#she has a short temper sometimes
kicktwine · 7 months
oh so alisaie’s exaggerated bully behavior is 80% fanon. saying this she casually picks up a large rock
#say one thing wrong to me and you will have a wonderful few days with the rock#if angry silly girls have 100 fans etc if they have 0 fans i have died#sorry i saw a YouTube meme i vehemently disliked on principle and got mad at the only child behavior-#kipspeak#she is just short tempered and uses anger to mask other more ‘shameful’ emotions!!! alphy did the same thing with just deciding not#to express them. which is still not good and I think why he breaks and ends up teary so often now#this shortness does not translate to actually being mean to people. she only uses being mean as a shield for herself and being snarky#Is just fun for her. it’s fun for Me. you have to inconsequentually tease people or they’ll never learn to laugh at themselves#the twins and thancred 🫵 do this thing where they have big emotions but they don’t want anyone to SEE they have big weird emotions#so alphy pretends he doesn’t have them under a veneer of dignity and alisaie pretends the emotions are Something Else. thancred is#just so emotionally constipated he has trouble expressing anything. he’s got enough baggage for a flatbed#anyways. alisaie is such a compassionate and kind girl and she learned how to make snarky jokes and went ham. and she hates appearing sad o#weak or vulnerable so she blocks it off with an unapproachable emotion so no one pities her and they maybe get on with the plot#it is in fact also great at getting ppl to move away from the sad or embarrassing topic. even if the tradeoff is being more offputting#she would never (grabs youtube meme) she would never seriously bully her brother. this is sibling ribbing only. Cain instinct#just leave her be she is learning how to snark humor and she loves it she loves being sharp. alphy has wit he just keeps it close#my brother didn’t learn how to tell or receive a joke until he was 14 he took everything so seriously. he can do it now though and he’s#HILARIOUS. Don’t tell him I said that. my man knows exactly where the funny points are even if he hasn’t learned when to stop yet#too many tags. Whatever. jokey snark alisaie who sometimes compliments is happy alisaie grouchy snappy angry alisaie is way too stressed#very easy way to tell between the two. even alphy can tell between the two I believe! He tends to rib back in protest if they’re having fun#and try to stop her if they’re not having fun. case in point ‘what is that supposed to mean?!’ vs ‘alisaie ryne was only trying to help.’#I know they’re twins but that’s such an intensely older sibling thing to do that it reels me#LONG TAGS AND THREE EDITS TO ADD ON SHORT I resent this stereotype taken too far into ooc behavior. it happened with nya#It will happen again and as a postscript let me regale you with Things U Can Notice About Character Motivation and Actions—#I’m not done let me s#she and raha are friends now I decree. ‘haha you like me’ SPUTTERING PROTEST FROM BOTH
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quiet-out-there · 7 months
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summary: When Finnick notices how the reader's drink has been spiked with sex pollen at one of President Snows Balls, he and Peeta make a plan to save her from the special services the victors sometimes provide for the capitol. Finnick causes a distraction, while Peeta makes sure to take the reader away to safety, only the plan doesn’t go accordingly, and ends up with a sex crazed reader stuck on a closet.
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Reader
Warnings: sexual content, slight dubious consent, fingering, lots of praise, dom!Peeta??, reader under sex pollen
Notes: This is my first attempt at a shortfic about Peeta Mellark, as I have been quite obsessed with him lately This story is a short fic with little to no plot, so, enjoy the smut ;) For any weird grammar mistake, feel free to correct me for as inglish isn't my first lenguage!
Word count: 6.6k
Giff: @xiaolanhua
Finnick cursed out loud, grabbing the attention of some of the most important and exclusive people in Panem who were nearby. They began to chuckle and whisper among themselves in return, clearly enjoying the sudden outburst of District’s four beloved victor. Peeta, on the other hand, quickly realized something was wrong, politely ending the conversation with an all too eager sponsor who was in the midst of trying to convince him to go back to her room together. She was old, caked with so much makeup her features were almost unrecognizable. Staring at her for too long made Peeta feel uneasy, as if he were in a fever dream, where everything was washed in an eerie distortion, almost normal but not quite. 
“Are you okay?” was the first thing he said once he got to Finnick’s side, standing beside one of the absurdly food collapsed tables at one of the ballrooms corners. He was holding a glass filled with sweet smelling liquor, his hand so tightly wrapped around it his knuckles were turning white. Peeta was sure it was going to burst into pieces in just a matter of seconds, so he quickly reached for Finnick’s hand, surprised to find little to no resistance as he took the glass away and set it on the table. The motion seemed to snap Finnick out of whatever trance he had been in, blinking at Peeta as if he were just now assessing his presence there.
“What?” was all he could manage to say, his eyes returning their focus to something far away, the feather of a muscle twitching as he grounded his jaw.
“What's wrong?” Peeta pushed, following the man's gaze in an attempt to understand what he was seeing that was making him so mad. Finnick had a temper, Peeta knew that, but it was always tightly concealed in that calm and easy-going facade he portrayed, his armor against everything. It took quite an effort to make him lose his composure.
“(y/n)” He answered, voice made of steel. Peeta frowned, eyes desperately trying to find what was going on, his chest tightening at the mention of your name, “They dosed her drink with an aphrodisiac powder.”
Peeta’s whole body froze, his eyes snapping back to the man beside him. 
“What do you mean aphrodisiac powder, what the hell even is that?”
But Peeta could already imagine what it meant, what they were doing it for. Anger rose in his blood like fire, pumping into his heart, beating so fast it was starting to make it hard for him to breathe -
“Finnick” He managed to get out, hand coming up to grab the man’s arm, turning him to face him.
“I recognized this man talking to Snow earlier” Finnick began, his eyes closing as one of his hands came to massage his temple, as if a piercing headache was making it hard for him to think “He is the one who arranges the customers for-,” he took a deep breath before opening his eyes to meet Peeta's wide ones “ the special services from the victors the capitol sometimes provides”
His stomach churned in a way that threatened to make Peeta vomit every expensive item of food he had ingested tonight, right on the pristine marble floor. He knew exactly what Finnick was talking about. Haymitch had told him about this business Snow ran, a way for him to further control the victors, make them pay for whatever rule breaking he deemed was done on their game, threatening their family’s life as a cost of it. But (y/n) had won fair, she had outsmarted the players, not the capitol, she didn't deserve this, she-
“I have been watching this man all evening, analyzing his moves, trying to figure out who Snow had sold to him,” Finnick continued, interrupting Peeta’s running thoughts. “It was easy enough to discover, with the way he has been practically stalking (y/n) all night.” An exasperated sigh escaped his lips “But something is different this time. He hasn't come up to talk to her and she is completely oblivious to him, as if she doesn't know what Snow has done, as if she hasn't been warned what would happen if she denies”
Her family, massacred. Peeta swallowed, his throat painfully dry all of a sudden. 
“That’s when I noticed what he was doing” Finnick’s hands bawled into fists by his sides, his eyes returning to scan the room before returning to Peeta’s, “They are drugging her, filling her with aphrodisiac poison that will make her unable to think of anything more than sex. They are making her into a puppet so they can take advantage of her, avoiding the resistance, the threats, the compromise on her part.”
“That is sick” Peeta breathed out, feeling lightheaded and utterly disgusted.
“People here in the capitol are absolutely rotten” Finnick spat, “I have been a victim of that drug before. It is so potent, it makes it physically painful to deny sex, it forces the body to need it on a primal level, triggering an almost survival instinct.” 
Peeta cringed at the thought of Finnick, barely a teen, being a subject to all this.
“We have to do something, we have to save her” Peeta rushed through whispered words, his eyes looking around them in search of anyone who could be eavesdropping on their conversation.
“Yes” Finnick agreed, “But we must do it inconspicuously, or they could end up hurting her even more.” 
“What is your plan?” Peeta’s breathing eased a little, his chest loosening at the reminder of Finnick’s clever mind. 
“Once the effects of the drugs kick in, she will quickly excuse herself to the bathroom. There, I will intercept the man, distract him. Make a big scene if I must.” The ghost of a smirk pulled at Finnick’s lips at the thought, before it was quickly wiped away as he continued “You will find (y/n) and get her the hell out of here, but not to her room. They will be probably expecting her there” Peeta shuddered at the thought, nodding at Finnick.
“Where is she now?” Peeta inquired, his eyes returning to the crowd, unable to find the girl in question.
“Near Snow’s fountain, to the left side of the room. She is talking to a man with a neon green top hat.”
Peeta found you instantly then, the loud pounding of his heart in his ears drowning any other sound. You looked so beautiful, he couldn't help to notice, with your hair pulled away from your face in an elegant updo, filled with colored jewels that caught and reflected every light on the ball room, like a beacon. Your dress was made of black jewels as well, hugging every hill and dip of your body in an exquisite way, a slit on the side of your hip revealing the tan skin of your right leg. And your smile, so bright as you laughed at some joke the man before you had uttered, it took his breath away- until he realized how your chest was moving rapidly, as if the air entering your lungs wasn't enough, at how your skin was covered in a sheen of sweet, some stray away hairs curling around the nape of your neck and around your face, and at the way your hands had begun to tremble, hiding the away by clasping them tightly behind your back.
“It is starting,” Finnick commented, straightening his shoulders as if preparing himself to move. Peeta did the same, struggling to calm his fast beating heart.
You offered the man another smile, this one polite, apologetic. The man dipped his head and moved out of your way, allowing you to begin moving into the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor, towards the other side of the room, where the bathrooms were located. Finnick nodded at Peeta, signaling to start moving the same way as you. They got to there first, and Finnick leaned forward to whisper right on Peeta’s ear, in a gesture that seemed like a warm goodbye from a friend to the ignorant eye. 
“I will go for the man, you grab (y/n) and leave right away, don't waste time on explanations until you are both alone and safe.” 
Peeta nodded, clasping his back as reassurance. He could do this, he told himself, willing his body to calm down, to gather his anxious thoughts. 
Before Finnick finally pulled away, he added in a tense, almost somber tone, so lowly his words almost got forgotten among the chattering crowd.
“Do what you must to help her, she’ll be glad it was you and not someone else.”  
Peeta’s brows furrowed in confusion, but before he could ask what Finnick meant by that, he was already being swallowed by the crowd, disappearing among the vibrant colors, the moving bodies, the discordant music that made Peeta’s teeth greet in discomfort. 
Peeta moved onto the side of the bathroom door, acting as if his shoelace had been untied and crouching down to fix it, avoiding anyone starting a conversation with him that could complicate his inconspicuous escape. 
It only took a couple of minutes before he heard your voice,
“S-Sorry, excuse me please” You sounded breathless, words tight in your throat, as if the mere effort to get them out was painful. 
Peeta got up then, instantly identifying you making your way out of the crowd in a desperate attempt to get to the bathroom. He walked up to you just as you took the door handle in your shaky hand, grabbing your wrist in a secure grip before pulling you along with him, without stopping to say anything. You gasped in shock, stumbling slightly over your feet before you could manage to keep up with his fast pace. You pulled at his hand in an attempt to be let go, but he ignored you, mind only focused on one thing-
The exit door, only a couple of steps away
 “Peeta!” you exclaimed as you finally recognized him, struggling to maintain a composure, smile wavering between a frown and a grimace of pain “What the fuck are you doing?” you whispered, feeling as though your vision was shaking, not being able to see people anymore, just shapes and colors merging together in a sickening spin-
You were going to throw up.
“I’m going to be sick” you pleaded, arm now falling limp on his firm grip, deciding to leave fate in his hands- unable to do anything to resist, and knowing deep down Peeta would never hurt you.
Peeta’s heart squeezed on his chest as he heard you, and he opened his mouth to explain -what? he did not know- anything to make you feel better, to help you understand what was going on,
But then a crushing sound vibrated across the room, making people gasp and scream in shock, their attention now focused on the other side of the room. 
Peeta let out a sigh of relief as he got to the entrance door, which was luckily open, not a peacekeeper in sight.  He didn't waste a second to pull you out towards the main hall, where the elevator to the victor's rooms was.
“It will be alright (y/n), I promise” Peeta finally spoke, his voice just above a whisper, as he continued his way with unbreakable determination, both of your steps resonating against the glass floor the only sound in the spacious room “just trust me, okay?”
You felt as if Peeta’s voice was coming from underwater, muffled and far away- But still managed to understand.
“Okay” You replied, unable to voice any other word running through your dizzy brain - Your heart, you realized, it was beating so fast you couldn't catch a breath, and your skin, it felt so uncomfortable, so tight against your body- you wanted to rip it out. And the heat, the fucking heat
Peeta’s hand freed your wrist as he pressed the elevator’s button in a frantic pace, his other coming up to grip your hip, pushing so you stood in front of him, blocking the view of your body with his. 
You were so close now, bodies almost pressed together. His smell invaded you like the most intoxicating, addictive perfume you had ever sensed, tightening your chest in a silent hitch of breath - And his touch- so firm and strong, fingers pressing down on the overly sensitive flesh on your hip witch was barely covered in the thin material of your jeweled gown- it set flames through your veins
Peeta heard the rush of voices coming down the hall, right from where you had come, before he felt their quick heels clad steps coming closer. Whatever Finnick had done, it had set a commotion enough to make people begin to retreat to their chambers in a hurry. 
His eyes snapped to the elevator, the bright gold number still stuck on the 7th floor, and he realized it wasn't going to come by quick enough - They were already nearing the corner, they were going to catch the both of you, they were going to take you away and hurt you-
He secured your hand in his before he began to pull you further down the hall, your feet struggling to find their footing but managing not to stumble over them as you followed him. There was only one door in the hall, right on the end of it, a black metal block painted in bright gold. Peeta didn't bother to knock on it as he grabbed the handle, twisting it at the same time he pushed the side of his body on it to open it- and to his surprise and utter relief- it did. He didn't waste a second to push you inside, head twisting back one last time to see down the hall, where he noticed a couple of people beginning to appear, their vibrant colors striking against the pristine white walls and gold floor details. 
He closed the door behind him, leaving out the light from the hall, engulfing you both in complete darkness. He let out a long breath, his head dropping back against the door frame, a chuckle leaving his chest before he could stop it.
You tried to blink back the darkness, but your eyes were still struggling to adjust. Something was very wrong, you realized, as you couldn't seem to make the air from the space enter your lungs. You stepped back from the man in front of you in an attempt to gain some distance and ground yourself, but you felt the cool jab of metal meet your back- you twisted on the spot, freeing your hand from Peeta’s as you extended your arms in front of you. And you felt, to your utter horror, how on every side you were met with metal railings or the cool feeling of painted concrete walls. 
The space was tiny. A closet, of some sorts, you figured with a leap of your heart.
 “I can't” you gasped aloud, one hand coming up to clutch your chest, pulling at the absurd number of necklaces that had been wrapped around your neck- it felt as if you were choking “I can't breathe.” 
Peeta’s hands were instantly extended in search of you, his eyes wide in an attempt to see something, but only being met with darkness. 
“It is okay, hey, I’m here” He whispered, one of his hands brushing your shoulder. The contact made electricity run down your body, and you twisted in an attempt to get away from his touch, managing only to bump into the railing so hard, their contents began to fall onto the floor-
Peta cursed under his breath at the loud sound of stuff crashing against the glass floor, his heart drumming onto his chest as he felt the footsteps from outside alarmingly close. 
“Hey, hey calm down” He tried again, his hand grabbing your shoulder this time. And you tried to twist away again, desperate to get away from the warmth, the heat of his body, his burning touch-
it was too much, too much 
You pushed into the railing again making it crash against the wall in a loud bang. 
“(y/n)” Peeta rushed, his voice tight on his chest in anxiousness. But you didn't hear him, wouldn't hear him, needing to get away, desperately trying to do so-
Peeta felt the voices outside begin to wonder what those noises down the hall were, their loud cackling dimming down as if to hear better. He knew it was only a matter of seconds before somebody came up to investigate,
“Calm down” He ordered, voice low, almost a murmur. You could feel it vibrating on your chest, “We have to stay quiet, or they will find us.”
You tried to reason with his words, to obey, to understand what the fuck was going on - but then a pang of pain shot down your belly, taking the air from your lungs in a rush of a breath, before settling in a tight coil of aching between your legs. It made a whine fall from your lips before you could stop it, eyes closing as you hugged your body tightly.
Peeta’s heart stopped when he felt nearing footsteps, arms shooting forward when he heard your loud whine of pain at the same time, determined now to make you quiet. One hand found your hip as the other your arm, and he didn't waste a second to twist your bodies, so you stood with your back pressed to his chest. One of his strong arms circled your waist, locking you into him in a grip so tight you couldn't move an inch, as his other hand came to your face, palm pressing onto your mouth to silence any noise. 
And just like that, your senses cleared, they sharpened, they focused and circled on only one thing-
The way his warm body was pressed to yours, the feeling of his strong muscled arm wrapped around your waist, the way his chest pushed against you in every intake of breath, the feeling of his heart pounding so loud and fast against your back- and his god damn smell, so sweet and dark and intoxicating- it made the coil deep within your core tighten painfully, breath hitching on your throat.   
Peeta strained his ear to hear whatever was going on outside, the footsteps stopping just inches away, its shadow casting beneath the door frame. But it was so hard to concentrate on anything else that the way for body felt pressed to his - so warm he thought you might be having a fever-  and the way you were breathing so hard and fast, you were panting against his hand- but he could notice, he could see how much you were trying to do as he said, to stay still and be quiet, even if you were in so much discomfort 
“That’s it, calm down” He whispered, lowering his head so his lips were pressed to your ear, making sure only you could hear him. “You are doing so good” he praised, the words warm against your skin. 
The way he phrased those words was enough to make a shiver run through your spine and make your head spin with desire. You hadn't noticed the way you had begun to press further onto him, almost as if desperate to be closer, to feel him even further. And his hand, his fucking hand had begun to rub the side of your waist in a comforting way,
You were melting. But you wanted more, you needed more-
Peeta tried to ignore the way you had begun to move against him, how your breathing had changed to something deeper, how your mouth let slip little whines and moans against his hand. He knew it was the drug's effect, he knew you couldn't help it, he knew he had to maintain a clear head, to take care of you and make sure you stayed safe.
And then you felt it, as you ground your body against his, you felt something hard begin to press against your ass. It made something in you snap, a need so desperate and maddening, it made fire rush through your veins as if boiling from the inside out- it made your brain drunk and fuzzy with desire- and the pain, the excruciating coil tightening between your legs, it was too much, too much.    
Peeta felt your hand suddenly grip his, moving his arm away from your hip. He felt almost in a daze, as if unable to stop you as you moved it down your body. His breath hitched in your ear as you pressed his hand right between your legs, where you needed him the most. The thin material of your jeweled gown was the only thing standing between his fingers and your pussy- he could feel how warm you were, and cursed aloud when he noticed also how wet. 
“We can't” He whispered; voice slightly breaking as he felt you increase the pressure of his fingers “They have drugged you with an aphrodisiac. You are not thinking straight-”  
A moan slipped through your lips, muffled by his hand still pressed against your mouth. Peeta's eyes strained on the doorframe, noticing the shadow gone. He almost sighed in relief, until he felt the loud chuckles coming from outside-
they were still there.
Your brain couldn't comprehend anything else but the need for him. A need that was becoming so strong, the pain was unbearable. You could feel tears swell in your eyes as you gasped, your other hand coming up to push away his own from your mouth. 
“Please, Peeta, I can't take this anymore- I” you choked on a whine when you felt his other hand slip from away from your body “-I need you, please, just help me.”
You pleaded, head dropping back against his shoulder in utter defeat. 
Peeta cursed again, eyes tightening shut as he searched for the will to contain himself, to find a way to reason with you, to make you understand how this was so wrong-
But then he remembered Finnick's words. ‘Do what you must to help her,’ what did he even mean? Was this the only way you could go through this? You would hate him for it, Peeta thought, taking advantage of you like this- but you were in pain, you were literally crying and shaking in his arms, he couldn't stand seeing you like this, it was breaking him-
“Please” you whined, your own hand coming between your legs to relieve some of the pressure there in a futile attempt- you felt absolutely nothing.
“Okay” he murmured against your ear, telling it more to himself than to you, making up his mind. “How can I help you, (y/n), just tell me how.” 
You sigh in relief at his words, closing your eyes in anticipation.
“Touch me” you whispered, breathless “Please.”
Peeta felt lightheaded with the way you were so desperate, so needy for him. In any other circumstance, he would have given away with the first please ever uttered from your beautiful lips- because you were always so composed, so strong, so unwavering- hearing you like this was making him almost as desperate for you as you were for him.
“Please what?” Peeta couldn't help to reply, his voice just as breathless as yours, beginning to move his arms, tentatively resting his hands on your hips.
You groaned in frustration, beginning to push yourself away from him so you could turn around to face him when you felt one of his strong hands spread across your abdomen, pushing you right back against him. He was so strong, you couldn't help but think, imagining his hands pushing and pulling other parts, handling you as if it were nothing-
“Please, Peeta” you begged.
Peeta melted at the sound of those tight words in your throat.
“So polite” he praised, finally moving one hand to the side of your hip where the slit of your gown began. His callous warm fingers met your bare skin there and you sighed in content “Such a good girl” he whispered, mouth pressing down just below your right earlobe, in that sensitive spot that felt to good it sent tingles down your body and made you moan out loud before you could stop it-
Peeta’s other hand instantly moved to cover your mouth once again, roughly pushing your head back against his shoulder. 
“What was that?” A woman’s voice exclaimed from the hall outside, filled with delight “Sounds like someone’s having a good time!”
Peeta cursed on your ear, the words sounding even more coarse coming out of his mouth. 
You whimpered, unable to take the pain between your legs any longer- your heart was beating so fast, it seemed as if you couldn't catch your breath, your skin so taut you thought it might snap over your bones, and the heat- you thought you might pass out 
“Shh it’s okay” Peeta tried to calm you, his eyes glued to the shadows now outside of your door. Had they figured someone was inside here? “Be quiet doll, you can do it.”
You nodded your head in a haze, desperate to show him you would do anything he said. 
Peeta knew you couldn't take it any longer, practically limp in his arms, trembling in his grip. He took in a shaky deep breath before he began to move the hand on your hip underneath the surprisingly thin material of your gown. Your skin was so smooth and soft, and so, so warm- Peeta had to take a minute to just caress between your hip and upper thigh, savoring the feeling of your tender flesh beneath his rough fingers - before he heard your impatient cry from within his hand covering your mouth. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed the shadows beneath the door begin to move away, using the courage to finally dip his fingers between your thighs. His breath hitched when he noticed you didn't have anything under your gown, being met with your bare pussy right beneath his finger, hand freezing in place as the realization of what he was doing, and to whom, dawned on him.
He was about to fuck (y/n), districts four beloved 73rd hunger games victor.
“You are killing me” you mumbled against his palm, desperately pushing your hips forward in an attempt to increase the pressure of his fingers where you needed him most. So, he dipped his hand further, his muscled arm tensing over your belly as he did, bringing you flushed against him. And his fingers, ever so slowly, began to part your folds, his eyes closing as his head dropped down to lean on your shoulders at the feeling of your slick coating his fingers, smoothing his entrance. You bit his hand in an attempt to quiet the moan bubbling on your chest, head pushing back against his shoulder in an attempt to get a grip on yourself.
“So good” he murmured, lips tightly pressed to your ear “So good, so quiet.” 
You could feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as he began to rub your wetness up and down, right over the bundle of nerves that send electric waves of pleasure down your body. One of your hands came down to grip his arm, pushing it down with further force- Peeta instantly knew what you wanted, what it meant- and he obliged, increasing the pressure and pace of his fingers. 
The people outside began to cheer for something, the noise followed by clapping. Peeta didn't waste a second to remove his hand against your mouth, moving it down to your chin as he pushed your head further back, adjusting so his ear was right over your mouth-
“Let me hear you doll” He breathed, his fingers quickening their pace almost desperately so- feeling so good it made your toes curl and your thighs squeeze around his hand. And you moaned, so desperate and needy it would have embarrassed you if it weren't for the fact that that was exactly how you felt for him. 
“Peeta” you choked out in a gasp right on his ear, and that was enough to make Peeta lose his mind, a low groan escaping from his own lips, the sound so deep and hoarse it vibrated on his chest.
You could feel his erection pressed on your backside, so hard you knew we wanted you just as much at the moment. And you wanted to feel him, God, it was all you could have ever wanted, so you started to move your hand to your back- until you felt his hand suddenly stop, making you freeze in place. You could hear his ragged breathing, feel his heart pounding against your back-
“Look at me,” He whispered, interrupting the sudden silence. You opened your eyes, surprised to notice how they had adjusted to the darkness, able to see the outlines of the door, the metal railing filled with cleaning supplies- you were in fact, in a closet. And then you looked up, finding his beautiful face before you. 
He was so handsome; you had noticed that the first time you saw him. With his big, deep brown eyes and breathtaking smile. And now, with his messy blonde hair, his parted soft lips, his completely darkened eyes-
He looked delicious.
“You are absolutely beautiful” he murmured, the hand on your chin moving up to cup the side of your face. “(y/n)” he continued, a deep breath leaving his lips, fanning your own. You wanted to taste him so badly “You are not on your right mind, this is not what you want.”
You shook your head, exasperated.
“I want you so badly” you voiced in a shuddering breath “If you don't touch me right now, I think I might die.”
You used his stun position to free from his grasp, finally turning so you were face to face. He looked completely disheveled, his white tux discarded on the floor, and his matching shirt completely wrinkled, the first buttons torn and revealing a slit of tanned skin. 
“I-” He began but you couldn't resist any longer, shutting him up with a kiss. 
His hands were on you instantly, pulling at your hips to position you flush against him, to then wrap his arms around your waist to lock you in place. Your hand snaked to the back of his head, where you tangled them on his hair, slightly pulling it just to hear him groan again- it felt like fuel to the fire inside you. You used the moment to deepen the kiss, meeting his warm tongue inside his mouth. The kiss was desperate, hungry, lips moving feverishly against each other.
Peeta forgot about everything else, about the people on the other side of the door, about getting caught- he could only think about you, about feeling you against him, your lips on his, your tongue on his mouth- he wanted more. His hands began to roam your body, testing, feeling, kneading your soft flesh in a grip so strong you knew would certainly leave bruises. And then they were on your ass, squeezing so tight you moaned against his mouth- and he was lifting you up from the ground, your legs wrapping around his waist-
“I need you” You panted against his lips, finally breaking the kiss. The coil in your lower stomach feeling even more unbearable, the pain was making you see white dots in the corner of your vision “I need you inside me.”
Peeta leaned his forehead to yours, attempting to regain control of himself, to think straight. He sat your body against the railing, separating enough so he could see your face, meet your eyes.
And he stared at you, almost in awe before he spoke again, dropping his head back as if to force himself to stop doing it any longer.
“Your eyes” he breathed out, “they shine so black when you are hot for me.” 
You cupped his face between your warm hands, forcing him to face you as you once again begged-
Peeta wanted nothing more than to oblige - he would have lifted your gown and fucked you right there against the railings- but he knew he couldn’t. He couldn't, not when you were under the effects of a drug that altered your senses, your reasoning.   
So, he compromised. Not doing anything was torture to you, or so he told himself, moving so one of his arms could fit between both of your bodies while the other began to lift your gown and gather it just over your hips. 
“Are you going to be a good girl and stay quiet?” He panted, his ears once again registering the commotion outside. Seemed like they moved the party to the hall, he realized, glad that the noise had gone louder, hiding what was going on in the little storage closet down the corridor.
“Yes” you whimpered, unable to contain the tears swelling in your eyes due to the pain, and the excitement- 
Such a wreck for him, Peeta thought, brain drunk in desire.
“You are the one killing me, (y/n)” he murmured, holding your gaze with eyes so intense you thought he might be looking through you. 
And then his hand was between your legs again, slowly rubbing your wet folds, surprised at how they were more so than before. He quicken up the pace faster this time, taking his time in enjoying every sinful sound falling from your lips, your head falling back to lean against the railing- you gasped when you felt his other hand grip your chin, thumb and index finger pressing against your cheeks and forcing you to open your eyes
“Look at me” he panted, and you thought you might cum just by the way he was looking at you with so much hunger-
And then you gasped in shock as without a warning two of his fingers slipped inside you, his thumb continuing to rub on your sensitive clit. Pleasure shocked through your body making you involuntary shake against the rails, the pressure on your lower abdomen coiling impossibly tighter-
“I'm gonna-” you whined, head leaning forward to try and find somewhere to lean on, but Peeta’s grip held you there on place, forcing you to face him. 
“Say please” He breathed, lips hovering over yours, his fingers moving in and out of you with the perfect pressure, the perfect pace, and his thumb-
“Peeta” you whimpered.
He could feel how close you were, how your walls clenched around his fingers in the most delicious way- he thought he was close himself to climax, just by the way your face scrunched with pleasure, how your body became undone under his touch-
“Come on doll, ask nicely” He encouraged, needing to hear you beg, just one more time.
 “Please” you managed moan.
And he was merciless about it, plunging his fingers into you harder, faster, his thumb rubbing against your clit feverishly, curling his fingers and hitting just the perfect spot-
You become undone with his name on your lips, waves of pleasure erupting from deep within your tummy as the tight coil finally released, toes curling and body jerking. He slowed the pace of his fingers as he continued to ride you out of your orgasm, your shaking body finally collapsing into his, blind with gratification and exhaustion.
Peeta panted against your ear as he finally removed his fingers from inside you, proceeding to hold you tight against him before he lowered you from the railing back onto your feet- until he quickly realized you couldn't stand on your own, arms wrapping securely around your waist and across your back to hold you in place, your own coming up to snake around his neck in a solid embrace.
“Are you alright?” He whispered, his breathing still ragged, heart pounding loudly against your chest pressed to his- you on the other hand, were completely crashing, blood pressure dropping, white stars dancing in the back of your close eyelids. 
“hmm” you hummed, struggling to remain conscious.
“I think they left” Peeta voiced his thoughts, frowning in concentration as he listened for any noise outside- but it was completely quiet, he soon realized. 
You didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, brain completely fogged with satisfaction, body finally out of pain and completely relaxed on his arms, as if meant to be there all along.
“(y/n)” Peeta shook you, his tone finally above a whisper “Hey, I need you to stay here yeah? stay with me.”
You tried to nod but your head just fell limp against his shoulder-
He smelled so fucking good.
“Thank you?” He replied, amusement clear on his breathless words.
You hadn't realized you had voiced your thoughts out loud, a soft chuckle scaping your lips.
“You are completely out of it, aren't you” He sighed, leaning over you so he rested his chin on top of your head, attempting to calm himself down.
You frowned at the height difference, moving your feet, and realizing you were barefoot, heels completely lost somewhere in the tiny closet.
Once Peeta finally could catch his breath, heart in a slightly normal pace, he stepped closer to the door, your almost limp body secure in his strong arms. He pushed the side of his face flat against the cool metal, concentrating on identifying any sound that could indicate someone on the other side but-
Nothing. Silence.
“Okay” He murmured, nodding “Okay, we are going to come out, yes?”
You mumbled a reply, what? you didn't know, but it was enough to make Peeta nod again. You felt him loosen his grip on you making you react on clinging to him with all your strength, desperate to avoid the loss of contact.
“Hey, I’m here, I won't leave you” He assured you, hands pushing you by the hips to create some space between the two- and you were so completely weak, barely registering your body at all, that you couldn't avoid the separation. 
You frowned, opening your mouth to try and object, when you were suddenly being lifted from the ground and up on his arms again, this time in bridal style, with one of his arms holding under your knees as the other secured around your back. 
“Romantic” you gushed, chuckling again.
Peeta rolled his eyes, sheepish smile tugging at his lips, as he adjusted his body so his hand could twist the handle and open the door. He loosens a breath he didn't know had been holding as he registered the hall with quick assessing eyes, noticing it completely deserted.
You tried to blink at the sudden light, but it took just a couple of blinks before your eyes dropped closed again, as if the weight of them was impossible to overcome. 
“Your room is not safe” He murmured, beginning to make his way to the elevator with you tightly held on to his arms “We will go to mine.”
You nodded, the pull of unconsciousness so strong you were sure it was only a matter of seconds before you were out- so you snuggled closer to him, wrapping your arms across his neck and positioning your face right at the nape of his neck, where his smell washed over you and his warmth seeped to your skin.
And just like that, you were out with a content smile plastered on your face.
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humanpurposes · 30 days
De Jure
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In light of a recent scandal, she finds herself becoming part of Aemond's plan for the future- Part 2 to De Facto.
PM!Aemond x unnamed female character
Main Masterlist // AO3
Warnings: 18+, smut, politics (putting my degree to good use), questionable power dynamics, manipulation, dub con/non con elements, baby trapping
Words: 4121
A/n: He looked too good at the New York premiere and I couldn't help myself :)
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A strange feeling seems to follow her around Hightower House, like there are eyes on her, like everyone around her is watching her, like they know something.
It’s plausible enough that Aemond likes to keep her behind late most nights because he trusts her, more so than the other staff. There’s always something they need to talk through, some crisis that needs solving, some issue they can form a preemptive strategy for. Mostly “crisis resolution” comes in the form of him bending her over the desk and tearing through her tights, or having her on her knees with his hands in her hair and his cock slipping between her lips.
Aemond is precise, attentive, relentless. He leaves her stunned and satisfied in a way that the wanting never satiates itself. 
Then there are the occasional glances, the sparse touches, his hand on her back when he walks into a room, his hand on her thigh under a desk, in the back of a car.
He’s careful to act inconspicuously around others, but there’s something about the way Maris glares at her, the way Alys watches her with her brows raised.
What if they know? How could they? How could they not?
Then she starts to get noticed by Otto Hightower. He’s a formidable figure in Hightower House, notorious for expecting the best from the staff, for his bluntness, his restrained but short temper, his intolerance for anything less than perfection– this is the man who made Aemond Targaryen the political force that he is after all.
After Aemond’s success in de-escalating the Aegon situation, Otto Hightower had personally pulled her aside and commended her. “Aemond said he wouldn’t have been able to pull it together if it weren’t for you.”
She’d been rather stunned that Aemond would mention her to his grandfather. 
“Just doing my bit for the party,” she’d said.
He nodded his head at that, mouth poised in something like a smile.
She never has plans on a Friday night these days. She’s working through some polls, anxiously waiting for Aemond to finish a meeting with the inner circle, Otto, Cole and Alicent.
Alys is watching her between glances at her laptop, the same red lipstick on her lips, an eerie white light illuminating her face from the screen. Her nails tap against the keys and the surface of the desk when she pauses to think, to stare.
“What?” she says sharply, weeks of patience wearing thin.
Alys smirks to herself before slowly closing the lid of her laptop. “It seems as though something’s bothering you.”
A panicked feeling hums in her chest. She was too harsh. Her reaction was too obvious. “No, I’m fine,” she mutters.
“I thought you might be tired, you know, with all the overtime Mr Taragryen has you doing.”
She tries to laugh it off, to smile and shake her head, but her mouth feels stiff.
“Maris thinks he likes you.” Alys leans back in her chair, twirling a pen between her fingers.
“No more than he likes anyone else, I’m sure.”
One of Alys’ eyebrows lifts. With a short humming sound in her throat her lips break into another smile that bares her teeth. “Between us, I think Maris has a crush on him. It was cute at first but now I think she looks a little desperate…”
Desperate. What does that make her?
“... I think he likes you because you’re good at your job, but then sometimes it’s like he goes out of his way to ignore you. I thought he might be doing it to make the rest of us feel better.”
They stare at each other, locked in a silent dare. She feels her chest moving with her breath, her heart drumming under her skin. 
“I think you’re reading into things,” she says, wincing at how dry her throat is.
Alys’ smile is gone now. She has this certain look, it can be unassuming and yet unnervingly intense. But they go back to their respective tasks. She looks like she has another thought brewing in her head, but she is interrupted by the ringing on the phone on her desk.
She picks it up instantly. “Hello, sir. Yes, sir. I’ll send her through now.”
The meeting isn’t over yet, the others would have passed the office on their way out. She tries not to stand too eagerly, taking her time as she collects the papers in front of her and picks up her phone– but what if Alys thinks she’s moving too slowly? She resists the urge to tut at herself or fiddle with the fabric of her skirt.
She has to walk by Alys’ desk to get to the door, and the thought fills her with dread, like she’ll be able to see right through her head and read every thought.
“Wait,” Alys calls as she hovers in the open doorway. 
She turns to face her.
“He’s sweet,” Alys says, “and too gorgeous for his own good, but the Hightowers are opportunists.”
She knows that. The whole country knows that. For a generation, Westerosi politics has been nothing but a game between the Greens and the Blacks, a rivalry that started when Otto Hightower’s daughter caught the eye of Viserys Targaryen.
“You’re a smart girl,” Alys says. “Be careful.”
The walk to Aemond’s office feels longer than usual. The closed door feels more daunting. She taps her knuckles against it three times and pauses for a moment, until she hears his voice telling her to enter. 
The days are growing shorter and the sun is already setting, a warm glow bleeding in through the tall windows. The light makes Aemond’s hair appear more golden than silver. He’s sitting on the sofa, suit jacket open, tie discarded, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, hair dishevelled, like he’s been running his hands through it.
Criston Cole is sat in an armchair and nods to her when she walks in. Otto Hightower sits with his back to the door, Alicent beside him.
They’ve been in here for hours, the table between them is covered in empty coffee cups and newspapers with bold headlines. Some have moved on from the Aegon scandal, others have not.
She looks to Aemond for an instruction.
He beckons her with a single finger, anticipation already pooling in her belly despite their company. She stands beside him, hovering by the arm of the sofa where Aemond leans against his elbow, clutching her papers close to her chest.
Otto greets her by name. She’s rather proud of how far she’s come since her first day, scared to even step foot in his office.
He and Cole continue to discuss the Duskendale by-election which will inevitably take place in light of Aegon’s removal. Otto says this will be an opportunity for the Blacks to capitalise on the scandal, win themselves another seat in Parliament and put pressure on the Greens, on Aemond. Alicent listens all the while, picking at her fingernails.
“Rhaenyra will pick someone close to her, someone charismatic,” Otto says, looking directly at her. 
Why would he do that, does he expect a note to be taken on the conversation?
Aemond’s hand appearing on her waist takes her by surprise. She stares down at him wide-eyed at his carelessness. He doesn’t seem worried as he gently pulls her down to sit on the arm of the sofa. His arm stays wrapped around her back, his hand slotting into the curve of her body, his thumb tracing circles against her shirt. 
She tries to look at Otto and Cole without drawing too much attention to herself, but they don’t seem surprised at Aemond’s little display of affection. Alicent stares at them passively.
“Who in the Black Party has any charisma?” Cole says dryly. “She’s hardly got any allies left.”
“Jacaerys,” Otto says.
Cole scoffs. “He’s fresh out of uni.”
“He’s young but he has appeal,” Alicent says. “Certainly more than Aegon ever did.” She says it so gently but with no hesitation.
“And a good speaker,” Aemond adds, “people respond to him, he’s likeable.”
One more question remains, a ceaseless itch in her brain, as distracting as Aemond’s hand clinging to her body. She clears her throat softly. “Who’s our candidate going to be?”
Aemond’s grip on her waist tightens and he looks up at her, dying sunlight beaming over his face, catching on the tip of his nose, the curve of his lip, the lines of his jaw. “We’ve been discussing that.”
She hates this, feeling like she’s a step behind everyone else in the room. She looks up at the faces of Otto and Cole. Aemond has a sister, Helaena, but she stays away from public life. His younger brother, Daeron, is still studying. There are also plenty of Hightower cousins, people already in their inner circle. 
“If we are all in agreement,” Otto says, fixing his suit jacket as he stands. “Come, Alicent.”
Aemond’s mother has always been a glamorous woman, younger than she appears. It’s not something she’s ever noticed before but she has such a solemn look about her, wide brown eyes and fallen lips. 
Aemond stands to kiss her on both cheeks. “Thank you,” he says, softly, still loud enough for her to hear it.
“I trust your judgement,” she says.
With that the three of them leave the room and Aemond closes the door behind her.
She’s still sitting unsurely on the arm of the sofa, resisting the urge to dig her fingernails into the leather.
Aemond turns to face her. He slips off his suit jacket and places it carefully on the coat hanger by the door. He takes measured steps towards the sofa. “I have something to tell you. Sit down.”
Her stomach drops at the sinisterly soft tone of his voice, but she does as he says, slipping from the arm to the sofa itself, only to find she cannot sit comfortably. The back isn’t quite in the right place, the seat is too soft, like she’s melting into it. She tries to sit with her back straight, her legs crossed, her hands in her lap and her head held high as he approaches her.
By now she thinks she has a good read of him, the subtleties in his expressions, the hints into his mind. She can’t read him now. He looks at her with excitement, with something softer, with a look of hunger and lust. But she can tell that he’s far too happy with himself.
“You look nervous. Are you nervous?” he says, undoing the buttons on his cuffs and pulling them up to bare his hands, the muscles and tendons of his forearms.
“Well, I don’t know what’s going on.”
“It’s exciting, I promise.”
Exciting to him, clearly.
“Alright,” she says.
Aemond stands before her and smiles, only for a moment. Usually, in this position, he’d reach out for her cheek, maybe he’d lean down to kiss her.
He just looks at her, with amusement, wonder, curiosity, perhaps even pride. With a small hum to himself, Aemond says, “we need a candidate for Duskendale.”
“So I’ve heard,” she says, quietly but defiantly. 
“I want it to be you.”
She feels her eyes go wide. The room feels cold and close. She can hear Aemond breathing through his nose, slow and steady.
After a few moments of silence, Aemond says, “what do you think?” 
It takes her too long to find her breath. “You suggested it to Otto?”
“Yes. He and my mother agree, you’ll be perfect.”
Heat flushes in her face. She feels an urge to laugh, or cry, or grab him by the shoulders and ask him why in seven fucking hells he thinks this would be a good idea.
But then this is what she’s always wanted. This is why she studied so relentlessly, spent hours and hours in the library pouring over textbooks, why she gave up sleep to meet her deadlines, missed meals to afford rent in Sunspear, dedicated so much of herself to the extra work, all so she could have the very job Aemond is offering her on a silver platter.
It would be worth it, wouldn’t it? Knowing she could actually make a difference to the world that seemed determined to have her fail.
What if she asks him “why?” What if she gives him a reason to doubt her and he snatches that chance away?
She barely registers Aemond’s hands closing around hers before he pulls her up to stand. His forehead and his nose rest against hers, his breath warm over her skin. His lips are almost upon hers but he doesn’t move to kiss her, he keeps her waiting and restless.
“They’ve all agreed,” he mutters, “we need someone with no history, no scandals, nothing that could be held against us, not after the mess Aegon’s made.”
She pauses, pulling back a little so they can meet eye to eye. “You want me because I won’t embarrass you?”
Aemond tilts his head. “I want you because you’re the best option.” He leans in again, pressing a delicate kiss to her forehead, then her temple, then her cheek. “You’d be a perfect fit, you’re intelligent, you’re meticulous, you don’t miss details and you’re unafraid to speak your mind.”
He presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth but she turns her head. “I want to feel like I’ve earned it,” she utters.
Aemond’s mouth trails to her neck instead, kissing her firmly. “You have earned it,” he says, his hands moving to her waist, squeezing her, claiming her. His touch roams over the rest of her body while he kisses her neck, her thighs, her rear, anything he can reach. 
It’s dangerous how she responds when his hands are in the right place, and he knows it. But she reaches for his wrists to make him stop when he starts to tug on the waist of her skirt with his fingers.
“Is that what you think this is,” she says, “do you think I’m only trying to get a career out of you?”
Aemond frowns.
“Do you think I want to be remembered as some shallow opportunist? Is that all you think I deserve?”
When he hums it catches in the back of his throat. He makes a small pout with his lips, the way he often does when he’s thinking. 
“You have an opportunity to do something remarkable here,” he says, his voice low and chilling as he takes her chin in his fingertips. “Look at all the work you’ve done for me already, why deny yourself the chance to do more?”
It doesn’t have to be a denial, does it? Saying no to him would only mean she could take a different path, her own path, on her terms. Unless this is it. Unless she says no and this is the end of everything.
His fingertips press into her jaw, as if his patience is wearing thin with every passing moment.
She looks into his single violet eye and the sapphire prosthetic set in his left socket, determined to stand her ground. “Not like this,” she says.
Aemond tuts. “Are you worried you won’t get in? You’ll get the seat, I’ll make sure you do. You’ll get the career you’ve wanted for so long, you’ll get everything you’ve worked for.” There’s desperation in his voice, something familiar and yet primal. His thumb gently strokes over her cheek to her lower lip. “I’ll keep you with me. Wouldn’t you like that?”
Reason slips from her mind and something dangerous tightens in her gut. “What do you mean–”
Her question ends up muffled against his lips as Aemond kisses her, deeply and desperately, pulling her into him, closer and closer.
She holds her hands up and the only place for her palms to go is against his chest so she can feel his heat and his heartbeat through his shirt. She parts her lips, welcoming his tongue and his teeth, welcoming the way he consumes her.
“Once you’re in Parliament we can make things official,” he mutters between their kisses.
He goes in to kiss her again and she pulls back. “What?”
He huffs impatiently, taking her face in both his hands. “I need someone reliable by my side, someone like you. It’ll be good for my image, and for the party, to appeal to family values.”
She feels herself scowling. “Did your grandfather tell you that?”
“Don’t give me that look,” he says teasingly,
“What about all the work I’ve done already? I can’t give everything up?”
“What would you be giving up?”
Infuriatingly, her mind is suddenly blank.
Through the windows behind them, the sun is setting lower and lower in the sky, the golden rays only shining brighter as night creeps in. The world is as it was when they first met. Aemond’s eye burns in the light, his eye that has bored into hers as he’s pushed her over the threshold of bliss, that finds her across crowded rooms, that must have seen every inch of her skin. 
“We’ll announce an engagement before you’re confirmed as our candidate,” he says. He comes to kiss her gently. The moment could almost feel tender, if he were not seeking to uproot her entire life. “You’re perfect,” he whispers against her lips. “Say yes to me, please, I need you to say yes.”
It’s easy to get lost in Aemond Targaryen, in his intensity, in his rare offerings of praise and approval. Her arms find their way around his neck, pulling herself into him, absentmindedly rocking her hips against his. His promises excite her as much as they terrify her.
“Say it,” he purrs, his voice catching in his throat as he walks her back. “I need an answer from you.”
The backs of her knees hit the edge of the sofa. She takes a moment to breathe and find her bearings.
Aemond’s eye is hooded and dark, his lips pressed together. She can feel it all simmering under the surface, his hunger, his desperation.
He needs her. He cannot lose this seat to the Blacks, he can’t give them space to challenge him. He can’t let Aegon’s indiscretions overshadow everything he’s been working towards. The Greens need to purge themselves of this damning image, they need a clean slate, and they’re willing to put her in the centre of government to get it.
“I’ll do it,”
His kiss is harsh when he captures her lips again, needy and commanding as he grabs at her waist.
She lets out a breath of surprise when he positions her to lay back on the sofa without parting from her. He’s over her, pressing her into the plush leather, a firm hold trailing from her neck, her wrists, her sides, her breasts through her blouse.
He undoes the buttons slowly, kissing the exposed parts of her flesh of her chest and stomach. When he has the blouse off completely he makes quick work of undoing her bra, discarding that to move his attention to her breasts. He toys with her nipples with his thumbs, lips and tongue until she’s writhing beneath him. She can already picture the bruises that will bloom in his wake.
He’s slow with her skirt too, she can hardly stand it, feeling the fabric and his fingertips dragging down her legs. With her shoes removed, Aemond sits back on his haunches and wraps his hands around one of her ankles, smirking as he strokes small circles over a sensitive spot of her skin.
“Please,” she utters, reaching her fingers out to graze his stomach, still hidden underneath a perfectly white shirt.
“I know, I know,” he coos, hooking his fingers in her panties to pull them from her legs. “I just like seeing you like this.
He wastes no more time, placing her ankle over his shoulder, spreading her other knee with a wide palm and leaning down until his face is between her legs. He knows to start slowly, to tease her with slow drags through her folds. It’s an infuriating feeling but she savours it. It’s the burn she loves, being dragged towards pleasure like a continual tide lapping at the shore.
She craves these unhurried moments, and she supposes there will only be more once Aemond gets his way.
His motions increase in speed when her breath quickens and she starts to squirm, with whispered mumblings of “please… I’m so close… please.” He borders on frantic, hums of approval vibrating against her centre.
It builds and builds until it releases a bloom of warmth in her belly that soon fades back into need when Aemond untangles himself from her. She watches him undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt, as he unbuckles his belt and yanks it from the loops in his slacks. He bares himself to her. There’s no pride this time, just awe when he looks at her.
He positions himself above her, running the tip of his cock, already hard and leaking, against her, pushing against her clit with every gentle thrust.
She holds onto his arms for leverage, letting herself succumb to the sensation, the smell of his aftershave and his sweat, the heat and the sound of their breaths in unison.
“I mean it,” he says with a sigh, “I think you’re perfect.”
She smiles, planting a peck against his lips, before she slides a hand between their bodies and positions him at her entrance. She’s taken him enough times but the initial stretch has her gritting her teeth. 
Aemond stills. “We can–”
“I want to take it,” she utters, “I want to feel you,”
His resolve melts, but he doesn’t push further, waiting for a nod from her before he inches himself deeper inside her.
Their bodies mould against each other, her arms around his shoulders, his head nestled into her neck, his breath hot against her skin as he pants. She watches him thrusting into her, chasing his own pleasure as he nudges against a spot inside her that leaves her feeling weightless. 
He tries to increase his pace, but the back of the sofa hinders him somewhat. He grunts in frustration, gathering her in his arms and moving them both to the fur rug on the floor with ease. He brings her legs onto his shoulders and pushes into her once more, to the hilt, eliciting a gasp from her.
He chuckles to himself, showing his teeth and licking his lips. “You like that?”
“Yeah, fuck,” she breathes.
“Know you like it when I’m nice and deep,” he mutters, fucking her with swift snaps of his hips. With one hand on the floor he takes a gentle hold of her neck with the other, leaning in so her thighs are pressed against her chest. “My pretty girl, my perfect girl.”
Her second climax is within reach, she feels the heat rising inside of her, her hips trying to buck but she’s caged by him.
Aemond’s hold on her neck tightens. “You’re close,” he says with a wicked smile on his lips.
Her back arches from the floor, head thrown back in ecstasy. “Don’t stop,” she pleads, “please don’t fucking stop…”
She clings to him, each one of them at the other’s mercy.
“I’ve got you,” Aemond says, continuing to drive his hips against hers. He must be reaching his own end, his pace is starting to falter, his moans unrestrained. 
Usually he makes a habit of spilling himself over her body, her stomach or her thighs.
“Aemond?” she breathes.
“You’ll take what I give you, won’t you?” he says, “you’re mine now, we might as well get a head start.”
The realisation makes her stomach drop. “Wait–” she tries to murmur between her whines, “you can’t– not yet–”
He leans in to kiss her, to soothe her, to silence her.
He comes with a guttural groan, his hips stilling against her and a warmth spreading inside of her. Her own pleasure erupts after that, she can feel herself clenching around him, her body greedy for everything he has to offer her.
Aemond stays pressed against her for a moment, his heart hammering in his chest. He withdraws from her slowly, bringing her legs down– she sees the way his eye lingers between her legs, something hot and wet dripping from within her. He gathers it with the tip of his cock, pushing himself into her again with short, shallow thrusts.
He takes her by her neck again, demanding her attention.
She gazes back at him, breathless, wide-eyed.
“There’s my good girl,” he coos. “With any luck we’ll have a due date to announce alongside your victory in Duskendale.”
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tropes-and-tales · 1 month
Don't Gloat
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(From the "Shut Up" kiss starter prompts, found here)
CW:  Richie being Richie, swearing, mild violence (a misunderstanding), smut (PiV, protected). 18+ only.
Word Count:  7289
AN:  Requested by an anonymous person, place, or thing!
AN2: Drabble? I don't know her, apparently.
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Your first real fight is over chicken.
You squabble, pretty much from day one.  Carmy hires you to help in the kitchen, and Richie immediately takes an intense dislike to you.  Adding you upsets the delicate ecosystem of The Beef.  You are unnecessary.  Richie makes it known on your first day.
“Don’t get comfortable,” he warns an hour into service.  “Cousin doesn’t run things.”
“Seems like he does,” you shoot back.
“I’m the manager here.”
Here is where the dislike really starts.  Richie is rude and sarcastic, but you’re a chameleon.  You can shift and change your demeanor to match what someone is giving you, so when Richie is rude and sarcastic to you, you respond in kind.
You call him “Mister Manager” in a tone dripping with sarcasm, and by the end of that first shift, Richie completely hates you.
The feeling is mutual by the end of your second shift.
At first, you just squabble.  You trade barbs and insults.  When Richie throws a temper tantrum over Carmy’s organization of the spices, you pout and turn to Ibra and posit that Richie is grumpy because he needs a juice box and a nap.  Which makes Ibra cock his head at you.  He speaks English impeccably, but sometimes he misses the finer nuances of language like sarcasm. 
“I do not think we have juice boxes here,” Ibra says, and Tina swats him as she walks past.
“She’s being sarcastic, you old bitch,” she tells him.
The allusion to Richie being a toddler isn’t far off.  He acts childish all the time.  He flings cookware around when he’s having a tantrum.  He swears, he throws out middle fingers like an angry pre-teen. 
He hides your expensive Henckles knives.  He turns the heat up or down when your back is turned.  Once, he parks you in behind The Beef, and when you go to leave, he’s nowhere to be found—you end up doing a thirty-six point turn, a fraction at a time, before you can properly pull out and drive away.
But your first real fight is over chicken.
The meat delivery is wrong one day.  You’re short on beef, but there’s five whole chickens, and Carmy throws up his hands and tells you to come up with something.
So you do. 
You roast them low and slow so they stay tender, and you’re putting the finishing touches on the sauce—an adobo-based barbeque that’s the perfect blend of tangy and smoky—when Richie strolls in.  He’s in his stupid leather jacket and ridiculous blue track pants, and he announces himself with his usual grinning, “what’s up, you fucking lizards?”
Sweeps and Manny call out their hellos, but Richie ignores them.  He’s already super-focused on you…and the sauce you’re stirring over a low heat.
“What the fuck is that?” he asks.  He stands too close to you, dips his head close to the pot, and takes a loud sniff of it.  Then rears back with a grimace, like you’re simmering a pot of shit and not a finely balanced sauce for your roasting chickens.
“It’s barbeque sauce.  For the chicken.”
“What fucking chicken?”
“Meat delivery was fucked up,” Carmy calls across the kitchen. 
Richie scoffs and turns to Carmy, and he gestures at you and your sauce.  “No offence, Cousin, but the place is called ‘The Beef.’”
“No offence, Cousin, but fuck off,” Carmy replies.
“Heaven forbid we try something new,” you add.  You snap the heat off and settle a lid over the pot to allow the flavors time to mellow together.  Once the chicken is done, you’ll shred it and mix it in.  You have a red cabbage slaw planned for it, and thin slices of sharp cheddar to round it out.  You turn towards the refrigerator, but Richie blocks your path.
“Nothing Italian about whatever the fuck that is.”  He glares down at you; he’s half a head taller than you, but he has a way of puffing out his chest like a bantam rooster spoiling for a fight.
Maybe other people are cowed by his posturing, but you’re unimpressed and not scared at all.
“It’s about as Italian as ‘Jerimovich.’”
His chest puffs out more, and he takes a half step closer to you.  This close, you can smell the cigarette smoke that clings to him, the old man cologne he splashes on with a heavy hand, the subtler scent of laundry detergent. 
“People come here every day and get the same thing,” he says.  “Same order every fuckin’ day.  No one is gonna order whatever fancy Noma bullshit you’re trying to pull out of your ass.”
You take a half step up to him and puff out your chest, and it makes Richie falter for a moment.  He leans back, just a fraction, but you note the movement and smirk up at him.  You reach out and poke him in the sternum with a forefinger, driving home each point.
“One, this isn’t Noma bullshit.  It’s literally slow-roasted chicken.  Two, it’s a pretty simple sauce.  Maybe it seems fancy to you because it’s more challenging to your palate than chicken nuggets.  Three, some customers might appreciate a change in their usual lunch order.  Not everyone is so resistant to change, Cousin.”
Your use of the familiar nickname makes his nostrils flare and his eyes widen in anger.  “I’m not your fucking Cousin.”
“Sure you are, Cousin.”
“Stop it.”
“I’ll save you a sandwich, Cousin.”  The thought occurs to you that you’re being childish now, that Richie has brought out some immature part of you, and you think it’s kinda fun, being a juvenile brat at work and leaning into the fight.
“Fucking stop it.”
“Stop what, Cousin?”
He turns away from you so quick, it makes you blink in surprise.  “Fucking bitch,” he mutters to himself, but he’s striding across the kitchen towards the office, and he’s calling for Carmy, so you follow at his heels and call for Carmy too.
“Yo, Cousin, can you fucking fire her already?  Jesus fucking Christ, I—” he starts, but you cut him off, mimic his growling voice and Chicago accent.
“Yo, Carmy, when are we gonna fire Richie already?  I mean, the place is changing—”
It makes Richie go fully nuclear.  The mention of change makes him apoplectic.  He turns and crowds you against the door jamb, and he gets right in your face:  so close that you can see his eyes aren’t completely blue—they are flecked with grey, like bits of mica in pavement.  You’re startled for a moment, surprised to find that his eyes are beautiful, but you obviously don’t say anything because he’s snarling in your face.
“Fuck you!” he spits out, and he points a finger inches from your face.  “Fuck you!  Nothin’ is changin’ here!  Nothin’ needs to change!”
And then he gives you his patented Richie double-chin flick, and he mutters some Italian insult you don’t know, and he’s marching through the kitchen to leave.
Not before he sweeps your mise en place off the counter, sending thin-sliced cabbage and vinegar flying.
Carmy stares at you with a look that is purely beleaguered.  He sighs, he scrubs his face with his hands, and he runs them through his hair before he sighs again.
“Whatever you and Richie have going on?  Squash that shit, Chef.”
You nod, embarrassed at rising—or sinking—to Richie’s childishness.  “Yes, Chef,” you reply.
“Squashing it” mostly means that you and Richie only fight when Carmy isn’t within earshot.
Your fighting still entails getting in each other’s faces.  It still means you insult each other, albeit more quietly.  You hiss insults at him, he grumbles them back.  You part when Carmy shows up, and you each stew in your separate corners and wait for the next round.
You start to suss out where the limits are.  You insult him as a father one single time, and the flash of hurt on his face makes you hold up your hands in a truce and apologize. 
He insults you once as a woman with daddy issues, and the words hit you like a punch to the gut.  You did grow up without a father—he died when you were six, and your only memories of him are full of pain from the stomach cancer that slowly killed him.  But you must show the hurt on your face too because Richie takes a step backwards away from you, stammers out an apology too.
All told, once you know each other’s hard limits, you actually fight pretty nicely, and if anyone notices it, no one says anything.
Sunday nights are a good time to come in to The Beef and set yourself up for the week.  You work it out with Carmy because it gives him a break and gives you a few more hours.  You enjoy the time there with the restaurant being closed—you blast your music, you sing along at the top of your lungs as you rotate stock, make detailed shopping lists for Carmy, and make sure everything is clean.
If one thing infuriates you, it’s the way certain national media outlets focus on Chicago as a cesspool of violence.  But it is a large city, and violence does happen, so when you’re in the basement of The Beef and hear the beep of the alarm system as it is deactivated, you immediately feel ice cold all over.  The alarm system, Ibra told you once, is easily overcome, and The Beef has been robbed before.
You glance around and see that you’re trapped, unless you want to rush up the steps (not advisable) or shimmy out a tiny window at street level (also not advisable).  There’s nothing in the way of weapons in the basement either, so you arm yourself with a half-burnt cookie sheet and tremble as you listen to the heavy tread above you.
Maybe they’ll just trash the place and leave.  There’s nothing worth stealing, unless they want to wheel out the massive, ancient Hobart.  Maybe they’ll get into Marcus’s stash of good vanilla.  Maybe they’ll—
Maybe they’ll make their way to the top of the stairs.  Maybe they’ll pause there and start walking down to where you wait.  You try not to breathe too loud, but your heart is hammering in your chest, your pulse is in your ears, and you’re flooded with adrenaline as the shoes of your would-be assailant come into view.
You don’t hear Richie’s voice when he calls out your name.  You’re too panicked.  You don’t hear him, and you don’t even register him when he rounds the corner—he’s in his usual track pants and leather jacket—because you’re fully in fight-or-flight mode…and independent of your will, your body chooses fight.
“Fuck you!” you scream, and you swing the cookie sheet directly at his head with all the force you can muster.  Your assailant stumbles backwards with a cry of pain, and you drop the pan and try to scramble past him, but you trip over his foot in your panic and fall hard, cracking your shinbone against the lowest step.
If you ever idly wondered how you’d react in a real life-or-death scenario, here is your answer:  you scream and scream, and you clutch one hand to your throbbing shin but flail your other hand at the person reaching for you, and it’s not until you smell him—the familiar cigarette/old man cologne smell—that your panic ebbs a little.
And then you see those blue eyes flecked with grey, and even if Richie is your enemy at work, he’s never really been an enemy in the true sense of the word.  The relief that you aren’t about to be raped or murdered floods you so suddenly that you burst into tears. 
And then you hug him, your arms so tight around his middle that he breathes out a sharp oof, but then he wraps one arm around your trembling form while the other clutches his bleeding nose in an attempt to staunch the blood.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” he asks.  His voice is thick and nasally, but there’s a hint of amusement to it.
“Thought you were an intruder.”  You release him from your hold, and you will yourself to stop shaking. 
“Carmy.”  He shakes his head.  “Guess Food and Wine’s Best New Asshole didn’t tell you I was coming by.”
“He did not.”
Richie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wrinkled napkin.  He presses it to his nose and winces, and your panic is replaced by shame.  You’ll never live this down, you realize.  Richie is going to tell everyone first thing tomorrow, and he’ll add his usual Richie flourishes to make your screams more shrill, your flailing more erratic in the retelling.
His nose stops bleeding, and he checks it tentatively.  He prods at the swollen skin, red that is going to bruise by morning.  He fixes you with a curious look.
“You hit harder than I would have thought.”
“I play softball.”
“Lincoln Park.  At the North Avenue fields.”
He huffs at that.  Clears his throat.  “Yeah, my daughter has t-ball there.”
Your panic is gone now, and you feel more like yourself.  Your leg throbs at where you banged it, and it will be bruised by morning like Richie’s face.  You limp over to the big table and gather up your coat and purse.
“Don’t do that,” you tell Richie.
“Do what?”
“Don’t…whatever.  Talk to me nice.  Tell me about your daughter.  Don’t do that.”
He snorts and says, “why the fuck not?”
“Because we’re not friends, and you scared the shit out of me, and now I’m all keyed up and just want to get home instead of having an impromptu bonding session with the one guy at The Beef who truly, honesty hates me.”
“Alright, fine.  You’re a fucking head-case to freak out the way you did, and I think you broke my fucking nose.  Better?”
It startles a laugh out of you, and your laughter makes Richie grin.  It’s shy, and he ducks his head, but you catch it all the same.
He clears his throat again, then asks if you drove there.  You tell him no—you had a premium parking spot on your street, so you took the L.  He nods at that, and he seems to be thinking through something, so you pull on your coat and sling your bag over your shoulder and wait for him to say something.
“Let me drive you home, at least, “he finally offers.  “You’re all sorts of fucked up.”
“I’m fine.”
“The hell you are.  Someone looks at you wrong on the train, gonna catch an assault charge.”
“You’d love to see me in prison,” you reply.  “Out of your way.  No one left to defiantly make a delicious chicken sandwich special and destroy the system here.”
“Asshole.”  He shakes his head, then gestures for you to take the stairs ahead of him.  “I’m driving you home.  Let’s go.”
You can’t admit that a ride sounds fantastic.  You do feel keyed up, anxious and twitchy, and even if it’s Richie, you’re grateful for the offer.
Even so, as you limp upstairs, the pain in your leg makes it easier to admit to him.  You turn as he resets the alarm, and you thank him, softly.
“Yeah, fine.  Whatever.”  He points at his car, then grumbles, “c’mon already.”
Somehow, it becomes a thing.
Sunday evenings become yours and Richie’s thing.  The work should go twice as fast, but Richie doesn’t work so much as… not work.  He leans in the doorway of the walk-in as you take inventory, he perches on the counter as you make giardiniera for the next day.  He sits in the office as you write out the order list for Carmy, and he gripes about how long you’re taking, how he has better things to do.
If that were true, why does he spend every Sunday with you?  You doubt Food and Wine’s Best New Asshole told him to, yet he shows up every week and complains the entire time.  He complains the entire drive to your place, and when you thank him for the ride, he either flips you off or makes a jacking-off motion with his hand before he peels away from your curb.
“You almost done?” he asks now.  “Got shit to do.”
“You don’t have shit to do.”  You check the takings from last week, do a quick calculation in the margin of the print-out.  “If you did, you wouldn’t be here.”
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you.”
“Why, you afraid I might introduce a dish that isn’t entirely Italian-American approved?”
He grumbles, “nothin’ needs to change.  Menu’s fine the way it is.”
“You really don’t have to stay, Richie.  I can handle myself.”
“Bullshit you can.”  He leans forward, taps the side of his nose.  “You handle yourself so well, you dislocated my fucking nose.”
“And it gave your face some character,” you retort.
“What’s wrong with my face?”
You glance at him, roll your eyes.  “Aside from the fact it’s always in my face, glaring or stirring up shit?  Nothing.”
He leans back in his chair again and sighs.  “I don’t stir up shit.”
“You do.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I fucking don’t.”
“You talk way too much, Richard.”
“Don’t call me fucking Richard.  You sound like my asshole mother-in-law.”  He pauses, then amends it to, “my former asshole mother-in-law.”
A long beat of silence passes.  You calculate the meat order, the vegetables, the shelf stable stuff.  You balance out the order against where there’s already overdue bills—Carmy is juggling the vendors as best he can, and you try to give him relief where you can—
“Done yet?”
“Nope.”  You cross out the one line for the produce vendor, split it between two vendors.  “What are you in such a hurry for?”
“Told you.  I got stuff to do.”
You glance over at him.  He does seem more keyed up.  His leg bounces up and down, and he wrings his hands in his lap. 
“What sort of stuff?” you ask.
He mumbles his answer, and you miss it at first.  When you arch an eyebrow at him, he repeats it.  An embarrassed, “got a date.”
You pause in your writing and turn to face him.  Fak told you once about Richie’s imploded marriage, and he had heavily implied that Richie was still pining for his ex-wife.  “A date?” 
He shrugs.  “Kind of a date.”
“What’s kind of a date?”
Another shrug, and he fixes his gaze to the dirty tile floor.  “We went out last week, and we talked about grabbing a drink tonight.  I was gonna text her after I drop you off.”
“Sounds like a regular date to me.”
He lifts his hands in a gesture of helplessness, then lets them fall again.  “I dunno.  Wasn’t really feeling it, you know?”
You turn completely to face him, your list forgotten.  “Then why agree to a second date?”
Another shrug, a sheepish lift and fall of his shoulders.  The two of you are toeing the line of near-friendship, your usual squabbling turning into an honest-to-god friendly chat, but maybe Richie doesn’t have any confidants in his life, because he sighs, then mutters about how she seemed cold, how she wasn’t charmed by his Bill Murray voicemail greeting story, but how he thought he should try anyway—
“Richie, I’m not your gal pal in a rom-com, but if you aren’t feeling it, don’t do it.  Jesus, that’s just common sense.”
He fixes you with a glare.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize you were a goddamned relationship expert.”
“It’s common sense.”
“When was the last time you went on a date?”
You bristle at the question.  Your love life is about as dead as The Beef’s commercial credit, but Richie doesn’t need to know that.  But you hesitate long enough that he can guess, and he laughs at you, and you bristle more.
“I knew it!”  He points at you, and you swat at his hand until he lowers it.  “You give off this whole ‘hasn’t been laid in a long time’ vibe.”
You turn away from him and bend your head back to your ordering list.  “Shut up,” you mumble.
“All those prissy little dishes you add to the menu.  You’re all wound up.  It makes sense.”
“My culinary excellence has nothing to do with my love life or lack thereof.”  You hope your tone is even and nonchalant, but you fear it comes out as defensive.  Which it must, because Richie holds up his hands again.
“No judgement.  It’s tough out there.  I get it.”
You groan and turn away from him, twisting yourself to get his smirking face out of your peripheral.  “You should leave.  Go get ready for your kind-of date.”
“Seriously, you can go.”
“Nah.”  You hear his deep breath, then a beat later, he continues.
“If you ever want to blow off some steam, we could…”  He trails off, but his intent is clear, and you feel a prickly heat break out across your skin. 
“…shut up, Richie.”
You turn a little and he reappears in your peripherals.  He presses his hands together in a prayer position, then presses his fingertips near his mouth in an expression of thoughtfulness. 
“Shut up, Richie isn’t no, Richie.”
“It’s most certainly no, Richie.”
“Look at me.”
“I gotta finish this list and send it to Carmy—”
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
You can’t.  You stare at your handwriting—the 50 pounds of cake flour Marcus needs—and you feel yourself heating up at the sudden image of you and Richie—no, you shove the mental image away, shake your head to clear it, and the man notices all of it.
“Why can’t you look at me?” he asks, and his voice is soft, low.  A graveled rumble, roughened by the cigarettes he chain-smokes when he’s not inside, and you don’t know if it really has been that long, but it’s a step-progression of reactions in your body.  The prickle of heat along your skin, the way your skin feels too tight.  The way your mouth feels too dry all of a sudden.
The strong, traitorous pulse of desire between your legs.  Fuck.
“Wouldn’t have to mean anything,” he continues with that low voice.  “No one would have to know.”
“Shut up, Richie.”
“Still not hearing a no, sweetheart.”
You breathe in deeply through your nose, then turn to face him squarely.  You look him right in his eyes—those bright blue eyes, flecked with grey, beautiful—and say, “No, Richie.”
He stares back at you, and a smile slowly unfurls across his face.  A real smile, not his usual shit-eating grin or smarmy smirk.  A real smile that, paired with his gorgeous eyes, makes his face transform into something beautiful.  It’s like he’s lifted his mask for a moment and is showing you who he really is.
“You’re tempted.”  He sounds in awe of the revelation, and he leans back against the wall.  “Holy shit, you’re really tempted by it.”
“No, I’m—”
“Bullshit,” he cuts you off.  “You are.”  His smile stays fixed on his face, and he shakes his head.  “Holy shit, sweetheart.”
You grumble out the weakest rebuttal, but he only laughs and shakes his head again, and the last half hour is passed in uncomfortable silence:  you as you email the shopping list to Carmy with hands you will into steadiness, and Richie as he grins at you and chuckles to himself.
Of course he drives you home, just as he always does.
And of course he parks his car and comes up to your apartment when you invite him up, which is a first.
A therapist would have a lifetime of secure business if Richie ever decided to pursue therapy for himself.  Not that he would—feelings are bullshit, and life is tough all over—but if he did…there’d be a lot of deep shit to mine.
At the core of him, Richie is desperately insecure.  He had a dicey childhood, and he glommed on the Berzatto family to make up for his own family’s shortcomings.  He had Tiff, for a glorious while, then lost her.  He has his daughter, but only part-time.  He lost Mikey, the nearest thing to a brother, and now he’s slowly losing The Beef as it becomes something more than a sandwich shop.
No wonder he feels lost all the time.  No wonder he lashes out and hurts those closest to him.
No wonder he’s been riding your ass for months, trying to get you to quit even as his initial dislike has mellowed out to acceptance and then to…something else he won’t name.
He can’t lie to himself:  that night in the basement shifted things.  Maybe you concussed him along with the dislocated nose.  Maybe he has slight brain damage.  He can’t account for it any other way, how seeing you so terrified caused a sea-change in him.  How feeling your arms around him, clinging to him and trembling so hard, softened him towards you.
He won’t name it.  He won’t even think it.  The most he’ll admit is, “maybe I don’t completely hate her.”
Which somehow turns into this moment.  The two of you awkwardly standing in your entryway, unsure if the other is bluffing, unsure if the other is serious.  There’s too much bad blood in your shared past, and you each are expecting the other to say “sike!,” to turn it into a humiliating story to share in the morning with the crew.
You’re both wrong. 
“So, uh, nice place.”  He looks around your apartment and rubs the back of his neck.  “You got a lot of books.”
“I like to read.”
“Yeah.  Nice.”  He takes a few steps deeper into your place, and he studies the titles on the nearest bookshelf.  “Stephen King.  Clive Barker.  You like the spooky shit, huh?”
“Nothing as scary as being ambushed in the basement at night by you.”
He snorts, shakes his head.  As he’s softened towards you, your teasing has gotten gentler too.  You’ve always rose to meet his energy, and now that he’s not actively despising you (he won’t name it, he will not), you aren’t actively despising him.
“Nothing as scary as seeing a giant fucking sheet pan flying at your face—”
You cut him off.  “Okay, Richie.  Enough.”
“I’m just saying—”
“Enough words.  More action.”  You face him and lift your eyebrows challengingly.  “Unless this was all a ruse.”
He shakes his head.
“Unless this is just a prank to embarrass me later.”
He shakes his head again, and he flexes his hands along his sides.  He’s itching to reach out and touch you—he remembers the feel of you in his arms, the way you tucked so perfectly against him when you were scared.  You had been relieved to see it had been him; you had felt safe enough to reach for him, and he’s been chasing that high ever since.  A therapist would make short work of this moment, but Richie wants to feel important to you again.  He wants to feel like you need him to protect you, to shelter you.  He wants to feel like a man, needed, necessary—
You’re talking but he doesn’t register the words.  Instead, he reaches for you, pulls you to him, and when you look up at him in surprise, he dips his head and kisses you.
It’s brutal at first.  He’s out of practice.  He’s certainly never kissed someone like you—someone so infuriatingly challenging—and he mashes his lips too hard against yours, can feel your wince as you struggle to kiss him back.  So he breaks the kiss and tries again, much more carefully, and it’s so much better:  the softness of your lips, the quiet moan you give as you kiss him back.
Maybe you need it bad, but he needs it just as bad, and when he considers why he does, he pushes the thought away completely.  Because if he thinks on it too much in this moment, if he thinks on how good it feels, the way you tug at his clothes—eager but shy, your hands steady but your eyes unable to meet his—he’d have to face an uncomfortable truth.
Still, he needs to see you.  Needs to look you in the eye.  He grasps your chin and tilts your face until you’re looking at him.
“You okay with this?”  He says it softly.  He says it as kindly as he can.
“Yeah.”  You nod, then add, “no one needs to know, right?”
“No one needs to know.”
You offer him a smile, and it’s genuine.  It’s not your normal smart-ass smirk, the way one corner of your mouth lifts higher than the other.  It’s a real smile, and he has to push that uncomfortable truth away again because if you’re cute when you smirk, you’re beautiful when you smile, and Richie can’t dwell on the fact.
“C’mon then, Richard.  Bedroom’s this way.”
“Asshole,” he huffs out, but you push his jacket off of his shoulders and let it fall to the ground, and you tug him down your hallway. 
You alternate and he lets you strip him and yourself—a piece of his clothing, a piece of yours.  You leave a trail so that you’re both nearly naked once you’re in the bedroom.  He stands in front of you, his boxers tented, and he takes in the sight of you.  In standard, everyday lingerie—dark grey bra and panties—but the everyday shit makes his mouth run dry.  Elaborate lingerie is not really his thing, but seeing a woman in her everyday shit, the comfortable cotton shit…that feels more special, somehow.  Like you woke up that morning and put on the functional stuff, but now here you are, nearly naked for him.
You always rise to meet his energy.  He’s openly ogling you now, and you gaze back at him, openly staring back.  He has a moment of doubt—maybe he should lift more, cut back on beers after work—but your eyes are blown dark with desire, and it makes his cock twitch to see it.
You seem to want him as much as he wants you. 
“C’mere, you fucking pain in the ass,” he growls, and you roll your eyes but bridge the distance between you.  You press the length of your near-naked body against his, and the sudden touch makes him bite back a groan.  He puts his hands on your waist, and you lay your palms against his chest, and you kiss again.
The kiss grows and grows.  He bullies his way into your mouth, sweeps his tongue and licks against your mouth, and you answer in kind.  You kiss him back, and your hands stroke his chest, his shoulders, his arms.  One snakes lower and grasps him through his boxers, and he swears against your lips at the feel of your palm stoking him.
He pushes you backwards towards the bed.  He pushes you until you hit the bed, and then he pushes you down, but you reach out and grasp him golden chain and tug him down to join you. 
You always rise to meet him.  He takes charge and slots himself between your legs, but you move eagerly.  When he lowers himself onto you, still partially dressed, you lift yourself up and press against him.  Your clothed breasts against his chest, and he dips his head and tugs the cups of your bra down until you’re exposed to him.  He lowers his head and kisses you, works his mouth against you.  He sucks a mark on each curve of your breast, right where your bra will cover.  He wants you to see them and think of him, a pair of mementos to this moment.
“Fuck, Richie.”  You breathe it out, and your hand cups the back of his head.  You hold him against you, and he’s too happy to stay here for a while:  sucking against your nipples, biting lightly until you squirm.  Laving your tender buds with the flat of his tongue, pinching and tugging until you shove him away with a groan.
“Too much,” you whine, but you tangle in his chain again and tug his mouth to yours.  He kisses you, relishes how flushed your skin feels under his lips as he kisses his way across your face, down your neck, across your bare shoulders.  He pauses long enough to undo your bra in earnest, tosses it aside.  Then he kisses his way down your chest again, traces his tongue further down to your soft belly until his chin is perched right on the waistband of your panties.
“Can I?” he asks.  He traces a finger under the lace edging, and he watches your face.  You gaze back at him, your eyes still dark and pupils blown.  Your lips are swollen, and your chest rises and falls with how hard you’re breathing.
You nod.  “You can take them off.”
“Is that it?  Nothing else?”
You laugh, breathless.  “Some other time.  Really want you to fuck me instead.”
Some other time.  The thought makes Richie’s dick twitch at the idea of doing this another time.
You feel him twitch against you.  You laugh again to feel it, and you lift a leg to hook it clumsily along the waistband of his boxers.  You try to push them down, and then you’re chanting “come on, come on, come on” as he scrambles to shuck off the rest of his clothing, scrambles to hook his fingers under your panties as he draws them down your legs. 
“Condoms in the bedside stand,” you tell him, and he opens the drawer, snags one.  He notes the bright pink vibrator there but doesn’t remark on it.  He’ll tuck the image away and revisit it days later in the shower:  a rich bit of fantasy where he pictures you masturbating to the thought of him.
He tears the foil with his teeth, and he watches you as he rolls the condom on himself.  You’re absolutely fucking gorgeous, better than he ever imagined, and a galling little voice in the back of his head asks, “so you’ve been imagining her, huh, asshole?”
He ignores the voice and what it might say next.  He stands over you and asks instead, “how do you want me, sweetheart?”
Another smile.  A genuine one.  “However you want it.”
“Anal, then.”
It startles a laugh out of you, and Richie thinks he might love that—the way he surprises you into laughing.  You prop yourself up on your elbows and look at him.  You kick out a bare foot and press your toes low against his belly, centimeters away from touching the tip of his cock where it stands at attention.
“Not that,” you chide.  “That requires prep.”
“Not a no, sweetheart.”
“It’s a no for this moment.”
“Hmm.  Interesting.”  He grips your ankle and circles it with his hand, and he bends your leg.  Pushes it away from him, pushes it closer to you, and it reveals your gorgeous pussy to him:  the neat-trimmed curls, the slick arousal, the swollen bud of your clit.
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he groans to see you.  “Gotta tell me how you want me, and fucking quick.”
“Missionary works for me,” you reply.  “Old reliable.”
So he climbs onto you.  He kneels between your legs, then pushes them apart obscenely wide.  You stay propped up on your elbows, watching him, but when he settles between your thighs, you fall back against your pillow.
“Good?” he asks.
“You haven’t done much,” you point out. 
“Smart-ass.”  He reaches down and grasps his cock at the base, and he drags the tip of himself through your folds.  He coats himself in your arousal, feels the heat of your pussy even through the latex, then notches himself at your entrance.  He looks down and pushes just the tip in, and the sight of it—barely inside you, the promise of burying himself inside you—makes his vision go fuzzy around the edges.
“Richie.”  You reach up with one hand to cup his face, and you peer up into his eyes.  “Fuck me, please.”
Your other hand finds the small of his back.  You can’t quite reach his ass, so you lay your palm against the small of his back and urge him forward, and he pushes into you.  He goes slow but steady, and he hears your small gasp as your tight cunt makes room for him.  He feels the stretch of it, the smooth muscles twitching at him, and he studies your face for any pain but finds none.
“Pussy’s gripping at me,” he grits out once he’s seated in you.  “Guess you needed it bad after all.”
“Don’t gloat.”  You bear down on him, squeeze him like a fist, and it makes him choke out a curse.  “You needed it bad too, I think.”
“Not complaining here, sweetheart.”
You take his chain in your hand and tug him down to you again.  You kiss him, then mumble against his mouth, “so fuck me then, Richard.  Move.”
He does as you ask.  You’re a pain in the ass, and you’re a representative of all the change occurring in his life without his permission, but he wants to make it good for you.  He remembers the way you clung to him that night in the basement, and he wants to capture that feeling again…even as he shoves the memory aside and begins to fuck you in earnest.
He doesn’t thrust in and out so much as up and down; he learned this move a long time ago and knows it feels better for his partner.  His thrusts hit every part—each reseating brushes the tip of him against the end of you, and it makes you whine each time.  The slide in and out, at this angle, draws along the firm bud of your clit.  And each time he pushes himself home, the base of him grinds along your clit too, and it makes him feel like a million bucks when you gasp out his name, warn him that you’re close—
“Fuck, fuck.  God, Richie, I’m c-close.  Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t—"
And then it tears out of you:  the hard snap of your hips as you lift them to meet his most punishing thrust, the way you tremble under him, your legs shaking, your eyes rolled back in your head.  The way your cunt grips him, ripples against him until it feels like he’s being pulled into your body, and the thought takes hold of him.  He wants to crawl inside you, wants to fill you with himself, wants to merge with you, and the thoughts are so rapid-fire he feels insane for a moment before he settles.
You open your eyes and blink up at him, surprised.  “Holy shit.”
“Told you.”
“Don’t gloat.”  You lift your head and kiss the side of his neck, and he adjusts himself and keeps fucking you.
He’s hit his rhythm now; he deals you hard thrusts and you take them.  You beg for more.  His arms burn as he arches over you.  His calves burn as he drives his cock into you, and sweat beads along his hairline.  He’s covered in a sheen of it, but he doesn’t stop.  He fucks you hard, and his gold necklace swings in time to his thrusts.  It hits you in your face until you hook it with a finger and put the fucking thing in your mouth, and he doesn’t know why it's so hot—maybe it makes him think of your mouth on parts of him instead of just his necklace. 
He makes you come a second time, and it breaks around you again, leaves you trembling and incoherent, but after you recover, you push him over.  It’s easy for you to do—he’s winded as fuck from all his smoking—and Richie finds himself underneath you as you ride him.
He’s happy for the break, but he’s happy to see this side of you.  Any shyness from earlier is long gone.  You sit astride him and bounce on his cock, and it makes your tits bounce too, and he can look down at where he disappears into your tight, wet pussy.
He’s not going to last much longer, and he tells you so.
“S’fine,” you pant out.  “Want you to come too, Richie.”
Then you reach down and take his hands in yours, you place his hands on your tits, and he sort of loves how you take charge at the end.  You push your chest into his hands and ride him, and once he’s touching you there—pinching at your nipples until you arch your back—you reach down and touch yourself.  He watches, transfixed, as you rub a tight circle against your clit, and he can feel you getting close now.  Two orgasms down, he can feel the warning signs.
“Try to come with me,” you order him.  “Want to feel it.”
He’s close.  He’s been close for a while, has been forestalling his own pleasure by listing out White Sox statistics in his head.  But now he wants to come with you as you’ve asked (he wants to do everything for you, anything you ask, he wants all of it, and he struggles to push the thoughts away this time).  He breathes in time with your riding, and he feels his balls tighten as his orgasm approaches.
“I’m close,” he warns.  “Fuck, sweetheart, are you close?”
“Y-y-yes.”  You close your eyes and drop your head, focusing on whatever you’re feeling.
“Gonna come with me?”
“Mmm-hmm.”  You take a sharp breath, then moan as you come a third time, and if he doesn’t quite come with you at exactly the same time, it’s close enough:  the way your pussy grasps at him, draws him in deeper is enough to push him over the edge, and he shifts his hands to your waist.  He pulls you down onto him and stills, feels the pulse of his orgasm as he spills in the condom.
It takes him a long while to recover.  He feels weightless.  Boneless.  He feels like he’s melting into the covers of your bed.  Like he could sleep for a hundred years.  Like he could give up cigarettes and Xanax if he could just stay here and fuck  you whenever his anxiety or insomnia are too much….
You dismount on shaky legs, and you disappear.  When you return, you’re in an oversized t-shirt that skims the top of your thighs, and you hand him a warm washcloth.
“You can take your time,” you tell him.  “No rush.”
Richie reaches down and pulls the condom off.  He ties it off and looks around until he sees a waste bin.  He tosses it, then flops back down on your bed.
“Just need a minute,” he says, but his voice is already thick with sleep, and he doesn’t remember anything else until morning when he wakes up to the smell of strong coffee and sizzling bacon.
He doesn’t remember you standing over him, bemused as you watch him snore.  He doesn’t remember you lying down beside him, covering both of you with a blanket.
And he certainly doesn’t remember reaching for you in his sleep.  He doesn’t remember how you wrap your arms around him, just like that night in the basement of The Beef, and how he sighs at the feeling of you tucked against him again.
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lilbunnis · 9 months
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❛ ♡. header credit. ⎯⎯ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲. ❜
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★ ⎯⎯ aemond targaryen has always wanted someone as his own; and with him already having claimed his vicious mount vhagar, the queen of dragons herself--- what is there to stop him from claiming you, too?
author’s note᛬ heey! 🍓 so……this is my second time posting this particular story--- however, it was a long time ago & someone anonymously requested to read it again. happily, i offered to repost it for them (with the exception that i re-edit it since my style of writing has changed / improved!) … anyways, reblogs & comments are deeply appreciated. ♡ + both aemond & reader are equally unhinged. <3 mwuah !
warnings᛬ mdni! smut, dubcon [kind of… but trust me, it’s wanted], dark!aemond, profanity, she/her pronouns, afab reader, innocence kink, corruption kink, coercion, manipulation, pussy whipped!aemond, breeding kink, cunnilingus, fingering, obsessive & possessive behavior, pet names, romance, fluff. any grammatical errors are my own--- in advance, i sincerely apologize.
word count᛬ 2.5k
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aemond targaryen has always thought of her as his--- his to protect, his to care for, his to love; ever since he’d met her, he surrounded himself in her feminine presence, around her sweetness and innocence, keeping her close by and never letting her trail very far out of his sight.
unless, of course, it was absolutely necessary, and even then, he’d have one of his most trustworthy guards (loyal only to him) follow her around all day--- discreetly, of course.
however, during their short time apart, the one-eyed prince would be on constant edge; irritable and in a foul mood throughout the time that they were apart, not being able to trust anyone to truly protect his lady the way he knew he could.
oh, how he missed his dearly beloved so--- so much so, that the wayward prince was known for his brutal lashings and merciless beheadings (all a gift to his love) to all of those who merely breathed the wrong way in his proximity.
or simply, sweet gifts of pretty, sparkling sapphires and pearls.
still, he knew that she thought his temper and rage was charming, as she had once told him in that sweet, gentle little voice of hers, soothing his fiery temper as if she were the maiden reborn.
like his own little angel, so delicate, tender-hearted and mine, aemond thought.
sometimes, most of the time, aemond would just simply gaze at her, at her beauty, longingly; like she was the center of the universe and held all of the twinkling stars in the night sky.
most people wouldn’t dare to believe such a thing, but aemond thought it was cute when she learned something new in philosophy, excitedly wanting to share the new knowledge she’d learned from her septa with him--- even if he already knew, just to be able to listen to her sweet, angelic voice.
oh, and on those simple days, content to just listen to her babbling on about whichever subject she deemed of interest; he would lovingly hand feed her fresh strawberries, one by one; the ripest, juiciest and sweetest ones, listening as she breathily moaned in content as each one entered her pouty mouth.
meanwhile, as his little darling continued on about whichever subject interested her at the moment; the one-eyed prince watched in delight as the red juices dribbled down her chin, allowing him to quickly swoop in and kiss it delicately away, causing him to hum in content at the sweet taste.
whether it be from the strawberries themselves or the sweet taste of her skin, it mattered not to the prince--- because the next moment, he would drop to his knees and feast on her delicious, drooling cunt; burying himself right beneath her fluffy skirts as he heard her girlishly moan and whimper for him, as he continued enjoying the taste of her maidenhood.
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on lazy days, the prince will sit with her in his lap, one of his strong, lean arms wrapped snugly around her waist, most protectively; meanwhile, his free hand would slip beneath her fluffy skirts and play with her virgin, soaking cunt, teasingly stroking his long, calloused fingers through her wet, puffy folds.
seven above, and the sounds of her soft, breathy little moans, almost luring him to bend her right over the wooden table in the back of the library and rut into her like some wild, depraved beast, claiming her maidenhead as his.
‘twas almost too much to bear for the prince, knowing she was already his in body, mind, heart and soul.
he always imagined what she must taste like that day, right before he would feast on her cunny, almost to tease himself--- like freshly baked sweet tarts, spoonfuls of honey, strawberries…
late at night, while in the privacy of his own chambers, he’d furiously fuck his fist to the thought of burying his face between her smooth thighs once again, wanting nothing more than to taste and fuck her cunt with his tongue greedily; before he’d come so fucking hard in his hand, his seed coating the skin of his taut abdomen and dripping down his fingers--- sticky and messy and entirely spent.
sighing heavily, aemond would barely resist the temptation to exit his chambers and go straight to hers, knowing she’d welcome him with an open heart and open legs.
…fuck, what a waste of his seed, he thinks, for he could’ve pumped her empty womb full of his seed; fuck load after load inside of her, and come by morning, she would already be carrying his son in her belly.
rightfully so; she’s be so beautiful, so fragile, so obedient, a perfect little wife she’d be for him, indeed.
meanwhile, back in the library, aemond would continue teasing her little cunny, occasionally dipping the very tips of his fingertips into her little virgin fuck-hole, feeling how fucking tight she was for him, causing him to harden almost painfully inside of his leather breeches, right below her squirming, little ass.
like his very own wanton, silk street whore.
she continued to moan and whimper repeatedly; making him gently shush her with delicate kisses across her neck, spreading her dripping arousal all around her swollen bud, hearing her mewl his name like a prayer and grip the polished library table forcibly, watching her blissed-out face until she came all over his fingers.
when he made her come so hard with just playing with her little bundle of nerves, he had to slap a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of pleasure and whisper sweet praises into her ear, knowing how sensitive and needy she was in his arms, just after coming down from her peak and making her come so hard on his fingers.
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of course, the more time he spent with her, the harder it was to resist her--- and so, most nights, when aemond could no longer resist being away from her; the need to see her being just too much for him to bear any longer, he’d eagerly seek her out, knowing she’d be in her chambers, awaiting his arrival.
just as eager and wanton as he was, it seemed.
smirking, aemond chuckled softly, embracing her; “my sweetest, my darling, my little love--- fuck, i have missed you.”
he couldn’t control himself anymore, he needed to see her, to be with her, to have her.
specifically, in the late hours of the night, wanting to be as close to her as physically possible; fuck, he loved her so much, he didn’t ever want her to doubt his love for her--- he stripped them both of their evening clothes, his amethyst eye dilated and wild at the sight of her nude form.
during those private evenings, aemond had convinced her for him to claim her as his… fully, in the ways only a man could claim a woman.
with his persuasion, his silver tongue easily convinced her into saying yes; causing him to release a purr and claim her body multiple times that night, until she was a shaking, sobbing and sweaty mess beneath him, full of loads of his seed, while he held her tightly against him in his arms--- possessively.
uncaringly, the prince left all sorts of love marks all across her skin, kissing every inch of her soft, glistening skin that he could reach, suckling on her swollen, puffy nipples, knowing her plush breasts would soon grow heavy with milk for their many babes that’d come someday soon.
selfishly, just maybe; he could persuade his little darling for a taste for himself--- fucking hells, he couldn’t wait for her to grow round and fat with his sons!
insatiably, he would fuck his already hardening, leaking cock back inside of her sopping cunt, his and her own moans of pure love and ecstasy echoing off of the walls of her chambers.
however, even with all of the bliss and pleasure and love; still came her doubts and worries.
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his sweet lady, his precious love, his only girl--- was utterly terrified of someone finding out about their affair.
however, the fearsome, bloodthirsty dragon prince would always reassure her; whispering sweet words of his love and devotion into her ears, calming her by kissing her love-marked skin before he would fuck her squelching cunt once again with his cock, ploughing into her mercilessly, filling her with another load of his seed, until tears would stream down her blushy cheeks.
unable to stop herself, she’d let out the most feminine moans for him, not being able to control her sweet mewls from escaping her kiss-swollen lips, sobbing out deliriously as he continuously fucked her ruthlessly, uncaring of who heard them; for the one-eyed prince was too addicted to the taste of her and the pretty, precious sounds she made just for him.
it wouldn’t matter anyway, if anyone were to find out about their love affair--- aemond genuinely honestly couldn’t give a fuck if someone were to tell her lord father that her maidenhead was claimed by him anyone.
if anyone would dare to question his lady’s virtue or purity, he would cut out their tongues, before mercilessly killing them and feed their mutilated corpse to his mighty beast, vhagar.
aemond had always been a possessive man, especially when it concerned his sweet little lady, to the point that most of the noble lords and ladies of the court started to take notice; however, the fearsome prince paid them little attention--- nowadays, his only concern in life was his darling little bride.
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some days, when the weather was warm enough and the sun was shining brightly, aemond would take his lady on long walks around the red keep’s royal gardens, right after he finished his morning training session with ser criston.
as always, it was just the two of them, together; and while he watched her instead of admiring the pretty flowers that she seemed so smitten by, he couldn’t stop the tiny grin from spreading across his face at just the mere sight of her.
her, her, her.
his--- his lady, his woman, his wife.
there was a secret, hidden alcove surrounded by various cherry trees and gorgeous pink peonies, which aemond would often bring her to visit; it was almost as if it was their special spot.
then, without warning, aemond would gently press her back up against one of the trunks of the pretty, blossoming cherry trees, kissing her so sweetly, so passionately, so tenderly; it made her swoon and see constellations on the backs of her fluttering eyelids.
“marry me.”
suddenly, she felt as if her heart had suddenly stopped beating and she felt rather faint--- for a moment, her heart felt as if it had skipped several beats, because surely… her sweet aemond did not just ask the impossible of her?
again, aemond spoke.
“marry me,” he murmured against her soft, perfumed skin (that smelled of the lavender oils they’d previously bathed in that morning together) trailing open-mouthed kisses along her sensitive neck, causing a breathy whimper to escape her pretty, pouty lips.
instantly, aemond’s ears had perked up to the sound of her breathing that was quickening, his large hands roaming and grasping at her sides as if to soothe her sudden panic, enjoying the feeling of her womanly curves against his big hands, even through the silk fabric of her pretty, sapphire colored dress.
“hmm…no,” she drawled lazily, though her sweet voice was teasing, “—my father is suspicious enough already about all of the rumors going on about us…he doesn't ask, of course; i’m afraid it’s because he is too frightened of you,” she giggled softly, batting her long eyelashes up at the handsome prince.
aemond smirked, amused by his little darling.
“besides,” she continued softly, her usual sweetened voice saddened and aemond watched as his lady’s heart was visibly breaking right before his own eye, “—my father… he will arrange a betrothal for me soon and i must do my duty, as is expected of me,” she whispered, while gently twirling a few strands of her lover’s long silvery hair around one of her fingers, her face sullen--- like a little girl having her favorite treat taken away from her.
aemond hummed; a soft, dangerous sound as his face remained stoic, not displaying a single emotion that he was currently feeling--- his natural-born eye on the other hand…was a raging storm of a dark, angry violet, screaming promises of fire and blood.
“that'll never happen,” aemond murmured softly, his voice a raspy baritone, completely unbothered, “—if your father even dares to try and take you away from me, he'll suffer a most painful death; i assure you, my sweet lady.”
her heart fluttered, both of her cheeks heating up and her head began to feel fuzzy, a dreamy expression forming on her pretty face; though she wasn’t sure if it was from the warm weather or by his loving, murderous words.
“you're so sweet,” she cooed dreamily, smiling up at him as she wrapped both of her arms around his neck loosely, her fingers gently brushing through more of his long silvery hair, feeling how silky-smooth the strands were--- curtsey of the queen, his darling mother; a sweet gift of scented oils she had gotten for her favorite son all the way from pentos.
“only for you, my beloved,” the prince promised, tenderly brushing his knuckles along one of her rosy cheeks, bending down towards her shorter height and capturing her rouge-stained lips in a sweet, deeply passionate kiss--- a deep, throaty sound of lust escaping from him.
ah, she tastes of the sweetest of innocence and strawberries.
his favorite.
‘twas as if the prince could never get enough of her taste, of her.
sweetly, she releases a little whine, high-pitched and so needy for him; the sweetness of a poisonous kiss--- oh, how he wants to love her forever and bathe in all of the glorious love she had to offer him.
gods, he loved her… only, only, only her.
“my angel, so soft and pure, so innocent; and your precious heart… it is mine,” he growled, deepening the kiss against her lips--- his large, warm and calloused hands began trailing down to cup her sweet, little ass through her skirts, bundling the silky, sapphire colored fabric in his greedy hands to fondle and squeeze the soft flesh of her asscheeks; pinching and clutching possessively.
grinning wolfishly, aemond trailed his open-mouthed kisses down her delicate neck, suckling freshly new love marks into her fading, bruised skin--- all across her neck, jawline, collarbones and the very tops of her soft, perky breasts.
“marry me,” he asked once again, sounding impatient, though he wouldn’t mind begging, if it only meant claiming her for himself.
she wrapped her arms around his neck more snugly, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss him sweetly, all across his chin and the corners of his mouth, feeling his hands roam freely all over her once more before settling still, giving her backside a loving squeeze.
“be my wife,” he pleads once more, his tone of voice more desperate than ever before, sweet as sugar and the burning flesh of corpses.
she released a small sigh, moving closer just slightly so that she could brush her saliva-coated lips softly against his own, “yes,” she breathed lovingly, feeling as he visibly shuddered against her just from her mere acceptance of his begging proposal.
“i’ve always been yours.”
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grllmx · 6 months
"Ragatha in Wonderland"
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🌻 Them side by side for height difference 🌻
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Heya!! Y'all wouldn't mind some info dump, would ya?
But before I share my thoughts and ideas for this au, note that I am making this all for fun and that I am only merging two concepts at once because they sound fun in my head!
-- So without further ado, let's start shall we?
Ragatha in Wonderland is a fun silly lil' au I thought about in my spare time (Though I am aware that I'm not the only person who had similar ideas) buuut! Here's my take on how this concept goes ~
💜🟣🎀- - - - - RAGATHA IN WONDERLAND - - - - -🎀🟣💜
🌻 Wonderland is similar yet different from the Circus. Many possibilities await in this newly found land, but wait... How odd, suddenly everyone and everything is of new variation! Did things really stay the same? Are things different? It's a confusing world that warped and transformed the original digital land into something new. New places to explore, new outfits! New concepts... New people? It seems everything changed. Perhaps even... True death is possible now.
Ragatha - Plays the role as Alice. Confused and bewildered at first but Ragatha progressively adapts to the world and the surroundings around her. Acts like herself for the first portions of the story but as she dwells longer in this 'wonderland' she loses herself, her identity, as if the place was sucking out all of 'her'. She'll meet a lot of familiar faces. She feels comforted, knowing that she isn't alone in this newly found world but little does she know - they are not what she seemed.
Jax - The white rabbit leading Ragatha to wonderland. Jax was the one who dragged her in this, so Ragatha's first instincts was to follow him, hoping he knows where the exit is. Though he often plays tricks, teasing and playing with Ragatha's head whenever given the chance. Maybe he doesn't sound like a reliable shoulder to lean on, but he is Ragatha's key in terms of escaping wonderland.
Gangle - Starring as the mouse and the dormouse. The first person (other than Jax) Ragatha meets in wonderland. Gangle is skittish and has an extreme fear of cats. She does not like hearing or mentioning them, her mouse-like features says so otherwise. Though, in later unfortunate events, Ragatha scares her by mentioning, you guess it, cats. And then flees elsewhere.
Zooble - Following the (possibly tobacco) smoke trails, enters in the wise caterpillar. Meeting for the first time was not fun, in Ragatha's case mostly. Zooble asks Ragatha a lot of questions, typically centering around herself which gradually starts her descend into madness. Zooble's questions hit hard for Ragatha, making her realize a lot of things and learn more about the world. Though one question stuck the most, "who are YOU?"
Caine - The Hatter/Mad hatter. Need I say more? Hehe, anyways... Caine, alongside Bubble, is notably the most mad or insane person living in wonderland. Always yapping about random things (Riddles, jokes, factual statement... you name it) that can either be truth or made up, which Ragatha can't tell the difference of since they are always so surreal and deranged, or in other words, utter nonsense! He is another character that made Ragatha's mental state and mindset deteriorate. (Ragatha wishes to never meet him again)
Pomni - It's Pomni! Though, something is off... Pomni's role is the Cheshire cat. She's willing to help Ragatha escape, even suggesting ideas that felt to be possible, but are things really that easy? No, of course not! She is a red herring, a person filled with mischief that fools and plays with her victims until she deems them boring. Ragatha meets Pomni in the woods right after she ran away from Caine, and just like Jax, Pomni plays with Ragatha's head. But eventually helps her out and leads her to the kingdom's garden.
Kinger - Sometimes, a king is fit to be queen. Kinger is the Queen of Hearts, a short tempered, bossy but childish queen. After first meeting, Ragatha didn't deem Kinger as a threat at first, even playing a simple game of croquet with him. But as she starves and remembers that hunger was present in this land, she secretly ate the queen's well-known 'tarts'. This resulted into the seething rage of Kinger, declaring a court trial in which Ragatha was later proven to be 'guilty'. Hence, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
🌻 So, spoiler alert -- Just like in original tales and stories inspired by Alice in Wonderland, this was all in Ragatha's head, a dream! I'm debating to either turn this into a comic or not, because I think it helps further explain my ideas, but who knows? Maybe with the right motivation and energy, I might do it.
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Thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night 🌻
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d3arapril · 8 months
modern!ellie headcanons
my take on modern ellie. why? cos i love her 🙄 pls enjoy! feedback appreciated as alwayssss~ <3
✧ warnings: brief we3d mention but other than that, none! just ellie being ellie. safe for all audiences!
ellie was quite reserved when u first met and now ur dating she can still shut down sometimes but she's working on it
she's quiet if she doesn't know u...if ur close... ur gonna wish u weren't
literally NEVER shuts up sometimes?? she can be like one of those wind up toys and chatter on and on for HOURS if she's in the right mood
knows random facts about the most obscure things
"babe did u know that there are more than 60,000 tree species on earth??" *silence* "uhhh.... thanks el?"
CHRONICALLY ONLINE!!! knows every meme under the sun, would still use xD un-ironically if u didn't bully her for it
her tiktok screentime is probably like 7 hours a day bc she could spend endless hours just laying in bed scrolling, u get home from work/school and she's sent u 30 messages. u watch every single one <3
she's fairly active on instagram but doesn't really care about followers etc... just posts random photos whenever she feels like it and has several photo dumps dedicated to her fav pics of u. has a highlight called ‘❤️’ with pics of u
would comment on other ppls tiktoks but not post her own vids.. she’s a bit of a troll sometimes LOL
bites her nails/fingers all the time til they bleed... it's a habit
u got her the nail polish that tastes nasty to try and help her reduce the amount she bites her nails but she just started enjoying the taste of it 😐
"i thought this was supposed to taste bad???" she'd ask u with a thumb shoved in her mouth
so obviously gets bitches but is so oblivious to her surroundings and doesn't notice people ogling at her whenever you're walking around together
however if people are looking at u?? its on sight
gets very jealous very easily and has a mad short temper. lowkey toxic sometimes
will wear an 'i love my girlfriend' t-shirt without even being asked because..she loves u..duh?
leaves u notes all around ur home... u open the fridge and she's written on the empty carton of milk that she left in the fridge :/
'i love u ps were out of milk :('
wears flannels/hoodies, vests/plain tshirts and baggy jeans (maybe skinny jeans if she’s feeling crazy. u tell her she’s outdated) with converse every day. 'lesbian uniform' she calls it...
carabiner queen but doesn't actually have any keys attached to it, just keychains... her fav is the spiderman one she won at the arcade. also has a fidget cube attached. Locked And Loaded
tobey maguire is her favourite spiderman :) closely followed by andrew garfield. she says she’d probably have a crush on him if she liked boys. also loves wanda.. obviously
listens to old 2016 rap.. fetty wap has been in her top 5 spotify artists for the past 2 years
also listens to deftones (her fav songs are teenager and cherry waves btw)
uses wired earphones still because she can’t let go.. they’re busted and chewed up to hell but somehow are still going strong
i’m a strong believer that ellie would LOVE watching berleezy and quotes his videos ALL THE TIME. it's "..and bricked.... hello!" whenever she sees u looking nice (which is all the time to her)
knows all the fnaf lore (somehow?? shes never even played it)
super light sleeper, always tossing and turning and she's actually fallen out of bed several times bc she gets so ridiculously restless
always sleeps in until she only has around 15 mins left to get ready. is somehow rarely late
she has no skincare routine but has perfect skin 🙄 just washes her face with some random cheap face wash she found on sale and moisturises when she remembers. she also doesn’t use conditioner bc she ‘doesn’t believe in it’ but has soft hair? tf
always staring at u? she frowns a lot but when she looks at u her entire face softens and she has that lil half smile that she doesn’t even realise she’s doing
u guys have an intricate secret handshake that she practised in her own time so she could get it right
her journal is full of sketches of u, poems about u… girl is so in love sometimes it scares her a lil
made a scrapbook for ur birthday full of everything she’s kept from everywhere u have been together, she even kept the stickers from ur starbucks drinks and stuck them in there <3
wrote a lil song for u and waited until ur bday to sing it to u for the first time… she got so embarrassed straight after so she just hid under the covers
big ol stoner! if u dont like weed she won’t smoke when she’s with u but if u also smoke/don’t mind she’ll loooove to smoke w u. gave u her fav grinder as a token of her love
tried to make special brownies but u both burnt them to a crisp 😔 el tries so hard to be optimistic (for once) “it’s fine babe we can just eat it anyway” “ellie it’s literally crumbling when u touch it…”
tried to stick n poke herself several times but couldn’t commit so she just has unfinished pieces on her upper thighs
loves head scratches and pants like a dog when u scratch the right spot
is this emoji 🧍🏼‍♀️ frequently
that’s all folks (for now……) …. i love her
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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There would be NO DOUBT that they would ALL be HELLA OVERPROTECTIVE about you 
I mean, Masaru would be kinda chill actually compared to Mitsuki and Katsuki. He won't freak TF out if you talk to other people and have fun with your friends and he's the most lenient one in the family and he doesn't give a damn what you wear. He likes seeing you in all sorts of clothing and thinks his darling little daughter looks good in whatever she wears and won't force you to do anything 
But when it comes to the question of sleepovers and going to other people's houses WITHOUT EITHER one of the Bakugou's to accompany you is a big no go. They're worried that something might happen to you if you step out of the house and they half wish you'll stop trying to be apro hero. Why be a hero and put your life at risk while you have the big strong Ground Zero as your brother and 2 parents who are perfectly capable of protecting the youngest Bakugou?
Mitsuki, on the other hand will treat you like a child along with Katsuki. Everyone loves spoiling the shit outta you and Mitsuki likes dressing you up in cutesy cutesy little outfits. Mitsuki however will NEVER allow you to break rules like disobeying her when she says no to something and sneaking off with your friends. She simply will NOT tolerate rule breaking and even if you DO manage to sneak around her back, your brother Katsuki will always be there to 'get you on the right track' even if he has to use his quirk on you. They just want what's best for you after all
They are self aware yanderes and their relationship towards you is unhealthy and delusional and they KNOW it but they have to protect you from the horrors of the world. If you used to attend the UA, you bet Katsuki had something to do with why your mom suddenly wanted you to drop out and take a break for sometime and soon that 'break' turned into a never ending relaxing vacation at your home for you. You won't be working anytime soon while they're around that's for sure and while Masaru talks to you, Katsuki and Mitsuki will be busy preparing food for you guys to eat. They don't want you going in the kitchen, what if you accidentally hurt yourself or boil or burn yourself?
They'll love cuddling with you and making you feel safe and comfortable in their presence. They have NEVER hit you till date and never will either. And WHO expects parents to starve their own kids? Cuz, they aren't those types of parents
For punishments, they'll just restrict your usage of your favorite items but they won't leave you isolated or without food and water. They aren't THAT heartless psychopaths 
Katsuki is the world's MOST short tempered brother one can have and you BET he's gonna cling to you 24/7 and tell on you to your parents what you both did the entire day (This boi should come with a blabbermouth and a tattletale warning label). You can hate him all you want for it but he just wants what's best for his youngest sibling. He loves and cares about you too much and he won't cuss around you so much either since he actually rather enjoys your innocence. His blood will BOIL when you talk to other people ESPECIALLY other GUYS and he'll obviously threaten to blow them up, even if you talk to Kirishima
 Being in relationships is COMPELTELY off the table for you. They will NEVER allow you to date and if you are in a relationship in secret, oh... what a shocker, that scumbag broke up with you the next day? Well, you can BET your allowances your OWN family was behind it but they'll just comfort you as they get you and give you whatever you want
The house will be full of baby pictures of you and Katsuki and you all as a happy family. They'll have guests over a few times but they can't ever let someone try taking you away from them so they'll try limiting the time of the guest's stay in their household instead of maniacally killing them. They won't let pro heroes enter their house either and will come up with INFINITE excuses as to why they can't come in. They just don't want to lose you 
Just let them take care of you and everything will be all right after all, family ALWAYS knows what's best for you...
''Come on little firecracker, you'll look cute and adorable in that dress and I think we should CERTAINLY put up some pictures of the wall after this. What do you think Masaru?''
''Sure, our little angel looks nice in whatever they wear''
"Tch... you don't look THAT bad firefly..."
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chaosandmarigolds · 1 month
(Yall i have so many parts to this but im vibing so-)
(Um…warnings? If you’re new! Reader and Simon’s son has been kidnapped, don’t ask how it got here because I do not know. I dunno, reader slaps Simon and these cops just suck so much.)
For the record you would consider yourself well mannered, well tempered, and most of all you were someone who would never turn the other cheek. You had always believed to overcome something was with kindness…
However, as you running on fumes and everything was a blur of red hot physical and psychological agony, your initial reaction to seeing your boyfriend was less than kind.
He had stopped in the hallway, as if he had been dreading that moment where he finally faced the reality. As if he dreaded seeing you- yet it was just the tears he dreaded. You had moved over to him, almost out of muscle memory. Yet you had forced yourself to stop, tears having dried before but they were already threatening to fall.
He had promised.
He had promised to protect you.
To keep you safe.
To keep Oliver safe, he had told you he would.
He had made it his mission, and you knew he had.
How could he fail?
A slap to the cheek which then quickly turned to him pulling you closer to him. A millisecond of reaction in turned triggered the tears all over again. Head buried within the cloth of the teeshirt he thrown on that morning, tears sinking into it. If you wanted to pull away then that was a pity, because he had no intention of letting go until he had to.
Which was about forty seconds before he ever so softly whispered, “I need ya to go home, love.”
A heave of air escapes your throat and you look up at him, “I don-no, where are you going?”
He was already pulling away as he presses a kiss to your forehead, his voice soft, “I’m going to get our son back. Okay? I need you to go wit’ Eliza.”
“Oh really?”
“Mmhm, Ister Riley says dat-he says dat dinosaur and chickens they’re like…they’re like me and Janie.” Ollie, being a literal child, was able to adapt to the situation- still scared beyond his wits but he now had a cup of hot chocolate and his favorite show was playing on the chair in front of him. Currently strapped into a car seat.
The woman turns to look at the little boy, “Who’s Janie?”
Ollie sallows hard, “no telling you.”
“Oh, but Ollie I thought we were friend!” She returns in a cooing fashion, after all the more collateral she could get, the happier her boss would be.
“My mommy- she said sometimes you can be friend but-but you don’t like dem…” a short paused, “I don’t like you.”
To that the woman scoffs and sits back to face the front of the window, muttering under her breath, “Fuckin brat.”
(All done for this segment!)
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cassiesc0rner · 10 days
Impurities II
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Synopsis: You’re the new girl at East Highland High, your only goal is to get through school. Until you come across Nate Jacobs
Gerne: slightly suggestive, fluff, slight angst
Pairing: Nate x fem!reader
Warnings: manipulation, lying, dark themes, let me know if I missed something
Song rec: saint - dpr ian | in my feelings- ldr
WC: +7k
Other parts: part one, part two,
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part as much as the last one :3 I’d love to make some other parts including smut because I kinda like where this story is going so tell me if you guys would be down to read that!! ᥫ᭡
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The next days weren’t that eventful. You went to school with Nate, you went to the mall with Nate, and you sometimes even waited for Nate until he was done with his football training.
The next week started out pretty smooth too. You got ready for school on Monday, before Nate picked you up, and you two drove to school and you went to your classes. Everything was going well.
Everything, except for lunch break.
The bell rang and you quickly stuffed your things into your bag, knowing that Nate was probably on his way to the cafeteria already.
You exited the room and walked towards the cafeteria, when someone suddenly stepped in front of you "We need to talk."
You looked up from the floor and found none other than Maddy. She had her arms crossed and looked at you with her usual confident stare.
You remembered what Nate told you about her, that you should stay away from her and that she's a liar, a cheater and simply a horrible person.
But you still couldn't be mean to her or ignore her. "About what?" You asked nervously. She rolled her eyes subtly "What do you think?" She answered.
Fair point.
"Listen, Nate and I aren't together if that's what you want to talk about. And even if we were, it’s not like we owe you any explanation." You didn't know where that surge of confidence came from. Maybe because she started getting on your nerves?
As if her constant stares weren't enough, she had to approach you now too? And she had the nerve to be annoyed when you simply asked what she wanted to talk about.
"Okay, I don't know what the fuck he told you, but it's probably not true." Maddy retorted "I just wanted to warn you, because you seem like a nice person."
You couldn't lie, you were curious about her point of view. You didn't want to betray your only friend, but it wouldn't hurt to listen to her explanation. It’s not like you'd believe her anyway.
"Warn me from what? I'm totally fine and Nate has been nothing but nice to me so far." Maddy scoffed, God, you’re so oblivious "So far, yeah that probably describes it perfectly. Did you ever do anything against his will?"
You thought for a moment Did I? "I take that as a no." Maddy answered for you "Nate only likes you because you do what he says. And," She looked you up and down "because you also wear what he wants you to wear. Seems like he didn't change at all."
You scoffed in disbelief "Nate has done so much for me, and he never forced me to wear this. He also never hurt me-." "Yet." She interrupted "It's only a matter of time until he does."
You stayed silent, not sure what to say to that "Nate loves control and he loves it even more when he has control over someone. He's fucking sick in the head, completely deranged!"
You didn't want to believe Maddy. There's no way Nate actually was like that, you knew him you spent so much time with him. Sure, he did have a short temper sometimes, but he never intentionally treated you badly.
And you knew that she treated him badly and not the other way around. How could she lie to you like that? Did she want you to drop him?
You weren't even his girlfriend and yet she went to such lengths to get back at him.
She's even worse than I thought.
"I know you probably don't want to believe me right now, because he seems like your only true friend and he did all these things for you. But all those things he does for you, are just another way for him to feel good about himself in some sick and twisted way."
What the fuck is wrong with her?
"Why would he buy all these things for you? Why would he make you change your style if he only wants to be your friend?"
She had a point, it might seem strange from the outside, but you knew that Nate only did that for you. He only gave you advice and compliments, and honestly? You felt way better about yourself compared to before.
"I appreciate your concern but it's really not like that, okay? I've known Nate for some time now, and if he would be as ‘deranged’ as you claim he is, I would've noticed by now, don't you think?" You responded as friendly as you could.
Maddy scoffed in return "Don't you think he's able to hide that? Of course he’s not violent towards you, you're like his new obsession. What would he do without you?" Maddy asked sarcastically.
"Maddy!" Nate's angry voice echoed through the hallway, making both of you flinch in surprise.
Maddy was scared, she knew what he was capable of, but she tried to keep her cool as he approached you two. "I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?" he said, his tone harsher than usual as he stared you down.
The hallway was almost empty, since most of the students were in the cafeteria already, but the ones that weren't, eyed the three of you. And it made you even more nervous.
You swallowed before nodding "I-I'm sorry-" "I talked to her first," Maddy interrupted. "someone had to warn her. Before you destroy her life as well."
That fucking bitch
She just couldn't keep her mouth shut, and it was pissing him off more and more. But Nate couldn't let his façade falter, especially not in front of you.
"You're insane... You always act like the victim, Maddy. You're so fucking desperate for attention that you involve innocent people."
You were so confused, first Maddy confronts you out of nowhere and then he appeared all of a sudden. And the other students were still staring as well.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You-" "Just like back then, when you fucked that guy in front of everyone. Did you enjoy the attention? Did you enjoy humiliating me like that?" Maddy's eyes widened as she scoffed, she couldn’t believe Nate was putting on this show in front of everyone "Don't even try to compare that to the stuff that you did, Nate."
Nate chuckled drily in response. "I love how you don't even deny it. Or how you lied about that guy taking advantage of you while you were drunk." He took a step closer to her "Don't ever talk to her again, do you hear me? If I see you fucking talking to her one more time, it's over for you."
Nate threatened as Maddy's eyes widened ever so slightly. Nate grabbed your hand and almost dragged you after him as he walked towards the cafeteria.
You stumbled along as he took big steps, you didn't dare to speak, you weren’t even sure what to say. Once you reached the table, Nate sat down pulling you along with him.
You looked straight ahead, too afraid to look into his eyes. Nate sighed "Y/n... Look at me." You slowly moved your gaze towards him. He looked worried, as if he had lost you, the anger from earlier seemingly gone.
But only on the outside.
On the inside he was fuming, wishing he had choked Maddy harder back at the carnival.
"I'm sorry for being angry back there... I just know how much shit Maddy talks, and I don't want you to worry about anything just because she needed attention again."
You nodded slowly "I'm sorry, yeah?" he repeated as he softly stroked your cheek with his large hand. You melted into his touch as you smiled and nodded once again. "I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place."
Nate smiled softly. He adored you so much, Maddy would always fight with him when he got angry, but you? You didn't, you simply accepted his apology and told him it's fine, accepting that he's the way he is.
"Yeah but it's not your fault. You're just nice to the wrong people sometimes." He reassured you once again.
Nate was still incredibly pissed at Maddy but seeing you smile and lean into his touch made him feel so much better. It was insane how good he felt when he was with you, how easily you trusted him.
Nate needed to keep you close to him, he couldn't afford to lose you and he 100% meant what he said to Maddy.
He'd destroy her if she ever tries something stupid again.
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"So, what's the special occasion?" You chuckled as you walked into the fancy restaurant Nate had picked out for the evening.
He told you to wear something pretty because you'd go out tonight. Needless to say, your mom was not impressed.
All she heard was 'Nate' and 'going out once it's dark outside' and she was immediately alarmed. Telling you to send her a text at least every hour.
She wasn't that displeased with your outfit this time though. You wore a midi dress with floral patterns and a v-neckline, combined with black flats and a necklace with a heart shaped pendant.
Nate definitely had plans for tonight.
It's been a month since you first met, and he decided that it would be the perfect day to finally ask you to be his.
This had to be the first time Nate was genuinely nervous to ask a girl out.
He was sure that you liked him too, but you never made any advances towards him. The only thing he did notice however, was your sour expression whenever some of the cheerleaders, or any girl for that matter, would talk to him.
He could tell that you got jealous, maybe even compared yourself to them, completely unaware of the fact that Nate only had eyes for you.
"Well, I'll tell you after we ate. Let's get inside first." He smiled as he took in your outfit once more while you walked inside the fancy restaurant. You didn't dare to move from Nate's side, too nervous once you saw how huge the restaurant was on the inside.
Nate greeted the receptionist and talked to him for a moment before he lead you to a beautifully decorated table for two.
Before you could even grab your chair, Nate was quick to pull it out for you to sit on. God, he's so attentive..
You smiled as you sat down "Thank you, sir." you said jokingly. Nate smiled as he responded "You're very welcome."
Once he sat down he passed you one of the two menu cards, before taking the other one himself. "By the way, I'm paying tonight so don't worry and order whatever you want alright?" he smiled warmly as he placed his hand on top of yours.
You looked up from the menu and locked eyes with Nate, ready to protest "Nate-" he shook his head immediately "Listen, it was my idea to take you here, and like I said, today is a special day and I wanna pay for it. So please let me, yeah?"
You sighed, knowing it's useless to protest anyways "Alright.." Nate chuckled, finding your pouty expression absolutely cute. You shyly looked down onto the table before you continued to speak "Can you... help me pick something out?"
He loved it so much when you gave him control, loved you so much.
"Of course, ba-" he cleared his throat, before taking the menu and looking for something nice, hoping you didn't notice that he almost called you 'baby'.
"Alright.. how about this?" He asked as he pointed onto something on the menu. You nodded, sure that you couldn't go wrong with pasta "I trust you. I bet you go here often."
Nate pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm not that often, I think I went here like twice. I really only go here on special occasions but so far I wasn't disappointed."
Another lie.
He visited the restaurant often, his parents sometimes ordered food there as well. He had plenty of chances to test out how good their quality was. And since today would be important, he had to make sure everything was perfect.
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Once the two of you finished your food, Nate was quick to call a waitress over. The waitress came over to your table, a smile on her face as she asked "Would you like to pay with cash or card?" Nate opened his wallet, before he pulled out his card "Card, please."
The waitress got her device out of her pocket and set it up before Nate quickly swiped his card over the display. It was such a simple task and yet he made it look so attractive.
Before the waitress could leave, Nate quickly pulled a fifty dollar bill out of his wallet and gave it to her. Your eyes widened as you realized that that was his tip "T-thank you, sir.." The waitress stuttered.
Nate usually doesn't tip that generously, he couldn't care less to be honest, but he wanted to impress you as much as he possibly could.
The two of you got up, and walked towards the exit of the restaurant, leaving the fancy place. "So, would you mind letting me in on your plan?" You asked as you walked towards his car.
Nate grinned sheepishly "Impatient, aren't we?" You jokingly rolled your eyes in response "Keep in mind that I have to be home in a bit." You reminded him as you walked ahead of him.
Nate suddenly grabbed your hand and spun you around, resulting in you stumbling into his chest. You looked up at him before taking a step back, your hand still in his "Don't worry your pretty little head, I already took care of that." Nate proudly announced.
You were beyond confused at this point. "Huh? What do you mean?" Nate chuckled at your confused expression. "I talked to your dad the other day when I was at yours. Told him that you'd 'be at a party' at my place today. He agreed and told me you could sleep at mine and that he'd talk to your mom about it."
You blinked up at Nate, surprised that he lied to your dad just so you could sleep at his. It had to be serious if he'd go that far "Wow... I... really?"
To be honest, it didn't go exactly like that, because he barely even listened to Nate, which obviously made him furious. He genuinely just wanted to club him with the nearest object.
He didn't understand how anyone could be so uninterested in his own family, especially you. Sure, he was happy that your dad agreed to let you sleep at his place, but he didn't even care about the reason, he just wanted to go back to doing whatever the fuck was more important, on his phone.
Your dad just came from work at that time, but Nate's pretty sure that he's always like this, simply from the stories he's heard from you.
"W-wait.. I didn't even pack things for that.. And you’re sure my dad just agreed like that?" Nate nodded "Yeah he did, and it's no problem I'll find something for you to sleep in, don't worry." Nate reasoned.
He couldn't wait for you to be in his clothes, in his bed, snuggled against him under his blanket. Fuck, he couldn't wait until he could finally wrap his arms around you and hold you close to him that you can't leave him.
Nate thought about sleeping next to you so often. He obviously also thought about sleeping with you and it felt like a dream each time.
He’d treat you like the goddess that you are.
Nate already made it his goal to make you cum as many times as possible before you pass out, and he'd do anything just to hear you moan his name. Just the thought alone had him throbbing in his pants.
Shit, he had to control himself and prevent his problem from growing. "Yeah? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts." You chuckled at his flustered response and expression. You didn't know how people could be scared of him, not when he was this cute.
"You're so cute sometimes." Nate didn't expect you to say that. He's been called many things so far but that was new. And he definitely would’ve prefered any other compliment.
In his opinion, 'cute' was something you'd say to your girlfriend, or maybe a baby or your pet but not to a guy like him.
He swallowed his pride and put on a smile "You're definitely cuter." He said as he leaned down, his face almost directly in front of yours.
You gulped before laughing nervously, your eyes wandering around in an attempt to avoid his intense gaze. Nate smirked before walking past you "C'mon let's go." He said as he opened the car door for you.
The ride was pretty quiet, mostly because you still tried to figure out what Nate could've possibly planned.
You were sure that it wasn't his birthday today, since you've talked about birthdays before.
Nate parked his car and the two of you walked towards what appeared to be a park, with a white gazebo in the middle. Now you were genuinely starting to worry.
It was starting to get dark already, the sun almost gone as the two of you were in a seemingly empty park, heading towards a gazebo.
Nate could sense your hesitation in the way you walked a bit slower and looked around, observing your environment. "We're almost done I promise." Was all he said as he entered the fancy gazebo, sitting down on the bench inside.
You followed him inside, looking at him like a lost puppy. Nate smiled warmly as he patted the free spot next to him on the bench. You sighed nervously before finally sitting down, your gaze locked onto Nate.
He was really happy that you could finally look at him without hesitation, unlike the first time he met you. You got so much more comfortable around him in general.
He cleared his throat before he started talking "Alright, so.. I bet you're wondering what's going on." You nodded eagerly "Let me ask you something," He said as he fully turned towards you "Do you know what happened one month ago, exactly on this day?"
You looked into his eyes trying to search for hints, but found none. You tried to think back, repeating the date over and over again in your head but to no avail. You shook your head in response, a small pout on your lips.
Nate chuckled "One month ago was the first time we met each other, do you remember?" He asked carefully, and your eyes lit up afterwards, remembering how kind he was from the beginning. "Of course I remember, you really saved me, I thought I was just destined to stay alone forever until I met you." You smiled as you thought of all the great memories you and Nate had so far.
Nate felt relieved that you felt that way, and not like he was the reason barely anyone dared to talk to you. Which he obviously was, with the way he glared at anyone who even dared to look at you in the hallways.
"I'm glad you think so, y/n. And I've been think about this, and about you for a long time." You tilted your head to the side as you waited for him to continue "I really really like you, y/n. Not in a way.. a friend should like another friend."
Your smile dropped as you finally understood what was going on. The fancy dinner, the fancy gazebo, him mentioning the first time you met. No, there's no way, he wouldn't- "I love you, y/n. I know this might be sudden right now, but I just had to tell you today. The date was perfect and I... I'm tired of hiding this from you."
Nate despised how vulnerable he was in front of you right now, but he also knew that he might be more successful this way, that him showing some emotions would result in you saying yes.
"I know that you haven't been in a relationship yet and I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. We can take things slow."
You suddenly felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. Nate was asking you to be his girlfriend..
He planned all of this to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You did not expect that. You weren't sure what you were expecting but this wasn't on your list. "Nate I... I don't know what to say..." Was all you managed to whisper as you averted your gaze.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel something for him, and the fact that he put so much effort into asking you out also touched you, but you were so scared of losing him, you needed him whether you wanted to admit it or not. You couldn't even imagine living without him from now on so why did you hesitate?
Nate stayed quiet as well, before reaching for your hand, in an attempt to get you to look at him "Y/n, I get it, you probably didn't expect me to say all that, but I genuinely mean it." You slowly raised your head and looked into his eyes once again.
The look he gave you was filled with sincerity and love and you wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is gonna be fine, that you're his "You know that I might not be here for long... I couldn't live with the fact that I have to leave you behind. What if you'll feel like you're wasting your time with me?"
Nate quickly shook his head "I'll never think like that, and I already told you that I'll find a solution if that should happen." Nates grip on your hand tightened before he added "Just tell me what you want right now. Without thinking of things that might or might not happen."
You sighed "I want to be with you, I just... really didn't think you'd actually want someone like me to be your girlfriend, so I never considered it.." Nate frowned.
'Someone like you’? What did you mean by that? Nate was sure that there was no one better than you, that you were the perfect choice for him.
"There's nothing wrong with you, and I'll tell you that over and over again if I have to. You're everything I want, I don't need someone else I only need you, I already told you that before." He replied, searching for your eyes once again.
You suddenly remembered that day you went over to his place and his brother showed up. When you sat on the sofa with him and he told you that you were everything he needed. So he really meant it like that.
You looked at him, a sad smile on your face "I need you too, no one has ever been able to make me feel so loved and important... Not even my parents... I can’t imagine going back to that… I mean, I was miserable before I met you." Nate tried to hide his smirk when he heard that.
He absolutely loved how dependent you were on him, he knew you'd need him eventually.
He softly placed his hand on your cheek, hoping you'd melt into his touch like you did back when he first did it in the cafeteria.
And you didn't disappoint him.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his touch in the chilly breeze. "Please.. Give me a chance to prove you I'll treat you good." Nate softly pleaded.
You opened your eyes, looking at him "I'd never doubt that, Nate.. I'm just really worried I-" Nate sighed before retrieving his hand, and you hated it, hated how cold you felt again.
"It's about what Maddy told you, isn't it?" Nate asked, his tone rougher than before. You quickly shook your head "No! Oh my god of course not. I know that she's lying." You scooted closer to Nate, your hands finding his this time.
"I trust you.. Only you."
Nate looked at you, a small frown still evident on his features. He kept quiet, hoping that it'll give you the final push to say yes.
You sighed as you thought for a moment. You liked him too, so why not give him a chance? You'll probably never be this lucky again. This is what you wanted, what you dreamed of.
You deserved some happiness for once. And you were sure he'd make you happy, just like he already did. And you'd do your best to make him happy as well.
"Nate, I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Nate almost jumped off the bench. You finally said yes, you were finally officially his. His eyes immediately lit up and he pulled you into probably the tightest hug you've ever had.
Nate sighed in relief, everything worked just like he wanted it to. No one would take you away from him now.
That was probably his biggest fear, that some guy would make a move on you and steal you from him. And it would've been so unfair too, because he was the one who turned you into his obedient pretty girl.
In his eyes, no one deserved you more than he did.
"I promise you won't regret it, yeah?" He mumbled into your neck before raising his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to your cheek.
You giggled as you tried to process the fact that Nate Jacobs was now your boyfriend. Once Nate let go of you, you noticed how cold it had gotten, and you shivered slightly.
Nate frowned "Are you cold? We can go home if you want to." He offered. "That might be a good idea. Only if you want to though."
Nate appreciated that you still let him decide, even though you were cold already.
He chuckled before standing up "C'mere." He said as he extended his arm. You stood up and walked towards him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, before the two of you walked to his car.
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Nate knew that he had to introduce you to his parents and he absolutely hated it. He knew that if he simply told you to go upstairs, you might think he doesn't want you to meet them.
You were quick to misinterpret things negatively sometimes and he didn't want you to worry about his parents not liking you or something.
You once asked him, when you came over for the fifth time why you haven’t seen his parents yet. And he told you he only invites you over when he's alone, because they’re weird. He quickly made sure to tell you that he just simply 'dislikes' his whole family to put it nicely.
Once he parked the car, he turned towards you and placed his hand on your thigh to grab your attention. You looked up at him with your beautiful eyes and he could've kissed you right then and there but he wasn't sure if that would've been too soon for you.
"Listen, my parents are probably home right now... Just a heads up, they might want to meet you. Are you okay with that?" He asked softly.
You felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest.
You've never seen them before, except on the family picture on the wall at the staircase. You had no idea what you had to expect. "I'm kinda scared to be honest.." You replied nervously. "What if they don't like me?"
Nate scoffed before shaking his head "Don't worry, they only hated Maddy, because she was really rude and she called my mother a cunt." Your eyes widened in shock "She did what?" You asked in disbelief.
Nate nodded as he looked outside the window "I told you, she was intense..." You scoffed in response "Yeah definitely, did she even contribute anything good to the relationship?" You asked genuinely curious.
Nate thought for a moment, did she?
"Well not really, but I don't care anymore. I have you now. You could never disappoint me the way she did, so don’t worry." He responded with a smile before undoing his and your seatbelt.
Once the two of you got out of the car and Nate locked the doors, he took your hand in his and walked towards the entrance.
He was kind of nervous as well since his dad could be unpredictable. But Nate already told his mom that he might bring you home today and she was thrilled to meet you.
He sighed before unlocking the door and walking inside with you. He just hoped Aaron wasn't at home or at least not downstairs this time.
You started taking your shoes off as quietly as possible, hoping that they wouldn't hear or notice you. Nate also took his shoes off before you walked the living room together.
His mom sat on the sofa with a glass of wine. As soon as she noticed the two of you, she placed her glass down on the coffee table and walked over to the two of you with a friendly grin.
"Hello sweetie, you must be y/n." She exclaimed before hugging you subtly. She then took a small step back and looked at you.
"Yes.. It's so nice to meet you.." You said as you tried to smile at her and maintain eye contact. You knew it would've been rude to not look at her, but you were still pretty nervous.
Then she looked you up and down, which made you even more insecure "Wow... gorgeous and polite, seems like Nate finally found the right one." Nate rolled his eyes before taking your hand back in his "Alright mom, we'll be upstairs then." He announced.
"Oh already? But-" "Yeah it's been a pretty rough week, we'll talk tomorrow." He interrupted before almost dragging you along with him towards the stairs "Again, it was nice meeting you Mrs. Jacobs."
You quickly added before following him "Likewise, Honey!" You truly loved how sweet she was. Your mom barely called you Honey, or Sweetie. She only used your name when she called for you.
Just as Nate thought he finally had you to himself, he heard the front door unlock.
He debated on whether he should turn around or not, before deciding against it and simply walking upstairs in front of you. Until he heard the person speak
"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your new girlfriend Nate?" It was Cal.
Nate was surprised when he entered the living room earlier and saw that his Mom seemed to be alone. But he was glad and hoped it'd stay that way.
But sadly it didn’t.
Nate sighed as he looked at you not sure whether to tell you to go ahead to his room or actually allow his asshole dad to introduce himself.
He noticed how Cal moved towards the stairs before he looked at you "I'm Cal, pleasure to meet you." He said before extending his hand.
You shook it, trying to mimic his firm grip but failing miserably. "I'm Y/n.." You almost whispered as you avoided his piercing gaze. You then retreated your hand before adding "a-also pleased to meet you."
You couldn't tell why but you felt the atmosphere shift in a way. It was.. eerily quiet. And you knew that there was something going on between Nate and his Dad. Simply by the way they stared at each other, and the way Nate talked about him sometimes.
"Alright, we're gonna go upstairs then." Nate said drily before gesturing for you to walk ahead. You quickly walked up the stairs, happy that you'd be alone with him soon again.
You didn't mind talking to his mom, but his dad scared the shit out of you. There was just something so dark about him. You wouldn't want to be alone with him.
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Once Nate finally closed the door behind you two, you sighed out of relief. "Sorry about him, he really knows how to make people uncomfortable.." Nate grumbled when he saw the relief on your face.
"It wasn't that bad." You lied as you chuckled nervously. "You don't have to lie to me. I saw how nervous you got when you shook his hand." Nate responded before plopping down on his bed and sighing.
Why couldn’t he just move out and live with you? All alone somewhere secluded where he has you to himself, far away from his and your family.
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to meet my parents." He reasoned. You walked towards him, and lied down beside him before placing your head on his firm chest "Don't worry it.. really wasn't that bad. I think your mom is really nice."
Yeah totally
Nate closed his eyes as he enjoyed the weight of your head on his chest. He could’ve stayed like this forever.
Until your phone vibrated in your bag.
You groaned before getting up and rummaging through your bag until you found it.
It was your mom, great… You totally forgot to text her during the entire time.
6 new messages
mom: Hey, when are you gonna come home? 5:45 pm
mom: Just talked to your dad.. Are you really going to sleep at his place?? 5:58 pm
mom: Are you okay? 6:20 pm
mom: If you want me to pick you up you can call me 6:49 pm
mom: hellooo? 7:02 pm
mom: please text me back when you see this I’m worried 7:15 pm
“Holy shit…” You scoffed. “What? Is it your mom?” You nodded before walking back to bed and showing him your chat.
Nates eyes widened in both amazement and terror. “Jesus, she’s so controlling.” You nodded while you quickly texted her back.
You had to give her Nate’s address some time ago, when you went over to his place more frequently. You were sure she’d actually get in her car and come over if you wouldn’t reply to her.
you: I’m fine everything is okay! stop worrying so much 7:17 pm
Nate got up from his bed and headed towards his closet, grabbing a basic tee and some shorts before he handed them over to you “Here you can wear this, I hope it’s fine.”
You nodded and smiled at him “Of course, thank you.” He smiled back at you for a moment “I’ll go to the bathroom, yeah?” He said before heading towards his bathroom.
You decided to get dressed while he’s gone, slipping out of your dress, folding it as best as you could and placing it neatly next to his bed. Then you put on his shirt, which was in fact long enough to cover your thighs, and his shorts.
You sat back on Nate’s bed until he came back from his bathroom. Despite being in his room so many times before, you never slept at his place. Because you’re mother was against it of course.
But you had to admit it was smart of Nate to lie to your dad about having a party, and saying that many people were gonna sleep at his, and you wouldn’t be alone with him.
You wondered if Nate had to lie to his parents like that too.
His mom was way more understanding than yours was, so probably not. And she seemed so kind too, you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Maddy insulted her like that.
You wished you would’ve moved here earlier, simply because you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a lot going on that you didn’t know of.
Like the Cassie situation for example.
You knew almost nothing about her, and it kinda scared you, because Nate mentioned that she was insane and extremely obsessed with him.
You didn’t even know what she looked like, so how were you supposed to stay out of her way?
You were certain that it would just be a question of time until she’d approach you as well. And you were also pretty sure that she won’t be as nice or as rational as Maddy was.
Sure, Maddy said all these bad things out of spite and because she hated her ex boyfriend. But Cassie? What if she’s still in love with him and finds out that you two are dating?
Nate entered the room again, taking in the sight of you in his clothes as you sat leaned against his bed frame staring ahead with wide eyes.
You looked so adorable and so… distracted for some reason. Nate walked up to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “What’s on your mind?” He asked as he stood in front of you.
The way you craned your head up to look at him, made him feel things he shouldn’t feel. Especially since your head was at eye level with his crotch.
He tried to focus on whatever you were going to tell him nonetheless “I’m just… worried. You told me about Cassie being obsessed with you and… what if she finds out I’m your girlfriend?”
Nate sighed. Because you had a point, but he really didn’t want to think of her or talk about her anymore. He was already glad that she barely went to school after their break up, and that he could keep you far away from her.
“You don’t have to worry about her, I told you I’ll protect you. Cassie is crazy but she’s harmless, except for yelling she can’t do much.” He tried to reassure you.
You looked down as you fiddled with the hem of Nate’s shirt.
You already were an anxious person, so the fact that your boyfriend only dated crazy people in the past, wasn’t exactly helpful.
“I feel safe with you… but we’re not always together at school, and I… don’t have any friends.” That’s when you realized just how alone you actually were without Nate.
You had no friends at all, now that Nate wasn’t your friend anymore but your boyfriend. It was sad, really. But what you didn’t seem to realize was that it wasn’t your fault at all.
It was Nate’s.
He was convinced you didn’t need anyone but him, even if that meant you’d have no friends. What would you need them for anyway when you had him?
Nate frowned “But you’re not alone either, you have me. Or… am I not enough?” He frowned. You immediately shook your head “No, of course you’re enough. You’re more than enough, that’s not what I meant.”
Nate smiled in response before you added “I just see all these girls walk through school with their friends and.. it makes me feel sad because I don’t have any friends I can talk to or walk through school with.. I sometimes feel like I’m getting on your nerves because I talk to you so much.”
Nate scoffed as he walked towards the TV "C'mon you could never annoy me." He assured you as he turned the TV on. Then he turned off the main light and plopped down next to you before turning on the bedside lamp.
When you didn't respond to him, he added "I understand that you want to have friends at school, but most of the girls at school are... awful. They're fake, and really mean and all they care about is boys and sex."
You really wanted to believe him but there’s just no way every single girl was like that. And Nate also couldn’t possibly know every single girl at school.
Nate looked at you and it was almost as if he could read your thoughts, because he knew you didn’t quite believe him.
And it irritated him.
You always believed him everything so why were you questioning him now?
He quickly changed the topic in an attempt to put a stop to your thoughts. “I still can’t believe you’re mine by the way...” He said as he softly intertwined his fingers with yours, smiling at you.
And it worked like a charm.
You smiled shyly as you avoided his somewhat intense gaze. You weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to him looking at you like that.
Nate decided to take it a step further, stroking your cheek with his other hand until you slowly looked back at him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly, almost as if he was scared you’d say no.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to kiss you, but you literally never kissed anyone before and you were scared that Nate would laugh at you.
“Um… yeah just… please don’t laugh at me.” you chuckled. Nate smirked “Don’t worry, I won’t. We’ll take it slow, yeah?” He said as he scooted closer.
He let go of your hand and moved it to your left cheek instead, cupping it gently as he pulled your face closer. He leaned in until his lips finally touched yours.
The feeling was foreign but you enjoyed it nonetheless. His lips were so soft as they moved against your own. You tried to mimic his movements as your brows furrowed in concentration.
Nate slowly broke the kiss as he searched your face for any sign of discomfort “How did it feel?” He asked as his eyes were glued to your lips. “It felt.. really good.” You responded quietly.
“Can we try again?” You asked as you fiddled with you shirt again.
Fuck, why were you so cute?
“Sure, of course.” Nate responded “You can touch me too, you know?” He added as he took your right hand and placed it on his shoulder. “Oh, okay..” You smiled before leaning in again.
Nate pressed his lips against yours once again. He could tell you were more eager this time when you leaned in first. You tilted your head slightly, like you had seen on TV several times, and it already felt more natural and deeper than the first kiss.
You felt incredibly excited with how close Nate was to you right now, and you also had this warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
It was almost like your body worked on its own. Your hand slid from his shoulder to his neck as you closed your eyes, and your lips finally seemed to move more in sync.
Nates hand moved to your waist in an attempt to pull you even closer, while your unoccupied hand moved to his cheek.
He pressed kiss after kiss onto your lips making sure to take his time with you, some kisses lasting longer than others.
You were the first one to break the kiss this time, since you were running out of breath. “Wow.. that was amazing.” You chuckled as you slowly removed your hands from Nate.
He smirked at you, clearly happy that you enjoyed kissing him, because he felt the same way. He was definitely glad that you didn’t straddle his lap though, because then you probably would’ve felt just how happy he truly was.
“Wanna do it again?”
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✎ Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part as well. If you have any questions/feedback please let me know ♡
- Cassandra
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Dynamight's Omega
Katsuki's Omega is usually known for being really cheery and polite to anyone she meets (to the point that they question how she could even put up with the grump himself). One day, everyone at the agency learns that the girl herself has quite the temper and could get very territorial over her Alpha.
Author's note: I've never written a/b/o so go easy on me. I've had this idea for a while and finally had the time to put it into words. Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more of these two :) (also: this was edited on my phone, so if anything looks wonky or like it's meant to be cut out, it probably is. I'll fix it later lmao)
Alpha!Katsuki who's mated to the sweetest little omega. Most people question how someone so soft spoken could be compatible with the blonde. Everyone knows Bakugou Katsuki comes with a very harsh demeanor. Pair that with his large frame and he is quite the force to be reckoned with. He's a far cry from being anything like his best friend Alpha!Eijirou, who often forces Bakugou to wear scent blockers at their shared agency so he doesn't stink out the whole place and scare the omegas that work for them.
The first time Bakugou’s omega ever visited the office, she was bringing him the lunch he forgot at home. She was all nervous smiles in a short sundress as she walked up to the front desk and asked to be pointed in the direction of the two hero's offices. No one working at the agency had thought anything of it at first. Everyone knew the rumors that Red Riot had a partner, and the large mating mark on her neck had them assuming she was here go see him. It wasn't until the two pro heros themselves stepped out of a meeting room and into her path that the employees realized they were very, very wrong.
The Omega's eyes lit up upon seeing the two alphas, her scent just a bit more potent now with excitement. “Hey, Kiri!” She greets the redhead with a wave before simply stepping past him to get to Bakugou.
“Omega,” The blonde’s deep voice greets, vermillion eyes watching the girl with only the kind of intensity Bakugou Katsuki could emit.
The girl grins, meeting his gaze and dipping her head for a moment in greeting. “Hi, alpha.” She doesn't shy away from his gaze as he continues to stare her down. There's a low rumble in his chest as he takes in her appearance, chest swelling with pride at his girl coming to visit him with the mark he left on display for everyone to see. She holds up the bento in her hands after a few moments, blushing some now as she becomes aware of all the eyes on them. “You forgot your lunch,” she says in way of explanation, handing it over to him. Katsuki doesn't miss the way she starts bouncing nervously, thanking her with a kiss to her temple and guiding her to his office with a hand on her lower back, her soft voice carrying down the hallway as she fills him in on her day so far.
No one says anything for a beat before excited chatter starts up and Kiri finds himself chuckling, simply announcing to come find him should anyone need anything before stalking off to his own office.
Dynamight usually kept his personal life private, so it came as a pleasant surprise when the girl kept showing up after that first visit. They learned that after she mated to Bakugou, he urged her to quit her part time job and focus on school. Her goal was to one day be a successful writer and she was always sharing her ideas with her friends. Sometimes she would bring in cookies she had made for everyone, and she was often seen stopping by to drop off coffee for the two pro heroes. Occasionally, on those days, Bakugou would be seen walking her out after a spell, her face flushed and his hair evidently out of place. More often than not, however, she brings her laptop and headphones and settles herself in Katsuki’s office to get work done. He's even come back from patrol to her napping on his couch unannounced. The next day, Pro Hero Dynamight was seen walking into his agency with blankets and a pillow in tow to make the space more comfortable for his girl. He made sure to scent everything thoroughly and reminded her constantly that his office was always open should she need it, no matter the circumstances. Days like that presented a new side to the grumpy alpha. Beneath the hard exterior and seemingly permanent scowl he was actually a lovesick fool. He looked at his girl like she put the stars in the sky herself and he was willing to do anything and everything for her, consequences be damned.
One day the omega trudges into the office, dressed down in sweats for the day. The second she walks through the door, it's evident she’s in a horrible mood. The last week had been really stressful and it was showing in the way her hair was messily thrown up and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She stalked right past everyone in the office, having a one track mind towards the comfort of her alpha. She knew Katsuki didn't have patrol and would just be hanging around the office for the day. She figured they could order food and she could just spend a little time with him while he worked.
What she did not expect, however, was to find Katsuki, /her/ alpha, walking out of a meeting room with another woman who was laughing at something he said, her hand reaching up towards his arm. Dynamight’s omega was moving before she could think, her instincts completely kicking in as she lost rational thought. Before she realized it was happening, she had the poor woman pinned to the closest wall with an arm, lips pulled back in a snarl to show her omegan fangs.
There's a collective gasp that runs throughout the office, everyone shocked to see this kind of behavior from her. Not once had she ever indicated that she could be anything but polite. The commotion even had Red Riot peeking out of his office. Bakugou finds himself bristling at the smell of the other alpha, resisting the urge to growl at anyone who was making a spectacle out of the situation. He pushes those feelings away, taking a deep breath before calling her name. He sucks his teeth when he doesn't receive a response from her, realizing she has lost herself to her more primal instincts.
“Omega.” His voice is a bit deeper than usual with the command, fully stepping into his role as her alpha, his skin itching with the need to get her to the safety of his office. The word reaches her ears and it takes a few painstakingly slow seconds before she's submitting, fighting the urge to let out a whimper when she comes to and finally steps away. Despite being an Omega, what most people don't know, is that his girl has quite the stubborn personality and she's never been one to back down easily. It's one of the first things that had him chasing after her after they first met. He wanted an equal in his relationship - someone who was going to bite back and level with him when needed.
“If I ever catch you so much as look at-”
“Omega.” He doesn't raise his voice but ever so slightly, the deep tone telling her it's time to back off for good. Katsuki is close to snatching her up himself to carry her away before she finally shoves last his large frame and stomps into his office. He waits to hear the click of door closing before he's rushing out apologies to the poor woman and reassuring her nothing like that will ever happen again.
When he's done walking the woman out, he heads back to his office to find his sweet little omega sitting down on his couch with blankets wrapped snuggly around her shoulders and big fat tears streaming down her face. She blabbers out apologies the second she sees him, pouting. His expression softens as he takes in the sight of her and it's in that moment that he decides they can talk about her little moment another day. He knew she was having a bad week, but he had no clue it would ever turn into something like this, and his alpha is all but screaming at him to care for his mate. In a matter of seconds, he has her pulled into his lap, holding her securely to his rumbling chest in an effort to soothe her.
It was that day that everyone in the agency learned just why the Omega was with someone as harsh as Dynamight. It was clear that despite her usually bubbly personality, the girl had the kind of fire in her veins that could only rival that of her own alpha.
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whore-era · 1 year
delinquent!ellie williams headcanons 18+
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has the MEANEST MUG FACE at everyone but her close loved ones, especially you. she shows you the softest side to her bc you naturally just draw it out. ellie will literally have the grouchiest face, but once she sees you, it will be all soft heart eyes around you and you only! everyone else though? fuck them. they will get a bitch face and a middle finger thrown their way!
is guilty for always manspreading, but it's okay because it kinda stirs something inside you anyways. you guys will literally be anywhere, and she'll sit with her legs spread with her hands behind her head and you'd find yourself walking over and plopping yourself on her lap.
is extremely territorial and possessive of her girl, but not in a way where she's controlling you by any means. ellie is aware of how gorgeous and sexy her girl is, and while she has no problem with others looking, she draws the line at people approaching you. you would be at a party, talking with your friends, occasionally looking across the room at her. while giving each other loving glances, some guy approaches probably saying "hey girl, you lookin' finnneeee as hell tonight, you wanna get outta here?" and she'll already be behind him, fists balled up and hissing, "get the fuck away from my girlfriend."
would absolutely beat someone's ass for you. if someone is disrespectful to you or looks at you the wrong way or god forbid, lay their hands on you, it's automatically on sight for her. "but you should'a seen the other guy, babe. he's got it worse," she'll say, as you're sat on the sink with her in between your legs, tending to her small cuts and bruises. "what'd i tell you, els? you can't keep getting into these stupid fights because one guy says something dumb about me." "yea, baby, i know. i just hate when people say shit about you," she coos, "you're absolutely fucking amazing, and everyone should know that by now." you both end up kissing in the bathroom and it always ends up with you being bent over the sink taking her strap-
you would CONSTANTLY be on her ass about everything. since she does have a short temper, you always find yourself having to check her and and lecture her a bit, and she lowkey kinda loves it? ellie thinks you're hot as hell taking a little bit of control and telling her what to do, and every time you do have to lecture her, she'll look at you with desire in her eyes and respond with "yes, ma'am", "alright, baby, whatever you say", "mhm yes, baby m'listening" even though she quite literally is hyper-focused on how sexy as fuck you look lecturing her rn.
always putting her hands on you! whether it's rubbing your ass when she's cuddling you, holding your hand when you're out and about, or putting her hands on your hips and waist when she wants to be close to you. 
showing how she feels about you in actions rather than words. ellie has a tough time expressing how she feels for you directly in words, and sometimes her message that she’s trying to send doesn’t always sound…right. so she’ll do little acts of services for you like picking up lunch for you on days when you’re extremely swamped with work and assignments, organizing your books and backpack when you fall asleep on your desk from studying, picking up your favorite snacks when you need a lil cheering up, and helping you take off your clothes when you’re extra exhausted from the day. 
always assuring you’re safe. ellie will always make sure you never have to travel alone and tries to walk you to and from class, but if she’s busy she’ll bug dina to do it. she’ll always ask where you are and who you’re with just to make sure you’re safe and alright, periodically checking in with you with texts (even tho it can be a lil bit annoying but u never say anything bc u know she’s just worried). baby u ok taking the bus alone? yes els i’m fine babe. u sure? i can come get u rn. no my love u don’t need to do that. swear. yk what babe let me ask dina if she can- ellieeee….
a/n this one was rly short my apologies ;P
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duchezss · 4 months
I recently finished reading all the Lockwood & Co books, and my god they were good, but it got me thinking. If the show continued, like it deserved too, would Holly and Kipps have gotten a signature color the same way the trio did? If so what would they be? Well I was looking at twitter and I saw that most people agree that Holly's color would be yellow, and Kipps' would be white, and I'll be honest I disagree so badly I'm about to write an essay. It's funny because I distinctly remember finishing the books and thinking, "ah watch everyone put their colors as yellow and white cause it's easy". LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. Y'all just don't get color theory OR the characters the way I do so listen up.
Holly is many things. She's positive, and compassionate, and kind, but she is so much more than that. She's not just a "yellow", yes maybe she is the sunshine of the group, but honestly? Not really, and that's ok. She's fierce and sometimes she has a short temper, she pretends to let everything slide off her shoulder, when really she's just keeping it inside. That's why her and Lucy are constantly budding heads in the beginning of their friendship, they are so similar. I think her color should be red. She's constantly described as wearing it, and I think it really fits her. Red represents passion, energy, confidence, and excitement to name a few. Holly is always described as having a presence, and her energy and enthusiasm comes off her in waves. Red is usually described as the color of love, and I still think that fits. She has such love for the entire crew, and it's so clear she would go to the ends of the earth for them. I also think this would blend in with the others very well. Despite it not actually being blue's real opposite, blue and red are often seen as polar opposites, which really fits for Lucy and Holly's dynamic. It also works because red and orange are both warm colors and George and Holly have always gotten along. They are similar in their methodical and sometimes odd ways of life. I also think it's fun cause Skully's color is green, and green are red are direct color wheel opposites. I'm pretty sure he hates her the most, but Kipps is also competing hard for that title. And lastly black is kinda the color in between, now more on that in a second.
I see what twitter was going for, Lucy and George are blue and orange, direct color wheel opposites, because they are quite literally direct opposites. So it makes sense for Kipps to be white since he's the direct opposite of Lockwood? LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER AGAIN. Tell me y'all didn't understand their dynamic without telling me. Lockwood and Kipps didn't get along cause they were so different, they butted heads so hard because of how similar they are. It's exactly what happened with Lucy and Holly. Plus white represents a lot of things that are definitely not Kipps. My proposed color for him is purple, I know that's a little odd, but walk with me. Although it's never explicitly stated, one can assume that Kipps was an absolute prodigy when he had his talents. I only bring this up, because purple often represents royalty and luxury, and he practically became a fallen king when he lost the only thing he was ever good at it. But purple is much more than that, it also represents bravery, uniqueness. ambition, and justice. I think Kipps' original color is grey, and not just because of the uniform. Grey represents seriousness, sadness, and boredom. That's how Kipps was before, but when he remeets the crew during book 3 and 4, we begin to see the shift. The group helps him gain his ambition back, and with all of their love and support we even begin to see how brave he really is. He has a unique way of going through life, and even when all the odds are stacked against them, he still seeks justice. Purple fits with the general color scheme as well. It's very close to black, which represents how similar him and Lockwood are, and it's also a cooler color like blue. Kipps and Lucy certainly got along the easiest out of the crew.
Overall it just makes sense. George and Holly are the warmer colors, Lucy and Kipps the cooler, and Lockwood as the mediator between them. I feel like red might be a little hard to incorporate without being overpowering, and I know that purple isn't a super masculine color, but hell if those costume designer made full orange outfits look good they can literally do anything. Anyways I know this isn't that important, but ugh I love color theory so much, and I love how much thought the costume designers put in the first time. I feel like having Holly and Kipps color being yellow and white is just a cheap easy shot, and doesn't take into account the characters and their growth enough. I rest my case.
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inferno-0 · 3 months
Just the attitude of the Titans to your temperament.
Let me remind you: Choleric is active, impatient and hot-tempered extroverts.
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* Being a serious and calm creature, Kaiju is not used to your persona. He was amazed at your courage in front of him.
* He liked your extroversion to some extent. Unlike him as a loner, you literally communicated with every creature in your path. But the best quality he has revealed is to be a Leader.
You literally managed to chase away the skullsaurs that interfered with him, of course, it was not without escape, but still.
A Brave Man.
* Wanted to chase you away, but you were too persistent.
*You are now his Watchdog.
* To be Choleric is to be aggressive to some degree. To be honest, it sometimes amuses him. If you were a Titan, you'd definitely start fighting him to the end. But I like to watch how some little guy tries to move the tip of his tail and shouts something very bad at him.
* Thankful for keeping the raging gulls away from his dorsal plates while he swims. Will wait for the moment when you banish the Monarch from his eyes.
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* She likes your activity and perseverance. You're eager to learn anything and everything that Mothra is amused about. But your short temper . . .
* It's not that Mothra is annoyed, she's worried about you. After all, the argument gets out of control at some point.
Your impatience may be misplaced somewhere, and the Titan tries to calm you down so that there are no unnecessary problems.
* Your irritability frightens her.
Even though it's several thousand times bigger than you.
* Sometimes he presses you to his fur, hoping that you will calm down and stop driving anger to the whole world.
* Tries not to glow too much at the sight of you. Since there was a moment where you accidentally ordered her to turn off her flashlight out of annoyance, to which Mothra choked.
I think she'll give you a lecture.
* She also appreciates your leadership skills.
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* Someone, help him.
* I have never met such a person as you in my life. No, of course he is. Partially. But this Titan is compared to you, forgive me, Bug. Your audacity amused him. Until you started throwing rocks at his beak and eyes, to which the Titan was ready to go back to the volcano and anywhere else from you.
* His ego has been suppressed since that time. You're not afraid of him.
And now he thinks: Are you stupid or are you really driven by something?
* He was surprised when he found out that you wanted to be friends with him. Okay, instilling fear throughout the city wasn't good, he needed communication. Of course, your character is not great, but at some moments he is ready to laugh at you heartily. Especially when you are the one who gets into trouble.
* And now let's forget about aggression, let's remember about Leadership qualities:
"Wake Up, Silly Bird"
"Thank you so much for this morning, kind little creature," ─ grunts Rodan as he emerges from his warm nest.
* No, he sometimes likes your mindset to boss others around. Although, he has frequent flashbacks about it.
King Ghidorah
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* Very brave. Very brave.
* Three heads could have hit you to certain death right away, but something caught on them. Your aggression was wonderful, of course it's a pity to hear it from a person.
* Throwing sticks and anything else you can get your hands on when he literally saved your life for five minutes.
Only these five minutes still last for some reason.
* Okay, it them off, but it's still funny. A brave little king. Ghidorah kept you as a pet, but only because you weren't a coward.
* Ichi is proud of your anger at other creatures. He likes the way you command them.
Ni has the same relationship to you as Ichi, but is only watching for fun.
San is a little disturbed by your behavior, believing you to resemble his brother Ichi.
*Sometimes they deliberately bring you into conflict (mostly Ni) to laugh at your face.
Although, in the absence of an instinct for self-preservation, you give them a savory response, to which the Titan begins to retreat.
* Humans and other Kaiju find both of you insufferable. Godzilla is even willing to ask people to take you away from there, as Ghidorah's yells from another argument can be heard even in his nest.
King kong
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* You didn't look like Jia. Jia is calm and understanding, and you are like a tomboy, irritated about everything. He still thinks about how his little human friend made friends with you.
* Jia introduced you as a good person, but with a strong character that you just have to accept. Kong had expected anything but this. Although he appreciated the ability to command others. You'd be good at managing your own tribe, if you had one. But given the Skullsaurs that are on the run all over the island from you, humans would have joined them themselves. Your aggression was out of bounds.
* Kong sometimes worries about your recklessness. You're not someone who sits still like Jia. You're always going somewhere. And he doesn't understand what you need. And Jia, who is used to all this, just says to calm down.
* Kong has never been in conflict with you. He tries to stay on the edge of patience.
The truth is trying..
He likes that enthusiasm, but please stop. Otherwise, he'll put you in this flying object that people use.
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slvttysstuff · 6 months
Wanna be yours
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(Owen knight x reader)
Summary: you hated it when Owen got into fights you always nagged and scold him about it but what happened this time is new to you..
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I was sitting my ass in this hard chair for an hour now doing my school works, suddenly my attention got taken away from my works when my phone makes a 'ding' noise, someone texted me
I looked at my phone for a minute before taking it, I pressed the button turning it on revealing my lock screen a picture of me and Owen together, a small smile plastered over my lips as I saw the picture of the two of us
I unlocked my phone looking at the notification Noah sent a message I take a look at my messages it was noah, my friend and also Owens, what could she be sending me this time? I thought as I opened her message
' y/n! Owen got into a fight again, I don't know where he went He just left immediately ' noah texted,
my heart raced, I immediately put my phone on my desk and stood up from my seat not minding if I haven't finished my school works yet. Owen comes first I took my jacket and wore it putting my phone inside it's pocket before leaving my apartment with my own bike with me
I rode off letting my feet pedal where it's taking me, Me and Owen had been friends since elementary, he was a very good friend of mine, he makes me smile, laugh and everything, but one thing I hate about him is when he gets into fights, any kind of fight that involves him, I hate it, Owen is not a short tempered guy but once his red button has been clicked
may God be with you
It was already night, at 9pm sharp the sky was already dark and the street lights illuminated the street, it was quiet, suddenly I stopped my bike when I saw a familiar blonde haired figure sitting in a bench his head was fall down in his hands holding it, I walked towards that person I already knew who it was, without hesitation I smacked his head making him jolt in shock and also in pain
Owen looks at me pain wais visible on his looks, bruise was all over his face making me feel bad for smacking him earlier if I could go back in time I would definitely repeat that...
"Did you get into another fight again?" I asked even though it was completely obvious, but he just looks at me for a second
" Wasn't it obvious? " He sarcastically said I was about to open my mouth and start scolding him when he spoke
"Can you please stop scolding me?" He said as if he already knew what I was going to say, He raises an eyebrow, but remains calm and direct with you, despite his rage over what happened after he lost the race earlier against Jay, his words makes me close my mouth
" what happened this time Owen? " I asked looking at him worried " nothing.." he answered looking away from me then looking down at his bruised fists" How many times do I have to tell you that stop getting into fight- "
" Enough, I told you to stop scolding me " he cut my sentence once again, I scoffed at his attitude and words
" how can I not scold you? You always got into fights" I spoke putting both hands on my waist looking at him " how many times do I have to tell you to stop getting into fights owen!"He rolls his eyes as you continue to scold him
you sometimes feel guilty for nagging him, but he's just so hard headed, even though he seems to ignore it
"What am I supposed to do?" He sighs "Just stand back and allow Jay to do whatever he wants? I can't just let him." He continues
" why do you have to fight? You can talk with him about it Owen, you don't need to fight with someone every time, don't you understand what I am saying? " I frustratedly said to him, looking down at him as he was sitting on the bench
I pulled his chin making him look up at me " look! You're all bruised up again " I nagged
"Oh please, don't be so dramatic. It doesn't hurt that bad, plus it's not the first time." He raises his eyebrows and looks at you sarcastically. He thinks you're joking right now "I'm used to fighting, you should know that by now." He continues
I looked hardly at him before letting go of his chin huffing at the air, gosh his head is hard as rock I put my hands back on my waist turning around not knowing what else to say, He won't listen to me
" can't you listen to me for once? I've been scolding and telling you 'bout this since we were kids " I muttered to him glancing at his side view
Owen scoffs at my words before he shakes his head. "You're still scolding me till this day. Haven't you done enough?" He sighs and looks at you with a serious face.
"Look, I appreciate you for worrying about me, but you're being overprotective. Let me handle my business." He hissed before looking away His words sent me to the edge of my temper
" I'm your god damn friend Owen and I care that's why I worry about you! " I yelled at him, gritting my teeth as I feel frustrated and annoyed about what was happening right now
Owen rolls his eyes at me "You're still treating me like I'm a kid. It's different now. I can handle it myself! I don't need you to tell me what to do! Mind your own business damn it!!" He raises his voice emphasizing each words
His words shots a million bullet in my heart
' I don't need you to tell me what to do '
' I can handle it myself '
I got hurt at what he said I feel like he's saying that he doesn't need me anymore, I put both of my hands inside my pocket, I looked up trying not to let my tears fall down, luckily it's night time and he can't see it, how can he say those words easily? How do he expect me to react at his words? Should I laugh?
" y-yeah you're right..." I looked down at my feet as I let out a fake laugh " you're not a kid anymore...you can handle yourself already haha..." I bit my lip trying not to let out a sob " okay fine..." I said " I'll just go home, I don't know why I am here anyways " I said as I pointed at my back, looked at him first before turning my back at him taking my bike with me
Owen immediately notices how you changed in a second. He knew that look when you were struggling to keep it together so he quickly stood up and went to you. He knows that he's wrong and he immediately felt guilty,He gently grabs your shoulders and turns you around so you can look at him in the eyes.
"Hey, I didn't mean it like that. Don't take it personally." Owen sighs, it wasn't like him to be rude and insensitive to you, he just got carried away by his emotions and he hated it every time his emotions take over him, he doesn't like hurting you, how can he hurt someone he love? He loves more than friends
I just scoffed at him not looking at him, a tear left my eyes making me wipe my cheeks with my sleeve
Owen sighs, he hates it when he makes you sad. Seeing you hurt hurts him also
"Hey..." He gently caress your cheek and pulls you closer in front of him, so you can make an eye contact with him. "Look at me." He said, I do as what he told me to, I looked at his baby blue eyes those orbs that left me speechless and mesmerized " you speak as if you don't need me anymore, like I was just a mere distraction to you " I spoke as a tear left my eyes
Owen's heart sinks as soon as he heard you say those words. He immediately wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tightly on his chest."Stop that, you're always going to be important to me. I'm sorry if what I said had hurt you." He said as he wiped your tears with his fingers.
"I'll never act like that again, I promise. You're so important to me how can you be a distraction? You're the one person I always seek comfort from you're too important for me to lose." He said as he gently strokes your hair,he felt guilty for acting like that he doesn't like what he did to you, I rested my head on his shoulder as I let out a quiet sob
" I hate you so much Owen " I sob as I grip his shirt " I hate you for making me worry about you all the time " I cried
Owen chuckles slightly because of how you're expressing your feelings while crying on his shoulder. He smiles, he finds it so adorable and charming to see you so emotional towards him. He hugs you a bit tighter and strokes your hair again.
"I'm sorry, you might hate me right now, but that will never change the fact that you're always going to be an important person to me. I'll make it up to you. Just forgive me." He whispered to my ears his hot breath hitting my ears his gesture makes my heart beat so fast and the closeness we had he might notice my heart so fast
" do you know how worried I am?earlier when noah texted me that you got into a fight with jay again?! " I yelled " I don't want you getting hurt Owen " I punched his chest slightly " why are you so stubborn? " I mumbled
Owen couldn't help but feel guilt and regret for making you worry about him so many times. The way you're crying into his chest and begging him not to get hurt anymore makes him feel like he's the worst person you ever had.
He sighs and shakes his head, wishing that he hadn't said what he said earlier.
"I'm sorry, I'll promise you I won't fight anyone anymore." He said as he looks at you with his blue eyes that look so irresistible under the night sky I looked back at him, looking at his wounds " damn you Owen! You always know how to make me soft towards you " I said as I bit my lip looking at him
Once again, he couldn't help but chuckle when you were being so cute and sweet towards him. You were very vulnerable and emotional right now and that's what he really loves about you.
"I'm a bit stubborn, but I really mean it." He smiled and leans closer to your lips. He gently grabs your chin and turns you toward him.
My heart started to run like crazy, out face are so close to each other, I looked deeply in his baby blue eyes noticing the affection it was in, this time I'm already sure that owen does feel the same as I am
I felt my cheeks heated up as I looked at him with my red eyes and red cheeks, I feel embarrassed fuck
Owen couldn't care less how red your eyes are, in fact he loved it because it makes you look irresistible to him. A grin appears on his face as he gets closer and caress your cheeks slowly with his hands. He brushes your jawline and chin with his fingers. You can feel his touch as it sends shivers up and down your spine.
His breathing is heavy and he leans closer and he's almost inches away from your lips.
" God damn it Owen " I hissed
then pulled his face to me as our lips crashed into each other, it was obvious that he was shocked at what I did but didn't mind it was also his plan in the first place, he wrapped his left arms on your waist pulling you close to while his right find it's way to you cheeks, his lips started to move and you did the same, you both kissed under the moonlight, he kissed you passionately with full of love
After a second he pulled away catching an air, he layed Hindi forehead on yours as your eyes were still close, I hope this isn't a dream
" Y/n....I like you "
Owen finally said, making you look at him, a smile went on your lips
" I like you too Owen.."
I confessed back, same as mine, Owen smiled as he cupped both of my cheeks before placing a light peck on my lips
" That's good to hear then.. I've been wanting to tell it to you..." He said closing his eyes before saying..
" wanna be mine y/n? "
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animeyanderelover · 15 days
Hi can I request yandere soul eater squad hcs please separate
if that’s to many requests then yandere black star , Tsubaki , Kid and Soul , Maka is fine please💕
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, stalking, manipulation, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, death
C-Group Hc’s Maka Albarn
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💚​From all the people surrounding her, Maka is by far the most mature one which allows her to appear fairly normal within the context of her own developing obsession. As a person who is fairly in tune with her own emotions, she catches on pretty early on her developing feelings and feels the guilt almost immediately. Maka is very self-aware and after having grown up realising just how depraved her own father is whenever he is around other women, she has sworn herself to be like her mother. It is this oath that she made to herself all those years ago that heightens the shame tenfold as she feels like she has failed and become just as low as her father is with her only solace being that at least she seems to only have space for you in her thoughts. Overwhelmed and unsure how to handle her growing feelings, Maka avoids you as good as she can. There's a constant strain on her eyes as she does her best to not will herself to glance towards your direction, her feet instantly moving the opposite direction as soon as she spots you. Even if the two of you were close before and her sudden frigid behavior may hurt you, she deems it to be for the best.
💚​Behind the curtains she still keeps her eyes out for you though in case you should bring yourself in danger. Another attribute of hers is after all her overprotective instinct and that is subconsciously fueled now that her obsession starts to kick in. Whilst she is conscious of her thought process, it is hard for her to stop her silent need to prove herself, especially since she sometimes feels that only Soul is contributing and she brings nothing to the table. The gnawing feeling of uselessness is a terrible feeling that she is unable to push down as her insecurities catch up to her all because her obsession has made her more susceptible to all sorts of emotions. She wants to be seen as capable, especially by you, but that does lead to her at times as coming over as too demanding and strict with you. She has always prefered studying over playing outside and that preference of hers definitely translates to her obsession. Those study sessions of her are not solely done out of malicious intent though as she instead strives to work on her own self-control and to gain more control over her emotions.
💚​Maka handles jealousy better than most of her friends would yet even then she feels like she can do better. Her unwillingness to turn into a depraved individual that is only dictated by desire pushes her to work even harder on her own patience and self-control. Whilst she isn't a person who will be jealous to the point of being irrational, she has a somewhat short temper and tends to snap easily if anything prods her the wrong way. Any spark she notices inside of her and any twitch of her eyebrows is a sign for her that she has still work to do and that she can still do better. The situation would change if the both of you are in an established relationship as she will be fairly confident then. Maybe there is a chance that she at times is slightly paranoid and fears that you may be like her dad, though that fear remains as something that is never proven yet still ingrained in her subconsciousness.
💚​As highly skilled as she is, Maka is not one who craves for brawls as much as people like Black Star would. One can't deny that she is willing to help you and save you in whatever way she can when she realises that there is something that you struggle with yet she is also just as capable to reason with opponents unless she arrives at the conclusion that they won't listen to her. It is likely that at times she may end up being a bit too eager to the point where she is being reckless all because she has that hidden desire to prove herself. In desperate situations it may happen that she subconsciously activates Black Blood's Madness which always exposes a different side of hers. She is much more erratic and violent, downright aggressive as she tries to slice her opponents into half all whilst her mind can only focus on the fact that if they are gone, she will have done her job of protecting you. Outside of this maddening state, she puts more emphasis and focus in helping you and keeping you above all safe.
💚​Maka actually recognises that moving in with someone is in general a very big decision to make and so an abduction is an immediate no-go for her for multiple reasons. She might as well give up on all of her principles if she were to ever abduct you as she would see herself as something even lower than her own father and his pathetic womanizing behavior. An emotion inside her which is unlike most other people with obsession is that she actually hesitates to move in with you. It is a very big step and at the same time it is also a very daunting step. Her hesitation does lie in her subconscious paranoia that you may at one point end up betraying her or hurting her somehow and she'd never get over the exposure of being the fool who fell in love with someone who isn't committed because differently from her mother she knows that she won't be able to stay strong. No, she instead fears being degraded to the desperate fool who stay and hopes that everything will end up fine which is why she would grow siginifcantly more strict the moment the two of you would ever move in. She isn't necessarily overbearing but it is noticable enough for even you to recognise.
💚​Her subconscious paranoia is rather fascinating as it essentially leads her to study you intensely all to figure out if you are someone who wouldn't end up ditching her or who would end up cheating on her and as long as she hasn't finished her research, she won't allow herself to get closer to you. It is only after you have proven yourself to her that she finally allows herself to open up towards you. She isn't one to boast about the relationship though as she values privacy and secrecy which comes to bite her back when her friends eventually find out and some of them, like Soul and Black Star, start complaining that Maka didn't tell them sooner. Due to her preference for privacy and staying at home, her prefered dates with you are always in the safety of four walls. She needs her time with you alone because let's be honest, whenever the two of you hang out with her friends you are always stolen away by them all with the sole intention to get her to to act jealous which always is something they rather on come to regret as Maka will be very direct about what she thinks about that.
Soul Evans
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🤍​Soul's attitude is one that is normally always rather aloof and nonchalant which is a great way for him to hide his growing feelings for you. It takes him a good while to even recognise those stirring emotions he feels inside his chest whenever you are around but at the same time he refuses to show them as he thinks that it wouldn't be very cool of him if he were to reveal it. It's about impossible for him to completely conceal it though as he finds his eyes glancing to your form whenever you are within sight and especially if you do something he considers to be sexy he would have a hard time hiding his burning cheeks. It's important to point out that Soul will be oblivious to a certain degree at the beginning, he is absolutely not delusional and that is largely because of the Black Blood and the Little Demon inside of him which you can quite literally describe as the devil on his shoulder, the personification of the darker side of his feelings and thoughts that urges him on to give in. It's precisely because of this that Soul will also work on his own self-control as soon as the Little Demon has exposed to him his feelings, terrified to end up doing what the devil has ominously foreboded him.
🤍​Reluctant to let anyone on about his internal struggles and too ashamed to admit just how uncool he is being, Soul lets it all simmer beneath the surface. His desire and obsession only grow so much worse as he initially attempts to completely avoid you yet the Little Demon haunts him and encourages him to give in to what he truly wants. Eventually it all threatens to become unbearable which is why he finds himself frequently stalking you. What he initially planned to only do one or twice a week has led him down to an activity that is a daily need even if he is normally someone who is on a more lazy side. He feels slightly motivated and that is the scariest thing that could happen to him. He's rather protective of you which is his prefered reason to somehow convince himself that stalking you is at least for your own good but deep down he knows the truth. There's more to it then just wanting to protect you and he dreads the sparks of possessive desires that seem to awaken within him.
🤍​He is a laid-back dude. He knows that and he won't be put down to transform into a jealous mess but it is because he doesn't make any moves on you that he is also aware that technically anyone could try to take you which is why he stalks on you and the people you hang out with. Safe to say though is that he absolutely isn't immune to jealousy either and it is this emotion that brings out the most immature side of his when it grows too much for him to handle and he reasons that it'd be better to step in now before things get out of control. He just comes waltzing in, still trying to play it cool, as he gives a lazy yet arrogant grin though that grin can quickly disappear if the situation escalates and he gets further provoked in which case he won't back down as he's too argumentative and stubborn to give in. Eventually he will be dragged down to act all immature, a scowl on his face as he bickers with the other person. He'd never admit later on though that he was feeling rather jealous.
🤍​The Little Demon loves to inform him about everything going on with his feelings. The dark thoughts and feelings are definitely there and as aware as he is, Soul has found out that being lucid about stuff isn't always the best thing. No, instead he finds himself sometimes almost overthinking whenever he watches you starting to hang out with someone new and starts to wonder if he should somehow interfere before things might escalate into something that is sure to rip his walls apart. Being an overthinker doesn't fit him at all and he knows he's being extremely uncool because of it. As he is infected by Black Blood, risk is that he can fall victim to Madness and in such a state he may end up completely giving in and going after everyone who ever agitated him in the slightest. Normally he is regarded as a slacker yet his obsession does motivate him, for the better or worse, which is why he is so protective of you in the first place and works to become better and stronger to protect you from other dangers as well as his own dark longing.
🤍​Unless Madness takes hold, I don't see Soul being capable of kidnapping you. He likes to think that taking care of someone would be too much of a hassle to begin with though truth be told, he probably would put in the work if the two of you were to live together and he merely tells himself that so that he never even considers the thought. He finds himself often hanging around you though he insists on it all being a coincidence whenever you point that out to him, unwilling to admit his feelings. If a situation should end up getting dangerously risky though, Soul won't hesitate to knock you out and lock you away somewhere for a certain amount of time until everything has de-escalated and he takes the full swing of your anger always afterwards, torn apart between acting as if he doesn't care or actually apologising since he feels genuinely sorry for what he has done. He just wanted you to be safe, that is all. In a mutual relationship he wouldn't bring up the topic of living together until you do but he'd vow to do his best to make you happy even if he can be rather lazy still.
🤍​Despite his feelings Soul still ends up avoiding to admit to you that he loves you. He's too ashamed and insecure and the Little Demon installs fear inside of him that if he were to ever give in to his feelings, he would do terrible things. You probably wouldn't even know just how long he has silently been harboring such feelings for you as you have always gotten the impression that he doesn't really like you due to his aloof behavior around you. It's likely that he admits it by accident when both of you get into an argument, most likely because he was concerned about your safety and went too far, and spills it out in the heat of the moment. He'd be quite stiff and awkward with PDA for a while as it kind of ruins the cool image he tries to build as he tends to get easily flustered whenever you abruptly grab his hand or kiss him but he learns to tolerate it. Secretly he enjoys it as well. He still expects people to know that you're taken though and will give everyone a glare who tries to flirt with you even if there are no serious intentions behind it.
Black Star
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⭐​Black Star sure as hell is a unique assassin if you've ever seen one. There are no concepts such as stealth and silence with him as he strives to always be in the spotlight. Perhaps it is because of this rather loud trait of his that you always know about him yet for some reason Black Star still manages to be surprised when you effortlessly locate him within your surroundings. On the other hand it really isn't like he is making any effort to be categorised as a stalker. No, he wants to be in the spotlight and wants all the attention from you that he can get which is the reason why he does his best to squeeze himself into as many aspects of your life as he can. He's so clingy and always insists on following you wherever you go. You never know when shit might get down after all and he has somehow proclaimed himself to be your personal hero which is why he sees it as his duty to ensure that nothing happens to you. Tsubaki really is the only one who can manage to hold him back a bit when she senses that you are feeling overwhelmed, something that flies more than once over his head.
⭐​Soul and Black Star are both noted to be immature in a couple of aspects yet it is only Black Star who would be the delusional one between the two of them. He remains completely unaware of the visible discomfort he can cause you due to his wild and clingy personaliry as he doesn't believe that you would ever feel uncomfortable in his presence. After all he is your hero who will protect you and who you admire. This misplaced belief of his has made him quite possessive to make it even worse as he thinks of himself as the only one worthy enough to claim such a title in your life and for that naturally deserves to be your lover the most. One thing you have to give him though. He takes his role very serious, though this is something you find yourself usually despairing over more than anything as his overzealous attitude often results in misplaced readings of situations from his side. He's way too much in his attempts to protect you and prove to you why he is the best.
⭐​Under normal circumstances he is already someone who wants all of the attention so you can probably already imagine just how much worse this attitude will get if we throw an obsession into the mix. If jealousy would be a person, it would be Black Star. The very moment he notices that your eyes are not on him he is already getting riled up to the point where even objects can become the center of his short jealousy though at least an object can be swiftly thrown away. It's a bit more complicated if it is another person stealing your attention away from him and it'll always end with the other person and you both highly uncomfortable as Black Star isn't even trying to act mature about his jealousy. For someone who is delusional Black Star is shockingly aware of his surroundings though which is why he notices if someone's eyes are lingering on you for longer than one second which is yet another thing that instantly sets him off as he immediately assumes that they're planning to steal you away from him. Really, you can't take him anywhere without him causing a scene.
⭐​Frankly spoken, he is getting in many brawls due to his short temper and highly fueled jealousy. He belongs to the category of people who will challenge others for a fight on sight the moment he catches them staring at you or deems them to be people who may be a threat to you, even if it is for the petty reason that you just hold a nice and long conversation with them. Then there is obviously his self-proclaimed title as your hero which he inspires to live up to. That includes the small things where you really don't need his help which may even end up making everything worse but it also includes doing the smallest part required for being an assassin which is unaliving people. He's gotten into some serious arguments with Tsubaki because of this as she knows that he goes after people for unjustified reasons and refuses to assist him and transform for him. He's far too impulsive so in some instances he doesn't even consider what he is doing and just goes for it without a coherent strategy.
⭐​You have some sort of guarantee with his delusional thoughts that he won't kidnap you though that doesn't have to mean anything in the long run. There is still a major downside to this all though which is his previously mentioned clinginess. Long story in short, he just breaks into your house on multiple occasions. A day without you is something unimaginable for Black Star and if he would have it his way, he wouldn't even let the both of you be separated for more than an hour. He has to protect you after all, enemies could strike you whilst he is absent. In one way or another you are basically living together with Black Star and he, in fact, refers to the situation the two of you have been going on as just that. The both of you live together according to his thoughts and he gets visibly confused whenever you correct him sharply or shut him up before he can say such nonsense to someone else. In fact he even locks you up in your own house if something happens, though in his mind it is of course a house the two of you share.
⭐​There are some small revelations he tends to have at times when he immerses himself into the philosophy of the 'Path of the Warrior' that he wants to master as this requires a great level of self-awareness and the denial of following dark emotions yet those are eventually subdued one way or another by his delusions once again. Black Star wants to be praised by you all of the time and he will start showing off frequently as a way to silently let you know that he wants to hear you singing compliments about him. He tends to get very touchy, especially when he is feeling possessive or jealous and wants to let other people know that you belong to him. For some reason he loves when you let him piggyback you as he gets stupidly excited and starts running around, leaving you to cling to him tight or else you may fall off. Tsubaki is the only one who manages to keep you sane between Black Star's terrible antics as she tries her best to keep him on some sort of leash.
Nakatsukasa Tsubaki
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◼️​Tsubaki is together with Maka one of the most mature people from this group, is in fact much more patient and forgiving than even Maka. She has no worries nor doubts as she manages to approach you the best without being overly cautious nor too pushy like her partner would be. Behind that kind smile is a deeply obsessed person though whose feelings can take on some concerning form if nothing is done. Tsubaki has a huge problem to deny her darling of anything nor can she bring herself to disagree with you or voice her opinion when it involves the hobbies and the things she likes. Instead of telling you how she honestly feels, most of the time she takes the path of adapting to everything you like or dislike until she completely absorbs your hobbies and deludes herself into thinking that she likes them too. It's very concering that she is willing to give up bits of her personality in order to please you but the truth is that she just loves you a bit too much and is willing to sacrifice parts of herself to maximise your happiness in the relationship.
◼️​That isn't to confirm that she is completely delusional though. Tsubaki is aware of what she is doing and she is able to understand that she should not mold herself to fit better to your side. Surely this isn't a normal nor healthy love with the way she is actively changing herself to fit you better yet there is a strange sense of happiness that arises whenever she manages to make you feel happy because she feigns interest in the stuff she usually wouldn't enjoy as much if it wouldn't be for you. If it's for you she thinks that it'll be fine and that it'll be worth it. After all you don't need to know that she goes against her own feelings in order to please you and to see you smile. Her willingness to help can be at times very unwarranted though, especially when she starts mothering you as her overprotective tendencies born out of kindness are subconsciously very strong. She instantly apologises when you voice your displeasure about it though, a habit you learn that she has.
◼️​Out of all of her friends she is the one who handles jealousy the best. Her very patient demeanor enables you to freely interact with people around you without having to worry about her reaction. In fact Tsubaki carries the mindset that she would like to befriend the people you spend a lot of time with and all of that without any malicious intent or hidden motives. Jealousy is a silent agony to her, one that she endures with pursed lips for as long as she can. Her heart is always aching but at the same time knowing that you are happy tickles her like warm rays of sunshine. Those conflicting sensations make her uneasy and slightly fidgety as she is unable to stay still whilst watching the scene unfold. It is in most cases after you and the other person have gone separate ways that she finds herself all over you all of a sudden and asking you question about everything that just happened. It is very likely that if she realises that you are very fond of the other person she will start picking up their hobbies and interests as well so that you can act just as happy around her as you did around them.
◼️​She is really the other side of the moon in comparison to her partner. Tsubaki does not possess such a hot-blooded temper like Black Star does even if her maternal instincts can be sometimes a bit too much for you. When you are around and upset, she always pours all of her attention in you. She fetches you little gifts to distract you from your feelings or cooks something for you all in hopes of cheering you up. Her intentions are mostly open-minded when she approaches someone but she always ends up giving them an unintentional heart attack because she underestimates her own stealth. In the perception of the other person she sometimes just quite literally pops up with a mellow expression on her face all whilst she wants to play the mediator and help to solve the conflict. There's no occasion I could think of where she would murder someone unless it is an emergency as she always prioritises staying by your side, especially after fights to ensure that your injuries are taken care of and that you get enough rest.
◼️​In the relationship the two of you have going on, Tsubaki is someone revolving around you as she actively shapes herself to be someone you will be happy and satisfied around. That means that you are one way or another the one in charge of everything whilst she goes along with it all. Her own wants are put aside as she puts your desires and wishes over her own. You'd never know if she would ever have the wish to move in with you until you are the one who starts asking her how she would feel about the thought of living together. Everything would be catered to your own ideas and images whilst she will go along with it all. She will let you choose the shape, size, location and colour of the house as well as the entire interior and furniture and only nod her head if you ask her what she thinks about it. Domestic life would be quite uncomplicated with her because she avoids all possible arguments by adjusting herself accordingly and doing everything possible to appease you.
◼️​Most of the time she would assume the role of the submissive part in this relationship as she does her best to always focus on your needs and your happiness. There are moments where she puts her foot down firmly and takes on a stubbornness that rivals the one of Black Star but only in dire situations and afterwards she is always rather flustered with her assertive behavior. She is easily embarrassed, especially if you are someone who is physically very affectionate but in reality she also really likes it when you touch her. Truth be told, Tsubaki is more lewd than she often lets on and even though she would be too flustered to admit that, you eventually find out about that other side of hers. She doesn't mind when you look at her naked body nor does she react quite as flustered when she walks in on you changing and being partially nude and she even suggests bathing together without bashing an eyelash which shocks you all the more as you did not expect her to have such a different side to her.
Death the Kid
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​🔘​Kid is a finicky perfectionist who tends to get too caught up about the tiny details and this becomes quite apparent in his obsession. I wouldn't blame you for assuming that he would be quite overbearing to you due to his perfectionistic nature but it is actually the completely other way around. Kid builds incredibly high expectations for himself and he spends weeks plotting how to confess to you perfectly. Elizabeth and Patricia try to encourage him to just go for it but he reacts outrageous, ranting for minutes to both of them that someone as unique and special as you deserves nothing short of perfection from him. It is rather strange even to him though as he knows about his uptight behavior about the symmetry in life yet seems to not mind it as much when it comes to you. Sure, he has tons of ideas how to optimise your outfits and your looks to fit more into his aesthetic and can definitely become pushy with his advises very fast but he is not in literal agony even when you wear something that goes against all of his values.
​🔘​As tidy and balanced as he is, he definitely unleashes his obsession by keeping notebooks about you and he spends literal hours writing everything painstakingly down, mainly because he expects his own writing to look perfect and orderly and has a short meltdown when he spells something wrong or a letter doesn't fit in with the rest of what he has written. He reads those notebooks daily and memorises everything written down and if he should accidentally forget a detail about you, he'd spend a solid minute lamenting how ignorant and worthless he is to forget something about you. It is easy to forget that the Shinigami is still one who harbors a possessive nature as he thinks of his darling as a literal muse and refuses to let ugly people close to them, especially if they are ugly and asymmetrical in his eyes. You deserve so much better than that and whilst he is not as arrogant as to think that he has reached his desired level of perfection just yet, he does think that he admires and worships you more than anyone else.
​🔘​He has once proclaimed that he is far too mature to ever fall victim to a petty emotion such as jealousy and Elizabeth and Patricia could only exchange silent glances, already doubting his words. Kid is technically speaking a calmer person if you put him next to someone like Black Star yet it is the fact that he is low-key a worshipper for you that has him entering a disgusted indignation as soon as he spots someone asymmetrical daring to talk to the unpolished muse that is you. The longer he stares the worse it becomes as he notices all the imperfections on their face and clothes which only makes him want to pull at his hair. How dare they even step close to you without even properly checking their appearance?! He comes quite literally storming over, yellow eyes observing the other person outraged as his mask pulls into a disgusted grimace. There are two ways this can go. Either he starts ranting about how the other person could even dare to talk to you with such an unruly appearance or he quickly grabs your hands and drags you away whilst brooding and muttering under his breath about everything wrong with their look. He'll be afterwards vehement to deny his obvious jealousy though.
​🔘​Kid's fixation on balance and orderliness can also be found in his own morales. Every person has some evil within them, that even includes him and his own obsession which he is partially aware of, and order must always prevail and move forward. There is no pleasure that he takes in murdering others but if the evilness in someone's heart and the things that they have done to you overweight anything else, he shows no hesitation to execute someone. It's not always easy, especially if someone shows remorse but there are things he can't forgive even if the other person regrets it as death is sometimes the only way to repent. He is not above others though even if he is the son of the God of Death as he is suspectible to emotions such as anger and wrath and won't be able to always control them properly, leading in some cases to an outburst of rage that accidentally leads him to destroy things in his surroundings due to his recklessness.
​🔘​He has most likely a detailed plan of his routine and the life he plans to lead in the future and now that he has you, you are made part of that plan as well. Without a doubt would he plan to share a house with you later on but he wouldn't abduct you until all of his expectations are fulfilled which means until he feels like everything is completely perfect. He spends months designing everything, buying all the furniture and arranging everything only to re-arrange it over and over again until he finally feels like everything is perfect like he wants it to be and that is when he finally starts planning to invite you to live together with him which will also take him some time until he has cited every word perfectly in front of his mirror. He'd be devastated if you would turn him down though, desperate to find out what he did wrong and how he can redeem himself. He'd blackmail you if you deny him for too long as he would just snap eventually and use his position as a True Reaper to force you to live with him.
🔘​He's begging you to allow him to choose clothes for you as he believes that he could choose outfits for you that would suit you much better and draw out all of your beauty. Kid gets ridiculously offended the moment someone tries to downplay you as he sings praises about you every time the conversation shifts to you, going as far as threatening them to take those egregious words back and apologise. Oh, why does no one perceive you for the unique beauty that you are?? Asymmetry is something Kid only really tolerates with you but even then he busily finds himself begging you to let him help you with it all. He offers to cut your hair, to pluck your eyebrows and even to cut and manicure your nails and hands so that everything is balanced and symmetrical. Everything should be to your liking so he's on the ground if you even mention that something isn't quite to your preference, writhing on the floor as he starts exclaiming that he is ashamed of having disappointed you and it takes you a while to comfort him in his theatrical sorrow.
Elizabeth Thompson
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🔶​Between the two sisters, Elizabeth is the one who would be the one partially in on everything concerning her obsession. It's quite safe to say that her inner turmoil spoils her mood quite a lot. She doesn't know how she should handle her feelings for you and doesn't want to risk other people finding out about it, especially not you. This results in her being quite moody and gruff as soon as merely your name is brought up in a conversation as she essentially tries to sell the tough girl attitude by acting like she doesn't really care about you. Unfortunately she fails quite often, especially if you look at her or get too close to her. Her heart starts pounding against her ribcage, her hands start to get sweaty and she starts stuttering as words fail her. All the embarrassment from those things only makes everything more intense and before you know it she's storming away whilst yelling incoherent words all whilst her burning face is buried in her hands. Do not even bring it up to her later on unless you want to risk irritating her.
🔶​Whilst she may still fumble around with her self-control and a total grasp of the situation, there is one thing Liz knows from a quite early stage on. That she doesn't really like the thought of you ending up with someone else. Keep in mind that there was a time before her and Patricia became the weapons of kid where she and her sister were essentially thugs stealing from others. A part of that mindset still exists somewhere within her and that selfishness and mentality to steal what she wants turns into possessive urges that won't allow her to rest easy and just watch back whilst every other damn jerk could try to get to you. As previously mentioned, she knows that what she is doing is wrong and she really hates herself sometimes for the way she behaves because of her feelings but she has no control over it at times. Liz is fully committed to team up with her sister and scare and frighten people who get on your nerves though or who threaten you in another way. No one's going to mess with you if she can put a stop to it.
🔶​Her patience is tested in new ways she never thought would be possible even despite all the antics Kid showcases. She really wants to act like she is more cool-headed than that but she just can't bite her tongue and lash out a bit when it becomes too much for her. Whether she makes some cynical comments or assumes a facade she would have showed in the past on the streets when someone starts getting too confident with you, she refuses to elaborate on her behavior later on. No,she was not jealous back then. You're just imagining things right now. Her younger sister Patty probably thinks she is doing her a favor by spying on you because she knows of her sister's interest in you and always telling her when there is someone else who seems to be rather fond of you or the other way around but it really only serves to make things harder to hide for Liz. She can never tell if Patty has perhaps read the situation wrong or not but she is ultimately too paranoid to ignore it and always ends up checking the situation out herself. Most of the time she realises that there is nothing going on but it is the chance that her sister might be right the next time that keeps her on edge.
🔶​She fully reverts to the life of a thug whenever she has to scare someone. As much awareness as Liz may have about her current predicament, for some reason she has never had much problems threatening and intimidating other people. Perhaps that is because most of the time she goes after people who have done something shitty which affected you. Patty always insists on tagging along and even if Liz tells her to stay out of it, her sister ends up following her nine out of ten times anyways and helps Liz to tell with any asshole that thought that they could mess with you and get away with it. She just starts bullying the other person, sneering at the person and insulting them whilst cornering somewhere together with Patty who joins Liz. She starts working on her hand-to-hand combat as well because she knows that there are times where she won't be able to fight with Patty and whilst she is skilled enough to beat up ordinary people, she needs to get stronger by herself. It isn't like she fights fair though, she's grown up on the streets after all. Think smart, not hard.
🔶​As new as everything is for her and as much as she dislikes her own behavior at times, at least she is quite laid-back when it comes to the topic of living together. She isn't as desperate as someone like Kid would be and she doesn't obsess about it like he would do either. This is a step she is willing to take at a slow tempo because as long as she can spend enough time with you, she isn't going to be clingy. Partially she doesn't want you two to move in too soon is also because she is so messy. She didn't grow up in a normal household after all and she has no sense of order differently from Kid. She can't even properly cook and clean and is far too embarrassed to admit that to you. She should at least be decent enough to learn the basics before considering the idea. She knows she wouldn't have the best capabilities to care for someone for a long period of time. Her moody behavior does lead her to be irrational at times in which case it isn't unlikely that she uses sleeping powder on you or knocks you out to drag you somewhere to lock you away, mostly when she thinks that it's too dangerous for you but you're too stubborn to listen.
🔶​Liz lays down her pride and eventually asks Tsubaki if she could teach her how to cook because she knows that you enjoy the woman's cooking and she feels low-key jealous about it. Liz is the one with the obsession here yet at times she finds herself more concerned with Patty's behavior because her younger sister complies with everything she does far too easily without stopping to question it. Patty has always been her partner in crime and it isn't any different even now as she always assists and helps Liz with everything, even ganging up with her to scare people who thought that they could make you cry. Normally she would like to be seen as a cool and mature woman by you but all of that shatters the moment the topic of paranormal things gets brought up in which case she abandons her tough mask entirely and is clutching onto you for dear life. Couple outfits are going to be a thing the moment the two of you are in a relationship and though she still tries to act mature, secretly she cares a lot about it.
Patricia Thompson
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🔸​Patricia could not be more different from her sister as she acts a lot like a child and always keeps a cheerful and happy demeanor on her. This childish mindset of her does not allow her to even comprehend her own feelings for a good while whilst still acting on them nevertheless. Patty knows that she feels always happy when she is around you and for that she constantly seeks you out. The girl is extremely clingy and gets upset and mad when she can't find you to the point of throwing a tantrum, though her mood instantly brightens when she finally finds you. Due to her inabilities to even fully understand her own emotions she is definitely delusional. She doesn't give the attachment she feels for you too much thoughts and often tells you cheerfully to do the same. You think too much and enjoy too little. Just do it like her and enjoy life and you'll be just as jolly as she is always when she has you with her...
🔸​Just like Liz she is also quite possessive because she is not unfamiliar to the concept of stealing from other people. Though there is no need for her anymore to steal from others to ensure her and her sister's survival, those possessive feelings fully resurface now that you are in her life. She sees it all in a quite uncomplicated manner though as she essentially already calls you "hers" as she assumes that with the amount of time she spends with you, she has already claimed you as hers. Very visibly confused when you hastily explain to her that this doesn't work as simply as you are not an object that belongs to whoever possesses it before she starts pouting and asks you what she would have to do so that you would be officially hers. If you give her a detailed answer she would probably just kiss you and ask you if you now belong to her. She has no shame and whether that is because she doesn't concern herself with thinking too much or if she just thinks that because the two of you are a couple she doesn't have to be ashamed aside, her attitude will be a real problem for you and the people around you.
🔸Very much like a child would get jealous and upset if someone would take their most valued thing away from them, Patty would react in a similar way. You're unable to ignore her for more than a few seconds as she will do her everything to make you aware of her again. She prods your cheeks, tugs at your clothes or shoves herself in front of you and calls your name repeatedly so that you turn your attention to her again. She is being a nuisance but you know at one point that trying to lose her won't end well. For someone with such a simple-minded personality, Patty can get scary very quickly, especially if it is the other person telling her that she is being noisy and annoying. The violent threats which leave her lips so effortlessly when she turns around with that same jolly grin on her face are concerning and disturbing, especially once she gives them an almost condescending glare and tells them that they are the one in the way because you are already her person.
🔸​Between Liz and her, Patty is much more prone to violence. She is low-key a bit unhinged and doesn't shy away from threatening others. Whether someone has made you cry or because she doesn't like how they have been stealing you away from her for too long, every word will be spoken with the same childish grin which only makes her more terrifying in such situations. She doesn't even lie about it either as she admits openly that she is the reason why someone is suddenly too scared to get closer to you, though in her opinion threatening others isn't anything that should be of concern as it was a daily occurence in her past. That nefarious grin is still preferable to the insane anger that can possess her when she fully loses her temper and truly returns into a violent criminal that won't even bat her eyelashes whilst casually shooting someone or breaking their bones. Ironically enough she would be one of the most dangerous people for others as she doesn't consider the true horror of her actions that much.
🔸​The two of you will stay together for the rest of your lives and that is final. She doesn't care about what you have to say about that as in most cases rejections enter her ear before leaving through her other. Anyone else who tries to explain to her that she is in the wrong and that she should respect your decision is getting that truly frightening grin from her as they don't have any business to tell her what to do and what not to do. I wouldn't put it above her that she may have tried to break into your own house in the past. She knows where you live because she so frequently follows you and once she knows where your house is located, she constantly pops up and knocks on your door whilst telling you cheerfully to let her inside. You feel like the protagonist of a horror movie whenever her knocks turn more persistent and violent all whilst her happy voice rings through the air with the same request to open the door and let her inside because she wants to see you. Luckily Liz has often retrieved her and apologised to you through the door.
🔸​She literally acts like you are the incarnation of Einstein whenever you tell her something she didn't know before. You have to consider that her and her sister were abandoned on the streets and for that never received a proper education so to her you are extremely intelligent as you know so much more than she does. Patty has insisted for you to teach her the most basic stuff at times and you had no choice but to agree as rejections are always useless with her though she can barely concentrate on what you tell her as soon as the two of you sit down. She can't sit still nor can she remain silent for a long time as she is far too fidgety and always wants to do something with you. She can be incredibly insensitive to your own emotions at times due to not being able to read the situation properly and even if she tries to help you in her own ways, she makes it all worse for you but won't leave you alone anyways.
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