#she didn’t share the 1D post
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dreamings-free · 5 months ago
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💔💔 17/10/24
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potluckofmybrain · 5 months ago
Hi tumblr directioners,
So idk if anyone will see this but I want to share my personal experience as a directioner in the wake of losing Liam Payne.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a die-hard fan the whole time the band was together, but I was IN IT my freshman and sophomore years of high school.
It was 2011-2013, I was a teenage girl going through some tough stuff at home. And by “some stuff” I meant my dad was dying of brain cancer, and we moved to a new state where I didn’t know anyone. My dad passed away end of summer before my freshman year. I missed the first 2 weeks of school, got unenrolled, had to re-enroll, then got put on the counselor’s list of people to keep an eye on.
Of course I was depressed and antisocial and anxiety ridden starting at a new school. I moved from VA to TX and the culture shock was real I can’t lie. Then I heard some girls in my freshman English class talking about one direction. I had heard of the band but never really gave them any attention.
I remember going home that day and memorizing all the words to the Up All Night album in my living room. I remember making lyric art with the *skinny* crayola markers, and dedicating every tumblr post to 1D so that I could make friends and not feel like such an outsider. I remember having a common interest with other girls that made us feel like a community.
Then twitter got big and the #bring1Dtome challenge happened iykyk. (It was a really big deal okay) we stayed up all night and competed in a series of challenges with other directioners across the country. Long story short #bring1DtoDallas won the contest.
The only way to get into the private album signing before the concert (a prize of the contest and one directions first American performance) was to buy an album from the Barnes and Noble store in the mall. If you were the first 150? (Idk the number) of people in line then you’d be given a free poster and a WRIST BAND to get into the concert at the then named, Dr Pepper Ballpark, along with your collectors edition album.
So, naturally me and my 3 new (and only) friends piled into my 17 yr old older sister’s hand-me-down Yukon XL and slept at the mall the night before. (Duh). We blasted Up All Night songs with other directioners until after midnight and didn’t sleep at all because we were soooo excited.
Then morning came, people started lining up at 3am, news crews were there, mall security was there it was a big thing, this was at the Stonebriar mall in Frisco Tx for any of my older fans who know what I’m talking about.
So the doors aren’t going to open until 7am, mall opens at like 6am (don’t quote me on these times I’m guesstimating). 5:30 rolls around and we take a lap to assess if we can even get a spot in line… for those of you who don’t know— stonebriar is a two floor mall and the Barnes and noble has two entrances one on each floor, it’s one of the first stores near the parking garage entrance.
5:45am-The line is wrapped around the side of the mall at the bottom level. My friends and I start to lose hope of getting these wrist bands.
5:57am- our spot in line is shit my older sister realizes we’re disappointed and she says she “didn’t sleep in the car for no reason. You’re getting those wrist bands, follow me”.
5:59am: My friends and I haul ass to the second floor entrance and my sister says “when they open the door walk in, go down the escalator, sit in line and act like you were there the whole time.” And we did.
We got our wristbands and albums. We were on the news (in the background of someone else’s interview lol) and we started the countdown for the concert.
Let me add some additional context. I was a 14 year old girl who’s dad just died, who lived with a depressed mom, an unmedicated schizophrenic oldest sister who had just had a baby (so my niece, who was born 3 days before my dad died), a bipolar 17yr old older sister who had anger issues, and two younger siblings in elementary school that i’m trying to shelter. The living environment wasn’t great to say the least, cops were called multiple times (by me). No charges were pressed.
My dad was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer when I was starting 8th grade, it was aggressive, treatments were expensive, our house in VA was foreclosed, my mom moved us to TX bc she had distant family there and available family grave plots, his cancer progressed and he passed away in August 2011.
We moved to TX in May 2011 at the end of my 8th grade year. Beginning of Summer before freshman year my mom moved my dad into hospice care. We would go to visit every other day and take turns feeding him and telling stories and it was heavy and sad. He passed away 2 days before school started.
One direction was the only thing I had to escape and bring any sense of joy in such a heartbreaking time. They brought me so much comfort, they brought me friends, they brought me a sense of being a normal teenage girl who’s dad didn’t have cancer, who’s sisters weren’t attacking each other, and who’s mom wasn’t threatening to 0ff herself.
So anyways, we got albums signed before the concert. it was very quick not like a meet and greet, they were all sitting in a row at a table, we walked through in a line and spoke to them all I was so excited I forgot to record on my camera, everyone was sweating bc it was 105 degrees outside, best day ever!! they were even cuter in person.
I just want to thank every Directioner who ever made me feel less alone as a struggling 14 year old. And I want to say that if you’re grieving Liam or one direction you’re not alone, I’m there with you. They were my safe space and loving them was…is a personality trait.
Anyways I stored those albums in a closet my junior year, then went through a house fire where everything got smoke damaged. We moved like 6 times that year. It was rough.
idk why I haven’t cleaned the albums but that’s what it is, and it’s a sobering reminder of the fact that I was going through so much but these boys were always there for me. I’ll clean them soon.
I’ll never be a boy-band obsessed teenager again, and I’m thankful to those boys for giving me happy memories during that time of my life.
If you read all that thank you and I love you 💓
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ihateapbiology · 8 months ago
good news
(Help this feels like the 1D fanfics 😭😭😭😭 but just roll with it lol.)
also kinda tw- kinda like some thoughts on religion/homophobia
You joked with your friends that your ex girlfriend had broken up with you two weeks before you were seeing Julien Baker to give you the “authentic experience.” You wouldn’t call yourself a super fan, you had found her through boygenius and just really connected with her music. Unfortunately you had been connecting a little too much with her music since your ex girlfriend had “realized she wasn’t queer” and that “God was calling her away from you.” You didn’t even feel mad just so sad. So you were ready to cry. You and your closest friends scanned in your tickets and meandered your ways to your seats. You were super close. You had wanted to look nice in case one of your friends wanted to post abt the concert and if your ex saw it…you wanted to look like you didn’t want to rot in bed. The concert was everything and more than you could’ve hoped for. Each chord resonated deeply within you, the lyrics hitting close to home. Her voice was raw, filled with an emotion that seemed to echo your own pain. Tears welled up in your eyes as you let the music wash over you. As you were crying you felt more emotions than you had let yourself feel in a while, your ex breaking up with you had unearthed some of your own religious wounds. Then you felt eyes on you, not one of your friends, you were mortified when you realized Julien was looking down at you. You briefly made eye contact before you looked away fast. The concert drew to a close and you and your friends started filing out. You quickly let them know you were heading to the bathroom.
The tears you had held back during the performance now flowed freely, a silent release of all the hurt you had been carrying, not worrying about how your friends would think.
“Hey,” a gentle voice broke through your sobs. You looked up, surprised to see Julien standing there, concern etched on her face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I just stubbed my toe really hard” you lie still sobbing.
She smiled a bit and walked next to you and sat. “Yeah did you stub your toe in the middle of my concert as well?” She says, making it known that she remembered the rather awkward eye contact you two had made.
“Alright you caught me.” You softly say. “People have said I’m good to talk to. If you want to.” She says.
You hesitated for a moment before nodding. She sat down beside you, her presence comforting. You found yourself opening up to her, sharing the pain of your recent breakup and how lost you felt. She listened intently, not interrupting, just offering a supportive presence.
When you finished, Julien placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. That..wow that situation literally sounds like what I’d write a song about. I want you to know that no matter what. No matter what a warped preaching of a religion built upon love says you are valid. What your ex did has nothing to do on you, nothing at all, no matter who she was with when she felt this she would’ve broken up with them. Just..allow yourself to feel you know.”
This unleashes more tears “thank you it was just so out of left field you know.”
You guys talk for a bit longer before she has to go finishing cleaning up stuff. “Hey do you live around here?” She asks.
“Well if you ever need someone to talk to about this I’m here..” she grabs a sharpie from her pants pocket and writes her number on your hand. “thank you that’s really sweet…you’re really sweet.” You shyly say.
She shrugs “I like helping gorgeous girls” by the look on her face she clearly didn’t mean to say all that much.
However you didn’t register that she had called you gorgeous until 3 hours later as you were watching TV and screamed to your friends.
Now the question remained…would you text that number…
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 1 year ago
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for November 2023! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Ghosted by @haztobegood [NR, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
Harry had dragged his feet when his mate Liam invited him for drinks at Horan’s Pub. He’d wanted to spend his Friday night under fuzzy blankets with a good book and hot cocoa. Besides, he’d protested, they already planned to go out the following week for Halloween. While initially reluctant, Harry’s glad he came. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have met Louis.
* Crush by @allwaswell16 [T, 1k, Louis/Niall]
When Niall stops smiling around the office, his co-worker Louis sets out to lift his mood with the help of their office mates.
* if i'm being honest by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 22k, Niall/Harry]
Niall is perfectly happy in her dating life, always finding a reason to break things off before her relationships get serious. When she finally gets a chance with Harry, her dream girl, their friend Louis makes her promise to give her a real chance. The only problem is that Harry has a cat… and Niall is not a cat person. Instead of running like she usually does, Niall has to figure out how to live with an adorable menace. And when it starts to feel like love, Niall has to decide: Is she ready for the real thing?
Inspired by Must Be Love.
* Milk my mind and make me cream by LovelikeLou / @purrrhazza [NR, 6k, Harry/Louis]
Brooklyn Baby AU: Louis and Harry are both early 70s bohemians who live in Brooklyn, New York. Louis is a sweet and gentle beatnik who wears flamboyant clothes and reads his poetry at underground speakeasies. Harry sings and plays in a punk rock Sex Pistols-esque band, wears leather and hates authority figures. The two are hopelessly in love with each other.
* Tuca Tuca (ILikeYouILikeYouILikeYou) by @persephoneflouwers [E, 4k, Louis/Harry]
The San Francisco getaway AU, where Harry is needy and Louis has a flight to LA in a few hours.
* Words Weren't Enough by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa [T, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Louis wandered into the living room, just watching Harry play for a bit.
It made Louis’ heart crack a little, seeing him like that; hunched over the keys, the muscles on his back tense. But it was a quiet sniffle that Louis finally jerked into action, carefully approaching the slumped figure on the piano bench.
“Hey, darling.”
OR Louis finds Harry practicing the piano piece for his last show late at night, and there are some tears, memories and playing the piano together involved
* Because Sparrows Mate For Life by magpielivingforglitter / @builtyouahousefromabrokenhome [E, 24k, Louis/Harry]
During his brief awkward small talk phase, the previous tattoo artist had asked about why Harry was getting “a bird tattoo”, too, though without specifying the species. And Harry had started to explain it, but then he’d felt like his reasons were too private and intimate to share with that guy, and most of it didn’t apply anymore, anyway, since the birds were going to be swallows now. So he’d just stammered something incoherent, and then tried to save it by adding that basically he thought they looked cool.
Now, Harry felt like Louis was genuinely interested, and wanted to know so that he’d be able to make the tattoo the way Harry liked it. And beyond that, Harry had a feeling that he could tell Louis anything, and Louis would take him seriously.
So he told Louis all about his reasons. Louis listened intently, and chuckled at the Dark Half references.
Harry even told him about the ‘mating for life’ part.
Louis smiled softly. “I respect that”, he said. “I’m a bit of a romantic, myself.”
For some reason, that made Harry blush.
(Harry’s tattoo gets done all wrong, and he needs someone to fix it.)
* must be love by @nouies [NR, 6k, Louis/Andrew Garfield]
AU where Louis doesn’t know how to approach his neighbour, and Andrew keeps receiving homegrown vegetables at his door.
* Feeling Feline by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 4k, Niall/Louis]
“I’m telling you,” drifts through the cracked door, and Louis’ ears prick, twitching with interest. “There’s something wrong with that cat.”
“Have you talked to Liam?” asks another voice, worried. Louis thinks it’s the tall one with curly hair. Taller one. They’re all tall when you’re ten inches high.
“Not medically wrong,” the blond one says. “But I swear, and I know this sounds nuts, but I don’t think he’s a cat?”
* Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make.
He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
* In The Dark by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 666 words, no pairing]
It’s the dreams.
He’d be fine without the dreams… suggesting things. If he could face all this - whatever this is - with a clear, rested mind.
* lonely in [paris] by f_ckromeoandjuliet / @louiesonlyangel [T, 5k, Awsten Knight]
Summer flings are complicated and healing comes from the strangest places. // Alternate version of Louis's tour where he's in a secret relationship with Awsten Knight from Waterparks. Based on Awsten tweeting at Louis.
* Got My Chaos Automatic by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 3k, Zayn/Louis/Liam]
Louis shrugs his shoulders as nonchalantly as he can manage in his aroused state. “Let you stay in my house didn’t I?” He narrows his eyes at the spliff still between Liam’s fingers. “Let you smoke my weed. Seems like a fair trade to me.”
Liam raises a brow challengingly. His expression is mostly unimpressed, but even from the other side of the room, Louis can still see the glint in Liam’s eyes.
He likes it when Louis makes him work for it too.
Zayn chuckles darkly. “Looks like someone came home with an attitude. What’s wrong Lou? No one on the road with you that could put you in your place hmm?”
(Or the one where Louis comes home from tour feeling exhausted, yet antsy. Luckily, Liam and Zayn are there to put him back together).
* part time soulmates (full time problem) by localopa / @voulezloux [M, 12k, Louis/Harry]
sworn enemies harry and louis are soulmates. everything is going smoothly until the pain hits.
* it's the summer of our love by localopa / @voulezloux [G, 3k, Louis/Ryan Ross]
ryan is in love with his best friend and gym bro, louis. the problem? ryan is straight.
* if it feels like love (then it must be love) by localopa / @voulezloux [G, 2k, Niall/Shawn Mendes]
niall and shawn are in love. if they could both realize this, that would be lovely.
* I See You by @neondiamond [NR, 666 words, Harry/Louis]
An unfamiliar voice disturbs Harry during his bath.
* Lucky (In Love) by @neondiamond [G, 3k, Louis/Harry]
When Louis first volunteered to drop off his nephew Lucky at nursery to help out his nervous sister, he was not expecting the owner to be the most gorgeous man in all of London. He makes sure he’ll get to see him again.
* softer than satin by cinnamons / @sunbellylou [E, 4k, Louis/Joel (The Last of Us)]
“Wanna go back to bed,” Louis whispered languidly, voice partly muffled by his boyfriend’s lips on his. “Mm, but we just got up, baby,” Joel murmured. Lips touching softly with each syllable. Hands groping the soft flesh around Louis’ hips, kneading at the skin there and feeling his curves.
* in the hope of open hands (series) by @justanothershadeofblue [T, 21k, OT5]
Five times the pack is protective of omega Harry, and one time Harry protects them. Featuring Louis and Liam as alphas, Zayn and Niall as betas, and Harry’s as the band's lone omega. A year and some change in which they’re all falling for each other and not quite getting their shit together (until they do, of course).
* Simmer Down and Pucker Up by @silverstuff50 [E, 9k, Louis/Harry]
When Louis' sister invites his ex to her wedding Louis is not a happy bunny. But his friends are wankers and their meddling causes the sort of drama that Louis would usually beat the crap out of them for.
* Just Hold On by @silverstuff50 [M, 3k, Harry/Louis]
“Harry, I’m fine.” Louis says soothingly. “I know I’m safe because you and Joni are there. As long as I can feel you holding me I know I’ll be ok.”
Harry flushes again and can’t stop himself thinking about his hands on Louis' warm skin. He shakes his head stubbornly, half to protest and half to clear his head of the thought.
“It’s just not safe. You’re surrounded by people grabbing and pulling at you.” He looks Louis up and down appraisingly. “And you’re so-“ he stops himself when Joni shoots him a warning look.
“If the next word you say is “small” I will fire you.” Louis says with narrowed eyes. Harry's shoulders slump.
“I wasn’t going to say small.” He was going to say small. “I was going to say, um, reckless.”
* she bit someone by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [M, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
Having a little vampire for a daughter is hard enough, but on that one night a year where the air feels darker and human children are trying to ring the bell for candy, it becomes even more difficult.
* Hit me baby one more time by @louisthiccsexyglitteryass [E, 12k, Harry/Louis]
Louis is a boxer, and hates one of the members of his club, Harry Styles. Life has a funny way of showing Louis that maybe he doesn't hate Harry as much as he thought, or that Louis maybe finds Harry hot.
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twopoppies · 7 months ago
I wanted to share this experience. Someone I know on twitter posted that she brought the rainbow bear to the Louis concert. And antis found it and started sending her death threats. Over a stuffed animal (she didn’t even mention Larry it’s 1D history.) 🤦‍♀️
Well, the bears really are about Larry. Even if you think they had moments of showing a sign here and there about the others.
Anyway, more to the point, antis really are just a bunch of pathetic bullies. And if they actually made death threats, she should report them because I’m sure that’s against the rules of conduct on Twitter.
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daryltwdixon · 4 months ago
Hihi! I’m here with some writer’s asks (sorry if it’s a lot 😅)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
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Thank you sm for the love 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
when I was part of the 1d fandom in 2012ish I wrote a tonnnn of fanfiction on my blog 😅 I had no business writing and reading so much filth
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
oy vey. Honestly, id give it like a 6, it’s not terrible but rereading the same thing over and over again will make me crazy after awhile LMAO I do like it cause I’ll write a pretty basic outline of a scene out then go in and fill in where I can to add layers and texture!!
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@chockholdsillegal not saying we’d be great at covering our tracks but this my homie right here (and your job might help us be able to get rid of evidence in a way other people don’t have access to 🤔)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
forever and always will rec @heathermason6060 like holy shit their Matchmaker Merle pt 1??? Serial killer rick and daryl??? 🧑‍🍳💋
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@weirdoneattheparty your internet sleuthing is incredible and more people need to appreciate the work it takes for the shit you are able to dig up
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
I like reader inserts ! Writing them and reading them personally! Like partially yes I am the character but also they are their own character at the same time w a totally different lore than me and putting myself in their shoes is just as fun. Like would I make all the decisions fmc would? No but im not about to complain about a character acting morally gray or making bad decisions cause if they didn’t there would literally be no plot lmao
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
speaking of lore hmm you want like normal? I own my own pet sitting business on the east coast in the US :) I’m also a surrogate baby and have a bunch of half sibs that I’m close with now as an adult!
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
slide into them DMs and let’s be friends OR if you reblog good stories or write interesting stuff! I also follow people who regularly comment on my writing cause I love you sm
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
here’s a screenshot of something I saved for Heart of Us inspo! I have a long note of drabbles of dialogue / scene ideas and screenshots of things I find so this one was from tik tok
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❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
god as cliche as it is I love a good and juicy love triangle. I also love when reader/fmc is able to handle herself and is tough as nails. I mean I’m literally writing the fanfic I want to see so idk what else but also I love @heathermason6060 because she writes an amazingly desperate and needy daryl so whenever I need a hit of that to my system I go to her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
honestly I love any and all comments when they’re kind! But esp when someone is like “holy shit” lmao or even just a really nice “can’t stop reading this” or “so glad I found this” I’m telling you comments make my day and make me want to keep writing!! I love any and all!! ❤️
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
ooof… well I’m gonna go with a character I hate at this exact moment in my rewatch which is Eugene. Let me complain then I’ll say something nice. EUGENE YOU WERE SO EASY TO MAKE THE FLIP TO NEGAN YOU ASSHOLE WTF. Ok nice things he’s v smart for someone who was a liar / fraud he still knows how to do SO MUCH !!! He also was v kind when he told negan’s wives he knew they were there not of their own volition and didn’t want to take advantage of them. I also understand why he flipped to negan so readily because they treated him so freaking well and he was always being ridiculed and told he wasn’t enough back w his old group!
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Other than the obvious in watching the show, god I love music. Whenever I hear a good lyric I’m like oh shit I need to base an entire story around that or the feeling music will give I’m like this is how daryl would feel or fmc would feel when this and that happen!! Poetry is also a huge one, as seen above with my recent screenshot to my notes.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
when I’ve been on tumblr before I knew short and sweet is usually best, and the fact twd fit so well into Daryl Dixon I said let’s try this lmao and it worked!! So now I am Daryl the walking Dixon lmao
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
this goes for books/novels as well. You need to show me how a character is feeling, show me the scenery, the atmosphere instead of TELLING me. My favorite example of this comes from Harry Potter which does way better to explain than I could writing out everything:
Instead of “Harry started crying”, in GOF it says “The thing against which [Harry] had been fighting on and off ever since he had come out of the maze was threatening to overpower him. He could feel a burning, prickling feeling in the inner corners of his eyes. He blinked and stared up at the ceiling.”
This goes for atmosphere/scenery too! What the heck are the smells! The sounds! What does it feel like!! So whenever fanfic or books do nothing to embellish any feelings I usually click out or DNF
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harrywavycurly · 4 months ago
Okay, so! I have several questions about Kathy and Niall so please buckle up because I am very very curious. (You do not need to answer all of these! I'll honestly be a little concerned if you do because it is a lot of questions)
First, Kathy probably heard that Harry was famous from reader but did Kathy know more about 1D and Niall when she met him? Has she listened to his music before on purpose or just in passing?
What did Niall think when he met Kathy? How exactly did reader introduce them to each other? What kind of dates do they go on? How scared of Kathy is Niall? Has Niall met Teddy yet?
Does Kathy get her picture taken while she's out in public? Does the public know she's dating Niall? Does Niall like to spoil Kathy and Teddy and buy them gifts? Does Niall ever come with Kathy to pick up Teddy from school and get stared at? Do they post things on social media? Do they ever go out to drink together?
Has Niall met Kathy's family yet? Has Kathy met Niall's family? Is Niall obsessed with Kathy like Harry is about reader or is he more tame about it (or does he just hide it better)? Does Niall have any nicknames for Kathy & Teddy? Do Niall and Kathy plan on expanding their little family from just them three to having another kid?
Does Kathy have any brother or other friends that she'll drag around by the ear? Has Niall ever witnessed her do anything like that?
I have so many more questions but I'll end my rambling here because otherwise it feels a little excessive even for me
Hiiii lovey!!! I love all of these questions, honestly I could do a whole side series on Kathy and Niall they make me so happy to think about!!🥹 so I’ll answer a few and then I’ll be sure to do a little Southern Comfort extra that shows Niall going to pick up Teddy from school and he runs into Harry who’s all “what’s going on?” And that’s how Harry learns Niall and Kathy are THAT serious 😂
A few turned into a whole thing so enjoy getting to know more about Kathy and Niall💖
-Kathy knew who Harry was, so yes she knew who Niall was before meeting him, the moment SC Reader said “so…Harry has this Irish friend…” Kathy knew who she was talking about. Now was she a proper fan? Not really but she 100% heard Niall’s solo stuff because she works in a grocery store and they play “todays hot hits” so she’s heard slow hands, this town and all his singles. She hasn’t ever made it a big deal that her bestie is dating Harry Styles because SC Reader sees him as “just Harry” so that’s how she treats him as well and now that’s exactly how she treats Niall, like he’s just some dude she knows and happens to be dating.
-SC Reader told Niall where Kathy worked, after making sure it was okay with Kathy of course, and Niall went there and casually introduced himself to her. It wasn’t anything over the top, he said “hey I’m Niall…you must be Katherine?” And he asked for her number before he left because he thought she was cute and seemed nice!
-Niall isn’t as scared of Kathy as Harry is of his Texas Tornado, but when Kathy uses her “mom voice” Niall will admit he stops what he’s doing as if he’s the one getting in trouble. Niall has met Teddy, this didn’t happen until Kathy was 1000% sure Niall was going to be sticking around for a while and Niall didn’t mind proving himself with lots of cute dates and patience.
-The public knows about Kathy and Niall because they both post on their socials about each other, Niall is more secretive about it while Kathy will just full on post him flipping her the bird to her Instagram story and share it to her “close friends” and they get their photo taken while out just like Harry and SC Reader do but Niall takes special care to try to keep Teddy out of the public eye as much as he can since he’s not Niall’s son he doesn’t want to make Kathy’s life harder with making her baby daddy upset by seeing his son’s face on the cover of magazines.
-Niall does like to try to spoil Kathy when she allows it, but mainly he just likes to make sure her and Teddy are taken care of. Like how he bought Teddy’s teacher’s whole Amazon wish list for his class. They do out to bars together and even have been on a few double dates with Harry and SC Reader.
-Niall is full on obsessed with the little family he has with Kathy and Teddy, he just hides it better than Harry. But if you ask Kathy she’ll tell you he doesn’t. Niall calls Kathy “Kat” or when he’s in a mood he’ll call her “kitty and for Teddy he normally calls him “buddy” or just Teddy and every now and then he’ll call him “little man” and for right now Kathy and Niall are content with it just being the three of them. But if Niall puts a ring on it maybe Kathy will change her mind.
-Kathy is an only child but Niall has witnessed her tell a few people to fuck off while the two of them are out, there’s a reason her and SC Reader are besties. Neither of them tolerate rudeness especially to their significant others so Niall jokes that he doesn’t need security when either of them are around. Niall also has seen the way Kathy can just look at someone and they back off and he assumes it’s a mom thing and he’s glad he’s never been on the receiving end of it.
-All in all Niall and Kathy are a super cute love story that’s not nearly as dramatic as SC Reader and Harry’s and that’s because Niall didn’t take 6374 dates to ask Kathy to be his girlfriend, it took him three dates and one kiss to know he wanted her to be his and he understood why it took a while till her got to meet Teddy but now they all three practically live together and he doesn’t see himself ever wanting to be with anyone else.✨
This is how I imagine Harry and Niall reacting after just watching their gf’s tell someone to fuck off:
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track-five · 5 months ago
also wanted to address this real quick as it feels insensitive and disrespectful to drop something without recognising liam, especially considering his presence in my work and the impact he left on the world beyond my screen:
my best friend called me while i was still at work because even though she's not a huge 1d fan, she wanted to be sure i knew immediately. night changes had been playing in the shop maybe twenty minutes before. that would've been right around when the news dropped, and i didn’t even know. my coworkers and i had just talked about the band, completely unaware that the next conversation about them would come so soon and be so tragic.
i didn't really know how to respond until i read louis and zayn's posts. i was deeply affected by the intimacy and vulnerability of their grief in a way i hadn't expected. i thought about my two closest friends, and i was overwhelmed by the knowledge that one of our conversations will be the last we ever have. it will always hurt to think of all the people you loved and wonder what could’ve been if only you'd had more time, more words, more context. if you have the time and the words now - use them.
tell people you love them, in whatever way that might be. not just now, but forever.
unfortunate timing for me to come back? but i wanted to share some thoughts i guess.
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louisisalarrie · 1 year ago
Also I haven’t seen any solo Louies say what you just mentioned [hating Harry & saying he is sabotaging Louis]
Haven't you come across this notorious blog? She has run a hate blog for Harry since 2019 and thinks Sony is still sabotaging Louis' career so that all the fans go to Harry. All the louies who liked this post think the same.
Woweee no I have never come across this blog before. I had to read this post like 3 times to gather some thoughts on it, Christ. It’s a bit of a mess, this post, a jumble of a lot of emotion and ideas, but I’ll do my best to make some commentary. Anon, and by extension OP, welcome to the show.
First off, I’d like to say that while Harry’s team, the Azoffs, did groom him from a young age and grabbed him the second they could to push a solo career and use him as a money maker, Louis, Zayn, and Liam being inactive to a degree does NOT mean that Harry’s team silenced them. And Harry’s success wasn’t entirely dependant on their silence (it helped, sure, but my point stands). While Azoff already has a massive monopoly in the industry, they knew the right ways to push, market, and deliver Harry Styles™️ to the public. That’s why the Azoffs are so big, because they’re good at what they do, and have held a legacy for a long time. Harry was picked up by them for a reason, and we all knew early on that Harry was always going to be the golden child. He was always marketed as it, from the very beginning of 1d, and they took advantage of that. Harry was the most famous member during 1d, and he had the potential to get bigger, more flamboyant, and appeal to a wider audience. It’s very simple marketing. It’s how a career grows. It’s how managers choose their clients. It’s why A&R positions exist.
Secondly, I know it has been a topic of discussion for a long time, but Harry not denying Larry is just a thing that’s happened. Whether you believe it’s because Louis was protective and took it on the chin as the older one in the relationship, or whether you think 1d’s team didn’t think Harry would be able to handle it/make it convincing, or whether it was simply to keep Larry as a topic still up for discussion because we held on to the fact Harry never denied it, is up to you. However, if the OP wants to talk about queerbaiting, let’s do it.
So, queerbaiting, or larry baiting, or whatever people in this fandom are calling it these days, can exist to an extent (before it truly becomes unethical). Sexually ambiguous pop stars in this day and age gains traction, gains attention, double the news stories and double the scandals. Yes, I agree that Harry’s team play up his image to keep people interested, and yes, I believe Harry truly enjoys dressing/acting more freely in his life. I believe that yes, he is allowed to act more himself and open, but still under the umbrella of stunts and needing to keep his sexuality open for interpretation to leave a space open for said stunts. I mean… people are speculating his sexuality alllllll the time, while still getting the added bonus of news articles with TR… it’s working, right?
I think, personally, OP is demonising Harry as a person, and slips in and out of the public narrative at times. Like, they believe it’s his team, but also Harry encouraging it. And I don’t think it’s the case. I think Harry is doing what he can right now, in the circumstances that he’s in. He’s at the high point of his career, the peak, you really think he’s gonna argue with his team to a point of losing everything he has??? Like I’m sorry, but simply put, if Harry gets dropped from a major music team like the Azoffs, they’ll ruin his career and any plans he has for the future. Tragically, he’s so reliant on them as well, because he knows that if he ducks out now, he’ll probably have like 2 years left of a dying solo career, and a lot of harries will leave. Not the die hard fans, sure, but the GP and more casual fans won’t be attending his shows, because he won’t have that platform anymore. It’ll be absolute crash and burn. And if he wants to do that, I think he’ll risk it all and do it with Louis, or do it when he’s contractually allowed to, without burning all his bridges. He’s under some seriously strict clauses right now (pls just trust me on that), but people seem to not recognise that due to the fact he’s more “free” now. It’s a problem, and continues to divide the fandom due to a lack of understanding of contractual obligations and toxic solos.
The whole thing of him recently where he showed up to the footy not as flamboyant as he usually is, is sooooooo dumb. Like, the fact people are saying he’s straight because of that? Truly shows you what an image and narrative can do. Anyway, let’s carry on.
So, I actually had never seen Euphoria and forgot entirely about that whole thing until my housemate made me start watching it and I got so shocked HAHA. But… I do find it extremely interesting that there seemed to be a lack of approval and it went to air. Using their names and likeness and throwing us and fic writers into the mix was not necessary for that scene to go ahead. Also, it’s a well known topic that causes some serious shit when it’s brought up. Perhaps there’s some sneaky little loopholes the writer used, I can think of a couple actually, but I’d have to dig deeper to make sure I’m getting my terminology right, but yeah. If that can go to air without problem, and Louis tweeting after the fact “I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it”, speaks volumes. He didn’t get super aggressive, deny Larry, whatever. He made it clear that he didn’t approve it because like… why the hell would he? Why would Harry? They’d much rather have that part of their lives private and not aired like that, and god even if they weren’t together, that would’ve been horrible to see too. Euphoria fucked up for that, and breached fandom/band/GP crossover big time.
However, OP seems to think that Harry and/or his team approved it. That it was another one of his marketing ploys, using Larry as “fresh meat for Harry’s fetishizing, fantasizing, mostly heterosexual female fans” which, yeah. I get what they mean, but Harries don’t tend to like Larry. It’s not a tried and true method, like the stunting has been. In fact, I imagine it made a lot of Harries very angry and turned off of Euphoria and just caused a bunch of fighting instead. And trust me, Harry, nor his team, would’ve signed off on that shit. Absolutely no way. That doesn’t fit what they’re pushing, it just… doesn’t. And being mad about Harry not saying anything, well… it is what it is. I don’t think he needs to. I think Louis often says enough for the both of him, and is in a very different situation to Harry anyway.
Anyway, the further down this post from OP we go, the more bitter it seems to get, and the more emotional. They say how Louis’ overcome the odds, how he’s thriving, and yeah, that’s true. It’s just not necessary to compare them because that doesn’t make sense, in industry standards and trends.
Then, we head onto Harry “siding with the abusers and colonizers, because that’s where the money and fame are” which is a… uh… yikes statement? Sure, he’s been around some questionable folks. Sure, he’s stayed silent on topics that if he could comment on, he would. But his position in the industry requires him to rub shoulders with these people. It’s work. And it sucks. But simply put, would they be saying the same if Louis was hanging out with those people? Because if they would, then good on them for holding their values so highly. But unfortunately, it is almost impossible to consume any kind of media these days without someone horrible having been involved in the creation, promotion, or acting adjacent to the creator of the art or the art itself. So, yeah. It’s not something we should be silent about, I’m not saying it’s okay, but that won’t change for years and years and years to come. Plus, see above when I talk about him losing his career. Because yep, that’ll happen if he speaks up, too.
Next, OP says a bunch more nasty things about Harry, and then contradicts themself, and then the final sentence basically says that he’s made his bed, he’s sided with oppression and greed, and… idk, I feel like OP’s post jumps around so much, and fails to hit home with the point they’re trying to make, because it is so emotional.
Listen, we all love Louis, and it can feel frustrating to see Harry shoot out into the stars ahead of the other boys, and that of course can cause resentment and anger. I’m not blaming the OP for having those feelings whatsoever, I just think they maybe need to analyse a deeper split of Harry, Harry Styles™️, and how much control artists at that level actually have over their career. And it is a real shame that this is what it’s come to. And so many Larries turned into solos, and with Harry and Louis acting quite outspoken in very opposite ways, it’s easy to see the split of fans leaning one way or the other. But, I don’t like to see this kind of anger towards the boys themselves. Get angry at the industry. Fight the belly of the beast.
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notoriousbeb · 2 years ago
Have u seen this one on HS&TR?
Ooh, I didn’t! Thanks so much for sharing, anon
Here’s a recap on this Sept. 13 reading on Harry Styles and Taylor Russell:
The reader feels that Harry is not taking a lot of action with this relationship, but just letting things happen (I know I heard this in an earlier reading, but can’t recall which).
Communication issues are starting to surface between them. She has trouble communicating and he has trouble coming through on his promises or doing what he says he will (I think I’ve seen this film before).
Harry is feeling regretful about TR. Reader wonders if they’ve already broken up based on the vibes she’s pulling.
Emotional disappointment is coming up. Reader doesn’t see this relationship moving forward.
They’re fighting about stability; perhaps someone is about to leave/travel for work and there are trust issues around that.
There could also be an issue around vices or an addiction of some sort.
Harry may regret something he said to TR, perhaps when he was high or drinking.
The relationship is going to end. Afterwards, she sees one of them changing their brand and hanging out with/getting into a relationship with a very different type of person.
Harry feels some sort of constriction in this relationship, maybe that she’s trying to control too much.
He’s not listening to her advice, even though he’s agreed to it. He’s not taking responsibility for something.
What’s next for Harry? He needs a rest and to heed wise counsel (could be therapy).
He will have a reunion with someone from the past or maybe just post or speak about someone from the past (maybe a post about the 1D boys).
TR will get into a brand of some sort, maybe skincare.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year ago
Late to the larrie chat but it's really made me question and doubt your sources.
You said one of your sources is your gf, Gabriella because some of the 1D guys follow her and she collabed with Lottie but none of the 1D guys follow her and there's no sign of a collab with Lottie other than a makeup tutorial INSPIRED by Lottie like 10 years ago.
Gabriella seems lovely but it also seems like her prime time as a credible YouTuber has passed so she's trying to use old "dirt" to stay relevant.
So if all your sources as as watery as this one, then I'm starting to rethink anything you've ever posted about.
zayn and niall literally both follow her on twitter (receipts below) why are you lying? and she doesn’t have a gossip account but she’s certainly clued me to all the british celeb gossip she’s heard over the years. you think all the tea she’s heard over the years is no longer true because her youtube career is in a different era? does a smaller number of followers change the fabric of space time? she was friends with a girl who hung out with the guys as a groupie and saw all of them fucking different women but now that she makes little home vlogs and less makeup videos that just didn’t happen?
you can question my sources all you want but i’ve proved time and time again i have legit connections to the music industry and none of that has anything to do with gabbie. gabbie just gave me a bit more info on the guys. my main larry debunk came from a different british source who works for a record label. i also know for a fact harry was really with olivia (got in touch with harry’s neighbors).
y’all need to let larry go or at least don’t ask me for my take on it because you aren’t gonna like it.
receipts on gabbie’s twitter (screenshots she just sent me):
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and an old funny moment:
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anyway i shouldn’t have answered a larry question but i saw “new larry” and just wanted to save an innocent 😭
yall can crawl out of my ass now tho i’m begging
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thebestofoneshots · 2 years ago
☆ star
hi!! i’m not sure if this description will be helpful in the slightest but i hope so 🤞🤞
physical/ public appearance: british, mid size, chubby-ish face, 5’6, curly brown hair, freckled and usually rosy cheeked,
personality: extroverted introverted and awkward 100% UNLESS i’m with someone i know and am comfortable with, soft girl at heart and love a good fluffy fic, people pleaser so my feelings are shared with me and me only, shy in social situations, sarcastic, odd humour but funny when i know you, my social battery is controversial so i’ll deffo need time to myself but am super energetic for periods of time and like to have fun, aquarius, INTJ personality, i easily hold grudges and fend for myself if someone wrongs me
hobbies/ things about me: i love art, reading (wattpad hehe), i spend all day everyday crocheting or knitting, i get hyper fixated on piano for a few weeks then won’t go near it for the next 3 months, music is my life (i’m a harrie but also love taylor, pheobe bridgers, 1D, lana, inhaler, wallows, queen, jeff buckley etc), love love love coming of age movies (and harry potter ofc), my style is a mixture between downtown streetwear grandpa and hippie (depends on my mood), marauders gal for sure (remus or poly = favs)
i’m not sure what else there is to say so THANK YOU 🌷💌
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose from <3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
Ufff, I definitely, definitely ship you with Remus, but also, somehow Sirius as well? But it was 100% Remus who developed a crush on you first. It started when you stole one of his sweaters. It wasn’t intentional; you were cold, and Sirius was carrying it around in his backpack so he gave it to you. You wore it all day, and Remus only realized you were wearing his sweater in the evening when you walked into the common room with it on.
“That’s mine,” he said with a little frown, still, finding it cute how big it was on you.
“Oh, is it? Sirius borrowed it to me earlier, sorry,” you said and took it off quickly before tossing it his way.
“I didn’t… You can still wear it if you’re cold," he told you, a little more politely now.
“It’s fine,” you told him as you approached the fireplace to sit beside it. “I’m warmer now, thanks, Rem.” You then pulled out some yarn and a work in progress from your bag and continued knitting. Remus observed you quietly from behind, wondering if he could ever do such artistic work with his own hands. He had seen you knit before, yeah, but he wasn't sure if he had actually seen you the same way he had that day.
Next time he put on the sweater, it smelled like you, and it drove him crazy because he liked the smell a little too much. He was honestly debating whether to take it off so the scent wouldn't wear off. Sirius noticed his hesitance and smiled.
“Looks like my boyfriend has developed a little crush.”
“What?” Remus turned to the boy alarmed. “What are you…? That’s ridiculous!”
Sirius only shrugged. “I also think she’s pretty,” he said, nodding to the sweater. “I wouldn’t mind sharing you. As long as it was with her.”
Next thing you knew, Sirius was casually flirting with you, not so much that it would intimidate you, but enough to make your heart flutter in despair, since you were very aware of his relationship with Remus. But then Remus started to grow closer to you too. He asked you to teach him how to knit, and even if his pieces had these huge holes at the start, he pulled through. And that’s not to mention how much he loved your classes, how you would sometimes place your small hands over his to tell him what to do, and how you’d laugh when you helped him fix a big hole. Remus was absolutely smitten.
Eventually, the boys invited you to Hogsmeade. You assumed it would be a friendly reunion with everyone. But when you walked to the meeting point just outside the castle, you realized only the two of them were waiting for you. On the way to Hogsmeade, you discovered you and Sirius also had a lot in common, especially when you started to talk about music. You told him your favorite song was 'Too Much Love Will Kill You,' and he laughed, because too much love would definitely not kill you.
At the Three Broomsticks, they talked to you about their crush and how they wanted you to join their relationship, if you were okay with it, of course. You were a little shy at first but decided to give it a try. After all, you found both boys stunning in their own ways, your crush on them growing exponentially the more time you spend with the two. Even if you weren't sure how dating two boys at the same time would work, you decided you'd figure it out along the way.
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A/N: I hope you liked this, I know I've been taking so long on finishing the stuff from my 400 Follower celebration, but they'll all come out soon. If I haven't done yours, is not because I don't want to or I won't, I've just been a little too busy with work.
Much love, Lilly xx
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wellthatwasaletdown · 1 year ago
The only reason his sister is “designing” glasses is because whoever invested in that company knows Harries and Larries will buy them. She has no background in designing anything. You can see that she is not very creative when it comes to clothes or her looks. She used to dress up like a wannabe groupie when she used to travel with 1D. She has no education in design, she didn’t intern under anyone to get any experience. She just started a brand with her name on it. That only happens when u r nepo baby. That’s is just what it is, whether she admits it or not. If she admitted it, it will atleast be truthful. Activism is not sharing posts on Instagram or selling stuff in collaboration with others by stamping the “good cause” stamp on it, that’s just marketing. Just like TPWK is. There was no reason for her to be in vogue other than she was Harry’s sister.
I have always wondered how she was picked to design sunglasses out of nowhere (other than being Harry’s sister). I believe she has some writing background so I understand why she was picked to write articles about him, but the sunglasses thing never made sense to me. I mean I guess it’s good she is trying to “distance” herself now and do things on her own (if it’s true) but it wasn’t long ago she agreed to be papped on that boat with him and James Cordon so why the sudden shift?
Well considering her request to not be asked about Harry also managed to get Harry's name in the article, it's hard to believe she was truly being serious...
And she didn't really design sunglasses per se, she really just ripped off Walmart's designs.
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zot3-flopped · 2 years ago
Sorry I’m gonna rant, I hope it’s okay
I used to be a 1D fan, I was 14 when I became a fan, in 2012. I’m a fully grown adult now and have seen almost everything go down in this fandom.
I was never a Larrie but I always had a soft spot for Louis, mostly because I’ve been through the same kind of shit he did. Dad abandoning me, growing up working class, a very young mom, who passed away when I was way too young, my brother hasn’t passed but he ODed multiple times after several stints in rehab, etc. I always felt like I was somewhat kindred with him.
Silently, I always did think that he wasn’t that talented musically. I never really thought that he was TERRIBLE or anything. There are so many untalented people making bank that it always felt like a cheap shot to come for him. Music isn’t necessarily about the quality of the voice, sometimes it comes down to vibes or personality. I still think a lot of the things you and your anons say are exaggerated. Like, I don’t blame him for what he does to his own body. He’s free to drink and smoke and snort whatever he wants. We all cope with our life the best we can, and I can’t judge someone else for the way they live their lives.
I had tickets for Red Rocks, as well as tickets for a few other shows that are coming up, and I went to see him in Cincinnati. I didn’t go to Red Rocks because something came up at work, but one of my best friends did, after what she told me, after what I’ve seen, I will no longer call myself a fan. I’ll try to sell my tickets and merch, and I’ll grieve the connection I had with him for a while, but I’m done
I can’t believe I’m writing to this blog, but I know nobody else will post me, they’re all lodged so far up his ass that they’re unable to criticize him, and what happened yesterday was a wake up call
I need to emphasize this for those who weren’t there: the amount of hail that fell over the course of the evening blanketed the entire soil, to the point it looked like it had snowed. Not all of it was hurtful but a good 20% of it was big enough to cause harm. It’s a miracle nobody was seriously injured
This blanket of hail was already there TWO HOURS before the show was canceled!! It took them TWO HOURS to cancel the show while my friend was sobbing, trying to cover herself with anything she could find because she didn’t have a car. They had to beg and scream to be allowed shelter backstage. Some of the people around my friend were hit in the head and were bleeding from their scalps, she doesn’t have confirmation of this because she chose not to go to the hospital but she thinks a good chunk of people had concussions. My friend got pelted in the back and has two giant gashes near her spine.
How in the everloving FUCK was this allowed to happen???? How is it possible that it took so long for them to cancel? Why did Louis and his team stay silent for so long? Why did people have to cry and scream for so long to get shelter??? This isn’t human!
I’ve turned a blind eye to Louis’ attitude for so long but I’m up to here. What happened yesterday opened my eyes. I’m never giving him another dime. He can’t control the weather, but it’s up to him to ask the venue to cancel the show, it’s up to him to ask the venue to give fans shelter, it’s up to him to reassure his fans after they have to go through a traumatic event and what he can come up with is that he loves fans’ PASSION? “Hope everyone is okay”??? Well, they were not Louis. They weren’t! They were hurt physically because of the hail you failed to do anything to protect them from and emotionally because their idol, the person they were there to see, acted callously and like an asshole.
I’m so so so so done. I’m sorry. I’m just done. Seeing people who weren’t there and had no one to worry about say “it’s okay! It’s not your fault!“ or “oh no he’s devastated poor Louis he wanted to play red rocks” is boiling my blood.
This level of idolization is unreal, and I will not partake anymore
Thank you for sharing this. The more I hear about the storm from people who were there, the worse it seems and it's a wonder nobody was killed. Louis' casual attitude is unbelievably callous.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years ago
Im not coming at you but a lot of harry fans are very hypocritical when it comes to stuff like this. harry was praising lizzo all the time, liking her posts, taking pictures with her, performing with her and hanging out at her coachella after party. Even if they weren’t besties fr he still chose to give her all this promo. I always see harry fans dragging other celebrities for being friendly with/taking pictures with bad ppl before they get exposed publicly but now it’s all these excuses for harry. but tbh it’s really like this when it comes to all the ex 1d members
I mean they share the same management, they do things to hype each other up. Lizzo has been using Harry’s attention for a long time and praises him all the time.
Also I think Lizzo acting like this behind the scene is a bit surprising… even Beyoncé included her in the Breaking soul remix and had been mentioning her name on stage for the whole tour (yesterday night she didn’t). Lil nas X has always supported Lizzo, too. She had made being confident and comfortable with yourself her entire brand. It’s upsetting for those who felt something with her words and example to hear this, I guess. I get why people could have been really impressed by her positivity and somehow approve of it (Harry first).
I must say there were a few red flags with her like the way she handled the chris evans drama, her deep respect for Chris Brown (the fuck???) and this is only the stuff I marginally know. I’ve been to her show in March, it was a nice show very positive, very good vibes, it felt like a safe environment for everyone, so I’ll give her that.
But all this is nasty and I would love to say I’m surprised, but I’m not lol
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larry-hiatus · 1 year ago
Reviewing my 2023 Writing Goals
I made a goals list in January of 2023, and now it’s time to look them over and see what I accomplished!
1. Sprint more - I’ve been sprinting a lot more in the @1d-library discord, and I’ve had a lot of fun with my friends there, who always encourage and support me! I almost always think to see if anyone wants to sprint when I am in the mood to write, and I think it’s helped!
2. Write a sequel - This was on my goals list two years in a row, and I actually did it for 2023! I knew for a while that I wanted to add another part to my threesome fic (Even If It’s Only For Tonight) and for the Zouis Fest, I wrote It’s Alright If It Makes You Feel Alive. I’m so happy with how it came out!
3. Join a new fest - I participated in a few different fests this year! One that I loved was the Title/Trope Fest, for which I wrote Lick the Knife. It was so different for me, and I loved the end result.
4. Finish my intersex ABO WIP - I actually didn’t work on this fic at all this year, but that’s okay! I haven’t had ideas for it, but who knows what the future holds!
5. Experiment with writing new kinks/smut content - I definitely did this a lot this year! I played around with canon inspired smut in my Center Stage Whore series, which was lots of fun! Some new kinks that I wrote about include religion, ageplay, sweat, and several fics with hand content!
6. Share a fic with a friend - Oh boy, did I do this one. Not only did I start sharing some of my fics with my IRL best friend, but I even let someone read my infamous waffle fic out loud to a group of my friends! They were definitely not ready for it 😂 But my best friend has been very supportive and encouraging of my works!
7. Run a Fest - In 2023 I started a new fest @1d-oneliner-fest, and I enjoyed it! I also brought back @1dsongfest for a second round, which is currently open! I’m still not the best at modding fests, but people join them hahaha.
8. Write at least one fic without smut - Surprisingly, I wrote four mini fics without smut. It was still a struggle for me, and it felt totally weird to do. Three of the fics were for Wordplay, and I’m ehhh about how they came out lol. The fourth fic is my favorite nonsmut fic of the year, she bit someone. It was super short for the Trick or Treat Fest, but maybe I’ll continue more in that universe in the future!
Honorable mention: this was not a set goal until the very end of the year, but I posted 30 fics in 2023! Very proud of being able to reach that number ☺️
Overall, I think I did really well this year! Couldn’t have done it without all my amazing friends and readers!
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