#she was simply too spooky for my me but she sounds so lovely
the-roc-pile · 1 year
Hrmmmmm.... I have a very silly idea... a very silly idea where I take this batch of characters I have and make an AU where they are all in charge of the Welcome Home Restoration Project instead of an AU where they are inside of Welcome Home (by @partycoffin).
To be honest (as I cannot be Frank in this context) I don't know how much of this is that psychology personable fable versus my child me who feels the need to act drastically different as I can feel I am moderately different but no one else seemed to pick up on it but either way the thought is worming!
Lol I have three pages of filled notebook paper --including some relationship diagrams-- and about 600 typed-up words about the concept already and it's only an hour old! I thought of it an hour ago and I have generated so many things about it but I must go to bed : / sadly I have courses. I'll see if the idea is still going tomorrow or if I dream about it (I hope so it will give me Ideas).
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jarofstyles · 1 year
FICTOBER DAY 5- Can I Hold Your Hand?
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Here is day 4, a bit of cutie dadrry <3 Enjoy!
FICTOBER Prompt list and Masterlist
“Can I hold your hand?” The small voice peeped up at him. Their son in his train conductor costume had been insistent that he was too big to hold his father’s hand, he was a big boy now and he could do trick or treating all by himself. 
Y/N pushed the baby carriage, his little sister still a drooly little baby with a plush pumpkin costume on her body and a tiny hat on her head to keep her warm as the october air chilled up. His wife was dressed up in a poodle skirt and letterman jacket, a little tie around her neck and a bouncy ponytail bobbing as she walked. Harry had chosen function this halloween, wearing jeans and a black leather jacket. His saddle shoes were the only thing he purchased for the getup, his hair slicked back in a 50’s like manner- except that one strand that escaped and curled over his head. Y/N had been adamant he not try and fix it, it apparently did something to her. 
“Yeah? Not too big to hold my hand now, mate?” He teased, placing his hand down for the smaller one to take. Their gait was slow, their son not the fastest with his Thomas the Tank Engine soft cut out around his body. It made him a big more clumsy, too, which is why Harry was glad Y/N had put knee guards and gloves on him.
“No. I’m am big, but I don’t like all the noises.” He tried to maintain, but the spooky music filtering through the neighborhood and sound effects of the motion sensor activated decor making the poor thing jump. Hell, one of those things had even made Harry clutch his chest as he had approached the front door to ring for candy. What was with these things getting more and more accessible to the public? He remembered the only time he used to see these things were in haunted houses he went to in uni. Now it seemed everyone on the block had a jumpscare waiting to strike. Stupid screaming skeleton. 
“It’s okay, baby.” Y/N crooned. “Did you know that on one of our first dates, Daddy took me to see a movie and got so scared he screeched?” It was true, but it was justified. Most of the room had jumped or made a noise too- it just so happened that his had been a bit more loud and high pitched than he would have liked. 
Harry looked at her with narrowed eyes, scoffing as his wife grinned like the little shit she was. Really? “Are you ever going to let me live that down? I told you, it was just a bad jump scare. You jumped too.” He looked towards their son, who was giggling simply because Y/N was. “Mumma’s being silly. It’s not a bad thing to scream either, it’s natural.” 
“But you’re so big and old, Daddy. You can’t get scared.” He giggled, his fingers squeezing on to Harry’s as they approached another pathway to go up to the house. It was decked out in cobwebs and had some cool orange and purple lighting, spooky sound effects filtering through hidden speakers in the bushes. The howl of a wolf sounded, having him step closer to Harry’s leg. “You go with me?”
“What’s this, then hm? Make fun of me for being scared and then asking me to go?” He ruffled the conductor hat on his head. “You’re lucky I love you loads and Mumma is afraid of the spiders in those webs or I’d made you go with her.” It was all in jest, Y/N simply shrugging. How was she supposed to know what spiders were fake or real? It would be a perfect place for one to hide and jump into her hair!
“It’s okay to be afraid of things, baby. Your father is just silly. Even sillier than me.” Her hand came up to squish Harry’s chin, letting her lipstick give a big kiss mark on his cheek, the bright red in the perfect shape of her lips. When she pulled back, there were loud giggles as the mark was revealed. Harry didn’t mind, clearly, blushing slightly as he knew exactly what she had done, but to their son it was apparently the funniest thing in the world. Y/N shot him a playful glare before threatening him with the same.  “Go on, then. Or you’re getting a kiss mark from me too. Grab Mumma a chocolate if there is one.”
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babybemydownfall · 18 days
things that shimmer in the dark Part IV: Rhys ( Part III ) There was no point denying it so I kissed her instead, hard and demanding. I wanted her tongue on mine, her body melting, opening for me; wanted to make love to her, to feel her surrender - to us, and everything we could be.  AKA An all night love-fest in the Archeron manor. Definitely NSFW. Read on AO3 or under the cut below. (Also, I only recently realised that my avatar, which comes from a poem by Iain S Thomas and which I've had for 10+ years, is Rhysand: There you are. I've been looking for you. How spooky.)
By the time we retired to bed after finalising our letter to the Queens, it was gone midnight. Feyre was tense and exhausted. I’d felt her all afternoon and evening, her shield weak, her emotions pouring out across our bond. She’d been anxious and angry; frustrated and forgiving. And whenever she looked at me, she burned.
I had worn a mask all my life, ingrained in me from a young age. And I had very rarely let it slip, despite times when I’d felt overwhelming rage or fear or despair. But it turned out that the most powerful distraction of all was lust. Whenever Feyre turned her beautiful blue-grey eyes on me, I struggled to stay composed, to keep my expression neutral and my breathing even. When her awful oldest sister questioned whether she was too good for human food anymore and Feyre replied that she could eat, drink, fuck and fight even better than before, my fork clanged to my plate as everything inside me went taut with desire. I wanted her so badly, so immediately, that it took every ounce of my willpower not to grab her and winnow us straight back to my house.
And later, as we wrote and rewrote the damned letter, the four of us arguing over each word and punctuation mark, her closeness was certainly a hindrance. When she leaned in to read what I’d written, I felt her long hair brushing my neck; the curve of her breast against my arm. The scent of her skin, of her arousal, was intoxicating. I would not let Cass and Azriel suspect a thing but whenever I was sure they weren’t looking, I touched her as much as I dared - my finger brushing hers on the page; my thigh shifting on my chair so it pressed against her knee. I loved the way her body reacted: a soft, short inhale; a pulse of longing down the bond.
I found myself thinking multiple times that I was so glad we had had each other in the kitchen earlier. I couldn’t imagine how difficult the rest of the day would have been without that release. And I had meant what I’d said to her there: this thing between us was a bad idea, but I just couldn’t stop myself. I had spent the previous day avoiding her, my mind constantly churning over what I should do. Getting drunk hadn’t helped - I only ended up sad and missing her. I had barely slept afterwards, thanks to the alcohol and my racing thoughts and the memories of our first morning together which left me with a very persistent erection.
When she found me in the kitchen, I still didn’t know what the right thing to do was. But as soon as I scented her, when I saw how fucking stunning she looked and how she went slack with longing for me, I realised there was no actual choice here. I couldn’t just bare myself to her - literally and emotionally - and simply walk away. She was my mate. This was bigger than both of us: it was what the Cauldron had destined; a bond more sacred and permanent than any other. It was inescapable. Undeniable. And Feyre didn’t know the truth, but I knew she felt it too: that we were something extraordinary.
And now, finally, we were alone together once again. She hadn’t reacted when I’d said we would share a room - a room I had immediately shielded, to keep loud sounds in and bad things out. But she did turn to me in surprise when I made my own bed appear and sat down on it.
“What are you doing?”
I looked up at her, still dressed in her stunning turquoise outfit. She wore it like she belonged in the Night Court. Or perhaps it wore her. It wanted her - just as I did.
“Being on my best behaviour,” I replied evenly. “We’re in your father’s house. I didn’t know if you’d want to…”
“I’ve spent all evening trying to keep my hands off you. And now you don’t want to touch me?”
She sounded like she was annoyed with me, which made me smile. “Oh, I do want to touch you, Feyre darling.” My voice was low. “Every single inch of you.”
There was a fire crackling in the hearth across the room and it shone in her dark eyes, in the golden waves of her hair. I leaned back on my outstretched arms and her gaze travelled down my body. I was still fully dressed but she knew what lay beneath now; and if I hadn’t been wearing black, she would have been able to see my cock rise in my pants.
“The last time I was in this house,” she said quietly, “I left to run after Tamlin. To go under the mountain and save him. And yet here I am, barely any time later… with you.” She tugged at her sleeve, looking around the room. “That’s wrong, isn’t it?”
I waited until her eyes met mine again. She seemed so vulnerable, so young all of a sudden. “I don’t think it is,” I told her honestly. “I don’t think time is what matters, in our case.”
“Then what does matter?”
I held out my hand. “Come here.”
Slowly she moved towards me and took it, standing between my legs. I may as well have been kneeling before her again, such was her position of power over me right now.
“What matters, Feyre, is how you feel. What makes you happy. What helps you heal. And I think I can speak to that, because you are all those things for me. Already.”
I felt her tremble in front of me. She was scared. And I knew why - but I couldn’t hide the depth of my feelings from her. I didn’t want to.
“Why does this seem so… inevitable?” she whispered.
Because I am your mate.
I could have told her then. No doubt it would have helped ease the guilt she still carried over Tamlin, the confusion she felt over us. But this was not the place: not in the human lands, in her family home; not when there was danger out there, lurking beyond my Court’s protection. And not when it meant I would have to face her rejection - because she wasn’t ready yet. Wasn’t healed, wasn’t strong enough. And neither was I, to have her push me away.
For now I would take whatever she was willing to give - her friendship, her smiles, her body - and not think too far into the future. As she had so wisely said: we might all die soon. And I would be a fool not to enjoy every moment with her, because I had known from the second I first saw her that she was the light in my eternal darkness.
Instead of saying any of that, I lifted my hands to her hips and guided her to straddle my lap. She did so without hesitation, settling halfway along my thighs - not near enough to feel how hard I was for her. Not yet. But having her this close, all to myself behind a locked door, I felt my soul sigh.
There you are. I’ve been looking for you.
“Perhaps it is inevitable,” I said softly. “The question is, what do you want to do about it? You are in charge here. I will follow your lead.”
I had never uttered those words before, outside of battle when I fell in line behind my commander. But I trusted Feyre with everything I was. I saw her, with all her broken pieces and her courageous human heart and the magic she contained which had nothing to do with her powers. I wanted it all.
And she wanted me too. It was in her beautiful eyes; written all over her face. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and pressing a lingering kiss to the side of her neck. I felt her body melt in my arms, her head tilting back. My name rose from her lips to the ceiling, like a prayer.
I kissed her there again, the scent of her blood filling my senses; moved up to her ear where I breathed: “What do you want, darling?”
Her fingers slid into my hair, drawing me back so she could look at me. At the same time, I took hold of her hips and pulled her into me, connecting the heat of her core with the raging hardness of mine.
The air sparked around us and we both groaned.
“You,” Feyre murmured, her breath on my mouth, her gaze filled with nothing but lust - that most powerful of emotions, sweeping everything else aside. “I want you. All over me. All night long.”
A smile started to form on my lips but she kissed me before it got there. And from that moment on, we were lost. Our hands slipped beneath each other’s clothes onto warm, sensitive skin. I had never had the pleasure of physically undressing her before, of slowly revealing her exquisite body inch by inch. I followed the fabric of her top with my lips, from her navel to her ribcage to her bare breasts, so pert and full and ready for my attention. She moaned so headily when I circled my tongue over her nipples and I could smell her arousal as it flooded her underwear, as she ground herself against my length.
The top disappeared over her head and then we worked together to remove mine as well. As our mouths found each other again I slid my arm up along the column of her spine, my hand splayed between her shoulder blades, and drew her further into me so her bare chest pressed against mine. Her kisses were voracious, her moans constant as she rocked her hips and took her pleasure from me.
Untamed Feyre was the hottest thing I had ever encountered.
And then she suddenly pulled back to look at me, her eyes so dark with desire, her voice husky as she commanded: “Take me to bed, Rhys.”
I could not have refused her if my life depended on it.
I carried her there, drawing back the duvet and laying her down. I had already warmed the sheets and she looked surprised, grateful. But she didn’t speak - couldn’t, perhaps - as she grasped at my shoulders and pulled me onto her, reclaiming my mouth, touching every part of me within reach. I covered us again, burying down with her into the softness of the bed as we kissed on and on. I had never known how thoroughly arousing it was, to be half-bare and writhing around by the light of the fire, our sounds hushed and urgent. Despite my shield, we were both aware of my brothers just next door, of Feyre’s sisters down the hall - but that only added to the mood.
This was secret and sacred and ours.
I eventually trailed my lips down to her breasts again, and then further - kissing her centre through her trousers before kneeling between her legs and slipping them off entirely. She was wearing the same lacy white panties I’d watched her put back on in the kitchen, and they were wet through. I heard myself growl as I pulled them off too, the urge to taste her impossible to resist, but she stopped me from getting anywhere near her with her bare foot on my chest.
I stared at her, unable to fathom why she would deny me.
“I’m in charge, remember?” she said firmly. “Lie down.”
Giving up control was not natural for me - but Feyre was a goddess and I obeyed.
She made very quick work of my pants and underwear, and then slid all the way down the bed and wrapped her hot mouth around me. I had never known anything so good before: the sight of her there, the brush of her hair and her hands on my thighs and abdomen, the way she sucked and licked and bobbed up and down-
I reached for her after barely any time at all, tugging on her shoulders, groaning her name. But she ignored me and carried on. Her eyes met mine and I imprinted the image in my mind, of the lust and determination in her gaze, of my cock disappearing between her lips over and over again, her rhythm faultless, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
“Feyre,” I gasped, “I’m-”
She scratched her fingernails all the way down my torso and I came, so hard I lost all of my senses for the longest, most ecstatic moment. I felt her fingers cover my mouth, to keep me quiet, but there was no fucking chance when her tongue was still swirling over me, when my hips were still bucking and I was still coming. It was unbearable and heavenly and I never, ever wanted it to end.
Eventually I did return to the present; felt Feyre retreat and opened my eyes to find her looking down at me with a very satisfied smirk. I was too dazed to speak, to tell her how fucking amazing she felt and what I wanted to do to her next - but it didn’t matter. She had let her fingers drift down onto my chest; I took her wrist and brought her palm back to my lips, licking the tattooed eye there in a single broad stroke. Her smirk disappeared as she felt me in her very core.
I tugged on her hips, pulling her up my body until she was kneeling over my face. She braced herself on the headboard and I inhaled her incredible scent, all her muscles trembling, her breathing shallow, ragged. And then I feasted on her, gorging myself on her softness and her taste, eating her gorgeous cunt until she was all over my face. I kneaded her ass, explored her thighs; slid two fingers inside her and fucked her like that while I sucked on her clit. She came in no time at all, with a muffled scream and a gush of wetness which I lapped up like I was dying of thirst.
When she collapsed onto me, I gently drew her back down into bed to lie by my side so we were facing one another, our limbs loosely entwined. I took half a second to clean my face with magic, but left her taste on my tongue. It would be sacrilege to erase that.
She smiled, gazing at me through heavily lidded eyes. “You are very good at that,” she said, and she shivered - an aftershock. It made my cock ache for her.
“You taste fucking divine, Feyre. I can’t get enough of you. And your mouth…” I outlined her lips with my thumb; they parted and I traced over her bottom teeth too. “So pretty, yet so wicked. I’ve never felt anything so phenomenal.”
I pressed my lower body into hers, letting her know I was ready for more. She looked straight at me and bit down on my nail, firm enough to hurt. Beneath the duvet I felt her hand wrap around my length. Flames roared to life in my blood once more and I hissed, like the wild beast I was.
“So eager,” she teased, licking the sensitive pad of my thumb.
There was no point denying it so I kissed her instead, hard and demanding. I wanted her tongue on mine, her body melting, opening for me; wanted to make love to her, to feel her surrender - to us, and everything we could be. Without thinking I reached for her down the bond, needing her closer, even though physically there was no space between us. As I felt her grip onto me, an embrace around my very soul, I rolled on top of her perfect body and thrust inside her: back where I belonged.
She cried out at being so full; hooked her legs around my waist, inviting me deeper, and I moved slowly at first, trying to be restrained until that became impossible. She felt so good, so right, that I just couldn’t contain myself. And she wanted it: I felt her desire envelop mine inside my mind, where we were intertwined; swallowed the words she gasped into my mouth - “Harder… More… Rhys! Fuck… Yes, more…”
I tilted her pelvis with my hand and reached new depths, and she broke away from my kiss to let out the most guttural sound as she clenched and shook and stretched around me. I dipped my head, sucking on her neck, her right breast, her nipple; kept rolling my hips, fucking her faster and harder than ever before. We were both grunting, moaning, sweat on our skin, her nails digging into my back - and then we were coming, together, a crescendo of movement and sound and rising, cresting pleasure that felt like it would never end.
It didn’t, for a long time. I might have drifted off to sleep briefly, for when I next opened my eyes I was lying on my front on the bed, the duvet over my lower body, feeling more relaxed than I had in decades.
I reached out for Feyre down the bond, checking she was okay; felt her in the adjoining bathroom and closed my eyes again, letting myself doze. Eventually I heard her footsteps on the carpet and then the bed shifted as she sat beside me. Her fingertips traced lightly down my spine and I groaned at how nice it felt.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos here,” she said softly. “And your wings…” She touched the strong muscles of my upper back. “I want to see you with them.”
My voice was so low it made my ribcage vibrate. “You have.”
“Naked,” she clarified.
I smiled. “One day. Not here.”
She leaned in, surrounding me with her scent, her hair; pressed gentle kisses to my ear, my cheek, the corner of my lips. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had touched me with so much tenderness. The last time anyone had cared about me like this. It made my throat hurt.
When I finally opened my eyes her face was all I could see, so close to mine, our every breath shared. She smiled and sat back up, and that’s when I realised she was wearing my shirt. It was unbuttoned, and she was still completely naked beneath. I had never seen anything so sexy.
My emotions were forgotten in an instant.
I rose up, kneeling in front of her, taking her in.
“I was cold,” she said, a little defensive, a little surprised by the strength of my reaction.
“You look…” I reached for her, pulling her against me. I had thought I was completely sated - I was wrong. “Let me warm you up.”
This insatiable need for each other, this wild passion - it felt endless. Frenzied. We fell to the bed and she straddled my waist, discarding the shirt to the floor. As she began to kiss me all over, the small part of my brain which remained functional wondered what would happen if she ever accepted the mating bond. How we would survive.
Then it gave in as Feyre washed over me, as I let myself drown in her once again.
When she rode me she held my hands, our fingers interlaced. I could do nothing but stare at her. The way the firelight danced over the planes of her body as she moved; the flush on her skin, the dark desire pouring from her eyes. I was no painter, but she was a piece of art.
“Feyre darling,” I breathed, grazing my palms along her thighs, feeling my climax building slowly, deliciously. “Will you touch yourself for me? I want to watch you.”
Her dream of me was only a night ago - it felt like a century.
She put her fingers in my mouth and I licked them, my desire rocketing at how fearless she was, how unembarrassed. If I had thought she’d be hesitant in bed or perhaps shied by our age gap, by her relative lack of experience, I was wrong. And yet she was not a sultry, confident vixen either. I could only conclude that she really did trust me, enough to be herself, to show herself to me - to be bare in every possible way.
And that made me more hopeful for our future together than anything else we’d said or done.
Now she circled her clit, her left hand holding her breast, pinching her nipple. Her tattoos were a stunning contrast to the rest of her pale skin. When the sensations became too much, her head tilted back and her spine arched, her long messy curls almost reaching her bottom. And still I watched, my hips now thrusting of their own accord, meeting her movements. I was already at the edge; could have let myself fall at any second. But I held on, waiting for her, completely awed by how fucking incredible she was.  
If things had been different, I would have told her I loved her. The words were on the tip of my tongue, filling my mind. I let the smallest trickle of that golden feeling travel down the bond to her. Even though she didn’t know its name, I knew she liked it - saw the smile on her lips, felt her clench and tighten as I pounded into her harder, faster, as she peaked and then shattered.
It was too much. I lifted her off me, turning her onto her front, pulling up her hips. She was weak, boneless; still in the throes of her pleasure. “You have to be quiet,” I rasped and then I thrust inside her again, deeper than ever before. Her hands fisted the duvet and she bit it, her screams subdued but still there, still heavenly to hear.
“Feyre,” I groaned, the sweetest sound in the world. “Fuck, Feyre. You feel- I’m so- ”
I spilled inside her with a roar, breaking my own rule but utterly unable to care. I felt her coming too, a continuation of her last orgasm. Endless, all-consuming fulfilment.
This time we were both thoroughly done. I fell to her side, bringing her body with me so I was spooned up behind her, quickly cleaning us up with half a thought. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to move again. I didn’t want to. I pressed my face into her neck, inhaling her, wishing I could disappear into her forever. If there was nothing else but this, I would die happy.
Our breathing gradually slowed. The fire had burned low, the moon now illuminating us through the uncovered window. I ran the fingers of my left hand along the ink on Feyre’s arm, watching as the soft blonde hairs stood on end in my wake. I knew the bond that tied us together wasn’t the bargain that had been written on her skin: it was the mating bond. That’s why we could communicate, why we could feel so much of each other. I wondered how it would change if we were ever truly mated. How much more of her I would feel, how deeply I would know her. I wanted her to be mine so badly it made my soul ache.
The bond was another secret I kept. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold it inside.
“What time is it?” she asked, her words merging into a yawn.
“Fuck knows.” I was tired and emotional, which always made me swear more. That and having sex with Feyre.
I pulled the covers over us and then looked outside. The air was still and crisp. There had been snowfall earlier, but it had stopped now. “Usually,” I said, voicing my thoughts aloud, “I can feel the night. The coming of the dawn. But the darkness is different on this side of the Wall. It’s not… mine.”
She turned her head towards me. The moonlight caught her eyes, making them shine. “I love your darkness,” she said quietly. “I feel it, under my skin. It soothes me. Of all the powers I was given, yours is my favourite.”
You were made for me, I wanted to tell her. Wanted to shout it, for the whole world to hear. It’s so obvious. Can’t you see?
And then she went on sleepily: “The nights feel longer here. I was born on the longest, actually. The Winter Solstice.”
I was stunned. Totally speechless. She must have mistaken my silence for fatigue, because she whispered goodnight and in less than a minute, she was asleep.
I held her, wide awake, heart hammering. I kissed the point of her ear and murmured, so softly it was almost inaudible: “You are my mate, Feyre Archeron. And I fucking love you.”
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cookeybg · 2 months
The Colony Possessed - Chapter 4
Title: The Colony Possessed
Main Characters: Gotham, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Narrators: Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, OC - Kam, John Constantine, will add others as chapters progress
Honorable Mentions: Wally West, Talia Al Ghul, Damian Al Ghul
No romantic relationships
Stuff to Know: Cryptid Batfamily, maybe a bit spooky, Hopefully a bit amusing, Gotham LOVES Batman and she always will, it's concerning
[The Colony Possessed Table of Contents]
Chapter 4 - It feeds off you, mate
“I know you’re there.” John Constantine called out to the dark, hands buried in the pockets of his beige trench-coat, legs spread shoulder width apart, smoke rising from the lit cigarette he smoked. He knew that Bats would not appreciate his presence in his city, but anything out of the ordinary, anything remotely devilish or cursed was his business so, his old pal could suck it. The alley darkened to the point where he could only see a few feet in front of him. The shadows coalesced and bright green eyes shone, no pupil, no white, just pointy green like upside down half moons. The shadows giggled, they caressed his hair, a shiver ran down his spine. “Hello.” The voice echoed against the brick walls, female sounding, soft. The pair of eyes faded in and out in the dark. “No, no,” John shook a finger at it, “I need all of your attention.” John stomped his foot on the ground and an elaborate circle with sigils lit up, causing the shadows to hiss. All at once the shadows darkened and gathered in one spot on the ground in front of him. It was in the shape of a petite woman, long wavy black hair that moved like smoke draped her back, her body the color of coal and acid eyes green eyes glared at him. “What do you want, friend.” She hissed. “Friend, eh? What’s my new friend’s name?” She tilted her head and simply said, “Gotham.” John whistled in surprised, rocking his body back and forth on his heels, “A sentient city.” He knew it! From the day he met the Bat, something wasn’t right. If he ignored his broody countenance, his sharp words, and his gloomy disposition, he could feel another presence hanging off the Bat. It was subtle and vague, cleverly hidden.
He hadn’t been sure, thought that maybe it had been something else. He had even gone to the Watch Tower after he heard of the rumors of it possibly being haunted and found nothing. Bats though, exuded something supernatural, no matter if the grump claimed to not believe in the occult. Heck he had felt it in the man’s children, in his cave, but whenever he looked too closely the thing would disappear. Until recently. The presence had gotten stronger. The proof stood in front of him, it had taken a humanoid form, no longer just an essence. Mixed with something else, something vicious. “I know of your type. Calls herself Angela. Good for a fun time but brings me trouble. What do you want with Bats?” Gotham was no longer looking at John, instead she stared at her hands the shape of long pointy fingers shrinking into dull stubs, she wiggled them. “I’m his, my Bat.” She eventually responded. John watched her as she moved her legs, feet forming solidly, toes wiggling on the sodden cobbled stones. This was going to be troublesome. A city who thought it belonged to a human. Gotham touched her face, its shadowy tendrils taking shape into a proper jawline, lips, nose and forehead. Her hands trailed down her body and she jumped up and down, her breasts bouncing. John enjoyed the show. “You’re a city. You don’t belong to anyone.” Gotham flicked her wrists and a flowy black dress appeared to cover her body, she looked up at him, her almond eyes wide. “I’m his. Fixes me. Loves me.” John nodded as if that made sense. Gotham had an innocence to her despite it existing for hundreds of years. Honestly, he had expected her to be twisted and blood thirsty with the way Gothamites lived here. With all the corruption, death and the crazies. He was surprised that it seemed it hadn’t affected her. “Let me go?” she said tilting her head. John hummed. “Not yet, gotta figure out what to do with you. Does Bats know you exist?” “They know.” Gotham pointed up. John’s eyes followed and were met with four pairs of white eyes, narrowed. They perched like the gargoyles that sat sentinel in the city skylines. He flinched at the crack of a bullet being fired. It ricocheted off the floor next to his feet. “Oy!” The circle flickered. Gotham jumped, floating up so that John’s eyes were met with hers. She cupped his face, her smile unnaturally wide, brilliantly white, and stared deeply into his eyes. Blunt fingers turning sharp, digging into his cheeks before relenting, before making him bleed. “Thank you, friend of my Bat.” She dissipated, leaving him with the ominous birds. He looked up at them, he could feel her presence within them. “Get out of Gotham.” Their words bounced off the brick walls around him, he swore he could hear the flutter of wings at their departure. “It feeds off you, mate.” John said, to no one.
Sorry for the not updating, been having a rough few days (weeks, I guess). Been wanting to write but couldn't get myself to move. Anyways, I will be updating a few of my other fics now, I hope you enjoy them! <3
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tyrian-witch · 3 months
In This World of My Own | Chapter One: Something Normal For Once
(Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)
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Takes place in the fall of 1985, after the events of season 3 (aka Starcourt Mall fire womp womp), reader is graduating high school as it’s her last year.
*Reader is afab and goes by she/her pronouns, given last name (to be revealed*
A/N: This is my first time writing a fic on tumblr so I’m a little new to it, and this is also my first time writing a Stranger Things fic :P
Warnings: None that I know of (unless you count my crappy writing), semi-proof read, fluff question mark? Robin being a good wingman for Steve. Slow burn?? Oh and some minor swearing
Word count: don’t know, don’t care
October, 1985
Fall is the superior season, and what better place to enjoy it than in the small town of Hawkins? Sure, it wasn’t perfect (nothing really is to be honest), and it had this eeriness to it, but it wasn’t that bad.
If anything, the beauty of fall made up for any lingering spookiness that might have lurked in the shadows, but it was fine!
You’ve heard rumours and conspiracy theories of aliens and other things when you moved to Hawkins 2 months ago, but you thought those rumours were silly.
You didn’t really pay any mind to it, simply because you thought it might be some sort of silly hoax or whatnot. Maybe, just maybe it could be possible, but at the same time time, who knows!
For now though, it was your time to enjoy the lovely autumn environment that currently surrounded you.
It was a cloudy Thursday afternoon in October, and as soon as school finishes at 3 o’clock, you gather your things and book it out of there.
You mount on your bike, but you weren’t really in a hurry given that your shift at the local coffee shop wasn’t for another thirty minutes and it wasn’t too far away either - you figure you could get there early anyways because why not? You had nothing better to do, you were pretty much caught up on everything.
On your way there, you take in the beauty of your environment and silently thank Mother Nature for it as you cruise by yourself along the road, all while the jaunty tune of Pink Shoelaces plays on your Walkman. You feel good.
It’s very slow today, there’s hardly any customers.
You think there’d be some people coming in, especially after school. Maybe that’s just you. The Hawkins Cafe is a cozy spot, just on the corner of Main Street. In a way, you were glad it wasn’t very crowded, but again, it was concerning if you were at work doing nothing. What would be the point? You’re still getting paid, but no customers to serve. Bummer.
To kill the time, you decided to tidy up your station.
You were working by yourself, but whoever was in your place last did not do a good job of keeping the space clean. You even found a big coffee leak under the coffee maker that was left unattended.
“The hell happened here?” you mutter. You lift it up and some of the liquid spreads on the counter. “Ah shit, what the fuck? Seriously, are you kidding me?”
As you begin wiping down the spill, the sound of the doorbell chimes, signalling that someone has entered.
“Just a second!” you call out.
You finish cleaning up, before turning around to see, not one, but two customers: a guy and a girl. The girl had short blonde hair and freckles, and the guy had brown hair, and by the way it was styled, you could tell he took pride in it. It looked so soft, you could just reach out and touch it.
You put on your best customer service face and smile. Wiping your hands on your apron, you say “Hi, what can I get for you today?”
“Hi!” the girl says. “I’ll have an espresso, please.”
“Okay, can I get your name?”
“Robin” the girl says with a smile. “We have biology together.”
You look at her, squinting briefly. Then it hits you: “Oh, yeah that’s right. Robin Buckley?”
She nods, still smiling.
You turn to the guy and say: “And what can I get for you?”
“Oh uh, I’ll just have a black coffee with some milk and 2 sugars, please.”
You nod, jotting both their orders down. Looking back at him again you ask for his name.
“Steve,” he tells you, offering a friendly smile.
“Okay, one espresso and one black coffee with milk and two sugars coming up” you affirm, heading to your station.
Meanwhile, Robin and Steve were sitting at one of the tables, talking amongst themselves.
“Veronica canceled on me,” Steve says, almost dejectedly.
“And why would that be?” Robin asks.
He pulls a face and shrugs before running a hand through his hair. “I dunno.”
Robin lowers her voice. “I think the issue is that you try to hard to charm the ladies, you just… fling yourself at them,” she tells him, doing a flinging motion with her hands to demonstrate.
“For your information, Buckley, I was this close,” he pinches his index finger and thumb together, “to going on a date with her.”
“Then why did she cancel?” 
“She said she had a family emergency,” Steve says matter-of-factly.
Robin scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Family emergency? Yeah, right.”
“What?” Steve has a confused look. “What’s wrong with that?” he asks.
He receives a look of disbelief from his friend. “Oh my gosh- okay,” she says. “You do realize that a “‘family emergency’,” she air quotes, “is just an excuse to get out of stuff, like a date, right?” She goes on.
As she’s explaining this, you catch his attention as your making their beverages. He wonders about you. Come to think of it, you’re really pretty. Wait-
“Hello, are you listening?” Robin waves a hand in his face.
Before he could say anything, he sees you coming over and stops his staring you make your way to their table, drinks in hand. “Here you go, is there anything else you two would like? you ask.
“No, thank you” they politely tell you.
You smile. “All right then. Enjoy!” Turning on your heal, you resume your front-of-house duties at the counter, awaiting new customers.
Steve watches you while you work, taking sips of his drink. In the midst of enjoying the caffeine, Robin catches this. Her eyes light up, as if a switch just went on.
“You should ask her out” she tells him.
Robin briefly glances in your direction.
“No, I- there’s no way-”
“Why not?” she almost yells.
“I don’t- wanna scare her off,” he says in a hushed voice.
“You don’t have to scare her off, dingus. Have you ever thought about taking things slow? Just relax.” Robin swiftly gets up from her seat then, making her way to the counter.
“Nonononono wait! What are you doing?” Steve whispers through gritted teeth.”
Robin grins cheekily. “Getting you back in your game!”
Steve was worried you could hear their conversation this entire time, but you had put your Walkman back on since it seemed like it was going to be empty for a little while longer, meaning your service wasn’t needed.
Steve feels nervous about whatever Robin is planning. If she even blows his chance to go on a date with you, he doesn’t know how he’d handle it. He normally doesn’t get flustered or embarrassed often. But he sees you now. He recalls seeing you around before, yes, you were new, but he never really paid you any mind. But he sees you - what could he do? Scare the new girl away before she even had a chance to know him, and vice versa? No way.
He wants to learn how to take things slow and easy, and not to “fling” himself like Robin said. He’d at least like to properly get to know you first, to have a chance at that. Now that he’s finally gotten a break from having to fight monsters from another dimension, he actually has the time on his hands to do something normal for once; in this case, meeting you.
“Hi again!”
Through the corner of your eye, you see Robin at the counter and immediately take off your headphones. “Oh! Yes, what can I- what can I get for you?” you stammer.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to wear headphones. Whoops!
She sees the look of embarrassment on your face and reassures you. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell,” she winks. “I wanted to ask, you’re new here, right?”
“Mhm.” You nod.
“Have you been to Family Video?”
“No, I haven’t really got the chance to check out the stores here,” you say. “Why do you ask?”
She squeals in excitements “Oh! Perfect! When are you free?”
You shrug, thinking about it for a moment. “Tomorrow after my shift at 7, 7:30-ish, I guess?”
Robin, who continues to smile, taps the counter before heading back to sit with Steve. She points at you. “We will see you tomorrow then. Bye!”
She drags Steve from his chair, urging him that they were “gonna be late for work” followed by “hey, my coffee!”
You watch the scene unfold, finding it almost odd, like something you’d see in a comedy.
“Okay, weird. But okay,” you say to yourself. “…Oh well.”
“Dude, what the hell was that?” Steve asks exasperatedly.
He’s driving now to Family Video, with Robin in the passenger seat. She’s looking out the window, then faces him.
With raised eyebrows, she says, “Uh, you’re welcome?”
“Nuh-uh, not ‘you’re welcome,’ you didn’t have to do that for me! I could have done it myself. I would have.”
She only looks at him and laughs.
Noticing the look on her face l, he rolls his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” She feigns innocence.
He shakes his head. “I would have done it.”
“Yeah, buuuuut you didn’t.”
Steve can only glare at her.
“Relax, lover boy. As your wingman, I just did you a huge favour.” She clicks her teeth and proudly points to herself. “You’re welcome.”
“Yeah, thanks” he sasses.
Let’s hope it’s different this time, he thinks.
Hope you enjoyed! :D
-M. ♉️
➤ next part
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vestaclinicpod · 5 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 5th May ✨
There’s something so so satisfying about HFTH being on ep 150, while TSV is on 40 and Travelling Light (TL, if you will) is on 20 . . . the brain is going brrrr.
Here’s what I listened to this week! Spoilers ahead!
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E9) oh what a beautiful episode 😭I’d like to bestow the highest accolade on Flo’s VA: hearing her voice and immediately casting her in an unwritten audio drama that will likely never be made. I have a theory about why Frank can’t just clear out the warehouse . . . but I really don’t want it to be true. 
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (150) You can also find me in Camp ‘Hate That Noise’!! Awful. I love this nautical storyline so much. It’s one thing to be told that Buck is now a renowned detective and another to see him in action. Sad that someone had to die but . . . I can’t wait to see the case unfold!! I’ve been trying to wrap my head around Shelby leaving the entire week. Yes, it makes perfect sense from a survival point of view but I don’t think I could have done it. 
🦀 @thesiltverses (40) what a good ep!! I’ve been so compromised by Carpenter this season. She sounds so very exhausted, even when she’s not being stalked by her god of death. I’m very concerned about ‘Verity’ who left the minute they arrived… did she recognise them?? Chuck Harm and Val are one of the most unexpected combinations of the year but I’m here for it. It is VERY interesting that Val is now suffering post-miracle. Is this a ‘gods need to feed’ situation or something else entirely. Working with God-killers worked so well for the government last time, so it’ll no doubt be over for her in no time . . .
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (20) I can’t tell you how delightful it is that this show comes out on Friday and is exactly the length of my average cycle home!! It’s such a soothing way to start the weekend! There were so many banging lines in this ep, I love a spooky friend!
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum (CONCLUSIVE) You heard it on Mistholme first! People from Yorkshire (me) have the best voices. Like honey, chocolate and coffee all at once - so people say. I can’t believe this is the penultimate episode 😭
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (14) snake friends! How delightful!! I feel a little guilty at how entertaining Alice’s jealousy is. I feel so bad for her, but the office drama is too hard to resist. 
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXVII) my heart!! 💔 I had to laugh at Neige’s disdain for Alfie’s more intimate recordings right before expounding on his own experiences . . . including with their shared boyfriend! It’s a little petty. I love it. And, god, can we talk about this last line? ‘And when you call, I will come back to you because you have begun to feel like home.’ HELLO? Christ.
🌞 Small Victories by @wgc-productions (2.1) How many cosmic interventions will it take for Marisol not to make cosmically bad choices? I don’t know! I’m keeping a close eye on Summer . . . 
🧋 @hinaypod (3-4) Honestly, kind of kudos to Laura because if I went through what she did I would simply never touch an antique again… I really love Donner and Murphy’s rapport and how they recognise and respect Mari’s skills! 
Hope everyone has a lovely week! 🥰
I'd also like to highlight that the creators of one of my fave shows, Moonbase Theta, Out (@monkeymanproductions) , are crowdfunding for their next one! Throw some 💸 at these lovely creatives!!
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lore-gore · 8 months
Also PLEASE post about your oc! I'm trying to get up the courage to make one for hh x3
Finally! It's time! My most detailed oc that I've been working on for five years! (I am so nervous about sharing this)
Originally they were a self insert but grew to become their own character. (Which is why we have the same name. So I suppose they are both a self insert and an oc?)
I'm including bio, relationship with characters, and scene inserts
Hopefully this does not come off as cringe (I better get complements or I will cry)
Tw for death, murder, violence, bullying, obsession, stalking, mentioned kidnapping, shipping with alastor because why not, British people
Also tag me when you make yours!!!
@myroanokenightmare666 @frilledshark-enthusiast @astral--horrorshow you prommied
Lorelai "Lore" Dagenhart
The token spooky weird goth character
Ghost Demon (based on an onryo)
AFAB Nonbinary
Biromantic Asexual
From Birmingham
Chaotic neutral
Gen Z
Born October 31, 1999
Died October 31, 2023
Stabbed in the heart
Killed her old bullies (The four main ones; failed to kill the last one. Or did they?)
Was bullied severely (called names and slurs, beaten up, tripped, shoved, desk was graffitied, hair pulled and even cut, had liquids poured on her to trigger their sensory issues, rumors spread to the point not even the other goths wanted to hang out with her because they thought they sacrificed birds, locked in closets, etc.)
Failed to make friends
Tried to act "normal" for a while but because she had already been established as the weird kid it didn't work
Decided to commit to being weird
Loves being eccentric
Says weird, random, and ominous things
Likes scaring people; is good at it
Special interest is horror
Was a semi popular horror author
Drew their own covers
Has a cute style and a realistic monster style
Had good parents growing up
Parents owned a funeral home
Dad was a funeral director and mom was a mortician
Were similar to Morticia and Gomez
Speaks English and British Sign Language
Sister was deaf (her name was Faye)
Scared of bodies of water (especially running water)
Doesn't mind rain
Can still swim
Bright rooms give her sensory overload (puts on sunglasses to combat this)
Wears sound filtering earbuds
Rarely holds conversation
Either infodumps or barely contributes
Avoids eye contact
If they force herself to make eye contact, they will hold it for way too long
Only really makes eye contact when trying to intimidate someone
Struggles with social cues
Won't realize someone is upset unless they tell her
When that happens, they will simply sit and listen, which works well
Can recognize fear
Fluctuates between touch adverse, touch positive, and touch indifferent
Has a heart-shaped face, a small nose, pure white skin, long black hair parted in the middle that reaches the floor, big droopy eyes that are completely black, including the sclera, dark circles, black lips, and white fangs
6'5, 7'0 with her platforms
Very thin and bony
Wears a grey hoodie with a red x over their heart and heart shaped lock prints running down the sleeves, a pleated black skirt, black and white striped stockings, knee high lace up black 5 inch platform boots and a binder
Facial expression is usually neutral
Voice is also usually monotone
Has a haunting singing voice
Cold to the touch
The temperature in the room lowers when she gets upset (the more upset they are, the colder it gets; she is unaffected by this)
Can float
Can turn invisible
Has prehensile hair
Every time they cut it it grows back
Can't be styled either (will just return to its normal state)
Can store things inside of it
Easily sneaks up behind people
Just pops up randomly
Good at hiding
Can somehow fit into small spaces
Very flexible
Double jointed
Left handed
Anger is almost always silent; plots revenge
Very vengeful
Holds grudges
Has an amazing memory
Can think on her feet
Prefers routine
Can be very blunt
Not great at telling lies, tells half truths instead
Got A's and B's in school
Book smart, but not street smart
Had two black cats named Misery and Misfortune
Has befriended the crows by feeding them
The crows bring them little trinkets
Loves animals, especially the spooky ones (cats, rats, bats, owls, wolves, ravens, crows, snakes, spiders, moths, centipedes, as well as possums)
Favorite animal is bunnies
Favorite movie is The Ring
Favorite season is fall
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Full on cosplays for Halloween
Cosplays outside of Halloween as well
Loves candy and other sweets
Hates the taste of alcohol and coffee
Likes tea
Has taken edibles multiple times before
Often slams things without meaning to
Uses both slang and complicated vocabulary
Switches between using proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling and ignoring it when posting as it's more chaotic
Tumblr shitposter
Made vines when it was still around
Can play the guitar (bass and electric) and piano
Doesn't quite know how to dance
Good at gardening
Offered to take care of the hotel's rose garden after seeing its neglected state
Is now the hotel gardener
Horrible at cooking
A literal hazard in the kitchen
Bad luck seems to follow them when she cooks
The food itself tastes either mediocre or terrible
Collects weird t-shirts
Humor is a mix of dark and surreal
Has a maniacal laugh
Stims by pacing, flapping hands, rocking, cracking neck (neg), and/or bouncing leg
Sleeps with arms crossed over their chest like a vampire (taught herself to do that as a kid and it became a habit)
Sleepwalks sometimes
Even creepier when they sleepwalk
Wanders around, stares at walls, crawls, says cryptic things, laughs
As a human she had brown hair that reached their back, pale skin, and occult blue eyes. She was 6'0, 6'5 with platforms. They wore a long black trenchcoat that reached the floor and a black T-shirt with a ghost on it. (The rest of her outfit was the same.)
Their full demon form has hollow black shadowy holes instead of eyes, a slit mouth that spans her entire face, long claws, and is 8 feet tall with long limbs and an echoing voice
Voice also echoes when being intense
Found the hotel shortly after arriving in hell. (Literally was just wandering around and stumbled upon it. They stopped to admire the little details, Vaggie noticed her through the window, Charlie went down to greet them, and the rest is history.)
Got a double degree in creative writing and digital art
Thinks she's pretty in a haunting way
Creative when it comes to insults and threats
Has an axe-shaped electric guitar and an axe-shaped bass guitar (literally Marceline's bass and Marshall's guitar)
VERY progressive
High Empathy
Music tastes consist of gothic rock, alt rock, punk rock, electric swing, and horror soundtracks
Parents introduced them to gothic rock and punk rock
Pirates movies
Thinks she is unlovable
Has trust issues
Assumes the worst in people
Despite this, you can win their trust by listening to her infodump
Never sits correctly
Feet on the couch, perching on the armrests or even back, crouching on the floor
Grew up agonistic
Dabbles in witchcraft (séances, tarot readings, tea leaf readings, and as a kid curses)
Always carries around a kitchen knife
Had a bobcut with bangs as a kid and wore the school uniform (white button up, black skirt, black tie) with black combat boots, black and white striped stockings, her black trenchcoat, and sharpie eyeliner
Used to explore abandoned places
Loyal to their friends
Cannot flirt or tell when someone is flirting with her to save their life
1920's outfit is a black below the knee dress with long cuffed sleeves, a grey sash, and a white collar with a white ribbon tied around it and small black heeled shoes with a strap.
Bedwear is a plain white short sleeved nightgown with her striped stockings
Never told their parents about being bullied because she didn't want them to worry
Told the teachers about being bullied but they ignored them, even when her parents got involved
Doesn't trust authority because of that
By the time they finally told her parents it was too late to do anything so they just had to push through until graduation
Killed her bullies because she couldn't live knowing they got away with what they did
Wore a ghostface costume to kill their bullies
Decided to name herself Lore because it "fits my new form"
Smells like freshly turned soil
Voice claim: Jamie from The Haunting of Bly Manor
Singing voice claim: Chibi from The Birthday Massacre/Ashley Serena/Emily Rohm
Best friends
He loves how weird she is
The only time he'll watch movies is with them
She likes showing him her favorite horror movies and infodumping afterwards
He likes spending time with her
Both have crushes on each other (He's uniromantic asexual; died at 29)
Lore assumes it's one-sided, thinking she's undateable
And Alastor loves them... Way too much
To the point of obsession
Drags her around everywhere
Definitely stalks them using his shadow
Watches her sleep
Will kidnap them eventually
Partly because he wants to keep her safe and partly because he wants them all to himself
Lore will be angry, scared, but also kinda into it (check feels unlovable)
Will probably try to make her become a cannibal like him, either by sneaking demon meat into their food, forcing her, or some other means
One of their first friends
Sees that Lore is actually a kind person
Lore is not entirely sure her plan will work, but is supportive because that's what best friends do
Anyone who messes with her will face her wrath
One of their first friends
Accepts her weirdness as just who they are
Thinks each other are cool
Listen to goth music together sometimes
Has a bad feeling about Alastor's friendship with her
Creeped out by them
One of her main scaring targets
When he first met them he thought she was a ghost
Admires their chaoticness though
Will grow closer
In pain with her obliviousness with Al
Brushes them off as just a weird kid
A little worried about her friendship with Alastor
Different flavors of weird
Forever confused about their gender
Hates when she tracks dirt in
Ships them and Alastor
Once wrote a fanfic about the two and showed her
It was smut
Lore enjoys her weird moments and finds her endearing
Sir Pentious
Scaring victim number two
Did not like him
Had not completely forgiven him for trying to betray them and kill them twice until he sacrificed himself
Katie Killjoy
Organized his funeral
Hates her
Reminds them of her old bullies
Slashed her tires after the interview
Tom Trench
Hates him because he's Katie's accomplice
Was the one that set him on fire (molotov cocktail)
Since Charlie was already taking care of Katie they went after him instead
At first did not understand why Alastor like her
Until he dug around online and realized "Ah... They're weird as shit nevermind."
Lore hates them because Alastor hates them
"My friends enemies are my enemies" type shit
Hates him after Charlie told her what she saw at the studio
Had to hold themself back from fighting him after seeing him in the club
Always wanted to meet him
Still feels bad Charlie doesn't have a good relationship with him
Glad he's at least trying to fix it
Cherri Bomb
Lore brought weed gummies during their night out so she likes her
Finds them charming
Endorses Alastor's obsession
Scene Inserts:
Hates him for attacking the Hotel and hurting her friends
Glad he's dead
Would dance on his grave if he had one
Also hates her for attacking the hotel and hurting her friends
Especially for killing Dazzle
Would NOT have shown mercy like Vaggie did
Vaggie: It's all highlighted.
(Lore appears behind Vaggie, going from invisible to visible)
Lore: I think, you should scrap this, and just say Happy Hotel over and over again like a subliminal message.
Charlie: I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improv skills!
Lore: She does improv?
Charlie: Well, there's my friend Lore.
(The camera pans to Lore. She hisses.)
(The camera pans back to Charlie, slightly weirded out.)
Charlie: And someone named... Angel Dust.
(Lore learns into the frame, holding a lighter and smirking)
(Silence after argument in limo.)
Lore: I set a man on fire.
(The three turn and stare at her.)
Alastor: What do you do my dear?
Lore: Fester.
Charlie: She's the gardener.
Alastor: My what an intriguing lady you are.
Lore: I'm not a lady I'm a creature.
Vaggie: They mean she's Nonbinary.
(Alastor raises his eyebrow.)
Vaggie: Like identifies outside the gender binary.
Alastor: Ah! How delightfully chaotic!
Alastor: And what can you do my effeminate fellow?
Angel: I can suck ya dick.
Alastor: Ha! No.
Episode 1
Alastor: Founded five days ago by Lucifer's naive daughter Charlotte Morningstar!
Alastor: Enjoy riveting conversation with one of our two (Lore emerges behind the couch) residents! Wow!
Angel: We're in Hell toots. That's kinda the end of the road, ain't it?
Lore: He's right. Death is the end of the road. One long, winding road.
Angel: Why?
Episode 2
Alastor: Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Lore, care to accompany me?
Lore: I don't like people.
Alastor: Then you'll only have to interact with me! (Loops his arm around hers) Best of luck, chums!
(After Stayed Gone)
Lore: Why am I here?
Alastor: Moral support!
Charlie: So... This is the bar and the bartender. And here is the garden and the gardener!
Lore: The roses aren't ready to be cut yet. If I find that you cut any, I will cut your fucking hands off your pathetic little body.
Charlie: She's joking.
Lore: No I'm not.
Vaggie: This is going to be your whole day! (Claps)
Lore: My turn:
my name is Lore
I like blood
And guts and gore
Charlie: That's enough-
Lore: Reality is fake
Someone's going to die
In the lake
Vaggie: I'm sorry what.
Lore: You heard me.
Episode 3
Vaggie: Wow, you are slimy.
Lore: Like a worm. But not a cute one.
Episode 4
Husk: She was the weird kid who was bullied no matter how hard they tried to fit in, so she decided to just own it and commit to the title. Also never orders alcohol. And Nifty-
(After Charlie leaves)
Lore: You watch us sleep?
Pentious: Oh, not you. Alastor already watches you sleep.
Lore: He what.
Episode 5
Charlie: And this is Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, and Lore, our guests!
Sir Pentious: Your Majesty!!!
Angel: Hey, you short king.
Lore: This is my childhood dream come true.
(After explaining Alastor's backstory)
Lore: Sick.
Episode 7
Vaggie: They can be killed.
Lore: (standing up) I KNEW IT! (Sits back down, crossing arms and looking smug) There's almost always a weakness.
Sir Pentious: What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?
Lore: You two are my (smiles) best friends. You can't get rid of me that easily.
Husk: I just got used to you guys.
Episode 8
Alastor: It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Always makes one sentimental, aye Niffty?
Niffty: I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!
Lore: You know it's funny. Hell is the only place I was actually able to make friends.
Alastor: Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed.
Niffty: I dub thee, king roach!
Alastor: Oh, to understand your twisted little mind. Hahaha....
(They all laugh.)
Lore: Never change Niffty. Hey, can I be the roach jester?
Alastor: Hmm. I'd rather rule alongside you.
(He grabs her hand and kisses it.)
Lore: Oh.
(Beginning of battle)
Lore: Come and get me you fucking tar-and-feathered hypocritical bitches in a box! See how a ghost defends its haunt.
(Brandishes knives with hair)
Vaggie: New coat of paint!
Lore: New flowers
Husk: New lights across the marquee
Charlie, Vaggie, Lore, Husk: With a little sorcery
PLEASE feel free to send me asks about them!!!
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fruit-of-infidelity · 11 months
⚰︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS SKiT Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Trick or Treat(ment)” ⚰︎
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Japanese Title: トリック・オア・トリート(メント)
CV: Takehiro Kou, Kaji Yuki, & Takashi Kondō (briefly ft. the other Sakamaki's too)
Audio Available: N/A
Author Note: This is another Halloween Drama CD especially for the spooky season, except this one is a little more fun rather than spooky. Like always with these group dramas, there is no audio available. But, I hope you enjoy it all the same!! I'd love to hear feedback/thoughts on this, since it's been a while since I focused solely on Drama CDs!
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― The scene begins in the Sakamaki manor. ―
Subaru: Where’d the hell that girl go?
Heh, you hidin’ on me? Fine, I’ll play ball, just this once… Tonight’s all about spooks, so what’s a little hide and seek?
Kanato: Cut it out. You’re being awfully noisy.
Subaru: Hah?
Kanato: Don’t act like you didn’t hear me, please. I hate repeating myself… Even Teddy says you are making a ruckus.
Subaru: Whatever… Don’t blame me for it. I wouldn’t be havin’ to make a sound if that woman would hurry up and show herself.
…Oi, reckon you have any idea where she wound up?
Kanato: That annoying person? It seems she decided to shut herself in her room.
Subaru: Just in here? I should’ve known.
― He tries the door. ―
Fuck… The hell did you go locking the door on me for!? Not like there’s anythin’ to barge in on, you know!
― Footsteps approach. ―
Ryuuto: Have you considered she might be avoiding the likes of you for a change?
Subaru: Haah!? Ryuuto…?
Looks like Halloween came early...
Ryuuto: Mutter under your breath all you’d like. You’re simply putting your immaturity on full display, like a peacock showing off its feathers.
If she is avoiding you… Well, I – for one – think it is about time some sense was knocked into her. You can be nothing but a bad influence on her.
Subaru: Bastard… You’re one to talk!
Kanato: Who was it that let you in to our house, Ryuuto? I thought this place was off limits to your side of the family?
Ryuuto: I let myself in.
Besides, you must be mistaken if you think a verbal warning is enough to scare me off. Pitch a sign outside in protest, next time, fufu.
Kanato: …Hehe, maybe you’re right, Teddy. Maybe pitching his head on a spike, instead, would make a better solution.
Subaru: It’d make for a much better Halloween decoration, that’s for sure.
― Subaru and Kanato laugh amongst themselves. ―
Ryuuto: Har. Har. How very funny.
Anyhow, please clear off, won’t you? I am here for that person, alone, and would rather not have my evening ruined by the “Sakamaki babies”*.
  *The Japanese here would ideally be “―逆巻のねんね”; Not only is Ryuuto calling them childish and immature, but he is also using baby-talk whilst doing so to be condescending lol.
Kanato: What did you call me!? A “baby”…!?
Subaru: You say that shit again, and this place’ll soon be a real haunted house!!
Ryuuto: Oh dear, what a foul mood you are both in all of a sudden. It would appear you babies are teething*, too. Fufufu.
  *Again, Ryuuto is being condescending as they’re younger than him, about to throw a tantrum, and – as all the Diaboys like to bare their teeth/threaten to bite when angry – teething is a play on them being “babies” as well as Vampires lol.
Subaru: You piece of…!
― Suddenly the door opens, with you rushing out to stop the fight! ―
Ryuuto: “Stop”? Fufu, you think I am frightened by―― Gaah!?
Subaru: Th-The fuck!? Gh-Ghost!?
Kanato: Waah!?
― You question what’s wrong. ―
Ryuuto: …!? It’s just you!?
― You apologise. ―
Subaru: “Thought you were a ghost”? F-Fuck off, I wasn’t spooked…
Ryuuto: You can’t expect us to not be startled, when you come walking out unannounced covered in something so strange.
Kanato: E-Eh? You mean…
It’s just that person, under that… that ectoplasm?
― You laugh and explain. ―
“A face mask” is what all that slime on your face is? How is putting something that looks so disgusting all over your face relaxing?
Ryuuto: They aren’t uncommon when it comes to skincare; Women tend to love the moisture and glow they give the face, after all.
Aren’t you supposed to have cucumbers to go along with this too?
Kanato: Like those over there you mean? Like a spa treatment…
Subaru: Pah… Since when did you care about “skincare”, anyway?
Ryuuto: Don’t sound so revolted, Subaru. I’m sure you could learn a thing or two about taking care of yourself from this woman.
Subaru: What’s that supposed to mean!?
― You ask them to calm down. ―
Kanato: …Sniff, sniff. Smells of… honey?
― You explain it’s a homemade face mask. ―
Kanato: It’s “homemade”? From fresh ingredient we had lying around in the kitchen?
Hey, is this really just an excuse to make yourself into a ready-to-eat meal for me? Hehe, you smell too good to not eat.
Subaru: Honey? You mean…
― Kanato licks your face. ―
Kanato: Mm… and strawberries.
Ryuuto: What do you think you’re doing? Don’t be so inconsiderate.
― You thank Ryuuto. ―
You think I was telling him off for your sake? Fufu, not at all… It’s simply disgusting to see what belongs to you be eaten up by someone else.
Subaru: Guess you’re not gonna like this then?
― Subaru also licks your face. ―
…You weren’t kiddin’, huh? It’s really strawberry, and all that stuff.
― You insist they stop! ―
Ryuuto: Exactly, face masks aren’t for eating.
Subaru: Maybe not. But, she is.
Kanato: I wouldn’t mind another taste, please.
Ryuuto: Tut.
You there, they’re going to make their stomachs sore, if you keep enticing them like this. Then this “Halloween” you have been so eager for will be ruined.
― You come up with an idea. ―
…You want us to try these face masks too?
Subaru: You mean… smearin’ this crap all over our faces?
Kanato: Are you saying our skin needs some kind of treatment? Mine is as soft as ever, you know!
…Although, with how sweet this stuff is smelling…
Ryuuto: I don’t know about you two, but I suppose it might make for quite the relaxing evening, if we were to give it a go, as well...
Fufu. Cucumber-eyes and all.
Subaru: I thought the point of all this was to make her look ridiculous.
Kanato: If we participate, does this mean we can eat it, when we’re done?
― You suppose so. ���
Then, I’ll have to give it a go as well. Heheh…
Please do mine first, before these other two. And be very generous with how much you put on.
Ryuuto: Remind me, you made this yourself? Well, it would be careless to not give it a good go, wouldn’t it?
Perhaps I ought to entrust my painting palette to you more often; You seem to mix rather pleasant colours.
Subaru: …Huh? What are you lookin’ at me for?
…Tsk, if everyone is doing it, i-it’d be a waste to not use to all up, I guess? Only ‘cause you went to the effort of makin’ so much!
Fine… Count me in.
― Timeskip. ―
Ryuuto: Haa… This has turned out to be rather relaxing, after all. With the lights off like this, the moonlight on my skin feels extra rejuvenating.
Subaru: Feels like I’ve shoved my face into mud… It’s caked all over…
Kanato: Mm… Please top mine up. It’s dribbling right into my mouth; I have no choice but to lick it off.
― You tell them to be careful. ―
Ryuuto: I’m not going to spill any onto your bedsheets, whilst sat here, don’t fret.
Although, I cannot speak for all of us…
― You top them up with cucumber eyes now. ―
Kanato: Why are you laughing all of a sudden?
Ryuuto: Why, indeed? It was your idea for the cucumber-eyes, Pet. Don’t tell me you are going to make us regret letting you pamper us?
Subaru: …Oi.
I wonder if you could do this sorta stuff with blood, you know? Wouldn’t that be just as refreshin’?
Kanato: Are you suggesting we should try that next time?
Subaru: Somethin’ like that, heh.
Ryuuto: Say, when the time comes… You will wash this off our face too, won’t you? After all, we’re in your care, tonight.
Kanato: Yes, return the favour; Lick mine off my face.
Make sure you end at my lips, though. That way, I’ll be able to finish my treatment with a final taste of the mask, hehe.
― You refuse. ―
Subaru: Hah? “No”? You’re gonna make us wash it off ourselves?
You’re really a pain in the ass sometimes, just c’mere instead――
― Subaru grabs hold of you. ―
Quit screamin’.
Fuck stumblin’ my way to the bathroom to wash it off, using you as a washcloth’ll work just fine.
― There is a struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Good grief, you’re going to make a complete mess, Subaru!!
Kanato: Who said you can use what belongs to me like that, anyway!?
― There is more of a struggle as they all get tangled in the bedsheets. ―
Ryuuto: Hand her over, at once! If she isn’t the one to fetch a damp towel for us, then who else will be…!?
― You shout for help. ―
Laito: Nfu. Did I hear a cry for “help” from my Bitch-cha――
― One by one, the other Sakamaki’s appear. ―
Reiji: What on earth is happening h――!?
Ayato: W-Woah, what the hell!?
Shuu: …Heh.
Look at that. Looks like the ghosts of this “haunted house” have come out to play this Halloween, after all…
Ayato: Whaddya mean “ghosts”!?
― You, Ryuuto, Kanato, and Subaru fall off the bed, with the bedsheets. ―
Subaru: Aargh...!!
Laito: D-Did you hear that?
Reiji: W-Wha…!? This… This can’t be…
Shuu: Hahah…
― Shuu slowly walks away. ―
Reiji: Shuu, come back!
You… Ahem, whatever this is, y-you should learn to deal with these things yourself once in a while, as the eldest, you know…!
― Reiji quickly disappears. ―
Ayato: Y-Yo, Four-Eyes! Wait up!
― Ayato, then Laito, rush after Reiji. ―
Laito: Ayato…!? Hey...!
Ryuuto: Tsk...
Who pulled down this sheet with us!?
Kanato: M-My mask!
― They finally break apart… covered in a mess of face mask. ―
Subaru: Fuck, I’m covered in it!
― You complain. ―
Kanato: “C-Covered your bed in it”!? You’re lucky you didn’t cover Teddy in it!
Ryuuto: It’s all over my clothes, and through my hair…
Subaru: I think I got some in my eye…
― You are also covered head to toe in it from the struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Tut… Seeing as you are also completely covered in it, I’ll let you take a bath with me.
Subaru: Get lost, you have your own bathroom back at your place! I’m calling shots for scrubbin’ clean first, with her.
Kanato: It was your fault for the mess in the first place! It’s only fair her and I get to wash off first!!
― You get upset. ―
Ryuuto: Forget about laundry for now, Pet.
If you want a clean body first and foremost, secure that spot alongside you in the bath for me!
Kanato: N-No, me!!
Subaru: F-Fuck… Just, someone, go already!
This stuff’s really sticky…
ーー THE END ーー
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Fun little smut prompt: in honor of spooky season coming up, could we get some monster loving? Maybe a Geralt/Jaskier werewolf/tentacle/other monstrous happenings going on? Or just straight up Geralt being a witcher has some interesting smut possibilities. Always down for Geralt being Different(TM) and Jaskier being Horny for It (TM). (Or the other way around. Maybe Jaskier's hiding something and Geralt is really really a-okay with it . . .)
In the witcher books, Dandelion says that Geralt won't kill night spirits because they're "sweet". So for my first monsterfuckery fic EVER, guess what I picked?
Geraskier. Explicit. Monsterfuckery, but make it sickeningly sweet.
“I know you said they were sweet. You didn’t say they were that sweet.”
Geralt was hung over. And worse, he had apparently told Jaskier about his arrangement with the night spirits of the Black Forest last night. This morning, he just wanted to forget he ever brought it up. He pictured the fresh bread waiting for him at the little shop around the corner. He walked faster.
“Stop trying to lose me!” Jaskier protested.
Geralt sped up.
“Is it a relationship??" Jaskier panted while he hopped to keep up. "Or is it just fucking?”
Geralt stopped and Jaskier ran into the back of him and bounced off.
Geralt crossed his arms and glared at him. 
“What?” Jaskier flailed. That was what he did when he was frustrated with Geralt. It was kind of cute. “ I just want to know! What’s wrong with asking a question?” He grinned a little too wide.
“This is why I don’t tell humans anything,” Geralt groused. “You lot think it’s a fucking joke.”
“I am not mocking! I am merely asking your relationship status, so I know whether I can invite myself to your next rendezvous, and not get punched.”
Geralt blinked. “Seriously?”
Jaskier nodded enthusiastically. “Seriously! Remember that splinter I got on my ass?”
“How could I forget? The trauma of staring at your ass for an hour haunts me in my dreams.”
Jaskier huffed dismissively. “Oh stop. As though you didn’t draw it out.” 
Geralt rolled his eyes.
“Anyway,” Jaskier continued. “I was trying to tempt a leshen. It was not in the mood. That is how I got that splinter.”
Geralt massaged his temples. “You told me--
“Nevermind what I told you! Now answer me about the night spirit.”
“Godsdamnit. Look. It’s….neither. We’re—-friends.“
“So—-can I come?” Jaskier’s face lit up hopefully.
Geralt opened his mouth. He expected his response to be ‘no’. The last thing he needed was to throw oil on the flames of his idiotic and ill advised crush on the bard. And yet, when he went to form the word, what issued from his mouth sounded a whole lot more like ‘yes’.
Jaskier drew in a breath and bounced happily on his toes.
When night had fallen and the forest sounds grew loud and bold in the cover of night, Geralt and Jaskier stood together in the midst of a clearing in the Black Forest. It was sort of a clearing, but it was small. It was like a nook.
A towering, luminous being hovered above Geralt. It had no face, but it did have a head that was reminiscent of the moon. Tendrils of flowing light flicked around it like whips or tentacles.
The witcher spoke in a language Jaskier did not understand. Then he bowed his head. The night spirit did not reply. It simply disappeared.
“What did she—-he—-they—-say?” Jaskier asked. He had already put on his night clothes for, as he put it, easier access. However, he still had on his favorite coat, that had several bows running down the back. 
Geralt jerked his gaze back to him. “You wouldn’t mind if it...if the spirit were... a him?”
Jaskier laughed. “I’m trying to have sex with a night spirit. I tried to seduce a leshy. Did you think my ability to be attracted to a person was so limited?”
Geralt rubbed the back of his own neck. “I suppose not.”
The night spirit returned with friends. They hovered, like a chorus of apparitions, casting a lovely glow on the witcher and the bard. They made a series of noises. It sounded practically musical. Jaskier tried to commit the tune to memory.
“They said yes,” whispered Geralt.
Jaskier grinned triumphantly and waved expansively as he turned his body in a semi circle to allow his eyes to fall on every single night spirit. “I look forward to sexual congress with you ALL!”
“Fuck.” Geralt muttered. But he was smiling.
Geralt stood, facing Jaskier. Only, he wasn’t really looking at him. He was looking at the ground and speaking more quietly than normal. He glowed from the reflection of the light from the night spirits. His white hair made him look like he was wearing a halo.
Jaskier thought he looked quite beautiful like this. He had always been afraid to tell him when he thought he looked beautiful. He assumed he’d kick his ass and leave him.
But now.
Maybe Geralt was a bit more open minded than he gave him credit for. Also, Geralt had agreed to bring him along. So maybe he wasn’t entirely repulsed by the idea of seeing Jaskier naked either. This was turning out to be a most thrilling night.
“I didn’t catch that Geralt, I’m sorry.”
“I said,” Geralt repeated, with effort, and barely louder. “They think our skin is…pretty. So they like us naked.”
Jaskier already had his coat half off. “Well, who am I to deprive them of all of this!”
He was naked before Geralt could gather his wits.
And ok.
Geralt thought he was spectacular.
“Well, aren’t you going to get naked too?”Jaskier felt like a pervert because he was unable to keep the absolute glee and anticipation out of his voice. To make up for it he offered to look away. “Want me to look away?”
Geralt startled. “No. No of course not.”
The witcher started to take off his shirt, and the night spirits moved towards him as one. A glowing tendril of light touched his cheek.
A lovely expression came over Geralt. He closed his eyes and smiled.
Gods. Thought Jaskier. Fucking hell. He is so beautiful like this.
Jaskier realized he so rarely saw Geralt smile like that. Relaxed. Unguarded. No thought about being judged or found wanting. Every line on his face seemed to fall away. He looked twenty years younger. It made Jaskier’s heart feel like it would burst.
The night spirit was clearly intimate with Geralt, because it helped him disrobe.
Geralt’s cock was already half hard and it was magnificent. 
Jaskier licked his lips. “Alright, now what? What shall I do?” His voice trembled.
Jaskier was far younger than Geralt, but he was willing to bet that he had more sexual experience. He was a renowned lover, goddamnit.
And yet. He felt like a fucking virgin. He got to see Geralt’s cock. It was like the first time he’d seen a breast. He tried not to giggle. Despite his emotions, his body responded lustily to the buffet of witcher before him.
Looking at Geralt had already gotten him insanely erect. He’d been suppressing this attraction for ages, so it was a relief to stop hiding it. And if it offended Geralt, he could just pretend it was the night spirits.
It was entirely believable. They were rather pretty for people with no faces.
But it didn’t seem to offend Geralt. His cheeks were pink and if Jaskier didn’t know him better he would think he were stammering.
“They also like our voices. So. I make noises. Whenever I feel like it.”
“Well!” said Jaskier, clapping “I do that anyway, so this is perfect. Now what do we do. Penetrate? Be penetrated? Just rub around?”
Geralt smothered a smile. “We just. Lie back. They do everything else. They said for you to just watch, so you aren’t frightened when it is your turn.”
Jaskier didn’t believe in the existence of gods, so he had never seriously asked them for anything.
And now he never would. Because really, what more could one want from life?
Nothing more than this, surely.
Geralt of Rivia was spread out in front of him. He was naked and squirming. His thick thighs were trembling.
He really was the most spectacular thing Jaskier had ever seen, stuffed with glowing tentacles, gasping for air, he was transcendent.
Jaskier stepped closer, transfixed, holding out his hand. He wasn’t sure what he intended to do with it. He just knew he had to touch Geralt. He didn’t think Geralt saw him, but then Geralt’s fingers were threaded in his. Then Geralt was pressing his hand to his stomach.
Fuck. Jaskier whispered.
Suddenly the night spirit language sounded a whole lot like common speech. “Kneel, bard.”
So Jaskier knelt. It felt like the only thing to do. Jaskier knelt and took Geralt’s cock in his mouth. He gripped his ass and used it to hold himself steady. He kissed and sucked and licked and forgot what time and space was. All that existed was the hard length of parting his lips. The entire universe was the salty, warm scent and taste of Him. There were no words spoken more important than the sound of his name falling from Geralt’s lips.
As he bobbed his head, he felt something tickle his thigh. It was asking for permission. He moaned. And soon, there were tendrils made of light curling around his body, plunging into him. Geralt’s length fell from his lips as he cried out. 
Soon enough he managed to feel ecstasy and deliver his pleasure to Geralt at the same time.
They crested together, like the swell in a symphony. They spent onto the forest floor, shaking and moaning. Then, Jaskier crawled into his arms and kissed him. It was only then that he realized they were floating, resting on beams of light.
His voice was scratchy and he whispered in Geralts’ ear. “I think I love you.”
The night spirits tittered.
“What did they say?”
Geralt chuckled. He was still sweaty and breathing deep and fast. “They said, ‘it’s about time’.”
"Hey. Geralt did not mention your sarcasm."
And then.
“Wait. They know me?”
The night spirits once again spoke in common. Their voices were as one. “You’re all he ever talks about. We have asked him again and again to invite you, believing it could open communication between you.”
Jaskier looked into Geralt’s eyes. They were pressed against each other now, enveloped in each other’s arms. “Did they now?”
“They did.”
“He loves you too.”
Jaskier smiled. “Is this true? Are you friends having me on?”
Geralt squeezed him. “It’s true.”
The night spirits spoke again, as one. Jaskier didn't ask that time what they said. It sounded more like a laughter.
The night spirits didn't have a cave or den or any place to host them, so Jaskier walked back to their camp, hand in hand. Only now they shared a bed roll.
Years later, when Geralt and Jaskier were married, and people asked them how they came to be together as a couple, Geralt would always change the topic.
But it was inevitable that Jaskier would clear his throat and hold court. He loved telling that story, even if Geralt turned so many shades of pink that he looked purple.
After all, who else can say that night spirits, and their vibrating tentacles brought you the love of your life?
Just one witcher and one bard, he’d wager.
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folk-enjoyer · 20 days
Can you do "Hares on the mountain" by Shirley Collins and Davy Graham? Cheers!!
Suggested Song
(do you want the history of your favorite folk song? dm me or submit an ask, and I'll do a full rundown like here)
"Hares on the Mountain" Shirley Collins and Davy Graham, 1964
"Hares on the Mountain" is a traditional English and Irish folk song that was first mentioned in print in 1837 in "Rory O'More A National Lovestory" (vol. 1 p.234) as "blackbirds and thrishes"
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It's almost certain that the song has existed prior, and it could be incredibly old.
the first time it was collected in song was by George Petrie in "The Complete Collection of Irish Music" (1902)
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as "All the young maidens were blackbirds and Trushes" like the other book.
i remade this melody so you can hear what it could have sounded like
It was then later collected by Cecil sharp in 1903 and Publish 1904 in "Folk Songs of Somerset" as having two distinct versions
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i remade these into melodies as well
version 1
version 2
Around the same time, Cecil Sharp would also collect the song, "O Sally My Dear" but wouldn't publish it because of the sexual nature of this song and its relatives, "Pretty Polly" "Nancy and Johnny" and "The Knife in the Window"
This specific family of songs could also be the descendants of an even older folk song that has almost disappeared. except for verses in its descendants. : "The Twa Magicians," which is all over Europe in various forms.
For "Hares on the mountain" The earliest recording I could find of Hares on the Mountain was in 1942 in Somerset, but i don't have access to it. i just know it exists.
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The earliest recording I could find that is available publicly is by Horton Barker from just a couple of months later (in the USA), "To My Right", which is the same song as the original "Hares on the Mountain"
Shirley Collins' Version is particularly interesting for combining the lyrics of both "Hares on the mountain" and "Sally My Dear" and making it into a cohesive story. I also love how it seems that Sally is singing "Hares on the Mountain" *to* the young man.
Even though this song is old and has hundreds of versions with dozens of different names, this version is my favorite. It seems that in many versions, the lyrics are meant to be humorous or scandalous, but in Shirley Collins's version, they take on a different tone. They're sad, spooky, and tragic. I like the way that she renders the conversation between the two characters, and her voice is simply angelic. I'm glad that the traditional started to get more attention thanks to her version.
I actually didn't know anything about this song (or that it existed at all) when starting this project as my knowledge is focused on American folk, but as soon as I heard it I knew it was now one of my favorite songs ever. Also! as of last year, Shirley Collins has released another version of the song. Nothing can beat the '60s version, but this one is pretty nice too.
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3. Garden - 🕊️♟️🗡️
Spooky Selfshiptober Prompts
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After the battle, I slept and ate but little, plagued in grief. Ser Duncan’s passing haunted me; I dreamt of his whiskery face eaten by maggots and rot, the stillness of his once lively eyes. Gurgling, he’d force me into the Blackwater under a fiery emerald sky.
Lady Margaery’s arrival in King’s Landing heralded a new dawn for the capital. The days filled with her amusements: riding, hawking, weaving. Margaery’s invitations shook me from my mournful gloom, so with each leisurely boat trip I recovered, watching Peaches soar overhead, untroubled and free.
The Eyrie, being situated atop a mountain peak, lacked in kennels and stables, and so I was a subpar rider compared to Margaery and her handmaidens. But today we broke off from the other ladies, trotting side-by-side in princess Myrcella’s gardens. The morning air was sweet with the fragrance of fresh autumn flowers; asters, marigolds, dahlias, petunias and roses bloomed in every colour and shade.
“You simply must tell,” Lady Margaery was insisting.
I rode a docile bay mare chosen for her gentleness, whilst hers shone healthily in radiant white-gold. Lannister Gold. A royal gift from her betrothed.
I looked away. “There’s nothing to say, my lady.”
“Ana, you give it all away with your wistful sighs - those giddy little grins of yours. You were so pale when I met you, but you’ve coloured rosy since!”
Truly? “Well, It might be due to your rosy influence.”
Margaery laughed sweetly. “No, I don’t think so.”
I fell silent. Bizarrely, my first thoughts were of laughing grey-green eyes; the taste of fresh mint, sharp as hidden daggers. Lord Baelish is my friend.
“But how do you know?” I challenged her, flustered.
“A woman’s intuition, of course,” she sang. Rubbish.
I hesitated. It would be shameful of me to be cowed by a younger girl, but this one was marrying a king.
“So, is it our Loras? You can trust me, don’t fret!”
“Not Ser Loras.” Who’d never love a woman anyway. “That’s impossible. A Kingsguard can hold no titles or lands, and take no wives.” And she knows this.
“How austere.” Margaery didn’t sound too offended. “Or… did my older brother charm you instead?”
Renly’s ghost. “Garlan already has a wife,” I pointed out, feeling weary now. “And it’s not him, either.”
“Yes, dear Leonette Fossaway,” she tutted, as if to scold herself. “Pardon me, I’ll say no more of it.”
She kept her word for a time. We passed underneath an orchard, vibrant, gilded leaves stirring free and floating down from their twisted white branches.
Margaery’s brown eyes shone in the dappled light. “But I do have another older brother, you know.”
Oh, here we go. “His name is Willas. Not so comely as Loras, perhaps, but kind, and gentle. You’d be a good match. Just think, we’d become sisters!”
Tired, I smiled. Ignoring the fact that Highgarden is a hundred leagues from King’s Landing; and you’ll soon be queen. Margaery was a sly schemer on her own, but I knew it was Olenna Tyrell’s will she was acting upon; a prickly old harridan they called the Queen of Thorns - for her sharp wit. The Tyrells are very ambitious. If they unite east and south, Their golden rosegardens will grow tall and beautiful.
I gave a light spur and broke into a canter, forcing Margaery to hurry up to keep pace. It was not a direct refusal, but it was enough to hint at one.
“You’re too shy, Ana.“ Margaery laughed again. “It is only us blushing maidens. Who is there to fear?
A Spider, perfumed and powdered. “Gossip.”
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
May I ask you at what point it's clear Anne wrote/decided that Armand was physically a teenager? He doesn't seem to be written specifically as one during IWTV (especially) or even QOTD -- possibly why he's portrayed as a grown man in the early comic books and in the 1994 film?
Okay hahah full disclosure I’m writing this at work instead of working and I don’t have books with me to pull quotes so use your imagination or if anyone wants to jump in with some quotes please feel free!
So in IWTV he’s just described as a young man, and Louis doesn’t go crazy telling us too much about what he looks like. I have a few thoughts about this, and about how it influenced the movie and other incarnations of Armand:
Louis has spent most of his vampire life with a grown woman who looks like a 5 year old, so BIG FUCKIN DEAL LOL, wow ur 17? Get in line.
The movie specifically made him older & more spooky old world looking for the visual contrast, also to sidestep Louis’s rebound love interests both being children/young.
I don’t think we should get too nitpicky about the comic books like let’s, just. Lmao. Let’s leave that one.
By the time he shows up in TVL is when he goes from being described as “young man” to “young boy”.
I lied I do have this one quote:
This was a boy, as I had said, and he had a head of long curly hair, and he walked very straight and very simply through the silvery light and into the church. He hesitated for a moment. And by the tilt of the head, it seemed he was looking up. And then he came on through the nave and towards us, his feet making not the faintest sound on the stones. He moved into the glow of the candles on the side altar. His clothes were black velvet, once beautiful, and now eaten away by time, and crusted with dirt. But his face was shining white, and perfect, the countenance of a god it seemed, a Cupid out of Caravaggio, seductive yet ethereal, with auburn hair and dark brown eyes.
So there’s like, 12 years or whatever that she took between books and that gives her a lot of time to let her mental image and idea of the character to evolve, but also just her writing style is so different. I remember Anne saying that she also had Stella from The Tales of Hoffmann in mind when she wrote Armand, so he evolved from “ageless & androgynous” to “gleaming manikin of a young boy” !
For a visual reference, this is Moira Shearer as Stella, which Anne said was Armand in her mind:
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And this is the painting Lestat mentioned:
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But I think we are all aware of the tonal shift phenomenon between IWTV & TVL where IWTV is this like, heavy melancholy Gothic tome and then Lestat just shows up and fucking wrecks the place.  I don’t recall ever hearing her talk about this aspect of Armand and I don’t know if she had it in her mind the whole time, even if Louis didn’t take the time to describe it in detail the way Lestat does. I’d love to know how much of this was in her mind the whole time and if anyone has clues please let us know!!!!!!!
TLDR to answer your question, it’s ambiguous in IWTV and obvious in TVL.
I have this crack theory lmfao. !!!!!!!!!! About how Prince Alexi in The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is also an auburn haired teenager, and how it was written in between the two VC books.
I mean like. Anne can say anyone has auburn hair but it’s just such a staple for Armand 2 ICONIC so how are you NOT gonna wonder about it when she’s writing BDSM porn? Idk.
There’s really no evidence for this except me with my Charlie Day board but sometimes I wonder if that break between books influenced her idea of him at all, and what impact it had on her prose for when she returned to Lestat, and I always wonder if they’re connected at all. IT JUST SEEMS SUSPICIOUS TO ME.
Like I mean. I think, there’s lots of teenagers in her books, so maybe this isn’t really much of a coincidence. But. I must wonder!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
much as it pains me, i only have an hour or so before bedtime so i've decided to press on to gerudo town...i want my snow boots before i try to get that memory and i KNOW they are there
omg this stable has boxes everywhere?! my buddy is here too. where to even begin
YOOOOO evil zelda has been at work here.........telling them not to go near the WELL in a DESERT?
cleaning up thi hoarder junk lol just like real life
man...it's so SAD to be their final customer :( it's sad they have to close up forever...
oh!! he wants art for the stable's final days 😭
geez, those are some tough pictures to get...i'll do my best, but not tonight lol
evil zelda saying stay away from the well is why it's shutting down!!! noooo
girl why does everyone obey her like that, like against logic...the monarchy barely means anything anymore. shes my babygirl but like if my stable was closing bc of some nonsense order i would simply violate the order
OMG yessssss FROGGY LEGGINGS!!!!!! god at LAST...only ONE MORE PIECE TO GO............
if i cleaned the well out does that mean the stable can open again 🥺
oh, when your meal pouch is full addison gives you rupees twice lol
im in the desert and i HATE. SAND. anakin skywalker was right about everything
oooh but it looks so different...the bazaar...what IS that tall thing...how do i sneak in this time lol
this poor korok will have to wait til i get my fucking sand & snow boots
oh cool you can rent a sand seal with a CARRIER now...love it
ah, i see. i guess i can take the korok after all lol. one less for later!
this sand shroud business seems SPOOKY...wild weather in real life fascinates me, and so too does wild video game weather
damn this old lady is fucking jaded. begging me not to drop dead in front of her lol
oh FUN this gerudo is teaching me like, gerudo language, and she's trying to teach me how to make the "v" sound...which i know, because english, but in japanese they don't have that i don't think. COOOOLL
lol a rito just named guy
ah, the updraft is to fly over the shroud...very good. i remember the map not working in botw and it was scary lol
but i still wonder how i get in??
just like when i did the story in the other areas i activate the shrines and leave them behind...smh. at least this time i have the excuse of "it's almost bedtime"
WHAT is this big mushroom thing with the bud in it??? looks almost like a lightroot
i've officially hit 999 brightbloom seeds lol. the game won't let me pick up anymore
oh wow the map going fuzzy is just as bad as i remember lol. it's bedtime but i just GOTTA get to town first...i think i remember an npc saying something about zombies i WANT TO SEE THE REDEADS (or do i)
okay. so.
i got. in. like by just. walking in.
saw a redead. immediately froze in terror.
it's not moving. i'm not moving. alright. alright
killed it with fire. don't like that
GIBDO BONE..........................it is literally not a gibdo. it's not a mummy. it's a redead!!!
shit fuck this looks. so bad. hudson's poor daughter...where even IS everyone
riju's not here...but i found her diary
my friends link and zelda are in hyrule and they'll take care of it 😭
geez she is so young to be dealing with all of this...older now but still
oh my god he's FINALLY in........but to what avail..................
so, everyone is hiding in the wells...
wow, even the bar is fucked up......tragic
where tf are the wells?
OH i found one!!! a square well!
message in a BOTTLE!!!! JUST LIKE OOT
oh lol it's a love letter from a gerudo. girl.......you can't just put love letters in bottles...you and finley both...enough
oh i found the way in but i don't have the girl clothes :( idk how to do it!!!
omg i get the special exception rule <3 i guess thats better than the last game...?
man they arent even allowed to talk to me lol
oh, these guys don't seem to know the trick - killing them with fire lol
another heroines quest! i'll be honest i didn't really understand the first one...
omg they put a guy in JAIL for coming in here...they're serious!!
ok the last thing i wanted to do before bed, which i am late for, was get my shoes. i had to look up the location but AAAA theres two redeads in my way!!!!!!!!! literally kill with fire
i am so tense and hypervigilant walking thru this town. my eyes sweeping everywhere between steps. i am NOT gonna get jumped by one of those motherfuckers this close 2 bedtime
oh god FINALLY made it
those brightbloom seeds just paid for my desert vai armor! of course i had enough for the boots and bought them first lol
well it's more than half an hour past the bedtime i wanted
but i unblocked the door and walked out
saw a redead shambling towards me. went back in.
that's a sign. that's for future liz to deal with tomorrow. eugh
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girlwholovesturtles · 9 months
Opening with Nikola immediately, I see. Why do this? Oh god.
"Needs to be near us." Breekon and Hope need the coffin near? That's interesting. Also worrying that the coffin is there at all.
Nikola makes me uncomfortable. I kinda love them... They've said "Can I call you Elias?" twice now. I'm not convinced they entirely know what's going on.
Did Jon just try to say "Fuck you?" I'm smiling way too much from this episode already.
Oh god, are they gonna- oh god, they are gonna skin him.
"Can I call you Elias?" Number three.
"Do you have a preferred brand of lotion." Oh my god. This should not be making me laugh so much.
Wait, is this the episode? It is! This where the animatic came from that got me into the show to begin with! Yes!
This one!
Jon, why do you sound more annoyed then you do afraid of this man saying he's gonna kill you? I guess when so many people are saying the exact same threat, it stops being scary after a while.
Okay, Michael or I suppose the Spiral is lies and deception. He has nothing to do with the Unknowing but he wants it to fail. Jon, fuck why he's here, ask what the Unknowing is. He doesn't want the Circus or the Archive to win?
Okay, I think I get it.
Theory before it's all said: Michael was Gertrude's assistant, he some how got taken by the Spiral, and the part of him that is still Michael resents the Archive he what happened to him. The Spiral doesn't want to be Michael anymore because it has made it's nature complicated but I suspect it can't get rid of him, for whatever reason. Okay, starting the video again.
Sure, Michael, give up a statement. I'm sure this will be very coherent and not at all filled with me going "WTF?!" constantly.
Michael Shelly... Oh, Michael here implying Gertrude is deceptive, that's interesting... what? She FEED him to the Spiral? Oh... Michael really cared about Gertrude and she used him for this.
"Is a thing evil when it simply obeys it's own nature?" That is an interesting question. A polar bear isn't evil just because it willing to hunt humans, it's just hungry. And near as I can tell, the Spiral and all these other entities, they also are just hungry in their own ways. So, maybe they aren't evil. Though that certainly doesn't make them good.
"He believed everything she told him..." Alright, me and Gertrude aren't friends anymore. But what is the Becoming, exactly?
"Okay." Jon is just giving up? I mean, I know he lives because there's like 200 episodes but...
What do you mean "It's loc-
Uh... is Michael dead? Oh, hi Helen... Yeah, I guess Michael is dead? If it could kill Michael whenever it wanted, why didn't it before? Or did it need someone to replace him? Which I guess it what Helen is for?
You're options are the door or being skinned, my guy. Make good choices.
Wait, is the Spiral cool? It's just... taking Jon home? That's pretty chill of it, given the Archive's history with it but alright.
Okay, hold up. It's entirely possibly I'm reading this all wrong but were these entities at some point just kinda vibing and Gertrude decided they all needed to be destroyed? Because that's what it sounds like to me. Like, I don't know what the Becoming is yet but it sounds like the Spiral was attempting to transition from being a thing that could never be into something that was and perhaps could even be defined. At it's very core, it sounds like these things simply wish to exist but they're so volatile that it's difficult to do so. Gertrude even wanted to destroy the Archive, the focal point of the Eye. Even though, as far as I can tell, it's only interest is to collect knowledge.
So did she just decide to go rogue and destroy all these monsters and that's why they're mobilizing like they are?
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okay my actual opinion on the new patch
Spoiler free version:
i LOVE the map, it looks beautiful, it's fun to navigate, i really adore it
oouughhhh ouch
meta is really fun. i say this because i got an ascended drop on my second run
okay now onto the spoilers <3
the first instance alone? best update ever. i got an ACHIEVEMENT FOR PETTING CATS!!! honestly it was just a really nice story step starting slow and silly and i got to throw cofetti at rama which makes me happy :)
"Friends detective agency" starts crying
also I'm SO GLAD we're getting Yao back, i love them so much. I'm a simply man. In Love With Yao.
i already said this but the map is absolutely insane. the air filter system is pretty cool. THE COLOURS??? with the VOID-ISH MAGIC? hello. its so fucking cool
demons and onis and jade and fucked up mind games and HOLY SHIT i love the themes we are getting into. it's so spooky and cool and honestly i absolutely fucking love this direction.
when i first heard almorras voice? AAUGHAGAHAG OUZGHHH
i love when they pull up my dead friends to torment me. i love it so much. sorry about that commander but holy fuck i love it. im really glad they chose almorra for this too.
voice acting was so good oh god. every part of the story i think to myself "the commander cant sound any more tired than she already is" and then BOOM she hits a new low.
meta is really fun and has a lot of replayability in my opinion! plus it actually really does pay off. i already said that but i got an ascended drop on my second run on na, i think i wanna aim for another one on eu
speaking of meta. theres one rama voice line that has burnt itself into my brain. SMASH IT! HARDER! HARDER!
rama my babygirl. sopping wet beast. i love you
ALL IN ALL. i really loved this patch. story content, events, map, all amazing. BUT it was way too short. i'm very unsure about this new cycle and the time between releases. i feel like the story was too short and just didnt have enough stuff in it to justify a 3 month long wait. it wouldve been perfectly fine if the wait was around a month or so but this kind of isnt enough? even though i do think the meta will keep me busy for a while, this just isnt really enough?
i do hope they find something that works better for us players as well. i think this was a great start into this new story content but knowing that'll take such a long time until the next part kind of hurts it.
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anyways eating emote when
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daemondaes · 2 years
Valentine application: Marisa Coulter
name: Marisa Coulter
age: 30
are you a cuddler? Sometimes
can we make out? Yes
what is your perfect date? Candle lit dinner with engaging and entertaining conversation, before, during, and/or after being thoroughly and intimately pleasured.
how do you feel about chocolate? I love chocolate.
who’s cooking: you or me? You or my private chef, depending on preference.
why should you be my valentine? I’m intelligent, beautiful, rich, and I know how to give you the best sex you’ll ever have in your life. That’s not arrogance, it’s simply skill and the life experience to know what I’m doing.
are spooky happenings a dealbreaker? Sounds intriguing.
anything else i should know: I’m very open minded with a tough exterior and interior. I’m not hurt easily, physically or otherwise. 
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    Cherry frowned. She opened her mouth to speak, thought better of it, then gave the application another read through. She scratched the side of her head. It was comically transparent how hard the cogs in her brain were working. “Sure you handed this in to the right person?” Her lips pulled inward, disappearing, as she furrowed her brows and searched for the words she needed. “Not that I’m complaining, but you’d think you’d have more suitors suited to this level of...fanciness. Never had a private chef cook for me before.”
    More importantly, everything about @viciousgold​ screamed elegance in a way that Cherry knew she didn’t match. The woman proclaimed herself intelligent, and Cherry believed it. Some part of her doubted she’d be able to engage Marisa in particularly engaging conversation, at least not on a level she was accustomed to. But, however insidious the doubt was, the fact remained that Marisa had indeed seen fit to declare her Valentine’s Day intentions, and it would have been careless for Cherry to not take her seriously. She herself was quite accustomed to the victim-end of such circumstances.
    “I mean...if you’ll have me?” One eyebrow rose. Her smile was careful, cautious. “Not much of a scholar, but I know my way around the bedroom. I’ll make sure you don’t hurt too much the next morning.” She chuckled. “So when can I expect a chauffeur to pick me up?”
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