#alnst oc: halo
lookatmysillies · 2 months
what if i was already planning for the oc alien stage after this one and making connections between my current ocs and my future ones. What then
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apriciticreveries · 2 months
I don’t know if Cinna is going to be a canon character, BUUUT if she is and is in fact around 9 years old at the time of Season 40, I have an OC, Halo, who will be starting at Anakt Garden during Season 40. She’s the pet human Himei’s guardian, Guardian Iquia, adopted a while after Himei left for Anakt Garden since she missed Himei so much. Halo would be a few years younger than Cinna but I feel like they could make cute friends 🥺 For some info about Halo to decide Cinna’s opinion towards her, Halo is pretty melancholy despite coming from a loving guardian and spends a lot of time alone. She physically ages significantly slower than her peers, coming from a breeder who specializes in pet humans who will appear young for a long time, catering towards guardians who want to be caretakers. Mentally, she ages at the same rate as everyone else.
hm . . i honestly kinda think so too, looking at the info about halo !
theyre actually pretty similar ! although i haven’t really said it, cinnabar is also a bit of a loner . she doesn’t want to be alone, but often has extreme anxiety in social situations, making it hard for her to approach others and make friends by extension .
she’s also a bit eccentric . shes classified as a gifted student, but has extremely unique ways of thinking and working things out that i haven’t identified yet . this also sets her apart from others .
though i think that cinna, out of empathy for halo would approach her one day, and maybe on from that they would stick together easily from their shared situations ?
that’s all i have for now though . . i hope it’s not too little : ( . .
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