#she looks gorgeus
wednesdayontuesday · 9 months
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Waaawww glorriiaa von bonbon
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violetrains · 9 months
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<<<<<<<<characters with moon symbolism
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god is a woman and her name is Lightning Farron
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just-an-enby-lemon · 21 days
Very silly thing but I have this Epic stupid hc where when Ody went to Sparta as a suitor (mostly just to watch the chaos) the only thing he knew about Helen was that she was the most beutifull mortal woman in the whole world.
So when they enter and see the whole Spartian Royal Family waiting he sees Penelope and thinks she has to be Helen as she is clearly the prestiest. At this point he still isn't in love. But he is pretty sure she is Helen.
So they keep finding each other and talking and Ody is soon pretty in love and talking all about how he knew Helen was gorgeus but not that she was funny and smart and the guys are like "wow he is already talking to Helen" because the king still didn't made proper introducions so Helen is only talking to the guys she really likes.
Then the official introduction between the suitors and Helen happens and Odyseus fully thinks it's some sort of test and is like "this is not Helen, that's Helen" *points to Penelope who is just there to cheer for her cousin and is pretending to not be disapointed the guy she was talking for weeks was here for Helen* and everyone else is like "what" and Helen is "no that's my cousin Penelope" and Odysseus just blurts out "but they said to look for the most beutifull woman around" Penelope blushes hard. And that's how Odysseus absolutely fails in conquering the heart of Helen of Sparta (and everyone is pretty okay with it).
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shaampoo · 5 months
(By Lydia the bard
TINKERBELL VILLAIN SONG - Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall | Song by Lydia the Bard and Tony | Animatic
The title^)
First of all the cover art is AMAZING, Tink is SO pretty, the sparkle and lines on the wings, her grin, HER HAIR, HER EARS, HER DRESS,
Also, "Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall" is a great title
Now the video itself and its lyrics, i really REALLY want to just compliment every single frame of this video, its so beautiful, so well done, its like it was blessed by The Muses of greek mythology,
Okay so the lyrics at 0:45
"You dont seem to quite understand what is at stake,
This messed up little family that i had to make"
Not only is this line so beautiful with the way her voice sounds, its pretty much a nod to the fact Tink and her friends kidnapped peter pan and the lost kids to keep her and her friends alive
(0:55) \/
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"If i could let them all go home please know that i would
But it'd do more harm than good"
Just Tink expressing her guilt that she and her friends kidnapped the lost boys so that they could keep existing, but like, JWHSEAJKHWED, she ofc doesn't want her or her friends to die, and since people are slowly not believing in fairies anymore, they're slowly going extinct, ALSO, Fawn and Silvermist are DEAD, so yeah, that messes with someones head
AAAALSOOOO, i LOVE their silhouettes, the height and weight differences instead of them all having the same height and weight like in the movies, plus, i LOVE that despite not looking like how they do in the movies, you can probably still tell who is who,
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Even if it wasnt intentional, i like how in kinda faraway shots, Tink has a more cuter roundish look, while in closer shots shes more edgy and more intimidating(? if that's the right word), kinda showing how others view her (kinda?) as a cute fairy, maybe underestimated, but yknow, close up, shes plotting to kill a child
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I love how Tink is gesturing in this scene, cause 1. It conveys to the audience what she wants from the lost boys and 2. Canonically, when fairies talk, people usually just hear jingling of bells, so shes gesturing because shes also conveying what she wants to the lost boys
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"Swear its nothing personal, its a necessary evil"
I just love this line because it is a necessary evil, she needs the lost boys and peter pan in neverland to believe in fairies so that they exist, and Wendy is pretty much a threat, since she makes the lost boys want to grow up with families,
Also, the lost boys look so cute in here, i cant remember their names tho, one is holding a slingshot, aiming at wendy, one is holding rocks , and one has a stick , so Tink just told these children to assassinate Wendy, or at least attack her.
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I love how the kids explain that Tink make them do it, and Peter Pan just glares at Tink, and i love that I'm pretty sure that Peter isn't mad/doesnt blame the lost boys
As seen in this scene where Pete is smiling and stuff at the Lost Boys and/or at Wendy
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I love how Tink refers to Wendy as a "Nasty little spark" because, a spark can turn into a fire, damaging a lot of stuff and people, pretty much saying that Wendy has to be snuffed out before she causes a fire,
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"Setting fires inside my house is just not allowed"
Pretty much referring to the fact that Wendy, the spark, is creating a fire, aka, making the lost boys want to grow up and go back to the real world, making them not believe in fairies anymore, thus, making her and her friends die, which is, not allowed.
Also. the fear in Tink's eyes is so fear, her expression is on point, the mix of concern and fear is just, so beautiful, also i love her pointed ears
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First of all, this screenshot does not do justice to the actual design of the mermaid (siren?), cause they are AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEUS.
Also, the fact that Tink is persuasive enough to convince someone to kill Wendy in such a short amount of time is impressive, and the fact that the mermaids agreed so quickly is also impressive,
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When it failed, the absolute horror and shock on Tink's face? Shes horrified that another plan of hers failed, and shes scared that her friends might die, like, wow
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The despair on her face is just so...asdjwoaijdoiwajd
The fact that Peter Pan (i cant even give him a nickname cause Pete sounds different and P.P. is just wrong and Pan is just A Thing), first at the gust of wind that blows away the pixie dust (which keeps the ship afloat) he covered his eyes, maybe cause the dust or his hair in his eyes, then he looks at Tink in anger and shock and probably some confusion, then looks at Wendy, in concern and fear,
Theory: Pan knows that, since Tink doesnt want the lost boys to leave, and he knows that gust of wind was from the fairies, and Tink's dislike and hatred to WEndy, that Wendy was probably the only one not going to be saved, which is why he only looks at her and tries to save her (that or he's a SIMPPPPPPP /j)
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The fact that you can see Wendy screaming??? Chills,
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And the black screen right after, signalling Wendy's death is just amazing
Anyways, overall, what im saying is
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reyreadersblog · 4 months
Nash and Libby wedding hcs (bcs i'm bored and my inbox is empty)
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Grayson would 100% be Nash's best man
It is not a big wedding fs, about 30 people are invited. Libby didn't wanted anything big, and Nash was like "as long as you are in front of me idc how many people are watching us (kicking my feet)
I want to say that Libby would wear black dress since she's a goth..but idk it's a funeral color so i think she wouldn't want to wear that at her wedding, so i think she wore casual white dress.
Xander and Jamie were straight up crying and blaming the wind.
Grayson would try so hard not to cry but when it was time for a speech his eyes did become watery, so Xander and Jamie took a video and tried to zoom in to proof Grayson that he was crying.
The wedding night would be crazy...and magical. (🤭)
Xander would embarras Nash with his speech, like my guy would turn into a tomato.
Jamie would make everything awkward, like he'd say "i still remember the day you and Alisa started dating, who would've thought you'd end up marrying my gf's sister nstead."
Alisa would definetly be there, i feel like Nash and Alisa would have conversation the day before wedding, like Alisa asked why should i be there and Nash answered because i want you there as important part of my life. And they would end everything on good terms.
Everyone would look beautiful but especially Libby, everyone would talk about how gorgeus bride she is.
I'm sure Gray took TONS of photos and hang them in his room.
This is not not about Nash and Libby but at the wedding Jameson would whisper to Avery things like "i want that decoration at our wedding" or "i can't wait for our marrige just so i can see you in a wedding dress"
And they Nash and Libby would eat each other the cake.
I feel like they'd have two cakes, well one of them wouldn't really be a wedding cake but "ex-overs" cake, (yk the one with the blood) since Nash is a swiftie.
Until the wedding ends, Nash and Gray would have their little walk, with some emotional talk (that rythmed😌) "i reember the day we picked you up from the hospital, the very first moments of me holding you, you were so quiet Zara and Skye actually got concerned, i couldn't believe i was holding my younger brother, that's what you'll always be for me, my younger brother, wedding or apocalypse,nothing is going to change that" and they would hug and stuff (it's so corny but i actually made myself cry😭)
Max would be invited, obviously.
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littlebraveborzoi · 2 months
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she looks so gorgeus in her monster(???) form
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savvy4618 · 5 months
Look at Me (Part 1?)
Dwayne x Reader (Female)
So excited to write again, the lost boys def has a choke hold on me right now and so does Billy Wirth. I am open for requests though it may take me some time to write them and if someone wants a second part or has any suggestion let me know!!
As usual the boys were out on the boardwalk. They stood at a random corner on the boardwalk, looking at the passing people and trying to scope out some good victims. Paul and Marko were sitting on top of an old fence by one of the shops, watching the crowd while David lean against the same fence. Dwayne was turned, watching people look through the vendor's stands and walk into little window shops.
That's when he saw you. You walked along the pathways, looking at jewelry and little books people sold, picking things up and inspecting them.
He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He watched you shop and look around, not able to tear his eyes away. He was hit with an urge to know about you, he wanted to know your name, age, favorite color, what things made you smile. The thoughts that went through his head scared him, why was he so worked up?
"You alright Dwayne?" David asks following his line of sight and spotting you.
Dwayne nodded his head and looked slowly at David, hesitant to look away scared you'd disapear. "Yeah," he says.
"She sure is pretty," David says nodding his head towards you.
"mh," Dwayne hums in agreement.
"Who is?" Paul asks turning around to look through the crowd, Marko soon doing the same.
"Girl with the y/hc hair, by that stand," David tells them.
Dwayne just watches them. He watches you buy a little trinket from the stand you were at. You start to walk and continue to look around.
As soon as you start to walk, the other three boys loose their focus and start to talk about random stuff. Dwayne sneaks away and walks up beside you.
"That's very pretty," he says motioning to the braclets you were fiddling with on your arm.
"Thank you," you respond with a warm smile.
"I'm Dwayne, sorry if I frightened you, just wanted to say hi," he says, still walking by your side.
"That's alright, I'm y/n," you respond, looking at the lights and rides as you pass by.
"That's a gorgeus name," Dwayne says with a grin.
"Thanks," you say, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you walking with me?"
Dwayne wasn't off put by this question, "Saw you looking though stands and you caught my attention, that's all," he responds.
"Well did you want something?" You ask curiously.
"Just to talk to you, I couldn't imagine living with myself if I hadn't," he says flashing a grin.
You shake your head and chuckle.
"Look at him go," Paul says, watching the interaction from the same fence where he was perched.
"What were you up to anyway?" You ask.
"You're full of questions aren't you honey?" he jokes, "just watching people."
You look at the shops as you walk, looking for anything that might catch your eye.
"You aren't from here are you?" Dwayne asks.
"No, just moved here."
"By yourself?" Dwayne asks looking at you.
"Yeah," you answer.
"no family around here or anything, no friends?" Dwayne asks looking back and realizing that the rest of the boys are no longer in sight.
"Nope, I've always liked being kind of on my own, having space," you reply looking at him. "What about you?" You ask.
"I live with my brothers and my sister," he replies.
"The ones you were with?"
"You saw us?"
"Hard to miss," you answer with a grin and a soft hit to his arm.
The comfort he gave off should have seemed odd but he was so nice and playful, unlike many people you had met. He thought you were beautiful and smart, someone he could envision spending the rest of his life with, but then there was the though of you knowing what he was, a monster. Even if you were somehow okay with that, you were still a human and he would never want to put you through the pain of having to become a vampire like him.
"Are you alright?" you ask laying a hand on his arm, the two of you had stopped walking but the two of you were now in a slightly less crowded space.
"Hm? Yeah I'm okay," he says giving you a small smile and a playful wink. He tosses an arm over your shoulder and you start to walk again. You weren't really walking to get somewhere, just looking around.
"This isn't to much is it?" he says softly, leaning down closer to your ear.
"my arm," he replies, nodding his head towards yours.
"No, it's okay," You chuckle.
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blueishspace · 21 days
Looped Sun 6
Loop #205
Grian: Scar! How have you done this?
Scar: C'mon Grian, I learnt you can make more potions then normal and I wasn't supposed to try one?
Grian : Not on me Scar! I look ridiculus!
Scar: Nooo! You look cool!
Grian: I'm a kid! I look 8 at most!
Scar: Hmmm... I have an idea!
Grian: I won't like, it will I?
Scar: This is Grain, Grian's son! Taking care of him while G is away!
Grian: I hate you...
Stress: Aww that's so nice of you, I didn't know Grian had a kid though.
Scar: Oh I didn't either! Grian said that he wanted to wait a bit to introduce him!
Grian: I will get revenge.
Stress: Oh! I see, well that make sense. He is quite the grumpy one isn't he?
Scar: Oh yeah! Definitely!
Stress: Oh, sorry but I better go now. Got lunch with Iskall!
Scar: Oh It's no problem! By Stress!
Grian: You will regret this, do you know how many awws I have gotten already?
Loop #206
Grian: Revenge. Sweet Revenge!
Scar: Hey, that's not fair! I turned you 8, I look 3!
Grian: Sucks doesn't it? Well now we'll see who gets the last laugh.
Stress: Oh Grian, who is that little cutie? Yours?
Grian: He's Scar's.
Stress: Oh! I didn't know you were a thing!
Grian: What, wait that isn't-
Stress: Isn't it a bit early for a kid though?
Grian: No, you misunderstand-
Stress: Oh damn I need to go! Sorry G, see you later.
Grian: I...
Scar: ... Well that didn't go like you wanted to did it?
Grian: ... I...did she really?.... What the hell just happened?
Loop #209
Pearl was truly enjoying this Empires loop, no demons, no rifts, just regular fun with her friends.
Scott: Hey Pearl, do you think you could help me nake the next looper proof escape room?
And suddenly her loop became a lot of a hell better.
Loop #212
Waking up in an outer plane wasn't part of Grian's plans for this loop but he could deal with it... probably. Checking his surrounded he realized even without checking his loops memories that he was in Limbo... Aka the chaotic neutral dimension aka pure chaos central. This was fine, Grian could live in chaos, he was used to it... Didn't make getting randomly hit by a piece of cheese going at supersonic speed any better.
Scar woke up in a wonderful place, with fresh water and sweet fruit and big big trees, he knew that he would build trees like these as soon as he could because they were oh do gorgeus. Scar didn't ever want to leave such a beautiful and colorful place, ever... The following loop Scar was informed by Grian that that was Arborea, plane of chaotic good and especially known for being extremely addictive.
Pearl hated this actually. To be fair Pandemonium wasn't too bad for a plane if you didn't count the chill...and howling wind...and smell of rot...and demon infestation... Ok it was pretty bad actually but it would have been fine if it wasn't for the alignement. Chaotic neutral she could get but chaotic evil? For real? She knew she could get unhinged as Scarlet Pearl but chaotic evil??? Really world tree? Really?
Scott didn't know what to think, on one of hand Mechanus as the lawful neutral plane wasn't as dangerous as some of the others darker ones... on the other hand this place was just so dull and gray and lifeless he considered jumping in the void. He had tried to convince the people here that a lot of every colour would be as balanced as there not being any but did they listen? No, they didn't. He knew he could get to Baator from there and while he didn't really see himself as lawful evil he was really tempted to do it if it meant feeling something.
Loop #215
Grian: Red King?
Ren: You have finally arrived, what is the meaning of this meeting?
Grian: I have a challenge.
Ren: A challenge? You dare?
Grian: I do. I challenge you to a duel, one on one.
Ren: For what?
Grian: I challenge you for the red crown.
The court all gasped in shock.
Ren: I see... and what if you lose.
Grian: My 3 lives, be it death or servitude, they will be yours.
Ren: ... All 3 you say? I agree.
Grian: Of course.
Ren didn't know how many loops Grian had praticed sword combat for this exact moment and well, he didn't have to know.
Loop #218
It took a lot of effort on all their parts and 3 fails but finally Scott and Grian had managed the most difficult and stressful challenge yet...
Jimmy: I won? I won!
Jimmy had won one of the life games, Scott was tearing up just thinking about it.
Loop #220
CGem!Pearl: Another pearl? A looper?
Pearl: Oh yes, It's nice to meet you, my name is Pearl...hence being a pearl.
CGem!Pearl: Oh! Oh my! Well, this is unexpected!
Steven: Oh that's going to be confusing. You can be uhhh... Red!
Pearl: Hmmm, what about Scarlet?
Steven: Uhhh, Scarlet? That's a type of red right? I like it.
Pearl: Oh, hello there mate.
Amethyst: Heeey... say, you wanna ditch this place and go smash some stuff?
Pearl: Of course I would love that.
Amethyst: Woo, wonder what weapon you have.
Pearl: It's a scythe.
Amethyst: Sick.
Garnet: Hmpfff.
CGem!Pearl: We should form Sardonyx, don't you agree Garne-
Fire Opal: Oh there's no need!
CGem!Pearl: Wait Amethyst did you-
Steven: Giant woman! Wait? Scarlet?
Fire Opal: Oh I'm ready to smash some bits!
Steven: Wooo!
Fire Opal then proceeded to destroy a ship with her kusarigama.
Steven: So... why Scarlet? If you don't mind me asking.
Pearl: Oh It's a reference to that time I went insane in a game because my friends left me.
Steven: ...
Pearl: Sorry, that's a bit weird.
Steven: Oh no! It's not! ... I turned into a giant pink lizard dino thing once I'm not judging.
Loop #225
Scott: Grian, are you crying?
Grian: N-No.
Scott: You are... what happened.
Grian: Just... You know Grumbot?
Scott: The robot you and Mumbo made?
Grian: That's the thing, most of the time he is just a robot...but sometimes he isn't! Sometimes he's my actual child and has real feelings and... The emperors still destroy him and I can't do anything about it.
Scott: G-
Grian: And sometimes I can tell that he has a soul and I can feel as he dies while everyone else laughs at it... And then.
Scott: ...go on.
Grian: Sometimes it happens before the loop and I look to my loop memories and realize the me that was there before also didn't care... I got abandoned by my parents in Japan and that is the same in most loops, the last thing I ever wanted was to become like them!
Scott: Come here Grian, let it out.
Loop #227
Scar had almost finished building the new and improved Scarland. He was so excited to show Grian when a cyan and orange portal appeared. That had to be Scott coming straight from New Life!
Scott: Scar! Just the man I was searching for!
Scar: Me?
Scott: So, you are having problems learning about loop because of your dyslexia?
Scar: ... Yeah?
Scott: I was talking to some older loopers last loops and they showed me this library with book copies written in a way to help with dyslexia so I grabbed a few.
Scar: Wait you got me books?
Scott: Yeah. Decided to start small to see if they would work out. If you need more I can show you the next time we loop there.
Scar: I- wow ... Do you want a free tour of Scarland as a thank you?
Scott: Eh, Sure. Why not?
Loop #229
Scott had been waiting for a supervillain variant for a while actually, ever since Grian and Scar had took over the world that time a while back. But still, out of all possible power he didn't get neither ice, fire, magic or colour related. He got electricity manipulation which was pretty op but he couldn't understand.
Scott: I don't get it, why electricity?
Pearl: Didn't you get smitten by lightning back in Last Life?
Scott: Fuck, is this going to become a thing now. At least I don't explode.
Loop #230
Scott: ...
Pearl: Pf...pftt.
Scott: Don't laugh.
Pearl: What did you say last time? At least I don't explode?
Scott: ...
Scott the creeper wasn't amused in the slightliest.
Loop #233
Scott: So, let's see who is who. I'm Mind.
Grian: Heart, mostly because of the eye connection.
Scott: And the purple.
Grian: And the purple, I know... Pearl?
Pearl: Soul! Because of the red probably. I get to have a scythe instead of a trident so that's fine.
Scott: Huh... Then, what about The Whole? Is Scar taking his place?
Pearl: Let me check... hmm, yep.
Scott: One time you tried to sing about...I don't know but it was nothing fucking new-
Pearl: Wrong song!
Scott: What?
Pearl: Storm and a spring is later, we need to do Mucka Blucka right now.
Grian: ~I've been sleeping in a cardboard box spending every dollar on a losing lot-
Pearl: That's The Bidding... You know what fuck this, if you are going to do what you want then I'm skipping to me splitting the ground.
Grian: Wait no no, we are way to early to do the Mind electric... Scar Isn't going to be able to handle it right now.
Scott: And if he does he won't be very happy with us.
Pearl: Alright, let's try again then.
Loop #237
The loop had started normal, Grian should have known it wouldn't last forever but waking up to find all the ground in the world to be replaced by ice.
Grian: How?
Pearl: I am still a goddess of chaos and this specific loop's code is extremely simple to manipulate.
Grian: ... But why?
Pearl: Why not?
Loop #238
Pearl: How dare you?
Grian: What? I didn't do anything.
Pearl: Why did you rotate my base back, do you know how much it took to rotate the first time around?
Grian: Guess you'll have to turn it again!
Loop #239
Grian: You are evil.
Pearl: Oh c'mon, just giving you some encouragement to make a better storage system.
Grian: B-but... why furbies? Why?
Pearl: Horrific little things aren't they? Was talking with Tango about giving them spider legs.
Grian: Why are you like this?
Loop #240
Pearl: You did what?
Grian: Moved your storage ststem...to the moon.
Pearl: You mean the moon that is currently crashing into the world?
Grian: ... Maybe?
Pearl: I see how it is, did you know Tango actually made me some spider furbies before the end of the loop?
Grian: Wait... no.
Pearl: Be prepared. They are coming. You can run but you can't hide.
Loop #245
Scott: You know, if you take like three or four loops in which you learn redstone you would probably be able to surpass Mumbo.
Grian: I would wouldn't I? .... Hmmm...
Loop #250
Mumbo: H-how- Mate? How have you done this?
Grian: It's really quite simple really.
Mumbo: That's- That's my line.
Grian: Mine now.
Loop #251
It was the start of a brand new loop, this one started quite late already in season 10. Grian was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by a frantic sounding Mumbo.
Mumbo: Grian, I had an horrible nightmare.
Grian: Uh huh?
Mumbo: You built a super compact spaceship and I couldn't understand and you used my "It's quite simple" line against me! It was horrible!
Grian: ... Wait.
Loop #252
Mumbo: I-it wasn't a prank?
Grian: Nope.
Scar: Mumbo!!?! You are looping!?
Pearl: Welcome to the loops mate?
Scott: Good luck, you'll need it.
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writingsofwesteros · 28 days
Everyone keeps wondering why Tywin is so tired all of a sudden. Hiding yawns in meetings, answering with little less patience than usual, eyes glossy and reddish
That is when it comes to play that his darling Stev is pregnant. Pregnant, fertile, gorgeus, glowing
First time she woke him up urgently in the wee hours, he was bolt upright sure she was giving birth then and there and he was to catch the baby in seconds.
But when he looked at her, he saw flushed cheeks, sheen of sweat giving her an intimate glow, and most of all her thighs rubbing together. Her belly very prominent already making her look like the embodiment of the mother herself.
"I'm sorry for waking you" she says first sitting up too. "I need you" she whines breathlessly. Holding his arm and guiding his hand between her legs. "I've been trying, trying so hard to get off" she pouts. "For hours but I can't do it. I'm just teasing myself and now it aches worse" she says resting her forehead against his jaw.
Tywin blinks his hand now on her bare pussy. "You're on fire, My love" he croons deepening his voice. Fingers now testing between her hot, Slick folds. She gasps grasping onto him tightly. "Like a doe in heat. Waking me just to get off
She nods frantically "it feels like it" she can only whimper. "Like-like someone is running a feather over my whole body the-then- ah!" Her mouth falls slack as His fingers sink into her, thumb now on her nub. Tywin nudging her her face with his nose so that they are resting their foreheads together. So he can see everything.
"there we are" he purrs "you poor thing can't even do this without me. Aren't you the prettiest?"
I can't deal!!! They are too damn hot 🥵🥵
sweet doe in heat and now Tywin will have to deal with such a thing. Not that he complains too much, she is a glorious sight .
Her orgasm comes so easily and all she wants is more as she grabs at his wrist to rock against
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solargeist · 10 months
he dances in a garden at dusk ... still light enough to see her but not hurt him ........ oogh
alternatively he has a parasol or like roofed garden enclosure . Thing . like a greenhouse but the ceiling isn't transparent.., he dances with her there ........
he finds comfort in lights and such because they're like smaller versions of her and bonus they don't hurt ! he also likes candles i think .. stares at them for hours
phil asks him what he's doing .. looking at his girlfriend. come look, phil, she's so gorgeous.....
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ough... gorgeus
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kapapi-o · 1 year
Smitten ([Fu Xuan x FemReader] arranged marriage)
Warnings: none, just poignant sapphic vibes.
Who would have thought that the Master diviner would accept an arranged marriage. For someone to stand beside her, they surely had to be someone of equal status and a strong quality of character. So of course she landed with the most eligible bachelorette. A daughter from a family of great standing and influence in the Xianzhou Luofu.
She could foresee how her future wife would be--but such predictions faltered in comparison to how she actually looked like in person,
As if the aeon of beauty itself materialized before her...
Eyes that glimmered with all the stars of the night sky, giving any onlooker the same star struck feeling upon sight of them. Her hair must've been made from moondust with how it shimmered under their wedding's venue light, just effortlessly gorgeus locks that fell on her shoulders.
And when she spoke, oh god...her voice sounds as crisp, clear, and soothing as water dripping onto stone, and it felt like a gentle chaste kiss to the ears.
Fu Xuan felt herself freeze up at the sight of her bride--whom had a charming flush of red gently sprinkled on her soft complexion, and a soft smile curved on her pretty lips. The poor master felt her heart nearly stop when their eyes met,
"Will you, Fu Xuan, take her as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"Y-yes-I do!" She croaked, rather unbecomingly. Her ears turning an embarrassing red as she notes her blushing bride stiffle a giggle.
"I now annoint you a couple, you may kiss the bride."
Fu Xuan panicked as all rational sense shuts down. It was up to her newly beloved to lean in and seal the deal. With a grin, her wife cups Fu Xuan's face, their lips finally come together and the diviner swears she felt the equivalent of watching the sunrise for the first time. She was stiff at first, not that her wife really minded, she was more so amused, actually.
Eventually, she melts at her touch but then she's being pulled away suddenly. Had she forgetten to breathe? Oh, how she hated her pitiful being for needing air to part from those lips...
Her eyes open and she sees that dreamy sight of her again...the world slowly coming back to her as the sounds of people cheering returns. She couldn't help herself and unconsciously pouts at the separation. Never mind the crowd of people clapping for them, she wants her wife to hold her captive again.
Honestly, between you and her, she couldn't tell who really benefitted the most from this arranged marriage. If she had to choose, it would definitely be this very fortunate Master diviner.
Headcanons cause i need to get this out of my brain before mass:
• Cannot say no to her lover, her darling, her doting wife
• She'll never admit how much power such a woman holds on her, not that's it needed since it's painfully clear when all her attention and word is dedicated to her wife at the slightest mention.
• Will utter, "oh, my dearest likes that" or "that's my love's favorite..." cause there's a part of her brain reserved just for her.
• Her marriage can best be put as a healthy obsession. No one knows how it works, we all accept that it does and that's that <3
• Wonders everyday who she has to thank for her beloved to be in her life. Should she start praising aeons, fate, or her parents? Where to start...
Not me posting this from my church's bathroom before going to mass, ahAha.
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francis-writes · 11 months
Can I request a oneshot for Ramsey Bolton x fem reader where the reader is a servant and Ramsey is attracted to her but doesn’t act on it and she accidentally stumbles upon him killing his father and she hides in the corner somewhere in the room and over hears him planning to kill his stepmother and brother so she tries to help them and get to them before Ramsey dose but she is unsuccessful and Ramsey discovers what she tried to do so she begs for forgiveness and he tells her he will consider it if she can prove to him why she deserves it so he takes her to the room where he flays people and has sex with her on the X-shaped cross ?
A/N: it isn't really good but in my defense, I wrote like half of it while still high on acid so...
Warnings: it's Ramsay, what do you expect
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You were watching from behind the corner, praying to all the Gods so your presence would remain hidden and unnoticed. Otherwise you would end up in worse situation that those people you tried to protect.
Your were barely breathing, listening to the screams of Fat Walda. You weren't even able to look at it, just a few moments after dogs attacked her, you turned away your gaze, feeling nauseous. You would love to be wherever else, as far as possible from this place but right now there were no escape from hearing the gut-wrenching screams of agony as woman and her child were ripped apart by the hounds.
You closed your eyes, distancing yourself from overhelming reality but soon you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"What are you doing here?" Ramsay asked. His voice wasn't angry but it didn't matter. You saw him flaying people with a calm mundane voice so you never knew what's awaiting you in his presence.
"I was just walking to the kitchen-" you tried to quickly make up and excuse but Ramsay only slapped your face. You touched tour burning cheek.
"Don't lie. I heard what you were talking about with my stepmother. You came here to warn them"
You simply nodded. Whatever the punishment will be, better not make it any worse.
"Forgive me, my lord, I made a mistake... Please, show me mercy" you pleaded, avoiding looking right into his cold eyes.
Ramsay observed you with mixed feelings. Your betrayal ignited his anger, and you should pay for your lack of loyalty. But at the other hand, seeing you terrified, cowering like a beaten dog... that was a gorgeus sight.
You were on his mind for quite some time but he didn't show it before. He was only observing you wander through the halls and do your chores while he fantasized about taking you on a hunt or pulling you to the nearest bedroom. Even during the feasts, while you were serving him, he only looked, holding himself back from pulling you on his lap and sliding a hand under your dress.
"Can you prove that you deserve it?"
"Hm?" That wasn't the smartest answer. It wasn't even mediocre sensible. But you didn't expect your pleads to bring any sort of answer, except for slow and cruel death.
"If you prove that you're worth of my forgiveness, you'll receive it"
You felt on your knees, ignoring the mud staining your clothes and freezing your knees.
"Thank you my lord, I will do anything, just tell me how I can prove myself-"
Ramsay cut your monologue, pulling you from the ground and leading you inside the castle. You felt disgusted by how much you had to humiliate yourself but it was still better from tortures. Just in case it saved you from any because Ramsay went into the dungeons.
Your anxiety has increased when you entered one of the cells and you saw X-shaped cross standing in the middle. You knew well what happened to people who ended up here.
"Will you flay me?" You asked, just to make sure and spare yourself the torture of uncertainty.
"No, as long as you behave. So if you want to keep your skin, take off your clothes"
You obeyed him, though still frozen with fear. Your dress landed on the floor and you were standing in front of him completely bare. Ramsay took your hand and lead you to the cross, then he started fastening your arms to the cross with a strong rope. You could feel it pressing and scraping your skin but you gritted your teeth, trying not to make a sound.
When he finished his job, Ramsay took a knife from the table. You thought that he lied and it's gonna be your end but he started carving letters on your chest. You moaned quietly as pain pierced your body. You looked down and noticed that under blood runnig down your body, Ramsay was carving his name in your skin.
"No one will doubt now, whom I belong to" you said, not sure why but after all experienced anxiety and fear, your mind get rid of every barrier and sensible plans. You were one foot in a grave and nothing mattered anymore.
When he finished his art, Ramsay leaned over and licked your wounds. You arched your back, in mix of pain and pleasure. His warm tongue caressing your broken skin brought you some twisted form of excitement. The same one you always felt looking at Ramsay. You knew about his depravities and what he could do to you, but you couldn't help desiring him. He was alluring in a way of forest fire, that brings death and destruction, but you can't stop looking at it. You dreamed about his touch for many years but you never expect it would happen in such circumstances.
Ramsay crouched and started kissing your naked legs, going up and getting closer to your crotch. Then, out of sudden, he bit your inner thigh and you gave out a quiet scream. You didn't look at him but you were more than sure that he smiled hearing this.
He stood up, his warm calloused hands wandered across your body, caressing your belly, breast, hips and squeezing your butt.
Finally his hand wandered between your legs.
"Your already wet" he noticed with smugness in his voice "So that's what you like? Pain? Being on my mercy?"
You wanted to deny, to don't give him that knowledge. But you knew he wouldn't believe you and he would torture you until you admit it; though some of these tortures would probably turn you on.
You nodded.
He lifted your legs,  so you could embrace your hips with them. He pulled out his dick, and entered you without any preparation. Fortunately, you were already wet enough so it went smoothly. He pressed his body to you and stared thrusting. Ramsay nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and you felt his hot breath of your skin. Occasionaly, he bit your neck and shoulders. Now it was more exciting than painful, though you knew you were going to wear bruises for a long time.
He had to be very turned on because after few minutes of fucking you, he gasped and feeled you to the brim with his seed. He pulled out and you could feel his cum running down your legs.
"So... will you free me now, my lord? You asked while he was pulling on his trousers. Ramsay chuckled and walked to the table with his tools.
"If you think it's an end, you haven't been paying attention . We're gonna spend a lot of time together "
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uranianshivers · 2 years
Hello!! Hope you’re doing okay! I’m so glad I found another good twst wonderland author 🥺
I read the rules and I’m not sure whether this is okay or not, but could I please have Dorm Leaders (or just Riddle, Vil, Idia and Malleus if it’s too much) with a magical girl s/o? Pronouns she/her please! Like she transforms with a magical accessory, i just think it would be so funny while, in the middle of an overblot, reader’s like “oh, well ig this is where I come in!” And then just transforms. And because nobody knew she was a magical girl, they’re all staring in disbelief. Comedy + Fluff please <3
sorry for the huge word dump, take your time with this!! Make sure to take care of yourself :3
thank you!!
Hi! I'm glad that you liked what I write, I appreciate your words and I hope you like this! (Also I will add Hcs and a little scenario for the overblot part thanks to I didn't understandt if you wanted an one-shot or just headcanons, also sorry if this is short, I run out of ideas)
Warnings: use of female pronouns, mentions of injuries and blood (?).
Notes: I don't know very much about all the magic girls thing so I tried my best, pls if you find any errors make me know.
Pd: I didn't put neither Azul and Kalim because I was struggling with them)
Riddle Rosehearts
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he felt like something was off with that rose you had always in your hair
Never really questionated it thought, maybe just aesthetic thing?
Really didn't matter about it, you focused in your studies, followed the rules and loved him, it was just a flower after all, right?
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You looked at him in awesome, you never thinked you really needed to do this but it seems like you were wrong "with the power of mind and heart!" you shouted while everyone looked at you weirded out "is she crazy?" some students said before the petals in the rose you had all the time in your hair started to be around you and slowly your normal school uniform fade away and in place let you with a pretty red dress and the stem transformed in a long spear with a sharp tip which you holded with an iron force, surprised stares directing at you "YOU COULD DO THAT?" Ace screamed to you in deslief thinking in all the moments him, Deuce, Grim and you were in trouble and you just choose did this now, you started to give atacks of different elements fast so Riddle can focus on you while you said to your friend to atack him directly to finaly give a powerful atack fulled with magic directly to his heart.
You obviously go to comfort him after all that, he don't know if he was more stunned by all the overblot thing or the fact that you got magic power, a weapon and a whole outfit only by saying a phrase and the innocent looking rose in your hair
Definetly will ask what was that, you can use magic and no one knowed?
Why did you use it only now and not every other time you almost got killed?
You were powerful but why only now?
After all what happend the answer that you were just worried for him and actually cared for him that much to reveal that to the entire school maked his heart warm.
You two have a long conversation talking about your now not so secret identity and all what maked him overblot before (mother issues included, yes, it was very long).
Leona Kingscholar
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He didn't even care about the artificial bone that were in your collar
The maximun he cared about it was when hewas hugging you when going to take a nap and that was itching his chest
Maybe asked you about it once because you carried it everytime
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Ruggie was hurted and everyone was scared but you, you holded your collar tightly and putted it out, the fake bone converted in a beautiful trident and with a spin a gorgeus dress appeared on you instead of the simple school uniform "is that a trident?" Deuce asked like you didn't just transformed your whole outfit only because of an spin "So you think you're better than me?!" Leona said before trying to convert you into sand, well, this is gonna be hard to you.
You definetly got some injuries after that (probably because of trying to make you disapear)
"You think i'm an awful person now, don't you?"
He was curious about what the heck was that when you fighted him but was more worried about you goting injuried because of him and you hating him now.
He tried to hide how worried he was about you, he was feeling awful, his girlfriend, the person who love him not because of his status or anything to beneficiate herself injuried because of his anger.
Evitated you for a little period of time before getting the courage to speak to you and apologize to you.
Very most worried about what he has done to you more than the fact that aparently you had some type of magic that also changed your outfit, hair style and make up when you used it, there are most weird things here (Talking cat who breath fire) most probably waited for you to explain it.
Vil Schoenheit
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Even whe he feeled suspicious he just thinked it was a pretty accesory.
Never really thinked so much about the apple brooch you had in your hair, probably most focused in you brushing your hair and using selfcare products correctly.
He didn't understand why you were so negative with not using it but eventually just helped you find clothes to match up with the brooch.
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Everything was destroyed by his anger, his still gorgeus form floating above chaos, you tried to rasonate with him but nothing seemed to work "well, it looks like I have to go for the hard way" you said to yourself before touching the beautiful broosh two times and do a little dance, making a light purple smoke appears making you un-noticeable, students looking with a mix of confussion and fear because of the overblot. The smoke finally dissapeared after a few seconds letting everyone see you now with an purple and gold dress, a wand as beautiful as your dress being hold tightly by your hand, Vil's angry just growed by it "you dare to trying to look more fairiest than me?!" Vil screamed at you, maybe this was not the best moment to reveal it...
It was a hard fight, Vil's anger thinking you were trying to look better than him definetly difficulted more the fight.
But hey! You succesfuly winned and now you have to explain a few things to him.
Also you have to take beauty tips for not ruining your clothes while fighting, he was not gonna let you comfort him very much for a while.
"You were awesome and gorgeus in battle, my dear! But we have to change of how you do that spin when avoiding atacks"
Idia Shroud
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Probably thinked the weird skull pin in your shirt was from some video game or anime.
Asked what was the name of the game or anime of your pin with that idea too.
He got a little dissapointed when you said it was just a normal pin, maybe he can show you some really cool animes with cool skull symbols.
"You know? There is this cool anime I discoveredafewagoaboutaboywhodiscoversasupercoolruinandagodoffershimtobehisrighthandandafterhegiveshimaweirdlookingthingwithmagic" yes, is with a very fast talking.
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Look the good part! Idia finally got the chance to be the super cool looking powerful villain he wanted to be in sometimes, but looking at the bad part he will probably kill someone in that state, you guessed it was your time to shine. You touched the pin and with a spin your uniform got transformed into lightly cyber themed clothes and blue tinted shades appeared, it wasn't the best for when you have to identify a color but you didn't have to do that now tho "Y/N don't touch the blue thing!" Ace yelled at you, dammit, you were already having problems with beating your boyfriend and this didn't help.
So... Uhm... This is awkward, you were comforting him while he was struggling with understanding what happened with you.
"So it's like the animes?" "Yes, Idia, it's like the animes"
Still trying to understandt while you tried to communicate with him.
You finally could comfort him and got him venting after explaining how it worked all the magical girl thing.
A few days after that you heared "Yes! And she had this super cool glowing blue smoke around her and- What?! I am not lying!" when he was talking with his online friends.
Malleus Draconia
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You have this necklace with a dragon in it, do not expect him to not ask.
"It has some meaning?" "where did you get it? " "it involves some tradition in your world?" "why a dragon and not a bat for example?" "why..." "how?" "where-" "who?" "when..."
He is curious about his girlfriend, don't blame him.
Probably finded out what is the function of it even before you had the oportunity to tell him but never telled you he knowed.
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It was a while since he overbloted, nothing seemed to work. Lilia, Sebek, Silver and you already tried to talk with him but he simply didn't listen, many of the students were hurt and many also had fear, including you, he was one of the most powerlful mages after all, luckily he hasn't killed anyone yet, the circumstances maked you take a decision, you got off the necklace "Victory shall be mine" you whispered to yourself and lights started to glow off the little dragon in your hand and when everyone getted the vision back which was taked away because of the light they could see you wearing gorgeus black and green clothes, a proud dragon made of rock in the tip of your trident "HUMAN YOU COULD DO THAT AND YOU DO IT NOW?!?!" Sebek with a bandage in his arm yelled at you, you had to explain to more than one person apparently.
It was very hard, you admmited it, you even got injuries because of the fight! Maybe you should keep putting that bandage in your leg, you don't wanted to clean blood after all that.
He already knew so he wasn't that surprised.
You had to listen and comfort him for like 2 hours after he screamed to you worried about if you were hurt only to him saying "you were gorgeus!" after crying in your shoulder for 1 hour straight.
"Wait, you knew?" "of course I knew! You're my girlfriend" you had more questions than him probably.
You probably had to sleep with him, he didn't want you to get more hurt while he wasn't at your side.
»»————> sorry for the waiting! I had a creativity block, I hope you liked it even with the long waiting.
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kurosstuff · 6 months
First "I love you"
With a fierce lunge, Rosie pressed you down on couch, tail wagging insanely at her excitement, gentle hiss rolling of her tongue.
"Woah!" - you yelp at the sudden attack.
Rosie hisses, her tail seductively stroking your neck.
"What's gotten to you today?" - you ask her removing your clothes and folding them neatly to the side.
Deep, dark eyes follow your every movement with lustful hunger ready to mark yet again what's hers.
Whats hers.
"Just a bit exc-cited, that's-s all~" Rosie says in melodic tone, her anticipation showing in prolonged hisses.
"I see" - you say casually, folding your pants at the side. "Ok, I'm don-EAH!" - another yelp comes off your mouth as you feel her tail drag you back to the couch.
She throws you on the couch, her tail firmly wrapped around you as she looks at you with unbridled hunger. You could think she'll chomp off your head now if you didn't know what kind of hunger were in those soulless eyes. The tip of her tail curls beneath your chin and gently encourages to look up on her. As you do...
God, was she just gorgeus.
She towered above you, with dangerous glint in her eyes as she grinned, showing off her razor-sharp teeth.
"Oh, uh-" - though, you somewhat accustomed to her behaviour in general, you still flushed whenever she was looking at you like that.
"I guess this is peak of your season, huh?" - you chukle out bit nervously.
She hums.
"I guess so, my bunny~" - tips of your ears redden even more at the sudden pet name. (Note: yes, this is reference to your bunny fic)
You smile at her, not even realizing how much of adoration your gaze holds. You freed one of your arms from her tail and reached out, brushing your thumb against her cheek. She does this back, stroking your jaw. You lean in, and kiss her carefully, to the best of your abillities. When you feel her lips press more firmly and demanding, you open your mouth, giving her permission.
Her tongue immideatly slips into your mouth and explores every inch of it. It's long, slender and incredibly skilled. Flushing more, you let out needy whimper against her lips. She smirked feeling proud.
Her tail unwrapped your upper half and the tip of it started softly nudging at your clothed (not for long) clit. You twitched, another bit of moan escaping you.
Rosie pulled away and you gasp, finally getting to breath again.
Your face was flushed, as well as your ears and shoulders were reddening with each second passed.
"S-s-so out of breath..." - Rosie whispers, smirking at your gasps for air.
She still holding your face, her thumb brushing your earlobe.
You smile at her gently, leaning in her palm, closing eyes. Maybe, you were too clouded, but the next thing you said were shoking for you both.
"I love you"
You froze.
Taking a second to process what you just said, you looked up at Rosie.
She froze, more still than any inanimate object.
"Oh dear..." - she wispered so quietly, you barely caught that.
"Rosie, what's wro-HMPH!"
Just as sudden, she kissed you. It was passionate kiss but not in a lustful sense, no. This kiss was full of love and warmth.
Full of happiness.
She pulled away.
"I love you too, dear"
THIS IS SO GOOD?? now imagine. Another human? Or another gorgon coming to court them~
Lowkey- all these gorgon rosie ideas is giving me ideas too- 💕💕 I adore your writing sm♡♡
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noirofhyrule · 2 years
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I made a one-shot, hi :>
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
1519 Words, lol
Warnings: Bad english, fluffl... a lot, little smut- Ghost i'ts so cute pls-ooc-ish?
Based on this gorgeus drawing: https://www.tumblr.com/nintendobl00d/706343312018341888/stararch4ngelqueen-i-cannot-stop-thinking-about
Si quieren versión en español ahí me dicen xd
Simon slept on the large mattress in his room inside the base of operations, where he was not alone. He was sharing the bed with someone else. 
Next to him was a woman, who was hugging her waist, he wanted to feel her close to him, he wanted to feel her warm skin on his, rough and cold. 
He couldn’t refuse, ever since she slept with him the first time, he decided he wouldn’t let her go from his room anymore, not even when she was angry with him, they would always end up cuddling under the sheets, looking for warmth and caresses from each other. 
“Simon… Are you awake?" 
Asked the girl, gently caressing his face, coming closer to kiss his lips affectionately, looking at him with a certain tiredness in her eyes, it was still early, and it was cold outside, she didn’t want to get up, let alone leave him in bed, they always woke up and got up together. 
Simon hearing her voice, grunted a little and stretched slightly. 
"Now I am”. His British accent was creeping into his gravelly voice from being freshly awake. 
“Shit, sorry”. The woman replied, moving her lips closer to him, barely brushing against his skin, just wanting to be closer to him. 
“It doesn’t matter”. Simon finished breaking the tension between the two of them, approaching her to give her a soft kiss, although clumsy; he didn’t want to leave the bed either, he felt too comfortable, with her in his arms, and covered by a sheet that kept them both warm. 
“We have to get up, there’s practice today, remember?” She asked him, however there was no answer from him, only a grunt and a squeeze to her waist, as a denial, he didn’t want to get out of bed at all. 
“Simon,” she tried to speak to him again, cradling his face in her hands, looking up at him. 
He smiled in love, feeling her warm hands on him always made his heart skip a beat, quickening his pulse, wanting more of her affection. 
The girl seeing him smile couldn’t help kissing him, kissing his lips, his nose, his light beard that was starting to grow, his marked and straight jaw, that whenever she kissed his made her sigh, his cheekbone and also very close to his dimples, kissing his lips again. 
“Go on” he asked, but she denied and let out a small laugh, more awake now. 
“I will if we can get out of bed” . He replied with a soft chuckle, taking his hands to gently remove them from her waist and kiss them, starting to get up as she grabbed her clothes, starting to get dressed, putting on her pants. 
“Humn” Simon growled, watching her get dressed. 
“What?” Asked the curious girl, who was looking at Simon with interest. 
“You look better without clothes”. 
“Oh, shut up”. She threw the pillow at his face and he let out a small laugh. 
She rarely made him laugh, and when she did, it was genuine, soft and made him forget how cruel and bloodthirsty he could be. 
With a heavy blush, the girl continued to dress, to finish and start brushing her hair. 
The funny thing was, since Simon’s room was empty, she was able to bring some of her things in there. 
“Wait”. Simon spoke, taking her comb and starting to brush her hair for her. 
Ever since she had been injured on a mission, where her arm was broken and her rib equally so, he had secretly learned to braid her hair, using three strings to weave it as fine as possible. 
It took him several days, but he had succeeded, since then he combs her hair in the mornings, more or less. 
Once he was done, he grabbed his clothes as well, dressing until he finished putting on his boots. That’s when his girlfriend held the mask up to Ghost, looking at him a little blushing, despite loving both versions of him, always seeing Ghost was like a very deep fantasy. 
Simon seeing her blush, smiled under the mask and slipped his hands under her shirt, touching her skin, squeezing her waist lightly, starting to lift it slowly, inviting her back to bed again, but not to sleep. 
“S-simon”. she gasped, stopping him a little embarrassed, she knew they were waiting for them and she didn’t want them to suspect anything. 
“I know that face. You can’t hide anything from me”. 
Hearing him talk so serious put the girl at a disadvantage, separating herself still nervous, his hands were warm, and feeling how he grabbed her waist like that, almost made her surrender. 
“No, Johnny is waiting for us, so is Kyle”. 
That made him sigh, maybe out of frustration or maybe annoyance, she still couldn’t quite figure it out. 
When she noticed Ghost leave, she nodded, she would be with him in a moment. 
~ • ~
Once they arrived at the training room, she was somewhat chagrined, as she had been slightly late. 
Soap was underneath Ghost the moment she entered, resisting his weight on the floor, who was still willing to not give up. 
Gaz was there, watching them with some trepidation.
“Hey, do you know why Ghost is so upset this morning? He wouldn’t let Soap get up from there”. 
“Really? Poor Johnny, I still don’t know how he put up with so much”. 
To Ghost’s luck, listening to his girlfriend, he flinched slightly, especially that pretty lipstick that showed off her white skin. 
She never wore makeup, that was a first, would she go out?, did she have something to do afterwards?, why was she wearing lipstick?, was it for someone else?, why had she never worn lipstick for him? 
That made Soap take advantage and he could get rid of the brit on top of him. 
~ • ~
The training was over, even though Ghost had won, Soap was able to defend himself thanks to that little flinch he’d had.
No one knew about their relationship yet, and for Ghost, no one was supposed to know. No one. 
She was his priority, his need to stay alive and fight, his weakness. 
And it was just as well, because a ghost wasn’t supposed to have weaknesses. 
Gaz decided he wouldn’t train with Ghost, not if he was that upset, if Soap could barely handle him, Gaz didn’t even want to imagine what could happen to him.
The woman smiled, watching as Gaz and Soap retreated, mostly for some ice for Johnny’s shoulder. 
Now that they were alone, the girl took off her sweatshirt and walked over to the ring, a large blue mat on the floor, to cushion the blows. 
Ghost noticed this and let out a mocking grunt.
“How about a three-way?" 
Ghost attacked first in response, the girl barely dodged it. She hadn’t expected him to be so annoyed, was it because he had refused her wish to be with her a little longer in bed? 
She laughed, it looked like a tantrum. 
"Come on, Simon, you can’t possibly be upset about that”. 
The man grunted, again trying to throw her and count a stitch, but failing. She was fast. Faster than he was. 
Ghost laughed a little. 
“You’re playing with fire. I don’t think you want to go on”. 
She walked over to him and as she climbed on top of him, it took her work to throw him to the ground, slightly suspecting that he had left her win. 
“Yes, I want to go on. I want to keep being with you, Simon.” With a heavy blush, she moved up to kiss his lips over the mask, moving up to kiss more of his mask, leaving traces of her lips with the lipstick. 
“That lipstick, you’ve never used it before”.
Ghost spoke, watching as he parted, taking her waist and starting to reach through her clothes, just so he could enjoy the warmth of her skin. 
“Y-yes, it’s new, do you like it?” she asked in love, looking at him with a smile, lifting her mask slightly to kiss his real lips, skin to skin, feeling the warmth of them and how soft they were. 
“It looks good on your skin”. 
With her in his arms, he stood up. 
So it was true, he had let her win. 
He smiled beneath the mask, taking her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb. 
“Thank you, Simon… y-your mask…”
Ghost sighed and stood up, letting the girl sit on his lap, looking into the room mirror, noticing the lipstick stains. 
Truth be told, inside, he was glad, they looked perfect to him there, he wanted to go out and show off how his pretty girlfriend kissed him so much, even with his mask on. 
With a smile, he looked at her, taking off his mask and grabbing her from behind her neck, to pull her closer to kiss her once more. In need of her lips and her affection. 
She had no choice, but to respond to the kiss, content to feel Simon’s warm embrace. 
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