#she was the first character i made who had a certain amount of depth
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galedekarios · 1 year ago
this is a personal vent post so please let me just get it all out without trying to come at me lol:
so many ppl saying they respect larian's decision to peace out and not deal with hasbro/wotc, but i have to be honest, i don't respect them at all.
they are leaving a game behind that is unfinished and a narrative mess.
they leave a game behind where everyone paid the same amount of money for it, yet depending on which character you prefer, you get less content.
the disparity between everyone else and their writer's pet ast*rion is insane. he has a half to a third more content depending on which character you compare him to.
they leave behind a sparse act 2, which is already so barren compared to act 1 and all it had to offer. act 3 is a narrative mess and lacks structure.
they leave a game behind where they made promises a handful of weeks before release where they ought to have known that they, in fact, will not be delivering said promises: access to the upper city, consequences for playing certain races across the acts (playing a drow is going to be different in act 1 and gives you advantages vs act 3 where it would give you understandable disadvantages), etc etc etc.
they leave behind a game where content was cut from the companions to make it seem like the origins have something to offer when that system is barely able to compare what origin playthroughs offered in dos2 and it hurts the game and the experience (like tara being cut for companion gale).
they leave behind a game where they promised to much variety and proclaimed in panels from hell how they struggled to show the width and depth of the game, but really? it's about as deep as a puddle. a lot of the choices do not matter. kill ethel? nah, she's alive and well in the city. no sister hags to be angry here. give karlach no infernal iron and never talk to her at all? doesn't matter, she'll survive until the end of act 3 and will still call you her bff. dissuade gale to use the orb? we'll make sure he'll still offer 3 more times just in case. send yenna away from camp bc you don't want her there? doesn't matter, she'll stay. and yes, i'm aware these are all small things, but they are part of a larger problem. almost nothing you do truly matters to the point of where i just skip most things in act 1 and 2 now.
they leave behind a game that they promise to still patch, but some things have been broken since early access / release to the point of where i'm like i'm sorry, but your word that you will continue to patch things means about as much to me as all the other empty promises. the dialogue about morena dekarios is still broken and it's been over half a year now. the astral sea scene has low-res body textures for months. i know from mutuals who love minthara that her romance is still broken. and i could go on and on.
and what gets me the most about this is all is that they have learned nothing at all from dos2: act 3 of that game was so bugged and all over the place that i couldn't muster up the motivation to finish it the first time i played. they neglected a character to the point of where he could have been removed from the game or made a general hireling (beast).
those issues were at least attempted to be fixed in the definitive edition.
with swen saying that there will be no new content anymore and stating that both bg3 and its characters are now property of wotc/hasbro, it seems unlikely we'll even get an attempt of a fix.
so what this boils down to to me is just another game company not delivering on their promises after overselling their product and more or less abandoning it after a year to move onto the next big thing.
i don't think i can respect that ngl.
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potions-of-dark-devotion · 7 months ago
Gotta Get This off my Chest
Severus Snape & HBO Series
Alright first off, I know you are generally expecting well thought out essays from me but here I’m going to Ramble Freeform. You’ve been warned.
I don’t know how I feel at all about another actor attempting to play Severus Snape. JK Rowling is the main producer and honestly this worries me a lot considering the amount of hatred she has for LGBTQ people and the amount of hatred Severus has gotten in the last years. This space is bad sometimes but generally we have a fantastic community of people in this snapedom who love the character as he is written positives and negatives. I for one liked Snape from the first book I read and the first movie I watched.
I’ll be the first to admit that my image of him is very much wrapped up in Alan Rickman, and tho I greatly respect other peoples images of snape and I love the fan art they make, the thing that made Alan such an amazing character actor for the part was the unabashed love he had for the character. Look at any interview of him about Severus and you will see that he went to bat for him at every turn. What if we we are given someone who sees Snape through the eyes of the marauders fandom? What if they erase all of Snapes goodness or heaven forbid write extra scenes of cruelty to Lily that didn’t exist, or have him creep over her, or physically attack her, or characterize him as the aggressor with James when we all know it was the other way around? These kinds of fears keep me from being excited about the new series and instead leave me anxious.
For one thing, I wish they had focused more on a different period of wizard history, or a different part of the 1st wizarding war or even marauders/young Severus era, because there is so much to explore. I would have liked to explore story lines that really could use more fleshing out, and if JK Rowling is going to be a part of this she could have easily written new passages or short stories to suit this new narrative. I also worry about the fact that yet again because she is a producer there will certainly be no LGBTQ characters in the narrative and that’s a waste to me. We already have a fantastic interpretation of the books, and if they are doing a redo why not cast people of color or trans or any LGBT characters in the mix? It will be the same story just perhaps fleshed out more? I’m not sure what this series will bring to the table that the movies did not unless they radically change some things.
Yet, with this interpretation we may see many thing in the series that we don’t see in the books. Severus has two big scenes at the end of POA and GOF that were totally left out of the movies, and if this was left in and the “prank” was explored more in depth we could get to see an even more complex narrative than Alan was allowed to portray in the movies (largely due to directorial choices).
Severus as we all know is a complex character that can be different or difficult to understand without a trauma informed lense and the last thing I want is for them to shove him into a gross stereotype, or give him attributes that don’t exist in the books in order to cater to certain fandoms. I’m genuinely worried about the prospect of this. I also don’t want our fandom safe spaces that we’ve spent years curating to be over run with Snape hate again just because of the series. I could be being pessimistic. It’s just been on my mind lately.
No hard feelings it’s just…Severus Snape is my comfort character and I don’t want the idea of it ruined by people who don’t really understand him or who wouldn’t bat for him the way Alan did. Please understand me. Does anyone else have mixed feelings this way?
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dhoom-dhaam-diaries · 2 months ago
Ok Jaanu, it's time for you to step back
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There's a reason one’s a cult classic and the other is just … there
So you may be asking: It’s been almost a decade since OK Kanmani and OK Jaanu were released, so Aadhi, why are you still beating a dead horse?
To that I reply, I’m not — that would be animal cruelty.
I just happened to stumble across OK Kanmani (after vigorously searching for it for years, of course) about two days ago. I watched it, and guys… my. world. changed. 🤯
WAIT — before you roll your eyes and scroll away, let me give you some background. I was fifteen when OK Jaanu came out, and I went absolutely goo-goo gaa-gaa for it. I mean, why wouldn’t I? It had everything a hormonal teenager could ever want: ARK, rom-com vibes, ARK + Shraddha Kapoor’s sizzling chemistry, and oh yeah—did I mention ARK?
For those who haven’t watched it, OK Jaanu (and OK Kanmani) is about Adi and Tara, two ambitious young professionals who don’t believe in marriage and decide to pursue a casual live-in relationship. Of course, things get complicated when, surprise surprise, love gets involved.
And not gonna lie, I actually liked it. I especially loved the songs, particularly the title track. But then, I saw the comments under the video: scathing. “This is a cheap remake of OK Kanmani!” “Mental Manadhil (the original version of the title track) is wayyy better!”
Me, the ever sceptic, thought, “there’s no way that OK Kanmani is that good”.
Oh boy. was I wrong!
It wasn’t just good, it was straight up A-MA-ZING. If you thought the chemistry between Shraddha and Aditya was good, then the chemistry between Dulquer and Nithya will set you on fire. No, I’m serious—watch it, and you’ll be blushing so hard, you might turn into a tomato.
In this post, I’m going to break down why OK Kanmani >>>>>>> OK Jaanu, why you NEED to watch it, and why Bollywood seriously needs to stop with these remakes before they ruin anything else. So strap in, cuz I’m going to analyze this so hard that it’ll make my AP Lang teacher proud.
There are four main reasons why OK Jaanu fell short:
1. MCs’ depth and their chemistry (or lack thereof)
Adi: Dulquer Salmaan vs. Aditya Roy Kapur
DQ brings a certain charm to Adi. He’s a little cocky, a little childish (like picking fights with Tara toward the end instead of just saying I LOVE YOU …seriously, bruhhh,) with just the perfect amount of adult. He’s responsible as seen by taking care of Bhavani (the old couple's wife) when she wanders off. He also has a clear sense of drive, chasing a gaming career with big future aspirations, and it's not just talk, he has the skills to back it up. He’s the pinnacle of young adults.
Now, Bollywood Adi? Man-child. I’m sorry, I had to say it. Someone online said that Aditya Roy Kapur basically played the same character in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani as he does here, and honestly, I agree. He plays the same carefree, somewhat irresponsible charmer in both films.
And here’s why this is a problem: the story itself is simple—there aren’t any shocking plot twists—but it’s meant to reflect the youth of India (and even first-gen NRIs). It’s about a generation trying to define relationships without the prospect of marriage hanging over their heads like it did for their parents. While the older generation balks at this kind of arrangement, the original film showed Adi and Tara as two capable individuals making their own decisions about their lives. OK Kanmani portrayed their agency; Ok Jaanu made them look childish, reinforcing stereotypes about our generation being a mess instead of challenging them.
Tara: Nithya Menen vs. Shraddha Kapoor
Nithya elevates Tara to live true to her name, giving the character the shine it needed. She is a star — the energy, the spunk, the twinkle in her eyes—it had me reeling. I wanted to be her, even if just 1 percent.
Yet she’s not perfect. She can be childish (like skipping work to go hang out with her boyfriend), but she knows her priorities. She loves architecture, is passionate about it, and is very good at it. She has a genuine passion for her work, going as far as to further her education in it at a prestigious university, instead of going down the path that her mother laid out for her. One of my favorite scenes is when she is confronted by Adi’s sister-in-law and is berated for their live-in relationship and she hits back with a “does a certificate make everything ok?”. It shows that she’s not afraid to fight for her values even if others don’t agree with it. This is the agency of a young adult: navigating life based on our values, on our own terms, and Nithya Menen gives justice to that.
In almost every scene, she stole the show. When you watch this movie, make sure you hold on tight because she will blow you away.
Bollywood Tara? If you thought Aditya Roy Kapur was bad, at least he tried to give some life to his character, the wrong character, but he tried. Shraddha Kapoor on the other hand was at best poor. Her line delivery was so flat. For instance, when she gets the opportunity to work with Balakrishna Dhoshi, her architect guru, you’d expect her to be squealing, jumping with joy, running around with happiness… but nothing. Literally nothing. You could’ve told her it might rain today, and she might have shown more excitement for that. And the scene when she’s confronted by the sister-in-law, the girl was silent. She was being berated and she just took it. When she does show spunk, it’s with Adi; but because she doesn’t embody this energy outside of him, it feels like she’s trying to be someone else.
Another thing I noticed? The eyes. Nithya’s eyes were filled with adoration for Dulquer, like everything he did was magic to her. Shraddha? She stared at Aditya with this weird look that I can only describe as a predator stalking its prey. Even when she kisses him after coming back from Ahmedabad, it’s so aggressive. 😬 Scratch that—every kiss she gives him is so aggressive. **SLAPS HAND ON CHEEK, I’M GOING TO KISS YOU EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT **….
hello? Is this 911? Yes, I’m calling to report a crime…
2. Watered down Paplu
Ganapathy in OK Kanmani (Paplu in OK Jaanu) is filled with so much depth and love. You can see the tenderness in his eyes when he looks at his wife, Bhavani. Their relationship answers a critical question: What is love? And takes it a step further: is it love even when the person you love doesn’t remember you?
With this relationship, the answer is yes, yes, and 1000 times yes. It reminds us that love can take many forms and that true love often endures beyond the fleeting moments of passion and youth. This is especially important in the end when Tara asks Adi whether he can take care of her if she ends up like Bhavani. His response shows that he doesn’t see her as a fling, he sees her as a lifelong companion.
  In contrast, while Naseeruddin Shah is a phenomenal actor, his portrayal in Ok Jaanu lacked the same emotional weight. I believe this isn’t because of his acting, per se, but rather the shallow script — many small but impactful moments from the original were cut altogether.
Here’s a scene that really stuck out to me: when Adi asks Ganapathy how he and Bhavani met. While they’re talking, Bhavani is scooping beans into the bean pod, but Ganapathy sweetly takes it from her hands. He scoops out the beans himself and throws away the pod, and he keeps doing this, no anger, no questions, just a simple, loving act. It’s such a small moment, but it says so much about their bond. It’s love in the tiniest, most mundane acts. The equivalent of the ‘orange peel test’ tiktok trend. This scene didn’t make it into Ok Jaanu, which is such a shame because it perfectly encapsulates how love is often about quiet, unspoken care.
Another moment that stood out to me is when Tara sings for Bhavani, and you can see how Ganapathy begins to soften toward Adi and Tara’s arrangement. While he isn’t fully on board with their decision to live together without getting married, he sees how their presence could benefit Bhavani, that is, how it could give her the companionship she craves but that he can’t always provide. It’s such a subtle shift, but it speaks volumes about how Ganapathy’s disapproval slowly gives way to understanding and even affection.
This emotional arc was largely missing in Ok Jaanu as I feel Paplu was already very ‘forward’ thinking and the dynamic between him and Adi was playful from the beginning.
These small, layered interactions between Ganapathy and the younger couple added so much heart to OK Kanmani. By the end, you feel his approval of Adi and Tara as a deeply-earned moment of acceptance, not just of their relationship, but of the changing values of a new generation.
3. The Missing Third Character: Music + Cinematography
A.R. Rahman’s songs were largely recycled in Ok Jaanu, but they didn’t have the same magic, and after a deeper look, I realized why: the cinematography.
Case in point 1: Mental Manadhil vs. Ok Jaanu
Both songs are great, but Ok Jaanu’s cinematography does it a disservice. Both songs are meant to show the exhilaration of liking someone, and Mental Manadhil captures that. The colors are realistic, not overly saturated, like Ok Jaanu’s. In Mental Manadhil, the visuals move fast, the background blurs, the camera shakes slightly, and there are very few slow pans. That imagery feeds into the exhilaration; you feel the excitement. Unfortunately, Ok Jaanu didn’t have the same effect.
Case in point 2: Parandhu Sella Vaa vs. The Humma Song
Let’s start by saying neither song was necessary for the movie. They didn’t progress the plot or add to the characters, and honestly, they weren’t even that good. (The Humma Song is also an atrocity to mankind 😩, but I don’t have the patience to unpack that right now.) At least Parandhu Sella Vaa showed some development in Adi and Tara’s relationship, like the moment when Tara rests her cheek on Adi’s hand after hesitating just a minute earlier, or when Adi pretends to kiss an imaginary version of her. It shows that their relationship has progressed from flirty friendship to something more. Meanwhile, The Humma Song was just an excuse to show ARK’s abs and Shraddha’s legs. It didn’t feel like a progression in their relationship, it felt like lust.
Case in point 3: Aye Sinamika vs. Enna Sona
Not including Aye Sinamika in OK Jaanu is a crime against humanity, and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. This is the hill I’ll die on.
I loved both songs, but Aye Sinamika captured something more intimate and real. The Tamil version showed everyday things a couple does—dancing, acting silly, sleeping together (guys, not that kind of sleeping, get your head out of the gutter)—reminding Tara of Adi in every little moment. It’s these seemingly mundane, affectionate moments that make their love story feel genuine and lived-in. Enna Sona tried to achieve this, but it leaned too heavily on showing them kissing every five seconds. Combined with The Humma Song and the overall lack of emotional depth between the leads, it ended up feeling like the lead was missing his partner's body, not her presence. The lyrics add to this as well, Aye Sinamika repeats “Nee enne neegandhe” meaning “Don’t leave me” whereas Enna Sonna repeats how beautiful Tara is. The charm and warmth that Aye Sinamika conveyed through subtle storytelling was overshadowed in Ok Jaanu by its overemphasis on physical intimacy rather than emotional connection.
4. Inorganic Story Flow
The Meet-Cute: Cultural Nuances Matter
The meet-cute in OK Kanmani made sense. Adi yelling Tamil expletives at Tara worked because it’s a moment that reflects their shared culture. As a South Indian, you instantly bond with someone who speaks your language, especially in a diverse city like Mumbai. It’s a special kind of connection.
Now you may be wondering, how could it be surprising to find someone that speaks your language. Well I’ll give you an example.I’m from America, where people don’t usually speak Kannada. My family has gotten so used to this that we talk loudly in Kannada because we don’t expect anyone around us to understand. When we went to Mumbai, we expected the same thing, but my mom practically yelled, “Where are we supposed to go?” to me in Kannada, and a security guard responded in Kannada, offering to help. We were completely shocked! This is what I mean, you just don’t expect others to speak the language so when you do, it's like an instant sense of familiarity.
Getting back to the movie: when Adi and Tara meet, they’re surprised. In a place as diverse as Mumbai, what are the chances that he happened to yell Tamil expletives at a Tamil woman? That’s why they bond—it’s a shared cultural understanding. In a foreign city, it’s comforting to meet someone who shares the same culture.
This doesn’t exist in the Bollywood version. If they were from the same town or state, maybe I could understand the meet-cute. But there’s no mention of that in the Bollywood movie, so the connection just doesn’t make sense.
Emotional Moments: Let the Damn Story Breathe
Another problem with Ok Jaanu is that it doesn’t let the emotions breathe. Take the scene where Tara mentions her father and how he’s no longer part of her life. The Bollywood version immediately moves on to the next scene—Adi and Tara miss their train and get a room together. But that was such a pivotal moment! The story needed to sit with Tara’s feelings for a moment before moving on. Instead, it felt like the movie just wanted to tick off all the plot points before getting back to the romance.
Character moments like these are like vegetables in a meal, you might want to rush through them to get to the “main course,” but the vegetables enhance the overall experience. Ok Jaanu treated these moments like an afterthought.
Fights Are the Answer
As Adi gets ready to leave for America, you can see in OK Kanmani that he and Tara slowly start picking fights, but they’re not real fights. They’re both frustrated about their promise against marriage and the looming end of their relationship, so they take it out on each other. These fights add so much depth to their dynamic and make Adi’s eventual proposal hit so much harder.
This layer of tension is missing in Ok Jaanu. Without it, the ending doesn’t feel as emotionally satisfying. I think that tension is important because it makes their decision to marry feel genuine, it’s not about societal expectations, it’s about what’s right for them.
Stop with the Remakes
I know I dragged OK Jaanu pretty hard, and I’ll admit, the movie itself isn’t terrible. But, it definitely is not the magic that OK Kanmani is. If OK Kanmani is authentic Chinese food, then Ok Jaanu is Panda Express, good… but for fast food.
Also why was this movie even made? It’s an exact frame-by-frame of OK Kanmani (minus the soul of course). There was no problem with the original that Hindi dubbing or subtitles couldn’t fix. As an audience, we need to stop consuming hollow remakes of already good movies — if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. And Bollywood is notorious for this. Cough Cough I’m looking at you, Laal Singh Chaddha.
Being inspired by a movie is great, but don't reproduce the same movie and slap on two mediocre Bollywood actors and expect us to eat it up.
It’s insulting… We’re smarter than that 🙄.
For those who read (or skimmed) this far, I applaud your commitment 👏👏👏.
Here’s the takeaway: Whether you liked OK Jaanu or didn’t, I promise you’ll love (or at least begrudgingly respect) OK Kanmani. It’s worth it, or your money back.
(No, but if y’all don’t like it, don’t come after me, I’m just a broke movie nerd with opinions 🫠.)
What do YOU think? Drop your hot takes in the comments, retags, or my inbox…I’m ready to fight😤. I’m scared of confrontment.
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wikimb · 2 years ago
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Devil Trigger 3.0 for Michael!
A 3rd attempt at designing his DT since 2021 when I made Michael (or rather revived and remade/fleshed out his character from a DMC fanfiction written in 2019...).
I could explain in length the ideas behind this DT, why such a theme, why so... tall. The ramble includes serious explanation of the origins of demonic powers he has as well. If you like to read about it then just check what's under the cut.
Below you have some drawings of his face and also his brother's (name's Gabriel) reaction to his DT form. Michael was more scared of Gabriel's reaction than he actually was and the relief he felt was quite overwhelming.
More in depth below. It includes links to the 2 older versions of his DT for fun comparison.
The theme of his DT is very birdy. The first time I designed his DT it was rather heavily inspired by pre-existing DT designs of our main characters. Nothing wrong with it but it didn't stand out and I also never really vibed with it. It didn't help that I had no experience with any kind of monster design to begin with. I still kinda don't but I can see I got slightly better seeing the 3rd version of his DT. You can check my 1st and 2nd attempts here.
Anyway there are a bit more specific reasons why it's so birdy-looking or angelic-looking (and not just because of his name). Michael was born a human in a family, which was never exposed to anything demon-related. They didn't know demons existed (to a degree... when it comes to his father but I think that'd deserve a separate post as his backstory is a bit wild and how it affected Michael in the end).
As a teenager he got lured into a cult and manipulated into abandoning his family eventually. He didn’t know how evil the cult was and didn't even realize they were a cult to begin with.
It was a cult worshipping Mundus with a leader being one his generals. Her name was Lilith and she was great at making Michael feel that she truly cared for him like a mother figure. She manipulated him into believing his family didn't care for him. Sadly, it was all a game and ever since he escaped the cult, he deals with a lot of guilt and regret. He is not sure if they're even still alive... and if they're dead... what if it's his fault?
The cult's purpose was to turn humans into demons, who would serve Mundus. To ensure that they were forced to undergo a ritual stripping them of all of their humanity, their human personality and replace all of that with Mundus overwhelming power. The power, which was great but taking away all of their free will they could have. These people were technically demons at this point. If the ritual failed then it was usually fatal. Thing is, the ritual was a stolen concept from the time when Lilith infiltrated Fortuna's Order of the Sword. In a way she influenced Agnus to come up with such a ritual, then she took the idea and modified it a bit.
Michael's case could be qualified as a failed ritual after, which he should have died but the amount of demonic power he received was not big enough to kill him (because human body would be able not to handle more) but instead keep him alive. And as a result it continued transforming/mutating him into a demon-hybrid like Dante or Vergil, but artificial.
Even if using demoning powers was causing various unpleasant side effects for him but with each use, it hurt less and less. He was reluctant to use his powers actively, fearing that they could make him loose his humanity. He still used the passive abilities such as sensing demon magic.
After certain events he unlocked his Devil Trigger. As a side note I do have 2 ideas for what these moments were but for now I am not sure which one is better.
Anyway, yes, Michael underwent a modified version of Ascension Ceremony! That's why he has such an angelic look, just like the guys from Fortuna. The demonic powers are originating from Mundus but failed to take away his free will, his personality, his humanity, his memories. In other words, he is the same like before - just juiced up with Mundus power (which he is afraid to use anyway). Certainly a result which a Demon Lord would actually hate to find out about as it has a potential to backfire. Not like he has to "worry" about three Sparda descendants already. But if you saw Mundus himself, he also looks rather angelic too. Or at least that "statue form" if that orange weird blob is meant to be really him.
Compared to DTs already seen, he is quite massive. I think it can be simply a feature of Mundus power, in which Devil Trigger state makes one much larger than in human form. Mundus is a titan-sized demon himself, while Sparda was shown to be rather human sized. Heh, maybe if Michael had Sin Devil Trigger form then he could be Mundus-sized.
Though, Michael has the ability to go Berserk (but it's not controlled by his will and it triggers under strong distress), which enhances his power in human form and in DT form. It manifests as blue fire instead of orange fire. Maybe Berserk DT can get this big maybe. Could wrestle demons like Goliath then xD
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metalgearkaiju · 1 year ago
Penny Character Critique Analysis: Death, writing, and her relationship with Ruby
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ALRIGHTY so this is officially my first analysis post on Penny as a whole, being said a certain screen here prompted it and after reading into a lot of things and other analysis in the mix I feel like I finally can sort out my feelings about the writing of this beloved character. I want to particularly go in to depth about how she was recieved as a character as a whole, her relationship with Ruby and ultimately how her death was handled. Being one of my most favorite tragic characters I really just want to pin down some thoughts I've had that I feel it is vital I get out. There will be critique on the writing here and there and a little bit of nuts and dolts (because you gotta admit their relationship was one of the most wholesome in the show) but AHEM hear me out yall, and truly while this character holds so much importance with me, along with that comes the genuine criticism of how her arc concluded as a whole so far.
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Now let me get this straight. I was not really a fan of her dying a bit. At least in the way she did and ultimately I have a lot to say regarding it after a lot of thought and more research. And this is not just because of her relationship with Ruby (not even talking about the shipping aspect, it genuinely adding a layer of humanity to her and brought out so much character development between the two which was super interesting to me) but I'll get into that in a moment.
To be clear, it is obvious that penny is written to be a tragic character. That much cannot be argued. From the beginning, Penny is shown to be under a strict amount of control from Ironwood, and even to an extent Pietro's worrying for her safety. Which is understandable.
Penny is the first of her kind, an AI that can generate an aura and sentience. She is a war weapon capable of extreme destruction, yet she is given this soft and innocent yet aloof personality that contradicts that. Ultimately, she in some ways is a walking oxymoron. What she was built for (by Ironwood) and who she truly is as a person is really interesting to me from a writing standpoint. We are shown very early on that Penny is just like every other teenage girl, she wants to sneak out, she craves relationships and knowledge about the world, but ultimately because of her differences, there is a hidden barrier she can never cross.
That barrier is broken when Ruby enters the scene. Initially hiding her synthetic identity, this topic is very sensitive for her. She looks thinks and acts like a normal girl for the most part, but isn't. And this is shown to be an extreme part of her insecurities.
We are shown the scene where Penny saves Ruby's life by stopping a car in mid traffic and drawing attention to herself, and ultimately fleeing out of fright of being found out. She's is instructed to by Ironwood to lay low of course, but this is also likely due to her insecurities about being perceived as different. This all changes when Ruby accepts Penny as her first friend, holds her hands and tells her that she is valid the way she is. I cannot describe how this scene made me feel the first time watching it, but the comfort from Ruby telling her that it doesn't matter what's inside of her, she still accepts her as a girl and a friend and won't abandon her. It's perfectly executed, and all in all a really interesting addition to the Penny Ruby dynamic as whole. Penny just wanted a friend, and Ruby accepted her and validated her in her humanity.
We see their relationship begin to develop a bit and ultimately season three hits. Penny is used as a plot device by the villians as a message and ultimately offed in one of the most brutal ways. This scene is very tragic in of itself, and while Penny and Ruby had not yet been able to get as close, it was for sure that their relationship was certainly unique enough to where it really devastating Ruby at that moment. And with good reason; she was killed in front of everyone in the tournament to villianize Ruby's teammate.
All in all, fraud, framing, and Penny getting dying overall seems to be a very prevent theme that adds to the tragedy of this character.
Season 7 hits, and we are all greatly surprised to find Penny is rebuilt, and the fans recieve this REALLY well for the most part. In her short time she was a really interesting and honest to god adorable and enjoyable character, and she was no exception to fans. There is something so interesting about how you can utilize exploring humanity with a robot character that isn't quite human, but deep down craves to understand others and acceptance. Penny from the start is put in this box that separates her from others, but as her relationships fold out the lines begin to blur. Is she really just a machine, or is she much more than that? Ruby is truly a character that helps her find herself and truly learn about the world and what it means to have human emotions and relationships, and that in itself is beautiful. We have this character that is almost akin to an innocent child learning about the world, what is right and what is wrong, and what it means to love. Ultimately, I still feel like love in a general sense is a big theme shown with Penny and her friends, along with the selflessness she shows when anyone she cares about is about to get hurt, and that gives her the humanity she craves.
Continuing on with season 7, Ruby and Penny get a little closer, and the relationship is expanded on. Unfortunately however, Penny still has a duty to Ironwood as the protector of mantle, and that is her primary purpose. We are shown that the authority over Penny still has not quite loosened and that she is still ultimately regarded as a weapon, not a free willed person who should be doing teenage girl things (making friends, learning basic social skills and going through normal teenage experiences). Even with good intentions as a caring father, we still see some of that worry and protectiveness from Pietro as he is afraid of losing her again. Aside from her interactions from Ruby and gang, Penny isn't really able to just live as a normal girl, but is faced with a huge amount of expectations and responsibility as a powerful and dangerous machine that was built to stop evil.
Back to the point I was bringing up earlier, Penny is tragic, and we definitely see this in volume 7, and Penny still isn't getting a break. She is framed on live TV as a volatile killer and is immediately despised by the public. This of course is all a political scheme to sway an election, but Penny is just a tool for their propaganda. And we are shown how Penny's feelings aren't really regarded in all of that, and even Ironwood cares more about how he looks than Penny's feelings (and trauma) on the matter. This leads to the whole fiasco where Penny's decommissioning comes up for debate due to the fact that she is just immediately regarded as a volatile threat. This attack on her humanity hits hard, and weighs very heavily on Penny's heart.
Season 8 comes, and it just doesn't end with the tragic shit. This season however is really vital for Ruby and Penny getting closer and we finally see their interactions bloom, as well as getting some of those more sentimental scenes where Penny is reminded that she doesn't have to be like everyone else to be human, because she is accepted the way she is and not for her purpose or expectations. NND share a lot of hugs this season and truly bring out a lot of soft moments between the two showing how impactful their friendship is.
Ultimately as I said above, the bad guys aren't done. And this time, Penny is hacked and used as a tool to open the vault. The entire virus scenario is really hard on Penny and with the whole fiasco with Ironwood and his treatment of her she is really distraught throughput most of the season (rightfully). Through her expectations with higher ups, as well as quite literally suffering a slow and painful infection leading to her self termination Penny is in an extreme amount of agony. This doesn't help when Ironwood basically held the life of an entire city over her head should she not leave her friends and return to him to do her duty as a machine. And all of those expectations and choices are placed on what is ultimately just a teenage girl who is new to the complexities of humanity.
The points I'm mainly trying to make here is Penny cannot get a break whatsoever, she's under an immense amount of pressure and expectations probably 24/7, and once again she is used as a tool with no regards for her consent or humanity because everyone sees her as a soulless machine.
And I cannot tell you how frustrating that is to see such a sweet and innocent character be treated that way, but like I said initially, she was written to be dramatic, tragic, and excruciating.
Now let's get to the big topic on hand here, Penny's second death.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my share of tragic characters, and I fully believe there are ways death can be a necessity in a character arc to convey powerful imagery. Ultimately this comes down to my opinion as a creative writer, and I in all honesty am not a fan of how Penny's death was handled in hindsight.
Within minutes of becoming human and being saved from the virus, Penny is brutally killed by Cinder (once again) and dies in assisted suicide from Jaune. When I say this scene almost made me cry it was for mixed reason. While I saw this coming, it did make me a little sad considering she was ONCE AGAIN used as a tool by Cinder to get what she wanted. And while she risked her life for thousands, the only ever autonomy she had was choosing her own suicide in that scene, and that is extremely tragic and upsetting in of itself.
I can go on and on about wasted potential because that is a thing but characters arcs can be cut short sometimes. That happens.
But my issue with all of this is ultimately the aftermath.
We have this really important character character brought back from the dead, given character growth, hopes and aspirations only for her to be forced to choose suicide the only time she is given a choice for herself. And I'm not sure about how others feel, but as she is quite literally miserable throughout V7, V8, (and even shown to some extent that she was suicidal to an extent when she asked Ruby to kill her when she was infected with the virus). Giving us her final wish to die so that she isn't a burden or tool to be fought over conveys in all honesty a really sad message about her character and in of itself does a lot of injustice.
But once again, she is written to be a tragic character that doesn't get the good ending.
How that is treated after her death though is really where I have my issues however.
We see in volume 9 that Penny's death is somewhat relevant, Ruby hears her, faints yada yada, but immediately wakes up and there isn't much discussion beyond it. And what's truly annoying is that there was commentary released by CRWBY that the audience was supposed to assume there was an offscreen discussion about how Penny dies, and we are supposed to understand that. Of course we get that vital scene between Neo and Ruby that have illusion Penny tell Ruby that she meant the world to her to try and sway her emotions. I feel like that was a very critical moment in Ruby and Penny's relationship considering Neo weaponized pure emotion from Penny to hurt Ruby, and we are seen she is greatly affected by this. A lot of fans even took inspecting that this meant Ruby held deep hidden away feelings for Penny, which a lot of CRWBY (even Miles Luna himself) acknowledged.
In the end though, V9 doesn't really allow enough grieving time for Ruby and her death isn't really discussed and given closure. And that in itself isn't an issue, but it's where we go from here that I am really going to be critical of.
So we have some pivotal points:
Penny's death is never really a discussion, it's just washed over by team RWBY aside from Weiss's brief mention of it
Ruby's reactions to Penny's death (and ultimately the discussion of her method of death) is brushed over a bit, although not entirely
As CRWBY said, we were expected to have assumed it happened off screen, and that in itself feels disrespectful to the amount of character relevancy Penny had as of late
We actually got some really nice scenes from Ruby regarding Penny, however something feels off
And I want to talk about what exactly that off feeling is, because I truly feel like yes, it wasn't the time to completely mourn Penny in this strange new world, however if she is never mentioned significantly beyond this and brushed under the rug, I can truly say I'll be mad as that is a disservice to her character.
So no, I am not against the killing of characters, or tragedy for the matter, but I care about the messages you convey when you do so as well as what you do with it after.
Upon Pyrrhas death, we got the closure between Jaune and her we needed, the statue scene happened, conversations were had, and the discussions that needed to occur did. This just has not happened with Penny (yet) and I am honest to god just hoping we will see more of this in V10 (if that will even go into production) because Penny's relevancy doesn't feel finisher yet. With all the alluding to it all across V9, and the unresolved issue between Jaune and Ruby, I feel like there needs to be a genuine discussion about Penny to honor her character and give the closure to Ruby and Penny's intimate friendship. It's only fair to Penny's character, sacrifices, and the overall message RWBY wants to portray if they truly plan on keeping her permanently dead this time.
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And regarding that, while I feel it is unlikely she will come back (I just don't want to get my hopes up because I'm kind of upset in general) I feel like RWBY has set themselves up to where they could do anything at this point so I say do it well. If you are going to keep her dead, address the themes, honor the character and give it realistic closure with Penny's close relationships (primarily Ruby). If this is in any way setting up a future scenario where mentions of Penny will be relevant (I don't even know at this point because we still have to deal with Pietro just having to deal with his daughter dying twice and just having to suck it) I will be interested to seeing how it is handled, because in the end the care into the writing is what I and others seem to care about the most and how you honor that character. For some that is honoring her death, and for a lot of people, it is that killing her at all was a stupid message utilized for torture porn with no real sentiment or closure to such an important characters commencement.
If the writers ever truly bring her back though, I hope they can finally honor Penny's wishes to have her own autonomy instead of consistently stripping her of her choices and using her as a plot device. And if she is to be dead, for God's sake give the closure needed for the intense and sensitive themes you wish to portray on a teens show. It's only fair to as someone who fell in love with this characters charisma and positivity.
I personally am okay with Penny coming back down the line (as it's been kind of set up to unintentionally imply Penny's relevance is not concluded or over yet, and her dying permanently opens up a lot of responsibility to properly address the themes RWBY chose to utilize) but whatever they choose for the love of god do it right. Penny in all honestly though should never have been brought back just to end her own life, I feel like how abrupt it all was and the immediate (presumed) moving on from it was weird and not considerable but that is simply my opinion.
That's all I have to say on the matter, I hope her relevancy is not truly gone and that Penny and Ruby can get that proper closure over everything that's happened because after all they've done to build eachothers characters and become the most tragic pairing in the show, its owed for sure, however it's gone about.
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butterflydm · 2 years ago
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x3
And here are my additional thoughts that contain spoilers through all the teasers and the books through book 13: A Memory of Light.
I was watching show-only reviews to try to figure out if it's safe to call Ishy 'Ishamael' yet but reaction seems mixed on whether or not Moiraine's words clued people in on the situation, so I'm going to stay ambiguous about him in my book spoiler-free posts for now.
I loved the changes that the show made to all Nynaeve's tests. They all make sense in context of the show and Nynaeve's character, they all tell us something about her, and there's also some great connective threads between them. We've known for a while (or guessed) that her first test would take place when she was a kid because her mom appeared in the casting lists... quite a few months ago. Ages ago. But I definitely prefer this one to the book version. It was so heartrending and touching.
2. The crimsonthorn strand throughout the tests is very interesting to me. I talked about this in the other post, but on a more spoilerly note, I like that the show is not defaulting to "all the Wondergirls feel a draw towards Green because They Like Men" and that Nynaeve is actually getting tugged between Yellow and Red in these last two episodes, as Liandrin tries to influence her. It makes me wonder if maybe they'll have Elayne incline towards maybe Brown ("I like to tinker with things") instead of Green. Though Nynaeve did put Egwene in the Green Ajah in her personal AU (which did such a good job in only using elements that Nynaeve was aware of when she went into the arches! No Elayne in Nynaeve's AU; and no Rand because she believes him to be dead).
4. Side note: thrilled that Nynaeve does not have to be naked for the test. The amount of times that women have to strip down for rituals in the books gets pretty ridiculous (especially when men doing the same kind of ritual -- ex. going to Rhuidean -- does not require them to strip). Stripping down to her shift makes the point well enough.
5. A thought I had about the people attacking the Two Rivers -- could this have been happening during the Andoran Succession Crisis that led to Morgase being Queen? And so the Queen's Guard, instead of keeping the roads clear of bandits, were busy with the civil war among the nobility, which let bandits get even as far as the Mountains of Mist. That could actually serve as a really good reason for the Two Rivers to basically nope out of being part of Andor -- "you were so busy squabbling amongst yourself that you let bandits rove the lands and kill innocent people". I'm not certain if the timeline matches up, but I will put it out there as a theory.
6. Her second test is based on the same worries that she had in the books -- that she's abandoned the Two Rivers and she won't be there when they need her and someone who isn't a good Wisdom will have taken over for her -- but shifted the details to hit harder in the show version, and to use characters that the show viewers are already familiar with. It really worked for me. I also liked them essentially using Perrin's lies about Rand to Tam in the books for Nynaeve here instead, where it makes a lot more sense -- she doesn't want to steal the only comfort that she can give a dying man by telling him that his son is dead.
7. Liandrin genuinely got herself invested in Nynaeve! I liked seeing that. I really like that the show is giving more emotional depth to our Darkfriends. Both Sheriam and Liandrin come across as very genuinely upset that Nynaeve hasn't returned through the arches. Because they both think of themselves as the good guys! Liandrin's motives in the show seems to be along the lines of "You need to have power so that others can't have power over you" while Sheriam's in the books were about being Black Ajah essentially to get ahead in the Tower but never expecting that she would actually need to do anything TOO terribly bad in exchange. Neither of them wanted Nynaeve to die or get hurt (they were both probably hoping to turn her to the Black Ajah). It's also really funny that it's entirely possible that they do not know that the other one is also Black Ajah.
8. Theory: being able to sense latent channelers may be a Talent rather than something either everyone or no one can do. Because it's one specific damane who comes out to point out the individual women to get dragged off to be damane, rather than it being the two women who were used to attack the village.
They are hitting the dehumanization angle hard. Egwene's 'training' is going to be so hard to watch.
9. Ishamael doesn't seem like he was expecting to find Perrin here, so I don't think Ingtar has been in regular contact with him. I really do wonder where exactly the Darkfriend social happened, timeline-wise, to the rest of the season thus far.
10. Ah, goodbye, Uno. I'll miss you, but you went out like a boss. Given the changes that were made to the plot, this does make a ton of sense -- Uno is not a man who backs down easily and he's also not a plot-relevant character really... ever, at any point. He's a fun character for flavor but someone who can be sacrificed to illustrate a narrative point without needing to change any of the story in the future.
11. Changing Logain to being able to see men who can channel as opposed to ta'veren makes a lot of sense on a practical level -- Mat was sitting right next to Rand, so if he saw ta'veren, then he would have seen both of them glowing; making it about Rand being a channeling focuses Logain's attention and memory in on Rand specifically.
12. Rand being kept out of the knowledge loop here kinda cracks me up because "Rand is on an information diet" is something that kept coming up in the books and it frustrated me so much because, in the books, it was consistently a result of his allies just never being willing to tell him a fucking thing ever unless he bullied them into it or spied on them. It makes a lot more sense here that he doesn't know what's going on with anyone else's plotlines! Taking something frustrating from the books and making it make sense is a really good habit that the show has been doing.
13. Lanfear continues to be the funniest girl in the world. She is just on cloud nine so far in s2, cruising along living her best life. Also, we see that her inn cheekily has her personal symbols as their sign.
14. Given how much Rand is experiencing the class divide in Cairhien and how much he's seen the poor get mistreated and looked down on by the rich and titled, I almost wonder if he isn't going to get a bit of Mat's arc from the books when he finds out that Elayne is a noble and needs to realize that she's not like the Cairhienin nobles.
15. Mat escaping from one abusive situation only to land right into another one definitely reminds me of the Tylin->Tuon pipeline in the books, of course. The main difference being is that we're dealing with mother figures in the show and not 'romances' (please take that word with a very large grain of salt). Possibly the biggest way that they can set Mat x Tuon up for success is actually showing us her relationship with her mother and how toxic and cruel the environment that she grew up in is. I feel like not killing off the old Empress at all and instead having Tuon take over a faction of the people and split off them off from the Empire would give us a sense that she really IS Not Like The Other Seanchan, instead of just wanting people to believe Mat when he says it despite there being no evidence in Tuon's actual behavior (I'm trying to remember who originally suggested that idea, but it was a while ago, so I have forgotten; I'm sorry!).
16. Liandrin grinding in to Mat how worthless and what an awful friend he is will, presumably, be some pretty good setup for him to show himself to be both loyal and vital in the final episode, though there will probably be more pain for him in the upcoming episodes (maybe involving what happens with Min's viewing about him stabbing Rand).
17. Lanfear is buzzing on such a high of getting show off of her Personal Dragon to a fancy group of lords and ladies at the start of this party.
18. Rand's conversation with Moiraine's sister is particularly fascinating! There's a queen of Cairhien but I suspect that it's not a Damodred (maybe I'll be wrong and Anvaere is the queen! We'll see!). That Anvaere reaches out to the mysterious ~outlander lord~ and shares so much with him is very intriguing, especially if we end up seeing her again later in the season (once Moiraine arrives in Cairhien?).
18. Here is where the cracks in Lanfear's illusion of perfect happiness with her New Lews Therin are beginning to show: he's keeping secrets from her, he's doubting her, and then he just leaves her behind. She is probably getting some very unhappy flashbacks right about now.
19. I wonder if Rand's bad experience with Logain here will inform his choices in the future. In the books, there isn't really a good reason for him to give Taim free rein over the school, but if it's more of a "Taim vs Logain" situation and he already doesn't trust Logain (and Taim appears less affected by the madness), then him trusting Taim might make more sense.
20. Mat being released from a prison cell and not knowing where to go and then (temporarily in this case) returning to his prison gives me echoes of "Mat inexplicably appears by magic in Ebou fucking Dar, a place that treated him like shit for months" from A Memory of Light, lol.
21. Perrin feeling wary about getting too wolfy because of his encounter with Ishamael feels like a much better reason that we got in the books... though I wonder if we'll follow it up by having him meet... shit, the guy who lost himself to the wolf; do not remember his name. But I'm thrilled to have him hanging out with Elyas and the wolves (Hopper?) for now.
22. Liandrin calling Mat Cauthon, agent of chaos, "nothing if not predictable" feels like it needs to bite her in the ass at some point.
23. Yeah, on rewatch, the sex dream is definitely Lanfear feeling like she can finally show her possessiveness and anger in Rand's dream. She is MAD at him for keeping secrets and leaving without her, but she can't show it when he's awake because it doesn't fit her carefully crafted persona. She does NOT like her men with an air of mystery -- she wants to know every tiny thing that he's thinking and feeling. I wonder if Rand actually did light the roof on fire or if Lanfear helped it along -- she's definitely taking advantage of his vulnerability in the aftermath of the fire. "If you ever leave me like that again, I will kill you." Yeah, that's absolutely Lanfear.
And, you know, her inn burning down does mean that she doesn't have to worry about dealing with it anymore. Now that she's had a taste of Rand in fancy coats, I think she probably wants to try to figure out a way to make it happen again.
24. Nynaeve's dream does have a couple of painful easter eggs in it -- Mat gets a wound over his eye; Perrin gets killed by an axe.
Nynaeve does forcibly bring back the arches in the books too, just without so much happening in the illusionary life. But I liked this a lot because of how much it gave us from the other characters who believed that Nynaeve was dead.
25. So, my theories about what we might get in episode four. Wow.
Rand's trajectory... I don't think he's done with Logain. But I feel like ep4 is going to be a big one for him, based on the title (Daughter of the Night). Rand may find out the truth about Selene in this episode, which would be a. be a pretty big betrayal but also b. might make him realize that it's not likely that the Dark One is actually dead.
Moiraine is presumably on her way to Cairhien right now, but it doesn't seem like she thinks Rand himself is there, but more that she's investigating the poem situation, so they may run across each other by accident.
Everyone is going to get to react to Nynaeve powering her way out of the arches (like a boss). I am very curious if Lan is going to spend an episode in the Tower before going after Moiraine... but if Actual Lan goes to the Tower... hard to imagine he wouldn't tell Nynaeve, at least, that Rand is still alive. He knows how deeply Nynaeve cares about the Two Rivers kids.
Unless Liandrin tricks Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene into leaving the Tower before Lan arrives there?
Where are Mat and Min going! Mat can't be going after Egwene & co to save them because... nothing to save them from at the moment. Where would Liandrin want him to be led? Falme? I mean, maybe, but he can't channel, so it's not a secure prison for Mat like it would be for the girls.
Perrin's storyline is going to teach us more about the Seanchan and wolfbrothering, I imagine. Maybe some scouting. He can truthfully tell any Seanchan soldiers (if he runs across any) that he's taken the oaths.
Will we follow right on from episode 3 or is there going to be a timeskip to give the characters some time to travel to new locations?
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artbyfinnbrown · 1 year ago
I Read the Re: Zero IFs
I’ve got thoughts on each of them. Some of these thoughts are more in-depth than others.
Wrath IF: What is this guys deal even? 
The two other “Evil” Subarus (Pride and Gluttony,) while certainly unhinged, had very clear goals (getting Emilia on the Throne, and patching together [Natsuki Subaru], respectively).  But I can’t even tell what this Subaru wants. And to be honest, I don’t even know if Subaru knows want Subaru wants. 
Also, how exactly Subaru became a crime lord? I don’t doubt that Subaru COULD become a crime lord, but I’m curious as to the step-by step process that got him to this point.
Sloth IF: Rem should have been allowed to girlboss more.
Overall though, a very fun story about Subaru, Rem, and their 2 roommates, the wolf ninja who can clone himself, and half of a great spirit. Compared to all the other IFs, this one feels so disconnected from the main story. I don’t think anyone mentions what’s been happening in Lugunica once during this IF.
This also means that the characters form this IF are still around right?  I know Halibel shows up at some point in the main route. But is main route Zarestia still around? Does she still want to kill people? Or is she stuck separated for her light orb? Also, there’s technically another surviving member of the Oni tribe who may be alive? She was alive at some point, maybe not anymore. 
Pride IF: What a drama nerd. This guy can’t do anything with a given situation except escalate it. Ranting at a man about how much you want to be him, and then wishing him a happy birthday, as the city burns around you, was pretty funny. From a certain perspective.
(I make these jokes because what he’s doing is really sad. I’m pretty sure that Greed Subaru is the only one who has Pride Subaru beat for having died the most. He really threw everything away - including his life - for the sake of one girl who was nice to him)
Lust IF: I’m disappointed in myself for reading this, but not as disappointed as I am that this IF exists in the first place.
Greed IF: The Tragedy if the AU is greatly increased by the events of canon. Technically this is applicable to all of the IFs, but a few small changes to canon could have easily made this if one of the “Good” ones.
There is a world where Canon went a little differently, and Main Route Subaru was able to save almost everyone, but not everyone at the end of the Arc 4. And he would have accept that no matter how many times he tries, he can’t save everyone. If that had happened, Greed IF could have been hopeful, in a rather depressing way.  “Oh, Subaru may have destroyed himself mentally, but he got to save everyone!” But that’s not how canon went. Main Route Subaru did save everyone, which in turn invalidates everything Greed IF Subaru believes.
Subaru didn’t need to abuse return by death. He didn’t need to stretch his relationships to the limit to keep people safe. He didn’t need to make a deal with a witch. Subaru didn’t have to do any of this. But he has to tell himself that that he did, otherwise the small amount of mental stability he has left will shatter.
Gluttony IF: I expected Subaru to be much more unhinged.
Obviously his actions are incredibly messed up. Everyone around him knows this, and even Subaru knows this, but believes his actions are an entirely necessary evil. But he never acts “crazy”. In all the interactions through the IF, he acts “normal”. If anything, seems less eccentric than Main Route Subaru. In all of the conversations he as, even if the other people act increasing confused or angry, he alway acts calm and rational, even when he’s talking about things like flooding an entire city.
And that honestly makes him even more unsettling.
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rylxdreams · 4 months ago
Just watched Moana 2.
Did not watch on theaters though, nuh-uh. I do not want to waste money on what is basically a “tv series-turned-feature film” where the artists are definitely underpaid and time crunched to get this film ready for a short amount of time. Besides, it was already doing well financially anyways (which is sad).
That being said though, from what I’ve seen, it was an alright movie. Definitely didn’t hit as hard as the first movie, but from what it tried to do it was alright and I kinda had a nice time watching it. It helps that I didn’t have high expectations for it because of the mid to bad reviews it has been getting, so I liked what I liked and felt meh on what I felt were meh.
Gotta say though, one big thing I noticed is that they really honed in and incorporated more stuff about Polynesian culture in this film, especially at the beginning and at the ending of the film, and it’s probably the thing that I liked the most from this movie. It was nice to see how very community based their culture is, the way the people of Motunui welcomed Moana when she arrived during “We’re Back” and bid farewell to her when she and her crew finally went on with their journey, just the part where the used their own canoes to send them off was so wholesome. And that’s the beginning part, the ending was definitely cool too because we get to see the other wayfinders and tribes. Do makes me wish that, if this was a series, it could have been an “island-hopping adventure” where they visit the other islands as the series went on until they find the final island, but oh well.
Regarding the new characters, I definitely think they’re the ones who suffered the most out of the change from series to movie. On their own they’re just fine, but certain developments would have hit harder if the movie was a tv series instead. Moana’s crew were kinda… useless in the first parts of the movie? Then some stuff happened and there was a certain scene where one of them almost died and it’s supposed to be a dark moment for the whole crew, but it just… I just feel like it would have hit harder if this was a series where we see more of them, see them interact with each other, to the point where we, the audience, would have felt more endeared of them and the whole crew’s dynamic, then *that* happened. The angst that could have been if thats where an episode ended and then we have to wait for another week to see them get together again as a crew. But nooo after a pep talk between Maui and Moana (“Can I Get a Chee Hoo” was definitely… a song), it all went good off screen. OFF SCREEN. I just feel like the crew could have been a really good addition to the “found family trope” had we see more of their wholesome side interactions and dynamics. They could have been more developed and have more depth as characters too!!! Like- there were certain scenes where certain characters achieved something in their own character arcs, like when the grumpy farmer guy actually swam to save Maui, the inventor girl (who was definitely not neurotypical) finally made an innovation that actually improved the canoe… those were cool developments for their characters, but I just wished we could have seen them more as they grow as characters so we can actually feel and celebrate their achievements better. Basically, they were all endearing characters (to me at least, the fanboy historian was the one I liked the most actually lol), but they are held back for the fact that they’re in a 1 hour and 30 minutes film. Just imagine if they’re in a tv series like Tangled did, I wonder who of the new characters would get the same acclaim as Varian and Cassandra did (man I need to watch the Tangled series).
Lol, almost forgot about Matangi, the bat “villain” lady. Yeah there’s quotation marks in “villain”. Spoilers, she really isn’t, but technically she’s still on the bad side. I have the same opinions of her like with the rest of Moana’s human crew, but I feel like we’re going to see more of her soon anyways. Cuz the Mouse is definitely planning for more Moana in the future. Can’t say if its going to be a movie or a series, but if Moana 2 is Moana: The Series Season 1, then the Moana 3 will most likely feel like a Moana: The Series Season 2.
Anyways, at least Schraffillias is back, yippie!
Please go watch Wicked if you still can, please.
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fishesmaniack · 7 months ago
SPOILERS for Murder Drones ep 8!!!!
I think the episode wasn't the greatest, not going to lie, for many reasons. I'll go into each of them in-depth, and hopefully, I can articulate my opinions in a slightly above-average way. This will also be somewhat of a retrospective of the series as a whole because, right now, episode 8 is the last episode, and because of that, it is the combination of everything that's built up to it. --the series' pacing as a whole-- A lot of people say the show's pacing is all over the place, but I think the way it handles its serialized plot structure is pretty well done. The first episode introduced the audience to the world, and subsequent episodes went into depth about certain aspects of the world, such as the main villain of the series, how worker drones can have powers, and the lore of humans before their subsequent eradication. Two big highlights of this for me would be how episode 3 bleeds into episode 4 really well. It introduces the audience to drone witches, their abilities and drawbacks, which are creepily similar to the disassembly drones. The 5th episode explores more of that concept and also puts a sense of distrust in the narrative as it's been told so far. This distrust boils over to its absolute peak in episode 7, which is by far my favorite episode because of how it recontextualizes the entire series with its big twists and turns to the narrative thus far. Now, I was hoping this momentum would be kept for the final episode of the series, but it felt so messy and rushed with how it was just an overextended action scene for the most part, and the plot armor didn't help, which made the said action scenes feel really strange. There were way too many times when someone should have died, but they just didn't. This wouldn't be as bad though if the episode wasn't just a giant action scene though. --wasted potential-- And that segways into the (probably) last segment of this post, which will go into detail about how I felt like the potential we had with the narrative leading up to this point was squandered. The biggest example for me would be how I wish they just actually killed off V because bringing her back along with Beau in the body of a sentinel brings up way too many questions like "how did Beau take over the sentinel's body?" "why was he still trying to kill them" "How did V and Beau fight off the other sentinels" and more but also completely overshadowed Khan, Thad, and Lizzy aka the side characters who were built up to having more screentime at the end of the last episode. This trio of characters had the least amount of screen time in episode 7, but it was still enough to build intrigue for what they would do in episode 8. But then they just didn't really do anything when the time arrived.
Then this was made worse by how I thought we were going to have them at first teamed up with J of which is another character with way too little screen time in the series. Before she would be tricked by The Absolute Solver because of her not being helped by Uzi in episode 5 but no, in the end she was just completely fine with helping someone she was shown to not be all that fond of that is wearing the skin of someone who is the only person we know of that she actually liked. And this brings us to how I hate that Uzi and N just immediately reconnected, which brings up the question of why they were separated in the first place at the end of the 7th episode. Like I was really thinking Uzi would be in some Majora's Mask pocket space thing where she would reconnect with her mother before learning about the secrets of Cyn/The Absolute Solver. Like Cyn would have been a worker drone with her own life before being thrown away or something. And she would be just as much of "Cyn" as The Absolute Solver is. This would segway into Flesha getting a sneak attack on the three of them, like what happened with the Nowhere King from Centaurworld. Now, this mostly came from amazing art I saw of a transferm Cyn concept (which was by @/the-mighty-e), but it still felt really probable to happen for real in the plot. --the final segment for real-- Okay, so the last section was way too long so I made this its own segment. Now to start this off I want to say I really disliked how Doll only had one small cameo at the end showing her lifeless body as a joke of which is pretty cold because Lizzy was never even able to see her best friend/possible girlfriend again since the 3rd episode let alone what came of her in the end. Now that we're on the topic of the final episode's ending, fusing Cyn with Uzi feels really weird because of how Cyn and N were coded as siblings. Like I have no idea why she would refer to him as her brother if she didn't see him as such. And before you say that was only to manipulate him, it is implied that The Absolute Solver wasn't faking their Cyn persona 100% because of her love of bows, which is something intrinsically connected to Tessa. That was a sign of how much she cared about Cyn and probably was the reason why Cyn wanted to be her to the point of skinning her alive and masquerading as her. And this isn't even bringing up how I don't buy the theory she was this mastermind manipulator from the start or was completely fake either way, but either way, I just find this an extraordinary move. Just as much of a strange move to have J just completely fall out of the plot literally, never to be seen again. But to be fair, this was probably set up for like a season 2 if that ever happens, and all those disassembly drone hearts Alice had would make sense to go along with this, but we don't even know if there will be a second season or not. And this isn't even mentioning how I feel it would have been better if the series ended on episode 9 instead because there was way more setup needed for a big finale. Anyway, thanks for reading my big huge rant thingy. Again, hopefully, it wasn't too messy, and I want to clarify that I still liked the episode for its animation, but I just feel like everything else wasn't the greatest. edit: Okay final thing for real, my brother brought up it made no sense how that V just knew N and Uzi were in that hallway but didn't know Flesha was there. Along with how she even knew Cyn was Tessa in the first place.....Also she was fighting J before that point so did Beau just pull an Omega from Sonic 06 and blast J to high hell when V went to go talk to Uzi and N?
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archoneddzs15 · 7 months ago
Sega Mega CD - Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Title: Lunar 2: Eternal Blue / ルナ エターナルブルー
Developer/Publisher: Game Arts / Studio Alex / Studio Deen
Release date: 22 December 1994
Catalogue No.: T-45074
Genre: RPG
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Working Designs' final contribution to the Sega CD in the USA, and it's a glorious ending chapter. The finest RPG for any 16-bit CD-based system!!  Lunar Eternal Blue is a must-buy for any Mega CD owner interested in Japanese gaming. True it's an RPG and you may not be able to understand Japanese, so you'll miss half of the plot but it's Lunar Eternal Blue!
The events of the game take place a hundred years after those of the first Lunar. You control Hiro, a young treasure hunter who likes exploring various caves and ruins with his trusty companion, the wise-cracking pink flying cat Ruby (who claims to be a baby dragon). One day he meets a mysterious blue-haired girl named Lucia. She explains that she has come from the nearby Blue Star and now needs his help to defeat a dark being called Zophar. Bewitched by the girl's beauty, Hiro agrees to help Lucia and soon finds himself opposing the ruling religion of the world, and shadows from the past.
While Eternal Blue doesn't offer anything new and revolutionary to the RPG genre, it does provide a solid, traditional JRPG experience. Furthermore, it improves nearly every aspect of the original. No longer is the story about some childish "I want to be a hero!"-type adventure gone wrong, but it's a tale of a world in peril, with many plot twists and revelations that keep you playing, and a cast of interesting characters that have far more depth than the rather static ones in the original.
The graphics in the game are also quite good for its time. The character/enemy sprites and locales have a decent amount of detail, and the animated cutscenes really show what the Mega CD was capable of as a console. The music in the game is good as well, and in my opinion is nearly on par with some PS1 RPG soundtracks. Finally, the localization quality of this game is top-notch. With voice acting and tons of cool 90s pop culture references, the localization gives a certain liveliness and sense of humor that no other game at the time had. Game Arts, Studio Deen, and Studio Alex really outdid themselves with this title. For its time this was years ahead and Game Arts knew that since they later re-made it on the Saturn. Beautiful animation scenes, voice-driven dialogs, and wonderful music make this a truly magical experience.
Unfortunately, every single gaming store around the world knows this which results in Lunar Eternal Blue on the Mega CD being quite expensive. I've seen this on sale for as much as the price of a fully loaded 1TB iPhone 15 Pro Max (RM 8,500)!! That's more than many shooters on the Saturn sell for. Luckily, I got this copy with a set of other goodies including my current basketball, earbuds, Sonic keychain, and shoes for less than RM 650 (^v^) Quite a lot for a 16-bit CD RPG, but anyway. I'm absolutely happy.
The game comes complete with world map and a CD single that features two vocal tracks and a short radio play. This Premium CD single is not included in the Working Designs American release. The tracks are:
1. Lucia and Lemina's Conversation 1 / ルーシアとレミーナ��話その1 (duration 3 min: 33 sec)
2. Money is #1 / お金がいちばん♥ (duration 3 min:35 sec)
3. Lucia and Lemina's Conversation 2 / ルーシアとレミーナの話その2 (duration 1 min:40 sec)
4. Eternal Blue ~Eternal Sentiment~ / ETERNAL BLUE ~永遠の想い~ (duration 6 min:05 sec)
5. Lucia and Lemina's Conversation 3 / ルーシアとレミーナの話その3 (duration 1 min:12 sec)
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manlyquail · 1 year ago
Netflix Avatar
I've got many thoughts I want to get out and so why not just make a "nobody asked and nobody cares" word vomit about my opinions on the Netflix Avatar series!
It'll be below the cut, but let me say I thoroughly enjoyed it but am on the fence about if it did need to exist or not given how perfect the original is. I could go either way honestly, and would watch more if more came out, but I'll explain more stuff in spoilers below.
I'll break this into a few sections, Positives, Negatives, Neutrals, and some sort of summary for my thoughts, but there is probably going to be some overlap since some things could fall into a few categories.
Positive First:
So this could stem from trauma from the last time things came around, but I thought the bending in the series looked way better (for the most part...). The opening scene alone felt like an atonement for how done dirty Earthbenders were in *that movie* and everything felt really fluid.
The characters in general all felt really true to themselves (again, for the most part). I was skeptical at first when news came out about Sokka's removed sexism, but honestly with the way his character arc played out based on the pressure to be a leader and a warrior I think it still worked out fine.
There was a surprising amount in the series that I thought would be material that would just get cut out, which was simultaneously a pro and a con. It was good to see a few certain story elements (SECRET TUNNELLLLL) but the way they overlapped in order to get several things in at the same time makes some of them a pro and some of them a con.
The payoff for "MY CABBAGES" had me rolling. 10/10
For the most part, every time I saw a character I knew immediately who they were. Costume and character design were great, sets and backgrounds were beautiful, everything on this front felt good.
One highlight is tied to the changes made around Zuko's backstory and his crew. His belief in not sacrificing the soldiers and them being assigned to him (and Iroh's telling of this fact to the questioning soldiers) was a great addition in my opinion. It added more depth beyond just the sympathy originally given to Zuko because of his scar.
Each (recent) Avatar getting their own spot in the light was fun. Roku's personality was enjoyable even if he was only around briefly.
Finale was super fun to watch, the effects of the moon changes across all the characters and the spirit rage had me pretty hyped.
In general the balls to burn so many people alive caught me off guard as far as ratings go, but I won't complain!
The sexism addressed in the North was a good bit of development for a few characters, although without Sokka's sexism through the early parts and a moment that really felt close to 'She has help' I'm a little on the fence about the impact it had there.
Absolutely loved June.
There's probably a few smaller things I missed here or there but in general lots of positives, thought with those comes
I'll get this out right away because this was honestly the biggest gripe I had out of anything else. I was not entirely sold on Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai. For me they personally looked too young, the rounded cheeks felt too innocent didn't sell me on the fierce and sharp features Azula demonstrates in the show, but I'm really trying not to get too hung up on this element. Azula is honestly an impossible standard, and I think what was demonstrated was still okay, but I'll be brutally honest that her victory at the very end over Omashu took a lot of the wind out of my sails, especially following the dramatic war of the North. I think maybe the actresses could grow into the characters, but when I picture scenes like the desert standoff with everyone versus Azula it just doesn't vibe.
Airbending when it was first shown felt a little too 'wee I'm on a wire and special effects!' which was somewhat painful. The combat aspects of it felt a lot better and the glider scenes worked, but I was pretty nervous when Aang first made his way down from the towers.
The Kiyoshi scene while cool at first felt brief and somewhat underwhelming. We saw some guys get grabbed by water tentacles and then a big swirl tornado of all the elements but that was really it. People got tossed around and the instant they retreated the state ended. It was cool to see Kiyoshi but I feel like the badassery could've come through at least a little more.
They really nail over the head 'Friendship is magic!' almost too much. Each Avatar basically told Aang not to have attachments or get too close to people because its bad juju, and the lesson 'I only got this far because I work with my friends' got old fast.
Aang additionally didn't do any learning with Katara during her waterbending training headed North. I'm on the fence about this because a lot of extra drama was cut out (no Bato, no pirates and the questioning about morals of stealing a scroll, no jealousy of Katara from Aang's training, etc.). Additionally one weird change (I know I noticed this as a positive earlier), but the Cave of Two Lovers was entirely a Sokka / Katara scene, and the narrative was compressed a little bit so that their 'sibling love' on an emotional level was the reasoning the badgermoles escorted them out, as opposed to either music or following the lights (which they brought up the lights but then made it a red herring?). On that note this cave appeared in Book 2 on the return trip to Omashu, but here it just showed up to get Katara and Sokka into the palace (warned about Palace Guards which I guess also weren't a problem, and this was at the top of the city but tunnels under... anyways...).
A small nitpick but something I remember laughing at; Katara does a training scene where she hits herself in the face with water and proceeds to try and wipe it off, but she's entirely dry, so that... just felt funny.
Avatar Roku didn't get much time in the light either (not even a dragon), and several spirit moments were crammed into one. Yue is a fox spirit that was randomly in the forest, Wan Shi Tong was there to (only heard by Aang) give an ominous warning that his friends would be in danger, and then Koh was also there to... just be a creepy cannibal centipede? These all showed up during the Hei Bai plot thread which didn't even get resolved (the villagers got brought back but I don't recall ever seeing the spirit again; cut for time?). The Koh thing felt out of place as well because this was the motivation for Aang to go all the way to the fire nation to see Roku, who told him to just let them die before Aang took an idol from Koh's mom back to trade for a whole bunch of people. During this 'Koh will feed soon' period Aang made it all the way to the fire nation, did his Roku meditation, got kidnapped by June and turned in to Iroh and Zuko (presumably all the way back on the mainland?), got kidnapped from his kidnapping by Zhao, spent time in prison, then the entire Blue Spirit rescue, with Aang hiding out even longer from fire nation patrols before making sure Zuko got back to his ship safe, and then made it back in time to save everybody from hungry hungry Koh. Honestly just so much here that it made the whole segment feel a tad clunky.
Now this is a list of things that I'm on the fence on and could probably go either way on.
Bumi being the biggest thing here.
Now Bumi's character changes at first were jarring. His identity being revealed immediately was a surprise, but his throwing a big fancy party and seeming like a weirdly hedonistic bad comedian felt off. His original personality I think showed through just enough to keep this from being a negative, but the fun of Bumi was how he was messing with Aang to try and provoke a memory from him while also just being batshit crazy. This would sometimes crop up, and the fight between the two was pretty slick, but otherwise it felt like Bumi was more of just a jaded old man. It became about Aang teaching him a lesson and not the other way around, which in the way felt justified with Bumi being consistently at war for 100 years, but on the other didn't feel like Bumi. I guess I leave this neutral purely on the grounds that this is a reimagining and not just the same story vomited back out in live action, but it's still one of the tougher changes to adapt to.
Another small change is that Aang did zero bending of any of the other elements outside of the Avatar state. He didn't train with Katara as I mentioned, nor did he have his interaction with Jeong Jeong to give him mini trauma about fire bending. Not the biggest deal but still noticed, which makes me wonder how they'll handle his bending in the future.
Azula being Zhou's contact and source of resources felt a little off, as did his learning about the spirits. Zhao was downplayed so much to be a random nobody in the live action version and then he 'needed an edge' and learned about the spirits (and how to kill them with a spirit knife?) right before the siege. Honestly the original of 'I stumbled upon this information unintentionally back when' wasn't great justification either but still.
Several of the Ozai scenes were a little offputting as well. Right before dying (to Iroh instead of the spirit, which again, random change) Zhou mentioned that Zuko only existed as the flames to forge Azula, but there was a lot of sorrowful emotion in Ozai's actor that made him seem oddly sympathetic in a lot of scenes. Lines as well which change context after the 'revelation' are hard to get a feel for as well, such as Ozai's reminders to Azula that it was Zuko and not Zhao that discovered the Avatar. In scenes like this it feels like Ozai is actually trying to defend and support Zuko, but with the motivational thing for Azula was this just him poking the bear? Either way, maybe a subsequent watch will change my thoughts on this, so for now its neutral.
Overall I honestly had a good time with the series, but it really just drove me to go back and start the original all over again. It was by no means bad, I'd recommend it as a watch even if just for the numerous easter eggs, but I really don't know if it's good enough to justify existing. There were some changes I really liked, such as the change with Zuko's crew, and some others that I think have potential as reimaginations such as Bumi's narrative, but others like the cave, the Koh stuff, Yue being a fox that showed up in the forest felt like they should've just been left out.
Anyways, I do recommend watching it all the same, especially to get you in the mood for the original and to at the very least set a different standard for live action Avatar than what we had in the past.
Thank you all of nobody for coming to my TED talk. I really just wanted to get this all down somewhere for my own sake but I'd be interested in other's takes on it too!
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megashadowdragon · 1 year ago
rwby remake idea part 2
I am going to be frank I have always loved rwby and the show  Ido not ship bb and feel it comes off as direction change even if they did plan it from the start they didnt give it the buildup
1. we would take the original rwby and expand on it to be more than what it was like opm webcomic to the manga and ff7 original to the remake. In the ff7 remake we got to explore the other members of avalance more so we got to care about them. midgar would feel alot more alive then it had been before, and the exploration of the  wutai conflict etc.
taking stuff from the entire compilation like ff7 dirge of cerebrus  and before 0. rwby remake will take stuff from extra material besides the dc comics and ice queendom
Shinra in the original game was nowhere near as competent and manipulative as Remake Shinra like shinra/hojo in the original game didnt know ifalna died until he was told years afterward
In the opm manga characters got to be more than what they were   a characters relationships got to be stronger than it was where they got a meaningful conversations and this led to a positive choice/change on a characters part where in the webcomic it amounted to a guy appearing going to one guys house to play games etc
a character being much more heroic than they were in the WC ( it can be said that the WC of the character and the Manga version took their experiences and what a guy said in two different ways) and their relationship with a certain character was much better not to mention a g a certain group of  villains were more threatening , and this also led to a change of events for certain characters. ( like rather than side characters randomly meeting people who were good counters  , those fighters were specifically chosen to go against them) (also the side characters got better showings then in the WC This made it so that one character got to end in a better place than he ended up in the original opm webcomic, and the fact we got to see a fight that didnt happen in the webcomic. etc
blacksun would be canon  as for what the other ships would be involving weiss and ruby ( that depends on what ship becomes canon in the original .
 ( truth be told blacksun and renora were my only otp  in rwby) 
( like in the original arkos is also teased in the beacon era ( basically I am not touching the team jnpr ships ( as in the ones where they teased with their partners) 
rwby remake gets a full anime time I have always felt it would have done better if it had gotten that given how many times they brought up having to cut things out
psykoknight65.tumblr.com/post/645570800232153088/i-think-the-biggest-issue-with-rwby-is-its I think the biggest issue with RWBY is it’s pacing. Like, we have SO many characters and SO many ideas and so little time to explore them all in any depth that sometimes it just feels like a list of events that the writers need to get through. Season 8 has been the best season so far IMO but i still have to point out how rushed everything has been. Okay so we’re gonna have Emerald defect, we get one, maybe two lines acknowledging that she has in fact defected, and then within two episodes her semblence is the keystone in the plan to defeat ironwood. It feels…. utilitarian. The fact that Emerald was the one that "killed” penny the first time around? Implied through one line that was mostly a joke. I mean, her actions directly lead to pyrrha’s death, but JNR dont even seem to consider that because there’s no time to go into any depth with her character. I don’t in any way blame the writers because thats just… what happens when you have a project this high concept with this many characters as your first ever attempt at writing a story. But its still a flaw that needs to be pointed out. -berserk anon, again A: kob131: Yeah I see what you mean with Emerald. Ever since I started talking on Tumblr, I’ve said this- RWBY is bare bones. What I mean by this is that the show has very little if not zero extrenious elements or moments to it. In other shows you have a bit of extra time or fluff or something to make the show more fleshed out and balanced. Kind of like breathing room. RWBY on the other hand is constantly hitting off major point after major point without anything extra in it. Things like society’s view on depression due to the Grimm or how suicide is looked at in this society? Or any relationships the cast has of what is necessary at that specific time? Or just a little bit of time to develop things (like your example with Emerald)? Can’t do that. Got a giant ass world to go through, a tightly wound plot, a bunch of characters to consider and fucking more if I tried to think. Even something as simple as setting up the Pyrrha statue with a quick shot of it just slightly out of frame once is too much. Just about everything hits exactly as much as is necessary for the show to function before racing off to another necessary moment. The only show I’ve seen more bare bones than RWBY is Gunbuster. …And that was more of an OUTLINE of a show. But I have to disagree on one point: This is not their first story. Red Vs. Blue existed before this and the part that a RWBY writer was involved in (Chorus Trilogy, Season 11-13) shows similar issues (like the abundance of characters and being tightly wound though not to RWBY levels). This really is likely the result of inexperience. A few years in a writing class or practice probably would help RWBY out a lot. But Miles and Kerry didn’t start out as writers. They were interns that got roped into a story that got REALLY ambitious and big without knowing what would happen. That’s just how the cookie crumbles at times. … Also a longer production period to make longer episodes would probably help since, from what I’ve heard, a LOT gets cut in RWBY’s production. That last point is something I always say Especially when they said the reason why they took like a 2 month break in between this season was to make the last handful episodes better. Which makes me think why didn’t you just wait longer than a year to make this volume.
There was nothing problematic the the white fangs portrayal they started off as good ( ghira) but got impatient and sienna took over ( and while she isnt as bad as adam she is a terrorist leader  who hada big impact on adam and we will emphasize that she is just not as bad as adam but still bad) 2.    we will delve into sienna and adams past and how adam became who he was and how sienna started the fire which led to her downfall  and adam falling into his inner darkness. and emphasizing that in the end ghira was right about his methods  while ghiras methods were slow they were  stable while violence would be quicker  in the short term but would be bound to fall apart  and lead humans to deem faunus a threat ) that siennas advocation of violence would be her starting a fire she couldnt control leading to adam and co seeing her as not violent enough leading to them betraying her for adam.  siennas semblance as a metaphor for this she saw adam in a emotionally weak position and his inner darkness and took him in to get him on her side and believe what she believes and that along with him giving into his darkness and his hatred would slowly corrupt him iinto the man he would become well I say corrupt but it would be more like enabling his worst tendencies leading to those tendencies to consume him for he wasnt criticized for his behavior. He  enjoyed seeing the humans in pain and had a sadistic smile a darker side of him but enabling him led him to becoming worse overtime also ( I would call sienna as opportunistic  taking advantage of young adams troubles and inner darkness to draw him to her side and beliefs and to help take over the fang and turn it into the violent terrorist which would fit with her semblance
( in the adam trailer its implied that sienna used adam to push her agenda when he wasnt mentally well sienna condoned/enabled his darker desires which led to him going from someone  who would go take what we deserve to take what I deserve. (sienna didnt stop adam from killing the sdc officer out of morality nothing shows that . they were on a mission so they couldnt take the time out of the day to kill one guard . also sienna didnt criticize those actions.
I would emphasize that  while sienna wasnt as bad as adam she is stil lbad  is  basically sienna started the fire which she couldnt control and that fire/darkness consumed her she was the one who advocated for violence and adams mentor  who he listened to and whose actions sienna condoned  never punishing him until he fell off the deep end and by then it was too late It had gotten to the point his influence spread to the rest of the fang and her guards with them believing she wasnt violent enough. think of it like sienna letting him listen to his inner darkness  his desire for violence enabling him to become worse than what he was 
maybe have someone bring up that in the end sienna’s was destroyed by the fire she made that she advocated for violent and this set up on the path which led to the white fang being so radicalized that they saw her as not violent enough.
Maybe have ilia realize that sienna' khan’s methods weren't good either  ( like have her be conflicted even with sienna’s methods and have blake bring it up  that  the radicalization sienna' started destroyed her.
or have sun comment it when he was suggesting destroying the white fang
 that if white fang got so radicalized that they would kill sienna' the one who started the radicalization   it needs to be destroyed
(maybe name drop sienna' in v2 and have sienna' outright show dislike for her)
maybe put a suggestion of changing the white fangs name to something like white paw ( to represent an outstretched hand to represent the desire to unite human and faunus together)
since even fangs carry the threat of violence and the Grimm had white fangs ( which is why the name still fits after the Grimm masks started being put on though part of me would want to suggest changing the name to red fang when sienna' takes over to help differentiate between sienna' and ghira’s white fang in discussions. ( I mean Monty gave faunus human ears  to help with cosplay)
since I recall that in the black trailer manga it was suggested the name was chosen to represent a fang untouched by bloodshed.
basically emphasize that the  violence sienna khan advocated  for  led to adam taurus and the people who supported him
that feeding to desire for violence the hatred   slowly warped the white fang into wanting genocide
that it was a poisonous
I would also emphasize that the ghira’s methods were working but sienna khan and others were impatient and felt it was too slow that it would be faster to get violent and force people to do what they want
basically ghira’s methods were methods that truly worked  but were slow and stable ( and during an argument  with sienna he brings up the rwby equivalent of rome isnt built in a day and says that while its slow its stable while your methods to build something would end up collapsing on itself you wont be able to control what you have built and sienna dismisses it )
sienna’s violent methods were were faster due to it being easier to inspire fear but created unstable ground that was bound to give out  due ot a mix of the hate humans would have of them  (  which would  win over fear   ) and 
the radicalization of the white fang ( since once she gave the okay for violent methods it would lead to radicalization by people who thanks to celebration for their violence  led to them getting worse and worse ( basically feeding into the fire of hatred to cause it to grow  and lead her to her destruction )
adam being given the okay to enact violence led to him getting worse and worse
emphasize that when you give the okay for violence its hard to control it and that sienna’s ideaology for causing fear isnt helpful for that
 4. include filler to have the characters interact more with each other , for example having blake and ruby mention fairy tales and talk about their favorite ones in some of the early episodes
like maybe as a joke ruby stumbles upon blakes journal and was about to read some fanfiction blake made about the rusted knight and blake catches her and diverts her attention into a talk about fairy tales  and the meanings behind them
 maybe do the same thing with blake and sun and have blake and sun go to tuckers shop to check out the books there. Sun due to finding out blake is really interested in books decides to start looking more into books/fairy tales  and asked blake what books are she interested in, what books does she recommend, and asking her to tell him a good place to get books etc 
This would make it so they found tuckers body. tucksons being a former white fang member who owns a book store would be a neat set up to have tukson and blake know each other. This would be a neat way to lead up to the v2 blake arc with blake being effected by tuksons death 5. we keep suns original v1-v3 appearance with blonde hair and dark eyes and tanned skin it has a nice contrast with blake having pale skin black hair and golden eyes. 6. For adam we can possibly go with him being a silver eyed warrior unless the crwby wants to say that being a SEW means you never go bad  for adam we can have him end up being grimmified by salem as a reference to how he references the beast from beauty and the beast and how he started to put the grimm mask on as a reference of becoming the monsters they think we are This  can have two avenues First Option:  The v6 finale fight never happened and he was captured by salem due to hazel who brings him in after seeing his silver eyes.In the adam trailer adams mask fell off so they could see his eyes right then, or maybe his mask would get knocked off during the haven fight 2nd option he survives the v6 finale fight ( yang just punches adam in the head )  is captured but freed by cinder who saw him as still useful and convinced him by telling him we are going to bring down atlas and the fact she saw his silver eyes and remembered the fact that salem wanted ruby rose  so she thought she could use him as a tool before giving him over to salem  in an attempt to please her.
it would neat for the grimmified adam vs ruby to happen given monty outright stated the difference between them is scatter vs wilt ( life ( propagation of seeds) vs death wilting is when a rose dies and turns ugly) and the whole bulls chasing the color red is of course this depends on how long the grimmification process takes
so maybe the grimmifcation process happens  after atlas arc ( the hound would still be a thing so during the v8  finale blake tried to warn him but he didnt believe her and  he ended up stabbed in the back in a metaphorical way  before taken to salem 
3rd the v6 fight still happen and adam isnt a sew and is knocked out 
( I don't get why yang grabbed the knife when Adam was charging at blake (yang doesn't use weapons it would be faster for her to  just tackle Adam and grapple /punch him)
before someone brings up instinct given that yang doesn't use weapons wouldn't her instinct/reflex point to her using her body
(maybe  in 4th avenueif we go Adam still ends up dying we can make it so when blake grabbed the knife she closed her eyes  and went for the stab due to not wanting to see Adam die ( so instead of killing Adam while he was going for an attack it would be Adam while he was already subdued which would mess blake up a bit )
 the 5th  avenue is that he ends up encountering cinder leading to him after v5  so the v6 finale fight doesn't happen instead it happens in atlas 
( he isnt a sew  in this situation
4th avenue the blake and yang fight still happen like in canon
and blake brings it up when talking to yang about it 
and either
adam dies but blake ends up bringing up how she didnt need to kill him sometime afterwards ( like when yang tries to go they did what they need to do and yang actively chose to kill him)
or adam survives but isnt a sew and he ends up 
 he ends up meeting  cinder  again  and joins her and the fight happens on the portal area ( maybe altering the words so sun is able to get into the portal area  where yang may make a comment about the stories Blake wrote/read involving something like that and have her mention the possibility of having someone from vacuo come in to  give her a greeting in the beautiful backdrop( like say  have the one way thing only apply to people who came from atlas and )
maybe have Adam end up in v9 arc
7. Sun wukong in the rwby remake knew how to read and write
and as aresult of hearing that blake died when the crew ended up in vacuo 
he would grieve  and wonder if he could have saved blake if he went there with his team
either 1 blake tells sun about salem
 ozpin explicitly tells Blake not to tell sun about Salem because ozpin felt it was a burden he didnt need to bear and brought upp  that  sun might let it slip ke blake would acknowledge that  its a burden while showing trust and respect for sun  
or sun does learn  about Salem  due to sun seeing the vision of salem emerald shows
 I think that blake should have been more sympathetic to ozpin ( comparing salem and him to adam and blake) and realizing that ozpin told salem about the relics   along with the other possible times his trust was betrayed leading him to his secret keeping and remarking on the infinite man)
and bring up how he
so while at first she is angry but she comes to sympathize with ozpin ( while still  losing hope)
saying she didnt tell sun because of the burden and it could be compared to ozpin not telling them  
(even in the scenario where sun finds out  about salem thanks to seeing emeralds trick
maybe  in a filler scene where they are talking about a book and sun comments about being a ninja  Blake doubts he can be an actual ninja given how he was with the blake being an ex white fang
or maybe sun in the scenario  where he isnt told there is a scene with blake taling about telling sun 
and blake tells sun about how they are heading to atlas and he asks her why ( he told her about the vacuo plan) ( and if he isnt told he starts wishing he was  after the fall of atlas and thinking about what he could have done to help blake  due to thinking about the possibility that she was dead
8.   blake or someone else during the v4-5 points out that sun left his team  and  sun will claim its different going they are fine he was planning on going back  and blake wasnt planning on going back to her friends which would just hurt them and her. 
he left to help blake
Also it would be outright stated that sun thought she was going to try and pick a fight with the wf due to her reaction to tucksons death ( he didnt know about her relationship with adam)
and sun would show trouble with  going to people / due to it not having immediate results (in btd it was stated that sun didnt  usually like doing something that didnt seem like it would have an end point but blake changed him so we can show suns  character development here) 
it would be added that sort of impatience swayed some people to join the wf or not try which caused suns tune to change
maybe bring up kali for this and have someone point out the similarities between blacksun and ghira x kali
Also blake would outright ask about suns past and family history due to a desire to learn more about him after realizing
and in this verse the white fangs flag after sienna took over changed to black and red basically replace the blue part with black 9. for the blake and yang moments ( keep the blake and yang moments in v2-v3 the same) 10. WEiss in the original rwby talked about how as long as she remembered they were being the faunus attacked her family but the wf only became violent  a couple of years ago either do one of two things Either  say that the there were other violent faunus groups besides the white fang but when the wf became violent siennas absorbed them. the other option being that change weiss’s dialogue to the last couple of years but that doesnt carry the strength  that the first option says so I prefer the first option I have an idea  maybe make it so  that  sienna and adam helped with the violent faunus groups with adam being told to do so,  and that the attack on the group happened due to people noticing adam. This could mean that they thought  they were with the violent faunus group who was part of the attack, which would lead to sienna taking advantage of it etc its possible that jacques had seen ghira as a thorn in his side to due the peaceful protests etc and it would fit the as long as i remember line. ( ghira caused change to slowly happen and that change cost jacques money. which would add how  ghiras change  slow  but stable rather then ineffective which I have seen some people claim
12. the whole jaunedice arc stays, dance arc stays, jaune being the one to kill penny and go to the ever after stays jaune is a main character  team e are main characters. jaune gets the screentime he deserves in the original rwby . the people who claim jaune gets too much screentime are being ridiculous
rwde has been connected with rwby hatedom due to how many times people bend overbackwards to attack rwby to the point they ignore basic things.
Or attack rwby for doing things which other shows have also pulled
the attack on jaune is partly due to miles being a writer so they try to use the bs that jaune is a self insert  to hit him with a cudgel to try and get him to do what they  want its why after v5 he got less screentime  and after getting volumes of not getting much they whine about jaune getting something to do in v8 . they just whine about him doing anything important or getting a moment of screentime.
like whining about how jaune and ruby being foils where  he was contrasted with rubys own breakdown 13. get rid of the cloaked skulking thing that sun was pulling when they both boarded on the boat ( I feel that the writers just did that to add some tension but make it so that sun doesnt pull that and straight up goes to blake) . also make it so that sun was just waiting  invasive moment to knock on the door, and warn Blake about a possible direct agent of Adam Taurus operating in Kuo Kuan ( I feel the bathroom lie was just for a joke sun didnt have a reason to hide this info from ghira  though its possible blake didnt want to get ghira involved
when sun and blake talk to each other he brings up that he thought it was going to be a repeat of ( the v2 situation) where she felt she was the only one who can handle torchwick and hurt herself with how focused she was
14. have blake and yangs relationship be like sisters they  are not romantically interested in each other  yang can still be bisexual or what ever I dont care blacksun is my otp so blacksun is endgame
and the tension between yang and blake will still be there after v6 ( with maybe yang  in relation to how due to not knowing sun chased after blake believing blake just ran with sun when she needed her
 ( which show in her feelings about blakes time with sun and wondering if she would have preferred being suns partner or thinking that blake chose to bring sun along of course this will be settled in v9 ( no romantic feelings would be involved 
and yang will fully trust blake ( I got this due to a rwby song which sounds like yang doesnt trust blake I believe its all that matters) 
or while the tension still lasted longer sun wouldnt have a part in the tension and the v6 finale would mark blake and yangs relationship healing/them becoming friends again  rather then it returning to how it was in v3.
or the relationship does heal .
either way yang and blakes behavior in v7-8 will be altered 
15. I would have a benevolent racist like the guy from teen titans 
“or a guy whose actually nice but…thinks lowly of the Fanaus without being mean. You know, kind of like how that guy in the Teen titans episode acted at the end but in general.The Youtuber Shady Doorags made a video about the 2000’s Justice League cartoon, about an episode where the heroes get transported into the setting of a 1950’s superhero comic. And in it, the Flash stand-in tells Green Lantern (whose an African American man) that he’s ‘a credit to your people’. And that’s kind of what I was thinking- Someone who is geniunely good but is still racist to show that racism is more complicated than 'racist equals asshole’. The person is good but still wrong, still a product of an ignorant society. Unlike say…Weiss, whose at her most racist AND antagonistic at the same time.“
and maybe have someone who hates white fang do to something bad happens to him ( like what ransik did in power rangers time force ( where after he helped a faunus ( a member of the white fang and saved his life they killed his family
or to quote sunder-the-gold
“The child of a human that Sienna Khan's methods got murdered, who has no reason to see faunus as anything other than the monsters who killed her parent.
A shopkeeper who didn't want to have anything to do with faunus, who either had his store burned down, or who opened his store to faunus out of fear of having it burned down. How his resentment would fester, and he would decide that if the faunus weren't going to leave him alone, he wasn't going to leave them alone, so he started giving money and information to an anti-faunus group that promised to drive the faunus away from his home.
I'd show the faunus of Vale who abandoned the White Fang after Sienna took over, and who continued trying to peacefully protest for change. 
I'd show how Adam attacked and terrorized them because his ego and spite would refuse to allow faunus to act like they had any alternative than serving as soldiers in his personal war.I'd show the child of a human/faunus couple (like Velvet Scarlatina) getting harassed by the White Fang for having a human parent.“
16. again emphasize that  attempting to get rights through fear will only cause problems in the long run. Because it only works until the other group realizes that they’re stronger than you then you’re back at square one. Or even worse, considering that you may have caused some of them damage and thus they feel the same righteous anger you do. That’s why the Civil Rights Movement is so great- rights through respect caused a chain reaction that made racism the evil in society we see today instead of an accepted fact
17.  fix certain errors created by miscommunication with animators like instead of blake outright slapping sun she slaps him on the shoulder
instead of oscar just running down the corridor and punching neo when she should have dodged oscar will punch her right when she turns the corner when she cant see it
( neo will force ruby to drink the tea since I hear thats what she was supposed to do.
18. we will have the yangs and blakes meeting stay like it is  in drafts where yang got worried about how se could have hit blake but changing the weapons  to her gauntlets and show blake being  surprised 
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19. the first couple episodes would be based off the white black and yellow trailer ( well the episode after the first one which would be ruby confronting roman and meeting ozpin 
20. it would be outright stated that roman is from brunswick where he lost everything ( neo would compare her and roman to ren and nora ( with ren in romans place)
I have always felt team rwby and jnpr are foils so would do more stuff to emphasize that ( or just emphasize that in commentary
maybe if we keep adams confrontation with blake and yang  and adam be it in v6 or in atlas goeswhat does she see in you blake doesnt just go you are crazy ( which is what a good amount of people brought up  in refutation) she would flat out state that she doesnt think of yang like that she is like a sister to her
adam is the abusive ex (I imagine there are tons of abusive exs who would think their abused partner is in a relationship with someone  or their relationship with someone is romantic when its not.
I recall a story where someone tried to kill someone because they thought he was making moves on his fiancee when he wasnt
( there is nothing wrong with keeping the handhold scene as blake and yang face adam ( after blake held yangs hand after it was shaking) or the plane scene ( if still in v6)  since neither of them was inherently romantic
and outright contrast their relationship to renora
outright stating that while renoras relationship was romantic blake nad yangs is platonic
if we keep it in v6 we have to say that adam appearing in brunswick farms  and the train   was a hallucination to explain why adam didnt kill jnpr (or include a scene where they fought adam off maybe
or have the confrontation be
20. besides blacksun all the ships that were canon in og rwby for team rwby and jnpr  will also be canon ships for rwby and jnpr
21. you know given that first 3 volumes  episodes were so short I could imagine fitting  in one season
( basically add in filler to expand on beacon academy and give them bonding moments during the school year
or maybe just v1 and v2 with v3 being shorter
have it established that the start of beacon school year is in november
as . reddit . com/r/RWBY/comments/a7pi6k/rwbys_timeline_updated_for_volume_6_and_with_new/
and establish that she just turned 15/about to turn 15  at v1 when she met ozpin
so emphasize that the when sun first appears it was during the summer vacation (and that every time there is a vytal festival the students spent the last part of the year at one of the other academies ( in the hope to foster good relations between the other countries with the huntsmen
expand on the world building and bring up that humanity correlated the faunus with the Grimm ( believing that they were Grimm trying to disguise themselves as humans ( to correlate with Adam wearing the Grimm mask to represent becoming the monsters they think we are )
and this is due to the fact that Grimm often take the form of animals so in their eyes something that is like an animal but clearly isn't =Grimm ( basically superstistions 
and expand on the world building  showcase that a good number of vacuons hold a grudge to be frank.
and this led to a variety of fairy tales demonizing the faunus etc
22.maybe make it so blake due to knowing about the infinite man fairy tale would make the connection and go ozpin is the infinite man
and after ozpins rant  about how often he is deceived ( she would end up thinking of that he is the infinite man or thinking of it ) 
and while she would be angry at first she would quickly regret being angry due to seeing what he went through ( understanding towards someone keeping a secret due to fear) though her feeling about learning Salem is immortal is the same    
  and Blake   would miss sun  and it would bother yang'  due to her feeling Blake would rather be with her boyfriend then someone who is like a sister to her( which would touch on yang’s abandonment issues)
and would think of how she didn't trust sun with the knowledge even though she does trust his character
23. make it so ozpin recruited yatsuhashi earlier then Pyrrha due to his memory erasure semblance ( and utilizing magic with It so that if someone agrees to have part of their memory was erased its gone unless yatsu chooses to bring it back)
this way if Pyrrha declined the offer to become a maiden at any point  her memory would be erased to take the burden of knowledge of the maidens
(and yatsuhashi would agree to erase his own memories about it
and coco gets bothered that yatsu kept that a secret from them.
24. if we adapt btd  and have sun know about salem maybe make it so that sun brings up oscar’s nickname little boy oz that he overhears and yatsu ends up letting on that he knows something ( by saying sun should be quiet  (due to assuming he knows the truth
or we can keep the rest of them hearing about Salem through ruby’s message but ruby ends up bringing up yatsuhashi’s name as well
to quote kob131 “Detail the conflicts between Fanus and humans as well as detail the history of Remnant with the Kingdoms. And also touch on things like how suicide, outbursts and public breakdowns are seen in Remnant due to the existence of Grimm.”
well I remember someone suggesting suicide for depressed people is encouraged due to the fact they would be Grimm magnets the idea came up due to jaune's reaction to thinking Pyrrha was telling him to kill himself ( also I would bring up that its possible that in remnant convicted by public opinion may have been a rule ( since if the public opinion thinks you are guilty and you aren't punished then there would be a lot of negativity ( maybe establish that in modern day vale etc that's no longer a thing since they are highly protected 
(due to his influence
and the desire to handle the mentally unwell is treated  more importantly then irl
though in some places like vacuo well they were put down in the past.
public breakdowns have been treated with worry due to the nature of Grimm and having a public breakdown/outburst can lead to Grimm ( or signs that this can cause Grimm to come)
“. You'd think a team of trained soldiers would notice all the signs of an impending mental breakdown - until you realize that Grimm-infested Remnant never needed to refine that skill. Every time a huntress started losing their grip, the stress would literally attract Grimm to their location, meaning other teammates could easily determine how bad the stress gauge was based on how aggroed the Grimm were. And if someone got angry enough to murder something, there'd be an endless slew of monsters to vent (or die to). “
maybe we can outright have this stated that if a huntsmen gets stressed   you can determine how bad it is by how agressive the Grimm are and the Grimm can be used to vent any negative feelings  ( this can be said about qrow and some stuff he did after summers death 
so if they were placed in a location with no Grimm that having a  breakdown can go uninterrupted
or bring up that ruby didnt look that upset
maybe a way we can make it so that blake and yang still end up separated from the rest of the group in ever after is make it so blake and yangs relationship wasnt fully healed in v6 ( after killing adam if that still happens) 
that they were on the path to healing and v9 is when their relationship is fully healed part of the things that hurt their relationship include ( blakes sympathizing with ozpin and suggesting they reacted badly) and blake talking about the time she spent with sun and wishing he could have come with . and yang being annoyed due to her abandonment issues and worrying that blake may have rather wanted sun as her partner instead
so the nonsense that yang spouted about blake being the only one to not be scared of her ( when we never gotten signs that this was the case in v1-v3)
howeve we will still keep some of the effects of yang being shown shooting an mercury in v3 by still having some people bad mouth yang and say she deserved to lose an arm for what she did to mercury or having glares   pointed at her by people who watched the festival
26. establish a timeline like say the length of sienna’s rule over the white fang and when  blake joins (maybe when she is 13 while showing a scene where adam  kills someone in self defense and says that ( maybe  the equivalent to the scene in v6 ( which we would change so ghira and sienna wasnt their ( instead he just calls sienna and she tells him what to do)
and then ghira and sienna showed up and ghira’s point was asking if he genuinely had no choice but to kill him or if he chose to kill them and was sadistic about it  prolonging it ( recognizing adam has darkness in him) and that it led to that guy being able to get close and questioning if it really was the only way to stop the guy or he just chose to make the attack with the intent to kill when he got that close ( maybe have this scene be the kill in self defense argument) bringinng up how fast adam is and his own personal skills/
also possibly change the reason for the attack ( just to make things diferent) since adam wore his grimm mask before that.
(I mean have the accidental kill be shown sometime before then ( which would be adam unlocking his semblance)
27. sun would be asked why he chose to become a huntsmen by blake and his response would be for fun( with the unmentioned part of being able to be useful enough to overlook his lawbreaking and his desire to find a place to settle down we would make it so sun shares the story about the tree with blake and he ended up coming to a realization that over time he began to view blake as akin to that tree) 
 and she ( maybe in v4 /5 ) would have a talk about that and how certain situations they are in mean they have to fight for more then just fun ( and sun will realize this that its his duty to help people even if he doesnt see instant results ( basically what they realized in v2) 
or maybe his answer to why he wants to be a huntsmen is a mix of allowing him to move place to place  with the underlying desire that he doesnt mention is to find the tree /home) 
, he is good at it , and he gets to help people ( so he already wanted to help people beforehand ( and blake would help him develop as a character by allowing him to be more patient and realize that there is  a point in doing something even if the results arent instantly apparent and he would compare it to how ghira’s methods ( og wf) methods were slow but they were better then trying to rush it with violent methods.
doing stuff that dont have instant results are still important
maybe he overhears about ilia overhearing adam talking about there being future attacks on other huntsmen academies
and this plays in suns head in vacuo
also ( maybe we can take rwby beyond ep 1 and sun can be more serious about thinking about where team rwby is and how they might not be dead even suggesting the ever after.
basically have a more serious version of ep 1 where sun convinced himself team rwby is in the ever after ( and he is doubted by some characters and maybe part of sun doubts it himself so he is shown crying )
maybe have sun not have any animosity towards the people of other counties ( and find it silly to express resentment for people from other countries for something their ancestor did 
and compare it to how some people looked at weiss
though he would not like coco’s get over it statement ( thinking she is saying get over what happened rather then get over the animosity  and pointing out the after effects of what happened)
 the animosity/tension lasts longer and that blake doesnt say to yang that I wll protect you line  instead she mentions that she talked about how she blamed herself for yang getting hurt  but that sun talked to her about how  she shouldnt  ( and yang took it as blake choosing to take sun with her. and abandon yang)
yang wouldnt have any romantic feelings for blake
if we do choose to have yang onesidedly develop a crush on blake ( which I would parallel with ilia)
I would show it and have it developed in between v2-v3
though I prefer not giving yang  romantic feelings for blake (
I think they were doing great showing the damage on Yang caused by Blake's actions but after they kill Adam we never see them talk about it, about why Blake abandoned her or how that make Yang feel. maybe add some roadblocks 
we can make it so Blake is more sympathetic to ozpin (maybe at first she got upset but afterwards she realizes the parallel with her situation with Adam and ozpin a situation with Salem (also we can possibly bring up sun since he was there for her during the timeskip Yang could be under the impression that blake specifically grabbed sun and took her with him ( what would you do with the ever after storm would you keep it (maybe Yang avoids talking about her abandonment issues due to hearing the bit with adams attempt to guilt trip blake and remembering the scene in v3 where Blake brought Adam up as to why she didn’t immediately say Yang didn’t do this
plus blake is a known reader she could have read the infinite man and realized it was likely ozpin so she knows what ozpin trusting the wrong person had led to.
( I meant that sun would be brought up in the talk since yang would have overheard a talk about blake and sun spending time with each other ( 
(or we could have blake bringing up the time she spent with sun as part of the tension and how him chasing after her  being there helped her
I mean with raven yang never knew her and after finding out about the portals she knew raven could have come back any time while blake is someone she was actually close with
and it bothers me that their relationship went back to how it was in v3 ( according to miles) after adam dies
it would feel better if there is still some underlying tension  in v7-v9 but blake and yangdont talk about it  until the thunderstorm scene. ( I think that in canon blake and yang getting together after the thunderstorm and seeing them be so happy while she is not getting alot along with jaune getting the attention due to being more obvious about not being in the right mental state  contributed to the breakdown which is why I am thinking about keeping the ever after storm but it being about yang and blake reconciling their friendship.)
( maybe blake misinterpre
( and possibly yang avoiding talking about her own feelings of abandonment  due to overhearing about adam trying to guilt trip blake about the abandonment and she remembers blakes comment in v3 about how she doubted her due to someone  she cared about ( adam)
or we can have adam fight scene take place in atlas ( where adam attacks blake in the portal world)
yang still saves ruby but it would be in a different way so she doesnt fall ( immediately
at the end of v5 instead of yang reaching out it will be ruby
and in the remake we will keep to what yang said at the start of v6 about how it will take time for them to get back to normal ( so v6 wont end with their relationship  going back to normal)
when their  relationship goes back to normal yang will start teasing her about stuf be it sun orthe fact jaune turned out to be the guy he made fanfics about
and yang will go to ruby when the apathy grimm come 
“So basically what I’ve been told and seen, is that the short scene after they kill Adam is Blake reassuring Yang that she won’t break her promise and her making up with her. So there was no need for a conversation about all that happened . and thats stupid “ I agree with this take we should have the tension with yangs abandonment and trust issues  last longer it wouldnt be solved with just weiss’s talk with yang in v5 ( we can either keep it in v5 or have it happen in atlas arc either way that wont solve everything)
and blake sympathizing with ozpin ( who in her eyes broke her trust broke his word and ran away  after being revealed to be a liar   ) will hurt their relationship/be a roadblock since she  has some trust/abandonment issues due to blakes action (and she already stated at the start of v6 that it will take some time to get back to normal)
also blake can make comments about 
 about sun (like saying he would likely have brushed off the reveal about ozpins lie  or stopped qrow from punching him ) as blake  saying she would prefer him as a partner  ( due to seeing vernals relationship with raven and thinking raven replaced her due to  someone making a comment implying that raven replaced yang with a new daughter. or qrow accusing raven of doing that
or yang thinking of that possibility ( due to raven being able to use vernal for the portals
(maybe some jerk  in v1-3 implies that raven could have  ran off with a new family and a new daughter and seeing vernal makes her remember this
maybe the guy overhears qrow talk about raven and after the mercury  situation he says this to hurt her due to taking a liking to mercury.
 ( also the mercury incident will be referenced post v3 by people having a negative view of her  in mantle/atlas ( they saw it and wouldnt have learnt about mercurys actions in mistral ( no bounties)
blake would regret not trying to stop qrow from punching oscar
 and yang understanding ozpin in v8 will be a step in that
“With Adam fight, just have Yang point out it’s 2v1, and some dialogue like “You think that will make a difference?” “You think it won’t?”.  the thunderstorm things we never said could be blake apologizing and yangs talking more about how she felt“
maybe change adam's line to what does she see in you humans and bring up blake abandoning him ( so maybe yang remembers blakes reaction to mercury incident so maybe yang could suppress how she feels about blakes abandonment not wanting to remind blake of adam (
as for the rwby remake equivalent of rwby beyond ep 4 and rubys breakdown in v9 it  will center more on ruby and her own flaws that ruby should have tried to rely more on her teammates and open up about how she was feeling 
“That question implies that it's intentional. The point of the scene is that Weiss, Blake and Yang all relied on Ruby so much she didn't feel she could rely on them. It's the same kind of situation Jaune had all the way back in Volume 1 with his struggling at Beacon and Cardin: Jaune was going solo when he should have been relying on others.Personally I don't particularly like the way it's framed. It's not really Yang or Blake or Weiss's fault Ruby ended up that way. It was Ruby's own flaw that caused it and I think centering it on her is what should be done.But hey- at least they didn't have the characters talk about what Ruby did wrong in Atlas so they didn't retread TWO beats they already went through.“
the rwby remake will have more consistent writing  and better world building
 so if one of my ideas for future wouldnt be consistent with the writing of the rest it will be changed
the consistent thing that will always be the same for the rwby remake  is blacksun is endgame
and the white fang is portrayed as in the wrong and the violence that sienna khan wants is shown to not truly work and only make things worse for the wf in the long run
and there will be better portrayals of racism against the faunus
with some of the racists being actual good people ( do not just make all of the racists bad people as if only bad people can be racists
also during the apathy grimm scene yang would have been reaching out to ruby instead of blake
and we will keep the scene in v9 with the bridge except the storm didnt take them due to romantic feelings for each other instead it would be due to how they were avoiding the talk and suppressing the issues they had and without confronting those issues their relationship wouldnt be fully healed and they wouldnt become like sisters again.
basically  throughout v7-v8 there would be some tense moments with scenes with yang trying to suppress her own feelings of abandonment due to overhearing adam trying to use that to guilt blake and reminding yang of blake comparing yang to  adam in v3.
blake also makes comments about wanting to learn how to dance in these style of clubs since she would like to have fun with sun sometime since he learnt to enjoy her type of thing.
which bothers her because she wants to be close to her again and she is wondering if she would
we can also keep the moment with ruby being upset about their happiness
www . reddit . com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/1j1e31r/if_we_do_away_with_bb_and_say_have_their_tension/
here is a suggestion: he would address jaunes feelings about mantle and keeping secrets to ironwood. jaune would be against keeping secrets from ironwood
and suggest that it would be better to tell him earlier for keeping such things secret from him for a while may make his reaction worse. 
and suggest at the start that ozpin and qrow could talk to ironwood and help him out with his issues to try and help him get to a stable place in his head ( or suggest that he could try to do that ( bringing up how he helped Neptune out of his sensitivity of his dancing issues
“I heard that in the rough draft for v7 elm made a comment about how they wouldnt have been able to beat them without their training and yang genuinely goes thank you we can keep that“
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Emilia V.2
next up in my revised and redesigned characters, we have Emilia! It’s been a hot sec since I’ve drawn her, and while I’ve wanted to I couldn’t find anything interesting to draw, so since I’d been revising characters anyway I figured I could update her to be up to standard with how I make characters now.
included above are a revision/spiritual successor to this piece from two years ago, Emilia using her awesome Runechild magic, and face sketches for her and her gf Malon.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years ago
okay i have a confession...i never liked ashton...i tried, especially when we found out he has chronic pain and a legitimate reason for being an asshole...but i just can't get on board with him and often roll my eyes at his scenes. and that last convo with laudna made me so frustrated bc it seemed like he was totally emotionally dismissive and wanted to play the "i had it worse" olympics. i've never disliked a cr character before and i don't know what to do about it. any advice? or anything that you particularly like about ashton that could help me get on board a little?
hi anon thanks for asking! unfortunately i can't help you a huge amount because i also! have never liked ashton and have historically had trouble finding reasons to like them. but i will try my best to help
well the first thing i'd say is i don't think you need to find reasons to get on board with ashton. interrogating your feelings about a character is always good to take in the full depth of their behavior, but if you go through that whole process and you STILL don't like them then maybe they just aren't your cup of tea. which is totally valid and acceptable!!! and i know it's not easy to dislike something about a show you love so much, but i'd say just try and sit with that and tell yourself that you're allowed. there are so so many fish in the cr sea and you're far from expected to love each one
that being said if you still want to hear my thoughts here they are! (it got very very long)
i've seen a few people mentioning that ashton might've intentionally started that conversation with laudna because he knew she specifically would be in the position to shoot them down. a sort of self-inflicted scolding, i think. watching the ep, i also got the sense that he was intentionally trying to upset her by bluntly phrasing things to dig into her trauma and i think it makes sense based on what we know about them. maybe he wanted someone to yell at him and tell him he's being weak (in a lot of ways similar to early-c2 caleb's pervasive self-hatred driving him to intentionally seek out places/people with which he is made to feel like shit). or maybe he needed someone else to look him in the eye and tell him "stop hiding and let the people around you help you." maybe they needed a reason to say out loud that they're only with the hells bc they're using them, because that's the only way they can hear themself and how ridiculous and false that sounds. who knows! regardless, i think it's uninformed to say that tal wasn't doing this on purpose. it means something, and it opened up something that will most certainly have some growth and ultimately resolution later
this is kinda separate but we could also get into the details of his word choice, like what did he mean by "i know a loneliness that you don't" was he just talking about a certain kind of loneliness that he perceives to be distinct from the loneliness that many other of the party members have experienced? (worth pointing out that bells hells is a party full of people defined by their loneliness in many ways. food for unrelated thought) is it true that ashton's loneliness is unique to them and no one else in the party? is it even meaningful to put people's loneliness into different boxes? how has loneliness affected the way they distance themself from some people vs. the way they latch protectively onto other people? maybe those questions are of interest to you!
i think ashton is a very meaty character with a lot of complicated stuff going on and tal loves to create characters like this, characters defined by arrogance or a self-aggrandizing belief in their own suffering, or characters who are intentionally and unrelentingly abrasive. they become likable and compelling because of the underlying context and past and often conflicting and changing behavior over time.
it's just that those types of characters will always be a little polarizing, and i personally have a LOT of trouble enjoying tal's characters, because that's just my personal preference. they are complicated and juicy but they historically just do not do it for me. i was very incensed by that conversation with laudna because i am a laudna stan above all else and i thought ashton was being Awful to her, even if i can understand that they knew they were being awful and had reasons to be that way. the important thing is that i recognize it's a double-standard in my own mind and i know that about myself, and i'm not being a willingly narrow-minded jerk to the fans who like ashton and were thrilled by the convo. but i don't have to feel forced to like them and read/reblog meta about how sad they actually are etc etc. you know what i mean?
anyway at the risk of going on a tangent where i complain about that convo for no real reason related to your question, i will stop talking now. hope this helps in some way or another! your feelings are valid and you definitely are not alone in struggling with this character, if the posts and tags i've seen the past few days are any indication. just be nice to people and it will be all good. cr characters are fictional but cr fans are not <3
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Mod Talks #1: The Progression of Toko Fukawa.
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//So, as you all no doubt have noticed, for these last few days, we’ve been having very in depth discussions about Danganronpa 3, and certain writing choices in the series that we agree with or disagree with, and it got me thinking about a new idea for a short side-series I could do on this blog.
//Introducing Mod Talks. Which basically involves me doing two things.
Me giving a comprehensive analysis and opinionated discussion on certain characters, story points or writing decisions from the main series.
Explaining my thought process on how I carried that over to Danganronpa Survivor.
//What I aim to achieve with this is that I want to hear more people’s thoughts and opinions on the topics that I carry over. I’m not necessarily looking for feedback on how I write Kodaka’s characters, or necessarily looking for comparisons. I really just want to have more in-depth discussions with the followers like we’ve been having recently.
//You might have thought that I would start this series off with an analysis on Kuripa, since I did already mention I would be making a long post exploring his backstory (or what is known of it) and my thought process behind his character and his goals. But I decided I actually wanted to start on a different note and get to Kuripa eventually later down the line.
//The main reason being that he plays a significant role in this arc, and lots of things related to his character happen in this part of the story, so I want to wait until we get to that point to discuss it further. For now though, as you can see by the title, I’ll be putting my attention on the protagonist who seems to have the last amount of time in the limelight for now: Toko Fukawa.
//And Genocide Jack as well of course.
//Because if I’m being perfectly honest, Toko losing the first weekly poll kind of made me sad. It’s not that I don’t get it, but I’m actually proud of how I’ve done Toko of all characters in this series, and I want to talk about my thoughts and feelings.
//This discussion will be going over her history, and how she has changed as a person from when she was a lonely young kid, and now in Survivor as an adult mother.
//I also want to hear yours, so don’t hesitate to give feedback. Like I said, the main purpose is to discuss thoughts, feelings and opinions with you guys, because I’ve come to find that I really enjoy it.
//Let’s get started.
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Toko in THH.
//The first question I think people would like to know with my discussion is what my opinion of Toko is in the canon games. So I’ll start with Danganronpa 1, when she’s first introduced, and I’ll just be straight up with everyone...
//I didn’t like her AT ALL.
//Frankly, Toko was my second least favourite character in that game, and one of the worst in the series for me for a long while. 
//To me, the only thing in Danganronpa 1 that Toko was involved with in any significant way was the Genocide Jack twist in Case 2. Everything else she did in this first game was pointless and annoying. And not even having Genocide Jack as an additional character in the roster saved her.
//Talking about them both individually, Toko on her own had a lot of things wrong with her. She had multiple negative personality traits that to me made her extremely unlikeable, the main one’s being that she lashes out at anyone regardless of what they say to her, she’s generally rude and nasty to people for little to no reason, and she’s also insanely dirty minded and her words make me really fucking uncomfortable.
//On top of this, her whole thing about falling in love with Byakuya and dedicating herself to him got really old, really fast, and I was not about it. Following Chapter 2, to make things worse, it basically became her whole character: Byakuya’s sole follower, who he treated like shit. And aside from that, there really wasn’t much else.
//Genocide Jack on the other hand is a bit more fleshed out, since she’s got much more personality than Toko. However, she suffers from the complete reverse problem, since she has TOO MUCH of it.
//Those who read the blog’s story might notice that the amount of times that Genocide Jack appears in the main story over Toko is severely minimal, and I’ll say right now the reason for that is because I don’t really know what to DO with her. There’s so much to unpack, and since GJ is just pure craziness, it’s really hard to fit her into any sort of social situation. 
//On top of that, Toko is also incredibly hypocritical, and not in the good kind of way. She explains at intervals in DR1 that she does honestly want to make friends. However, every time anyone (Hina being our prime example) tries to compliment her or be genuinely nice, she pushes them away and shoves words in their mouth. All the while feeling sorry for herself.
//I know that this is probably the point and she’s written this way for a reason, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I most certainly DON’T. It’s not like I don’t think self-deprecating characters in media and games shouldn’t exist, but this is an inhuman level of self-loathing. 
//Given her backstory, it’s clear Toko had a major fear or rejection, which explains why she acts the way it does. What it DOESN’T explain, is why she continues to pursue Byakuya for a LONG TIME even after DR1 ends; who as a reminder, rejects her CONSTANTLY.
//I don’t attribute my dislike for Toko to being poor character writing however. There are few holes in her overall backstory and it’s not like her attitude goes unexplained. However, even explaining it, while it does make it more well-rounded, doesn’t make her a character that I can sympathize with.
//With that in mind though, I’d like to start talking about my thinking process when it comes to Toko’s backstory, and a lot of elements that happen within it.
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Toko’s Backstory and the Existence of Genocide Jack. 
//One of the interesting things about Toko’s backstory compared to every other DR backstory we know of is that her’s actually can be traced back to the moment she was born.
//I’ll try and lay it all out as best as I can, but right from the get go, I’ll say that Toko’s past and the life she’s lived before she first met Makoto and the others in DR1 was just as unstable and messy as she is herself.
//When Toko was born, she was born at the same time as another child in the hospital. This other child was born with a severe medical incapacity, that ended up taking it’s life the very same day. 
//This kind of situation isn’t necessarily uncommon in the real world, however, another aspect was discovered about the situation, being that the two women who gave birth to the two girls had both slept with Toko’s father. And due to a mix up with the hospital involving this, the professional’s were not able to figure out which mother was the one that gave birth to Toko, and which one gave birth to her late half-sister. 
//When Toko explains this to Komaru in UDG, Komaru points out that a blood test may have been able to resolve the issue. While this is correct, Toko affirms that both mother’s declined the exam. As a result of this decision, Toko ended up living with a father and two mothers.
//The normal expected decision to not taking the blood test would usually be to not live with the guilt that your child could have died. This however, is not the case, and Toko very quickly came to realize this; in reality, both mother’s WANTED their child to be the one that died, not the reverse.
//It’s never explicitly stated why, but the obvious conclusion to reach, and the one that I go for with Survivor, is to do with Toko’s father. Neither of Toko’s mother’s were aware at the time that their two girls had the same father, until the day of the birth. Thereby, the child that they were carrying had the DNA of a man who had cheated on them. 
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//However, based on the way that Toko talks about her parents, and her specific phrasing when she explains her childhood to Komaru, I don’t think that’s really the case. I came to think about this from Weeby Newz’s character analysis of Toko, hence why I used the screenshot above, so let me reiterate her point.
//For one thing, Toko explicitly states that her father wasn’t married, or even in a real relationship, with either of the two women. At least not to her knowledge. It’s also important to note that Toko’s specific words about the supposed “affair” are “They also discovered that both women had slept with the same man”
//“Slept” i.e. not SLEEPING with. In my eyes, the more likely scenario was that Toko’s father had a one-time fling with both women, and accidently got them both pregnant.
//And as much as that sounds like a reach, it’s also important to note that the conversation in that exact same scene starts like this:
Toko: It’s my mothers fault that she was born inside me. I never thought of them as my real mother’s, not even once. Komaru: Wait, “them” as your “mothers?” Don’t you mean your mother and father? Toko: I’m a novelist, I wouldn’t misspeak like that. I said “them” and I meant it.
//And it’s important to keep this in mind, because it explains my writing process for Toko’s father.
//For those who might have missed it, one of the chapters of “The Life and Lies of Akeru Yozora” Toko opens up to Komaru, Leon, Sayaka and Makoto about how her life with her parents really was, and why it’s making her determined to rescue Akeru from the same childhood.
//In said chapter, it shows the birth of Genocide Jack, at the hands of Toko’s mothers constant abuse. In said chapter, when Genocide Jack is finally born, both of Toko’s mothers succumb to the serial killer, being her first victims and only FEMALE victims.
//Toko’s father on the other hand, is not only spared, but after Toko runs away from home, he decides to take the fall for her. This is my way of saying that Toko’s dad is not the piece of shit that Toko’s mother’s were. He’s still a bad parent for not sticking up for his daughter, but it’s also important to note that he didn’t want the situation he was in just as much as Toko or the mother’s did.
//In context, the only reason why Toko was even living with two mother’s in the first place is for legal reasons. And if the scenario of them both accidently getting pregnant is true, it also explains why they were such awful mothers, since it implies they were both, for lack of better words, hussies, who’s lifestyle’s would be severely interrupted by the burden of a child.
//Putting more focus on Toko’s mother’s however, this same line, Toko practically confirms that it’s because of the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother’s is what gave her second personality life. Hence the existence of the chapter where Toko opens up to her friends and classmates.
//If someone is not born with Dissociative Identity Disorder like Toko has, usually an alter would be created as a coping mechanism to abuse and trauma. And from my perspective, this is the exact cast for Genocide Jack. It’s already pretty clear from Toko’s personality alone that she’s had to put up with a lot of emotional abuse and bullying, but to have a split personality, the trauma has to be EXTREMELY severe. Undergoing something like this causes your brain to form barriers that allow a distinct identity to develop and the individual to cope with the trauma by repressing the more distressing details of it.
//And as stated multiple times already, it’s very clear that neither of Toko’s mothers were kind to her even slightly. One of the things she mentions in UDG is that she was once locked in a closet for three days, without any food or water, which developed in her a severe fear of the dark. Going by that same logic, I also attributed Toko’s fear and dislike of taking baths back to the abuse of her mothers, and came up with the idea (which again is mentioned directly in the chapter where she exposes her past to her friends) that her mother’s would scald her arms with hot showers. 
//However, Toko’s life with her parents wasn’t the only issue. Her life outside of home was equally as bad since, as I mentioned, she had to deal with a lot of bullying and abuse from other people too. For example, the time she was framed for a theft she didn’t commit, and as punishment, was tied to a jungle gym with a garden hose. 
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//Hence why throughout all of it, Toko’s most valued companion and the one that was taken hostage in UDG was her pet stinkbug Kameko. Since Toko figured the bug didn’t judge her for being herself, like everyone else did. 
//The next important part of Toko’s backstory is the story with her first love. It’s important because it explains, at the same time, how both Toko and Genocide Jack got their Ultimate Talents. 
//The full story is that Toko met and fell in love with a boy in elementary school, who was the only person she ever felt comfortable talking to. When she finds out that he and his family are moving away to a different part of Japan out of her reach, she gives him a sendoff by sending him a love letter confessing her feelings. 
//The result of this was said boy revealing that he actually hated how much Toko used to talk to him, and that he was ridiculed for it often, deciding to get back at Toko by pinning her love letter to the bulletin board to shame her, giving her even MORE emotional trauma to deal with.
//When this happened, one of Toko’s teacher who had read Toko’s love letter reassured her by telling her that she had a real talent for writing. This teacher’s words are what prompted Toko to pursue a career as a writer. 
//At the same time, once learning of Toko’s rejection, Genocide Jack chased the boy all the way to his knew home, and murdered him, thus marking the beginning of Genocide Jack’s killing spree, murdering any boy she came across that she thought was attractive. She confirms this in her own FTE’s.
//There’s a lot to unpack with each aspect of her full backstory, and this isn’t even all of it. Even after Genocide Jack’s birth leading up to becoming an Ultimate, there’s so much more emotional abuse and trauma that this girl went through and was forced to overcome.
//In a later section of this analysis, I will explain a little bit more about how all of this ties into Toko’s character for Survivor, namely her role as a parent herself, but now I want to move onto the most integral part of the discussion, where Toko was arguably at her pinnacle.
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The Unspoken Theme of Ultra Despair Girls.
//One of the things about Danganronpa that is consistent throughout the series is that each game has a different main theme. Usually along the lines of “Ideal A VS Ideal B” And I’ll quickly walk through them.
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//Danganronpa 1 obviously has the sole theme of Hope VS Despair. And that theme has become a staple of the entire Danganronpa series, arguably being the series most important.
//Hope and Despair are two sides of the same coin, in many senses. Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire about a result and despair is defined as the lack of hope, or lack of such a feeling of expectation and desire about a result.
//If hope is associated with an expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, when we hope we are essentially concentrating on a result. If that result doesn’t occur, then we may fall into despair, which is the lack of the expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. We cannot have hope without despair. They go together. If you can feel hope, then it is equally possible to feel despair.
//This is best represented in the dynamic between Trigger Happy Havoc’s main protagonist and main antagonist -  Makoto Naegi and Junko Enoshima. A boy who believes his one redeeming quality is his overwhelming optimism, and a girl who’s a natural genius talent with many redeeming qualities, but applies it to literally watching the world burn.
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//Danganronpa 2 also plays with the idea of Hope and Despair, but it also has another theme that plays very well on the game, especially at the finale. A Terrible Past VS a Better Future.
//It ties into DR1′s theme of the battle between Hope and Despair by elaborating on what comes after it. The moment that defines this is Hajime’s final decision to abandon his past actions and face it’s consequences, while fighting to redeem himself and live a better future for him and his friends.
//Given their past actions as Junko’s terrorist cohorts that were wiped from their memories, this is how they choose to deal with it.
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//V3 is a lot more complicated, because there are actually two running themes across the whole game, all of which are different from the typical Hope Vs Despair dynamic: Truth against Lies, and Logic VS Belief.
//The first idea is best represented through the main protagonist, Shuichi Saihara, and his arch-rival, Kokichi Ouma. Kokichi being a consistent liar and Shuichi being a detective who fights for the truth. The penultimate conclusion to this theme is that Truth VS Lies does NOT constitute to Good VS Evil. Sometimes a lie can be a white lie designed to protect people, while finding the truth can lead to a terrible outcome (i.e. Shuichi’s backstory exposing a man for a crime done to avenge his family.) Shuichi even states in the game “Some lies can lead the world to hope...Some truths can lead the world to despair...So I don't think anyone can really say which is more right in the end.”
//Logic VS Belief meanwhile. is best represented in characters like V3′s deuteragonist, Kaito Momota, who doesn’t base his assumptions off anything other than his own assurance and faith in the people around him. While this is narrow-minded at a glance, Kaito repeatedly proves that his assumptions and belief are well-placed. Not always of course, but often enough that Shuichi considers his belief’s when it comes to his accusations. On the other hand, there are characters like Angie Yonaga and again, Kokichi Ouma, who’s assumptions are grounded more in logic and facts, sometimes making them overlook the bigger picture at hand, but also the only sure basis for a grounded conclusion.
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//It’s never explicitly stated, but the way I see things with the spinoff game, and what ties it back to Toko, is that Ultra Despair Girls has it’s own secondary theme to the typical Hope VS Despair 
//And that is...Companionship VS Solitude.
//And going further with that, Trust VS Betrayal.
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//Elaborating on both for a moment, here’s how I see it. Both Toko and Komaru at the start of Ultra Despair Girls are both in a poor position, and neither really know how to cope. Toko has barely changed from the horrible person she was in DR1, while Komaru starts off as a weak-willed, vulnerable girl.
//By the end of the game, Toko’s attitude has drastically changed, and she opens up to Komaru in a way she never did to Makoto or anyone else before her, and Komaru becomes a much stronger person, both physically and mentally, going from being the one receiving the rousing speeches to the one giving them (like she does for the adults in the secret encampment.)
//And the obvious conclusion to reach is that the development of both these characters can be attributed to one another. Komaru is made a more responsible and down to earth person, taking matters into her own hands and resolving the problem in her own way thanks to Toko’s influence on her. At the same time, Toko, an extremely pessimistic person with little faith in her fellow human, is made to become the voice of reason for Komaru, simply because she NEEDS it.
//And despite their bumps along the way, and how they don’t start off as friends and work together more as allies than anything, the companionship between these two girls is the one and only reason they were even able to Survive the demon hunting game.
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//The PARALLEL to this, is Monaca and the Warriors of Hope. Who if you think about it, have the EXACT REVERSE DYNAMIC.
//When UDG starts off, you see as the game progresses just how close these kids are to one another right from the get go, having been through a similar experience to the girls in working together to overcome a shitty situation that they all have been through.
//And for most of the game, their friendship seems strong and genuine, but then you get to the conclusion of the first boss fight against Masaru. Where his defeat against the girls results in him being pulled under and out of sight by the masked Monokuma kids; a scene that obviously reminds Toko of an execution.
//And as the game progresses, this continues happening, and when it does, the other kids really hardly bat an eye, and try to move on. But the more it happens, the more concerned they begin to grow, Nagisa especially who even tries to resolve the situation, strongly desiring to protect the dream he and the other kids share.
//At least that’s what he believes, only to find out that Monaca has been playing him and the other Warriors from the start, never truly intending to be their friend, or helping them create the paradise she promised she would.
//In comparison to Komaru and Toko’s strengthening bond, the Warrior’s who seem to have a strong bond at the start, weaken as a result of Monaca’s secret betrayal. Something I believe goes overlooked often by most people.
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//Another thing that people can see from this, is that by the end of the game, Toko has gained every trait she needs to pass as a true Danganronpa deuteragonist, fitting the same traits and actions as the others before her (and no, slapping Komaru to knock some sense back into her doesn’t count as part of it). Doing what all of them did at some point, and rescuing the main character from a truly awful situation.
//Who was it that not only rescued Makoto from the garbage heap, but also kept his spirits raised when things started to look bleak? Kyoko.
//Who was it that restored formality to the group and saved Hajime from falling in Despair forever in DR2? Chiaki.
//Who were the one’s who rescued Shuichi when he gave in and tried to hide from facing the truth? Kaede and Kaito.
//And who was it that saved Komaru from the burden placed on her that she didn’t deserve? Toko.
//Before this point, Toko would not have ever been able to fit that role, but by the end of Ultra Despair Girls, she’s become attuned to being by this girls side, and being the moral compass she needs. And she is GOOD at it. And it’s only BECAUSE she’s grown to care for Komaru, putting herself on the line for her sake, that she is able to do this.
//Toko has lived a life of abuse, bullying, betrayal, doubt, sadness, and unjustness. But none of that matters when someone who truly cares about her is falling into Despair. Meeting Komaru, while she wouldn’t openly admit it even after the fact, was the best thing that could have ever happened to Toko.
//And meeting Toko was the best thing that ever happened to Komaru as well.
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Toko in Survivor. How has she changed?
//Now we’ll actually get into my own personal thought process for Toko in this blog. How much she has developed PAST the last time we saw her in Ultra Despair Girls and DR3. And there are three main things to focus in on here:
Her progressing relationship with Komaru.
Her role as a mother.
Her change in lifestyle.
//Keeping in mind what I said about Komaru and Toko having changed and developed one another plays a big role in their characters from the start of Survivor, and how much they’ve changed in the 8 year timegap.
//On Komaru’s side, she’s obviously become a much more confident and eager person. Someone who screamed and cried while fighting for her life back in Towa City, now greets fights with open arms and ready trigger finger. She’s no longer afraid of the threats she faces, and now with Toko by her side, is actively ready to stand against them.
//Toko’s changes are obviously a lot more integral. She doesn’t stutter her words or needlessly blame others anymore, always thinking about the situation at hand before she starts putting words in each other’s mouths. And while she still cares for Byakuya, she no longer idolizes him in the way she did, nor does she have any dreams of pursuing a life with him, instead sticking with Komaru and trying to sort herself out. Even Byakuya admits by this point in time, Toko has become a woman worthy of his attention. Which is why it was so nice to write that one segment of Into the Ocean where they teamed up together, just the two of them.
//I also believe that Toko and Komaru would have started to develop feelings for each other during the timegap. Most people would think it a little odd that they decide to get married almost immediately after confessing to one another, but to me, it’s not that strange.
//They would have had a lot of time to spend together, and they would clearly recognize their love for each other. After all, if you think about it, Toko and Komaru’s dynamic is basically the EXACT SAME as Makoto and Kyoko’s. The Naegi siblings have a lot in common, as you might expect, with both of them being strong-willed people at the core, as well as one’s who have the power to inspire hope in others, but also each having a fair share of inferiority complexes. Toko and Kyoko on the other hand, are more down to earth and logical, and balance their respective partners out.
//And if one of them can grow to care for each other beyond a point that canonically is implied to be more than a friendship, why can’t the other?
//Toko hasn’t completely changed of course. There’s still a lot about her that remains relatively the same from the canon games, mainly that she’s still quick to frustrate, and still isn’t immediately trusting of anyone she meets, however being more willing to give them a chance to prove her wrong.
//But the primary way in which Komaru has influenced Toko is simply by being a genuine friend, partner and companion, teaching Toko how to be more confident in herself, as well as overcoming all of her past trauma’s, slowly but surely. This in turn, would have led to Toko living a much healthier lifestyle than the one she had before, and as of Into the Ocean, it certainly shows.
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//Toko’s redesign as of Into the Ocean sports her signature purple, but also a much brighter and happier blue in contrast to her previous designs where her clothes and outfit are much darker all around. She’s also discarded her glasses for contact lenses, and started wearing shorter skirts and leggings, showing her change in attitude and character, and how she’s a lot more self-assured, and confident in herself.
//This is the face of a woman who’s been through a lot of trauma, and through the power of love and companionship, has overcome it. That’s all it ever took.
//And then of course, there’s not only Komaru as her wife, but the newest addition to their family - Akeru. Who the girls decide to adopt as their own daughter.
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//Upon finding out her true backstory, Toko gravitates almost immediately towards Akeru when she finds out just how similar the two of them are. Having both been raised by abusive mothers, and having murdered them as a result of the trauma.
//Even after her mothers died, Toko’s life did not get better. If anything, it only became worse. So when Akeru was finally saved from the clutches of Narumi Osone, Toko endeavored to make it so that Akeru didn’t go down the same path...By giving her a family and a new life that she could learn to love.
//Toko has been through some shit, but thanks to this natural progression and strength she has found, she’s able to become the exact authority figure that a young girl needs. Though she lacks in real experience, Toko goes out of her way to do whatever it takes to make sure that her girl grows up happy and healthy in the way she never could, without deflecting her own childhood trauma on this equally damaged girl.
//In a way, she’s doing for Akeru exactly what she did to Komaru. Hence why the chapter of her exposing her past to her friends is so important. Simply to emphasize just how much the girl’s suffering means to her.
Where are we now?
//To end this, I need to make a quick observation of the blog’s current events, and analyse where every main protagonist, the one’s that carry this story, are standing right now.
//First of all, most obviously, Makoto and Kuripa are both HOT MESSES right now. Not just in the wake of the death of Mukuro, but with every bad thing after bad thing that’s been thrown their way, they’ve been severely wittled down to the point where both of them are barely hanging onto sanity. 
//Kuripa obviously isn’t new to this attitude or feeling, but when Makoto is at a point where he’s not only lashing out at the people who love him, but is physically assaulting the wrongdoers; something usually out of character for him, you know he’s going through some shit.
//Hajime is not much better. Obviously he’s currently in an indefinite coma while Izuru takes control of his body, but even before that he was clearly suffering at the hands of a situation out of his control, that he still wholeheartedly blames himself for. 
//The actions of both Ayumu Fujimori and Nagito Komaeda he attributes back to his own incompetence, and believes that most, if not all of what the Future Foundation is currently going through, is his own fault.
//Shuichi and Kaede seem relatively fine, but it’s clear they’re both struggling with their own issues. Shuichi’s will be elaborated on, but Kaede is so severely traumatized by her past, it makes her act out stupidly, and she’s beginning to have severe doubts about herself.
//And Shuichi feels like a fish out of water, having a branch to lead but not quite sure how to take charge when it counts.
//Even Komaru isn’t quite sure what to do, and has made her own handful of stupid decisions. On top of not being there for her brother and being blissfully unaware of the Future Foundation’s fall in wake of her own family’s interests, she also gets so desperate, that she takes matters into her own hands and makes a fucking mess of things.
//I.e. blaming the entire mess on Kuripa with little to know grounds on such an action, and kidnapping and trapping Makoto for “his own safety.”
//And the amazing thing throughout all of this, is that looking at all of these protagonists and comparing to Toko...She is the ONLY ONE who has remained relatively sane throughout the entire pandemic of Despair.
//In Into the Ocean, she comes through as a mediator and protector for Komaru, Akeru and Byakuya on multiple occasions, comforting them when they’re in a difficult situation (very physically in Komaru’s case ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and having their back, even when they try to go solo on dangerous missions.
//And in The Monster in Me, she’s the first member of the Future Foundation who defects from Komaru, her own wife’s, authoritarian methods to stop Kuripa and Katagiri, simply because she remains in her right mind and realizes that something is not right, and Kuripa isn’t the sole person to blame.
//This is the same woman who always jumped to conclusions and put words in others mouths out of her own self-loathing whenever anyone tried to have a basic conversation with her. But now she’s thinking more rationally than any of the “heroes” and seeing things for what they are, taking it on herself to sort things out and help them just as she did to Komaru back during Ultra Despair Girls.
//Toko Fukawa over the course of her life has gone from being one of the weakest-willed and traumatized heroes in Danganronpa...to easily one of it’s most confident, rational, and strongest.
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rabcantswim · 3 years ago
in the meantime of me working on rcu (regulus cinematic universe), i thought about just sharing some of my own headcanons of other characters who may or may not intervene in regulus's story. these things i will be describing have still happened and are sort of canon in the world where my short stories take place.
please do keep in mind that we all envision marauders & co. in different ways which means my marlene/mary/sirius/remus might not fit your own imagination exactly. i am just opening my imagination to you and you are more than welcome to take whatever fits for your own depiction of the character and leave the rest be. no need for crude words if you do not agree.
if you'll have any questions about a headcanon or are curious to know more of my ideas about a certain character(s) who hadn't been mentioned more in-depth - my inbox is open so please redirect your possible questions over there :)
♥ marlene headcanons here ♥ ♙dorcas headcanons over here♙
and now for best girl mary macdonald: just to be safe I'm going to put a TRIGGER WARNING for death, rape, and assault before this. i won't describe any details but i do mention that characters get murdered and a character gets assaulted and raped, and another one gets assaulted. there is also an insensitive joke made by someone who does not know the details of what happened. so please be wary of that. take care of yourself and put yourself first if you need to <3
i see her as a gryffindor
i don't have a certain image, i could never pinpoint what she looks like in my head
she has an older muggle brother who she loves dearly and was upset that she had to leave behind while going to hogwarts
hagrid ABSOLUTELY adores this girl. they both have the same wonderous way of looking at the wizarding world. they share their love for magical creatures, hagrid because he's hagrid, and mary, because she's muggleborn and never dreamed things from her children's books, could be real.
hagrid brings creatures to show to mary and tells her all about them and she says she wishes he could teach them care of magical creatures. mary really believes in him, sees his passion for the subject, and beckons him to try to apply for the position in the future.
she wanted to become a hogwarts professor herself and it was sirius who sparked that want in her.
all the way back in their first few years of school lily could not stand the marauders. sirius didn't want to constantly bug remus with questions about the muggle world - when it was before a full moon or after he couldn't ask him anyway, since he got moody or was unconscious.
sirius didn't want remus to think he was that ignorant but he didn't even know the bare minimum that james did and was super embarrassed about it. and since lily disliked him, he went to the only other muggleborn he knew in his first year which happened to be mary.
at first, he was super embarrassed about asking all the questions bc he thought that mary would make fun of him for not knowing. but she was always super excited to talk about muggle stuff since she didn't have anyone to talk to about the world she grew up in yet.
mary was so SO happy that sirius, as a pureblood, was interested to know more. she was just as nervous and embarrassed as sirius for not knowing much about the wizarding world so, in turn, sirius would answer her questions if she had any, but it was mostly sirius who came running whenever he thought of something.
sometimes he even asked questions mary didn't have the answer to, so she had to write letters to her older brother for answers.
after sirius figured out how comfortable talking about her world mary was, sirius always ran to her super excited shouting things like: "mary, Mary, MAry, MARY! what the bloody hell is a lava lamp and where can i buy one RIGHT NOW?!"
the amount of attention and curiosity he expressed about muggle stuff led to mary having the cutest little crush on sirius because let's be honest, if you're like 11-14 and a boy is willing to listen to you talk about washing machines and lava lamps and muggle school or anything else and he PAYS ATTENTION? he's special.
mary's brother loved music a lot so mary had a lot of niche knowledge about muggle bands and music shops. she wrote sirius the addresses for some that were in London to check them out in the summer.
it was mary who introduced sirius to bowie and beatles, but sirius loved freddie mercury the most.
since marry was used to such respectful and curious behavior from sirius as a pureblood she thought all purebloods were this nice while asking about the muggle world. so, it was a huge reality check when she forgot her quill and ink and wrote her notes with a glitter pen that she had in her bag and some group of pureblood kids in the class noticed.
one of them asked her about it obviously mocking her. the kids were snickering while mary enthusiastically explained to them how the pens worked, where she bought them, and that they help her with learning because she can color code with them. she even suggests they try them out for themselves and hands the pen to the boy that asked her about it.
now the kids are in absolute disbelief that she would think they would touch or use something muggles use so they just stare at her not knowing if she's serious or she's just making fun of them as well. when they realize she means it they call her probably every bad word an 11-year-old pureblood wizard kid could know, insult the muggle world, call the stuff she uses barbaric and stupid and one of the kids sends out a spell on the glitter pen and it explodes in mary's hands and ruins her notes for the class. it gets on her robes and face as well.
lily comes to her rescue and helps her clean up. after that she insists mary be seated somewhere far away from those kids. and lily always gets what she wants bc she's absolutely valid with her reasons why.
when sirius hears about what happened he insists they prank the shit out of those purebloods.
from then on whenever sirius asks mary about muggle stuff he's 10 times more excited to learn and always makes sure to let her know that whatever she was talking about is super cool to him (which it is most of the time).
her and sirius dated for a few months in their third year but decided to stay friends later. sirius was way too childish for mary's liking and would often prefer to spend time with the boys being up to no good. they stayed close friends anyway but sometimes mary would catch herself wishing that they would have worked out.
so bare with me now... there's this asshole guy cepheus (collin) black - he's an older cousin to the black brothers and sisters, one year ahead of sirius and two of regulus. in my upcoming continuation of the "regulus cinematic universe", you will learn about him bc he's VERY IMPORTANT to the story. the most crucial thing you need to know about him is that he is a monster. (fun fact, in my brain i cast him as bill skarsgard, especially when he was in hemlock grove. he's handsome which collin definitely is but there's that strange creepy edge to him. exactly like collin. you'll also learn why i call him collin in the upcoming story. everything has its reasons).
see i'm talking about him here now bc it's actually him who attacked mary in her sixth year, not mulciber. although it kinda gets blamed on mulciber for cover. collin is a scary seventh year, basically the boss of the soon-to-be death eaters at school.
he (collin) had assaulted and raped another slytherin girl - ida rookwood - in the restricted section where he left her afterward a few months prior to attacking mary. and it's actually regulus who finds ida afterward and helps her get out of there.
collin is headboy while remus and regulus are both prefects, idk if that was an actual rule, i don't think it was in canon, but in my canon the heaboy/girl and prefects have access to the library's restricted section whenever they like. just one of the privileges.
when regulus is sneaking ida rookwood out remus sees them and notices her disheveled look, ripped skirt, and how she's clinging to regulus. he doesn't think much of it, trying to keep out of slytherin business but of course, when he mentions these things to sirius he assumes regulus and ida might possibly be a thing or at least are doing things together.
ida actually gets pregnant with collins baby. sirius has the audacity to claim that he could have a secret niece or nephew out there because regulus was seen with ida around the time she must have gotten pregnant. sirius of course never learns the truth. no one does.
regulus tries to ask ida about what happened and she denies his suspicion that it was collin who had done it and denies that anyone has raped her because she fears him. she asks regulus to just let it go. and while trying to cling to the hope that his cousin would never do such horrible thing to a fellow student - because he and regulus are pretty tight - deep down in his gut he feels he knows. but he respects ida and realizes that if she's not willing to report it to the authority he can't do much about it bc he doesn't have any evidence or proof, only a hunch.
regulus does clean up for collin like... all the time. and gets punished or blamed for a lot of the things collin does, seriously.. whenever this poor boy (regulus) does anything good, he gets punished for it. you'll see.. we'll delve into the things mentioned above in regulus's story. back to mary now though. this is about her, i just wanted you to have this piece of information about who collin is.
mary is able to defend herself when collin attacks her. she uses a spell that opens a wound on collin's stomach. he has to leave because he's bleeding a lot.
the rain is pouring outside as regulus - on his mission given to him by a mystery character (too many spoilers) - tries to come up with a plan while headed to a mystery place.
and on his way, he sees little drops of something. at first, he thinks it's just the rain that got in bc the wind is picking up and he's walking through the courtyard. but when he looks closer there are many more and seem to be leading somewhere. and most importantly they aren't colorless as you'd expect. they look like blood.
at the end of the trail, he finds mary drenched in water sitting in the hallway leaning on the wall.
she has bruises in multiple places that can and cannot be seen by regulus - including her hips, wrists, left thigh, and one very small near her lips along with a gash on her cheek and upper lip, and scraped knees with little droplets of blood forming on them.
now, i won't get into regulus's struggles with deciding if he should help mary or not, i'll save that for another time. just believe that he has many thoughts going through his head in mere seconds.
he has never interacted with mary. didn't have a reason or a chance to. he's only ever seen her once holding hands with sirius in their third year and she's only ever seen him at slytherin quidditch matches but you can't get a good look at those.
regulus makes sure to let mary know that he means no harm. still, he does not introduce himself for fear that mary could tell people it was him who helped her and his "friend group" of future death eaters would be suspicious of him and potentially could exclude him. and he's not sure if he wants that.
mary thinks regulus looks a bit familiar though they never interacted, she's unsure if she can trust him. regulus is genuine (basically lets the qualities i mentioned in my dorcas headcanons shine), so mary allows him to help her in the end. but the whole time she's clutching her wand ready to defend herself and survive.
regulus wants to make sure she's alright and again, he has a hunch this could have been collin's doing (at first just a hunch, later he is pretty sure for reasons i cannot tell you, bc spoilers!!). he doesn't ask her about it since the first priority is to make sure she's not hurt. he asks her if the person who attacked her touched her in any wrong way that she would not like to which she shakes her head no.
regulus helps her get up and stumbles to the infirmary with her where he helps madam pomfrey get mary on a bed. pomfrey asks him if he saw anything or has any idea what happened or who could have attacked her but regulus of course cannot be sure yet, so he opts for the truth. he says that he found her like this. pomfrey also calls him by his name and mary hears it which is going to be important in a minute.
the news flies around the castle almost immediately. after about an hour passes it gets to the marauders, lily, and marlene and they all insist on visiting mary.
pomfrey is desperate because mary doesn't want to say what happened so when they come, she hopes maybe mary will talk to her friends. in desperation to bring justice to the person who has done her harm she lets lily and marlene come all the way to her bed to try and speak with mary. the boys stay a little behind, but they can still hear everything.
so, lily tries to talk to her but the only thing that mary is able to murmur in her state is "regulus".
at this point sirius has already left home, he and regulus are on pretty thin ice. sirius is slowly losing all hope with regulus even though regulus is finding more and more need to do good in himself. due to lack of contact and regulus's cold exterior sirius thinks it's the other way around.
when he hears mary utter his brother's name in a fit of rage, sirius assumes the worst. that it must have been regulus who hurt mary. he doesn't believe that regulus did it by himself, sirius knows his brother couldn't cause someone these injuries on his own. but he still took part in hurting mary somehow. maybe his friends dared him to or wanted his help.
sirius goes to deal with regulus immediately. he ignores remus shouting after him to just wait for a second, while james goes straight to madam pomfrey to ask. he on the other hand does not believe regulus would be capable of such a thing for no reason. because he can't imagine there would be a reason to do this.
the rest of the marauders and the girls get an explanation out of madam pomfrey and put two and two together. regulus wouldn't have brought her here if he did it right?
the story goes on after this, there is so much more to it but it isn't relevant to mary, so you'll have to wait for my regulus stories to learn more if you'd like.
hagrid is heartbroken after he finds out what happened to mary. especially because mary is a lot different after the attack. she's traumatized by the attack and will often lash out at her friends when they try to comfort her saying stuff like: "the things... you cannot imagine the things he told me before i was able to hurt him. he's sick in the head!"
she's not as excited about the wizarding world and its wonders, she refuses to practice magic in class for a while, and she doesn't talk much not even to hagrid or sirius.
lily is there for her a lot, she makes sure she talks with mary every day because mary can go days without saying a word unless spoken to.
marlene tries her best as well. they've never been best of friends they hung out together mostly bc of lily but since the attack marlene's behavior toward mary changed. she grows very protective of mary. she invites mary to watch her quidditch practices and matches so that she doesn't have to be alone at weekends. marlene sits with mary in the library when she studies, when they don't have the next class together and she notices that mary looks uncomfortable at the thought of walking around the school alone, marlene accompanies her to her next class, the great hall, library or to her dormitory, or anywhere she wants to go before her own classes are to begin.
marlene just really wants to be there if anyone tries to attack mary again, especially because since the attack there are many supporters of voldemort's ideology/collin's friends paying attention to mary in school. they are waiting for their moment to avenge collin bc they know they'll get recognition and maybe a higher position in his eyes.
thankfully collin is not present at hogwarts next year since he finished his studies. the marauders take over and dominate the hogwarts student body fairly quickly. they of course aren't unbeatable, but they do have a lot of respect on their name along with ways of getting rid of annoying nosey people and that helps a lot.
but the main reason why hagrid takes this whole deal so personally is because he had been oppressed and falsely accused bc of tom riddle who was a student, just as collin is right now, to the point that it got him expelled from school and he was forbidden to do magic. mary is vocal that she doesn't want to teach at hogwarts anymore, she didn't even want to come back for her last year at hogwarts but hagrid tells her his whole story. how he didn't get to finish his education (it's the first time he shares it with anyone). so hagrid connects with her even more now since they have both gone through something traumatic that they didn't deserve, and it ruined their view and use of magic.
the rest of the gang tries to convince her to finish her studies as well and she decides she will in the end (a big part of the reason she agrees to go is that collin will be gone next year, but it still doesn't make her feel safe).
another thing mary is vocal about is the use of magic. she doesn't want it anymore. she wants to come back to the muggle ways, and wants to forget about the wizarding world. that's another thing that absolutely breaks hagrid's heart due to the fact he remembers how much she loved everything about it and how excited she was when she first came to hogwarts.
the war is about to be in its prime when mary is graduating. she tells her friends and hagrid that after she does, she's going to pack up her family and move them to someplace safe and go with them. once they are safe and somewhere else than england she will break her wand and never use magic again.
it breaks everyone's hearts but they respect her choice and plan to go on a trip together before mary moves away. to say a proper goodbye and celebrate the end of school.
when she graduates and goes home to see her family there's a little card with her name on it at the door to the house. it says, "your graduation gift :)" and when she walks inside, she finds her parents and brother dead. they had been dead for a few days. i don't think it's hard to guess which crazy death eater who wanted revenge for mary slicing his stomach could have done this.
what happened to the macdonalds gets in the newspapers. lily, marlene, and the boys try to reach out to mary but she doesn't want to see anyone. nobody has heard from her since then
it's only much much later, in the '90s when hagrid hears of rumors that she might be pregnant and people are afraid that if the child is born with magical powers and isn't allowed to use them, they will become an obscurus. 'till this day they still don't know what exactly collin has done to mary.
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