#she also said when we get my depression and anxiety under control we can figure out the adhd meds yay
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lottieurl · 2 months ago
new psychiatrist seems really cool
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myatuesday · 2 years ago
May 7/8, 2023
[I'm just gonna put this right here]
So, someone posted this:
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And then someone in the comments went on a long rant and kept going and going and going about personal responsibility and forgiving yourself and the importance of positive thoughts and just ALL this cliche known it all BULLSHIT. And called it "straight facts". But she's definitely under 25 (if not under 21). So I finally had to be like:
Look, you mean well. But you aren't the authority on life and mental health.
I'm simply saying what you're saying might work for you or others, if the shoe fits. But EVERYONE is dealing w different shit. You can't call anecdotal experience "straight fucking truth".
I'm a grown ass woman. I've been in therapy for 20+ years. I recovered from BPD in my 20s (had like 10 good years) just to go through so much trauma in my 30s, I relapsed into it yet again. But this time, they called it CPTSD.
Just a few things that happened (not even half of it): I got hit by a drunk driver and it caused my career to suffer. Then I got hit AGAIN when I was in recovery from surgery from the first wreck and now my back is FUCKED FUCKED. Changed my entire life. Then I lost my housing. Then XYZ 123. Shit just spiraled from there. Then when things were finally looking up after years of trying to recover from all that, I was diagnosed w cancer, abandoned by basically everyone close to me during that time (that alone will change someone's world view real fucking quick) and my closet friend died within months of me getting dx w cancer. And I kinda just gave the fuck up after that. Because WTAF.
So like... don't tell me shit. I lost everything too many times by events that were 100% out of my control. Despite doing everything right and being in a good place before life decided to fuck me again and again and again.
I'm not saying this as a sob story or pity party. I'm saying this, so that you understand your one size fits all solution doesn't fit every situation. It's dangerous to speak on matters you don't fully understand and call them fact.
I'm glad what you're doing is working for you. But no part of recovery and mental wellness is one size fits all. And we're all fighting very different battles, even if we may have similar diagnosis or some issues in common, etc. It's not as simple as mind over matter and all that jazz all the time.
I used to believe in everything you're saying. Said it myself too, I'm sure. Then life came at me fast, just when I thought I had it all figured out. So yeah. It's important to know that not all destruction is self destruction by any means. We can be doing our best and still being going through the worst shit.
Even people who are healthy and living their best life go through life altering shit that turns their world upside down (fire, car crash, death, rape, natural disaster, fucking worldwide pandemic, whatever. Hell, maybe all of it all at once). It's hard on anyone. It's just even harder on those of us who do also have pre-existing mental health issues to cope with ALL of that shit all at once in one lifetime. It's a fucking lot.
So just keep that in mind. That's all I'm suggesting. Not all trauma or mental health issues or whatever is making our life fucking suck is the same experience as someone else's. And the solution (if there is one at all) isn't going to look the same for everyone. Give people some grace or like benefit of the doubt that they may understand their own situation better than you. You can be supportive without being preachy.
I just know the worst thing, especially when dealing w people dealing w BPD, anxiety, depression, is to make them feel like it's their fault or that they're the ones standing in their own way. Unless you know *for a fact* that is the case. And, even then, tough love isn't the best approach. Because people can just go into self loathing mode and spiral more.
Just it's better to listen than to talk sometimes. You have to really understand where someone is and why in order to attempt to help them help themselves out of that place. If you even can.
That's all.
I don't really feel like writing out why I responded, why that was my response, or why I'm posting it here now.
I'm just putting it here. x
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thebibliosphere · 3 years ago
I had a question.
So, just an hour or two ago, I was going through some sort of “manic high”, sorta like how somebody with bipolar disorder would have (I don’t have BPD). It felt like a bullet train at max speed and completely derailing, and it was incredibly draining. It also got me wondering.
Do people with severe enough ADHD deal with ADHD episodes like this? My search attempts are often futile because all of it is just talking about how to differentiate between BPD and ADHD and BPD manic episodes, but nobody ever mentions ADHD episodes; the only time I’ve seen it mentioned ever was when somebody made a clip of crankgameplays to show what an ADHD episode looked like.
Do they even exist? I’ve got no idea, so I was just wondering if you knew.
Hey! Sorry, I saw your other ask a while ago, but I wanted to talk to my ADHD specialist before I answered because I’d never heard of the term “episode” being used to describe ADHD. I’m also going to splice both questions together here and answer them in segments in the hope it helps :)
So like I said, I’d never heard of the term “episode” with ADHD, and neither has my specialist. Part of ADHD is having a natural ebb and flow between inattention and hyperactivity, sometimes skewed toward one or the other, depending on your ADHD type. (What are the different types of ADHD?)
Your type of ADHD may also fluctuate because of other factors, such as stress, changes in medication, hormonal fluctuations, lack of sleep, overstimulation, or even under-stimulation, to name a few. Another overlooked part of ADHD is emotional dysregulation, which may cause rapid cycling emotions that may look like an “episode” to someone unfamiliar with what that actually qualifies. The way my therapist explained it and using your example of bipolar disorder, “episode” is used in diagnostic criteria to categorize manic or depressive episodes that last X amount of time, are usually severe, potentially requiring hospitalization, and are accompanied by other symptoms not found in ADHD.
Our “bursts” of energy or lack thereof typically don’t last long enough to be considered episodes. This isn’t to say they are not severe or debilitating, especially if you suffer from things like anxiety or depression that ADHD can feed into. Merely that “episode” is not used as part of the language used to discuss ADHD, which is likely why you’re not finding anything.
So, do ADHDers experience intense bursts of energy that are draining afterward? Yeah, we can do, especially if we lean more toward hyperactive than inattentive. (And again, it's normal to fluctuate and also for things to be affected or worsened by secondary factors.)
And I'm going to put the rest under the cut because this is hella long.
I’ve seen some people think that all hyperactivity has to come with fixation, but that’s not how ADHD works. It’s true if something gets us excited or gives us a dopamine boost, we might be more prone to becoming hyperfixated and burn all our energy up on that. But you don’t need something to fixate on to experience hyperactivity. Some of us are just wired to the moon sometimes, and yes, it can be very draining when it ends. Some people find medication helpful in regulating their hyperactivity/preventing it from coming in such big swings and dips.
Speaking personally, when I'm hyper and nothing is grabbing my attention, the world and people around me can feel painfully slow. It's like I'm going a mile a minute doing everything but achieving nothing. The crash that comes after can also be particularly bad, as I also have dysthymia, which can tip over into a major depressive episode depending on other factors in my life at that time. For years I was misdiagnosed as having "probably Bipolar Type II" by a doctor who didn't believe teenage girls could "get" ADHD* and convinced my parents I needed psychoactive drugs. The drugs I was on didn't help, in fact, they made me worse so I was taken off them.
It wasn't until I found an ADHD specialist as an adult a few years ago that I made any real progress. And I'll be honest, I was shocked when she diagnosed me with ADHD, I really didn't think I had it. Right up until we started doing the work and slowly but surely my mental health began to improve and my understanding of myself with it.
Sometimes there are days when I will be wired to the moon and it will derail my entire day because I can't focus on a single thing/I'll focus too much on a single thing. Other times, like when I am closer to my menstrual cycle, I'll crash into inattentiveness and depression because of how my hormones affect my various different conditions, including my ADHD. Medication would likely help with this, but due to medical reasons, that's currently not an option for me so I do the best I can.
That said, if you’re experiencing something more than hyperactivity but it's not mania, you may be experiencing a form of hypomania and you should talk to a doctor about your concerns.
Hypomania typically occurs in Bipolar Type II disorder, which is less severe than the manic episodes in Bipolar I. I’ve experienced both manic and hypomanic episodes in my life due to medication interactions, and they felt very different from ADHD hyperactivity. It's not just derailing mile-a-minute thoughts, it's something usually completely mood-altering and out of control feeling followed by devastating crashes.
If you're on any medications and are worried you are experiencing something like this, you need to talk to your doctor. You might just need a dosage tweak, or you might be better off on a different medication altogether. Also, make a thorough check of any and all medications you are taking to check for any interactions.
I'm on a cocktail of meds for my MCAS, which if I were to combine them with the SSRI one of my doctors wants me to try, would result in serotonin syndrome. The doctor didn't notice this, but the pharmacist sure as shit did!
Some people (ask me how I know) even develop mild hypomania from overusing the sunlamps used to treat SAD (link), which is why brands like Verilux now include warnings in their leaflets about not using the lamps for more than X amount of time a day. Thankfully it goes away once you stop overusing the lamps.
Which actually brings me to something you asked last time about being unable to sleep at night. Insomnia and delayed sleep phase cycles are not uncommon in ADHD. This is likely because our circadian rhythm is thought to be out of whack (link).
You also mentioned having racing thoughts at night too, which is not uncommon either with hyperactivity. I find if I get overstimulated before trying to sleep, I’ll end up lying there awake with what I like to call “radio ADHD” playing in my head. It can range from snippets of songs stuck on repeat, conversations, things I’ve watched on TV, arguments, or if something is happening the next day, fixating on not being late for it. Hence, I end up getting no sleep because you can’t accidentally sleep in if you don’t sleep. *jazz hands of despair.*
Sometimes I find Radio ADHD soothing if it’s fixating on something chill, but it can get annoying fast and even distressing if I’m tired and can’t “change the station.” (I’d say “shut it off,” but as of yet, I’ve never been able to do that. Medication helps some people with this, as can looking into “sleep hygiene” if you haven’t already.) Conversely, if I’m bored or something is too stressful, I will 100% fall asleep because my brain would literally rather just turn off than do something I don’t want to do or is a low dopamine reward task.
Brains are fun.
Anyway, I uh, I am not sure if any of this is useful to you, but I hope it helps. Mostly I'm just repeating back what my specialist said when I asked her about it lol. Good luck, and I hope you figure things out.
*NB: It's important to note that ADHD and Bipolar Disorder can be comorbid. It's not a one or the other situation. I’m just throwing it out there in case hearing that helps someone else pursue the proper diagnosis!
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hangovercurse · 4 years ago
I’d Drop it All for You
Pictures of you and Pete are spread all over the internet, causing a whirlwind of hate to enter your social media.
Request: “Pete content please! anything !!! smut fluff whatever”
Pete x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, depictions of depression and anxiety
A/N: *Insert normal spiel about respecting A.G. and only using her for plot purposes. No harm intended.* Also I wrote most of this after a meeting with my therapist so... enjoy :) (He’s so cute in this gif I wanna kiss his face)
Word Count: 1820
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You weren’t one of those people who loved being the center of attention. You knew that being in the spotlight also meant constantly living under a microscope, and you decided a long time ago that that was not for you.
But you were lucky enough to work as an assistant art director at just 24. You were hoping that The King of Staten Island, your newest project, would help get your name out into the professional world. But that wasn’t the only thing to come out of the film.
It happened unexpectedly, you showed up on set the first day, ready to do whatever the art director required of you. You couldn’t help but be slightly distracted by the lead actor and writer, Pete Davidson. He was so kind and funny, and he wasn’t uptight like everyone else.
After a few hours of filming, he came up to you, introducing himself. He said he “wanted to get to know everyone working on the project,” but you didn’t see him introducing himself to anyone else. You two started talking during breaks. Then he started sitting with you at lunch. Then he was asking for your number.
In a matter of weeks he was asking you out to dinner, taking you to a cozy restaurant that you absolutely adored. He walked you home, his hand grazing yours until you intertwined your fingers.
It was all very romantic, so when Pete asked if he could take you on another, you obviously said yes. Flash forward two weeks and he finally got the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, even though you were both exclusively seeing each other already.
After filming ended 2 months later, you were still working on the film in post, which meant you had an excuse to stay  in Staten Island with Pete. After about 2 weeks in post, you spent more nights in his bed than your hotel’s.
Nearly 6 months later and you were happier than ever. You were splitting your time between your small apartment in the Bronx and Pete’s basement apartment. Pete introduced you to most of his friends, and you introduced him to yours.
But other than your small circles of friends, you kept your relationship fairly quiet. Pete doesn’t have social media and yours is strictly professional, so there are no pictures of you two together. You weren’t hiding each other, you loved each other, you just had no reason to tell tabloids. And you were perfectly happy with that.
Which made it so much worse when various news sites had pictures of you two holding hands. Had they been anyone else you would’ve thought they were cute, walking along the South Beach oceanside at night.
Pete had been in the SNL studio all day when the pictures were released, while you were in his apartment, trying your best to focus on the photoset in front of you. The production team wanted the film to scream “teen romance,” which basically entails subtle pink undertones and a higher saturation. But you couldn’t quite get the coloring right, probably because you weren’t actually focusing on the colors.
You sighed, looking at the time and realizing that Pete won’t be back until sometime after 2am, which was a whole 5 hours away. You let out a huff, pushing away from the desk and making your way to Pete’s closet and searching for one of his hoodies. They always smelled like him (and weed), so it was a comfort to you.
You crashed onto the bed, finding the phone that you had tossed there a few hours earlier. Turning it on you were surprised by the number of notifications you were getting. You knew the photos had surfaced but you weren’t expecting this.
Your Instagram was blowing up with new follows, likes, and comments. It was kind of exciting at first until you started reading some of the comments.
I mean, we knew he would downgrade from Ari, but this is like… really far down.
This girl really thinks she’s special just bc Pete’s dating her. Hun he could do so much better
Who is she?!? Literally no one.
Someone needs to show her how to dress
That hairstyle is not it honey
Pete Davidson is dating YOU??? He could do sooo much better
Ari was prettier sorry not sorry
The entire comment section on your last post, a picture of you on the set of your latest film, was pretty much the same. There were some nice comments, but a lot of mean ones.
And you couldn’t help it, you couldn’t stop looking at them. It felt so cliché, but it was like all of your deepest insecurities about being with Pete were thrown out on the table.
You knew that Pete had a fairly large following, and that a lot of people had really strong feelings about him. You had expected that if and when your relationship went public you would have a lot of people watching you, scrutinizing you. But you didn’t care because Pete was worth it.
Now you weren’t so sure. It wasn’t that you couldn’t handle people talking bad about you, because you definitely could, even if it hurt. You just weren’t expecting the amount of people comparing you to Ariana or saying that Pete could do so much better.
And it only bothered you so much because you felt it too. Your inner demons loved to remind you that Pete had dated Ariana fucking Grande and now he’s dating you. Anyone could see an obvious downgrade.
You turned your phone off and threw it on the opposite side of the bed, trying to think positive thoughts. “I am in control of my own thoughts and emotions. I am catching my negative thoughts and fixing them.” You murmured your therapist’s mantra to yourself, but it was too late. The thoughts had already taken hold of your mind.
Your eyes started to water as you could feel the heavy feeling in your chest set in. You pulled the hood over your head, pulling the straps to hide as much of your face as possible, and pulling your knees to your chest. You laid like that for a while, tears falling as doubts ran through your head. Once you had effectively exhausted your thoughts, you went numb. Your tears had stopped, but you couldn’t move. This wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, but it sure wasn’t pleasurable.
There was a sort of buzzing throughout your body, almost like the feeling when your foot falls asleep, but everywhere. It seemed to block out your sound, as you didn’t hear the basement door open. You only knew that Pete was home when he sat beside you on the bed, pulling the hood off your face.
“There’s my beautiful girl.” He smiled at you. You tried your best to fake one back, but you honestly couldn’t find the energy. Pete pulled you so you were sitting up, back pressed against his front. His arms wrapped around your middle as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “What’s goin on?” He murmured against your skin.
“Did you see them?” You asked, your voice quiet and hoarse.
Pete let out a sigh, “Yeah, I saw them.” He paused, his hold on you getting tighter, like he was making sure you couldn’t leave. “I’m sorry baby. I know you didn’t want it to be a whole big thing.”
You turned your head to face him, “It’s not that. I really don’t mind that people know. We weren’t trying to hide anything.”
He smiled, “Yeah, I know I just- it was nice having this to ourselves.”
He wanted to hide you. He’s embarrassed of you.
Your inner dialogue never seemed to shut up.
You turned away from Pete, trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes. “Yeah.” You whispered.
“What’s wrong, you’re still upset.” He rocked you in his arms, kissing the top of your head. You shrugged in response, not trusting yourself to talk. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
You nodded, leaning further into Pete’s chest. “People found my Instagram.” You murmured, looking down and tracing the arrow tattoo on his hand.
“Whaddya mean? I thought it was public?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
You sighed, wishing you hadn’t said anything. “Yeah, it is. But after all the articles people started following me and shit.”
“I would ask how that’s a problem but I deleted my Instagram so I can’t really talk.” You could tell he was trying to make you feel better, but you couldn’t seem to get out of your haze.
You shook your head, deciding to drop the matter. “It’s not, I’m just being overdramatic.” You sighed, putting on a fake smile and facing him fully. “Wanna watch a movie?” You asked, trying to change the topic.
He gave you the I-know-you’re-bullshitting-me look, which made you look down. “Something’s bothering you, Y/N. And you’re trying to pretend it doesn’t because you think your feelings aren’t valid, but they are.” He tilted his head, trying to meet your eyes that were still trained on the bedsheets below you.
“Where’d you learn that one?” You chuckled half-heartedly.
“Rehab part 2” he smiled, hand coming to your jaw to tilt your head up. “C’mon, talk to me. I wanna help.”
You huffed, moving towards the opposite side of the bed where your phone laid. You opened it, finding your Instagram, and showing him the comments. His eyebrows furrowed as he scrolled through the comments. When he decided he’d had enough he put your phone down, grabbing your waist and lifting you onto his lap so you were essentially straddling him.
He leaned his forehead against your own, your noses touching. “That’s all bullshit, you know that, right?”
You looked down, biting your lip. “Y/N you’re the most amazing, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, okay? I’m in love with you, not anyone else.” Pete’s eyes were searching yours, trying to figure out what was going on in your head.
“I know.” You sighed, “It’s just hard to be with you and not compare myself to her. And then all these people started to do it too, and they kept saying that you could do so much better and you can. So, I dunno I guess I just kind of spiraled.”
Pete captured your lips in a long, passionate kiss. “Y/N. There is literally no better than you. I can’t do better because you are the best woman I have ever loved. “
You pulled Pete in for another kiss. “Thank you, Pete. I love you.”
“I love you too. If this happens again, I want you to call me. I don’t care what I’m doing, I’d drop it all for you.” You smiled, sitting in the arms of the guy you loved. The thoughts didn’t just magically go away, but for a brief moment in time, you were happy.
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loving-all-for-loki · 4 years ago
Voiceless Love Chapter 3:
Goodbye’s & Hello’s
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word Count: 2042
Warnings: Bucky fluff, Loki fluff, Loki not understanding feelings
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @lokiyoulittle @magicalpieex @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp
A/N: I finally put Y/N’s writing in italics so you can tell when she write. Also we’re delving a little into Loki now, but I will let you all know for anyone hooked on Bucky, I will be making this into a choose your own! I’m not sure which chapter yet, but at some point I will split off and make a Bucky route and Loki route. The Loki route might be a bit longer and more extensive, but that’s only because I am biased and that was the original idea. Thank you all for the love so far on this series. I’m glad you all like it!
A few days have passed since the incident with Loki. Every time you enter the library, Loki gets up and leaves the room, clearly, but not subtly, trying to avoid you. Knowing it’s his private place, you started to take your book from the library and go to Bucky’s room to read instead. 
Bucky likes having you around in his room. While he’s showering, reading, or even working out, you follow him around like a lost puppy and he often keeps his arm around you as much as possible. The other avengers are shocked as you too become closer, not expecting two of the quietest people in the compound to become so close so quickly. Bucky even goes to Steve to talk about you from time to time.
You lay on Bucky’s bed as he showers from sparing with Steve. You enjoy spending time with him, even if he’s doing chores and you’re just sitting in the room. Bucky comes out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist, making your eyes go wide. He chuckles at your shocked reaction.
“Calm down, I forgot pants.”
You chuckle inside as he grabs the first pair of pants he sees then rushes back into the bathroom. You can’t help but watch the way the water drips down his skin, highlighting every muscle on his body. He really is a fine specimen, you think to yourself, but you try to not let your thoughts get too carried away. The last thing you need is to be aroused around your friend who doesn’t think about you in the same way.
Bucky comes back out fully dressed in sweatpants and a white t-shirt. There's a light blush on his face from the embarrassment earlier as he lays down next to you. You lift your head instinctively as he puts his arm under your neck, resting his chin on the top of your head. 
“What are you reading?”
Bucky lifts the cover to show himself. 
“Wuthering Heights. Quite the dark and sad book for you,” he chuckles.
Scrunching your eyebrows, you grab his hand and pull out your pen.
What do you mean ‘for me’?
“I mean it’s depressing and you’re full of joy. I don’t want a book to get you down.”
I’m a big girl
You stick out your tongue at Bucky which makes him laugh. He reaches his arm around the other side of you and starts tickling your sides. You lose control of your body as you laugh horribly, spazzing your body to get away from Bucky hands. There’s no emotion but rage as you hear Bucky laughing at your torture. He grabs your book and sets it to the side before he stops tickling you. 
As you regain your senses, you look up to see Bucky hovering over you, laying on his side and arm resting by your head. If you didn’t know any better, he was inches away from kissing you, even leaning in, but he isn’t. He stares at you with the softest look in his eyes, a smile on his face.
You smile wide, still breathing heavy from the tickle attack.
“So I kind of wanted to talk to you about something. We’re all leaving for a mission tomorrow afternoon and I know you’re a bit bummed about not being able to go, but you also know you’re not the most capable of defending yourself.” You shrug which makes Bucky laugh and hang his head, leaning it on your forehead. “Darling, you’re adorable. So, you’re going to be alone with Loki. Is that going to be an issue?”
You shake your head no, but Bucky looks unsure of you. The inside of his eyebrows raise in question and he stares at you deep in your eyes.
“I’m not thrilled with you being alone, but I know you can handle yourself. We’re only going to be gone for three days, so I’ll be home quicker than you know, I promise.”
You smile to reassure his anxiety. Bucky tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, leaning down to kiss your forehead tenderly. He lays back down next to you and pulls you into him, laying you on top of his body. You can hear his heartbeat from his chest and the warmth from his neck as you bury your head further into him. Bucky adjusts his arms and holds you tight as you both fall asleep.
The next morning, you wake up in Bucky’s arms with a bittersweet feeling. The sun is glaring through the window shades on his face, highlighting his beautiful blue eyes. You stare at him for a good five minutes, stroking his stubble with your fingers very gently.
“It’s rude to stare, doll.” 
You’re started by Bucky speaking when you thought he was asleep. You jump a little, making Bucky chuckle and hold you closer to him. He smiles up at you as you look down at him, studying the groves and marks on your face, “I want to memorize you for when I leave,” he teases, “I’d hate to forget this pretty face.
You blush at his kind words and attempt to hide your embarrassment by tucking your face into his neck. Bucky chuckles, vibrating your body against his, and squeezes you tightly. You didn’t know it was possible to get physically closer to him, but he manages to do it.
“I hate to leave you… but I have to, darling.” Nodding your head, you fan your hand over his chest, sniffling in his neck. “Oh, baby, don’t cry,” he smirks, “I’ll be back soon enough.”
Bucky gets up and leaves his bed, searching for his uniform. You stay in bed and admire his form as he walks around, his shirt tightly gripping to his body. He comes up to you and wraps you in his blankets, making you a little shawl of warmth. Finally grabbing his bags, you and him make your way out to the main room where the rest of the Avengers are gathered with their bags. 
“Are you ready to go?” Steve asks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“I’m sorry to leave you alone like this, Y/N. We figured you’d be safer if you trained and controlled your powers a little more.”
“She knows,” Bucky cut in, “We talked about it a little and she understands.”
You give them a smile to assure them that what Bucky said is true. Steve tries to approach you and give you a hug but you back away, making him give you a melancholy smile. Lucky comes up to you and gives you a hug even though you don’t return it. He walks away with the Avengers off to the Quinjet outside. You watch as they leave, Bucky giving you a little wave before the door closes.
Finding yourself in a quiet environment, you make your way back to Bucky’s room where you left the book you had been reading. Time passes on quicker than you expect and you find yourself getting hungry. Checking the clock, you notice it’s seven at night and decide to head to the kitchen.
Loki sits by the bar with his book when you enter the room, much to your surprise. He doesn’t come out of his room often and when he does it’s usually in the library. Ignoring him, you dig through the fridge to find food to make a sandwich. He stays in the room which is also a change of pace. You haven’t spent any time with him since the altercation in the library a week ago. He usually completely avoids you.
You finish making the sandwich and Loki has yet to leave the kitchen. He doesn’t look up from his book once or even mutter to himself. Tapping him on the shoulder, he looks up to see you pointing to your sandwich and then him.
“If you are asking if I want one, I do not. Mortal food does not appetize me.”
Your face drops in annoyance and Loki notices. Rolling his eyes, he closes his book and pays full attention to you.
“Fine, make me one and I’ll see how I like it.”
You give him a wide smile much to his own amusement. You attempt to make a sandwich you think he’d enjoy and slide the plate over to him. Eating your own sandwich, you watch him intently to see his reaction. He takes in a slow bite and chews it, giving you no reaction at all. The silence is deafening and you wish it would be over, but he continues to be quiet until he’s completely done eating the sandwich.
“I could stomach that,” he says, looking up at you with a smirk.
You smile at his slight enjoyment of the sandwich, making this down as a win in your book. Loki doesn’t miss the little smile on your face and smirks when you turn your back to load the dishwasher. 
“There’s a book I’d think you like.” You turn around, perked up even more by his joyous remark, “the only problem is that it’s in runes, so unless you’re not willing for me to read it to you, I’d volunteer my services.”
You nod, accepting his offer. Loki stands up and heads for the elevator, you follow quickly behind. As you two walk out, you realize how proud Loki stands, his head held high and shoulders back, like a true king. You always thought he was stoic, but watching him carry himself across the tower shows a new kind of pride.
You enter the library and Loki immediately goes to the book, sitting down beside you at the table. He opens the book, but silently watches you through his peripherals as you get comfortable next to him, leaning your elbows on his chair arm. 
“Despite that they lived worlds apart from one another, the norns had decided that Mengoth and Svipdagr were each other's great love.” Loki looks over to see you watching him with big doe eyes. He smirks at your innocent face and keeps reading, “Mengloth, meaning “the one shimmering of jewels” grew up in a golden hall, ruling a flourishing realm of prosperous farmsteads. She dedicated her life to healing the sick and wounded. Together with her handmaidens, she spent her days receiving the injured and suffering on a tall towering mountain.”
Loki continues to read the story to you in his sulky, smooth voice. There is one thing in the stories about Loki that you believe, he has a silvertongue. A way with words. A way with speaking. You find yourself falling asleep quickly listening to his mellow voice.
Loki doesn’t notice when you fall asleep, just that you did. He thinks to himself why a small thing like you would fall asleep next to him, this dangerous monster. You have everything to live for, yet you decide to trust this fallen creature enough. Setting the book down on the table, he picks you up bridal style and carries you to your room.
Laying you across the bed, he takes off the jewelry you have on and covers you with your blankets. He goes to set your necklaces and earrings down on your dresser and gets distracted by the photos. There’s one of you with your parents and brother, smiling in a line in front of your christmas tree. There’s another of you with a boy, smiling while dressed formally and looking at one another. 
There’s something with you that intrigues him. You go after the good boys, the heroes like Bucky and the safe choice of boys in school, but why fall asleep next to him? He’s not this superhero with great morals and virtue. He’s selfish, prideful, arrogant. No woman, especially a midgard would want him, not that he’d be interested in a midgardian, but Y/N is different.
He shakes off the thoughts that burden his heart and leaves the room. Closing the door behind him, Loki wanders to his own room where he lays in bed staring at the ceiling. His thoughts can’t help but wander back in. After two hours, Loki is finally able to rest, but even his dreams are flooded with nothing but you.
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corpsehusband-simp · 4 years ago
Weight of the World
WARNING: This is a sensitive Fic that deals with depression, mentions of dark thoughts, punching a wall, and anxiety. It has a fluffy ending. 
A/N: Please put yourself first and don't read this fic if it will put you in any kind of dark place because of what is metions and please know that my DM’s are always open. Feel free to message me all hours of the day or night, I am always here to talk.
 Request: this is a touchy request so i understand if you are uncomfortable with writing it. it’s kinda a comfort/coping prompt but can you write corpse x reader where reader has been going through manic depression and just pushes everyone away and performs self destructive behavior, and corpse has to talk y/n out of su*icide? recently i’ve just.. been really going through it is all i can say. if you don’t wanna write it, totally understandable ❤️
Paring: Corpsex reader, Sykkuno x reader (best friends)
You rolled over in your bed as your phone rang, hiding yourself further into your covers. You woken up yesterday morning and your depression had hit you full force. You couldnt really put a finger on wheat caused your manic depressive episode but it was kicking your ass. It had been a while since you felt like this and you couldnt find the strength at the moment to pull yourself out of it and in doing so you were pushing away the person you loved the most. Corpse. The love of your life but you couldnt even answer his phone calls or texts. Instead you physically turned away from his caller ID, the last time you had talked to him was through a text yesterday telling him that you needed space and that was all.
The more you thought about it the angrier it made you, the angrier you became with yourself. As your mind slipped into darker, angrier thoughts your phone rang again but think time it was your best friend Sykkunos ring tone, Big booty bitches. 
Corpse must have called him. You thoguht before reluctantly picking up the phone, wiping tears from your face. “What Sykkuno”
“Oh uh h-hi y/n. I just wanted to uh call you and check up on you, you didnt come to the Among Us lobby yesterday.” You sighed.
“Im fine Sy.” Your tone was short and rough, you hated acting this way but you didnt want to pull anyone else down intot the slump that you were in.
“O-okay, well im here okay. Love you y/n/n”
“Yeah love you too sy. Never forget that.” and with that you hung up on him, tears running down your face again as your thoughts continued down a dark route.
Corpse was going out of his mind trying to figure out what was going on with you. After your text yesterday he had been battling his anxiety on wether or not he should oush the situation, corpse knew you depression could get back sometimes but he also understood sometimes people just needed space. So he turned to the only other person he could trust right now, Sykkuno.
“Hey buddy.”
“Oh hey corpse, whats goin on?” It made corpse smile to hear that at least sykkuno was still his normal cheerie self.
“I need a favor, I think y/n is having another episode butbut she wont answer my calls so I was wondering if you could try and call her for me. See if she answers.”
“Yeah of course man, but why dont you just go over there?” Corpse sighs.
“Im going to but I dont want to push ya know. Its- this is a touchy thing.” Sykkuno hums in agreement before hanging up. Corpse paces back and forth in his livingroom till Sykkuno calls back.
“Hey Corpse”
“Did she answer?” Sykkuno sighs.
“Yeah and she doesnt sound like shes doing very well.Im actually really really worried Corpse.” Before Sykkuno could even finish his sentence Corspe was grabbing his car keys and hoodie.
“Im heading over there now, Ill text you later with and update. Thank you for calling her.”
“Of course, just keep me updated.” Corpse faster than he ever had , it was a mirical he didnt get pulled over.
Please be okay, please be okay. He repeated in his mind over and over as he run up to your apartment door. He entered quietly and quickly, not even bothering to take his shoes off. You entire apartment was dark and eerily quiet but as he neared your bedroom he could hear your quiet cries coming from the bathroom. He knocks on the door and tires to open it but it was locked.
“Go away.” You cried with broke Corpses heart.
“Baby girl, please open the door.”
“NO please just go away!”
Your POV
You felt out of control as you cried so you puched and yelp in pain. Corpse wastes no time kicking in the door.
“Im sorry baby Ill fix that I promise.” He says quickly as he kneels down beside you. You didnt know if it was the suddenness of the door kicking in or him beig here or both but you broken down into even more of a crying mess on your bathroom floor. Corpse pulls you into his chest and you try to fight him off. 
“No leave me alone, go away!” He only held you tighter and closer.
“Y/N I’m not going anywhere. We made a promise to eachother remember? We promised to never leave eachother remember? Me and you together. Im promise to fight next to you. So please just breath and let me help baby please.” Eventually you stopped fighting against him and clung to him like your life depended on it, and in this moment you were positive it did. You didnt know how much time passed between that moment and when Corpse finally stood, holding you bridalstyle as he carried you to the room. You laid both you you down, never letting you leave his hold. As you laid there Corpse left sof kisses around your face and whispered sweet loving things to you.
“You are so strong Y/n” He ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your forehead. “You are beautiful and smart” Corpse kisses your temple. “You are worth every single breath you take, every single atom and molecule in this universe that you take up you are worthy of.” He gently lifts you chin so you were looking up at him with your red, puffy eyes. “A wise girl once told me, that I know it gets hard and feels like the weight of the world is one your shoulders but theres two of us now and you dont have to take the weight on alone.” You sniffle and look up at him.
“Hey I said that.” Your voice was weak and horse from crying.
“Yes baby girl, you did, and I hope you knoe its true. I am right here.”
“I dont want to burden you, I know you have some much on your plate already I dont want to throw my shit on there too.” He shakes his head and lays his forehead on yours. 
“You arent burdening me, the only thing that ever puts more stress on my plate is when you push me away because I cant help you when you do that.” You sniffle reaching up and brush your finger tips across his cheek. 
“Im so sorry I put you through this.” Tears started to well up in your eyes but Corpse qucikly wipes under them and peppers your forehead in kisses.
“Hey hey hey none of that baby. Alls well now. Im here now.”
“Thank you my love. You are my rock.’
“And you are mine”
✨Tumblr Taglist✨
@fuji175 @corbins-kinda-smart @locallolli @namjoons-crabssss @sadness-babee @reddeserths @eccedxntesi @mayempress  @shinyyoonie @amirahhiddleston @gamerjisoo @trying-to-be-nice-here @jinexedanxrchist @rensaor @yoongis-cumsock @devilishducky97 @mintchip17 @redperson58 @kutiesammyboo @caswinchester2000 @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @thoughtfullydopedragon @neville-longbottomsimp @danny-devitowo @chocolatecloudwinnerhoagie @notmewrongb1tch @moneybagmara @alxcru158 @whatinthyworld @ihavecommitmentissues @mayempress @tanya-sonigra @themeaningofstupid @heavenly3308 @nicetomeetyouamamber  @chileansoul-englishheart
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andromedaspark · 3 years ago
Yes I'm posting about my autism. Fuck you.
I can't get diagnosed in my state (South Carolina)
Period. I just can't. There are no clinical psychologists who do autism testing for anyone who isn't like 5 or under.
Not even expensive ones. There's just None.
If I were to get diagnosed it would have to be in North Carolina or Georgia.
Since I'm not a toddler it's going to 10 times more difficult for me to get a diagnosis.
Since I'm AFAB it's going to be 50 times harder to get a diagnosis.
Since I also have ADHD it's going to be 100 times harder to get a diagnosis.
I want a service dog for my autism because
They can help with crowd control (they circle around you to push others back)
They can help with my skin picking disorder
They can help alert others or my guardian if I start to have a panic attack or meltdown.
They can help with mobility
They can preform active coping mechanisms
They can help encourage me to leave the house more
See, a service dog would be ideal. But my family can't afford a diagnosis for autism much less a service dog for said autism.
Service Animals with training are work.
The average autism service dog costs between $30,000 and $50,000 to be fully trained before joining their forever family. (Source)
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I have autism, depression, panic attacks, C-PTSD, social anxiety, and am HOH. That's just with this one list.
I only got diagnosed with (at the time) Severe Chronic Depression, GAD, and (technically, at the time) ADD very recently, in around 2018-19. I was almost hospitalized. I was severely chronically su*c*dal and was actively engaging in SH (in my own 'unique' way).
My mom figured I had autism when I was like 4. She never told me.
That lead to social isolation, social anxiety, a good part of my depression and Daily Burnout + Meltdowns.
Luckily I'm past most of that now (after years of therapy, after 5 therapists and a psychologist, years of adjusting medication, DBT, CBT, PCT, Gestalt Therapy, bits of ERP, and even Somatic therapy)
Anyway back to the Diagnosis
Autism testing can cost between $3000 and $5000. (Source)
So why does a Slip of Paper from a psychologist in another state have to cost more than 5 new phones?
Fuck if I know. I'm not enough of an idiot to figure that one out.
But it pisses me off
Because it would cost about 4k for a diagnosis, then 40k for a service dog. And my family barely had 300 dollars spare to just throw at shit.
$44,000 for a dog and a piece of paper telling me what I already know.
And I just want accessibility. But they put prices on it that make me feel like my suffering is worth it because at least I'm not drowning in debt.
And I already have 4 dogs, but pets and service dogs are Very different.
I can't have anything good. And it sucks.
So next time anyone says they don't believe I'm autistic I want 4k cash in my hand by the end of the week or I'm going to go apeshit.
For legal reasons that is a joke
In all honesty I don't expect anyone to read this. This is purely just a jumbled up rant of all my tired autistic brain screaming.
I'm on the highest dosages of my Depression+Anxiety medication and my ADHD medication. If I want to go up I have to get a different medication.
And that scares me.
Even more so now that we have a new doctor that thinks my ADHD medication is a joke and doesn't think I should be on it at all even though I've been on it for a year now and it's done amazing work. It's just not where I want to be.
Anyway if she takes my meds from I'm just gonna bite the bullet and start taking weed.
I mean what's she gonna do? Arrest me? Maybe. Weeds illegal here. But fuck yall you made my medication inaccessible so I'm doing it my damn self.
My neighbors are smokers and they aren't shy about it, and my moms friend is like A Weed Veteran with how long she's been taking it and making stuff with it.
She started making cookie edibles and I swear to god. They have the weed ground down into powder and used with the flour in a half substitute ratio. They look so fucking good. I want the Calm Down Cookies. They're sugar cookies too which are like my fucking favorite thing on the planet.
And my mom wants me to start with the gummies but I Fucking Hate Gummy shit. I'd rather rot in hell than get gummy stuck in my teeth. But it's a small price to pay to work up to weed cookie.
And I genuinely thought about the Ecig THC because those are things and they taste good (supposedly) and it's 'not as bad' as unfiltered blunts. And the aesthetic of smoking is neat to me. But I decided against it because it would be more of a hassle than it's worth. It's risking my already shitty lungs and my sensory issues along with overall health and future complications. Edibles you get a snack And a good time And your lungs get to live another day.
Anyway I've done way too much research on weed and let me just say. They make up the wildest names. I can see a strain called "Fuck bitches get money" and it's good for like making you hungry and tired. There's like "cactus fetus" and it calms you down and is good for sleep. Like Bitch.
Anyway do you think in California they can UberEats you weed now?
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love-hatred-stuff · 4 years ago
Bets } Kim Sunwoo [theboyz]
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feat. Eric, Jacob, Kevin, Juyeon
genre: angst, fluff
warning(s): violence, obsession and manipulation (he's not hurting u or anything)
word count: 2.4k
I was currently at my high school.
I had just finished my studies in the library and it was already evening but I decided to stay longer today as my boyfriend was training with his friends in the basket hall. But it was fine because it was already pretty late and the boys should be finished now and I could finally see Sunwoo.
We have been dating for six months and I feel very comfortable with him, it almost feels like I found the one I wanna be with for the rest of my life.
Even if I don't know him for so long, he gives me strength, the thing I had never had.
I'm delicate but I tend to hide my feelings in front of people that I don't trust.
Lately something confusing is going on. Sunwoo has been weirdly avoiding me, and his friends that I assume to really like me too, also act very suspicious sometimes.
They would take him away from me to talk to him alone.
I would just be confused and worried about what was going on.
But today I would talk to them about it!
Right in the moment I was walking through the school halls, on my way to them, but I heard loud voices that sounded like they were seriously discussing.
Before I opened the door, I heard my name and was even more concerned.
I figured it would be smarter to just listen to it and wait while hiding.
"Sunwoo, you can't lie to her forever! She is a great person, she doesn't deserve this anymore. Actually she never did."
I sensed the one who said this was Juyeon and he sounded very serious about what he was talking about.
My anxiety started to kick in.
What was I going to hear next?
"I know, she would never deserve this. But I really do like her. I could just keep it as my secret." Now Sunwoo talked, he sounded like he meant what he said.
But what was the damn secret they were talking about? How bad was it?
"Oh wow Sunwoo! You finally fell in love, congrats. Just sad that she was only a game to you in the beginning. You decided to play with the wrong heart." Juyeon said in a very loud and angry tone.
Was he trying to protect me?
"He's right, you should tell her before it will be too much and she finds out herself. Honestly, I hoped she would break up with you because you can be an egoistic ass sometimes!" Now Jacob exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm sorry guys. But I can't. I will lose her if I tell her that she was a bet. I will lose her, and she will hate me. I couldn't handle that."
I gasped quietly, pressing my palm on my mouth to stay silent.
It was pretty much to take.
My boyfriend just confessed that I was just a bet!? Someone who No one cares about. That's what I was for them.
"But you have to Sunwoo, she's too pure. You will break her. You know she has no one that would take care of her. She was new and lonely when she came here. You made her feel safe and now you're doing this to her? She will never forgive you and feel safe with you again." Juyeon scolded and as I watched them through a little split between the door of the gym hall I saw him grabbing Sunwoo by the collar of his muscle shirt aggressively, having dangerous sparkles in his eyes.
"Either you will do it or I will! And maybe one of us will take her from you. Someone who cares about her heart and feelings." Juyeon grabbed him harder and shook him.
I couldn't watch and hear that any longer so I decided to interrupt their fight.
I abruptly swung the door open, earning all of the boy's eyes.
I approached them pretty fast and pushed Juyeon from Sunwoo.
I didn't want them to hurt each other, although probl all I was for them was a little doll to play with.
"Stop. This is kindergarten. You all are so immature, I can't believe it." I sighed heavily.
Then I locked eyes with Sunwoo, staring in his soul mercilessly.
"You really never would have told me? God, it is really frustrating when you find out, you never knew who your only friends really are. You are little boys, all you care about is fun. Grow the fuck up!" I scoffed at my broken state.
Being ashamed that I had let them do so much to me already.
I looked at all of them. Sunwoo, Juyeon, Jacob, Kevin and Eric. I was honestly disappointed.
And they were also guiltily looking back at me.
"What? Are you enjoying seeing me suffer under your game?" I asked.
"Look Y/N, we are truly sorry for what we did. I know it was immature and I promise we will make it up to you."
I scoffed again at Juyeon's words with a weak sarcastic smile on my lips.
"Do you think I still want to hang out with you guys? You betrayed me. I'm not dumb, I know you sprayed rumours around about me, just so everyone was going to keep their distance to me. And I think you didn't even realize that you did this so you had me just to yourself. While I was too blind of happiness. I hate you for what you did. I won't be your puppet any longer!" I made clear while my vision started to blurry because my eyes were getting teary.
Sunwoo grabbed my arm in desperation.
"Please don't break up with me." His begging voice sent a shiver down my spine.
"That's all you have to say? I think it would be the best if I would leave you and your games alone."
Tears started silently rolling down my cheeks.
But still, no one was talking or reacting. Just pleading eyes were looking at me.
"I wonder who will be the next victim. Whatever, I hope you will have your fun." I smiled pathetically and turned around.
"Don't leave us Y/N. We love you and never wanted to hurt you." Juyeon's calming voice stopped my movements.
I looked at him again.
"You love me so much that you forget how to care about my feelings? I loved you too, but it's over for now." I stated and left the hall.
They looked after me in sadness.
Third person's POV
"See what you did, Sunwoo!" Eric pushed him to the ground.
Sunwoo looked down, letting his tears fall on the ground as well.
"Now we all lost the only girl we ever liked!" Juyeon kicked Sunwoo in his stomach, making him clench his jaw in pain.
"Stop, Y/N doesn't like when we hurt someone, especially each other." Kevin wanted to stop him from hitting the crying boy on the ground by grabbing his arm.
But he wouldn't budge and continued, making him bleed and bruised all over.
"She is gone now!" Juyeon yelled and kicked Sunwoo again, earning quiet cries and groans from him.
"It's enough!" Jacob shoved him away from the almost defaced Sunwoo.
"You can't hurt your best friend!" He reminded him with a strong tone.
"But he stole the girl that was supposed to be mine. It's his fault she left us!" Juyeon defended himself.
"We all lost her, Juyeon. But you don't have to hurt Sunwoo even more. Don't you see him?"
Juyeon now looked at him, sitting on the ground, still crying, with bruises all over his body and a bleeding nose and lip.
Now he felt slightly sorry for overdoing it, although he knew that Sunwoo's beloved girlfriend just broke up with him. That alone surely were so painful for him already.
Of course it was too much to handle for him.
After all Juyeon is the older one and he should have kept his control instead of beating him up.
And Sunwoo had even endured it, he did not flinch a single time that Juyeon punched him.
"Hey, sorry bro." He tapped his shoulder in apology.
"I will take you home, come on." Jacob helped him to stand up so they could walk to his car.
•the next day•
Sunwoo walked through the busy halls of his high school.
He was sad, angry at himself and depressed.
He loved her so bad but he screwed up.
And he understood why Juyeon beat him up yesterday, he was glad so he wouldn't have to hurt himself for a while.
His head was down and the playful smile he always wore was completely gone.
Suddenly he felt a small hand grab him, that pulled him to the narrow room where stuff for the facility manager was.
He couldn't make out the face of the person that took him there until she was standing face to face with him in this room.
Now his eyes glowed, it was the prettiest face he had ever seen.
It was his girl, the one that broke his heart just yesterday. But all he cared about was that she was standing in front of him now.
It was me, and he had broken my heart even more.
"Who did this to you?" I wanted to know instantly, coming straight to the point.
"Huh?" He was surprised I even talked to him.
"Who beat you up like this?" I exerted more pressure in my voice.
"Oh, um.." Sunwoo looked down, suddenly so shy and insecure.
What was going on?
Usually he was the one that would do this to people that bothered him, but he would never let someone do this to his handsome face.
I wondered if his face was the only affected place on his body, so I slowly lifted up his thin t-shirt, exposing hurted muscles and bruises all over his stomach.
It looked really painful.
I never saw him being hurt that much. And it also affected me.
To know that I hadn't had protected him, made me feel guilty.
I felt bad.
"Sunwoo, who the fuck did this to you? And why did you let this even happen?"
He was looking in my eyes, down at me, not sure if he should tell the truth.
But I think he learned his lesson, lying is bad and has consequences.
"It was Juyeon. But it's fine, I allowed him." He talked unusually quietly and I didn't like it at all. I hated it.
I wanted my confident Boyfriend back that wanted to hold my hand the whole day and whenever he had the chance, kissed me to give me his love and affection.
Where was the old Sunwoo?
How could Juyeon do this to him?
He, no, all of them knew what I thought of physical aggression.
"I miss you Y/N." He cried in the crook of my neck after he had made a quick step forward.
When I didn't move, he put his hands around my waist and hugged me gently.
"It's been one day." I reminded him.
He could have handled that.
"Yes, but I know that I lost you forever." He hugged me tighter.
I heard him sniff his tears back.
"Why do you care so much?" I started patting his back lightly.
Even though he hurted me so much with his actions, I still cared about him. More than about anyone else.
"Because I love you Y/N."
He really did?
I knew he and his friends were a little obsessed with me, but he never actually said these three words.
And now I even knew, he wasn't the only one that had serious feelings for me.
Juyeon had done this to him because he was angry at Sunwoo that I left him, and also his friends.
I figured that he did this because he also had feelings for me. I could judge only by his look and body language the day before. And I wasn't sure if that was a good thing.
Iliked him too, everyone of them, but not the way I liked Sunwoo. It would make things even more complicated between us.
"Why did you do this to me then?"
Sunwoo backed away a little, so he could see my face properly.
"We didn't know you when we started this. But when we got to know you, each of us felt something. I guess we just weren't aware that we were having feelings for you because we never really had some for anybody. So we were toxic and manipulated you and everyone that was interested in you, so no one would steal you from us. And I'm so so sorry, baby. I wanna have you back, I promise I changed."
I was impressed that he had explained everything so truthfully.
And I was proud in some way.
He had always controlled me, but he also always was my little boy.
They all were clingy and needy around me, just how someone would act when they liked someone.
I think I could forgive him if he would prove to me that he had really changed.
But could I forgive Juyeon for doing this to his best friend, for losing his self control and letting him down like this?
"And why let you Juyeon hurt you? You are supposed to be kind to each other, as friends. He truly hurt you. Look." I stroked my thumb over his lip where a little bit of dried blood was left.
On his left cheek was a big, green and blue bruise that went up to his eye. It was a bit swollen and he couldn't open his left eye completely.
I forgot everything around me and just admired his his cute baby face. Even if he looked a bit tired and miserable, I still found him utterly adorable.
"I wanna kiss you, Y/N." He whispered, when I noticed our position and that he was staring at me as well.
But I just didn't care anymore what he had done to me, I was sorry for what his friend did to him and that he was sad because I left him.
So I shove all my doubts away and tiptoed so I could kiss his full lips to convince my heart, that I had to give him another chance. It was everything I wanted at this moment.
I think I loved this boy.
Although it was probably pretty stupid of me to trust him again, I just needed him too much because he was everything I had and everything I always wanted.
He pressed me against his toned body and gave me a kiss full of love, to show me that I wouldn't regret choosing him over everything.
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The gif and the pictures that I used for the cover are not mine, credits to the owners :)
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years ago
Lockscreens (ch.10)
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tw: insecurities, minor anger-driven violence
Word count: 3.85k
Genre: Angst, fluff
All trigger warnings will be tagged and posted at the beginning of each chapter! This will have *manga spoilers*
Pairings: Bokuto x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader
Summary: Nearly four years ago, Bokuto left the love of his life for volleyball. Despite all the time, he’s still very much in love with her. He comes home to a major surprise leaving him wondering…What happened while he was gone?
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ch. 10: All Caught Up (Present)
Present, the day after the game
“Bokuto-sehsu, that was a fantastic match last night! How are you feeling today?” 
“Thank you so much Au-san! We worked really hard, and we’re so happy for a MSBY Jackal victory,” he beamed, crossing his legs and leaning forward slightly. “I’m feeling great.”
“How do you guys normally celebrate after a win?”
“Well, we’ll normally go out for a bite to eat or something.” He adjusted his sports jacket, hands fiddling with the zipper. “If we’d just flown in that night though, we’d normally head off to bed after eating something in the hotel restaurant.”
“You guys must be hungry after all that running and jumping!” She laughed. “You’re from Tokyo right? What’s the best place for a post-game meal?”
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, I was actually the ace at Fukurodani Academy when I was in high-school. We normally go to Gyu-Kaku by the stadium after a hard-fought game, win or lose. I actually took the team there last night.”
“Gyu-Kaku? That’s actually one of my favourites!” They both laughed. “Now, obviously you’ve been involved with volleyball for a good majority of your life. I gotta ask, is there anything you regret about it?” Bokuto froze, his mind running this way and that. 
He wasn’t sure why this question was always asked, and he swallowed the weight of the lies on his tongue as he repeated the same lies he had lived and breathed for the past four years.  Bokuto forced a grin, “No, not at all. I love volleyball, it’s always been there for me. I’m so happy that I have a chance to continue with it as my career.” 
“Speaking of love, any special lady in your life?” 
The corner of his mouth twitched as he forced out a laugh, his heart shattering. Of course. Just another bachelor on the MSBY team. “Not at this time,” he acknowledged, knuckles whitening. Bokuto could almost feel the jagged edges of the pieces of his heart that he’d clumsily tried to reassemble. “It’s hard balancing all the travel and practice with a dating life.” 
“Well hopefully you’ll find someone willing to do that for you.” Au smiled. “Well folks, that’s all the time we have today. Thank you for coming out!”  
As Bokuto left the studio from his live interview, he let out an extensive sigh. It wasn’t often that interviewers asked him about his past, but he supposed it was expected considering he was local to Tokyo. He turned down the street, letting his music fade in the background as he remembered his past. Bokuto still couldn’t believe that he had run into (Name) yesterday, let alone that she was married to Kuroo for gods’ sake. He sighed, face darkening. Kuroo had been the one to introduce them after all. 
“Hey Bokuto, I want you to meet someone. Come to Gym 3 later for extra practice!” A hand clapped onto his back, sending the wing-spiker lurching forward. Glancing up, he nodded at the other first-year male. 
“Who else will be there?”
Kuroo shrugged, grinning. “You’ll just have to come and see, won’t you?”  
After all the practices, Bokuto entered Gym 3 to find it empty. He picked a corner, placing his bag and stuff down before taking a sip from his water bottle. “You’re Bokuto right?” The spiker jumped, dropping his bottle. He cursed, bending down as he picked it up. A soft giggle had him looking up. “I’m (L.Name, Name),” she introduced, bending beside him as she began to towel up the split water. Bokuto stared at her, open-mouthed. “You were really good today!” She beamed, standing up with the soiled towels. 
“Thank you,” he stammered, moving to stand beside her. “What school are you from?” 
She tucked her hair behind her ear, “Nekoma.”
“Oh! You must be Kuroo’s friend?” 
(Name) laughed, eyes sparkling. “You can say that. We've been friends since grade school.” 
Golden eyes widened. “He mentioned wanting to introduce me to someone. That must be you.”
“Funny, Kuroo said the same thing about you.” She bowed. “I’ll be in your care, Bokuto-san.” His cheeks glowed as he pulled her up from her bow. 
Bokuto frowned, arriving at his temporary lodging. Under different circumstances, he would’ve asked to stay with (Name) after reconnecting, but the circumstances being what they were, he figured renting out a place for the month would be better. He sat on his couch, lips pursed. Bokuto’s phone vibrated against his thigh. “Hello?”
“I heard that you were back in Tokyo?”
Bokuto stood, his bitter expression lightening up just enough for a smile. He stood up, making his way to his kitchen. “Yes, I am! I’ll be here for a month.”
“How exciting,” Bokuto could hear the smile in Akaashi’s voice. “If you’re free, let’s meet up? I haven’t seen you in quite a while.” Bokuto filled up a glass of water, sipping it.
“I always have time for you, Akaashi!” Bokuto boomed, causing Akaashi to chuckle. 
“Thank you, Bokuto-san. I have to go now. I hope you’re doing well.” 
“See you soon, Akaashi.” 
Bokuto stood in the deafening silence of his kitchen. A heavy sigh left him, shoulders sagging. Akaashi’s calming presence had soothed some of his anxiety about being alone, but it was also a stark reminder that he was alone. Weary golden eyes scanned the kitchen.
“Kou! You’re making a mess,” she squealed, grabbing at his hands. He had been frantically whipping the bowl of cookie dough, causing it to splatter everywhere.
“No, I’m not!” He argued.
She pulled it away, wiping a bit of the splatter off of her cheek. “You sure about that?”
“Okay, maybe.” Bokuto sighed, grabbing a towel to try and wipe down the counter. He was startled when cold liquid landed on his cheek. “Huh?” He whirled around, wiping at his cheek to find a splatter of the dough on his cheeks. “Oh you’re gonna get it,” he grinned. A handful of flour went flying at her as she attempted to run around the island.
“Kou!” She shrieked, the flour landing all over her face. (Name) lunged for an egg, smashing it on top of his head. She froze, eyes widening at the silly sight. “Oh my god, you look ridiculous!” 
“You’ve got three seconds.” Bokuto wiped the dripping egg whites off of his forehead. 
She backed up, tripping over her own feet. “You wouldn’t do anything drastic, right Kou?” She cooed, panic rising in her voice.
“Of course not, love. I just wanna hug you!” With that, he lunged and cracked an egg down her shirt. Laughter filled the air as they chased each other around, their plan to make cookies long-forgotten.
He sighed. If only he could turn back time. Maybe he’d have this taste of domesticity for the rest of his life. A home instead of a temporary apartment. Someone who would come rushing to greet him once he came home instead of the void left in his heart and bed. Bokuto sighed just before his phone vibrated in his hand. 
Future wifey: When did you want to meet?
The next day...
“So, Bokuto is back in town? And (Name) is meeting him right now?” Kenma had Hikori on his lap, showing him how to play Minecraft. Kuroo was lounging on the bean-bag, alternating between watching his son and staring at his phone.
“Pretty much.” Kuroo sighed.
“How are you feeling about it?” Kenma patted Hikori’s head, pointing at something on the screen.
“I’m fine.” 
“No you’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t be sitting there sulking.” Kenma eyed his best friend disdainfully. “Not that I’m complaining, you know I enjoy Hikori’s company.” His yellow eyes surveyed the screen. “You can mine those blocks, Hiki.”
“Ok, Ken-san!” Hikori’s pink tongue stuck out as he examined the keyboard to press the right buttons.
“Fine, you’re right. I’m worried.”
“What if she still wants Bokuto?” Kuroo hesitated, chewing on his bottom lip. “I mean, they were together for almost four years.” Hazel eyes gazed with affection and a glimmer of resignation at his son. Turmoil overwhelmed him. Would Hikori prefer his biological father over him? Would she prefer Bokuto? No matter what, it had always felt that Bokuto was her first love, not him. “And they have something...permanently tying them together.”
“You’ve also been with her for the same amount of time.” Kenma cleared his throat, shifting his sharp gaze away from Kuroo. “I think that connection is more-so between you and her,” Kenma shrugged. “It’s not like he was involved other than genetically.”
“That wasn’t his fault though,” Kuroo argued. “If he hadn’t gotten the deal that day, he would’ve known and it would be him here instead of me.” 
 “But he did and it is you, not him.” Kenma looked down at his friend. “You’ve known each other for almost fifteen years. You’ve loved her for a majority of that time, whether you knew it or not.” He took control of the mouse, helping Hikori fight off a zombie. “She’s loved you for just as long. It doesn’t matter what they had together. You’ve already beat him in every possible way.” A smirk made its way onto his face as he watched Hikori play. “You’ve maxed your friendship levels. He’d have to start over at this point.” 
Kuroo rolled his eyes. “You’re such a gamer.”
“A rich one.” 
Kuroo’s face brightened as he cackled. “Thanks Kenma. You always know how to cheer me up.”
“Our friendship points are maxed out too, Kuro.”   
“Ken-san!” Hikori pointed at the screen excitedly. “I just caught this!”
“Good job, Hiki.” Kenma patted the boy’s head affectionately.
A few days later...
“Yes, Bokuto-san?”
“Can we meet up?”
“Of course. I’ll text you the address of a pearl drink place, okay?”
Akaashi hung up, sighing. It had been years since he heard Bokuto so...depressed. The wing-spiker had worked hard to overcome his “emo” modes from high school, and it no longer affected him during games, but apparently something brought it back and Akaashi had an idea of what that it might be…
“So you met (Name)?”
Bokuto nodded, chewing on the tapioca balls. “Yeah, we ran into each other at the game a few days ago.”
Akaashi hesitated. “How was that?” 
“S’okay, I guess.” Bokuto shrugged, spinning in the raised chair. The two sat in bar-stools at Akaashi’s favorite pearl tea shop. Though, it was only his favorite since it was so close to his work-place. “We met up to talk the other day and caught up. I didn’t know she and Kuroo got married.”
The former setter hummed. “Yeah, they got married before Hikori was born.”
Bokuto threw his arms up. “That’s the thing! I didn’t even know they were talking together. Let alone that they were interested in each other like that.” Bokuto sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “I can’t believe I came back to find my best friend having a baby with my ex-girlfriend.”
Akaashi tilted his head, twisting the straw wrapper. “I’m more surprised you didn’t come back sooner with all things considered.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Akaashi cleared his throat, “I figured you would visit more after finding out that Hikori is your son.”
Bokuto froze, short-circuiting. “He’s what?”
Akaashi paused, looking up from his pearl drink. “She didn’t tell you?” His eyebrows furrowed. “They promised that they would.”
“Congratulations, Kuroo-san.” Akaashi nodded at Kuroo and (Name). They were at (Name)’s house as she hosted Hikori’s ‘Sip and See’ party and Aya’s baby shower. The coworkers had become exceptionally close after being joined together by parenthood. The expecting mother was entertaining other guests in the living room while (Name) and Kuroo entertained their guests in the backyard.   
“Do you want to hold him, Akaashi?” (Name) offered, arms cradling a bundle of blankets.
Akaashi smiled, bowing slightly. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course, I trust you.” She giggled, gently placing Hikori into Akaashi’s arms.
“I’ll be back, love.” Kuroo kissed (Name)’s head, nodding at Akaashi before heading over to greet his coworkers. 
Akaashi rocked Hikori slightly, a gentle smile on his face. “He has his eyes, y’know.” (Name) murmured, looking down at her son and carding through his soft locks. 
“Does he now?” Akaashi hummed. Hikori yawned, opening up his eyes as he woke up from his nap. With wide golden eyes, Hikori reached for Akaashi’s face. Akaashi chuckled, bringing his finger to Hikori’s small chubby hands. The baby squealed with laughter as he grabbed onto Akaashi’s index finger. “Does Bokuto-san know?” Akaashi peeked up at (Name).
“Not yet.”
Kuroo returned, catching their conversation. Akaashi kept his attention on (Name). “Will you tell him?” 
“Of course Akaashi.” Akaashi fixed her with a hard stare, raising an eyebrow. “I promise, we’ll tell him.” 
“Akaashi.” Gunmetal eyes slid to look over at Kuroo who grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. “We promise, Bokuto will know.” 
“I have to go.”
“Good luck, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi called after him as Bokuto sprinted out of the store.
“Thanks for coming in! Be sure to keep doing those stretches at home, okay?” She instructed, waving her client out. She stepped out of the hall, leaving one of the dance studios.
“Hey (Name)?” The receptionist called urgently, waving at the female.
“Yes? Is everything okay?” (Name) walked forward. Rei approached her, bending to whisper into her ear.
“There’s someone here for you. He’s been pacing the lobby for quite some time now.”
“Who is it?” Her eyes widened, brows furrowing. She didn’t have any more clients that day. (Name) glanced at her watch, it was almost time to pick up Hikori from the on-site day-care center. 
“He said his name was Bokuto?” (Name)’s jaw clenched, fingers twitching in agitation. “Oh, do you know him?” Rei asked, cocking her head. She could only nod, a million thoughts running through her mind. 
“Yeah, thanks for telling me Rei. I’ll go see him right now.” She smoothed out her clothes, taking a deep breath before she stepped into the lobby. “Bokuto?” True to Rei’s words, Bokuto was anxiously pacing up and down the lobby, looking over his shoulder at the double doors every few steps. Bokuto looked like a mess. His hair was all-over the place, golden eyes red. At the sound of her voice, Bokuto whipped around. His lip was swollen and bruised, no doubt from apprehensive chewing. 
“(Name)!” Bokuto sprinted towards her. “We need to talk.”
“It appears we do.” She looked around the lobby. “C’mon, let’s go to my office.” 
Silence clung to them as they took the stairs up to her office, which had been moved to a different wing. As soon as she shut the door, Bokuto whirled on her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“That Hikori is my son!” He slammed his palm onto her desk, startling her.
Tears welled up in her eyes. “I...we...I was going to tell you,” she whispered. “When Hikori was older.” 
Name let out a sigh of relief, tugging the blanket under Hikori’s chin. Muscular arms snaked around her waist as the couple stood staring down at their baby. “Let him sleep,” Kuroo whispered into her ear, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek and gently tugging her towards the door. Kuroo slipped out first while she paused to turn on some classical music. Her husband was bustling around the kitchen, pouring them mugs of warmed milk. “Is everything okay?” He asked, glancing up at her.
“Do you think we should tell Bokuto?”
Kuroo’s hands froze as he stopped mixing honey in, eyes focused on the mug with an unreadable expression. “Bokuto?” 
She hummed in response. (Name) stepped in between his arms, wrapping her arms around his chest. “I mean, biologically that’s his child.” Kuroo hesitated as a hand reassuringly rubbed his back. “Hikori is still your son,” she clarified, “and he always will be.” (Name) pulled back, looking up at Kuroo, her lips brushing his cheek. ‘But I think he’d want to know. Heavens knows you would want to if the situation was reversed.” She shrugged as she bit her bottom lip. “Bokuto doesn’t need to know any time soon.”
Kuroo nodded reluctantly, resting his forehead on hers. “Why don’t we wait until Hikori is old enough to decide whether or not he wants to meet Bokuto?” he suggested, closing his eyes. “Introducing Bokuto too soon might cause confusion or unnecessary stress to Hiki.”
A puff of warm air blew across his face as she contemplated his offer. “That’s fair. He isn’t missing a father figure and he might get confused.” Her eyes glowed with determination. “Alright. Let’s hold off on telling him until he’s old enough to understand.”  Kuroo pressed a kiss first to her forehead then her lips. “Thank you for being so understanding, love.”
Kuroo let out a soft laugh. “Anything for you, my love.”  
“Don’t you think I had a right to know?” Bokuto was pacing around her office, aggravation evident in all of his movements. Fear locked her jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me when we met up the other day?” He snarled, running his hand through his hair again. The knock at her door shook her out of her reverie.
She cleared her throat, glancing at the door. “Yes?”
“(Nickname)? Are you ok?” 
She swallowed, steadying her voice and steeling her nerves. “Yeah, Iwaizumi. I’m fine, just dropped something.”
“Alright then. I’m next door if you need anything!”
“Thank you!” She pinched her nose, taking more deep breaths. “Look, Bokuto. You left.” She hissed, jabbing a finger into his chest. “Years ago. I didn’t hear from you until. This. Week.”
“That’s not my fault!” Bokuto argued, grabbing her wrist. “You told me to go!” He threw her hand away from him, golden eyes narrowed.  
“I did.” She nodded, closing her eyes. Her nostrils flared as she took deep breaths. “I wanted you to be happy and to be the pro-player you always wanted to be.” 
“Babe, guess what?” She looked up from the tea-cup that sat in front of her, over the pastries as (e/c) eyes made contact with gold. Her eyebrows quirked up as she took a sip. Bokuto could hardly contain his own excitement as he blurted out, “I just got scouted!” 
Her eyes widened, choking slightly on the hot beverage. “Really? That’s great!” 
He nodded eagerly. “Yeah, it’s a two-year contract for now. They want to send me to their training camp starting next week and I’ll be gone for the next six months. After that, I’m going to officially join the team and everything!” A soft pout made its way to his face as he played with his fingers. He didn’t want to leave her - not when she was so close to finishing up school. “That means I have to leave this weekend.” 
Delicately placing the tea-cup down, a soft hand reached out for his. “Kou, it’s okay. This is the opportunity you’ve been looking for all of your life.” (Name) swallowed thickly, causing him to tilt his head at her. What was the matter? But his worries were quelled with her next words. “I’m not going to keep you here. Please, go live your life and you better be the best ace out there, okay?” 
Apprehension bubbled in his stomach, something didn’t feel right. He grasped her hand harder, fixing her with a paralysing golden stare. “We can make this work! I’ll come home to visit, and we’ll call every day, I promise.” Silently, he promised to himself, ‘And when you’re finished with school, I will come back and bring you with me.’ 
The corner of her lips graced him with a timid smile. “I’m sure we can.” 
“I love you.” Bokuto’s plush lips caressed her hand, squeezing it tightly once more. His heart felt warm knowing that he had her support. Knowing that he had a plan for their future now. Excitement filled him once more as he imagined it. Him, established in his professional volleyball career. Her, joining him in Osaka and building her own future as they joined their lives together as full-fledged adults.  
She squeezed back, looking at their intertwined hands. “I love you too.” 
His eyes widened, the memory hitting him out of nowhere sending a surge of fury through him. Bokuto lunged towards her, both hands now clasped onto her wrists. “Does Hikori know?” Bokuto demanded.
Her eyes widened. “Kou, that hurts,” she whimpered, trying to tug out of his grip.
“Does Hikori know?” Bokuto trembled like a leaf during the season's change.
“No, he doesn’t.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “We were going to wait until he was older so that he would understand.”
“So you hid it from both of us?” Bokuto scoffed. Hurt and anger crossed his expression. “Why would you lie?”
(Name) yanked her arms away, rage surging through her. Red marks were left on her arms and were rubbed furiously. “Bokuto, you left me. You ghosted me. You have absolutely no right to come in here demanding jack-shit from me after that.” She let out a deep laugh, eyes glinting dangerously. “Why would I tell my son that his father abandoned his mother especially when there was already someone else there to love and raise him?”
At her words, Bokuto deflated, anger dissipating completely. “I’m...I’m sorry, (Name). I didn’t…I.” Bokuto collapsed onto her patient table, face buried into his palms. “I’m so sorry,” he whimpered. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Or to abandon you. It was just so hard, I didn’t want to hold you back.” Hot tears dripped down his face and splattered onto the ground. “Fuck, (Name). I was in so much pain when I left. I didn’t…I couldn’t…Not like this.” Bokuto’s body shook in sobs. Her anger faded as she watched him. Pity overwhelmed her, causing her throat to tighten.
She stepped closer, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his quivering form. Bokuto stiffened before burying his face into her shoulder. “It’s okay, Kou. I know,” she cooed softly. 
His body trembled as he clung onto her, struggling to breath. “I know I don’t deserve it but I...I wanna try again. Can I just try to be a part of Hikori’s life? We don’t even need to get back together,” he rambled in sheer desperation, tears soaking into her shirt. How could they? He had been replaced long ago and he hadn’t even realised it. “He doesn’t need to know that I’m his dad. Not yet.” Another sob tore through his body as his grip tightened. “I just want to be a part of his life. Is that okay?” 
(Name) bit her lip, glancing at the picture frame on her desk. Hikori and Kuroo stared back at her. Hikori was perched on Kuroo’s shoulders as they wandered the festival streets waiting for the firework show. 
“Please.” He whispered hoarsely, pulling back to reveal golden eyes that glistened with pain. “I know I don’t deserve your kindness. But please.” Bokuto took a shaky breath only to break out into harsher sobs. “Please (Name).”
Fun Facts
💟 “Au” means ‘meeting’
💟 Though he was used to answering the ‘regrets’ question, it never not easier for Bokuto
💟 Bokuto had planned on renting the apartment for only a week - enough time to meet up with (Name) and then ask to stay with her, but ultimately extended his reservation in order to recuperate 
💟 Kuroo had never really gotten over his insecurities about Hikori’s birth
💟 Kenma loved showing Hikori how to play games, and they would often meet up monthly for game nights. (Name) refused to put Hikori in the spotlight though so Kenma wasn’t allowed to stream whenever Hikori was over
💟 Bokuto was overwhelmed with his own emotions and insecurities regarding Kuroo’s relationship with (Name) [more on this next chapter] 
💟 Japanese people call milk-tea/boba/bubble tea drinks ‘tapoica juice’ 
💟 Akaashi never brought it up to Bokuto because he assumed that Bokuto would have mentioned it to him if he wanted to talk about it. Unfortunately, Akaashi was not surprised about how things ended up happening 
💟 (Name) was surprised that Bokuto remembered where she worked. When they had met-up, Bokuto had seemed zoned out for a majority of it. 
💟 (Name)’s office was moved closer to Iwaizumi’s office due to reasons
💟 (Name) isn’t the type to get angry. But when Bokuto started making demands while getting angry and violent, she couldn’t help but lash out. She had been suppressing her own rage at him for years
Please feel free to pop into my inbox if you have any questions, comments, or concerns 💞 I love interacting with you all!
Taglist: @toaster-stick @thatartsybitch @brazil-hinata @sawamooora  @anejuuuuoy @abby-rutledge20 @babybluebisexual @badboysdoitbetter2 @liathachcapricious @cosmiclunas @wishingforanother @setterfish @toobsessedsstuff @yeehawslap @shadowkunoichi @haikyuusimp91  @firebonbon @mentalydisturbed@samkysnks @dolan-mendes  @loudpoetry23 @estmagnifique @milkteeboba @newfriendjen  @sempiternal-amour @scrappydaisies @ mayor-chu-of-many-towns @bokutosdivineass  @yeahhemmings- @elianetsantana @strawhatshepard @caramel-chuuya @sol-demure  @song-of-storms162 @rogueofbullshit @cheerysparkle @killlerqween @aomineavenue @fatal-impact @isleofnajera @safa-a07 @shoyomeow @vicassa​
I couldn’t tag names in bold.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years ago
Stay Here, Please (platonic! Micheal x reader)
a/n: uhhh this is platonic and i mean for it to be platonic . micheal is my father figure and i need so affection so here we are. also this is kinda like a vent? this is rlly just self indulgance dfjdifdj. 
warnings: depression, anxiety, trauma, micheal being a dad friend.
Tumblr media
It was troubling, really. This was the good place right? So why was there still a pit of anxiety in your stomach every time you talked to somebody? Why were you still depressed and had trouble doing the bare minimum. Most of all, why did they still haunt you?
The house felt cold this morning. The wooden floor made your feet numb and the air felt crisp. It had been a few days since you saw your friends. Tahani tried dragging you out for a spa, Chidi came by to try and help you with whatever it is you were dealing with. Though, he spent 30 minutes trying to choose a damn mug until you stepped in. Eleanor brought margaritias and the two of you bonded over shitty movies and trauma. Jason well..he always suggested blowing things up.
They all meant well. Janet even came which was a surprise. She seemed a bit concerned that you hadn’t asked for something in a while. It had been only a few days and they were all driving you up the wall. Was being alone and sulking so bad? It’s how you always dealt with your problems. Wallowing in self misery and regretting your life is something you’ve come to known. You appreciated the sentiment, but you just wanted to let it out alone and face this by yourself.
The sheets on your bed felt heavy on your body. It felt suffocating and made it hard to move. Hell, you didn’t even want to move even if you had to. The house Micheal had given you was a hobbit home. It was comfortable and felt like a tight warm hug. Now, it was cold and unforgiving. There were whispers in these walls and their whispers were mean. Their sharp talons sunk into your chest. Your body went rigid with the prickling sensations that vibrated across your body.
You choked on the sob escaped your chest. It was futile to try and prevent it. The tears in your eyes wanted to fall. You curled in yourself under the sheets, hiding. Maybe they wouldn’t find you here. Maybe they wouldn’t be able to mock you anymore. Maybe...just maybe...
It was hopeless. She cut into your skin just with her words. You’d rather have her hurt you with her fists instead. At least it’d provide some relief. Useless. Stupid. Liar. A whore. Unwanted. Unloveable. Ugly. No good for nothing insufferable little-
Your breath hitched. The world had finally began swallowing you. Micheal. His voice sounded so soft and caring. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. No one was supposed to see you like this. But Micheal, oh Micheal, was so important to you. He provided the warmth and the love your parents never gave you. And here he was, witnessing your breakdown. The weakness that always resided in you that you tried so hard to hide. And now here he was, watching your perfect image unravel.
“(Y/N)? Are alright?” Maybe if you stayed silent he’d go away. Maybe Micheal would tell the others that you were fine and dandy. Oh, how wrong you were.
You stiffened as you felt the sheets pull back. His hand hovered over you. You cursed yourself as you trembled there, waiting for the inevitable disgust Micheal will have for you. “Oh, (Y/N),” he said softly as his eyed your quivering form.
A whimper left your lips. Your eyes were clenched tightly preparing for the final blow. What you didn’t expect however, was the words that left Micheal’s mouth. “Scoot over.” His voice was gentle like he was afraid you’d break. Were you that weak? Nonetheless, you sluggishly wiggled to give him some room. “Atta girl,” he praised, patting your side gently.
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip harshly. Cries were threatening to escape but to no avail a muffled sob left your mouth. “Shh shh,” Micheal whispered, pulling your back into his chest. His suit crinkled from your back but he didn’t mind. Micheal was warm and his arm that held you was tight. “What’s got you so upset hm?”
You tried controlling your sniffles and you swallowed the lump in your throat. “I-i’ts fine,” you croaked, voice raspy and eyes hushed with tears. Micheal sighed, resting his chin gently atop your head. 
“I can tell that you’re not,” he gently chided. How could you tell him that you felt like you didn’t belong?  Micheal would feel so guilty because you felt alone in this amazing neighborhood he created? He worked so hard to make this place an amazing paradise. ‘You’re ungrateful...all you do is nag and complain..stop whining...stop crying.. I’ll give you something to cry about,’ your mother’s voice rang in your ears.
Micheal saw your lip quiver and more tears falling. They were faster and you struggled to breathe. He felt himself panicking. He wasn’t good at this type of stuff! What could he do?
“Breathe,” Micheal instructed. “Breathe with me.” He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. You choked on the first couple of breaths but followed greatly. “Good job,” he praised after you calmed down some more. “Look at me.”
You gulped and shifted in his arms. The gray suit he worse was a little crinkled along with the mint undershirt he wore. You couldn’t help but feel guilty that you ruined his suit. Micheal smiled sadly at the puffy red eyes of yours. Your lips had been bitten badly and they were chapped. He couldn’t imagine how much they probably hurt from the dried blood on them.
You shrunk from his intense gaze. Micheal’s brows furrowed into his glasses at the fear in your eyes. “No one’s here to hurt you (Y/N),” he murmured, “You’re safe here.” You nodded slowly but Micheal could still see the anxiety. He knew he couldn’t take the trauma you had and the abuse you endured away. Even in the after life things like that would still follow you.
Micheal kissed the top of your head. “You seem tired, why don’t you get some rest alright?” All you could do was nod. Micheal started to get up. Your eyes widened and without thinking you asked, “Could you stay? Please..?” His brows shot up in surprise. You instantly regretted saying anything. Your arm sunk. You were so fucking stupid.
Micheal had other things to do. He had a neighborhood to run and hundreds of people to look after. He didn’t have time for an ungrateful, selfish brat.
 He nodded. “Sure.” Scooting over, you made room. He smiled softly as he pulled you into his arms. Micheal’s hand stroked your back soothingly as you drifted off to sleep. He made sure to stay there when you woke up.
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rpd-rookie · 5 years ago
Five Stages of Fatherhood - Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
Summary: Fatherhood can be wonderful but for Leon Kennedy, fatherhood is scary and he is not ready for it at all. How is he going to process your unexpected news?
Author’s note: I wanted to release this one-shot for Father's Day but it was far from being finished. But here it is. I was mainly inspired by the recent posts I saw on Tumblr. I hope I did Leon justice and that you'll love this story as much as I loved writing it. Don’t forget to like/reblog and give me your impression.
Tags: Angst; Fatherhood ; Depression; Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism ;Anxiety; Language 
Also Available on AO3
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.
           They say those are the five stages of grief. Five stages you must overcome to be at peace with yourself. Five stages you must experience, however hard and painful they are, to find the strength to pull yourself back together and keep on living.       Leon knew those five stages all too well. He had experienced them more times than he could count through all those years fighting since the Raccoon City incident. They had paved his life, making him wonder why and if he would ever see an end to it all one day.   But what he didn’t know is that he was about to experience them again. But in a new unexpected way he would have never imagined.
1.    Denial
           I’m pregnant. Three simple words that made his simple life suddenly not so simple anymore, repeating and echoing in his head, making him feel like his whole world was suddenly crumbling around him, over him, burying him under rubbles of fear and uncertainty.       I’m pregnant. He didn’t just hear that. This was a dream, a hallucination due to sleep deprivation or a silly joke. It had to be. Because it couldn’t be real. This couldn’t happen to him. There was no way he had gotten you pregnant. Yes, you were fooling him. Right? … Right? He had a brief forced laugh, anxiety eating him up slowly. “Please tell me you’re joking.”             Pinned to his desk chair, he stared at you waiting for a silly answer or an amused grin. He obviously got neither of them and so he immediately froze, watching you frowning at him with a look that was way too grave and serious to his taste. “Do you really think I would joke about something like this?” Why not? Anything would be better than those three words being the truth. “How can that be so absurd to you that I might be pregnant?” Pregnant? He felt suddenly dizzy. No fucking way.
Mouth slightly opened, confused and petrified blue eyes fixed upon you, and a marble immobility. That’s all that remained of Leon as he searched for something to say, something to think, something to reassure himself with, something to tell him that this conversation, this moment, was not happening right now. 
Pregnant? Really? “I didn’t get you pregnant.” You stared at him in shock as he relentlessly shook his head. “I couldn’t. It’s not possible. I…” He cut himself off when he saw you looking away, huge tears suddenly flooding your usually joyful (colour) eyes.  
Clearly, that wasn’t the reaction you expected from him. But that’s all his brain could process at the moment, the only thing it could find to keep him afloat, to prevent him from drowning in panic. “There must be some sort of mistake. I can’t be a father. This is not happening.”         Leon was freaking out. He couldn’t deny it. The pounding of his heart in his chest was enough evidence. But years fighting BOWs had taught him not to show any ounce of panic even in the worst situations. So, mechanically, no emotion filtered through in voice, making it almost cold. Actually, it sounded so heartless it rooted you on the spot, unaware of what was going on right now in your boyfriend’s head and unable to understand that his weird reaction was just his reason trying to calm him down and help find a quick way-out before reaching an inevitable end. That inevitable end being Fatherhood.          
“What are you saying?” You dared ask, your face suddenly pale because of the terrible things he implied.   “I don’t want to be a father, Y/N.” He declared looking at you right in the eye. “I don’t want whatever you think is inside your womb right now.” You slumped in your chair, feeling speechless and shocked but most of all, insulted. Did he just call your child a ‘whatever’ and insinuated it wasn’t even there? Was he really denying everything? Saying you were wrong? “Take another test. I’m sure this must be some sort of mistake.”           You stared at him, bewildered and fighting to prevent your tears from falling as shock was slowly yet surely turning into sorrow and anger.    
2.    Anger
“There’s no mistake, Leon. A gynaecologist confirmed it. I’m three months pregnant! Fuck, do you really think I denied this pregnancy on purpose?” There was a sudden knot in your throat, strangling all your words. Leon shrugged. “Honestly, Y/N, I don’t get how someone cannot realize they’re pregnant.”             “Simple. Imagine your boyfriend almost dying in a bombing attack in DC, then pushing you out when you try to help him. Then one day, after an entire month watching him falling deeper and deeper into depression despite all your efforts to bring him comfort, you realise that he left without telling you where he’s going. After asking a few people, you learn that he’s decided to take some ‘vacation’ but you know all too well that this vacation of his is just him drowning himself in alcohol in some lousy hotel.��� You spouted angrily, feeling all your hormones boiling inside of you. “And I guess you can also add his four weeks of radio silence and the worry you felt when you learn that he who you loved so freaking much was almost killed again in another bio-terrorist attack, this time in New York. I guess that’s a pretty good way to make you deny a pregnancy!”   “Oh, so this is my fault?!” He asked, almost shouting, thinking your were accusing him when in fact you were just accusing the horrible stress and the worry you had felt for the last ten weeks or so. “I’m the alcoholic bastard who knocked you up and you’re the poor lost innocent girl? That’s what you’re saying?”     “Do you even realise how hurtful you are? Do you really think that is what I want to hear right now?” You tried to block a sob, in vain and Leon sighed in exasperation as he briefly rolled his eyes. He won’t have your crocodile tears right now. “Don’t force me on a guilt trip, Y/N. Please.” He said, frozen stoicism making his features as strong and cold as marble. “Weren’t you on the pill, by the way?” He frowned, and a tear rolled down your cheek. You wiped it quickly. “You forgot it?”      
You tried to answer but you knew that the second you would talk it would unleash Leon’s anger and you were not ready to bear it. “For fuck’s sake, Y/N.” Leon gritted his teeth and glared while you instinctively braced yourselves, hands holding tightly at the armrest of your chair. “You only had one thing to think about! One!” He growled, a scolding finger pointed at your face. “Take a fucking pill!” “I may have forgotten once” You whispered almost inaudibly. “Oh, you forgot?” He scoffed before slamming his hand against the wooden desk as he brutally stood up making you jump in your chair. “And then she blames me for my depression. Fantastic.” You frowned. That’s not what you had meant. “Leon…”     “You’re as responsible as I am, Y/N. You may have not realised you were pregnant because of what I did but you are the one forgot to take a fucking pill. And, how could you forget? How could you screw my life, both our lives, like that?” Leon screamed as he walked in circles in his office, like a lion in a cage, except that he was lost. He was lost in fear, panic and anger. And he had no control over them. Hard to bear for someone usually so grounded. And that what was pissed him off the most in this situation. Not the news of your pregnancy but lack of control.      
“Do you really think I want to be a father at the moment? Or ever? Do you really think our lives or this world are fit to welcome a kid right now?” His voice trembled, powerful emotions finally getting the better of him. A child of his could not be born in such an unsafe dark world. A child could not be part of his messed up cataclysmic life. Family was not made for him. He couldn’t be the devoted agent he was, save the world from awful monsters and have a normal life waiting for him at home. Leon had come to that conclusion years ago. And he even had accepted it long before meeting you.   “No. But it’s there now. So please, let’s figure out what to do.” You begged, understanding his fear and yet still trying to reason with him.     “What do you want to figure out, Y/N? I told you I didn’t want to be a father. And I thought I made that pretty clear when we had the baby conversation at the beginning of our relationship.”       Crystal clear. No living together, no marriage, no children. So were the terms of your relationship. A sacrifice he had asked you to make if you truly wanted to be with him. And you had made it out of love for him. But there was someone else, someone else you loved as deeply as you loved Leon if not more.
“So what do I do?” You asked, lost, using the pronoun ‘I’ because you truly felt on your own right now. “Fuck, I don’t know, Y/N. I don’t fucking know.”
3.    Bargaining
           But you eventually made a choice, one Leon never saw coming. And all he got was a letter; a simple piece of paper to explain the sacrifice you had decided to make. A letter not even truly addressed to him that made him realise that words could indeed hurt more than actions because, had he had the choice, he would have taken a thousand knives in the heart over those hundreds painful tearstained words.
                       “My dear baby,
           As I write this to you, you’re barely the size of a peach, taking a small place in my womb but already a big one in my heart in a way I never thought humanly possible. If someone had told me that one day I would love someone that intensely, that unconditionally to a point I would sacrifice everything for them, even my own life, I would have laughed to their face. But here you are, not even born and yet making me take a decision I never believed I would take. Giving up on the man I love.                    Yes, it’s going to be just the two of us from now on. Mother and child building a life together. Not the perfect family portrait but it will be ours and it will be full of love and tenderness. And I hope you’ll like it despite its flaws.                   I wish I had given you a dad but fate decided otherwise. He decided otherwise. But please, don’t hate him for that. Your dad is an incredible man. A man I love and will always love. A man that will always be a part of me whatever I do. A man that offered me the chance to be a mother. But he is not ready to make a room for you in his heart the way I did.                  I guess he would have under other circumstances but you don’t need to know them just yet. What you need to know is that your dad is a hero and that heroes sacrifice themselves. Always. Remember him that way. As a selfless man who chose the safety of the world – the world you live in - over his own happiness, because he’s done too much good for you or me to hate him.                        But don’t worry, my baby. While Daddy is making the world a safer place, I am here to make it a loving one.
           I love you,
           Your mum.”
That letter stayed on his coffee table for days, lying there for him to read again and again, next to a bottle of fine old whisky Leon would empty one glass after another, one regret after another, begging God –even though he did not believed in him – to bring you back to him.
There’s nothing worse than regrets, nothing worse than sitting alone with yourself and wait for sorrow to finally drown you, nothing worse than being lost in a maze of ‘what if’ and ‘if only’ and knowing that you cannot change anything.
What if he had made an effort? What if he had reacted otherwise and not like an ass? What if he had told you he loved you? What if he had said it would be okay? What if he had simply accepted this baby? How is life would be right now?
And he imagined it. He imagined himself at home with you in his arms, hand over your belly, feeling his child kicking and rolling under his palm. He imagined your smile, your soft giggles. Your happiness. And it crushed him. It crushed him because he wasn’t able to imagine anything else. He could not imagine the dark world he knew all too well. He could not imagine the fear or the pain he always thought he would feel in this situation.
And with regrets came guilt.
If only he had made and effort. If only he had reacted otherwise and not like an ass. If only he had told you he loved you. If only he had said it would be okay. If only he had accepted your baby. His life would be so much better right now.
4.    Depression
But you were gone and with you all his hopes of future happiness. You had taken everything from him, leaving him alone, in the dark and purposeless, wandering in his fancy apartment with a new bottle of liquor each evening.
Leon knew depression. But this depression, the one he was experiencing right now, was the worst he had ever experienced. Because if you were gone, it was not because of a bullet, it was not because of a bomb or a BOW. It was because of him. It was entirely his fault. And he couldn’t even change it.
You would not see him, not even talk to him, despite all the messages left on your voicemail or the letters in which he apologized and begged you to come back, telling you if was ready to change and that he was ready to welcome this baby if it meant you'd be together again. And it destroyed him.
He became a mess and he eventually did what he did best. He left, finding refuge in an isolated part of America, a lost cottage in the mountains to drink his sorrow away in peace, somewhere where no one would judge him or find him.
He was wrong about the last part. As one day, after weeks and weeks of radio silence and isolation, an old friend came to knock at his door to kick his ass back to where he belonged. Guess there was no escaping Claire Redfield.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? The Leon I know would never sit there powerlessly and accept his fate that easily.” Leon would have sent anyone packing after a sentence like that one. But Claire wasn’t just anyone. He listened to her. “You want Y/N back? Then quit your bullshit, Leon, and go find her.” “She doesn’t want to talk to me, Claire.” She scoffed, taking his glass of whisky away from him and throwing the liquid away. “So what? You’re gonna stay here for the rest of your miserable life, drinking and crying, and concede defeat? That doesn’t sound like you.” He accepted her scolding, admitting she was right but he had lost the strength to fight.       “I know it’s hard, Leon. I do.” Her tone was suddenly so soft and comforting. “I know what it is to lose someone you love as deeply as you love Y/N. But you can still fix it.”   “How? She pushed me out of her life. She even moved out. She doesn’t want me anymore.” Claire sighed. “How naïve you are. She loves you. She wants you back. She really does but she doesn’t want you to accept this baby just because you feel like you don’t have a choice. She wants you to want it, truly want it.”
There was a silence, a moment of introspection in which Leon felt the fear and the anxiety rushing in his veins again, knotting his stomach tightly. “I’m not ready, Claire. I’m scared.” Tears misted up his tired blue eyes. “ I know. And it’s normal. But there’s a girl in a hospital out there who’s about to give birth to your child and she needs you, now more than ever.”
5.    Acceptance
           His head was dizzy, his hands were clammy and his legs were trembling. As Leon was following the nurse in the neonatology wing of the maternity hospital, dressed in a hospital uniform, he wondered if it was the smell of disinfectant or the fright he was feeling growing inside of him that was making him want to puke right now. Perhaps a little bit of both.     “It’s this way.” The nurse opened a door and waved him to join her by a small incubator in the middle of the room, a sweet smile on her face.
But Leon froze, completely petrified. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t think. All he could do was watching at his five pounds of fear sleeping few steps away from him. “Someone’s here to see you, little angel. It’s your daddy.”         Daddy? The word made Leon tremble and small tears appear in his eyes, tears that instantly grew bigger when the small creature finally moved its tiny arms. “Many fathers are afraid when they come here. But I assure you there’s nothing to fear. Your baby is fragile but you won’t hurt her, I promise.” Leon’s blue eyes met briefly the nurse before fixing themselves upon the face of the little thing lying in the incubator. “A daughter?”  He had a daughter? He was the father of a little girl? This tiny angel in a pink beanie right there?   He approached her, instinctively, wanting so badly to see her from up close. She was so beautiful and yet so tiny.
“Would you like to hold her?” Leon nodded, without thinking twice about it and the nurse made him sit down and remove the top of his hospital uniform, informing him that it would be better for his daughter to feel his skin since it was warmer and more reassuring than any fabric.    
That first contact felt weird but Leon was certain of one thing, he had never hold anything so minuscule, light and fragile in his entire life. It scared him for a second, afraid she would break, but the instinct to protect her was stronger than anything else. “I’ll leave you two alone. If you need anything I’m not far.” Leon didn’t notice the nurse leave, mesmerized by that piece of him nestled in his arms right against his naked chest, watching her with wonder and awe, barely believing that he had made this … that you both had made this. “You’re so perfect.” He whispered as he dared caress her soft tender rosy cheek. His skin felt so rough against hers that she grimaced slightly. “So pure.”
Her hands were so little, just like her feet. Leon touched her fingers, still impressed by their size and shivered when they suddenly grabbed his index. “Wow, how strong you are, little princess.” He grinned, looking at her weak grip until he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.
They were dark and blue, soft innocent baby eyes scrutinizing him with astonishment, discovering his face and bonding with him in ways Leon had never thought possible. He could see the world in those blue eyes just as much as his daughter was discovering the world through his.   And he could feel love, strong and unconditional, a love he would never be able to feel for anyone else, he was sure of it. A fatherly love. One that would make him move mountains just for the sake of protecting his child. One that would make him give up his life for hers. How beautiful yet how scary.
And he cried tears of joy and guilt, happy to have her in his life and yet sorry that he hadn’t be there for her sorry. He had missed too much. First echography, first move, first kick, first cry. All that because of fear and stubbornness. And he felt awful because of it.          
A hand pressed gently on his shoulder. Leon turned around to see you standing next to him, a tired smile on your face. “Y/N”  You knelt by his side, softly caressing the head of your daughter who had fallen asleep in the strong arms of her father. “I’m sorry... I am so sorry. I should have been there for you.”             “ You’re here now. And that’s all that matters.”
Yes, he was here and he would remain here, by his daughter’s side and by yours, until his last breath. For first steps, first words, first birthday, first drawing, first day at school, first love, first heartbreak. He would forever be here for her and make the world a safer place for her. He had finally found a reason to keep fighting. And it was five pounds of pure love.    
Little (baby’s name) Claire Kennedy.
Making his life brighter despite five stages of fatherhood he would willingly go through again if it meant he could hold her in his arms forever.  
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honey-hippie-harper · 4 years ago
through the bleeding shell (Re-upload)
This was @obsidianfr3sk ‘s Feel Better gift asfghadsfghadfsghja. It turned out to be pretty depressing in the end bc idk how to write happy stuff but my good intentions were there, ok?
This is a Humon/Renegays fic :’). Which, basically, is about how the Renegays didn’t kiss during the trilogy...sort of. I can’t think of an specific reason why they didn’t besides bad writing and queerbaiting, but I’ve always seen Hugh as this...detached entity. Idk x’d. He shows a pretty dense attitude. And so, I thought that it was partly the reason why they’re not that affective during the trilogy. Not that they aren’t on a daily basis. I just think their relationship was in a bad place when the events happened, because, among other things, Hugh wasn’t grieving Georgia in a healthy way (I headcanon them as best friends </3) and wouldn’t allow Simon to help him. 
idk why I felt the need to talk about that.
tag list (tell me if you want to be in or out): @healing-winston-pratt @obsidianfr3sk @nodrianbcyes @alecjamesartino @everyone-has-a-nightmare @razzmooncake
through the bleeding shell
Being around someone for so long…
It allowed you to know things. Some of them important.
Others, not so much.
Simon had married a person he had been around his entire life; he had slept next to him almost every single day since he was very young. And his name was Hugh Everhart.
Simon knew every spot on Hugh’s body; he knew every mole, every random sun freckle here and there; how his body mass seemed to be well-distributed at plain sight but, in reality, his chest was naturally wider than the rest of his body, as if he had been born with the figure of a baseball player; how he scratched his nose because wrinkling it so much while laughing made it itchy; he knew the way his knuckles turned yellow when he turned them into a fist; he knew there was one single scar below his rib cage area…
He knew everything he had to know about Hugh Everhart, his husband, whom he loved so much that sometimes it hurt.
Yet, Simon was yet to know how and why, lately, he was so cold, despite still being a human furnace who was sometimes annoyed by the blanket on winter nights.
Kasumi frowned, and Simon wished she were misunderstanding, but whatever thing she was thinking, she was probably right.
Cold was a pretty wide term, which could basically mean anything. Being brutally honest, not even he knew what he was trying to convey by using that word, so he supposed he was referring to anything it could express, as a whole.
Thinking about it… yeah.
That option sounded about right.
Another thing that sounded about right, was the idea of Kasumi judging him because of it, which was something Simon knew wasn’t true and, instead, it was just his anxiety trying to ruin his day even more. But sometimes things were like that. He tried to avoid it, but never managed to do such thing. Ever.
“Not to be rude or anything.” She started, but before proceeding she seemed to realize that, maybe, that hadn’t sounded as intended, and her cheeks became extremely flushed, until Kasumi looked like she had ran under the burning sun while wearing a wool sweater for hours. “Really, Si. I don’t mean to be rude. As in...I’m...telling you this...so you think…”
She clicked her tongue, and then both Tamaya, who was also in the room, and him, stared at her as she talked to herself under her breath, making a couple of hand movements, as if she were writing her sentence in the air so she could phrase it correctly.
Sometimes, when Kasumi was nervous, she tended to struggle at putting her ideas together in a gentle, polite manner.
“...I was telling you that, so you don’t think I’m trying to offend you or minimize your pain.” She corrected herself. “Yeah?”
“...Yeah.” Simon nodded.
“Well…” Kasumi rubbed her hands together, more as a distraction than as an actual mannerism. “You know I’ve...never understood. Back at home...when we all lived together and...ugh. You know? Just...don’t mind me. Tam, you tell him.”
“No, no. What you’re saying is important too.”
“I want to listen to you, Zoomie.”
Upon the two pairs of eyes in the room being fixated on her, Kasumi kept fidgeting with the paper cone she now had between her hands, absently.
“Fine.” She whispered in a breathy voice, and then she stared at Simon, who stared back, not because he wanted to be polite or something like that, but because he genuinely wanted to listen to her.
Kasumi wasn’t a talker. That wasn’t an exaggeration or an act of fake modesty. It was just that Kasumi didn’t enjoy a lot of things, and one of them was speaking, to the point where sometimes she didn’t consider it necessary. There were days when she just...didn’t feel like speaking. And she didn’t. Because she didn’t want to. Because she didn’t need to. Because people could understand her anyway.
Still, everyone was willing to listen when she felt there was something she had to explain in a way that was verbal.
“I love my husband very much.” She said, placing a lock of hair behind her ear. “But, still, sex it’s not...a huge part of our relationship because I’ve never understood. When you joked about it back at home, I would just assume you were just doing that. Joking. I...literally didn’t expect you were serious when you talked about experiencing that type of attraction. Because I didn’t. And it’s not that I think it’s repulsive or anything like that. I just don’t get what the fuss is about. When I’m with him...it’s...usually not my first option. To think about that, I mean. And he understands and respects that, which I appreciate a lot.”
The more she spoke, the more confident her tone became. It meant she was growing more comfortable with the conversation, and that her train of thought was getting itself together, nice and slowly.
As for Simon...he was strangely comfortable, too, because this felt like a mature, adult conversation to him. Like a safe space.
After all, he was serious when he told them he needed to talk (now that Evander wasn’t here, because Evander was...not very sensitive). Hence, he was very glad they were being serious about it too.
“I understand that Hugh’s not in the spectrum.” Kasumi cleared her throat. “But...sexuality is fluid. Maybe, if you were talking about only that, it could be a good idea to talk it over. Only if he wants to, of course, because you never know; again, we can’t just assume, because one cannot do that. It’s rude. But what I mean...it’s that, whatever that’s going on in his head, maybe he’s trying to figure it out by himself. It might have nothing to do with his sexuality at all, actually, because, after all, that was just a comment...but it all comes back to the same point. Maybe he just...needs time.”
“Hugh’s pretty dense, Simon.” Simon saw the steamy cup in front of him, but he didn’t realize what it was until the smell of black coffee reached his nostrils. He hadn’t even noticed Tamaya was making coffee.
“Thank you.” He whispered anyway, as Tamaya leaned against the table, putting her weight on her elbows.
For all he knew, and all he cared about, it was pretty easy for people to judge Tamaya and label her as a bad person; she was quiet, although not in the way Kasumi was. On the contrary, she was rather serious, and her resting face was more intimidating than it was warm or welcoming. She was also really bad at controlling her temper, which didn’t help at all, but she wasn’t as bad as people wanted to portray her, or as bad as the recruits talked about her in the halls. Because, when it came to the recruits, Tamaya was strict, yes.
But somebody had to be, because being a Renegade was not a game, and the great majority of the advice she gave was extremely useful and clever.
Tamaya was caring.
Deep, very deep down. But she was.
“He’s pretty dense, but…” She sighed. “Most of the time, that’s not his fault. It’s not a good thing either. It’s not healthy for him and we shouldn’t condone it...but yeah. He can be pretty dense sometimes. He’s like that, most of the time it’s not his fault but...I don’t think you should feel like it’s yours either.”
Simon couldn’t help but flinch a little.
The thing was...he knew that.
It might’ve sounded crazy coming from him, but he knew it wasn’t his fault, even if his anxiety was determined to convince him otherwise.
Also, he was one to know that one couldn’t just fix a person. That’s not how mental health worked; of course, a romantic relationship or a relationship of any kind was a huge source of support and stability, but he knew it wasn’t enough to “heal” a person.
He knew about that, just like he knew that Hugh loved him and he loved Hugh, but that didn’t mean they could fix each other. They could make it a little better, yes; hold each other when things were rough; let the other know they weren’t alone.
But…”fixing” the other.
Not really.
They were humans.
They were people.
And the only thing people could fix, were objects, not other people.
“Like Kasumi said, sexuality is fluid, but it might as well not have to do anything with that.” Tamaya continued. Her voice sounded...soothing, strangely motherly. And she was calm.
Very calm.
It reminded Simon of someone.
They both reminded him of someone.
“Hubby and I, we both experience sexual attraction. It’s an important part of our relationship, and we enjoy it, but sometimes it’s just not the right time. He’s a doctor, I’m a Renegade Council member, and we have three wonderful boys together. Sometimes we don’t have time, so we just sit by the balcony to stargaze, holding hands, or we go out on dates like high school sweethearts, and I stand by the doorframe waiting for him to tell me I look pretty.”
Simon laughed a little.
It was evident she was trying to play it off as something dumb, but he found it absolutely adorable.
“And sometimes I’m too tired or he’s too tired, and that’s normal. It’s not our fault, and it doesn’t mean that we love each other less because…”
“Having sex doesn’t define love.” Kasumi said, and Tamaya nodded.
But again.
Simon knew that.
He really knew.
Hugh and him had busy schedules too. They both were Renegade Council members, and Hugh had it worse because not only was he a member, but also the leader of the Council. He had to be everywhere, at the same time, and people tended to think that just because he was invincible, it meant he didn’t have the right to feel emotionally drained, or at least tired.
Of course he was going to be tired.
He wasn’t a robot.
Hence, Simon understood what they were trying to say, and he agreed with Kasumi and Tamaya.
But the problem was…
He wasn’t referring just to that.
It was...part of the problem, yes.
But now that he knew their opinion about it, he had come to the realization that he still felt...empty and lost. And just...frustrated.
“We’re not only talking about sex, are we?” Tamaya asked carefully, and Simon refused to stare back at her, as he took a sip from his coffee, before answering:
“I’m afraid not.”
“Well...If you’re telling us this, it’s because you do want to talk about it, right?”
“I do. Yes.”
“Well. We’re listening.”
At the same time Tamaya spoke, a cold, little hand, laced between Simon’s.
A hand that felt like the sea and, even if he hadn’t known she was the only person in the room besides Tamaya and him, he would’ve recognized it as Kasumi’s.
So Simon squeezed her hand back.
“We’re listening, Si.” She confirmed. “We’re here for you.”
He knew that, and it was something he was extremely grateful about.
Now he just had to figure out how to put into words what he was feeling, because at this point it felt impossible for him to know.
There were just...so many things, but at the same time such a limited number of details he could recall.
It just felt...unreal.
And weird.
Very weird.
But Simon didn’t feel numb, unlike anyone would’ve expected from him.
In fact, he felt so sad he couldn’t even cry.
And it was the worst feeling ever.
“I don’t know.” He said, in a hoarse voice. “I just...don’t know anymore. It’s just...I…”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know.” He clarified. “...But maybe that’s why I don’t know what it is.”
For the shortest second, Simon came to the realization he was talking to himself instead of talking to them, or perhaps it was something that, deep down, was giving him the answer to why this whole situation was making him so uneasy and upset. Like, of course it was making him this upset. It was his husband they were talking about. Hugh was his fight. Hugh was…
Simon didn’t know.
But what he did know was that, maybe, it had nothing to do with himself, and that’s why he just couldn’t…
He just couldn’t understand.
Why couldn’t he understand?
Why did it have to be like this?
“I want to know what it is.” Simon took a deep breath, trying to make himself understood; trying to make them understand what he couldn’t. “...So I can...make it better...So I can...help him. So we can...look for help together.”
Simon scratched his brow with his free hand.
“But he’s just… so cold. He doesn’t talk to me. He doesn’t come closer. He doesn’t...do anything. We don’t do anything. And I can’t help but feel like...he’s not here, even though he’s…” Simon scoffed, painfully. “...He’s right there, in front of my face.”
His eyes became fixated on a blank point, as if he were staring at an invisible Hugh, who wasn’t staring back at him.
“And I want him to...tell me. Because if he doesn’t tell me, then I have no way to know what’s wrong. And if I don’t know what’s wrong...then I don’t know for how long I can take it, you know? It’s just...I can’t bear to stand there as he pushes me away.”
Kasumi started running her thumb through his knuckles, and Simon felt Tamaya’s hands on his shoulders, massaging them, gently.
“I’m just scared...that when he finally wants me to come closer again, it might be too late...and maybe I won’t want to come closer again.”
Tamaya’s hands stopped moving for a moment, and Simon could almost feel her and Kasumi’s shock. He hadn’t even planned to say that. It just slipped.
And when Simon noticed it had slipped, it was far too late for him to hold it back.
“Maybe you should talk to him, after all.” Kasumi said, slowly, and Simon stared into her eyes.
He didn’t realize that was the thing he didn’t want to hear until he felt nothing but hopelessness.
A type of fear that became more intense in the moment they heard the door opening, and that’s when Simon saw him.
Hugh was standing right there, staring, and when his eyes laid on Simon, he arched an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused and worried.
“What’s happening here?” He asked. “...Si? Are you okay?”
Are you?
Simon didn’t want to answer. He really didn’t.
He didn’t want this to be about him.
He didn’t want Hugh asking him what was wrong if, harsh as it sounded, everything that was making him uncomfortable or upset had to do with him, not because Simon was blaming him, but because he was genuinely worried.
Let me help, Hugh.
Let me in.
“...Yeah. I’m...fine.”
Please, love.
Let me in.
Simon could see him hurting, but where he saw hurt, Hugh saw some type of burden that was meant to be concealed, committing treason against his own advice; dodging the sound of the voice of a younger Hugh, who guided a younger Simon through the dark, telling him it was alright.
That pain was alright.
And that pain didn’t make him less human.
Hugh’s pain, in particular, was a grey, bleeding shell that was so thick Simon couldn’t find a way to get in, and Hugh couldn’t find a way to get out.
So they just pressed their palms together through the bleeding shell, staring at each other's eyes through a polarized surface, that stopped their skin from touching, and stopped their lips from finding the other.
And the worst thing...was that Simon was craving that. He craved Hugh’s lips. He craved everything physical about him, just like he craved everything that wasn’t physical too. And he craved him so much he felt like dying every time he was close. He craved him so much it made him feel like a teenager again.
Which, in his case, wasn’t a good thing.
He wished it was.
But...teenage years weren’t fun if you had to spend them trapped in a closet. Things were never good when lived from inside a closet.
He didn’t want his life outside that closet to be like that too.
“Did you have an attack? ...Si, did you take your pills? … You did, right?”
“Hugh.” Simon heard Tamaya’s voice. “Is there...something that you needed?”
Hugh blinked, knowing that, maybe, he had interrupted something.
Mostly because it wasn’t like Tamaya was trying to hide it either.
“...Yeah.” He said, resting his arms on the nearest chair.
Tamaya pulled away from Simon, and Kasumi let go of his hand. They didn’t become fully focused, nor did they put on their “I’m working” mode either, but they did manage to...pretend. Even Simon managed to do so.
“Uh...I…” Hugh snapped his fingers in front of his own face, trying to remember what was it that he had to say.
“....Yeah.” He concluded. “Yeah. Uh… Tam. I need you to head downtown because they want you to supervise some of the floats for the parade. From...up, I mean. So you can check some of the details. I already checked from the ground and everything’s looking good, but now they want you to give them the green light.”
“Right now?”
“Preferably.” Hugh scratched his nose. “Were you...in the middle of something?”
Tamaya filled her cheeks with air, and then let it out, making a little trumpet with her lips.
“No.” She lied. “It’s fine. I’ll go. Just let me put some stuff in my locker, alright?”
“Be careful when you fly, okay? It’s kinda hot outside. If you get dizzy...”
“If I get dizzy, I’ll land. I know. I’m the one who’s flying.”  
Given that she was already heading by the door, Tamaya patted his shoulder, and they said goodbye with a very polite kiss on the cheek, before Tamaya left the room completely, and Hugh drew his attention towards Kasumi.
“Margaret White is acting out.”
Kasumi frowned. Deeply.
“Uh. White? You know? The Renegades’ ward? The kid?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who Maggie is.” Kasumi waved her hands in front of her own face. “...Who named her that?”
“Who named her what?”
“White. Who on Earth…?” Kasumi clicked her tongue. “Nevermind, okay? Just...what did she do?”
“Zoomie, I had already told you.” Hugh laughed, confused.
“I thought you were being rude, Hugh.”
Margaret White was the Renegades’ protégé. Her powers consisted of detecting and attracting metals which, evidently, was not something that was out of this world. In fact, she had been recruited at such a young age not because she had extraordinary abilities, but because she was problematic as heck.
She was Max’s age, more or less but, unlike Max, Margaret had no chill.
Her life was ruined from the moment somebody saw her and decided that White was a suitable last name for her, Tamaya used to say.
Margaret’s skin was tan, and she had slanted eyes. Naming her “White” almost seemed like a tasteless joke.
Simon himself thought Hugh was just being disrespectful the first time he told him her name, and he had to hear it a couple of times before he just...accepted he was serious (and that Hugh himself didn’t seem to like the idea of her being named like that very much).
Maggie was really problematic. For real. She had been kicked out of a couple of orphanages already, and maybe she would have been kicked out of this one too, if it hadn’t been a prodigy orphanage, which happened to be under Kasumi’s management, meaning it was directly related to the Council. And they were supposed to make sure nobody got kicked out of there.
Simon liked Maggie, because he knew that there was a chance that everything she ever did had reason behind it. An emotional reason. Perhaps she wanted love. Perhaps she wanted attention.
Perhaps she just…
Wanted someone who didn’t give up on her at the minimum inconvenience.
So he just...tried not to.
Hard as it was, because Maggie tended to make it hard; Kasumi had tried to canalize her to a psychologist many times, but her response always was that “she wasn’t crazy” (perhaps because kids her age were mean and “crazy” was one of their favorite words to use as an insult) and...well...part of the process in children, was understanding when it was the right time and when it wasn’t.
Sometimes forcing kids into treatment made it worse, and Maggie was pretty mature for her age, while painfully childish at the same time. Respecting her space and giving her time was their only option, if they didn’t want to turn her into a ticking bomb.
“Are you for real? I’ve been addressing her like that for like…”
“Just tell me what the little bundle of joy did now.”
“Pff.” Hugh scoffed. “Bundle of joy.”
Then, he cleared his throat the moment Kasumi fixed a glare at him.
“Well...the usual. She stole something from one of the nannies, Carrietta Ferland saw her and she locked her in a cellar so she wouldn’t say anything.”
“She locked Carrietta Ferland in a cellar.” Kasumi rubbed her forehead, and before she left the meeting room, she squeezed Simon’s wrist.
She didn’t say goodbye to Hugh.
Simon didn’t, either, when he excused himself under the sort of cheap white lie he needed to wash his face.
But one could only wash their face so much, before their partner suspected.
When Simon didn’t come back, Hugh didn’t go after him. He never did at first.
As in…
Hugh always went after him, just not at first; over time, Simon had grown to accept it wasn’t a pride thing.
When Hugh left, he never wanted anyone to go after him, and he was the type to believe that just because he didn’t want something, it meant nobody wanted it; Simon had gotten used to it, because Hugh was his husband, and they accepted each other just like they were.
What Simon refused to accept, was the bleeding shell Hugh was inside of.
He hated it.
He despised it, especially at night. It would grow around Hugh in slow motion, and then he would bleed through, and the whole room would turn red, overflowing it with unspoken, suffocated anger and pain.
Hugh turned his back at Simon that night, so Simon turned his back at him too, not because he was mad, but because he didn’t feel like staring at Hugh’s back today.
Their room became as cold as an industrial fridge, as they both fell deep into the notion the other was not asleep, and that they both were listening to the sound of a room that was currently filled with deathly silence.
Deathly as the bone-chilling cold penetrating their limbs, their organs, and their everything.
Deathly as…
Deathly as feelings.
All the stored feelings, and the way Simon craved something he knew was right there.
Hugh was right there. Right next to him. And his body, which he knew so well, was laying next to him, turning his back at him, with every mole, every sun freckle, a chest wider than the rest of his body…
And one single scar below his rib cage.
The same rib cage that protected his heart.
Say something, Simon.
The same heart Simon had felt beating so many times.
Say something.
Maybe this had a reason too.
An emotional reason.
Perhaps love. Or attention.
Say something. Anything.
Because you do go after people from the very first moment.
Slowly, as if he had never moved before in his life, Simon rolled to the other side, and as his trembling hand rested on Hugh’s arm, he became alert, awake as they both were, and he looked over his shoulder.
“Hugh?” Simon asked, the name leaving a familiar firm in his mouth that tasted like home.
He didn’t answer, because that was his name. Hence, he knew he was trying to talk to him.
“Come here, Hugh.”
And Hugh came over, hesitantly, rolling to his side too, as they faced each other, and Simon ran his finger through his face, just...exploring every spot he already knew, as if he were visiting his comfort place, of his favorite bench in the park.
His blue eyes seemed to shine in the darkness, and Simon felt he could’ve gotten lost in them and never come back.
But he didn’t get lost.
Because he had to find the love of his life first.
“I’m never giving up on you.” He whispered. “...you know that, right?”
Perhaps he didn’t.
But, on the other hand, perhaps he did. And Simon was left with nothing but the mere hope it had meant something.
“I’m never giving up on you either, Si.”
But Simon did know that.
Did he know.
What he didn’t know, however, was the answer to the what.
He wondered what that had felt like.
He wondered what Nightmare had felt when, the morning after, she tried to shoot Hugh in the eye from a roof.
Not because he were mad at her.
No. Not really.
She was young after all.
He just wondered what she had felt.
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ollieofthebeholder · 4 years ago
leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall) a TMA fanfic
[1] [2] Also on AO3.
Chapter 3: Martin
Martin waits until everyone leaves the Archives that night. Then he waits a bit longer, just to be certain they’re gone. Then he wastes a little more time telling himself not to be stupid.
Then he sighs, pockets torch and corkscrew, and ventures into the Archives to find himself.
It’s surprisingly easy. His double, or alter ego, or future self, or…whatever the right term is for him, is waiting for him in one of the reading nooks, seated in a comfortable armchair, hands folded around a mug of tea. He turns his head as Martin approaches and smiles, a tired sort of smile. “Still here, then. How’d he take it?”
Martin eyes the other (it’s easier to think of him that way for now). He seems relaxed, mostly, but there’s a kind of tension to him, like he’s waiting for another shoe to drop. And his hands—Martin probably wouldn’t notice if his own hadn’t done the same earlier—are trembling, ever so faintly. He’s either tired or stressed or scared, or some combination of the three. Martin suddenly feels bad for adding to that, in whatever way he did.
“How’d he take it when you told him?” he parries, taking a cautious seat in the armchair across from the other. He notices another mug of tea sitting on the small table between them. “Is that for me?”
“Thought we could both use some. It’s that peppermint-chamomile blend nobody admits they drink, so it shouldn’t keep you up all night.”
Martin picks up the cup, feeling its warmth soak into his palms. Just the smell is calming, sort of. “You didn’t answer my first question.”
“He…smiled,” the other says slowly. “I was a bit worried about him, to be honest. Thought he’d gone off his rocker. But…well, he was a bit paranoid at the time. Things were—it was bad. Not as bad as it got later, but still…bad. He’d gotten convinced one of us might have been trying to kill him, or might have killed Gertrude Robinson—long story why he believed that, I really can’t tell you just yet—and then he found part of a letter I’d written to Mum in the document storage room, after I’d moved back out, talking about not wanting the others to find out the truth. Combined with the fact that he’d just finished reading a statement from Trevor Herbert—you know, the vampire hunter? Apparently he didn’t actually die after giving his first one—and he sort of overreacted. Then I told him the only thing I’d been lying about was my job history, and he could relax. Said he was honestly rather relieved.”
Martin nearly chokes on the sip of tea he’s just taken. Setting it down on the table, he takes a moment to clear his throat, then says in as neutral a voice as he can, “He said the same thing to me. At the end. He wasn’t…mad or anything. Just told me to ask for help if I need it. And then he had me spend the rest of the day on filing. Wants me to look for statements that…might help with the current situation?”
He’s not sure why that comes out as a question. The other gives a thoughtful hum. “There are a few out there. Jane Prentiss made a statement in…let me think, 2014? It’s been a while since I listened to it. And I honestly don’t know exactly where it is in here.”
“Yeah, things are pretty out of order. Jon can’t figure out why Gertrude just shoved things wherever.”
“Ah—that’s a—”
“Don’t tell me. It’s a long story,” Martin says, a bit sourly.
“I know, you’re getting tired of hearing that,” the other says, sounding apologetic. “It really is, though. And…this isn’t the best place or time to tell it.”
“Why not?” Martin knows he sounds like a petulant toddler, but he feels like he’s being treated like one. “What’s the big deal?”
“I’m—waiting for someone else. Once they get here, we’ll tell you—all of you—but really, this is…they explain it better than I do. And they know how to keep you all safe once you know it. I don’t. There’s only so much I can tell you without putting you at risk, and frankly putting our whole plan to save the world in jeopardy. And I’m sorry, I know how much you hate feeling like you’re being…brushed off or kept in the dark or whatever, but I’m not doing this for fun. For right now, just know that Gertrude had her reasons, and they were…I’m not going to say they were valid, because I’m not sure it would have made a difference if she had organized the Archives properly, but I’m not sure they didn’t at least slow things down a bit.” The other takes a deep breath. “We’ll tell you everything as soon as we can. Promise.”
“When is…this someone else supposed to get here?” Martin asks. The speech took a bit of the wind out of him, actually.
“Soon, I hope. We’re…relying on someone else for transportation, shall we say, and we were warned it would be unreliable. Problem is, I don’t know if we came through at the same time but in different places, or if we’ll come through in the same place but at different times.”
“And you don’t have a way of communicating with one another?”
The other hesitates again. “Not…really. They can find me, though. In theory, anyway. They always could before. And if they can’t, well, we both know the plan, and it involves the Archives, so they’ll be heading this way anyway. I just…don’t know for sure.”
Martin bites his lip. “Is it—look, what if you came through the same place at different times, but they got here first? Would they have…”
“They’d have found me by now. I’d bump into them trawling through the Archives after you’re supposed to be sleeping.” A familiar dimple winks in the other’s cheek as he smiles, if only for a second. “Trust me. I know it’s hard to believe, but they wouldn’t have just…left me. Wherever they are, if they’ve come through somewhere else, they’re looking for me.”
Martin tries not to be skeptical, but he can’t help but think that whoever this someone else is, they must be someone he hasn’t met yet. Even Tim or Sasha, if they came back in time with him to fix something, would immediately apply themselves to solving the problem rather than waste time worrying about where he might be. Unless something changes drastically between now and whenever his counterpart came back—you know, besides the end of the world—he very much doubts they ever would. He wants to ask when he meets this person, but decides against it. The fact that his counterpart has changed the timeline means that now he might not meet that person, and that’s a bit of a depressing thought. That saving the world might come at the cost of Martin being that important to someone.
It’s worth it, but it’s still a bit depressing.
“Would they have looked for you before?” The question slips out before he can stop it, and he wants to bite his tongue in half, then decides, to hell with it. He might as well press on. “Before the end of the world, I mean.”
“Not only would they,” the other says, quietly but with steel in his voice, “but they did. They found out I was heading into a dangerous situation and practically moved heaven and earth to find me and bring me back safely. Almost literally. So when I say I know they’re coming, I know. I’m more certain of that than I’ve ever been of anything else in my life.”
“And you’re not…worried about them?”
“Constantly. Just like I’m sure they worry about me. But I know they won’t give up on me, any more than I’ll ever give up on them. They’ll find me.”
“Why don’t you go find them?” Martin asks. If whatever plan they have involves them needing to be together…
The other shakes his head slowly. “If they’re going to come out at the same place but not the same time, I’ll just be wasting time I could be using to lay the groundwork here. And if they’re already on the way from wherever they ended up…what if we miss one another? I’m not adding to their worries more than I have to.”
Martin desperately wants to change the subject now. He can hear the strain in the other’s voice, but more than that, he hears the undercurrent of real, genuine love. He and…whoever else is coming back…have a deep bond, nigh-unshakable, and Martin wants that, longs for it. And it kills him knowing that he’s likely not going to get it. He’s sure he’ll never meet this person now.
“So,” he says finally. “Until they get here…what can you tell me?”
The other takes a slow, thoughtful sip of his tea. “I can tell you that you’re in danger.”
“But you said—”
“Oh, not from the worms. Not really. It’s the Archives. The Institute.”
The other pauses. For a long moment there’s no sound but the usual noises of an old building settling for the evening and the gentle susurration of the climate control system. Martin sips at the tea, feels the herbs curl gently into his stomach, and wonders how much anxiety is going to surge past the soothing mint and chamomile as soon as his older counterpart starts talking again. That the Institute is creepy isn’t really news to him, but dangerous?
“There are…forces in this world you know nothing about,” the other says at last. “Powerful beings. They thrive on fear. They are fear. And one of them was behind the founding of the Institute.”
“And it’ll—do what? Hurt me? Control me?”
“Not…really? Not on purpose, anyway. It’s fond of you.”
Martin supposes that makes sense. A being that thrives on fear? He must be a veritable feast. Especially right now. It’s probably fond of him the way a glutton might be fond of a smorgasbord, or at least a cheeseboard if anxiety doesn’t quite have the same level of sustenance as fear. For a wild moment, he considers asking, then decides in favor of listening silently to the other continue.
“But these beings have…I don’t even really know what to call them. Servants? Worshipers? Devotees? We used to call some of them avatars, but that’s not really accurate. There are people who come under their power, willingly or unwillingly, and some of them get powers from these things. They don’t lose their free will, for the most part. They still have a degree of autonomy under their powers, although they can be punished, sometimes pretty severely, for doing something too contrary to what their…entity wants, or needs. But…well. There’s at least one person under the—being that founded the Institute’s thrall that doesn’t care if you get hurt or not. Right now, anyway.”
“Right now,” Martin repeats. “And later?”
“Hopefully, you’ll never have to find out what he can do if he does want to hurt you.”
The pain in the other’s voice is palpable, and he looks…lost. Martin’s blood runs cold as he considers the possible interpretations of that. Logically, a fear being that wants to hurt you would make you more afraid, right? But possibly give you a valid reason for that fear, so that you’d be irrationally afraid of seemingly innocuous things later. Like in the Carlos Vittery statement, when he accidentally killed a spider and then fell into the egg sac and was swarmed by them and…
“Hang on,” Martin blurts. “Is there—does one of these fear beings have to do with spiders?”
“Ah—yes, actually. Not the one that runs the Institute, though.”
“Christ, is that why Jon’s so averse to spiders? He ran into that being once? Did it hurt him? Is it still after him?”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down.” The other holds out a hand, palm outward. “Short answers? Yes, yes, not exactly, and sort of. There’s a lot going on there. But that’s why I told you last night to keep an eye out for spiders. They invariably mean something is messing with him. Again.”
Martin exhales heavily. He likes spiders, always has, stemming back to his grandfather reading him Charlotte’s Web every afternoon for two weeks when he was in bed with the chicken pox. A lot of the things he loves—spiders, poetry, cherry preserves, Highland cattle—are things he discovered, or more accurately was given, at his grandfather’s knee. His mother’s father, with whom Martin had spent more time than either of his parents even before his father walked out on them, the man who taught Martin everything from his parents’ native Polish to knitting, who walked with a cane but never showed any difficulty keeping up with his only grandson. Who never told him not to be afraid, but always showed him how to fight back against his fears. His grandfather loved him—is probably the last person who really loved him, if Martin’s being honest—and he still misses him sorely. He’s never admitted to Jon that’s why he gets so defensive about spiders, but now he wonders what Jon would say if he did.
“Did you ever tell him?” he asks, then clarifies when the other gives him an odd look. “Why you like spiders so much. About Granddad and all.”
“A little. Not about the spiders, though. By the time we were close enough to talk about that sort of thing, I understood a little better why he didn’t like them and we avoided the subject if we could.”
Martin wants to ask how long that took, but decides against it. He doesn’t want to force things if it won’t happen that quickly for him, and he also doesn’t want to hold back from trying if he hears that it’s “supposed” to be a while. Let things happen at their own pace, he supposes. That’s all he really can do.
“Hypothetically speaking,” he says slowly, “and not to change the subject, but…how long do you have to stop the world from ending?”
The other puffs out his cheeks and exhales. “Couple years? But it’s…we’re trying to slow the prep work, so to speak. We’re hoping we can stop it altogether. Might only be able to delay the inevitable, but we have to try.”
“Even though you survived the world ending?”
“Especially because we survived the world ending.”
“Did we all survive it?” Martin asks. “Tim? Sasha? Jon?”
There’s a long silence before the other replies, “Everyone who was alive when the world ended continued to be alive after. It’s just that a lot of them wished they weren’t.”
Martin really, really wishes he didn’t ask. And even though he’s burning to know whether any of them regretted being alive past the end of the world, he decides to table that question…for now. The other looks like he’s in real pain, and Martin wouldn’t make that worse even if it wasn’t his own face he’s seeing that look on. Which is still really weird to contemplate.
“So what can I do?” he asks instead.
“I told you. Keep—”
“Keep Jon safe, I know. That’s—you should know you don’t have to actually tell me to do that, really. But I mean…other than that. What can I do to help you?”
The other pauses. He tilts his head slightly to one side, like he���s listening to something Martin can’t hear, or like he’s studying him, or maybe just like he’s thinking. Finally, he says, “Where are you hiding the fire extinguishers?”
“Everywhere I can.” Martin wonders that the other doesn’t know that, if he was, well, him.
“No, I know that. It’s just…I don’t have my bearings anymore. The Archives…I haven’t been down here in, well, a long time. I don’t remember where everything is off the top of my head. And trying to find things without—” The other stops. “I’m trying not to be seen by any of you, really. Obviously I’m failing, but I’m trying. It’s hard to move around without…making noise or drawing attention. Harder than it used to be, anyway.”
“Oh.” Martin should have guessed that. He thinks for a minute. “I’ll grab you a couple, if you want. Then you can put them somewhere you’ll remember. I’d give you this one, but…”
The other smiles. “Thank you. I do appreciate that. But if you’re asking what you can do to help with the plan…well, you really can help best by keeping Jon safe.”
“Are you going to ever tell me what the plan is?”
“Eventually. When it’s not just me. It’s—it’s going to take some work. Not as easy as we’d like it to be, and…well, there’s a bit of an additional difficulty now. I don’t know how long it’s going to take us to be ready, or able, to do what needs doing. But we were always planning to bring you all in.”
Martin is bursting with questions, but he tries to tamp it down and be patient. “In that case…want me to fill you in on what we’re working on? Will that help?”
The other’s smile is broad and wistful. “Absolutely. Let’s hear it.”
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particularemu · 5 years ago
Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series | Part 3
Part: [Prologue] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Epilogue]
Word Count: 5265
Type: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: mentions murder, suicide, self-harm, drugs, being drugged, weapons (kinda), depression, anxiety, manic episodes, 
Tag List: @alightiny​
Author’s Note: Shit is about to hit the fan!!! Stay tuned fam :3 
As usual, if y’all want to be added to the tag list, please shoot me a message 💖
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“What are you two doing?” 
Your head snapped to the door, shoulders relaxing instantly when you saw Chan’s smiling face. His dimples popped out, making you smile as you greeted the brunette. “Hey, Chan.” 
“You look like you’re having fun.” Chan kneeled next to you and Hyunjin, offering his hand to the boy. Hyunjin shook Chan’s hand, smiling when he introduced himself. “I’m the one who takes over the night-shift.” The man chuckled. “Dr. Bang, but I hate the way that sounds so please call me Chan.” 
Hyunjin couldn’t help but snicker at the older boy as he stood up. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Bang. How many jokes did you hear your first week?” 
“Please. I’m still hearing them.” Chan laughed. “Well, if you’re ready to head home, go ahead. I’ll take over. If you want to stay, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind your company.” 
Hyunjin paused, wondering what he should do. The next hour or two could be a HUGE opportunity to bond with you. If he could build a solid foundation of trust, Hyunjin might be able to dig into that brain of yours and figure out why you’re suffering from retrograde amnesia. It was clear that he gained your trust over the past hour. He was having fun chatting with you about this and that — and well… hearing you compliment him wasn’t half bad either. 
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about Chan. The man seemed trustworthy, but so did Dr. Henry when Hyunjin first met the man. Who’s to say that Chan isn’t going to get upset and beat you down? He was quite muscular. You wouldn’t stand a chance against him. Despite Hyunjin’s concern, he could see you trusted Chan, and in the end, that’s all that mattered. 
Pure exhaustion took over and Hyunjin decided that yes… yes he did need to go back to the dorms and get some sleep. After all the fucked up things he’s seen today, he just wanted to plop in bed and sleep for a good twelve hours. “I think I’ll head home.” Hyunjin sighed and leaned forward, whispering in Chan’s ear while you were making your bed. “She witnessed a suicide today, so watch out for nightmares.” 
Chan chuckled a bit. “You must care about her a lot.” 
“Hmm?” Hyunjin cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Of course I care about her. She’s my patient.” 
“Mhm.” Chan looked unconvinced. “Sure.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, making the younger boy flush bright red. 
“Not what you think.” Hyunjin rubbed his cheeks to disguise the redness. “I’m going home. Goodnight.” Hyunjin turned to you and smiled brightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” 
You smiled and waved at Hyunjin. “Thank you. For everything.” 
Hyunjin kneeled down to your level and ruffled your hair. “We’ll figure this out. I know we will. Sleep well.” Hyunjin stood up and headed out the door, smiling when he saw you wave goodbye. 
As soon as the door closed behind him, Hyunjin smacked his cheeks a couple times, wincing at the sting. “I gotta get my shit together.” Hyunjin leaned his head back against the wall, shaking his head to rid himself of the images of blood, death, and deceit. The boy slowly sunk down the wall, threading his fingers in his hair as he tried to pull himself together. 
He couldn’t cry. Not here. Not now. 
The institution reminded him of something from a horror movie — one of the ones where everyone dies in the end. Hyunjin couldn’t help but curse himself for taking this job. During his first day, he’s dealt with an abusive doctor, creepy caretakers, an asshole boss, and he witnessed a man slice his own throat open with a shard of glass. 
And then there was you… 
You were like a bright ray of sunshine cutting through the cracks beneath the rubble of this institution. Behind all that anxiety — all that panic — was just a girl who was terrified of what lurked behind the walls. Hyunjin vowed to help you get out of Rosewood, and he was planning to follow through. 
Hyunjin sighed and stood up, hoping no one saw him have a small meltdown. The amount of tension he was carrying in his shoulders was borderline painful. Hyunjin stretched his arms, hoping to ease the ache as he left the institution, pausing to wave at the kind-looking receptionist. 
Hyunjin took a deep breath, eyes scanning the landscape around the institution. Perhaps he should start taking night walks? Rosewood looked even more beautiful at night. The rolling hills looked as though they jumped right out of a painting, the lush green grass illuminated by the moonlight. As he walked to the staff building with his hands in his pockets, he couldn’t help but think about you once more. 
From what he’s heard over the past few hours, you were a horrible patient who constantly had anxiety attacks, meltdowns, and violent episodes. Many people told him you were on the brink of insanity. Based on your actions today, Hyunjin couldn’t see you putting up a fight with anyone. If you were, you probably had a good reason to. Hyunjin couldn’t shake the memories of Dr. Henry throwing you across the room. Your body would be clad with bruises in the morning. Too bad Dr. Douglas wouldn’t listen. 
Hyunjin pushed on the door to the staff building, pausing when he spotted Minho slumped over by his room, head held in his hands. What’s he doing here? Minho looked defeated. Hyunjin could practically see the memories playing over and over again in the older boy’s head — a shitty slideshow telling him how he fucked up a man’s second chance at life. 
“Hey,” Hyunjin gently rested his hand on the older boy’s shoulder, noticing the way Minho relaxed under his touch. When was the last time this man had someone on his side? “Why don’t you come in?” Hyunjin smiled sadly at Minho when he raised his head, dead eyes meeting Hyunjin’s lively brown orbs. Minho nodded and pushed his tired body off the ground, smiling ever-so-slightly as Hyunjin helped him stand. 
“Sorry.” Minho’s voice was so quiet, Hyunjin wondered if he was hearing things correctly. His shoes scuffed against the floor as Minho trudged over to Hyunjin’s freshly made bed. “Today…” Minho paused, wracking his brain for the right words. “Can I…” He trailed off once more. 
“Of course.” Hyunjin didn’t need to hear the rest of the sentence to know what Minho was going to ask. He couldn’t forget the look on Minho’s face — eyes full of grief as the needle fell from his hands. Minho lost the patient he’s been taking care of for three years. It had to be tough. 
Besides… Hyunjin would rather Minho stay the night. He could use the company.
Minho plopped on Hyunjin’s bed, messing up the sheets as he scooted up to the headboard, hugging his knees to his chest. Brunette locks fell down his face, masking his glassy eyes. 
Hyunjin felt for the older boy. He’s never witnessed a suicide before. Hyunjin couldn’t imagine watching you commit suicide — and he’s only known you a day. 
“I met with Dr. Douglas.” Minho’s voice was small, voice barely above a whisper. 
“You’re not in trouble right?” Hyunjin frowned. “You tried your best to stop him.” 
“No…” Minho sighed. “They’re removing anything breakable from the patient’s rooms in the morning.” 
“That makes sense.” Hyunjin leaned against the dresser, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’ll prevent any more suicides.” 
“No, it won’t.” Minho scoffed, an empty chuckle slipping past his lips. “You don’t know what people will do to end their lives.” 
“How can they…” Hyunjin trailed off, unsure if he wanted to know. 
“I’ve seen a man run headfirst into the wall until he knocked himself out.” Minho clenched his eyes shut. “I’ve also seen someone stab themselves in the eye with a needle because they thought it would be long enough to kill them.” 
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “Are they still alive?”
“No.” Minho took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. “They always find a way, Hyunjin.” Minho shook his head. “Anyways, your girl has a glass music box from her mother. It’ll crush her when they confiscate it.” 
“What?” Hyunjin sat down next to Minho. “I thought she didn’t remember anything from her past. How does she know it’s from her mother?” 
“She doesn’t,” Minho mumbled. “Her mother knew she was here before…” Minho trailed off. 
“Knew?” Hyunjin’s heart dropped. “Oh no…” 
“Her mother died three months ago when I took over her care.” Minho chuckled. “That glass music box is her inheritance.” 
“She doesn’t know?” Hyunjin couldn’t blame Minho for keeping it from you. Telling you heartbreaking information like that when you’re recovering could set you back. The last thing the doctors wanted was another patient losing their mind. 
“She wasn’t doing well.” Minho sighed. “At all. I thought telling her would make things worse.” The poor boy felt horrible for keeping this from you for so long, but he didn’t know if you would have a breakdown. “She was constantly in and out of solitary confinement, she was having multiple electroconvulsive therapy sessions a day, and she was trying to attack me with a lamp every time I walked into her room.” 
What? Multiple electroconvulsive therapy sessions in one day? That’s complete bullshit! Hyunjin’s mouth dropped open as he tried to process the information given to him. You were suffering from retrograde amnesia. This confirms his theory that the electroconvulsive therapy sessions were making your memory loss worse. Minho’s deep sigh shook Hyunjin out of his thoughts. 
“Hey.” Hyunjin rested his hand on Minho’s shoulder. “You made the right call. Do you know about her father?” Hyunjin figured that changing the subject would help. 
“We have no idea. We’ve never heard of a father, so we figured she grew up in a single-parent household.” Minho took a deep breath. “She’s about to lose the only thing that reminds her of her family. She’s going to be crushed.”
Hyunjin thought about it for a second. He was right. You had one little music box to remember your mother by. There’s no way in hell he was going to let you lose it. “Not if I have anything to do with it.” Hyunjin reached into the dresser and threw on a hoodie, rushing out the door before Minho could do anything about it. 
“Dumbass.” Minho chuckled and laid under the covers, drifting off almost instantly. 
Hyunjin rushed over to the institution and headed straight for your room. As soon as he opened the door, he could see the beautiful glass music box resting on the windowsill. The glass sparkled in the moonlight. He could see why you were so attached to it. The colorful glass was a nice contrast — compared to the dark, prison-like room you were forced to live in. The patients weren’t allowed to have pictures on the wall, the room was painted white, and the pitch-black sky didn’t help the eerie-looking room. No wonder you were depressed. 
Little did Hyunjin know, eyes were watching his every move as he opened the door. 
Hyunjin smiled when Chan waved at him from the desk in the corner of the room. “Forget something?”
Wait… Could he trust Chan? Despite his encounter with the older boy an hour ago, Hyunjin couldn’t shake that feeling of paranoia. Hyunjin knew he was being unreasonable, but he really only trusted Minho. Minho was the one who warned him about this place. Chan? Chan was continuing his work as if nothing was out of place at the institution. Hyunjin didn’t know if he should trust someone like that. 
“Dr. Douglas needs you quick!” Hyunjin gestured to the door. “It sounds like an emergency!” 
“Oh damn. Okay!” Chan closed his laptop and rushed out the door, pausing to say “Thanks!”
Great! Now that he’s gone, Hyunjin could grab the music box without you knowing. Hyunjin couldn’t help but smile as he saw your sleeping face. You looked unbothered by the world — as if you hadn’t been living in a horrible institution for the past few months. 
Hyunjin reached out to the music box on the window sill, eyes sparkling as the colors shimmered in the moonlight. 
“Why are you taking my music box?” Your small voice made Hyunjin’s heart drop. “That’s all I have.” 
Hyunjin’s heart completely shattered when he looked over, noticing the pure betrayal in your glassy eyes. He worked so hard to build trust with you over the past 12 hours, he couldn’t lose it now. “Oh, I wasn’t.” Hyunjin smiled brightly. “I just thought it was pretty.” Hyunjin sat at the edge of your bed, brushing some hair behind your ear as you yawned. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have tried to touch it. I just wanted to hear the song.” 
“It’s fine.” You mumbled and rubbed your eyes. “You can open it.” 
Hyunjin reached over, grabbing the music box off the windowsill, holding the fragile box in his hands. He gently opened the lid, closing his eyes to listen to the beautiful melody that began to play. Hyunjin felt your head drop onto his shoulder, sending his heart into a frenzy as he leaned his head onto yours. 
“My mother gave this to me.” You smiled as you looked up at Hyunjin, noticing how beautiful his milky skin looked in the moonlight. 
“Yeah?” Hyunjin smiled. “Your mother has good taste.” 
“She used to sing this song to me when I was a kid.” Your face fell. “She hasn’t come to visit me yet.” Hyunjin’s heart broke when your eyes started to glassy. “She sent me letters saying she’ll come. Why hasn’t she come Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin’s face paled as he said, “I don’t know sweetheart. She’s probably sick. The institution won’t let sick people in the building because they don’t want any of the patients to get sick.” 
Did you buy it?
“Oh that makes sense.” You smiled at Hyunjin. “I can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s a wonderful person.” 
Wait, what?
Hyunjin’s eyes widened when he realized what just happened. Okay, so he thought you were cute. That’s not a bad thing, right? It’s not like he wanted to take you out to the gardens for a picnic and oh my god that’s exactly what he wants to do. 
Hyunjin’s cheeks flushed. He was doing it again. He was falling way too hard way too fast for someone he barely knows. 
“I came to check up on you after today. Are you doing okay?” Hyunjin chose to ignore his feelings and change the subject before he ends up telling you how he feels. 
“I guess.” Despite being really tired, you were still happy to see the ebony-haired boy. “I’m tired though.” 
“That’s fine.” Hyunjin smiled. “Go ahead and go back to sleep. I’m going to head home.” 
“Be safe.” You laid back down in bed, almost instantly falling asleep. 
As he left the room, Hyunjin couldn’t shake the disappointed look in your eyes. He missed his opportunity to take the music box, despite the damn thing being right in his hands. Hyunjin felt like he couldn’t take it now. You’d never trust him again. Who knows what would happen if he told you about the new rule in the institution? Hyunjin was convinced that you wouldn’t believe him. It is the first day after all. 
Oh, Christ what now?
Hyunjin sighed as he turned around, spotting Dr. Douglas in front of him. “Hello, sir.” As much as he wanted to throw a fit and call him names, Hyunjin knew he had to play nice for now. 
“Minho informed me about the incident in room 304.” Dr. Douglas frowned. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I appreciate what you did in there.” 
“No worries.” Hyunjin smiled. “I didn’t do much. It was all Minho.”
Dr. Douglas smiled nervously, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he said, “Look, son —” 
“I’m not your son.” Hyunjin’s eyes hardened as he waited for the older man to continue. 
Dr. Douglas sighed, arms crossing over his chest in frustration. “I’m trying to be friends here.” 
“Pardon my confusion, but I’ve never worked in a place with a friendly boss.” Hyunjin smiled an innocent look in his eyes — almost enough to fool the man in front of him. 
“You don’t have to like me, but you have to do your job.” Dr. Douglass glared. 
“I plan to.” 
Dr. Douglas rolled his eyes. “Did Miss _____ get her medicine today?”
Hyunjin’s heart dropped in his stomach. “Of course.” 
A long, unnerving silence followed — one that made Hyunjin’s blood run cold. Did he know? If Dr. Douglas found out about Hyunjin hiding the pills, he’d surely lose his job. Getting fired the first day on the job wouldn’t look good for his resume. 
“And how was she?” Dr. Douglas stared at him. 
Hyunjin swallowed the lump in his throat, forcing the sentence out of his throat. “She was fine. A little nervous, but that’s to be expected.” 
Dr. Douglas seemed to accept this explanation. “See? All her medications are working for her. There’s nothing to worry about.”  
“Of course sir.” Hyunjin smiled. “I apologize for my behavior earlier. I just wasn’t aware of Peroproxin, and I realize that Dr. Henry was merely doing his job.” 
“That’s quite alright son.” 
Hyunjin’s eye twitched at his designated nickname. “I have a quick question.” 
“Of course son.” Dr. Douglas smiled. 
“Not your son — umm. Could I look at the ingredients that are used in Peroproxin? I’m just curious because I’ve never heard of that medication. I’m curious to see what it contains.” Hyunjin figured he’d play dumb. Maybe he could get his hands on one of the bottles and see what’s actually in the medication? 
“Sorry, Hyunjin. It’s late and I’m headed home.” Dr. Douglas sighed. “I’m glad we hired you. You seem to be doing a great job.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Hyunjin yawned dramatically. “I’m pretty beat. I’ll head home too.” 
“Goodnight son.” 
Hyunjin rolled his eyes after Dr. Douglas walked off. That asshole was just trying to piss him off. After sighing like a passive-aggressive child, Hyunjin made his way to the lobby, pausing when he passed by your door. 
Maybe Chan could help him out? 
Even though he didn’t quite trust the man yet, Chan was his last chance. If Hyunjin had to sacrifice his career to help you, so be it. Hyunjin slowly opened the door and smiled at Chan. 
“Everything okay?” Chan turned towards Hyunjin, brows creasing when he saw the boy’s shoulders slump. “Because I recall being told I was needed in Dr. Douglas’s office, and he wasn’t there.” The older boy raised an eyebrow at Hyunjin. “If you needed a moment alone with your girlfriend, all you had to do was ask.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Hyunjin crossed his arms over his chest. “I just…” 
“Don’t worry.” Chan chuckled. “You don’t have to explain. I understand how hard it is to trust people in this place.” He smiled. “So, what can I help you with?”
Hyunjin strolled over to Chan, leaning down to whisper in his ear. “I need to get my hands on a bottle of Peroproxin.”  
“Hyunjin I can’t help you with that.” Chan sighed. “We’re doctors, not pharmacists.” 
“Yes, but we have the ability to prescribe. We should be allowed to look at the medication we’re prescribing these patients.” Hyunjin was frustrated. This didn’t make any sense. 
“We’re not allowed to change prescriptions in this institution. Dr. Douglas handles all of that.” Chan’s brows creased.
“But —” 
“Hyunjin. Let it go.” Chan’s stern voice startled the boy. “There are eyes and ears everywhere. You need to be careful.” 
“I know this looks like I’m just being a brat, but I need this Chan.” Hyunjin’s eyes glassed over. “I need to figure this out for her. I can’t just watch her suffer.” 
Chan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Down the hall, to the left. There’s a big ass room filled with bottles of pills. Peroproxin is on the second shelf from the top — you’ll be able to reach it.” He paused. “Look for bottle 258B. That’s what she’s prescribed. If you’re caught and my name gets dragged into this, I’m going to find you and kick your ass.” Chan looked up at Hyunjin and chuckled. “Rosewood Psychiatric Institution will be the least of your worries.” 
“Thank you!” Hyunjin hugged the man, catching Chan off guard. He just threatened Hyunjin, and now the boy is hugging him? Well, worst things could happen. 
“Hurry up before the guards start to take their rounds seriously.” Chan shooed Hyunjin off, hoping the boy wouldn’t be seen. 
Hyunjin rushed off to the medicine, smiling when he spotted the big ass room Chan described. That’s it! Now all he has to do is —
“What are you doing up sir?”
Hyunjin spun around, head spinning as he met face to face with Dr. Henry. “Please, just call me Hyunjin.” Hyunjin smiled. “I was looking for the bathroom on this floor and I got lost.” Hyunjin chuckled. “Can you please tell me where it is?”
“I was told your shift ended two hours ago.” Dr. Henry smirked. “Why are you here still?”
Hyunjin paled. How was he going to talk his way out of this one?
“I asked him here.” A short man stepped out from the shadows. “I just wanted to confirm what he saw in room 304.” 
Dr. Henry frowned. “Alright then. I assume Changbin can help you with your little…” Dr. Henry leaned forward, breath ghosting near Hyunjin’s ear. “Problem.” The man chuckled darkly before walking away. 
“Okay, that gave me the jeebies.” Hyunjin shivered, wiping his ear with his hand. 
“I don’t blame you.” The short man — Changbin chuckled. 
“Thanks for saving my ass.” Hyunjin smiled. 
“Don’t mention it.” Changbin smiled. “I’m a friend of Minho’s. He’s told me a lot about you.” 
“Wow…” Hyunjin laughed. “Day one and I’m already making a name for myself.” 
“You aren’t like other caretakers.” He chuckled. “What are you after?”
“Medicine,” Hyunjin replied. “I’m looking for Peroproxin.” 
“I can’t help you there.” Changbin chuckled. “I’m the head of security, so I typically handle crazy patients.” 
“So you’re the one who makes sure they get beat into submission?” Hyunjin scanned the various shelves in the medicine room, spotting the bottle he was after. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” Hyunjin’s chest tightened when he saw the genuine confusion on Changbin’s face. “I don’t beat anyone. I’m just the muscle that kicks unruly visitors out of the institution.” 
“I’m sorry.” Hyunjin apologized. “I’ve seen some disturbing things over the past 12 hours and I’m starting to get paranoid.” 
“That isn’t a bad thing.” Changbin sighed. “You have your medicine. Now get out of here so I can erase the footage of you stealing.” 
Hyunjin’s eyes widened at Changbin’s words. “Thank you.” He paused, resting his hand on Changbin’s shoulder. “Seriously… Thank you.” 
“Yeah yeah.” Changbin sighed. “Get out of here.” Hyunjin thanked him once more before darting out of the institution — heading back to his dorm room. 
The ebony-haired man yawned as he opened the door to his room, smiling softly when he spotted Minho passed out in his bed. At least the boy was able to get some sleep. Hyunijn brushed some bangs out of Minho’s eyes, noticing the way the boy’s nose scrunched in his sleep. 
Hyunjin has always had a nurturing touch. He’s been taking care of his mother since he was a young boy. His mother suffered from a few different mental disorders, and after his father committed suicide, she completely stopped taking care of herself. So at five years old Hyunjin started taking care of his mother. He cooked her meals, made sure she took her medicine, and he kept her company until she was well enough to take care of herself. 
This stuck with him over the years. Hyunjin always wanted to please — to make sure that people were taken care of. 
Unfortunately, much like his mother, his emotions were like glass. Hyunjin always fell too deep too fast when it came to love. After a few bad breakups, he decided that romance just wasn’t in the cards for him. 
Well… That was until he met you. 
Seeing someone with such a pure heart being mistreated, hit something deep within him. He couldn’t help but admire your courage. Every day you woke up, putting your trust in these corrupt doctors, in hopes that your memories will return. 
Speaking of missing memories…
Hyunjin pulled out the bottle of Peroproxin — spying the list of ingredients in the back. What on earth were those? Hyunjin gasped when he realized that he had no idea what any of these ingredients were. How could a doctor prescribe a drug like this to his patients without knowing what’s in it? 
Hyunjin pulled out his laptop, opening the browser and searching the ingredients one by one. Nothing popped up. Hyunjin sighed and rubbed his eyes. His vision started to blur as exhaustion took over, knocking the boy out cold on the floor. 
“Wake up sleeping beauty.” Hyunjin smiled at you as you slowly sat up from the bed. 
“What time is it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes. 
“Time to get up.” He chuckled and sat next to you on the bed. “I’m just popping in to ask you a question.” 
Hyunjin flipped shifts with Chan every-so-often. He must be working the night shift today. 
Over the past few weeks, you and Hyunjin were like two peas in a pod. After your music box was taken, you had a few meltdowns, but Hyunjin was able to help you through all of them. He always took care of you — no matter how bad things got. 
“Here’s your dose of Prozac.” Hyunjin handed you a pill and you took it, washing the pill down with some water. 
“Are you allowed to do this?” You loved taking this medication, but you were worried about Hyunjin. The last thing you wanted was to see Hyunjin lose his job because of you. The boy worked so hard to become a doctor. One bad experience could wreck his chances at getting another job. 
“No, not at all.” Hyunjin chuckled. “Minho handles a lot of the medication these days, so he’s been adjusting the count for me.” He smiled at you. “Minho hates this place as much as we do. Don’t worry.” 
“Thank you.” You held Hyunjin’s hand, making the boy’s cheeks flush a bit. “I appreciate all you do for me.” 
“I’d do it for anyone,” Hyunjin replied. 
Well, that hurts a little. 
“Well, thanks anyways.” You visibly sulked, but Hyunjin didn’t notice. “What did you want to ask me?”
“Oh yeah!” Hyunjin beamed. “Chocolate or vanilla?”
“What?” You tilted your head in confusion. 
“What’s your favorite?” Hyunjin smiled brightly. “It’s your birthday tomorrow and I have a surprise for you.” 
“Chocolate I guess.” You smiled. “You don’t have to do anything.” 
“I want to. You have a special place in my heart.” 
Oh my god there it was. 
You couldn’t stop the blush spreading on your cheeks as you grinned. That means he likes you right? Well, like as a friend but what if… What if he liked you as more than a friend?
“All of my patients have a special place in my heart.” Hyunjin smiled. 
You couldn’t help but sigh. Or perhaps you’re just another patient to him… 
“Hey, I have to go get something to eat, but I’ll see you in an hour for my shift!” Hyunjin quickly left the room, leaving you excited for his shift, yet confused about your feelings for the boy. 
You trusted him. 
You trusted him with your life but… that wasn’t the main reason you loved him. It wasn’t because of his beauty — nor was it because of his kindness. You were entranced by his every move. Every word that left his lips was interesting to you. You loved everything about him. 
But clearly, he didn’t see you as anything other than a patient — which is to be expected from a guy who has lived his life with his nose in a book. 
You couldn’t help but sigh, boredom taking over as you tried to figure out what you should do. Hyunjin gave you a book to read a few weeks ago. You should probably finish that so you could stay up tonight and chat with him about the book. You pulled the worn-out book from your shelf and started to read. 
Chan left earlier to help Minho with something important, and you told him you’d be fine until Hyunjin came in for his night shift. You weren’t used to being on your own, and you missed the company. Hyunjin always chatted with you about many different things. You told him stories you’ve never shared with anyone before… at least you think. Your memory wasn’t the best. 
Footsteps tore your attention from the pages. Did Hyunjin forget something? Chan said he’d be gone the rest of the night, so you didn’t think that he’d be back so soon. You turned around to see a new face — someone you weren’t familiar with. He was in a uniform, so you figured he must work at Rosewood. “Where’s Chan?”
“Chan told me to look after you until your other doctor comes.” The man answered, eyes avoiding your gaze as he scanned the room. 
What was he looking for?
The energy in the room completely shifted. Instead of being calm, you felt nervous and afraid. You wanted Hyunjin back. You were scared. If Chan actually sent this man, wouldn’t he know that your other doctor was Hyunjin? Did this man actually work here?
The man lunged for you, catching you off guard as you fell out of the chair. A sharp pain in the side of your neck made you cry out in pain, hand smacking at the man as the tip of the needle pierced your skin. What was he giving you? Was he sedating you? You didn’t do anything wrong?
“Hyunjin!” You cried out, but your voice sounded off. The room went blurry as you slumped to the ground, unable to support your body with your weak arms. 
Another man walked into the room as you tried to lift yourself up. You were too dizzy to do anything other than sit up on the floor, but you were kicked down as soon as you saw a large body dropped beside you. You tried to scream, but you couldn’t. It was as if you were paralyzed. One of the men positioned your body so you were laying right next to the dead body. You could see red seep onto the floor as the man from earlier stabbed it multiple times with something. The pieces clicked together all at once. He was trying to frame you for murder. 
Where was Hyunjin?
The man left the room, leaving you scared and shaking on the floor. Your consciousness cut in and out for a while. You could feel the blood reach your fingertips, staining the skin red. You couldn’t remember much of what happened, but you remembered one thing when you regained consciousness. 
Your heart shattered when your eyes met Hyunjin’s — fear evident in his big brown eyes. 
“What did you do?”
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amour-de-tous · 4 years ago
Finally, the update on my health
TW: lots and lots and lots of talk about health, and bad health, in particular, below.  So I know I never really updated everyone on What Was (is) Going On With My Health. It’s been a huge mess, and I run out of spoons every day just trying to eat meals at the right times to take my meds.  Shortest version possible (believe it or not): at the end of May last year, 2019, pretty much all my joints and extremities swelled up unbelievably. Like I couldn’t put my feet on the floor because they were so swollen it felt like the skin would split open. I had to sit in a chair all day with my feet elevated on a stool and pillows just to keep them from continuing to swell, and I had to sleep with pillows under my feet to keep them from swelling more during the night. I say “sleep” loosely, because I was getting about an hour to two hours of very interrupted sleep every night. The swelling was so bad that just to leave my chair where my feet were elevated, and go sit at the table to eat meals, my feet would swell so bad it was hard for me to walk from the table back to my chair. Then my hands started going numb and tingly, but not in a “my hands are asleep” kind of way, but more an “this is excruciatingly painful but I still can’t feel my hands” kind of way. I couldn’t close my hands into a fist, and I couldn’t open my hands either, they were frozen in a sort of half curled position. There were several weeks where I couldn’t hold a fork or spoon to feed myself. There were months upon months were I couldn’t brush or wash my hair by myself. I spent months with my hands/wrists/feet/ankles packed in ice every 20 minutes to try to control the swelling. I also had this awful brain fog situation where I couldn’t focus on anything. Even if I had been able to hold a book, tablet, or phone (which I couldn’t, because my hands were so bad), I couldn’t read because I had absolutely zero concentration or focus or comprehension. Even watching TV was almost impossible because I would zone out and come back to awareness and so much time had passed I’d have no idea what was going on. I literally spent three or four months just sitting in that chair in pain, staring at the ceiling, crying on and off. So, so much more below the cut.
I could barely attend my niece and nephews baptism. We were there for as long as it took for the actual service to happen, and while I tried to stay for the meal and gifts and such, I was in such excruciating pain--and using a cane to even be able to walk--that we had to leave early.  My niece’s 4th birthday was a few weeks later, in late June, and again I was there with a cane and in excruciating pain. I’m my niece’s favourite person and having to tell her Auntie couldn’t get down and play with her, or hold her, was terrible. By the end of June, my PCP had run enough tests to be outside his area of knowledge and referred me out to a rheumatologist. The earliest the one I wanted to see could see me was January. This was the first week of July. So I looked around for whoever could see me first and chose them. The soonest someone could see me was, unfortunately, on my birthday last year, July 15th. So I spent my birthday seeing the rheumatologist, being diagnosed with carpal tunnel, tendinitis, and what he suspected was rheumatoid arthritis. Once I left his office, I spent my birthday getting bloodwork (8 vials, yikes, which continued monthly for the remainder of 2019), and then getting fitted for a set of wrist braces that I would have to sleep in for maybe the rest of my life, and wear during the day when the pain was so bad. The rheumatologist literally said to me “well, none of your labwork confirms this and we don’t really know, but we’re gonna treat you as if you had rheumatoid arthritis”. Although he kept running tests to try to confirm the RA, he didn’t look anywhere else to try and figure out what I actually have. So they started me on medication(s), and referred me to occupational therapy and physical therapy. I was so bad when I started going that my PT consisted of sitting in a chair and (trying) to flex my ankles in different directions, and then a lymph massage to try to reduce swelling. My occupational therapy, when I started, consisted of trying to pick up pieces of sponges and put them in a cup. I was so bad that was actually almost impossible for me. They also referred me out to have a nerve conduction test, where they stuck needles all through my arms and electrified them. It was the worst thing ever, let me tell you. Then I got referred to a hand surgeon (who is lovely, actually) for surgery. He decided to hold off on surgery and see if steroid shots would help (they did, to an extent, and I am so grateful for that). Fast forwards through months and months of testing and bloodwork and physical and occupational therapies and medications, and the swelling had reduced enough that I could stand up or walk to the bathroom or eat dinner without swelling up so bad anymore. Being at PT and OT still meant I came home and had to pack my feet and wrists in ice and elevate to take care of the extra swelling, but it was better. Not good, not right, but better. Fast forward more, still, and it’s December. At that point I could stand long enough to help cook dinner, or even run an errand or two before I was in too much pain and had to sit and elevate again. In mid-March they released me from PT and OT. Not because I was better--I still couldn’t (and can’t, now) bend my wrists at all--but because the prescription had run out. I’d basically used all the allotted amount I had. This ended up being alright in the long run, since aside from one trip to the lab for bloodwork, I haven’t left my house since my last day of OT on March 13th, due to Covid. Turns out having an auto-immune disease and being on immunosuppresants makes you REAL high risk for Covid, and I’m just not playing that game. At the beginning of April, I finally got to see the rheumatologist I WANTED to see all along (via video visit! Didn’t even have to leave my house and be exposed!). She’s awesome and is really set on finding an ACTUAL diagnosis for me and not just saying “we don’t know”. Had 9 vials taken from me in her first round of bloodwork, and then she said it looked like it could be Lupus and did more tests. She’s now pretty certain I DON’T have Lupus OR rheumatoid arthritis. I had an appointment with her at the very end of July (video, again), and it turns out she thinks I have something called sarcoidosis. This is going to require a CT scan, for my lungs and heart, to see if the disease is in them. Evidently with this particular auto-immune disease, your body overreacts and encapsulates what it thinks are dangerous foreign bodies (but really are just part of your own immune system) and creates “granulomas” around them. Basically think of an oyster creating a pearl around an invading body, except in this case instead of pearls, I have lumps of stuff that hurts me.  Horrifying to know I have to walk into a hospital at this point in time, of my own free will. Like I said before, aside from one set of bloodwork, I haven’t been exposed or been out where I could be exposed at ALL. All that goes out the window once I walk into a hospital for a CT scan. :\ After the CT scan, depending on the results, there’s other tests I’ll need. Chest x-rays, EKGs, pulmonary function tests, lung biopsies (YIKES) and others. She seems fairly confident that this is the correct diagnosis for me, but wants confirmation and also to see progression of disease.  At any rate, she’ll be changing my medication. Which sucks for so many reasons, not the least of which is I just picked up 360 tablets of it that I now won’t be taking. :| Also the fact that now I get to try a new medication and do the “am I having side effects or am I just anxious” song and dance. She’s also talking about needing to put me on steroids which I am REALLY unhappy about. I suppose it’s better to go on steroids than to die, but I’m still really unhappy about it. In other, related news, I’ve developed hypercalcemia. Which means there’s too much calcium in my blood, which can cause a HOST of other problems. So I’ve been put on a no-dairy, low calcium diet. Do you know how many items have calcium in them? Almost everything, that’s what. Also, they fortify all the non-dairy “milk” products with calcium. They all have as much or MORE calcium than dairy milk. It’s been a NIGHTMARE, to the point where I’m actually afraid of food now. I’m obsessively reading labels and doing research online. “How much calcium is in 81 grams of kiwi, after all?”. Nightmare. Dairy was my #1 love and foodgroup, and having to suddenly figure out all new things to eat and ways to cook while simultaneously being in pain and *exhausted* 24/7 because auto-immune is not. fun. at. all. It’s already all my energy every day to help make, eat, and clean up a meal. I literally have to sit in my chair after a meal with my feet elevated to recover. Now having to spend all this energy on a whole new diet plan is a nightmare. Basically this whole thing has been a MESS. It’s been 15 months, I’ve been being treated for the wrong disease for 14 months, the news I’m getting now is worse than the news that flattened my emotional response all those months ago, I still can’t function, and I can’t work. Oh, yeah. I haven’t played an instrument since May 2019. My whole life revolved around my music, and now I can’t even play to make myself feel better, because my hands don’t work. I’ve also been out of work since then, too: my last concert was April 2019. I haven’t made any money since. But I have had co-pays out the wazoo! Which reminds me that they raised the price on two of my meds, because of course they did. Thanks, congress. This has been really, really hard. My anxiety has skyrocketed through this, and my depression isn’t doing much better. Although physically I’m not as bad as I was, I’m nowhere near normal, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back to my normal again, either. The best I’m hoping for at this point is to be able to eat calcium again someday, to not have my organs eaten up by this disease, and to continue existing. It’s been exhausting. It really, really has.  That’s not to mention the added stress and anxiety over Covid, and the fact that neither mom nor I can even go to a grocery store because of my high-risk status. We’re averaging getting groceries about once a month right now. It’s super fun now because I have to read the label on EVERYTHING but Aldi doesn’t post their nutrition labels online and!!! That means I have to either guess or not get things! Great!  All this to say that I miss being on tumblr. I miss all my friends here. I miss talking to you all and being able to laugh with you and geek out. Things have been really hard for me (and there are multitudes I haven’t included in here; even if my hands would allow that much typing, I’d probably hit a character limit. Just: I miss you all. I love you. I’ve been a wreck, but I think of you all often. <3
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ladyfogg · 5 years ago
May I? - 18/?
May I? - 18/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Screenshot by @ sapphicdata
Faith was alone for far too long.  
It was difficult to gauge what day it was. With no sun or clock to help her, she could only tell the passage of time when Soshi delivered her meals. Based on that alone, she estimated it had been three days since the dinner party.  
And she hadn't seen Data at all. Or even Fajo. Whatever they were doing, Fajo didn't feel it was necessary to include her. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad, however.   
Only Soshi visited her. They seemed to be making an extra effort to engage her every time they brought food. At first, they just dropped it off, but slowly they extended their time with her until they stayed through the whole meal. She wondered if they were trying to make sure she actually ate.  
She did but only because Data had specifically asked her to. And because there was literally nothing else to do.  
“Soshi have question,” they said as Faith pushed her food around with her fork. 
“What’s on your mind?” 
“Data told Mala that Toka lives. Fajo says Toka dead. Which true?” 
“Toka is alive,” Faith assured him. “The Enterprise is a vessel of exploration, not war. They are most likely trying to communicate with him.” 
“Toka no learn common speak,” Soshi said.  
“It doesn’t matter. They will find a peaceful way to talk to your friend.” 
Soshi nodded but did not continue the conversation. Faith forced herself to eat some before her stomach protested and she pushed the tray away. 
"Don't you have a game or something I can play?” she asked as they picked up the tray to remove it.  
“Faith bored?”  
“Stars, yes.”  
“Soshi sorry. Mr. Fajo no let Soshi have games.”  
“Then what do you guys do when you're not working?”  
“Soshi always work.”  
The first chance I get, I'm kicking Fajo's ass​, she thought to herself.  
Before she could say anything verbal, however, the doors opened and Fajo himself strolled in. "Why are you still here?" he asked Soshi in a sharp voice. "Be somewhere else!"  
Soshi hurried away with the tray. Once they were gone, Fajo gave Faith a wide smile.  
"It's your lucky day," he said. "You and Data have been so good, I'm giving you a little reward."  
Faith was instantly suspicious. "What do you mean?"  
"I have decided to give you better accommodations," he said. "Something more...permanent than this."  
Faith did not like the sound of that. The thought of being brought to another location did not sit right.  
She already had the knife tucked into the waistband of her pants so she could easily grab it if need be.  
The thought helped ease her fear slightly.  
"These are fine," she said.   
Fajo chuckled. "Believe me. You'll like the new ones better. Come on. Up up up." He snapped his fingers and motioned for her to follow him.   
With no choice in the matter, she did as he commanded. The halls were as quiet as they had been the first time he led her through them. It made her curious about the crew. Where were they? He must have someone other than him and the Oz'ods helping him.   
Faith kept her eyes peeled, taking in every detail she could. He didn't seem to mind her knowing where they were going which was slightly unsettling. Or overconfidence on his part. He obviously didn't think they'd be able to escape anytime soon.  
Fajo brought her to another set of doors that opened for him. Inside was the most luxurious room she had ever seen. A large bed was situated in the center of the room, opposite an equally large window that overlooked the expansion of space. Every wall had a beautiful painting or piece of art on it and the small sitting area in the corner had some of the most comfortable looking couches Faith had ever seen.   
Data stood by one of the paintings, admiring it. He turned when they entered and Faith's heart skipped a beat when she saw him.  
"Hi," she smiled.  
"Hi." He gave her one of his soft smiles that she adored. 
Fajo looked between them, a smug smirk on his face. "Well, I'll leave you two alone now. Enjoy."  
He left and Faith turned to Data with a frown. “Suddenly he wants us to room together? I don’t trust it.”  
“Your suspicions are understandable,” Data said. “I also do not trust Fajo. Although I have done as he asked in order to make this arrangement possible, I believe it is part of a larger scheme of his.”  
“What kind of scheme?”  
“I do not know.” Data extended his arms out in front of him. “Regardless, I am very glad to see you.”  
Faith’s smile returned as she accepted the embrace, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. “I’m glad too.”  
They hugged for some time, Faith keeping her eyes closed as she took a deep breath. She could feel  
Data’s nose in her hair and sighed when he hugged her tighter.   
“I do not wish to alarm you but I believe we are being monitored.”  
Faith jerked away from the hug, staring at him with a startled expression. “What? Why do you say that?”  
He nodded towards the painting he had been examining. “That is not a real painting,” he said. “I also noticed several of the other paintings appear to be false or holographic. I believe Fajo put us together so we may be watched.”  
Faith suddenly felt incredibly violated and wrapped her arms around herself. “What a scumbag!” she snapped. “I hate it here. I want to go home.”  
“As do I,” Data reached out to pat her cheek in comfort. “We are fortunate, however. He has put us together which is a mistake on his part. Our intelligence and determination make us a formidable team.”  
“Wait, if he can see us, can’t he hear us as well?”  
“Unlikely. While I was alone, I was able to discreetly examine the surveillance equipment in my room to study its design. I found no audio capabilities and I have to theorize it does not have such a function. This vessel is not meant to act as a prison.”  
“Well, that’s something at least.” Faith headed over the couch where she sat with a sigh. “I hope you have a plan because I haven’t been able to come up with anything solid.”  
“I do,” Data said, taking the seat next to her. “Fajo has had me perform three thefts in the last three days. Each time I was able to quietly access the scanners of those bases and vessels to discover our location. We are not as far from our crash site as I initially thought. If we can gain control of the ship, we should be able to fly it to the system where the Enterprise will be looking for us.” 
“That’s a big if. I suspect the bridge is heavily guarded.” 
“I do as well. That is why I feel your friendship with Soshi will be beneficial. They can tell us all we need to know about the crew.” 
“Soshi is scared of Fajo. It’s going to be hard to get them to turn on him.” 
“I have already planted the seed of doubt in Mala regarding Fajo's intentions. He told the Oz'ods their comrade on the Enterprise was killed. I assured Mala that was not the case. They did not believe me but Soshi might believe you.” 
“They asked me about it a little while ago. I assured them the Enterprise wouldn’t hurt their friend. I think I got through to them.” 
“Then we must wait for the perfect time to act.” 
Faith was drained from her time in captivity. Her body felt as though it were made of stone and as their conversation went on, she found her eyes drooping. 
“Faith, you seem fatigued,” Data noted. 
“I am,” Faith said through a yawn. “I haven’t slept well since our first night on the shuttle. Being a woman alone in captivity makes it difficult to ever truly rest.” 
“I will not be activating my dream program. You may sleep and I will watch over you.” 
Faith was relieved at the thought and placed a kiss on Data’s cheek. “Thank you,” she said as she stood. “That bed does look comfortable.” 
Data gestured towards it. “Please, feel free to sleep.” 
Faith didn’t need to be told twice. With another yawn, she hauled herself to her feet and climbed into the large bed. It was even softer than the one in her other room. She slid under the covers, careful to hide her knife under her pillow before making herself comfortable. 
After a moment, she realized Data was studying her from across the room. “Everything okay?” she asked. 
“Faith,” Data responded. “May I hold you as you fall to sleep? I quite enjoyed it the last time.” 
Her face grew hot and she practically swooned. “Definitely.” 
With a smile, Data joined her, sliding onto the other side of the bed. Once he laid down, he opened his arms for her. Faith snuggled into his side, laying her head on his chest. In the back of her mind, she recalled his warning about being watched but she could not resist being close to him. 
“Would you like me to wake you up at a certain time?” Data asked. 
“No,” Faith mumbled. “Not unless Fajo shows up.” 
“I understand.” 
For the first time in days, Faith was able to relax. She let her eyes drift close, entranced by the familiar solid warmth of Data. His arms around her felt like the most secure blanket in the universe.  
It took her a bit to settle but once she did, she drifted off to sleep easily. 
Dark. Lonely. So very lonely. Gentle hands stroking her hair suddenly are ripped away and when she tries to reach for them, she finds nothing but empty space. 
Alone. All alone. Always alone. Forever alone. 
He’ll leave like the others. Leave her when he grows tired of trying to provide comfort. Tired of her always slipping back back back down into the dark. 
It’s better to be alone. Can’t disappoint anyone that way. It’s easier when no one cares… 
“Faith, wake up.” 
Groggily, Faith opened her eyes. “W-What? W'as wrong?” 
“I am sorry to wake you but you were crying in your sleep.” Data's concerned face swam above hers.  
“Was I?”  
The lights had been dimmed, casting the room into shadow and giving everything a dream-like quality. Which was incredibly disorienting. 
She reached up to touch her face, finding her cheeks damp. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” Data asked, smoothing her hair back. 
“I don’t remember.” 
Already the dream had faded, leaving Faith confused. She had the sudden urge to cling to Data and so she followed through, wrapping herself around him tightly. 
Data remained hovering over, allowing her to hold on. “I have had bad dreams too.” 
“You have?” 
“They are common. Should you remember the details you are more than welcome to share them with me. It will help decipher the meaning.” 
“Thanks, babe.” 
She drew back from the hug, resting against her pillow. Data eyed her curiously. 
“You have referred to me as ‘babe' once before,” he pointed out. “I believe that is a term of endearment for romantic couples. Do you wish for me to give you one as well?” 
Faith chuckled, reaching up to run her fingertips along his jaw. “If you wish,” she said. “It’s not necessary. I actually didn’t do it on purpose myself. It just slipped out. Do you like it? If not I won’t use it anymore.” 
“I have never been given a term of endearment before. Please, continue to use it. Once I find one suitable for you, I will do the same.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
She tilted her head up and puckered her lips expectantly. Data got the hint, leaning down to give her a kiss. Part of her was acutely aware Fajo might be watching so she did not deepen it as she would have liked. 
As if on cue, the door opened and the lights were suddenly turned back up to full brightness. It was so startling, Faith yelled in surprise, burying her face in Data’s neck. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Am I interrupting?” Fajo asked looking entirely too pleased with finding them in such a compromising position. 
“We were not doing anything sexual,” Data assured him, sliding off of Faith to sit up. “Did you need something?” 
“Yes as a matter of fact,” Fajo said, stepping further into the room. “The delegates are returning for another meeting tonight and have requested your presence. Both of you.” 
Faith sat up as well, stomach-churning at the thought of seeing Enil again. She hoped he would not be there but she rarely had such luck.  
“We shall do our best to provide enjoyable conversation,” Data said. 
“Of course you will.” Fajo snapped his fingers and the door opened. Mala entered carrying a garment bag. Faith could only assume it was another vastly inappropriate dress. “Be ready in ten minutes. Oh and if you could up the PDA that would be great. They really got a kick out of that last time.” 
It took Data a moment to process what Fajo meant. “Ah. Public displays of affection. I am sorry but Faith is not comfortable with such things.” 
Fajo's smile faded as he turned his gaze on Faith. “Well get comfortable. You are mine now and you must play your parts. Entertain them as I see fit or no more sharing a bed.” 
Faith was beyond angry. She could feel her rage brimming on the surface but before she could say anything, Data’s hand came to rest on her back and the words died in her throat. Mala placed the garment bag on the bed next to them then took their leave. 
“I’ll…do my best,” Faith said through clenched teeth. 
Fajo clapped. “Great! Alright, get dressed.” 
He left and as soon as the doors closed, Faith flipped him off. “What an asshole!” 
Data stood and lifted the garment bag for her. “I understand your frustration. I will be with you the whole time.” 
Faith sighed and stood as well, unzipping the bag. “I know, I…dear god this dress!” 
It was somehow skimpier than the last. Faith was disgusted.  
“Data, I don’t think I can do this,” she said, stepping away. “That’s too much. I might as well be topless!” 
Data examined the dress. “It does leave very little to the imagination.” 
He looked around the room before spotting something. “Here, put the dress on. I have an idea.” He handed her the bag. 
Reluctantly, Faith did as he requested. Thin straps covered her nipples but that was about it. She struggled to find a place to keep her knife. She had no choice but to tuck it into the waistband of her underwear and hope the tightness of the dress didn’t show the outline. 
When Data returned to her side, he had a blanket with him. With his quick hands, he tore it in half. After some fancy looping and tying, Data managed to fasten it around the top of the dress like a makeshift top. It actually looked really good. 
“Better?” he asked. 
Faith kissed him. “Better.” 
Fajo appeared a few minutes later. When he saw the addition to Faith’s dress, he scoffed. “What’s this?” he asked, waving his hand at her. 
“I feel more comfortable this way,” she said. 
Fajo rolled his eyes but did not seem angry. “You’re lucky you caught me in a good mood. Fine, do what you wish. As long as you wear the dress and smile like you’re supposed to. Come on. The delegates should be here any minute.” 
Faith sighed with relief at his dismissal.  
“Is there anything we need to be aware of for this dinner?” Data asked. 
“Just be your charming selves again,” Fajo said. “Answer questions, making conversation, maybe a kiss or two.” 
“We understand,” Data said.  
He offered Faith his arm which she accepted. The three of them left the room, heading towards the dining room. Still, Faith saw no crew. It made her incredibly uneasy.  
They reached the dining room and Faith’s stomach dropped as she saw Enil. Only Enil. 
“Enil! You’re early, my friend!” Fajo exclaimed, taking his seat at the head of the table. “We’ll start the meal when the others join us.” He motioned for Faith and Data to sit.  
Mala, who had been waiting for them, dismissed themselves to the kitchen.  
“The others won’t be coming,” Enil said, voice sharper than it was the last time they spoke. “It’s just me.” 
A sense of dread washed over Faith especially when his eyes slid over to stare at her. He took in her appearance and sneered. “I liked the other dress better.” 
Data’s hand came to rest on her knee under the table. 
Fajo's cheerful attitude remained but it seemed forced this time. “Forget about the human,” he said, waving impatiently. “Why aren’t the others joining us?” 
“They’ve decided to allow me to handle the negotiations from now on,” Enil said.  
That was when Fajo's smile faded. “We finished negotiations,” he said in a dangerously low voice. “Everything was agreed upon last time.” 
“Things have changed.” 
“Excuse me, Fajo,” Data said. “Do you wish for Faith and I to leave? This seems to be a sensitive matter.” 
Faith was impressed with his boldness. She remembered Fajo dismissing them before the last business meeting so she hoped he would go for the suggestion. 
“Yes, Mr. Data,” Fajo said, eyes never leaving Enil. “I believe that would be best. Mala will escort you back to your room once they return.” 
“They should stay,” Enil said. “What I have to offer concerns them.” 
Faith felt her chest tighten and she reached down to take Data’s hand. 
“Oh, is that so?” Fajo asked. “Enlighten us.” 
“The Vangar are willing to provide you with the protection you desire,” Enil said, leaning back in his seat. “What we discussed prior has not changed. However, I have an additional request.” 
“Which is?”  
Enil looked at Faith. “The female.” 
Faith’s grip on Data was so tight she was losing feeling in her fingers. 
“Faith is not an object to be used this way,” Data said. 
“I don’t think that’s your call, android,” Enil said, barely giving Data a passing glance.  
“It’s not,” Fajo said. “It’s mine. However, I am more concerned about the sudden request. What will you do if I refuse?” 
“Leave. And take our protection with us.” 
“That hardly seems fair.” 
“A female is a small price to pay for the Vangar's help, which you desperately need. I’m sure Starfleet will be eager to know what happened to their two officers.” 
Fajo's expression darkened and he sat up, leaning towards Enil. “I do not take kindly to blackmail,” he scowled.  
“Call it what you like. Regardless, hand the female over to me and we will consider the negotiations complete.” 
Fajo glanced at Faith who felt like she was about to pass out.  
“Fajo, if you give him Faith—” Data began. 
Fajo cut him off with a raise of his hand. He looked back at Enil. “I am sorry you feel this way,” he said. “My answer is no.” 
That was the moment Faith knew Enil had made a grave error. He may have been able to convince Fajo to turn Faith over to him if he hadn’t mentioned Starfleet. She was under no illusions her captor had grown fond of her.  
“I am disappointed, Fajo,” Enil said. “You have very few friends left. It would be a shame to alienate the ones you do have.” 
“I am not a man who is easily intimidated,” Fajo snapped. “I believe you should leave. You know the way to the transporter.” 
“Fine,” Enil said, putting his hands up in surrender. “I hope your ship can outrun the Enterprise again. Rumor has it they are in this sector.” 
Fajo moved so fast Faith didn’t even see the phaser until Enil was slumped forward in his chair.  
She sat stunned, watching as Fajo lowered his weapon. “Mala, get out here!” he yelled towards the kitchen. “Clean this mess up!” 
He then turned his scowl on Faith as he stood. “You are outgrowing your usefulness,” he said. “Do you have any idea what you cost me?” 
He stalked towards her, forcing Data and Faith out of their seats. As he pointed his weapon, Data stepped in front of Faith, shielding her with his body. 
“Fajo, if you hurt Faith I will be forced to retaliate using any means necessary,” Data threatened. 
“Mr. Data, I have been more than fair and patient with your little pet. But my patience has its limits. If you want companionship so much, I will find you someone else. Step aside.” 
Data stood his ground. “As Faith would say, suck a dick.” 
Fajo blinked in surprise, lowering his phaser just a fraction. “Did you just say—” 
Suddenly, a loud explosion came from the kitchen, blasting the doors open and drawing Fajo's attention. Dark smoke billowed into the room, clouding their vision and sending Faith and Fajo into coughing fits.  
Faith felt a small hand in hers and then Soshi's voice came from nowhere.  
“Run!” they said. 
Grabbing Data's hand with her free one, Faith allowed the Oz'od to pull them from the room as Fajo was distracted.  
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