#she is so so beautiful so unfortunate about everything else that episode
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year ago
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Love when she looks up <3
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realhumangay · 5 days ago
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ep 6.
✹hope you have a good christmas✹
although tbf what was the poor guy meant to say
sara has disappointed me ngl but then also fun to see her not be such an obvious character, it’s actually v interesting to watch someone you originally really liked make Terrible Choices. interesting and painful.
felice on the other hand hasn’t had a redemption arc so much as a straight line shooting directly for the sky, and i’m pleased to announce i have officially entered the I Love Felice club and i am obsessed with her actually.
i am not obsessed however, with the way that sara has completely and thoroughly Fucked It. felice is the person accepting her and letting her into the life she clearly desperately wants, and instead of being grateful she goes behind her back and gets it from the guy she literally just figured out uploaded child porn of her brother. can’t wait to see her get what she wants and have it ripped away the minute she looses her only friend. 🙃🙃 (reading that back sounds mean- i’m being sarcastic and frustrated, i Actually hope she sorts it out but unfortunately i have seen gifs that do not fill me with much confidence)
anyway, it really reflects in the conversation she had with simon just before too, how she’s ungrateful for everything their mother has done for them. it’s really frustrating watching someone who’s clearly so smart come to such questionable conclusions.
edvin and omar gave a goddamn masterclass in acting this episode - their thoughts are so clearly written all over their faces, they portray such nuanced emotion i was screaming basically the whole time. it’s also i think really apparent that so many women were involved in the production of this; i feel like the focus is so much more on the depth and complexity of the characters and what they’re going through instead of the fast-paced plot-driven type of productions that have dominated pop tv in the past decade at least. is it generalising too much to say that this feels like a “woman’s touch”
likely. perhaps that’s a wider conversation to be had?
anyway. beautiful. painful. wilmon are So Cute I Could Die and i honestly don’t think there’s anything else i can say. the scene where they talk in the locker room? with the leg hug? 😭😭😭😭 them both flopping their heads on each others shoulders in that same scene???
every intimate scene or even just hug being So Charged with meaning and intention i just đŸ€©
and willes look at the camera at the end? 💀
i have really quite a lot of thoughts about the season as a whole, i can so see why there’s so much fandom discourse about it cause there are just so many layers to this show and all the characters. i desperately wish i’d watched this as it came out so i could take part in it though because as it stands im scared to interact too much in case i spoil anything for myself đŸ„Č
i’m so excited to start s2 though soon, im completely in love, i love them all more and more with every ep and i hope you all continue to indulge me in what are apparently becoming longer and longer reviews (in my defense though, it’s not my fault that the show is so good it makes me have So Many Thoughts đŸ€·â€â™€ïž)
see you in s2 xx
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idle-compy · 4 months ago
jwct season two review!! spoilers below!!
to start off, I really enjoyed this season! it definitely had some weak spots, but overall wasn't a bad season
the animation is definitely the first thing I want to bring up. it was absolutely beautiful. the colors and lighting were stunning, and the way everything moved made it feel a bit more real. I'd like to give a special shout out to any scene involving water because, one, the water was animated extremely well, and two, the way the characters looked after getting wet was a huge upgrade to jwcc
speaking of the characters, I want to talk about them a bit! this is going to be a bit of a mix between good and bad
darius: unfortunately, darius felt kinda flat this season. before the initial release, the show was advertised around him, and he shone his way thru season one. he had conflicts, he had emotions, he an arc. in season two, he felt kind of like a side character. only watching the season once so far, the only memorable moments I remember are him trying to bond with zayna and that extremely awkward flashback of his confession (which is a whole other thing I will get to). other than that, he didn't really have much going on. there was no actual story; no arc. maybe when I do a rewatch, something else will stand out to me
sammy: unfortunately, sammy's story this season also felt kinda weak. for starters, she didn't get to kick a single ass. I feel like her whole arc was just being attached to zayna. she clearly got very emotional about the mballo family, so I guess I was just hoping they would elaborate a bit more on what's going on with her own. I also definitely do think she saw a bit of herself in zayna, so I was hoping that would go somewhere, too. I was really happy about her being a canon vegetarian, though
yaz: yaz, as always, was an icon. she was THE character this season. she was so good at reading people and noticing they weren't okay, and then she tried to help her friends, no matter how much they refused to communicate. a moment of appreciation for her patience when dealing with kenji and ben, because they were not making it easy for her
also her solo episode!!!!! was insane!!!!!! it was literally never ending tension, and good god nothing was going right for her, and yet she kept going. she kept fighting. that episode was also a really good example of how much she's grown. no matter what was thrown at her, she didn't let herself fall into a state of panic and irrational thoughts
ben: I loved his arc. he was put in such an insanely messy and complicated situation, and mixing that with his anxiety and paranoia, of course he'd struggle with it. they did a good job at making the audience understand his thought process. he had to choose between telling the group their dead friend is actually alive because he saw her in the background of one video, or holding back this info until he got more solid proof. then, said dead friend video calls him and begs him not to say anything. that only made it more difficult for him, because he was 100% sure she was alive then, but was asked to not tell. watching him fall deeper and deeper into a state of panic absolutely crushed me
kenji: oh kenji, kenji, kenji. I don't even know where to begin with him, so I guess I'll start with the overall character. to be completely honest, there were moments (especially in the middle of the season) where he just did not feel like kenji. he was abrasive and just seemed off somehow. I'm not gonna go too much into that, though, because most people aren't the same person at 22 that they were when they 15. he has also been through an insane amount of stuff and was at a point where he was overwhelmed with emotions, but was trying to convince both his friends and himself that he wasn't
now his arc is a different story. I like where they took it (in a way that added complexity to an already complex character, not in a yippee!! kenji wants to kill himself!! way). the arc itself was hard, and absolutely depressing, to watch. the way he kept throwing himself in danger's way as if he had a death wish was absolutely heart wrenching. then when he realized what he had been doing and how it affected others, and when he said "I don't know how much more I can take" I wanted to rip him through the screen and give him a big hug
brooklynn: loved loved LOVED her storyline. I was so happy to see her side of the story and how she ended up where she did. the first scene I want to talk about is when she wanted to see her family and friends, she wanted to reach out, but realizing that it could potentially put them in danger, she solidified her decision to stay "dead." I loved that scene so much because it knocks out all of those "heartless brooklynn" theories. she faked her death for them, not to hurt them
I loved that they had moments of focus where she adapted to her new limb difference, and that she was allowed to grieve her missing arm. it felt real and human. also watching her ability to manipulate others and make her way into those different situations was so extremely fascinating. like she is an amazing investigative journalist
also the final scene, where she went with soyona. as agonizing as it was to watch, I'm actually glad she made that decision. it wouldn't have felt realistic for her to choose her friends, not after everything she had gone through to even get there. she was in too deep, and it was very brooklynn of her to continue the investigation instead of going back to her old life. I feel that giving bumpy's egg to the others was her little sign saying "I'm still in here"
ok moving on!
there's also some good and some bad when it comes to the way they told the story
for the good, I really liked the way they switched back and forth between brooklynn and the others. it was a good way to keep up with the timeline while also filling in gaps (ex: the crate moving into the pen just long enough to get them out only to find out brooklynn was on the controls)
on the other hand, the story in the middle of the season (more specifically eps 4, 5, 6), felt like it was moving a bit slow at times. certain things seemed dragged out and there was a lot of filler time. the first episode and the last four did a really good job at avoiding that. the stakes were high and the scenes were so full of tension and ominousity that I was drawn in just about the entire time
now for random little things
I loved the inclusion of the mballo family. it was so refreshing to get new characters that didn't have bad intentions, and I feel like they were exactly what the five needed in that moment
going off of that, I absolutely adored zayna!! she was such a good inclusion. she was determined and strong-willed while also still being a kid. her sarcastic personality (towards darius specifically) was a good way to bring in some light humor too
geba!!! that's all just geba
also the eyeless leucistic baryonyx. I felt so bad for the poor thing knowing that she was intentionally created to be that way. her interactions with the characters were absolutely terrifying, though, and when she communicated with the acrociraptor???? I didn't think it could get more intense
I was actually losing my mind when the baryonyx and red were hunting the nublar five with all the lights turned off. that was another extremely well done scene
the darius confession flashback was..... something. definitely NOT how I was expecting them to go about that scene. season one made it seem like she had been staying with him for a while and he slowly developed feelings that way and eventually she caught on. but that flashback threw all of that away. like she clearly hadn't been there very long and darius had already fallen HARD, and it just seemed out of character for him to insist kenji didn't love her that much. the whole thing was just ugh
the video call flashback was great tho!! it was nice to see they still continued those calls
ben and kenji!!!!!! no but I was actually obsessed with what they did with their relationship this season. the bickering, the divorced couple vibes, and of course the heart to heart. I've been waiting years for that to happen and it did. just for their relationship to go to shambles the next episode 😭
but on that note I will say the reveal to kenji was set up so extremely well. being able to see and hear ben and brooklynn but they don't know he's there, and then everything he does witness is out of context, so he builds up his own conclusion. him confronting ben was so intense like godddd. I couldn't stand the pain in both of their faces. when kenji cracked the glass??? imagine if he had actually aimed for bens face
on the other hand, the reveal to the rest was kinda meh. I just felt like they could've done more with it, but hey, I guess it's realistic. not everything is going to happen under dramatic circumstances
speckles ❀ (just call me kenji the way I'm attached to that egg)
I loved to see some behaviors from nublar come back!! like yaz going for casual runs through the forest with dinosaurs and darius creating another field guide. I missed dino nerd darius
also the roar identification competition they were having in the beginning was so funny but also such a them thing to do
wish brooklynn would've kept her grey graphic tee (I think it said kroxic??). I liked it more than the plain navy one (/lh)
speaking of clothes, why did they change for that one episode then immediately change back??? felt like a waste of those models (/lh)
anyway I think that's all!! I might come back and edit if I think of anything else to add
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igglemouse · 4 months ago
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This is new isn't it? Pascal is going outside for his jog instead of pounding away at the treadmill. I can't blame him, it's a really beautiful Thursday morning with the sun providing a comforting warmth to the start of the day and a caressing breeze to go along with it. I'm wondering, does he really need to do it without a shirt? He can be such a showoff sometimes but I guess he's preparing for some future sportswear commercial that he'll be starring in.
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When Pascal makes it back home he's practically glowing. It's nice to see him in such a good mood and with an infectious smile. I feel like he's been a little detached lately. I'd like to think that maybe approaching fatherhood is getting to him but I find out there is something else on his mind.
"I made the all eleven!" he announces, grin widening, eyes bright and open with excitement that I simply don't understand.
"The what?" Yeah, I'm completely blank. I know it' fĂștbol related but I still have no clue what he's talking about. Living with him means I've learned a little bit of the jargon so I'm not completely hopeless. I know there are eleven players on the field for each team for example so progress?have no idea what he's talking about, I'm sure it has to do with futbol. Everything regarding him has to do with that.
"It's the best eleven players for the season!" he says full of pride. "It's a huge honor, lets everyone know that I'm playing well," and while it might seem silly to me I can tell for him it is everything. It means a lot to be recognized by your peers after all.
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"Well, I always tell you that you rock, don't I?" I say with a grin and a nudge of my elbow. He really is bursting with pride and I know he deserves it. No one on the team works harder than him and I say this not knowing any of his teammates at all but how can you doubt his dedication?
He makes a playful scoffing sound. "I mean, you do, but you never watch the games so how could you know?" He's teasing, at least I hope! He's never made me feel bad about not going to the games...
"Oh, yes, but-"
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"Oh! I am only just kidding," he says quickly, realizing that he was about to send me on a guilt trip. "It doesn't botther me, you know that!" He gives me his easy smile, the one that had drawn me to him at the start of the year, the one that always makes me feel better about him despite his obvious flaws. "I love that you're not into it, honestly. It's nice to have someone that sees me as something more than a player, more than my stats or performances, that sees me as a person."
"Oh..." I didn't quite expect that, he doesn't open up much as you all know. "Of course! I care more about your diaper changing skills right now than your kicking. You could go the rest of your career without scor-"
"Hey! Don't jynx it!" he yelps out as if I had the power to do that. I just share a laugh with him because I know his dirty little secret. He's very superstitious. I hear most athletes are. It's actually amusing and adoring. So I mock zip my lips tight to make sure I say no such thing but I'm imagining him breaking the record for most goals in my mind to reverse any sort of bad mojo I put on him with my suggestions.
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Honestly, the main thing on my mind is the baby. It's hard to think of anything else. I'm just thinking about all the things I'll need to do for her and how much she is going to change the outlook of my life. Even as I bake sugar cookies I'm already imagining what she might like, what kind of diet she will need, will she have my nose? Will she have his chin? I just hope that she takes from me and Pascal and not the man that is unfortunately my father...
Any ways, I baked the cookies because I have a serious sweet tooth right now and it needs to be appeased!
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I sit down and settle into my seat and fully prepared to devour the whole plate but just as I start nibbling on the first one there is a loud and insistent knock at the front door. It must be Sara, I think, or maybe even Irene, I have not heard from her lately and I know she's been busy searching for investors so I really should talk to her soon.
It was neither. Unfortunately my warm and cozy day was about to get a lot hotter.
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It's Martin. Yes, that Martin, the one who fired my friend Irene for merely being a friend of mines and the same Martin who has gone out of his way to sabotage my food stand and here he is before me with a pleasant smile on his face as if he's done something praise worthy.
"I warned you," he says smirking and smug. The very look on his face makes my blood boil. I'm not sure why I stepped outside, maybe it was to face my enemy, show him I'm far from scared of this old man.
"Why are chu here?" my voice is thick with anger as I try my best to speak Simlish. "EstĂĄs loco..." Normal people don't go out of their way to destroy a small business then show up at the victims door to brag about it. The man is a living breathing cliche of vindictiveness.
He doesn't reply at first because he's too busy looking me up and down, his gaze falling to my belly. "I see you've been eating too much of that terrible food of yours."
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"Im pregnant," the excuse slips out of my mouth before it is too late. I mean it is obvious but I don't want to share anything about my personal life with this husk of a man. Maybe I said it hoping that it would draw some sympathy from him, some guilt of what he's done to me, but I can tell by the scowl on his face that he's incapable of that. "Please, go-"
"Oh great, a terrible person is bringing another terrible person into the world. The father really wasted his seed on you," his insult is of course laced with venom and son intense that it confuses me. I've done nothing to this man but deny him my employment. That's it.
So I straighten my back and lift my chin and show him that his insults will not land with me. "Why. Are. Chu. Here?"
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"To make sure you realize that you can't just open your crappy food stand wherever you please. There are rules and regulations and licenses to get, you know," he's enjoying this. He acts as if he's some noble enforcer of the law and not just a bitter man who wants revenge for me pricking his ego.
"Yes yes, I know..." I keep my tone steady and calm although I know my face is red, I know my anger is evident. "Gracia-"
"Of course," he continues, his voice softening. A mockery of concern. "I figured you might need a job so the offer of you coming to work for me is still on the table-"
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I grow tense, my body tightens and I am sure I am ready to snap. My fists ball up against my sides and for a second I imagine how satisfying it would feel to drive my right hand right through his nose. I'm not very strong but he's old and it would knock the smile right off of his face. I would do it if not for the baby. What if he retaliates? What if he pushes me? It's not worth the risk, so I just grit my teeth.
"Vete a la chingada..."
He just laughs and the sound makes my skin crawl. He's feeding off my anger I think. "Ah, I know I've made you mad now. Can't speak Simlish when you're pissed off huh? Are you even here legally, I wonder?"
He wasn't going to. He stands there, feet firmly planted on the ground, smirk firmly on his lips, and lets me know that he's not leaving. I could feel the urge to strike, a need to show him that I wasn't going to be pushed around, and just when my shoulder twitches the front door opens...
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"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Pascal voice comes booming in and I swear its the loudest I've ever heard it. There is fire in his eyes and intention in his movements as he shoves his finger towards Martin with such intensity that the old man is stepping back without being touched. Pascal is usually so laid back, so indifferent, to see him flipped onto protective mode was thrilling. Now it was my turn to smirk.
"W-wait, P-Pascal!?!" the old man is stammering, wavering, and clearly confused. "H-hey man calm down I'm a big fan! I-I didn't know-"
"Who. Are. You? You're harassing a pregnant woman?!" He continues, each word a hammer and aimed directly at Martin. The old man is frozen, wondering what to say and what to do and I admit it feels so good to see but I'm starting to worry about Pascal. If he punches this man or harms him in any way it'll be his career that will be in trouble and so I step in.
"Pascal, ess okay, he's nobody-"
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"Frida, get inside. I'll handle this!" His tone is firm and leaves no room for argument, and for a second it does sting. While I'm happy he's ready to protect me I feel like this is my fight and the least I can do is watch Martin tremble and read the regret in his eyes but I think I'm over thinking this. Instead I should realize this is the first time he's really shown any passion when it comes to his daughter. So I sigh, give his shoulder a squeeze, and retreat inside.
"M-Mr. Alcocer I-I'm sorry! I had no idea s-she was your w-wife? S-she's beautiful a-and-"
and that was the last thing I heard. Heh, he thinks we're married. Not yet any way...
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Well, this was supposed to be a relaxing day...and a relaxing week...but it's been the opposite and mostly thanks to Martin. I really hope Pascal has scared him off but I can't spend too much energy worrying about that, not with a baby on the way...
Frida Varela Index ~ Episode 8.4
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kassandras-one-braincell · 3 months ago
Ranting into the void about Act 3 because I loved it, but episode 9 needed to be two episodes.
Ekko's arc and involvement in the finale was flawless. Phenomenal. Episode 7 was some of the best cinema I've ever had the pleasure of watching, and definitely the best execution of time travel I've ever seen. The 4 seconds limit was a lovely nod to the game.
I was not expecting Heimerdinger to die. Didn't think that was an option. Rip Donger :(
Jayce and Viktor's entire journey was fucking incredible. The whole Glorious Evolution trajectory was so good, but the war against the Evolved needed to span over two episodes. Going from plotting to conclusion in a single episode wasn't the right call. But beginning to end, Jayce has remained one of my favourites, and his conclusion felt right.
I'm overjoyed that Mel got a full arc, and there's no doubt that Riot's next show (if there will be one) will heavily involve Noxus. She's so beautiful. I'm gay. My only complaint is that the Black Rose's involvement felt a bit hasty, and I personally might have struggled to follow the end and Ambessa's death if I didn't have good knowledge of LoL lore and the Vision's intentions. Nonetheless, I'd be ecstatic if Mel made an appearance in any future developments.
Loved the Orianna cameo in the end, especially since she's the only living remnant of the Glorious Evolution. And honestly, I'm fine with Singed's war crimes having a lack of consequence. He played both sides with selfish intent, loyal to his daughter and nobody else.
Sevika being used quite heavily in the marketing of the final act, only to have about 20 seconds of screentime, was unfortunate. Especially since her character is a metaphor for Zaun. If the last act was a bit more fleshed-out, and if she rallied a few more people to beat up the Evolved (maybe with some of the chem barons' henchmen), her arc would have been more opaque. But hey, 4th arm's the charm. Her getting a seat on the council was necessary for a future of a joint city-state.
Maddie betraying Caitlyn wasn't much of a surprise, but it was satisfying to watch unfurl. I thought her proximity to Caitlyn beyond being sexual partners was a bit off. Mel deflecting her bullet was amazing.
Caitlyn was a consistently interesting character. Her leadership skills and flaws made her a joy to watch. The ending with her at the Kiramman computer-like thingy was lovely, because it hinted that Jinx never really died along with the outro shot of the blimp. I just wish the evolution of her relationship with Vi went a bit smoother. Them fucking in the middle of a prison cell after a suicidal Jinx disappeared in front of Vi felt like lazy writing/fan-service, honestly, and I say this as a lesbian. I would have loved a bit more humanity.
Don't have much to say about Vi. Really glad she finally, after how many years, got a short moment to grieve Vander and Powder. But another episode was needed. She got lost in the sauce, which is my only major grievance about the show, because everything began with her and Powder.
Jinx, comparatively, got a satisfying ending. Powder got something of a rebirth, and the hints that she slipped away into the ventilation system and escaped Piltover/Zaun on a blimp gave her justice. Ekko doing all he could to stop her from killing herself wouldn't have achieved much if her arc concluded with her death. Her cutting her hair to resemble Vi's weird mullet nearly made me throw up from joy and sadness. She was the perfect tragedy.
Overall, I'm happy with the conclusion, except for how Vi's character was handled. The show as a whole maintains its status as the best fucking thing I've ever watched. I really hope that if Riot does decide to expand their cinematic universe into another show, they learn from their pacing errors with the Arcane finale. Because Piltover and Zaun are tiny regions in a massive universe, and they got this masterpiece in their honour. Noxus has so much potential. I think the crow at the end and the Black Rose's intertwinement is hinting at this quite heavily. Fingers crossed.
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patentedsun · 11 months ago
Rapid fire Fairy Tail rewatch thoughts. May or May not expand upon each point later on.
for reference, I've reached tartaros so far. I am aware of the canon happenings after that tho.
The female cast is so good idc what anyone says obviously the fanservice is awful BUT I will say, in the earlier arcs, it actually felt decently balanced because of Gray's whole stripping shtick + Natsu's cunty vest wasn't particularly modest either LOL.
Erza is such a wonderful character. I've seen comments that she goes downhill like 100yq onwards but. Um. 100yq characterisation.... that's a whole post of its own.
I never expected to like Lucy so much. idc that it takes her like 200 episodes to win a fight solo because when she FINALLY DOES IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF THE SERIES BY FAR. characters who's defining traits r kindness and compassion <33
Interesting how Lucy is the traditional shounen protag (underdog, skills develop overtime) because the rest of team Natsu sans Wendy were all like ... already kinda OP established mages even at the beginning.
I know there are debates ab who really is the protag and imo the narrative skews towards Natsu more BUT. it's bizarre how unexplored he is for a main character. Like yes he is my favourite character other than Lucy but his inner psyche is barely explored it's so weird. He doesn't really have a character arc either??? I'll expand on this more once I finish post tartaros (lolll not looking forward to that) and once again it seems like he's completely regressed from what I've seen of 100yq.
I fucking love all the ships.
I don't agree with comments that Natsu can't be traditionally romantic. Like, I definitely don't think he would ever have the natural inclination to be that way as a part of his character on its own. BUT considering iconic rainbow sakura moment I fully believe he would do whatever it is that would make Lucy happy. And if that includes red roses and candlelit dinners he would absolutely try his best.
Nalu moments r seriously. so good.
I totally see why Juvia stans don't like gruvia. But unfortunately I like them. And I've slightly rewritten them in my head so that juvia doesn't get completely flanderized LOL.
the Natsu Erza Gray sibling relationship goes soooo hard.
Just in general there's something beautiful about the way Fairy Tail handles it's numerous platonic and romantic relationships. Nothing feels secondary yk. Everything is given its due time (except maybe NALU goddammit).
I LOVE THAT FEMALE CHARACTERS HAVE DEEP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IRRELEVANT TO THE MALE CAST. Lucy and Levy, Lucy and Yukino, whatever combination between Erza Lucy Wendy, Lucy Flare, Wendy Shelia, Wendy Carla etc
Even when the relationship involves a man in some kind of way like eg Lucy Cana or Erza Kagura it's still not like... in a bad way. The friendship itself is still there, it's just that the inciting incident tends to involve a dude.
Speaking of Lucy having so many deep female friendships is a big reason why I like Nalu so much lol. Like I literally do not care ab ships in media but fairy tail.... just has that something...
Love how often everyone changes outfits.
This show desperately needed a mini arc somewhere with just Natsu Lucy Happy going on a low stake job, where Natsu actually opens up ab his emotions and his relationship with Igneel.
Needed more Natsu and Igneel flashbacks in general.
Wendy triple combo abandonment issues are not talked ab enough holy shit. Grandeeny, Mystogan and then her entire guild???!
Lucy's relationship with her dad was objectively so well written. I skipped starry skies arc sorry the pacing was destroying me so I can't speak on that. But everything else was just BEAUTIFUL.
The fact that she returns to him just to tell at him. The fact that he comes to her with money problems and she STILL stands her ground. The fact that it's HIM who has to better himself and earn HER forgiveness.
Even after it seems like they're on ok terms, Lucy mentions in tenrou that they don't keep in contact, which is soo... realistic...
and then his death... Shout-out to Natsu who actually is emotionally quite mature (as the author himself seems to have forgotten) and dealt with it wonderfully. He gave Lucy her space, he let her vent, he stopped Happy from interfering too much. + Lucy being conflicted ab it and clearly grieving what could have been instead of what was. sighhh. .
idc ab no deaths but I do wish they didn't do fake out deaths as often. Because when actual loss sticks, it's done super well imo. Ultear, Aquarius, I haven't hit this part yet but Igneel... (yes I'm ignoring 100yq)
the episodic fillers r INCREDIBLE.
Rogue and Frosch are so special to me.
Wish they expanded on Jellal and Meredy's relationship a bit more it seems quite wholesome.
I love Virgo.
Really hate the muted colours Ft2014 onwards, but I do like that Lucy's hair became blonde and not yellow.
Pacing 2014 onwards was GOD AWFUL. I WAS SO SAD because I think the story beats in eclipse arc is actually super good but it was DRAGGED OUT SO MUCH nothing had the impact it should've.
Snow fairy, FT, Masayume chasing you will never be forgotten.
Lucy underutilizes Gemini so much it drives me mad. They were terrifying under Angel so like... cmon...
idc what anyone says GMG and edolas were top tier.
Edolas Natsu X Edolas Lucy... yes
objectively speaking gajeel is a top tier character too
Someone pointed out that Natsu didn't reallyyy hang out with anyone other than Happy pre canon and it changed my life. Every time I notice him and Lucy casually hanging out now I start screaming.
HAPPY IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER IDC. His edolas character arc was incredible, his relationship with Lucy is just as (if not more) fleshed out as his one with Natsu and that's part of what makes them such a great trio.
Whenever he goes LUUSSHIEEE . my heart ...
OST top tier no notes
the writing was actually so tight up until GMG part 2
I generally don't care ab the powerscaling issues but laxus v jura... no.
The anime kinda fucks up his face a lot but manga Natsu was genuinely soooo adorable in every single panel (once again IGNORING 100YQ).
Wendy also great character arc.
Sting's whole design is SO GOOD and ten years too early. the fur lined vest, the crop top, the one dangly earring, the scar, the loose fitting pants, good God now that's a Look.
Seriously I love Nalu so much...
That's all for now folks. If you want me to expand upon anything just lmk bec believe it or not all of this is a summary.
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dearestro · 11 months ago
hii, I'm sorry I wasn't very clear in my request, 😅 but I had in mind a story that would be similar to the one in the episode if possible. Anyway, sorry for my lack of precision
Thanks love!
Oh Baby!
Author's Note: Thanks for clarifying! This is incredibly long, so I'm going to post it in parts and it'll be finished as soon as possible! I'll link each part to each post. Sorry it's taken so long!
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth, innuendos, and crude language. Sorry if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: I know nothing about childbirth, healthcare, diseases, etc. I read a case file on the internet about the disease I wrote about. Almost everything I wrote I got from the internet, so I apologize if I messed up.
Summary: Having a baby is hard enough as it is, having a baby when your husband's best friend is House? Even harder. Unfortunately, things are just getting started, and the worst has yet to come.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Coming Soon...
Your Pov
"Push! Push!" James shouted over my screams of pain. His arms were wrapped around my upper body, trying to help me sit up more. 
"You say push one more time, and I'll push you!" I threatened. I had been in labor for hours. I was exhausted, sweaty, and damn sure I was never doing this again.
"Right! Sorry sweetheart." He kissed the crown of my head and tried to soothe me. 
"I see a head!" The doctor shouted. I nearly collapsed from exhaustion.
"You're almost there, baby." James wiped my hair out of my face and cooed. "Then we have a literal baby." He smiled, but I could see the tears in his eyes. I tried to smile back, but it was interrupted by another sob of pain. "Just keep pushing. You got this. You're so strong, and I'm so proud of you." He kissed my forehead again, and I was filled with a new sense of energy. Let's get this over with.
I kept pushing and pushing until I thought I might pass out. And with one final big push...the room filled with screaming and crying! I fell backward onto the bed after sitting up most of the time. It was done. James hugged and kissed me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
"It's a girl! Congratulations, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson." They handed her over to me so I could see. I smiled.
"She's perfect." I tried to hold back the cascade of tears but to no avail. James leaned in closer.
"Just like her mama." He kissed my temple. "My two beautiful girls." I laughed lightly. Finally, after all that work. It paid off! The nurse took her away to get cleaned up while the doctor finished everything that was happening down there. James and I just hugged each other. I swear I would've passed out had I not been so excited. 
We eventually got settled into a room, and I got cleaned up a bit. Our baby girl was resting in her crib. I was still on strict bed rest, so James had gone down to the cafeteria to get some better food. He insisted ‘his girls’ rest. I was lying in bed just watching her sleep peacefully when James came back.
“How are my girls?” He whispered so as not to wake the baby. I laughed lightly and motioned for him to come closer. He set down the food and moved the crib closer to the bed. I picked her up and cradled her closely while James sat behind me and looked over my shoulder. He held up a small stuffed bear so that she could see it.
“We’re ok. Aren’t we baby girl?” She yawned and attempted to stretch, although being swaddled hindered her movement. We had yet to figure out a name.
“You know we could just call her baby if we don’t find anything else.” I looked at James, his eyes fixed on our bundle of joy as he made the bear dance around her and caress her cheek. Clearly, he was too distracted to realize how awful an idea that was, but I just patted his cheek and remained silent. 
“She’s so perfect. I can’t think of a name that could do her justice.” I smiled at the small creature while James started to rub my back.
“I can.” I looked back to see his eyes sparkle and him smile at me. I raised a brow, silently asking what he had in mind. “Y/n.” I giggled and shook my head. Even when I had just been through what some might call a hellish experience, he could still make me feel special. 
“No way.” 
“Why not, I’m quite fond of the name.” He bit back a laugh.
“I’m quite attached to it as well, but there’s no way we’re naming our daughter after me!” I laughed back as he kissed my forehead. 
"Fine, we'll continue this discussion later. I brought you lunch." I smiled and gently put the baby back in her crib before resituating myself on the bed as James moved a table over and unpacked the food.
We sat on opposite ends of the bed eating and talking for a while. Just enjoying each other's company.
"You know I saw this thing. They recommend new dads take off their shirts-" James looked at me surprised, and I laughed. "Not like that, my love." He let out a small oh and motioned for me to continue as I giggled at his disappointment. "As I was saying. The new fathers take off their shirt and hold the baby so that they get that skin to skin contact that mothers naturally get. It helps them bond with the baby, supposedly. I know it seems a little silly but-"
"Yes!" I looked up, shocked at his outburst, and raised my eyebrow. "I mean, yes, as in, I'd love to do it." He quickly explained, his face a little flushed. I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"Great. I only brought it up because I thought you might like the sweet experience." 
"Yes, of course!" He then paused, and a look of worry came over him. "She’s not gonna mistake my nipple for one of...yours...is she?" I laughed at the imagery of the hypothetical and shook my head.
"No, I'm sure your nipples will be fine, babe. I'll make sure she's been fed beforehand." He blushed thinking about his silly worry but relaxed when I said that.
It was the beginning of day three (our last day) in the hospital, and baby girl Wilson had still not been named. I was relaxed in bed while James cradled our baby in the rocking chair. He was currently trying out the bonding exercise, and the baby seemed to be lulled to sleep by his heartbeat and humming. I know I said I would never do this again, but if this is the scene you're rewarded with? Maybe just one more time.
I continued to watch my little family rock back and forth, but the moment was soon interrupted when House came in.
"What the hell are you doing?" I rolled my eyes at his lack of pleasantries. James looked up a little shocked at the sudden noise, and frowned once he realized where or should I say who it came from.
"I'm spending time with my family. Something you might wanna try." He deadpanned, clearly already sick of his friend’s bullshit.
"Without a shirt? Look, I know you like to take on other people's 'burdens' because you have a savior complex, but it's pretty much physically impossible for you to breastfeed." He paused his rant. "Plus, it's weird. I mean, be a man! Am I right?" He looked to me as if he expected me to back him up, but I just gave him an unimpressed stare. James rolled his eyes.
"House, is there something you need? You know besides a better personality?" House turned to him and nodded.
"Yes." We waited for him to elaborate, but of course, he didn’t. 
"And am I supposed to read your mind?" James asked.
"No, but I was hoping you'd put a shirt on and follow me." James looked to me, and I nodded.
"You can go, babe. We'll be ok." He looked hesitant but eventually got up and handed the baby to me before buttoning up his shirt. 
"Ok, but if anything happens. And I mean anything. Call me, page me, tell a nurse, hell have Cuddy request me over the loud speaker-" I pushed my finger to his lips before he could worry anymore.
"I got this. Ok?" He nodded against my finger, and I smiled. "Good. Now have fun. I love you."
"I love you both, too." He leaned in to quickly kiss us both before being ushered out by an annoyed House. Once again, it was just me and the baby.
"And that, babygirl, would be your Uncle House." I sighed as I watched them walk down the hallway, James turning to look back at the room every so often. I smiled and looked down at our baby, caressing her little cheek with my finger. "Don't worry. He'll get used to you soon enough. And when that happens? I bet you two will be the best of friends." She yawned before nuzzling closer to me. What a wonderful life.
Wilson's Pov 
I didn't want to leave my girls, but knowing House, he wouldn't stop bothering us until he got what he wanted...so I followed him. We got to the end of the hallway and waited for the elevator.
“Where are we going? If you hadn’t noticed, I'm off duty!" I asked, getting more and more agitated. I want to be with my wife and our baby, but even then, House manages to pull me into one of his schemes.
“I’m saving you. You should be thanking me. I saw the look in that little monster’s eye. It was about to bite your nipple off.” He said as we entered the elevator while I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his comment.
“First off that ‘monster’ is my little girl. Secondly, she is not an ‘it’, and thirdly, we were bonding, something you might want to try with literally any living thing.” He only rolled his eyes. 
“Not likely.” 
“What are we even doing? Because if it’s not too much to ask, I’d like to spend time with my family.” The elevator doors opened, and he turned to me.
“Fine, spend all the time you want with the little rugrat. After we have lunch.” He exited the elevator and started the trek to the cafeteria. I hurried to catch up with
for a cripple he was remarkably fast.
“And when you say ‘have lunch’ you mean I buy your lunch and you condemn my life choices?” He stopped and turned to me once again, holding out his cane so the end was at my chest.
“Yes, but also because after the scene I just walked in on, you desperately need testosterone.” He mocked before continuing the walk to the cafeteria. I rolled my eyes, sighed, and looked at my watch. I suppose I could spare a few minutes
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bekolxeram · 5 months ago
honestly idk about you but I loooved the first episode. it was amazing. but I realised I got my hopes up so much in regards to how heavily Tommy is going to be involved in the plane disaster and now I'm pretty sure he's going to be barely in it and icl I'm so disappointed. not with the show and the writers, but with myself đŸ„Č I guess I wanted to see Tommy in danger a little, perhaps not to the same extent as Athena but in danger nonetheless, ahh 😅 but I'm sure 8x02 and 8x03 are gonna eat either way! I really can't wait to see what they came up with
I absolutely loved it! It hits a nice balance of everything: humor, thrill, frustration, horror, warmth. It's nicely paced and generally a very fun watch. I mentioned last season that the BuckTommy dinner scene in 7x10 felt a bit awkward because they writers seemed to be cramping a lot of information as a setup for S8 in less than a minute. 8x01 managed to catch up with the personal lives of all the mains, foreshadow the obstacles they're going to face, and set up the opening disaster in a few short scenes.
The whole perfume launch call sequence? Chef's kiss. Buck's eureka moment? Buck chasing after Eddie with a few more squirts of perfume? Eddie running in laps around the pool to distract the bees with Flight of the Bumblebee in the background? Monty the beekeeper? Comedy gold.
Don't be so hard on yourself! Isn't part of the fun speculating and imagining what's going to happen on the show? You have your theory, I have mine, the show is most likely going to do a completely different third thing. Think about it, when has the show let us down ever since Tommy's reintroduction? We keep making wrong predictions, but the writers keep giving us something unexpected yet somehow better. Remember we all thought Tommy would rescue Chimney and fly him to the wedding in 7x06? Well, he didn't make his hero entrance, he was just busy fighting a wildfire, but he rushed to the hospital especially for Buck, no one else.
Airport 1975 is very... 70s, I don't think the exact plot would work in 2024 without some major tweaking. The flight attendant managing to keep the plane flying doesn't get nearly enough credit for that, instead the script frames her ex-boyfriend, the flight instructor who repels into the cockpit and lands the plane as the hero. (And everyone from her ex to ATC keeps calling her honey every 3 minutes and talking to her like she's dumb. I'm so glad 8x01 takes a jab at that in its first scene.) Needless to say I'm not a huge fan of the film, other than that big sexy 747 in the classic American Airlines bare metal livery. I hope the 911 remake of that will involve more team work and female pilots.
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Such a beauty. Unfortunately I was born too late to see it with my own eyes.
Tommy can still very much be in danger.🙈Whether you believe Tommy can fly a giant airliner or not, he's definitely trained in fighting aircraft fire. It's dangerous, a lot of stuff can suddenly explode. Firefighters have been injured and killed in post crash landing explosions. (Expert in fighting fire with an aircraft AND fighting fire on an aircraft, geez Tommy, leave some expertise for the rest of us.) He might not be the hero who singlehandedly saves everyone in 8x02 and 8x03, but I believe he will be involved in the rescue in some capacity. I mean, it's an airport and the 217 truck is right there.
Feel free to ignore everything I said, anon. Ultimately, we still have fanfiction, so keep playing around with ideas, keep writing, keep reading and have fun!
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waltricia · 9 months ago
More Hawkins/Innovations Ball Observations 🔭🎈🧭
+ A Color Theory
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I know I’ve already made several posts about this ball, but I have more observations, so I’m going to compile everything here. For the stuff I’ve already made detailed posts about, I’ll just give brief descriptions.
1. Yellow. There’s so much of it here, and in the episode as a whole. Ahead of the part 1 release, I had been thinking a lot about how the color red would be used to signify Colin’s growing love- and it is, particularly in 3x04 (I’ll come back to that)- but in this episode, yellow is used more so, which is even better because it signifies how much Pen, specifically, is haunting Colin (in the romantic way obviously lol). At Stowell House, earlier in the episode, the walls are a very obvious singular yellow tone, and Colin wears a yellow waistcoat. Here at the Innovations Ball, there are a ton of different shades of yellow on the walls, props/furnishings, costumes, and in the lighting.
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Also note the blue elements.
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AND green!
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(I love Marcus repping all the Polin colors. That bodes well.)
So, yeah, lots of Polin-coding, but also, like I said, I have a particular theory about color, which I will return to at the end of this post.
2. Colin’s entrance into the ballroom mirrors the infamously unfortunate Beauty and the Beast scene from 2x04. Both scenes have our leads stopped on staircases in front of grandfather clocks (another surprisingly significant motif of the season). I love the comparison of her being lonely because she’s left alone by him in that moment- and by everyone else as usual- to now him being lonely, despite being surrounded by admirers, because he’s being left alone by the one person who truly knows him and would make that difference for him.
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3. I think everyone already knows about this parallel by now, but I have to note it because it’s so in line with my other observations- when Colin says his “it is possible to do anything” line, that scene mirrors the “assuredly, fervently, loudly” scene from 1x08. Pen and Colin are both inspiring each other, encouraging each other to be honest about their feelings.
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And I feel like that’s not the only moment where the scenes are mirrored. In 1x08, when Colin sees Pen, the crowd parts so he has (and we have) the full view of her, and he makes his way over to her from the center of the floor to the edge. In 3x03, after Colin almost reveals his feelings (similar to how Pen almost revealed her feelings in 1x08), Pen leaves him at the edge of the floor to go to the center with Debling. And the crowd, which had been parted- giving us a view of Colin behind Pen- now rushes in to block that view.
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4. Double meanings. They’re everywhere.
a) Again, the “it is possible to do anything” line. He’s delivering it to the admiring debutantes, but we know he’s really speaking to Pen. He’s really talking to her about his feelings for her. Of course, Pen thinks he’s talking to her about Debling. The hits just keep on coming for Colin in this episode.
b) In another interesting turn of events, considering she’s Whistledown and so much of what she’s said and done in the past seasons has been layered with hidden meanings, Pen goes and speaks the plain singular truth about herself and her intentions to Debling (obviously barring the fact that she’s Whistledown). Of course this is very in line with one of her main journeys for the season, which is to accept and reveal herself.
c) Colin attempts to hide the true meaning of his words to Violet when he asks her about love and friendship. Of course, he’s just so god damn transparent, bless his heart. And Violet, very sweetly, goes along with it.
And btw, after she leaves Colin to let him go approach Pen, she watches them the whole time. 💜
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d) Unserious but relevant:
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Not only are they literally and metaphorically sick, this pregnancy subplot also fits with the whole theme of nature.
e) The Whistledown narration. As per usual, it applies to multiple characters and their storylines. I’m obsessed with how it’s so intentionally layered onto the shots. The sequence is so incredible and so involved. I’m linking the post I made about it here in case anyone hasn’t seen it yet and is curious about what I mean.
5. I could be totally off about this one, but it looks to me like Miss Malhotra’s hair clip is designed like a compass. If it is, that would make sense because it would be on theme for the ball. But what I particularly love about the idea is that it’s also relevant to Polin. Hardcore Polin fans like to say that Pen is Colin’s compass.
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6. At the end of this episode, as Colin has officially fallen in love with Pen, we see the beginning of the next episode’s theme color, red.
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Which brings me to my final observation, my color theory.
I’ve said this before and I will continue to say it every time I have an insane prediction or theory: I am probably very wrong. But I’ll say it anyway

It seems to me that each episode has a different signature color. I think 3x02 is green because Pen and Colin are starting to grow and bloom.
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3x03 is yellow because, again, Pen is haunting Colin.
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3x04 is red because they’re lovesick for each other.
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And 3x01 is everything. It’s an explosion of color.
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I think that, in many ways, 3x01 is meant to be a preview of the upcoming episodes, highlighting all of the colors. I mean, wouldn’t the presence of a “Four Seasons” ball indicate that everything is there? Everything that you would see in a year? (Or a full season of Bridgerton?) I think it probably tells us which colors will define the part 2 episodes as well, but I won’t venture to guess.
In speaking about Colin’s garden party waistcoat, the associate costume designer, Dougie Hawkes, said that it has hints about future episodes.
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I have to wonder if this color thing has something to do with that. I’m also pretty sure that all of the other waistcoats Colin wears in 3x01 are ones he wears again more obviously in the other part 1 episodes. This seems to indicate, for one thing, that the garden party waistcoat is indeed special, but also that there is so much hiding in plain sight in episode 1 that will come back throughout the season. In other words, there’s probably a lot of stuff in part 2 that’s already been hinted at in 3x01

But I dunno, I’m probably wrong about this.
Anyway, that’s all for now! ✌
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lumin-w-nox · 1 month ago
There's enough people that follow me, so I should probably do one of these
(I'm shit at these)
Hello. I'm Aloysius (A-low-shis) Morningstar, or just Alo
At the time I'm writing this, I am 30 years old. I'm married to a smart (she literally has an IQ of at least 140) and beautiful woman. We have one child together
I come from a purely Celtic bloodline. About half Scottish, the rest is a mix of Irish, Welsh, and brit. My ancestors came and settled in West Virginia
The family rumor/story is that my family were masons and, upon immigrating, helped establish the capital of the state, Charleston. Which is also where I was born
I've been practicing witchcraft for about 4 years, but have studied it for about a year longer
I am a Luciferian. Lucifer came and spoke to me directly in my dreams. I don't dream often (as in only 23 since August 2023) so I do believe it was actually him
I was a Christian when I was younger and was baptized when I was 14. Since I was 16, though, I have dabbled in Islam, Demonolatry, Sikh, and Satanism (both theistic and atheistic)
My witchcraft consists of a little bit of everything, but I hold more of a chaos belief. I believe that the universe is chaos (disorder) and that we all hold the potential to use our inner energy to harness and organize the chaos into something we want
I am not anti-christian. I do believe that all religions are true and all hold merit and teachings that are good for all of humankind. Therefore, I don't believe that places of worship should be burned. Majority of the time, it's the people that do the religion injustice. Except Wicca. I hate Wicca
When I first started practicing witchcraft, I hid it from everyone for the first 3 years. In doing this, I molded my practice into incorporating sigils into a practice all its own. I have included runes into it as well and have attempted to create seals, though with varying effect
As for my mundane life, I practiced martial arts for about 14 years. I am a 2nd degree black belt in an Okinawan style called Wado-ryu and I am a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. If I get back into it, I'd like to learn Tai Chi (my age is catching up with me)
I worked in the food industry for about 12 years and, at one point, wanted to be a chef. However, I had to put that aside once I started having chest pains from pushing myself on the line. I do still love to cook, though, and have even made duck breast pretty successfully (I will always brag about this)
I have gone through some abuse from my family. To the point that I would like to change my legal name (if it wasn't $400+ and a 6 month ordeal, plus talking to a judge in a legal court). I've also gone through abuse with past relationships that I am still working on
I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I'm pretty sure I am on the spectrum, but I can't afford an assessment. I've been admitted to a psychiatric hospital 3 times for self harm and severe depressive episodes. I am now in much needed therapy and on appropriate medications. I've never felt happer
I am a smoker of cigarettes. I used to smoke pot, but stopped once I habitually smoked half an ounce a day. I was also an alcoholic at one point, drinking a 750ml bottle of vodka daily. I also was unfortunate enough to be addicted to porn for 10+ years, starting at age 6, which very negatively affected me
I am an aspiring author. I am currently working on a romance novel that is loosely based on my wife and I (no, it's not one of those kinds of romance novels). I have a fantasy book in mind as well that I'd like to write. I'd also like to write a book about Lucifer and his gospel
I'm not sure what else to dump in here, so feel free to go on my page and send me an ask. Almost nothing is off limits, so go crazy, but with a little restraint, please
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haddonfieldwhore · 2 years ago
scary dog privilege pt2- ethan landry
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ethan landry x alt! reader
❀đŸ”Ș spoilers for scream 6 đŸ”Ș❀
❀đŸ”Ș spoilers for scream 6 đŸ”Ș❀
2.2k words // part 1
warnings: mentions of death, violence, blood/gore language, one instance of y/n, not edited
❄ taglist: @breadbowser @lillunna @fanboyluvr @wroetoslut @gojosbucket
in the last 12 hours, you and ethan had grown very close, despite the more than unusal circumstances; or maybe because of them. both having been thrown into such a crazy situation, with a masked killer on the loose, it made it a little better that you weren’t going through it alone. everyone in the group had someone - tara and sam had eachother, same with chad and mindy. ethan and you were by far the most outcasted from the group, so in a weird way it brought you together.
sam and tara had been attacked by a killer in a ghostface mask at a bodega on the way to the police station last night, confirming that the murder that had happened a few hours before was in fact no coincidence. woodsboro had followed sam and tara and their friends to new york, and by association, you, ethan and everyone else were potential targets as well as potential suspects.
it was now daytime, sam and tara having spent all night at the police station. everyone except danny, sam’s neighbour friend, were sat outside the college campus, listening to mindy go over the rules of a franchise; which is what she determined you were all in at this point. sitting on the bench next to ethan with your legs across his lap, as mindy stood in front of the group.
“listen up nerds. as terrifying as this situation is, i’m actually glad i get the chance i get to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time. now, it seems like the killer is out to make a sequel to the requel,” mindy began.
“um- what’s a requel?” anika asked, raising her hand.
“sweetie, you’re beautiful. let’s hold all questions till the end,” mindy said.
“stab 1 took place in woodsboro
. stab 2 took place in
college,” sam recalled.
“i don’t like this,” ethan shook his head.
“do we think the killer is following the movies?” tara asked.
“it’s possible, and it would make sense if this was a regular sequel. but nobody just makes sequels anymore, we’re in a franchise! and there are certain rules to surviving a franchise!” mindy explained.
“i had a feeling,” sam sighed.
“everything has to be bigger than last time. forget about the legacy characters; canon fodder at this point. only brought back to be killed of in a cheap bit for nostalgia bit. it’s all about doing something different to keep people coming back: longer chase scenes, higher body count. if the killers last time were whiney, snowflake film nerds with letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can expect it to be the opposite this time. new city, suspicious new characters added to the friend group to round out the suspect list. and that’s not even the worst part,” mindy went on.
“oh this is where she tells us the worst part,” chad chimes in.
“the thing about franchises is that they’re ongoing episodic storylines
 which means that main characters are expendable now too. meaning any of us could bite it at any time
 especially sam and tara.”
“wait- am i in the friend group?” ethan asked, and mindy nodded.
“yeah i feel like i don’t really qualify,” you added. “i didn’t even know you guys 2 days ago.”
“this is true. it would seem you just have terrible timing. plus- you are from woodsboro, so that probably counts for something,” chad said, and unfortunately you realized he was probably right.
“but-i’m not like
 one of the targets?” ethan asked, to which mindy nodded again and responded with a simple ‘mhm’.
“am i gonna die a virgin?” ethan asked, perhaps not realizing he said it out loud.
“that was a weird overshare.” mindy said, making a face.
“and by the looks of it i don’t think that’s gonna be a problem,” chad teased, gesturing to you and ethan. a blush formed on ethan’s face and you gave chad the finger, although you weren’t really that offended. he returned the gesture with a smile, and you knew he had just been teasing.
“first up; ethan, the shy and dorky guy who no one suspects because he’s so shy and dorky-“ mindy continued her speech.
“watch it,” you threatened, giving her a nasty look.
“why am i on the suspect list? because i’m randomly chads roomate?” ethan asked.
“roomate lotteries can be juked- you could’ve fixed it to get next to us!” she said, turning her attention to you. “and you- clearly you have some unresolved anger issues, and you suspiciously found your way into our friend group the night the killings started. not to mention the fact that you look like you know how to murder someone and get away with it.”
“for the record - i was not exactly trying to join your friend group; no offence.”
“so how did you end up with us last night?” tara asked genuinely.
“we were together at the frat party when you all left,” ethan explained. “we have econ together.”
“together.. at the party?” chad asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows, and tara slapped his arm. “sorry.”
“i’m in your film studies class too,” you said to mindy, ignoring chads question.
“interesting. so you also have a connection to the first victim.”
“mindy- i know you’re having your patented monologue moment, but i was at the same party as you when the murder happened. and i was in the apartment with you when sam and tara were attacked- we all were.”
“there’s always more than one killer- which brings us back to 
.quinn - the slutty roomate; a horror movie classic.”
“sex positive, and
 thank you?” she said, a confused look on her face.
“how exactly did you come to live with sam and tara?”
“i answered their ad online-“
“okay, say no more; you’ve already implicated yourself enough,” mindy interrupted.
“it was an anonymous ad mindy, plus her dad is a cop-“
“and that makes it more likely that she’s the killer becasue having a cop dad is a great cover- do you not remember how these movies work tara?” she yelled. “and finally; anika,” she said gesturing to her girlfriend, who blew a kiss at her, which mindy returned. “never trust the love interest.” her eyes narrowed, and anikas smile dropped.
“okay.. so we have our rules. and we have our suspects.”
“uhh what about you guys?” ethan suggested, referring to the four survivors from last years attacks.
“i think it’s safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year,” mindy smiled.
“agreed.” chad said, pointing at her.
“well what if it is one of you. i mean what if the trauma from the last killing spree got to be too much and one
 or more of you snapped.” quinn suggested.
“or- what if all of the killings made you thirsty for more? i mean to be honest some of the theories online about sam
” ethan started.
“don’t you fucking dare.” tara snapped, and he raised his eyebrows, but didn’t continue his sentence.
“ok let’s just face facts. if we’re all suspects, you’re all suspects.” anika said.
everyone silently agreed, eyeing eachother nervously as you
everyone was back at sam and tara’s apartment, except for ethan, who had said he was going to econ. with everything going on you decided not to go, as well you thought better to stay with the group than split up. you had tried to convince ethan to stay as well, but he said his dad would kill him if he didn’t go - he was super uptight about grades and stuff.
sitting on the couch with anika as chad, mindy, tara and sam were in the kitchen, you started to wish you had gone with ethan. what if something happened to him?
“shit,” you muttered under your breath, and anika looked over at you.
 if you’re worried about ethan, i’m sure he’s fine. he’s with a bunch of people in class right?” she smiled. you were thankful for the reassurance, and to her surprise you smiled back.
“you’re right
 thank you.”
“you seem cool. i wish we met under better circumstances,” she admitted, and you were a little surprised; she was one on the only people in ethan’s friend group who had been nice to you.
“yeah, me too.”
“so.. you and ethan?” she asked playfully, and you shrugged, looking at your phone awkwardly, secretly hoping he would text to say he was alive or something.
“i don’t know. we made out at the party and then
 all this happened.” you said. it had been a crazy 24 hours to say the least. you wondered what you would be doing right now if you hadn’t talked to ethan at the party. “he’s cute though. it’s nice to have a 
 friend through all this i guess.” you weren’t sure why you were being so open with her, but you couldn’t help but feel a little better after talking about how you were feeling.
“well, i think after all this is over we could be friends. isn’t stuff like this supposed to bring people together?” she said, and you felt your phone buzz in your lap. “is that him?”
“yeah; he’s just checking in,” you answered, before typing a reply to ethan to let him know you were all okay. you typed out “i miss you” but decided against sending it, instead erasing the message and dropping your phone back on your lap. it soon buzzed again, and you picked it up, expecting it to be ethan again.
banging sounds could be heard from quinn’s bedroom, and you assumed it was her and her guest going at it again, until you heard the four voices in the dining room hush and someone mutter a quiet “oh my god.”
looking at your phone, you opened a text from an unknown number to be met with a photo of someone in a ghostface costume holding a bloody quinn, just on the other side of the door. everyone gathered next to you and anika in the living room, and you all stood in silence staring at the door to quinn’s room.
“run,” mindy spoke, and the door swung open, quinn’s body landing on you and anika, knocking you both to the floor. ghostface followed close behind and slashed at mindys arm, as chad and tara ran out of the apartment, leaving you, mindy, anika and sam. pushing quinn’s bloodied body off of the two of you, terror flashed in your eyes as the killer dove towards you, and you sent him backwards with a boot to the chest. he went after anika next, his hands wrapping around her throat and lifting her off the ground, and she squirmed around before he pinned her to the wall and drove his knife into her stomach. she screamed in pain as the killer twisted the knife and dragged it upwards, blood pouring from the wound before you picked up a dining room chair and slammed it over his back. the killer dropped anika to the ground, and you and mindy grabbed her and followed sam into quinn’s room, managing to slam the door just in time. the killer banged against it repeatedly and you turned the lock, leaning against the door as you breathed heavily.
“mindy- bathroom door,“ sam whispered, and mindy hurried to lock door on the other side of the room to the adjacent bathroom, where you heard her exclaim, you assumed at the sight of quinn’s lovers body, considering he was nowhere to be seen. sam followed walked over to the window, and you heard her slide it open as you held your hands against anikas stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.
sam and mindy screamed, the killer having come around to the other side of the door through the bathroom, throwing his body against it and trying to break open the lock. you and anika ran over, and tried to help mindy hold the door closed. after slashing at you with the knife, creating a deep gash in your shoulder blade, the four of you managed to push him out, barricading the door with a dresser. it wouldn’t hold him off for long, and he continued to kick at the door as danny, sams boyfriend next door slid a ladder over the expanse between the two windows for you all to crawl across.
“she’s loosing a lot of blood,” mindy said, referring to anika.
“say something more positive!” she cried in response, as sam started climbing out the window. sam made it across, calling for mindy to come next. you and her were using your weight to hold the dresser in place, trying to keep the killer out of the room with all of your strength.
“someone has to hold the door. y/n you go, i’ll get anika next.” she suggested instead, and you knew mindy just wanted to stay behind to protect her girlfriend. somehow even with everything that was currently happening, your mind flashed to ethan; and you were thankful that he wasn’t here, and that he was somewhere safe. “come on!”
you shrieked as the killer managed to get the door slightly open, and reach his arm through, the silver knife in his hand catching your cheekbone and leaving a long cut behind. mindy still leaning all of her weight against the dresser nodded at you to go, and you made your way to the window, grabbing hold of the ladder. sam and danny were holding it steady on the other side, and all you could think was
do not look down
do not look down
do not look down-
you crawled across the cold ladder over the alleyway below; which was surely a 30 foot drop if not further. you made it across and danny pulled you into the apartment, as sam called for anika to come next. her and mindy went back and forth on who should go across first, and anika promised to be right behind mindy. pressing a tearful kiss to her shaking girlfriends lips, mindy started her crawl across the ladder as you all held the ladder steady from the other side.
you watched as the dresser continued to shake from the killer kicking the door to get in, and anika cried that she couldn’t do it as she approached the window, her trembling hands gripping the ladder with blood covered fingers. she was bleeding badly from her stomach, but with reassurance from mindy and sam, she got onto the ladder and slowly started moving across it. she was about a third of the way across, and the four of you in danny’s apartment watched with wide eyes as the killer broke into the room with no one’s weight holding the dresser.
“what?” anika asked, noticing that all of you had gone silent.
“anika you need to move right now!” mindy and sam yelled, urging her to continue across the ladder. she looked back as the killer stabbed the knife into the windowsill, and grabbed hold of the ladder. anika screamed and held on for dear life as he began to shake the ladder up and down, and then from side to side; attempting to throw her off of it.
the four of you tried desperately to hold it steady, mindy in hysterics. begging the terrified to hurry across the ladder. she managed to move slightly forward and was almost close enough to reach sams outstretched hand, as she called for her to take it. the ladder shook hard as she tried to grab hold of sams hand, and the killer twisted it to side, causing anika to fall screaming to the ground below, her head slamming into the open dumpster below. mindy balled next to you, and you all stared across the alleyway at the killer, as he picked up the knife and walked out of view.
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tia-amorosa · 1 month ago
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Episode 7: Last doubts
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When Alexander came home that afternoon, his older sister and father were having a lively conversation. “And this Pascal can't come here?“/” No, Dad, unfortunately that's not possible, he have a lot of big appliances that you can't just pack into the car. That's why I want to go to them, it makes working together much easier"/, ‘You want to go away, Cassy?’.
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“Yes, Alex, I have to go somewhere else for a few days for work"/ ‘To the alien city?’/ ‘You probably mean the city of the crazy
’/ ‘Dad!
yes, that's exactly where I have to go and work with a few other scientists’/ ‘Oh cool, can I come with you, I want to see an alien too’/ ‘No, Alex, you have to go to school’.
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“Oh, that's mean!"/ ‘Hey, I'll take some pictures when I see one, okay?’/ ‘And you'll bring them with you?’/ ”Yeah, sure. Now go and do your homework, okay, I have to talk to Dad"/ ”All right. But don't get kidnapped"/ ”That won't happen to me there. I'm not leaving today either"/ ”o.k.. The tasks today are quite easy”.
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“I've never seen you so determined. So you're really convinced
 That your mother is out there somewhere? At least what's left of her
“/”Dad, we've waited so many years. They never found her here. Not even the smallest piece"/ ”I know
 I know all that, Cassandra. But you know how suspicious I am of aliens. And they're supposed to live peacefully next door to them?”
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“Believe it or not, yes, it is. Besides, the whole town isn't populated by them, it's just one family. I know it sounds crazy, but it's not. Pollination also has an incredible amount of knowledge, he loves the earth and he loves humans“/”of course, so much so that he abuses them for his reproduction!“/”oh, dad, you're not up to date at all chuckle“/”I don't know if I even want to be it

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“Please, Dad. He's an outcast, and he does really good work and specializes in spirits, especially the different planes
"/ ‘You know I don't believe that nonsense’/ ‘because you only know and believe what our dear family spirits know from the afterlife.’/ ”That's the way it is, Cassandra. But I
 I don't want to stand in your way”.
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“Believe me, Dad, I've never wanted anything so much. And if there's at least a glimmer of hope of finding her again somewhere, then I don't want to leave any stone unturned. She's out there somewhere. And
 If I don't find her, then I've failed"/ ”I don't want to hear that
 My child. Hhh, I just hope nothing happens to you”.
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“Oh dad
 Nothing will happen to me. I've got three bodyguards there to look after me. “/"That's only slightly reassuring, my dear. All right, then. But I want a call from you every day“/”That's fine, I promise“/”Have you spoken to Don yet?“/”No, I'll do that tomorrow, I wanted to speak to you first“/” that's very commendable“/”hn-hn. I love you”.
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“Well, then it's not so bad that Mr. Ayres is back in town
"/ ‘who?’/ ‘oh, surely you remember the man who helped your mother around the house while i was at work and she pregnant with Alex?’/ ‘oh, yes, he was very nice’/ ”yes. And now he's back after a long trip abroad. I'm surprised he doesn't have a family
"/ ‘Maybe he doesn't want one’.
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“Well, I've never met a man who doesn't want a family, and I have
. A wonderful family, with an intelligent son and a beautiful daughter who always wants to have her way“/”I'll take that as a compliment, hm? Hey, I've got a great team behind me, they may be a bitcrazy, but they take everything very seriously.“/”,I get it now”.
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They went into the kitchen together to get dinner ready. “So the wedding is also postponed indefinitely. What do you think he'll say?“/”Not much, probably. He's having to work double shifts at the moment because there's a shortage of doctors at the hospital“/”I've heard about that. Hopefully he'll get some rest at some point.“.
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„Did I hear a little ironic undertone? Dad, he's a really nice guy. I know he's not your dream son-in-law
"/,,But apparently he's your dream man. And it's ultimately about you“/”mhm, exactly
How is Dina?“/,,oh, good, she's very happy at the restaurant I recommended to her”/"Fine. Let's make dinner now, I'm hungry”.
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While Cassandra and her father take care of dinner, Alexander does his homework.,,oh man, this task isn't that easy after all, but I don't want to keep asking, I want to do it on my own. I wanted to see an alien too, now all I get is a photo
 But at least it's real and not like a poster
hmm, who was the third president of the USA?”

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The dinner passed without many words. Cassandra was glad that her father had now agreed to her pursuing her research and that she would have to travel to another city to do so. But she wants to use tomorrow to talk to Don again and spend more time with him.
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9:45 pm. While her father and brother are already in bed, Cassandra wanted to do a little test in front of her mirror. She put on the new nightdress she had recently bought for her wedding night. “Don has never seen me like this before. Just with this knot in my hair
hh, I wish I could undo this stupid curse, but I'm not a witch
. And it's better not to mess with magic
 But the fact is, it hit me and I'm going to stick to doing the right thing
. “. After looking at herself for a while, she changed back into her normal clothes to sleep. And her thoughts wavered between Don and her mother. But most of all she was looking forward to this trip.
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@greenplumbboblover , @solorisims , @plumbobgothica 😊
(3rd President? Thomas Jefferson, Sweetie)
My story posts are also welcome to be shared.😊🙂
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rmorde · 5 months ago
Trigun Manga Reaction
Continuing with Volume 1, Chapter 10!
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SOOOO CUUUTTTEE!!!!! Let me stare a bit first.
OK! I'm good! Wait... Arcadia? Huh? Noooo! Does this mean no Woof Woof yet?!
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I wonder if the font for the letter in original Japanese is different too. I always like it when this is done instead of using "quotations". It's a nice touch.
Seems like the focus of this chapter are our dear insurance ladies. Love love Milly's devotion in whatever she does. She always strives to do her best in her job, but this dedication to write to each relative she has every month is just something else. I also appreciate how she is kinda treasured for her sweet nature - from Meryl's clear guidance and their boss radar gift.
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Ah, Meryl. Ask for chaos and you shall receive. LMAO. However, does she have some problems at home. Just going by her lines here.
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I really need to buy hard copies of the manga. This must have been a page turner shock. It looks so serious from one page, but when you go to the next? HA! IT'S VASH GETTING BULLIED BY TWO SENIORS INTO BECOMING THEIR MEAT SHIELD!!! It's such a clever and funny layout.
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Admittedly, this was a bit of a busy page. However:
One of my fave drawings by mangakas are when the "break out" objects or characters from the traditional panels. That gun sticking out has a nice 3D like effect.
Speedlines to show how quickly Vash went into for real real meat shield mode for the old couple. Meanwhile, that clear drawing of his hand feels like he is about to take out his gun.
Gun and nail details and... Have I mentioned before how I never really understood the beauty of negative spaces until I started reading this manga? Just something that hit me is all.
THE INSURANCE LADIES TO THE RESCUE! ROFL! Poor Vash getting bowled over. Poor Vash's spine!
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Oh my.... Let me just appreciate this for a while.
They're just so beautiful. Oh my goodness. Again let me just gush about how the volume insanely Nightow is at visually communicating scale? Not to mention clothing folds and drapes!
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Another fine specimen of scaling and foreshortening! And.. did Meryl just called Vash BROOMHEAD?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Man's got a point. Unfortunately. Poor, Vash.
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BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!! I CAN'T- I JUST CAN'T!!! Everyone just rolls with it for the greater good while Vash is just stressed! đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚
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Interesting set of panels:
Again with the negative space
Awww! Milly's sweet tooth and where is she exactly? I can't remember, but she must be from somewhere really stable/rich, right? I mean her family sounds big which indicates their location can support a big population. Plus, the food the she often mentions are not exactly easy to get.
Vash looking for an escape or is it?
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Oh, Meryl. I love you and you usually hold the brain cell, but this one time you had been fooled! Grandpa used everything you told them earlier to lay a trap! MERYL, YOU WERE OUTPLAYED!!!
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Uhuh? Oh, really? The blush makes me think she didn't think this through and is scrambling for an excuse pronto.
Also, again with that negative space! Nice because it really helps with this "transition" in the next page.
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They are walking under a clear blue sky. Idk why it matters a lot to me but it does. It feels "smooth".
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Huh... I wonder if Tristamp took queues from this one when they animated Meryl's joy in seeing the garden in Episode 9.
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Exposition can be a slog to go through *cough*jjk*cough*. However, this exchange was not overwhelming. The lay out really helped. While some panels/boxes have overtaken by speech bubbles, there are plenty of blank spaces to make it easier on the eyes. It properly built up the last panel which made it more impactful.
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This is so lovely to read and the composition is just beautiful.
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Again with that negative space. There's a lot of it in the manga I realize.
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It's odd to see Meryl without earrings.
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Investigative Meryl Mode!
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And there we go, the rest of the Nebraska Family.
Obviously, this went really differently from the '98 anime. I don't know why I expected Woof Woof already when it's already been made obvious that both anime adaptations shuffled events around.
However, I really appreciate how Meryl and Milly got the spotlight early here. In '98, this was kinda halfway through the series. It was way waay late and Woof Woof already entered the scene.
I must say... '98 really had to get creative with the material that they had because the BDN's Arc was covered from Episodes 7-8. Then Episode 9 introduced Wolfwood. From 10 to 12 were anime originals... I think. Not yet far enough in the manga to know if they were "remixes".
Anyway, the fillers in '98 are not bad and plenty entertaining. Some of the funniest shit and badass scenes of Trigun were from those. They were great addition to the story especially since it never contradicts the characters core (sans the horn doggy-ness).
But it does screw over Wolfwood tho... just a tiny bit on hindsight. I mean if '98 is judged on its own, he is perfectly fine. However, with Tristamp giving his background (which I believe is more loyal to the manga), it is kinda odd how he didn't stuck with Vash after they met in the bus. Then again, Woof Woof has a bit of a different background in '98 which made sense... Kinda.
Augh the challenges of adapted of an on-going manga. Studio Mad had to make things up as they go, but they still did great! The inconsistency with Wolfwood is pretty minor - almost negligible... except why didn't he stick with Vash the first time? Sigh... this may nag me for a while.
Oh. Also for @revenantghost
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Ok. Now I'm more excited to see more with the manga's plants.
Sorry for the confusion! When I said I prefer the 9o's version of plants, I'm mainly referring to the lightbulb design which fits the vibes of the plant angels more. It's very magitek which I really like while Tristamp uses tanks which totally make sense since its more sci-fi heavy.
The interesting thing about the plant design in Tristamp is how I can associate them with earth, sky, and water. Earth because of how they remind me of faeries, Sky because of the wings, and Water because they give me mermaid vibes as the live in their tanks. It has its own charm... but yeah magic lightbulb angel ftw!
Again... my bad for not being clear. Sorry.
I do hope we see more of the Bad Lads and eventually BDN in Tristamp properly. HARD AGREE on some lore bible or art book from Studio Orange! I think there were some supplementary materials from the limited edition DVD release tho?
That's a good way to describe Tristamp - a love letter to Trigun itself. I also respect Nightow for just letting Studio Orange do its own spin. Most creators won't be so comfortable giving other free reign in their sandbox.
Also, take good care of yourself. Make sure to get rest enough. And food! Also water!
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team-frightfur · 5 months ago
Don't hate 127. Solid 4/10 by general standards. 10/10 in context. Yudias being so chad he's immune to memory removal is neat. Yuhi joining the Otesification cage match with a steel chair last second is fucking hilarious. I also think it's a nice development for the arcs of the siblings.
A few episodes ago, Yuamu was like "There's so many things which I never want to do but I have to do them because you're totally useless! I'm just doing the logical and hard thing like always!" Thing is, there was no logic. Yuamu thinks Yuga is HER descendent. Yuga's last name is Ohdo. How in the world can Yuga be born if Yuamu erases herself??? Is she gonna erase every memory except her last name?
Up until this episode, that fact had me torn between "the writers are dumb" and "Yuamu is lying". Then the Yuhi and Zeyet episode dropped and was literally built around lies. The main point of the Yuhi/Zeyet/Lying episode is that 'people (Yuhi) can say they want something (new clothes) while really avoiding something else (duelling Yuamu).'
Becoming Otes is a death of personality so, on the surface, it seems like the harder path. That's why Yuamu 'has' to do it. Then, we see in this episode that Yuamu is actually scared of losing Yuhi. "Don't leave me!" she sobs as he effectively dies in her place.
Demonstrably, the flipside of becoming Otes is having to lose someone you care about. This path is just as if not harder than the path of becoming Otes. Thus, despite Yuamu saying she 'has to do the harder thing', what she was actually avoiding (whether consciously or unconsciously; Yuhi/Zeyet Theme) was the harder path of 'losing their twin'.
Following the Yuhi/Zeyet/Lying episode, Yuhi did some introspection, realised how much of a coward he was and, after a short spell of backing out of duelling Yuamu, finally found his guts! Problem is, Yuhi bought Yuamu's feelings at face value and decided "No! I love you! So just this once, I'll take the harder path!"
In other words, Yuamu's becoming a villain actively provoked Yuhi's character growth into a more 'heroic figure' (being honest with himself, rising to the challenge, and protecting Yuamu) resulting in him accidentally taking the easier path, becoming a villain, and leaving Yuamu with the baggage.
Now, as far as Yuamu knows, she's not only lost her twin, she's going to have to 'take care' of the dead husk that remains of him for the rest of her life. Plus, now that she's in the place she'd reserved for Yuhi, she's also realised how hard this path is.
To be frank, it is BEAUTIFUL karma. Poetic, artful, lovely. I know optimism chad Yudias will eventually fix everything, but I'm still happy with this.
Unfortunately, it tops out at 4/10 because Go Rush is still a show obsessed with focusing its whole plotline on another fucking show.
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zhoras-bitch · 2 years ago
I really miss Path of the Valkyrie and Alexandra's writing in general. It sucks so hard that she won't be able to continue her work at RC. I think her writing was getting better and better over time, and while Path of the Valkyrie has some highs and lows, I was fully expecting her next project to be a total banger.
The LIs are probably my favourite aspect of her writing -- in that regard it reminds me a little of Theodora. Just the range of archetypes is impressive, and somehow they are all handed so well. Sagr's romance is a beautiful angsty slowburn which reveals the tender, caring, but deeply wounded man behind a rough exterior. Ullr's path is comforting, like coming back home. Andvari is the soft-spoken pocket-sized bf who is going to treat you like a princess and you can carry him in your arms. Thor is like a force of nature, wild and a little terrifying, and he has an absolutely fascinating set of morals that makes him actually feel kind of non-human. And Loki's path is just something else. You think you have this chaotic trickster all figured out, and the next episode he flips everything on its head.
And I also just want to shout out the female LIs in particular. Nowadays, RC is moving in a better direction in terms of making stories with more diverse casts (books like Heart of Trespia, Hell and High Water, The One, Vying for Versallies, Elite Tag in particular come to mind). But back when Path of the Valkyrie first came out, it was unfortunately the norm across RC stories to treat wlw paths as an after-though (there were occasional wins for the wlws, but it was kind of barren overall). And in contrast Liod and Vanadis paths felt like such a breath of fresh air. I mean Liod is still one of the few masc female LIs on the app. And Vanadis has such a compelling character arc about finding her voice and standing up to those who wronged her after a lifetime of objectification and neglect. They both have their roles in the bigger story and their romances feel just as genuine and authentic as the men's, rather than a side hookup.
I hope they can find a writer who will love those characters as much as Alexandra clearly did, so Path of the Valkyrie can get the ending it deserves. But even then, it's still going to be bittersweet.
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latenightdecaf · 10 months ago
There are just so many things that don't sit right with that ep 14. (And I won't be able to do my work today if I don't write it down.)
Honestly, I've been enjoying this drama because of its fast pacing and the way it resolves things fast and as clean as they can. I didn't mind the inconsistencies to be honest, and some gaps in history
like why the fuck was haraboji's gf, so mad in the first place anyway?? like yes she went to prison, had a son, left that son and worked for haraboji and then??
the 1031 baby miscarriage was fine not to be addressed (unfortunately, I can forgive that - given that I have friend who went through the same thing and honestly did not really confront or grieved that with her husband either - they never moved on, but never talked about it either, so fine - we move forward.)
But honestly, this episode is just different than the rest in an unsettling way.
First, the scenes were cut so weirdly... like honestly, what do they want us all to feel here? They had the most beautiful confrontation about life, yes they walked to the hotel without looking at each other. Yes, Hae In stayed true to her character not wanting other girls to look at Hyun Woo. But honestly, that shit felt shallow and her charcter could've been more. They could've walked into a restaurant after fighting, with Hyun Woo just holding her wrist and her noticing the small ways this unbelievable man takes care of her even when he's mad - opening the door, ordering her food, idk, slicing it for her. It could've been slow, it could've been realizing that he had wrinkles now, that he looked tired, that he was having a hard time too - realizing that she wanted to live and be loved by this man no matter what. That if given a chance, even as stranger she'd still surely fall in love all over again. Her as the stranger, NOT those girls who was just prying. They could've twisted that up in a melo way. (But of course, we needed the romcom so of course.)
I could not even begin to point out how weird that car accident was. As viewer, I already know she's not inside... I know that moment was needed but again for Hae In to somehow magically realize she wanted that surgery but that's just torture by now. After everything they've gone through in Yongduri, she already knows how loved she was. Things could've slowed down a bit. And I'm sure Kim Ji Won would've executed that brilliantly (hello, my liberation notes). Idk, Hae In could've had more stronger reasons to live, or that case could've been built differently. Hae In is not shallow but they made her that way and yes, by the time she'd be regaining or building her connection back to Hyun Woo that script will be back again not wanting anyone else to have him. (ugh, Hae In :( I need more!!)
Third of course, Eunseong - so far his character just became so predictable that it totally put me off. Honestly thought (based on the preview without any actual context, that Hae In would be in the car accident with Eun Seong and then he dies to save her so he can finally be someone who actually saved Hae In) but yeah. He came in so conveniently in the hospital that no one even bother to ask why this stranger is now the legal guardian of Hae In like come on. (I know it's kdrama but come on that was WAY TOO CONVENIENT)
And lastly, that fucking surgery. Every single build up, every single suspense gone. She woke up after 5-10 mins inside the drama not even a bandage to her head!! They've could've dragged that a bit, not make her wake up too soon. Mess with us up some more, have the doctors come in, tell them "these things take time". Make Eunseong nervous! But no, she had to wake up immediately. Like come on!! It could've messed with everyone if that was dragged a bit more to the next episode. They could've deported back Hyun Woo to Seoul while Hae In is still unconscious with the devil by her side. We could've been at the edge of our seats if suspense was all they needed and now it just felt too rushed and too much by now. And then, Hae In will be back in Seoul like nothing happened with her (physically) and then she's with Eun Seong now. Ugh.
But despite it all, I'm thankful for this drama. I'm still going to be there next week to see this through. Honestly, what a world-class acting from Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won.
I'm just wrapping up my thoughts so I can finally go on with my day.
Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
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