itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 23 - Spamton
LIGH TN3R!!! DO YOU [[Dearly Desire]] THIS [[Once in a lifetime!]] OPPO2NITY??? THEN [[Call now!]] AND ORDER FOR [[The low-low price of]] YOUR [[mortal being]]
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 10 & 11 - Frisk and Sonic!
Didn't have the time to make a Spritecember submission yesterday, so have two for today! I wonder what crazy and wacky things they will get up to! Also, Sonic is a lot harder to draw than I thought he'd be.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 22 - Underswap Alphys
I've been meaning to redesign my Swap Alphys take for a while now, and I finally have. I took a lot of inspiration from TS!Underswap and Inverted Fate because those designs are very cool!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 21 - Papyrus
I definitely could've done better with this, I didn't do a warm up beforehand so that doesn't help either. Oh well!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 02 - Niko
God I loved this game so much, play OneShot when you can. It's so good!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Doing an art challenger where I will be making one sprite every day for a month. Since I missed Inktober, I'll call this Spritecember. Day 01 - Me because I'm so fucking cool.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 09 - Underswap Papyrus
I've remade him again! I like this one a lot better, but I think the arms a little weird. Might rework it again ooOOoOooooOO I might change my final sprite again oOOoOOOooO
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 07 - Underswap Asgore
Some more from my Underswap take! I really like the design I came up with for Asgore, so I decided to make an actual sprite for it!
In my take, the Ruins are replaced with the Dark, an area deep underground with no natural sunlight. So, Asgore put up street lamps that are lit by his fire to light up the area for the monsters that live there, as well as carries a lantern around. The monsters that lived there before he arrived had adjusted their eyes to the dark, but they appreciated it anyways.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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#Spritecember 2022 is finished! Here's all the (Undertale-styled) sprites I made this month! Some entries are better than others, for sure, but I feel that my skills for spritework have grown a lot over the month, and I'm very pleased with them! Happy New Year!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 25 - Flowey
The shit eater
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 24 - Roxanne
Decided to make a sprite for my OC! I actually wanted to do this at the start of the challenge, but held off since I wanted to see if I could get better before doing so. I'm pleased with how this turned out!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 20 - Disproportionate Duck
La creatura.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 19 - Aster
For those unaware, this is my take on an unshattered Gaster for my Underswap take! His old sprite is smelly so I remade it.
The idea behind the design is thinking of Sans and Papyrus as two opposite ends of a spectrum, and Aster is the middle-ground between them. I think this remake turned out nicely!
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 18 - Pikachu
I've been playing a lot of Pokemon lately, so I drew the He! Look at him! Observe the pikachu.
I rushed this one a bit, and so he's a bit wonky on the proportions. Regardless, he is my Son and I love him very much.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 14 - Secondswap Sans
This design is from an old Swapswap take I made. The idea being that I took design quirks from Classic Underswap and apply them back to Undertale. For example in this one, the zipper-less hoodie and the cigarette.
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
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Day 12 + 13 - Underswap Sans and Bendy
Missed another day, also kinda cheating, I made the sans sprite a few days ago. But this is my challenge and I make the rules.
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