#she just wanted her bed time KISSIE!!!!!
reigningmax · 1 year
How am I meant to move on from Max and P’s very clear bed time routine of “good night P, see you tomorrow” and lil cheek kissies. How.
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anadiasmount · 4 months
missed you - jb blurb
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quick sum: coming back from a short work/ girls trip back to your little family where everything seems meant to be.
masterlist | jude’s masterlist
“eva sit still baby,” jude chuckled as he saw his almost one year old kick in her high chair, noticing the plate of food made for her. “we just bathed and dressed you i don’t want you to get dirty again,” he set the food in front of her along with a sippy cup filled with her favorite juice.
jude blew on the food that’s as still hot, making sure it was cool before feeding her. it was exact like this for the past 5 days without you. jude couldn’t denied and he missed you terribly, more than eva. he hated the house without you, that laugh, loud screams from time to time, you next to him in bed. it felt strange and he had been shown what it like when he’s not there.
the first night was rough, eva fussy and it was clear she missed you. she could sense it wasn’t her mommy when jude tried to rock her to sleep, and was awake most of the night waiting for you. yet as the second and third night passed by she accepted and laid in your spot in her daddies arms. safe and sound.
jude struggled. you were his missing piece. the first day he arrived late to training since he was used to you waking him up, and he always forgot something whether it was an items or a belonging of eva. in every phone call you could hear the sadness and tiredness in his voice, which made you feel guilty but jude reassured you to have the bestest fun because you deserved it.
he needed you desperately and he couldn’t wait for you to get home. they both did.
“is it yummy?” he scrunched his nose as eva nodded her head and gave him a kissy face. “it’s not like mommy’s food but i tried my best,” he fed her once again, cleaning the corners of her mouth to avoid it spreading down and getting messy. “you miss her too don’t you?” he loved talking to her. jude was a known yapper, he spoke to eva when she was in your belly and don’t even get started now that she was learning and comprehending words.
“i missed both of you.”
jude snapped his head around quickly, eva yelping and kicking in her chair when she heard you. jude was first to greet you, giving eva her final bite before lunging towards you and pulling you into a messy kiss. he didn’t care, his girl was back in his arms and that’s all that mattered. he held your face giving you kisses on your cheeks, bridge of nose and temple. giving you all the attention you lacked from.
you ushered to eva who gave you a toothy smile as she called out for you. you gently removed her from the high chair, sighing a breath of relief when you held your babygirl, her head finishing home on your shoulder and her chunky arms wrapping around your neck. “oh my. i’ve missed you both so so much,” you walked towards jude hugging his middle, your head finishing home in the crook of his neck.
“we’re so glad to have you back my love,” jude replied, rubbing his hand against your back.
jude advised you to go freshen up, as he packed and cleaned the kitchen from the dinner mess. eva rested on his hip as he gently cleaned her mouth with warm water to remove any excess food she had after eating a small cookie. he prepared her night bottle and changed her into her night onsie. “mamma?” he looked down to see her almost close to sleeping yet yearing for you.
“i’m right here baby,” you kissed jude’s shoulder before going both of them on the couch. eva crawling into your hold and immediately fell asleep. jude asked you many questions about what you did, how it went, wanting to know everything as if he was there. and you made sure to give him every ounce of love because you missed him terribly.
“i see what you go through now when i’m not here,” you heard jude say softly not wanting to wake up eva. jude rested his head on your shoulder, “what do you mean?” you ask looking down to see his big brown eyes staring right into yours. “i now know what it’s like when it’s only the two of you here and i’m away on england break or away games,” was all he said.
“you did an amazing job jude,” you assured him, “i know it can get difficult and you feel the need to give up, but you were killing two birds at once. you had training yet also had dad duties. and that can be alot on your plate...” you kissed his temple, ushering him to lay on your lap, adjusting eva’s chunky feet so her daddy could lay comfortably as well.
“i can’t explain how much i missed you,” jude laughed almost embarrassed because you knew he was being needy. but jude was that attached and in love with you. “it didn’t feel the same without you here. it felt empty, i didn’t have anyone to talk to besides eva, and my mom. i just wanted you here,” jude admitted. you pouted at your man, knowing he was trusting you with his vulnerability.
“i don’t know if it was just me but anywhere i went i was looking for you. you and eva were my only thoughts everyday. i was seeing delulu thinking you were there. i had to cuddle with y/f/n because i’m so used to it,” you joked earring a laugh from him. “we both needed each other,” you sealed. the two of spoke quietly as you finished your tea, watching your soap opera together.
“did any guys come up to you?”
“really jude?”
“what i need to know.”
“yes… many did,” you lied. but not really because there was few who approached you.
“excuse me? what do you mean?”
“relax i told them you were my husband…” you laughed, shushing eva when she twitched her sleep, cuddling closer to you. “good.”
“and that i had a kid.”
“even better.”
“im messing with you…”
“oh my god.”
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killerkillerkillher · 6 months
Bound to Fall in Love
Angel/Demon! 141 x reader
Tags: kidnapping, sacrifices, religious references, reader is too angry to die, reader commits murder lol, canon typical violence??, reader gets a kissy on the forehead, a tad crack-ish
Inclusivity tags: reader is referred to w he/him and they/them pronouns, no bodily description, no y/n
A/n: call my brain an apple w all the worms it's got. This was just a blurb at first, but I made room in there for me to potentially make it into... something I guess.
minors dni!
"Cole, I can't fucking focus while they're just... staring at us like that."
"Ignore it, Bess. We have to finish these candles."
You wish a bolt of lightening would come down and strike all three of you at once. Or maybe the building spontaneously combusting would be better. Anything, anything, would be better at this moment than watching your boyfriend and best friend work together to light a summoning circle after having tied you up in your sleep.
For a fraction of a second, you wonder if any gods are watching, if any of them would be willing to give you a boon and allow you one last chance to punch both of these betrayers in the face.
"Okay, okay, the book," Bess mutters, going to the pick up her ritual book from the coffee table you bought. Honestly, if they were going to try to sacrifice you somewhere, your living room is one of the most disrespectful places. Probably right under your bed room.
"I'm sorry," Cole has the gaul to look down at you with a face stricken with grief. Like you're dead already. "We didn't know what else to do. We're both in bad places and you've always been so good to us, so we figured-"
"You better hope this fucking kills me." You grunt. Cole's face melts into a glare. "Because if I'm still breathing, it's going to take more than Satan's intervention to save you from me. I swear on my mother." You jerk forward, making him jump back a step.
"Cole...?" Bess looks at you, then up at Cole with unease. Cole doesn't say anything for a second, sorting his feelings out with a leer before turning to her.
"Read the book."
He drags you into the middle of their pentagram while she sings Latin words off the old book pages. The candles flicker and waver before their flames grow twice as tall. Cole rolls you onto your back and pulls a knife from his back pocket.
"I meant it when I said I'm sorry," Cole mutters. You snarl, but don't jump at him like you want to.
"Yeah? Yeah, you're sorry? Kiss my ass!" You shout over Bess's reading. "If I'm still alive after this, I'm killing you and burying you in the fucking septic tank!" You crane your head up so you can see Bess as well. "Time to get some stuff off my chest, yeah? Bess, I fucked your older brother on the day we graduated."
Her eyes go wide, and she almost stops talking, but Cole shoots her a look that forces her to continue.
"And his friend Carl, the one you had a crush on. And Cole? I never. Fucking. Finished. Ever! You are the only person I've dated who couldn't get me off." Cole's hand's twitch around the blade.
"Are you serious?"
"Does now look like a time to- ack!" You don't get to finish because Bess finished the spell and it was time for your blood to fuel it. The blade buries in your gut, turning this way and that way at measured increments. You just lay there and twitch, breathy gasps falling from your gaping mouth, the pain only throwing fuel to the fires of your rage.
"Please, we call you here! Honor us with your presence!" Bess chants. Cole step away from you when the candles roar and your vision is filled with bright red and orange.
The ground beneath you rumbles. Whispers fill your ears, nothing you can ever imagine understanding, but something tells you they're other summoners. Or maybe little souls of those who were just where you are now, with a people sacrificing them.
It's odd, you think as blood soaks your back, your hair. You thought you'd be more scared in what could be your final moments. But there's only anguish where there should be fear. Only unfettered violent tension felt in your muscles, and a tongue hungering for iron and gore. You're jaw is wound tight enough to shatter your teeth.
If you could think straight, if you weren't about to die, you might be a little concerned. Never have you wanted to sink your fingers into someone's soft bits as much as you do now. This is normal, right? A normal amount of rage for the people taking your life.
Something in your gut tells you it's not.
In the fog of your rage, you missed the appearance of a pair of men above you. They hover, leathery plum colored wings sagging. One wears a leather strap harness across his chest, while the other favors an unbuttoned silk shirt. One of them looks at you curious as the fire dies, steam and copper colored smoke bellowing from his mouth. A thick cigar hangs on his lips.
"You came! There's... two of you?" Cole gawks, then falls to his knees beside Bess. You can't help but scoff at their sniveling forms.
"We did. There are." The one without the cigar brushes back his long mohawk to get a better look at the whimpering humans. They're nothing new to them, just another set of weak little things looking to get something without putting in the work for it.
Well, they might have had to put in the work to capture you, based on the way you still squirm and fight the rope keeping your arms together. So much blood has left you. You are going to die. Yet you spend your last moments doing what most humans find to be a waste of precious time. Being angry. It's interesting.
"What do you want?" The bearded one in the silk shirt grunts out around his cigar. Bess lifts her head just a bit to speak.
"We want to make a trade. A soul for a better life for us."
There's a moment of silence. You blink your heavy lids, growing too tired to do much else anymore. Both demons look back at you, then to the kneeling humans.
"They're not dead." They say at the same time.
Bess and Cole stiffen and finally chance a glance at you. You're bleeding, a glassy look to your eye and a smile on your face, but you're not dead.
"See, Bess?" You cough up blood only to swallow it back down, "what did I tell you? The cunt can't make me come and can't... can't even make me go."
The mohawked devil pops a wicked smile, not even hiding it from his would-be contractors.
Cole fumes. "I can finish the job. Fuck, am I going to finish the job." He stands, moving to step into the circle only to yelp, the invisible border around the summoning circle becoming visible if only to shock Cole back.
"Not so fast," the bearded one spawns a scroll in his hand. He's eyes glow a molten orange as he scans it. "Section 1, clause 3, part 19 states: executioner(s) must sacrifice one(1) human soul to contractee(s)... Let's see... Here it is: Sacrificee(s) must be dead upon arrival so that proper collection can be done. If sacrificee(s) is still soul bond upon arrival, then they are made the true contractor and all work will be conducted with them."
"In other words," the mohawked one grinned, "you should have went for the heart." He taps at his chest.
"Or the neck." The other devil offers.
"Or that vein in they're thigh."
"The sephenous, Johnny."
"Yeah, that."
"No, no!" Cole grabs at his hair as Bess looks like she's about to start crying. You want to laugh. They deserve the despair. They deserve the horror in their mistake. They were going to kill you!
"That means," the devils lean back to look at you. "You're our contractor. You get two requests at the price of one, human. I suggest one of those requests includes healing you." He flicks the ashes of his cigar on your leg. You don't even have to think of what you want most right now.
"I want you to untie me." You roll on your side. They wait for the rest. Cole and Bess look like they're going to shit themselves from the pale faced looks of terror they give you. Your eyes narrow. "And a hammer. A old fashioned iron and wood handled hammer."
Another beat of silence before the infernals bend over in laughter. The room shacks, sulfuric smoke pouring from their mouths to funk up the room. Cole tries to cox Bess to her feet while they're distracted. Their feet can't move though. It's like they're glued in placed and no amount of pulling and tugging could get them loose. Shame.
"Yer a funny one, love. I'll love having your soul for a few eternities." The one in leather floats over you, tilting his head this way and that way to get a good look at you. You settle him with a neutral look. "My name is Johnny. You sure that's what you want? I think you've only got a few minutes left in you."
"Then let's hurry this up a little, huh?"
"Ooh, you heard 'em." The cigared one snickers and snaps his claws. Two contracts appear in front of your face, both written in a language you can hardly comprehend. A pen appeared in front of your mouth. "Sign on the dotted line please."
You take the quill in your mouth, dip it in the blood beneath you.
"Rah 'ere?"
You lean forward to dot the paper with your sloppy signature, but bizarrely enough, it seems like the powers that be have decided that they haven't made enough appearances. The floor trembles, and you worry about your poor infrastructure for a fraction of a second, when a set of gold doors spawn right behind you. You roll back onto your back to intake everything. You swear you're hallucinating when a pair of white winged angels step out, the clouded blue of heaven at their back.
"Hello?" You greet stupidly. You must be losing your mind, right? What the fuck is happening.
"Do not sign a thing." The bronzen angel instructs. "Human, we are here as messengers. God sees great things for you in your ascension. Please do not squander that to these demons." He shoots a sharp look at the demonic pair. The angel's counterpart wears a white cloak, obscuring all but his glowing golden eyes. You half expect him to sing "Be not afraid." despite you actively shitting bricks.
Oddly enough, their appearence seems to have some sort of healing property. Your lethargy starts to clear and the blade in your gut starts to get pushed out. Nothing hurts anymore.
"Oh, so we've got a big soul on our hands here, huh?" Johnny smirks. "Price, what's the plan?"
Price the devil throws his cigar to the ground and crushes it.
"Do what we do best. Bargain."
"Don't play with us, Price." The shrouded angel grunts. He's got a mind piercing voice that's got your head ringing, and you swear it echoes despite the room being well furnished. "We can provide them with just as much, if not more, at no cost of their soul." Those gold orbs land on you. "All we ask for is your faith."
"Jesus fucking Christ!" You tug at your bonds with renewed vigor. The angels wince at the mention of their Lord, but only watch as you force yourself upright. "I could not give a rat's ass who gets what! How about this? First one to get me free and a hammer in hand gets my loyalty."
There's two resounding snaps from either side of you. The ropes disappear, a hammer is in your left and right hand. You don't think deeper on what that implies. You finally stand, dropping the hammer in your nondominant hand, and march over to the two people you thought you could trust. They kneel now, seemingly ready to beg for their souls.
"Come on, don't look scared now." You drop your hands on your hips. "What happened to you finishing the job?"
"I didn't want-"
"Say it with your chest." You poke his breast plate with the iron hammer head.
"I didn't want it to come to this!" Cole yells. The divine audience doesn't say anything about it. They watch you curiously as you bounce the hammer in hand. Your soul is visible to them. What should be a glowing ball of light is a red and white morning star, all sharp edges and pulsing like a heart. Your soul will certainly not end up with the others, that much is true.
"I just... I couldn't keep up with you! Your life style, the way you act, your job. I never left good enough. Bess expressed the same thing and we just... clicked. We would have just left, but we could have never lived without struggling, so we just..." He swallows. You can't look at him anymore, hands clenching at what he says next. "The book called for someone we cared for."
''That supposed to make me feel better?" You tilt your head. Cole winces, eyes falling on your feet. You look to Bess. "Thought you were better than this. You were going to kill me. Because what, I was happy? I loved both of you, you could have just talked to me."
"We're sorry! What more do you want?" Bess sobs. You straighten up, bouncing the hammer on your hip, acting like you next action is something to deliberate. You already know what they deserve, and a flash of sadness bubbles in your chest, but it quickly passes as a hot, searing emotion burns a hole into what little hesitation you had left.
"Reckon I want your souls after all the shit you've caused." You grin before swinging the hammer back and caving in Cole's chest.
"Fuck..." is all you can say after everything is done. Cole and Bess lay in a bloody heep, all recognizable features destroyed and crushed. You pant, hands trembling and nothing but white noise and static crunching around in your head. You just killed your best friend and boyfriend. For some reason, you've never felt so light.
Someone's whistle gets followed by a clap.
"Impressive. Done that before?" Johnny chuckles. He floats closer, hand running down your back as he moves past and pokes around the pulped organs. "Shite, did them right in. Can't tell which is which."
"I've never-" you start to answer, but hands are clapped onto your shoulders, shocking you into silence.
"Well, that was a good place to start, lad. Your swings were a bit sloppy, but we can fix that." Price squeezes at your trapezius, massaging the stiffness out of them. A throat clears, and Price sighs like he forgot there was other company.
"We aren't finished. The human is our ward now, Price." The uncloaked angel snaps his finger, pulling you from Price and making you spawn between the two angels. The bronzen angel smiles down at you with teeth so white you could damn near see your reflection.
"There you are. It's nicer to have you close. My friend here is Simon and I'm-"
"Come on, Kyle, you know he's ours!" Johnny spits, his wings flaring out. "We gave him the hammer first, so piss off."
"Uh...huh." Kyle's smile falls. "I think you're a bit mistaken. Look, after executing the human's request, I have his name here." A stone slab appears in front of your face. It's smells like sunshine and warm grass. What the fuck. "His pledge to the Lord has been set and his soul already has a place next to Their throne."
"Right, right, like we don't have documentation neither." Johnny huffs. The stone disappears as a scroll appears next to the devil. The smell of sulfur and smoke wafts over to you. "His name is right there, pretty boy. Getting yer fuckin' lookers on."
Kyle ignores the rude tone and does pull out a pair of reading glasses to go over the scroll. You stand there in the silence, a little too scared to speak up. What could you do anyway? In a blind anger, you didn't really have the mind to think any of this out. Angels and devils are fighting over you because you'd stupid ass was too blood hungry to think past murder. All that can be done is for them to figure this out amongst themselves, and for you to wait for the sentencing. Heaven, or Hell?
"...Simon." Kyle slowly pulls his glasses off. "This is legit. His soul is promised to all of us."
You glance up at Simon, the scary motherfucker. He blinks. Once. Twice. Then pinches the bridge of his nose with a hagard sigh.
That's not good.
Johnny laughs, Price grinning like a dog with a bone. Kyle marches over to you, patting your shoulders with an awkward smile. His demeanor reminds you of the way your mom acted when she said she was going to divorce your dad. And all you can think is "Not this again." Are you going to be spending your afterlife going between heaven and hell forever? Does God get weekends because Their day is Sunday or whatever?
"We need to go and talk this over with some superiors. We'll clean this up," Kyle snaps and the gore is gone, so is the ritual circle and candles. "And we'll get back to you in the morning." He places a feather light kiss on your forehead, and suddenly you're squeaky clean and in the softest set of pajamas you've ever worn. "Stay safe while we're gone and don't allow these two to influence you. Get some rest."
"Blah, blah, blah," Johnny mocks from the sidelines. Price tilts his head, and there's nothing but amusement behind those eyes. Yeah, this is exactly like your parents divorce.
"O-okay? I mean, I'll try." You shrug.
Simon nods. "That's all you can do." He steps back into the golden doorway and Kyle falls in stride. You make some distance, and with a final wave from a white toothed angel, the doors shut with a slam that shakes the house's foundation.
"Just you and us now, stud."
You turn with a comedic slowness to the devils. Price chuffs and floats forward. His assess you, takes you in in all your fluffy white pajama glory, and it seems he finds what he wants when he nods.
"Guess we've got to talk with top brass to see what's going on ourselves. Pity we couldn't stick around longer." The devil's eyes never meet yours, staying glued to various parts of your face. They hop from ears, to your eyebrows, down to your lips. Christ on a bike, is it getting hot in here? His blue, glowing cerulean eyes appear to flash with something.
"Shite, yer right." Johnny groans. "I hate going down there."
"Suck it up, love. You know how I feel about sharing." Price drops his interest in you like an old toy and takes Johnny close by his waist. You watch with a lead poisoned stare as their noses touch intimately, words you can't hear being exchanged. It's kinda of awkward to just stand there and watch but your brain isn't really functioning well enough to tell you to stop.
"Hey, stud." You blink, refocusing on the pair. Johnny seems to have climbed his partner, his legs on his waist and arms around his neck. Price makes busy opening a portal to hell in your livingroom with one hand, supporting Johnny under his ass with the other. "Sit pretty, yeah? 'll be back before those two arseholes, promise."
"Right... yeah." You nod. "Uh, be safe?"
"Be safe, he says." Price mutters. "Cute." Johnny waves until Price steps through the infernal hole and falls from view. The portal closes right behind him so you'd have no hopes of seeing anything but the red hue of smog and dust.
And here you are. A little dazed, a little sad, probably holding back a break down from the last hour of events. But you're alive and you're healed. There's no blood to clean, you're in comfortable pajamas. Could probably sleep right now if your brain would stop for a minute, but it doesn't look like that's in the plans.
So you look for something to do. Cole and Bess and moved around all your furniture to make the summoning circle. Guess you can start there, right?
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loguetowns · 1 year
matching pairs
sanji, nami, law, zoro, ace
the matching items that you two share
0.4k words
a/n: just cute little relationship headcanons, short and sweet!!!
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you and black-leg sanji have matching rings. you bought them for each other at a flea market – a happy accident because you both wanted to surprise the other. really, what are the chances that you two found the same silver band at two different stalls? now, one finds its home on your finger while the other hangs on a chain around sanji's neck, a reminder that you two are destined to always find each other.
you and nami have matching headbands. you insisted on the ultra-fluffy ones and nami was adamant about getting the ones with the animal ears. part of your nighttime routine now includes the two of you making faces at each other in the mirror, faces slathered in cleanser and creams. your favourite part is when you catch her eye in the mirror and she blows you a kiss, because what's the point of being in love if you aren't having fun?
you and trafalgar law have matching tattoos. his eleventh tattoo might've started as a way to coax you into getting your first, but it's now one of his favourites. it's the fact that you're the one who inked him, marking him with a little heart that matches the one on your hip – the one that he kisses every time he's stripped you down, when you're most intimate and vulnerable. only he knows where to find this everlasting declaration of love, and what a wonderful thing that is.
you and roronoa zoro have matching t-shirts. he hated them at first, which is exactly the reason why you bought the tacky shirts in the first place. cackling at his disapproval, you laughed so hard that you didn't even notice how his gaze went soft at your happy smile. he still moans and groans every time you wear it to bed, but he'll always put his on without asking – though he'd much prefer if the shirts were off and you weren't wearing anything at all.
you and portgas d. ace have matching photos. he dragged you into the photobooth at the carnival and before you knew it, you were making kissy faces and couple poses into the dirty lens. the pictures came out blurry and the colour is faded, but the absolute joy captured in those tiny frames makes it your favourite possession. it stays tucked into your mirror, a lasting memory that outlives the vivre card that you kept with it.
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wystericwoes · 11 months
“Pretty boy”
Inumaki Toge x reader
Warnings: slight cursing
"You just don't understand Maki!"
You dramatically entered your room, putting your belongings on the floor and tossing yourself on the bed as she rested her weapon against the wall, crossing her arms and raising a suspicious brow at you.
You stared up at your dismal ceiling. Letting out a long sigh.
"He's just so pretty."
She observed you curiously as you thrashed around your bed.
"Maybe if you finally talked to him rather than hoping he'll magically become a mind reader-"
You tossed a pillow at her which she easily caught.
"I don't want him to become a mind reader, I just want him to like me and tell me!"
"But without him knowing you like him first? Yeah, because expecting him to make the first move is always the best thing to do.”
she adjusted her glasses and tossed the pillow back to you which you roughly caught and placed back.
You leaned against the wall and pulled your legs up to yourself, resting your chin on your knees.
"You don't get it, if I confess and he doesn't like me, I lose him."
"You're not going to 'lose him' from a confession. It takes more than that to scare him away sadly. We're all stuck together after all."
"Exactly!" You sat upright.
Maki rolled her eyes as you rambled.
"He'll get sick of me, having to see my face in class every day, every mission, all the time."
"You're so dramatic."
You pulled your phone, zooming in on a picture you snuck of him during training. He was looking off, his long eyelashes and smooth locks gracing his face like a goddamn angel.
"Its not fair!"
You set your phone aside so you could slam your face into your pillows and let out a muffled scream.
"Why can someone be so damn pretty? It shouldn’t be allowed!”
You huffed as you recalled his smooth skin and sharp features. Soft hair and gentle smiles.
You put your hands on your face and rolled over to your side facing the wall on your bed.
“You’re obsessed with him.. get a grip.”
Maki rolled her eyes placing a sassy hand on her hip with an annoyed expression.
“You wouldn’t get it. You’ve never had boy problems.”
Her jaw ticked.
“Id hardly call it boy problems if it’s just you sitting in bed thinking about him.”
You threw a pillow again, which she threw back again.
You caught the pillow and pulled it into yourself, hugging it tightly.
“You don’t gotta say it like that!”
You sat upright and whined.
“I just wanna hold his face and kiss it!”
You roughly imitated the motions of what you were saying and made a dramatic kissy face.
“And he kept smiling at me all day, with those big stupid pretty eyes! It’s like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah you don’t sound creepy at allll.”
She said sarcastically.
“It’s not creepy! It’s honest. It’s not like it’s my fault he’s got those stupid pretty lashes and that stupid silky hair and that stupid smooth skin!!”
“If you’re just gonna talk about Inumaki then I’m leaving.”
She turned around and began making paces out the door before you yelled at her to come back.
“Okay sorry!”
“Thank you.”
She made her way through your room and sat in your chair legs crossed facing the bed. You two sat in silence as she began pulling out her books and setting them on your desk to begin your nightly ritual of studying next to eachother. But she abruptly stopped her movements when you let out a long and hearty sigh, making her let a sigh of her own.
“Do you just want me to talk to him?”
“No! Thats 100 times worse.”
“Then get it over with yourself so he can at least reject you and you can move on already.”
“It’s different with him!”
“You’re absolutely delusional. We’re not in elementary school anymore, we communicate our issues like adults.”
You hated to admit that she was right. At this rate with your feelings, you would either drive yourself mad not knowing If he felt the same or if he didn’t. But Is it really better to be rejected than to never know at all? You silently weighed your options.
Maki opened a pencil case and pulled out a ballpoint pen, clicking the end as she started to write. The rhythmic sounds of it began to lull you into a daydream as you fantasized about him again.
Closing your eyes and succumbing to your own fantasies maki took it upon herself to take action. Because as much as she valued you as a friend, if she had to what about your fanatical little crush one more time- she’d lose it.
A few minutes had passed as you remained unmoving.
She whispered.
She chuckled to herself as she carefully grabbed your phone Off the bed typed in your passcode, opening up recent messages.
>Toge Inumaki 🩵
>Nobara Kugisaki
She cringed to herself as she clicked on Inumakis name and the heart.
Y/n: Hey Inumaki, sorry to bother you. Are you free to hang out soon?
Maki set down the phone content with her text. Not expecting the phone to ding seconds later.
Inumaki: Hang out?
Y/n: Yeah, is that okay?”
Inumaki: ofc it’s okay lol I just don’t know you wanted to hang out with me
Y/n: well ofc! I really like being with you.
She watched as the three dots popped up, anticipating his response.
Inumaki: As long as you’re sure you wanna. Just us?
Maki cringed as her fingers hit the keypad and typed the response.
Y/n: Yeah. I wanna be alone with you :) If you’re okay with that.
Maki looked up from the screen to check that you were still asleep, confident you were since you were even drooling a little- she went back to work.
Inumaki: sounds good, what about the movies tonight?
Tonight?? Maki bit her nail as she looked back from the phone to you back to the phone.
Y/n: sounds great! Text me the deets and I’ll be there.
She got up and tapped your shoulder until you stirred awake.
“Hey! Wake up.”
You pushed her hand away as your eyes slowly rose. Maki shoved your phone in your face.
“I got you a date.”
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snippychicke · 6 months
Poppy Seeds--Part Three
Inspired by TooManyPsuedonyms work, which in turn was inspired by @semisolidmind fanart/cabin!Au for Playtime Poppy. Especially these works today
Master post
Seven: Music
As soon as Kissy found the old radio stuffed away, she was in love. Especially when you found the vinyl records and 8-track tapes stored away. Old records your grandparents had loved like The Mamas and The Papas, Abba, John Denver, and others you weren’t so familiar with.
Soon music was always playing in the house as long as Kissy was awake. To the point that every time you were in town, you had raided the second hand store and old music shops for more.
Because it not only made the pink giant happy, but seemed to lift everyone's spirits, even on the bad days. And if that’s what it took, you would be all too happy to accommodate.
Some old song played, and something about it had everyone up and dancing. Kissy had Ollie in her arms, and the boy was giggly as the giant spun him around. Poppy was swaying by herself on the kitchen counter, though she seemed quite content by the smile on her face.
Dancing with Dogday was a bit challenging considering your size difference, but he was determined to make it work. And well, you had no complaints as he held you close with an arm around your back while his other hand encompassed yours.
Actually, you were in heaven, you just didn't want to admit it. The feelings in your chest had been slowly growing warmer and fonder for Dogday, but burying your face in his soft chest was making you realize what exactly those emotions were.
Surely this was just another side effect of the horrors you survived, right? Or just having someone so openly affectionate with you after being somewhat socially isolated the last decade as you hid from the truth you accidentally had uncovered at Playtime.
It didn't help with him always calling you angel, or following you around like a shadow. And right now, some of your favorite moments were just laying together in bed, snuggled closely and basking in the moment.
You were starting to fall in love, and you weren't quite sure how to deal with it.
His deep voice started to sing softly along with the chorus, and you knew you were in deep trouble.
Eight: Hunt
Feeding four people was going to strain your meager funds as a small farmer/rancher. Especially when two of those ‘people’ were towering creatures with an appetite of 2 each.
You knew they could ‘survive’ off less, and they both tried to hide the fact the typical portions were leaving them hungry. But after hearing both Kissy and Dogday's growl loudly several meals in a row, you deduced that it wasn't quite enough. And while you had a large garden planted, it was going to be at least a few weeks to a couple of months to benefit from that.
You knew there were plenty of deer and elk in the woods this time of year--along with things like bears and mountain lions. So you had your gramps' old shotgun hanging off your shoulder by the old strap, unable to see either Dogday or Kissy but you knew they were still within shouting distance. Surely between the three of you, you'd be able to bring something in, even if it was something smaller like a rabbit or one of the wild turkeys.
Hunting was not your favorite thing, but it put food on the table. Besides, you knew Ollie needed more nutrition too if he was ever going to get rid of that sallow tint and put meat on his bones.
There was a grumble along with a crack of a branch that gave you half a second warning. You turned, not expecting the giant grizzly bear that somehow got behind you.
You swore as you fumbled with the shotgun-- you had been more familiar with the old Grab Pack than you were the gun. The grizzly huffed again and lumbared towards you far faster than you thought something that size could. You attempted a shot, which fired with a harsh crack, but it went far too wide.
You were dead.
But in a blur of deep violet, the grizzly was knocked to the forest floor. It took you another second to recognize Catnap as he tore into the animal.
There was a brief moment of relief… and then you realized you had just traded one deadly situation for the other.
Catnap eventually released the grizzly bear and looked towards you. You took a step back, even though you knew there was no way you could outrun him. Not here in the open where there were no places to hide. You could try and shoot him, yet that weighed too heavy on your conscience, even if it meant saving your life. Never mind you couldn’t even shoot the grizzly at point-blank range.
Catnap suddenly stood on his back legs, easily switching to be bipedal… then kneeling before you. “Savior,” he breathed with more reverence than Dogday which was… was something.
“Uh,” you answered intelligently, blinking at the giant cat. Savior? You?
With a sense of deja-vu, Catnap was tackled in the same way he had tackled the animal moments earlier. Dogday’s giant paws were clenched into fists as he wailed upon the purple cat, a deep thunderous growl echoing from his chest.
Before he could do too much damage, and before Catnap could start fighting back-- you rushed forward and grabbed Dogday’s fist and held it back. You knew he could easily overpower you, but thankfully he paused, looking at with narrowed eyes.
“Stop it,” you begged, “please. He-he saved my life.”
That seemed to get through to him. Dogday looked towards the lifeless form of the grizzly, then at Catnap beneath him. The other giant Smiling Critter was glaring up at the dog with the same hate Dogday was glaring at him.
You gently pulled at Dogday, and he slowly followed your lead, unpinning Catnap and allowing him to climb to his feet and brush off the dirt and leaves.
"Why are you here?” Dogday snarled, placing himself directly between you at Catnap just as Kissy arrived, her smile dimmed as she bared her needle-point teeth at Catnap.
Yet Catnap seemed unaffected, his eyelights focused on you, peeking out from behind your friend. “They saved us. They are The Savior who defeated the false-god.”
Dogday relaxed somewhat at his word, though just a little. “Ah, just as much of a fanatic as before.”
“You deny their works?” Catnap growled back. “Even after the many works you saw yourself, you are a heretic of the true savior?”
“My angel saved us; I’ll agree with you on that, but I know they’re not going to be happy about that new title, or your worship. Unlike the prototype, angel doesn’t exactly like sacrifices.”
“N-no fighting,” you agreed, holding on to Dogday’s hand as you stepped up to his side. “No killing--other than for food,” you tacked on, seeing Kissy pause. A deer in one hand that she had dragged like a stuffed animal along the forest floor. “Or for protection. And that goes for both of you.”
It was probably seeing you try to boss the two--both of whom were about twice your height.
You squeaked indignantly as Dogday suddenly lifted you up and pulled you close to him. “Only for your sake, angel.” he murmured, nuzzling against the crook of your neck and shoulder the best he could due to both his size and also undoubtedly glaring at Catnap over your shoulder.
You could feel your face burn hot, but still gave an exasperated expression to Kissy, who hid her teeth and instead looked far more amused than she should have been.
Nine: Close
You escaped into the porch, desperate for some fresh air. It had been about a week since the Incident in the woods, and if you thought Dogday had been your shadow, you had been sorely mistaken. Knowing Catnap.was somewhere in the nearby forest left him on high alert and even more protective.
At first, you could understand it. You were more than a little shaken yourself. Especially when you would find random animals dead on your porch, ranging from rabbits to a moose. Dogday was sure Catnap was taunting everyone but…
But you had cats before. And yes, Catnap was not an actual cat, but neither was Dogday yet there were traits that seemed too much of a coincidence.
For example, Dogday loved to be petted. To the point he often rested his head in your lap while you both sat on the floor to watch tv. He had that ‘magic spot’ where his ear and head joined that when scratched would make his leg kick. (You avoided it most of the time, knowing he was self conscious of it… but sometimes temptation was too great to see that blissed look on his face.)
So you had to admit, Catnap acting like a cat… was not so far fetched. Bringing food (because they had all been fresh kills of edible animals) was a sign of affection in most cats--even moreso, you were sure, for a giant cat who had endured a decade of near starvation.
But convincing Dogday that Catnap meant no harm… that would be a challenge.
You rubbed your eyes hard with an aggravated sigh, hard enough you saw stars when you opened your eyes.
…or maybe not. You noticed a pair of eyes reflecting the porch light, far taller than any animal you could think of…
Slowly Catnap stepped out of the shadows, though didn’t pass the treeline. Instead he seemed hesitant to draw too close, his gaze flitting between you and the house behind you.
Probably expecting Dogday or maybe one of the others to come out in a rage. Yet you could hear them talking and laughing as they played one of the board games (that you purposely lost for a chance for some fresh air.)
You didn’t feel comfortable enough to approach Catnap, but… something about the lonely creature tugged at your heartstrings. Without really thinking you scooted to the edge of the porch, dangling your legs off the edge, and offered a hand.
“Psspt ppsspp ppsspp.”
The giant cat blinked at you, and for a long moment you felt like an idiot. Trying to call Catnap like he was just an old farm cat? Really?
Yet it seemed to work as Catnap slowly stalked out of the first, slinking low to the ground with his attention split between you and the cabin.
He really was an overgrown cat.
The thought made you relax some, even ast Catnap eventually loomed over you, head tilted in curiosity as if to say: “Okay, I’m here. Now what do you want?”
“Thank you for the presents?” you offered awkwardly, not sure yourself what had compelled you other than pity. “The turkey especially, even if we had feathers strewn about for a while. They were quite… novel to everyone.”
Catnap appeared to accept the praise pridefully, standing a little taller. Without thinking (which was certainly a common theme tonight) you raised your hand to scratch his chin. He paused for a moment before sinking into your touch, a slow and deep purr resonating from his chest.
Oh. You don’t bother fighting the smile as Catnap slowly slumped to the ground, looking as blissed with the soft scratches as Dogday. Though the purring was quite new, and where Dogday allowed his eyes to close completely as he rested his head in your lap, Cat nap’s were only half closed, though the expression in them was full reverence and tenderness.
It was a rather peaceful moment--until the door slammed open. “Catnap!” Dogday snarled as the other giant Smiling Critter jumped, back arched and a hiss on his lips. “Angel! Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” you answered as you jumped to your feet, stopping Dogday from going after Catnap as he retreated back into the woods. “He didn’t hurt me, see?”
It took a moment for Dogday to tear his gaze away from the shadows where Catnap disappeared into and look down to you. You reached up with the same hands you had petted Catnap with and cupped his face. As always, it helps him relax, though only somewhat.
“Angel,” he sighed, leaning into your touch, though not as deep as before. “Why do you have to be so kind?”
You're pretty sure his question was rhetorical, but you smiled anyway as you rubbed the pad of your thumb along the curve of his cheek. “Because no one else was.”
That caused the last bit of stress to ease, and he sunk deeper into your touch while wrapping his arms around your waist. “Angel, my sweet angel, you're going to be the death of me.”
Dogday knew logically that his angel was as kind and merciful as their namesake. They wouldn't be his angel if they weren't.
But they were als very brave and foolhardy.
It drove Dogday up the wall to see them be so kind to Catnap for some reason. They had all done things they weren't proud of, the only innocent one among them being Ollie. But they had done so to survive. There had been no pleasure in it.
But Catnap… he killed because the Prototype told him. He had killed so many in the name of the Prototype.
He may call their angel ‘savior,’ but Dogday didn't trust him. He didn't like how his angel would leave portions of food out, going as far as to yell for Catnap to come and get it before the other wild creatures did. He didn't like it when they'd scratch Catnap behind his ear, laughing as the giant cat rubbed his face against them with a deep purr.
He really didn't like it when his kind hearted angel made a space for Catnap in the barn. Filling the area with blankets and pillows, and even a spare radio and lamp.
“I can't just leave him!” You argued with a huff later that night, dressing yourself for bed. “It's going to get cold at night--winter comes early to these parts. I know that letting him in the house would be a bad idea--if he'd even accept the offer.”
Dogday knew he would--if just to spite him. Everything Catnap did, Dogday swore was for the sole purpose to annoy him.
“He doesn't deserve you, angel. None of us do, but especially not him. Yet your so kind to him, going out of the way to make sure he's okay…”
“I'd do that for anyone, ‘day. You guys didn't deserve the shit you went through, the least I can do is make up for a bit of it.”
Dogday hesitated as you climbed into bed, an uncomfortable feeling welling up in his chest. “Is that why we're here, angel? For you to try and repent as well?”
He could tell he struck a nerve as you flinched, and almost apologized, except the words got caught in his voicebox, twisting themselves into barbs to cut deeper. “Is that the only reason you let me stay with you every night?”
Your eyes were watery when you looked up at him, though there was that steely resolve as well. “You know it's not, Dogday. You're… you're special to me. I wouldn't let anyone else share my bed… except maybe Olie if he had a nightmare.”
Something twisted and knotted in Dogday’s chest relaxed at your reassurance allowing him to sigh. You echoed his sigh before patting the bed beside you. “Come here, big guy. It looks like you could use a hug.”
How were you so perfect?
Instead of crawling in beside you, Dogday decided to take that hug by crawling halfway atop of you, head pressed against your chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
He could hear your heart beating, quick but strong, and simply presumed it was from emotions running high like his own. He didn't even realize he had nestled himself between your legs until he felt the soft weight of your thighs press against his hips.
Oh. He may not be human but he did recognize a compromising position when he saw one. Yet before he could pull away, your hands reached up and scratched behind his ears. “Oh ‘day,” you sighed with such a hint of fondness he felt his tail wag in response. “You haven’t been feeling jealous, have you?”
His tail froze as he tensed, and he tried to hide his face in your chest. “No,” he lied.
Your laugh made it clear you didn't believe him, but you didn't call him out on it. Instead you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Good, because that would be silly. No one can compare to you, no matter what.”
His face felt like it was on fire, yet his tail was wagging faster than ever. His arms tightened around your waist as he tried to press himself closer to you. You were his angel, his guiding light, and for you to say that he was special to you.
Well, he couldn’t be happier.
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Let Me Go Home With You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Drunkeness
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Y/N is used to Rafe's drunken routine. Can she dare say she finds it cute?
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Y/N has an early morning class tomorrow, so she can’t go with Rafe to one of the sororities’ parties. However, she isn’t surprised when she wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing. “What sorority are you at?” she groans into the phone, sitting up from the bed to get changed. Topper cringes at her groggy voice, “We are at Delta Delta Delta. I’m sorry, Y/N. If it makes you feel better, he really did try to stay sober, but Kelce challenged him to a keg stand. And you know how he can’t back down from a challenge.” 
“It’s okay, Topper. It’s not like he does this often, at least not since we started dating. Is Delta Delta Delta the one at the end of the street?”
“Yeah, again. Thank you so much, Y/N.”
“No problem. I’ll be there in ten.”
Rafe stumbles around the party with another drink in hand and refuses to leave, even though he has had one drink too many. Topper chases after him, trying to get the solo cup out of his hand. “Come on, you’ve had a lot to drink tonight. We should go home,” Topper begs. Rafe turns away like a child, “No, I don’t want to go. I only want Angel.” “And I told you, Rafe. She is coming, but we have to meet her outside,” Topper tells him. Rafe shakes his head, “No, I want her in here.” Topper sighs and sends Y/N a text that she needs to come inside. To his relief, she already knew this was going to happen and was making her way inside right now. Rafe spots her over the crowd and runs over to her. His hands find her waist, spinning her around in the air. “Angel! You are here. Come drink,” he cheers.Y/N shakes her head, “Sorry, Rafe. We have to go home.”
He gets pouty and his drunkenness gets to his head. “No, sorry I have a girlfriend,” he turns away with his arms crossed. She giggles, knowing what stage of drunk he is at, “Right, she’s really smart. Doesn’t she have Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes? She’s also around this high in height.” She points to each feature she describes and he starts to piece the puzzle together. “Wait a minute you’re my girlfriend. Okay, let me go home with you, Angel. Please, please,” he begs, holding onto her arm. It works every time. 
Y/N wraps his arm over her shoulder so she can help him to his truck. She helps him buckle in and is about to head to the driver’s side when he stops her. “Kissy please,” he asks with puckered lips. She sighs, leaning in to give him what he wants. On the drive home, Rafe sings his Angel song, which comprises him just saying he loves his angel over and over again in a sing-song voice. Rafe is always so clingy and lovey-dovey when he is drunk. She gets him home in no time and takes him up to his room. He sings along with the code to his bedroom door. She helps him get settled on the bed and he reaches his arms up for some help to get undressed. His clothes are now off, leaving him only in his boxers. “Time for bed, Rafe,” she orders, leaning him against his pillow. “But you aren’t cuddling me or giving me a kiss. I need those before I go to sleep.” She gives him a soft smile and a kiss on the forehead. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, bringing him to her chest. He lets out a giggle of happiness and she shushes him. 
“It’s bedtime, now. Go to sleep,” she whispers, resting her head on his. His eyes flutter shut, “Okay, Angel. I love you. You are amazing, Angel…”
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homeofthelonelywriter · 2 months
Your lips | Pt. 2
(A/N) Good god, I love the scottish translator. Also, thank you for all the notes on Part 1. 🥺
Pairing: Simon x fem!pregnant!Reader
Warning: mutual pining, medical stuff (nothing graphic), mention of scars, pregnancy, kissis
Synopsis: Simon makes sure to take care of you. Especially when a certain someone comes back into your life.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
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Two steps out of your house and you almost dropped your decaf coffee. Not that that wasn’t a common occurrence, not since the baby had started kicking and you started getting Braxton Hicks contractions. But this time, you almost dropped it because of the man standing in your driveway. The man and the car behind him.
He wasn’t wearing his standard uniform, instead sporting grey sweatpants, which hung dangerously low on his hips, and a very, very, very tight black compression shirt. You couldn’t decide if he looked as if he had just rolled out of bed or as if he had just gotten done working out. Secretly, you hoped it was the second option.
“How long have you been waiting for?”
As quickly as your state allowed you to, you walked towards him, but ever the gentleman, he met you halfway and immediately grabbed the bag from your shoulder, before offering you his arm, just like the day before.
“Only a few minutes.”
(He had been standing in that one spot for almost 40 minutes, waiting for you to come out.)
You glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow once he turned his head to look at you as well.
“Already told you, you shouldn’t be on your feet this much.”
He quickly turned his head, instead focusing his eyes on the car he was leading you to, but you would swear on your life that you saw a little bit of pink peeking out from behind the mask he was wearing. Your lips pulled into a smile as you felt your own cheeks heat up.
Within ten minutes, Simon parked the car right in front of the clinic doors. You frowned slightly, watching Simon round the car and open your door to help you out.
“Don’t worry, I just want to get you inside, then I’ll leave.”
You chuckle as you link your arm with his.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
Once you realized what you just said, you slapped your free hand over your mouth.
“I-I mean I…ahm…I mean thank you. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to get rid of you. Not after everything you’re doing for me.”
You could tell by the crinkles surrounding his eyes, that he was smiling.
“Well, I’m glad you’re not trying to get rid of me.”
You grinned at him, ignoring the stares from your colleagues as he slowly guided you to your office. Once inside, he made sure you were sat down and had everything you needed before he bid his goodbye and swiftly left.
Within seconds of his departure, one of your favorite colleagues entered the office, a stupid grin on her face. But you held up your hand before she could say anything.
“No, nothing is going on between us. He’s just being nice and taking care of a lonely, pregnant lady.”
You stopped for a second, looking her in the eyes before a grin took over your lips.
“Do I wish something was going on? Definitely.”
This caused your colleague to squeal in excitement as she rushed towards you. On her way, she grabbed the stool on wheels, sitting down midway and using her momentum to slide and stop right next to you.
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
So, you spend the hour you usually took to prepare for the day, recounting everything that had happened so far for her. She listened as if you were telling the most amazing tale, asking questions at the perfect moments and nodding along.
Once it was time for your first patient, you had to usher her out of your office, promising to tell her more during lunch break.
A few days later
You smiled at your phone, a new text from Simon popping up.
“Got a long lunch break. Anything you’re craving?”
You quickly typed your response, naming a few items from your favorite fast-food restaurant. Simon sent back a thumbs-up emoji and you couldn’t help the excitement bubbling up in your stomach. Or was it butterflies?
But before you could focus on lunch, you had one more patient. Although you didn’t know who it was, you knew that it was a check-up for an old injury. All you had to do was check it out and either prescribe further treatment or give them the clear for duty.
When the awaited knock sounded out from your door, you called out to enter without looking up from your screen. You heard the door open and a few steps, before they stopped abruptly. Confused, you lifted your head and locked eyes with a person you thought you’d never see again. Your name left his lips as a whisper. A few months ago you would’ve smiled, jumped to your feet, and hugged him, but now, hatred filled you instead.
Slowly, you got to your feet, never taking your eyes off of your ex.
He repeated your name this time louder and took a few steps in your direction.
“Stop. I said leave. Go.”
He shook his head.
“Please…I’ve been trying to reach you for months. It was a mistake to leave you, I-”
“I don’t care. I don’t care about your stupid excuses. The fact is, you left me. You left me knowing I was pregnant with your child.”
His eyes immediately flickered to your swollen stomach. He started moving in your direction again, his hands held out as if he wanted to touch your stomach.
“I said stop-!”
Before your ex could take another step, he was pulled back by the scruff of his shirt. A dull thud echoed through the room as his body hit the floor, Simon quickly pinning him down. While the man on the floor struggled to throw Simon off, he just looked back at you, brows furrowed with concern.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, but Simon noticed the way your body was shaking. He needed to get rid of that prick, so he could take care of you. While keeping your ex pinned to the floor, he grabbed his phone and dialed a number, raising the device to his ear.
“Got a muppet causing trouble, can you come in here and take care of him?”
He quickly hung up and a few seconds later, the door to your office opened and a man with a mohawk entered. As soon as he caught sight of you, a low whistle escaped his lips.
“Ah see whit ye'r talking aboot L.t.”
“Right, sorry.”
With practiced ease, Simon pulled your ex to his feet and handed him off to the other man.
“Wha would've guessed? a recruit o' ours. Ah will tak' him tae Price.”
Simon nodded, watching until Johnny and your ex left the room. Then he quickly closed the door, before crossing the room to reach you.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
You started to nod before reality came crashing down and you started to shake your head as tears rolled down your cheeks.
“I-I thought he was gonna hurt me. And the baby.”
Simon gently pulled you into a hug, holding you as tight as he could without squishing you. You leaned into his touch, the shaking slowly subsiding as Simon gently stroked your back.
“It’s okay. I got you.”
You stayed, wrapped up in his arms, until you calmed down. Well, actually your feet started to hurt and you wanted to sit down. So, you slowly peeled away from Simon, before grabbing his arm and leading him over to the bed, where the two of you sat down next to each other.
After a few moments, Simon asked you to wait for a second, before he got to his feet and left the room. Alone, your mind kept flashing back to your ex. He looked just as he had when he left you. Like a coward.
With a dry chuckle, you wiped the tears off your cheeks. He would and could not affect you like this. Not anymore. You stood up and started walking back to your desk when the door opened again and Simon walked in.
“What are you doing?”
You frowned.
“Getting back to work?”
Simon shook his head and walked up to you, pressing his lips to your hairline, through his mask, before pulling back to look at you.
“Just talked to your supervisor. You got the rest of the day off.”
As if nothing just happened, he walked around you and packed your bag, before throwing it over his shoulder. Once he was done, he walked back to where you stayed, rooted to the ground. He looked confused, waving his hand in front of your eyes. You snap out of your stupor, your eyes finding his.
“Can you do that again? Kiss me?”
Your cheeks heated up under his slowly darkening gaze as your words sank in. Your bag hit the floor with a quiet thud as Simon leaned down until his face was right in front of yours. With one hand, he gently grabbed your chin, lifting it slightly, while he used the other hand to pull his mask down.
And then his lips met yours.
When you were a child, you read all these books where kisses were described to feel like fireworks going off. But when you had your first kiss and felt…nothing, you were disappointed, thinking that all these books just lied. But now, here, you felt it. Fireworks going off in your stomach as your lips moved against Simon’s.
All too soon, he pulled back and your eyes fluttered open. And for the first time, you saw his face. All of it. You couldn’t help but reach out, gently tracing over a scar that ran from his chin to his cheek. Simon closed his eyes, a shaky breath escaping his lips as you carefully touched him.
“Sorry, I-”
Simon shook his head and leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before pulling back and moving his mask back over his mouth and nose.
“Don’t worry, love. Nothing to be sorry for.”
You nodded with a small smile and watched as he picked your bag back up, before threading his arm around your waist, pulling you close.
“Now, let’s get some food in you, huh?”
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
Tags: @brinteylovesaliens @m3ntally-unstable
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queenshelby · 2 months
Our Little Secret (Part 64)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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An hour later, and after Cillian had put Mara to bed, you sat down on the couch and opened a bottle of wine. You were  feeling a bit anxious about the upcoming intimate scene between Cillian and Annabelle, and you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been brewing inside of you since you had left the restaurant. You knew that you had no reason to feel that way. Even if there was something between Cillian and his costar, it was really none of your business.
As if sensing your discomfort though, Cillian sat down beside you, filling himself up a glass of red as well. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, looking at you with concern.
You took a deep breath before turning to him. "It's nothing, really," you said, trying to suppress the emotions churning inside you, but Cillian knew that something was bothering you.  He took a sip of his wine before setting the glass down on the coffee table and leaned towards you.
"What is it?" he asked, putting a comforting hand on your shoulders.
You hesitated for a moment before confessing the events that had taken place at dinner that evening. "It's just that...," you began but stopped yourself. "I don't know. I had to think about that article recently and I was wondering whether, you know, never mind," you said, your voice trailing off as you looked away from him.
Cillian's grip on your shoulder tightened slightly. "No, what is it?" he asked, his voice soft yet insistent.
"Well, it is just about that article in the Irish Times, where it said that you and Annabelle had an affair back in 2014 while you were married to Danielle and, after meeting her, I am still wondering whether there was some truth to it," you finally admitted in a low voice, pressing your lips together in a tight line.
"What?" Cillian chuckled, pulling away slightly as he stared at you with disbelief. "What makes you think that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you in amusement.
"Did you not notice her flirting with you all evening?" you asked, unable to hide the incredulity in your voice.
"Flirting with me?" Cillian looked surprised. "You mean her comment about my eyes?" he asked, a puzzled expression on his face. "That wasn't flirting, Y/N. She was just making a joke. I can assure you that there has never been anything between her and me, other than a professional relationship. We worked together on a show and that's it," he said, his voice steady and sincere before pausing slightly. "Also, I don't know why you even care, because we aren't together anymore, so...," Cillian  sighed heavily, taking a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts just before you continued, asking him another question.
"How does this work, with the intimate scenes and all?"  you asked, feeling your nerves getting the better of you as you tried to make sense of the things you were feeling.
Cillian took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead as if weary. "Uhm, what do you mean?" Cillian asked, looking taken aback by the abrupt change in topic.
"You know, with scenes and stuff," you stated, gesturing vaguely with your hand.
Cillian gave you a puzzled look. "No I don't know. What's your question?" he wanted to know, trying not to appear annoyed.
"Do you actually kiss her, like properly? And touch her? I mean, if you do, I am not really surprised that she thinks that...," you trailed off, causing Cillian to interrupt.
"Listen Y/N, these scenes are awkward at best. They are the most uncomfortable scenes to film, and I don't actually think that any actor enjoys doing them," Cillian sighed, setting his wine glass down on the table before leaning forward in his seat to face you. "And yes, my character kisses her character. There is some touching too, but it means absolutely nothing, because it is all part of an act and nothing more," Cillian continued as you took a big sip from your glass.
"Come on though, you can't tell me that you don't enjoy kissing a really pretty woman like her,"  you replied, a bit of playful sass in your voice, trying to lighten the mood.
"No, I don't," Cillian said with a deadpan expression on his face. "It's awkward as fuck and she is not really my type," 
he added with a slight chuckle. "Trust me, filming those scenes is as unenjoyable as it sounds."
You took another sip of your wine, nodding slowly in agreement. "Alright, I get it," you finally admitted, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I am sorry that I asked, but it just had me wondering because the way she was looking at you tonight... I don't know, I guess I just had to ask," you explained, shrugging slightly as you looked down at your hands.
Cillian let out a sigh before responding. "Because you are jealous?"  Cillian asked softly, his eyes never leaving your face.
You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "No," you finally said, shaking your head. "Well, maybe just a little." You looked up at him, meeting his gaze. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but seeing her looking at you like that brought back a lot of memories and I guess I just couldn't help but feel...weird?"
Cillian raised an eyebrow at you. "Weird?" he repeated, sounding amused.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, weird. Like I still care about you. A lot."
"Right," Cillian tilted his head, a curious expression gracing his features. He took a slow sip of his drink while eyeing you thoughtfully. "Do you still love me?"  Cillian asked, setting down his wine glass as his eyes locked onto yours.
"Yes," you admitted softly, unable to tear your gaze away from his. "I guess I do still love you, Cillian and I miss being with you, so fucking much," you confessed, your voice cracking slightly with emotion. "I just want to go back to  the way things used to be, the way it was between us before everything fell apart."
Cillian swallowed hard at your words, his eyes softening with understanding. "I know what you mean," he replied, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I miss it too. I miss being with you, talking with you, sleeping next to you. I miss everything about us," he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours.
You took a deep breath, feeling your heart racing at his words. You missed him too, all of those little moments you used to share, the stolen kisses, the way he would always wrap his arms around you protectively, making you feel cherished and loved.
"Do you think we could give us another chance?" you asked hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper, taking Cillian by surprise.
For months, he had begged you to take him back and now that you had finally brought it up, he found himself at a loss for words.
He looked at you, taking in your hopeful expression and the way your eyes seemed to dance with excitement. "Yes," he finally said, his voice barely audible. "You know I would do anything for you to give me another chance," he went on, his voice unsteady with emotion.
"Okay, I will give you another chance, but don't fuck it up," you said sternly, trying to keep the emotion out of your voice.
Before Cillian could respond, you leaned forward, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, your body molding against his as you let yourself get swept up in the moment.
"I love you," he whispered against your lips, his hands coming up to cup your face as he deepened the kiss, making you moan softly.
"I love you too," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer still.
For several long moments, you lost yourself in the kiss, the taste and feel of Cillian driving any lingering doubts from your mind as you reconnected with a man you could never truly forget.
You didn't know if it was possible for things to be the same between the two of you again, but you wanted to try, and it seemed Cillian felt the same.
When you finally broke the kiss, you pulled back to gaze into his eyes, and there was a passionate intensity that made your heart race faster.
"I want us to live together as a family . Just you, me, and Mara. I want us to try and build a life together," you said, looking into his eyes with all the sincerity you possessed.
For a moment, Cillian simply stared at you, stunned by your sudden declaration, but then a slow smile spread over his face as he nodded in agreement.
"I thought you weren't ready for that?" he  murmured, searching your face as if trying to gauge your certainty.
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before meeting his gaze evenly. "I wasn't then," you admitted truthfully. "But I am now. I want to try, Cillian. I want us to be a proper family, no matter what that entails."
Cillian stared at you for a moment longer, as if trying to determine whether or not you meant what you were saying, before he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace that spoke volumes.
"I want that too," he breathed into your hair, his arms tightening around you protectively.
The relief that washed over you in that moment was something you couldn't quite describe. For the longest time, you had longed for the kind of connection you had once shared with Cillian, feeling lost and adrift without that guiding force in your life, and now, finally, it seemed as though there was a chance to rebuild.
"Good," you smiled  , burying your face in his neck as you pressed yourself closer to him, relishing in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you.
It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that there was still work to be done, but you felt a renewed sense of hope, taking solace in the fact that you would have him by your side as you navigated through the challenges ahead.
"Now show me how much you still want me!" you then told  Cillian, pulling out of the kiss and looking at him with eyes that were so filled with desire that you could hardly contain yourself.
Cillian didn't need any further encouragement. He pulled you closer, his hands wandering over your body as he kissed you deeply, his lips hungry for yours. 
"God, I've missed this. I've missed you," he whispered in between kisses, trailing them down your neck before reaching beneath your t-shirt to cupping your breasts over your bra.
You moaned softly, arching your back as you pulled him closer. "I want you so much,"  you breathed out, your voice hoarse with desire.
Cillian's hands wandered over your body and, before you knew it, he pulled your t-shirt over your head, leaving you in your bra and jeans. 
His tongue trailed a hot path down your neck, before placing kisses across your collarbones. 
Eventually, helped you slide your jeans off too, tossing them aside, leaving you in just your lace underwear. Cillian's hunger was evident in the way his hands and mouth greedily explored your body, his fingers tracing the edge of your underwear with a hint of tease. 
"Take this off," you told him, tucking at his t-shirt at the same time.  Cillian obliged, pulling it off to reveal his toned chest, covered in soft curls of hair.
You couldn't help but let your gaze linger on him a little as your hands wandered over his bare skin, feeling the muscles twitch beneath your fingers.
Cillian groaned at the sensation of your exploring touch, his hips bucking sharply against yours as he pulled you closer.
Your lips found each other's again and you kissed him deeply, almost desperately, as if trying to make up for the lost time.
Not long after, his jeans came off too and he was left in just his briefs, his thick erection pressed against your thigh.
You couldn't help but moan softly at the sensation, a shiver of lust running down your spine as you realized just how much you needed this. The past months had been challenging, to say the least, but now, with Cillian, you felt as if you could finally breathe again.
"Fuck Y/N," Cillian groaned, his hands sliding down to your waist, pulling your hips closer to his. "I want you so badly right now," he whispered, nipping at the skin of your neck as he unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the floor.
His hands wandered over your bare breasts, his thumbs grazing over your nipples, making you gasp at the sudden spark of pleasure that ran through your entire body.
You reached down, gripping his erection through the fabric of his briefs, making him growl low in his throat as his hips thrust forward.
"Jesus," Cillian breathed out, his fingers tightening on your hips.
"Let's just skip the foreplay for tonight. I really need to feel you inside me," you whispered into his ear, your hot breath making his cock twitch in anticipation.
Cillian groaned in response, pulling you even closer as he kissed you deeply. "Are you sure?" he asked against your lips, his tongue tracing the curve of your bottom lip. "Because you do know very well what my mouth can do."
"Yes, I am sure," you replied, tugging at the waistband of his briefs. "I really need your cock right now!" 
Cillian didn't need any more encouragement. He quickly pulled the fabric of his briefs down and kicked it aside while you stood up and got rid of your panties quickly before climbing on top of him.
Your wetness brushed against the tip of his cock, making you let out a low moan before you positioned yourself above Cillian and slowly sank down on him.
"Oh fuck," Cillian groaned, his head falling back on the couch as you sheathed him fully inside of you. You let out a deep, shuddering groan of your own, relishing in the pleasure of being filled by him again.
You didn't waste any time. With one swift motion, you pushed yourself down, taking him all the way in.
"Fuck, Y/N," Cillian groaned, hands gripping your hips tightly.
You started to move up and down, savoring the feeling of his thick cock filling you up, the sensation of his skin sliding against yours, the sounds of his grunts and moans as you pleasured each other.
You rode him with abandon, the couch creaking and groaning with the force of your movements.
You could feel Cillian's cock hitting your deepest spots, again and again, in a rhythm that was both delicious and maddening.
"Fuck, you feel amazing," Cillian groaned, hands gripping your hips tighter as he bucked his hips up towards you.
You could only moan in agreement, the sound escaping your lips as you increased your pace. You could feel yourself getting close, the familiar tingling sensation starting to build in your lower belly.
"I am planning to do this every night from now on. Every fucking night!" you panted out, throwing your head back as you felt the beginnings of your orgasm building within you.
Cillian's fingers dug into your hips as he thrust upwards, matching your rhythm. "Yes, every fucking night," he agreed, his voice strained with lust.
You could feel his cock swelling inside you, telling you that he was close too. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," you cried out, your fingernails digging into his shoulders as you rode him harder and faster.
You left scratch marks on his skin as you clung to him, trying to hold on as your orgasm built to a crescendo.
Cillian wrapped an arm around your waist, percentage guiding you, his breath hot and ragged against your ear as he hammered into you from below.
The corners of your vision blurred as colors danced behind your eyes, your body writhing and convulsing as your orgasm enveloped you completely.
"Yes, yes!" you screamed.
Cillian's thrusts faltered slightly as he felt the walls of your pussy trembling and fluttering around him, milking him for every drop of cum he had, before he too, pushed over the edge.
"Fuck, I'm cumming!" he cried out, voice hoarse and strained as his body stiffened and convulsed beneath you. His cock swelled impossibly harder and thicker as rivers of warm cum pumped deep into your core, filling you to the brim with his essence.
"Oh fuck, I'm still cumming!" Cillian groaned, his hips bucking faster and faster as you milked him dry.
You collapsed against him, panting and spent, your body and mind in complete ecstasy.
Cillian's arms wrapped around you as he breathed in ragged gasps, his cock still twitching inside of you.
For a moment, you just lay there on the couch, your two bodies pressed tightly together, hearts beating in sync as if to a wild, primal rhythm.
Cillian's chest rose and fell against yours, hands gently stroking your back in slow, soothing motions. You could feel the aftershocks of your orgasm still rippling through your body, still trembling with the overwhelming force of it.
Cillian too, remained inside you, still half-hard, his warm semen slowly leaking from your swollen pussy and trickling down your thighs.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally managed a weak laugh, burying your face in Cillian's neck.
Your entire body felt deliciously heavy and languid with pleasure, and it took every ounce of your willpower to push yourself up slightly off his chest just so you could look into his face.
"That was amazing," you whispered, your lips curling up into a soft smile of pure satisfaction as you traced the curve of Cillian's jaw with the pad of your thumb.
Cillian chuckled softly, brushing tendrils of damp hair from your forehead as he gazed into your eyes.
"It was quick, but so fucking good," he confirmed, seeing how you had only been at it for about twenty minutes. 
"I know," you replied, your voice still breathless as you snuggled up close to him before, finally, lifting your hips so that his cock would slip out of you . You flinched at the sudden rush of wetness between your legs, a remnant of what had just happened still dripping from your pussy.
Cillian himself groaned in disappointment as he felt his cock soften, the withdrawal painful.
"I could stay inside you forever," Cillian whispered, peppering kisses over your neck and shoulders. His hands were wandering over your waist and hips, softly stroking your skin with a tenderness that almost made you cry.
You chuckled softly.
"I think I would like that," you replied, before sighing blissfully and reaching down  between your legs to touch yourself, still wet with his semen.
Cillian watched you through half-lidded eyes as your fingers dipped between your pussy lips and came back glistening with the mix of both of your juices.
You brought it to your mouth , eyes still locked on his as you licked your lips slowly, savoring the taste of your lovemaking and Cillian swallowed hard at the sight.
"I think it is time for bed," you then announced softly, standing up from the couch. "You have to be up early again tomorrow morning to film that scene with Annabelle, remember?" you teased, with a sly little grin before wobbling off to the bedroom and Cillian chuckled weakly response before hauling himself up from the couch, his entire body still buzzing and tingling with euphoria from the mind-blowing sex you just had on this very couch.
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jadeddaydream · 3 months
Miss You So
Pairing: Jill Valentine x Reader
CW: AFAB reader w/ Fem pronouns, nudes, showering w/ no sex (not yet at least), cunnilingus, fingering, dirty talk, praise, scissoring, overstimulation, begging, teasing.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Post DI!Jill (I love older women too much sorry), proofread, love you guys and ty for all the love on my last post!!
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It was a rainy night, water dripping down your windows and the temperature low. The cold engulfed you from all angles, no matter how many comforters you cover yourself in. All you could think about is your wife. How she was, what she was doing, how long she was to do it. You knew her work was important to her and that she didn’t like to be disturbed, but how you missed her so. All you wanted was her attention and for her to be home in your arms.
Feeling mischievous and needy, you tried a shower to calm your nerves. Running some hot water you placed your phone on the bathroom counter. You just wanted her home, by any means. A lightbulb went off in your head, you grinning at the sight of your phone. You stepped inside the shower, engulfing yourself under the warm water.
Jill took another sip of her coffee which was quickly growing cold. Chewing on her pen, attempting to finish the report in front of her that was urgent. Her phone on silent mode, vibrated. She wondered who was texting her at this time of night; usually, you were in bed by this time, asleep. She clicked on the message, opening her phone. She hoped it wasn’t an emergency or anything like that.
To her relief, it wasn’t. It was a picture of you in the shower, soapy breasts coming into view. She could see your nipples, hard and perky. Your hand on your collarbone, another message at the bottom. This time it was text, captioned;
‘I miss youuuuu.’
Before she could even reply she was hounded by another goddamn pic, this time it was your hand cupped over your cunt; fingers inside yourself.
Captioned with, “What time will you be home? I don’t think I’ll be able to wait.” With a kissy face emoji completing the sentence. Jill hastily closed her phone, with no reply and began packing up whatever she was working on. She hated to be distracted from her work and you were in for it. She’ll finish the damned reports tomorrow morning. Tossing her bag over her shoulder, she left her office heading towards the parking lot.
The drive home was fast and blurred. Rain poured down on her windshield, she sped through the streets. Jill may have ran a few red lights on the way there, but no one was around anyway. She wondered what you were doing at home, imagining you with a hand between your legs, touching yourself with a fever under the warm water of the shower, covered in nothing but soap. Maybe you moaned her name a couple of times, maybe you were close; holding from finishing yourself off before she got home.
She entered the gate code and drove through the neighborhood, making a couple of turns before pulling up in the driveway. She got out of the car and grabbed her bag before walking up to the front door and pushing her keys inside the lock, twisting them, and opening the door. She kicked her boots off, placing them on the shelf next to the door along with her bag, which she placed on her desk in a room separate from the living room. She walked upstairs, silence following her throughout the house. You wouldn’t even know that she was coming.
Jill made her way up the stairs, anticipation of seeing you. No matter how many times she saw you, it always made her feel something deep, her stomach twisting into knots each time. She walked down the hall and inside your bedroom, seeing the trail of clothes you purposely left to lead her to the bathroom. Jill chuckled at your display of desperation, happy that you desired her as much as she did you. She knew her workaholic tendencies weren’t exactly ideal, and sometimes she just needed a push towards release. She undressed, tossing her clothes in a basket before walking towards your shared bathroom.
You were washing your body with a sensual touch in your movements that isn’t common. But you knew you were going to have company so you continued. Wanting to be witnessed, lust being the only drive behind your actions. You moved the loofah through your breasts, lathering the soap; having drip down your chest and body. You smiled salaciously when you heard the creak of the bathroom door, continuing your previous actions. The door having an issue with the hinges, giving her away.
Jill stepped inside the shower, water spreading across her skin. Your backside, coming into view. She watched as you continued to groom yourself, feeling like a voyeur at the way her eyes scanned your body. She pulled against you against her waist, before speaking.
“Hmm…mind to tell me what the photoshoot was for?” She snuck up behind you, pushing your hair to the side to whisper in your ear.
“I missed you.” You shivered as you felt her hands on your waist, warm breath still on your ear. Her hands came up slowly, now cupping and slowly kneading your breasts. “Missed you too.” She nipped at your neck, watching as you cried out when she pinched your nipple. She pulled away to your surprise, leaving you holding your breath.
“Let’s finish this and I’ll give you all my attention, okay?” She kissed your neck softly, hands returning to your waist as you mumbled out a ‘yes’, still sexually frustrated.
You both washed up, you being playful at times. Blowing bubbles at Jill; who laughed at way foamy bubbles passed through the air towards her. Exchanging kisses here and there and finally finishing with you washing her hair, relishing at the way she hummed when you massaged her scalp. You both stepped out and dried off, Jill staring at you wrapped in nothing but a towel.
“I can see you staring.” You giggled, Jill breaking her aggressive eye contact from your form and returning it to your eyes. “Not like I was trying to hide it.” She grinned, wringing a towel through her hair. You dropped it, wrapping your arms around her neck. Eyes trailing up and down, you bit your lip. God, you drove her crazy.
Jill crashed her lips into yours, before grabbing your arm and having you move to the bedroom. She pushed you on the bed, your body moving upwards to accommodate her. She moves towards you with the intention of devouring you, attaching her lips to yours before moving to your neck. Massaging your breasts while leaving hickeys on your neck. You moaned out, body hot and ready.
She teased you, nipping on the underside of your breast. “Tell me how much you missed me.” She whispered against your skin. You spread your legs, “So much, couldn’t help but think about you all day.” Your body responds to her touch with an uncontrollable ardor. “Yeah, that’s why you sent me those slutty photos; couldn’t take your mind off me?” She loved the distress in your voice, knowing that you were bound to explode if she didn’t touch you where you needed it soon.
But, how she loved to torture you.
Your eyes met hers as she rose to kiss you once again. You looked at her with a gaze that was laced with sin. Your body subconsciously arched into hers, wanting nothing more but her touch, her scent, her mouth, her everything. You watched as she moved lower, her hands coming to grab the underside of your thighs.
“Wow, you’ve made such a mess and we just got out the shower.” Jill chuckled, her breath making contact with your cunt, Jill spreading you; watching you leak onto the expensive sheets. “Dirty girl,” She rasped, biting at your thigh. You let out a sigh of distress and desire, wanting nothing more but to have her please you. But first, she had to get her fill of watching you crumble.
“Please, I want you so bad,” You whispered, moaning at Jill sucking hickeys into your thighs. It was a show really, watching your swollen cunt clench around nothing and your stomach cave in along with your face in an emotion nothing short of pure want. “Jill.” Your voice taking her out of her own head, filled with nothing but scenarios of making your scream.
She bit you once more, before finally moving down onto your swollen bud; teasing it a bit with a couple slow licks and moving to sucking, hard. You cried out, hand reaching behind you to grab a pillow to keep your sanity. Your shaky and breathless moans were reminiscent of paradise, Jill willing to do anything to receive the key. She snuck two fingers towards your entrance, pressing them inside. She watched as you howled, your voice shaky and winded.
“Yes!” Your eyes rolled back as you felt her fingers move upwards, her mouth still stimulating your clit. Your hips bucking up involuntarily, Jill pressing down on your stomach to keep you in place. “Stay still.” She growled in your cunt, face sticky and covered in your fluids. You tried your best to follow her command, body trembling from time to time. She raised her head for a moment, fingers still inside and abusing your g-spot.
Then she spat.
Watching your pussy clench around her fingers and hearing you moan so loud that it could be heard throughout the house drove her insane. “Fuck that’s it.” Jill watched intently, her drool moving like sap down your puffy clit and onto the crevices of her fingers. You wailed her name, legs tense and in the air. She could tell that you were on the peak, back arched and voice high and needy.
“Jill, Jill, Jill, Jillll!” You drawled out, the heat blossoming in your stomach; the force knocking the wind out of your body. You heaved, Jill relishing in your filthy noises. She leaned back in as she felt you clench around her fingers, hard. Sucking on your clit, she finished you off; you letting out a squeal. Crying out her name in a compilation of gibberish, you whined as she slowed her pace; letting you ride out your orgasm.
How she wished she could do this all day.
“Shh, it’s alright.” She moved upwards, wiping her face with the back of her hand before kissing you softly. She cupped your cheek with her free hand. “My good girl.” She smiled lovingly at your facial expression, eyes low and irises blown. “You’re not too tired are you?” She asked with a soft voice, one that she only used with you.
You shook your head. “Good.” She raised her leg over yours, placing her wetness on top of yours. She spent a moment still, giving you a moment to recover before adjusting her hips to align her pussy with yours. You both moaned in unison as her hips began to move. “Fuck baby, you’re soaked,” Jill whined, hissing as she maintained a steady rhythm. She grinded on you hard, making you cry out due to the intense sensation.
The sodden feel of your fluids melding spread to your thighs. You reached out a hand, placing it on Jill’s breast and gently rubbing her nipple. She groaned, hips rocking back and forth against you. You moaned out, reaching forward to kiss Jill. Her tongue conquered your mouth, growling in your mouth as she conquered your body as well.
“Shit you drive me insane, don’t you know that?” She pulled away from your lips, hers damp and swollen. “Sending me those pictures while I’m writing reports, begging for me to fuck you senseless.” “You happy now?” Jill asked out of breath and the most you could do is nod in a fucked out daze, eyes rolling back when she ground a bit harder into you.
Above you was a goddess, using you as she pleased. Her bottom lip caught under her teeth, a small bead of sweat sliding down her temple. A strong arm holding your leg up, you entranced by her muscles and the way they protruded as she held you in place. You watched as her hips rolled over yours, Jill shuddering at the delicious pleasure she felt due to the friction of you both. Loud groans, grunts, and whimpers were all that was heard between you two.
“Fuck baby, I’m so close.” The sound of your cunts grinding against one another becoming louder and louder by each passing second. “Don’t stop.” You responded in a whimper. “I would even dream of it, oh my God.” Jill said, closing her eyes as pleasure coursed through her veins, moaning out when she reached her peak. “Fuck!” She yelled out as she gushed on top of you, still keeping her hips moving as she did before.
You followed shortly after, the second orgasm groundbreaking and potent. You smashed your lips against Jill’s and cried into her mouth. A hand wrapped around her bicep, the firm muscle under your fingertips. Whispering her name once you both pull apart, Jill slows her hips to help you ride out your orgasms. Leaning forward and kissing you more softly this time, she held your face in her hand; humming as you wrapped your arms around her. She pulled away, landing on her side.
“You’re so beautiful.” She said, wrapping you in her arms. You were still in a daze, eyes low and body limp. You both spent a moment in each other's embrace. Your blinks became heavier over time, Jill taking notice.“Don’t fall asleep yet, we gotta get cleaned up.” You mumbled, “I’m not sleepy.” Your eyes threatened to close on you.
“Yes you are, you’re doing that thing with your eyes.” She teased, poking your nose to awaken you. You rolled your eyes, laughing as she did it again. “I’m going to get a towel.” She grinned, before sliding out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. You whistled and propped your head up, Jill laughing as you ogled her. She came back with damp and warm towels.
She cleaned you and herself, passing you some water. You drank, yawning. She discarded the towels, moving to the edge of the bed. Jill slid back in bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you again and pulling the comforter over you.
“What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?” You asked, Jill stroking your face while you did so.
“French toast.” She replied with a quickness, a blush present on her face to her neck.
“Done.” You gave a peck to her lips, happy to have her by your side.
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velocesainz · 8 months
Listeeeen well read but… I love angst so. Any driver you want… where the reader has a miscarriage. Yeah if is too much I’m sorry I leave now
Kissies ✨
A/n: This sounds super interesting! I hope you like it I also apologise for taking so long, I kinda forgot and also had exams. Kissies ✨
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Our Lost Family
Summary: You end up having a miscarriage and you become super depressed after losing the baby, Lando gets fed up of your moping. Will this ruin your marriage forever?
Warnings: very angstyyy, sad
Pairing: Lando x wife!pregnant!reader
Part 2
Y/n pov:
It was a normal day, well as normal as it can be when you’re pregnant.
I got out of bed and went down the stairs to get started on breakfast for Lando and I.
Finishing up breakfast I set the table and called Lando to join me.
“How’s the little one feeling” Lando asked me touching my stomach tenderly.
“There’s a little discomfort but overall seems to be doing pretty well in my opinion” I replied and he looked at me with a soft smile.
We chatted about plans for the rest of the day as we ate and then went on about our plans finishing off the busy day with a nice calm dinner at home.
“Baby?” Lando called out as I was setting up the table.
“Yes love? What happened?” I asked.
“I have this weird nagging feeling that there’s something that is going to go wrong and I just can’t get it to stop” Lando confessed and that got me thing.
I have also felt an odd feeling similar to how Lando described it.
“I have also had this feeling, I don’t know what it is but it feels very serious” I told him and his face grew increasingly worried.
“Baby, I want you to know, no matter what happens to us or the baby I will always love you. Nothing will get me to love you less” Lando said and that made me both worried and a little calm at the same time.
I was sitting at home watching tv and eating a simple salad when my stomach started to hurt extremely badly.
I saw blood pooling at my feet and I knew immediately that I was having a miscarriage, having heard so much about the experience from my mom who had had 2 miscarriages.
I immediately dialled Lando’s number but he didn’t pick up.
I dialled my mom number and she came in a few minutes and took me to the hospital.
Lando pov:
I was in a meeting when y/n repeatedly called which was odd for her as she knows my schedule and knows not to call when I’m busy.
I ignored her calls and put my phone one silent.
I got home to find nobody around.
There was an eerie silence.
I walked to the bedroom in hopes of finding y/n sleeping but to no avail.
I went into the living room and found a pool of blood at the base of the couch.
My heart sank to my stomach.
Was this why she was calling?
Oh god is she alright??
I called y/n only to find that she left her phone here in the house
I thought of calling her mother, maybe she had taken her to the hospital?
When I called she immediately picked and her voice frantically said “Lando! Thank god your done, please come to x hospital immediately! I’m afraid y/n is having a miscarriage”
My brain was spiralling but I managed to get my keys and drive to the hospital.
When I entered the hospital is when I was met with the sight of y/n’s mother, sitting on a chair with her head in her hands.
“Mum?” I called out to her
Her head immediately snapped towards my direction and she sprinted over “Oh Lando My baby she’s in danger, her baby’s in danger I don’t know what to do” she cried.
“Don’t worry mum, she’ll be fine, she’s one of the strongest people I’ve met” I told her mum to try and calm her down.
“I guess you’re right, she is quite the resilient kind” she sighed out sadly.
The doctor finally came out and came up to me and yn’s mum.
“You must be Mrs Norris’s family. She’s fine but significantly weaker. The baby however…did not make it. I’m so sorry for your loss, you can visit her now. She’s in room 004.”
When the doctor said this my heart sank to my stomach. We both had tried so hard to have a kid together and when she finally got pregnant she ended up having a miscarriage. I don’t know how I will face her after this pain.
I walked into the room and found her lying on the bed sleeping peacefully, if only life was going the way it was.
“Hey love, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I had picked up your call, our child would’ve been alive with us” I spoke softly into her hair as I held her close.
She woke up in a panic “WHAT HAPPENED?? IS MY BABY OK? Lando ANSWER ME”
I didn’t know what to say to her so I just kept my head down and I guess she understood what I was trying to say. She broke down into sobs.
“My poor baby, I didn’t even get to see you. How am I to continue without you” she kept on repeating to herself and my heart kept breaking into smaller pieces with every word.
Y/n’s been so incredibly depressed ever since the miscarriage. She can barely get out of bed in the morning and struggles to do basic tasks.
I love her but this is getting way too much. I mean, it’s just a baby, we can always try for another one.
I walked into the living room to see y/n lying on the couch with a blank stare on her face.
“Y/n?” I called out to her and she slowly turned towards me
“Y/n this is not healthy. It’s just a baby, it’s not the end of the world. We can always try for another one. Right now I’m fed up of you not doing anything but moping around and acting like the world has collapsed on you” I spoke fast.
Looking at her glossy eyes and hurt face should have told me that what I did was wrong but I didn’t realise
“Do you know how much this baby meant to me Lando? Do you know? After months of trying I finally got pregnant and I just lost the baby and you’re telling me to just “get over it”? Do you even hear yourself? I’m absolutely disappointed in your understanding. I’m leaving.” She yelled and walked out of the house.
What have I done?
Part 2?
A/n: I would love to get your guys feedback and also please send me any requests you’d like to see since I’m done with exams and have a bunch of free time. Kissies ✨
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
There’s a honey
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summary: 3 times your aunt penny sees herself and maverick in your relationship with jake and 1 time she doesn’t.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: smut, allusions to smut, swearing, cheese tbh, pet names, m*verick, jake being jake >:) MDNI 18+
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” you whisper into Jake’s ear as he drags you along a corridor towards the hangar that contains his and the dagger squad’s F-18s.
“Definitely not, but I need you to see this.” Jake chuckles from in front of you.
That does nothing to settle the nerves in your stomach as he turns abruptly, hand still nestled in yours pulling you around the corner with him.
The ‘room’ Jake has pulled you into isn’t really a room at all. It’s a large Hangar with tall ceilings that make you fear that if you speak it will echo throughout the whole building. Jake looks down at you and smiles at your awestruck face.
“Welcome to my world sweets.”
You roll your eyes at his cheesy line and walk towards the jet that has Jake’s name plastered onto the side of it.
“Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin,” you read to yourself, tracing your fingers over the black lettering.
“My two girls in one room,” Jake chuckles into your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist. He strokes lightly against the material of your sundress. It’s his favourite one, it’s cream coloured and is covered in a ditsy floral pattern. He smiles as you look up at him,
“But who do you love more?” You giggle and wait for his response.
Jake clutches his chest dramatically and whines, “You’re not being fair! I can love two things equally.”
You pout playfully and jest, “Well you won’t mind sleeping in here with her then, will you?”
Jake laughs loudly and points out your bluff, “You’d never kick me out of bed, your feet would get too cold.”
You make a ‘hmph’ noise and turn on your feet to the exit of the hangar. Jake is quick on your tail and hauls you into the air forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist as you look up at him now face to face.
“Don’t be like that baby, you know you’re my favourite.” He simpers.
You giggle, “I know, I just like making you sweat.”
Jake squeezes your cheeks into a kissy face and pecks you on the lips, “You’re such a minx.”
Carrying you back towards his jet, he plants you down on the ground and finally reveals his plan to you.
“Jake what if i’m sick all over your plane then you hate me forever!”
“I’ll go slow for you sweetheart, I always do,” Jake winks at you.
You scoff, as he helps you into the back seat of his jet and plant yourself down in the seat. Before Jake gets the chance to sit down, you look around the interior of the jet and something catches your eye. In the cockpit there’s a few small Polaroids. Jake had always loved taking photos, he had a small Polaroid camera which he carried almost everywhere with him, and a stack of photos building up just of you. As you look to the photos you see one of them is of him and his two nieces sat in the grass on a sunny day, another of his family dog from back home and the last picture is one of you that you didn’t recognise. You’re curled into his chest with his hoodie on and you’re asleep with a pout on your face. You want to complain about the less than flattering angle but your heart flutters from the intimacy of the picture and you can’t feel it in you to be angry at all. Instead you hum slightly and reach forward to kiss Jake’s shoulder as he finally sits in the seat in front of you. He seems slightly bashful as he realises you’ve seen the pictures.
“For luck.”
You grin and decide not to prod him further. Taking off, your stomach swoops and you worry about the interior of Jake’s jet being covered in your dinner for a brief moment before your breath is taken away.
The sun is setting and Jake is flying the jet in the direction of the beach. You suddenly understand his insistence on bringing you up here. Jake thinks he’s cheesy so he doesn’t say it aloud, but whenever flight tests run late and the sun sets whilst he’s still in the sky he always thinks of you. It’s beautiful and the colours bleed together as the sun dips lower and lower and all he can think about is how much he wants to share this with you. So he did.
“Thank you for bringing me up here.” You speak into the microphone of the flight helmet you’re wearing.
“It’s my pleasure sweetheart.”
You look down and notice you’ve flown past the Hard Deck, it was a hard sight to miss and golden lights twinkle around it in the dusk. It’s mostly empty as Penny has closed it for the night, but you think you spotted the tiny blur of Maverick’s motorcycle in the parking lot.
Maverick and Penny are sat together on the benches that stand outside the Hard Deck on the beach front. Unbeknownst to you, Maverick had helped Jake plan to sneak you into base for your sunset joyride. He understood how important it was for Jake to show you the thing he loved so dearly. It was the same for him way back when with your aunt. Penny gasps as she looks up to see the jet soar by,
“Please tell me my niece isn’t up there.” She states rather than questions.
“Okay, I won’t then.” Maverick smiles into her shoulder.
She smacks him lightly but it lacks anger, Penny would never admit this but she was glad you had fallen for Jake rather than any of the others. She can’t help but smile back as she thinks about her first time up in a fighter jet with the pilot sat next to her. She wants to be worried but she knows you’re in perfectly safe hands, Jake’s charm and incredible skill always did remind her of someone who she knew so well.
You and Jake had been together for two months now but he had yet to sleep round at yours. You were apprehensive, living with your aunt and younger cousin meant a lack of privacy mostly, and said privacy was not an issue when staying at Jake’s small rented beach cottage. So it had always seemed the obvious to go to his. Neither of you had ever had an issue with this, which is why Jake was so surprised to receive a text from you half way through his day off.
baby ♥️
come to mine tonight?
pen and amelia are out btw
You and Jake had planned for you to stay at his tonight, you’d promised to cook for him and he’d been hoping to thank you in many different ways and positions. But he couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy at the prospect of being able to stay round yours. He felt a bit like his 16 year old self again when his then girlfriend would invite him round with the promise of her parents being out of town and it made him chuckle.
cowboy ❤️
sounds perfect
you want me to cook?
baby ♥️
what type of host do you think i am ?!
ofc not
cowboy ❤️
just checking sweets
As it turns out, not much cooking happened anyways. Jake had decided your attire of denim shorts and a cropped tank top were entirely too indecent for an evening in and he decided to show that to you.
“Do you know what you do to me sweets?” Jake pants into your neck. You’d managed to persuade him to make it to your bed before you defiled the kitchen counter but half your clothing had been discarded up the stairs and across the landing leading to your room.
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” you giggle breathlessly, whining slightly as Jake hits just the right spot. He continues on at his impressive pace, your back arching up so your chests meet and he kisses sloppily down along your neck. His hands have a tight grip on your hips whilst yours tangle in his soft hair, it’s silky and feels smooth against your fingers without his gel that usually neatens it out.
“Shit, I’m close.” Jake groans into your neck. You squirm as his pace quickens further and he reaches down to circle your clit. You gasp, high pitched sending him over the edge. He spills into the condom and slumps onto you, breathing hard.
You stroke Jake’s hair and he speaks, “I love you.”
You smile at his admission, “I love you too, baby.”
He looks up at you from where his head is resting on your chest and your heart clenches. You surge forward and he pulls upright so you can clash your lips together messily, it’s sloppy mostly but neither of you care. He cards his fingers through the mess of hair at the back of your head and you whimper against his lips. The kiss is heated as Jake guides you back down against the pillow and starts to lead his lips down your throat, sucking with pressure into your pulse point.
That’s when you hear the front door slam shut.
“Darling? Are you home?” Your aunt calls.
You hear a mumbling of voices, Amelia is with her.
“Oh god,” You whine in to Jake’s chest, embarrassed.
He chuckles, rolling off of you to lay next to you, he’s finding the situation rather amusing until he realised all his clothes are strewn across the stairs where he can hear two sets of footsteps ascending.
“Whose shirt is this?” You hear Amelia ask her mother, confused about the item of clothing that appeared quite masculine and nothing anyone in her household of women would wear.
You yell out in a panic, “Uh yeah I’m in my room! Just getting changed.”
Jake looks at you concerned, as your aunt replies from seemingly outside of your door.
“Okay, well we’ll be downstairs.”
You can practically hear her smirk through the door.
You exhale deeply and look at Jake, you both struggle to contain your giggles as you shush him, smushing your finger against his lips. Finally hearing their footsteps fade away, you begin.
“You’ve gotta leave, I’m the example for Amelia and now she’s gonna think I’m a total slut!”
Jake laughs but quietens himself when he realises you’re being serious.
“Doll, she won’t think that she loves you!”
You smile at Jake’s sweet attempt to cheer you up but continue, “Baby as sweet as you are you still need to leave, I can’t have the first time you’re round my house meeting my family be when they’ve interrupted our second round.”
Jake chuckles but nods, understanding your worry. He goes to stand and heads for the bedroom door but you stop him in his tracks,
“Where are you going?” You question.
“To get my clothes?” Jake replies, brows scrunched in confusion.
“You cant go out there! They’ll see you!” You whisper shout, “I’ll get them.”
You pull on a pair of cotton pyjama shorts and a large t shirt that you had discarded on your bedroom floor and tip toe out onto the landing where you grab Jake’s boxers. Jake’s grey shorts lay on the top few steps but his shirt had been discarded near the bottom steps with his shoes. You lean down and grab his shorts as realise you can’t see your aunt and niece anywhere near the living room that feeds off from the staircase. As hurriedly and quietly as you could, you race to get his shirt and shoes before one of them could appear to question you. With his clothes in tow, you creep back upstairs to where you had left Jake in your room.
When you step into your room, you notice Jake is no longer sat on your bed. He’s stood looking at your bookshelf browsing his eyes across the books stored there. He takes notice of the ones with the most battered spines and makes a mental note to pick them up somewhere to read. It’s a funny, albeit sweet sight, watching your 6’1 boyfriend stood stark naked looking lost in thought in front of your bookshelves.
“Here’s your clothes babe,” you speak, pulling him from his trance. He looks slightly embarrassed but recovers quickly and takes his clothes, stepping into his boxers first. As he dresses you admire him, giggling as he makes a show out of sliding his shorts up and pulling his shirt down over his chest.
Finally dressed he speaks, “You want me to go out the window, don’t you?”
You chuckle and shrug your shoulders apologetically, “I promise I’ll bring you here properly and introduce you soon.”
He smiles and walks over to kiss you, “You’re lucky I love you.”
You bask in his comment shyly and wait until he’s at your window to speak, “I love you too cowboy, text me when you get home.”
He nods and blows you a kiss before opening your window and making his careful exit. The drop isn’t too small by any means, but he lands rather gracefully with his knees bent. Jake stands up to his full height and makes eye contact with two women staring out from the kitchen window.
Penny chuckles at him, already aware that Jake was the man in her house when her and Amelia had arrived home earlier than schedule from their visit to Mav’s hangar. Amelia waves at him with a smirk on her face and Jake awkwardly waves back. He swears he hears Amelia speak to her mother,
“I knew she had someone up there with her! None of us would wear a shirt that colour!”
Jake laughs, knowing you’re going to get an earful later and saunters off towards his truck.
You’re pretty content with how your plan worked out as you lie back against your pillows, before your cousin bursts into your room squealing.
“I wanna know everything about him! Wait is he that cute pilot I always see you talking to at the Hard Deck? Oh my god he totally is!”
You let her gush, reminding yourself how excitable you were as a young teen and look up to the doorway to make eye contact with your smiling aunt.
She cant help but feel transported back to the first time your mother (her younger sister) had found out she had been seeing one of the hot shot pilots her father had always warned her of. She sends a wink your way and listens as you try to answer Amelia’s questions as family friendly as possible.
Penny’s heart clenched as she looked to your tear stained face. You and her had decided to do a rom com marathon to distract you from your emotions but clearly it hadn’t been working.
Jake had announced to you yesterday that he would be on deployment for 90 days in a weeks time. You had put on a brave face in front of him, claiming you’d miss him dearly but be okay whilst you waited back home. Once you left his place you had cried in your car firstly, then on the drive back when a song that reminded you of Jake played, and then finally into the arms of your aunt once your arrived home.
Penny knew of the difficulties of loving a naval aviator, her father had been one as well as her boyfriend and she was well aware of the heartbreak deployment often brought. Over the years she had learnt ways to deal with how she felt and was no longer affected in such a way. However, watching you live through the stages she once had to made her slightly woeful as well.
Hearing you sniffle, Penny decides to speak up, “You shouldn’t ignore him sweetheart, you’ll regret it when he’s gone.”
You look up at her, unimpressed with what is actually good advice. You sigh weakly and let her continue.
“Tell him how you feel,” you interrupt her quickly, “I don’t want him to be feel bad for me! He has his own worries he shouldn’t have to think for me.”
It’s now Penny’s turn to sigh at your words, “You and I both know Jake, and we know that he does that anyway. You’re just worrying him, more by avoiding him.”
You look up from where you’ve been playing with your hands and make eye contact with her. You know she’s right but it tastes so bitter to admit it. She smiles slowly as she sees you come to realisation. You stand abruptly from the couch and walk to the door, picking up your keys from the table as you go.
“Where are you going?” Penny questions, already knowing the answer.
You roll you eyes playfully at her, “don’t make me say it,” you pout before admitting your planned route.
But as you open the door, you spot something you weren’t expecting. Jake is pacing your porch and looks up at the sound of you opening the door.
He smiles sheepishly at you, “I was about to knock, I promise.”
You lock eyes with Jake and the tears come flowing out, “I’m sorry for ignoring you! I’m scared to be without you for so long but I didn’t want you to waste time feeling bad about me!”
Jake pulls you into his arms and rests his head above yours, “No time spent thinking about you is wasted, sweets.”
You giggle at how he manages to be cheesy even when you’re both so upset. You press your lips to his, savouring in how it feels wary that you won’t be able to do that for the next three months. You feels tears start to brim in your eyes again but Jake flicks them away.
“I don’t want my best girl to be upset, please baby.” Jake speaks.
You give him a watery smile and he laughs. He doesn’t really know how he’s supposed to be away from you for the next few months when he can’t even let you go from the hug.
“I’ll write to you every day,” you promise him.
“Oh, I’m counting on it doll.” Jake smirks into your hair.
Jake regrets his words when a week into his deployment he receives a thick letter written in your delicate handwriting. He makes the mistake of opening it whilst sat on the bunks next to Coyote and begs him to never mention the fact that he has now seen a few more risquée Polaroids of you than he had bargained for that morning.
Jake had finally allowed himself to be excited about seeing you again now that he only had one day left of his deployment. Your letters and photos could only do so much to appease how much he needed to see you and hold you in real life. You had invaded his mind wholly for the past three months and it sent his heart racing slightly at thought of finally getting to see you again.
Knowing you would have your boyfriend back tomorrow had you slightly giddy as you wiped down the bar tops at the Hard Deck, whistling a song Jake had played to you many times before.
As you wiped you thought about having him all to yourself again, having his strong hands on your hips and his lips on your mouth but also him resting his head on your chest or letting you play with his hair.
As you continued to whistle, your aunt pushes her way through the double doors which lead to the kitchen and storage area of the Hard Deck. She smiles as she notices your significant change in demeanour from the months past and speaks up.
“Ready to close up for the night?” She questions.
“Absolutely.” You smile at her.
Penny would have loved to tease you for your lovesick behaviour, but she too was elated for tomorrow. Maverick had been sent away as well, to oversee any training taking place and although she would like to think she has a slight amount more emotional maturity due to her age she was still as giddy as you were on the inside.
You link arms with her as you walk to the car both now humming the tune to the last song that had been playing on the jukebox before you closed up for the night.
Waiting with the rest of the families for the aviators to arrive back feels surreal. It’s a warm day and your wearing Jake’s favourite sundress with some wedges that are verging on uncomfortable but look great with the outfit. You cant quite believe you’re going to see him again.
You’re looking across at the sea of family members, and make eye contact with Bob’s girlfriend. She smiles at you and waves before turning back to the matured woman she’s stood next to who you can only assume is Bob’s mother. You turn back to Penny and squeeze her hand as you see the first of the aviators leave the ship.
They come out in streams of khaki uniforms and you can’t help but smile at thought of seeing Jake in his own uniform. It always fit slightly too tightly over his biceps, making it mostly uncomfortable for him but extremely worth it for you.
Maverick is one of the first to leave the carrier along with the rest of the higher ranked officers. He makes his way quickly over to Penny but not before smiling politely at you. You move to the side slightly to give them their own space as well as giving you a better view of the people still leaving the carrier.
You let anxiety eat at your stomach a little the longer it takes for you to spot Jake. You wonder if he’ll even be excited to see you, if he’s grown tired of you over the months he’s been away. But all those worries are swept away as you spot Jake leaving the carrier walking next to Rooster and Coyote. Bob is slightly ahead of them and beelines for his girlfriend. You watch as Jake scans the crowd of people for you before you lock eyes.
He zones in on you and suddenly has urgency in his steps. Jake realises he has definitely knocked over some younger pilots and at least one small child in his march to get to you but he can’t find it in him to care. Not when his girlfriend is looking radiant as ever and waiting for him after three months.
Tired of waiting on him you run as fast as your wedges allow to make up for the distance and jump into his arms. You pepper kisses all over his face and finally land one on his lips, you go to pull away but he holds you there and deepens the kiss. You allow him to for a moment but you’re still aware of your surroundings so you pull away and rest your forehead against his.
“I missed you.” You speak against his lips.
You can feel him smiling.
“I missed you more.”
You mock sigh exasperatedly and roll your eyes, “God, do you have to make everything a competition?”
He laughs like he hasn’t in months, and pulls you in for a kiss again. You signal for him to let you down but he keeps you in his grip as you make you way over to Maverick and Penny who had just been watching you.
Penny watches you and your boyfriend giggle as he spins you around, holding the edge of your dress tight to your body so it doesn’t fly up. She squeezes Mav’s hand as she remembers how her and Pete could never reunite in such ways. Her father had been strict about her not fraternising with the pilots, let alone cocksure ones like Maverick, so she had never truly been able to settle down with him.
It delights her to see you like this with Jake because it makes her realise that you aren’t her and Maverick. You’re completely different, in the best way possible.
Jake finally sets you down so you can all greet each other. He nods to Maverick and hugs Penny before returning to your side, hoping he never has to leave it again.
a/n: my sincerest apologies bc it took me so long to get this out but i hope u enjoy bc i love jake and his gf they are my babes,, also this was inspired by someone who reblogged one of my other jake fics and was talking about how they thought penny definitely saw jake as a young mav and i was like omg so true and immediately started writing this, so whoever you are make yourself known !!!!
also had to use charlie bc he is so boyfriend
pls reblog and comment and tell me what u think !!!
requests are open :p
ty for reading :)
- honey <333
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starringthesturniolos · 4 months
surprise- sturniolo triplets
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summary- you've always wanted a cat and matt, chris, and nick come make your dream a reality.
contains- platonic relationships only<3 its just a cute little drabble fr.
"she is going to flip the fuck out when she sees him." chris looks back at the little surprise him, matt, and nick got for you while rubbing his hands in anticipation. now that the car is parked matt looks back as well, and his eyes light up for the second time today. "Awww, he is sooo cute. such a handsome man." he coos making both chris and him chuckle. "I don't know...he looks like he'd bite the shit out of me." nick adds right after, making the two in the front seat burst out in laughter. "of course you think that nick" chris says. after they both calm down a little, nick shifts his attention to the camera at the front of the car.
"OKAY so if you guys watch our videos, you know Y/n and you also know how much she talks about wanting a cat. we figured it would be so fun if we just bought her one and got her reaction on camera. I, for one, am so so excited to see how happy she's going to be." he looks out the window at your front yard and sighs happily. "Y/n is so sweet, I love her." he says almost tearfully.
"here he goes, getting all emotional and shit" chris adds giggling at nicks nonsense.
after talking a little bit more about the story about getting the cat, they all walk out to go up to your front door. nick has a key, so there was no need to knock. they just walked right in to your tiny apartment. matt trails behind nick and chris as they make a beeline for your room. "she's probably still sleeping, im kinda scared to wake her up." nicks says fear creeping into his voice. you were one of the sweetest people they have ever met, but you are a whole other person when you first wake up. not only are you grumpy, but your also pissed with the person who interrupted your sleep. one time, nick went to wake you up from a nap to see if you wanted to go to top golf and you ended up shooing him out your room with a broom. lets just say, you didn't go to top golf and nick did not go into your room for about a week after that. chris and matt shudder at the memory, but chris is quick to reassure nick. "nah it'll be okay, she won't be annoyed we woke her up for long. I'll go in first. matt stay outside the door for a little until we call you in. " okay" matt says barely paying attention and just staring at the cuteness that is your kitten.
chris opens your door to find you sleeping. tissues surround the floor next to your bed, and you stir upon hearing someone opening your door. you sit up straight and sigh when you see him. "chris, what the hell are you doing here this early."
"we just wanted to come see you, feels like we haven't seen you in sooo long." he says with way more energy than you felt at the moment. "I would give you a hug, but you look like shit" he chuckles. your eyes were bloodshot red, your hair a mess, and your nose bright red from blowing it all night. even so, you shoot him a glare but your eyes soften when you see his smile. chris always reminds you of a kid in a candy store, and his bubbly attitude is contagious.
"yeah well, im hoping its allergies." you say smiling back at him before nick walks in.
"okay girl, you don't have allergies. lets be real, your sick." nick points at you. "sickie sickie doesn't get any kissy kissies." he says in a strange high pitch voice. matt has to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing too loud and revealing his hiding spot. chris on the other hand laughs while cringing openly. "dude, never say that shit again, that was really bad." you laugh along before going into a coughing fit. both boys look at each other and then look at you with concern. "Jesus" nick says and chris hands the camera to him. chris approaches your bed and softly sits next to you. he moves the hair out of your face and then places his hand on your forehead. "oh you are burning up, hun. we'll make this quick."
"make what quick? and where is matt?" you question just as he walks into the room your surprise in hand. he took him out the carrier so you could hold him immediately.
"SUPRISE" he yells. you wince a little at how loud he was but quickly recover when you see the kitten he's holding. sick and all, you rush to get out of your bed to go see him. your body is fatigued from being sick for two days so when you get up, you stumble. good thing nick is there to catch you.
"careful there girl" he laughs nervously while grabbing your arm to walk you to matt. you pay him no mind, completely focused on the bundle of cuteness in matts arm.
"AWWW matt, he's so cute!!! whose is it?" you say while picking it up and cuddling the kitten into your chest. nick steps back a little to get both you and matt in the frame.
"its yours y/n" matt says softly and you freeze.
"its mine?" you say tears of joy filling your eyes.
"of course it is y/n, we got him for you because we love you" chris adds smiling at your heartfelt reaction.
"thank you guys" you say as tears stream down your cheeks. even though your sick all three of them came to hug you, touched by your gratitude. you lean your head into matts shoulder and sigh looking down at your new pet in your arms.
"sooo what's his name gonna be?" chris inquires as you all break away from the group hug. you pause to think for a minute, and then your face lights up.
"angel" you say dreamily.
"angel" nick repeats chuckling for no reason at all.
"angel." matt repeats the name as well. "its perfect sweetheart." he sends you a soft smile. you look around at the three boys, grateful to have the most amazing best friends in the world.
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stardew-shitposterino · 10 months
Most to least likely Stardew Valley Bachelor to be lovey dovey in a relationship
Ok peeps, I’m in the mood for some random posting. Since some of you enjoy it, I’ll commit to it ! Why not 🤷🏼‍♀️so let’s goooo✈️
Oh and btw: a bit of NSFW again because I’m a degenerate lol. Soz to the minors 🫣
1. Elliott:
-Elliott is the obvious choice, isn’t he ?
-this man has no chill when it comes to showing you how much he loves you
-he isn’t huge on baby talk, but he’s huge on medieval Shakespearean reenactment to show his love to you
-you might not always understand where his play on words come from, but it sure as hell makes you blush like a mess
-whenever you and him have a sleepover, he leaves a note on your table that reminds you of how much he adores you! So cute 🥰
-flowers, romantic dates, evenings spent at the pub sitting on his lap while he caresses your hair, marvelling at it with a slightly drunken gaze and red cheeks 😫🫡😍😏
-…I just know that guy eats you out like no other…I said what I said 🥸
2. Sam
-ok hear me out! Before you come for my throat, I think he is more likely to be very love drunken than some of the other choices. It’s a close call for the second place, but I believe he deserves it
-overused but I don’t care: he has the golden retriever energy. Maybe it’s his ADHD, but regardless, he’s a pure boy
-he might be a little anxiously attached to you because he won’t leave your side during your honeymoon phase
-he wants to hold your hand or touch you in some way all the time. He just loves having you close 🥺
-expect him to kiss you senseless whenever he can. Preferably in private because he doesn’t want his mum to find out through bystanders, that would be embarrassing. Other than that, he wouldn’t care for the life of him. If he can pepper your neck with little kissies, he will
-speaking of kisses: he’s generally a huge fan of intense make out sessions. He prefers them over sex any time. Not that he doesn’t like the other stuff, but to him, it just hits different
-imagine that blushy, heated face when you pull away 😳 eyes hazy and hair even more disheveled than before, just adoringly gazing back into yours and smiling ever so slightly (😩😭🫨)
3. Alex
-“still no Harvey?! What’s wrong with you!?”
-I know I KNOW. I know that Harvey is a sweet boy in the game who tells you a lot of cute stuff, but idk. Something about Alex makes me believe he will be more likely the kind of partner to be sweet and a bit cringe yet adorable when it comes to the person he loves
-he might not be a poet, but he shows his adoration in other ways
-back 👏🏻 hugs 👏🏻
-generally hugging you? He will do it all the time. Any time. He will climb through your small living room window to hug you at least once a day if he has to
-for some reason, he likes kissing your arms. Don’t ask me to elaborate, he just does. Like kissing them up and down. Oh and your thighs 👀 it doesn’t even necessarily lead to anything explicit, he just loves them so much
-he will tell you how you’re the love of his life and how he cannot wait to see you two grow old together. He will lay in bed with you, maybe just watching tv and randomly blurt out something like this: “wow, who would have thought that we’d end up like this, meeting in this tired town. Having you by my side, I might be the luckiest guy to ever exist.”
-Alex frequents the beach to talk to his deceased mother. It’s kinda sweet in a way because he will talk to her about the things happening in his life. Pre-dating as well as in the midst of your relationship, he tells her so much about you, wishing she was still alive to have met you as you are the best thing that has ever happened to him 😭
-Alex is a hunky boy, but he loves bathing with you :3 something about it just makes him feel extremely euphoric 🥰 but he will cup your boobs the whole time lmfao (no matter what kind you have). That might also lead to him kissing your neck the whole time till both of you are in the mood 😶‍🌫️👀
4. Harvey
-Harvey at forth ?! HARVEY?! COME OOOON
-yes, I know. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t cute and affectionate with you ! This ranking is pretty close as all of the bachelors have their qualities that make them good partners 🥺 it’s just based on my own headcanons or assumptions about what they might be like
-ok so Harvey is a little anxious mess but LOVES to be a real gentleman when he’s in love
-I’m talking putting on his finest Jazz and dancing with you in your living room, slow dancing while just enjoying each other’s closeness 👀😍
-Harvey shows his affection mostly through everyday things. Like making you coffee in the morning or cleaning up for you. Not to mention peppering you when you’re sick as well as doing small gestures that show you that he cares and wants to make the effort for you
-Harvey LOVES to put your foreheads together while holding you close. Since he’s way taller than you, he has to crouch a little in order to make it work (it’s so cute omfg 😭😤🥰😍💀🫣🫨😫)
-forehead kisses too 😭👏🏻😫 he’s all about soft, sweet affection
-there are many headcanons about spicy Harvey and I get where this is coming from, but I do believe that his sweet, pure side is predominant. Like yes he will want to sleep with you, you’re a couple and he’s not asexual, so why wouldn’t he want to do that 🤷🏼‍♀️
-speaking of this, he loves to lay in bed with you in your post-coital state. Like of course he enjoys the deed, but what he enjoys even more is the after math that consists of laying together, skin to skin, just talking or laying there in silence and enjoying each other. It gives him the feeling of being one with you, of growing even closer than before 🥺
5. Sebastian
-Sebby can be a really cute guy once he lets his guard down, but I don’t think he is the most obvious in love even when he is very infatuated with you
-he just isn’t that kind of guy, you know?
-Sebastian loves to cuddle with you in bed, especially while playing video games. His room is his safe space and sharing that space with you while doing something he enjoys, it’s just perfect to him
-he will show you how much he likes you by taking you on small adventures despite being a homebody. He didn’t fix up that motorcycle for nothing. Just you and him outside, discovering new places. It’s something he doesn’t offer to just anyone
-in public, he’s very reserved and doesn’t feel comfortable showing his affection, but at home? He latches on you and won’t let go. Of course he needs his space every once in a while, but it’s not rare for him to try and crawl under your shirt with you just to feel your warmth (he’s very cold most of the time)
-he loves touching your tummy. Ok ok I know this one is controversial but he just loves it. When you’re a little soft and he can grab onto something soft and warm? Oh boy, he will….he will 👁️ he also loves kissing your abdomen. Again, don’t ask me, I have my reasons
-when it comes to intimacy, he surprisingly prefers giving over taking. I have a feeling he prefers non-penetrative sex more ? At least speaking of “traditional” straight sex. Again, don’t ask, I cannot explain. So I imagine when he’s in a relationship with an AFAB farmer, he will want to either eat them out or finger them senseless because it brings him pleasure. It’s very specific I know but it feels right🤷🏼‍♀️
6. Shane
-you all know by now that I have a mild obsession with this guy, but yeah…I gotta admit he isn’t cutting it in this ranking
-it’s not that he isn’t capable of giving a lot of love, but he has his barriers that keep him from showing his love freely
-he will get there eventually, but before that, he’s very…well…tense ? He has a hard time initiating romantic gestures or telling you nice things
-again it’s not because he doesn’t want to, it’s that he is in his own head too much that he cannot garner the courage to do so. You’re dating but he still suspects it’s all a tasteless joke on him
-in those moments when Shane beats his inner critics, he can be such a sweetheart omfg
-I’m speaking kissing you behind your ear, caressing your waist and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He isn’t very eloquent most of the time, but when the moment is right, he just knows what to say to you to make you feel loved
-Shane is the type of person to show his affection through mild bullying and joking around. He might be calling you a dwarf or giant (depending on your height difference) make fun of little things you do that he notices, but it’s never in bad taste. He always makes sure you know it’s just silly banter that usually ends in you two fighting playfully and then tumbling on top of each other, laughing and kissing 🥺🥰
-this man, this man loves when you sleep on his chest. On a lazy Sunday watching tv or just when he wakes up in the morning, noticing your head’s weight on him. It makes him feel useful, like he can protect you (let’s ignore that the farmer slays monsters as a side hustle, k). He will kiss your head ever so softly and whisper how much he loves you while doing it 😌
-if you want him to be the kind to hold your hand in public or kiss you, you’ve set your money on the wrong horse (rehab was supposed to be a fresh start), because he is not that kind of man, sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ he will start to do it once he gets comfortable enough with you, but it’s not that much. PDA just isn’t in it with this guy 😤
-his spicy side? He has plenty spice, but when he’s in the mood for some romance, he likes it slow and sensual. It’s a bit out of character for him, but sometimes he just wants to enjoy your presence and the slow build up of excitement and arousal. Expect him to enjoy guided self-pleasure. Picture it like this: he sits behind you, taking your hand and guiding it through the process of what you’d do to yourself 🫣 while, again, whispering hot stuff in your ear (yeah my version of him is into whispering lmfao). That’s the good stuff 😫
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 days
Sweet Pumpkin Chapter 4
Summary:  Bucky is struggling with the dating world and knows that if he ever hopes to have a serious relationship, that he needs to get through his touch deprivation issues.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to touch people, or them to touch him, but after decades of pain he doesn’t know how to accept physical intimacy from others, or how to give it himself.  He hires Y/N, an intimacy coach and professional cuddler, who comes highly recommended.  Will his heart be able to distinguish between a service given versus real love?
Warnings: mentions of past violence and past sexual assault, language, physical intimacy, eventual smut
**curvy reader
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Bucky took her out on dates as often as he could, and when they weren’t going out, he was spending time with her in her apartment.  She came over to his apartment once in a while, but he preferred her space.  He was taking it slow with her, wanting to make sure they were both comfortable with each other and the way the relationship was progressing.  He was ready to go all in, but knew with her past and his past that it was going to have to be handled with care.  The farthest they had ever gone was making out with each other while Y/N straddled Bucky’s lap, and that was okay with him, as long as she was okay with it, too.  A couple of months later Sam came to visit him after a long stint of missions.
“Hey Buck,” he said, hugging him.
“Hey Sam,” Bucky greeted him, hugging him back.  “How were the missions?”
“A mess,” Sam rolled his eyes and sighed.  “But what else is new.  How are things going with you?  You still working with Y/N?”
Bucky blushed.  “Uh, yeah I was.  It was really helpful.”
Sam narrowed his eyes at him.  “What was that look?”
“What look?”
“Did you just blush?”
“You did!  What did you do?”
“What do you mean what did I do?”
Sam frowned.  “You’re dating her now, aren’t you?”
Bucky fought a smirk.  “Maybe.”
Sam sighed again but smiled.  “I hope there was no unethical client-therapist type of relationship going on?”
“No, no no no,” Bucky quickly shook his head.  “We didn’t do anything like that.”
Sam nodded.  “But you’re happy?”
Bucky finally smiled at him.  “Yeah.”
He considered Sam a great friend, never needing to fully explain things or speak a lot.  They just understood each other silently.  Sam smirked.  “You better make her happy, or I’ll have to kick your ass.”
Bucky snorted.  “You wish, Birdman.”
It was a holiday weekend, and Y/N had taken the time off from her usual clients.  Bucky was laying with her on her bed in her room, talking and casually lounging on a slow Saturday evening.  They were cuddling together, Bucky being the big spoon this time with her back against his front.  His fingers slowly tickled along her side, over her hip and down the side of her leg and up again.  She was playing with his metal fingers.
“I can never get enough of this,” Y/N said suddenly.  “This is just the coolest thing.”
“What?  My arm?” Bucky asked, huffing a laugh.
“Yes!” Y/N exclaimed, pulling his hand up.  “Like…not just the technology aspect of it but the artistry!  To manipulate metal into something that looks lifelike, the ability to make it so you can feel things with it, adjust grip and strength like a normal hand.  And this gold peeking out,” she said in a breathy, reverent tone, her finger sliding along the edge of one of the plates in his palm, “it’s beautiful.”
Bucky smiled at how much she admired a part of him that he still was insecure about.  “It’s definitely useful,” he said nonchalantly.
“I’m sure,” Y/N laughed.  She flicked his palm.  “Can you feel that?”
“Yes,” Bucky said.  “It’s more like a pressure thing.  I can’t feel things like pain with it.”
Y/N hummed before pulling his hand closer to her face.  She glanced back at Bucky then focused on his fingers.  She moved her head forward and kissed the tip of his pointer finger.  “How about that?”
Bucky shakily inhaled.  “It’s…yeah, barely.”
Y/N started kissing along his other fingers, twisting his hand each way she wanted.  She then licked at his pointer finger and sucked it into her mouth.  Bucky eyes widened at her actions.  He could feel the pressure of the sucking, but it was watching her mouth lick and suck that had him hardening in his pants.  
“Fuck, pumpkin,” he groaned.
Y/N popped his finger out of her mouth then looked back up at him, feigning an innocent smile.  “Yes?”
“You little tease,” Bucky said lowly.
“You like it,” Y/N said, her ass pushing against his groin.  “I can feel you like it.”
Bucky’s forehead leaned against her shoulder as he restrained himself from thrusting his hips against her.  “Pumpkin,” he warned.
“What do you want, hot stuff?” Y/N asked quietly, rolling her hips back against him again.
Bucky peered up at her.  “I wanna…God, I wanna do a lot of things to you,” said.  “Do you want to?”  Y/N gave him a reassuring smile.  “I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for–”
She quickly turned in his arms to face him, her hands cupping his face and her leg hiking up over his hip.  “I’m ready,” she whispered, kissing him.  “I want to.  I trust you…with all of me,” she rubbed her nose on his then bit her lip.  “I…I love you, Buck.”  Bucky let out a sharp breath at her confession, his eyes widening again.  “I’m in love with you…a lot…probably way too much,” Y/N huffed a laugh, breaking eye contact and looking down.
Bucky lifted her head with his finger under her chin and kissed her deeply.  “I love you Y/N,” he breathed against her lips.  “I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you from the moment you let me touch your face that first day.”
Y/N’s eyes widened and turned watery.  “I want you,” she said, “but um…it’s been a long time, and I’ll need you to be patient and gentle with me.”
“I can’t remember the last time I ever did this,” Bucky said.  “So we’ll take our time.  As long as I get to have your softness,” he said, kissing around her face randomly, “all over and around me.”
Y/N sniffed and nodded at him frantically.  “Please,” she whispered.  
Bucky nodded then kissed her again deeply, his hands slipping up into her hair and down her neck to her back, pulling her close to him.  Y/N’s hands were everywhere, sliding from his neck to behind his back, to his front and down his chest.  He maneuvered himself so he was hovering above her, breaking the kiss so he could start to kiss down her throat, licking and sucking at her skin, learning all the little spots that made her writhe and squirm.  He pulled at the lower hem of her shirt, and she nodded, giving him permission to pull it up and off of her, revealing her nakedness up top.  His hands immediately went to her breasts, softly massaging them, his thumbs rubbing against her nipples.  Her fingers pulled at his shirt, and he quickly pulled it off.  Y/N stared up at his upper half, her fingers tracing along his scars and dips in the muscle.  Bucky dipped his head down and licked her left nipple then sucked it into his mouth, making her moan.  
He gave each of her breasts ample attention before kissing back up to her mouth.  “So beautiful, pumpkin,” he whispered, nipping at her lower lip.  “Can I see all of you?”  Y/N nodded again and he focused on her pajama shorts.  His fingers dipped into the waistband of her shorts and underwear and pulled them down, Y/N helping him by lifting her pelvis.  He threw them off to the side and stared down at her pussy.  “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he breathed.  “Can I taste you?”
Y/N nodded again and he quickly shimmied down the bed until his face was aligned in between her legs.  He spread her legs wider with his hands then kissed right over her clit.  Y/N gasped and her hips jerked.  “I’ve got you, pumpkin,” Bucky said, licking her lower lips.  He licked, sucked, and kissed everywhere, alternating between sticking his tongue as deep into her as he could and then flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue until she was shaking.  He finally sucked her clit harshly, and it was enough to make her cum for the first time, a long, high pitched groan emanating from her throat as her fingers gripped at his hair harshly, her legs shaking against his shoulders.
“Oh my god,” Y/N breathed as she started to come down from the high.  “Bucky…honey, fucking hell.”
“I love it when you call me honey,” Bucky said, kissing her thighs as he sat up and crawled back up so he was hovering over her again.
“I thought you liked hot stuff,” Y/N said breathily as she laughed.
“Both.  Both are good,” he chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her.  
Y/N’s hands moved down and started to push at the hem of his pants.  Bucky quickly got out of his pants and underwear, kicking them off his legs until he was kneeling between her legs completely naked.  She stared at his cock, her eyes slightly widening.  “Now I’m nervous,” she said, looking hesitant.
Bucky laughed again.  “You’re making me feel really special, pumpkin,” he said.  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”  He gripped his cock in his hand, pumping himself a few times.  “Do we need a condom?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head.  “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean.”
“I’m clean,” he said, then shuffled forward and slid the tip through her slit, making her shudder.  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked quietly, watching her face carefully.
Y/N smiled up at him.  “I’m sure,” she agreed.
Bucky smiled, then aimed himself at her entrance.  “You ready?”  Y/N nodded, looking down.  Bucky tsked and his metal hand softly grabbed her chin to make her look at him.  “Words, pumpkin.  Are you ready?”  
“Yes,” Y/N said, nodding frantically.  Bucky smirked then let go of her chin.  He started to move forward, and Y/N gasped at the stretch.  He went slow, making sure she wasn’t in physical or emotional pain.  When he was finally in as far as he could go he huffed a heavy breath and Y/N whined.  “Holy shit,” she said.  “That’s…fuck, that’s amazing.”
Bucky tried to keep his wits about him.  She felt so good, and he hadn’t done this in so long he was afraid he’d cum too fast.  “Jesus Christ, Y/N,” he breathed, his top half folding over on top of her, his forehead resting against her shoulder.  “You feel so good.  So perfect.”
Y/N hummed and turned her head to kiss his ear.  “Please Bucky, please fuck me.”
Bucky groaned and his hips rutted into hers, pulling a high pitched grunt from her.  He lifted himself back up, his hands gripped her hips, and he started thrusting slowly.  The feeling of being swallowed up in her over and over again was addicting, and he knew he was ruined from that moment on for any other person.  Y/N reached down and pulled his hands away from her hips, then intertwined her fingers with his.  He leaned over her again so that their hands were up by her head.  She stared at him with those intense, knowing eyes of hers.  It all felt so incredibly intimate, soft, special, that he could barely look into those eyes.  He kissed her again, and she released her hands from his grip to wrap around his back, keeping him close and chest to chest with her.  
Bucky wrapped his metal arm under her neck, his forearm turned upward so his hand could tangle into her hair while he kissed her, his flesh hand reaching down and hiking her left leg higher over his hip, helping him drive further into her.  “Sweet pumpkin,” he murmured against her lips.  “Thank you.”
Y/N’s nails scratched down his back.  “For what?” she asked, looking at him curiously.
“For trusting me,” Bucky breathed.  “For wanting me.  For loving me.”  His hips started to move faster, chasing his release.  “Fuck, I’m close…”
Y/N hummed at his change of pace.  “Thank you for being so soft…and sweet…and gentle with me,” she whispered.  It was as if she was afraid of ruining the moment they were in.  “Please honey…”
Bucky moaned loudly at the pet name, hugging her tighter and keeping his face near her face.  He snuck his flesh hand between their bodies and started rubbing and flicking at her clit.  “I’ve got you, Y/N.  Can I cum inside you?  Please?”
Y/N moaned and nodded.  “Fuck yes,” she said lowly.
“Goddammit,” Bucky swore, his thrusts getting harder.  He flicked her clit quickly and then she stiffened, her back arching as she shook under him and came with a loud cry of his name.  The way her pussy squeezed him had him seeing stars and he came with a long groan, kissing her again and licking into her mouth.  They panted against each other’s mouths, Bucky resting his forehead against hers and staring at her.  He reveled in the exhausted, fucked-out look on her face, and kissed her everywhere he could reach, making her giggle.  “So good, pumpkin.  My god…so fucking good.  My pretty, sweet pumpkin…”
Y/N sighed, her breath huffing against his face.  “God, I love you,” she breathed, a tired smile on her face.
Bucky kissed her lips again, giving her short, chaste pecks and nuzzling his nose on her nose.  “I love you,” he said quietly.
@mishkatelwarriorgoddess @cjand10 @railmesebstan
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m0nsterqzzz · 6 months
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pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader
summary: Clarisse blinked and suddenly she had you as a Valentine
content: clarisse being a love sick foul. thats it. thats the entire fic
a/n: recently started listening to Laufey and I have like TEN different fic ideas nowwwww ahhhhhh. this is really short but idk i kinda like it. idkkkkkkk. ahhhh. anyway, love yall.
Clarisse has a problem.
It's not like a, "I just killed some Dionysus kid with my spear" type problem, but it's a problem nonetheless.
When she was a kid, the daughter of Ares hated affection. Even when her own mother would try and hug her, it just made her feel crowded and trapped. She'd avoid it at any costs, which is why now in her teenage years at camp half blood, she's never had a relationship.
That's usually been okay. She's always preferred glory or love. But right now, as she clings to you like a koala bear while you read your book in her bed, she finds herself questioning it.
This is the problem.
She’s never craved affection the way she does with you. When you hug her or wrap your arms around her waist from behind, she doesn’t feel trapped or crowded the way she does with everyone else. She feels safe and warm. 
Something is wrong with her.
It only dawned on her when she was sitting on the beach with you watching the sunset. The way the golden light looked on your face, it was shining off your already beautiful eyes, and you looked mythical as you turned to cast her a heart stopping smile.
Clarisse La Rue, scary daughter of the god of war, is in love with you.
She panicked, avoiding you for a whole week before she finally came to peace with her feelings. That doesn’t mean she told you, if some of you were expecting that. She loves what friendship you guys have, and she would never want to ruin it by doing something as stupid as telling you about her emotions.
It didn’t help that you were so affectionate though.
So after months of stopping cuddles with the excuse, “It’s getting warm.” or explaining her crimson face after time you congratulate her sword fighting wins with a kiss on the cheek as a reaction to the heat outside, she finally went to the one person she knew could help.
Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite and expert when it comes to crushes.
“Ask ‘em out.” Was what the girl said, casually brushing out her hair as Clarisse groans into her pillow.
“You don’t get it.” The daughter of Ares says with much annoyance, rolling over on her friend's bed as she holds a stuffed animal close to her chest. “I can’t. I try, but every time I build up the courage to say it, the words get stuck in my throat and I end up looking like a total idiot! I hate it!”
Silena chuckles, joining Clarisse on the bed as she shrugs. “Then die alone I guess. I really don’t know how to help you other than that.”
So….Silena was no help if you didn’t know.
Clarisse has just about given up at this point, instead deciding to just keep dying internally while still being friends with you.
She lasted with this just about four minutes.
“You look pretty.” You had casually said to her while putting on your golden helmet for capture the flag, folding up the sleeves on the flannel you’re wearing- one of hers- as Annabeth shouts out orders.
She’s caught off guard, almost dropping her spear and tripping over a rock. She swallows thickly before she says, “You…you look pretty too.” Silena eyes her with a teasing look from across the clearing, making kissy faces with a smug look. Clarisse doesn’t even know if she gave you a worthy compliment, stuttering out a quick goodbye before she makes her way into the forest to avoid anyone seeing her blush.
After that she manages to keep to herself for about an hour.
She’s running through the forest looking for you after hearing a scream that sounds way too similar to yours, ready to rip the head off of anyone who dared to mess with you. She finds you casually lounging on a rock near the beach, sword discarded on the sand as you talk joyfully with some younger campers. The sound of her erratic breathing alerts you, so you turn around, calming down when you notice it’s her.
“Hey Clar. What’s wro-” You don’t even get to finish before she’s picking you up in her arms, burying her head in the crook of her neck as she grips you as tight as she can without hurting you. You’re confused though you don’t question it, just running a hand through her curly hair as she shakes and slowly calms down.
It’s surprising really. Clarisse hates being affectionate in front of other people, scared of being seen as weak or too emotional. Though right now, she doesn’t seem to care as all the younger campers stare and giggle, just enjoying your embrace as forces down the fear she felt when she thought you were in trouble.
She realizes now that she can’t just keep this secret. She can’t go another minute without you knowing how much she loves you- that she would go to the ends of the earth or fight as many monsters as she needs to just to see your smile.
So for the first time in her life she skips capture the flag, joining the Apollo kids at the arts and crafts table and glaring at anyone who dares to question why she’s here and not out there fighting.
Silena joins her after a while, spending an hour making bracelets and teasing her friend while the daughter of Ares makes the cheesiest sign anyone has ever seen.
You’re lying in bed with a book when someone knocks on your cabin door. You frown in confusion, sure it’s one of your siblings and wondering why they don’t just open it. You call out for the person to come in, but when nothing happens and another knock comes through, you groan and get up to answer it.
The annoyance is immediately gone when you open it to see your best friend, though the confusion is still there as you take in her appearance.
The glittery, pink and red sign that is covered in hearts with the words, “I’ve been struck by cupids arrow. Will you be my Valentine?” is a harsh juxtaposition to the dark clothing on her body and shiny, sharp spear hooked to her back. It’s adorable, really. The way her face scrunches up as she slowly and slowly spirals deeper into the thought that this is the cringiest thing ever done in the history of the planet, the way she shifts from foot to foot as you stare in awe, the way she nervously smiles your way.
“If you hate it, it was Silena’s idea.” She mumbles when you don’t speak for a few seconds.
“And if I love it?” Your words surprise her, but she soon recovers and responds as a grin takes over her face, “Then it was all my idea.”
You nod, gently plucking the flower out of her hand then grabbing the sign so that her hands are free to hug you. She easily does, wrapping her arms securely around your waist as she pulls you as close as possible.
“I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine.” She whispers before leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead.
Clarisse has a problem.
But you are the perfect solution.
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