#she started as an adopt and then i was like hm. kinda want
roetrolls · 7 months
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hi everybody, this is fours and she's weird :)
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Since we got the Bayverse turtles with a sibling reader , Could we possibly get the 2012 bros x Platonic! fem child Sibling reader? Perhaps the reader is a recently mutated Turtle that the turtles come across and adopt as their sibling?
(P.s. (R/N) means random name!)
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First is backstory! Headcanons are at the bottom!
The boys were on an intel mission. A new kraang base had made its way onto their raydar, and they needed to find out what they were up to.
The last thing they expected to find was a little mutated turtle. You were so small, it hurt them to think about how you got here.
"She's just like us guys!"
"Mikey, quiet down, you're scaring her." Leo scolded him.
The blue clad leader crouched down to your level, reaching out a comforting hand and speaking in the gentlest tone he could, "Hey there, we're gonna get you out of here ok?"
You sniffled, reaching out to take his hand with your tiny one. He picked you up as carefully as possible, doing his best to sooth away your tears.
"I can check her over for injuries when we get back." Donnie said, checking to make sure the coast was clear. He nodded to the others, and the four made their way home, with you falling asleep halfway.
They entered their home, and Donnie gently took you from Leo. The action woke you up, and you started to cry, not wanting to be taken away from Leo.
Donnie quickly passed you back to his brother, and the two went to the lab so Donnie could check you for any injuries.
Raph and Mikey went to get Splinter and alert him of the new arrival. They rejoined their brothers in the Lab, their father in tow.
Master Splinter spotted you and felt a wave of nostalgia hit him. You looked just like the boys when they were tots, he approached you, and you shyed away into Leo.
"Hello there, what is your name?"
You spoke quietly, your voice was soft and timid, "Subject 05."
Splinter glanced at his sons, and they all shrugged, Raph spoke up, "We found 'er at that kraang base. Guess that's what they called 'er."
Splinter looked back at you, a gentle smiling playing in his lips, "Well if you're going be staying here, you'll need a proper name."
You looked up at him with wide eyes, "I can... stay?"
He nodded, "You can. Now how about we find you a name, hm?"
You nodded eagerly, and the boys began to toss around ideas,
"How about (R/N)?" Donnie suggested,
Raph shook his head, "Nah, let's call 'er (R/N)."
You stuck out your tounge and shook your head, and Leo looked down at you, "You don't like that one?" you shook your head again, and he hummed, "Well how about, (R/N)?"
You shook your head once again, muttering, "Uh uh."
Mikey raised his arm up high, "I got it! Let's call her (Name)!"
You thought for a second, then nodded, "I like (Name)!"
Splinter chuckled, "Well then, (Name), let's get you settled in. Welcome home."
These boys' adore you.
Thats to be expected though,
You are the baby of the family, and they definitly treat you like it.
You were a bit clumsy the first few weeks of you being there,
So Leo made you walk around wearing knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet untill you grew out of your two left feet.
When April and Casey met you,
April was instantly slain by how adorable you were, (Casey too, but c'mon, he ain't gonna admit that.)
Casey has experience with taking care of young kids, since he has a little sister, so he babysits you often.
You even have playdates with his sister,
Ya'll are besties!
Everyone tries not to say the k-word around you, (Kraang), since it's kinda a trigger for you.
They learned that quickly and adapted to avoiding the topic around you.
One of your favorite activities is having a tea party with your dad.
When the boys are out doing their ninja things, you always have tea time with Splinter.
He starts training you as soon as you're willing,
He makes sure to pace it so as not to overwhelm you, but you are really enthusiastic about your training.
You just wanna be an awsome ninja like your brothers.
If you ever can't sleep, you'll spend some time in Donnie's lab,
He's usually up really late, so you'll keep him company while he works,
You even have your beanbag chair next to his desk.
Raph takes you with him when he and Casey go tag buildings,
You get your own little corner to paint and everything.
It always makes you happy.
Mikey likes to read to you,
It's a nightly ritual that he tells you a bedtime story, and you can't sleep without one.
Sometimes they're actual stort books,
Other times he tells you all about some of their past adventures.
Some of them water downed of course, you are stull pretty young.
Leo loves to watch cartoons with you,
All kinds.
You guys have daily Space Heros marathons.
Even when you grow up.
You'll never say no to Leo when he asks if you want to watch Soace Heros.
April helps Donnie homeschool you.
You don't really like lessons, you think it's boring, but you sit through them without complaining because of how excited Donnie is to teach you stuff.
April is really just there to help you understand certain things while also making sure Donnie doesn't go overboard and try to teach you something like honors chemistry.
Obviously they have a lot of enemies,
So they do their best to keep you a secret from them.
Obviously the kraang will want their test subject back,
And there is no way in hell this family is letting that happen.
If anything ever happened the entire Hamato clan would burn down heaven and hell to get you back.
And that is not a threat.
It's a promise.
All done! @gal-with-pastels I hope you enjoyed my friend!
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bcolfanfic · 28 days
the people want more backstory about rosie adopting naomi!! (when u have time ofc)
rosieeeee. sweet man.
after he comes home from bagram august 2021 he contemplates staying in active duty, and maybe starting the application process and what not to go down the JAG path. but he came home from bagram with a lottt of anexity and the more thought he gives it the more he's just. ready to be done. ready to not worry about if he's gonna get sent into another fire in another war etc etc. goes back to practicing "normal law" mostly property law with an agriculture focus.
the thought of adopting just kinda washes over him out of the blue one day. is talking to a co-worker who adopted as a single parent and can't shake the "huh, what if i did that" feeling. talks himself out of it for a couple weeks, but then it comes back in his head, and he /really/ can't shake it this time.
sees his mom for lunch or something and she can tell he's off. asks if he's alright thinking it's ptsd related and he just blurts out something to the effect of do you think i'd be a good dad?
she pauses for a long moment bc she gen was not expecting that at all. but sees the look on his face and that he's asking genuinely and just. melts. yv rosie in my mind is super close with his mama (dad died when he was young) and seeing her baby so sincerely thinking about something like this just. makes her heart swell up. she tells him she think's he'd be a great dad, and prods a little about why he's asking which is a nice outlet for him to talk things out loud with someone.
the next people he tells that he's considering it are croz (his bff <3) and jeanie and they're both practically jumping through the phone like yes oh my god of course you'd be a good dad are you kidding????
he's a very private person and maybeee tells ev too because he figures croz will anyways. but outside the two of them everyone else doesn't know a thing till he actually has her. (think he similar to the bucks does the waiting child thing. was fully expecting to get an older kiddo since that's typically how that goes. but they call him about a lil 11 month old baby and he says yes before he can think twice about it. the social worker he's been working with nudges him a little about considering changing/choosing her name since she's so young, which he stresses a considerable amount over since he was not expecting to have to worry about that lmao. but he gives it some thought and goes with naomi and it Feels Right.)
croz and jeanie go out to be there and see lil baby naomi right after he gets her. croz texts a pic of rosie with her to the gc and everyone is like ????. they all think they somehow missed/forgot an entire crosby child existing lmao. but then croz is texts something to the effect of new rosenthal just dropped (: and they're like WHAT. lmfao. bucky just about screams and scares the hell out of gale across the house. dramatic ass. (which ironic, when him and gale end up more or less being in the same predicament with their friends finding out about baby micah with how sudden all that is).
goddd rosie is so happy. gets all teary talking to croz about it and croz gets a lil emotional too telling him he knows exactly how he feels. tells him that feeling never really goes away, and that he's already such a good dad which makes hm realllly cry. sweet boy.
naomi is that man's moon and stars. obv all the guys that have kids love their kiddos to death. but esp since it's just the two of them before aiden comes along, they're bonded real tight in a way that just. idk makes her real stiff competition for the most adored little girl on the planet.
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lollytea · 2 years
Huntlow ft Gus au where they roleplay Cosmic frontier and being O'bailey helps Hunter feel more confident to flirt with Willow? Kinda like in Community when Annie, Troy and Abed roleplay Inspector Spacetime and Abed totally changes when getting into character
OKAY OKAY OKAY But after all this Collector shit is over and everything settles down. Hunter and Gus LARPing in their Cosmic Frontier cosplays and Gus casts an illusion curtain so Camila's basement really does feel like the inside of a futuristic spaceship. They even get Camila on board to join them. (Remember how excited she was to LARP in Yesterday's Lie?? She's never done anything like this before but she would be so into it!!)
Anyway. You KNOW how Gus and Hunter are. Obviously Gus is a born performer and very committed to theatrics but also there's Hunter who is intensely hyperfixated on Cosmic Frontier and not only connects to O'Bailey but also sees him as a fictional role model of sorts. He's cool and smart and kind and confident and basically everything Hunter aspires to be. So O'Bailey is basically Hunter's main blorbo. He WOULD be the type to keep a notebook full of O'Bailey characters analysis. He understands this fictional man inside and out. Everything from his big grand life aspirations and inner turmoil to his little character tics and personal details.
So when he and Gus get into the zone? Oh Hunter would take it so deathly seriously. Gus would too so they're perfect LARPing partners.
I think it definitely fits with Hunter's tendency to lose himself in the roles that he plays, like how his personality altered when he was wearing the Golden Guard uniform. Except, in this case, Hunter's face is on full display and rather than O'Bailey being a character Hunter can hide behind like the GG was, it's more like Hunter is just having fun playing pretend, while using O'Bailey as a bit of an outlet for him to experiment with the person he wants to be. Role-playing as this character he really likes helps with his confidence significantly as with the bonus of being unmasked, it's easier for him to tap into it as Hunter.
Eventually. Eventually.
Because when they first start playing pretend, Hunter believes that he's playing an entirely different person than himself. But he has so much fun with it!!!
Anyway Gus and Hunter get very into their roles, acting out extremely tense and emotionally gripping scenes. Camila is also very enthusiastic, though she has a tendency to break character every once in a while by devolving into squeals because this is just SO cool!!! Why did she and Manny never do this??
Anyway Willow almost always shows up to watch. For the plot. She sits there and she watches Hunter go full cool hero protagonist mode for the plot. She's very interested in....whatever the fuck is going on. There's an asteroid about to hit the ship she thinks. She doesn't know what an asteroid is but she assumes this is a bad thing.
It's Camila that kickstarts the chaos. She notices the scene is waning in regards to cool shit to say and decides to spice things up. As O'Bailey and Avery are engaged in a tense dialogue, she shuffles over to where Willow is sitting and takes her by the hands to hoist her up.
"How about you join us, Mija? :)"
"Oh!" Says Willow, blinking out of the stupor that overcame her when Hunter started a dramatic monologue about the safety of everyone in the galaxy. "Okay...?"
She had never done something like this before. But now that Camila is leading her over to the boys, she thinks to herself...hm. yeah...Yeah!! Yeah, this could be fun!!!
"Captain Avery." Camila says sharply, snapping her posture straight. "Botanist Kumiko O'Bailey has been sent to inspect our vegetation crop and report back to the Nebula Federation."
Gus and Hunter turn to look at them and Willow feels the push to engage.
"Uhh. YES!" She announces, adopting a powerful air as she places her fists on her hips and tips her chin up high. "It's me! Kumiko!! And I'm here to...uh. To do what Camila just said."
"What Quando just said."
"Also...." Camila continues. "She mentioned wanting to see her husband."
"My what now?" Willow blurts out under her breath.
Oh. Right. Kumiko. Kumiko O'Bailey. She had heard that name once or twice. She knows at least a chunk of the lore. Hunter talks about it often.
So. So she's currently playing the role of...
"Kumiko!" Hunter exclaims and rushes to her side. And then suddenly there's hands and they're long and narrow and warm and they are cradling her hands. And though Willow has held Hunter's hands plenty of times, it was always initiated by her. It's his sudden bout of forwardness that stuns her speechless.
Where is this coming from?
"Um..." Willow finds herself mumbling idiotically.
"You weren't answering any of my communications." Hunter says, looking deeply invested in the colour of Willow's eyes. "I was worried..."
Hunter has not acknowledged that this is something he would have been far too shy to do with Willow Park under any other circumstances. Because he is currently Chief Engineer O'Bailey and he is extremely committed to portraying this role faithfully. And if there's one thing he knows about O'Bailey, it's that he loves Kumiko with abandon.
"Aw, well, you know how it is," Willow grins, still a little breathless. She tries to tear her eyes away from their interlaced fingers, a slight blush seeping across her cheeks.
"The communication....thingie...was busted. So I just figured I'd hop on a spaceship and come find ya."
Under the assumption that she's nailing this role, Willow decides to get a little rambunctious with it. She tilts her head to the side, tweaking her smile into something overtly flirty. "I missed you <3" She says in a honey sweet tone that she has used on him on numerous occasions. It usually renders Hunter completely unsure of what to do with himself. It's adorable.
But not this time.
Hunter, completely unruffled, responds with a warm endeared smile that sends Willow's pulse coursing. "I missed you too." He says softly.
And then. One of those accursed hands of his. It settles into a gentle caress against her face.
Willow's eyes are just about about bulging out of their sockets.
"But wooow," Hunter croons, stroking the pad of his thumb across her cheekbone. (Her skin is hot and he is gonna notice, which is only making it hotter.) That's when the flirtatious touch to his own smile cracks through. "You traveled all those lightyears? For me?"
Willow does not have a fucking clue what a lightyear is. But she likes the sound of the word when he says it like that.
"You betcha, babe!" Willow responds enthusiastically, trying to regain some handle on this scenario. "You know I'd travel a million lightyears just to see you."
She flirts. Her. Willow.
Hunter unexpectedly taking the lead here is throwing her off. She's floundering.
Is this what she does to him all the time?
Hunter's smile spreads and he takes a step closer.
Willow would have taken an instinctive step back but she is currently frozen to the spot.
Hunter's eyes are very brown.
"Well..." He says musingly. "You've seen me. Will that be everything, Mrs O'Bailey?"
Willow is certain her heart forgot its main functions before promptly bursting into a frenzy.
How has his palm not scalded against her cheek.
Willow is about to say something. Potential responses swirl around in her head.
She isn't quite sure what is about to happen. All she's processing is that Hunter is standing very close and she has some ideas of what she would like to happen right now and she's pretty sure if she just--
"Oooooh. Go Hunter!" Somebody suddenly whoops and Willow gets to see the O'Bailey persona shatter like glass before her very eyes.
Luz has descended the stairs with not an ounce of context of what is going on. All she sees is Hunter cupping Willow's cheek and moving closer and closer.
Camila is observing with a broad beam, while Gus leans against a nearby wall, a little bored.
With that, Hunter is yanked back to the reality of the situation. He's not in space, he's in a basement. He's not Chief Engineer O'Bailey, he's Hunter. And she is not his wife Kumiko. She is Willow Park.
He might have been about to kiss Willow Park.
Heat floods his face and he breaks into a splutter of rapid-fire apologies. The words are spit out so frantically, they begin to tangle together.
And as charmed as Willow tends to be with flustered Hunter, she is quite disappointed that whatever that was is over.
Meanwhile Hunter is dangerously close to the realization that flirting with Willow Park is something as impossible as he originally thought.
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donnas-dollface · 2 years
requested by: (@mraes) Heyy i hope you’re doing good! I just found ur account and lemme just say…ur writing is so good. My two special interests rn are actually resident evil and rdr2 lol so this is perfect :)
I’d like to request your take on Donna with a s/o who is very sociable, gets along with everyone. Maybe they accompany Donna to a meeting for the first time and end up with a few new friends (as well as invitations to hang out) by the end?
a/n: i say this time and time again, that's a sweet thing to say thank you ejkaejklf and not a problem! apologies for the late publishing! i wasn't quite sure if you wanted a full little story or headcanons so i went with the latter. of course i'm able to do the other which way if you'd like! :)
characters; donna beneviento x reader
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Meeting the Family;
Donna is a very private person. So her siblings finally piecing together that she has a lover takes awhile. An extra toothbrush? Oh, it's probably just a spare. Hm, this definitely looks like way too many dishes for a one person household. And once they do, they're just like "WHO?? WHAT THE HELL, THE DOLLMAKER PULLED BEFORE ME?" They're bombarding her with questions, some she'll quietly answer, and some that are more invasive Angie is snapping back. 
She was a little... hesitant about bringing you to meet her adoptive family. But she relented, because sooner or later they would've probably barged into her manor to meet you themselves the moment an opportunity came up. They were curious, and it soothed her soul just a little bit. 
"I would like to meet the person that's lucky enough to grace my little sister's eyes." "As would I!" 
"OH BUG OFF, ONLY DONNA'S ALLOWED TO SEE THEIR FACE!" - a certain homicidal doll. 
Very well then. So she arranged to bring you along to the next family meeting. Mother Miranda was aware, and truly she was intrigued about meeting Donna's little secret lover. Would you be quiet like the veiled lady? Or something entirely opposite?
When Donna quietly told you she'd made arrangements with her family for you to meet them, she couldn't believe how enthusiastic you were. You'd heard about them, y'know being the 4 lords and all, but it didn't terrify you. You just hoped Mother Miranda would approve of you dating one of her beloved daughters. Andddd that Lady Dimitrescu wouldn't slice you to ribbons if she found reason to disapprove of you.
Donna just squeezed your hand, sensing your slight nervousness. "... No matter what they think, I love you either way." It wasn't until you stood next to Donna, approaching the Dimitrescu Castle that you got cold feet. You were excited, but felt ready to yak. The doll noticed how you kinda faltered in your steps and tugged on your shirt sleeve. 
"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you've got the quakes now! You were so excited when you brought back that stupid pie!" "HEY I DIDN'T WANT TO SHOW UP EMPTY HANDED?!"
Meeting the Dimitrescus;
alcina is just quietly watching from behind the curtains of one of the higher level windows if I'm being honest. she's just studying you, like a cat does to a stranger. 
Donna again squeezes your hand, mumbling "I'd never make you do something you don't want to do. We can go back if you'd like.." but god you're determined. "No, it's alright, I'll be fine." 
mkay then. 
Alcina is already at the door when you're just about to use the giant knocker. Donna is definitely taken aback, because the Countess usually takes a while to open the door or one of the many maidens does it. 
Surprisingly, you don't recoil, instead giving a very chirpy "Good afternoon Ms. Dimitrescu'' with a slight head bow. Meanwhile Donna is very much holding her breath behind you with Angie being uncharacteristically quiet.
She looks you up and down, and responds. "Good afternoon…?"
"Y/N L/N. I hope it's alright I'm attending with Donna today?"
"If it's alright with Mother Miranda, I suppose it is. Come in, it's starting to get cold."
Donna is proud of you oh my god. She breathes finally and picks up her companion, going before you while you enter last. 
Ah, you're the gentleman type of person. Good. 
"Lord Moreau and Heisenberg haven't arrived yet. Typical, they're both morons. Anywho, please make yourselves at home."
She turns to look at you, but you're busy admiring the grand decor. Like seriously everything is so tidy and perfectly placed.
"Miss Dimitrescu, did you arrange all of this?" 
"The decor? Oh no, I designed how I wanted it to be, and had the maids arrange it."
And thus begins the rambling. You and Alcina are talking about little trinkets she has, their origins, the paintings? Donna and Angie are stunned. But she's pleased, Alci seems to enjoy your company.
Suddenly the swarm of flies appears. "MOTHER, CASSANDRA IS BEING A NUISANCE!"
you look at Donna, who is tilting her head. Her nieces (?), usually keep to themselves when there's a meeting. Perhaps Alcina had notified them of a newcomer. 
You look back and see 2 young women looking at you, one with blond hair, the other with brown(black?) hair. Their faces are messy, presumably dried blood around their mouths. You can see that their noses are inhaling… are they smelling you? 
"Ahem, girls, we have guests. This is Cassandra and Bela, my daughters. There's a third, Daniela, but I'm unsure of where she is."
"um… nice to meet you. I'm Y/n-"
"Ah, you're Donna's lover!"
"Speak up, it's not like we're gonna bite."
Angie was about to open her mouth at that remark but a nudge from Donna held her back. she wasn't ready to go back to her time out corner. 
After a bit of awkward glancing, you took note of a book in Bella's hand, internally debating whether it would be appropriate to make conversation with one of Dimitrescus ' daughters. 
"Do you like to read?" 
"Oh please, she's a bookworm. Goes into the library, she never comes out. Practically lives there."
"Better than being a barbarian and running around like a … what was that expression? something with a chicken with no head…"
"A headless chicken?"
"Yes! It's better than being a barbarian and running around like a headless chicken with a sickle in its hand!"
"Hey now!"
"Enough! You two bicker like wild dogs. Now go find Daniela, she's been awfully quiet."
"Hmph. Yes mother."
You were quietly giggling, making note to bring by a few novels for Bela. You stood next to Donna, and slipped your hand in her's. Alcina's eyes flickered to this motion, and thus her own interrogation began. 
"So tell me Y/N, how long have you been with my sister?"
"I presume you treat her right? If I ever get the notion that you've mistreated her we'll have a new wine on the market."
"I'm just giving them a warning."
"Warning or are you jealous T-Rex?"
"Can it, firewood."
Whilst Alcina does like you, she's more so overprotective of her adoptive sister. She's got a fragile mind, and she doesn't want her to get hurt. But she's assured that you take good care of Donna, and Donna does the same. 
suddenly all heads jerk to the doors, where a booming voice calls out. "Ladies and gentlemen! We now have Karl Heisenberg!"
Meeting Heisenberg;
When the doors blew open, he saw you holding Donna and Alcina glaring him down.
"Stupid Man-thing! If you ruined my doors I'll have your goddamn head!"
"Try it you super-sized bitch!"
You puzzledly look at Donna, and Angie pipes up rather a little too gleefully.
"OOOO this is gonna be a good one! Fight fight fight!"
Donna silently shakes her head and replies to your confused and concerned reaction.
"There's nothing much to worry about, this happens nearly every meeting."
You give a quiet O, and turn to look back at the two, who seem to be in a staring match of sorts. Suddenly, he presumably glances in your direction, and clears his throat. 
"Ah! You must be the mysterious lover we've all been curious about. Tell me, what's your name?"
"Y/N? Well Y/N, I'm assuming you've met the Big Woman. And I'm Karl Heisenberg."
With that, he stuck his hand out for you to shake. 
"Egh, I wouldn't dare to shake that thing's hand, you can't be sure of where it's been."
Okay that finally set off Karl. You simply blinked and the next moment, there was metal pointing to the back at Alcina, who had unsheathed some long claws. You gawk in amazement, while Donna is simply tugging you behind her. 
"If you two are just going to bicker, i think Y/N and I will take our leave."
The two's heads crank as they look at her, back at each other, and finally they grumble and Karl settles to give Alcina the middle finger. 
"... So Lord Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu, Lady Beneviento, and isn't there one more?"
"Ah, you mean the moronic freak. Yes, Moreau. Fair bit of warning, he does have a strong stench, so don't let him hug you."
Angie presumably if she had face muscles, would've been wrinkling her nose. "And they never gave us that heads up."
"I'm pretty sure you can't smell jack shit."
"That doesn't matter!"
You were still standing behind Donna, who was seriously gripping your hand. The poor thing thought her siblings would've been more well behaved but now she's kinda antsy.
she doesn't want you getting hurt.
Karl goes quiet from his bickering with the doll for a bit and then huffs.
"I'll be on my best behavior from now till after the meeting."
"Ha, I'd like to see that."
"And you will!"
(I'm making this a two parter, hope that's alright!)
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gardens-of-may · 2 months
ENTRY ONE - beginning to chap. 49
spoilers ahead
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aves and jamie are lit so cute together 
what the fuck is their wager??
so confusing 
ok daddy 
i’m ashamed
ummm anyway…
what’s stick up his ass doing here??
she’s traumatized 😣 
i feel so bad
i just want to hug her and cry with her
i’m gonna cry 
anyway what’s he talking about 😬
school 💀 
people thought he got burnt alive?
no he just crisped up a lil
ohhh on hawthorne island…
i already know the synopsis for tgg so hmph
what if… she was just a girl? 🎀
i kinda doubt it but anyway 
what the fuck is this bitch planning? 🤨
is that denial i sense?
oh her
why is he here?????
oh shit
what are they doing now??
i cannot handle mystery i swear-
another game fun
avery and jameson totally didn’t like almost die 
what the fuck
he was a bad boy he did some bad things 
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pookie don’t stare at him
omg he’s a poet
ugh bro ruined everything 😒
i want libby’s pajamas 😤
what is “mrs. laughlin” yapping about??
no thea
i’m confused again
pookie 👹
oh i’m stupid
i’m too stupid for these books
ok smarties
ohh takes the you’re adopted jokes too far
might have js spoiled it for myself BUT I DONT CARE 
i’m going to CRY
she’s serious now
i’m terrified 
wow he told what she already knew 
i think she likes him
oh my gosh hehehe 🤭 
oh poop not stick up his ass
i can’t handle this
they’re such boys
stop they’re actually fighting?
i hate them so much
nvm they’re sweet
what the fuck
i wouldn’t have survived that 
nash is one of the best brothers 
i feel so bad for avery
alisa gets it 🤭
what is this game????
he probably like staged his death
have we found another father??
i’m lowk kinda jealous BUT IT DOENT MATTER SKDNSN
jennifer when i catch you-
stick up ass is jealous 
i love xander 
tensions are high and it’s too casual so i’m ending this here
end of chap. 48
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artsybug0 · 1 year
Hi Buggy! :D
I have a question, how did Wally and Millie fall in love?
Well it depends on which ones you’re asking😅
Original: Millie developed a crush on Wally first, kinda on the first day they met. He was just so nice and welcoming she couldn’t help but develop a small crush! Over time that crush grew and eventually Wally started catching feelings too.
Actor: Wally honestly has no clue how, why, or even when it happened! But he fell for Millie first. And fell kinda hard! He denied it all the time and wouldn’t accept it. But also sending Millie anonymous gifts. Millie enjoyed the gifts and did find out it was Wally. She originally planned to just use him for his money. She’s been doing that to get herself a comfortable life for years no. And he’s been a bit of a jerk towards her for a bit so in her eyes it’s revenge. But she herself caught feelings. Which is surprising because Wally in this au GOT NO RIZZ, NO BITCHES.😭 (Frillsand even said he is the definition of bitchless😭😭)
Gothic/Punk: Millie honestly kept fucking annoying him all the time until Wally realized he’s starting to like her. Which pissed him off I can imagine haha! Not only that, but she’s also getting with his ex girlfriend (the creators/my friends Oc Susanna) so he’s extra salty about that. But no worries! They all end up in a poly relationship. Millie honestly has so much rizz in this au💀
Rainbow Factory: This one is a pickle because I’m still trying to figure out if Wally even likes Millie back, or if I want angst 😈. But pretty but Millie’s crush on Wally started when he visited her in the hospital after a chemical explosion she was caught in. He was the only one who visited. Naturally that made her become attached to him. Millie doesn’t have anyone in this Au, no family (she was never adopted) no real or fake friends. She doesn’t even have her beauty to use for attention. If anything, here scars cause her a lot of loneliness. So for him to act like he cares, got her hooked. Dangerously hooked.
Hm..that’s all I can really think of right now! The other Au’s I either haven’t posted Millie in yet, or im still figuring it out!
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hectorthedoggo · 3 months
thing I found in my drafts read at your own discretion
hey so yk the doomed toxic p000506 family. What if. What if. Mahiru got t3 kotoko in on it. Shidou gets t2 amane in on it. Amane geta fuuta in on it. Elaboration:
It's like a web. So, at first, it would be mhr, shd, in t2. Then, I think mhr would kinda start by adopting es (w/o permission ofc) and shidou would try to take care of amane (they both think they can fix the children. Um. No.) then, I think that mhr would start interacting with shd/amane and start collabbing with their "teehee idealized family ^^" (w/o listening to the kids ofc). Then, maybe es is trying to escape the two, either one, and run into Amane's cell. They would bond a little with her, and she would start to bond with them. Es would be a little more talkative, less warden mentality, due to their high emotional state.
Both kids would realize how lonely they truly are, and only one of them would confront that fact (amane). She would realize that es is just like her (if she hasn't already). She admires their faith towards milgram, but thinks it's misguided. She should guide them out of it!
(+1 constantly pestering 'family member' (she doesn't like shidou and Mahiru's on thin ice, so es goes in her room when they want to be left alone. They don't want to go in other prisoner's rooms, because they don't want to stoop to that. Amane understands, and she won't turn them in. But, she can be pestering. Maybe a little physically affectionate later, but that would be awkward. She only tries to recruit them to the cult so she can be friends with them, officially. Because, she's not supposed to make friends out of the cult. As get belief is affirmed, recruiting attempts up.)
So, it's already bad for es. But dw, IT GETS WORSE :D. So, T3, super hell. It will be hell in the way that there's too much warmth!!!
Alr, so taking the fuuta indoctrination theory, he would join their little cell hangouts. Amane would tell him the whole sitch. Then, maybe es confesses some level of suicidal thoughts to amane. She tells fuuta, cause she's scared. Cue: his unresolved guilt around killcheroy. So, he starts hanging around them a LOT. Tells the doctor to f off. They are Lowkey exhausted, and they would give a little tired laugh. Maybe, fuuta starts to grow an attachment to the kid. (+1 family member)
T3, kotoko would be absolutely destroyed by the guilty verdict. Hey, so yk what mahiru obsesses over... Broken people... Hm...
So, she would start (maybe a little non-platonically happy pride month) fretting over kotoko and soon enough, with giving her all the affection that she's not had over the years, she joins the family!!! Kotoko would start to understand Es. She would maybe start seeing es like lucky, like "oh they were misguided in their judgment... I suppose I will forgive them... (+1 overbearing parent trying to guide them help this kid)
Each of the prisoners are also interested in each other, in different ways, but I mostly fixate on es, so ; ;
so. This au (called BHF (big happy family)) has different verdicts (mhr t1 inno, maybe more but idk)
yeah considering giving mu guilty and she rei-ifies es
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rantceratops · 1 year
Hey so like, I'm looking at your post about still believing in Luz and Hunter as siblings. I'm on board for that too obviously, and am thinking of the part where he's in The Collector's palace and feeling like no one is waiting for him. I guess I'm trying to rationalize somehow...why he wasn't thinking of her words "You're family now" right after he sent Willow off to her parents. I get why the writers wanted to include Luz's narration of "And if someone thought they had no one waiting for them, well, they were in for a nice surprise", yet I'm sort of telling myself that perhaps Hunter didn't want to burden Luz and Camila at that time or something. If he's Luz's sibling he could just walk to Eda's house and join them there after making sure Gus and Willow are reunited with their family. Maybe that's what he, Darius and Eberwolf did offscreen after they reunited. Hm..
Honestly, I almost don't get the point of them including the "You're family now" line in TTT if they weren't going to follow it up with something a little more solid. Then again, one of my major gripes with the last three episodes in general are them constantly bringing up plot points that don't ever get any real follow-up("You're family now"; Hunter's flashstep powers(why did he even get them if they weren't going to be used in the finale in a major way? Seems like an odd writing choice so late in the game. And I am a FAN of him still having the flashstep, but I'm still pointing this out as a weird choice); Hunter not getting time to grieve at ALL; no Wittebro/Evelyn lore(I think TTT should have done a proper delve into their past. I don't necessarily think it's a good choice to leave it unexplored, but I'm kinda torn); Hunter's fear over the others finding out he was a Grimwalker getting glossed over with two lines when it was SUCH a Big Deal to him and he needed a proper conversation about it - that one's a BIG beef; probably several more I'm forgetting).
And like, back on Hunter and Luz Siblings, as I've said, it doesn't have to be straight up adoption papers or anything, it's found family, it doesn't have to be traditional anything. I just think it's so weird to have this really significant moment where Luz calls him that and he literally bursts into tears over it because he has no one at that point, but then there's not like, any other pay off or mention of it? (Camila also called him 'baby'.)
Imagine if Hunter had been looking sad after Willow ran to her dads, then Camila(and Luz maybe, even though she was still with Eda at the time), came up and smiled at him and hugged him? Really cementing that found family thing that was brought up with them. (And just to be clear, none of this means I would have wanted Hunter to live in the Human Realm, I was never a fan of that idea. I just want him to be Luz's sibling and visit the Human Realm often because he has a PLACE there that will always be there for him when he needs it.)
I pretty much figured they'd go for Dadrius, and I'm not like... livid about it or anything. I just think if they really wanted to go that route then they should have built it up more, and I personally would have also needed an apology from Darius to Hunter about how he treated him in ASIAS was wrong and how he's going to be better from there on out, etc, before I feel like that scenario would have any actual meaning or pay-off. (I am not bashing Darius, I like Darius, but he treated Hunter like shit in ASIAS.)
All this being said, I don't think the ending negates Hunter being Luz's sibling, even if Darius straight adopted him(I don't think he did), it doesn't mean he's lost his place with other important guardian/parental/mentor figures in his life. I think that's the most beautiful thing about found family. I think most of my salt just comes from them not really following a thread that was seemingly started in TTT and seemed like an awfully Big Damn Deal to the boy, considering how hard he cried.
I'm being salty and I have my critiques, but don't mistake this for me hating on the show or anything. I still really enjoyed the finale, but as a fan I have issues and things I didn't like.
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"In what sense? Of timeline? I mean each Season is going to be roughly a year?"
Sorry for not being specific.
I meant summary of what changed in each season in comparison to Canon
Okay hm so off the top of my head without going too far into my notes:
Actually side thing is I just realized that most of the Major Changes have to do with the various villains. The Trix being salvageable to the Good Side(after a bit), Darkar getting downgraded to normal, Valtor has been changed completely tbh. The Wizards of the Black Circle have been almost completely yeeted. Tritanus is more of a civil war situation than an outright coup.
Interesting tbh.
Season 1:
Same basic plot of Bloom learning about Magic and going to Alfea, learning about her actual heritage, the Trix being fucks. Some things go sideways, some plots are diverted.
Changes include
A good chunk of adjusting the whole 'Ancestral Witches' thing and the Fall of Domino because having that happen ages ago but also less than 20 years ago is ?????. Short version: A group called 'Ancestral' that wanted to take over everything invaded Domino for the Dragon Flame. Yadda yadda Daphne yeets Bloom to Earth, gets Spirited in the process, most of the population is killed, most members of Ancestral were either killed or arrested but a few escaped. This is treated as a semi-recent tragedy that most Adult characters remember
Faeries and Witches are the same thing, just using Light vs. Dark Magic. Not different species. Not good vs evil. (Light is not always 'good', Dark is not always 'evil'). The neutral word for them is Magixae. While people from all worlds(other than Earth for reasons unknown) can use base Magic, only Magixae have major powers and can transform like they do. And they only make up a small percentage of the population.
Stella actually has plans to study as both a Faerie and a Witch because stuff with Solaria and the duality and all that. She's starting with Faerie though.
Alfea/Cloud Tower/Red Fountain are colleges, not high school
Bloom actually has friends back in Gardenia, though they're all going off to college, but they appear when she goes home for breaks
Bloom is 100% aware she was adopted and they do kind of assume from the get-go that her bio parents might be from one of the other Magical Realms and she just ended up on Earth
Winx is very 'Sci-Fi disguised as Fantasy' so I'm leaning hard into the fact that they're all aliens and have non-human features and biology which will get explored!
Sky and Brandon still switch places, though it's less 'prince and the pauper' and more a legitimate thing of there's been assassination attempts on the royal family. Diaspro and the arranged marriage also still exist, but Sky is 100% adamant that he's not going to marry her no matter what their parents say.
The Riven/Darcy plot is a legit thing with like. No hypnotisim just genuinely liking each other even if Darcy did start it up just for info. Temporary breakup when the Trix go full evil but....
Kinda dragging the Trix into more 'somewhat understandable, villains with genuine goals not just' to be evil, salvageable and will be dragged to the Good Side eventually' kinda plots. Longer posts on that, but Darcy is the first to jump ship because she's like 'Look I am an ambitious, power-hungry bitch, but I draw the line at full on murder/massacres'. (Speaking of, don't. Don't question the logic re: befriending the person who tried to destroy the world last week. I'm doing some Friendship is Magic shit wtih this we only think about fucked up implications when we want to.)
Diaspro also gets some character development when she tries to take Sky out of the major battle and he decides to stay
Bloom's adoptive parents and friends from back home get dragged into this and are actually helpful in the battle.
Season 2:
Mostly the same plot re: Pixies, Darkar, adding Aisha, so on and so forth. Lot of changes to what Darkar is and the whole shadow phoenix/shadow flame thing with a touch of change to Dark Bloom.
Changes off the top of my head:
Diaspro and Darcy are now added to the main cast as well. Diaspro enrolled herself into Alfea because she wants to find something to do other than being Sky's trophy wife(he's still not into her). Darcy is serving community service. Both of them get dragged into the main plot because the adventure is underground and their powersets are great for this.
Darkar has been downgraded to 'just some guy'(which like. Having a supposed Deity be defeated in only one season and never come back? Kinda lame!). Previous member of that 'Ancestral' group that attacked Domino. Wants the Dragon Flame for the original 'let's take shit over reasons.
His plan involves the Dark Bloom thing. He learned from seeing the Trix fail that taking the Dragon Flame by force won't work, so he decides that using magic brainwashing stuff to have Bloom turn against her friends would work. So we get him posing as Avalon to get access to her.
The "Dark Bloom" thing isn't a 'Dark Faerie', but Bloom channeling the dark/negative emotions into her Magic and going Witch(remember: same species, just depends on where they draw their Magic from)
What is the 'Shadow Phoenix' thing? The opposite energy to the Dragon Flame? It's the Dragon Flame itself. Some yin and yang shit. It is everything. Creation and Destruction, Life and Death, all of it.
Oh also Riven can go Faerie and we get some of his trauma lmao.
Season 3
Final year of Alfea, earning Enchantix, etc. Some of the plots are the same. But there are many a change!
So, firstly, I switched up things for gaining new forms. Charmix was just kind of a 'natural level up progression', but Enchantix takes the new 'you have to overcome something personal'. Mostly because I think it's fucked that Enchantix is supposed to be the normal endgoal(with other forms being optional) but you have to die to get it??? Also there's too much bullshit regarding 'must save someone from your world' because hello??? How do you decide that what counts as 'their world? What do you do with Bloom other than Mary Sue her way out of it?
So everyone gets a plot relating to overcoming something, but we're also going on trips around the Realms and visiting their Homeworlds.
This is probably the most plot-heavy season as everyone has their own arcs going so I won't go into it all here.
But also know that as we're trraveling to all the worlds, we get a LOT of worldbuilding
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duckapus · 10 months
Larry: *walks out of the bathroom and jumps when he sees Floyd leaning against the opposite wall with her arms crossed making Direct Eye Contact* Uh, F-Floyd! Hi...
Floyd: How are you in my house, Larry?
Larry: Uh, GG invited me and the guys to a sleepover?
Floyd: *looks him over with her usual bored expression, which feels surprisingly intimidating in this context* That would explain the blue claws. And the sparkly eye shadow.
Larry: *chuckles nervously* Y-yeah, that's...that's a Thing.
Floyd: Hm. Wouldn't have figured that you three of all people would go along with "girly stuff." *she rolls her eyes when she says the quoted part*
Larry: *shrugs* Eh, it's nothing we haven't done before. Wendy's the only Koopaling I was already related to before Dad adopted us, Piantas wear skirts all the time as some kinda cultural thing, and Zack...well, honestly he probably would have an issue if it wasn't GG's idea. Little dude's a simp in the making.
Floyd: Fair enough. Make sure you guys keep it down in there alright? Just 'cause I don't need sleep doesn't mean I don't want it. Plus it is my house.
Larry: You got it. *starts heading back to GG's room*
Floyd: And Larry? *he pauses and turns back to see a rare smile on her face* I'm really glad she got attached to you guys. Having some normal-ish friends has been good for her.
Larry: *smiles back* We're happy to have her.
Floyd: *realizes something after he leaves* Wait, since when does GG live in my house? *shrugs after a few moments* Eh, whatever. Not like there isn't plenty of room. Long as she doesn't trash the place.
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sleepyblr-heart · 1 year
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hi its time for me to go insane again <3 this one is extra long so if you care about what's happening on @original-character-championship click the read more for my silly words!!
ok so. picking up from last time. Yellow tells Present he accidentally made her a demi-god. they have a mini training montage. (she does not learn much. he is the god of stupidity so this is to be expected). after that. he drops her off. on T island. not at home. where she was before. but T island
Pres does NOT want to be here, and realizes "hey. i can get revived at blood moon films. the place i got revived at last time. hm."and decides being dead for a bit is better than being back on this fucking island (but Alone this time). Before she's revived she stays at her limbo for a bit (i will prolly show off what it looks like later).
soon, she gets revived by Depressed Glass (they/them), who is Snowglobe's childhood friend and a body snatcher! They take Present to Red Circle (they/them), one of Baton's friends and the person that helped revive her last time. Red circle says that Baton is safe, at their house, and misses her so very very much. They decide to go visit Baton and Black Square (he/him) (red circle's boyfriend) during RC's break.
Present decides to drop that she's kind of god and the world is ending in like the worst way possible (this will be an important tool that'll help us later!). Also Baton maybe gets a lil bit cursed on accident by her adopted kid that kidnapped him (Hattish (any pronouns)). But it's finneee.
Anyways, Present gets taken to the 4th Wall for a bit because of God Shenanigans, and before she goes back Present and one of the gods, Purple, have a nice chat! They even start teaching her how to do (minor) shapeshifting! All she can do at the moment is change her ribbon color, but she gets better at it eventually!
She goes back to RC and BS's house, and everything is swell for a bit. She misses Snowglobe, and is a bit worried for her and Baton, but other than that everything is fine!
After a few days, Present is taking a nice nap on the couch, Baton just sitting on the floor in front of a very nice bookshelf, just waking up from her own nap. And oh ok. The Bookshelf fell on top of her. Dear god.
Luckily, her plastic is strong enough that she Doesn't die, but she is bleeding a lot, he cant move, and Present is freaking out so much, especially since BS and RC are at work at the time. Luckily, two gods (Red and Yellow) decide to help get Baton to the hospital. Yellow helps with the surgery (Because he is Definitely a surgeon and did not fake any documents). And oh hey, look who's in the same hospital room! It's depressed glass! wonder why they're here.
anyways! Thanks to more God Shenanigans Snowglobe is brought to the 4th wall, along with Present so they can meet. Present catches her up on everything and they both realize. Hey. These god guys. Kinda Suck. They haven't told her much of anything, not about her powers or what she needs to do to save the world. She has a bit of a breakdown about the whole situation, since she doesn't. Want any of this, and Snowglobe tries to help comfort her.
They are brought back to the hospital room and Snowglobe and Depressed Glass have a chat about how they Definitely tried to avenge her death by murdering Red Circle and also took over two innocent people's bodies. Luckily, DG Realized that "hey, this is a bad idea. and totally not what she would want. also she's alive again so. maybe. i should give up on this." Plus, they already had their shit rocked by one of the people they possessed (oh hey that's why they're in the hospital!) so everyone decides that was stupid, and as long as they work to be better. and try to apologize to the people they hurt. they're fine.
anyways! more god shenanigans. this time they accidentally swapped a few peoples bodies. Luckily, we only need to worry about a few! Present and Snowglobe swapped bodies, and Baton and Red Circle also swapped. And oh hey. the God Shenanigans are now Everyone shenanigans. Turns out, the gods really hate this One Really Old Man named Angelsea(he/him). And they want everyone in this room to help murder him (besides red because they were. not in the plan.)
The first part of the plan is to get this random guy no one here besides Depressed Glass could know, Toothbrush (he/they). They're here because they work security at Blood Moon Films, and he could deal with the security cameras in the hospital!
They do not want to help with a murder plan. But they really need the help, so... Red convinces Present, in snowglobes body, to take over Toothbrushes body. She really only agrees to do it cause... Why should she not? She's supposed to help them, and maybe helping them kill this man she doesn't know will help save the world! (plus, she doesn't want to disappoint them)
So, Present takes over Toothbrush's body, and the murder plan goes. About as well as you would expect. Present and Toothbrush do their part well, at least. And once Angelsea is dead, Present separates from Toothbrush, killing them both (for now)
Present is revived by Baton (in red circle's body). Baton had visited Red circle in their body and they told her about the... whole murder plan thing. And is... A bit disappointed. Not for the murder (well i mean. yes the murder but that's not it), but the fact she just... Went along with what the god had asked of her. It's not like SHE wanted to do it, in the first place. Baton talks to her a bit, and tell her that she shouldn't do things just because these LOSERS told her to. And that maybe. She should quit.
She says she'll talk to the gods about it (she never does) and they head back to RC's home. Present realizes Snowglobe went missing after the murder plan, and no matter where she and baton look they can't find her. It's probably fine.
anyways present and snow globe got kidnapped by the older gods (Plants and Bookmark (they/them for both)) to fix the fact they were body swapped. Unfortunately bookmark is a lil stupid and fucked up present's wrapping paper so they replaced it themselves.
anyways the older gods dropped them off in an alleyway. but at least they were in the correct bodies (🎉🎉🎉)
anyways. remember how present told baton that she was a demi-god? yeah uh. She Wasn't supposed to do that. Purple and Red told the two that. Because Purple accidentally told baton their Real names when trying to help return her to the correct body, and present told him about the god thing, Yellow decided that he knew Too Much and her memories had to be erased.
Yellow, however, is still god of stupidity. He meant to just get rid of any memories related to the gods, but instead got rid of any memories related to magic at all. Luckily, any memories not directly related to gods were not Completely removed, they were so blurry that is was difficult to remember any details about it. Oh btw she had been surrounded by magic for the 6 years that this story had taken place over.
Purple and red help them back to RC's house, where baton is (no, she was Not properly released from the hospital but. it's fineee) and they all have a nice reunion where baton almost immediately thinks she cheated on her girlfriend with Red Circle because of a fake news article that she had read.
Anyways, some less important things happen. snowglobe gets fed a person thinking it's koolaid. that person might've been a potion. that potion might've been a love amplification potion. you know. normal things.
anyways snowglobe decides to tell present and baton that she developed feelings for them both (being small crushes amplified by the "koolaid"). turns out, present and baton also had feelings (ones they had talked about together before hand) for snowglobe. so they say "fuck it. lets date." and bam. bitches acquired.
and that's the end for. todays insanity. ill see you next time. because there's still more to cover. (there's. so much to cover. i might save some for next round if she wins. so vote for her if you wanna hear more of her story!)
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‼️TW: MOID‼️
About to get the great honor of killing the vibe of the night by having to tell the boytoy to get his mom to chill 💀 girl is being weirdly pushy about our relationship and I think he needs to just be honest with her and tell her this is a temporary thing. I get that she's religious and her mind immediately jumps to marriage when it comes to her son being sexually active, but like, fucks sake, girl.
A few weeks ago his older sister came to visit, and she had her very small children with her. I'm being politely chatty with one of her daughters, a toddler, and his mom goes "this is ___! She might just be your auntie soon ☺️" so obvi I'm like "no! Nope". She gave me a weird look, but I thought that was enough to give her a hint.
Earlier today, I mentioned that I might be moving out of my family's house soon. She goes, "well, I assume that my house would be your next choice, so first let me just say-" and I interrupted and was like "no! Actually, it isn't even an option, I don't move in with people I'm dating, I don't want to get myself into a situation I can't get back out of". She says "well you two are going to wind up living together anyways!" And boytoy intervened and was like "mom, enough." She looked a little peeved for a minute and then let it drop.
Well, a few hours later, tonight, his mom's boyfriend and his (teenage) daughters are over, they're all chilling, watching the big football game, and I'm kinda just milling about. I go into the kitchen, and she starts moving the boytoy's shoes out of the way. He's got big ass feet so she made a joke like "let me get these size 20's out of here" and I went "hey now, he's actually a size 23 🙄". She laughed, then went "I feel bad for your kids, buying shoes is going to be rough 😅"
So I'm like "hm? 🤨" because no WAY is she gonna do this again, and with a bunch of other people there. She repeats it, and I go "he's going to adopt, and so am I, remember?" And she says "aren't you guys going to do both? 🥺" And now I'M the bad guy because I said "I'm not having any children with your son."
Like I already know I'm not the asshole here, but just for clarity's sake, am I out of line?? Hinting (and let's be real, it was a bit too heavy to even be a hint) wasn't working, she pushed me to be blunt, and now that I made it clear and in no uncertain terms, she's giving me the eye like I'm the villain 💀 no matter what, I'm telling him he needs to get her to step off, but like, ffs. I literally aborted your son's last spawn, what makes you think we're ever having a sequel to that?
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
fill for 🔥 on the fall snz prompts list... written for j/onathan b/yers, s/teve h/arrington, and n/ancy w/heeler. s/toncy, 0.6K words. kinda messy since i'm tired but i wanted to write something.
"Jon, are you alright?"
Steve's voice is husky, given the late hour, and full of concern, enough that Jonathan looks up at him from where he's quietly snuffling into his wrist. The roasting stick in the elder's hand is dangling dangerously close to the flames of their fire, remaining completely ignored by him as he stares at his boyfriend.
"Hm? Oh, I'm— I'm fine," Jonathan stutters, contradicting his statement a second later when he sneezes softly into his elbow. "utshh!"
"Bless you," Nancy says, her eyebrows pinching together in that way that means she's scrutinizing him. She hesitates for a moment, waiting to see if any more are coming, and relaxes when Jonathan shakes his head. "You got spacey for a moment there, hon."
Jonathan grimaces. They're coming up on the fourth anniversary of Will's disappearance, and his head always tends to get a little screwy around the time of year. To distract him from it, Nancy and Steve had taken him on a mini camping trip... in Steve's backyard. They all know being in the woods wouldn't go well. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"We know," Steve reassures, leaning in closer to Jonathan and dropping a quick kiss to his cheek. He's more than just a bit tipsy, an empty beer bottle tipped over and dripping its dregs into the dirt at his feet. The buzz in his veins spawns a small grin when he sees the tips of Jonathan's ears flush red. "Aw, Jon."
"He's adorable, isn't he?" Nancy asks, smiling and scooting closer to her boyfriends.
Jonathan groans. "Don't start with this again," he whines, letting himself relax into Steve. God, he really does radiate heat like a furnace. Normally, it's good for Jonathan, who tends to run a degree or two below the average body temperature, but it's a bit uncomfortable when they're already sitting around a fire.
"You are, though." Steve frowns a second later, pressing a palm into the small of Jonathan's back as his breaths begin to stutter. "Are you gonna sneeze again?"
"Y-hih-yeah..." he starts, shaking his head slightly as if it'll dislodge the itch. It takes a few seconds of trembling, panting breaths, before he snaps forward into his elbow. "huh'TSH!"
Nancy repositions herself so that she also has body contact with Jonathan, her shoulder rubbing softly against his. "Bless you, again."
"Thanks," Jonathan murmurs, letting Steve wrap an arm around his shoulders and tuck his head under his chin. He's always gotten more affectionate when he's drunk, and this time is no exception. Nancy shares a private little smile with him, leaning in as well. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm getting sneezy."
Steve laughs, and Jonathan feels the vibration more than hears the sound of it with the way his head is against his chest. "Only twice."
"So far," Nancy chimes in. "You know how he is; once he gets started, he's not going to stop."
True to her word, Jonathan inhales again, the sneeze coming on too fast for him to cover properly. He ends up aiming it into Steve's chest, the latter only humming and rubbing a casual hand between Jonathan's shoulder blades. "ht'shh-tsh-tch-sh-shuh!"
Nancy makes a worried little noise, almost tittering to herself. "There it is," she says in reference to the rapid fit, glancing back towards Steve's house. "Was that photic or is the smoke getting to you?"
Jonathan shrugs, and Steve straightens up, eyes bright with beer and worry. "Alright, Jon, let's get you inside."
"What? No, Steve, I'm fine. Don't worry about it," Jonathan protests, but Nancy's standing as well and nodding along. "Guys, it's fine."
"Shut up and let us take care of you," Nancy says sweetly, tone adopting a passive-aggressive edge, and Jonathan knows far better than to argue against it. Instead, he lets his boyfriend and girlfriend herd him into the house, only pausing once to let him sneeze, and then follows them into bed.
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parasiticjustice · 1 year
[RGG Online Translation] Character Story · Yuri (OC)
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Summary: Ichiban happens upon a young girl when she’s being accosted by hooligans. After helping her out, he realizes that her proper manner is ill-fitting for Kamurocho. Then, what is she doing in the city...? Featured Characters: Ichiban Kasuga (RGGO version), Yuri (OC) Spoilers?: Nope!
On this episode, Ichiban makes like a Kiryu and saves a young girl and her adopted pet from a bunch of goons.
RGGO has something around 50 original characters, each with a story attached - bump that up to 60 if you include the hostesses and stories that come from seasonal alts. And sure, they’re not what anyone’s here for, but I’d feel remiss if I left them out entirely, so here we are. Ichiban stars in most of them, which honestly kinda makes them feel like substories.
Yuri was one of the launch characters, and has enjoyed her share of cards and event appearances, so I figured she’s as good a place as any to start.
Disclaimer: I'm coming at this with little more than crude Japanese knowledge, a machine translation cocktail, and an insatiable desire for more RGG content. This will by no means be a decent translation, but it should at least be serviceable.
Slight content warning for animal abuse (it’s mostly threatened or off-screen) and the usual Yakuza fare of goons being creepy towards women.
I'm still kinda figuring out how I want to format expressions. I found that noting every single time a character went back to [neutral] disturbed the flow too much, so I think instead I'll just make note of it when the change of expression is important.
------------------ CHAPTER #1 ------------------
Scene #1: Kamurocho · Children’s Park
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Ichiban: Let’s see... Lighter, lighter...
Angry Voice: Hey! Don’t push your luck!
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] What is it now? Can’t I smoke in peace...
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Young Girl: You men are persistent... Hurry up and go away.
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Thug A: Don’t be such a bore! Why don’t you karaoke with us? Eh?
Young Girl: I told you, I don’t want to. It’s a waste of time.
Thug B: Let me tell you something, you damn kid...!
Cat: Meow.
Thug A: Whoa! What is that, a stray cat?
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Young Girl: [surprised] Kitty! Don’t come out!
Cat: Meow.
Thug B: Ugh, it’s filthy. Stupid stray!
Young Girl: [frown] Stop it!
Thug A: Yeah? Hehe, what’s with you, getting all upset over a dumb cat?
Thug B: When you tell me to stop, it just gets me fired up!
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Ichiban: Oi, knock it off. It’s too noisy, I can’t smoke in peace.
Young Girl: ...?
Thug A: Ah? The hell you want?
Thug B: Don’t get in our way! Fuck off, asshole!
Thug A: Shit! What’s with this guy... Let’s get outta here!
[they run off]
Ichiban: [smoking] Phew... Finally, some quiet. It's costing too much to enjoy a smoke nowadays...
Young Girl: ...
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Ichiban: Hm? What’s up?
Young Girl: Um, thank you for helping me...
Ichiban: [smile] Heh, you’re welcome.
Cat: Meow.
Ichiban: [scratches head] You don’t need to thank me too.
Young Girl: ...No, he said he’s hungry.
Ichiban: That’s a shame.
Young Girl: Food... I only have sweets, but you can eat them.
Cat: Meow Meow!
Young Girl: [smile] Hee hee...
Ichiban: You’re pretty good pals, aren’t you?
Young Girl: [neutral] He’s... my only friend...
[a stomach rumbles]
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Young Girl: [surprised] ...
Ichiban: Huh, you hungry?
Young Girl: ...Y-yes.
Ichiban: [smile] You fed the cat when you’re hungry yourself? Odd one, aren’t you? Well, anyway, I’ve had my smoke, so let’s go... Uh, what was your name?
Yuri: [surprised] Eh? I-It’s Yuri...
Ichiban: Gotcha. I’m Kasuga.
Yuri: Um, where are we going...?
Ichiban: We’re going out to eat. Don’t worry, it’s my treat.
Yuri: B-But...
Ichiban: C’mon, let’s go! I’ll get you something good! You wait for us here, cat!
Cat: Meow.
------------------ CHAPTER #2 ------------------
Scene #2: Kamurocho · Akaushimaru
Clerk: Here you go! A medium and an extra large.
Ichiban: [smile] Go on, eat it while it’s hot.
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Yuri: ...
Ichiban: [neutral] What, you don’t like beef bowl?
Yuri: ...No, that’s not it.
Ichiban: [smile] Then eat it, quick.
Yuri: ...Okay... [surprised] It’s delicious! I’ve never eaten anything like it.
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] Eh? You’ve never had a beef bowl?
Yuri: Yes... Actually, this is my first time in a beef bowl restaurant...
Ichiban: You mean, like, you’re the sort of young lady to have a butler at home, who drives you to school every day...? You’re an impressive one, aren’t you?
Yuri: Is that right...? I’ve never known what it was like for other people...
Ichiban: So how does a sheltered girl like you end up hungry in Kamurocho?
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Yuri: ......I ran away from home.
Ichiban: Well, that’d explain it. Aren’t your parents gonna worry?
Yuri: Worry?... There’s no way they’d be worried about me.
Ichiban: ...?
Yuri: [frown] All they think about is money... I can barely remember spending time with them. They probably don’t care that I’m gone... That’s why I decided to leave. To be on my own, without relying on my parents...!
Ichiban: [smile] I don’t think you should push yourself too hard when you’ve never even eaten a beef bowl.
Yuri: ...I don’t care what you think. Thank you for the meal. The beef bowl was delicious.
[she leaves]
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] Hey, wait!
Scene #3: Kamurocho · Tenkaichi Street
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Thug A: Heyyy, girl, we’ve been looking for you.
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Yuri: [surprised] Ah! It’s you guys...
Thug B: Didn’t I tell you? If you turn me down, it just fires me up!
Thug A: We were interrupted earlier by that guy with weird hair, but you can’t run away now, can you?
Yuri: [frown] Kuh...!
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Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] Who’d you say has weird hair, asshole?
Thug A: Ah... f-from earlier...!
Thug B: H-Hey, you trying to interrupt us again?! D-Don’t think you’ll win just cause you got lucky last time!!
Thug A: Ugh... he’s too strong...
[they collapse]
Ichiban: [scratches head] Haaaah, I just ate and now I’m hungry again.
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Yuri: Hey, why did you help me again...? I was so rude to you...
Ichiban: I wasn’t helping you. I’m just really proud of my hair, so I had to set them straight when they made fun of it.
Yuri: ...
Ichiban: [smile] But, well, this sort of thing happens all the time in this city. You’d best be heading on home quickly. See ya.
Yuri: ...
------------------ CHAPTER #3 ------------------
Scene #4: Kamurocho · Hotel District
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Ichiban: (The runaway girl... Yuri, was it? I wonder if she’s still in town...)
???: Meow...
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] Huh? What was that mewling? ...No way.
[he moves into the Hotel District]
Cat: Meow...
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Yuri: Ugh... give me... give me back the kitty...!
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Thug A: You’re a pain in the ass. I don’t care about you anymore.
Thug B: Thanks to you, that weird guy beat us up twice. I’m pissed off.
Thug A: You really like this stray mutt, right?
Thug B: We thought we’d fuck it up a little. It’s “effective” on fancy girls like you, right?
Yuri: [angry] You...! Cowards!!
[she tries to run towards them]
Thug A: Stay back, you little shit!
Yuri: [frown] Ugh...!
Thug B: Hehehe! Suck on that! Now buzz off, you little brat.
Yuri: ...I’m not leaving.
Thug A: Ah?
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Yuri: [angry] I’m not leaving until I get that kitten back! I will not be cowed by you!!
Thug A: Y-You...!?
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Ichiban: [smile] Damn, I thought you were a naive pushover, but I guess I was wrong.
Thug B: Ahh?! T-That’s...!!
Yuri: [surprised] Ah! Kasuga...
Ichiban: [yell] Hey, assholes. If you’re hoping for “I’ll let you go if you drop the cat”, you’re out of luck.
Thug A: Ugh...!
Ichiban: [raised fists] I’m gonna bash your brains in... you ready?
Thug A: S-Shut uuuup! The fuck’s wrong with you?! Getting in our way again and agaaaaain!
Scene #5: Kamurocho · Outside Yoshida Batting Center
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Thug A: Ah, ahhhhh...!!
Thug B: P-Please! Let us live...!!
Ichiban: Leave the city, now. If I ever see you again, you’re dead.
Thug A: W-waaaah!
[they run off]
Cat: Mew...
Yuri: [frown] Kitty...! I’m so sorry... this is my fault...
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] You stubborn thing. That was pretty reckless of you.
Yuri: Sorry... Um, around here...
Ichiban: You want a clinic, yeah? Guy’s kind of a quack, but there’s one nearby. Follow me.
Yuri: That’s good... Kitty, hold on a little longer, okay?
Cat: Meow.
Scene #6: Kamurocho · Children’s Park
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Cat: Meow!
Yuri: [smile] Don’t move too much... Phew, I’m glad it was just a minor injury.
Ichiban: You should be worrying about yourself, not the cat. You're the one who got hurt more. You realize now, right? How dangerous this city is.
Yuri: [frown] Yes... I’m sorry.
Ichiban: But you know what? I’ve realized something too. You’re the real deal.
Yuri: [surprised] Eh...?
Ichiban: Even if it’s just a cat, not many people would be willing to put their lives on the line for those they care about. I don’t know what your situation is. If you want to keep being a runaway until you’re happy, then go ahead.
Yuri: Kasuga...
Ichiban: And if you want to stay in this city for a while, then that’s fine too. [smile] You’re dangerous, after all. It’s better to keep you where I can see you.
Yuri: [smile] ...Thank you, Kasuga.
Ichiban: Heh. You’re welcome.
Cat: Mew!
Ichiban: [scratches head] What, you hungry again?
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Yuri: Nope... he said “Thank you”.
Ichiban: Heh. No need to thank me.
------END------ ------------------
Yakuza protagonists when they see a young girl on her own:
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apriciticreveries · 2 months
I don’t know if Cinna is going to be a canon character, BUUUT if she is and is in fact around 9 years old at the time of Season 40, I have an OC, Halo, who will be starting at Anakt Garden during Season 40. She’s the pet human Himei’s guardian, Guardian Iquia, adopted a while after Himei left for Anakt Garden since she missed Himei so much. Halo would be a few years younger than Cinna but I feel like they could make cute friends 🥺 For some info about Halo to decide Cinna’s opinion towards her, Halo is pretty melancholy despite coming from a loving guardian and spends a lot of time alone. She physically ages significantly slower than her peers, coming from a breeder who specializes in pet humans who will appear young for a long time, catering towards guardians who want to be caretakers. Mentally, she ages at the same rate as everyone else.
hm . . i honestly kinda think so too, looking at the info about halo !
theyre actually pretty similar ! although i haven’t really said it, cinnabar is also a bit of a loner . she doesn’t want to be alone, but often has extreme anxiety in social situations, making it hard for her to approach others and make friends by extension .
she’s also a bit eccentric . shes classified as a gifted student, but has extremely unique ways of thinking and working things out that i haven’t identified yet . this also sets her apart from others .
though i think that cinna, out of empathy for halo would approach her one day, and maybe on from that they would stick together easily from their shared situations ?
that’s all i have for now though . . i hope it’s not too little : ( . .
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