#alnst oc: cinnabar
apriciticreveries · 1 month
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sorry cinna but literally no one gives a f in chat about you .
( unless someone else would like to make doomed yuri with her since . . the nene situation was canceled . . also tagging her fathers creator just for fun and angst ahaha @bluemoonscape ( she dies the hyunwoo way ) )
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just noticed cinna is the girlie i talk about the least of the 3 . . forgive me everyone . . i shall share some info i made about her just now . .
cinna is a very . . pessimistic individual to say the least .
when she first arrived at the garden, she was extremely detached and disassociated from her classmates and surroundings, and often avoided everyone at all costs possible .
the best you could at least see of her, would be her either just sitting silently under a tree, or her aimlessly trailing away to wherever .
she’s introverted and timid, negative, shy, and always anxious and stressed about something, whether it be about someone or something . this heightened a lot when she was around others . ( and still does now sometimes ) when she deems she can’t deal with something, she shuts down entirely .
she can also go on morbid rambles about disturbing topics if she feels comfortable enough with you : D !
she also has lapses of time where she can just be straight up cruel and inconsiderate of others, taking the sad reality of things and stretching it, surrounding someone with it until it swallows them up .
all of these traits mainly come from her “ home “ life . although she is the oldest of cas’s children, she was put to sale quite later then her siblings, and was left as the last one left of her father’s “ litters “ .
sonii gave her to a pet human modifier shortly after this as a gift of a new “ lab rat “ . cinna’s guardian is named guardian arcaro by the way .
arcaro is a bit like urak, but more . . uncaring for his “ pets “ ? ( who he deems as “ lab rats “ instead ) he often experiments carelessly with them, so much that it’d probably be assumed he doesn’t even know the limit of what a human can take .
cinna is deemed one of the more fortunate pets of arcaro, “ only “ having a vast amount of trauma emotionally and physically from being cruelly experimented since she was a child so far, while most of her other less fortunate siblings, ended up tortured physically for the most part before their untimely deaths .
because of this as well, she does not view herself as human, but more as a underserving burden, who should have never been born . her worldview is muddled and cold . why are we here if not only to suffer ?
this all starts to change when she meets yuna, who through time brightens her world, and gives her a reason and want to live, to keep going and become a better person . although i won’t ramble on that too much though since this post is already pretty long,
cinna does become a better person with yuna around her now ! ! she becomes much more involved with her classmates, and is overall viewed as a shy and quaint, sometimes a bit creepy but cute girl !
though, for her thoughts on cas ( which i really haven’t mentioned until now im so sorry blue i honestly thought you didn’t care 😭 ), in very short and simplified terms, she naively thought that he could save her ( when she was both younger and started being experimented on ) at first, but now honestly doesnt care for him in the slightest .
nothing like bottling up your feelings of betrayal and sadness until they’re gone ( they not they’re just lodged even deeper into you now ) am i right ?
( also to add to the angst she does view her younger self as a “ stupid and immature little girl . “ )
( yuna belongs to @starry-skiez, and cas belongs to @bluemoonscape ! by the way blue, thoughts on my depressed little cinnamonroll : 3 ? )
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lookatmysillies · 2 months
i kinda gave cinnabar a new color palette and slight redesign, i hope it doesn’t look too bad and it’s alright with you . .
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( the gray streak of hair is both from stress, and a reference to how the actual mineral of cinnabar contains a mercury, which is gray as well ! )
APRI!! SHE’S GORGEOUS, I LOVE THE TWEAKS YOU MADE! The gray streak being connected to her name is so smart and her red eyelashes have captivated me. Of course it doesn’t look bad, and you certainly don’t need anyone’s approval but your own for character design <3 I’m just here cheering and giggling and kicking my feet over your OCs no matter what
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sotogalmo · 2 months
I've been reading some stuff (yes I take screenshots of some interactions, I think what others can make is very beautiful), and I've gotten to the part where @apriciticreveries & @rockwgooglyeyes have been talking about Nyx and Asa being related (with Cinna & Cas ( @lookatmysillies ) related as well).
And well, it got me thinking for Flor. Since, in all honesty her design for her stage outfit has her with her tummy out and I've added a lot of stretch marks there, while normally people would have stretch marks nearly almost everywhere? Arms, thighs and such. But I think I added too much on Flor's tummy, and so I think the only way to explain that is that maybe Flor was also bred?
I can actually see it happening, and with the song of The Court Jester "a new found memory after rest", can be about the fact that after a long while of repressing the thought/memory of ever being pregnant (she's scared of pregnancy, and all of that) . I think it would just explain some of her behavior and looks???
And I mean, I don't think it would be too far off for her to actually be bred as sad as that sounds. One of her siblings (which, all of Flor's siblings are based on my actual siblings in real life- along with her Guardian actually being inspired by my own mom), has two kids which Flor likes being around! Flor held both of them when they were born, and when she was able too. And after all of that, she's like- gotten a higher 'baby fever' even though it's weirdly mixed with the fact that she doesn't like them as well (and how she's somewhat jealous? That they can be free and innocent before it's too late).
Flor's guardian is a “““traditional””” woman if that explains it a bit. She did make comments before on how Flor was to end up in love with a man, and have kids (to which, Flor was just confused on because now she's dating THE Rosca. So like. There's that). I don't really know how to make sense of it, but I think this kinda does explain it well??? Anyways- (something for my BIG ASS POST explaining every damn character and symbolism I have for Flor. I'm done with Spaceboy's, and I'm almost done with Carlos's so take this)
*But, maybe, she can also connect with him by the fact that they would both have a biological child of theirs. Larakiraboshinogotokuamuuru for Carlos, and Lorashishiboaninisshu (Flor comes up with weird names for her kid(s),,) for Flor. I think can explain why she even has stretch marks on her stomach area! She mainly has them on her inner thighs, but it's weird that she also has them around her stomach area… and I think her being a parent would explain it well. But quite sadly <- but for this, she's a bit unaware of that. She represses A Lot, and having a child would affect her mental state so she has sought to forget (but she is a caring mom! She likes kids! One of her siblings (based on my actual siblings), has her own kids and Flor really enjoys being around them even if she's somewhat jealous of how innocent they are and such).
*But : all of this is taken from my doc, on which I'm explaining why I went with characters that make up Flor! This is a part of her connections with Carlos Marlon (Gluttony arc) from Evillious Chronicles!
I just think that this idea is actually so interesting,,, hell I've been thinking that maybe Hyuna could be one of Flor's kids but like a descendants of sorts.
Wait! Maybe!! Sebastian (Alnst OC- his og name is unknown, but he was named Sebastian by his guardian) can be one of Flor's kids, by the fact of his whole clown aesthetic which I guess can be inherited in some way. But I dunnoooo tbh.
This idea is actually just so interesting, and would kinda work well with Flor's character..... (Which, if you want an age for her when she was bred and such; probably around 13-ish? At least 15 I would think though)
Flor is just now; "despite the horrors I stay silly". In a nutshell
(Flor, Cas 🤝 Nyx: having biological children (for Cas & Nyx it's against their will, Flor semi consented to the idea but thought it was a joke). The Emperor (Cas) The King (Nyx) and The Jester (Flor)!!!!!)
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rockwgooglyeyes · 30 days
yayayay potential nyx and asa reunion ! ( somersaults around the room before front flipping out of it )
Yeas!!! Wahoo!! Honestly this ask has made me think many thoughts which is. . . why it has taken me so long to get to it *wheezes in cry-laughter* If Nyx is 20 during the current Alien Stage season (39), he probably had Asahi when he was like 13-14? (I have been thinking about aging him up? but honestly. it wouldn't really be that much better if he was sixteen or seventeen). Most likely, she would be five or six years old . . . meaning that it hasn't been that long since they were separated. Which would be all the more heartrending in my opinion because she probably hasn't forgiven him, yet.
writing drabble underneath the read more!! (trigger warning for referenced death, gun violence, panic attacks, some implied SA)
Nyx didn't expect to be sent back to Anakt but he supposes there are stranger leaps in logic. At graduation, four years ago now, he thought to himself, "This will be the last time I ever set foot inside of these walls," and it was a freeing thought, a kind one he could tell himself over and over, to soothe the parts of him that woke up during the dark of the night and screamed.
He'd been wrong; here he is, standing amidst artificial grasses, staring up at a digital blue sky that flickers and spits if you look at it long enough. He'd been wrong; Rosca is breathing, alive. He doesn't know how he messed that up, blinked and missed it, but maybe it was all the blood, the gunshots, and the way that Vera drew his focus off of the stage. He hasn't seen Vera since that day, before Round 13, where Jae remained standing on the stage with dead, dead eyes and Vii was shot dead, a new corpse on the floor. Vera is on the run, now, officially. She told him that she only did it on her owner's orders and in a horrible, twisted way, it made sense. Why else would she kill the one she loved, the one whose heartbeat was the same as hers? Ellie may not have loved Vera back but that was no reason to kill her. Not a reason for Vera, anyways.
Back underneath the flickering sky, surrounded by the whisper of false wind and sticky grass, Nyx finds himself going a little bit stir-crazy. Maybe it's that he's back in what he could call his childhood home, having spent more time here than he did with his first owner, even, or maybe it's the fact that he knows his baby girl is in the class set to graduate next. After all, Cas saw Cinnabar and dragged Nyx away, sobbing into Nyx's shoulder in a hallway while on stage, Cinnabar sang. Cas got in trouble for disappearing, too. They both knew it was worth it. Cas would've been in worse shape if he'd been there to hear Cinnabar's voice echo through the room, her name branded into his mind as whatever lyrics went in one ear and out the other. He wouldn't have even been listening and he would've been asked to comment and critique? Knowing that was his biological daughter? Well. It would've probably gone to pot right then and there.
Nyx didn't tell Cas that he was almost excited to see his daughter.
She should be what, five winters old, now? Six? Nyx has always measured her age in winters, rather than summers, because she was born in November. At least, he thinks she was.
Rubbing at his head, he lets out a sigh and walks into the shade of a nearby tree. His memory has been getting worse, lately, with all of the stress around the competition and Oryon getting what performances they can out of him before he dies in his round. He's thrust into the center stage from his dimly-lit lounges and small, intimate stages. He'd never been popular like Oryon's other pets, not in the same way, not loud enough, not bright and peppy enough, Oryon could get Nyx to act a certain way but he couldn't ever get Nyx to act that way with genuine emotion behind his eyes, a beautiful mask on his face. Nyx would play the part but he wouldn't pretend as though he was happy to be there and Oryon had yet to find a way to make him do that. He could simper all Oryon wanted, crawl onto someone's lap, trail a finger down the side of their face and whisper sweet nothings in their ear, but Oryon couldn't make him mean it.
No one could make him mean it.
It's later that day that he finds his daughter laying back in a field of flowers, staring up at the clouds moving in their set patterns in the digitized sky. He doesn't have the heart to tell her that they're not real.
"Asahi?" He says, trying to keep his voice from shaking too much. He's never been good at approaching people but how else is he supposed to do this? He doesn't think she'll want to talk to him, not unless he walks up to her and asks her to. She wasn't exactly a timid kid but she was quiet, solitary, like he'd been before the attack. Her pink-gold irises flicker to him and her eyes widen. Her hair's been straightened, he realizes absently. Before, it had curled in a mess of cowlicks. Even if it made the space behind his eyes burn a little bit, he swallows down the tears. They have no place here, after all. She looks at him for a long moment before her eyes get glassy, big tears starting to roll down her round cheeks.
"Papa?" She asks, pushing herself up into a sitting position.
"Yes, my sunrise, it's me," he answers. She sits for another moment before standing and clinging to his legs, crying into his stomach. He runs his fingers through her hair, bending over to give the impression that he's hugging her back because he can't actually, she's holding on too tightly and she's less than half his height. "Oh, baby, I missed you," he tells her, wishing that he could press a kiss to her hair. She wails louder, something he didn't really think possible, and he decides to just bite the bullet, scooping her up into his arms. She presses her face into his neck and he doesn't really know how long she hiccups into his ear but he can lean his cheek on the top of her head and listen to the warbling sound of her breathing, which is all he needed.
(ocs mentioned are Rosca (@sotogalmo), Vera (@bittersweet-adagio), Jae (@kofeedoggo), Vii (@starry-skiez) and Cas (@lookatmysillies). Otherwise, Cinnabar belongs to you, Apri, as does Asahi!)
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mayas-illusion · 14 days
Oh, there's a face she had seen at parties. Ava had a beauty that felt serene. Like the ocean Maya heard about, in a way. But there was always the sense that something wasn't...right. Ava never looked fully aware of present at the parties. She still looks almost...empty, even at in the garden. [Ava by @tinypaperstars ]
Maya heard murmuring and let her eyes fall on a duo. They seemed to be be rather smitten wit each other...it was rather adorable, to say the least. The red-haired girl seemed to be the quiter of the two, and seemed to always be...uneasy. Nonetheless, she visibly enjoyed being around the other girl.[Cinnabar by @everpresent-neverending ]
The girl, with her lilac hair, clinged onto the redhead with pure affection. She smiled and rambled, though Maya wasn't close enough to decipher any of it. She was the more outgoing of the two, she could tell tha much...opposites really do attract, huh?[Yuna by @starry-skiez ]
...and there's another couple. At least, Maya thinks they are. They seemed to be opposites too, almost like night and day. They were both...beautiful. One had raven black hair and seemed to keep to herself as far as Maya could tell. She seemed almost nervous but didn'thate the fact that the other girl stuck by her so much.[Isla by @nottoonedin ]
The other one seemed very taken by the raven-haired girl. She smiled wide and Maya swore, she could almost see heart-eyes. Bright and willing to give out her love openly...romantic, but sometimes overwhelming. Maybe that was what was happening. [ Monica by @nottoonedin ]
...Why does that kid remind Maya of a squid? She doesn't even know how or why, but that boy who was sat by himself, with pink hair, a streak of black running through it, remind her of a squid. He looked to be shy, quiet...but he didn't look dangerous. What a sweet kid. [Kune by @pengugu09 ]
Oh, and there was another shy one. A boy with...with a missing eye....He seemed like a sun that was hidden behind clouds (Maya doesn't know how that makes sense to her, but it does). He seemed to also keep to himself as best as he could. As though he felt like he was taking up more space than he should. Maya shouldn't be thinking like this, she really shouldn't...but he made her feel uneasy. She wants to just- just look away. Look away- [Can by @14-alc ]
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zerostyrant · 26 days
i just realized we’ve never interacted before . . so i apologize if this ask comes out really awkwardly worded . .
but . . would clove like to be friends with cinnabar : 3 ?
although they’re extremely different, i think they can come around ! on cinna’s part atleast, i would say she develops a particular ( and sort of strange ) interest in clove, and after a few weeks of just observing ( another word for stalking ) and kinda just hovering around him from a distance, she maybe gathers up the courage to talk to him ?
she also likes flower crown making, and probably had left some of her flower crowns near him purpose ! ( and then sprinted away ) maybe if they become friends cinna won’t have to sneak flower crowns near them and run away right after in an almost suspicious manner hehehaha
( i also would say that the experience would also probably go better because of yuna ( @starry-skiez ) rubbing off on her a bit and motivating her to start interacting more with her classmates, who’s she’s still shy and soft spoken with, but also a lot more kinder )
again, i apologize for the awkward wording ( im struggling : ‘ ) ), and also not interacting with you before : ( i find toki really interesting, and your art amazing but ive been just kinda . . hovering around it 😭 i hope you can forgive me 🥲
ITS PERFECTLY OKAY!!!! ITS NOT AWKWARD AT ALL I PROMISE!!!@ AND IM GLAD YU LIKE MY ARTTT T !!1!1!1!1!1! 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 i just have very sporadic activity and get bad artblock/lack of motivation
BUT YES OFC!!! Clove would try to make friends with any and everyone he comes across. He'd notice Cinna stalking him, probably, but wouldn't say anything and let her come out on her own. He doesn't do anything about it because of the flower crowns she leaves around him. He might even make a flower crown for her too and sneak it onto her head when she isnt looking 🎀
and yeah like i said youre not awkward at all, ive only been in the community for like a month now and i absolutely love getting asks!!! i love answering questions so any ideas you have you can send them!!!1!1
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alien-til-i-stage · 29 days
hehehehaha i hope you don’t mind me slipping into your inbox but . . may i ask what inna thinks of my girls asahi, zhuli, and cinnabar ? ( though you’re free to skip one or 2 of them if you don’t want to do all of them ^^ ! )
HI APRI!!! TYSM dw Inna has plently to say about your girls!!!
Hmmmm, Asahi? She’s really nice once you get to start talking with her, however we aren’t really that close. NOT TO SAY I DON’T LIKE HER!!! I DO!!! Either way I haven’t really had many one on one time with her, I really oughta spend more time with her shouldn’t I?
Some of the fews times was when I learned she was apparently a matchmaker!!! I didn’t expect that from her at the time!!! I will admit, I may or may not have tried to use Asahi’s spectular matchmaking abilities on a certain someone… who’s name begins with T and ends with I…. That cost me a good bit of my snacks… Even if I did give her way more than she asked for. (✿˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ᗜ˘̩̩̩̩̩̩)
When I first met Zhuli, I thought she was going to be a singer like me and Macbeth. I didn’t realize that she was on the path to be an announcer!! I didn’t even know you could do that!! I wanna know more about her!!!
I don’t think she remembered me too well when we first met, like everytime I would walk up to her when we both got into Anakt, she would just look at me weirdly like I was a stranger!!! It probably wasn’t personal, since I noticed it happening with other kids, did she just not remember anyone? I’m sure we’ll have more interactions in the future!!! (。◕‿◕。)
As for Cinna… I notice she’s not as social as everyone else. She’s usually with Yuna most of the time I see her, which is nice that she has a friend, but I worry sometimes. It’s kind of like Macbeth is a weird way, not really going out and making friends?
I don’t know, Macbeth doesn’t do it because he’s weird like that, but maybe Cinna is just too shy to be friends with someone else? THAT MUST TO BE IT!!! ( ; ´ ᗩ`)
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its-langgg · 2 months
(attempted) alnst oc masterpost! ✰
oc profiles: (belongs to their respective creators)
Ji Woo
oc alien stage blog: (created by @/apriciticreveries)
oc height comparison: (created by @/solei-eclipse!)
oc zodiac signs: (created by @/aurienneirua!)
oc flower symbolism: (created by @/sotogalmo!)
masterdoc: (created by @/alien-til-i-stage!)
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apriciticreveries · 1 month
designed my oc for our doomed yuri!! Might scrap the eyes..or allof it and restart but what do you think? (I still need to name her etc...maybe Yuna?)
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i actually really like it ! ! but if you’d prefer to change or modify some parts to her, your completely free to do so !
some thing that ive pinned down right now, that i like about her design, is her more bright colors ! it serves a great contrast to cinnabar’s more faded, and dulled color palette, especially comparing her to cas as well !
one smol idea i would have though about her design and appearance, would be that she has a more cool color palette ? also to contrast with cinna’s red hair, and also maybe to contradict with yuna’s seemingly more joyful and optimistic personality, with cool colors being associated with colder characters ! yuna is also a completely fine name to me !
though, generally, i like how she is right now ! thank you for sharing her with me starry !
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made a blog for all my s40 characters, asahi, zhuli, and cinnabar ! ! although ill probably be spreading more lore and content about the girls in the actual s40, everyone is free to ask about them ! id love for the 3 to have established friendships and relationships in advance !
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apriciticreveries · 2 months
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just some crappy sketches of a potential new oc, cinnabar ! ( recycling one of aurien’s name ideas mostly because her hair is red like the gemstone ! )
potential because im honestly still not sure . . maybe she’ll be in s40, i honestly dunno yet . i also think i made her look too much like @bluemoonscape / @lookatmysillies castor 😭😭
maybe she can be one of his bio kids then ? ? i don’t know and it’s not my decision since cas belongs to blue 🙃 ( though id love to hear what you think about the idea, blue ! )
i got some lore, though i may scrap it if i decide that i want to redo something .
she was actually supposed to be in s39, but her age was actually estimated wrongly . when this was found out she was taken out of the class because she was too young .
also one of the oldest in her litter . she has multiple half siblings from other litters though, because her mother was used as a “ breeder “ . ( as messed up as that sounds )
she also had a particular younger sister that she was very close to from another litter, being named “ chrysoberyl “ ( also nicknamed “ chryo “ ), who died at 5 due to an unknown illness .
but ye . thats all i got for now .
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apriciticreveries · 1 month
some small doodles of @starry-skiez’s alnst oc, yuna !
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lookatmysillies · 29 days
i humbly gift you some cinnabar doodles . . i hope you can accept . . ( and minor info hehehaha )
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( close - ups ! )
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yeagh . . i hope you like them ! let me know your thoughts on them if you’d like to !
( by the way, just a small note that the pin in the last panel of the extremely short comic, is the pin that sonii ( or someone else if you don’t think she would do that ) gifted to cinna !
it does hold some symbolic meaning, but ill just say that it actually isnt referring to the encounter she once had with one of her siblings, and is actually hinting at another ( pretty bad ) future event since her dying the hyunwoo way isn’t canon anymore . she’ll be dying a different way that has to do with arcaro mwhahaha )
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DROPPING THIS IN MY INBOX!! Cinna breaks my heart, look at all the bandages :( I’m curious to see how her story plays out even though it’ll inevitably ruin me
You probably already guessed this based on the writing I posted, but I think the pin is 100% something Sonii would give Cinna. Sonii and Cas had a very complicated relationship, but Sonii was incredibly fond of him, so it makes perfect sense to me that this fondness would carry over to his children. The thing about Sonii is that she shows her pet humans acts of kindness, making her seem like the ideal guardian, but she’s also capable of stunningly apathetic cruelty, like breeding them, selling them off to guardians like Arcaro who only want to use them for experiments… in the end, the profit Sonii can gain matters more to her than the pet.
One small detail that I find really sad about Cinna is that she didn’t even get a branding of her name, just her ID. That’s such a dehumanizing detail. I’m eating the angst up
Thanks again for sending this in, your art style is beautiful and I love that you drew her in red. My poor daughter 😭
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lookatmysillies · 26 days
so uhm . . i actually kinda have a new idea for cinna’s storyline that id like to share . . don’t worry ill stop littering your inbox soon . .
right now, she’s actually set to just be killed off a few weeks preceding graduation, but i was thinking that would be a bit of a waste of her character . .
basically what i had in mind, is she’s still purchased by arcaro and experimented on and everything, but is dumped away on the streets when arcaro mistakenly concludes she dies . shes instead picked up by areph, and is trained to be one of the leading guards of her more advanced unit for s40 .
is this ok with you . . i mean . . it kinda makes the wonderful writing you did of cas recognizing his daughter being at anakt no longer canon : (
( i was thinking maybe she is brought over before cas and nyx’s round as a trainee to oversee the how the security is formatted and managed, and cas and her come face to face that way instead . ? )
id love to hear your opinions on this potential change though, if you’d only like to share . ?
pLEASE FILL MY INBOX ANYTIME, I sometimes take a bit to get to asks but I always will!!
OH? This is an interesting turn of events (and relieving LOOK GUYS MY DAUGHTER LIVES) and I’d love to entertain this. Don’t worry about the scene I wrote, I have so many things that I consider semi-canon, so this is no problem, I’ll just file it under that category! Poor Cinnabar must be in a horrible state if Arcaro thought she was dead. Maybe he just put her in a dumpster or something so the death wouldn’t be “on his hands.” Ugh.
EDDY AND CINNA PARALLELS? BOTH PICKED UP BY AREPH AFTER BEING DUMPED? YESSSS. Eddy is about to be the most overbearing mf ever. Whenever they get to meet a new human they get super excited, so they’re going to be all over her. AREPH using her as a guard makes a lot of sense, especially since she has insider knowledge on the class of S40. That said, they probably keep a close eye on her for this exact reason—she has connections there.
I love the new direction for her character, feel free to tell me more anytime!
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why can i see this happening between leto ( @paradisedisconcert / @14-alc ) and cinna in the modern au . . swap papa with sister though . ( leto being eleven and cinna being jim . . )
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