#she doesn’t directly call it that but I shit u not that is the message. will rb with the pages later & make it unrebloggable lol
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thirteens-earring · 7 months ago
book I’m reading: a lot of people experiencing mental health crises turn to libraries which are unable or unwilling to meet their needs
me: alright yeah
book: this is because we got rid of the asylums. open the asylums
me: um
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leahblackk · 4 years ago
I have not sent in a request jn like 6 years but okay -
something maybe a lil big angsty but like spencer is being over the top sarcastic with reader. maybe they’re in an argument over his job or something some argument and Spencer is just being very rude and sarcastic to the point where reader can’t tell if it’s a joke or not, and in the midst of their argument spencer is called away on a case, and comes home to see reader has left. (if u wanna fluff it up at the end he can apologize profusely and they can cuddle it out but up to you leah bc your mind is genius)
Hurtful words
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(Not my gif)
Summary: a little blurb by my local amazing ideas giver, Alex. Let’s all say thank you Alex for this idea.
Couple: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: Spencer being a little shit. And mentions of being injured because of gunshot. And many mistakes I’m sorry :)
Oh my god yes! I feel like I haven’t done a blurb in years. Your blurb ideas are the ones that keep me going. And you are the genius!! Your ideas are extremely amazing and I’m happy I can make them true <3
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Spencer Reid.
What a mystery that man was.
Y/n met Spencer as a sweet young man with glasses and cute jumpers. A man who didn't catch certain social things. He didn’t understood sarcasm in certain occasions or indirect messages or double intentions. Of course, he knew what it was, but he didn’t know how to act with it or how to use it.
Until he learned how to be passive-aggressive.
The first time Y/n ever saw Spencer being passive-aggressive with someone was with JJ when the Lauren/Emily thing happened. Spencer, of course, was very mad about it. JJ was his best friend, the person he most trusted besides his girlfriend. He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t know. It wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone! He had the right to know that his friend whom he loved so much wasn’t buried five feet underground! He cried on his girlfriend floor for hours, and when he was too embarrassed by her looking at him, he went to JJ’s house. She saw him, she saw him crying his eyes out for her and she didn’t say a damn thing! Of course he was going to be mad.
Y/n never thought she had to worry about him being like that with her.
Spencer always has been a sweet man. But he isn’t when he’s under stress, mad or sad. The pressure over him made his IQ of 187 slashed to 63. He couldn’t think straight. And Spencer never worried about him being like that with his girlfriend. He didn’t had any reasons to be. She was all nice to him and cared about him.
But now, things changed while they were fighting in their shared apartment.
Y/n has been injured on a case after being reckless, or that was the way his boyfriend thought, but to be honest she saved a life, even if that got her hurt. She didn’t care. She would do it again. And that petrified Spencer.
Even if her doctor told her she could go back to the field. Spencer wasn’t going to have any of it. That was why they were fighting. Neither of them liked to deal with strong emotions. He wanted to say he didn’t want her to be there because he was scared he was going to lose her. He couldn’t lose her. She was his everything. His glue putting him together when the world tried to bring him down and shatter his heart. She was the thing that keeps him going. But instead of saying that, he was treating her badly and Y/n on her side wasn’t going to have any of it.
“Why can’t you understand, Spencer? I’m not a child. I can perfectly take care of myself.” She said putting her clothes on her go-bag while Spencer took them out.
He chuckled, “Perfectly take care of yourself? Yeah of course I believe you. When did you take care of yourself? When you put yourself in front of the unsub and he shot you? Yeah, Y/n, that’s taking care of yourself.”
She frowned.
That hurt.
“Excuse Spencer but you’re not no one to tell me what to do.”
“I’m your boyfriend!” He said, hurt.
“And? That doesn’t give you any right to tell me what to do. I’m a grown-up, Reid. If you didn’t notice. I’m not a child you can take care of.”
“Sometimes I think you are, you know?” He then looked at her, “You act worse than a child sometimes. Being so reckless and putting yourself in danger.”
“Like you haven’t done that yourself either.”
“I have! But I knew what I was doing. You weren’t thinking!”
“When is gonna be the day you understand you can’t tell me what to do?”
“When you stop being so reckless and actually take care of yourself,” He crossed his arms over his chest, “But apparently that’s not happening.”
She sighed with anger and looked at him. Throwing a shirt over his face and going downstairs to the kitchen to drink water and calm herself. Spencer followed her and entered the kitchen taking a glass of water as well.
She didn’t even look at him. He wanted her looking at him. He wanted to feel those eyes on him even if they were full of anger.
So he made it in the wrong way.
“And you said you’re not a child,” he murmured referring to her throwing the shirt on his face.
“What was that?” She turned around and look at him.
“You perfectly heard it, Y/n.”
“I can’t believe you’re the one calling me a child. Look at you,” she moved her hands up and down in front of him to make a point, “I’m going to that case you like it or not.”
“I wouldn’t risk the team to be with you on the case. They might end it up injured with your recklessness.”
The words Spencer throw made echo in both lovers ears.
Reid bit his bottom lip regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. Trying to take them back but the damage was already done.
Y/n looked at him without any emotion. Until her eyes start to burn and the tears came out. She lifted her hand with anger and wiped them off feeling her cheeks getting warmer and warmer.
Spencer looked at her and his heart ached. Why did he said that? She was a great agent. He was just scared of losing her and if by telling her that stuff, she would stay home safe, he would do it. But he regretted it now. He regretted it so much.
She chuckled without any humour and licked her bottom lip, tears coming down her face again.
But she let them now. Too tired.
Spencer’s first instinct was to step forward to her, but she stayed back putting her hands in front of him, to stop him.
She didn’t want to be touched by him.
He looked down.
He spends his life touching her. Loving her and worshipping her body. Touching her soft skin with soft moves, carefully not wanting to break her as she was a porcelain doll. But now, she didn’t want to be touched by him.
And Spencer understood.
He did.
It was all his fault at the end of the day. He made her stayed back when he wanted to pull her in. It was his fault. “I don’t want you to touch me,” she murmured and passed him taking her arms close to her so they wouldn’t brush his skin.
Spencer’s tears came down now.
I don’t want you to touch me.
She didn’t want him to touch her.
But all he wanted to do was touch her and let her know he didn’t mean those words. How could he? She was perfect in everything she did, her job included. Mostly her job.
Spencer didn’t notice how much time had passed while he stood frozen in the middle of their kitchen until he felt his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket. It was Morgan.
Hey Spencer. I know you love your girlfriend so much but we have to hurry! People are dying you know? Not everything is vanilla and roses like you two.
Spencer chuckled. Only if he knew.
He went upstairs with careful moves while he pressed his palms together trying to stop the trembling. He mostly did.
All her clothes were now in the closet, her go-bag as well. She wasn’t going to the case. It wasn’t a surprise. He knew he would achieve what he wanted after saying that. But now it didn’t felt right.
He moved closer to where she was. On their shared bed. He sat down. He was about to open his mouth to say something but she did it first. “Please don’t say anything. You have said enough and I think your thoughts are very clear,” her voice sounds broken. And was all his fault, “Just go. Tell the team I haven’t made full recovery yet.”
He nodded even if she couldn’t see him because she was hiding under the blankets.
What Spencer didn’t notice was the way after saying those words, her hands end it up on her mouth trying the sobs not to come out. She knew if Spencer heard those he would stay with her, even if they just argued. It was Spencer at the end of the day.
He would do anything for her.
Spencer full of guilty took his go-bag and walked directly to the door, looking at her once more.
He wanted to ask.
He needed to know.
You’re gonna be here when I come back?
You’re gonna still be here when I come back?
But the words never left his mouth. They got stuck on his throat. The pain and the tears as well. He needs to say he still loved her. That no matter what he still loved her. He loves her.
He loves her.
But he couldn’t. So he turned around, and left.
When the front door closed Y/n finally let the sobs out.
The young doctor tried to avoid all the questions on why he was so grumpy and distracted.
The answer to those questions was “I just had a huge fight with the love of my life and I’m worried she leaves while I’m here. Even if she have every right to I’m still scared because she’s the only thing that keeps me going.”
But of course, he didn’t said it.
He just dismissed everything saying he didn’t have good sleep which didn’t make things better because later on, he was going to be teased by Emily and Morgan.
And when the case was finally closed, he ran to the closest flower shop to buy her favourite flowers and then he went to her favourite restaurant to get her favourite food to then ran to the metro all the way to their shared apartment.
He tried to manage to open the door with all the things in his hand but he couldn’t so he put his satchel and the flowers on the wooden floor, and he was about to put the food as well but then he thought about the germs even if the food was protected, so he put it above his satchel and he was finally able to open the door.
The lights were off which wasn’t weird of her. She wasn’t a lover of the lights of the apartment, always reminding Spencer that they needed to change them as they were too bright, but they never had time to do so, but that was exactly what Spencer was going to do tomorrow.
He then took off his shoes and put them next to the others, but her shoes weren’t there which was weird but he didn’t think too much about it. Maybe she forgot to take them off.
Spencer, then, open the door, even more, to put all the things inside of the house. He put his satchel on the little table next to the shoes and his keys as well.
Her keys weren’t there.
Spencer’s heart stopped.
Her keys weren’t there.
He breathed in and out softly trying to calm his desperate heart beating faster and faster on his chest wanting to get out. He put his palms together trying to stop the trembling but this time was impossible.
He took the flowers with him and went upstairs closing the front door behind him and he open the door of their shared bedroom.
She wasn’t there.
She wasn’t there.
Where did she go?
Did she leave?
“No,” Spencer whispered the tears coming down his eyes.
She wouldn’t. Even if she was mad. She wouldn’t do that as everyone else did without any more explanation than a letter or a note.
A letter.
He needed to find the letter.
He searched on their bed and the tables beside their side of the bed. He didn’t look in their closet or bathroom because she wouldn’t leave that there.
Spencer went downstairs to the kitchen looking for the letter on the dining table and outside of the refrigerator. But there was none.
He, then walked to the living room looking and moving things making a mess.
He needed to read the letter.
She must have left a letter.
Everyone else left a letter.
And the door open but he didn’t heard it because of his desperation and the sound of his heartbeat making echo in his hears
He needed to find the letter.
He turned around and she saw her. Standing there with a sundress and her hair tied. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful, but she had a frown on her face looking with confusion at her surroundings, the mess he just made and then back to Spencer repeatedly.
And then he understood he needed to explain himself. “I-I,” he looked down and closed his eyes full of tears for a few seconds. She saw the trembling on his hands. She made a step forward from instinct but then she stopped as she remembers what happened between them. He looked up at her. He couldn’t get the words out of his mouth but she waited for him to talk, patiently while he tried to find the correct words. “I came here right away. Well not right away because I went first to the flower shop and then to your favourite restaurant,” he rambled looking at her. She didn’t stop him. She didn’t have any intention to stop him. Instead, she listens carefully. She always listens, “you weren’t at home and I’ve been nervous all these past days because I thought you would leave, and you had every right to and then I came back here and you weren’t and I looked for a-a note or letter.”
Her heart shattered.
People that left his life always left a note or a letter. She remembers when he told her that.
“I didn’t leave,” he nodded. She didn’t. She stayed. “Penelope called me and she needed help with something and then she asked me if I knew why you were acting so weird and I talked to her for a while and I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m sorry.”
He shocked his head. Stepping forward to her. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who needs to apologize. I shouldn’t have treated you so badly and I want you to understand that I didn’t mean a single word because you are so great and so amazing in everything you do. I would never mean those words,” now was her turn to nodded, “I just said that because after you being injured, I didn’t want you to hurt yourself or even get killed. I’m selfish, yeah I know that. But you’re my everything, Y/n. Without you, I don’t know what will I do, you’re the only one who keeps me together and the one who brings light to my darkness. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he took her hands looking for permission first, “I said those things because I knew you would stay home, but I didn’t mean them I swear I didn’t.”
She nodded again and hugged him. He sobbed while he hugged her as his life depends on it. “I know. It’s okay love. I won't leave you I promise,” she sobbed too. “I love you.”
“I love you more, so so much.”
And they held each other while they sobbed and repeat those three little words back and forth.
They were home now.
They were okay now.
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notnctu · 4 years ago
haechan: the cocky | vol 2
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━ welcome home to the housemating smut series :)
☆ click the link above to read background info about this housemate!
☆ GENRE: smut, pwp ☆ DETAILS: fem!reader, college!au, housemate!au ☆ WARNINGS: explicit language, dirty talking, nicknames, dom!hyuck, penetration, oral (giving & receiving), slight degradation?, mentions of exhibitionist kink? ☆ WC: 3.6k  ☆ SYNOPSIS: after receiving haechan’s text messages, you hurry up to his room and the sexual tension is thicker than you can ever imagine. 
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: read vol 1 here if u havent already :) theres no plot yall its just smut,, this one a filthy one ha ha skjdhfgieas
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When you enter Haechan’s room, his back faces you as he sits comfortably in his expensive gaming chair, clicking furiously at his mouse and practically abusing the poor device. “Why are you so worked up?” Your voice causes him to perk up, removing an ear from his headset. 
“Mark fucking sucks at this game.” Haechan rolls his eyes as he speaks directly into his mic and Mark’s tiny muffled voice shouts back at him. 
Leaning into Haechan’s face, his eyes leave his monitor momentarily to intently watch your actions. Your fingers grab hold of the built in mic and speaking lowly, you greet the other boy through the receiver. “Hi Mark.”
Haechan raises an eyebrow at your seductive tone and the happy smirk on your face when you hear Mark stammer back a faint, “h-hello, y/n.” 
“Mark, I gotta go.” Before even letting Mark protest and throw a fit, he’s hanging up the call and forfeiting his winning streak to finally finish what you two had started. You’re laying on Haechan’s bed with eyes that eat him right up, a look of lust and desire. 
His gaze bounces between the open door and the way your thin shirt does absolutely nothing to hide how erect your nipples have become. His signature face of disbelief: tongue in cheek and rolling his eyes, paired with a small scoff. 
“What? Are you cold or something?” He snickers, getting up to close the door.
“No... I’m just..” Propping up on your elbows, you glance briefly down at your shirt and then, away at the ground shamelessly. 
“Aroused? Turned on?” Haechan taunts as he leans down to hover above you, his fingers toying with the ends of the thin fabric. As much as you’re trying to avoid eye contact, he doesn’t allow for you to shy away for long.
“Maybe.” You gulp the pooling spit in the back of your throat, the tension rising in the room. “I came upstairs like you told me too.” Pouting, he finally has you fixated on him with a thumb on your chin. 
Making eye contact with him is not only incredibly intimate, but there is something mesmerizing and comforting in the way Haechan looks at you. “Right, my good girl did what she was told. How much longer can she keep that up?” His whisper is hot against your skin, but he doesn’t lean in any more. 
“Don’t test me, Hyuck.” You snap back gently, crossing your arms across your chest and almost immediately, Haechan pushes you lightly onto the bed. You yelp at the boldness, knowing that your bratty side might have edged him on.
“Hyuck....? Baby, we haven’t even started yet.” He smirks, and you wish for nothing more than to wipe it off his face. He has the absolute confidence to play with you all night if he wanted to. Cocky motherfucker. 
“Do something, please.” The whine in your voice catches his attention, only fueling his ego more than it has already inflated. 
“What does my pretty baby want me to do?” Haechan has the full audacity to sit back in his chair, legs spread wide and arms resting behind his head. He’s left you on the bed practically untouched, yet the moment you sit up, a small pool of wetness rushes in your panties.
He’s done nothing, but your body reacts to him too strongly for you to admit. “I want you to give me a kiss.” You mumble.
However, Haechan leaves no room for a pause. “Speak up.” His voice is low and dark as he watches you squirm in your shorts, your legs rubbing together for some friction. He just loves how needy he can get you to be.
“Give me a kiss.” A little louder this time, all the while being mindful at how thin the walls are. Haechan patiently waits for you to finish your beg, “please.”
He pats his lap for you to come sit, then opens his arms to invite you into his embrace. Your legs fall on either side of his thighs and his hands rests on your waist. Haechan peers up at the pout that hasn’t left your face and gently smiles. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
There’s a sense of rivalry when he uses that nickname, holding less of a soft implication than when he calls you baby. “You’re taking forever.” You groan, rocking against him with a frustrated whine.
However, he holds you steady by your hips and chuckles mockingly, “it wouldn’t be fun if I just gave it to you. I’m giving you more of an experience to remember the next time you want to rub one out.”
“Trust me, I’ll be fast forwarding these parts in my brain.” Rolling your eyes, your hands find themselves lightly on his chest. He feels rather solid through his black shirt, “you’ve been bulking up?”
“Yeah. Can you tell? Johnny has been waking my ass up early in the morning to go to the gym with him because Jaehyun has class.” Haechan presses you up against his torso and you’re impressed at how sturdy he feels.
“So that’s why we have two jugs of protein powder taking up counter space. Doyoung and I were concerned at how much the other two were consuming, but I guess the portion includes you now.” Your hands wrap around his neck to pull him unbelievably closer, the tips of your noses touching now.
Haechan stares at you with hooded eyes and breath mixing with your own. “What does it taste like?” Your question seems to hold a sexual innuendo, or it could be the tension in the air as you both try your hardest from devouring each other’s lips right then and there.
“Mmh, tastes like shit. Rather taste something else instead.” Haechan licks his lips and tilts his head only slightly. His mind is clouded with lustful, heavy thoughts of feeling your plushy lips against his own. And the possible taste of your tongue lapping with his brings him much excitement as well. 
“Should I try some?” The power has slightly shifted into your hands as Haechan seems to be in a trance from your proximity and sensual drop in tone. But you’re both wrapped up in each other’s scent of shampoo and it’s enough to drive you both hungry for one another. 
“Want your lips around something else.” His thumb pulls your bottom lip down just gently before slipping it into your open mouth. Your tongue circles his finger, slowly sucking to mimic the feeling of his cock. It sends tingles down to your lower abdomen and a small moan erupts from the back of Haechan’s throat. 
Something pokes at your inner thigh and without needing to look down, you already know how turned on Haechan has gotten. He won’t be able to wait it out anymore. “So pretty.” Haechan coos as he drops his finger from your lips. “Do you still want your kiss, baby?” 
“Of course.” You lean in thinking that Haechan is going to finally give you a good smooch on the lips, but he picks you up and tosses you onto the bed. He’s discarding your shorts and underwear, peeling it off your legs and tossing it somewhere in a corner. 
He spreads your legs wide open, “holy fuck, you’re dripping.” And you’re so close to telling him to stop exaggerating until he gathers slick from your hole and it unleashes a small waterfall cascading onto the bed sheets. “Since when were you this easily aroused?” 
Before you can retaliate, Haechan softly kisses your clit and slowly licks a long strip up your cunt. You arch into him, his lips pressing against you just a bit harder than the first time. Eyes are locked in on yours as he flicks delicate licks at your bundle of nerves. “Good girls get the best kinds of kisses.” 
He will never be able to get enough of your taste or your legs squirming at the jolts of pleasure that run down them. The fact that stands is that Haechan inexplicably loves pleasuring women and performing cunnilingus, that’s undeniable. But there’s something very special about the way your body reacts to his smallest gestures and sensual words, so responsive and almost like, your body knows how much it wants him. 
And if you two hadn’t been so cordial and polite about living with each other in the beginning and considerate of your other housemates, he would’ve fucked you a long time ago. It always felt as if Haechan was walking on thorns around you, making sure he didn’t cross the lines of making you feel uncomfortable. 
Nonetheless, your pajama shorts do a terrible job at covering you up or the small moments when your shirt would ride up your stomach, he always found his stares to linger. And not to mention, all the moments he has walked by to catch a glimpse of you masturbating. Truthfully, he’d been masturbating to the thought of you too and only to find out that you shared the same interest in him. 
You suppress your moans with your hand, afraid to risk the chance of getting caught by your other housemates. Nevertheless, your muffled moans encourage him to lick harder, building a quick rhythm. “Hyuck, please fuck me.” 
It’s agonizing the more he edges you closer to your release. Haechan is addicted to lapping your endless flow of juices that he almost chooses to ignore your breathless plea. He lets go and the knot of pleasure in your stomach dissipates for the time being, your chest rising and falling rapidly to catch your breath.
“I thought you lost your ability to speak for a second.” Haechan doesn’t mean it as a joking statement, it’s meant to instill slight humiliation in you and with a bit of a teasing tone in his darkness.
You don’t take his words to heart, “I can speak and I know what I want.” Your voice is brighter than before, until Haechan’s grin turns mischievous and he’s plotting his next few words carefully. 
“Use your smart words and tell me what you want then.” Taking off his clothes, his shaft slaps against his stomach with an angry red tip leaking precum.
The sight of his dick has you clenching around nothing and it’s obvious where your focus has shifted to. You mindlessly take off your shirt, “for a computer science major, you sure like words a lot.” 
“For someone who’s ruining my sheets, you sure like to verbally under compensate how much you want me.” Haechan rubs his tip at your entrance to gather lubrication, a small whine escapes his lips as he’s trying his best to hold back from ramming into your wet cunt.
“Hyuck, please. I want you to fuck me speechless.” A sparkle catches in his eye as he’s gleaming at how the dirty words spill from your pretty mouth. Pulling you up, he holds your head steady and lightly taps your lips with his tip.
“Speechless? I guess you won’t be able to whine with my dick in your mouth.” And slowly, you invite his hot shaft into your warmth and the saltiness hits your palette. A long string of profanities fill the air when you lick the underside of his tip and hollow your cheeks to suck more of him.
“Do you think you can take the whole thing?” He moans and it shocks you how raspy his voice suddenly got. His hand is rests on the back of your head lightly, patting and smoothing your hair lovingly. If it isn’t for that lost lustful look in his eyes that represent an innocent curiosity, you wouldn’t have awarded his request. 
Opening your throat, he slowly guides you further down his length. Haechan’s reactions are ungodly satisfying as he throws his head back toward the ceiling and instantly tightens his grip in your hair. 
“Fuck, fuck. Okay, I’m done messing around.” He manages to chuckle playfully, pulling you off his dick as a string of saliva draws from the disconnect. Pulling you by your hair, he tilts your head upward at him and he leans down to kiss you: open mouth, tongues lapping, spit mixing.
The kiss ignites a flame in your chest being that it’s probably one of the hottest kisses you’ve ever experienced. Haechan’s dominance is caring, yet strong enough to remind you just how rough he has the ability to be. 
“Lay on your side.” You do as you’re told as Haechan unravels a condom to slip on. A feeling of excitement bubbles up in your core, you’re finally getting fucked. It’s not the first time you and Haechan have done penetration, but it’s definitely not enough times to satisfy your lust for him.
With your body facing the door, Haechan lays down behind you, a hand on your hip to press your ass against his shaft. “How cute. We’re spooning.” He taunts menacingly and reaching around to rub your swollen clit. 
You yelp and Haechan covers your mouth instantly. You’re a moaning mess in his hands as his fingers work magic stimulation down below. Every squirm has you bumping your ass up into his hard on. 
Just as his tip enters your wet hole, a knock on the door has you both halting your movements. Your heart is racing at the interruption and it’s not going to look too good with Haechan’s dick barely up your cunt and hand hovering over your clit. There will be no lie that can get you two out of this naked situation.
“Haechan, can I borrow your speaker?” It’s the voice of Jaemin. Of all the times that he actually comes home, you’re midway having sex with Haechan. 
It doesn’t seem to bother Haechan though, maybe a bit agitated that someone interrupted the tension, but overall he doesn’t seem phased. Then, you remember all the times you’ve knocked on the other boys’ doors during their hookups and it’s gotten to the point that no one really cares. “For what!?” 
“To use in the shower.” A jiggle on the doorknob panics you, but Haechan is lifting your leg in the air and enters you fully without a warning. You bite back a moan as Haechan buries his face into your neck. The initial stretch from his girth stings with pleasure and you relax into him when you adjust to his size. “Why is your door locked?” 
“Fuck, is this making you more wet?” Haechan whispers lowly into your ear and a smile grows against your skin.
“Shut up.” You mumble, clenching around him every time Jaemin tries to open the door. He starts moving his hips into you, long thrust that jolt your body every time he enters. 
Haechan laughs, “it’s in the bathroom already, leave me alone! I’m with someone.” He’s looking down at your eyes rolling to the back of your head and the tight grip you have on the sheets. You feel all of him, his cock fills you up to the brim, grazing upon your sweet spot. 
Jaemin scoffs on the other side, “okay. Use protection, kids.” And his shadow disappears from under the door. Haechan removes his hand and his hot moans fill your ears.
“No wonder why you leave the door fucking open. You want us to see you, don’t you?” His hips ram harder into your pussy, rougher and faster than before. The soreness begins to occupy your lower regions from how much Haechan stretches you. His dirty words aid you closer to your release. “Imagine if I didn’t lock the door and Jaemin saw me balls deep in you. You’d like that, huh? What a slut.” 
Your legs feel like jelly as a familiar exhilaration surges through your limbs. “Speechless now, aren’t you?” Haechan smirks and drops your leg. Hands hold you by your waist as he bottoms out, his balls slapping your thigh slightly. Once he’s nestled in deep, he starts rubbing circles on your clit once again and you’re squeezing around him so well that he doesn’t need to move. 
The added sensation brings you to your edge, along with the feeling of fullness. Without a fail, he always makes sure he takes care of you first. “I’m gon-- cum.” Words are jumbled in your scattered, empty brain. The release is on the tip of your tongue, the tips of your toes, Haechan’s rhythm on your bud doesn’t falter.
“Cum on my dick, baby. I want to feel you lose control.” His final encouragement leads you to your demise as your pussy clenches around him sporadically and your legs shaking from the pleasure. But it doesn’t stop, Haechan starts fucking you through your orgasm, so fast that it almost has you crying out of the intensity. His nails dig into your skin. 
“Oh-- shit! Hyuck, I--” Haechan slams your hips down to match his and you’re holding onto the sheets for your life. The toe curling pleasure overwhelms you and you can’t tell, but you’re cumming again. It just never seems to stop.
With a last grunt and full thrust, you feel his dick pumping inside your walls. He kisses your shoulder tenderly and smooths over the moon crescents he left, “shit. I’m sorry for calling you out like that.”
“It’s fine. It was hot.” He pulls out and an emptiness disappoints you. Turning around to face him, you latch on and give him the biggest hug. “But I really just am forgetful! I don’t leave it open on purpose....”
“Baby, you say that, but do you also forget that you live with five other horny men?” He kisses your temples and sits you both up.
“That’s why I do it when you guys aren’t home.” Getting up, you start putting on Haechan’s shirt and slipping on your panties. “Do you think Jaem is done showering?”
“Probably, that guy uses 2 in 1 shampoo and body wash so he just lathers and rinses.” Haechan ties the condom and tosses it into the trash can. He slips on a pair of fresh briefs and starts removing his soiled bed sheets. “Come back and help me make my bed when you’re done.” 
Nodding, you slyly walk out of Haechan’s room. You turn the knob as quietly as you can and shut the door softly. When you spin around, Jaemin walks down the hall with a towel around his naked shoulders and his black hair wet from his shower. His toned body is glistening with droplets as his sweatpants hang low on his hips and the waistband of his underwear peek out. 
You’re so distracted by his appearance that you don’t realize he’s caught you leaving Haechan’s room. “Is that Haechan’s shirt?” He quizzes you, a smirk twitching his lips automatically at your doe eyed expression. “And are you not wearing pants, y/n?” 
“I see you’re done with your shower.” You say quickly and you dash away to the bathroom. The moment you shut the door, you’re surprised by a random girl on the toilet.
“Sorry!” You both yell, covering your eyes at the sudden intrusion on both ends. 
“I didn’t realize there wasn’t a lock on the door.” She says and you turn to face the door to give her some privacy.
“Yeah, it’s been broken for awhile now. We usually just put a sticky note on the door to show that it’s preoccupied.” You don’t even question who she is, denoting that it’s either Jaehyun or Johnny’s lady friend. “I’ll just wait outside.” 
“Wait, do you live with Johnny?” She asks and truthfully, you’re not ready to go back outside in any chance that you’ll bump into Jaemin again. The bathroom is where you intended to hide until enough time is passed, while also doing your business. 
“Yeah. We’re housemates.” 
“Ah, that’s comforting to know that there’s another girl here. I thought it was just a house of guys, so I was a bit worried coming over.” Her voice sounds reassured and you’re exhaling out all the anxious air you had pent up since seeing Jaemin.
“That’s good. Men, am I right?” You try laughing to lighten the mood and surprisingly through the steamy suffocation, she giggles back. 
“Yeah, I mean, I’ve never seen so many bottles of AXE body spray in one bathroom.” Living in a house full of men, you realize you slightly miss the bathroom talks with your girl friends. 
“Look in the tub, there are four bottles of men body wash, yet they always use mine! It’s a hoax.” You announce excitedly, despite still facing the door.
“I have the same one! I fucking knew Johnny smelled like white strawberries and mint, but I couldn’t tell if the scent was from me or him.” 
Maybe sometimes, it isn’t so bad living with a group of attractive men. You get to laugh with their hookups in the bathroom! And before you know it, Johnny is knocking on the bathroom door to the fit of giggles and questioning why there are two voices. 
“I thought you had left without saying goodbye.” He says.
“Damn, the sex was that bad.” You joke and Johnny fakes a laugh through the door.
“Let me know if Haechan is any better, y/n.” You gasp at his statement, but don’t respond. The flushing of the toilet and the sink running being the only noises in the room. You’re stunned. Knowing Jaemin’s big mouth, he can’t keep a secret to save his life.
“It’s nice meeting you, y/n.” Johnny’s hookup gives you a warming hug before leaving and when she opens the door to join him, you give Johnny the middle finger as your form of response. 
“Nice meeting you too!” You yell back to her and shut the door to finally do your business. 
Great, now everyone knows you fucked your housemate. 
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clearlydiamondz · 4 years ago
Your Only Fan
Erik!Stevens x Black!Reader
Erik Finds out his best friend slash crush has an only fans. Things go a little right once he finds out.
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, 18+ Content
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It was a Friday night, which meant that (Y/N) was getting a chance to see her best friend, Erik. Or E, which she calls him. It’s been a minute since she seen him considering she’s been caught up in her school work and he’s been caught up in whatever he had going on. 
Erik was excited when he saw that she messaged him, asking if he wanted to come over and watch a movie. Instantly he answered. 
E: Awe, lil baby miss me :( lol
(Y/N): how you my best friend and you don’t even come see me no more. i feel neglected.
E: Don’t worry, I’ma be there in an hour..
(Y/N): make it 30?
E: oh u desperate? aight, 30 min it is.
Erik grabbed his belongings, grabbing his adidas bag packing an overnight bag. After getting his phone and charger, he made his way out the door and to his car.
(Y/N) finished up cleaning herself up after doing a session on her Only Fans. After about an hour, she earned about a good 900 alone from just tips and subscriptions. This was one of the good nights. 
She made her way out of her bathroom, go to her little recording area cleaning all the toys and things before Erik got there. She didn’t want her best friend to find out about her dirty little secret. It was something that she wanted to keep buried for as long as she could.
She wasn’t ashamed of being a sex worker, she supported other girls. Spoke very strongly about it online. Even did some work with other girls and guys. She just didn’t want everything to change between her and Erik if he ever found out. 
She was in the kitchen making her famous dip when she heard the door open. She looked up and saw Erik walking in with his things in his hands. “Wassup big head?” he said walking into the apartment as she smile at him.
“Hi E, so I found this perfect movie for us to watch.” she said as he groaned. 
“It better not be no scary movie.” he said as she pouted. 
“Nevermind,..” she mumbled looking down as he laughed. “Lemme put my shit down and Ima come show you some love.” he said as she nodded. There was no question that had (Y/N) had feelings for her best friend. How could she not? He was handsome, kept up with himself, a gentlemen. The way he talked and made her blush. It was hard not to have feelings for this man.  
Erik walked into the room putting the extra clothes in the empty drawer she had for him. As he was putting the clothes inside, she heard his phone going off. He grabbed it seeing that it was one of his friends, Tyrel sending him an iMessage and picture. 
Ty: bro , u know bout this??
Erik confused, opened up the picture to see an Only Fans profile. He was about to question him about it until he saw the profile picture.
“Is that-”
Hi, my name is (Y/N), come visit me on my page to come play with me. 
“What the fuck?” he whispered to himself. It took everything in him not to pull up OnlyFans on his phone, but it was failed. Miserably. He searched her name, sitting on the bed looking at one of the thumbnails on the videos. He saw that it was a price for ten dollars a month for the basic subscription fee. After paying for it, he clicked on the video. 
“Hi daddy...’ she seductively whispered to the camera. She had on a white and black school girl outfit that barely covered her ass and pussy. Her skin was oiled, shining looking like  milk chocolate. “My pussy been so wet just thinking about you. Do you want to see?” she gushed biting her lip.
Erik couldn’t contain the weapon that swing between his legs. Just by the second it was getting harder looking at her. She sat back against the pillows opening her legs to show her wetness. 
Okay.. now I understand why she’s called Pearly Perfection...
If it wasn’t perfect, it was close to. The wetness spread across her outer lips, making her skin gloss. She spread her lips with her fingers, the yellow acrylic really contemplating her skin complexion, letting the wetness get on her fingers as she moved it up and downward to the entrance. 
“Ooh that feels good..” she moaned quietly to herself. She dipped a finger inside, slowly fucking herself with it.  She lifted her leg, slapping her vulva before leaning forward grabbing something behind the camera. She came back into frame with a clear dildo. She grabbed it, looking into the camera before licking the tip of it. She placed her mouth on it before deep throating it, basically shallowing the entire thing.
“Erik!” he heard from the kitchen. “Everything good?” 
“Uh yeah, I’m coming!” he exclaimed standing up. He exited the tab before placing his phone in his hoodies pocket. He stood up adjusting his issue, before walking out to the kitchen to see her pouring dip chips into the bowl. 
“You good? Look like you seen some shit?” she said chuckling as he shook his head. 
“If only you knew.” he whispered but she heard him. 
“Did you say something?”
“Nah..” he walked into the living room grabbing the remote as she looked at him a bit confused. Damn, I can’t even get a hug.. 
She grabbed the dip and chips walking to the living room, placing it on the coffee table. She walked back grabbing herself a wine cooler and Erik a beer. She walked back walking past him plopping down on the sofa. 
“I hope you found a good movie since you want to watch a damn scary movie.” she joked, all Erik did was just chuckle before going through the list. She looked at Erik waiting for a smart comeback but nothing.  
“Erik... are you okay?” she asked him touching his cheek as he looked at her.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You’re acting strange. If something happened than you can talk to me.” she reassured him as he smiled. Erik turned back to the screen before picking a random action film.
About an hour into the movie, (Y/N) leaned forward grabbing some dip and chips, her shirt was risen up a bit showing her red laced underwear and her back side. It was usual that (Y/N) dressed like that around him, they were comfortable with it. But for known reasons, it had Erik squirming in his seat. She looked back to see why he was moving so much. 
“Erik.. are you sure you’re okay?” she asked him as he nodded. She leaned back and he moved to the opposite side of her. “That’s it.” she grabbed the remote pausing the movie. 
“The hell is wrong with you?” she asked him standing up as he looked up at her. 
“What do you mean? I’m not-”
“Yes you are. You acting like you can’t touch me. You haven’t even eaten my dip and you eat my shit up as soon as it hits the table. I know when there is something wrong with you and there is something bothering you.” she said to him as he sighed scratching the back of his neck. 
“Okay, I’m going to be honest with you but be honest with me.” he said as she nodded. “Do you have an only fans?” The question rightfully was a curve ball but she would never like to Erik. Plus, if he was asking about it most likely he already knew the answer.
“Yes..” she trailed off. “How did you find out?” she asked him. Her heart was beating fast, so loud she could hear it in her own ears. 
“Ty sent me a picture of the profile.” he said as she rolled her eyes. 
“Wow, creepy ass nigga.” she said smacking her teeth. 
“No offense but there are a bunch of creepy ass niggas on Only Fans.” he said sitting up as she sighed. “Why you never told me about this?”
“Look how you’re acting. You can’t even touch me. I don’t want it to change things between us. That’s the last thing that I want to happen. A-And your acting different.” she pouted as he sighed. “Like if you ashamed that you are friends with me just up and say that. Trust me, it’s feels way more better than being- than being treated like I’m dirty or something.” Erik saw her eyes watering, and his entire mood changed. For a split second he forgot he was friends with a water bag.
“Wait, (Y/N) it’s not like that.” he stood up cupping her cheeks in his hands looking at her. “I don’t care what you do , you will always my best friend. I won’t ever look at you differently.” he said to her as she started to sniffle. 
“So why are you acting like this?”
Erik mentally cursed at himself. Now he really is going to have to admit that he watched a video and felt some type of way about it. It was all happening the wrong way. “Before I admit it to you, there is something else I should admit first" he said as she nodded. She sat down as he sat down beside her. 
“First of all, I’m admitting this to you because I’ve let this shit drag on for way to long and I need to just to say it. (Y/N), I’ve always had a thing for you. I’ve always wanted you to be mine. Like in a way where we are more than just bestfriends.” he said as she took it all in. 
"Erik I-"
“Wait, I’m not done yet. Out of curiosity, I went to your profile and I saw one of you’re videos. Ima keep it real, shit was sexy as hell. To the point where I wanna fuck the shit outta you.” he admitted. If there was one thing that she loved about him was how honest he was. 
“Okay, I just want to start off by saying that I have feelings for you too. And I want to be more than just best friends...” she trailed off as he smiled at her. “And another thing, if you have an Only Fans, doesn’t that make you one of those creepy ass niggas that-” her sentence was cut off by him pinching her thigh. “Ow.. that hurt.” she pouted as he smirked at her. There was something in his eyes that she never seen before. She stood up before straddling his lap as his hands gripped her waist. 
“Oh you bold.” he said as she nodded. 
“So tell me, what did you think about my videos?” she whispered in his ear. His eyes fluttered shut as he felt her lips kissing along his neck. 
“They were something.. I- ooh.” he moaned out as she started to whine directly on his dick. She grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head showing his bare chest. She traced her hands up his chest before throwing across his shoulders. 
Erik leaned in, brushing his lips passed hers smirking. With a brief movement her lips connected with his, him immediately dominating hers. He kinda tasted the cherry lip balm that was on her lips, that made her lips smooth and soft. Their tongues traced along each others in a way, like Erik was giving up his dominance. 
She bit her lip, standing up from his lap as she smirked at him. “What you doin/” he asked her. When she didn’t give him an answer, she got on her knees. “(Y/N).’ he said in a warning tone. 
“What’s wrong daddy?” she asked him. The way she said that you would think it was sinful. “I always thought about you fucking my throat, Erik.” she said as she smiled. She pulled the waist band down from his Nike Sweat pants, noticing he was free balling. “Oh you are big...” she said grabbing the base of it. She squeezed it making him jolt his hips forward. 
She kissed the tip, licking along it tasting his pre-cum. She knew Erik always kept up with himself. Drinking water and eating fruit. If he tasted like this now, she wanted to taste him when he bust in her mouth. 
She wrapped her lips around his erection, before going downward, letting her throat relax around him. “Nasty ass bitch..” he grunted thrusting his hips upward. Seeing him like this had her dripping down her thighs. 
She was messy, he liked that. Spit dropped down her chin along pre-cum.
“This is how you do it, huh? Freaky ass...” he said throwing his head back. She smiled at him. She hallowed her cheeks inward to make it tighter as he grunted. He grabbed her lifting him as she pouted. 
“Fuck wrong with you?” he asked her.
“I wanted you to cum in my mouth..” she said as he chuckled. He leaned forward kissing her, there tongues sliding against each other. She was just like him she liked having that shit messy. 
“Let me ride it, daddy..” she whispered to him, stroking his dick as he stood up. They quickly took off all their clothes as she pushed him back on the sofa. She hovered over it and before she could sit on it, he stopped her.
“You still on the pill, right?” he asked her as she nodded. 
“Yeah I am..” she said making him smirk. 
“Thank God, I don’t plan on pulling out.” he said as she bit her lip. She sink herself on it as the both of them whispered out a quiet ‘fuck’. By far, Erik was one of the biggest nigga’s she been with. She had dildos his size probably a little bigger, but it was different because he was fucking her back. 
“Tight ass pussy, this shit wet for me huh?’ he grunted in her ear as she gasped. All she could do was moan. “Answer me..” he started to thrust his hips upward s she moaned out. 
“Fuck, yes daddy.” she gasped out as he smirked, He was hitting a spot that she ain’t even believe was possible to reach. He rotated his hips in a way that made him hit ever inch of her wall. 
“You’re so fucking deep, I feel it in my stomach.” she gasped as he smirked. 
“Yeah take all this big dick. Take it like a big girl. Making a mess all over my shit, I should have you’re nasty ass get down on your knee’s and clean it up.” he taunted her as she fucked him back. She gained her confidence back. 
She purposely made herself tight as he halted his movements. He leaned back grabbing her waist as she smiled. “Does it feel good, daddy?” she asked him as he grunted squeezing his eyes shut. 
“You tryna make me bust this quick? Huh? Get up. I got something for you’re ass.” he said. She lifted herself off as he stood up. He picked her up, walking to her bedroom. He threw her on the bed getting in between her legs. She prepped herself up to see what he was doing as he kissed her up along her thighs. 
He licked along her folds as she let out a huge sigh. He moved his tongue in slow circular motion applying pressure. “Oh shit, just like that.” she gasped. He moved his tongue downward to her entrance. She started to grind herself against his mouth, basically using him. 
“That’s it, use my fucking mouth bitch.” he grunted. His tongue was demonic. She wasn’t expecting to come so close but damn was she getting a run for her money.
“Who’s stopping you?” he said to her. Within a couple of seconds, she came all over his tongue in lips with a piercing scream. 
“Ass up face down. I’m beating that shit up until I’m done.” he grunted out at her. She turned on her stomach before lifting her ass in the air, creating the perfect arch.
Coming from behind, he entered her nice and slow as he winced. “Shit don’t make no sense. Why you giving me this good pussy, huh?” he said fucking her and she moaned. “I ain’t tell you again, answer me.”
“Because your dick feel so good in my pussy daddy..” she moaned out, gripping the sheets. She started fucking him back at the same pace. “Cum inside me please... I want it so bad.” she moaned as he smiled. 
“Yeah, beg for my shit. Nasty Ass,” he grunted slapping her ass making her scream.. “Pussy making a straight up mess on my dick... shit fucking creaming.” he said looking at his dick. He paused her movement as she gasped at the sudden halt. 
Erik was in a complete shock about what was happening. He was finally digging in her guts and he was about to bust all in her. He pulled out flipping her on her back as he settled in between her lips. 
“Baby...” she moaned out as he smiled. Genuinely smiled. 
“Talk to me..” he whispered kissing her shoulders as she shuttered.
“I’m so close.. please baby.” she whispered back looking into his eyes. The energy in the room instantly shifted. They weren’t fucking any more, they were making love.
He inserted himself inside of her as she let out at a satisfied sigh. He gave her slow strokes as he put his hands behind her to hold himself up. The strokes were slow and deep. 
(Y/N) thought that the only sex she could enjoy was rough and hard, but she was just proven wrong about everything. She was loved this feeling. She didn’t know if it was because it was with Erik, but she needed more of this. 
Erik was in his own world. His main focus was to make her cum. And he was  close to itg just by the feeling. She was gripping him to the point where it was hard for him to move. 
“Loosen up ma, shit tight as hell.” he said chuckling as she moaned. 
“I’m sorry I’m so close..” she said as he nodded. He was close too, and most likely was going to cum before her. 
Within a couple of seconds later he came deep. She felt his heavy load paint her walls, that triggered her own orgasm. She clawed at his back, definitely drawing a bit of blood. He collapsed right beside her as they both looked at each other. 
“You do know that means that you are mine, right?” he said to her as she chuckled looking up at the ceiling. “I’m serious. I’m the only one that need to be getting all in that, you understand me?” he said as she nodded. 
“Loud and clear..” she whispered before tucking herself under the covers. 
“Quick question... why did you start doing it?” he asked as she sighed. 
“Like two years ago, money got real tight. I started doing it, honestly I thought that it was just gonna be something for me to extra money on but than I blew up, and I started to get a lot of money from it. Now, I make enough money on it to pay all my bills, plus more. Including my job down at the restaurant.” she admitted to him. 
“Hm, well I understand..” he said. Their was a sudden silence until he spoke up again. 
“You could join me on my Only Fans. My fans would love seeing you fuck me.” she joked as he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Shit, I don’t mind.” 
“Wait you serious.” 
“Dead ass.”
The next morning, Erik woke up in the bed, where it was empty. The smell of her cooking made him get out of the bed. After brushing his teeth and what not, he made his way into the kitchen to see she was making homemade pancakes. 
The only thing she had on was one of Erik’s T-Shirts that he left over her the last time he was here, with some a pair of boy shorts. “Good morning.” he said walking behind her wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck as she smiled. 
“Good morning to you too.” she placed the batter on the counter, turning around to look at him. 
“Mm, you smell good.” he said. “I’m so glad that I can finally call you mine.” he replied as she smiled at him. Here she was thinking that it was just something said in the moment, but she was glad the feelings were genuinely real.
“I am too..”
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randombubblegum · 3 years ago
Comment 1: My take on song girl is after the Ciara dog girl stuff Awsten probably doesn’t want his gf talking about that stuff online. Not to hide it just don’t be public. When song girl was on twitch years ago she’d have little chats w people & I don’t think she thought this time would be different. At the end of her most recent twitch she went oh. Oh. And her eyes got super wide & I think she realized this was a mistake bc of who was watching & the questions. She hasn’t gone on since.
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you make good points in this ask!! lemme go point by point lol
i didnt watch all the way to the end of her twitch stream (got bored) so i didnt see the moment youre talking about but yeah, she did get uncomfortable when people would hint they knew she had a bf. but even after she was CONSTANTLY talking about her bf, dropping hints she was seeing someone, talking about getting on european time for the exact duration awsten was in europe……. i dont think its like an unavoidable compulsion for ppl to talk about their significant others so that was like, a choice she was making in conversation to an audience? like i think she didnt realize people already knew, but also a really poor way to keep something apparently ~top secret~ private lol
also, i have to argue, she kinda is public?? she has an insta which is normal but she also has a twitch, with apparently a decent following/mods/subs/etc. id hardly call that private like you or me, yknow? before awsten she dated another musician, albeit one w a much smaller following, so its not like shes new to the idea of online fanbases i think
all that aside tho, like, i get what youre saying about not meaning to open herself up to scrutiny. i think you have a point and thats rly valid. my main thing, and a core belief i hold thats the reason i do literally any amount of discussion about parx on here: my tumblr is not meant to be viewed by the people im talking about, its NOT easy to find (ive never even typed her real name), and theres zero reason song girl (or dog girl, or awsten, or like literally anyone who knows parx) should know it exists much leas be seeing the things i say about them!!!! i rly dont believe they are. i dont wish this girl any ill will, i dont condone (and have specifically warned yall against) leaving comments or messaging her directly or like trying to make her feel bad/harass her. this is just a little tucked-away gossip corner to note the things she and awsten are making public. i guess i am a little harsh when i talk about her sometimes but really the one im mad at is awsten for treating girls like interchangeable clones lol -_-
but also that shit w your ex—i know EXACTLY what youre talking about and honestly your ex and his friends are assholes lol. without getting into too much detail ive been in that situation in different roles and like, friends of mine have actively unfollowed/cut off other friends for slinging mud about their (not abusive just regular) exes after a breakup. if youre warning people that someones abused you thats one thing but talking shit about your ex and having friends join in just to take them down a peg is shitty childish behavior. and it sucks!!!! so i get why you feel that way. i dont think this situation is the same but i get you lol
basically in summary yeah i think she doesnt know what shes gotten into but thats on awsten for not warning her lol. i dont think us making idle chatter on a tiny internet corner shell never reasonably see (and thus will never feel bad about) is the same as harrassment/bullying/deliberately trying to make her feel bad and thats def not my intention. i also dont care about her specifically but ya i agree w u on the principle of the thing. and no worries ur ask was rly thoughtful i appreciate it!!! :) thanks for expressing a logical opinion in a reasonable way lol i feel u
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pishufics · 4 years ago
study date(s)
"Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit. So, he's going to ask you for help."
pairing - bertholdt hoover x reader
tags - high school au, fluff, humor, texting
warnings - none
author’s note -  this was just a one shot but i kept writing lol it kind of switches between you and bertholdt, but i don't directly say his thoughts, it's kind of like 2nd person omniscient if that's even a thing LOL
lmk how the texting reads, i'll change it if it's weird
reblogs and comments are appreciated ! mwah
chapter 1 - two days
reinah: I swear if you don’t just ASK her
Do you want to be held back?
bertoto: relax okay i’ll do it :(
r: Okay, okay
Lmk how it goes
b: i never said i was asking today
Bertholdt sighs and locks his phone once he sees Reiner start to type a reply.
Bertholdt is struggling with English, which surprises him. He’s a good student in every other class, but the moment Mr. Ackermann starts talking, he finds himself dozing off, missing the lecture. Recently, though, he’s awake in class, but still not paying attention. All his focus is on you, who sat in the middle of the classroom while he sat in the back, due to his height (he didn’t really mind, though; better chance of not getting caught asleep).
One day, due to some miraculous occurrence, the short, stern teacher actually had the boy’s attention, but not for long.
“Does anyone have number three?” Mr. Ackermann asked. Bertholdt definitely didn’t. He hoped someone would raise their hand so the teacher wouldn’t resort to calling a random name.
To his relief, you did.
“I think what the author was trying to convey was…”
Bertholdt didn’t really get what you were saying, but he admired your intelligence. You knew the material and could explain it in detail, while he couldn’t even recall the book's name in question.
He started to admire more of your traits - he gazed as you would lightly, but briskly, tap your foot in frustration when you didn’t know an answer and smile at the way your face relaxed when you finally got it. Seeing your motivation in class kickstarted his.
Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit.
So, he's going to ask you for help.
“Girl, I don’t have any more fucking gum. I drove up to Costco, bought the value sized pack, and you somehow managed to chew all of it.” You say exasperatedly, shutting your locker.
Sasha pouts. “Are you sureeee? There’s prolly half a stick left in your front pocket…”
You swat her hand away. “There’s. Nothing. Left. I promise.” She continues to stare at your bag.
“Fuckin-” You mutter, reaching into your bag and pulling out a snack-size bag of Cheezits. They’re one of your favorite snacks, but you know you can’t win when it comes to Sasha and food. You reluctantly hand the bag to her.
“Thanks, y/n!” She smiles and tears open the bag.
“Yknow, you can be annoying as shit, Sasha.”
She winks at you and eats her stolen prize. You turn to leave and head to 3rd period. English.
Hm. You’re usually greeted by your other best friend around now-
“Yeoooo!!” Oh, there he is. Connie daps you up before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “What’s good?”
“I don’t really wanna go to 3rd," you answer. "Sasha stole my Cheezits."
“Does anyone really wanna go to any class? And that's your fault, you know you can't bring food without Sasha's fatass taking it,” Connie replies, and Sasha punches his shoulder.
“Okay, I know...have you started studying for the test?”
He blankly stares at you. Guess not. You have the same teacher, but different periods, so you can’t keep an eye on him.
“Nevermind. I’ll see y’all later.” You throw up a peace sign and head in the opposite direction.
It’s not like you’re bad at English, but you just don’t like school in general. You go to class to get your participation grade, then go home.
There might be another reason you tolerate 3rd period, though, and it isn’t the professor. (He is pretty fine, but he's an adult, so you don’t let your thoughts escalate).
Mr. Ackermann didn’t like assigning things online, so most of the work in this class was on paper, contrasting your other classes where everything was digital. Kind of annoying, but you’ve learned to deal with it.
You mainly use mechanical pencils because you hate the way wooden ones write, but one day, to your slight dismay, you forgot them at home. Just your luck.
There’s a container of pencils and a sharpener in the back of the classroom, so you stand up to go retrieve one and notice a tall boy asleep in a desk not too far back from yours.
Bertholdt Hoover.
You knew him, of course. You find it a little rude to not know your classmates' names; you’ve dealt with numerous “who?”s in previous years and don’t want to put anyone through that, so you make sure to pay attention during introductions.
You chuckle at sight. The class has barely even started, and the guy is already dozing. In an awkward position, at that. One of his long legs is across the other, cramped underneath the desk. His head was laying on his right arm with his left against his hair. You thought to wake him up, but he looked so peaceful, you couldn't bring yourself to do it, plus, it's not your business. Mr Ackermann somehow didn't notice either, so Bertholdt always had a good rest in 3rd period English.
Every time you walked into class, you checked to see what weird position he would be sleeping in. You found yourself looking forward to it- he looked kinda cute when he was sleeping- but he stopped one day. You were a little disappointed, but glad to know that he was starting to pay attention in class. You still glanced at him as you walked in- he's a pretty attractive guy. No harm in just looking...
You shrug your backpack off and sit at your desk, stretching your legs out a bit. The walk from your locker to this classroom was kind of far. You reach into your bag, get your mechanical pencil out, and wait for Mr Ackermann to pass out the first assignment.
Just then, you hear someone walk up to your desk, and you glance over.
‘Oh, it’s Bertholdt. I don’t think we’ve ever spoken.’ You feel your face heat up, wondering what he wanted from you.
“Hey, y/n…” He nervously starts.
“Hey. Need something?”
“Yeah, actually...about the upcoming test.”
You hum in curiosity. “What about it?”
He clears his throat. “I’m lowkey failing this class, and if I mess up this test, I’ll have to retake this class next year. Do you think you could, uh…”
Bertholdt inhales in an attempt to calm himself down. It doesn’t really work.
“Could you help me study?” Phew. He managed to get it out pretty well and made a mental note to give himself a pat on the back later. But he hasn’t fully succeeded yet; you still need to agree.
You weren't opposed to the idea. You kind of figured he would be struggling in class a bit since he used to sleep all the time. It’s alright with you, and you wouldn’t mind a potential new friend. Sasha and Connie were exhausting at times.
“Yeah, sure. When?” You pause. “Actually, just text me.” You hold out your hand, asking for his phone.
Bertholdt was practically shaking in his sneakers as he reached into his pocket and handed you his unlocked phone with the contacts app open. You actually agreed! And you were giving him your number! Reiner was going to be so proud, he smiled to himself.
As you type in your info, you appreciate the cleanliness of his phone. That shows you that he’s at least hygienic.
“Aight. Here you go,” you return his device. “See you later.” You smile.
Bertholdt can’t believe this is happening.
Mr Ackermann’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Oi, Hoover. Sit down.”
Startled, he jumps back a bit at the sudden acknowledgement. He was focused on you and tuned everything else out.
“Sorry, sir.” Bertholdt gives you a quick grin and turns to go back to his desk. Once he sits, he looks down at the new contact:
y/n :)
Bertholdt can’t help but smile. Just seeing your name and number on his screen made him giddy, and he thought that the smiley face you added was adorable.
His thoughts are interrupted yet again, but not by the teacher. He looks down at his phone, which just buzzed.
| Messages
Did you do it yet bruh
Good timing. Bertholdt taps on the notification and goes to type a reply, but decides to send him a screenshot of your contact…with your number scribbled out. Reiner was a flirt, and he didn’t want to risk anything.
Bertholdt rolls his eyes and puts his phone in his backpack. He was going to pay attention- for real - today. He didn't want to seem too clueless when you tutored him.
“Can anyone tell me what rhetorical strategy is being used here?” Mr. Ackermann asked.
Bertholdt certainly could not. But that was changing soon, with your help.
“Okaay, we got Ms. Tutor over here now,” Sasha smiles in between bites of a burger.
“Do you even know how to, like, teach, though?” Connie gives you a skeptical look.
“It prolly isn’t too hard. All I gotta do is help him study. If he needs help understanding a concept, I’ll just explain it,” you defend yourself. “We still have two weeks. Ion mind making flashcards or something.”
“You’re getting into it, huh?” Sasha laughs.
Your face heats in embarrassment. “Girl, you know it isn’t like that.”
“And why not? You’re always bitching about how lonely you are. High school isn’t gonna last forever…” she replies.
“I have no recollection of saying anything like that.” You glare. But she isn’t exactly wrong. You’d like to experience the “high school romance” you’ve heard so much about, and Bertholdt is pretty cute. It’s not like dating is a significant concern, though.
“I’m always here as an option, y/n,” Connie winks as he takes a sip of his soda.
“Hell nah.”
Across the cafeteria, Bertholdt is trying to eat a sandwich, but Reiner won’t leave him alone. He was right about Reiner being proud, but Bertholdt almost forgot how persistent the jock could get.
“I didn’t think you had the balls, dude. I was ready to see English 3 on your schedule again next year,” He grins, arm around his taller friend's shoulders.
“...Can I eat?” Bertholdt sighs and shrugs his friend away.
“Have you texted her yet? What day are you gonna hang out with her? You gonna bring her anything? Flowers or somethin’? Girls like that kinda stuff.”
Bertholdt didn’t really think that was true.
“First off, no, not yet. I need to see when I can actually go. Second, no, I am not bringing her anything. I didn’t say it was a date. She’s going to help me study.”
“Fine, man. At least try to seem more interesting, yknow, so she can like...be interested in you.”
“Are you saying I’m boring? Ouch,” He jokingly pouts and rolls his eyes at Reiner’s double usage of ‘interesting.’
“You said it, not me.”
“Okay, I don’t wanna hear that from you...if it came from Annie, then I’d believe it.” Bertholdt looks in the blonde’s direction. She took a bite from her burger, looked up from her phone, and shrugged.
“Damn, for real?” Bertholdt sinks. He didn’t think he was that dull. He did lots of interesting stuff, like…
Bertholdt sighs in defeat.
“It’s fine. Maybe y/n likes boring,” Bertholdt huffs, taking another bite from his sandwich.
“Yeah, okay, keep telling yourself that and see where it gets you…” Reiner mumbles.
“Come again?”
“Nothing, man…”
School's been over for an hour or two. You’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone when you feel a buzz, and glance towards the top of the screen.
| Messages
it’s bertholdt 😁
where should we meet up?
Your heart starts to beat a little faster. ‘Relax, girl… don't act like he's asking you out or something,’ you tell yourself.
y/n: hey!
how abt the library?
+  what day/ time works for you?
You add his number to your contacts as you wait for his response.
bertholdt :^)
is saturday at 3 okay?
y/n: yep
do you need a ride or anything?
b: no, but thank you
see you then ☺️
y/n: alrighty :)
You smile at his use of emojis, send what he requested, then swipe down on your screen to check the day (what? It's normal to forget sometimes.) Wednesday. Two days.
You feel like it would be awkward to study with Bertholdt considering you aren’t really friends, so you decide to text him a little more so it isn't too bad when the day arrives.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” Reiner exclaims. “You could’ve tried to talk to her more, but it went good!”
“I think it would’ve been weird if I did say anything else. Best to leave it at that…” Bertholdt exclaims, trying to calm himself down. He had two days.
He wonders what he should do now. Study so he could impress you? Do something to make himself seem more interesting? What would he even do...?
Bertholdt taps back onto the conversation to reread it for the 6th time. Was there anything he could’ve said different? Should he try asking you someth-
Oh, wait-? You’re typing?
“Oh shit- Dude, she’s saying something else. What do I do?” He begins to panic. Did you suddenly decide he wasn’t worth your time? Were you cancelling?
y/n: sooo
how’s your day been?
Whaaaaaatttt?? You actually...care to ask?
Bertholdt stared at his phone in surprise.
“What’d she say? Cmon! Don’t just look, dude!”
“She...asked how my day’s been-”
“-You gotta reply now! You were on the chat when she said it, so she knows you’ve read it!” Reiner urges.
Shit. He doesn't have enough time to think of a good reply.
good, but better since i’m texting you 😉|
The hell? No, that’s weird. And too soon. He tries again...
pretty good, thanks!
kinda stressing over the test, haha
how’s your day going?
There we go. He twiddles his thumbs as he waits for your reply.
y/n :)
oh, dw, it’ll be fine !
my day was okay
sasha took my last bag of cheez its :(
b: ah, i'm sorry abt that :(
+ yeah, you're right
have you as my tutor :)
“Nice job man! That was...kinda flirty? You’ll get there!” Reiner ruffles his hair in encouragement, and Bertholdt shoos him away. He stares at his phone in anticipation. Was that too much?
i have you as my tutor :)
You lean your head on your pillow and feel your face heat up at the compliment ( was that a compliment?)
It’s not like you’re dumb, so he’s not wrong to think that. Your lips curl into a smile as you reread the message. But how do you reply? Should you compliment him back? You don’t really know.
if you’re saying i’m smart, thank you :))
hoping that wasn't sarcasm lol
You wait a minute, and he doesn’t reply, so you decide to ask another question.
is there anything specific you wanna focus on?
You cringe at the double texting, but hope that it doesn't make him think you're weird. You swipe away from the conversation and scroll on various apps as you wait.
b: ofc it wasn’t sarcasm, you're really smart, y/n!
i'm mainly struggling with rhetorical strategies and logical fallacies, but i could
use a general review too
if that's okay with you
You bury your almost overheating face into your pillow. Why is something like that getting you flustered, you wonder. You sit up, take a deep breath, and focus on the second part of his message. You're pretty good with what he needs work on, and a general review should be easy to put together.
y/n :) okay, we can focus on the first 2 on saturday
we can review the unit on other days
see you at school:)
At this point, you really don’t know how this conversation could go any further, so you ended it. Bertholdt returns your goodbye.
You exhale and sit up in your bed. Hopefully tutoring him won’t be too awkward now that you’ve spoken to him a bit, and there's still tomorrow at school to speak to him. You find yourself excited for the study date tutoring session, since you could get your homework done too.
"Two days," you smile.
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bubblesuga · 5 years ago
Oblivious To Adoration - 2 (m)
Summary: After an intense night of drunken sex, Jungkook realizes he wants more. When he suggests an idea to you, you were shocked. However, who were you to say no to Mr. Jeon Jungkook?
W/C: 3,118
Prev Part - Next Part 
Warnings: car sex, unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism 
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Sleeping beside Jungkook was more comfortable than you thought. 
You had always known him as this muscular guy, so the thought of properly cuddling with him had never crossed your mind. That is, until you fell asleep last night when you definitely weren’t supposed to.
It was just so warm in his arms, your bare chest against his side while light snores left your mouth. Jungkook woke before you, glancing at the clock with a small sigh. Throughout the night he hadn’t let go of you at all, which was surprising to him because he was always one to want to sleep on his own. 
“(Y/N)?” Jungkook’s voice was soft, almost as if he was speaking to a baby. 
You stirred momentarily in your sleep, and Jungkook couldn’t help but push a strand of hair from your face. It was like his hand had a mind of it’s own, and all he could do was watch while he stroked your hair. 
Leaning down to your level, images of last night flashed through his mind. Pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, he giggled at the contrast of this kiss compared to the ones from last night. He watched your eyelids flutter at the sound, so he quickly covered his mouth in an attempt to watch you sleep just a little bit longer. 
Your chest heaved as you inhaled, signaling your wake. Softly, your eyes opened to see Jungkook watching you with hooded lids. 
“You did so well last night,” he praises, the words being a welcoming first sentence for you, “you’re so amazing.” 
He leans forward to press a kiss to you and you immediately kiss back, remnants of the night before on his tongue still. Jungkook growls when you drop your hand between the two of you, your fingers skimming the tip of his member and feeling it twitch beneath you. Even when he was soft he was still so big. 
“Baby-” Jungkook chokes into the kiss as you grip the base of his cock, “s- stop. I have to work soon.” 
You immediately let go of him, pulling away from the kiss with a blush on your lips, “I’m sorry, you kissed me so I thought-” 
“I just wanted to kiss you,” Jungkook leans forward again, his lips brushing against yours, “sometimes I want to kiss you without fucking you.” 
“Oh.” Your blush deepens, embarrassment flooding you. Jungkook chuckled at your rosy cheeks, his thumbs brushing them. He stands after a moment, slipping on his boxers with his half-hard on, giving you a playful glare once you noticed it. 
You were confused by the kiss, your mind immediately racing with thoughts about how you weren’t 100% sure what being friends with benefits entailed. You thought it was mindless sex, nothing more and nothing less. His tongue intertwining with yours only when the two of you needed to get off, but what he just did to you seemed so domestic. It was dangerously close to approaching relationship-like tendencies and you had to put a stop to as soon as you possibly could. 
“I’ll get you some water,” he rolls his neck, stretching away the sleep, “you probably need it after last night.” 
Sending you a wink, he opens his bedroom door and pads down the hallway, into the kitchen. Whistling some song he heard on the loud speaker at work a few days ago, he couldn’t help the pep in his step. 
It was definitely one of his happiest moments in a while, especially while he watched you come undone above him in one of the most erotically delicious scenes he had ever seen. He only thought this sort of stuff happened in the movies, but you proved him wrong in one night with your goddess like figure and the moan of his name. He was glad that he had the place to himself because he had no clue what he would have done had Taehyung been home. There’s no way he could have kept quiet. 
So, when he placed the jug of filtered water back into the fridge and turned around, he jumped to see Taehyung standing in the doorway of the kitchen, an eyebrow raised and a knowing smirk on his lips. 
“T- Tae! When did you get home?” Jungkook stutters, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
“Just got in, what’ya go there?” Taehyung moves to lean against the doorway, his tongue in his cheek while his smirk grew. He gestures towards the two cups filled with water, causing Jungkook to whip his head towards it. 
“Nothing! You know me, always so thirsty.” he lets out an awkward chuckle, picking up one of the cups and downing the water in a few gulps. 
Taehyung takes in his friends panicked state, “You got laid didn’t you? Who with? Can I meet her?” 
Jungkook looks up with wide eyes, shaking his head incessantly, “No fucking way, dude. There’s no way you will ever meet her.” 
“Ah, so you did get laid?” 
Jungkook’s face reddens, his ears heating up at the possibility of Taehyung finding out that Jungkook was boning his best friend. Taehyung gave him a pat on the shoulder, a chuckle leaving his lips, “Is this your attempt to get over your crush on (Y/N)?” 
Jungkook choked, covering his mouth in an attempt to hide his shock but he knew that Taehyung had already seen his reaction.
He knew that Taehyung was well aware of his crush on you, especially since he wouldn’t stop talking about that night. Since everyone knew what had happened, he had no problem mentioning about how it was one of the best nights of his life. Even if Yoongi was upset by the fact that his bed had been taken over by you and Jungkook, he still had no regrets. However, you seemed insistent on keeping this a secret so Jungkook knew he couldn’t just come out and say ‘ah, no. (Y/N) is in my bed right now and we just had a full night of wild-’ 
“Earth to Kook?” Taehyung waves his hand in front of Jungkook’s face, breaking Jungkook out of his stare. 
“Huh? Oh- yeah, I figured it’s just best to get her off of my mind so I brought home a girl from the bar,” Jungkook shrugged, his ability to lie even surprising himself, “so I’m gonna get back to her. Holler if you need anything but don’t come in my room.” 
Taehyung puts his hands up in surrender, “You got it, don’t need to worry about me. I respect the sock on the door.” 
Jungkook gives a small nod to his roommate, shakily walking back to his room with now only one glass of water and a whole lot of nerves. 
“Took you long enough,” you were dressed now, your hair brushed and thrown up into a bun, “thank you.” You grin, taking the glass of water. 
You notice Jungkook’s expression, raising an eyebrow while you swallowed your drink, “you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Jungkook sits on the bed, his head falling into his hands. A frustrated sigh falls from his lips. There was nothing more he wanted to do than tell his roommate what was going on but he’s trying desperately to respect your wishes. 
“Taehyung’s home,” Jungkook looks up, biting his lip, “I don’t know how to get you out of here.” 
“What?” You hiss, your voice dropping significantly in volume, your heartbeat rushing to the tips of your fingers while anxiety overcame your every being, “how the fuck am I supposed to-” 
“Whoa, okay,” Jungkook jumps up, rubbing his hands up and down your arms comfortingly, “we’re gonna sneak you out. You just have to be quiet and make sure Taehyung doesn’t hear your voice.” 
You nod. Obviously this was the safest bet, not that you were expecting some elaborate plan to sneak you out of the window or anything like that. However, knowing Jungkook that was probably the first thing to go through his mind. 
Carefully, Jungkook pulls you in for one last kiss, before slowly opening his bedroom door and taking a peak to see where Taehyung might me. 
Hearing the menu sound for PUBG from his bedroom, Jungkook lets out a little sigh of relief and holds your hand tight in his. You ignored the fire that ignited in your lower half at the pressure, tip toeing passed Taehyung’s room and successfully making it to the front door. 
As you step through the threshold, you let go of Jungkook’s hand and turn around with a sigh. 
There it was again, you remembered it well from the last time. The awkward way to say goodbye, you weren’t sure whether it be a hug or a kiss. Something about the way he was look at you, his hair still disheveled from last night and the soft smile stretched across his lips made him look so inviting. 
Just as you were about to lean forward, Jungkook licking his lips in the process, you both pull away as quickly as you moved in once you heard Taehyung’s door squeak open. 
“Oh shit,” Taehyung laughs, and your blood runs cold for a moment before he speaks again, “the irony of (Y/N) interrupting your hook up, huh Kookie?”
“Ahaha,” you lean around Jungkook’s shoulder, “I didn’t know you had a girl in there, Jungkookie. Next time let me know and I won’t swing by.” 
Jungkook’s jaw drops momentarily before he turns around, looking directly at Taehyung. His eyebrows raise for a moment, “U- unless, (Y/N) was the girl in your bed last night.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Hyung,” Jungkook waves him off, turning back to you, “I’ll see you for movie night. Bye.” 
Then the door was shut in your face, the dark wooden panels greeting you much like they did when you showed up last night. 
It’s been a couple weeks since you last saw Jungkook. 
With differing schedules, it had been difficult for you to meet up in any way. Aforementioned movie night was cancelled and you began to worry that Jungkook was regretting his decision with you. 
His text messages were sparse and you only managed to call him once or twice with him actually picking up. Taehyung responded to you more than Jungkook did, mostly explaining that he’s been picking up extra shifts or that his boss scheduled him oddly. 
So, you wake up one morning and groan. Still no texts from Jungkook, so you decide to take your ass to his job. 
Sitting in the booth, the hostess of the restaurant went on to sit you in Jungkook’s section. She knew you around here, especially since Jungkook wouldn’t stop talking about you from the moment he met you. 
You spot Jungkook on the other side of the dining room, so you wait patiently for him to walk over to your table. 
When he finally makes eye contact with you, he grins. Quickly, he makes his way over to you and sits across from you in the booth. 
His white button up and black apron was fitted against his abdomen, different from his usual baggy clothing. You liked the look on him, especially with the shirt tucked into his black slacks. For a moment, you forgot why you showed up in the first place. 
“What’s going on?” Jungkook questions, his grin growing when he notices your eyes trailing up and down his neck. 
“I just haven’t heard from you in a while, was wondering if you were upset with me or something.” You were suddenly shy, crossing your legs beneath the table. You couldn’t line your thoughts up to accurately say what you were feeling, or why you were so upset that you hadn’t heard from Jungkook in so long. 
“Upset with you? No, honey-” Jungkook shuts his eyes and sighs, your blood running cold at the adoring nickname, “(Y/N), I’ve just been working a lot. Believe me, there’s been nothing more that I wanted to do than see you.”
Feeling your mouth go dry, you attempt to swallow. Of course he was working a lot, it’s summer and Jungkook was a university student. He isn’t necessarily on the richer side of the spectrum. 
“I’m sorry, this was stupid.” You begin to get up from your seat but Jungkook quickly grabs your wrist, pulling you back down gently. 
“No it’s not stupid,” Jungkook speaks softly, his hand moving to hold yours, “if we’re going to make this work, we need to be able to communicate. All our issues and feelings.” 
“Do you have any issues with this?” This was much different to what you were feeling before about this arrangement. Now that you had gone without him for a while, you didn’t want it to end. 
“No, none at all-” Jungkook’s hand tightens around yours, “I’m off once this last table pays. Wait for me, I’ll drive you home and we can talk.” 
He rushes back towards the last table and checks them out, thanking them for coming and holding up a finger to you, gesturing for one more minute. 
It doesn’t take him long to clock out, and he’s walking back out towards you with his button up exchanged for a too-big-for-him grey shirt and sandals. Standing, you slip your bag on your shoulder and follow Jungkook out the restaurant. 
“Anyway,” Jungkook starts once he’s backed out of the parking lot, “I have absolutely no problems with any of what’s going on. But if you do I’d prefer you tell me sooner rather than later.” 
“If I’m coming to you and asking you if you have any issues, what makes you think I do?” You raise a brow, watching him down shift on the gear of his bucket car. You told him it’d be better to invest in a decent car rather than a nicer apartment but he insisted that he loved this hunk of junk. 
“Dunno,” Jungkook shrugs, “I’ve been worried you haven’t been... enjoying it as much as I have.” 
“Oh, Kookie,” you laugh, “I’ve been enjoying it more than you know.” 
“Good, good.” Jungkook grins, pulling up to a stop light and biting his bottom lip. He looks over to you, moving his hand from the gearshift to your thigh, squeezing. 
Immediately you gasp, looking down at the way his large hand gripped your thigh. “What’re you-” you cut yourself off with another gasp and feel Jungkook’s hand dip beneath your skirt, rubbing soft circles over the fabric of your underwear. 
Your hands fly to his wrist, “Jungkook!” You squeal, nearly turning into jelly once you felt him dip his fingers into your underwear and press hard into your clit. 
“What, baby? Tell me what you want.” He teases, looking over to you with dark eyes. In turn, you toss your head back and let out a loud moan. Completely forgetting that everyone in the cars beside you could see you, your back arched off the back of the street while Jungkook’s pace quickened. 
It all ended too soon when Jungkook heard a honk from behind him, seeing the green light and pulling his hand away to downshift. You catch your breath to the best of your ability, looking down to see your arousal on Jungkook’s tattooed fingers. 
“You can’t do that to me.” You groan, your own hand flying down to cup your sex in a sad attempt to ease the pressure. 
“Do what?” Jungkook’s eyes were on the road, his middle and ring finger between his lips and sucking off your arousal. You bite your lip, “Kookie, please.” 
“What? What do you want?” Jungkook’s voice had a certain husk to it that only happened when he wanted to be deep inside of you. 
“Pull over, I need you.” 
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. 
Pressing on the gas, he pulls into the parking lot of your apartment complex. He reaches over and unbuckles your seat belt, leaning his seat back and pulling you over. 
You look around quickly to see the parking lot mostly empty, the grinding your hips down on top of his in an attempt to get him as hard as possible. 
“Come on darling, we don’t have time to fuck around.” Jungkook says in your ear, pulling you down to his lips and kissing you hard. He reaches between you and slides your panties to the side, sliding a finger between your folds and collecting your wetness. 
As you reach between him, you lean back against the steering wheel and accidentally press the horn. The beep makes you jump forward and Jungkook begins to laugh. 
You giggle with him, capturing him in a kiss again and reaching for his zipper. 
It didn’t take long for him to slip inside of you, an appreciative groan falling from his lips. “It’s been too fucking long.” 
“Oh yeah?” You lift yourself up and slide back down again, “and whose fault was that?” 
“Shut up,” Jungkook laughs, his fingertips digging into your hips, “not my fault my boss is scheduling me so much.” 
“Stop talking.” You moan, sinking your teeth into his neck. Feeling yourself sink onto him deeply, you remembered just how well he filled you up. It was almost like he was meant to be inside of you, and there was nobody else you ever wanted to be in this position with again. 
Jungkook’s hands begin to move up and down your sides, “I’m close baby.” 
You begin to move your hips faster, Jungkook latching his lips onto your collarbones and biting down. You moan loudly, feeling yourself clench around Jungkook. 
“Come for me.” Jungkook encourages, his thumb rubbing figure 8′s on your clit, and then you felt your release unlatch. Your vision goes white and you hear Jungkook yell your name, following your orgasm with his own and shooting white hot strings of cum painting your insides. 
You still on top of him, your legs shaking with the aftermath. Your head falls onto his shoulder, Jungkook’s arms pulling you as closely to him as possible.
You two stay like that for a few moments, both of you catching your breath. You pull away to move your lips to his and kissing him hard. Jungkook pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, still reeling from the sensitivity of his release. Though he was softening inside of you, he didn’t ever want to leave. 
Suddenly you hear a knock on the window, and you jump away from him, bumping the horn again. 
You and Jungkook whip your heads towards the window and you spot Namjoon, who leaned down to look into the car. He holds a smirk on his face and he waves, before walking towards the buildings. 
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years ago
Okay wow I usually don’t say this kinda thing especially after I swore off ever touching amino but I feel like this needs to be said.
Have you guys tried to educate her? Yes. Did she refuse to listen? Yes. does she have every right to be criticized for her actions? Yes. We’re her actions bad and unruly? Yes. And does she deserve backlash for them? Yes.
You guys have every right to be mad at Tae for what she said and done, her callout post was immature, her statements were not researched and she refuses to be educated, she’s clearly confused and says blatantly wrong things. Her actions so far have been shown to be rude, sarcastic, or childish at best and again you have every right to be mad and vent about it.
To be clear I absolutely hate alm and blue lives matter, everyone and anyone who defends them are racist and people who refuse to be educated r especially racist and you have every right to call em out on it. But like... be a lil nicer to the minors???? You can still criticize they’re actions bc Tae’s actions are well bad and immature and you can still vent and rant about them on here if you want. That’s not harassment. I’ve been on here for awhile trust me it’s not harassment if you just vent about her actions or post screenshots about it. But I’ve seen people admit they’ve been borderline harassing her and like just, don’t do that? Again your welcome to be mad and your welcome to criticize or rant or vent about her. But don’t cross the line, she’s a minor and while that doesn’t excuse what she said or her actions , harassment has more of a negative impact on her then adults. You don’t have to sympathize with her because what she’s been saying is racist, you don’t have to like her, you don’t have to stop posting about her, you don’t have to stop being mad about it, but like, just be a tiny bit nicer to her? I get it I get it she’s being annoying and harmful and immature, but the situation would be a lot easier on to handle if you could calm down just a tiny bit. Besides you guys can pretty much ban her at this point, isn’t that the worse punishment you can give to her without harassing her? She deserves a ban and it won’t be crossing the line.
As for Tae, listen I know your a minor and you say stupid shit all the time. I used to be a transcum until I had a trans friend slap me over the head and tell me that’s a shitty take and to change it /hj. Which I did btw. I get it, but Tae you need to sit back and educate yourself. I know it’s hard to believe these people, probably because these thoughts are being aided by friends or family or just you don’t want to because of the amount of backlash your getting. So let me explain to you, as one minor to another, why ALM is bad and racist. ALM is a movement made to directly combat against Black Lives Matter, thus why its racist. And I know your about to think “oh but what if you separate the words from the movement” and to that I say, your still doing what the movement is trying to aim for, saying “all lives matter” even if your apart of the movement or not is still overshadowing and ignoring the fact that many POC lives are still in a state or position where many people don’t think they matter. Think of it like there’s a house on fire, saying “all lives matter” is the same as going up to the fire fighters and saying “oh all houses matter, why aren’t you taking care of the other houses” you might think your helping but in context your just making everything worse. No matter how you say that phrase now, whether it’s in connection to the movement or not, your still harming the cause of BLM. And yes, it is a big deal people are dying, I know you think “it’s a part of life” but people are losing they’re fathers, mothers, and children, all because some cop didn’t like someone’s skin color and decided that they should die for it. It’s never a okay thing to do, to take someone’s life over their skin color, something they were born with, something they can’t really control. That’s like ((as an example)) someone killing your mom because she has red hair or something. You just lost your mom because she had red hair. These deaths aren’t just “deaths” they’re impacting other people’s lives, these people who died were important to others. And they didn’t deserve having they’re lives taken away. And as for “they didn’t have it as bad in the 60’s” of course they didn’t, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have it bad here aswell, that’s like saying “oh atleast I didn’t blow up the building” after tearing down a wall, it doesn’t change the fact that you still tore down that wall. Sure it could have been worse but literally everything can be worse. It doesn’t change the face things are bad now, and need to be fixed. From the context on how you speak about the movements and how you use “they” when referring to POC im going to assume your white or atleast not POC ((correct me if I’m wrong)) which means you don’t fully understand why this is so important because you maybe ((again correct me if I’m wrong)) have never experienced what it’s like to be a POC, if that is the case then you need to step down from your high horse and realize that you can’t say something is “not as bad as _____” if you’ve never even experienced first hand. Comparing pain and suffering is only going to lead to more problems. Tae they’re is always room to change, your not a lost cause. But you need to educate yourself and realize what your saying is bad if you do want to change and be a better person. You can’t excuse your actions, you can’t undermine them, you have to own up to them in full volume and realize what you said was harmful.
I already expect backlash for this post, which is fair, again I’ve been on wac for awhile, I don’t think any of these posts here are harassing Tae ((although it would be epic if you guys can refrain from using the c word, just a personal request u don’t have to follow through )) these posts hold valid critique that I think Tae needs to listen to, even if some of them are a bit harsh. And I know the mods wouldn’t allow harassing messages to get onto this blog. But if your in like the comments or something saying “I’d rather harass her then not” like... calm down my guy, you have a right to be mad but you can also just ban her ass and get the same effect and message with it being deserved lmao.
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satoruvt · 5 years ago
the color of you - you (7)
thank u for reading. this was an amazing ride. i hope this last chapter is as meaningful to u as it is to me.
pairing → keigo takami x reader
word count → 3249
summary → you’re not really dating, so you can’t really be in love with him... right?
song inspo → kill my time and best years by 5sos and the Tiniest bit of eight by iu x suga!!!
this chapter → y/n’s sad, two cute girls, a text, a talk, kisses, a happy ending for our favorite idiots in love.
warnings → super emotional sex at the end lol
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It’s taken a while for you to get to functioning level. A while, you think, because it’s been two weeks and you just now are starting to take note of the dirty dishes in your sink and the pile of laundry in the corner of your room that you haven’t washed yet. Because it’s been two weeks and most nights you lay in your bed and sit there and stare at the wall. Because it’s been two weeks and you still replay what you said, over and over in your head, because it’s been two weeks and you have to will yourself not to cry when you see Keigo on news reports on TV or in the local newspaper.
A while. And you’re still not… okay, yet. It might take a while longer to get there.
The days go by quickly. You spend your time baking, like usual, but it’s lonesome now. It was never lonesome before Keigo - tiring, sure, but it never made you lonely. He never helped you out anyways, he sat on top of your counters and snuck spoonfuls of cake batter and icing like a brat (and pouted when you said no more, like a brat). And when you’re not baking, you’re scrolling mindlessly through social media. Or crying. Or laying in your bed. Or all three, at once, on the worst nights, because this shit sucks.
In retrospect, you have no idea why this hurts so much. Keigo and you, despite legal arrangements, were never really dating. He was never yours to lose. He was a friend, when it came down to labels. Fake boyfriend, if you really wanna be technical. That’s it, though, nothing else - you two are - were - friends.
Still, it hurts. It hurts a lot. It hurts so much sometimes you think you feel it physically; some nights ago you thought about it and almost-felt a bright flash of pain over your heart, like your brain expected it to happen but it didn’t. You cried for a bit after that. Ran yourself a bath at near-three in the morning, soaked emotionlessly in the hot water in the quiet. It didn’t make you feel much better, not really, but it soothed you at least for a short time.
You’re walking to Angel Cakes (the clouds are painted different shades of gray, so you hurry just in case it starts to rain) when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Your music stops - a call, it seems - and when you pull your phone out to see the number you see it’s Keigo’s publicist. You figured it was coming, but - again - it’d been a while, so it still takes you a bit by surprise.
You don’t even get to murmur out a greeting before the guy’s speaking. “Why did you call it off so suddenly?”
You blink, sigh, don’t even bother with a hello anymore. “I just… couldn’t do it,” you answer, and it’s at least kind of true. Vague, but true.
Keigo’s publicist sighs, this time, and you can almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. “Okay, well, legally, you’ve only got three weeks left to keep this up. You don’t have to talk to him often, but don’t make it obvious something happened. Do you think you can do that?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“If it really bothers you, I won’t pressure you. Neither will Hawks. But I hope you stick around for what little time is left.”
The call ends with a gentle “okay” on your end, and then his publicist thanks you and hangs up. By the time you put your phone back into your pocket you’ve arrived at the bakery. You walk through the front, offer a few of your employees a tight-lipped smile, then make your way directly into the kitchen.
The day is so slow and so fast at the same time. It seems to take hours to mix ingredients, but proving dough for three and a half hours seems like fifteen minutes. That’s how it’s been lately - slow and fast and stagnant and flowing all at the same time. You stopped, but the world didn’t, and it makes you dizzy to try and catch up. Somehow it happens, but you feel barely there.
You’re usually just in the kitchen most days - you are the head baker - but all you’re doing is waiting for a few batches of cupcakes to cook, and it’s a busy day, so you decide the front of the house could use some help. You tell one of your employees to go on their break while you take over at the register.
The customers come and go; you write down names, call out orders and hand out pastries and coffees. Two girls walk in at one point - memorable, since one of them has bright pink skin and they’re both wearing UA uniforms, you recognize - and you smile at them when they come up to the counter, but they don’t order anything.
“Can we have a picture?” The pink girl asks, eyes blinking at you. You furrow your brows.
“What? Why?” is your first reaction, and the other girl - who has pink cheeks and a cute bob - speaks.
“You’re Hawks’ girlfriend! We love you,” she says, adding the last part shyly, and both of them look up at you hopefully.
Her words send you into a brief moment of thought - you miss Keigo. You’ve known that you do, it never leaves, it’s always in the back of your mind at the very least, but seeing these girls, knowing they’ve followed yours and Keigo’s relationship, knowing they fully believe you and him are together… it does something to you.
Nonetheless, the gesture is nice, and it makes you smile genuinely for the first time in a while. “Okay,” you agree, chuckling at their delighted giggles. They turn around, the pink girl holds her phone out to catch the three of you in a photo, and you throw up a peace sign and the cutest face you know how to do. As icing on the cake, they both order something to go, too. You call out a thank you for your support as they exit through the doors, grinning back at you.
The thought of Keigo lingers in your mind as your employee from before comes back out and you retreat into the kitchen once more.
You need to tell Keigo.
If he doesn’t already know. You need to tell him, because ever since those girls visited the bakery, you can’t stop thinking about it. You need to tell him because regardless of how much easier it is, you hurt him by not just explaining that he didn’t do anything, and there’s only, like, two weeks left until the contract is done, and if he never wants to see you again, he won’t have to.
You need to tell him.
You unlock your phone, finding your messages app and then Keigo’s contact. He’s sent a few texts since the two of you last talked in person (all asking if you’d be willing to sit down and talk) but he hasn’t sent anything in a while. Before you lose the little courage you have, you type out the message and send it.
can we talk?
Keigo responds almost immediately, and somehow it makes you feel worse about everything.
Yeah, of course
You tell him to come to the bakery after closing tomorrow, and he says he’ll be there. You put your phone facedown onto your sheets and breathe.
The next day isn’t slow and fast. It’s just fucking fast. Fast enough that it seems like only a few hours pass between when you get there and closing, and then you send all of your employees home and you’re wiping down the counters and waiting for Keigo to show up. Because you’re talking to him today. Because you’re going to tell him you love him. Wow.
You’re turning your open sign over so it projects “closed” to the outside world when you see him. He stands outside the doors, watching you watch him, and when you make eye contact with him it’s like a breath of fresh air and pollution all at once. Both of you stay where you’re at, still, until you see him offer a small smile and you don’t feel as tense, not anymore. He opens the door and you move to throw a dirty rag behind the counter.
“Hey,” Keigo says after a moment. He stands in the middle of tables, hands in his pockets, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Hi,” you respond, and God, it’s so awkward. “Um, do you - do you want anything? I could make coffee, or - I have, like, two leftover donuts from today, I know you like them.”
“No, I’m okay. Thanks.”
It’s so awkward. You nod, then gesture to an open booth in the dining area for both of you to sit. Keigo does and you follow, sitting on the opposite side. You get strange deja vu from it. There’s silence for a moment, but then you can’t stop yourself from speaking, opening your mouth a few times to get the right sounds formulated in your head.
“I’m so sorry, Keigo,” you say quietly, meeting his eyes. He looks confused, brows furrowed. “I didn’t mean to - to do this, I never thought I would, I’m just - God, I’m so sorry. I fucked everything up. I did this to us.”
“No, what?” Keigo responds. You fiddle with your fingers on your lap. “This wasn’t just you, what are you talking about?”
Your heart is pounding. You want to look at him, to see him, drink him in because you’re pretty sure it’ll be the last time you’re able to, but tears sting your eyes and you can’t see properly, so you keep your head down. “It was,” you murmur instead, wiping whatever’s slipped out as briefly as you can before looking out the window. The street in front of Angel Cakes is empty. In your peripheral vision you see Keigo tense, lean away from the table between you.
“You have to say it,” he tells you. He knows. He knows, he knows - time moves in slow motion, when you turn your head, when he blinks, the way he sounds when he speaks.
“I love you, Keigo,” you say. It comes out so easily. Too easily. It feels so right to say it, even despite the circumstances.
It’s so quiet. It reminds you of the night of the conference, and you know what’s going to happen. He’ll leave. You know it’s coming, he -
“Really?” Keigo asks, and why is he grinning like that?
“Yeah, I -”
“Holy shit. Holy shit - Y/N, me too. I love you too.”
Keigo laughs like he’s relieved and you can’t move, can’t breathe, all you can do is look at him. He looks so beautiful and you blink yourself out of your trance, licking your lips before you speak again.
“You - too? You feel the same?”
“Yeah. Have for a while.”
A moment passes, but then you furrow your brows - “Why the hell didn’t you say anything? Do you know how much time that could have saved both of us?”
Keigo laughs, and it’s genuine and you know it is because his eyes crinkle at the ends. He shrugs, remnants of a smile still on his lips, when he finally speaks. “I thought you knew, and you didn’t feel the same. I figured that’s why you were acting weird, why you told me to leave after the conference.”
You need to move. You stand up, exit the booth, pace a little before stopping. “No, I…” you pause, running a hand through your hair. “I realized how I felt and thought you didn’t feel the same at all, and I didn’t want to tell you and have it ruin everything, because so much is at stake with your image and the bakery -”
Amidst your ramblings, Keigo had stood up as well, standing in front of you. He shushes you and you let him, looking up at him.
“So what I’m understanding is that we’re both fucking idiots?” He questions, and you let out a breathy laugh. 
“Yeah,” you say, still smiling. “I think so.”
The two of you just stand there for a moment, basking, before the thought hits you: you can kiss him. You could kiss him before, sure, but that was… for his image, for the contract. You can kiss him for you. You can kiss him because you want to.
You barely lean forward, but Keigo seems to get the message. You go slow - you don’t want to scare him away, you don’t want to scare yourself away. You want to remember this forever. But you close your eyes and feel your way through it, sigh when your nose bumps his and then you’re kissing him, for real, for you. And it’s so much better than it ever was before, because you know he loves you, he loves you.
It’s short, but you let yourself sink into it, fall into Keigo like you never let yourself do before. His arms wrap around your waist as yours come around his shoulders and you stay like that for a minute, feeling and breathing and loving, before the two of you break away.
“You’re really good at that, hero,” you say, just like the first time, and Keigo grins. A thought crosses your mind and you take half a step away from him. “So, um, the bakery’s closed, and I was just gonna head home but would - do you - do you want to come with me? To, uh, to my place?”
You’re sure you sound stupid, stuttering and fumbling over your words, but when you meet Keigo’s eyes he looks like he couldn’t be more enthralled by an invitation. So you grab your things and lock up Angel Cakes and the two of you are at your apartment in fifteen minutes flat.
You unlock your door, throw your things down on the couch and turn around to face Keigo, who’s still at the door.
“Be honest,” he starts, “did you bring me here to kill me?”
“Obviously,” you answer quickly, and he laughs and you laugh and it’s so much better than before because he pulls you close again and presses giggly kisses against your lips and you do too. And then giggly kisses turn to kisses, and kisses turn deeper.
They’re deep enough that it’s getting kind of hard to breathe correctly, and when his hands move on you you sigh. He turns his mouth down to kiss at your neck and you swallow, relishing in the feeling of his tongue against your skin, before letting out a hoarse call of “bedroom,” which you feel Keigo grin at.
He stops his assault, though, and lets you lead him to your bed. You gently push him onto it, get him to sit down, then pull away enough to take your shirt off and when it’s off he just stares for a moment. It makes you a bit too aware of the fact that you’re here, with Keigo, and this is very obviously leading somewhere, but then he makes cute grabby hands at you and you giggle as you situate yourself between his legs. 
It takes little time for both of you to strip down completely, never leaving each others’ hold for more than a few seconds. You end up under Keigo as he preps you, curls his fingers into you until you’re mewling and gasping into his open mouth.
“Keigo,” you call, but more to ground yourself. Euphoria shoots from your core to your toes to the top of your head. “Please, I - I need -“
“What do you need, sweetheart?” He’s murmuring, silvertongued and sweet, “I’ll give you anything, just ask.”
A million cheeky responses run through your head but then one of his fingers rubs over your clit and you want to sob. “You. You, Kei, only you, just -“
Keigo groans, pulling his fingers away from you only to mumble a disgruntled “where the hell are the condoms” and when you giggle breathlessly he sends you a playful glare. You reach a blind hand to your bedside table, pull open the drawer with a bang and don’t even bother to shut it after you’ve pulled out a condom. 
He’s quick to put it on (and you pretend you aren’t absolutely mesmerized by his hands as he tears open the package), and once he’s pressed up against your entrance he looks up at you, a lingering question of “you’re sure?” and you nod.
“Love you,” Keigo gasps as he enters you. “God, I love you.”
His words make your heart swell and he pauses, letting you adjust to him before you ease him into a rhythm with a gentle roll of your hips. He feels like honey, warm and slow, taking his time with you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He feels so good and sounds so beautiful and you love him, you love him, you -
Neither of you are rushing, and there’s no need to. You’re already close, your sighs and whimpers rising. You look up at Keigo and sweat shimmers on him like gold, drenched in the lingering blue light of the sunset - he reminds you of the world. Beautiful and true and glowing. You tell him you’re close and your voice is wrecked with emotion and his eyes are bright, bright.
“Thank god, I was never gonna last long,” he says, and you chuckle as best you can, air stripped from your lungs with every drag of him inside of you. “You drive me crazy.”
One of your hands runs down from around his neck, traces up until it rests on his cheekbone. He looks so gorgeous like this - gentle yet exasperated, hair curling wildly around his face and mouth hung open. He leans into your touch and moves his hips faster, and the one hand that isn’t occupied with touching him runs down between both of your bodies until your own fingers reach your clit, tracing circles until you explode.
Your orgasm rips through you slow and sweet like something you’ve seen coming from miles away. As you come down from your high, Keigo’s just reaching his, and you swear to any deity you can that it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see. His wings unfold and spread in a flash of bright red, eyes clenched shut and he moans, letting himself fall further on top of you. He doesn’t let his entire body weight collapse onto you, and you lazily pull your arms around him as he shudders under your touch. 
The two of you lay there like that for some time, simply basking in each other. Eventually Keigo pulls out of you and disposes of the condom, and the second he gets back into bed he’s curling himself into your arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You close your eyes and smile into his hair.
“I love you,” you tell him. “Thank you for letting me love you.”
“You’re welcome,” he responds, and you scoff, but he takes himself out of your neck to look directly at you. “Thank you for giving me a chance to be loved by you,” he says. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
All the colors in your universe appear in him.
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iron--spider · 5 years ago
you’re as good as it gets
“Whoever would have thought Peter would replace me?” Tony asks, peering over at Pepper as they set the table. “I guess I should have. I guess I should have seen it coming. I’m not as cool as I once was.”
 “I am going to record you,” Pepper says, glancing up as she sets the silverware down. “And then I am going to send the videos to Peter, whenever you do this.”
 “Good,” Tony says. “Then maybe he’ll see how much he’s hurting his old man—” Pepper starts coming at him with the dish towel, and Tony laughs, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Sort of.”
 “This is what you wanted him to do, right?” she asks, bracing her hand on the chair and looking at him. “This Octavius guy, doing this with him gets Peter college credit?”
 “The class does,” Tony says, chewing on a toothpick. “The working with him thing is a whole different...thing.”
 “He’s just living his life,” Pepper says, and she’s looking at him sadly now, like she might get it. “Getting better after everything he’s gone through. You know he’s not actually replacing you, he’s just—”
 “No, I know,” Tony says, laughing a little bit. “I know. I’m just being dramatic. To irritate you.”
 “Mhm. Easily done.”
 Tony doesn’t know much about Otto Octavius. Well, he knows everything he learned after he heavily, heavily researched him when Peter started working with him in his lab on the weekends. But, he doesn’t know Octavius as a person, and he doesn’t hardly trust anybody with Peter, even people he trusts. Logically, this is a good thing. Peter’s preparing for college. He’s getting back into the groove of things after...all the bullshit. He was having a hard time with it, for a while. Being gone for five years. His life upended. Tony nearly dying in front of him and losing an arm as a result of the near death. So Tony knows this is good. The kid’s moving on.
 He’s moving on?
He’s moving...on. 
 Tony’s had a lot of people move on from him. He expects it. He expects every day for Pepper to up and leave, for Morgan to pack up her little pink Hello Kitty suitcase and disappear in the wind. Rhodey never picking up his calls again. Happy slamming the door in his face. All of them would probably beat the shit out of him if they knew he still thought that way, but it’s so ingrained in him that it’s hard to push it back.
 He knows it would piss Peter off too. So Tony never says anything to him about his own dumb shit or his worries or his occasional loneliness, despite his firecracker of a daughter who’s been dressing up in Spider-Man costumes lately. But Tony misses Peter. And feels a dumb tinge of jealousy knowing he’s learning and growing with some other asshole scientist mentor guy. Tony is supposed to be the only asshole scientist mentor guy in his life.
 His phone buzzes in his pocket.
 “Speak of the devil,” Tony says, opening up Peter’s message. 
 “See, there you go,” Pepper says, laying out napkins. “He wouldn’t be messaging you if he’d replaced you. He’s too polite for that.”
��The message is a photo—a billboard of Tony himself, the kind of shit that started cropping up everywhere after everyone found out what he did. Suited up, sans helmet, staring upwards with a look of determination and grit on his face, like some kind of stained glass church art. Peter is in the foreground, both eyebrows raised, and it’s captioned “TONY ARE YOU STALKING ME?”
 “What a nerd,” Tony says, full of fondness. 
 “Make sure he knows he’s coming for movie night tomorrow or Morgan will never forgive him,” Pepper says. 
 “Noted,” Tony says, crafting a reply.
 A couple days later Tony is falling asleep sitting up in the workshop, still analyzing the layout for the new bot he’s creating to accompany DUM-E and U. He’s seen Peter a couple times in the past week, but the kid looks more worn out than normal with every new day that passes. Tony had texted a bit with May, trying not to worry, but that’s practically his every day state of mind, especially when it comes to his kids. 
 His kids. Plural. Two. How long has he been thinking about Peter like that? One of his own. Since before the end of the world? During, while he was gone, when there were things Tony couldn’t change, when the world was so heavy that he had to remove himself from it? When his failure loomed in front of him like a crumbling shadow, the darkness drawing all the light away from him?
 Was it then? Or was it when he saw the kid on their newfound battlefield, like a memory of a lifetime past, an impossible miracle? Talking and talking and talking like he used to?
 Tony leans forward and braces his elbows on the table, digging his thumbs into his eyes, nearly poking his own fucking eye out with his new titanium alloy thumb. It’s been a while and he’s still not used to the new arm. How it looks, how it feels, what other people think. An eternal reminder, just like the arc reactor was. Once again, he’s marked.
 He’s about to call it a night when his phone starts ringing.
 It’s after midnight, and yeah, he’s gotten calls from Peter at all hours of the night, but usually, it’s when he’s in trouble. 
 Tony answers fast. “Hey buddy,” he says. “You okay?”
 Peter’s breath is coming fast, and he doesn’t say anything for a moment. 
 Tony sits up straighter, eyes intent. “Peter, what’s going on?” he asks. “Talk to me.”
 “I—I, I—I made a bad decision. I didn’t know. I didn’t—I didn’t know. Help me.”
 Tony nearly leaps to his feet. Help me. Not I need help. Just help me. “Where are you?” he asks. “What happened? Who did this, what’s going on?”
 “I’m in—I’m in the suit,” Peter says, and Tony doesn’t know if he’s ever heard him sound like this. Only in the moment he knew he was dying. Or when he thought Tony was.
 “I’ll track you, are you safe?” Tony asks, getting up and sweeping towards the exit, a tension headache spreading across his forehead. “Can you stay where you are?”
 “I’ll—I’ll stay close to where I am, it should be—should be okay, but I don’t know, I don’t know.” His voice breaks and he sucks in a few gasping breaths. “I can’t think. I can’t—help me, please, I messed up, I don’t know what to do.”
 “I’m coming, I’m on my way,” Tony says, trembling now, himself, trying to summon the kind of strength that whatever this is needs. “Stay on the line with me, Pete. I’ve got you, just stay there.” He grabs his earpiece on the way out, activating it.
 “Friday, track Peter and give me the fastest possible routes to get to him,” Tony says, starting up the stairs. 
 He hasn’t had a suit on in almost a year. He hasn’t felt strong enough, safe enough, and the others have been covering it. It, the royal It, everything that needed to be done. Tony did what he could and it wound up well, and after that, nobody’s needed Iron Man. 
 But Peter needs him now.
 Tony can barely get him to talk while he’s on his way over, and that terrifies Tony even more—just short, clipped answers, wavering breathing, and it sounds like a panic attack. But Peter doesn’t seem to hear him, when Tony tries to talk him through it. He’s faraway in his head, too. 
 Tony finally finds him in an unused tunnel in Harlem, and getting over there without drawing a crowd is more difficult than Tony would have liked. But Friday finds him the way in that Peter must have found, and it’s like dropping directly into a horror movie. Quiet, echoes, dripping. 
 Peter crying.
 He’s sitting there, against the wall, his mask balled up beside him. This place is dirty and abandoned, and he looks too bright and vibrant to be here. Even in the state he’s in.
 Tony lets the nanos crawl back into the housing unit and he rushes over to him, kneeling by his side. He glances up, briefly, to make sure no one is keeping him here, that this isn’t a trap, but he doesn’t see anything anywhere. He hopes Friday would alert him to anything like that.
 “Hey, hey, okay,” Tony says, one hand on Peter’s shoulder, the other tipping his chin up. “Here I am, okay? What happened? What’d you do? I’m sure whatever it is, not your fault, we can fix it. We can fix it, together, no problem, kid. You know how much shit I’ve messed up and thought was beyond repair? Plenty. I always fix it, and we’re gonna fix this too.”
 Peter’s eyes finally focus on him, red-rimmed, and he shakes his head. He shudders to his feet, bracing his hand on the wall behind him, and he nearly falls before Tony grabs him and steadies him.
 “Otto,” Peter says, sniffling. “Doctor Octavius. He, he, he—he’s a bad guy, Tony, he’s—I’ve been helping him invent things and working on his specs and I’ve been helping him with all this stuff for months and months and he’s using it to hurt people, to commit crimes. He’s got—an entire team of guys, and I didn’t even mean to find them but I found them, tonight, they’re all these costumed villains, they were—they were working with the Rhino, that big guy I put away last month—”
 “Yeah, I remember,” Tony says, still holding onto him.
 “The police thought he had people behind him, more—more powerful people, but tonight I went after these guys that had robbed a bank on 4th street and I webbed up one of them but the other got away and I followed him—but I realized he was leading me somewhere bigger, and there were—Tony, he was there, Otto, he was in charge—he’s using these—these arms, they look like octopus arms, and I, I—I’m the one that helped—I helped him, I helped him with those—with those specs—”
 He covers his mouth, shaking his head, and before Tony can think about hugging him he steps forward and buries his face in Tony’s shoulder. 
 Peter keeps talking, muffled. “He’s responsible—his group, these people, they’re responsible for so, so much—shit—countless robberies, kidnappings, that—that explosion, at that office building, that happened—that happened in July, that was them, Tony, and people died, and I—and I’ve been—working with him since June—”
 “Stop, stop, stop,” Tony whispers, holding onto him.
 Peter gasps, sounds like he’s gonna start choking, and he claws at Tony’s shoulders. “I should have—realized, I should have known, some—somehow, figured it out, realized, but he—he acted so, so normal, with me, and I thought he was—I thought he was doing something—good, but he’s—he’s not—”
 “And you’re sure—”
 “I’m sure,” Peter whispers, wounded. “Positive. And I—they were picking up and moving their—base and I was—freaking out too much to even—follow—keep track—”
 “Shh, relax,” Tony whispers, ruffling Peter’s hair. “Relax, breathe.”
 Peter stops talking, but his breathing is labored, and he’s holding on tight.
 “The guy that got away, that led you to all this, did he know you were following him? Did he know what you saw?”
 “Don’t think so,” Peter says. He shakes his head. “I should never have—even taken that course, with Otto, let alone started—working with him. I made a bad decision, a—a stupid decision. May is gonna be so disappointed in me. And I know...I know you don’t like him.”
 Tony scoffs, still rocking them back and forth, gently. “I didn’t not—listen, one, May can never be disappointed in you. Please. And me, I’m just—I’m just jealous. I wanna work with you, I wanna hoard you, and that’s selfish of me, whatever. That’s all. But fuck that guy, now I have a reason to hate him. We’re gonna take him down, yeah?” He pulls back, holding Peter by the shoulders. “Yeah?”
 Peter looks positively fucking miserable, but thankfully, uninjured. “I’ve been helping him, Tony,” he says, dejected. “With...God knows what. The arms, they’re—they were supposed to be for limb replacement, but he’s altered them, and they’re—they look dangerous. He was in charge, he was—with all these criminals, some I’ve seen before, some that have gotten away from me and he was—he was in charge.”
 “Listen,” Tony says, stepping a little closer. “I’ve been betrayed before. More than one time. Used for what I know, what I can do. That’s what happened here. Nothing else. You have not and will not ever hurt anybody or anything. You’re a fucking angel, kid, and this does not change that. We’re gonna take care of this. You could do it without me, because you can do anything, but I’m gonna help you every step of the way.”
 Peter heaves a sigh, the kind of motion that shows he’s still horrified and put-upon by all this, but relieved that he’s not handling it alone. Tony knows how that is. It’s always easier to have backup, especially when things are personal. They both take things to heart.
 Peter moves in and hugs him again. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
 “Nope,” Tony says, automatically, hugging him back. “No reason to be sorry. My least favorite phrase from you.”
 “I’m just sorry for everything,” Peter says, voice breaking again. There’s a lot more behind that one, and Tony sighs, rubbing his back.
 “Don’t be,” he says. “You’re doing everything right. The world just sucks and good people get taken advantage of. And you’re as good as it gets.”
 “But we’re gonna fix it,” Peter says, tentatively, like he’s hoping to believe it.
 “Yes,” Tony says, firmly. “We’re gonna fix it.”
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nostalgic-pancakes · 4 years ago
Watching the starlings as autumn draws in
Summary: Tommy and his friends try on some skirts, and he reflects a bit on how they all got here. (It's a happy story) Title from September by Sparky Deathcap
Pairings: None! Platonic everyone (esp in irl fics_)
Read on AO3 (preferred place to read)
Word count: 2570
Warnings: None, except for surface-level references to the exile/prison arcs, but not much.
Other notes: I wrote this in a fit of madness last night in like three hours at 2 am, so i’ll probably edit it honestly but for now, enjoy! (If the CC’s ever display discomfort with this type of fic I will take it down)
"WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM, BOYS!" Tommy exclaims, rubbing his hands together as he starts rapid-fire answering questions about the stream, and the stream title from chat. It's funny, how over time, Tommy's come to see Chat as this one entity- an old friend. The nervousness of answering questions as a fifteen year old with nothing but a big personality, a twitch account and a copy of Minecraft is all but gone now, nineteen years old and happier than he's ever been.
Dreadfulzombie19: what are u doin this stream
"THANK YOU FOR ASKING, Dreadfulzombie19, today is gonna be a bit different, innit Tubbo?" Tommy raises his voice a bit at the end of his sentence, just loud enough for one of his flatmates to hear him. When Tubbo yells back an affirmative, Tommy turns back to his setup. Chat's gone a bit wild again, even though he, Tubbo and Ranboo have been living together for over a year now.
"Okay, okay, calm down chat- so recently I was at university, as usual right? And I had an eight AM class again, and… yeah I can see you all can relate."
"BUT! BUT! On my way back to the flat, I saw something really cool." Tommy hesitates in his speech to take a sip of coke again- his blood pressure's been acting up lately and watches Chat to wild again, asking him what he saw.
"Okay, so there was a shop- new place, which doesn't happen often this is fucking Brighton- and they sold skirts and dresses and stuff with adjustments for AMAB sizes!" Chat goes a bit bonkers, but Tommy's mod team- a little smaller than it used to be, now that he isn't the centre of YouTube or Twitch attention anymore, none of them are- are handling it, and pretty well.
"So I had to go, right? As many of you probably know, last year, I made the astounding discovery that gender-based stereotypes and expectations are, in fact, fake and I should not give a SHIT. And so I go in and look through the stuff- it's a really poggers shop by the way, and I find the perfect thing- it was the most poggers skirts and shit, okay? So, today's stream is going to have me wearing this pogchamp shit and wearing it right, with the help of…" Tommy ends his monologue by picking up the joke shaker-things that Phil had gotten him as a housewarming gift last year and indicates for his first two helpers to enter the office.
In walks his mother, face obscured from view as always, waving to the camera, and Wilbur, also wearing one of his only skirts for this occasion. Eret had taught him, on a phonecall in the skirt shop that week about the different types of skirts with a handy diagram. Wilbur's was a pleated circle skirt, brown to offset the bright yellow of his sweater and beanie, the same colour as his hair. It's very swoosh-y, so he's wearing black leggings with his regular shoes too. Motherinnit's also wearing her favourite skirt, a baby blue prairie skirt, Tommy thinks, and it's one he's seen fairly often.
Wilbur ducks down in order to show his face to Chat, and ruffles Tommy's hair while he's at it. Tommy's taller, but not by much, so Wilbur still fucking makes short jokes, That fucker.
Chat is now going so fast that he simply cannot read anything but some of the all caps messages and can barely make out some of the emotes.
"Okay, OKAY, CALM DOWN CHAT! WE HAVE TO GET TO FUCKING BUSINESS!" Tommy yells into the mix, like he did when he was sixteen and used the 'many people find me annoying at first' intro. Nowadays he just lets the content speak for itself. Anyone who wants to be here already is, by now.
Wilbur laughs a bit, and that hasn't changed at all. "Tommy, how is chat supposed to calm down if you're not calm?"
"I am their god!! They will obey via sheer digital willpower!" Tommy replies back, pretty zealously (What? An English Literature class is mandatory for his film degree, and The Great Gatsby by Zelda Fitzgerald is a good book, as are most of the other assigned ones. He's had entire conversations with Techno with just lit quotes and it drives everyone insane. Tommy loves it.) Chat seemingly has listened to his godlike abilities, with a few OG's spotting his half-quotation of one of Dream's last lines in the Dream SMP. The rest are spamming 'MOTHERINNIT'.
"If having a shitty magic trick book from a washed-up politician makes you a god, then what does that make me?" Wilbur replies, with one of Foolish's lines and swatting his hand at Tommy. Tommy swats back.
"Bitch" "Arsehole" "Shithead" "Fuckface" Wilbur finishes cheerily, as if this happens all the time. It does. Chat's used their antics now, four years of consistently making content together will do that for you.
Eventually Motherinnit reminds them both to get back on Topic, and Tommy goes back to facing the camera, addressing Chat directly.
"Today, my beloved mother, and my idiot brother-" "hey!" "And maybe my flatmates will be joining me to show off some cool as SHIT skirts! And a dress or two. We all have our selections, right?" Everyone nods in affirmative, even Tubbo and Ranboo. Though the camera can't see them. Ranboo's just come home from his final class, then. He should probably take the first hour back off, and judging by how Tubbo is forcefully judging Ranboo to the shower, he probably gets it. Tommy signs an affirmative to both of them, and gets back to the camera, where Wilbur's showing off all of his (very poggers) very stupid brown or yellow skirts. Tommy's are in cool colours, for fuck's sake.
"Oh yeah, Puffy just confirmed she'll be on stream! She'll be here in about twenty minutes, accounting for fucking traffic, and Niki' going to get onto VC after her own stream, what game is it this time?"
"GRIS." Wilbur answers.
"Poggers- she is the SHIT and will join us soon! So expect some QUALITY QUALITY content this stream!! Remember to not spam her chat to finish faster." Exclaims Tommy, even if it ends up as a light warning, as he picks up his own very poggers skirts from the extra armchair in his office to show the camera.
One is the classic red and white, mostly white but with bright red on the waist (elastic) and the bottom, and it reached to about Tommy's knee, if worn at the hip. It had no pleats, but the red bits were a very nice velvet texture, and while the skirt was heavy, it still had very much swoosh value, and pockets!! Big ones!! He slips the skirt on top of his jeans before entering camera view, the skirt visible in all its classic Tommyinnit glory, as he takes his place right next to Wilbur, who just took. a quick spin at the behest of several dono's., Skirt spying out from his lower shins all the way to his knee, making visible one of his (many) petticoats. ("What? It's cold all the fucking time here, Toms.") Tommy also makes a quick little spin, skirt flying outward, not upward, so it looks like he's hula hooping for a moment there. Lastly, Motherinnit spins around too, and while her skirts do not swoosh, she looks opulent, like she was about to go to waltz with the enemy, for whom she has a dagger in the back of her dress for. (He finished Anna Karenina and the Six of Crows duology within the same week and has not yet recovered. Jack Edwards is laughing at him as he thinks in his English Lit Graduate glory.)
It's fun, trying on different skirts- he and Wilbur accidentally bought the same dress at one point, which they paired up to wear, darting off into their respective changing rooms while giggling like idiots with their checkered blouses and the grindl skirts that Niki had sent over when she heard of this stream idea, laughing the whole time. Tubbo enters as dramatically as possible with Puffy, and while Tubbo looks really fucking good in his handkerchief skirt with embroidered bees and plain white shirt, it's Puffy who steals the show with an exact, real life version of her red banquet dress.
Fans from way back in the SMP, before Tommy had started branching out start going insane and are bringing back emotes Tommy wasn't sure were still available, but she is fucking stunning- deep shades of red and crimson, with slits on either side of her waist and all the detailing. She'd gotten the contact for her dressmaker through Bernadette Banner, Tommy recalls- she was so fucking cool when she streamed with him once, and gotten him to swear less and supplant those world's with bigger ones to intimidate instead. While he still curses like a sailor as part of his persona, it's less so and he does way less in real life these days, unless the situation calls for it. It's also just rude, especially in uni libraries, where he spends too much time these days wondering why he didn't read more as a kid.
Puffy's stolen his audience for a WHILE, and Niki coming on hasn't helped any, so Tommy exits camera view for a while to hug Ranboo really quickly- he's had midterms and has basically been dying all month.
Everyone on this stream- Tommy, Wilbur, Motherinnit, Tubbo, Puffy, Niki and Ranboo enter the camera frame after entering their dressing rooms for the last time on this particular stream, Puffy with full in-character wigs and makeup, Tommy in an Edwardian-Gothic reminiscent black and red dress, Ranboo in something he bought when he gap-yeared in Japan, punk lolita or something, Niki flaunting her pink in a Marie Antoinette style show of finery, Tubbo dressing in all green this time, something like a very deranged biology teacher who hasn't slept in days (Tubbo hasn't-Tommy has to get into that), Wilbur like a forest-nymph, all earthy tones and swishy fabrics and nature highlights, and finally Motherinnit, who hasn't changed but is here to take pictures as they all lean in together to fit into frame, as drastic as their height difference is. Niki is going to be edited in later, and everyone on the 'Dream SMP but nobody does Dream SMP and we're all fucking nerds' discord server is going to get a copy.
The stream wraps up there, after about two hours, and it's only about six in the evening- a far cry from the late nights and long hours from the beginning of Tommy's career, so everyone runs to their changing areas for the last time, into pajamas now, and packs away all of the clothes they wore, properly, as to not incense Karolina Zebrowska, and Jemma, Dan's wife, who would look at them disappointedly and nobody wants a sad Jemma because that means no cooing at their son. Also it just feels shitty.
Everyone huddles in Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo's living room, and they out on UP for like, the millionth fucking time (they still cry when Ellie dies), and Tommy is leaning into Wilbur's side and feeling his mum play with the hair in his very small, stubby ponytail he's developed by being in Uni as he and Tubbo intertwine their legs together and Ranboo rests his head in the tangle of limbs, playing with his fidget cube. Puffy stays on Wilbur's side, intently texting someone and smiling the whole while, and Tommy takes a moment to reflect (something he's been getting better at doing) on how the actual hell they all got here.
The Dream SMP was always going to end- everyone knew it, if course, they were the fucking writers. But by the time they did, not only were their respective brands too closely intertwined to just… sever that quickly, but they'd become too close to even want to. So the SMP discord never shut, even though Dream and George had planned it months ago, and they continued supporting each other with their interests. Wilbur made a lot more music solo, with his band and even just random ass streams where he practiced guitar for an hour. He kept playing Minecraft, but it wasn't his main focus. A bunch of people left. More stayed. YouTube left him alone.
Dream, George and Sapnap are still Minecraft streamers, but their YouTube channels are mostly blogs of them being poor excuses of adults with other former SMP members joining in sometimes. Tommy and the Dream Team were closer than ever, even though the seeds of their friendship had been sowed when they used to linger after heavy streams together, reassuring each other that none of that was true and that nothing like… that would happen in real life, because Dream had used real abuse tactics, and those still hurt unless immediately taken care of. So they were. It was a running joke that Dream was stuck at 99 million subscribers since nobody really wanted the face reveal anymore. The other Dream team members were doing peachy.
Phil and Techno were also still primarily Minecraft streamers, but they also released things like advice videos and mental health stuff, especially for relationships. They had a new scripted series where Tommy was a minor character. The dadza jokes were still as real, and yes, outside of streaming, both of them were lovely people and responsible adults (mostly). They collaborated with DanTDM and co a lot more now.
Puffy and Niki kept doing games, but did lots of different ones, testing point and clickers to triple A titles, and making it all fucking hilarious while they were at it.
So where had that left Tommy?
After the Dream SMP, he'd kind of had no idea what to do, and he was going to University for the first time, so he just… did whatever he thought would be fun. He learned about vintage fashion from the queens themselves- Mina Le, Bernadette Banner and Karolina Zebrowska and had fun learning how to sew for the first time, fixing and making his own clothes for the first time, clunky as they were, Wilbur had cried, genuinely, when he saw the Lovejoy shirts that Tommy had made for the band. He'd found a genuine love for literature in university, so Tommy started talking to booktubers and studytubers like Jack Edwards and Noelle Stevenson. Tubbo and Ranboo had joined him, fucking around in any YouTube niche they found even remotely interesting. Eventually, they all found a happy medium- a bit of everything.
Some people obviously weren't happy with that but Tommy was happy as he was, making what he liked with his best friend's, living together close enough to most of their friends (family) to have fun and drop in on one another at ass-o-clock in the morning to comfort, to laugh. His sub count hasn't gone up in a while- most of his audience is static, with about 80-90k online on a stream at any time.p
It was a nice feeling, to have carved out a space for himself and the people he loves, and be is so, so glad that he got this chance.
Looking at his mostly asleep family, Tommy thinks 'yeah. Life is good.' as the last thought before he sleeps.
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hs-devote · 5 years ago
1. I N E F F A B L E
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Erskine Limited. A well known multinational company in U.K. Is a home for 20,000 employees across the country. One of the prestigious companies.
This head quarter looks more extravagant than the branches. Of course.
Never in her wildest dreams she thought would be sitting here. Greyish, sleek and shine furniture. Looking around, everything look sophisticated, professional.. while daydreaming about how come this opportunity was offered to her. Until a smooth yet firm voice calling her up close.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
Turning her head, a woman smiled at her, offering warm gesture. She's tall, her short black hair look nice against her delicate brown skin.
“Yes, I am.” Smiling, Y/N shake the woman’s hand.
“Sanaa Martinez.”
“Y/N YL/N”.  
Now, sitting face to face with her made her nervousness increase. Well, sitting in front of your new boss surely makes your worries skyrocketed. But, looking how she welcomed her, she's positive this would be good.
“Firstly, apologies for coming late. Having small problem back at meeting and.. your boss ask me to meet you before we met him.”
Hold on, this gorgeous woman will not be her new boss? If Y/N remember correctly, Mr. Adams said she would meet the new boss directly.
“Oh, I suppose he would be so busy.”
“Yeah.. yeah, perks of being the man who hold the highest level .”
“Pardon?” Y/N could not hid her shocked face, until something she think inappropriate in this situation came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry. I have no idea, I will working with the....”
“The CEO? Yes. The Owner? Can be. The man is in both position. I believe Mr. Adams did not tell you that?”
“No, ma’am.”
She sighed while massaging her temples, “Poor girl. I think he a bit bitter of you moving here. But this is your good chance.”
“Honestly, I was quite surprised when the offering letter came. Did not think I have a chance here. I mean, I work in a small branch office in Swansea. Now, I’m here, in the head quarter, in London.” Y/N smile, keeping the eye contact while deep down in her heart, she tried to calm herself. How the fuck it could be? She never dreamt being work together with board of director, let alone the CEO, the Owner themselves.
She laughed, “Non sense. If your performance can offer something more, why not?”
“I guess?” Y/N mumbled, giving her shy smile.
“Well, I have your resume here. But, tell me about yourself.”
Day one went smooth.
Day two went alright.
Day three, four.. until a week being here in her new office, everything went perfect. Y/N got a week training before starting her task as Executive Assistant to the owner this company. Mrs. Davies, or Rita, the lady in her mid forties who was her tutor for the this past week, patiently taught her about everything will be done as a EA.
“I must admit.. that you are indeed deserve this job. I’m amazed how you could cope with these, Y/N” She said in her desk, while screening Y/N tasks in her screen. “Never thought  a young lady will filling the EA position. I’m impressed.”
She grinned, “Thank you, Rita. It’s all because of you could guide me well.”
“Not really. You learnt quickly and I think.. pretty little head of yours can memories everything perfectly fine.” She hummed, “I am still responsible for you until next month. So if there are complaints coming, of course I will see you again.”
“And oh, Madeleine just told me Mr. Styles is in his office right now. I think it’s good for me to introduce you to him before you move to your office in Monday.”
“His receptionist? Well, you will work with her too. Let’s go, Y/N. Your new office is quite far from here.”
Walking to her office was quite far because it was on a different level building, they separate the BOD’s building and general employee’s. Y/N eyes gawking around, admiring how people seem more professional doing their works.
“One thing I haven’t said.. be patient with Mr. Styles, he’s kinda having short temper.”
When the lift door opened, Y/N see a woman sitting behind her large desk. She must be Madeleine.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Davies.” She squeak, standing confidently. The moment her eyes move towards Y/N, she could see clearly her smile falter slowly. Weird.
“Hello Mads, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Madeleine.”
“Nice to meet you, Madeleine.” Y/N smile while offering a hand, think shaking hands is normal and professional, apparently not for Madeleine. She just nodded while giving they both access card, “I’ll let Mr. Styles know you guys are here.” Y/N take it awkwardly.
“An access card?” Y/N mumble, glancing at Madeleine was on the phone.
“Everyone require an access card to the his office. I’m sure Madeleine will prepare one for you.”
“He’s ready. Waiting on his office. He just has 30 minutes tops. ”
“Thank you Mads.”
“Rita?” Y/N murmured, while looking at her surrounding.
“Why Mr. Styles needs an assistant while he has a receptionist? Madeleine looks capable being an assistant too.”
“Well, actually Mads was once tested by us, but the results were not satisfactory. Everyone wanted to apply this job but.. you come with outstanding results. So, congratulations.”
They stopped in front of solid door that engraved Harry E. Styles in gold letter, Rita scanned her card until the door opened revealing a man focused on his Macbook. His gaze turned to Y/N for a moment.
The first thing caught her off guards was the green eyes, and the cheekbones. Sharp jawlines followed, with pinkish thin lips.
“Mr. Styles? I'm here with your new EA.” Rita said, introducing her to him.
“Have a seat, Rita. Don't standing on the door.” He smiled. For a second, Y/N was cursing at her ignorance for not asking her boss profile, so seeing a man look younger than she think, doesn't shock her at all. He must be no more than twenty-seven years old, quite a young man he is – she think.
“This is your new EA, she is from Swansea office. She will ready in Monday.”
“Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles.” He gave Y/N small smile, offering his hand.
“My name's Y/N Y/L/N.  Thank you for the opportunity. Glad to be part of head office.” Shaking his hand, Y/N could feel his firm grip yet skin was very soft. She glanced at small amount of glitter on his nails, was he wearing nail polish?
“My pleasure.”
“Well, that's it. We do not want to interrupt anymore. And oh, Harry. Please do not be hard on this one. God knows how hard to find a competent EA.” Rita teased while pat Y/N shoulder. Mr. Styles, or Harry, just laughed while escort they both to the door.
“I never know Mr. Styles is that young.” Y/ N muttered, letting the lift door closed, ready taking them to the ground floor.
“I think you know, no?” Rita frowned. Y/N sighed, shaking her head.
“Well, maybe I just forgot that part. He is young, just turning twenty-five last February. Running this company after his father death three years ago. But young Harry has been helping the company since he was in college. That's great because not many children are successful in continuing a family legacy.”
“He's great business person too, but like I told you before. He's temperamental. If you get his wrong side, he won't afraid barking at you in front of people. And that's not a sight to see.” She added.
Monday coming. Y/N woke up at 6 in the morning, like usual. When she was still in Swansea, she could wake up at 7 because her home just 10 minutes away from office by bus. Here in London, Y/N needs at least 30 minutes to arrive on time.
Arriving the North Tower, which office level that Y/N wil working in. Madeleine was nowhere to see when Y/N stepped on her floor. She had no idea where is her desk. Seems like Mr. Styles haven't arrive yet. It's only 8.30 am, no wonder the office is still empty. The cleaning lady still doing her work. She has 30 minutes left until work hours begin. Suddenly, Y/N's phone buzzed. A message from unknown number.
Y/N, it's Madeleine. If you arrive earlier than me, your office is next to Mr. Styles'. It doesn't need access card, except if Mr. Styles ask for it.
After replying a thank you to her, Y/N walked to Mr. Styles' office. Noticing a door next to his, that must be hers. Her office was pretty spacious, Y/N has her own desk, shelves. Quite surprisingly to find an iPad next to the iMac. Smiling happily, she turned on the iMac, running the email first.
1 new message from [email protected]
From: Styles, Harry <[email protected]>
Subject : Introduction To: [email protected]
Good luck on your first day. Your office, your desk, everything has been fullfiled for your needs. If you are wondering, you will often join me in meetings. I think the iPad will be more efficient than you try to bring the iMac. - I'm joking. I will send your next tasks separately.
Giggling, Y/N reads the message one more time until realise that was sent at 8.00 am. He arrived earlier than her, didn't he?
While retrieving another message to come, Y/N bring her tumbler to the break room, hoping to find coffee or tea at least. Madeleine just arrived at her desk in hurry, while her hand quickly opened her Mac.
“Morning Madeleine?”
Her head shot up, “Hi. Have you set your finger print yet?”
“Yeah, already set.” Y/N nodded, “Want something? Maybe I'll find tea or coffee in break room.”
“No no thanks.”
“Right.” Y/N mumbles, walking away.
The break room was huge. Y/N could find anything. Professional coffee machine, huge fridge, wine cellar, anything.. you named it. It was more to say the kitchen of a professional chef. Y/N decided to make espresso because she sure need caffeine to work first day with Mr. Styles.
“Jesus Christ!”
Turning around, Y/N was absolutely shocked to find Mr. Styles standing behind her the whole time, only few centimeters away. His eyes looking sharp, his green irises darker than usual. His aura was different, a bit sinister than Y/N first met him the other day.
“Mr. Styles?” She spoke quietly, gripping her tumbler tightly. But he didn't budge. He was so intimidating. “Do you want something, Sir? I can bring it to your office?”
He suddenly closed his eyes, shaking his head once. Now, his irises looks like back to normal, light green. But the greenest she ever seen.
“I'm sorry. Uhm, I didn't sleep much last night. Think need a coffee, yeah.” He mumbled.
“Need me to bring it to you?”
“No, but thanks.”
“Alright. Excuse me, sir.” Y/N smiles, leaving him alone. It was undeniable she feel a little bit strange with his behaviour. Leaving her desk for a while, there was already about twenty incoming emails with almost all of them have attachments. None other than Mr. Styles was the sender.
The clock ticking at 2.00 pm when Y/N look at her phone, didn't realise time passed quickly. Until someone knocked her door. Madeleine bring a small box in her hands.
“This is your stationery and and your personal business cards.”
“Thank you Madeleine.” Nodding, She take it and put it on the desk. She hummed, turning her heels towards the door. Y/N grab her paperwork, ready to dial Mr. Styles' extension but her office phone rings first.
Incoming call: 621 – Harry Styles
Speaking of the devil. It was Mr. Styles himself.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Styles?”
“Hello, Y/N. About the monthly report, please finish tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Because you have to focus on Barclays paper, they arranged a meeting this afternoon. I'm sorry for sudden notice.”
“Oh, it's okay. Actually, both are done. I might deliver to you right now?
“Already?” Y/N frown, somewhat confused to hear his shocked voice, “Err, yes?”
“Amazing. If you have the softcopy, it would be nice if you send me both of them. For the Barclays paper, you can keep it because you'll join me in the meeting. I'll see you in the lobby an hour from now. Thank you, Y/N.”
After he hung up, Y/N send him both of softcopy and rush out to grab lunch. This is her first meeting and she doesn't want to pass out in the middle of meeting because she was starving.
The trip to Barclays takes 20 minutes but seeing the traffic is a bit crowded, maybe they will arrive a little longer. Along the way, Y/N prepares meeting material while Mr. Styles busy behind the wheel. Surpising enough a big boss like him drives himself.
“Mr. Styles? Samantha from Barclays just emailed new adress for meeting. It won't held in Barclays office.” Y/N spoke lowly, not sure what she said. It's strange that huge company like Barclays suddenly change their meeting place without any apparent reason. From the corner of her eye, Y/N can see him rolling his eyes.
“It will take place at Shangri-La The Shard.”
“Please push back until 4.15 pm, I'm afraid we can't be on time because the traffic.”
“Right away, sir.” Typing away his request, Barclays team confirmed it in less than five minutes, “Confirmed at 4.15 pm, level 34, Yi Room.”
“You know, you will get used to things like this, sudden meetings, sudden change of place, hours. Event cliet. So, don't be surprised.” He said, one hand stay still in the steering wheel and the other touching the LCD screen.  Y/N just realised, his left hand's fingers filled with rings except thumb and ring finger. Ink sticking out of his wrist even though it's covered by his suit jacket sleeve. She wonder how many tattoos he had underneath. His pinky nail was polished with chipped black nail polish.
“Fancy listening some music? I'm not very used to driving in silence.”
Y/N smiled, “Go ahead. I don't mind.”
Get Up I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine roaring softly throughout the car. He hummed happily while tapping on the wheel. She doesn't expect, despite his appearance, he has this kind of an old soul. Staring at him from the corner of eye, his looks doesn't need to be questioned. He has a very beautiful face. His charisma is extraordinary, even when they were walking together in the lobby, she could feel it. Y/N swore there was many females who can't take their eyes off of him when he walks.
“Something wrong Y/N?”Y/N was caught off the guards, didn't think he was aware the whole time she was staring at him. Even behind his sunglasses, Y/N swore his eyes were wrinkled in humour.
“N- No. I just didn't think you have an old music taste.” Y/N startled, her cheeks heated.
“Oh, do you want to change the song? What do young people usually like? Ed Sheeran? Justin Bieber? One Direction?” He muttered, tapping the screen. He look like he was talking to himself rather than talking to Y/N.
“Ew no.. no. I'm fine. I just quite surprised. Didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry, sir.” Y/N laugh, massaging her temple. It didn't occur to her he could joke like that, many high profile people like him are always rigid and strict. He laughing along, letting Everything Has Changed go next.
“You not need to call me Mr. Styles or sir if it doesn't involve work, you know? I feel like an old man with big belly if you keep calling me that. Tell me, how old are you? You are no more than twenty-four if I may guess.” He asked.
“Uh huh, turned twenty-two last January actually.”
He nodded, “Well. Before we met them, one thing you need to know about Barclays, they're a bit sneaky, like to make their clients feel uncomfortable. Don't be surprised if they're too blunts. To be honest, I'm not comfortable taking you there.”
Y/N frowned, watching him from the side. “If you don't mind me asking. Why?”
He sighed, “ Just be careful with Mr. Higgins.” When he turned the wheel, Y/N could see The Shard at the end of the road. This is her first time setting foot in luxury hotel, she was ecstactic and nervous at the same time.
That meeting went well, even though it was tense up a little, Mr. Styles or Harry could soften it. He was so damn calm throughout the meeting, but Y/N was sure from the look of his eyes, he really want to end it quickly. Especially when Mr. Higgins kind of made a comment of her, Harry defended her well. Y/N really wanted to speak up herself, but it was better to be quiet, playing the good – obedient assitant.
Sending the agreement back and forth for almost two weeks, Erskine and Barclays finally found a deal.
That day, she was arranging Harry's meeting schedule for the next two weeks. Aware of number of meetings he has to attend, the more tasks awaits her. It's not that she was not happy, but her lunch hour was falling apart. Ring of her phone startled Y/N, without seeing the caller id, she grab it. “Y/N”
“I need you to come to my office right now, we have some serious issue to deal with.” With that, he hung up. Y/N frowned, Harry doesn't usually speak grimly like that. Rushing into his office, she found him sitting in his chair, one hand cupping his chin. His eyes blankly staring at some files on his desk.
“Is there anything I can help sir?” Y/N ask slowly walking toward him. Without looking at her, he nodded, “Have a seat.”
“Are you aware we have two contracts which are a little deviated from the absolute procedur?” He asked, his tone was low. “Well, it's really deviated.”
“No, sir.”
He sighed, not satisfied with her answer. “Both are big clients, and it has been going on for months.” He grab two big files, giving it to Y/N. “You read this, find and point out the mistake.”
While Y/N read the papers, Harry dialled Madeleine's extension. Asking someone who was unfamiliar to his office. 10 minutes passed, someone entered the office. Y/N dare to not looking, just focus on the papers and scribbled some points that she feel weird.
“You called me, sir?” A male voice. She could feel Harry stand up from his chair, hands resting on the desk. He whispered to Y/N to move to the couch.
“Did you drew up contracts with companies during 2018? All of them?”
“Only from April to September.”
“Did you know you messed up?”
“Pardon? I don't understand-”
“Two god-damn big companies could bail on us, Ethan. You didn't read it or didn't understand?!” For the first time Harry raised his voiced, you could see him trying to hold back his anger. This Ethan guy shaking in his boots, his head hang low, both hands tangled. Y/N glad Harry didn't scream a bloody murder, if he did, she was sure this room is soundproof.
“I'm sorry Mr. Styles, b-but it was under your knowledge. I asked you at that time but you shoo me away. Even I asked Carlton, he said everything has been discussed by you.”
Harry froze in his desk. He seemed shock, but shouldn't he not be surprised if the agreements was under his acknowledge?
“It was?” He asked, half unsure at what he said himself. Ethan nodded in confirmation. He excused himself after Harry told him to leave. In less than 30 seconds, the door bursted open revealing a man with fancy clothes, curly blonde hair, hands in his pants. Y/N never seen him in this company before. Harry sighed in disbelief, dialling Madeleine's extension immediately.
“Don't you know what function of the phone or fucking intercom is on your desk?! I didn't say I'd be available for another guests.” He hissed.
That blonde guy looking at surrounding, until his blazing blue eyes caught Y/N busy figure on the couch. He taking closer step to her, tilting his head. “I've never seen you before.” He spoke lowly. Y/N just offered a small smile.
“Hey, Harry. Is this your new birdie? You didn't tell me you got a new beau.”
What do you think? Let me know!
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novaviis · 5 years ago
Snaibsel Renaissance Fair AU
Part One. 
@ghost-in-the-stalls briefly mentioned snaibsel going to renfairs like months ago in my inbox and my dumb gay brain latched onto it like a corvid to a shiny piece of tinfoil, and now it’s a full-on au. 
Artemis is a former high school dropout, got her GED, troubled past, the whole deal. She's on the mend, trying to earn money to go to college. Doing really well for herself. She just got a job at the local Renn Fair for the summer. Not thrilled about it at first, but it's something, right? She’s decent on horseback, so she’s got that under her belt already (her Dad was obsessed with training her and her sister in every sport on fucking Earth, along with some more… nonconventional ones.) She’s been hired to ride in the jousting tournaments and give snot-nosed little kids horse rides around a little circle, shit like that. She’ll give it a trial run for a week or two, at least until she finds something better.
Zee is a bit of a veteran at the Fair already as a Sorceress. This absolute powerhouse of a woman in full renaissance garb, like Morticia Addams and Morgan le Fay were mixed together in one 5’5” bombshell. She runs the magic show, held every weekend on the jousting field for the crowd of wide-eyed spectators in the stands. She’s no amateur magician, that’s for sure. She’s not pulling bunnies out of hats or pulling off cheap illusions.
Artemis stays behind from her orientation on her first day to watch the show – mostly because he brother in law isn’t picking her up until later and she needs to kill time. She’s heard of this “Sorceress Zatanna” show, but hasn’t really seen her yet. She’s sitting in the front row, amused enough opening act of musicians and the Fair Jester to not be completely bored, but she’d definitely checking her phone for the whole show to be over.
And then Zatanna comes on. She owns the stage set up on the patchy grass immediately. In the torchlights she really sells the whole medieval vibe (the extra florescent lights and the microphone kind take points away from authenticity but they’re easy enough to ignore). Zatanna starts off small. She pulls a crow out of her sleeve and releasing it, having it swoop at the crowd for some thrills before perching on her shoulder. She takes a broomstick and makes it levitate several feet off the ground, even sitting on it and raising it higher. At one point, Artemis looks down at her phone and sees Roy texting that he’ll be there in 20 minutes. As she’s putting her phone back into her sweater though, she looks up and Zatanna is right there. In front of her, at the edge of the stand, grinning back at her. Claims that since someone is obviously not satisfied enough with her show, she’ll make it a little more emersive. Before Artemis can say now, Zatanna is taking her hand and guiding her out into the centre of the field and the rickety wooden stage. Artemis can barely see the faces of the crowd anymore, but she can feel them all watching her and it’s more than a little unnerving.
Zatanna pulls out a deck of cards that Artemis vaguely identify as Tarot. She announces to the audience that she’s going to give her new friend here a reading. Artemis picks four cards out of the deck and Zatanna spreads them out on the table, and turns the first three over.
Judgement, Ace of Cups reversed, and The Star.
There’s a bit of a pause on Zatanna’s face as she reads the cards, before she smiles fleetingly and looks up at Artemis – for a half second too long, if only because Artemis can’t breathe through it. Finally, though, Zatanna announces her reading. “Your past has been clouded by harsh Judgement, from others, from those close to you, and mostly from yourself. You’ve been binding to what people have expected of you. Your present, however, reveals a new sense of self-love and intuition. Though you still struggle with repressed emotions, this card shows progress….” Zatanna stops there, and looks up at Artemis. “Hitting the mark?”
“Yeah,” Artemis shrugs a little nervously, echoed by the laugher of the crowd. “A little too close.”
Zatanna raises her hands. “Don’t shoot the messanger. I only read the cards,” she smiles. “Your third card predicts the future, with the path you are on right now. The Star represents renewal – in hope, in faith, and in purpose. So, at least you know you’re on the right track. This last card, however…” She picks up the card and shows it face out to Artemis without looking at it herself. “Is a message directly to you, and overall look at who you are at heart. And,” with a grin, she flicks her fingers and the card vanishes in a puff of violet smoke, “it will only reveal itself to you.”
The crowd applauds the slight of hand, and Artemis is left a little perplexed as Zatanna calls for more applause for her assistant, before allowing her to go back to her seat. Artemis does slink back to the stands, but not without a few glances back over her shoulder, still wondering what just happened.
After that, Zatanna is done with the small tricks. Evidently, the tarot reading was a bit of a halftime show. She pulls out the grander illusions, vanishing from the stand only to reappear in the balcony reserved for the “King and Queen” of the Fair, who play along in delight as Zatanna steals a bottle of mead and reappears in another burst of smoke back on the stage. She chants in a strange tongue, that almost sounds like backwards English, before each trick. Artemis is completely entranced. Zatanna finishes the show by telling a story of an ancient witch who was so powerful and feared that it took a King’s entire army to take her down. Before she was burnt at the stake she put a curse on the King’s most valued treasure – the very Chalise that the Knights fought for at the Fair every summer. The King’s soul was bound to the Chalise, and the curse would only be lifted once one she deemed worthy won it.
To prove to any “doubters” that the story was true, she has the Chalise itself appear on the clothed table in the centre of the stage. Then, with all the fanfare of a grand finale, she chants a spell that causes all of the torches and electric lights to go out in one burst. Once the thrilled shrieks of the crowd have died down, a glowing figure remerges out of the Chalise from the pitch darkness, taking the form of an undead King. The figure rises into the air and flies over the crowd, until Zatanna “seals” it back into the Chalise. Cue all the torches reigniting and the lights coming on, to the standing ovation of the crowd. Artemis remains seated, honestly still blown away by the show.
She hadn’t thought that this place had that big of a budget for special effects, damn.
With the rest of the crowd on their feet and slowly beginning to shuffle out of the Fairgrounds, Zatanna takes her bow and makes her exit – but not before looking back to Artemis and giving her a little wink. Artemis, still confused as ever, doesn’t think much of it beyond wow. She joines the rest of the crowd in heading out of the grounds, through a long forest path to the parking lot were Roy was waiting to get her.
An hour later, as she’s taking her clothes off to get into her pajamas, she sits on her bed and pulls her socks off – only for something to fall out and slip under her bed. She hadn’t even felt it there. Artemis reaches under her bed for it, expecting a leaf or something from the stable where she’d been getting acquainted with the horses.
It’s a tarot card.
Artemis sits there, on her bedroom floor, holding the little card in her hand. The gold foil catches the light of her bedside lamp. She’s too dumbfounded to really react at first, but as she turns it over to see the Queen of Swords, her mind absolutely spins with every possible way Zatanna could have pulled off that trick without her noticing.
Artemis can barely sleep that night. She spends an hour sitting in bed just staring at the card like it’s going to give her the answers. How the hell did she do that?
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moonguilt · 5 years ago
hey! I love your writing it's so pretty! I was wondering if u got around to it would you do either a "heat of battle confession kiss" or an "injury confession" prompt? I would love to read either done by you,, thanks
thank you so much!!! i am so glad you like my writing, little messages like these make me SO happy :) sorry this took so long but here it is--i chose “heat of battle confession kiss” and it got a little longer than anticipated. i’ve put it up on ao3 as well if you prefer to read it on there.
perish the rest, this thought is yours
Pairing: Keith/Lance
Wordcount: 3775
Warnings: Mature language, blood/violence, mild gore (nothing happens to our boys, they’re just in the middle of a battlefield sooo there are dead bodies)
Read on my AO3 here!
It was mayhem on the surface of Xat-lor VII.
Lance kept telling himself that the rest of the team would arrive soon while he steered Red through veritable swarms of galra fighter jets, shooting them down as we went. There were so many of them, too many, just pouring ceaselessly out of the hangar bays of that terrible purple fortress the galra had quite literally dropped onto the desert plains of this little blue moon.
A particularly devious warlord, one of the many hoping to capitalize on the vacancy left by Lotor, had sent one of their best scientists to Xat-lor VII to experiment on the local wildlife in an attempt to imitate the old robeast projects of Zarkon's rule. The galra easily crushed any resistance from the moon's citizens—the Vonn—but eventually grew sloppy, giving the Vonn the opportunity to get a distress signal out to Voltron.
The Vonn's call had reached the Atlas' newly upgraded comm systems at the same time that a similar call from a different quadrant came in, so the team had elected to divide and conquer—Hunk, Allura, and Pidge to the jungle planet of A'ila; Lance and Keith to the desert moon of Xat-lor VII. The Atlas was busy resupplying at a galactic port station, but everyone figured one little moon couldn't be too much trouble for a couple of seasoned Voltron paladins.
Except in their haste, the Vonn did not specify quite the nature of the danger here—or really, even hint at it—until the duo landed in the Vonn resistance base. They sent a call to the team to ask for backup, but the others were dealing with their own mess and the Atlas was still recharging, so it could potentially be vargas before anyone arrived—and Lance and Keith's own arrival had not gone unnoticed. They barely had time to remove their helmets and take a breath of fresh Xat-lorian air (it tasted faintly of … rosemary?) before the galra base was deploying troops and ships faster than Lance could keep track.
At this point, he was starting to have serious doubts as to whether or not it was actually possible for them to pull this mission off. Every time he shot down one fighter, two more took its place. He could only push Red so hard to make it to the enemy's base, and even if they got there, then what? He could see the forcefield and the massive laser turrets all the way from here. And he did not want to get up close and personal with them without a solid plan and some serious reinforcements.
Below him, the moon's turquoise desert was ablaze with battle. The Vonn people—with their cerulean skin and dark hair helping them blend into their surroundings—charged across the shining surface, blaster bolts flying every which way, to attack their enemies head-on. Galra droids swarmed to meet them, the setting of the moon's two suns causing their shadows to stretch long and menacing over the cooling sand. Alongside them, terrible abominations—the Vonn called them “Ygorok,” or “Able End” in their language—snarled and loped over the dunes, their faces now twisted, cybernetic mutations of the wolf-like creatures the Vonn said they once were.
Lance had initially thought the name was a bit apocalyptic and overly dramatic. After seeing a Ygorok tear a Vonn soldier's ribcage out of their chest just minutes ago, he decided the name was far too tame.
Swift movement caught the corner of Lance's eye, and he watched with wide eyes as Black came crashing into the units in front of Red's cockpit. Fighter jets burst into vibrant explosions as Keith wove in and out of their ranks, alternating between slices and laser blasts, until he was right in the thick of the most condensed patch of galra ships.
“Keith!” Lance protested, finding his voice as the initial surprise wore off. “Get the hell out of there, man! You can't just—” He groaned emphatically, blasting several more enemy fighters out of the sky. “I thought we were past your 'Leeroy Jenkins' phase!”
“What the fuck is a—” Keith cut himself off with a grunt as Black took a laser bolt to the side. “Listen, we're not looking good here, and if we want any chance at getting to their base, we need to push.”
Lance didn't like that tone. That was Keith's “I know what's best, and what's best is not caring that I actually don't know what's best” tone.
Keith took another hit. A worse one, to Black's torso.
“Keith!” Lance hollered again, his adrenaline pumping and his fingers clenching around Red's controls. “Are you okay? Jesus fucking Christ—” Sorry, Mamá. “—hang on. I'm coming in.”
His arms taut with anxiety, he angled Red straight for that treacherous cluster of enemy ships and pushed forward, gritting his teeth with the strain of holding back some of the more choice words he was itching to spit in Keith's direction: idiot, reckless, stupid, death wish, I'm going to wring your neck, et cetera.
Instead, he settled on mumbling, “God, you have zero sense of self preservation.”
“Old habits die hard,��� Keith coughed. Well, at least he was still alive.
“Wha—that doesn't mean you have to die with them! Idiot.” Okay, so maybe some of those choice words were slipping out.
Before he had the time to contemplate it, Lance's vision was filled with a fighter ship flying in far too close for comfort—straight at him. He tried his best to angle out of the way, but the jet caught Red right in the throat, bursting into flames against her surface with far more intensity than any of the other ships' explosions—as if, perhaps, the pilot had taken explosives on board with them. Intentionally.
“Lance? Lance can you hear—” Keith's voice crackled unintelligibly. “—big hit. Are you—” More crackling, and—silence.
Lance frantically pressed his comm button. “Keith? Keith, hey, uh, small problem maybe—”
The control panel flickered a few times, then sputtered out, and suddenly Red was falling—eerily slow at first, then faster than a bullet. Lance bit back a scream, smashing buttons and yanking at the controls desperately, but Red just kept falling, falling, falling, and all Lance could do was watch as she turned belly-up in the air, giving him a perfect, horrible view of Black taking several heavy shots directly to the cockpit.
This time he did scream. But it did no good, and Lance was forced to watch as Black—as Keith—careened toward the moon's surface, a faint trail of purple dusting his wake like the tail of a comet.
Lance's panic was short-lived, however, as he was soon interrupted by the jolting, bruising impact of Red slamming into the ground at full speed. His teeth rattled so hard he thought for sure he would chip a tooth, and then it was—quiet. Completely still. Nothing but the cold shadows of Red's lifeless interior.
After giving himself a moment to check for broken bones—none, thankfully, just a few contusions—and to try unsuccessfully to bring Red back online, Lance jumped out of his seat and rushed for the exit, praying that none of the doors were jammed. Only the final one gave him any trouble, which turned out to be the result of sand blocking half of the exit. Once Lance managed to pry the door open enough to squeeze out, he was met with a small flood of the turquoise substance leaking into his lion.
“Ah, shit,” he hissed, squeezing himself through the opening despite the sandy blockade. “Sorry, Red. I'll give you a deep cleanse when we—” He inhaled sharply, the sound of shouting and gunfire assailing his ears. “Keith,” he breathed, and clambered up the nearby dune on his hands and knees.
When he reached the top, it was—chaos. Galra droids and Ygorok were locked in combat with the Vonn, any semblance of formation or strategy long forgotten. Bodies and—and body parts—lay strewn across the shimmering blue landscape, staining it dark with blood and making it hard for Lance to process who had the upper hand, if anyone. He hadn't realized it from so far above, but the dunes were incredibly hilly and uneven—he couldn't see more than maybe fifty meters in the distance.
No sign of Keith within those fifty meters either.
Taking a deep breath to center himself, Lance drew his bayard and started down the incline, firing off shots left and right as he ran for the opposite side of the ditch. The droids collapsed easily with hefty clanks, but the Ygorok proved more resilient—Lance found it took several shots to fell one of them, or a very lucky bolt to one of its myriad vulnerable black eyes.
Lance scaled the next dune and trudged across the next ditch in much the same fashion as the first, shooting as he went, calling Keith's name whenever he had the breath to spare. He hadn't caught which direction Black had fallen in, so he could only hope that he was heading the right way. So far, he was not feeling terribly optimistic.
Upon climbing to the ridge of the third dune, Lance staggered to a stop, shocked by the scene before him. This one was not a ditch—this was a miniature valley. This must be the heart of the battle. It was... Lance felt his blood run cold as he viewed the carnage. Hundreds of droids and beasts and Vonn struggled against each other—the Vonn had the advantage of knowing how to walk nimbly through the sand, but the Galra had the advantage of sheer numbers. Lance could see no clear indication of this conflict stopping any time soon—and...
No Keith.
Searching for him in this bloodbath was like trying to play Where's Waldo? with all of the people moving. There were so many figures down below, and Lance was so desperate to see a flash of red, and he could feel the bubble of panic and frustration and fear rising up in his throat, threatening to overwhelm him, and—
“... ance!”
Lance nearly fell off the dune. He squinted and peered down toward the bottom of the decline, where the sound had come from. At first he didn't see anything, and then—
“Lance!” There it was—the flash of red. He could have cried with relief. Actually, maybe he was crying a little bit, but he didn't know because he had more important things on his mind.
Like Keith, who was now pushing through the throng, cutting down any enemies who tried to interfere, and waving whenever he had a free moment. That was all it took for Lance to race, stumbling, down into the ravine. Cyan dust erupted in a trailing puff behind him, sparkling against the backdrop of dozens of Galra fighter jets criss-crossing the golden-orange sky. He could not care less about them right now; he had one thing in mind: getting down there, down to Keith, and he was almost there, and Keith was running too, and—
Lance's boot caught in the thick sand, tripping him and sending him tumbling forward at the last moment, directly into Keith, who exhaled a quick “oof” and wrapped his arms around Lance in a steadying motion even as he staggered backwards from the impact.
“Hey, Sharpshooter,” Keith breathed, and it was soft, and it was good, and Lance instantly felt the tension in his shoulders melt away. “They hurt you?” His grip tightened reflexively as he spoke.
“Mmno,” Lance mumbled, squeezing back in response, hooking his chin securely over Keith's shoulder. “I thought I—” He cut off, licked his lips, started again. “I thought they got you.”
Keith knocked his helmet against Lance's, the clunk temporarily blocking out the cacophony of the war zone around them. “You can't get rid of me that easily.” He inhaled deeply, one hand rubbing soothing circles against Lance's back—though the slight shake of his fingers indicated it was just as much an effort to calm himself as it was to calm Lance. “I'm glad you're okay. Glad you're here.”
The honesty in his voice made Lance pause, pulling his head back just enough to meet Keith's gaze, their helmets still touching. He blinked once, then opened his mouth to reply—
And lifted his arm shield to block an incoming laser bolt from a pack of droids and a Ygorok heading their way.
Both paladins sprang into action, emotion giving way to instinct as they brandished their bayards and entered the fray. Lance felt his fingers curl around his gun before he even realized it had materialized; the familiar weight in his hand was almost as comforting as the sight of Keith before him—a luxury he had almost lost just moments ago.
At least, it was comforting until he realized that Keith was now in melee range of the enemy, clashing with them and—well, admittedly cutting through them like weeds, but that wasn't the point! The point was that Keith was now officially in the Danger Zone, and while normally Lance would enjoy seeing Keith in most places (Keith was easy on the eyes; sue him), the Danger Zone was not on that list.
Blue tinted Lance's vision as he aimed through the scope on his gun, expertly felling a pair of droids in three seconds flat. Their core processing units sizzled as they collapsed to the ground, blaster fire leaving molten holes in their heads. Lance felt a rush of relief as it bought Keith that precious extra breathing room, but he knew better than to dwell on it. He adjusted his aim just in time to see the Ygorok pounce at Keith, knocking him back a step and attempting to clamp down on his arm with its terrible snapping maw.
“Watch it!” Lance shouted, unleashing a torrent of rapid fire shots on the beast, which let out a hideous whinging snarl as its blackened flesh began to smoke from the areas of impact. In a desperate frenzy, it lunged straight for Keith's abdomen, and Lance took the opportunity to lodge a laser bolt right in one of its many soulless eyes. Its jaw unhinged, and the creature let out one last eldritch screech before sinking to the ground and beginning to melt into a disgusting pile of flesh and fur and robotic parts. Whatever biological blasphemy had kept this monster in one piece was clearly unable to continue doing so without the aid of a beating heart. Lance felt his stomach roil.
Keith, however, appeared largely unaffected, judging by the way he simply launched himself back into combat with the next nearest droid. And that sparked a little flicker of annoyance in Lance as he once again took aim.
“Be more careful,” he growled, nailing a droid in the neck with a clean shot. “That thing almost got you.”
Keith grunted as he yanked his sword out of a droid's chest and chopped another one's head off. “I know you've got my back,” he called over his shoulder, turning to face his next opponent and leaving himself exposed to another droid coming up behind him.
Lance let out a wordless noise of frustration and immediately shot down the threat. He opened his mouth to air his grievances, but Keith beat him to it.
“See?” he said, cutting through a metal torso and flashing one of his stupidly attractive smirks. “I trust you, Lance.”
The cadence of his voice and the bluntness of his words left a trail of pink crawling up Lance's neck, all the way to the apples of his cheeks. Was he—he wasn't flirting, right? Keith wouldn't flirt. Right?
Lance tried to hide his blush behind more perfectly aimed shots and a scowl. “Would you quit putting yourself at risk for once, you inconsiderate jerk? I'm gonna have a heart attack!” He was met with another smirk. His blood was running hot now. “And stop doing that! With your mouth! It's distracting!”
And that bastard, while he cut down enemies left and right, had the audacity to smirk wider.
Lance's blood was absolutely boiling now.
“Keith!” he yelled, blasting another droid in the face. “Stop doing that fucking thing or I swear to God I'm gonna scream!” He landed another shot, caught up in the moment, not fully realizing that the number of enemies in their immediate vicinity was rapidly dwindling.
Keith buried his blade in a robotic clavicle and met Lance's eyes over the droid's shoulder. It felt like slow motion as he raised one eyebrow in silent challenge, waited, then let the edge of his lip curl upward tauntingly before ripping his sword back out again and whirling to face the next foe.
Never one to go back on his oaths, Lance did scream.
“Keith Kogane, stop making me want you to kiss me with your stupid mouth!”
Lance's entire body twitched as his own words sunk in. His aim was thrown off; his shot at the last remaining droid merely grazed the visor instead of striking right through. He felt like someone had dunked him in ice water, then pulled him out and left him to air dry.
Keith, for his part, seemed remarkably unfazed. His focus was still on the heat of battle. “Well maybe if you shut your stupid mouth every once in a while,” he retorted in a teasing tone, driving his blade through the jaw of the final droid, “I'd actually be able to do that.”
Lance's breath caught in his throat. The droid collapsed at Keith's feet in a puff of sand, and suddenly everything was still.
It took no more than two-and-a-half seconds of silence for Keith to catch up to the conversation, and when he did, he spun around with wide eyes. “Uh—”
But Lance was already moving, slowly at first, then building momentum until he was running and tearing his helmet off and tossing it to the sand with utter disregard, until he was watching Keith's expression go from alarm to something like confusion and then back to alarm again, until he was grabbing Keith's helmet and pulling it off and gripping it tightly where he let his hands rest behind Keith's head after throwing his arms around the other man's neck, until he was—
Until he was kissing him.
And, oh.
Oh, he was kissing him.
Lance kissed Keith like lightning, like warm wind meeting cold wind in a storm, like wave into rock into wave in a river's rapids. He kissed Keith like an earthquake, like a whole forest engulfed in flames, like a meteorite striking its destination with a blazing and unstoppable finality. He kissed Keith like Keith—wild, reckless, untamed and untameable. Beautiful and devastating. Alive.
Very alive, it seemed. Keith wasted no time in pressing back, meeting Lance with equal vigor, as he always had in everything they did, and as he always would. Keith kissed Lance like he fought Lance in the training room, trading kisses like he traded blows—a constant push and pull; a game of prediction and adaptation and surprise; an unspoken challenge to do more, to give more.
Lance loved it.
He let Keith's helmet slip from his grasp and clatter against the debris on the ground, instead opting to thread his fingers reverently through Keith's sweat-knotted hair. Under any other circumstance, he would have been repulsed, but all he could think of in this moment was getting Keith closer, getting his hands on the crown of Keith's head, feeling the intimacy of exploring this part of Keith that he had never been privy to until now.
Keith, too, seemed similarly inclined to touch. His hands found purchase on Lance's waist, their grip hesitant—until Lance's lips parted involuntarily to let out a small noise. It made Keith desperate to swallow the sound, to elicit another one, and so he wrapped his arms around Lance in earnest and nipped at his lower lip, offering a silent plea with a single swipe of the tongue.
And Lance rewarded his plea with permission: an opening and an offering of his own. He parted his mouth to meet with Keith's, finding a pattern in the chaos, a rhythm to which they both settled, until their movements became languid and lazy and sated. Lance's breath beat in heavy, stuttering gusts against Keith's own in the brief moments when they would part between kisses. Those moments gradually became less brief until the two paladins were simply hovering before one another, their lips barely brushing, their eyes glazed but open, their complexions red with heat.
It was Keith who broke the trance. He placed a single feather-light kiss on Lance's bitten lips, then gently nudged his face past the other's, letting his flushed cheek come to rest against Lance's. And then, with his mouth pressed tantalizingly close to Lance's ear, he said in a breathless, soft whisper:
“There's a pack of Ygorok advancing on our location.”
Lance blinked slowly, his fuzzy brain struggling to process what Keith was saying. He gave a low hum in response, then furrowed his brows and paused.
In an instant, Lance's eyes flew wide open. “What?!” He attempted to yank himself backwards, but Keith's grip tightened on his waist, holding Lance flush against him. “Keith!” Lance leaned his torso back as far as he could, smacking his hands against Keith's chest plate. “Keith!” No response aside from a breathy chuckle. “Keithkeithkeithkeithkeith—”
Keith snickered and tugged Lance back in, pressing a loud, smacking kiss to his cheek before releasing and stepping around him, bayard drawn. By the time Lance had turned around, Keith was already rushing forward to meet the pack of Ygorok, fighting with renewed energy, slamming his shield into one's slavering jowls and driving his sword through the roof of another one's mouth.
Lance gaped after him for a moment, cheek tingling, until a stray laser bolt whizzed past his nose. He yelped, fumbling with his bayard for a moment before getting his limbs to finally cooperate long enough for him to get a few good shots off.
“You asshole! Stop distracting me!” he shrieked, shooting a hole through a soft spot on a Ygorok's throat. “You're a hazard! You hear me? A hazard!” He huffed and shot another Ygorok in the leg, preventing it from jumping over the corpse of its fellow.
But Keith just laughed that rough, raspy laugh of his; glanced to the sky, where three familiar flashes of blue, green, and yellow appeared, metallic roars announcing their arrival; and with that stupid, stupid smirk on his face, said, “I'll make it up to you later.”
And he did.
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I honestly would love to see Black Cat and MJ just hang out more. Because of the love triangle I’ve always heard about how much they ‘must’ hate each other, but honestly I could picture Pete waking up one day, finding MJ and Felicia in the living room having coffee and asking what she’s doing here and MJ just says, “Dude we meet up like twice a week to hang. We’re going bowling tonight.” or something.
They’re relationship is actually more complicated than simply being catty rivals or some such. 
The harsh truth is, for better or worse, writers pitted the pair against one another lightly in the 1980s, famously the first instance of this was in the iconic ASM #258, the issue both immediately after MJ reveals she knows who Peter is and where Peter learns the truth about the black costume.
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Initially the animosity was more on Felicia’s end than MJ’s, whether she meant it or not, she briefly felt Peter was better suited to Black Cat.
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MJ became Peter’s confidant not too long before he and Felicia broke up and when she was later reintroduced into the titles MJ became more clearly down on her. This is epitomized in Spec #119 (a great Felicia story).
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That issue also  ends though with MJ admitting she has complicated conflicting feelings towards Felicia, the complications of which are wrapped up in her complicated feelings for Peter. In the story Felicia single handily takes down Sabertooth.* In a sense she defended civilians and Peter in doing so and thus MJ is caught between admiration and jealousy.
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Their romantic rivalry becomes more out and out mean in Spec #123 and ASM #288 which follows up on that subplot. In the issues MJ resolves to set her and Peter’s ‘will they won’t they’ thing straight only find Felicia in Peter’s apartment (he saved her earlier that day and she needed somewhere to regroup). At the end of that adventure though Felicia basically forcibly stayed in Peter’s apartment so MJ was none too pleased to find her there when she showed up to make Peter breakfast in bed.**
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The pair remained in disdain of one another after this but also didn’t interact face to face again until after Pete and MJ got married and more specifically after Peter lost his cosmic powers defeating Tri-Sentinel. Felicia had learned Peter had gotten married and as revenge began dating Flash with the intention of breaking his heart to hurt Peter by proxy. She also delighted in makig him and MJ uncomfortable though.
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When MJ and Felicia interacted one-on-one Felicia was shockingly straight up assaulting MJ!
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At this point MJ obviously didn’t like Felicia but she was not giving as good as she got. Things began to shift not too long after in a storyline that saw Peter give up his powers and Felicia begin to develop genuine feelings for Flash. During this storyline Felicia stepped up and began acting as the muscle for the powerless Peter. MJ still didn’t like Peter was starting to reluctantly recognize her as more of an ally than an enemy. In particular the story ended with Felicia powerless and deciding to temporarily retire and date Flash sincerely.
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Whilst they weren’t exactly friends it did get to a point where MJ was okay with going on double dates with Flash and Felicia, considering the latter was no longer out to get her/hurt Flash/steal Peter away.
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However a significant turning point occurred in Web of Spider-Man #80. The story short is that Peter/Spidey is missing after he and Mj got attacked. MJ turns to Felicia for help, citing the fact she still cares for Peter and that’s common ground for them to work with for the moment. She gives her a tracking device Peter made to zero in on him. She even admits she’s out of her league on this front and it’s up to Felicia. Felicia of course helps save Spidey and whilst initially claims her locating him was due to their ‘connection’ (meaning their romantic history) she admits MJhelped witht he tracking device. The issue ends though with Felicia admitting that MJ’s device actually didn’t work, meaning Felicia simply let the Parker couple think it did out of kindness to MJ. This didn’t turn the pair into friends, but it showed they were clearly mellowing towards one another.
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This didn’t make them chummy as catty remarks still occurred during later interactions (noticably from MJ). I’m skipping over stuff to get to some highlights, the next of which is a big one. 
In Felicia’s first ever solo mini-seires MJ not only appears int he first issue but they are actually hanging out...together...as friends!
Or at least as frenemies. It’s clear there is still some underlying jealousy or jousting to be had, but they’re very open about it and Felicia is actively confiding in MJ, even talking about how she feels regarding Peter. And not just Peter in general, his then current state of being. This was back when Peter was unravelling due to the aftermath of the Robot Parents crap and becoming more anti-social and obsessive about his Spider-Man life, spending less time out of the costume. It got Felicia and MJ concerned. A very significant line of dialogue in this scene is MJ saying she’ll call Felicia later. It implies that they have hung out together before or are at least okay with doing do again in the near future. 
Also this was at Felicia’s home, so for MJ to have voluntarily gone to the home of the woman who once assaulted her says a lot about how things have changed.
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Again skipping over some stuff but the next big moment for MJ and Felicia came in Web of Spider-Man #125 where MJ once again calls upon Felicia’s aid to find Peter (though he’s not in trouble, she just needs him present). The circumstances are decidedly different from Web #80. There is no jousting going on. Partially this is due to their relationship having grown deeper but it’s also due to MJ being pregnant and amidst the chaos of the time (Peter was on trial for murder, Aunt May had just died and MJ had been recently abducted by Kaine) she was clearly feeling very vulnerable. 
Vulnerable enough in fact that Felicia can clearly tell MJ is upset and outright hugs her, offering some support and comfort. 
This time Felicia isn’t seeking out Peter less because she cares for him and more because she wants to help MJ and the baby. If ever there was a moment clearly demarking the pair had fully transitioned into real friendship, this was it. 
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Whilst MJ and Felicia don’t directly interact in Web #128 Peter makes a reference to MJ and Felicia talking on the phone for hours.
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Skipping waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead now. The tl:dr is that Felicia clearly began to develop some feelings for Peter again during Howard Mackie’s run. This became more significantly a factor in the Evil that Men Do Limited Series where Felicia is putting the movies on Peter and also refers to MJ derogatorily. 
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Something to note about Evil that Men do is that it gets a lot of details wrong and it’s continuity is wonky. the first half came out when Peter and MJ were seperated, but the second half came out years later and used then contemporary continuity from when Peter and MJ would’ve been back together. The important thing to note is Felicia went back to having the hots for Spider-Man and also being down on MJ
To my recollection the next time I recall MJ and Felicia having a significant interaction was in Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #5. In the issue Felicia has rescued Peter from the Vulture and is helping him investigate Aunt may’s recent kidnapping. Peter was badly beat up so Felicia and Mj were nursing him back to health. The scene where Peter wakes up clearly conveys that there is some tension and competitivness going on between MJ and Felicia even though they are talking in a friendly manner to one another. When Felicia leaves MJ looked really bummed out, which might’e been due to some insecurities regarding Felicia or because of their financial troubles at the time (she was keeping them from Peter).
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Later on in Marvel Knights #10, when Peter has resolved to break Norman Osborn out of jail in order to save Aunt May, Felicia going along with him for this, MJ blows up at Felicia and basically tells her to back off from Peter.
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In defence of MJ here, Norman Osborn has pushed them to the edge big time so I think she’s having a major wobble regarding Black Cat.
Anyway, she’s not wrong about Felicia as the remaining issues of the arc make it clear that Felicia is absolutely in love with Peter again if Evil that Men Do didn’t make that clear enough.
Next up in Spider-Man: Breakout #2, MJ is similarly pissed off about Peter contacting Felicia for help tracking down the U-Foes.
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Frankly...I find this instance rather out of character but I thought I might as well mention it.
Then we have Spider-Man Unlimited volume 3 #14. In this issue, as payback for helping him bust out Norman Osborn, Felicia demands Spider-Man help her steal something from Doctor Doom. Peter isn’t happy about this until it turns out that the item in question was a spider tracer with his finger prints on it, meaning Felicia was trying to once again protect Peter. MJ wasn’t happy to find out Peter was hanging out with Felicia but acknwoeldged she helped protect them.
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The next notable interaction was during Civil War when Peter was unmasked, the Parkers were fugitives and Peter was half dead from a beating via the Rhino. Felicia upon learning of this sought out the Parkers and volunteered to even the score with Rhino. When all is said and done, MJ asks Felicia if she wants to give Peter a message from her.
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We then transition into shitty post-OMD continuity and frankly I’m not touching 90% of that sans one notable story (Web of Spider-Man volume 2 #11-12) in which Felicia, who has totally forgotten who MJ and Peter Parker are, nevertheless befriends MJ after an adventure to save Peter.
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I bring up this story simply because your original question was regarding MJ and Felicia friendship.
This story’s canonicity can be debated for a few reasons, it doesn’t make sense in general because the mindwipe was asinine shit and it has 0 follow up. In fact it doesn’t even really jive with later appearances of MJ or Felicia. It is amusing though that it completes a sort of trilogy wherein MJ and Felicia become more friendly in Web of Spider-Man.
Anyway, that brings you pretty much up to date.
Essentially there are two distinct eras for MJ and Felicia’s relationship. The 1980s-1990s where they have a clear arc transitioning from acquaintances who’re not that fond of one another to rivals to frenemies to outright friends. 
Then you have the 2000s and beyond which pits the two against one another again but in a very different dynamic to before as MJ is Peter’s wife and recognizes Felicia’s as an ally.
It’s not impossible to reconcile the two narratively but I’m not going to do that here. 
I think the second era might’ve been done in order to inject more tension into the Spider Marriage and in fairness, it did work. It was dramatic.
But I personally prefer the second era much more as it portrays a clear character arc. As a bonus I should mention that, since it diverged from Spider-Man continuity in the late 1990s, in Spider-Girl MJ and Felicia’s relationship continued to develop in a friendly manner to the point where Felicia would pay Mj a visit in her office and the pair would chat about their daughters and their mutual problems. In MJ’s case a difficult pregnancy and in Felicia’s her rebellious daughter who wasn’t fond of her same sex partner.
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To bring this right around to your OP, the scenes of friendship have more or less happened in canon and in stories that are pseudo canon. 
*Bear in mind this was the same decade where Sabertooth participated in the infamous Mutant Massacre storyline where he and his peers mass slaughtered a bunch of defenceless mutants. Readers knew he was no pushover.  
**Because you see according to Joe Quesada, Steve Wacker, Dan Slott et al Mary Jane was clearly not dating Peter at this time and I think we’ve all brought groceries to our ex’s apartment (that we own a key to) in order to make them breakfast in bed. It’s the single most platonic gesture possible.
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captainillogical · 5 years ago
Devil’s Ballroom ch.3
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants
    She sets her mostly empty drink down on the counter, and turns to look at you when Bismuth walks over again, stealing her gaze right back.
“That was nice, Spinel. I think that was my favorite song of yours yet.” She says to her. “You want another round?”
“Aw jeez, thanks I guess, Bis.” Spinel says sheepishly. “And yeah, I think I’ll need it tonight.”
    You pretend that nothing weird has ever happened to you at all in your life, and down the rest of your drink. You want like, 5 more of these and then you'll be able to deal with this.
Y/N: Yeah. I remember the night. She's also sitting right next to me. Uh.
Alex: for real
Y/N: I might be internally having a panic attack.
    Bismuth pours Spinel her drink, and she sighs. "It's just, today was kind of rough. Blue called and wanted to apologize for things that she doesn't need to be apologizing about, and I kind of wish they'd calm down a little and let me exist in peace."
    Bismuth nods. "Steven has talked a lot about them. They seem really difficult to be around, if I'm going to be honest. They don't quite get.. real people problems."
"You have no idea." She replies, and takes a long drink. “They don’t even understand privacy. I couldn’t do anything without them basically following me everywhere. It was stifling.”
“Seriously, I’m not sure what I expected from the Diamonds, but if you told me that 5000 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed you at all.” Bismuth says, “I’m just glad you have some much needed breathing room.”
“It was long overdue. Several months in their presence was more than enough.”
    Bismuth gives Spinel a tired smile, and turns to you.
“How are you holdin up there, Y/N?” She hands you another drink. “You’ve only been here 25 minutes or so, and you’re on your 3rd already. That kinda night?”
“Err, just in the mood I guess.” You reply and laugh. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop. Bismuth turns away to a couple of other patrons and busies herself making a few mixed drinks for them.
        Alex: dude kick her for almost killing ur dad
    Y/N: What, and get myself killed? Fuck no.
    Alex: ur a pussy
    Harper: did she say anything about you taking a pic?
    Y/N: No! Please don’t curse me.
“You know, if you wanted a pic so bad of myself, you could’ve asked.”  Spinel says, turning to face you directly. You stare at your phone and can feel your face heating up for being called out. You can feel your mouth working way faster than your brain can even comprehend.
“My friends are shitheads and didn’t believe me when I said I saw someone cute on stage.” You say, and immediately shut your mouth. If you could sink into the floor right now and disappear forever, that would be great. God doesn’t grant you this though, and you curse him for it. “I mean.. I’m sorry. That was rude of me to do without your permission.” She grins. 
“Ya know, I didn’t actually see who did it, I just saw the general direction of the flash and walked towards it, and happened to find an empty seat next to someone looking fairly nervous.” She laughs. “Way to out yourself there.”
    You look at her. Fucking goddammit. “I seem to be doing a lot of that today. Ughhhhh.” You drag your hand down your face in dramatic fashion, and take a drink. You’re starting to feel the alcohol slowly take a small bit of effect. “Song was nice by the way.”
“Oh, thanks.” She looks a bit surprised, like she’s not used to compliments. Hm. 
“I’m not so musically talented myself, but uh. I can make some mean enchiladas. AND I can make a calculator spell the word “boobs”.” You say, like it’s somehow impressive.
“What’s an enchilada?” Spinel looks at you suspiciously. Oh right. Gem. 
“It’s.. food. Hold on.” You say and pull up an internet browser to google the definition of enchiladas so you can show her a pic. You see the group chat go off a couple times and keep swiping away your friend’s rapid texts, knowing that they’re asking you too many questions right now and you’re determined to show this alien one of your favorite foods. Tonight sure is a weird night. You find a good pic of enchiladas, and turn your phone towards her. “See? Tortilla, cheese, meat. Great stuff. You can even change some of the ingredients and make them a couple different ways. All pretty good if I do say so myself.” You say as she looks at it, and you can see your phone chime with another message notification. You pull your phone away quickly before she has any chance to see whatever the fuck your friends are talking about.
“Humans are strange.” She replies, a pondering look on her face. She takes another drink and sets the glass down gently, keeping her hand lightly on the glass. You notice her fingernails are short and clean. You wonder if they grow like human nails? You wonder how similar gems are to humans in general. “You guys have to eat to survive? And you all grow so much all the time, and you’re constantly changing. You can’t even grow limbs back, or shapeshift. What’s the point?”
“The point?” You laugh. “I mean, science IS advancing and we can grow organs from plants, in a lab. Can’t grow limbs back.. yet. I can’t exactly change being human. Besides, you gems as a race don’t exactly look like you have any fun at all. Being human is all about having new experiences.” You say.
“Well, maybe I’m having fun now.” She says, tapping the rim of her glass. You kind of look at her for a second. She seems to be tapping her left foot on the side of the stool, maybe kind of nervously? Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she's pushing some of the fringe behind her ear. She’s cute, you think to yourself. 
“Oh?” You say as you smile slyly into your drink. You think you see her blush a bit.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Last time wasn’t so nice. Some guy tried punching me, he was drunk and recognized me from the earth attack last year. Bismuth had to kick him out.” She says stiffly, and takes a drink. “I’m sorry about that, by the way.”
“My dad almost died.” You say. She winces.
“I am really sorry. I do regret how I dealt with my entire situation.. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it." She sighs. "I’m just glad no one actually died. And thanks for not cursing me out, for all of this."
"He's hard to kill, anyway." 
"What?" She says, staring at you incredulously. 
"My dad. He's done so many stupid, dangerous things that I remember from my childhood. He must have some kind of divine blessing, because even when he fought that gator off grandpa's porch, he came out without a scratch. And that was one really pissed off gator." You say. Spinel laughs heartily. She's actually really cute when she laughs, and you can't help staring for a second. “There was also that one time this guy attempted to rob us at a gas station, and he took the bastard down with the unopened energy drink from his cup holder. You wanna know what he had to complain about afterwards? That he had to now go buy another energy drink. That’s my fucking dad, I guess.”
“Your life sounds interesting.” She says in reply.  “I can tell that you love him though.”
“Yeah. He’s kind of my entire life. He’s all I have left of my family.” You say, smiling. “He’s a good dad. He tries his best.” You hear your phone chime a couple more times, and roll your eyes. They’re so fucking needy. “My friends are extremely obnoxious, and must know what I’m doing at all times. You have anyone like that in your life? Because I could pawn off Alex on you if you want.” You grab your phone and open up your group chat to see what they’re talking about. There’s quite a few missed messages.
    Harper: she hasn’t said shit in a while and i’m kinda worried.
    Harper: what if she got kidnapped. D:
    Alex: shes probs in the middle of a bar fight tbh
    Alex: im pretty sure that alien started it or something
    Alex: she was probs all like “im gonna kill ur planet now and finish u all off!!”
    Alex: and Y/N was like “not on my watch BITCH” and decks her
    Alex: the whole bar claps
    Harper: shut up it’s been like 10 mins and she hasn’t said anything and i’m nervous.
“I have a few people who I’d call friends here. Bismuth, Lapis, Amethyst.. Steven. I kind of feel like I’m bothering them when I’m around, in general..” She says, swirling the drink around in her glass. She regards it, lifts to her lips, and takes a drink. “Steven sometimes asks how I’m doing.. I know he cares. I have a hard time letting myself be honest with him. Cause.. you know. He’d try to solve all my problems. And I try to deal with them on my own.”
Y/N: I'm not dead. We're talking. She's nice.
Alex: wow are all genocidal maniacs nice i wonder
Y/N: She even apologized about my dad, and the entire shebang, really. 
Y/N: She's nice conversation, anyway.
Harper: whoa she apologised?
Alex: youve got to be kidding me rn
Alex: lemme just go revive gengis khan so we can have a nice chat over tea
Alex: this is absolutely nuts why am i the only sane one here
Alex: im gonna go fucking feral 
"It's such a Steven thing to do, too. You should've seen how he was when he found out about my mother." You laugh, and set your phone down on the counter. "He literally tried to go out and find her. He's such a sweet kid, but I had to break it to him that even if I knew where she was, I didn't want to see her."
    Off to your left side, you feel someone approach you at the bar. You turn your face to see who it is. It's a man who looks a decade older than you are, and you've never seen him before. He nods to regard you. 
"Can I get you a drink, beautiful? You look absolutely lovely." He says, leaning in slightly.
"Thank you, but I'm alright." You put in your best polite, but fuck off smile. 
"You're just going to say no without even considering it?" He smiles, and you hate it. He's giving you terrible vibes and it's making you uneasy.
"I said I'm good." 
"Yeah bu-" He starts, but Spinel cuts him off.
"She says she's good, pal. Leave the dame alone." She crossed her arms over her chest, and glares at him. 
"Damn fine, stuck up bitch. Didn't want to talk to you anyway." He spews, and leaves to the other side of the bar. Thank god, you think to yourself.
"Thank you for that." You say to her, seriously relieved. "Fucker needs to learn how to take no for an answer." 
“Yeah, well. No one harasses a girl on my watch.” She regards you carefully. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”
“No?” You lift an eyebrow in response.
“What happened with your mother?” She says, grabbing for her drink and taking a sip.
“Oh. Um,” You’re a bit surprised that she seems to genuinely care. You’ve known her for all of like.. a half hour. “She left when I was 5. Just had enough of dad and I, I suppose. Dad says it just came out of nowhere, and he has no idea what happened. We were a happy family, and then one day after dinner, she went into their room, packed some things in a single bag, and left.” You pause to take kind of a long drink. “And no one knows where she went. It’s been 17 years. Not a single word. It actually really fucked me up for years. I felt abandoned and absolutely worthless. How could you raise a child for 5 years, and just fucking bounce? Like, did she read a manual on how to fuck up your kid and give them emotional problems for the rest of their life? God, what a fucking bitch. I can’t even IMAGINE doing that to a kid.”
    Spinel is staring at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“Eventually I ended up gaining some friends that helped me get over it, for the most part. They’re stupid and I love them. And if they ever found my mother, they would murder her in a heartbeat.” You say, chuckling. Spinel is still staring at you. “Are you okay? You ask. 
“I’m fine, it’s just.. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like me.” You watch her fiddle with her fingers. She moves slightly, and you see her shirt open, heart gem glimmering in the low lighting. You don’t want to be caught staring at it, like a crow to a shiny object. (You want to touch it. You want to touch it bad. Is it warm? Is it cold? Is it smooth? You need to know.) “I also had a very important person abandon me. The MOST important person to me, actually. For uh.. 6000 years.” You look up and your eyes make contact with hers.
“What.” You say. “6000 years.”
“Yeah.. It’s kind of embarrassing now, though.” She shrugs. “But it was terrible, and now I’m here. I’ll never get closure the way I want from Pink Diamond, because she’s gone forever. Anyway,” You kind of want to hug her. “I’ve been surviving, and I think I’m doing okay.” She smiles slightly. Bismuth is suddenly in front of the two of you.
“I saw some commotion all the way from the other side. That guy bother you? Want me to deal with him?” She says, all while refilling Spinel’s drink without even asking.
“Nah, he fucked right out of here when Spinel told him off.” You say, and finish the rest of your cider. Blegh. Warm.
“Is that so?” Bismuth say, grinning. She’s pointedly looking at Spinel. Spinel is giving Bismuth a dirty look. Oh my, what is going on there? You feel your bladder cursing up a storm inside you.
“Bismuth, I’d like another beer please.” You slowly get up on sleepy, wobbly legs. “And I’ll be right back, gotta pee.” You turn and look at Spinel, who looks back. “Guard my purse.”
“Cannnn do.” She says while taking another drink.
    You make your way slowly over to the bathroom that was actually just 15ft away from you, and go over to one of the stalls and plop down onto the toilet, pulling out your phone to look at group chat. 
    Harper: so my brother got catfished again
    Alex: LMFAO
    Harper: how many times is this? 4? for fucks sake
    Harper: he’s 29. you’d think he’d have his shit together by now, but noooo.
    Alex: that is honestly the saddest thing ive heard
    Alex: wins most pathetic man of the month
    Y/N: oof.
    Y/N: Yeah that’s just sad.
    Alex: how are yoooouuuu
    Y/N: I’m fine. I’m having a nice time.
    Harper: you still hangin with the not-evil-now alien? :p
    You choose to reply later, and instead finish your business in the stall. You come out and wash your hands, making sure you wash them thoroughly. You never know what kind of germs are in bar bathrooms. You’re drying your hands when you hear the bathroom door open, and someone is walking in. You turn to look, and it’s a familiar figure. A man. 
The man from earlier.
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