“Drew, buddy, I know it’s your birthday, but we need to finish this lesson before recess. Let’s sit down and focus, then we can play,” you say, struggling to stay calm.
Drew huffs and falls back in his seat. When you see tears gathering in his eyes, you feel like you’re right behind him. It’s only 9 a.m., and it is the perfect, overly hectic, and stressful end to the longest week of your career as a teacher.
“I promise we’ll do something fun this afternoon, but it’s still school.”
Deacon answers the phone, suppressing a stressed yell when Hicks tells 20-David to meet 50-squad on the other side of the county to aid with a hostage situation. He leans his head against Black Betty, wondering if they’d really notice if he took the rest of the day off.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he sends you a quick text, surprised when you answer almost immediately. He doesn’t know if he’ll be home tonight, and his heart breaks at your disappointed reply, even though you try to cover it as a caring and understanding message.
Deacon knows that being a cop’s wife is just as hard as being a cop, and he wants to find a way to make it easier on you.
“Guys, I need a favor,” he calls as he puts his phone away. “I need to be home for dinner. I haven’t heard my wife’s voice in almost 5 days, and if I don’t hear it today, you’re all going to know about it.”
Luca chuckles as Street’s eyes widen. “Yes, sir,” they all say together.
“She’s braver than any of us,” Hondo muses teasingly.
“Better looking, too,” Deacon replies.
The final bell rings and your shoulders slump as you say goodbye to each passing student.
“Thank you,” Drew says quietly.
“You’re welcome, Drew. I’ll make sure Sergeant Kay visits soon, okay?”
He nods. “I’m sorry for interrupting.”
“It’s okay, Drew, thank you. Have a good rest of your birthday and enjoy your party tomorrow, bud.”
Drew smiles as he nods excitedly before rushing out. The stack of papers on your desk has dwindled slowly, and you carelessly push it into your bag, unwilling to stay in your classroom for a minute longer than you have to.
Sighing in relief as you start your car, you hope to see Deacon tonight, even if only long enough to kiss him and hear him say goodnight.
“Told you we’d do it,” Hondo says, clapping Deacon’s back, “now please go home. Your desperation is wearing off on us.”
Deacon would reply if he had more energy or if Hondo was wrong. He has no shame in admitting that he misses you and needs your comfort after such a hectic week with seemingly pointless chases around Los Angeles County.
He’s back to the station and on his way home to you before Luca notices he left.
When Deacon steps into the house, he immediately feels lighter and happier. You look up from a paper and smile, setting it aside. Beginning to stand, Deacon moves faster than you and practically falls on top of you, pinning you to the couch with a tight hug.
You move one arm across his shoulders as he buries his face between your neck and shoulder. Running your fingers through Deacon’s hair, you relax in his embrace, and the week away seems worth the wait.
“I missed you,” you tell him, scratching his scalp.
“Missed you more,” he mumbles, tightening his grip on you.
“We should order dinner then, right?”
Deacon nods, and you smile as you pull his phone out, typing in your birthday to unlock it. Once the food is ordered, you move your hands to Deacon’s tense back muscles.
“Seems like your week was as long as mine,” you muse, gently kneading a knot in his lat muscle.
He groans before sitting up, pulling himself close to you. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, kissing his cheek quickly before asking, “How are you?”
Deacon catches your chin, pulling you in for a real kiss as he replies, “Better now.”
Once your dinner is delivered, you sit with your thigh pressed against Deacon’s as he tells you about the string of robberies and hostage situations spanning the county this week. He’s more interested in hearing about your week, so he doesn’t go into much detail before asking about you.
“Well, today was Drew’s birthday and he was pretty grumpy,” you tell Deacon, moving your legs across his lap.
“Not Drew, he’s my favorite!” Deacon exclaims.
“I think he was upset that you couldn’t come to class on his big day,” you excuse, running a finger along Deacon’s cheekbone and down his jaw as you add, “and he was tired, like someone else I know.”
Deacon nods, leaning against you.
“We should go to bed,” you whisper.
Deacon shakes his head, making himself comfortable beside you, one arm wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you close.
“If we go get ready and get in the bed, we can cuddle easier,” you bribe.
Deacon’s eyes open as he asks, “Promise?”
Chuckling, you link your pinky with Deacon’s and promise. He holds you to it, pulling you into his arms when you’re changed and ready to relax. He hugs you tightly, refusing to let go even though you don’t try to fight him. 
As you fall asleep in Deacon’s arms, you whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you,” Deacon replies, entering into the best sleep all week.
When you wake up, Deacon has moved you closer to him in your sleep. It’s as if he thought he’d wake up and you’d be gone. Brushing your finger over his facial features, you wish you could admire him all day, but you need to get up and get a glass of water.
As you try to move out of his grip, it tightens. You finally give up and decide to wake him up.
“Deac, baby, I need to get up,” you say gently.
“It’s been a week, you can’t leave,” he mumbles.
“I just need to get some water, handsome.”
Deacon seems to debate his options before unhooking his arms and saying, “Two minutes or I’m coming to find you.”
“I have no doubt.”
You return in less than two minutes, but when you offer to make breakfast and bring it back, Deacon rolls out of bed and sleepily follows you to the kitchen. Standing behind you, he keeps his arms around your waist as he helps you prepare breakfast, trailing kisses up your neck each time you turn your head.
“I’m glad we’re both home now,” you tell him, turning in his arms to kiss him.
“Me too,” he replies, pulling you in for another kiss.
It takes hours, but you finally convince Deacon to talk about himself and his week at work. As you direct him to the patio, you find yourself in his lap, enjoying the sun after a week inside with your rambunctious class.
“You’re too good for me,” Deacon says, interrupting his story.
“You’re too good for me,” you repeat.
Deacon smiles at the challenging look on your face, aware that you will win any argument he tries to make. This conversation is practiced, and he knows how it ends: an agreement that you are soulmates, completing each other and perfect for one another.
“I think we need a vacation,” you tell him.
“Or a second honeymoon,” he suggests, kissing your jaw.
“But you have to come visit my class first or I’ll have a riot on my hands.”
“Technically, you’d have a better chance of getting me there for riot control.”
You laugh, leaning against Deacon’s chest as you kiss the corner of his mouth.
“I’ll see if I can make some time this week. For you and the kids.”
The sun dips below the hills, and you wonder where the day went, though you know time spent with Deacon always goes too fast.
“Same thing tomorrow?” you ask, pulling your legs up as Deacon nudges you to shift.
Lifting one of your legs so you’re sitting in his lap, your face just above his, Deacon smiles and answers, “Anything with you.”
You tilt your chin down, brushing your lips across Deacon’s. He sighs, raising his hands so one is on your waist and the other behind your neck. Settling on his thighs, you lean against Deacon’s chest as you kiss him, letting his love and comfort calm you from the inside out.
“I love you,” you say against his lips.
“Love you more.”
You push your hands against his chest, taking a deep breath before arguing, “Impossible.”
Deacon tilts his head, a bright smile making his eyes look deeper and darker than usual. He’s irresistible, and as you kiss him again, he promises himself not to let work get in the way like that again.
Pulling back, you suggest, “You should bring your whole squad next time, the kids would love it.”
“If we can spare the time.”
“'If'? You can't do it, not even for me?” you ask with a pout. “Your wife?”
Deacon nods, telling you he’ll find a way.
“It’s that easy,” you whisper, kissing his nose.
“Because you cheat,” Deacon accuses.
“Because you love me.”
Deacon can’t argue, so he pulls you down for a slower kiss, happy to spend another slow, lazy night in your arms before doing it all again tomorrow.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
How does the inevitable “Steve’s mom doesn’t show up” realization go? How does everyone react? I know they all kind of know she won’t be there but I can’t imagine that it doesn’t still hurt.
It is unspoken.
No one mentions her name. No one asks if Steve has heard anything. No one even calls him Harrington the whole weekend, but they’re kinda waiting to see if she does show up. Though, they know that they shouldn’t.
The general consensus among the party is to keep Steve as occupied as possible during the weekend because you can’t think too hard about the absence of a parent when El is telling you that she’s thinking of joining an MLM (She is not, but Steve is certainly not thinking about his mother when he starts listing of the reasons why MLMs are bad). The parents seem to have gotten the memo too because they give Steve a little extra love.
In quieter moments when Steve gets a little too in his head or his eyes get a little glassy, Eddie will pull him away from the window and back into the fray. After a little bit to drink and a little distance from the noise, he asks Hopper, “Is she – Just, is she happy? After my dad, uh. After him, is she happy?”
He says later after the evening sun slips below the horizon, and him and Eddie are passing cigarettes between each other, “I just thought – this is it. This is the last time I can reach out where she might reach back, and…and I just don’t understand why she won’t.”
He never really seems that upset.
Even in the quiet moments. Even after everybody leaves. Even after Hopper and Joyce linger later into Sunday night than they usually do, Steve never seems upset that his mother didn’t show up.
Eddie gives it two days before he brings it up again. If they don’t talk about the elephant in the room than Eddie is going to have a stroke, so he brings it up over dinner, “It sucks that your mom didn’t come. I know you wanted her there.”
“It’s okay.”
“How is it okay?” Eddie asked. “I couldn’t even suggest that she might not be here before the weekend without you biting my head off but you’re just fine now?”
“Yeah,” Steve shrugged. “It was – I overreacted, I know. I’m sorry. I’m just – I’m dumb for thinking that she’d show up.”
“You’re not-“
“She’s always late.”
“My birthday. She, uh. Every year, Ma would call and say that they’d be home for my birthday and they never were, but they’d come home. Sometimes it was a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but they’d come home. She always bought a cake.”
Eddie’s heart kinda breaks a little, “Stevie.”
“So,” Steve steamrolls on. “So, she’s just late. Not this weekend, not next. But. But maybe the one after that, or in a month. I don’t know, but…she might. I’m not ready to give up yet.” 
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spicywhenspeaking · 10 months
If I'm There: Chapter Fourteen
its the halloween episode !
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic
It’s two weeks until Noah’s birthday party and only a few days after that, he will leave to go on tour. He was able to get his leave of absence approved by the school. The counselor gave him a huge stack of papers and workbooks that he’s expected to complete to get the credit for the rest of the semester.
When I walk into Noah's room after his meeting I see the huge pile. “Wow,” I comment. “That's a lot!”
He nods in recognition and waves it off. “I can help you with some stuff before y’all leave again and when you get back I can be your tutor.”
Noah laughs “Only if you promise to dress up like a sexy librarian.” Giggling I playfully smack his shoulder. “You pig.”
He stands and wraps his arms around me, picking me up and swinging me on the bed. “Oh hush…you like it,” he winks and settles his body on top of mine. “Don’t worry about the school stuff. It’s the last thing on my mind… right now there's only one thing I can't stop thinking about.”
He says as he places kisses all over my face and down my neck, lightly sucking on the pulse point that's now pumping faster. Noah's hands begin to roam and squeeze my breasts gently as a soft moan escapes my mouth. Before anything gets any further we hear someone barging into the house.
Nick quickly rounds the corner of the hallway and shrieks when he sees us tangled together on the bed and covers his eyes dramatically. “WOAH! sorry! But dude! We have band practice!” Nick says and Noah collapses onto me. “Bro…horrible timing.” I scootch out from under him and adjust my clothes. “I guess I should probably head into work now.” Noah rounds the bed to where I am and wraps his arms around me. “I’ll be counting down the hours until you get back.” I laugh at his ridiculous words. “It won’t be that long, you can come and pick me up at 9,” I respond leaning up to kiss him softly ignoring Nick’s fake gags of disgust and Noah flips him off for both of us.
Thankfully we weren’t interrupted by Nick later that night.
The rest of the time before the party goes by pretty fast. I try not to push it, but Noah doesn’t do any of the schoolwork in those two weeks. Before I know it, it’s Halloween and Noah is dropping me off at work before heading back to his house to get ready for the party with Nick. 
Outside of the coffee shop, we spend a few minutes saying goodbye before I have to head in. “Happy birthday Noah,” I tell him in between kisses. “The happiest one now that I have you.” He responds sweetly against my lips. “I’ll see you tonight,” I say to him and then he says in his best Frankenstein voice “Until then my bride.” Laughing, I walk towards the coffee shop and wave before heading in. 
Work is slow, so Maggie and I can get ready during our shifts. She’s driving me back to the party when we’re off and will crash on the couch at Noah’s if she parties as hard as she's hoping to. I’m trying not to let other people's drinking upset me, not everyone has a problem like my mom, and we are only young once.  
It's 9 pm when we get the go-ahead from our manager to close up early for the night. We finish up our makeup and Maggie helps me get my hair to stand the right way. I didn’t want to get the wig so I’m doing my own take on Frankenstein’s Bride by wearing my hair in a 60’s style updo with sprayed white pieces, disheveled just enough to look like I was brought back to life with a lightening blast. Before heading to the party we swing by my house to pick up Noah’s gift. It’s a signet ring with a N on it that I saw at a vintage shop in town. I hope he likes it. After getting ready and then running by my house it's already 9:45 by the time we drive up to Noah's house. There’s already a lot of cars but we manage to find a spot that's not too far away. 
The front door is unlocked and we walk right in. It's a sea of people I don’t recognize, but a lot of people are wearing masks. “Nice costume.” a random guy comments and leers at me. The music is loud and unfamiliar. Maggie tells me to go find Noah and that she’s going to the kitchen to start taking shots. I laugh and shoo her away. I check around the living room and walk through the house. I don't see Noah or any people I’ve met at the shows I’ve been to. I do notice, however, a lot of people are drinking or already drunk. Deep breaths Natalie, you’re fine. Making my way through the rest of the house I decide to check the garage. 
I find Noah with Nick and more people I don’t recognize smoking weed and drinking out of red Solo cups. I notice Alex, the girl from the other band is here too, with a lit joint hanging out of her mouth. 
“Looks like the girlfriend finally showed up,” Alex says with a weird edge that I can’t quite place. I notice Nick’s brows furrow slightly at her but he seems to shrug it off and nods to greet me with a smile. “How was work Nat?” he asks and at the same time, Noah yells “myyy briiiide!! She has returned!” 
“It was good” I laugh in answer to Nick as Noah strides the short distance between us and pulls me close to press a firm kiss against my lips and then sweeps me up into his arms causing a surprising squeal to escape me. “I must away with my bride.” Noah jokes as he takes me through the party into his room so we can have a few minutes alone to talk. Laughing at his antics, I wrap my arms around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek leaving a red lipstick mark. I move to wipe it but he moves his head away too fast. “No way Natty, keep it there.” I continue giggling as we pass more unfamiliar voices until we reach his room. Fumbling with the door while trying to balance me in his arms he manages to finally get it open and throws me onto the bed, kicking it shut again behind him. 
Sitting up and straightening out my dress I reach into the small shoulder bag I was carrying to pull out the box and card. “Happy birthday Noah.” I smile and hand them both to him as he settles down on the bed next to me. “Natty! You didn't have to get me anything.” I can tell Noah is a little stoned by the goofy way he’s talking but it’s kind of cute. “You’re already my best present.” He nuzzles his head into my neck and leaves a wet kiss. I move my hand to cup his face “And you’ll get plenty of me later, now open your gift.” His eyes sparkle with delight. “Yes ma’am” he jokes and he opens the card to read it. 
 Happy birthday Noah, I hope this is one of the best ones. 
*Inside is several pictures printed out of Noah and Natalie. Smiling, Kissing. One of Natalie on Noah's back, both laughing.
“Baaaabe this is so fucking cute,” Noah says and leans over to kiss me. Smiling into it I tell him “There’s more, open the box.” I say to him.
Noah opens the box and sees the silver ring. “Oh wow Nat, this is awesome!” He pulls it out and puts the ring on his ring pointer finger. “N for Natalie right?” I shake my head “No, N for Noah.” He cups his hands around my face and leans to press a kiss to my lips. “N for Natalie.” Melting into the kiss I don’t have the energy to disagree. 
When we emerge from his room an hour or so later, slightly disheveled, I tell him I’m going to look for Maggie to check on her. When I find her she’s stumbling down the hallway and I manage to catch her before she collapses on the ground. “Naaatyyyyy there you are!! Did you find Noah and give him your present? Oh! Looks like you gave him more than that. You have sex eyes.” Hiking her arm over my shoulder to hold her up I lead her into the nearest bathroom. “Let's just get you cleaned up.” Upon seeing the toilet, Maggie is quick to rush over and empty out the contents of her stomach. Coming up behind her, I gently pat her back in soothing circles. I’m used to this part, the sickness that follows the highs of a drunken night. Your worries for that moment are gone and you can just be loose and fun..at least that’s how some people make it look. 
We stay in the bathroom for a while and I get Maggie cleaned up and help her into Noah's Mom’s room. It’s dark and quiet, the perfect place for her to crash for the night. Leading her onto the bed I lay her down and pull the trash can to the side in case she gets sick again. 
I try and push my way through the wall of people that as grown. I didn’t even know Noah had this many friends. I bump into people as I navigate my way toward the kitchen, having to make my way through the dance floor that is really just the living room. Some guy bumps into me and sloshes his warm beer onto my outfit and I’m overwhelmed by the smell. “Oh- burp- sorry,” he says and I wave him off just trying to get out of the mess of strange people and smells. My eyes are scanning the crowds to try and find Noah’s familiar face. After what feels like an eternity I manage to push my way to the kitchen where I hear his laugh and sigh with relief. 
Noah, Nick, Alex, and other people I met in the garage are all gathered in the kitchen drinking. I wasn’t gone with Maggie for that long, I thought, but I guess it was long enough for them to have drank a significant enough amount to get tipsy. “Baaabe you found us!” Noah slurs and he slings his arm around my shoulder. I laugh softly and lean into his warmth. “Yeah, Maggie is crashing in your Mom’s room. She had a little too much to drink.” I take his cup and take a small sip. “Jesus, you want some mixer with your tequila?” I joke as I hand him the drink back and untangle myself to grab a water bottle before retuning to his side. 
“Let’s do shots!” Alex shouts from the kitchen counter that she’s perched on. One of the other guys lines up a bunch of shot glasses and pours a bottle of something in them and starts handing them out. I politely decline and I hear Alex scoff. “You can’t even let loose for Noah’s birthday? Come on Natalie..live a little.” She says and Nick starts to say something but I cut in “I’ll have plenty of time to let loose with Noah later.” I look up at Noah and wink while remaining tucked into his side while Alex rolls her eyes.
Raising their shots in the air they all call out “Happy birthday Noah!” and Alex ends with “Congrats to the birthday boy for joining us degens in the dropout club.” They down their shots and it takes me a second to register what she just said. 
“What are you talking about? Noah’s not dropping out. Right?” My eyes move to Noah’s and he is stuck staring guiltily at the floor. “What is she talking about Noah?” I ask.
“You told me you told her already man,” Nick says. “Um, why don’t we talk about this later Nat,” Noah says in a hushed whisper. I feel like the friend at the party that wasn’t invited to the sleepover after. Like the only one that doesn’t understand the inside joke. 
“Noah, what is she talking about? I thought you were finishing remotely? That’s what you told me.” I tell him and he shifts uncomfortably. 
“Yeah..rockstars don't have a lot of time for homework on the road…” Alex says again and I don’t know what comes over me but I’m sick of hearing this girl I don’t even know talk to me like she has any say in anything. My hand flies up, motioning Alex to stop talking. “Just shut up.” I seethe at her and I angle my head to face Noah again. 
“So when were you planning on telling me? Just talked it all over with Alex and made the decision together?” I snap at him and walk out of the kitchen in search of fresh air. 
Noah is stumbling after me trying to catch up. The front door slams behind him as he grabs my arm and whips me back around to him. “Natty, you’re being fucking dramatic. What the fuck was that? I get you're upset but it’s my birthday, that was fucking embarrassing.” 
I rip my arm back tears falling down my face at his outburst. “Embarrassing? You know what’s embarrassing? Having some bitch I don’t even know have more insight about my boyfriend’s life than me! How long were you going to keep up the lie that you’re still in school?” I ask.
 He looks way more fucked up in the moonlight, It makes my skin itch with discomfort. “I don’t know what hurts me more, the fact that you’ve been lying to me for weeks about something so stupid or that the only person who said anything was some girl who for some reason hates me,” I say and tears are spilling down my face. Noah stumbles closer, moving to wipe them but I take another step back. Everything else disappears, all I can focus on is Noah and all I can feel is a deep and heavy dread. The seedling of jealousy sprouted into an untamable beast. 
“Natalie, please just let me explain,” Noah says. “I just- looking at all that work? Just for this degree that doesn’t fucking matter, It would have been a waste of time.” 
“But why didn’t you tell me? All this time you knew you were just dropping out and you didn’t tell me? Was I just supposed to find out at graduation?” My voice is breaking and exasperated. “I just- I don’t know why you would keep that from me.”
“I just-” he starts. “I didn’t think you’d understand.” Noah breathes out. “You’re all about school and grades and shit and that just doesn’t matter to me. Alex dropped out and her band is thriving, because she can focus all of her time on it.” 
“Yeah, and I’m sure Alex is thinking about what’s in your best interest.” I wipe the tears off my face with the back of my hand. “I can’t believe you didn’t think I’d understand Noah. I asked you to consider your possibilities.” More tears are falling and I see that his eyes are glistening slightly. “I said I supported you and you lied to me.” 
“I didn’t lie..technically.” He says and I can tell he barely believes it himself. 
“So what else are you not technically telling me the truth about?” The question leaves my mouth before I have time to stop it.
“That's not fair Natalie, I didn’t intentionally keep it from you to hurt you.” Noah retorts. “Do you really think I would keep things from you?”
“You did! You just did Noah! You thought I would judge you, not like your new friends who all don’t care about anything right? Natalie only cares about school and grades. Boring ol’d Natalie couldn’t possibly understand anything about your lifestyle right?” It’s a mixture of feeling like an outsider, at the party and tonight in my own relationship. 
“Natty, please don’t cry.” Noah comes closer and I don’t step back when he wipes the tears from my face that have continued to fall. Even harder now that he’s comforting me. How fucked up is that the person that’s causing my tears is the only person I want to help me feel better. “I don’t want to make you cry again.” 
My eyes are fixed on the ground. “I can’t help but think where I fit into all of this. your life is so different from mine, is there even room for me in it anymore.” 
“Natalie, I love you. What do you even mean?” Noah says pulling my chin up to meet his eyes and I can still smell the alcohol on his breath. My own eyes are red-rimmed and clouded with tears that have refused to stop falling.
 “I think I’m going to head home and we can talk in the morning when you’re sober, I’m just going to call Kyle to come and get me since Maggie is not good to drive.” 
He takes a step back and something flashes across his face I don't recognize. “Not too long ago, I was the one you were calling to rescue you from him and now look at us. This isn’t what I wanted Nat. I - I didn’t want this to happen.” 
“I know Noah, let’s not fight about this. It’s your birthday, you should go have fun. I’m just going to head out. The drinking and everything, It’s just too much for me. I thought I could handle it, but its just - its to much.” 
I call Kyle and have a hard time holding back the emotion in my voice, he’s at a party a few minutes away and he’ll be there soon. Noah sits with me on the curb while I wait for him to pull up. 
Ten minutes later Kyles whipping out of the car and over to my side. I get up to go not seeing the rage in Kyle’s eyes, not noticing he was heading straight for Noah who stood up with me.
“I knew you’d pull some stupid shit like this and now she’s calling me fucking crying because of your bullshit,” Kyle says as he’s surprises me by pushing Noah back further onto the front lawn.
“Kyle! Let’s just go, please. Come on! stop.” I’m pulling Kyle back and I guess the commotion alerted the people inside and the others are gathered out the front door. Nick runs to help create more of a separation between the two. “Nick, can you grab Maggie and bring her down? I’m going to head home.” He nods and moves to go get her. With Kyle distracted Noah uses the chance to take a swing. “Fuck you man! You don’t know anything. I love her.” 
I move out of the way in time to miss any of the punches Kyle takes and watch in horror. He wipes blood from his mouth and says “Yeah, you love fucking up her life,” then he pounces. Swinging his full strength at Noah. “Shit!” I say and try to pull them apart taking an accidental elbow in the commotion of it all. Someone else pulls Noah away and Kyle and I stumble back as Nick returns with Maggie hanging off of his shoulders. “What the fuck!” Nick yells and I’m too preoccupied with my now bleeding nose. “Ow.” I mumble and Kyle turns to see my blood-drenched dress. “Oh shit, Nat. Are you okay?” he asks and I glare my eyes at him. “No, I’m not fucking okay. Get Maggie. Let’s go.” Looking up I see Noah standing next to Alex of all people, he sees my nose and deflates. “Natty-” he starts. “Just let her go,” Alex says and I can see him struggle with what to do. “I’ll call you tomorrow okay?” he says in a small voice. 
“Okay,” I respond as the three of us get into the car and drive away from the scene I unintentionally created. On the drive home, I just lay my head against the cold glass as fresh hot tears stream down my face. 
Once I’m home I climb up the stairs while Kyle sets Maggie up in the guest room. I shower and wash the makeup and blood from my face. Looking into the mirror I can tell I’ll probably have a black eye from the hit I took to the nose. Despite the adrenaline from the fight I’m out as soon as my head touches my pillow.
I wake up late and around 10 am I have a text from Noah asking me if I can meet him outside to talk. 
Noah’s face is red and blotchy when I get to him and he takes a breath when he sees the purple bruising around my eyes. “Fuck Nat, was that me?” He asks in a weak voice. 
I touch the tender skin and shrug. “A lot was going on, It could have been Kyle but it was an accident.” 
“I’m sorry about last night Noah, I shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that,” I say to him and the wind picks up blowing my hair around. He’s wearing a beanie and his hair stays calm against the nape of his neck. “Why are you apologizing? I should be apologizing to you.” He says and his voice breaks. “God, I was such a drunk ass.” 
“I should have waited to talk to you about it in private. Yelling at you in front of everyone was so lame.” My voice is calm and even now that we are away from the chaos of the party. 
“I should have never lied to you Natalie, that was fucked up. I should have told you from the start that I planned to drop out. I can’t believe I yelled at you. Fought your brother. Again. And you ended up hurt and crying.” He’s rambling now, which is usually my thing. “I always seem to be the one hurting you lately.”
“That’s not true Noah. It was a stupid fight. It’s okay.” I try to reassure him.
He looks up at me and his eyes are glossy with tears. “Noah, what’s wrong?” I ask suddenly worried. 
“Nat. I love you so much.” He says and a single tear runs down his cheek.
“I love you too,” I tell him. 
“I love you, but I can’t do this.” his words break at the end and I don’t know what he’s saying.
“Can’t do what?” I ask as the world stands still.
“I can’t do this anymore. We can’t be together. I’m not good for you.”  Now more tears are falling down his face and I don’t even notice my own have started falling as well.
“You’re breaking up with me?” My voice squeezes out.
“I’m sorry Nat - you’ll be better off without me.” He wipes his tears and tries to put on a brave face. “It’s for the best.”
And my heart shatters. 
“I’m sorry Noah, I’m so sorry. Please don’t do this. I love you.” I move to bury my head against his chest and his breath hitches. 
“We can’t Natalie. I- We just can’t. I can’t be what you need right now.” He says.
I take a deep shuttering breath and step away seeing the stains my tears left on his shirt.
“There’s nothing else I can say.” I stare at the ground. “You’ve already made up your mind.” 
“I’m sorry, It’s for the best.” He gives me one last lingering kiss on the forehead and quickly moves to get back into his car. No longing stares and waves goodbye, he just takes off and leaves me a blubbering mess on my front yard.
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crying and screaming and throwing up ....NOOOO WHYYYY
next ->
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canon-vi · 7 months
I tried to create her on January 3, but forgot...
Name: Anastasia
Name abbreviations (popular and frequently used): Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyukha, Asya
Age: 8-9
Height: 134
Birthday: April 30 (April 30) {it’s just that my friend Nastya was born on the same day—}
Asya has aphasia, to put it simply, she is mute, she became mute after the car accident
For conversations she always carries a notebook with a pen, she keeps this notebook in her bag
Nastya is a very tactile child, she loves hugs and physical contact, especially with her family
She has trouble sleeping and has nightmares, often involving an accident, so she goes to her parents' room for support from Merciless
She is patient with bullying, but at the same time vindictive, she remembers everyone who has offended her in some way and the “evil” comes back doubly, “there are devils in still waters,” she once doused a girl with boiling water, but that doesn’t matter—
Nastya has a personal diary, even 2, one where she writes everything good and leaves it where someone can find it, and the second about all her and not only terrible secrets, which she hides... But I won’t tell you where, what if someone find it? (under the floor)
Asya wants to become a programmer in the future and create her own game, wish her luck :3
Nastya loves all sorts of folk and pagan holidays, like Russian Maslenitsa, but who doesn’t like baking and eating pancakes for a week, and burning an effigy at the end of the week? It's fun and delicious!
— Aphasia is a local absence or disorder of already formed speech with impaired speech perception while maintaining hearing. It occurs with organic lesions of the speech parts of the cortex (and the “nearest subcortex” - as Luria puts it) of the brain as a result of injuries, tumors, strokes, inflammatory processes and some mental illnesses. Aphasia affects various forms of speech activity
— The name Anastasia has meanings: return to life, resurrection, rebirth
" I don't know him, but the name sounds familiar, maybe I heard about him once? I don't know, I'm not sure "
" Isn't this Aunt Drop's mom? I heard about her, Aunt Drop said that someday she would show me photographs of her! I can't wait for her to show it to me!! "
" Grandpa cooks very tasty, I like to cook with him, and he is also strong and cool! I love it when he rides me on his neck! "
" Mom and dad always spoke well of her, but grandpa shudders as soon as he hears her name, I would like to meet her :D "
" Dad talks very little about him, but he definitely loves him, well, I think so "
" Grandma Kill? Dad loves to talk about her, and I love to listen to his stories, sometimes dad says that I am very similar to her "
" Dad is the kindest and the best, it seems to me that he will support me, even if I need to kill and bury someone I love him :3 "
" Mom says that I take after my dad in appearance and even in mind, which means she loves me just like dad: D I love my mom, I feel safe with her! But it’s very painful to see how sad mom is, I don’t want to leave her alone :( "
" Thief. "
" Aunt Drop is cool, she creates games! When I grow up, I want to create games just like her! :D For some reason, aunt always carefully leaves us, I don’t understand why? "
" If I hadn’t just stood and watched, that guy wouldn’t have taken her Sorry, Sun :( I miss her "
" Brother Moon is very cute He often reminds me of Sunrise, I really try not to cry at such moments, but sometimes I fail :'( "
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Fun fact: I decided to create Nastya when my friend with the same name was in the hospital with alcohol poisoning in a coma, ahah
E. L. A. by @anotherrosesthatfell
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Nova’s Notes - DD - May 24
It’s officially Suitor Squad time!!!!!!!!!! Truly a beloved letter from our dear Lucy.
So we now know our girl has a September birthday and that she’s currently 19! I’m not a Zodiac girlie, but I’d love to see the discourse on whether she fits the type of a Virgo or Libra more (I have my guess, but I won’t say).
“Here am I, who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day! Isn't it awful! I feel sorry, really and truly sorry, for two of the poor fellows. Oh, Mina, I am so happy that I don't know what to do with myself.”
I love the way she writes in this letter, because it feels like the way she probably talks — very enthusiastic and just saying the first thing that comes to mind. Not in a bad way, just impulsive! Also, notice how she says “not a real proposal” — I wonder what that means. The fanfic potential is endless…
I love the modernity coming through with the “THREE proposals in one day!” and then saying she feels awful for two of the men (already implying she accepted one suit), as well as saying in the next sentence saying how perfectly happy she is. How very Lucy of her!!!! /pos
“But, for goodness' sake, don't tell any of the girls, or they would be getting all sorts of extravagant ideas and imagining themselves injured and slighted if in their very first day at home they did not get six at least. Some girls are so vain! You and I, Mina dear, who are engaged and are going to settle down soon soberly into old married women, can despise vanity. Well, I must tell you about the three, but you must keep it a secret, dear, from every one, except, of course, Jonathan. You will tell him, because I would, if I were in your place, certainly tell Arthur.”
A lot to take in here! So, of course by the “girls”, she must mean their former classmates and friends they keep in contact with. I know it sounds kind of pick-me-girl-ish of Lucy, but we all know that one person who wants to one-up you, so I get the need for secrecy. Plus, Lucy’s reputation with her mom will be dampened by this and might be led to think she ENCOURAGED three men to propose to her all on the same day (oh, what’s that? Hollywood producers have been portraying her as doing just that for years? My case stands.). Of course, she understands the need for Mina to tell Jonathan about this — who she likely assumes is already home with Mina since it’s been more than a week since Mina’s last letter :’(((( — and then she drops who’s proposal she accepted — to no one’s surprise, it’s Arthur!
I don’t know why, but the first time I read this part of the story, I guess I just skimmed over that part? Because I genuinely didn’t think she mentioned Arthur until the last possible second.
But rereading it here, she writes as if she can’t contain herself, like yes she wants to tell Mina about the three proposals — because why wouldn’t you tell your bestie about the THREE PROPOSALS IN ONE DAY — but she can’t help and drop the fact that yes, she’s engaged to Arthur, and yes, she’s as excited as Mina to be “old married women” who “despise vanity”. At least, that’s what I’m picking up. I think it’s another one of those things where the Dracula Daily memes gave me a Mandela effect of Lucy talking endlessly about everyone except Arthur, which she kind of does, but she doesn’t neglect him entirely.
On to the first proposal!!
“I told you of him, Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead.”
This sentence lives rent-free in my head. I absolutely love it. “Yes Mina, dear, the lunatic-asylum man with the good facial features, I would’ve set you up with him if you weren’t engaged already!” Strong start to this rollercoaster.
Previously she had described him as “imperturbable”, but she seems to have heavily amended that statement. Here, she describes him as nothing but nervous, almost sitting on his hat and…playing with a knife?!?!?! Seward, that’s not…how you….ok….she said he was “playing with it in a way that nearly made [her] scream” and I don’t blame her one bit — I would too!
What’s interesting about John’s proposal is that he doesn’t mince words here. He simply tells her she makes him happy and is dear to him, so marry him maybe? It does lean to this side of guilt-trippy when he starts to tell her that if she doesn’t care for him, he’ll be unhappy, until she *actually starts crying* because that’s the kind of empathetic person Lucy is!!!
That’s when John’s caring side comes out. He immediately chastises himself and promises not to add to her troubles. I wonder if, perhaps, he asked a colleague for advice on proposals and they gave him some ill-informed idea on how to “lightly encourage” (read: guilt-trip) a woman into accepting your suit.
It could have very well been his own idea (those who have read Dracula Daily before will know Seward is not as naturally empathetic as, say, Lucy); the only reason I think this is because he’s also socially awkward (if fidgeting with a knife didn’t give it away) and I could very well see him going to a colleague asking for advice on how to ask for a lady’s hand in marriage from someone who’s done it before.
This is when I think if he has been taking advice from someone, he stops and starts speaking from the heart.
“Then he broke off and asked if I could love him in time; and when I shook my head his hands trembled, and then with some hesitation he asked me if I cared already for any one else. He put it very nicely, saying that he did not want to wring my confidence from me, but only to know, because if a woman's heart was free a man might have hope.”
Awwwwwww his hands trembled?? 🥺 I’m so sorry Seward…this genuinely hurts to read. Although, just because someone doesn’t have another person they’re interested in doesn’t mean they’ll automatically grow to like you back — “might” being the operative word here, I suppose.
What I do love here is how well he takes it once she informs him she does love someone else. He simply takes her hands, looks into her eyes and asks her to count him as one of her best friends. This is still sad for Lucy, however, because while he has done this, she still feels like she’s “lost” him in a way and he still walks away with a broken heart, causing her to cry all over again, and defer finishing the letter. :(
Again, it just shows what a kind person Lucy is that even while she feels happy, she still can feel so upset on behalf of another person. That’s one of the things I love the most about her!!!
On to the next proposal!
Happy (belated) Quincey P. Morris Day!!!! Everyone get out your cowboy hats and get ready to lasso yourself into a world of fun with this cowboy. <3
Quick note: It looks like Arthur visited her and that’s what caused her to be able to finish her letter by lifting her spirits. So he must’ve visited her twice in one day, since she already knew about the proposal when she first started the letter? Ugh, love that for her!
“I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me. No, I don't, for there was Mr. Morris telling us his stories, and Arthur never told any, and yet—— My dear, I am somewhat previous.”
Hehehehe oh, Lucy!!! Even when talking about this dear cowboy and his stories you can’t help but bring up Arthur.
Quincey exaggerates/makes up his American slang just for her!!! That’s adorable.
“'Miss Lucy, I know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of your little shoes, but I guess if you wait till you find a man that is you will go join them seven young women with the lamps when you quit. Won't you just hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?'”
If I’m not proposed to in this goofy — yet sincere — way I 👏 don’t 👏 want 👏 it. But I do love that once he sees that Lucy doesn’t *seem* to understand this approach, he becomes more serious and earnestly asks for her hand with a series of beautiful words.
Of course, Quincey can perceive this isn’t going the way he would hope and asks if she is otherwise engaged of the heart to which — poor Lucy!!! — she cries once more.
“Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?”
And so the polycula is formed!!! Hehe, but to be fair, I do read this in the camp of Lucy being a chronic people-pleaser who wants to make everyone happy and hates refusing Seward and Quincey. As someone who is also a people-pleaser, I can relate — I too often have things I wish I could do to just “save me the trouble” of having difficult conversations with people. But also, polycula, I’m excited to see what all of the fanfics and fanart that y’all come up with this year lol!
“‘Yes, there is some one I love, though he has not told me yet that he even loves me.’”
“‘If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me…’”
“‘Won't you give me one kiss? It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then. You can, you know, if you like, for that other good fellow—he must be a good fellow, my dear, and a fine fellow, or you could not love him—hasn't spoken yet.'”
I love this so much. I love that Lucy feels comfortable enough to confide in Quincey that she’s worried about Arthur’s reciprocation of feelings and he reassures her that a) she will make Arthur’s happiness and if he doesn’t get that, Quincey will intervene (in more ways than one, I’ll wager ;)) and b) he’s not jealous of Arthur and thinks of him as a good man, why else would Lucy love him?
I honestly think him asking for a kiss — and Lucy giving him one — is adorable because it’s done in a way where it doesn’t feel forced or that Lucy is uncomfortable. I think of it as a kiss goodbye or a kiss of what could have been, or, as Quincey himself puts it, a kiss sealing their friendship! No matter what way you read it, it’s sweet and I love this moment.
“Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it.”
I know we all make memes about this passage — and for good reason, but the way I interpret her not wanting to talk about Arthur’s proposal is that it’s too intimate to her. Do you know those moments where something so wonderful has happened that you just want to keep it all to yourself? Even though you know you need to tell the loved ones in your life the good news and they’ll want to know everything? I know I do! I think this is part of what Lucy is feeling here, but she doesn’t want to tell Mina that per se; after all, she just wrote to her about longing to be back together and sharing their deepest secrets. So, I think she chooses to lightheartedly brush this moment off with a “oh yes and btw Arthur proposed, you don’t need the details, right? I don’t remember half of them myself!”
I think that’s why she makes so much of describing Quincey and John’s proposals — both to make up for her lack of detail when it comes to Arthur’s proposal, and, perhaps, to distract from it as well. That’s just my interpretation, though, I’d love to hear what you think!
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disasterbiwriter · 4 months
I always struggle to get the Lorelai/Rory banter to a suitably bouncy level, but I feel like I actually nailed it here - so enjoy!
(this is from my AYITL divergent will they-wont they on A03, so text beneath the cut if you don't want spoilers)
“Party hats?”
Rory snaps the elastic band under her chin in confirmation. “Ow. Check.”
Lorelai nods briskly. “Artfully assembled pile of Twinkies in lieu of a cake?”
“Oh, you mean the artful assembly I’ve had to redo twice because someone keeps eating the Twinkies and damaging the structural integrity?”
Her mother flashes a winsome smile. “The same.”
“And finally – disturbingly lifelike Tom Seaver piñata that we probably should have had checked for curses upon delivery?”
“Check, although I’m not certain it’s the final item.”
Lorelai gasps. “Rory! Are you making my dreams come true and telling me I should go back to the thrift store and get that punch bowl with the cups shaped like little ducklings?”
Rory laughs. “No.”
“Darling child, who squashed the whimsy from your youthful heart?”
“I live in New York. I’m statutorily prohibited from all whimsy.”
“Fine. What’s the final thing?”
“An explanation as to why you planned a birthday party for Luke that reads far more like a birthday party for Lorelai.”
Her mother presses a hand to her heart. “You’re saying you don’t think my beloved husband will appreciate all of this?”
Rory toasts her with her coffee mug. “That is indeed what I’m saying.”
“You’re correct. He won’t. It’s part of the ruse, my dear.”
“Oh, of course, the ruse!”
“Picture it!” Lorelai swishes out from the kitchen into the hallway; Rory gathers up her coffee and follows. Lorelai makes as though to open the front door. “The birthday boy—” Here she pauses, considering. “Birthday man?”
Rory responds, “Each option horrible in its own way.”
Her mom nods briskly. “Noted. Anyway, Luke enters! He sees his loving family and neighbors assembled, decked out for what appears to be a raucous celebration on par with the Arbor Day festivities of 2009.”
“I’m not sure we want to invoke that day. Kirk was never quite the same after that, and neither was our guest bathroom.”
“He is pleased,” Lorelai rattles on, “of course, to see everyone, and will bluster about how none of us needed to make a fuss. And just when he thinks he’s about to have to settle in for one of my patented party games and horrifyingly perfect Twinkie cake, everyone will wave to him and his charming bride as they abscond into their waiting carriage, which will take them to the northeast’s most elegant dining.”
Rory laughs. “So, Sniffy’s?”
“Sniffy’s,” Lorelai says with gusto. “Maisy will have his favorite meal, hot and waiting, and we will enjoy a quiet dinner, just the two of us. And the rest of you can enjoy the party – just sans the guest of honor.” She throws her hands up in the air and does jazz hands. “Ta daaa!”
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partiallypearl · 5 months
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you wouldn't be the first renegade (to need somebody)
The lie eats at Ariana for days. She knows she’s wrong, that she should be honest with Jett and the rest of the team but she can’t bring herself to do it. Not with Grace breathing down her back, watching her every move. - Ariana struggles with ending her friendship with Grace, and her feelings for Jett.
taglist: @happinessismagicc @aliferousdreamer @zackmartin @catboykacchan @andi-mec
The lie eats at Ariana for days. She knows she’s wrong, that she should be honest with Jett and the rest of the team but she can’t bring herself to do it.
Not with Grace breathing down her back, watching her every move.
I just want to be part of the team, she thinks to herself before remembering that she’s the reason she isn’t.
It hurts, knowing this. She wants to be able to get frings with Jett, and to hang out with Adele and Olive and to watch movies with A-Troupe, but Grace won’t let her.
And the harder she tries to pull away, the tighter Grace’s grip gets.
“You can’t leave me,” Grace tells her, “or you’ll be like everyone else.”
Logically, Ariana knows it’s not true, that their friendship isn’t healthy, that it isn’t real anymore.
But she sees Grace’s pale blue eyes tear up and all the courage she’s built to stand up for herself disappears - like Presley.
It’s after her fifth and failed attempt at giving up her friendship with Grace that Ariana finds herself in Studio A, dancing through her feelings.
The pop song playing in her airpods keeps out any thoughts as she twirls and flips around the room, pulling random improv from her head. Her anxiety is alight, like a live-wire flowing through her.
She ends in a calypso leap, her chest heaving when she hears footsteps. She looks up, the blood rushing to her head as her eyes meet Jett’s. She takes out her headphones as Jett speaks.
“Hi.” Jett says, and Ariana gulps for air as she starts to calm down. Jett doesn’t look like herself with her hair down.
Her hair frames her face in loose curls rather than her usual tight french braids. She’s in a green satiny dress with halter straps, and wow Ariana knew she was muscular but holy shit.
Jett looks different almost, prettier. Not that she wasn’t already pretty.
“Hi.” Ariana says breathlessly, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Your uh, your hair is down?” She asks and Jett reaches for a loose lock, as if she had forgotten it wasn’t up.
“Oh yeah. I have my cousin’s debut - her 18th birthday party tonight. My mom’s getting off from work early to pick me up so I can go to Chesa’s to get ready.”
Ariana nods shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “You look nice. All fancy.”
Jett laughs, “Better hope my titas agree.”
Ariana laughs as well. They don’t speak for a moment before Jett walks over to her. “You okay?”
For a moment Ariana forgets that she had been frustrated before, just soaking in Jett’s energy.
“Yeah. I mean no,” Ariana says, her cheeks heating up under Jett’s scrutinizing gaze, “it’s hard to leave friendships. When they aren’t healthy y’know?”
Jett hums, wiping her hands on her skirt. “Yeah. I do. But I think you’re making the right choice. You deserve people who care about you.”
The like me, is unsaid, but Ari hears it all the same. Jett steps closer, and Ariana freezes, her heart pounding. The shorter girl takes her hand, squeezing it three times.
“You’re a good person Ari, and you’re my best friend. I love you y’know that right?”
Ariana nods. “I love you too.” Their eyes meet for a second before Jett’s phone dings, and she looks down at it. “My mom’s outside. I’ll see you on Monday!”
She squeezes Ariana’s hand one last time before running off, and Ari watches as her hair flows behind her as she leaves studio A.
She knows she has to do it. She has to tell Jett the truth, and soon.
Or she’ll be royally screwed.
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pixeldistractions · 3 months
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The kitchen greenhouse was a favorite haunt for Stephanie. She often snuck out here at different parts of the night to check on the plants or take inventory. It was lovely and dark, a little chilly in the night, and heady with the scent of tomatoes, basil, and parsley.
“It’s so quiet and peaceful,” Maria said, “I see why you like it out here.” 
“When are you leaving?” Stephanie asked, beating her to the punch.
“Oh, how did you know?”
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Stephanie shrugged, always quiet and observant, always knowing things in her way. “It was a lot of little things.”
“I need to be with him,” Maria said. “He loves me, and I love him, and we need to be together.”
“Oh, I know, honey. I would be disappointed if you didn’t go.” 
“You would?”
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Stephanie nodded. “Of course. I knew ever since he asked me to bake that birthday cake for you. You should have seen his face.”
“Don’t feel bad. Everybody’s leaving, you know.” 
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“Oh? But Drake is still here.”
“His girlfriend graduates this year,” Stephanie said. “She’s a music major, so she’ll want to move away. And he wants to marry her, so he’ll probably follow.”
“What about Ian?”
“Maybe a year or two into grad school, he’ll need to start an internship. He won’t have time for this.”
“Oh,” Maria said. “Well, now I do feel bad. It makes it worse that everyone’s leaving.”
“It’s not your fault,” Stephanie said. “Hospitality industry, high turnover. This place is just not what it used to be. Maybe I should be leaving, too.”
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Stephanie laughed it off, so Maria laughed with her, but she looked so worn down sometimes, like her life had been hard and unfair. Maria hated to add to that stress. 
“I’m sorry to do this so suddenly. I mean, this doesn’t happen all the time, feeling this way? It’s worth trying to make it work?”
“I know it is.”
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“But everyone thinks this is so stupid.”
“Everyone? Who said that?”
“Well, I guess just my sister so far,” Maria admitted. “But it’s just, I was so happy. I was so excited to tell someone, and she just thought it was the dumbest thing. And the thing is, if she took it that badly, I know my parents won’t approve.”
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Stephanie lingered a moment in her memories before deciding to launch into a story. “Okay, so… When I first kissed Justin, we were both married to other people. None of our families were excited about that. Okay, well, except for maybe my mom. She always liked Justin for me. But he was actually married to my high school best friend. And… it gets worse. I had a crush on him all through college, but guess what I did? I set him up with that friend, who he ended up marrying. Not one of my smarter moments.”
“Oh, wow. You never told me that.”
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“It’s not the kind of thing I tell many people. A lot of people were mad for a long time. Sometimes it’s messy. Sometimes nobody gets it but the two of you. Sometimes it looks wrong on the outside. But you know in your heart what the answer is. Maybe only you know it, but that’s enough.”
“Oh, gosh, thank you for saying that.”
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Maria ambushed her friend with the biggest hug. That was everything she needed to hear tonight.
— from “boxes and squares #4.5: home is wherever you are, part 3” (8/11)
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footnotes: Stephanie’s story, by the way, is not just backstory. It’s not on Tumblr and it’s super long, but that was one of my favorite sim-stories (novel, I’m telling you!) I’ve ever written. If anyone is looking for a long summer read, you won’t be disappointed!
Also, the alien war that Stephanie and Justin endured in that story is the same war that Maria’s husband died in.
Next ->
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strandnreyes · 1 year
Hi Jen! 👋
Just popping into your ask box today to ask: what personal headcanons about LS have been floating around in your head nowadays? This is kind of a broad question, but I guess... ones surrounding food?
Okay starting with my firmest food headcanon: TK can cook. Simple as that lol. But if someone else offers to cook for him, he definitely won’t be saying no. That’s one of the many reasons he and Carlos work so well together.
That being said (which is basically canon at this point), Carlos loves to cook for people. Love language!! I think Carlos learned to cook from his mom and he loves those memories with her even if in the moment, his internal thoughts on if his father saw him as too soft were growing
Paul is the best cook at the firehouse hands down and everyone loves when it’s his night. That firehouse table is full and half of the people don’t even work there. No one bats an eye when Carlos or Grace or Wyatt show up and grab a plate
Judd can make a mean barbecue. He also handles all things breakfast. Grace takes care of the rest and makes sure that man eats things like eggplant or squash which Judd is always skeptical about but ends up loving it, prompting a ‘why do you doubt me?’ from Grace
Marjan is always down to go out and try any new cuisine. She can get them a table at the new restaurant in town that has like a three month wait list
Nancy likes baking and the first time she shared this hobby with the group is the first 126 hang she went to when she felt a little out of place and still on the outside. She wanted to give them a reason to like her, but she hasn’t told anyone that
Mateo lived on takeout, frozen pizza, and boxed mac and cheese at his old place with his idiot roommates, but now that he has a full kitchen and learns things like what a pasta cutter is, he starts slowly trying his hand at cooking.
Tommy is constantly trying to make food like Charles once did because she doesn’t want the girls to miss his cooking and they notice this, telling her that they love her cooking just as much. When they get a little older, they all start to make Charles’ recipes together on nights when they miss him a little more than usual
Owen’s health food craze is powered by his need to keep his body appearing strong and healthy to hide the fact that his mind isn’t always in the same state. It’s why we see him eating a bucket of chicken when he thinks he’s alone for the night.
I think it was Paul in season 1 who called the 126 the hardest bunch to cook for but even with everyone’s differing diets, everyone always leaves firehouse dinners, 126 hangs, birthdays, whatever it may be with a full stomach because everyone is so considerate of what people can and can’t eat and the spread is for everyone
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juniperjellyfish · 1 year
Ninjago headcanons because my alarm goes off in two hours and I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anytime soon
Kai is very hot/cold resistant. If it’s super cold outside, you can watch steam rise from his body
Cole gives everyone nicknames. Kai is HairGel. Nya is WaterLily. Jay is ZapTrap/MotorMouth/HalfStack. Zane is Popsicle. Pixal is just Pix because she doesn’t really like nicknames and Cole respects that.
Lloyd calls everyone Buddy
Zane has the sass of my nine year old little sister who wears her baby crown proudly
Pixal sees herself as a lesser being than the other ninja, and has identity issues
Nya struggles with depression
Whenever Jay gets excited, sparks fly off of him, and there’s been times when he accidentally shocked Nya when he kissed her.
Speaking of Jay, he is covered in lightning scars
Cole can play the violin!
Kai is a homophobic bisexual
Master Wu feels guilty about making the ninja team in the first place because he sees how he has added so much hardship to their lives, he doesn’t realize that at the end of the day, the ninja love what they do
Except lloyd. If he could retire, he would
Lloyd has enhanced hearing, vision, smell, etc because of his Oni/dragon blood
Lloyd suffers from chronic migraines (I have these so he gets them too)
Jay used to be the tallest of the ninja, but now he’s the second shortest and thus the nickname “HalfStack
Dareth does crack (long story)
Pixal has a smal crush on Nya, but she won’t say anything because of Jay
Jay reads fanfiction about himself
Wu doesn’t allow the ninja to have alcohol, but Kai has secret stash on the hydro bounty
Jay wants kids one day
The ninja got so sick of the electric chicken that they made Lightning chicken nuggets
Nadakhan is gay
Mr. F has a reputation if ya know what I mean
Cole plays DND with the Upply twice a month. Vania is the DM
Ultra Violet and Kilo are distant descendants of Oni and the people from the first realm
Akita thinks furries are cultural appropriation
Cole hates heights and hasn’t really gone mountain climbing since his fall
Skylor and Benthomaar are besties
Skylor had never seen a dog while living on Chen’s island, so when she saw one for the first time, she freaked out and thought it was a monster
Christofern is now Christotree
Jay and Nya are the only ones that can remember Skybound. Whenever they tell someone the story, they forget within the hour because of magic
Lloyd got his blonde hair because of genetics. No one cheated, no hair dye, so sun bleaching. Just basic genetics
Jay’s birth mom cheated on Cliff and got pregnant, so cliff walked out on her and she abandoned Jay because she couldn’t take care of him.
Kai’s brown hair is a recessive gene
Nya doesn’t like drinking water, because she can feel its energy traveling into her body and it grosses her out
Ronin has almost asked Misako out
Pixal likes butterflies
Lloyd loves to read
If pixal was a human, she would have vitiligo that somewhat resembles her purple markings
Cole and forest green eyes
Lloyd loves root beer
Nya’s powers have been permanently weaker since coming back from the sea and it gives her severe anger issues
Cole occasionally walks into walls and doors because he forgets he’s not a ghost
Cole can see ghosts
Cole is the group therapist
Kai realized he was bi when he saw Cole do the glow worm song
Every Friday, the group does a movie night
Jay loves his buff gf
Cole likes to paint
Jay likes to draw
Kai made everyone weapons for their birthday
If Kai is mad, he starts smoking. No- not like that- like smoke rises from his body
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notstilinski · 1 year
Beach Read Starters !
Taken from the 2020 novel by Emily Henry, Beach Read! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! 
“How is it? Is there a sex dungeon?”
“So wise. So deep.”
“What will you do if you realize you’ve fallen in love with a ghost?”
“No way. Blow jobs are for major holidays. What you’ve got on your hands is a good old-fashioned foot job pro quo.”
“What’s disturbing about foot jobs as a form of currency?”
“Could you turn off your sad-boy-angsting playlist?”
“Let me guess: Everyone lives happily ever after. Again.”
“Offending you. One syllable. ‘Ah.’ Pretty impressive.”
“My weird ass neighbor was blasting his crying soundtrack all night.”
“Seeing them out in the wild after all this time was horrifying.”
“No, (Name), I’m not talking about sex stuff.”
“The trick to sobering up is… donuts.”
“How do you know your Googling me wouldn’t be even more amusing g to me?”
“How do you know I won’t keep answering your questions with other questions until we both die?”
“You have a hard time… reading happy endings?“
“Are you honestly saying you don’t believe in love?”
“Sure, love happens. But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.”
“I’m not asking you to tell me. I just… I don’t know. It’s weird to see you like this.”
“Oh my God! Are you slightly misquoting A Walk to Remember at me?”
“Life is meaningless, (Name). Gaze into the abyss.”
“Be honest… Did you bring me here to murder me?”
“This one of your murder spots?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you might take it from me.”
“You just too me on the worlds most depressing date. The least you could do is tell me a single thing about yourself, and why all this stuff matters to you.”
“Why? Part of your dark, mysterious past?”
“But you were in love with him.”
“It’s okay he dumped me in a hot tub.”
“You can just give me three dollars when I take you home, and then if I ever find out I need an organ, we can circle back.”
“I love seeing where you get your admirable qualities from.”
“It didn’t feel like a lie. Maybe a complicated truth, but not a lie.”
“Life is like us like a box of chocolates. You really don’t know what you’re eating and the chocolate map on the lid is fucking always wrong.”
“If you’re a beard, I’m a bird.”
“Do you feel like your mom just dropped us off here before homecoming?”
“It’s shit like this that makes it impossible for me to believe in happy endings. You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”
“There’s nothing to loathe about your face.”
“I HATE falling in love. It’s always ruining my bad boy reputation.”
“You know, as private as they are, I have to pull a lot from context out of our conversations. But yes, I’ve gathered the clues that you two have formed a friendship.”
“She left them on their birthday?”
“I think some things are… inevitable.”
“I brought these in case you’re taking me to a Texan church service.”
“This has been an exact recurring nightmare I’m only just realizing was actually a premonition.”
“You honestly have to write me into your will for this.”
“Happy endings don’t happen to everyone. There’s nothing you can do to make someone keep loving you.”
“I want to know you.”
“I’ve never thought you were stupid.”
“I thought—think it’s grace to believe in love. I mean, the lasting kind. To try for that, even knowing it can hurt you.”
“Not believing in something doesn’t stop you from wanting it. If you’re not careful.”
“I remember. A historic moment in our friendship.”
“I told you I wanted you to know me. You can ask me anything you want.”
“I saw that with my parents, you know? This black hole and this bright light he was always just trying to swallow while.”
“It didn’t overwhelm you to watch them sleep.”
“Like being right mattered less than being… okay.”
“Really? Because in winter, I’d just prefer to be dead.”
“(Name) likes to say I was never a kid.”
“I am, though. I am angry and messed up, and every time I try to get closer to you, it’s like all these warning bells go off and I try to act like a normal person, but I can’t.”
“I thought you understood that there’s no such thing as a normal person.”
“Stop it. You’re not going to break me, (Name).”
“I do, you know. Care about you.”
“That’s you’re right, as an American citizen.”
And again, I’m seventeen in that picture. Please stop objectifying child me.”
“It seemed too crass to invite you to my aunts house and then bring up your ass.”
“Are you praying to me, (Name).”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, like the sun.”
“I really didn’t show up to your sex dungeon to seduce you.”
“I’ll make my getaway and leave you behind if I have to.”
“What? Fun? Are you afraid it’s contagious?”
“Come here to ponder your own morality?”
“I want to be your perfect fucking Fabio, (Name), but I can’t. I’m not.”
“It just means I also want you to be happy, and I’m scared I could never be the person who could give you that.”
“Then let me be happy with you, (Name).”
“I can’t wait to visit and watch him be completely smitten with you.”
“I mean, I hope it was partially an elaborate ruse to sleep with me.”
“I never wanted you to see the world like I see it.”
“When you love someone… You want to make the world look different for them. To give all the ugly stuff meaning, and to amplify the good. That’s what you do.”
“If you can learn to dance in the rain then I can stare the ugly things down.”
“I don’t care if you’re a complete person.”
“The good news is your skin looks like a newborn baby’s. What have you been eating here?”
“What’s wrong with these pants? These are my official uniform now, on account of I’ve officially given up.”
“I both love and hate falling in love.”
“Are we being ax-murdered?”
“It’s not the promise that matters. It’s that I told you.“
“Fine. I can’t know if. But I believe it. I see it. Let me prove I’m right. Let me prove I can love you forever.”
“What is we don’t get our happy ending, (Name)?”
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sysba · 1 year
untitled twc drabble
this has no title because the doc where i drafted it is just called "mommy issues" and it says all you need to know about it. told @night-triumphantt edith would say something to rebecca after that book 3 birthday flashback/convo so here it is, unfiltered unedited brainrot happy sunday i love siblings<3 i love hating rebecca<3
Edith’s eyes are fixed on the same spot even after Kiara leaves, a scowl so deep one would guess the door personally insulted her; in the busy aftermath of the mission no one seems to notice her troubled look, or the subtle shake of her shoulders as she folds her arms impossibly tight.
She swallows once. Then again. 
It’s been like this ever since she’s started working with Unit Bravo: she’s been biting her tongue, pushing down words that would’ve darted out of her before and hit their bullseye. Instead she’s been stuck with this acrid taste in her mouth, uncharacteristically docile as she ends unborn conversations and walks away before the hellos.
And that’s what her every instinct is telling her to do now, too. Say nothing, walk away. It’s the smart choice, the self-preserving one. But when it comes to her sister she can’t afford to do damage control.
“You don’t listen to her.” It’s out of her mouth before she can think twice of it, her tone clipped and decisive.
She hasn’t yelled, has not even raised her voice, but she feels like she might have. Everyone stops, sensing the shift in the air. 
Rebecca is frozen on the spot, looking right at Edith like she just threw ice water on her. Like she knew the accusation was directed at her.
Unit Bravo glances between them in confusion, but nobody speaks. Edith doesn’t even spare a quick look their way, all of her focus on Rebecca. She steels herself. 
Too late to go back now.
“You never listen to her.” She doesn’t have to say Kiara’s name to see Rebecca’s unyielding features soften, settling into hurt. “She told you she was hurt, and you made it about yourself.” 
Again. That last word hangs between them, unspoken and unforgiving.
Rebecca frowns. “That was not my intention.”
“It never is, no,” Edith sighs through her nose, shoulders falling a bit. 
Tiring, so tiring… She wants to do this for Kiara, stand up for her because she won’t, but it’s as if every cutting word she aims at Rebecca is shot back at her. 
She hugs herself tighter, the blood on her tongue feeling almost as sickening as her next words. “You remember organising a kids’ birthday party and feeling guilty about having to miss it. What I remember is a seven-year-old kid in a dress too big for her, trying not cry in front of all of her friends after you left. Even saved you a slice of cake that she knew was gonna get thrown away. She was staring up at me with those giant weepy eyes and I couldn’t do shit about it.”
“Edith…” Rebecca’s tone is soft, regretful, and it’s but a water drop on a pyre. “That wasn’t your responsibility.” 
“Then why’d you leave me to pick up your slack, huh?” Edith snaps, then reins herself in when she notices the way Nate is looking at her. “Whatever, that’s not what I–” Her jaw clenches briefly as she looks away. 
That’s not what she wants to talk about, it doesn’t matter. She’s glad Kiara isn’t here right now, lest she think she resents her. Truth is, taking care of her sister was never something Edith did just because there was no one else. It was a choice, one that she hasn’t stopped making (because having to choose, she would always choose Kiara). 
But telling Rebecca where she went wrong as a mother somewhat means reminding her she has two kids, something Edith is not all too keen on doing. It’s the same as throwing a grenade and then stand there, waiting for the shrapnel to tear into you. 
Right now I’d pick the fucking grenade. 
Edith’s lips purse as she meets Rebecca’s gaze again. “Two days later, at school, one of Kiara’s classmates made fun of her. Said ‘not even her mom cared about her birthday.’ I threw my lunch at him during break and got sent to the principal, so they called you. You didn’t show up there either,” she adds the last part with a smirk so venomous Rebecca almost recoils.
It’s true, though. Rebecca was too busy at work that day, so she had sent a sitter instead. And then grounded Edith for “using her hands and not her words”... as if a cold cheeseburger hurled at your head would hurt as bad as a punch.
Rebecca fidgets on the spot, the few wrinkles on her face more evident as her brow furrows in guilt. Edith can sense the apology before it comes.
“I am–”
“Don’t.” She doesn’t need any of this from her mother, doesn’t need her to be sorry. It’s too late for the two of them, anyway. 
But maybe there’s something they can both fix. 
“That’s not why I’m telling you. You get that, right?”
Edith’s gaze pierces through Rebecca, who faces it bravely this time. Eventually she nods, lips pursed and poise stiff. 
“I’ll do better. I want to be better… for her.”
Edith smiles at that. It’s bittersweet, and not all that trustful, but it’s there. 
Maybe there is something the two of them have in common, after all.
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