#she gave me an 8. and wanted to fail me at some point. but i kept talking and drawing and since nobody knew it that well in the group
bobdylansgf · 15 days
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the mood is -> after having successfully drunk evil professor's blood i am victorious with new shoes
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tender-rosiey · 4 months
What would happen if gojo has 2 babies? And they both start crying at the same time and poor gojo has to find a solution in this situation 🥲 his younger baby that is only months old starts crying which makes the older sibling that's 2 years older wake up and starts crying 😭
little voice — gojo satoru x f!reader
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you’re on a girls’ vacation. it’s okay. it’s cool.
but it isn’t.
throughout his entire life of fighting curses, emotional trauma, technique training, and unending migraines, he has never felt so much stress like he does right now.
his two kids are truly angels: full of kindness, compassion and—as expected of a child of gojo satoru—full of mischief.
they also share the same amount of love he has for you and, of course, even more. so separate two kids who adore their mother and you get chaos.
satoru just found out that the one who keeps the balance in the house is you, and thinking back about it, it should’ve been obvious because everyone in this house listens to you.
for example, one time when you were out on a simple visit to nanami to take some of the sweet bread he has, you had strictly told satoru to put the two kids to sleep at 8:30 exactly.
he thought it’s too early, but then you explained to him that s/n sleeping gave him time and freedom to look after your baby daughter who was, admittedly, a handful that would not sleep unless she was carried.
so satoru obediently listened, or at least he tried to.
a shameful failed trial at that.
in his defense, what was he supposed to do when s/n gave him puppy eyes asked for a mere 10 minutes more, say no? of course not!
so, like the great father he is, he gave him a couple more minutes, and nothing will make satoru regret his decision since to him his son’s smile is worth the world.
…except maybe the chandelier that is now on the floor and his precious baby daughter who just took one the biggest poops he has known of and his son who is panicking about how to clean this mess before you come home.
and come home you did and to all this mess.
swiftly, you picked up your daughter and changed her diaper, even making her giggle and squeal in between.
then you hugged your son and cleaned up the shattered glass together and disposed of the chandelier. lastly, you stood in front of your husband with a big frown after you’ve put the kids to sleep.
satoru could swear that he couldn’t fall more in love with you. hell, he could even twirl you around and kiss you breathless, but he feels like that would just lead him to the couch.
so he works to butter you up first before trying anything, “hey my sweet cute honeypie—“
you simply quirk an eyebrow.
and he falls to his knees, “I am sorry! I just couldn’t resist his puppy eyes! you should’ve seen them; he looked so cute!”
“I saw them a million times before he was even born, ‘toru.”
your husband gasps, “how!?”
“our son is an exact copy of you, sweetie.”
so yeah that was one of too many times, and if it isn’t apparent that you are the mediator then satoru wants to let the world know that even his students listen to you.
like that one time at school when the first years were caught up fighting with each other, the second years were trying to pull them apart, and satoru was too busy cackling at them while holding d/n that no one noticed panda’s little tail being—god knows why—on fire, not even panda himself.
that was until your precious son tugged at your husband’s shirt and pointed at panda, saying a simple sentence (phrase), “papa, panda fire.”
satoru’s eyes zero on panda then they widen, before he gapes, “oh shit, you’re right!”
“bad word!”
however, despite satoru almost bolting to put out the fire, panda was finally able to smell it and hummed, “something’s being cooked.” then he looked at his tail, “oh it’s me.”
hit the panic button.
“I am being cooked!” he screams and starts running around, “panda meat doesn’t taste good; I promise!”
the rest start running after him with the intention to help, but panda could only translate it into one thing as he screamed, “don’t eat me!!”
“no one is gonna eat you, dumbass!!” maki yelled but to no avail as no one could get to the panicked panda.
your husband is running as well, half taking photos and videos and half ensuring that d/n does not fall from his hands—considering how she keeps giggling, squealing, and wriggling her entire body.
ijichi took matters into his own hands and called the only person he knows will be able to solve this.
“panda is on fire, the kids are running after him, and gojo is just recording!” he wails, eyes frantically following said people then straying to a particularly small person, “also s/n is trying to eat the grass.”
and like lightning, you’re on the field. you lightly scold s/n and tell him to cover his ears.
you turn to the walking fire hazard and scream, “everyone stop! and panda get over here!”
“yes ma’am!”
he stands still in front of you, almost ignoring his ‘fiery’ tail. you effectively put it out and ruffle his fur until he calms down. the others take turns in greeting you and getting their daily dose of motherly hugs.
your son sprints to you and holds onto your leg, refusing to let go.
and they all make way for the star of the show: the all-mighty gojo satoru.
he beams, “wifey, yet again you save the day!”
he easily picks up s/n and pulls the four of you into one big hug. he rubs his cheek against yours, “have I told you how much I love you?”
“I was gone for 3 minutes.”
“I haven’t?!” he gasps, completely ignoring you, “I am a terrible husband!”
he sobs and starts slowly melting to the ground where he believes a ‘disrespectful, good-for-nothing husband who doesn’t tell his wife just how much he loves her’.
anyway, back to the present. the kids have been miraculously put to sleep—a process that satoru does not have the time nor the energy to describe.
when he stops ‘reminiscing ‘, he starts paling at the fact that all of these were mere examples of things going wrong without you, and you were in the freaking area.
now, you’re not 10 steps away, and satoru is feeling very threatened.
he is sprawled out on the couch, eye bags ever so prominent. he sighs and lets his head fall back, grateful for the silence that fills the house, but he hates it at the same time.
satoru was never fond of silence—the type that feels so heavy on the heart—even when he was a teenager. it gives space and time to think about all the things he is desperate to avoid.
he did eventually come to love silence but only the silence that accompanies the times he spends with you, but that’s a story for another time though.
opening his eyes, he looks around and his gaze lands on your recent family photo. his smile is almost instantaneous.
if there’s anything he will rub in suguru’s face when they meet is that he managed to score himself such a lovely wife and an adoring family, a real family. he mentally writes a plus one on the score chart between him and suguru then relaxes.
he would like to scurry to the bed where your scent still lingers, but his fatigue has simply chained him to the couch—he is overreacting you’re only gone for three days.
so, he decides, it’s time to rest and hope for a dream where he gets to hold you and live with his longing until he can feel your lips against his skin again.
the great gojo satoru closes his eyes and welcomes his slumber.
that is until, his little sweetheart decides to breakout into a wail, effectively causing her dad’s eyes to snap open.
he jumps to his feet and sprints to her room, “d/n, what’s wrong, honey?”
he softly cradles her in his—gigantic—arms and starts rocking her slowly. “it’s okay; papa’s here,” he murmurs in hopes of calming down, but his daughter doesn’t register his voice yet.
she can, however, feel his all too familiar chest against her cheek, so she grips at it tightly and continues crying.
satoru’s expression is full of distress, and his heart contracts painfully at how his daughter’s cries. then it’s almost like the entire world is against him right now because he also starts to hear small little sniffles from the door of the room.
your husband looks back to find his son dragging his teddy bear with him in one hand and in another, trying to wipe his tears as much as possible.
your husband quickly shifts d/n into one arm and leads s/n into him with the other. your son nuzzles into his dad’s chest and murmurs, “I want mama.”
almost like she understands the mention of you, she calms down a tiny bit and her hands start reaching for the air—reaching for you.
satoru slides down to the ground and pulls them both into his chest, and he starts rubbing s/n’s shoulder and kisses the top of his head and sighs, “me too, s/n, but, hey, we are strong and capable, so we have to hold on until she comes home, right?”
a little sniffle escapes s/n as he nods before saying a soft, “yeah.”
satoru smiles and ruffles his hair, “that’s my champ.”
s/n lets out a little smile and snuggles into his dad’s embrace.
so satoru shifts his attention to the sniffling baby in his arm, he frowns, “now what are we going to do with you, little missy?”
your son purses his lips for a moment, before placing the teddy bear in his hands into his little sister’s tiny arms. curiosity takes over for a moment, and she starts exploring the new item.
then s/n presses on the teddy bear’s chest and it plays a little voice message from you:
“hey sweetie! mama loves you, so don’t worry about those nightmares! I am always here.”
your daughter’s eyes shine and she hugs the teddy as much as possible and utters a small, “ma!”
satoru blinks owlishly then looks at s/n with smile, “so you had that all along?”
s/n nods slowly and holds into his father tighter, obviously getting tired and getting ready to sleep. satoru would love to say the same about his other angel but—oh she fell asleep.
looks like all it took was a little listen to your voice.
he will probably make you record a thousand voice messages when you come back and make you get him his own special build-a-bear as well cause what the hell? what about your husband?
he shakes the thought away, realizing that he can finally fall asleep, albeit on the floor.
with no blanket.
no pillow.
not even his favorite cushion.
but he wasn’t raised to be ungrateful, so he will take what he can get. he will simply make up for lost sleep when you’re back. it will feel better that way in any case.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin @babyqueen17 @chaosguy352 @murakami-kotone @sukun4ryomen @yumieis @hearts4itoshi @sleepyxxhead @dunixxd @sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08 @spacebaby1 @arabellatreaty @viscade
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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ew-selfish-art · 10 months
DCxDP AU: Danny and Damian are actually twins but were never raised together- Talia would divide her time between bases, spending time with them separately (but spending more time with Damian). Jason technically only met Danny in his time with the LoA.
It still a very tenuous truce that Jason has with his family when he finally joins them for breakfast after a late night of busting a drug ring. And sue him, he's never cared to look at the little one that closely when he's not pointing a knife in his direction. But then the little Bat Brat turned his face towards the ray of light streaming into the family room of the Manor and Jason caught a closer look to the… green color. Huh.
“Hey demon, when you died did you come back with those green eyes?” Jason calls out, and perhaps it’s a little antagonistic but something deeply unsettles the crime lord about this.
“Tt. I’ve always had green eyes Todd. Your observation skills remain dulled-“ Damian begins to berate him but Jason’s scowl deepens and he interrupts.
“No, they were definitely Bruce’s color blue when I met you with Talia- I punched your lights out because of it remember?” Jason supplies, looking perturbed and having a small child look equally perturbed back at him.
“You never met me in Nanda Parbat. And mother would have never allowed you to attack above your station and live.”
“Kid I literally have the scars from my punishment. My memory from that time after the pit might not be great or even good but I know, I know I punched your lights out.”
“No doubt you have been fooled by a clone then-“ Damian says but he looks upset.
“Talia called you Dami then, you’ve never let us call you that.” Jason supplies further, he was certain that Talia had introduced him as her son.
“I was never called such an informal name.” But Damian looks disturbed more than he looks like he wants to fight.
Eventually, after combing through their collective memory of Talia's where abouts and Damian's lack of interaction with Todd, it’s decided that they have to talk to Drake who was there the most recently. Neither wants to add the fact that he's also the most knowledgeable family member when it comes to the LoA now.
“Huh? Yeah, it looks like Talia kept ledgers dividing her time between two places- the journal reads like there is Dami as Damian but… maybe it’s Dami AND Damian…” Tim reviews the books he robbed them of with a fine tooth comb and suddenly this pattern of using the “nickname” and the “full name” start to show a “first child” and a “second child”.
Damian was clearly the favorite. The ‘Dami’ kid was sent away on a suicide mission pretty early in their lives, he would have left right after Todd did at the age of 8-ish. They all groaned at the cold trail following this assignment he failed to return from- it meant that they had to involve Bruce with a DNA search of the local areas the kid had been sent to across the globe. One of which, weirdly enough, was in Illinois.
“My name isn’t Daniel” Danny sighs at yet another event the Mansons brought him to with Vlad looking over his shoulder every five minutes.
Then the weird skinny kid who’s the big talk of the town approaches him with some guy built like a tank and says: “It’s Damian, isn’t it?”
Danny literally sinks through the floors, but in his attempts to run out the back door he’s stopped- By a guy that has Danny's own face and a very sharp looking knife pressed to Danny's throat.
In short- Danny introduced himself to the Fentons as “Dami” but they misheard him and called him Danny and fuck it, it’s close enough.
Now it turns out that their mother only planned on one surviving the artificial womb and gave them very different amounts of her time- so she just gave them the same name and reported it like she only had one child.
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which carlos suffers the consequences of liking an influencer who is younger than him. (part one / part two / part three) FACE CLAIM: kelsey calemine CONTAINS: reader is 21; 8 year age gap, jealous!carlos, lando crushing on reader, ex boyfriend!vinniehacker, oral receiving (m) & smut! AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is a little different than what i usually do so hopefully you guys like it! my requests are open!
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liked by carlossainz55, vinniehacker, and 3,343,432 others
ynusername chasing sunsets and cherry dreams 🍒
view all 5,863 comments
username lord have mercy we must stay focused brothers we must stay focused
francisca.cgomes you're unreal!
ynusername ily.
username mother y/n
username please god let me be her
vinniehacker kiss me
ynusername pull up vincent username vinnie what are you doing here
username i'm a lesbian now
landonorris jesus
ynusername 😚
username single and without children, just for you
ynusername 🌚 um i'm telling your wife
username team vinnie till i die
you were currently on a secret mini getaway with an older forumla one driver — the both of you were not looking for anything serious right now so you'd secretly meet up every once in awhile.
"listen if you just say yes to lando, we can go on summer vacations together next year!" kika told you over the phone. "when was the last time you had a boyfriend and vinnie doesn't count!"
"whose vinnie?" you heard pierre whisper.
carlos sainz bit back a moan as you jerked his cock off in one hand and held your phone to your ear with the other. 
"keeks, i really don't need a boyfriend..."
he undid your bikini top as you continued to listen to your friend. "fuck..." you watched as he pinched your nipple. "i've never seen someone with better tits than yours.”
you smiled up at him before talking once more.
as much as he loved hearing your voice, right now was really not the time. "hang up befor-"
you playfully rolled your eyes at him and gave his tip a little kiss before you wrapped your mouth against his length once more but jumped up once again. "no way! he told pierre that?"
at this point he had clenched his jaw and tried to remember how long ago this conversation first started.
"hold on." you then looked up at carlos who had an unamused face. "did you know lando was going to ask me out on a date a few days ago?"
of coarse he knew.
"why do you think i brought you here." he mumbled and tried snatching your phone from your hand but failed. "please, i'm begging you to hang up..."
even though he wasn't looking for something serious, he didn't want to share the girl he was currently fucking.
you continued pumping his cock and talking to your friend until he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed you down his length causing you to let out a loud gag.
as you slapped his thigh, he overheard francisca ask if you were alright which he grabbed the phone out of your hand and put it up to his ear. "she's busy, she'll call you back later."
he let go of your head and you pinched his arm. "carlos, i swear somet-"
he shrugged as you tried complaining some more but he pulled you up from your knees and kissed you violently, saliva running down your mouth. "now let's take this off of you..." he said as he undid your bottom.
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 2,362,466 others
ynusername on wednesdays we wear pink
view all 1,554 comments
tanamongeau y/n im obsessed 😍
username boobies!
username wthhhh
vinniehacker see you there.
landonorris give me creds!
username not them going together 🤭
a week later you had shown up to club with lando norris after a race in miami, kika had her arm intertwined with yours as you guys went to the bar to get a drink.
"you still haven't told me who the mystery boy was from the other day." she said as you sipped on your drink.
you shrugged. "it was carlos sainz..."
she smiled as she playfully slapped your arm. "oh not a mystery boy, it was a man! he's cute..."
before you could fill her in on all the juicy details, lando was already pulling you away. "i'm going to borrow her..."
lando and you had known each other for about a year now and even though you repeatedly told him that you weren't looking for anything serious, he was trying everything in his power to make you his.
carlos had arrived with rebecca but his eye was on you and he saw how lando would wrap his arm around your waist when a guy would try to talk to you.
that should be him wrapping his arm around you.
when he saw lando getting a bit too close to you, he walked over to you guys and you smiled at the sight of him. "carlos!" you gave him a hug and he hugged you a little tighter, the hug lasted a little longer than what lando expected so he gently pulled you back into him.
rebbeca gave you a small smile and held onto carlos's hand.
"how do you guys know each other?"
"pierre introduced us awhile back."
so the four of you sat in a booth and as the boys talked about the race results, rebbeca and you had small talks here and there.
"so you're twenty one?" she asked and you nodded. "pretty young..."
you nodded once again and swallowed down the drink that lando had ordered you awhile ago. you watched as they continued to talk and had an idea pop in your head, you couldn't lie carlos was looking really good right now.
so while rebecca left to use the restroom and lando went to get you another drink, you decided to tease him just a bit.
"how's your little date going?" he asked as he fixed a button on his shirt.
"not a date." you took your left heel off and began rubbing his leg with your foot.
carlos laid his eyes on and tried shaking your foot off. "don't start..."
after a few failed attempts of him trying to get you to stop, he finally let it go and your foot had finally landed on his crotch. "how's you're date going?"
you felt him getting hard and continued to rub on his clothed erection.
"c'mon let's get out of here, my hotel isn't that fa-"
before he could finish, lando was already on his way back with the drinks. you took your foot away from his erection and turned your attention to lando, “aw, you got my favorite!" you placed a kiss on his cheek and you heard carlos clear his throat.
once rebbeca came back, the four of you talked about different things until something from a distance caught your eye. "i'll see you guys in a bit, just have to say hi to someone..."
they both watched as you walked away and ended up at another booth with a boy who had on a shirt that was the same shade of pink as your dress, they saw as the boy kissed your cheek and you guys began talking — carlos knew who this guy was because he one time saw him comment under your page and he was just being nosy.
vinnie hacker.
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liked by vinniehacker, jackwright, and 42,433 others
ynspam me + my favorite photographer
view all 976 comments
vinniehacker oh yeah, i knew it :))
username omgg are they back together????
username she was just seen with an f1 driver, probably not username she's seen with a new guy every month 😭
ynspam i want everyone to know vincent posted this
vinniehacker lies, im innocent
username 😍😍
francisca.cgomes if you dont answer the phone right now!!!
ynspam im scared pierregasly you're in troubleee
carlos had shown up to your brand new house in los angeles a week earlier than expected, you had invited him to hangout for a few days the following week.
"carlitos! what are you doing here?" you smiled as he hugged you and placed a kiss on your lips.
you knew that little nickname drove him crazy.
he said it was surprise but the truth was he didn't want someone else hanging around you or your new house; someone else meaning vinnie or lando. you had been on his mind constantly, he felt like you were messing with his head.
“maybe you should stop seeing both of them...” his teeth pulled on the bottom of your lip. "just be with me." his fingers held onto your jaw as his tongue slipped into your mouth.
disconnecting your lips from his, you turned your face a bit "that wasn't part of our dea-" he had quickly began pulling down the little short you had on along with the thong you had, dragging his fingers through your folds. "fuck, what about reb-"
"theres nothing serious going on with her." he shrugged as his fingers pushed into your pussy. "c'mon hermosa, what do you say?"
since you had already took his boxers off, you had gotten on top of him and kissed his lips. "i'm all yours carlitos..."
you knew that carlos was very much into very rough sex with you so you were surprised when he went soft this time, it was actually really nice.
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.cgomes, and 3,32,239 others
ynusername he said he'd leave me home next time. ⛳️
view all 7,853 comments
f1wagupdates ahh screaminggg!!! 😍
username welp didnt expect this
username who is this man???
username he's a formula one driver username a smooth operator 🌶️
landonorris he should
ynusername 🤺 landonorris 🤺
username not you playing a sport!
username not us losing you to a man
carlossainz55 mi vida hermosa ❤️
ynusername 😚❤️
everything was going smoothly as you entered four months into your relationship, up until now when you guys finally had your first fight — carlos had taken you to meet his family for the week and let's just say you didn't get along with his mother.
"she's very beautiful carlos but that's not the type of girl you want to be seen with..." he remembered his mother telling him as he watched you play with his dogs in the backyard. "she's young carlos, why not find someone your age or finally rekindle your relationship with isa?"
"i think she's lovely..." his father said as he chewed on his food, earning him a glare from his mother. "she's beautiful, funny and i mean she sure knows how to cook a good meal."
the visit was about to be cut short when carlos had found you back in his room packing your bag. "she basically called me trashy carlos!"
he sighed and shook his head one. "she did not, my mother just said that it wasn't a very appropriate outfit to wear to dinner and you know i also told y-"
"well i'm twenty-one carlos, i'm not going to be dressing up like an old lady..."
the dress you had worn was just a tad bit too short but other than that nothing else was being revealed, carlos had no problem with the dress but he knew his mom probably wouldn't approve.
you had told him that you wanted to leave but he kept begging for you to just stay. "we have three more days left amor, please let's just stay..."
after a bit convincing he got you to stay and you tried to give it another shot but his mother was not cooperating with you and carlos had now seen it.
"it worked amor, she will be civil with you!"
you happily hugged him. "thank you! she's going to love me!"
"i know she will." he nodded and kissed the top of your head, you went on to say how you wanted to set up a breakfast for her in the morning but he quickly stoped you. "well just hold on to that idea, i have a surprise for you in the morning..."
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 3,32,239 others
ynusername too pretty to stay home 🏌🏻‍♀️
view all 8,833 comments
username barbie who???
landonorris tell everyone how you hit me with the ball
ynusername stop spreading lies carlossainz55 at least she's getting better
carlossainz55 ❤️
francisca.cgomes my wife everyone!
ynusername love youuu pierregasly huh?? ynusername sorry, she's cheating on you
username y/n in her golfing era
carlos had invited lando golfing because he knew that the two of you got along pretty well considering what went on with the two of you in the past.
"glad it's not awkward since you know..." you joked as carlos wrapped an arm around you.
they both nodded. "the past is the past."
upon returning back to his parents's house, you were met with his family and isa sitting down at the dining table. "there they are! i invited isa to stay for dinner since you guys couldn't make it for breakfast..." his mother smiled at you and then back to carlos. "i did tell you about it last night, did you forget?"
you looked back at carlos who had a nervous smile on his face. "well um-"
"you've got to be kidding." you scoffed as you walked back into his room, packing whatever you could into your luggage once again.
he followed behind you and tried unpacking things. "amor por fav-"
"you lied to me carlos! you made me golf with lando while your ex was here having the time of her life with your parents." you took back the clothes form him and shoved them back in. "you had a totally different conversation with your mother than what you told me."
carlos sighed and wrapped and arm around you. "just please stay, one night and we will leave tomorrow morning..."
"so you want me to put on a smile and go sit with your ex girlfriend and my monster in law?" you threw one oh his shirts at his head but he caught it.
he sighed once again. "one night and we can work it out once we get out of here."
you groaned before nodding. "i will stay and we will leave in the morning but i will be going home, not to japan with you."
for the rest of dinner and the night you had been giving him the silent treatment and since the both of you rarely ever got into arguments, carlos wasn't sure how he was meant to fix things up with you.
he had two days to get you to come with him to japan and most importantly he had to get you to forgive him because he couldn't lose you.
carlos knew you different than any other girl he had ever been with in the past — yes you were a bit spoiled and sometimes a brat but he loved that about you, he cared so much about you and saw a real future with you.
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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ellieswrldd · 12 days
about you
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pairing: spiderman!ellie williams x female reader
summary: ellie is living a double life, one of a college student and one of a crime fighting hero. she wants you more than anything but is scared to put you in danger.
content warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, oral sex (r!receiving), scissoring, use of alcohol and weed, ellie is kind of a nerdy loser, a little rushed! not proofread
a/n: writing this taught me that i should never try to estimate when i’ll finish something because “posting this week” quickly turned into “posting sometime this month”….sorry lmao. also this is inspired by the 1975 song!!
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8:30 am
Good morning New Yorkers!
This was Ellie’s favorite part of the day. A bagel in one hand, the newest edition of Savage Starlight in her other, and her phone playing the morning newscast. 
Today is April 12th and it looks like another beautiful day…
Moments like these were the only times she felt at ease. Her university classes kept her busy and when she wasn’t studying or in class, she was off protecting the city. 
So, sitting on the rooftop of a building where nobody could bother her was Ellie’s idea of peace. 
It was easy to lose track of time while in her spot and Ellie always tried to keep an eye on the time, but it seemed to end the same way almost every day. 
We’re starting to see some traffic down by— 
The reporter was cut off by Ellie’s loud ringtone. She glanced at the caller ID and sighed softly when she saw it was her best friend Jesse calling. 
“Hey man, I’m kinda busy right now—” She said as she took a bite of her bagel. 
“Dude where the hell are you? Class started fifteen minutes ago and we have that big lab today!” Jesse whispered-shouted into his phone. 
“What are you talking about? I don’t have class on Thursday mornings,” She said. 
“Ellie, it’s Friday, we have class today,” Jesse said sharply, clearly irritated by Ellie’s lack of organization. She couldn’t blame him– he always needed her help during labs, and without her, it was likely he’d get a failing grade. 
“Oh shit!” Ellie groaned and began tossing her things back into her backpack. “I’m on my way right now, I swear.” She stated with her phone pressed against her ear by her shoulder. Stuffing her face with the last of her bagel, Ellie slid her backpack around her shoulders and stood up. 
The streets were beginning to bustle with activity and the sky was bright, New York was awake and ready for the day. Ellie pulled her mask over her face and jumped off the roof, flying towards her class with the flick of her wrist. 
10 pm
Going out was the last thing on your mind. You were still coping after a messy breakup, and partying didn’t sound like fun. The only reason you found yourself standing in front of a bustling frat house was because Dina had dragged you here. She had made a variety of arguments as to why you needed to come, mostly consisting of “You’ve been too sad, let’s get you laid!” or “I need you to be my wing-woman, Jesse will be there!”. Despite her nagging and desperation, you somehow ended up following her right to the party. 
“Dee I don’t feel great, maybe I should just go back home,” You mumbled and tugged at the skirt you wore. It was Dina’s and it was far too short for your liking. In the past, you loved partying and going out with friends, but at the moment all you wanted to do was curl up in your bed. 
“Just stay for a little bit, I promise you’ll have fun. It isn’t good for you to rot in bed every day anyways,” Dina linked her arm with yours and gave a soft smile. You sighed and nodded, she had a point. 
You stood in the frat, holding a red solo cup close to you. Dina shifted nervously beside you. 
“What if he changed his mind? Maybe he doesn’t want to see me,” She crossed her arms.
“Dina, he’ll show up, don’t worry.” You reassured her. “Have another drink, you need to chill out,” She shrugged and poured herself a drink. 
“Hey, Dina!” A man greeted your friend loudly, a bright smile on his face. Dina grinned and gave him a quick hug. 
“Jesse! I’m so glad you made it, I was starting to think you weren’t going to show,” 
“Sorry, Ellie was taking forever to get ready, slowed us down,” He laughed and shifted his gaze to you. “I’m Jesse, you must be y/n,” 
“Yeah, Dina’s told me a lot about you,” You glanced past him and looked at the girl standing awkwardly behind him. She was staring down at her phone, her lips pursed, clearly not excited to be there. 
“Oh, this is Ellie,” He turned and nudged Ellie with his elbow.
“Hi,” She offered an awkward smile and stood a little straighter. “Sorry, I don’t come to these things very often,” Ellie looked around at the frat, drunk partygoers dancing and screaming, the floor covered in red solo cups and sticky liquids, it wasn’t really her scene. 
“That’s alright, it’s nice to meet you,” You shook her hand. “I’m going to go out and get some air,” You shouted into Dina’s ear and she nodded. Waving to Jesse and Ellie, you pushed past the crowds and made your way outside. 
The cool air against your skin was a relieving change. You leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. It was nice that Dina was looking out for you, but it was honestly overwhelming. 
“Mind if I join you?” You turned to look at Ellie, who stood a few feet away with her hands in her pockets. You simply nodded and tipped your head to the spot next to you. Without all of the flashing lights, you could get a good look at the other girl. A red flannel hung loosely around her frame, her short hair was in a messy half-up half-down style, and her face was covered in light freckles.
Ellie’s eyes lingered on you for a moment before she spoke again. “You look stressed,” 
“I guess that’s one word for it,” You chuckled. She dug her hand into her back pocket and pulled out a neatly rolled joint.
“Jesse gave me this, do you want some?” Your eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the joint and you looked back at her.
“How could I say no to such an offer?” Taking the joint, you held it between your glossy lips. “You got a lighter?” 
Ellie’s eyes widened slightly as she realized she had been staring at your lips. “Ah— yeah, here,” She took the lighter from her pocket and fumbled with it a few times before she got a steady flame. You leaned in and watched as the end began to burn. 
“You don’t smoke much, do you?” You giggled softly as your eyes drifted toward her. She watched you intently and shook her head. 
“No, not really,” You breathed out the smoke and offered her the joint. 
“Do you want to try?” Your voice was soft and sweet, Ellie couldn’t help but take the joint from your fingers. “Just breathe in slowly and then exhale,” She followed your instructions, still watching you as she took a drag. Coughing, Ellie passed it back.
The two of you passed the joint back and forth in silence, staring up at the night sky until you were able to drown out the loud noise of the party. 
“Jesse and Dina are definitely hooking up right now,” You blurted and started laughing. 
“Oh my god they totally are,” She shook with laughter. As your shoulders touched Ellie’s and you laughed until your cheeks grew tired, you realized that you were actually having fun. You hadn’t thought about your ex in hours. 
Eventually, Ellie offered to walk you back to your dorm, and you accepted gladly. 
The walk back was full of mindless giggles and seemingly innocent brushes against one another’s arms. Ellie leaned against the frame of your door as you fumbled with the key. 
“Do you want to come inside?” You muttered with a smile once you managed to get the door open. Ellie’s heart pounded at the offer and she could feel heat rush to her cheeks, but she found herself shaking her head no. 
“I—I’m sorry, I can’t,” She bit her lip and looked down at her sneakers. “I’ve gotta be up early tomorrow for work, but I’ll see you around, yeah?” You tried not to look disappointed but Ellie could see it on your face almost immediately. 
“That’s fine, see ya,” You sighed and closed the door with a small smile. 
Ellie could feel her heart sinking, and she almost regretted her words. Almost. She knew better than to get involved with someone while in her position, she could put you in a lot of danger, and it was too risky. 
The next few days were rough. Ellie seemed to be actively avoiding you for some unknown reason and it felt like Dina and Jesse were too wrapped up in one another to even notice you. Every time Jesse came over to see Dina, he used the same excuse to cover for Ellie’s absence. “She’s busy studying, couldn’t make it today.” 
“Hey, have you seen Ellie lately?” You asked Dina as the two of you walked to class.
“Huh? Oh, no, I haven’t, why?” Dina glanced at her phone before looking back at you.
“Well, I thought we kinda hit it off at the party, but I haven’t seen her since.” You sighed and trained your eyes on your shoes. “I invited her to come inside our dorm, but she said she had work and bolted,” 
Dina looked confused. “That’s weird, she doesn’t work in the mornings,” She shrugged. “I can invite her to come with us to that bar tonight, how about that?” Dina bumped her arm against yours.
“Sure, that’s great,” You smiled, relieved to see your best friend was still looking out for you. Her words stuck with you, why would Ellie lie to you? Maybe she was avoiding you.
That night, Dina got ready with you in your shared dorm. 
“Did she say she was coming?” You asked nervously as you stared at yourself in the mirror. 
“She just liked the message,” Dina snorted and rolled her eyes. “What an ass.”
You sighed. “She’s definitely avoiding me,” 
“I’ll have Jesse drag her ass down to the bar if she doesn’t show, don’t worry babe.” Dina pat your shoulder. “Are you ready to go? I think some of the other girls are there already.” 
“Oh, yeah.” You took one more glance at yourself. You wore a sparkly fitted dress, one that had been growing dusty in your dresser. It was pretty, but a little loud for your taste. “Let’s go before I change my mind,” Dina laughed and nodded.
The bar was busy already, filled with college students and their fake IDs, overpriced drinks in their hands. Dina ordered the two of you some drinks and you stood beside her at the bar. 
You couldn’t help but watch the door as Dina told some exaggerated story. You hated this, the feeling of self-doubt and disappointment that coursed through your body every time a girl let you down. It had only been a few weeks since your last girlfriend dumped you, and yet here you were repeating the same vicious cycle with another girl. 
Just as you were about to make an excuse to leave, the door to the bar opened and Ellie strolled in. She was by herself, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she looked around the room.  
You turned back to Dina before you could meet Ellie’s gaze. You had decided that if Ellie wanted to speak, she would have to come to you first. 
“Hey,” Ellie tapped your shoulder and stood beside you at the bar. 
“Hi Ellie,” You gave her a tight-lipped smile and took a sip of your drink. Ellie glanced at her shoes for a moment before speaking again. 
“Can we talk?” She asked quietly. Was she nervous?
“Sure, yeah, outside?” Ellie nodded and followed you out. 
“Okay, you wanted to talk so let’s talk.” You crossed your arms and faced her once you stood outside. 
Ellie took a deep breath and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I know this is kind of forward, but I like you, and I want to get to know you better, but—”
“I’m just,” She sighed, seemingly frustrated. “I can’t, I can’t be around you,” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” You scoffed. 
Ellie pinched the bridge of her nose as she struggled to think of a reply. 
“It’s not a good idea,” She mumbled.
“You’re still not making any sense,” 
Ellie hesitated. “Can I show you something?” 
“You seriously can’t tell anyone about this,” Ellie glanced around. “Like anyone, not a single soul,” 
“Jesus, I get it, Ellie, I’ll keep whatever secret you’re sharing.”
Ellie nodded and took one more look to make sure nobody was nearby. 
“I’m, um, kind of like a superhero of sorts, like I fight criminals and protect people sometimes,” Ellie’s cheeks seemed to burn red as she spoke. “I just— I don’t want you to be put in danger because of it,” 
You stared at her for a moment before you laughed. “Is this some kind of joke? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You’re a superhero? Forget it, I’m going home, Ellie,” You turned away and began to walk toward the bar. 
Ellie reached out and grabbed your arm. “No, I swear I’m not lying, I can prove it!” She said frantically. 
“You can prove it?” 
“I can,” She nodded. 
“Okay, prove it.” Ellie nodded and offered her hand to you. 
“Let’s go to my dorm, I can show you there,” 
“Are you trying to get me to sleep with you?” Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“Not at the moment, no. Would you just come with me?”
“Alright then, let’s go,” 
The walk to Ellie’s dorm wasn’t long, but the tension between you and her made it feel insufferable. 
“Here we are,” She nodded toward the building and unlocked the front door. Ellie led you up a few flights of stairs before finally arriving at her room. 
Ellie’s dorm room was covered in colorful posters and pictures. A small telescope was leaned against the wall by her window, comic books were stacked high on her nightstand, and some science textbooks were left open on her desk alongside scattered papers and assignments. 
“This is cute,” You muttered as you ran a hand along her navy blue bed sheets and looked around the room.
“Oh, thanks. You can just make yourself at home,” She smiled and went to open her closet. 
You sat on her bed and watched her rifle through her clothes. “How do you plan on proving this?” You asked, slightly amused by this whole situation. 
“Just wait and see, I don’t think you’ll find it funny in a minute.” She said, glancing over her shoulder to look at you. Ellie finally pulled out a hanger covered by a black zip-up cover. 
She held the hanger up and unzipped the cover, letting it fall to the floor. Underneath the cover was a bright red and blue suit. 
“What is that? Some sort of cosplay outfit?” You snorted.
Ellie narrowed her eyes at you. Without a response, Ellie slipped off her flannel and started tugging her shirt off. 
“What are you doing?” You gasped and covered your eyes. 
“I’m just changing, don’t cream your pants.” She said sarcastically. Ellie stepped into the suit and pulled it on. 
The suit itself seemed good quality, it was a shiny, bright red with black and blue highlights, and it fit her like a second skin. With a closer look, you could see the little details of the suit were designed to resemble a spider web of sorts. 
“This is what I wanted to show you,” She said and held out her hands. On each wrist was a complicated gadget that wrapped around her wrist and lay in the palm of her hand.
You reached out to touch the device but Ellie pulled her hands away. 
“Don’t touch them, you’ll regret it.” She said with a small smile. 
“What do they do?” 
“I’ll show you,” She walked across the room to her window and pulled it open. “C’mere,” 
You went and stood by her side, an anxious feeling bubbling in your stomach. Ellie reached behind her head and pulled the mask of the suit over her face. 
“Do you trust me?” She asked, her arm snaking around your waist. 
“Do I have a choice?” Ellie laughed and pulled you closer to her side. 
“Hold onto me, and uh— don’t look down,” Before you had time to ask her what that meant, Ellie flicked her wrist and sent the two of you swinging out of her window. 
As you flew through the air, all you could hear was the wind blowing past you and the sound of your screams. It was then that you started to believe that Ellie could be telling the truth. 
“Ellie Williams put me down right now!” You screamed as you watched the buildings fly past you in a blur. 
“Calm down, we’re almost to my spot.” 
Ellie slowed down and stopped on a rooftop. She pulled her mask off. “This is my favorite spot in the city.” Ellie helped you find your feet and kept a hand on your lower back. From the rooftop, you could see the glittering lights of the city life and the usual noise seemed to be quieter. 
“That’s great and all but I think I might vomit,” You let out a shaky breath and sat down. “You wanna explain what the fuck you just pulled?” You looked up at her.
Ellie grinned and sat next to you. “The nausea will pass, just take deep breaths. As for that,” Ellie showed you the gadget on her wrist. “They’re web shooters, I made them myself. They shoot something similar to spider webs, but much stronger.” 
“So what, you’re like a spider-girl or something?” 
“Well, when you say it like that you make it sound childish.” Ellie chuckled.
“Okay Spider-Woman, why is this stopping you from taking me out?” 
“I’m scared,” She sighed. “I already put myself in so much danger by doing this, do you know how much worse it would be if I had to worry about keeping you safe as well? I can’t guarantee that you’ll be protected from everything I deal with, and I can’t even imagine what it would be like for you if I ended up hurt or worse.” 
You stared at her for a moment and reached out to rest your hand on top of hers. 
“You’re forgetting that I’m my own person, Ellie, I can make those decisions for myself. You don’t have to protect me, I can do that on my own.” 
Ellie, careful not to touch the web-shooter on her palm, squeezed your hand gently. “I want you and I want this so bad, you have no idea,” 
“Show me,” You murmured as you turned to face her. Ellie let out a shaky breath and leaned in. 
Your lips tasted exactly how Ellie had imagined they would. They were sweet, presumably from the lipgloss you always used, or maybe you just always tasted like cherries, Ellie couldn’t tell, all she knew was that she wanted more. 
“Let’s go back to my dorm,” She murmured as her lips chased yours. 
“Okay,” You agreed, every thought in your head was focused on Ellie, and suddenly the only thing you cared about was getting that comic-book-looking costume off of her body. 
The quick trip back to her dorm wasn’t as scary as the first, though you weren’t sure if you could ever get used to the way your stomach dropped every time she swung. 
The moment your feet were on the floor of her dorm, Ellie had you pushed up against the door, her lips traveling down your bare neck. Your hands ran down Ellie’s back in search of a zipper or button to take off the suit, but you grumbled in frustration when you failed to find one.
“How do you take this fuckin’ thing off?” You muttered while Ellie ran her fingers along the hem of your dress. She laughed softly against your skin.
“The zipper is right here,” She whispered into your ear, taking your hand and guiding it to the side of her torso. Hidden beneath her arm and within the detailing of the suit was a tiny zipper. 
Your lips met hers again, and while you slowly dragged the zipper down, you let your other hand slide around her waist. 
And just before you were able to completely unzip the suit, a loud banging on Ellie’s door startled you both.
“Yo, Ellie, you in there?” It was Jesse, and he sounded very drunk. Your eyes widened as you looked at Ellie, waiting for her to say something. 
Ellie held a finger up to her lips and signaled for you to keep quiet. She was sure that if Jesse assumed she wasn’t home, he’d find someone else to bother. 
Jesse banged on the door a few times and groaned loudly when he realized Ellie wasn’t answering. You sighed softly once you heard him shuffle away. 
“Where were we?” Ellie smiled and pulled you close to her. Finally, you were able to pull down that zipper and the suit came loose enough for Ellie to pull off. 
Ellie slid her fingers under the straps of your dress and let them fall down your shoulders. “Can I take this off?” She asked.
You simply nodded. 
As if trying to tease, Ellie slid one strap down at a time, then moved onto the zipper, which she pulled down as slowly as she possibly could. 
After what felt like years of waiting, your dress fell to the floor, pooling at your feet. 
The feeling of Ellie’s skin against your own was everything you needed. She was warm and gentle, even her calloused fingers felt like butter on your skin. 
Hungry for more of her, you reached out and ran your fingers along the waistband of her black boyshorts. Everything about her drove you insane, the sight of her in the simple black sports bra and boyshorts that she wore was enough to make you go practically feral. 
Ellie followed your lead and copied your moves, tracing the waistband of your panties, then going further and dipping her fingers inside. Ellie could’ve sworn that the gasp you let out when she brushed against your clit was enough to make her cum, god she was already completely soaked just by standing there with you. 
“You’re so wet,” She breathed and her fingers slid against your pussy again. 
“Fuck,” You whined. 
Ellie pulled her fingers from your underwear and licked them clean. 
“I gotta have more of you,” Ellie said desperately.
“Then stop talking and do it,” You bit your lip. Your words were the last bit of confirmation she needed. Ellie grabbed your thighs and picked you up with ease.
Just as quickly as you had said those words, Ellie had swept you off your feet and sat you right on her bed. Your legs spread and her head in between them. 
She didn’t waste time taking off your panties, she couldn’t stop herself after she had that first taste. Ellie’s lips brushed against your cunt almost hesitantly but soon enough she was diving into you like she was starving. Your hips bucked up against her tongue as you searched desperately for release. Ellie’s hand snaked up around your thighs and held you down, causing you to whine out loudly. 
“God, you taste so good…” She groaned against your cunt.
“I’m getting close,” You gasped as you felt Ellie swirl her tongue around your clit. 
“We just started, baby,” Ellie chuckled and ran her tongue up along your slit. “Think you can wait a few more minutes? You just look so pretty like this…” She squeezed your thigh and looked up at you with a playful smirk. 
You stared at her, stunned by how she could be so dirty when she was the same girl who had been nervous to talk to you at the bar. How could she look so sexy when her chin and nose were both glistening with your slick and her hair was messy from you pulling on it? Was this the same girl who had choked after taking a drag from a joint?
“Please…” You moaned loudly and let your head fall back against the mattress. Ellie pulled away and kissed the inside of your thigh. 
“Fine, but only because you asked so nicely,” She smiled and stood up, pulling her underwear down and straddling your hips. “I wanna cum with you…” She mumbled as she leaned down and kissed you gently. 
A sharp gasp escaped your lips once you felt Ellie position her cunt against yours. Ellie let out a whiny moan and slowly rolled her hips forward, drawing out a loud sigh from you. Your bodies moved together slowly as if you were performing some heavenly dance. 
Her wet folds grinding against yours seemed to stop every thought in your head. You couldn’t recall the last person who had made you feel nearly this good– hell, you could barely form a coherent sentence. You reached out and grabbed Ellie’s hands, intertwining your fingers and squeezing her hands gently. 
“God, Ellie I can’t–” You stuttered and squeezed your eyes shut. 
“I know, me too…me too,” She groaned and tossed her head back. It wasn’t hard to tell by the way her thighs were beginning to shake or the loud profanities leaving her mouth that Ellie was just as close to orgasm as you were. 
It only took a few more moments before you came completely undone. A hot, sudden pleasure overcame you just as Ellie climaxed. As soon as the pleasure lulled, Ellie climbed off you and settled down next to you on the bed. 
“I didn’t want it to be like this,” Ellie whispered and turned to look at you. 
“What?” You giggled. 
“This,” She said and slid her arm around your waist. “I would’ve been more…romantic. Take you out to dinner, maybe show you all my favorite rooftops, I would’ve made this special.” 
You cupped her cheek and ran your thumb along her cheekbone. “I think tonight was pretty special. It was the best night I’ve ever had.” 
Ellie’s cheeks flushed slightly and a stupid smile tugged at her lips. “Don’t say that, it’ll inflate my ego.” 
“Alright then,”  
“Hey, promise me you won’t tell anyone about my–”
“Your secret identity? Trust me, I’ll take your secret to the grave.” 
“Thank you.” Ellie took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back. “I just want to keep you safe,”
“I know,” You sighed. 
On her nightstand, Ellie’s phone buzzed. You passed her the phone without hesitation. 
‘Active robbery occurring at…’ The headline flashed across her home screen. 
You watched as Ellie sat up and started grabbing her clothes off the floor. It had barely been ten minutes since the two of you had finished and she was already getting ready to run off and stop crime. 
“I’m so sorry, I just–” 
“You have to go,” You smiled and watched her slip into the suit. 
“Sorry,” She murmured, leaning down to kiss you before pulling the mask over her face. 
“Good luck and be safe,” You waved as she leaped out of the window and swung into the darkness of the night.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Not A Verstappen: Gridlocked {8}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: It's hard to stay mad at family for long but forgiveness doesn't come from everyone. Warnings: 18+ only, swearing, angst WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine
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“That was my race line. I had the inside line!” 
“Snooze you lose, Max Emilian.” You flipped your visor up as you faced the teenage boy who confronted you. “You're lucky this was just practice.”
“Don’t think I’ll go easy on you in the race just because you are my sister.”
“Half sister.” You corrected as you pulled your helmet off, making the older boy's cheeks turn pink at the reminder. “Don’t cry too much when you get beaten by a girl, Verstappen.”
“I’m 15 years old, little girl,” he said as he looked down at you, “I don’t cry.”
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You glanced at the backdoor and debated taking your chances with the six foot fence blocking your escape. With your luck you would probably break your ankle and miss the rest of the race season, something you would prefer not to happen. 
“Run?” Lando double checked as you heard car doors closing loudly, the thuds reverberating in the quiet neighbourhood. The option was taken as you failed to make a decision before the door opened without a knock. Seeing you tense, he placed a hand on your knee under the table and gave it a squeeze. “Brave face, baby.”
The slap of feet running on the wooden floors stole your attention but they weren’t heavy enough to be Max’s and you turned with open arms to catch the toddler. 
“Hello Penelope,” you greeted her as she climbed up onto your lap and waved to Lando and Charles. “You’ve grown again!”
“P, what have I said about running off,” Max huffed as he stepped inside the doorway, stopping under the archway that connected to the dining room. 
Covering Penelope’s ears, you pinned your brother with a glare. “Dick move bringing P into this.”
He shrugged innocently as he buried his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “Kelly’s working, and she misses you.” 
It had been a while since you spent time with her since you didn’t go to Max’s place as often, opting to spend your time with Charles and Lando. Letting your hands fall away, you pointed to the kitchen. “There’s some muffins in there if you want. Are you hungry?”
She nodded eagerly and Lando pushed his chair out, offering his hand for her. “I can help you, P. Want a glass of milk too?”
“Nice shirt,” Max said with a little laugh as he noticed what Lando was wearing. “Did you lose a bet?”
“Maybe I just like wearing my boyfriend's clothes,” he said with a daring arch of his brow. “Is that a problem?”
Max looked at his feet with the smallest shake of his head. 
“I have a boyfriend too!” P exclaimed as she jumped around excitedly, tugging him out of the room. “His name is Brodie and he lets me use his crayons.”
You shared a smile with Charles as the two chatted their way to the kitchen, their voices growing even quieter when the backdoor opened and they took their muffins outside to eat. The moment the door clicked shut the smile fell from your face.
“What are you doing here, Max?” 
“I didn’t get a chance to talk to you after the race,” he said as he walked into the room, his eyes scanning the walls to see if there were any new pictures since he last visited. “Nice win.”
“Bullshit,” you scoffed as you pushed your chair out and rose to your feet, not liking how much smaller you felt with him standing. “I should have crashed out at least three times. It was just luck that I finished the race.”
Charles’ brows pinched at the news but you placed your hand in his to ease his mind as he stood by your side. 
“You don’t believe in luck, you make your own.”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, klootzak.”
“I don’t know what that means but I’m going to assume it wasn’t nice,” your mother tutted as she stepped into the room, making her way to your brother. “Hello, Max, nice to see you again.”
“Is it though?” you muttered as she gave him a hug, her disappointed eyes landing on you. 
“Yes, it’s always nice to see family.”
“It was a rhetorical question.”
“It’s nice to see you too,” Max said, completely ignoring your comments. “I hope you don’t mind us just showing up at your door.”
“Not at all, I hardly get any visitors anymore.”
You felt guilty hearing those words and vowed to come home more often in the future, especially since it was a place where you didn’t have to hide your unorthodox relationship. 
“Well if he wants to stay then there is something he needs to do first,” you said as you pointed to Max and then your mother. “Apologise. Now.”
“That’s not necess-”
“Just because you have been called worse doesn’t make it alright,” you interrupted her before turning back to your brother. “Max, apologise or leave.”
You felt Charles’ hand settled on the small of your back, the warm reassurance that he was by your side. You focused on that hand as the silence drew out, your mother sighing with defeat and Max staring emotionlessly back at you.
“What did you think I came here for?” he asked, sounding mildly bored. 
“I never know with you, maybe you wanted to lose another fight.”
“No fighting under my roof,” your mother warned. “Now I’m going to put the kettle on and everyone is going to take a seat and calm down.”
“I didn’t come here to fight,” Max admitted quietly and he stopped her from leaving as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “I said a few things I didn’t mean in anger and I came to apologise. To the both of you.”
“Apology accepted, dear,” she said as she patted his hand. 
“Just like that?” you asked her with a frown.
“One thing age has taught me, is life’s short and grudges weigh heavily on the soul. It’s better to forgive and move on, honey.”
“No wonder Lando gets along with her so well,” you whispered to Charles as she went to the kitchen. “They’ll be making friendship bracelets and dreamcatchers in no time.”
“I’m pretty sure I already saw them reading the horoscopes in the newspaper this morning.”
“Zusje,” Max interrupted the whispers with a sheepish step forward. “Can we have a word, alone?”
Charles looked at Max defiantly until you patted his stomach and he looked back at you. “It’s okay, there’s plenty of vases if he gets out of hand.”
“Touch my monsteras and there will be hell to pay, missy,” the warning came from the kitchen.
“I was thinking a cactus would hurt more.” You looked at Max and saw his lips twitching as he knew you were just winding your mother up.
“Just don’t reach for a fork,” Max said with a chuckle. “Then I’ll be scared.”
“Ouch, too soon for a Jos joke,” you snickered and made your way to the front door where you wouldn’t be overheard from the kitchen. “I don’t want to get in trouble for swearing.”
Max followed you out of the house and took a seat beside you on the front step. Seeing the mess in the front yard, he cocked an eyebrow and jutted his chin at it. “Yours?”
You were about to open your mouth to bite back a remark before a dark smile grew. “How sorry are you?”
“Seriously?” he groaned, eyeing up the rusted shears and dozens of plants still overgrown. “I can pay someone to come and do that.”
“So can I, but you said you were sorry and actions speak louder than words, Maxie.”
“Let’s get this straight, I fix the garden and you forgive me.”
You chewed your lip before nodding. “But, if you ever, and I mean ever, say something like that again I will torpedo you into turn one.” 
“Sounds fair to me,” he agreed. “I don’t like fighting with you.”
“I wouldn’t like fighting me too,” you joked before sobering up. “I’m sorry I said I didn’t have a brother.”
“Half-brother, but it’s okay, we both said things we didn’t mean.” He looked over his shoulder at the shoes lined up and knew which was Lando’s and which was Charles from when they used to sit outside his door on the nights they would hang out. “I hope you seriously thought this through.”
You snorted a laugh. “It wasn’t some whim, Max, they were my friends too so yes, we thought this through. I think you need to give us more credit.”
Max dropped his chin onto his fist. “I just don’t understand how it can work.”
“You don’t have to,” you said simply. “It works for us and has for the last couple of months, and will continue to for hopefully a very, very long time.”
You shrugged innocently. “Told you, not a whim.”
“Months?” he repeated as his brows crumpled together and his face screwed up like he was in pain. “Oh, I’m going to kill those lying fuckers.”
“No you’re not,” you growled as you planted a hand on his shoulder to keep him seated. 
“Give me one good reason.”
“Because I love them, and I would never speak to you again. Can’t you just be happy for me? I’m not the easiest person to get along with. Or, at least be happy I’m not on Raya anymore.”
“Oh no, this is much better than Raya,” he muttered sarcastically before taking a deep breath. “Fine. Not fine, but okay, fine.”
“It's a start.” You held out your hand. “So I forgive you, you forgive me - even though your transgression was much worse in my opinion - and we are all happy families again.”
“Yeah, totally happy,” he said with a roll of his eyes and you returned it with a punch to his arm. “I can’t believe you stole my best friends.”
“Get used to it, I’ll be stealing the championship next.”
He huffed a laugh and relaxed a bit as he shook your hand. 
“One other thing,” you said as you shook on the deal. “I may have forgiven you but the guys aren’t going to be as easy to convince.” You rose from the steps and wiped the dust from your ass. “But you can worry about that after you take care of the garden. Laters, bro.”
You slammed the door closed before he could reach it and locked it with a laugh as he banged on it. “You didn’t say I had to do it now! It’s the middle of the fucking day.”
“Better put some sunscreen on then, Snow White.” You turned away from the door with a proud grin and found Charles and Lando waiting expectantly. “What? He’s still alive.”
The door swung open and Max smirked as he held up the spare key that was hidden under a pot plant. “Terrible hiding place.” His smile fell as he saw your boyfriends blocking the hall shoulder to shoulder and their arms crossed over their chests. 
“So you two are…?” Lando waved a hand between you and your brother.
“Yeah, we’re good now,” you said with a nod and Lando relaxed his posture with a quiet exhale that made you smile. He could be so protective but it didn’t change the fact he was a lover not a fighter. 
Brushing past you, Max offered his hand in peace and Lando shook it. “You hurt my sister and you’re a dead man walking.”
Making the only promise that meant anything in your world, he said, “I’d rather lose my seat.”
Satisfied with the answer he turned to Charles who accepted the handshake but his stiff spine remained as he leaned closer to Max and whispered, “This doesn’t make us friends again. I’m only doing this for her.”
Click here for chapter nine.
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scary-grace · 3 months
Enough to Go By (Chapter 4) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 4
You think about Tenko more now, but you��re allowed to – he’s your patient, and if he was your patient at the clinic, you’d expect to see him for a follow-up on the four gunshot wounds you cleaned and dressed. You’re allowed to think about him, so you think about him. You think about him a lot.
The thoughts take two directions. One is just wondering about him – how he’s feeling, how he spends his days, what he’s thinking about, what he thinks of you, whether he’s thought about you at all. The other is thinking about the situation he’s in. His parents and grandparents and his sister are dead. He’s been missing for fifteen years. He’s got a quirk and he’s a villain, ambitious and strategic enough to target UA High and escape alive, albeit badly injured. His guardian is a cloud of mist in a suit with some kind of split personality. And there’s someone else in his world – two someone elses. The doctor he referenced, who wouldn’t help him, and the one he calls Sensei, who gave him his new name and a hand to wear over his face and set him up to fail.
You think about Tenko a lot, but you can’t think about him all the time, because now that you’re a nurse, you’re twice as busy as you were before. The doctors expect more of you, and so do the other nurses – and so do the MAs and CNAs and high school students who are starting their apprenticeships, since you now have three years’ experience to go with your reputation for smoothing things over with difficult patients. Your friends keep you busy, too. They might call Kazuo to find out if something’s wrong with them, but they call you to find out what to do about it.
“You need to get a scan,” you say to Yoshimi for probably the fifth time. “I know you don’t want to –”
“It’s weird!”
“Not any weirder than whatever Yoji does when the two of you are at second base,” you say, and in the background of the call, someone snickers. If you had to guess, you’d say it’s Mitsuko – she has the guts to bully Yoshimi into making the call, combined with the brass balls to feel comfortable eavesdropping. “It’s called a mammogram. You’d have to start getting them at some point anyway, just like we all do. It’s just to make sure there’s nothing weird going on.”
“Stop it. You’re freaking her out for no reason.” Yoji’s there, too. “It’s probably just an STD.”
You’re stunned into silence for a second by the sheer classlessness of saying that about one’s own girlfriend, but you bounce back fast. “First of all, they’re called STIs, genius. Secondly, there’s not an STI on the planet that gives you nipple discharge. Yoshimi, get the scan. I’ll go with you if you want. Just get it done.”
“Can I do it at your clinic?”
“Uh –” You glance at the Imaging queue. Things look quiet, but you can’t count on that to last – but if you report Yoshimi’s symptoms, which include soreness, nipple discharge, and what she describes as a weird rash, you’re pretty sure the doctor on call will bump her to the head of the line. “Yeah, come in now. I can’t stick around after my shift, though. I have stuff to do tonight.”
“Ooh, stuff. Let me see –” There’s some rustling, which you can only assume is Mitsuko grabbing the phone. “Is stuff tall, dark, handsome, way too serious, and currently working as a sidekick?”
“That would be stuff,” you admit. “It’s not a big deal. We’re just grabbing a drink after our shifts.”
For the first time since you and Kazuo broke up, you have a date, and it’s Kazuo’s fault. Or maybe it’s you and your friends’ fault, because you decided to throw Kazuo a twentieth birthday party and invited a few of his friends from UA. One of those friends is Sugimura Hiroki, who fits perfectly with your type of dark-haired boys who want to be heroes and who’s so painfully shy that it took him six beers and the entire party to talk to you. You were sort of weirded out by that. You’re not very intimidating, and you spent the first half of the conversation trying to figure out if he knew you were quirkless, since you learned the hard way that it’s something you need to disclose up front. But the two of you eventually worked your way around to the point, which was that Sugimura wants to get to know you better, and he tripped over his tongue so badly that you finally just asked him out to end the suspense.
It’s taken you a while to actually schedule the date, but tonight’s the night, and you’re sort of anxious about it. Luckily, work is busy enough to keep you distracted. Your lunch break ends while Mitsuko is still going into increasingly nasty speculations about Sugimura’s physical attributes, and you hang up the phone without saying goodbye.
There’s a message waiting for you on your computer, from the front desk. FOF. Can you take him?
It’s not Tenko. You know Tenko wouldn’t come here again. You send the same message you did when it was him. How F are we talking?
Jumpy, talking to himself, chainsmoking. He’s in costume.
“In costume” could literally mean that the patient’s wearing a costume, but it’s also code for when the front desk thinks the patient’s a villain. You’re used to dealing with villains by now. Send him back.
When the knock on the door comes, you’re ready and waiting, and the CNA ushers in a tall man in a black-and-grey bodysuit – so “in costume” was literal this time around – and a paper bag over his head. You’re momentarily transfixed by the paper bag, and more so when you realize that he’s bringing a lighted cigarette to his mouth while wearing something highly flammable on his face. The CNA shuts the door and bolts. You face your patient and introduce yourself. “Have a seat if you feel comfortable doing so. What brings you in today?”
“I’m not – whole.”
That’s concerning. “Are you injured?” Your concern grows when he gestures at his face. “It would really help if I could see the injury. Can you take the bag off?”
He shakes his head. Instead he reaches into his pocket and produces a torn full-face mask. You look at him, then at him, putting the pieces together. “How do you feel right now?”
He doesn’t answer – maybe can’t answer – so you default to the face chart you use when little kids aren’t able to express how they feel in words. Your patient points to scared, stressed, anxious, angry. Then he throws in happy, possibly to mess with you, or to distract you from the fact that the first four emotions indicate that he’s ready to snap at any second. “How about this?” you ask, after thinking it over. “I can ask the doctor to give you something that will help you calm down –”
“Please!” The patient bursts out. Drug-seeking? “No, I don’t need it, sister! I’m so calm it’s hard to believe.”
“Okay, then we’ll just have it here in case you decide you want it. As an option,” you say, keeping your voice smooth and calm. “Either way, this is a quiet place to wait. You’re safe in here with me. And if you want, I can sew up your mask for you. Would that help?”
“You can do that?”
“Easily,” you say. “Can I see it for a second? I need to make sure I grab the right thread.”
The patient hands the mask over, which is a good sign. You’ve established at least a little bit of trust. You examine the mask and decide that you’ll need the thinnest-gauge needle and thread you have. “I can definitely fix this,” you tell the patient. “It might look a little rough, but it’ll cover you up like it did before. And it should last until you get where you’re going.”
The patient nods. You stand up. “I’m going to get some supplies, and a little anxiety medication if you decide you want it. I’ll be right back, okay? Just wait here.”
The patient nods again. Given how labile his mood is, you need to be fast about this, and get back before he gets upset or decides to leave. You step out the door and shut it behind you, heading for the supply closet, but you’re waylaid on the way there by one of the doctors. “We need you up front. Now.”
“I can’t. I have a patient, and he’s –”
“I don’t care. We’ve got a hero coming to visit, and we need somebody to keep things calm,” the doctor says. Shit. “Figure out what they want, get them as little of it as you can get away with, and get them out of here.”
“Which hero?”
The doctor shakes his head. Great. “Just hurry.”
You can’t go just yet. “My patient’s got a lot of anxiety and he’s in costume. I need him to stay calm. Can you –”
“2mg diazepam. I’ll put it in the chart.” The doctor unlocks one of the medicine cabinets, extracts a prefilled dosage cup, and hands it to you. “Go.”
Diazepam is long-acting. Hopefully long-acting enough to keep your patient quiet while you get rid of the hero. You skitter back down the hall with the dosage cup and hand it over to the patient, along with a tiny bottle of water to wash it down. “I’ll be right back. Just finding the right thread.”
The patient downs the pill dry, which is both good and bad for you. You shut the door again and head for the lobby. You don’t make it there. A cloud of black mist boils up around you, swallowing you whole.
By the time your feet hit the familiar wooden floor of the bar, you’re already out of patience. “No. Send me back right now.”
“Shigaraki Tomura has need of you. You will assist him.”
“Not right now I won’t. You snatched me from work,” you say. You’re facing the wall and the All Might poster again, and you don’t want to turn around. If you see Tenko, it’ll make it harder to say no. “If I go missing, people will notice. Is he dying?”
“No,” Kurogiri says.
“Is he in imminent danger of dying?”
“Then send me back,” you say. If Tenko’s asked Kurogiri to get you, it means he needs medical assistance – or follow-up. You’ve needed to follow up anyway. “I can come back later.”
“No, I need you right now!”
“How much later?” Kurogiri asks, ignoring Tenko’s protest.
You think it over. You can dispense with the hero situation quickly, stitch your patient’s mask, and sneak out of work early. They’ll have to give you the emergency time off. You’ve never asked before in three years of working there. “Ninety minutes.”
“That’s too long. Kurogiri, don’t let her leave!”
“Ninety minutes. I’ll be in the alley behind the clinic.” You ignore Tenko, too, in favor of focusing on Kurogiri. He’s the one who decides if you leave or not. “All right?”
The mist wells up around you again, which counts as a yes. You land on your feet in the hallway, reorient yourself, and head for the lobby again. Tenko wants you again – needs you, your stupid brain corrects – but he’s going to have to wait for you to sort this out.
The hero in the lobby is Uwabami, the Snake Hero, and she’s got two sidekicks with her. No, students. You recognize one of them from your limited viewing of the UA Sports Festival and feel a spike of guilt run through you. She’s from Class 1-A. The same class Tenko tried to kill.
You don’t need to think about that, and you don’t need to feel guilty, because you didn’t do anything to her. You force yourself to focus. Uwabami wouldn’t have brought high school students here if she was doing any kind of investigating, which means your patient and any others who might be nervous around law enforcement are probably safe. The question of why she’s here still remains. You step forward. “Welcome to Yokohama Free Clinic South. What can we help you with today?”
“We’re on patrol,” Uwabami says. “My interns gave some feedback that our patrol involved a little too much publicity –”
The students look unrepentant. Good for them. “So we’re engaging in some down-to-earth patrolling,” Uwabami continues. “Tell us about how heroes support your clinic.”
Heroes don’t support your clinic. Most heroes strongly dislike the free clinic network, and the feeling is mutual, for a bunch of reasons you’re more than willing to articulate. Then you think better of it. Picking a fight with a hero in front of hero students is a bad move if you want to get out of here any time soon, and if you’re going to keep helping Tenko, you need to stay completely off the heroic radar. You focus on the students instead. “You’re on internships, right? They’re supposed to show you what life will be like as a hero.”
“Yes,” the girl who’s not from 1-A says. “They’re supposed to.”
“We have a program like that here, too,” you say. You gesture for them to come forward, and they desert their supervising hero at high speed. “A lot of our nurses and techs started working here in high school. Let me introduce you.”
You’re on much more solid ground talking about this. This clinic and this program saved your ass – without their sponsorship, you’d never have been able to get around your quirklessness as a barrier to nursing school, and you started getting on-the-job clinical training while most other nursing students were stuck in the classroom. You catch yourself evangelizing a little bit, but you don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world to do. You’re proud of the work you do as part of the clinic. It’s nice to get to talk about it.
You clear the hero students out in half an hour, hoping you’ve impressed them even a little bit, then hurry back to your patient. The diazepam’s kicked in nicely, and he chatters away to you while you stitch the tear in his mask. You learn that his name is Jin, or Bubaigawara, or Twice, which you’d guess are his first name, his family name, and his villain name, in that order. He doesn’t say how his mask got torn and you don’t ask, but you send him on his way in a better mood than before. “Thanks, sister,” he says on his way out the door. “You could be worse. You’re a saint!”
Different tone, different pitch, completely different meaning between the first sentence and the second. It reminds you of Kurogiri. You know enough villains now that you can compare them to one another. You shake your head, bemused, then head back inside. Time to guilt-trip your boss into letting you leave two hours early.
Your guilt-trip is successful, mostly because of how you handled the hero situation, but as you’re trying to sneak out, Yoshimi arrives for her scan. After you cajoled her into the office, you can’t abandon her to some random tech. You do abandon Mitsuko in the waiting room, though – she says the words “nipple discharge” as loudly as possible, then starts picking on the scant amount of makeup you did for your date. You don’t feel bad at all for leaving her behind.
Yoshimi’s scan goes quickly, and just like you feared, it nets her a follow-up appointment at the main branch of the free clinic tomorrow. Tomorrow’s your day off. You promise her you’ll go with her – you, and not Mitsuko or Yoji – then talk the doctor into sending her home with a dose of a different anti-anxiety medication than the one you got for Twice. Then you check your phone for the time. Almost ninety minutes exactly. You race out to the alley.
The mist engulfs you almost the instant you set foot in the alley, and you’re in the bar a moment later, facing Kurogiri. Tenko’s nowhere to be found, and before you can ask the question, Kurogiri turns and sets off through a doorway, deeper into the recesses of the building. You follow him, wondering if this counts as being taken to a secondary location. Or maybe the bar counts as the secondary location, even though you’ve been here before. Either way, you’ve listened to way too many of Mitsuru’s true-crime podcasts.
Kurogiri leads you into an absolutely filthy room. The floor is covered – empty wrappers, empty cans, old newspapers and magazines, plastic cases for game disks and chips. You have a bad feeling about who lives here, and when Kurogiri clears his throat and speaks up, you’re proven right. “Shigaraki Tomura. I have brought the girl.”
The only semi-organized spot in the room is a desk with two monitors on it, a keyboard in front of it, and Tenko slumped down with his head pillowed on one arm. He looks up, and for a split second, you can see that he’s happy even behind the hand. Then his face turns bright red and his expression twists into a snarl. “I told you not to bring her in here! Get out!”
You don’t need to be told twice. You duck out the door and retreat about twenty feet down the hallway, listening as Kurogiri tries to placate Tenko. “You asked for her to be brought to you immediately, not for me to summon you when she arrived. I followed your orders to the letter.”
“I didn’t want –” Tenko breaks off, swears. Then he mumbles something, and Kurogiri chuckles. “Don’t laugh at me!”
You check your phone. You aren’t supposed to meet Sugimura until eight, but you’ve got no idea how long this particular encounter is going to run. You might need to tell him you’re running late. You’ve just sent the text and tucked your phone away when Kurogiri reappears. “We will return to the bar,” he says. “Shigaraki Tomura awaits you there.”
So Kurogiri warped him to the bar. You wonder what that was all about. Was Tenko embarrassed that you saw how filthy his room was, or just embarrassed that you saw his room at all? Or did he change his mind about wanting you here? The last thought upsets you. You follow Kurogiri back into the bar and find Tenko sitting at the counter. It’s an improvement from the last time you saw him, when he was sprawled out and bleeding from four gunshot wounds, but this time he’s got his arms crossed, clearly pissed about something. His face is still red behind the hand. There’s a bloodstained bandage taped to his right shoulder.
A pile of supplies appears on the bar as you come closer. “What happened this time?”
“It wouldn’t stop bleeding.” Tenko uncrosses his left arm to gesture at the wound. “This is the fourth one I’ve used.”
If he’s gone through four bandages, it must be pretty deep. “How long ago did it happen?”
“Two hours,” Kurogiri says. “Shigaraki Tomura sent me to retrieve you immediately.”
“Can you fix it or not?” Tenko snaps.
“I need to see it first,” you say. You come a few steps closer, sit down facing Tenko on the barstool next to his, and reach for the bandage. He doesn’t stop you from unwrapping it, and you detour to glove up before you start peeling the fabric of his shirt back from the wound. It’s oozing blood rapidly. It’s jagged at the edges, and deep – if you suctioned the blood away, you’d be looking at exposed muscle, and you’re so horrified by the fact that Tenko’s been badly hurt again that you ask a question you shouldn’t. “How did this happen?”
“Hero Killer,” Tenko says, and your stomach lurches. “I thought he might be useful, but he’s just like the rest of them. Obsessed with the precious Symbol of Peace.”
You don’t know very much about the Hero Killer, except that he kills or cripples heroes and he’s not in Yokohama any longer. Tenko’s still ranting. “Why can’t anybody shut up about All Might? Don’t they know –”
“That he’s not gonna fuck them?” you interrupt, and Tenko nearly chokes. “I guess they can dream.”
Tenko’s expression is contorting behind the hand. You’re pretty sure it’s not the result of your explorations of the wound, because you’re not touching it. You watch, concerned, as his shoulders shake and his mouth twitches, until awkward, rusty laughter finally issues from his mouth.
You always try to make people laugh. You’ve been in the habit since you were little. It’s an effective strategy for defusing tension, whether the joke is funny or not, and your jokes are usually at least kind of funny. But you always liked making Tenko laugh when you were kids. You were always just a little prouder of that than you were with other people. Tenko made people smile all the time. He deserved for somebody to make him laugh, too.
Tenko’s laughter is brief and uneven, because he’s trying to get it under control. “Stop it,” he finally snaps at you. His mouth is still twitching. “It’s serious.”
“Right,” you agree. But you can’t resist another joke. “It would be a novel strategy. If you can’t beat the Symbol of Peace, make him unfuckable instead.”
“I can beat him,” Tenko says, but his voice is strained to the point of snapping, and his shoulders are shaking again. “Can you fix my arm or not?”
“I can fix it,” you say, “but I’ll need a suture kit. And I’ll either need to cut your sleeve or you’ll need to take your shirt off.”
“I’m not taking my shirt off.” Tenko’s face is red again. “It’s ruined anyway. Just cut it.”
You cut his sleeve open from the neckline and peel it back, then go looking through the medical supplies. Kurogiri took your advice about additions to their supplies, and nothing turned up missing at work, which means they honored your request to steal from someone else. You’ve got local anesthetic this time, which is good, because you need it. You start numbing the edges of the wound, asking every so often if Tenko can feel what you’re doing. When he stops saying yes, you open the suture kit.
It’s a bit weird, but putting stitches in is one of your favorite parts of the job. You can get in the zone with it, even when the patient wants to talk. Tenko wants to talk. “People talk about the League of Villains out there. Don’t they?” he asks. You nod. “What do they say?”
“Um –” You’re not sure this is an answer Tenko wants to hear. “They’re wondering why the attack on UA happened.”
“What do you mean, why?”
“Like, if there was a message behind it,” you elaborate. You need to be careful, with the stitches and with this line of thought. “More than just killing All Might, because lots of villains want to do that. If there was a message, it didn’t get out. The police and UA haven’t shared much information – not even how the breach happened in the first place.”
Tenko scoffs. “They don’t have a clue. They won’t see it coming the next time we hit them, either.”
He’s planning something else. Your blood runs cold, and for a moment you’re torn about whether or not to ask. Tenko makes the decision for you. “What else do they say about the League?”
“Not very much, otherwise,” you say, and Tenko swears. “There are a lot of villains, just like there are a lot of heroes. People talk about the ones they see the most of.”
“Which heroes do you talk about?”
“I don’t really talk about heroes.” You tie off a stitch, trim the thread to the appropriate length, and take another. “One of my friends has this nasty crush on Endeavor, so we talk about him sometimes, but otherwise – no.”
“Your friend has a crush on Endeavor,” Tenko repeats.
“Like I said. Nasty.”
You’re conscious of Tenko staring at you, and you will your face not to heat up under his gaze. You don’t even know why he’s staring, and you’ve got stitches to do, so it doesn’t matter. Your phone buzzes in your pocket – probably Sugimura, probably confirming your date. A date you’re not sure you want to go on anymore. Did you ever really want to go on it? Or did you just say yes because –
“You look weird.”
You look up from the stitches, startled. “Huh?”
“You look weird,” Tenko repeats. “Your clothes are different and you’ve got stuff on your face.”
Tenko and Mitsuko feel the same about your makeup skills, apparently. “Sorry.”
“Why do you look like that?” Tenko presses. You tie off his next stitch. “Are you going on a date or something?”
You answer without thinking about whether it’s the smart thing to do. “Yes.”
It’s quiet for a long stretch of seconds. “Go on your date, then,” Tenko says. His voice is flat. “I don’t need you.”
It stings. You don’t want it to, but it does, and you look down at the cut on his shoulder so he won’t see it on your face. “You still need a few more stitches. At least let me finish them.”
“No. Get out.” Tenko jerks out of your grip. You barely have enough time to cut the hanging thread on your last stitch. “I don’t want you here. Kurogiri –”
“Shigaraki Tomura, I’m not sure that’s wise.”
“I didn’t ask you!” Tenko swats at you open-handed and you leap backwards. “Get out! I don’t –”
You don’t hear the end of that sentence. Kurogiri warps you away too fast, and possibly saves your life. He drops you back in the alley behind the clinic, holding half a suture kit and still wearing bloodstained gloves. You peel them off and dump them into the garbage, furious with yourself. You shouldn’t have said that. You shouldn’t have talked about your life at all, and above all else, you should have remembered that you were talking to a villain, not your best friend – that whatever’s left of your best friend isn’t enough. He’s angry with you, and he’s been having you followed. Just how angry is he? Angry enough to hurt you? Or angry enough to never talk to you again?
You’re sickened and more than a little scared to realize that you’re more frightened of the latter possibility than the former. It’s entirely possible that you’ve never been in less of a mood to go on a date.
But you do go on the date, because you said you would, and it’s – fine. There’s nothing to complain about, but there’s nothing to be excited about, either. You and Sugimura hug to say goodbye, and you promise to text each other about setting up another one, and then you walk home. Mitsuko texts you, wanting details, or DETAILS, but you’ve got nothing to share. It was just a date, and no matter how many times you try to tell yourself otherwise, you’re angry about it.
Not because of Sugimura asking you out, not because you agreed, not because you went. Because you told Tenko and gave him a reason to get rid of you. Why does this keep happening? Why do you keep finding him and losing him, over and over again? What is it going to take for you to hold on?
“So how was the date?”
The voice emanates from the alleyway on your right and you nearly jump out of your skin. Tenko’s there, hand down from over his face, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He hasn’t changed his shirt. “I didn’t think heroes were your type.”
“They aren’t.”
“Then why were you on a date with one?”
“He asked.”
“And you just go with whoever asks?” Tenko looks half-incredulous, half-disgusted. You shake your head. “Forget it. Come with me.”
You shake your head again and take a step back – away from the alley, closer to the street. Tenko looks frustrated. “Come with me,” he repeats.
“What, so you can kill me?” You take another step back, well into the glow of a streetlight. You see shock flicker across Tenko’s face. “I don’t have a death wish.”
“Well, I don’t want to kill you,” Tenko fires back. He looks surprised at himself for saying it, but only for a moment – then he repeats himself, with more conviction. “I don’t want to kill you. You’re supposed to be my sidekick.”
Your jaw drops. “You remember?”
“I don’t remember everything.” Tenko takes the hand called Father out of the back pocket of his pants and studies it for a moment. Then he puts it away. “I remember that.”
Some kids played a different game every day. You and Tenko always played the same one, with a rotating cast of classmates at your side. All the heroes in the world were working together to fight one big villain, the worst villain the world had ever seen, and Tenko could never decide which hero he liked best, so he played a different one every day. But no matter which hero he played, no matter who else was playing with the two of you, you were always his sidekick. You reminded him every day that you didn’t have a quirk, and he always said the same thing in response, no matter which hero he was pretending to be that day, even though he didn’t have a quirk, either: You don’t need a quirk to be on my side. My quirk’s enough for both of us.
“Come on,” Tenko says again. He holds out his hand, three fingers and his thumb folded down, his pinky finger extended towards you. “Are you coming or what?”
You’ve never seen the world in black and white, but some things are unmistakable: There’s a line here, not visible to others but clear as day to you. On one side of it is Tenko and the darkness that’s swallowed him, the evil that surrounds him, the terrible things he’s done and is planning to do. On the other side is everything else – your dreams, your friends, your family that’s always loved you but used you anyway, a world that’s punished you time and time again for being born without a quirk, the knowledge that the world is so much crueler to so many others. You don’t think Tenko’s planning to kidnap you, to never let you leave. You’ll come back here, physically. You’ll go home and go to sleep and wake up early on your day off to take Yoshimi to her appointment at the main clinic, but you know instinctively that if you cross this line within yourself, there’s no coming back. Tenko was your best friend when you were five years old. Is he worth it?
You hate yourself for asking the question. You leave the light behind and link your finger with Tenko’s. “Where are we going?”
The black mist rises and wells up around you both. “You’ll see,” Tenko says, and for the first time since you found him again, he smiles.
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ohmycale · 20 days
I guess I am alive again...
I have not been in the fandom for quite some time due to life and many things happening in real life. Somebody in real life asked to read and comment on a post defending Deruth. It's a good read and I agree on most of it. Which even surprising that I'm writing this. I hope I would not offend anyone if I would just highlight some of the things I read that make me think. A bit of a long post incoming
I agree that he's an okay parent...for any other child and any other time except during Jour's death. But since ogCale was a neglected child by most adults around him (during and after this time), especially his parents, I would beg to differ. And here I am thinking that parents try their best even at their worst times. Tbh, the post feels like an excuse Deruth's neglect like many posts that I have read. Just another one who handwave neglect and worse, treat it as something so trivial. Neglect is treated as something so minor that should be waived by time or force. Assuming that we're not holding Deruth on a pedestal, why is an apology for his failings such a bad thing to do, fathom or even ask for?
Father and child were both grieving but it seems that it was only Deruth's grief that mattered. Nobody gave a shit for the child who had his life upside down from losing his mother, ignored by his father, and got a new family that he was (for intents and purposes at that time) didn't even ask for. Because Deruth moved on, everyone, especially Cale, has to. Because of a new family, og!cale never said anything coz he'd probably be answered by 'Don't you want your father (Deruth) to be happy?' (classic line for stepkids) If that's the feedback, why bother opening up and saying something? Og!Cale will be the bad guy for expressing such thoughts and feelings. In real life blended families, it's the parents who facilitate everything including communication. It's the adults who should be guiding the children and have control of the situation. Also, let's not forget that it was Deruth who distanced himself from og!Cale first and never bothered to patch their relationship and issues even to the point that og!cale changed a lot aka Roksu appeared.
I understand that people are not at their best selves when grieving. I was the same. But I am not an adult nor a parent. I didn't have a child that I had to care for or be responsible for. It might have been hard, but it would not sit on my conscience to burden a kid with my messy emotions or pull away. Because pulling away from a person who thought they were loved by you leads them to think that they are at fault. At the very least, og!cale deserved a conversation about his mother's passing and his father's actions at that time.
I don't care about the worst father list. As mentioned before, Deruth only gets the benefit of the doubt already because he is kind and trying. Trying but didn’t succeed. For me, his trying is not for readers to judge, His effort should only matter to og!cale and whether it is enough to absolve Deruth for his failings.
I agree that both Deruth and og!cale are bad at communicating. Deruth did set the precedent of not communicating and pulling away.
The first few chapters show that he cares for his son in his way. Yeah, but he's not reaching his son, does he? They barely had a functioning relationship and we're supposed to congratulate him? As a reader, we get it that he cares for his son. But if we ask Deruth, should he be happier that he’s winning over strangers rather than the person he's trying to care for? And if Deruth is on speaking terms with og!Cale to his son, it’s not gonna be that hard to bring out a topic or issues.
Not touching the Violan bit because she is his stepmother (and stepfamilies are so complex and hard) and to be honest, a better adult than her husband,
8. You can also argue that Deruth didn't try hard enough. He does try. He's not just good efficient as exemplified by the post. He doesn't speak about the things that matter to them both but does the indirect and inefficient ways. He shouldn't be surprised if keeps trying bad ways to reconcile and act surprised when it fails.
9. So for parents to try harder doesn't usually end up with a heart-to-heart talk unless the other wants to talk. It's a risk that a parent has to take - either grab them by the horns or be miserable trying to communicate via the mind. And suffer the odds for the risk.
Re Basen and Lily. I am ambivalent about them. It’s not because they were kids or they did something bad to og!cale. For some people, especially the people who were left by their parents to have a do-over family, they are a symbol. I mean, sans og!Cale, Deruth is winning. He has a new family – a wife that shares his burden, a (spare) son for the county, a daughter that he might have wished for. There are real fathers and mothers who abandon their original families/children because THEY CAN. Is it projecting? Absolutely effing lutely. Is it reasonable enough to expect? Yes. Because Deruth is a flawed human being who already showed that he CAN abandon og!Cale if he so wished. And nobody can stop or even disapprove of him because of his status and position. It is good that Deruth in the story defies this but he’s still doing the BARE MINIMUM.
Overall, whether Deruth is a bad father will be a recurring conversation topic for the fandom. There are many viewpoints but I always always side with the views most relevant and applicable to og!Cale even it might be biased. If og!Cale is here with us, I am sure he will be more than happy to tell us what he thinks.
But we don’t. Any opinion, even the scathing and unpopular ones, deserves merit. It’s good that fandom is not a monolith especially in this because this topic and og!cale’s experiences are so relatable.
Here’s a summary of my stand
Being a good parent to Basen and Lily doesn’t mean he was a good father to og!Cale even if og!Cale does love him
Og!Cale doesn’t need to forgive or forget what Deruth did in the worst time of their lives because he loves him
Deruth is afraid, I get that. But if he remains afraid, his hope for reconciliation isn’t gonna pan out as he hopes to.
Deruth needs to accept that there is a chance it is too late.
Deruth needs to accept consequences for the negative things he gave to og!cale, unintentional or not. Even if og!Cale understands why he did what he did.
Did I just log into my dormant account to post this? Yes.
Is this longer than I intended? Also, yes.
Are my fanfic bunnies dead yet? Maybe.
Hope somebody enjoys this one.
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toffeechad · 6 months
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Do you want to proceed? (Click the read more block if yes, don't click the read more block if no.)
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This AU has some parts of LobCorp & BFDI jumbled up together. The Agents get to take part in challenges. If their teams fail, one of the losing team's members get sacrificed to the Unnamed Fetus. You may be wondering, what would the abnormalities look like? Good question. For the abnormalities that have human-like bodies such as The Queen Of Hatred & Laetitia, they'd probably be based off the object that'll fit their design. For the abnormalities related to other categories such as Punishing Bird or CENSORED, they'll remain with the same design.
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Specifically by pattern, not only the line patterns on the robot are the same as the other, but also the colors are the same as the main color of that character's asset as well.
The sacrifice order of the AU is related to the BFB (presplit & postsplit) elimination order along with the TPOT elimination order.
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These drawings were done way before tpot 9 truly came out, don't expect me to update their designs however!
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Loser: He was once a celebrity who was adored by his fans a lot, especially for Cake. He tried his best to aim for the perfect results and never gave up... but what he was trying his best to aim for became a personal obsession of his... it led him to a trap.
Black Hole: He's very strict when it comes to analyzing Abnormalities in the facility. But whenever he sees an employee from another team or his team die by being sacrificed, he gets extremely anxious. He has Thanatophobia.
Book: She's a dictionary trying her best to help out everyone with their problems so that she'd be appreciated. She has a habit of questioning her own sanity. Ever since Taco has been sacrificed, she's willing to befriend Bomby and Nickel during her breaktime in the facility.
Golf Ball: She's a scientist and mechanic who was formerly a responsible leader... but after suppressing the first 38 sacrificed victims together with the other employees, she tried apologizing to Puffball and Fries (with lowered cogito filters)... Yet she wasn't forgiven yet. They just stared at her angrily as if they're both in the brink of mutiny. Therefore, she then feels helpless whenever a trusted teammate of her dies.
Pencil & Match: Pencil's immature, whereas Match is positive at first. Both of them seem to only trust anyone that's affiliated with their alliance or their team.
Leafy: She was once a happy-go-lucky team member... until she was sacrificed. She just wanted to suppress abnormalities for the sake of helping out the facility. Although.... she's taking her duty too far.
Coiny: He's Pin's really sleep-deprived and mature best friend. While drinking his coffee, he mostly pretends to care for the other employees. While he was in his meltdown state, he struggles to control his own mind as if he had a mental breakdown.
Basketball: She's been through numerous agonizing moments ranging from 8-Ball's sacrifice to Robot Flower's memory loss. Someday, she'll find a way to get her back.... She deeply cares for Grassy's safety as well. She's in charge of handling physical materials for the facility. After the aforementioned events, she yearned for Bell to die soon as she'd enjoy seeing her suffer.
Clock: He's calm and collected. He doesn't really think there's a point to bond with Winner anymore. He's now in charge of recording everything that happens in the facility, especially for sacrifices. He has knowledge about time and cycles.
i suck at writing anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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desideriumwriter · 3 days
Anyone But You | Chapter 8
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Chapter Summary - Reader makes friends, witnesses the twins failed attempt of putting their names in the goblet, and ends up in a pantry with Fred.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers
Word Count - 2.0k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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The days had been going by quickly into your sixth year. The cold fall weather had snuck in and things were going smoother than you expected. 
You’d become good friends with Katie and Angelina (though you wanted to gag whenever she started talking about the twins,), Cedric wasn’t constantly ditching you to chase after Cho, and that bloody cast on your arm was finally gone.
Yesterday the other schools had arrived before the Welcoming Feast. All the boys had their eyes locked on the blue uniformed Beauxbatons girls, while the girls swooned over the Durmstrang boys.
It was Halloween on a Saturday, you would’ve been sleeping in late, but you and Katie promised to go with Angelina to put her name in the Goblet. 
There were already a good amount of people wandering around the Great Hall by the time you got down there, some eating breakfast and some chatting. Katie and you stood back as Angelina dropped her name in, giving her little cheers and applauds as she grinned.
Afterwards, you all went up to the end of the table where most were sitting. Katie asked if anyone had put their names in yet.
“Apparently most of the Durmstrang boys, I’ve only seen one person from here do it, and it was some bloke from Slytherin.” Dean told the table, getting reactions of disgust.
“Well, Angelina just put her name in!” You added in. Everyone turned to look at the chaser.
“Really?” Ron said, an impressed look on his face. 
“Mhm!” Angelina gave a nervous smile, “I just turned seventeen last week.” The group cheered and swiveled in their seats.
"I'm so glad someone from Gryffindor's entering," Hermione looked up, "I really hope you get it, Angelina!" She gave a genuine smile.
Laughter emerged from the entrance of the hall. You turned to see the twins running in, each of them holding up a small potion.
“We’ve done it!” George exclaimed.
“Cooked it up just now!” Fred added on.
“A aging potion!-“
“Just to get us a few months older!”
They high fived students in the crowd that was beginning to assemble around them. Cheering and praising the ginger boys.
They hopped up onto a wooden bench together, shaking up their potions and linked arms.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George!” 
“Bottoms up!” They said in unison, popping the corks off the small glass tubes and knocking the liquid back into their mouths.
The room was silent as the boys jumped over the line. You were shocked that it actually worked, so was Hermione, and everyone else in the room. There was a few seconds of complete silence before applause started.
It was silent again as everyone watched them take their pieces of parchment out, carefully dropping them into the blue flames. The room began to cheer and applaud, the twins high fived each other, letting out yells of triumph until it was turned to yells of fear once they were suddenly catapulted away from the Goblet.
They both flew right over the crowd surrounding them and landed ten feet away onto the stone floor. They groaned in pain as they sat up. 
Long white hair and beards sprouted from their faces, they both touched their heads and looked at each other in shock.
“You said!” Fred began.
“You said!” George pointed at his brother, then tackled him, knocking him back down to the ground.
“Yeah, you want a piece of me?” George shouted as they began to roll around wrestling on the floor.
This immediately got another crowd around them, kids began to laugh and chant for them to fight.
“Get off! Or I’ll tear your ears off!” Fred grunted.
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at their childishness and continuous insults being thrown at each other. Eventually, you joined in on the chanting encouraging them to continue on fighting.
“Dragons?” You retorted a bit too loudly. Cedric's eyes went wide like yours, shushing you.
The both of you weren’t supposed to be outside your common rooms. It was nearing midnight and you would’ve never come out this late, but Cedric had sent you an owl, his message looked frantically scribbled down.
Now you stood with him in the kitchen corridors, right outside the Hufflepuff common room entrance.
“Yeah. They’ve got one for each person.”
“What? I don’t- How do you know? They said they wouldn’t tell what the first task was?” You stammered.
“Harry told me, he saw them. The task is to get past them somehow. That’s all I know.” Cedric sighed, running a hair through his hair.
“Cedric, the first task is tomorrow evening!” He shushed you again when your voice echoed throughout the empty corridor. You muttered a small apology and then rubbed your face with your hands.
“Can’t you back out?” They can’t force you to go through with this, right?” You already knew the answer, there was no turning back once your name was chosen, but you didn’t like the idea of your bestfriend going head to head with a dragon.
“What?” He breathed out, “I’m not going to quit! Do you realize how’d that make me look when half of the school is rooting for me?”
“It’d save your life!” You remarked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’d look like a coward!” He gawked out. “Listen, I’m sure there will be…precautions so no serious harm is done.” He regained his composure and sighed once again. “Surely they’ll let us use magic, they didn’t weigh our wands for nothing.
“Yeah, but I really don’t like this…” You muttered, staring at your slippers. “It’s dangerous and..what if something goes wrong?” You said hastily, Cedric put a hand on your shoulder, getting you to bring your eyes back to his.
“I’ll be fine, now you go get back to your dorm before Filch comes around.” He let out a breathy laugh, patting you on the shoulder. “Get some sleep, alright?”
“You too, big day tomorrow.” You smiled, both turning to get back to your dorms.
You were quiet as you snuck through the kitchen corridor, casting lumos and using your wand as a dim flashlight. You continued to replay the conversation in your head, you didn’t understand how Cedric could be so calm about it.
“Dragons..” You mumbled to yourself, shuddering at the thought of being face to face with one.
“Sounds like nasty business.” A muffled voice came from the side of you, you pointed your wand to see him sitting on one of the tables, a small plate of scones sat next to him, a half eaten one in his hand.
You let out more of a sigh than a breath of relief at the sight of him. Why is he everywhere?
“The beard’s gone.” You mindlessly stated, looking at his bare face. This is the first time you’ve seen him since he got sent to the hospital wing for a little while after his potion backfired.
“Yep, I've been shaved clean.” Fred said as he took a bite of the scone, “Decided to get myself a celebratory midnight snack.” He raised it up in the air proudly. “Take one for yourself!” He said, picking one off the plate and tossing it to you. Instead of being able to catch it, the pastry hit a very messy and unsteady stack of metal bowls on the counter behind you, causing them to come crashing down.
This just caused a domino effect of bowls falling all over the counter and onto the floor, knocking some plates down as well and causing them to shatter on the floor. The array of loud noises made your eyes flutter with each bang and boom.
Once the 10 second lasting chaos was over, you covered your mouth with both of your hands in shock, turning to Fred with wide eyes. His jaw had dropped too, but you could see the way the ends of his mouth began to curve upwards, this only boiled your blood. 
You were going to tell him off for being the most childish, reckless, dumbass boy you’ve ever-
“Who’s there?” The raspy voice of Filch called out from further down, your head whipped to the direction you could hear the quick patter of footsteps coming towards you.
Soon enough Fred’s hands were grabbing onto your arms, pulling you into a pantry, saying a quick spell that restacked all the bowls and fixed the broken plates, then shut the door. 
The pantry was incredibly small. Fred and you stood facing towards each other, you could still see very faintly his face in dark space, your chests were nearly touching as the both of you breathed heavily. It felt strange, it wasn’t a bad strange. It was just…strange.
“Your cast's gone.” He whispered, his hand was still holding yours. You weren’t holding his, nor were you paying attention to what he was saying, too focused on the thought of getting caught by Filch.
His hold on your hand was loose, it was gentle. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the back of your hand, he did it so smoothly, so sweetly, it felt almost soothing. But, you’d never admit that.
“You’ve got really soft skin.” He thought out loud, it took you a second to actually realize what he just said.
“What?” You stared at him, a door slammed open in the kitchen before Fred could say anything, he just put a finger over his lips, signaling you to shush.
You both waited and watched as a small slit of warm light passed through the doors cracks. Filch muttered something about ghosts then left, listening as the old lantern he always carried swung as he walked off.
You let out a breath of relief once any sign of him was gone. 
“I’m always saving you from some trouble.” Fred broke the silence, you hated how you could still see that cocky grin on his face. 
“You’re always getting me in it.” You seethed, ripping your hand out of his grasp and pushing out the door. Fred followed.
“How is it my fault? I’m not the reason you’re down here in the first place.”
True. But if he was able to not be the loudest and cause messes everywhere he went maybe you would’ve never been nearly caught.
“What’d you come down here for anyways?” Fred questioned as he leaned against the wooden table he was originally on. You were a bit hesitant to answer, hoping you wouldn’t make anything look suspicious between Cedric and you.
“Cedric needed to talk to me.” You shrugged, not missing how Fred's face twisted at Cedric being mentioned. You narrowed your eyes at his reaction.
“Oh come on, he’s not all that bad. You’re just still sour about losing to him in last year's match.” You let out an amused laugh, you were just teasing him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. But when Fred scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, it seemed as if he was still hung up on that.
Was he really?
“You’re not…” You began to grin in disbelief, “You’re still mad about that?” Fred tried to mutter out a ‘no’ in response but you just chuckled at it.
“He offered a rematch! Practically begged for one! You know that!” You gawked at him, you knew Fred wasn’t actually upset at Cedric, he was upset that Gryffindor lost cause Cedric grabbed the snitch that time.
“Yeah I know…whatever, what’s little loverboy Cedric got you down here at this time of night for?” You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“None of your business.” You copied his pose, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Was he telling you about the dragons?” He smirked, your face dropped, now looking at him in shock.
“How did you…” You trailed off, he did hear you mumbling originally, maybe he just connected the dots. Maybe he was listening in on your conversation with Cedric. Maybe-
“You’re not very good at whispering.” He said with a blank face. You closed your eyes and let out a heavy breath, drowning in embarrassment.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve known for weeks.” Your eyes shot open, you looked straight at him. Fred already knew what you were about to ask, your baffled expression already said enough.
“You think they can bring giant fire breathing creatures here and expect George and me not to find out? Especially when they had my older brother bring them here?”
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tell me what you thought! or ask tba to the taglist for this series! <3
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240
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bluegalaxygirl · 9 months
Am i crazy? (Zosan X reader) P3
Plot: Reader hasn't been sleeping or eating, they wont let anyone touch then and keeps having accidents. Everyone if worried or thinks they've gone crazy but the reality is so much worse.
Warning: Domestic abuse (Not by the hands of Zoro or Sanji), Bad language, violence, self harm, blood, mental damage, forced kissing and manipulation.
Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
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A few days went by and you were getting worse, the cloths that once fit you nicely hanged lose on your body, your skin was pale, lips slightly blue and your hair was getting thin form it falling out. You spent most of your time locked in your room sitting in the chair in the corner, you slept there most times as well even when Sanji and Zoro asked you to come to bed. Some times the door was locked and no matter how many times they called your name you wouldn't open it. You had the only key to the door now the others going missing. You no longer joined them for food, you ate after everyone but no matter how much you ate you were always skinny and weak. Zoro tried talking to you but you never answered him, you had a strange aura around you all the time and it made him sick. He didn't know what it was but put it down to you being depressed. Sanji tried making your favorite foods and sitting outside your shared bedroom talking to you through the door. You never answered, but he would hear movement inside and sometimes the door would be kicked.
Chopper was stressed out all the time trying to help you, he even got in contact with Law for help and as much as the reindeer didn't want to believe it, Law said some things that made sense, so he had to try it out, he had made you take sleeping pills in front of him but you never slept, so he did something he never thought he would do. He asked Sanji to make you some tea and then slipped a sleeping pill into the liquid, he watched you drink it and half an hour later you were asleep. It confirmed what Law had been telling him and it made him sad to the point where he went crying to Robin who was in the kitchen drinking tea. He felt like he failed as a doctor no matter how much Robin told him he was amazing. He finally calmed down when Sanji made him some tea and sat down with him, Zoro joined them later and the doctor couldn't help but cry into the mans chest apologizing over and over again. "Hay calm down... what are you sorry for?" Zoro sits down holding Chopper close as he finally starts to calm down again "I did something i shouldn't have, it's against everything i stand for but, i'm so tired and Law was right" Robin leans over the table and rubs the reindeer's back "It's ok just tell us, and we can fix it" her voice is soothing and calm as she talks making the doctor look back at Robin and Sanji.
"W-when you made the tea.. i put a sleeping pill in it and gave it to Y/N" he stutters a little through shaky breath "I asked them to take pills in front of me, but they never fell asleep.. Law said that-that they might be throwing it up so i had to see if he was right" Chopper sniffles rubbing his nose "And he was... their asleep which m-means he's r-right and if their doing it with the pills t-then" he stops himself and goes back to hugging Zoro who's teeth are clenched as he holds the doctor close. Sanji places his head in his hands realizing that even though you've been eating your most likely throwing it back up later, it angers him not because of the waist of food but because your starving yourself, it's no longer that you can't eat it's that you won't. "Do you think their trying to kill themselves?" Robin asks, it's a tough question to ask, but she knows it needs to be said. Zoro looks at her with a wide eye, he never thought you could do something like that, Sanji can't help but bit his tongue, he wants to yell at robin for asking, but he knows deep down she's in the right to ask. Chopper lifts his head form Zoro's chest and shrugs "I don't know... i have asked them about it, but they never answer"
Nami's heart broke at the conversation she was hearing, she had just finished her map and went to get a cup of tea when she heard them talking, she couldn't move from behind the door or get up the courage to walk into the kitchen. The hand on the door nob slipped off and down to her side, her eyes fixed on the wooden door in front of her. She had been avoiding you since she yelled at you but she didn't think you would consider hurting yourself. Her heart hurt for you, you were always so lively and kind but now you just look dead inside. She clenched her hands by her side and walked off to her room, she needed to get to the bottom of this no matter what. She wasn't about to let her friend suffer anymore.
Your back hurt like crazy, after drinking that tea you fell asleep and your ex woke you up every time you dozed off, he got angrier and angrier with you, his fingers digging into you back harder and harder each time. You were on the deck at the time trying to get some fresh air form the now stuffy bedroom, but he made you go back, you curled up in the chair near the door trying to stay awake. He hit you every time you fell asleep but you couldn't help it, you were just so tired. He used up most of his energy dealing with you his devil fruit powers needed time to recharge or something, so he left you locking the door to your bedroom behind you and going off somewhere secret to rest. You asked him why once, why didn't he just sleep in the bedroom, but he said he didn't trust you, you could try and kill him in his sleep. It was strange that he feared you a little but you were glad to have some alone time, away form his torture. Whatever was in that tea had warn off by now, you were tired but you knew that if he found you asleep again you'd be in a lot of trouble so you just sat there staring at the wall across form you.
The door handle moved a bit and a clicking sound made you look over at the door, when it opened you didn't expect to see anyone but your invisible ex. Your eyes widen when Nami walks in closing the door behind her, lock pick tools in hand and walking over to you. She seemed upset but you ignored it getting out of your chair and grabbing her arms, the sudden contact made the woman step back a little unsure of what you were doing "You need to go, you can't be here" you panicked, the door was open and there was no way of locking it now, he could be coming back any minute, and he'll surly kill your best friend if he sees her in here. You tried pushing her towards the door, but she was much stronger than you easily managing to stay put. "What? no i'm here to talk. Stop pushing me" Nami looks at you confused, she can see the fear in your face. "No you need to go" you whisper trying not to make too much noise. "Im not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on" she whispers back trying to get you to talk "Nami please... your making a big mistake, you need to" you stop yourself listening out for a moment before you start shaking "he's coming you need to hide" you whisper as she looks at you confused, it's too late for her to walk out, he'll see her so you gather all your strength and shoving her into the nearby wardrobe.
Nami goes to speak but you place your hand over her mouth "Please... just say quiet, i don't want him to hurt you" you whisper taking the lock pick tools form her hand and closing the wardrobe door before sitting back in your seat as the door opens. Nami decided to stay quiet as she hears the door open and slam shut, leaning over slightly she manages to see through the crack in the middle of the two doors, there's no one there but suddenly your thrown out of the chair and into the end of the bed hitting your back against it. You pant and cover your head the lock pick tools falling out your hands as you hit the bed frame. "Why was the door unlocked" your ex yells still invisible and picking up the lock picks from the floor "Where the hell did you get these from?" a hand grabs your hair and lifts your head up off the floor forcing you to sit up. "Im sorry... i just needed some fresh air" you lied, your fear covering up any hint that you weren't telling the truth. "Where did you get them from?" he yells into your face, you can feel his spit hit your cheek as he does "The side draw" you pant keeping your arms close to your chest. He groans and turns off his devil fruit powers showing himself before you, his face is red with anger and for a second you though maybe he was going to kill you.
He slams your head into the floor as your grab his hands trying to stop him. "Iv been so good to you. i let you sleep, i let you eat and this is how you repay me?" he growls letting go of your hair and standing up kicking you in the stomach as hard as he can. "Did you talk to anyone?" he asks watching you shake your head with tears in your eyes as you curl up into a ball trying to protect yourself. "This is taking too long and your getting on my nerves" he grits his teeth looking around the room before looking down at you "I think its time we up the anti. they won't let you go so were gonna make them let you go." he leans back down to you and pulls your face up to look at him, your tear stained face makes his smile, you want him dead so badly at this point but your not strong enough, he made you weak so you couldn't fight back. "Im going to be nice and give you a choice. You either kill someone on the crew .. let's say that doctor fellow.. or you" he sighs pulling out a pocket knife from behind him and opening it waving it in front of your face "You hurt yourself bad enough to where they have to let you go" he smiles knowing what your going to choose.
Your quick to answer even with a shaky voice "Me.. I'll do it" you go to take the knife only for him to pull it away from you "Smart birdy but... you won't do a good enough job" He stands up grabbing your bruised ankle and dragging you away from the bed, you struggle a little scared that he is going to kill you as he stabs the knife into your calf. You scream out in pain yelling at him to stop when Nami jumps out of the wardrobe staff in hand and hit your ex away from you as hard as she can. "Y/N" she yells helping you up as your ex recovers form being hit into the wall. Opening the door she drops your onto the floor, grabs the lock picks he dropped and slams the door closed using the lock picks to lock the door as he runs at it yelling at the two of you. "Nami?" you ask shaking from the pain in your leg as tears fall down your face, the knife still stuck in your leg. Nami shoves the lock picks into the key hole before kicking them getting them lodged so that he can't unlock the door with his key. "I'm sorry. i'm so sorry" Nami cry's leaning down next to you and bringing you in for a hug. "I should have acted sooner i'm so sorry" she cry's into your shoulder as you hold her back. The door is kicked and punched by your ex as he screams names at you and Nami.
Hearing all the noise from the kitchen Robin, Chopper, Sanji and Zoro run out heading to the sound of the noise only to see you bleeding on the ground with Nami holding you. "Y/n" Chopper yells running over to check on you seeing the knife in your leg and the cut on your forehead before hearing a male yell form inside your room. "What the hell?" Zoro runs over with Sanji and Robin looking at the door then to you "Don't open it" Nami yells at them trying to help you stand up but your too much of a mess to move. So much is going through your mind, you could hardly speak as you cried and clung onto Nami for deal life. "Your safe now... he can't hurt you" Nami whispers as Zoro bends down next to you carefully putting a hand on your back, you don't flinch this time, it doesn't hurt when he touches you so you lean closer, your head on his chest as he picks you up one arm around your back and the other under your legs while trying to be careful of the knife. "I'll keep an eye on the door" Robin smiles leaning against the wall nodding at them to leave.
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ofdarkestdesires · 11 months
Alright! So, now that we have the full line-up of the Level 10 Bell’s Hells artwork, I think it’s about time I sat down and gave my personal opinions that nobody asked for about everyone’s styles.
Chetney Pock'o'pea
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While I appreciate the more active pose and visible armor as opposed to his more unassuming original design, I am very off-put that he completely abandoned his original color scheme and all shreds of his original aesthetic. I also think the tracksuit is a bit much—listen, I’m a fan of toeing the line of what fashion belongs in a fantasy setting, but I’m pretty sure this fully vaulted over the it and did a full backflip and three-point landing into ridiculous. 3/10
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And unfortunately, the same must be said for his Lycan form. This artwork feels like a serious downgrade from the original Chetwolf, which honestly filled me with a shock of horror each time he popped up. The only reason it is higher than base-Chet is that Chetwolf is still a werewolf, and werewolves are badass. 4/10
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Laudna, on the otherhand, is a total glow-up from her original design. Everything about her design ties together and brings in perfectly her aesthetic and backstory, from the haunting tree embroidery on her dress (akin to the Sun Tree she was hung from) to the little Pate birdhouse backpack (an homage to the Baba Yaga forest witch imagery she picked up), all the while looking so much like the elegant and imposing Delilah Briarwood. Easy 10/10 for me.
Fresh Cut Grass (F.C.G.)
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F.C.G.'s new art...isn't bad, but I'm not as wowed by it as some others on this list. Something has clearly changed here in the choice to include his new blue jacket, and I approve! I'm also a fan of the wires having more definition and appearing more purposefully stylized, as if he's taking better care of himself...but the pose and the style just feel a bit lacking to me. 5/10
Fearne Calloway
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Honestly, my only gripe with this outfit is the upper-half of her bustier. It feels very cluttered and like there is a lot of fine detail that just ends up being all meshed together. That would be my other only other gripe, too—there's a lot of small, fine details here that makes her feel cluttered. Which, honestly, fits her as the sneaky little hoarder that she is! But yeah, I would've done something else, something cleaner, with the upper half of her bodice. Also, while I know she is a Druid, I don't think she needs the plant growth on her legs... 8/10
Imogen Temult
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I would just like to point out that this outfit was unveiled to us as Imogen's choice for winter-wear while traveling through the Crystal Sands Tundra. Is it sexy? Definitely. Is it my personal taste? Mm, not really, but I can see the appeal. Am I upset that even after the semi-canonization of her needing glasses, this bitch is still not a sexy glasses-wearing nerd? Absolutely—but the biggest sin this outfit does is fail to be climate-accurate. -1/10 for improper environment protection, and 7/10 for the outfit itself.
Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest
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I am incredibly torn here. Because, when it comes down to the armor itself, this is a clear winner. Orym's new uniform is a perfect upgrade from his original more humble and simple apparel, becoming much more about function and protection, while still retaining his svelte and limber appearance. The noted upgrade to Seedling is also nice, though I wish it was a bit more pronounced. What pulls me back from really loving this design, though, is his proportions—I feel like his head is way too big, or his limbs are way too skinny. Over all, I have to give this an 8/10.
Ashton Greymoore
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Remember at the start how I said I'm all for toeing the line of what fashion belongs in fantasy settings? Yeah, this fucks! From the first episode, we knew that Ashton was a punk, and this just picks that up and runs with it in such a cool, fun way. I legitimately want this entire outfit—fuck cosplay, I'd just wear this irl! It leans enough on his old design to be recognizable, but pops out as truly his own. And the hammer looks wild—I can't wait to see that thing really pop off like crazy in the next fight. Definitely a 10/10 from me!
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Kill my mind- 141+Ale+Rudy
This is based on a request
Mutant! Reader au! Fem! Reader (very brief mentions)
A little backstory:
The CIA has been working with mutants for years now. The public isn't aware of any of you, only those with clearance know about this. Those who present signs of having super natural powers get sent to a special government camp. When you were 5 you accidentally killed the family pet with your electricity, (electrokinesis). At 8 when your mother chased you, you teleported to the kitchen. (teleportation)
At 10 your family was forced to give you up, you flew to the united states and since have been trained as a super soldier. Kate Laswell contacted you, she had heard about your abilities, and she wanted to recruit you to be a member of Task Force 141. This was perfect for you, you wanted to branch out of your own team, so you said yes.
Kate knew thats the team was more than excellent, but she knew this mission. Either they all came back or no one did. And since you were more than capable of protecting your identity, she knew you were exceptional for this.
Back as base, price was excited to work with you. You had worked for multiple agencies across the world. The Interpol being your latest. "reckon she'll be tough enough?" Gaz closed the laptop, and walked to Soap, "bet she is." he patted his back and off he went. This was the second mission 141 worked with Los Vaqueros. "I think she'll be perfect." Alejandro spoke up as his hands closed your file.
Over comms:
Kate: Don't reveal your identity M67, we are counting on you.
R/n: yes ma'am.
R/n: what if all else fails?
Kate: you get them out of there, and you fight alone.
Kate: you are 5 minutes away.
R/n: See you later ma'am.
Kate: Good luck M67.
You soon arrived. After greeting the team, Price gave you a debrief. "When Los Vaqueros attack this building thats when you and Gaz sneak in, you plant the bombs and get out of there." You nod and take notes "May I add something sir?" you look at him for approval. He nods. "If me and Gaz go in wouldn't they know about us? It will be a matter of seconds, I don't want things to go rouge, thats all."
"It won't, we've been working on this for a while." Ghost's voice breaks the silence when Price started to look around the map. "I'm not saying it isn't a good one, I'm just concerned our presence might trigger something,"
"It won't happen hermana." Alejandro reassures. "right, now let's get in the vehicles, we have a long night ahead." Price starts to make way to the car. "see you at lunch." Soap pats your shoulder, him and ghost get one car.
3 long hours of fighting and unfortunately, the plan had to go rouge. The team lost some soldiers, but to your luck the 141 and los vaqueros met up with Gaz and you. "Right, you all stay here. I have a one man job to do." you ordered. "No. it's too dumb if we let you go alone." Price stepping closer to you. Out of the corner of your eye you see the enemy, their gun pointed to ghost. He was about to press the trigger, "Get down!" you demanded, a save. But soon a bomb fell on Soaps feet, you grabbed it and teleported next to the enemy. "boo" you said and soon you were next to Price.
They all looked at you. "Please don't say a word about this. Laswell will kill me." you said. The enemy pointed their guns at you. Your eyes changed colors, now neon blue with hints of purple. "I'll be back."
You left the room, from afar the team watched as electricity lifted 4 men up in the air, soon their burnt bodies fell to the floor. And as the minutes passed the six men watched you, some terrified, others pissin themselves. "steamy Jesus!"
You regreted showing your abilities to them. God it was a stupid fucking idea. But Laswell did say you had to fight and keep her men safe. A poor enemy soldier ran out of bullets, and to defend himself from you he threw a brick at you. "please leave me alone!" he cried out loud. And with one bullet to his skull, you walked away. The enemy no longer around, just you in the centre. Purple and blue sparks leaving your body.
The six men backed up as you approached them. Ghost had his gun pointed at you. "What the fuck was that?!" a panicked Price slowly approached you. "lets just please go back to base."
These are their personal reactions and thoughts:
fuck was this man afraid. He had red comics as a kid, but never thought them to be true.
When you first teleported he swore someone must've drugged him.
His eyes were about to pop out of his sockets, and for an instant he almost prayed.
I'll be damned if im the only one seeing this
his right hand never left the trigger of his gun.
He did have to admit he was impressed, the way you dodge bullets, and ran across just electrifying people alive was a bit interesting.
he was internally screaming.
His hand let his gun and soon looked for the cross that hanged from his neck, he kissed it a few times, which got a few stares from ghost.
He wished he brought his phone with him, this would have been a cool emblem to have as a patch.
he tried to get near, but Gaz would just pull him back,
he did try to shot sometimes just to help you
pero que diablos, nadie nos creerá
he was far more excited
yes he was scared but man it was so cool to see what he called a "superhero"
whenever price would turn to look at his team he was met with Gas's face, he looked like this emoji : 😄
this is fucking incredible, imagine Spiderman comes out and helps her!
I know for a fact this man looked for pen and paper, he wanted to be the first to have your autograph.
the only reason why he pulled Alejandro back was so he could be the first one to run up to you
He was silent for a while, Ghost thought he was dead or something.
said 'steamy Jesus' EVERY GODDAM TIME you fried someone up.
my nan won't believe a word of this story, she'll think I've gone mental
He cheered you even though you couldn't hear him, he was yelling and making up chants. He was your number one cheerleader, some may say he was your only one.
tried to throw rock at places the bolts of your energy hit, after a while price slapped his hand away because he promise it wasn't going to be you that made him handless.
He asked a lot of questions. Too many it got the rest of the team shushing him up.
This man wanted to shoot you, only because he thought you were out to get him.
When he first saw how you teleported, he wanted to throw a rock at you just to see how'd you react. (picture that scene in spider man)
When you approached them he swore they all died in some freak incident and you were an angel
and here I thought angels weren't fucking real. Now I owe soap s'money
He just wanted to get back to base and drink his thoughts away.
He eventually grew tired of everyones bullshit questions and more annoyed a Gaz's childish questions.
He already thought you were attractive but when he saw you in action, I swear he almost let his saliva come out.
He had never found any of the female soldiers attractive, but when he saw how you single handedly killed all those men, he was ready to worship the ground you walked on.
he looked like this once you walked up to him, just wanting to make sure he was fine:(i was looking for a picture so enjoy this edit instead.)
Tan hermosa
he tried to get close to you, but the others pushed him out of the way,
And months after the events, the team decided to pretend they never saw anything. It was a promise they all swore to never say. You thanked them all. Of course Laswell wanted all details and you gave her most of them, you told her that a bomb knocked the team out, giving you an opportunity to clean the area out. As per you and Rudy, everything is going great. He has invited you on small dates.
Please imagine r/n and Rudy making out at some club, with red lights surrounding them and he is dumbfounded by you. Still obsessed with how much of a badass you are.
Kill my mind by Louis Tomlinson plays as you two make out in the crowd.
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
A/n: I hope this one made some sense. My brain isn't functioning too well rn. haha.
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Am I the Asshole for telling on my sister for not logging her full hours at work?
For a bit of context I, 17, and my sister, 14, have a bit of a rocky relationship. Our childhood was a bit rough and we coped with it in different but equally bad ways. One thing that we both used to be really bad about was yelling and saying not so nice things to each other, though I can't remember the full extent of this on my end because I was really heavily dissociated at that time, but I know hers a bit more, because unlike me, she has never stopped. Its gotten better, but not much. It is still bad enough that I will walk out of rooms of she is in them and I am irritated at something else because it will end badly. I am a lot better about it, though I still get passive aggressive at times, and am still working on the finer aspects of not accidentally saying mean/dismissive things.
One thing we have been clashing with recently is her job at a local farm. Its under the table even though she is of working age where we live, and she gets paid 8$ which is below minimum wage where we are. She has also been expected to work a couple of times past 10pm alone and in general, her jobs just has a lot of red flags which I have pointed out. It is a frequent topic when I pick her up and she always without fail, gets pissed at me. Like yelling at me in my car that she knows what she's doing and that I shouldn't care. I still do as her older sibling but shes 14, what do you expect.
Tonight it all kinda came to a head when she asked me how many hours she should report thst she worked for the month, 58 or 64. I asked her how many she worked and to just put that, to which she told me she worked around 80. Her days and hours do line up with that from what I know do I told her to put that. She started going on about how the owner of the farm needs that money to pay the other people who work there and how there have been some days where shes only worked 3 or 4 hours. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on that even though I rarely pick her up earlier than 8:30-9pm, much less 7, but my dad also drives her so I didn't fight on it and said in that case she should log 70 and make sure she starts marking in her phone when she starts and stops for the day. She yells at me a bit that its none of my business and eventually tells me that its too late since she already told her boss it was 60. Now, this is where she really got angry, I told her that I was telling our dad then because he would never let her make a decision like that. She is now even more mad and when we pull up to my house she says I don't have to worry about it and that she will just tell him, still yelling at me mind you), and stomps up to our house. So I pull what was most likely a petty move and text my dad right then. I would havelet her tell him but she has lied in the past before about that in similar situations and every time I've gotten in trouble for knowing and not telling him. He is currently on nightshift so I couldn't tell him in person, which is why I texter.
After this my sister went to my stepmom, and went off about what happened, how I was in the wrong, how it isn't any of my business, and how I should have kept my nose out of it. My stepmom does say she is right in that it isn't my place to say something, but that she shouldn't be lying and underreporting her hours. My dad called about it about an hour after I sent the text and after getting a quick rundown from me, called her. I don't know what is happening from there, but I am now really doubting if I should have said anything. She needs to learn the value of her work and refuses to listen to me about it, but I also want to have a better relationship with her and think this may have fucked it up.
What are these acronyms?
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 7 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary: Loki's ex wife brings chaos but also a little bit of realisation.
Warning: 18+, Steamy stuff, Rough language, mention of suicide, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff. Reader and Loki doing and saying questionable things in the heat of the moment, these are fucked up individuals, read accordingly, don't like don't read.
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Ex wife? A fucking wife? You weren't ready to hear that, for a moment you felt disassociated from the reality, you didn't want to believe that he actually married someone once, that he loved someone so much that he wanted to stay together forever but as you looked at their teary eyes and loving glances you knew your life was about to be disheveled again and that's when you started to feel angry, how dare he kept this hidden from you? 
"Hey lokes" she smiled at him so he walked towards her, he seemed shocked but you could tell he was affected by her presence, affected in a way you didn't like.
"Jo" he whispered softly as he pulled her in for a hug.
He even had a nickname for her. She didn't have to make herself taller to reach him, she was the perfect height, you couldn't deny that they looked good together, the more you watched them embracing each other the worse you felt about yourself and then you got even more upset. Why did he hide this from you?
"What are you doing here?" He asked her as he pulled away first so she took a step back
"I – you changed your number and everything, you asked Steve to not tell me but he caved in this time" she looked behind at you so you gave her the fakest bitchiest smile you could have offered "I just ..Steve told me about Odin and it worried me, I was worried loki" she sniffled as she spoke and you wanted to smack her for no reason. Well to be fair being Lolo's ex was enough of a reason.
"You'd be safe, Steve gave me his word, you shouldn't have come here, you're not safe here" she shook her head as he said that.
"I wasn't worried about myself Loki" Her voice choked as she was fighting back tears, you couldn't stop staring at his face. What happened between them? Why did he marry her? And why weren't they together anymore, you have been with him for 4 years so it all must have happened before that. 
"I have to be at work on time so you guys can probably carry on this heartfelt reunion later? No offense to you Joleeene" you glared at both of them so loki gave you eyes, he never wanted this to come out because he knew you'd react abruptly and pretty immaturely. There wasn't any point either, it was all in the past and they both had moved on or so he thought, why did she come to him after all these years? That's what he couldn't comprehend. 
"Come with us, you can't stay here" Loki told her so she nodded, your eyes rolled back into your head, you felt hurt, frustrated and you really wanted to yell and scream but now wasn't the time. On the set even Peter was ignoring you for some reason but that was the least of your concern at the moment, you couldn't stop obsessing over the fact that his gorgeous ex wife that you had no clue of -had returned and seemed besotted with him still. You could tell she wanted him again, you could just tell and you also knew that if he chose her once he could very well do it again especially if he wasn't the one to break that relationship. 
"So that's y/n? Your y/n?" Jolene asked him so he looked at you, he knew you were feeling upset and he really wanted to explain it all to you but he had a feeling you won't understand.
"When I was yours I was only yours Jo.. you know that" 
"I know ..that's not what I meant lokes..I just..I know you always wanted to get her out of that orphanage after everything that had happened..she was always there in your head" 
"She was…she was just a child that needed to be protected and everyone around her failed her..me as well" 
"You're doing what you can..don't blame yourself " He nodded as she said that 
"She's not a kid though now is she?" 
"Ohhh you haven't seen her throwing her usual kiddish tantrums" he chuckled but she didn't find it in the least bit amusing.
"You know what I mean" 
He sighed as she said that, she was the last person with whom he wanted to discuss his feelings for you. Or how important you were to him. 
"Why are you here jo?" He asked her softly and she smiled at him, she placed her hand on his and he hesitated for a moment, he wasn't used to this anymore, he haven't allowed anyone except you to hold him like this, it was always sexual or lustful in the way he chose to interact with women.
"I have missed you ..I have missed us, these past few years, I …I thought I'd be happier ..that I'd move on and it would get easier but everytime I even got closer to having what we had with each other..I ..I just couldn't stop thinking about you, you were there always" he chuckled as she said that.
"You can't just come here and say that to me..my life isn't the same anymore " her eyes teared up at the harshness of his tone.
"I see that Loki..so acting business? What's up with that?" she pulled her hand away and changed the topic of conversation as she looked at you.
"That's her escape I guess, and she's so good at this" she didn't say anything as he complimented you.
From the distance you couldn't hear anything but you didn't like the long lost lovers type of glances they were giving each other. As the day got done with, he took you both home, you didn't miss how she sat at the front so you won't. You had hated his flavors of the night with such passion before even though they only had him temporarily so knowing that this woman used to be his wife and someone he put a ring on made you want to commit a crime.
As you reached the apartment you glared at him, you weren't able to keep it in any longer. He took his jacket off and placed it on the couch, he just wanted to forget this day as if it was a nightmare.
"Can I talk to you? Or do you want to continue the reunion still?" His jaw clenched as you snapped at him, he grabbed your arm and took you to your room then he closed the door as if that would stop your voice from reaching her. 
"Calm down alright?" He could tell you were about to go off on him so he wanted to diffuse the situation as best as he could.
"Calm down? When the fuck you were going to tell me that you had a whole fucking wife?" You raised your voice at him so he walked towards you and as he got closer you started to punch him in the chest purely because of how hurt you felt in the moment
"Lower your voice and stop hitting me.. alright?" He grabbed both of your wrists and pulled you closer but you couldn't stop squirming, you wanted him to hold you but you felt betrayed, you had no right to but you still did.
"I hate you so much ..you're such a liar" you cried and screamed all at once so he dragged you with him and made you sit down on the bed, 
"Stop struggling I don't want to hurt you y/n" he raised his voice even further but that didn't intimidate you, not today.
"Ohh you think this hurts me? Nooo you hurt me with all the lying" 
"Honestly my life is mine, it's none of your business so can you behave for once?" he snickered after he finished his sentence. Jerk. How were you in love with him?
"You fucking hate me don't you, that's why you keep doing this to me?" His jaw clenched as you said that, maybe he hadn't treated you right but he never wanted you to feel as if he hated you.
"Let go of my hands" 
"Are you going to hit me?" 
"Noooo" you sniffled so he let go but you started to hit him again so he grabbed your hands again and pinned you under him on the bed 
"God you're such a child..when will you grow up y/n huhh?" 
"It hurts..it hurts" you couldn't even let your words out because your throat was starting to close up, you felt heartbroken, there was no other name for this feeling.
"Whyy hmm? I'm not your boyfriend you know that right, I don't have to tell you everything about my life and this is exactly why I never told you.. look at you, acting like a 4 year old" you started crying harder as he said that "And You think I hate you? Do you think you'd be here if I hated you? You wanna know who actually hated you? Your own fucking daddy.. remember him?" 
As soon as he said that, everything stopped, you stopped crying, you stopped squirming, you stopped moving, you just stared at him all dumbfounded, you couldn't even believe that he said that, he knew that would hurt you in the worst possible way.
 As he watched you go motionless suddenly he knew he had fucked up, he knew the way things were going someday he'd ruin whatever affection you two had left amongst you and what he just said to you was uncalled for. He  let go of your hands immediately and got off the bed, in a moment he was out of your room, that's when you finally allowed yourself to break down. 
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"Want to join me for dinner?" He grabbed his jacket from the couch and Jolene looked at him at the offer, she didn't know what happened between him and you and if she was being honest with herself she didn't care either, you were one of the reasons why he never allowed himself to move on and heal from the trauma of his father and abuse he had to torment, even when he tried to move on and heal, he'd hear something about you and that would bring him back to where he started from, she absolutely came here thinking that making her way back into his heart wouldn't be so hard, he needed love and she can give him that.
"Are you okay?" She asked him softly as she sat down on the passenger side so he hummed in response. He wasn't okay, he was cruel to you just now and you didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve his cruelty today, you both were possessive about each other and he wasn't unknown to that fact but a part of him never really believed that you were in love with him or could ever be. 
Lust? Yes absolutely. Dependency? Hundred percent. But love? He didn't think you were in love with him, he didn't think you even knew what it meant.
He felt Jolene's fingers caressing his scalp and that made him flinch so she stopped doing it immediately.
"I know I'm not forgiven Loki and I don't expect to be forgiven so easily either but–" 
"Let's not discuss that okay? Can we not do that?" He asked politely so she nodded. 
He took her to a diner and he still remembered all her favorites, she couldn't have been happier. 
You cried until you couldn't cry anymore. It's been more than an hour since he left, not only did he dismiss your feelings so casually but he also took his ex out for dinner. You tortured yourself as you thought about them laughing and having fun with each other, maybe he was kissing her, maybe he would realize that he had missed her all this time and he'd want to go back to her, where would that leave you? Where would you go? You could never give your heart to a man ever again, not the way you gave yourself to Loki, he didn't have your body but he had your whole heart and your soul belonged to him, he was irreplaceable in your life, he always has been but he chose her to be his, he put a ring on her, he asked her to marry him, he wanted her forever and maybe he never moved on, could be one of the reasons why he never wanted to fuck you. 
"What is that?" She pulled his shirt down a little as the bruises were starting to peak from underneath.
"You know what that is" he winked at her and it made her flush, during their time together sex wasn't something she could ever complain of, it was pure heaven with him, he took her and pleasured her in ways she have never experienced before, she didn't get the same satisfaction with anyone else after him, no men could treat her the way he did.
"I haven't made love to anyone since you" he mumbled nonchalantly and she couldn't help but blush at the statement.
"Don't tell me you have been celibate since our …ummm–" 
"Uhhh…no..since the last time we slept together..that was way after–" 
"Our divorce..I remember that night..I mean i get around that's not what I meant" 
And that's when she realised what he meant, he fucked other people but he didn't make love to them. 
"I uhh–" 
He clicked his finger to get the waitress's attention which cut her off mid speech. She could see the scared, vulnerable Loki in him still but she also knew he had created this hard cold exterior now. His whole demeanor had changed.
"Can I get mac n cheese for the go?" He asked the waitress so she smiled.
"Sure sir, anything else?" 
"Nope..thank you darling " he winked at her and Jolene could see how flushed she had gotten. Loki had a way with women, he always did. 
"For y/n I suppose?" 
He hummed as she questioned him. As they drove back home he felt utterly confused, where was he supposed to leave Jolene? Her safety was his responsibility now, if something bad was to happen to her he'd never forgive himself, so he took her back to the apartment.
"I can find a hotel or something…I don't want to intrude" She wanted to stay with him but she wanted him to make her stay.
"Don't worry, it's all fine, I can be a host for my ex wife" he chuckled as he said that then showed her his room and told her to get freshened up or do whatever she wanted. He really didn't want to complicate this situation more than it already was.
"Can we sit and talk?" She asked him as he was almost out of the door.
"Sure..just have to do something else first" she nodded as he said that, even though it bothered her alot that he was going to see you. She never liked you, especially considering the drama you kept getting involved in while at the orphanage. Everytime you got in trouble, Loki was informed d about it and it disrupted their lives. Even now you acted like a child, how was he even tolerating you? she knew all about your past and she knew you needed professional help, you weren't good for Loki and his mental state especially now that Odin had escaped and she really wanted you far away from him, she didn't want Loki to get hurt again.
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As he entered your room with a warmed up bowl of Mac n cheese he found you bundled up under the blanket, curled up like a ball, he could hear you sniffling and his heart clenched. He placed the bowl on the bedside drawer then he tried to take the blanket off you but you were clutching onto it tightly. 
"Y/n? Get up you need to eat" his voice was stern but soft. He didn't want to hurt you anymore. He didn't want you to leave him.
"Noooo..go away..I hate youuu..I hate you" the sound of your cries broke his heart so he grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it off your body with a little force this time. Your swollen tear soaked face would keep him up tonight.
"You don't hate me..you don't mean it ..I know that" he whispered as he leaned over you, his fingers wiped your tears and then he leaned even closer to kiss your forehead.
"I didn't mean to hit you…I'm sorry I'm sorry.. I'm sorry if I hurt you" you sobbed excessively and that made his eyes tear up too.
"I know that.. now you're going to stop crying and listen to me okay ?" you shook your head as he said that.
"I just…wanted…a hug..I just… I was scared..so scared" That was it for him today, that's what made him want to drop the facade even if temporarily.
"I know I know baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry sweetheart.. I'm sorry…I'm really sorry" your crying stopped suddenly as he apologized, when he stormed out of your room tonight you weren't expecting him to return to you, you were expecting him to fuck Jolene and run off with her, you definitely didn't even think for a second that he'd come back- not just with your comfort food but also the warmest apology, something that you hardly ever got from him.
"You are?" You sniffled and that made him smile for some reason.
"I am.. I shouldn't have said what I said.. and I shouldn't have kept it hidden, it just…it didn't matter anymore okay? I didn't see the point, I knew you'd react like this and I wanted to avoid this" 
Your fingers played with the fabric of his shirt as he spoke to you. Soo soft .He was being soft and you wanted to enjoy it because you knew it wasn't going to last for long.
There were so many questions you had about Jolene but you didn't want to upset him, not when he was being like this 
"Sit up now okay, you need to eat" he mumbled as he grabbed your arms and made you sit up.
"Is she here?" He sighed as you questioned him .
"It's not safe out there…not anymore, I need to find a safer place for her" 
You nodded as he said that. You can't just expect him to throw his ex wife out of the house when his murderous abuser father was roaming free. If Odin had any clue he'd definitely try to harm her to get to him.
He brought the fork next to your mouth so you snapped out of your thoughts and took the bite.
"Did you eat?" 
"I did..yes" 
You crawled closer to him and in a moment you were on top of his lap, clutching onto him like a starved cub, and he didn't push you away either, he held onto you instead. 
"You chose her..you loved her, you asked her to marry you..she must be so important, then where does that leave me?" You could barely form a sentence as the tears made it near impossible.
He held the back of your neck with his palm and pulled you away so he could make you look at him
"I did choose her, I did love her but I didn't ask her to marry me, she did. It was her..she was all in as well.. and then she wanted an out so I let her go, and it hurt, it really did but I lived and I promised myself that I won't allow myself to feel so much again and I kept that promise, I'm going to keep that promise because it's me and you for all damn life now you hear me? I'm not going to leave okay?" You nodded as he said that then you hugged him as tightly as you could.
After dinner he made you brush your teeth, he changed your clothes and he made sure you weren't crying anymore.
"Sleep with me please" you mumbled but he shook his head 
"Not tonight..be a good girl okay?" 
You nodded as he said, you didn't agree but what option did you have here? You knew you'd stay up all night thinking of them fucking each other.
He had you and you were his whole world, and nothing would ever take him away from you.
What he said to you today wasn't the complete truth, he wanted to tell you that he had given up, that he felt so empty when she broke his heart, that he wanted to die and he even tried to but then he remembered what he had to live for, he clearly remembered the night and the message he had gotten from Rogers, reminding him of your coming 18th birthday, that moment saved his life, he had realized that he'd fail you again if he was to leave you all alone here.
Not again, he'd never ditch you like that, your initials on his scarred wrist that he had gotten engraved was the proof of his love for you, he got it done for his own sanity and every moment where the fear overwhelmed him and need to give up heightened he just looked at your name and he was reminded that he had something and someone to live for now.
But you didn't need to know that right?
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burstofastar · 8 months
Tekken — Random thoughts
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Okay, but Nina and Jin in Tekken 6? I simply love them. Tekken 6 gave (not just me but some other people too) the foundation for an amazing ship.
A respectful relationship that started with work, and the Scenario Campaign showed their closeness and confidence, without losing their professionalism and focus on Jin's goal.
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Story-wise, Tekken 6 is… interesting, to say the least. I don't know, I still have mixed feelings about the direction they gave Jin's development and what he was like since Tekken 3.
I can't say that I like that in Tekken 6 he became a war criminal and did such aberrations, when Azazel's problem could have been addressed in another way; because actually, I don't like it at all.
But on the other hand, I don't totally hate the concept itself. I just find it a little hard to digest.
What I can save (or at least try to) is that, from a personal opinion, I don't think he did it because it's the destiny of bearers of Mishima blood to be corrupted. Because, in fact, I don't think Jin was corrupted by having Mishima blood or by the influence of the Devil Gene.
I think he did everything out of his conscience. A twisted, fucked up and terrible way of doing things, but by conscience at the end. Because if we go to the fact, he always struggled and fought against the influence of the curse, and tried to keep it at bay as much as he could (in despite of his T3 and T4 endings, in T5 vs. Hwoarang, in T7 in the desert)… well, in the end of Scenario Campaign we could see how Jin consciously used the power of the Devil Gene (without turning into Devil) to defeat Azazel.
It's a bummer that they "ruined" Jin like that, but it was an interesting chapter in Tekken history.
Anyway, before starting to wander more than necessary… I know that Tekken: Blood Vengeance and the Tekken Comic by Titan Comics aren't canon either, but Nina and Jin roles in each one are a good addition for this dreamy ship (especially in the comics).
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And no, my point isn't that the base of the ship has to be that the woman has to do the whole work and being his support 24/7 (a thing that usually happens in the Japanese culture: the female character being just a bland sidekick with no depth and the protagonist's love interest; just as in mostly of shonens, for example), or because it's just the job she was hired for… But because both of them could relate to each other: both suffering child abuse from a close family member, both having family members they dislike, both having lost a family member they loved, both having suffered and survived Ogre's attack, and both having a mostly lonely path in life… because they know they're not the best company and their methods are very questionable.
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Feelings aren't part of their lifestyle and not allowing themselves to open their hearts (because having feelings means their goals be compromised), is a fact. And it's a fact that a ship like this will never happen in canon, yet I always loved their genuine mutual trust and respect. It's far away from the Japanese culture's typical cliché of the badass lonely boy and the cute submissive girl who has a huge crush on him, is ghosted during most of the series and wants to "save" him but just meddles, resulting annoying most of times. It reminds me to someone… Wait!!
Alright, speaking more seriously now… Tekken 6 turned 14 years some days ago (especifically for PS3 and XBox, on October 30th), and this was a good opportunity to talk about an underestimated and unapreciated OTP.
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I'm very intrigued about what's going to happen in Tekken 8, and the path of both of them when Bamco already revealed the roster's bios. Nina working for Kazuya doesn't make sense if we take into account her relationship with Jin during Tekken 6, the fact that she failed on purpose for Lars and Lee to protect Jin from Heihachi and... taking as bonus the non-canonical comics and BV.
Possibly developers will take the path of Street Fighter x Tekken's story? Nina working with Kazuya but undercover, for Jin's instructions? Because no one can deny how amazing was Jin trusting someone since the beginning, spending time with that someone and being able to share thoughts... even if it's just professionaly.
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P.s.: I feel the luckiest guy alive, since I have the privilege of writing this wonderful ship on Twitter... I mean, X. My dearest friend @carade0jete and I roleplay as Nina and Jin, respectively, since almost five years. An amazing journey that still goes on and will last until that app is either ruined or closed by El*n M*sk. Love you, bb. ♥️✨
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