#she will . beat the shit outta you
dailykugisaki · 3 months
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Day 159 | id in alt
Long overdue feast.
(Bears have absolutely no care if their prey is still alive whilst they eat, but they have a tendency to crush the lungs and bones of their prey while they're alive.)
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yorupie · 2 months
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alumirp · 8 months
Angel of Death and her God
a story about a fem!law whose city was never destroyed. Her father found the cure for the amber lead syndrome and everything is okay. But instead of just being a doc like her dad,  it turns out she becomes a nun in the church where that one sister is also a nun. She stills knows a lot about medicine and helps the nuns with their health and also the kids in the school or in the church orphanage. She's living well and peacefully. Flevance is a rich island, her family is doing well and everything seems to be perfect. Until, of course, some pirates pop outta nowhere and attack the convent and kidnap some nuns bc ofc they do, they are pirates, right? So when the navy just doesn't even try to get them back, Law takes the matter in her own hands and goes to the sea on a stolen ship, ready to track the pirates and get the nuns back home safely. She goes island to island looking for them and collecting information about this crew and discovers that they are actually just a part of the Donquixote Crew, who's famous for selling slaves. Guessing what end those nuns can have if she's not fast enough, Law starts to target all of the members of the Donquixote she can find, searching for someone that can tell her where they took her friends. At some point she finds a group of them who are transporting something that seems important so she obviously has to steal. Is the ope ope no mi and she is fast to eat it; it is a powerful and very useful akuma no mi that she can use very well. The news about her spread quickly, it's not everyday that you see a nun with a big ass sword (dont ask me when she gets it) dismembering people while alive and targeting one of the most powerful crews in the seas. She gets the name of ‘Sister Death’ and since she has no crew or jolly roger, the navy think she's just a bounty hunter or just some crazy woman, so they actually don't pay attention to what she does and leave her alone. Some months later she found her way to the Grandline, heading to Sabaody, seeking the nuns in that one auction house. Its when she stumbles with him, the devil himself incarnates as a god in a man’s body, pirate king Monkey D Luffy, the man that can be her salvation just as much as he can be her danation.
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dolxiba · 1 month
i like how sydney is like the queen of undernegotiated kink like. yara and her were fucking in the confessional and yara kept trying to pull away so she wouldn't cum & blow their cover so sydney got pissed and CHOKED HER
like girl... your corruption wasn't even high...
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evilkitten3 · 10 months
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people on the fanon wiki will just straight up announce that they haven't actually watched the show huh
#atla#azulaposting#''she wanted to steal the throne from him'' girl WHEN#when he got banished? which she had nothing to do with?#when she actively chose to give up the role of crown prince(ss) by bringing him back?#when he decided WITH NO INVOLVEMENT ON HER PART to commit treason and be a good guy?#he's the one who plotted to steal the throne from HER#y'know that whole ''let's go beat the shit outta my sister'' thing?#like azula didn't manipulate him into giving the throne to her he literally gave it up when he COMMITTED TREASON#AND ANNOUNCED THAT HE WAS COMMITTING TREASON TO HIS FATHER'S FACE#you think he wasn't disowned as fuck? he threw LIGHTNING (back) at the fire lord!#azula had literally nothing to do with anything concerning zuko's place in line for the throne except for when she brought him back#and then again when he decided he was going to be fire lord despite DEFINITELY no longer being eligible (bc. y'know. TREASON)#at no point did azula ever even imply she wanted to take the throne from zuko#she EXPECTED it would be hers bc HE LITERALLY WAS NOT THERE#first he got banished and then he fucked off of his own free will#neither time had anything to do with anything azula did#hell azula is the only living member of the royal family we meet in the series outside of flashbacks who DIDN'T conspire for the throne#iroh managed to conspire for the throne despite debatably having the most right to it out of everyone#granted it was on zuko's behalf but STILL#hell even in the character assassinations i mean the comics no i don't she's not conspiring for the throne#she's trying to push zuko back towards what she thinks is the ''right'' path#but she's not trying to take it for herself#the only time azula even seems to want the throne is when her dad tells her it's hers now and even then she'd clearly rather he keep it#bc that'd mean he'd be sticking around and she was kinda sick of getting abandoned by then#azula: *getting crowned as per the previous fire lord's orders*#and no the argument that ozai wasn't a legitimate fire lord is entirely invalidated by how unwilling iroh was to do shit about fuck#which ended up proving ozai right come to think of it#he WAS a better fire lord than iroh. bc he. y'know. actually did stuff#gah
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allpromarlo · 1 year
i don't even know what to say about this episode
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nekoprankster218 · 11 months
literally whose fucking idea within hoyoverse was it to make the most sadistic boss mechanic-wise, have all the dialogue unskippable even if its your second or third or god fucking tenth attempt at the boss, then have the new event start two days after the trailblaze mission and not have Genshin's Quick Start so anyone who can't get pass the boss gets fucked out of event rewards
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I should be writing shadow au oops, I'm sorry I am working on it slowly but these guys possessed me I wanted Syn to menace May and them chat about aus my brain is bouncing around XD enjoy! (Syn belongs to @seasidemew)
More multiverse shenanigans
May should've been working. May HAD been working, until the larger mewtwo decided to descend upon her. She could feel the warmth of his chest on her back as he leant over and into her body, arms wrapped around her his tail lightly hitting the floor as he purred quietly.
"Can I help you Syn?" She asked slightly amused by this sudden affection but also it was rather inconvenient.
"Mm…" He hummed softly, "No, I'm just glad you're so small and cuddly here." She sighed softly, feeling him give her a little squeeze like she was some plush teddiursa.
"Which world did you find out about then? Perfect or Poached?" She asked simply already aware of the many vast variations of herself and knowing those were the most recent and the only ones so far that played with her height. His tail stopped lightly thumping.
"What's poached.." She could tell by his tone he didn't know what it was and felt a bit of panic settle in.
"...oh you know..like with eggs…" May deflected keeping her eyes on the very interesting tiles on the floor.
"May. What happens in Poached." Syns arms shifted subtly to more restrain her preventing her from trying to duck or wiggle away but still remaining quite cuddly. She made a bit of a whine bringing a hand to cover her mouth as she mumbled.
"Ikindamaybegetcaughtinadarkball," she mumbles unintelligibly into her palm, his weight leans down more into her making her exhale softly in an oof.
"Careful big fella I can't support your whole weight!"
"Well I can't hear you when you're mumbling so I gotta lean closer," more of his weight presses down and she makes a slightly panicked 'ack' in response to his antics as he simply chuckled.
"Who the hell let you watch lilo and stitch alright give give a bit I can't talk like this," his weight lessens on her back as she sighs exaggeratedly before awkwardly fiddling with her hands.
"I get caught by poachers, caught in a dark ball..hence the name.."
"A, dark ball?" She audibly sucked air through her teeth at his question, hesitating on telling him.
"it's uh..type of pokeball poachers use…Darkness says the technology used is quite impressive actually, has a similar function to a master ball can capture any Pokemon instantly," she felt his weight shift, "hey I'm getting there!"
"You're stalling," His voice was a playful singsong.
"I know I'm stalling!" She emptily shouted back, "it's, not fun to talk about," her voice awkwardly quietened and she felt his weight lessen and heard a soft apology, she sighed, "the dark ball…it can enhance a pokemons original ability bringing it to it's highest possible level augmenting them to be even better than they were originally.."
"Why would that make you bigger?"
"Because I'm, not," she struggled for words, "apparently I have potential and I was meant to be tall and powerful and the dark ball artificial unlocks and forces that version of me into my most powerful state.." She didn't want to talk about the how it did that though. She felt him gently squeezing her body again but more as a hug.
He hung his head down a little besides her eyes screwed tight and she gently put her hand to his head rubbing the side of it comfortingly as he experienced new memories from across the multiverse.
"You're, yea, I see it, you're brutal.." He mumbles a bit as the new memory of the fighting ring enters her head.
"I guess so…guess being forced to max level does that..sorry about knocking you about so much." Memories of a fight began to form in both their heads as the new world grew and they became aware of it.
"Oh it's fine, it's kinda hot actually you're efficient," He chuckles, lifting his head up a bit to smirk at her playfully moving to gently bonk his head against hers to which she made a mock 'ow'.
"How come you hesitate on landing the match ending blow?" He furrows his brows at his memory.
"Because I don't want to hurt another mewtwo, not really, guess seeing your bloody bruised face was enough to get past the dark balls influence. Must have a thing for bloodied up pretty boys. Well gives you enough time to strike and then kick my ass." She laughed softly as he guiltily chuckled.
"Yeah I'm sorry, I really saw an opportunity and took it."
"Hey we were in a fight, i'd rather you won especially with your history." He hums above her gently squeezing her again.
"You, escape all that right? I don't recall seeing you again."
"Yea, I get out.. Thanks for asking, nice to know you care." He chuckled softly.
"I can care a bit!" She laughed a squeal as he squeezed her again, picking her up a bit before putting her down as he sighed softly in guilt, "I, actually learnt about the other one, Perfect was it? I'm, sorry for how I act there..I hear you saying you don't want to fight. I can see you dodging and avoiding fighting back and." He signed again, "all I can think about is how good it'll feel and how loud the audience will cheer when I take down such a big powerful opponent." She felt him squeeze her in guilt and moved her hand again to carefully hold the side of his face.
"Hey..its okay I get it I understand why, maybe I don't understand there at first but here I understand and I've hit you pretty hard and brutally before myself, I can't hold a grudge."
"You always fight like that to protect others or as a last ditch self preservation thing, it's not the same."
"What would've happened had you lost?" He went quiet in thought, turning his head away at the new suggested memories of losing and the fall out of it.
May was quiet as her hand moved once more to hold his face as he pressed into her touch knowing without him having to say that it would've been bad and although he did it for himself there was also a level of survival to it. She felt him purr softly against her hand.
"Feeling better now huh?" He hummed softly against her, "can I get back to work now ya great lug? I can feel something hard and pointy jabbing into me and I hope its that crystal." He howled an abrupt startled laugh at her joke moving instead to scoop her up into his arms ignoring her protesting.
"Oh no I think I'm going to steal you away for myself for a bit actually," He turned his head towards the general direction of the kitchen, "I'm stealing May for a bit, deal with it!" before turning to carry her out the restaurant leaving the owner quite confused.
"You put me down, this is kidnapping!" She couldn't hide the excited giggling in her tone as he carried her away.
"I just figured we should get some privacy if I'm gonna jab you with something hard and pointy." She squeal laughed into her hands as he carried her away kicking her feet in too much energy as his tail wagged behind him chuckling at her joy.
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
wait i love that ur ask box name is "join the circus" oh my god. anyway, swatch
Here's ur complimentary clown nose don't honk it all in one place
Anyways MX Paint, love them! They grew on me quite a bit since my initial playthrough. I often wondered how they and Queen met, since she seems to move around a bit. In that vein it probably makes a lot more sense for them to have always just been in her employ considering she's never NOT been a Queen yknow...
But yall help my boss is sipping her acid river through a silly straw crying over her ex again chat should i go slap some sense into her???
AKA Queen was likely ripped away from the old classroom (and subsequently the new life she'd made for herself there) without much warning by the Lightners and bc old computers needed a LOT of external input and guidance to do like one (1) thing back then, she was probably absolutely devastated at first bc she didn't know what to do with herself despite being back home after so long. That is, until Swatch, the first stable presence she'd probably felt in a while, steps in to help her up, and over time encourages her to be her own independent person girlboss peptalk to no.1 bestie pipeline
They're an exceptional listener and give NPCs relationship advice despite never being in a relationship for tips.
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grimfigment · 1 year
sorry everyone i gotta go. my cat said it's my bedtime but i'll see you all tomorrow!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 24 - Roxanne
Decided to make a sprite for my OC! I actually wanted to do this at the start of the challenge, but held off since I wanted to see if I could get better before doing so. I'm pleased with how this turned out!
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bbqhooligan · 2 years
Lady Galadriel. im so unreasonably into her rn. something something. wanting to know lovecraftian woman carnally is more monsterfucker culture than most popular media vampires or skmething
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intcrastra · 28 days
Crack but also kinda not crack?? hc that Firefly doesn’t know nor care abt what sex is bc she spent her whole life fightin the Swarm and/or otherwise caring abt things of Extreme Violence to rlly ever put any brainpower into even bothering to learn any of that shit
#✮┆ ( .ooc. );#//Suggestive flirty advances going RIGHT over her head if not being ignored#//Outright propositions if any being met with a blank What? or even a Why?#//Why FUCK when you can FIGHT instead???#//Honestly fighting and Chaos gets her heart racing faster than a pretty somebody does anyways#//Is pretty much exclusively attracted to ppl who are extremely powerful; potentially destructive and fierce warriors as is#//Anybody else and she won’t even bat an eye#//You want closeness& intimacy?? what is more intimate than clashing w sb & watching that competitive determined Fire spark in their eyes??#//Lbr she prolly first got The Talk from Kafka or even Wolfie when she expressed a crush on TB (tho I LAUGH at them making Bladie do it)#//Esp since being in Penacony’s dream gives her much more freedom and ability to do things#//And she was ultimately massively disinterested and rather underwhelmed by the end of it all#//Like ‘Ok…that’s it????’#//MAYBE might have a liking for the harder stuff; but at the same time be like ‘why not??? Just spar??? Instead???’#//Laughing at the idea of her learning ‘how to relationship’ from love stories & shit &getting all dolled up to start smth w Trailblazer#//Bc that’s how it should go right? It might bring them closer together??? Even if she doesn’t Get or whatever#//And them being all Yo; know what’d be fun rn? Let’s go beat the shit outta some IPC/Antimattet legion#//And her IMMEDIATELY being relieved like Thank Elio; SOMETHING I’M GOOD AT#//Nothing says intimacy with yer partner quite like committing the Violences(tm) together hfbfbb
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wizardandorlizard · 1 month
she knows how to blood choke people with a jacket and i like REALLY need her to do that to me
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flavobacterium · 10 months
oomfies assemble vote amane innocent
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tootiecakes234 · 6 months
Katsuki dating obliviously hot reader:
Characters aged up
Kinda smutty
Katsuki doesn’t even really see people in a hot or non hot way but then…. in walks you. The person that has him a blubbering, babbling mess. He thinks it’s insane, how fucking amazing you look all the time and it’s hard to control himself around you.
You’re at a party and you were dancing on him. In the middle of you pretty much dry humping him, Mina pulls you away from him and toward her. The thing is before he can hide it, she looks down at his groin and BAM
“Dude I can see your hard on through your pants.” And all your other friends turn around and start trying to see.
The blonde’s face now has a deep blush but he speak in an even tone. “Yea well yall would be too if someone as hot as Y/N was dancing on you. Too bad you losers get no play.”
He then rips you back outta Mina’s arms and spins you around so your back is to his front yet again. He has his dick placed snuggly against your clothes between your cheeks.
You guys are going out on a date and you’re bloated asf and nothing looks right. You’ve changed outfits like 4 times now and Kats in starvin.
He comes barging in the room and your in long sleeve shirt with a thigh length skirt and some cute shoes. You’re in the mirror adjusting and leaning towards a hell no when you hear him whisper under his breath, “damn”
“Do I look bad? I feel gross. Maybe we can get takeout and just stay here.”
“Gross? You gotta be fucking kiddin me. We are going to go out and I’m gonna be trying my damndest not to beat the shit out of the sea of guys that are gonna be eye fucking you and you’re calling yourself gross. Grab your damn purse and let’s go y/n.”
Well then. Guess you cant argue with that.
You’re at the gym together and you were both doing your own things. You’re on the treadmill when some guy comes up on the one next to you and starts talking.
It seems harmless enough so you engage him for a while until you get a text alert on your phone. When you check Kit Kat is on the screen so you open the message.
Kit Kat: come here.
That’s random so you look up to find where he is in the gym and discover hes near the weights. When you lock eyes with him, you see murder in his eyes.
Aww fuck. He’s pissed. You know your man is territorial, but damn.
You excuse yourself from the conversation you were only half heartedly invested in and walk over to him.
“Look it wasn’t-“ but your words are cut off from his lips pressing against yours and you feel his hand graze over your ass.
You’re glad the gym is half empty cuz damn.
“That idiots been looking at my ass in these tights since you walked in. I’m gonna have to put a fucking taken sticker on your forehead.”, he growled low next to your ear.
“Instead of all that, you can just put a ring on my finger.” You say smugly.
He chuckles at you, “yea that’s probably a better option.”
Katsuki Masterlist
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